Boo Coo News Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 Mount Clemens, Michigan FEBRUARY 2014 WELCOME HOME! GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS 7 P.M. SECOND WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH AT AMERICAN LEGION POST 4, 401 N. GROESBECK HIGHWAY SOUTH OF ELIZABETH ROAD *** VETERANS SUPPORT CENTER 16945 12 MILE ROAD ROSEVILLE MI 48066 (586) 776-9810 PHONE (586) 776-9683 FAX MONDAY - FRIDAY 10 A.M. - 4 P.M. EVERYONE IS WELCOME. STOP BY. HANG OUT &HELP OUT. *** BOO COO NEWS DEADLINE: PREVIOUS MONTH’S MEETING TO SUBMIT ITEMS, PHOTOS, AD COPY: MAIL, FAX OR DELIVER TO THE VETERANS SUPPORT CENTER Chapter Member’s Name Goes on National Memorial eceased chapter member Hank Drozdowski’s name will be added to the national memorial in Washington on May 11, 2014. For those of you who knew Hank, this is a fitting honor. Although not a chapter member for long, Hank served on the honor guard and was also the armorer during that time. Hank was severely wounded during Operation Cedar Falls and was one of those soldiers who never physically recovered for the remainder of his life. He underwent more surgeries than can be counted as he struggled valiantly, and with dignity, until his death. Because he is part of a select group of soldiers that died as a direct result of their service in Vietnam, he is being honored by having his name added to the list of KIAs on the national memorial. Several of the chapter members are planning on attending this ceremony honoring our brother Hank. A followup article will be published when they return. D Correction he caption in the January issue under the picture of the check presentation was incorrect. The presentation was made by UAW Local 1700 from the Chrysler Sterling Heights Assembly Plant, not Ford Motor Company as was listed. T Chapter Motorcycle Raffle Continues he raffle for the 2014 Harley Davidson Road King C.V.O. (Custom Vehicle Operations) motorcycle continues. This is truly a one-of-a-kind bike, custom in every respect. We have between now and the Ride for Freedom to sell as many tickets as we can, and make a large donation to support the Vet Center. Tickets are $20 each, and make sure you inform buyers that the chapter pays the sales tax on the bike for whomever wins it. This bike probably has a retail price of close to $36,000. If you win it and don’t have a real desire to keep it, $30,000+ dollars could look real nice in your savings account. The calendar shows several venues where the bike is going to be on display. Otherwise it will be at Wolverine Harley-Davidson. Take a look. I’m certain that the bike will sell itself. If you can sell tickets, or want to buy tickets, call or email Randy Chom (in Pat’s absence through April 1) and he will make arrangements to get them to you. Tickets will also be available at the chapter meeting and the Vet Center. Randy’s phone number is 586-8995003 and his email address is Please help us make this raffle a success. Thanks. T 1,643 Americans Still Missing in Southeast Asia 49 from Michigan President’s Message appy 2014 to everyone. January really came in with a vengeance, and I hope that the worst that Mother Nature has to throw at us is in the past. I can’t recall a more sustained, brutal winter. Things are off to a good start for the chapter. After almost two years of struggling with the government bureaucracies, we finally obtained our 501(c)(3) status for our food bank. This will enable us to receive assistance from some of the larger food pantries in the county to keep our shelves stocked. Additionally, there are other large companies out there that have told us they would put us on their charitable giving list if we were only a 501(c)(3) organization, so this will be a tremendous asset to our continued operation. The motorcycle raffle is underway, but ticket sales are somewhat lackluster due to the few people that are out there trying to sell. We all have a vested interest in making sure this raffle is a success, so I again request everyone to either purchase a ticket or take a book of ten to sell to others. It involves so very little effort that there is virtually no excuse for not helping out. Events that will need support are published in the calendar at the back of this newsletter. Chris Franklin has begun assembling ideas and costs for putting on a chapter 30th anniversary picnic sometime this summer. Dates and details are being worked on, will be presented to the board for approval, then communicated out to the membership. Make sure you save time in your summer vacation schedule to participate in this event. It is unlikely that we’ll have a second 30th anniversary picnic. The memorial wall crew already has over half of the summer dates booked, so it will be another busy summer for the “wallflowers.” We’ll publish the events as they draw closer, and there is always a standing invitation for members to assist at any of the venues throughout the year. To restate the mention in the last newsletter, next month begins the nomination process for the officers and board members for 2014-15. Five board members’ terms will be expiring and this presents a very good opportunity for some “new blood” to get in on setting our course for the next year. Nominations will be held in February, March and April, with the elections taking place at the April membership meeting. You may self-nominate if you wish. In order to get on the ballot, you must be a paid-up member of the chapter and have a DD-214 on file in the office. For those of you who took advantage of the tax exemption law for property tax relief, please remember that you MUST refile with your local assessor’s office within the first couple of months of 2014 in order to remain eligible for tax relief this coming year. It is NOT automatic, so don’t get caught with your pants down Brian Bobek 20th Engineering Brigade (Combat) Vietnam, 1967-68 H VVA CHAPTER 154 OFFICERS President Brian Bobek 1st VP Gary Purcell 2nd VP Steve Bago Secretary Mike Schneider Treasurer Mike Jacobi 586-524-3806 586-243-6293 586-419-2212 586-567-0731 586-504-0781 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Greg Bowman (2014) Chuck Charbeneau (2014) Gil Claunch (2014) Ron Drdul (2014) Dave Schoenherr (2014) Mike Gardner (2015) Larry May (2015) Chris Scalise (2015) Donn Sinclair (2015) Gary Stephens (2015) 586-850-1800 586-431-7133 586-854-7842 586-899-7112 586-940-2568 586-615-1509 586-790-0008 810-278-1907 586-243-0222 586-747-8149 Boo Coo News Publisher The Board of Directors Boo Coo News Editor ~ Brian Bobek Typesetting ~ Linda May Thank you! to all of our advertisers, and to the dedicated volunteers who provide copy and photos, those who act as printer, proofreaders, mailing crew, facilitators & advisers for Boo Coo News. VVA State Council Newsletter TRUSTEES Mike Gardner (2016), Fred Warner (2015), Mitch Malek (2014) 2011-2012 STANDING COMMITTEE CHAIRS Community Service Constitution/By-Laws ETABO Finance Government Affairs Membership Minority Affairs Nominating Committee Public Affairs Veteran’s Affairs Veteran’s Benefits Women Veterans POW/MIA Agent Orange/Dioxin Incarcerated Veterans Veteran’s Health Care State Delegates Mike Gardner Donn Sinclair Chris Scalise Mike Jacobi Ron Drdul Larry May Steve Bago Gary Sox, Bill Mault, Marv Domaradzki Brian Bobek Gary Stephens Brian Bobek Chuck Charbeneau Tom Duff George Sawyer Dave Schoenherr Gil Claunch Mike Gardner, Brian Bobek, Mike Schneider SPECIAL & AD HOC COMMITTEES AVVA Rep Color Guard Food Bank Hospitalized Vets Lottery Merchandise Michigan Memorial Scholarship Speaker’s Bureau Webmaster Welcome Home Operation Christmas Patrick Bozzi Jim Watts Gil Claunch Tom Duff Ron Bawks Tim Ignash Dave Schoenherr Woody Horne Mike Brink Larry Sauger Mitch Argyris TBD chairman; TBD dance; TBD food; TBD toys Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News FEBRUARY 2014 - Page 2 # HONOR S GUARD - The Point Team - Jim Watts, Commander ince our last report, the following details were rendered: Funerals: 4 3 Army, 1 Navy 1 WWII, 1 Korea, 1 Vietnam, 1 pre-Vietnam Ron Kimm Army Pre-Vietnam Paul Murray Army Korea William Hess Army WWII Thomas Buczynski Army Vietnam Other Details: 2 Flag detail and food collection for the troops Wreaths Across America at Cadillac East Honor guard officers: Jim Watts Vice Commander Treasurer Armorers Property Officer Chaplain Assistant Chaplain In the study, his team compared vitamin E against three other treatments: the drug memantine (sold as with your own doctor): Namenda), vitamin E plus memantine, or itamin E, known for its antioxidant placebo. Vitamin E beat all the other power, helped slow the approaches, including the combination progression of Alzheimer’s disease treatment. Outcome measures included in veterans with mild to moderate not only patient’s daily function and symptoms in a trial reported in the cognitive health, but also caregiver Journal of the American Medical burden. Association. More than 600 veterans In the raw data, caregivers of those on from 14 VA medical centers around the vitamin E reported about two hours less country took part in the VA-sponsored per day of caregiving activity compared trial. against the other three groups. After Although the disease progressed in all statistical adjustments, though, the treatment groups, vitamin E slowed the difference remained significant only disease by about six months, compared when the vitamin E group was compared with placebo. In other terms, it slowed with the memantine group. the worsening of Alzheimer’s disease by According to existing clinical guidelines almost 20 percent per year, compared in VA and other health care systems, against placebo. The main outcome memantine is generally used only for measure was a test of how well the more advanced cases of Alzheimer’s. It patients could perform activities of daily typically provides some temporary living. slowing of the disease. Evidence for its Lead researcher Maurice Dysken, MD, a effectiveness in less severe cases has geriatric psychiatrist, says a delay of this been lacking. The new VA study supports size in the disease’s progression can those guidelines. have a significant impact on quality of All the patients in the study were also life for patients and their family on a cholinesterase inhibitor drug. These members. medications, known by brand names “It could be very meaningful for such as Aricept and Razadyne, block an someone with early Alzheimer’s who is enzyme that breaks down acetylcholine, still functioning at a high level, and for a brain chemical involved in learning and his or her caregivers, to have a delay of memory. The drugs are a firstline six months in the progression of the treatment for Alzheimer’s, especially in disease over about a two-year period,” the mild to moderate stage. says Dysken. “When the disease has These drugs often have adverse side progressed to a severe stage, the benefits effects, though, particularly nausea and of a delay of this size are less apparent.” Excerpt from a VA article, forwarded by VVA National (something to discuss V Commander Woody Horne John Mohan Ted Szymanski Gary Stephens Ted Szymanski Ron Drdul Chris Dembeck diarrhea. Based on the new trial results, Dysken says vitamin E is an attractive alternative, in terms of effectiveness. “We would say vitamin E is comparable to any of the existing medications.” He notes that it’s also less expensive. Vitamin E supplementation is not without its own risks. Some research has suggested it may slightly increase the risk of death. No such effect was seen in the VA study. Vitamin E is found in a wide variety of foods, including eggs, whole grains, and beef. But Dysken says getting the nutrient from food is unlikely to achieve the same benefits seen in the study. Dysken says there’s no evidence to suggest other types of vitamin E supplements — such as natural, food-based formulations, versus synthetic chemical-derived ones — would have any different impact on Alzheimer’s. According to Dysken and other experts, vitamin E’s effects against the brain-ravaging disease are likely due to its antioxidant properties. Researchers in VA and elsewhere are studying a variety of other antioxidants for their effects against Alzheimer’s. They include, for example, compounds found in red tea, red grapes, and the spice turmeric. Dysken says it’s still “an open question” as to whether vitamin E is unique in its anti-Alzheimer’s properties, or simply one of many antioxidants that could achieve the same effect. Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News FEBRUARY 2014 - Page 3 VETERANS SUPPORT CENTER Free Services 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday - Friday ! 16945 12 Mile Road ~ Roseville ~ 586-776-9810 Macomb County Veterans Affairs Office SERVICE OFFICERS (file claims and answer questions) Mary Barrette ~ Tuesdays ~ first-come, first-served basis Carol Ann Turner ~ Thursdays ~ appointments only HELP WANTED: Volunteers to staff the Vet Center and work on the food bank. * **** SICK CALL Contact Ron Drdul or 586-899-7112 If you know of a death or illness of a chapter member or their family, please notify Ron Drdul so that we may get the information in the Boo Coo News in a timely manner. All of the kind thoughts and prayers offered up by our membership are truly appreciated by these folks, and apparently are working to help them through their tough times. Keep ‘em coming. The following reports have been received at the chapter • Chapter member Larry Mazzie has suffered a heart attack. • Chapter member Terry Dickinson suffered a heart attack, had a stent implanted, and is home recovering. • Chapter member Fred Warner was admitted to the hospital with a serious bladder infection and other ailments. • “Wallflower” merchandise chairman and chapter member Tim Ignash has undergone bypass surgery with several blockages to the arteries leading to his heart. • Joy Roarke Dimuir is home recuperating from a recent hospitalization related to diabetes. • Chapter member Ray Frazier is undergoing chemotherapy. • Associate member Darlene Domaradzki, wife of Marv, is recuperating from a surgical procedure. TAPS • The 91-year-old mother of chapter member Jim Lertola has passed away. • Past chapter and color guard member Greg Bond passed away on New Year’s Day. • Chapter member Ronald Tomaszewski passed away on January 8. • Chapter life member Charles Estep passed away. The honor guard posted guards, and the chapter did a pass in review on Jan. 19. Hospital Report Tom Duff, Chairman ecause of the inclement weather experienced in January, there was no trip to the Detroit VAMC. The next trip will be on February 12, leaving the Vet Center at 8 a.m. B Chapter Visits Ypsilanti Veterans Home hapter member Gil Claunch was somehow tipped off to the fact that there was an assisted living facility in Ypsilanti that housed 15 veterans. According to the staff, these veterans never received any visitors and were not able to even receive some of the necessary personal items that are required to maintain a reasonable quality of life. There were stories of cards being drawn to see who would get a single bar of soap that came in. Gil attempted to contact our sister VVA chapter on the west side to pay a visit to this facility and make our brothers feel that someone cared. When we didn’t receive a response, we did what Chapter 154 always does. We got the job done. Gil made contact with the home and said we’d be happy to come out and pay these veterans a visit, much like we do at the VA hospital. Our friends at American House graciously agreed to provide a transit bus and driver to take our members out to Ypsilanti. Unfortunately, the early spring storm hit, and we were forced to delay the trip by one week. On January 28, several of our members jumped on the bus and made the trek to Ypsilanti. They took the usual “goodies” that all veterans appreciate, as well as a liberal supply of personal effects items for the residents. They spent around an hour visiting with the veterans and making sure that someone out there was thinking about them. Several pictures of the trip are here. The veterans certainly appreciated us taking the time to come out and enrich their lives, even if only for a brief visit. MORE PHOTOS ON PAGE 7. C Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News FEBRUARY 2014 - Page 4 ASSOCIATES OF VIETNAM VETERANS OF AMERICA The Mission and Vision of the Associates of Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc. is to advance the work of Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc. through cooperative projects and/or programs, to facilitate, enhance and improve communication with our members and the general public and to continue legislative efforts to ensure the rights of and benefits for all veterans and their families. Associates of Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc., are dedicated to the aggressive advancement of realistic goals with integrity and in the spirit of unity that reflects our commitment of Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc., all veterans, their families and communities. JOIN THE ASSOCIATES! We meet on the third Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. AT THE VET CENTER. MINUTES January 15, 2014 Present at meeting: Patrick Bozzi, Pat and Clark Cherry, Mary Squires, Pam Charbeneau, Pat Drdul, Karen Mack, Cathy Cook, Gil and Phyllis Claunch Meeting opened at 7 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance and moment of silence. Since we had a new member, introductions were made. Boz thanked everyone for their help with Operation Christmas. Operation Christmas was discussed and everyone thought it went very well. Cathy reported that every child got gloves and a hat. Dance went well, three 50/50 tickets were pulled with each winner getting $180. Silent auction made a considerable amount of money as did the basket raffle. It was reported that we received a lot of toys from Toys for Tots towards next year’s function. We have received a few brand new children’s jackets and some scarves, hats and gloves. Cathy will take them and store them at the library. Welcome Home Vets Day was discussed and it was decided to serve cake and coffee at the March chapter meeting which will be held on March 12, 2014. Karen Mack will check with Resurrection Cemetery to see if they will once again donate the cake. She will let Phyllis know and we will go from there. It was decided that we will not meet in February due to the fact that there is nothing going on until closer to spring and Memorial Day and the Ride for Freedom. A meeting in March was not decided on. An email will be sent concerning this when a decision is made. Meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Phyllis Claunch, Secretary Operation Christmas Thanks would like to thank everyone that helped with Operation Christmas 2013 this year for all their hard work and dedication to getting the job done for veterans and their families. We took care of 212 families and 450 children and they had a great Christmas because of YOU this year. Our chapter and Associates once again proved they are second to none. Once again thank you all for everything you did this year. God Bless you all and keep you safe and in good health. Gary Purcell Operation Christmas Chairman I Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News FEBRUARY 2014 - Page 5 Minutes of General Membership Meeting 1/8/14 ~ Submitted by Mike Schneider M eeting called to order at 1900 hours by President Brian Bobek. Pledge of Allegiance recited and moment of silence observed. Introduction of officers. Motion made by Leo M, seconded by Gary S to accept minutes as published in the Boo Coo News. No treasurer’s report this month. Committees: POW/MIA, hospital and color guard reports to follow. No speakers bureau, merchandise, Agent Orange, membership or state council reports. Scholarship: Woody thanked the board and the chapter members for raising the amount of scholarship awards. Forms available from Woody or at the Vet Center. Must be turned in by April 1 and awards presented at the June chapter meeting. Lottery: Jim thanked those who help each month, the sellers and buyers also. He then presented a check for $5,000 to the chapter for proceeds from the monthly raffle. Thank you Jim and your crew for your hard work. Traveling Memorial: Still at the Royal Oak Historical Society Museum. Many dates are already booked for 2014 and more requests coming in daily. Associates: Meeting held Jan. 15 at the Vet Center. Peg thanked all who worked so hard for Operation Christmas. Operation Christmas: Gary thanked all the associates and the chapter members for their hard work and helping to make this a success once again. Toys for Tots called and said they had more toys for us to pick up and we will use them next Christmas. Bike Raffle: Pat has turned in $16,600 so far from selling tickets at Wolverine Harley and some other venues. The bike will be on display in Birch Run, Novi Camper Show and Autorama among other shows. Please try to help volunteer at these events and help make this a success. This will benefit the chapter and any small effort helps. Picnic Committee: Chris Franklin is the chairman and he has done some preliminary work in finding food vendors and entertainment. More information will follow and we hope to make our 30th anniversary special for all. Old Business: You must go back and see your local tax assessor to receive exemption for 2014, you must file every year. Widows of 100% disabled vets are entitled to this also. 501(c)3 status was finally approved and it was a nice Christmas present. This is only for the food bank which will help greatly. No word yet on the 50th anniversary flag. Chapter challenge coins have been reordered and will be available soon. New Business: Member of the year forms available in the Boo Coo News and at the Vet Center. They must be turned in by February 15, return them to Gary Stephens. Get your email address to Brian so you can get relevant information in a timely manner. Chapter members scheduled to visit an assisted living home in Ypsilanti to bring some cheer to veterans who live there. We tried to notify the Washtenaw County chapter of VVA to let them know we were coming into their territory but to no avail. A report on the visit will be made next month. Nominations for all offices begin in February and continue in March and April. Elections will be held at the April meeting. Throw your hat in the ring to become more involved in chapter business. Your membership dues must be current and we must have a copy of your DD214 on file. We have been told that we must have 75% of membership’s DD214s on file to maintain our nonprofit status. Veterans who are journeyman trades-people are entitled to a free state license for their trade. Al Marino of Sorrento’s Pizza has stated that he will continue to donate to the chapter for another year. Thanks Al, now go out and order a General from Sorrento’s. 50/50 ticket #235612 won by John Bommarito who donated his share to the food bank. Thanks John. Motion by Larry M, seconded by Joe R to adjourn. nformation from the DAV: Chairman Bernie Sanders of the Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs introduced critically important legislation, S. 1950, the Comprehensive Veterans Health and Benefits and Military Retirement Pay Restoration Act of 2014. If enacted, S. 1950 would accomplish many of DAV’s most important priorities and legislative goals based on national resolutions approved by our members. This massive bill would create, expand, advance, and extend a wide array of VA benefits, services and programs that are important to DAV and to our members and their families. For example, responding to a call from DAV as a leading voice for wounded, injured, and ill veterans, it would create a comprehensive family caregiver support program for all generations of severely wounded, injured and ill veterans. Also, the bill would fulfill DAV’s ongoing drive to enact advance appropriations for VA’s mandatory funding accounts to ensure that in any government shutdown environment in the future, veterans benefits payments would not be delayed or put in jeopardy. This measure also would provide additional financial support to survivors of service members who die in the line of duty, as well as expanded access for them to GI Bill educational benefits. A two-plus year stalemate in VA’s authority to lease facilities for health care treatment and other purposes would be solved by this bill. Crucially, the bill would fully restore military retirement cost-of-living adjustments that were outrageously reduced in the 2013 House-Senate budget agreement and the subsequent appropriations act. These are but a few of the myriad provisions of this bill that would improve the lives, health, and prospects of veterans—especially the wounded, injured and ill—and their loved ones, if enacted into law. I Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News FEBRUARY 2014 - Page 6 POW/MIA A Welcome Home! ``When one member of the armed forces is not worth the effort to be found, then we have lost our honor.`` ~~ VVNW 1,643 Missing 49 Michigan REMEMBER THE MICHIGAN POW/MIA for FEBRUARY POW/MIA Homecomings # Submitted by Tom Duff POW/MIA chairman 9th Inf. ‘68 - ‘69 Æ YOU ARE NOT FORGOTTEN! "I was prepared to be wounded --- prepared to be captured --- even prepared to be killed. I was not prepared to be abandoned by my country." Former POW U.S. Navy Captain Eugene "Red" McDaniel Support your POW/MIAs. Fly your POW/MIA flag. Display a POW/MIA decal. If you need a POW/MIA decal for your car, truck or bike, or certificate of appreciation for flying a flag, see Tom Duff National League of POW/MIA Families is on Facebook with the latest updates. ********* If a company or homeowner is flying a POW/MIA flag, let Tom Duff know so we can give them a certificate. man is not dead until he is forgotten. We will never forget. Welcome Home! WWII No new recoveries More than 73,000 remain missing. Korea Cpl. Cletus Lies, Army, M> Dakota. MIA 12/1/50. Accounted for12/7/13. Cpl. Joe Howard, Army, Florida. MIA 12/1/50. Accounted for 12/5/13. SFC Joseph Grant, California. MIA11/30/50. Accounted for 12/5/13. Died in captivity in 1951. Cpl. William Newton, Army, Texas. MIA 11/30/50. Accounted for 11/20/13. Dies in captivity in 1951. PFC Jerry Craig, Army, Louisiana. MIA 12/2/50. Accounted for 11/19/13. 7,896 remain missing from Korea. Vietnam No new recoveries. 1,643 remain missing from Vietnam, 49 from Michigan. Chapter members spend some time with vets at a Ypsilanti veterans housing facility. Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News FEBRUARY 2014 - Page 7 Scholarship Award Applications Underway he 2014 application process for the Jack Boyd Thomas Memorial Scholarship has officially kicked off. This year, the board of directors has voted to increase the allotment for each student receiving a scholarship. The scholarship amount has been increased to $1,000 per student, up to a total of four awards. The official paperwork can be requested from Woody Horne, Scholarship Chairman, but here is a quick outline of the requirements: Student must be a graduating senior from high school Student must submit a completed application and provide the Italian American Delegates following information: Honor Chapter • A transcript of high school grades, including class ranking (if known) and standardized test results of SAT or ACT. For the second consecutive year, the Italian American Delegates made a contribution to Chapter • A personal letter stating ambitions and goals, 154. Their organization identifies several companies extracurricular activities and achievements, and any each year to be the recipient of money for doing good offices or leadership positions held while in high school. things for the community. They have recognized our • Applicants must be dependent children of paid up, full chapter as being a key factor in the betterment of voting members of Chapter 154. veterans in our county. This year they increased the • Dependent children include natural children, stepchildren, award over last year, and wish to continue legally adopted children and grandchildren. increasing it in future years. Jack Tocco and Mike • Children of Associate members are also included in this Tocco (no relation) presented the check on behalf of program. the IAD, and we certainly appreciate their support. Applications must be submitted on or before the deadline date of April 1, 2014. Successful applicants will be notified on or about May 1, 2014. Please contact Woody Horne if you need additional information and to get a copy of the application packet without delay. Each year we come down to the wire with people submitting paperwork late. Increasing the amount makes this award much more meaningful, so make sure you get your student in the process. T Pancake Breakfast with Santa n December 14, the annual pancake breakfast was held, sponsored by Fraser Representative Fred Miller and Commissioner Kathy Tocco. It was held at the Fraser Lions Club and was attended by several members of the chapter as well as the general public. This is a yearly tradition and many people know of the good work of Chapter 154 and turn out to support us. The “cost” of the breakfast is the giving of food items that go to stock the shelves of our food pantry. In addition, many people contribute money via donation to assist us. This year a sizeable check was presented to the chapter on behalf of the Utica Education Association. Santa was in attendance to hear our Christmas present requests, but I think that we might have been naughty because no Corvette was under my tree this year. Many thanks, as always, go out to Fred and Kathy for their continued support of our chapter. O Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News FEBRUARY 2014 - Page 8 Give Some Care Submitted by Donn Sinclair stopped at the store last night on my way home. I was wearing my chapter jacket when a young Afghan vet, former Marine, came up, introduced himself and struck up a conversation. In a nutshell, if the store hadn’t closed we’d still be there. It’s not the first time this has happened to me. The young man talked about his service, deployment, injuries incurred, his encounters with the VA and how things have been since he returned to civilian life. What I’ve taken away from these conversations is today’s vets feel quite alone, isolated and unappreciated. They haven’t faced the hostility we did, (something this young man and the others I’ve talked to credit us for), but they feel very few, if any in their age bracket have a clue what they’ve been through. These young men see one of us and despite the age difference, recognize what we as veterans have in common. The shared experiences of military service, especially with regards to deployment to a hostile environment, as well as returning to a public that, at best, can’t relate to their situation or at worst, is indifferent. The bottom line here is, if you run into one of these young vets and they want to talk, spare him a few minutes of your time. He’ll feel a whole lot better knowing he’s not alone, and I guarantee you’ll feel whole lot better for listening. I Member(s) of the Year Nominations he annual Member of the Year nominations are now underway. Please use this form or picked up one at the Vet Center. This is an opportunity for members to nominate someone who consistently goes beyond the call of duty in some facet of service to this chapter. Persons previously receiving this award are not eligible to be nominated again. It has been decided to, once again, make awards to more than one chapter member. The MOTY committee cites advancing age as a necessity for making multiple awards. If you feel strongly that someone deserves this recognition, please fill out an application and drop/mail it back to the Vet Center to the attention of Gary Stephens. Note that you have until February 15 to get the application back. Your nominee will be reviewed by the committee, and the awardees will be named at the March general membership meeting. Time is getting short, so act quickly. T Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News FEBRUARY 2014 - Page 9 21184 Cass Ave. Clinton Twp. Company of Macomb County Buy Direct • Quality Granite & Bronze Cemetery Monuments • War & Civic Memorials • Rock Engraving & Cremation Urns • Free Local Delivery 586-463-9551 Re/Max Suburban Inc. “Since 1987" Residential & Commercial Real Estate Private Sales – Short Sales – Bank-Owned - HUD ! Ray Nadolski Realtor and Chapter 154 member •Office 586-262-2000 • Cell 248-705-3794 Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News FEBRUARY 2014 - Page 10 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Activities are at the Vet Center unless otherwise stated February 2014 1 2 VVA State Council mtg in Howell 3 Pointman Ministries 7pm 4 Service Officer 10-4 5 Chapter board mtg 7 pm Feb.4-9 sell raffle tickets for the bike in Novi bike raffle 6 Service Officer 10-4 7 8 bike raffle bike raffle 14 15 Deadline to turn in Member of the Year forms. AA & Alanon 7pm bike raffle 9 10 bike raffle 11 Service Officer 10-4 Honor guard meeting 16 23 bike raffle at Gibraltar South 17 24 18 Service Officer 10-4 25 Service Officer 10-4 Honor guard meeting 12 Hospital visit 8am Gen Mem mtg American Leg. Post 4 Mount Clemens 7pm 19 NO associates mtg 26 Veterans of Modern Warfare mtg 13 Service Officer 10-4 United Military Families 7pm AA & Alanon 7pm 20 Service Officer 10-4 AA & Alanon 7pm 27 Service Officer 10-4 AA & Alanon 7pm 21 22 Feb. 21-23 raffle the bike at Gibraltar South bike raffle at Gibraltar South 28 Looking ahead: April 1 deadline to submit scholarship apps RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 P. O. Box 1114 Mount Clemens MI 48046-1114 OPEN to read the GOOD NEWS about Chapter 154 WWW.VVA154.COM a VVA CHAPTER OF THE YEAR! FEBRUARY 2014 issue of BOO COO NEWS Veterans Support Center ~ 16945 12 Mile Road ~ Roseville MI 48066 (586) 776-9810 ~ (586) 776-9683 fax Hours of Operation Monday - Friday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. All Volunteer-Run Chapter Business Center Veterans Food Bank Employment Assistance Veterans Benefits Service Officer Free Counseling Information Camaraderie Drop In & Hang Out & Help Out 1,643 still unaccounted for; 49 from Michigan