9172 willoughby drive, niagara falls 20/02/2015

20/02/2015 – 10:00 to 11:00
1.1. Members Present
J. Thomson, Chair
1.2. Declarations of Interest
1.3. Approval of Agenda
J. Thomson, Chair
1.4. Minutes of December 19, 2014
J. Thomson, Chair
2.1. Heritage Week Presentation
J. Hill
3.1. ISA Tree Climbing Competition*
D. Adames
3.2. Niagara Regional Police Annual Motorcycle Ride for Dad*
D. Adames
4.1. Niagara Parks’ Police Service Quarterly Report
C. Scott
4.2. Business Highlights Report
J. Lohuis
4.3. Summary of Decisions from December 19/14 and January 23/15
J. Lohuis
5.1. Other Business
5.2. Date of Next Meeting: Friday, April 24, 2015
– School of Horticulture – 10:00am
J. Thomson, Chair
5.3. Resolution to Move to Closed Session
J. Thomson, Chair
*Subject to recommendations arising from Feb 18, 2015 Finance & Audit Committee meeting
Revised Feb 19, 2015
Re: ISA North American Tree Climbing Championship
That, based on the recommendation of the Finance and Audit Committee at its meeting of
February 18, 2015, the Commission:
a) Approve the request to host the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) North American
Tree Climbing Championship in 2016;
b) Waive the venue and service fees of $7,028 for the event, which is proposed to be located at
the Niagara Parks School of Horticulture and Botanical Gardens; and,
c) Authorize staff to negotiate the final terms of the standard Event Agreement to the
satisfaction of the NPC Solicitor and prepare for the Chair and General Manager to sign.
The Niagara Parks Commission (NPC) has received a request from the Ontario Chapter of the
International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) to host the North American Tree Climbing
Championships. The event, comprising one day of competition and up to two days of site
preparation and tear-down, would be held in the late summer 2016 (final date to be determined)
and the proposed site is the Niagara Parks’ School of Horticulture and Botanical Gardens.
The North American Tree Climbing Championship provides a competitive and educational
opportunity for working arborists in North America to demonstrate and exchange new climbing
techniques and equipment, as well as safe work practices. The Championship also increases
the interaction between various firms, ISA chapters and members, and provides positive
exposure for the profession in that region of the world. The event is managed by the ISA’s
North American Tree Climbing Championship Operations Committee.
Each North American Chapter/AO may send a team of up to three competitors (2 men, 1
woman) to represent them. The representatives must have placed in the top five at the chapter
competition within the current or previous two years. An invitation is sent to each eligible
chapter requesting recommendations for their team and the Chapter Chair must approve the
submission of their competitors to the Operations Committee. The event would consist of
approximately 50 contestants from the various ISA Chapters across North America and draw
approximately 400 – 600 visitors to the site to watch. The site would also be open to the public
to view the event as well. There are six events in total and the winners of this event are sent to
represent North America at the International World Championship held prior to the ISA Annual
NPC is a member of the Ontario Chapter of the ISA and was the sponsor host of the Ontario
Provincial Championships in 2007 on the grounds of the School of Horticulture and Botanical
Gardens. In early January 2015, the Ontario Chapter approached the NPC to ask if there would
be interest in hosting the international event. While it was understood the bid request was
seeking a sponsor venue, given the submission deadline was January 30 staff submitted the
initial bid including all the venue and service fees with an explanation that a further submission
would not be possible until the Commission had time to review the matter.
20 February 2015
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Revised Feb 19, 2015
Event Details
The event includes the following items which ISA would provide:
• Invitations to competitors, score keeping, proctors, judges and rule guidelines
• Registration and oversight of the volunteers required to setup the event
• Oversight of some tree work to facilitate the specific events
• Approximately ten to twelve sponsors/vendors (such as Stihl and/or Husqvarna) who
would set up displays and advertisements which would include small and large
equipment. Attached as Appendix A is a photo of the event site. The vendor locations
would be within and on the perimeter of the event site which would be the Old Specimen
Area of the Botanical Gardens and some of the small to medium equipment would need
to be moved into locations using mats or plywood to reduce compaction of the turf area.
Larger equipment would remain on the hard surfaces close to the café and along the
Service Road on the west side of the property.
• Facilitate and organize the First Aid Response team who would be on site during the
• A small stage, supplied by the ISA group and a small amplification system for
announcements and closing ceremonies.
• End of the day/event clean up
Event Details for NPC
The event requires the following from NPC:
• Access to the grounds of the School of Horticulture and Botanical Gardens
• Access to on-site washrooms including some after hours
• Access to the Administration building of the School for administration of the event and
score keeping.
• NPC School Faculty to facilitate and oversee the use of the event site along with
washroom and janitor attendants
• Use of a small generator
• Use of NPC event equipment (plywood, matting, etc.) to reduce compaction on the
• Access to NPC School of Horticulture Students and Alumni for volunteers
The official request to NPC is to be the host sponsor of the event thereby waiving all fees
associated with the event. NPC in return for the sponsorship would receive:
• Recognition as the host sponsor in all advertising related to the event
• Ability to strengthen partnership with ISA and promoting NPC’s School of Horticulture,
Botanical Gardens, along with the mission and mandate of NPC
• Opportunity through volunteering for students, staff, faculty and alumni to network and
• Potential new stream of revenue by participants and guests through
o Parking
o Admissions to the NPC attractions such as the Butterfly Conservatory
o WeGo Bus Service
o Food Services on site
The bid that was submitted to the ISA outlined the fees NPC would normally charge for a similar
event totalling $7,028 before applicable taxes as follows:
1. Venue fees are $4,500
2. Service fees were estimated at $2,528
20 February 2015
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Revised Feb 19, 2015
Overall NPC has no staffing concerns related to this event. NPC has hosted the Provincial
Championship in the past and has the full capacity to host this event. The staffing required for
this event would be two faculty members to facilitate the use of the grounds and one washroom
attendant to work approximately three hours of overtime to keep the washrooms open.
Legal and/or Legislative
There are no legal and/or legislative concerns to report at this time.
NPC’s Events Policy to be followed.
Technical Engineering/Environment
There are no engineering or environmental concerns at this time.
This report has been written with consultation of Parks and School of Horticulture Faculty.
The Committee can chose to host the event but deny the request to sponsor the fees.
The ISA North American Tree Climbing Championship is a professional level event produced by
an internationally recognized not for profit association well known in the Parks industry. The
event supports professional development in addition to the competitive championship.
Due to the not for profit element of the Association, the Championship Committee are tasked to
ensure that the majority of the expenses related to the event are sponsored. Further, most of
those engaged in the project are volunteering their time.
By being part of hosting this event, the NPC would achieve the following objectives:
1. Support a professional event in the destination that meets NPC’s mandate towards
promoting stewardship and conservation
2. Generate media coverage for the NPC, both local and throughout North America
3. Host event participants at the NPC
4. Create potential to generate ancillary revenues
The event offers several links to NPC’s Strategic Plan including Image, Partnerships and
Human Resource development.
Prepared by: Original Signed by:
Name(s): Sarah Wood
Title(s): Senior Manager, Events,
Programming and
Authorized by General Manager:
20 February 2015
Submitted by: Original Signed by:
Name(s): David Adames
Title(s): Senior Director, Business
Date: 10 February 2015
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Revised Feb 19, 2015
APPENDIX A – Proposed Event Sites within NPC Grounds at the School of Horticulture
and Botanical Gardens
20 February 2015
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Re: Niagara Regional Police Annual Motorcycle Ride for Dad
Charity Ride
That, based on the recommendation of the Finance and Audit Committee at its meeting of
February 18, 2015, the Commission:
a) Approve the request to host the Niagara Regional Police Motorcycle Ride for Dad Charity
Ride held on June 20, 2015;
b) Waive the $400 venue fee; and,
c) Authorize staff to negotiate the final terms of the standard Event Agreement to the
satisfaction of the NPC Solicitor and prepare for the Chair and General Manager to sign.
The Niagara Parks Commission (NPC) has received a request from the Regional Police Service
to host the annual Motorcycle Ride for Dad on June 20, 2015. This is a charity poker-style
motorcycle ride throughout the Niagara Region to raise funds in support of Prostate Cancer. All
funds raised are donated locally to the Walker Foundation at the NHS Cancer Centre.
The event commences at the Niagara-on-the-Lake Legion at 9:00 am and would travel down the
Niagara Parkway to Kingsbridge Park to receive the first poker card of the ride. The ride would
then leave NPC property and travel throughout the Niagara Region stopping along the route at
another Niagara Parks’ venue, Old Fort Erie, for another poker card pick up and then ending
back in the City of Niagara Falls.
The official request to NPC is to waive the venue fees related to the event. The total venue fees
as per the Venue Fee Policy are $400 plus tax.
Overall NPC has no staffing concerns related to this event. In the past, the Niagara Parks Police
Service has assisted the Niagara Regional Police in escorting riders along the Niagara
Legal and/or Legislative
There are no legal and/or legislative concerns to report at this time.
NPC’s Events Policy to be followed.
Technical Engineering/Environment
There are no engineering or environmental concerns at this time.
20 February 2015
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This report has been written with consultation of Niagara Parks Police Service.
The Committee can chose to host the event but deny the request to sponsor the venue fees.
The Motorcycle Ride for Dad Charity Ride is a charity event produced by the Niagara Regional
Police Service, which is has a close working relationship with the NPC. The event supports
professional networking in addition to the charity fundraising.
The event offers several links to NPC’s Strategic Plan including Image and Partnerships.
Prepared by: Original Signed by:
Name(s): Sarah Wood
Title(s): Senior Manager, Events,
Programming and
Authorized by General Manager:
20 February 2015
Submitted by: Original Signed by:
Name(s): David Adames
Title(s): Senior Director, Business
Date: 10 February 2015
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Re: Police Services Quarterly Report
For the information of the Commission.
On July 28th, 2011, the Regional Municipality of Niagara Police Services Board and the Niagara
Parks Commission renewed a Policing Agreement, which outlined various responsibilities of the
Niagara Regional Police Service and the Niagara Parks Police Service at it related to the
relationship between the two services.
This Policing Agreement consisted of several conditions and requirements, one of which
included a report to the Police Services Board on a quarterly basis, providing information
pertaining to complaints, use of force, discipline and arrests. Compliance with this Policing
Agreement enables the Niagara Parks Police to carry out their duties as Special Constables in
the Niagara Region in relation to Niagara Parks Commission lands.
The Niagara Parks Police Service Quarterly Report (Appendix A) has been prepared to include
statistics for use of force, complaints against police, discipline and arrests for the fourth quarter
period October 1st to December 31st, 2014.
Legal and/or Legislative
Per Policing Agreement between the Regional Municipality of Niagara Police Services Board
and the Niagara Parks Commission.
Technical Engineering/Environment
Not receive report.
For the Information of the Commission.
20 February 2015
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3. PARTNERSHIPS – Strive towards the goal to negotiate and maintain mutually beneficial
operating partnerships through the following objective: (B) form partnerships with local
stakeholders to maximize resources. A strategy developed to meet this objective includes (i)
continue to work with local and regional police services.
4. PRODUCTS and SERVICES – Strive towards the goal to deliver a wide range of
educational, recreational and environmental tourism opportunities through the following
objectives: (B) create a welcoming, full service environment responsive to the needs of the
customer and (C) ensure that operating environments are safe for both visitors and employees
through the following strategies: (B)(ii) maintain safe, accessible facilities and (C)(i) establish
safety standards and practices throughout the organization.
Prepared by:
Original signed by:
Name(s): Paul Forcier
Title(s): Inspector
Authorized by General Manager:
20 February 2015
Submitted by:
Original signed by:
Name(s): Carl Scott
Title(s): Chief of Police
Date: 6 February 2015
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(By-Law 169-97)
Board Report Number:
Date of Report :
February 6th, 2015
Date of Board Meeting : March 26th, 2015
Chair Bob Gale
and Members of the Regional Municipality of Niagara Police Services Board
Reference :
Quarterly Report for the Niagara Parks Police
For the period October 1st to December 31st, 2014
Recommendations :
Receive for Information
Background :
On July 28th, 2011, the Regional Municipality of Niagara Police Services Board and the Niagara
Parks Commission renewed their ‘Policing Agreement,’ which outlined various procedures and
responsibilities of the Niagara Regional Police Service and the Niagara Parks Police Service as it
related to the working relationship between the two services.
This Policing Agreement consisted of several conditions and requirements, one of which
included a quarterly report to the Police Services Board providing information pertaining to
complaints, use of force, discipline and arrests.
The following is provided to the Board for their information :
Janice Thomson
P.O. Box 150, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada L2E 6T2
John Lohuis
General Manager
There were no complaints of inappropriate conduct received by the Service regarding members
between October 1st and December 31st, 2014.
There were no use of force incidents reported between October 1st and December 31st, 2014.
There were no occurrences that resulted in discipline against a member of this Service for the
fourth quarter of 2014.
During the period October 1st to December 31st, 2014, members of the Service:
Criminal Code, CDSA & Other
Federal Statutes
Liquor Licence
Mental Health Act
Trespass to Property Act
Highway Traffic Act
Provincial Offences Notices
Street Checks (Warnings)
Janice Thomson
P.O. Box 150, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada L2E 6T2
John Lohuis
General Manager
Relevant Policy Considerations :
Policing Agreement between the Police Services
Board and the Niagara Parks Commission
Cost of Recommendations :
Alternative Options :
Not Receive Report
Reasons for Recommendations :
Comply with reporting requirements
Prepared by :
Respectfully Submitted by :
(Original Signed)
Carl E. Scott
Chief of Police
Niagara Parks Police Service
Janice Thomson
John Lohuis
General Manager
Niagara Parks Commission
P.O. Box 150, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada L2E 6T2
John Lohuis
General Manager
Business Highlights Report
Deliver unique, memorable and engaging experiences in the
natural beauty and rich cultural heritage of NPC during all four seasons.
NPC staff worked diligently to produce the annual ET Canada New Year’s Eve show in Niagara Falls.
The event drew 60,000+ in attendees and the largest ever ET Canada broadcast viewership of 4.3
million. The Retail Buying team prepared for the event by bringing in branded concert merchandise
for Keith Urban, Lights, and Shawn Mendes to sell at outdoor retail tents as well as in-store at
Victoria Park.
NPC Event Team closed phase one of the Winter Festival of Lights on January 12, 2015 and now
working to remove the displays from the park while also preparing Phase two concepts for 2015.
The Butterfly Conservatory Nocturnal exhibit, “Creatures of the Night”, launched on February 7.
Planning for the revitalization of the Journey Behind the Falls attraction is underway for May/June
2015 completion.
The annual Niagara Golf Trail (NGT) coupon book will go on sale to the public in early February at
Legends on the Niagara. The NGT coupon books are sold in limited quantities and offer a great
value of 10 rounds at participating member courses in the Niagara region including Legends,
Whirlpool, Grand Niagara, Royal Niagara, Thundering Waters, Beechwood, Chippawa and US
member Seneca Niagara Hickory Sticks.
The Niagara Parks Commission and the staff of Old Fort Erie were thanked at a ceremony at the St.
Catharines Museum. The event was hosted by the Niagara 1812 Legacy Council as a closing event
for War of 1812 commemorations.
Friday Night Flicks will start on February 20 at Old Fort Erie with a Black History Month theme.
Branding Review Project – Completion of research of current state of the branding across all of NPC
touchpoints. Creation of recommendations presentation for interim Brand Standards Policy. To
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Business Highlights Report
create consistency across NPC sites, and aid in greater visitor recognition of the NPC brand, and the
value it represents in the provision of authentic Niagara experiences.
Shopify Online storefront development and launch – To aid in the availability and accessibility of
NPC retail products across a secure, user-experience friendly, and highly intuitive digital storefront.
Development continues with the photography of the products.
Adventure Pass Transition – Early stages of planning the replacement of all in park promotions,
online landing pages and information, information appearing on regional tourism partner sites, and
brochures and information distributed by regional partners. Allowing for visitor awareness, and
purchase of, our seasonal attraction package.
Visitor’s Guide production – Currently collecting, reviewing and editing all articles and content for
the 2015 publication, next step will be setting design themes and pagination.
Niagara Parks “Big Picture” - development of NPC story campaign to be piloted at Rendezvous
Canada and then rolled out to the public across the summer.
Managers/Chefs will be scheduling Menu Engineering session in early February for planning and
development of the a la carte menus for the 2015 season.
In mid-January, Elements on the Falls Restaurant began offering an “All Day Menu”.
Blue Christmas was held from December 13 to January 4. Over 1000 Blue Morpho’s were on
display over this period along with seasonal floral arrangement.
Staff held a Public Information Centre on Tuesday, January 13 for the Emerald Ash Tree Woodlot
Management Plan at Legends on the Niagara (LOTN). The purpose of this information session was
to inform local residents how destructive this beetle is to trees, and NPC’s plans to undertake low
intensity thinning of a woodlot at LOTN prior to the trees being infested.
The Butterfly Conservatory Nocturnal exhibit is scheduled to run from February 7 to May 10.
Marketing of the exhibit is underway, including a media day scheduled prior to the opening.
Staff has begun processing and responding to 2015 Dock Licence requests.
IT closed calendar 2014 with 3,917 IT service request tickets, a 3.5% increase over prior year.
IT maintained service levels in the month of January despite resources being consumed for
payment processing transition and year end processing (ex. Physical inventory, Payroll year end
processing, etc.)
62% of IT service requests are completed in the same day and 86% are closed within 7 days.
The IT Ticketing Systems upgraded from 7.2 to 7.3.
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Business Highlights Report
E M P L O Y E E F O C U S : We are, and are seen to be, a successfully empowered team.
As part of the ongoing Employee Survey Cross-Functional Team, the Management Team will be
reviewing “Menu Questionnaires” completed by employees in development of the a la carte menus
for the 2015 season.
Agronomy staff will be attending the Ontario Golf Course Superintendents Association conference
and trade show in Niagara Falls at the convention center the conferences will provide training on
the most up to date industry best practices including specialized workshops for optimal turf, playing
conditions, efficiencies and environmental initiatives.
Working with our local heritage partners, our team will be on hand for the Family Day/Heritage Day
Weekend at Table Rock.
A regular Quarterly Labour/management meeting was held with OPSEU-Park Employees.
HR staff attended department meetings to provide human resources support of business partners
for organizational design, succession, performance management and employee engagement.
Brock University Supervisory/Management training program commenced at Dunn Street with three
course groups running concurrently to the end of April.
First phase of the job evaluation project was completed. Second phase commenced with training on
evaluation tool. A cross-functional evaluation committee has been formed and is currently working
with the consultant on evaluation of positions.
The annual appraisal process for full time staff commenced to measure 2014 performance and to
set 2015 goals and objectives in accordance with the strategic plan.
The annual vehicle licence validation program was undertaken for staff required to operate NPC
As part of ongoing management development, NPC held a Speaker Series featuring Eddie Friel,
Director of the Niagara Global Institute.
Staff attended an annual community networking event hosted by the Niagara Business Education
Human Resources staff met with business units to discuss and plan for anticipated seasonal
vacancies in 2015.
Human Resources has joined the Niagara Hospitality HR Professionals Committee to enhance
networking opportunities and to stay informed of HR activities and initiatives within the community.
Staff attended Landscape Ontario Congress conference in Toronto.
Management staff also attended Brock University Goodman School Business Leadership
Development Program.
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Business Highlights Report
Staff attended computer training offered through the Niagara Region.
January 13th – 15th A Communicator with the Niagara Parks Police Service attended an Advanced
CPIC Query Course at the Ontario Police College in Alymer, Ontario.
Through every employee we move forward working
smarter, providing excellence and accountability in all that we do.
Three Requests for Proposals are currently in progress including an Applicant Tracking System,
Employment Testing/Temporary Employment Services and Learning Management System.
A Request for Information was completed for Payroll Services. Follow-up work is being done to
develop business rules and investigate time and attendance systems prior to a formal RFP being
Trail counter data collected from the Niagara Glen stairs during November and December totaled
6,183 visitors. Reviewing options for installing additional counters at other locations (Botanical
Gardens, Recreation Trail, Whirlpool).
Staff spent the first few days of the New Year cleaning up the site of the New Year’s Eve Event held
in Queen Victoria Park.
Floral Show House display will be transforming into Spring as forced tulips and daffodils begin to
Staff held a mandatory meeting at Legends on the Niagara for interested proponents in Emerald
Ash Borer woodlot management – low intensity thinning Request for Proposals.
The Butterfly Conservatory annual maintenance shutdown was fully completed and on time.
Thanks to the Parks department for supplying support to complete the work inside the
conservatory. The sealing of the floor went very well and a new product supplied by the masons
are being tested on the entrance area.
Staff participated in testing pressurized steam to remove the frozen ice buildup on the roof of Table
Rock Visitor Centre with some success. Evaluation of the alternative is being reviewed.
Staff attended the launch of the Niagara Cycling Tourism Centre website on January 22. This new
website showcases various cycling routes and facilities throughout Niagara including the Niagara
River Recreation Trail and many NPC attractions.
This website will also provide further
opportunities for cycling promotion at Niagara Parks http://www.niagaracyclingtourism.com.
The School of Horticulture participated in the Industry Trade Show and Congress for Landscape
Ontario. To further promote the school, it has been confirmed for Congress 2016 the School of
Horticulture will be participating in construction of a display within the tradeshow.
Park Tree Removal - There were a total of 829 trees removed in 2014. These trees were identified
as either dead or had questionable base rot and were hazard trees (could potentially fall on the
roadway or trails.) In January a total of 158 trees were removed, with 92 being infected by
Emerald Ash Borer.
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Business Highlights Report
During the month of December the Niagara Parks Police Service conducted several regular duty
R.I.D.E. initiatives targeting alcohol related driving offences. In total 555 vehicles were stopped
along the Niagara Parkway. Three (3) roadside screening tests were conducted netting two (2)
three-day driver’s licence suspensions, two (2) issued Provincial Offences Notices issued for traffic
related offences and sixteen (16) warnings issued for various Highway Traffic Act violations.
On January 2nd, 2015 members of the Niagara Parks Police Service and other emergency services
responded to a report of an injured male in the Niagara Gorge in the vicinity of the White Water
Walk attraction. An investigation is being conducted by the Special Investigations Unit which has
invoked their mandate.
January 20th, 2015 Niagara Parks Police Service management team met with senior officers with the
Niagara Regional Police Service and other emergency services for a briefing concerning the
upcoming PAN-AM games.
On January 27th, 2015 Niagara Parks Police were notified by the New York State Parks Police that a
male was calling for assistance from the Niagara River Gorge in the vicinity of Hiram Street in the
City of Niagara Falls. Crews responded from the Niagara Parks Police Service High Angle River
Team, Niagara Falls Fire Department, and Niagara Emergency Medical Services. The victim was
located in the gorge a short time later, extricated by the Niagara Falls Fire Department, and
transported to hospital for medical care by Niagara EMS.
On January 29th, 2015 the Niagara Parks Police Service received a report from Niagara Parks
Commission staff that three males were observed walking on an ice formation in the lower Niagara
River, in the vicinity of the Whirlpool. The men had traversed more than a third of the distance
across the width of the river in the direction of the American shoreline. Niagara Parks Police officers
intercepted the three men in the Niagara Gorge and issued them Provincial Offence Notices under
the Trespass to Property Act.
Niagara’s Fury attraction completed its annual shut down for maintenance and repairs, re-opening
in early February.
Wedding Sales Managers participated in the Niagara Spring Wedding Show which was held at the
Holiday Inn Suite & Parkway Conference Centre, St. Catharines on Saturday, January 17 and
Sunday, January 18, showcasing Niagara Parks offerings.
Wedding Sales Managers hosted the NPC’s Wedding Open House on February 7th, 2015 at Legends
on the Niagara. 225 guests had registered in advance.
Beginning January 1, 2015, new amendments to the Smoke-free Ontario Act will apply. All
restaurants and bar patios will be required to be smoke-free under the act. Currently, smoking is
not permitted on covered or partially covered patios in Ontario. Under the new regulations,
smoking will be prohibited on all bar and restaurant outdoor patios even if they have no covering at
all. This information has been communicated to all employees.
Legends on the Niagara and Whirlpool golf courses are handling the winter relatively well. It is
anticipated that a standard opening date will occur in early April at both golf courses.
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Business Highlights Report
As per the Emerald Ash Borer Management plan, Ash tree removals and thinning will take place
behind Battlefield 13 green area and close to the Parkway. Large ash tree specimen removals will
be ongoing over the winter are damaged from Emerald Ash Border.
An Request for Tender was completed to procure golf club rentals for the 2015 season at Legends
and Whirlpool golf courses.
NPC staff and volunteers were invited by the US National Parks Service to attend the Battle of New
Orleans. This was the last major event in North America commemorating the War of 1812.
Participants and spectators were very complimentary regarding the commemorative events in
Niagara over the past three years.
Whirlpool Golf Course Condition Update. The typical low lying areas on the greens currently have
ice coverage (maximum 2 inches in thickness). These areas have been under ice for 5 days as of
January 23, 2015. After 30 days of ice coverage injury could occur on Whirlpool’s grass type
o In 2014 recovery and other initiatives were implemented to reduce the risk and will continue
in 2015. The introduction of bent grass and additional sand incorporated into the greens will
assist with managing difficult winter conditions.
Staff is monitoring the situation very closely and will be utilizing methods to deal with the
present ice coverage that could involve breaking up the ice layers depending upon the
temperatures and weather conditions.
Sample cores will be taken next week to evaluate the current health of the grass. In
comparison to last year this winter is trending as a typical winter. The outlook to spring
looks favorable and it is anticipated that a normal opening will occur.
NPC Golf has been actively networking within the local community through its association with the
Niagara Falls Chamber of Commerce including regular after-five networking events and
participation in a public open house currently being held for early April 2015 at Legends.
NPC Golf has been networking in Buffalo through the Saturn Club (a prominent business club) in an
effort to reach new key influencers in that market.
NPC Golf played an active role during the October Canadian Society Association Executives (CSAE)
Conference showcasing NPC Golf properties at the CSAE trade show, and networking with CSAE
members representing many of the major associations and not-for-profit groups in Canada.
NPC Golf has hosted golf journalists and golf travel writers from such outlets as Golf Digest, Score
Golf and the Globe & Mail in a continuing effort to showcase NPC golf properties, increase public
profile and affect our ranking among the top golf courses in North America.
Golf staff are working on a variety of sales and marketing initiatives for 2015.
Some of the key initiative include:
o Implementation of an additional booking engine for golf and hotel vacations.
o Promotions are being developed to market to new golf distribution channels/loyality.
o Prospecting for new tournaments, groups and leads.
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Business Highlights Report
The 2015 Stay and Play golf packaging programs are presently being developed and
will be sent to the data base in early February.
Ongoing meetings continue with the Niagara Golf Trail members to further develop
the NGT brand and increase rounds at participating member golf courses.
The Retail Buying Team travelled to Toronto January 25-28, attending the Toronto Gift Fair, Mode
Accessories, and the By Hand trade shows to source new products for the upcoming season.
The first Vendor Open House of 2015 was held on February 19 at the Distribution Centre.
Brand Redevelopment Project Charter was presented to Executive Team for review.
Social campaigns focused on
o Wedding Show campaign (Facebook channel/ad campaign, video series, landing
page, Bullet website ad campaign)
o Nocturnal Campaign launching early Feb.
Online Trip Planner project charter approved, web project now under development.
and promotion of:
Nocturnal Creatures Exhibit
NPC Weddings Open House
FAMs and VIP visits
online store
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Business Highlights Report
Appendix A –
VIP Visits, FAMs, Film Crews, Media Releases & Events
 On Thursday December 4th, NPC Chair Janice Thomson welcomed His Excellency Tan Sri Datuk
Seri Panglima Pandikar Amin Haji Mulia, the Speaker of the Malaysian House of Representatives
who was leading a parliamentary delegation to Canada. Upon arrival, the group was taken on a
walkabout tour of the brink area of the Falls, followed by a complimentary tour of NPC’s
Journey Behind the Falls attraction.
On Thursday January 8th, and ahead of the 2015 Pan-Am Games, NPC hosted a delegation of
two record holding professional Athletes from Brazil. In association with OTMPC, professional
Swimmer, Caesar Cielo, and professional wrestler, Arthur Zanetti, were brought to the Table
Rock Centre, and met by NPC Chair Janice Thomson, as well as members of the NPC Marketing
and Communications team. The athletes and their families toured Table Rock, enjoyed brunch
at Elements Restaurant, and experienced the Journey Behind the Falls.
On Saturday January 17th, NPC hosted a visited of the Minister of Defense of Lithuania, the Hon.
Juozas Olekas and Ambassador of Lithuania to Canada, Mr. H.E. Vytautas Zalys. In Canada for
a visit with Canada’s own Defence Minister, the delegation was escorted on a walkabout tour of
the Brink area of the Falls by NPC representative Tony Baldinelli, then taken on a
complimentary tour of NPC’s Journey Behind the Falls attraction.
 On Friday, January 9th, NPC in association with OTMPC hosted a delegation of food industry
journalists and bloggers from the United Kingdom. Travelling to Ontario to participate in the
Niagara on the Lake Ice Wine festival, the group were first brought to the Table Rock Centre
where they enjoyed a tour around the brink of the falls, Journey Behind the Falls, Table Rock
Retail, and Niagara’s Fury.
On Saturday, January 10th, NPC hosted, in association with OTMPC, media members from the
United States, who were in Ontario to participate in the Niagara on the Lake Ice Wine Festival.
The group undertook a walkabout tour of the brink area of the Falls, followed by a visit to NPC’s
Journey Behind the Falls attraction. NPC Chair, Janice Thomson was interviewed by freelance
journalist Carri Wilbanks, whose travel/lifestyle segments are carried in various
publications/sites, including USA Today, AOL Travel, Trip Television and CatchCarri.Com.
On Friday, January 16th, NPC in association with OTMPC hosted a delegation of food industry
journalists and bloggers from the Germany. Like the previous week’s UK delegation, this group
was travelling to Ontario to participate in the Niagara on the Lake Ice Wine festival. The group
were first brought to the Table Rock Centre where they enjoyed a tour around the brink of the
falls, Journey Behind the Falls, and Table Rock Retail.
On January 31st, NPC hosted a Japanese Media FAM, in association with Niagara Falls Tourism.
Their experience included Journey Behind the Falls, dinner at Elements Restaurant, and a tour
of the Illumination Tower.
Page 8
Business Highlights Report
 On January 8th, a film crew accompanied the VIP Brazilian athletes to document their travels
and experience of Canada for Brazilian television media.
 On January 13th, a small UK Crew filmed at the Falls for a documentary called “Long Lost
 On January 25-27, a small crew covered the Ice climb in the US State Park at Terrapin Point.
 November 24 - Niagara Accessibility Update
 November 24 - Great Falls Activities at Niagara Parks this American Thanksgiving Weekend
 December 4 - Niagara Parks Initiates Next Steps of Marina Enhancement Plans
 December 4 - Mark Thomas Selected Chair of Niagara Falls Illumination Board 2015 &
Illumination Schedule Released
 December 4 - Experience Christmas 1812-Style at McFarland House
 December 11 - ‘Blue Christmas’ Holiday Feature Returns to Niagara Parks Butterfly Conservatory
 December 22 - NPC to Host Public Information Centre: Emerald Ash Borer Woodlot
Management Plan for Legends on the Niagara Golf Complex
 January 2 - Niagara Parks Butterfly Conservatory to Undertake Annual Maintenance Program
 January 7 - Project Tree-Cycle 2015
 January 8 - NPC to Undertake Annual Maintenance at Niagara’s Fury Attraction
 January 16 - Enjoy the Beauty of the Niagara Parks Floral Showhouse
 November 15 - January 12 - Winter Festival of Lights
 November 27 - January 11 - Floral Showhouse Annual Christmas Display
 November 28 - January 12 - Floral Showhouse Miniature Display
 November 29 - Laura Secord Homestead - Regency Centerpiece Workshop
 December 5-7 - McFarland House - A McFarland Christmas
 December 13 - Butterfly Conservatory – ‘Blue Christmas’
 December 13 & 14 - McFarland House – Holiday Tea
 December 31 - Queen Victoria Park - New Year’s Eve Niagara Falls
 January 17 - March 27 - Floral Showhouse Annual Spring Display
 January 23 - Friday Night Flicks at the Old Fort (last to Fridays in each month in 2015)
 February 7 - May 10 - "Nocturnal" Exhibit at the Butterfly Conservatory
Page 9
Re: Summary of Decisions from December 19, 2014 and January 23, 2015
For the information of the Commission.
Below is a synopsis of the resolutions that were passed at the closed Commission meetings of
December 19, 2014 and January 23, 2015:
DECEMBER 19, 2014
That, based on the recommendation of the Finance and Audit Committee at its meeting of
December 18, 2014, the Commission:
Direct Staff to prepare the Revenue Generating Opportunity Request for Proposal and
Purchase Agreement to offer tree thinning and removal to secure a sawmill operator to
selectively harvest selective trees at Legends on the Niagara Golf Course (LOTN) based
on the terms and conditions outlined in the report.
That, based on the recommendation of the Finance & Audit Committee at its meeting of
December 18, 2014, the Commission approved the proposed pricing for 2015 and 2016
products as presented.
2015 – 2016 BUDGET
The Commission approved the April 1, 2015 to March 31, 2016 Operating and Capital Budgets.
2015 – 2018 BUSINESS PLAN
The Commission approved the Draft Three Year Business Plan (April 1, 2015 – March 31,
2018) and directed staff to forward the Plan to the Minister of Tourism, Culture & Sport for
review and approval.
That, based on the recommendation of the Finance and Audit Committee at its meeting of
December 18, 2014, the Commission:
a) Approved the extension of the Agreements for Digital Photography Service (which is a
Revenue Generating Opportunity) between Digital Attractions Inc. and the NPC from the
current approved expiry date of December 31, 2015 to January 15, 2016.
b) Approved the business case for a future digital photography service; and,
c) Authorized Staff to issue an RFQ to help define the product for a future digital
photography service and report results back to the Finance & Audit Committee with a
recommended scope and RFP structure prior to issuance. Further, the RFP would result
in the selection of a new vendor licence Agreement for digital photography service to
commence January 16, 2016.
February 20, 2015
JANUARY 23, 2015
The Commission:
a) Receive staff’s Zip Line Program Update report;
b) Authorize staff to develop a licence agreement, if appropriate, to permit Niagara
Adventure Excursions Inc. (“NAE”)to operate a temporary demonstration attraction
(consisting of a zip line and potential aerial adventure course) in 2015;
c) Authorize the Chair and General Manager to execute the licence agreement with NAE
on behalf of NPC for the temporary demonstration attractions; and,
d) Authorize staff to amend the 2015-2016 business plan by deleting the revenue
associated with the zip line project from the budget and referencing revenue from a
potential demonstration site only.
That, based on the recommendation of the Property and Infrastructure Committee at its
meeting of January 21, 2015, the Commission directed staff to implement the Shoreline
Dock Licences - New Applications, workflow process; and directed staff to lift the current
hold on processing new applications for Shoreline Dock Licences.
That based on the recommendation of the Property and Infrastructure Committee at its meeting
of January 21, 2015 the Commission authorized staff to seek amendments to Regulation
829/90, under the Niagara Parks Act, more particularly regarding the offence of speeding at
section 13, to allow for enforcement of The Niagara Parks Commission’s (NPC) speed limits on
NPC roads and highways pursuant to the penalty provisions of the Highway Traffic Act.
That, based on the recommendation of the Governance, Ethics and Human Resources
Committee at its meeting of January 23, 2015, the Commission approved the revision to By- law
No. 1, Administration of Affairs reflecting the new fiscal year period, April 1 – March 31.
John Lohuis, MBA CMM III
General Manager