TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 1 Overview Strategic Funding .................................................................................................................. 2 Arts Discipline Funding ......................................................................................................... 3 Loan Fund ............................................................................................................................. 4 Operations ............................................................................................................................. 5 Preliminary Results of Increased Grants Funding ............................................................................. 6 2013 Allocations Summary ................................................................................................................ 7 Income Statement & Program Balances for the quarter ended December 31, 2013 ........................ 8 Strategic Funding 2013 Partnership Programs .......................................................................................................... 9 Strategic Partnerships ........................................................................................................... 10 Strategic Allocations.............................................................................................................. 11 Recipient Details ................................................................................................................... 12 Arts Discipline 2013 Descriptions o Annual & Multi-year Operating ................................................................................. 24 o Project ...................................................................................................................... 48 Recipient Details o Annual and Multi-Year Operating Allocations .......................................................... 74 o Project Allocations.................................................................................................... 81 o Appeals .................................................................................................................... 95 o Music Creation program ........................................................................................... 97 o Visual Artists program .............................................................................................. 98 o Media Artists program .............................................................................................. 99 o Writers program ....................................................................................................... 100 Rescinded Allocations ........................................................................................................................ 101 Board of Directors .............................................................................................................................. 102 Committees and Juries ...................................................................................................................... 103 INTRODUCTION Toronto Arts Council’s 2013 allocation from the City of Toronto is $15,713,600, representing an increase from the previous year of $4 million in the grants budget ($14,279,500) and $200,000 in the arts services and operations budget ($1,434,100). The funding increase is already making a far-reaching impact on TAC, Toronto’s artists and the city. It has allowed TAC to offer stability to existing organizations while providing significant new support for culturally diverse arts organizations, emerging arts groups and community-engaged arts projects, with a focus on the inner suburbs and youth. TAC has developed its strategic priorities, and its approach to disbursing the new funding, in a way that it is both responsive to the needs of the City’s evolving arts community, and to the City’s priorities. In 2009, recognizing the City’s changing demographics and arts practices, TAC hosted a series of public consultations, undertook a visioning exercise and developed a plan to guide the Board of Directors in making decisions on how a significant increase to the grants budget would be allocated across programs. Further city-wide consultations, held in conjunction with City Culture in April 2013, supported the objectives of TAC’s funding plans as follows: Arts Discipline Funding Growth & Sustainability: Begin to address major funding inequities in the operating program, and address the funding gaps in the projects and individual programs. Strategic Funding Community Connections: Enhance support for community engaged arts initiatives with a focus on youth arts and expanded audience access in diverse communities and outside the downtown core. Innovation & Partnership: Lead change through targeted funds, develop and encourage partnerships, leverage timely opportunities, and encourage and be responsive to innovation. TAC’s new funding initiatives are directly aligned with the City’s Principles for Use of New Funding (Creative Capital Gains Update, May 2013). Our direction with all new funding initiatives has been innovative, artist-centred and collaborative. We are committed to utilizing existing resources, assets and knowledge to strengthen the capacity of the entire sector and to inspire new thinking around the arts. Artist Centred: TAC has begun to address major funding inequities in the operating program, and address historic funding gaps in the projects and individual programs. 50% of new funding has been allocated to existing TAC programs, aimed at strengthening the sector. Additionally, our strategic partnerships are creating exceptional paid opportunities for artists to share their work with new audiences and communities, and develop their practice through community collaborations. Asset-Based Community Development: The new funding has been a catalyst for supporting assetbased community initiatives. TAC’s strategic partnerships have created access for artists to existing institutional resources, knowledge, and assets in local libraries, schools and heritage sites. Our Platform A and ArtReach partnerships leverage existing grassroots expertise to reach youth and diverse communities. TAC’s investment in partnerships are leveraged to maximize the resources available for local arts activities. These investments create opportunities for communities to build the capacity and the desire to develop future arts programs. Collaboration: TAC new funding initiatives have fostered collaborations between artists and teachers, principals, students, parents, library staff, heritage services, youth, settlement agencies and local communities – across disciplines. Investments in Platform A, ArtReach and the Neighbourhood Arts Network have created opportunities for exchanges, learning, and sharing of best practices. Our partnership with Business for the Arts explored new models of partnering with the private sector. In addition to fostering collaborative exchange between artists and communities, TAC’s partners bring valuable business, marketing, and promotional resources to artistic collaborations. Community Ownership: TAC’s partnerships have nurtured a dialogue with local communities at the grassroots level, empowering local audiences to access arts programming in a meaningful and accessible way. The new funding has allowed TAC to create programs that respond to the needs of local communities, in many cases through the work of artists and organizations with a track record of living and/or working in those communities. For example, Dwayne Morgan, an award-winning spoken word artist and National Poetry Slam Champion, was the recipient of a three-month residency grant to work at 1 Cedarbrae Library Branch in Scarborough, which is his own community. In another example of local empowerment, FIXT Point performance company will create a theatre piece at Mimico Library created through a process of community-engaged research. Diversity: With a focus on rolling out programs to areas outside the core, and encouraging a greater spread of programs across city wards, TAC is increasing access to diverse artists and audiences. An increase to a music creation program saw a 153% increase in applications from artists outside the downtown core and 57% of all applicants were applying to TAC for the first time. All of TAC’s assessment committees and juries are selected to reflect the diversity of our City and its evolving arts practices. Equity/Inclusivity: TAC’s funding helps to make the arts in Toronto accessible and affordable and supports hundreds of programming activities that are free to the public. TAC’s delivery of programs with partners working at the local and community level has created new points of access for emerging, youth and community artists. Local arts activities outside the core increase access to the arts to traditionally underserved communities, with several of our new funding initiatives providing arts activities to children, youth and communities directly in their schools, libraries and community centres. Excellence/Quality: Excellence is always a top priority for TAC, and our partners and clients are among the most celebrated and recognized in the country. We continue to employ best practices and expertise in peer-review adjudication and assessment to our partnership programs and strategic funding initiatives. By creating opportunities in our public institutions and spaces, TAC encourages contemporary perspectives and interpretations of these spaces that are both innovative and resonant. These partnerships create opportunities, not just for artists, but for local communities to experience the vibrancy and richness of Toronto’s arts in ways that are meaningful and resonant to their own lives. Innovation: TAC’s Innovation and Partnerships priority has allowed us to test new ways of funding the arts through partnerships and initiatives. Strategic investments have been made in new technologies that will support increased revenue generation and audience building for the sector. Through strategic funding, TAC has also had the opportunity to incubate new ideas and approaches that look to the future of the sector by seeding new talent and creating access to funding for youth and diverse communities. Transparency: TAC has undertaken community consultations, information sessions, and extensive communications regarding strategic priorities and new funding initiatives. OVERVIEW OF FUNDING STREAMS STRATEGIC FUNDING In response to increased investment from the city as well as consultations with the community, TAC identified areas where strategic investment was required to address areas not covered through the core discipline programs. Community Connections: Enhance support for community engaged arts initiatives with a focus on youth arts and expanded audience access in diverse communities and outside the downtown core. TAC’s adjudication process revealed that while the vast majority of organizations (80%) funded through TAC arts discipline programs offer outreach and/or youth engagement programs, the scope of this work has been limited due to lack of funding. Strategic investment in this area is allowing TAC to respond to new initiatives, groups and artists as well as be a catalyst for increased activity among existing organizations. Youth led arts projects is a funding priority Community engaged art projects in inner suburbs is a funding priority Culturally diverse youth arts organizations are being given enhanced opportunities to enter the funding stream Outreach and community revitalization projects are eligible for additional funding Partnerships with Toronto’s civic institutions (libraries, historic sites, housing, parks, tourism, settlement agencies, neighbourhood and community centres) are being forged or strengthened to ensure greater neighbourhood access to arts programming. 2 Innovation & Partnership: Lead change through targeted funds, develop and encourage partnerships, leverage timely opportunities, and encourage and be responsive to innovation. Develop new and innovative funding programs and partnerships offering artists and arts organizations the ability to respond to exceptional opportunities and incubate new ideas, projects and initiatives. Funds are being strategically allocated to act as a catalyst for increased provincial and national investment in Toronto from all levels of government and the private sector. Options for targeted funding include initiatives that: respond to exceptional one-time events and opportunities build local arts community capacity provide opportunity for funding interdisciplinary work provide seed or development funds for new and innovative artistic initiatives develop new platforms for national and international recognition of Toronto artists facilitate mentorship and professional development opportunities for arts professionals stimulate increased investment in Toronto arts through strategic inter-sectoral partnerships Assessment and Allocations Process – Strategic Funding Strategic funding initiatives are developed from ideas raised in public consultations or brought forward by members of the arts community. An Advisory Group comprised of TAC committee chairs and other representatives of the community reviews proposals (members are listed on page 63) and all recommended allocations are approved by TAC's Board of Directors. Following Board approval, all applicants receive a funding notification letter that provides information about the funding recommendation and the terms and conditions. Transparency, equity and diversity in the allocation and assessment process for all new funding initiatives is of the highest importance to TAC. Extensive communications have been undertaken to inform the arts community and the wider public about TAC’s strategic priorities and new funding initiatives. Peerassessed juries are comprised of individuals that reflect the geographical, cultural and artistic diversities of the City. Where necessary, information sessions have been held to inform the community about new programs. ARTS DISCIPLINE FUNDING Supporting the city’s artists and arts organizations through an established and effective granting program has been Toronto Arts Council’s core business for 36 years. These discipline-specific programs provide assistance for ongoing operations or for specific projects. Operating funding provides ongoing support to arts organizations for both their operations and programming. There are two streams of operating funding: multi-year and annual. Applicants to a multi-year operating program submit financial and programming information for three-year period. A funding level is recommended for the three-year period and is paid in annual installments, subject to the availability of funds. Release of funds in years two and three is conditional upon receipt and approval of financial and programming reports. Multi-year assessment reduces the administrative workload of funded organizations by eliminating the annual application process and increases an organization’s ability to engage in long-term planning by providing confirmation of funding for a three-year period. An annual assessment stream remains available to organizations not eligible for the multi-year stream and to organizations that prefer to continue with annual assessment. TAC has aligned its multi-year schedule with that of Ontario Arts Council and Canada Council for the Arts, since most organizations that apply to TAC also apply to these funders. The rollout is staggered by discipline over three years. TAC also worked with Ontario Arts Council on the development of our respective multi-year applications and reporting requirements, in order to make it possible for organizations to prepare material that can be submitted to both funders. Project funding provides one-time support for specific projects. It is not meant to cover operating or ongoing expenses. Project funding is provided to organizations and collectives and, through some programs, to individual artists. 3 Program Categories: Community Arts: Operating funding and Project funding for organizations and collectives Dance: Operating funding for organizations and Project funding for organizations, collectives and individual artists Large Institutions: Operating funding for organizations. Literary: Operating funding and Project funding for organizations and collectives and the Writers program for individual artists Music: Operating funding and Project funding for organizations and collectives and the Music Creation program for individual artists Theatre: Operating funding and Project funding for organizations and collectives and the Playwrights program for individual artists Visual/Media Arts: Operating funding and Project funding for organizations and collectives and the Visual Artists program and Media Artists program for individual artists Assessment and Allocations Process – Arts Discipline Funding All TAC arts discipline funding programs have an application form and an application deadline date. When an application is submitted, it is processed and reviewed by staff to confirm eligibility. In some cases, applicants meet with TAC staff to discuss their applications and/or to receive help with the application procedure prior to adjudication. Applications are then sent for review to the appropriate peer adjudication body. With two exceptions, applications from organizations are reviewed by standing committees and applications from individual artists are reviewed by juries. The exceptions are the Dance Projects program and the Large Institutions program. Dance Projects is assessed by a jury because the program funds both organizations and individual artists. Large Institutions is assessed by a jury because the only component of the program is multi-year operating which requires assessment once every three years. TAC has six standing committees that review applications from organizations: Community Arts, Dance, Literary, Music, Theatre, Visual/Media Arts. Committees are chaired by members of the TAC board; collectively the members represent a broad spectrum of artistic and cultural practices. All committee members are volunteers with extensive professional experience in their fields and are selected through a process of consultation with the arts community. All recommended allocations are approved by TAC's Board of Directors. (Board and Committee members are listed on pages 62-63). The Large Institutions, Dance projects, Music Creation/Recording, Visual Artists, Media Artists and Writers/Playwrights programs are each adjudicated by a representative independent jury of professional artists working within the respective discipline. Jury members are selected with the advice of members of Toronto Arts Council arts discipline committees. Both committees and juries follow a two-stage adjudication process for funding of organizations. 1. Assessment: Each applicant is assessed using publicly stated criteria. Based on this assessment, each applicant is given a rating to establish an assessment priority ranking. 2. Allocation: The assessment priority ranking becomes a factor in decision of whether, in the case of projects, to recommend funding, or whether, in the case of Annual Activity, to increase, maintain or decrease an organization’s funding level. For Annual Activity, the percentage of funding an organization is already receiving from TAC when compared to comparable organizations is also a factor. Project funding to both organizations and individual artists is zerobased; i.e. past funding history is not a factor in determining whether or not funding is recommended or the level at which the funding is recommended. All funding recommendations are sent to TAC's Board of Directors for final approval. Following Board approval, all applicants receive a funding notification letter that provides information about the funding recommendation and, if applicable, information about the appeals process. LOAN FUND Toronto Arts Council administers a Loan Fund that provides short-term bridge financing to arts organizations. The Loan Fund, a rotating fund of $175,332, is a program that puts the City of Toronto in 4 the vanguard with respect to its support of the arts. Toronto is one of only three North American cities and the only Canadian city to provide this much needed and very appreciated service to its arts community. Two loans were made in 2013. OPERATIONS TAC’s operations grant supports staff salaries and benefits, offices, overhead, jury fees, adjudication costs, websites, grants database and outreach tools. As TAC’s grants scope and responsibilities have significantly increased, TAC’s operations responsibilities and costs are also increasing. With growing public awareness of increased arts funding comes increased responsibility to evaluate the effectiveness of new spending and programs offered to date, to plan for future implementation and to communicate the results with City Council, the arts community and the public. In 2013 Toronto Arts Council received an increase of $200,000 to its operations budget bringing the total budget to $1,434,100 or 9.1% of its total budget. This increase has supported the following: The addition of 2 FTEs to grants staff allowing significant increase in outreach and evaluation activities and the processing of a significant increase in grant applications (42% increase in 2013 over 2012). The study, selection and initial development of a new on-line grants management system that will increase access to TAC grants, improve efficiency of the grant allocation process, and significantly improve the reliability, availability and comprehensiveness of arts data. A significant increase in outreach events and grant writing workshops for artists and organizations located in every neighbourhood of Toronto. Working with limited operations resources, TAC has achieved great success addressing a major increase to granting responsibilities at the lowest possible cost through partnerships with other organizations. By the end of 2013, many of the new grants programs and funding streams described above were introduced in partnership agreements where TAC shared adjudication and evaluation responsibilities. These include: ArtsVest – a partnership with Business for the Arts that is providing 148 grants matched by corporate support; ArtReach – a partnership program with ArtReach Toronto supporting 30 youth led arts projects in 2013; Dare2Create – a partnership with TDSB and Prologue to the Performing Arts supporting arts programming in Toronto schools; Artists in the Library – a partnership program with Toronto Public Library supporting arts programming in Toronto libraries outside the downtown core; Animating Historic Sites – a partnership program with Toronto Museum Services supporting arts programming in the city’s historic sites; Platform A – a partnership program offering mentorship, bridging and microgrants to community engaged artists and organizations and Pan Am Path – a partnership supporting community engaged arts programming along the Pan am Path. In addition, the Toronto Arts Foundation, TAC’s sister organization, invests $500,000 annually in arts research, networking and community connections which further leverages the impact of TAC’s operations funding. TAC Operations Growth 2012-2013 Number of new grants programs introduced: Number of new applications received, 2013: Number of new grants awarded, 2013: 13 777 = 51% increase in the first year of new funding 328 = 48% increase in the first year of new funding 5 PRELIMINARY RESULTS OF 2013 INCREASED GRANTS FUNDING The final impact of increased grants funding will not be evident for two or three years as grant reports and financial statements are available. However, early evidence clearly demonstrates a significant impact of increased investment including the creation of new partnerships, increased access to funding by youth and newcomer artists and an estimated $23 million in funds leveraged by TAC grants from other sources. Toronto Arts Council Increased Funding 2013 250 221 200 148 150 100 52 50 0 # youth-led projects funded # new partnerships supported # first time recipients Millions Toronto Arts Council $ Value of Applications Received and Funded, in millions $30 $25.81 $25 $20 $17.80 $17.00 $14.31 $15 $10.30 $10.27 $10 $5 $0 2011 2012 $ Value of Applications Received 2013 $ Value of Grants Funded Toronto Arts Council Numbers of Grant Applications Received & Funded 2,500 2314 2,000 1612 1537 1,500 1014 1,000 686 676 500 0 2011 2012 Applications Received 2013 Applications Funded 6 2013 ALLOCATIONS SUMMARY APPLICATIONS RECEIVED 2012 ALLOCATIONS AWARDED 2013 2012 2013 ARTS DISCIPLINE FUNDING Operating Community Arts Dance Large Institutions Literary Music Theatre Visual/Media Arts Sub-total Operating Projects Community Arts 19 33 5 5 71 48 36 217 474,500 1,010,425 1,573,797 104,100 1,784,906 2,413,300 1,407,072 $8,768,100 91 19 634,020 33 1,131,200 5 1,910,650 5 132,100 66 1,983,423 52 2,913,970 35 1,852,630 215 $10,557,993 19 33 5 5 71 46 36 215 415,750 867,400 1,420,715 104,100 1,554,120 2,215,310 1,234,784 $7,812,179 19 32 5 5 66 48 35 210 517,750 1,014,350 1,686,000 123,100 1,752,100 2,505,325 1,557,500 $9,156,125 1,062,411 105 1,128,683 50 457,500 59 569,228 Dance1 Literary Music Theatre Visual/Media Arts 48 385,765 65 543,300 20 138,950 26 179,500 13 72 128 48 76,981 445,187 1,116,285 319,790 14 88 148 56 75,507 591,713 1,347,208 407,607 10 47 50 27 49,450 175,550 294,160 96,000 11 59 51 36 50,507 275,467 351,900 143,750 Sub-total Projects Total Organizations 400 617 $3,406,419 $12,174,519 476 $4,094,018 691 $14,652,011 204 419 $1,211,610 $9,023,789 242 452 $1,570,352 $10,726,477 Individual Artists Dance Composers Visual Artists Media Artists Writers 27 156 290 153 291 210,470 738,369 1,262,000 956,555 1,614,000 64 344 345 146 310 496,330 1,978,000 1,579,000 978,896 1,699,000 10 55 86 39 75 67,000 183,000 329,000 224,000 396,000 23 60 82 46 90 139,000 300,000 383,000 265,000 492,000 1,209 $6,731,226 265 $1,199,000 301 $1,579,000 1,900 $21,383,237 684 $10,222,789 753 $12,305,477 917 $4,781,394 1,534 $16,955,913 0 0 0 0 0 0 51 67 1 803,001 1,340,000 105,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 5 1 105,000 100,000 105,000 1 0 1 0 0 20,000 0 25,000 0 0 79 148 1 4 32 785,075 500,000 100,000 300,000 31,870 1 0 1 0 0 20,000 0 25,000 0 0 30 148 1 4 32 300,000 500,000 100,000 300,000 31,870 ArtData Project Friends of PanAm Path Targeted Funding TAPA mobile app 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 28 1 15,000 100,000 298,500 45,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 28 1 15,000 100,000 298,500 45,000 TOTAL STRATEGIC 3 $45,000 414 $4,423,446 2 $45,000 261 $2,000,370 1,537 $17,000,913 2,314 $25,806,683 686 $10,267,789 1,014 $14,305,847 Total Individuals TOTAL DISCIPLINE STRATEGIC FUNDING Partnership Programs Animating Historic Sites Artists in the Library Dare to Create (TDSB) Strategic Partnerships ArtReach Toronto* Business for the Arts (artsVest )* Neighbourhood Arts Network Platform A Platform A microgrants Strategic Allocations TOTAL (all programs) * Grants adjudicated by partner organizations 7 TORONTO ARTS COUNCIL Income Statement and Program Balances For the Period Jan 01 to Dec 31, 2013 ADMINISTRATION LOAN PROGRAM Jan - Dec 2013 Actual Budget $ $ REVENUE Allocation - City of Toronto Interest TACF - Operations Grant Rescinded Grants Special Project Miscellaneous EXPENSES Leasehold Improvements Grants and Awards Bank Charges Amortization expenses Salaries & Benefits Materials and Supplies Furniture and Equipment National Arts Database Purchase of Services Adjudication Costs 1,434,100 431 40,000 1,434,100 1,000 40,000 75,000 13,423 1,562,954 56,500 1,531,600 130,250 4,625 1,046,356 106,206 20,000 24,418 174,896 84,095 65,600 7,985 1,046,705 117,000 20,000 21,920 185,280 120,000 1,590,844 Jan - Dec 2013 Actual Budget $ $ CULTURAL PROGRAM Jan - Dec 2013 Actual Budget $ $ 14,241,900 38,479 14,241,900 38,479 19,500 19,500 (1) TOTAL PROGRAMS Jan - Dec 2013 Actual Budget $ $ 15,676,000 38,910 40,000 19,500 75,000 13,423 15,862,832 15,676,000 39,479 40,000 19,500 56,500 0 15,831,479 65,600 14,305,847 1,130.11 7,985 1,046,705 117,000 20,000 21,920 185,280 120,000 0 0 14,299,879 14,299,879 - - 14,305,847 1,130.11 - 14,305,847 1,130.11 - - - 130,250 14,305,847 1,130.11 4,625 1,046,356 106,206 20,000 24,418 174,896 84,095 1,584,490 0 0 14,306,977 14,306,977 15,897,821 15,891,467 (1) Surplus (deficit) for period -27,891 -52,890 0 0 -7,098 -7,098 -34,989 -59,989 Program Transfer Balances, beginning of period 53,392 53,392 175,332 175,332 -5,432 -5,432 223,292 223,292 Balance, end of period 25,501 502 175,332 175,332 -12,530 -12,530 188,303 163,303 (1) contributions for renovation of the New Office and the Arts Space are capitalized for 5 years along with all associated costs, reflected in "Leasehold Improvements" 8 STRATEGIC FUNDING 2013 PARTNERSHIP PROGRAMS TAC initiated a number of new partnership programs in 2013 that encouraged collaboration between artists and institutions, provided access to space for arts programming, and offered opportunities for arts activities outside the downtown core. TAC’s partnership programs leveraged arts funding with matching funds or in-kind resources. These programs created new opportunities for artists and audiences at the local level, enhanced assets that are already available within the community. Each partnership program was conceived as three-year initiative, with ongoing evaluation and communication taking place annually to incorporate learnings into ongoing program design. Animating Historic Sites $105,000 Toronto Arts Council partnered with City of Toronto Museum Services to provide opportunities for artists to re-imagine and animate five Toronto Heritage sites through engagement with their histories, local contexts, and communities. The sites are Scarborough Museum, Gibson House, Montgomery Inn, Todmorden Mills and Mt. Zion Schoolhouse, four of which are located outside the downtown core. Programming Grants provide opportunities for curators/producers to present a series of programs and events at one of the four Heritage Sites. Exploration Grants are smaller grants that provide the opportunity for curators/producers to engage with community, landscape, volunteers and the site itself to explore ideas for future projects. Museum services is contributing matching support in the form of space, historical knowledge and research resources, extended hours, staffing, marketing and promotion. An example of the far-reaching impact of this program can already be seen in Year One, which has seen Keystone Theatre create a new 10-minute piece through a series of workshops with local youth in Scarborough. The final theatre piece was performed five times at Scarborough Museum to public audiences and was then performed as a curtain riser to Keystone’s main feature at the Toronto Fringe Festival, an incredible opportunity for youth performers to have their work featured at a major international event. Artists in the Library $100,000 Toronto Arts Council has partnered with Toronto Public Library (TPL) to facilitate the animation of five library spaces outside the downtown core, increase arts access in local communities, and create new work and collaborative opportunities for Toronto artists. The branches to be animated through 2013 funds are: Cedarbrae, Downsview, Fairview, Mimico, and Oakwood Village. These community-engaged residencies are in different arts disciplines, and were selected based on branch capacities and local interests and needs. Toronto Public Library is contributing matching support in the form of space, technical support, marketing, promotion, social networking platforms, and staffing. NOTE: Due to the high level of interest and need for this program, TAC and TPL will be doubling our investment in 2014 and adding five new libraries to the roster. The additional branches added to the program will be: Don Mills, Hillcrest, Richview, Scarborough Civic Centre and York Woods. Dare to Create Festival / TDSB $105,000 Toronto Arts Council has partnered with Toronto District School Board (TDSB) and Prologue to the Performing Arts on the Dare to Create Festival, a four-week spring festival that included artist residencies, mentorships and special arts presentation events. The Festival provided students with the opportunity to explore their personal connections to the people, places, histories and happenings of their city through art. TAC funding of this project went directly to the artists and arts organizations participating in the festival. Festival activities in Year One included an Artist Residency Program, a “Dare to Dance” juried program, a Student Conference at the Cedar Ridge Creative Centre (partnering with the City’s Cultural Hotspots), a Visual and Media Arts Exhibition at Artscape Young Place, and mentored performances at North York Centre for the Arts and Young Peoples’ Theatre. In Year One, over 5000 students participated in this program; 63 artists were given mentorship and residency opportunities in 42 schools, all of which were outside the downtown core. TDSB managed all programming activities and Prologue administered the application process, in a highly successful collaboration that has resulted in expanding of the TDSB artist roster from 22 to 63 artists. This is a 186% increase in the pool of artists the TDSB can draw on for other annual arts activities in the schools, creating a lasting and meaningful impact on the lives of artists and students. 9 STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS TAC developed a number of high-impact strategic partnerships that directly aligned with our priorities of increasing community, youth, and diverse participant engagement, and of supporting increased growth and sustainability to the arts sector. These partners bring specific expertise to TAC and provide valuable grassroots connections to youth, diverse communities and training platforms. TAC’s investment in these partnerships nurture a sense of community ownership and access to TAC’s new funding and foster the development of the next generation of arts practitioners and leaders. ArtReach Toronto $300,000 Toronto Arts Council partnered with ArtReach Toronto to increase access and opportunities for cultural participation for youth across the City. ArtReach brings its signature high-engagement approach to grant making, which combines mentoring and capacity building assistance for the grant recipients, as well as funding for their projects. Through its established networks which reach youth, it has enabled TAC to streamline the process by which we engage and invest in Toronto’s emerging artists, youth and underserved communities. Business for the Arts (artsVest™) $500,000 artsVest™ is a national sponsorship training and matching incentive program created by Business for the Arts and funded in Toronto by the Toronto Arts Council and Canadian Heritage. artsVest™ is designed to stimulate innovative business sponsorship and corporate engagement in arts and heritage. The program helps build healthy, prosperous and creative communities across Canada by training small and mid-sized arts and heritage organizations on how to forge successful, long-term partnerships with the private sector. In addition, artsVest provides matching incentive grants for new sponsorships raised by participating organizations to spark local business support of arts and heritage. In Phase One of TAC’s investment in the program, 77 organizations were pre-approved and $1.2 million in sponsorship funds were raised, 60% from first-time sponsors of the arts. 56 arts organizations from across disciplines and areas of the City secured sponsorship and $330,000 in matching funds for a total economic impact of $1.53 million. In Phase Two 71 recipients have been pre-approved, with 56% of organizations operating in priority neighborhoods and/or outside of the downtown core. Phase Two program results will be tabulated in 2015. Neighbourhood Arts Network (NAN) $100,000 Toronto Arts Council is a partner with other agencies and organizations for the ongoing development of the Neighbourhood Arts Network (NAN). Launched in 2009 and described as “the place where arts and community engagement meet,” NAN has expanded to over 1400 members, including artists, arts organizations, cultural workers and community agencies. From 2012 to 2013, NAN’s membership went from 876 to 1212, an increase of 39%, demonstrating the organization’s growing position as a hub for the City’s community arts sector. The network acts as a catalyst for new discussions and relationships, facilitates capacity building and professional development, collects research and shares information, and facilitates a shared vision around the place of arts in community development. NAN creates new opportunities for emerging and diverse artists through their Vision awards, which recognize artistic excellence and contribution to community, for professional newcomer artists and community-based arts projects, and through extensive partnerships with local arts organizations and festivals on learning, networking and arts animation activities. NAN is an initiative of the Toronto Arts Foundation. Additional partners include BMO, Ontario Trillium Foundation, TELUS, TD Bank Group, Sketch, North LIP, Maytree, CPAMO, Centre for Social Innovation, Humber College, Local Arts Service Organizations, City of Toronto Cultural Services and OCAD and many others. Platform A ($300,000 + $31,870 disbursed as micro-grants) Platform A is a partnership involving four organizations that have pioneered work in the field of community arts in Toronto: Arts for Children and Youth, Art Starts, Jumblies Theatre, and Sketch: Working Arts for Street and Homeless Youth. The four organizations work in different areas of the city and have distinct engagement practices. The aim of the Platform A initiative is to fuse the strengths and experiences of the four organizations to support a shared vision of seeding sustainable, high-quality community arts practice, and providing increased opportunities and access to the arts for youth and communities. The project is creating new opportunities through shared platforms, mentorships, organizational bridge building, and micro-grants and will test new models for collaboration and resource sharing in the youth and communityengaged arts sectors. Year One saw 147 applications for micro-grants, of which 32 were disbursed, demonstrating the enormous need for seed funding at the community level. Micro-grant projects took place in 20 Wards across the City, with 12 (38%) taking place in neigbourhoods outside the downtown 10 core. A total of 44 mentorships took place as a result of this initiative, with an additional 14 paid internships. The partners have each reported the positive impact of the program in increasing their capacity to reach and mentor youth, who they continue to work with in different ways as they develop new knowledge and skills. This initiative has tapped into the momentum and wider interest in community arts, and fostered collaborations between the partners and larger organizations including Canadian Stage, TIFF, OCADU, Tarragon Theatre and Canadian Opera Company to name a few. In one powerful example of impact, SKETCH youth participants are working with George Brown College to design curriculum around food, gardening and art. TAC is collaborating as a partner on the sharing of outcomes and best practices in community-engaged arts practices that may inform future programs and initiatives. STRATEGIC ALLOCATIONS ArtData Pilot Project $15,000 TAC has partnered with Laidlaw Foundation on the second phase of a data visualization program that will map the cultural impact of 15 youth arts organizations in Toronto. Phase I of the ArtData project resulted in a data visualization using information culled from five not-for-profit youth arts groups supported by the Laidlaw Foundation and other funders: ArtReach, Manifesto, Sketch, Remix and Unity. Various data sets from the sector were overlaid in an interactive way to reveal fresh narrative stories about urban youth and the arts, a sector that is thriving in the City of Toronto. Phase II is mapping 10 additional groups: Children’s Peace Theatre, Art Starts Neighbourhood Cultural Centre, Regent Park Focus, Kapisanan Philippine Centre, CUE, Lost Lyrics, Arts for Children & Youth, NIA Centre for the Arts, 106&York and the Asian Arts Freedom School. Children’s Peace Theatre will be the administrative lead for Phase II. Friends of the Pan Am Path $100,000 Friends of the Pan Am Path (FOPAP) have undertaken an ambitious project to create and animate an 80 km trail across Toronto by connecting existing cycle and walking paths. The Path is intended to serve as an active living legacy for the Toronto 2015 Pan/Para Pan Am Games. It will link neighbourhoods and engage diverse communities across the city through opportunities for art, enriched public spaces, tourism and local economic development. The Pan Am Path will provide programming opportunities for artists and arts organizations across the City during TO2015; 11 of the 15 programming zones are located outside the downtown core, with an equitable distribution of opportunities across Wards. 22 large-scale arts projects will take place throughout the path during the Games, across the arts disciplines. TAC’s strategic support of FOPAP recognizes the Path as an important arts and culture initiative designed to create new opportunities for community-based arts activities, which will leverage the investment, marketing and participation around the Games to build new audiences for their work. Targeted Enhanced Funding $298,500 TAC provided targeted funding to selected organizations that receive operating grants to support the continuation or expansion of their work with children, youth and/or culturally diverse communities in Toronto, specifically for activities taking place outside the downtown core. These grants are separate from their operating grants and are intended to support the costs of the intensive work involved in this kind of high-engagement work. In Year One, programming was delivered in 30 schools, and in 26 community centres and outdoor spaces, in partnerships that utilized existing resources while supporting community and local participation and expression. 70% of the activities took place in priority neighbourhoods, with programming spread across a total of 23 Wards and 12 out of Toronto’s 13 priority neighourhoods. Toronto Alliance for the Performing Arts: Performing Arts mobile app $45,000 TAPA, an arts service organization with over 175 professional theatre, dance and opera company member, is developing an app that will be a mobile platform for all Toronto arts organizations. The goal of the app is to provide Torontonians and tourists with an easy-to-use, on-the-go way of finding out what, where and when performances are happening and to facilitate the purchasing of tickets. The goal of the project is to help increase audience attendance and participation in arts and culture, particularly through outreach to new and younger audiences. TAC is providing development funds for this new and innovative initiative because it has sector-wide benefits. 11 STRATEGIC FUNDING: RECIPIENT DETAILS Animating Historic Sites Programming Grant recipients Kaeja d’Dance, Montgomery's Inn - One of Canada’s longest-standing contemporary dance companies, Kaeja d'Dance, will engage the residents in communities surrounding Montgomery's Inn to produce four original community dance creations inspired by the history of the inn. Works featuring a cast of approximately 25 intergenerational community participants will be set within different areas of the inn and the grounds and presented in three early evening performances in the fall 2014. ($27,500) Keystone Theatre, Scarborough Museum - Keystone Theatre will engage the Youth Team at the Scarborough Museum in a multi-phase theatre project that will animate the space from April through June 2014, getting them involved in everything from set design to staging. The work that will be produced is created in the style of a silent film, responding to language barriers and the demographic makeup of Scarborough Village, where over half of residents are immigrants and over 26 languages are spoken. ($25,500) Memories of the Future, Gibson House - Curators Noa Bronstein and Katherine Dennis will bring together artists to respond to a theme through the creation of site and context specific installations at historic houses and museums. Using the visual language of the present and speculating on possibilities for the future, artists will expose, interpret and remember memories of the past. The artists who will produce site specific projects that respond to the history of Gibson House are: Robert Hengeveld, Matt Macintosh, Sara Angelucci, Eleanor King, and Department of Unusual Certainties. Gibson House will also be activated through programming such as artist talks and an artist-led tour of the neighbourhood. ($18,000) Words in Motion, Todmorden Mills - Words in Motion creates and delivers innovative arts programming that is rooted in and derived from the community, with storytelling at its heart. The company will present Voices in the Valley, a theatrical presentation of the history of Todmorden Mills from July through September, 2014. ($15,000) Exploration Grant recipients Alyssa Fearon, Scarborough Museum - Curator, arts programmer, and first generation Canadian Alyssa Fearon will design a participatory arts-based program that will involve community members in defining alternative ways of understanding the historic Scarborough Museum, as well as redefining their own role as developers of their own community. This site animation will be a platform to address the gaps and connections between newcomer, first generation Canadians and local Indigenous populations within Scarborough. Janine Marchessault, Zion Schoolhouse - Curator Janine Marchessault will undertake historical and curatorial research to organize a site specific exhibition called Of Progress at the Zion Schoolhouse. The goal is to invite eight Canadian artists in a variety of media to engage with the history of the school and surrounding community to think about the question of progress through changing forms of education. Through the story of the Zion Schoolhouse, this exhibition will tell a history of this land to open the door for new understandings of the current ecological crisis. Kathleen McDonnell, Montgomery Inn - Playwright and musician Kathleen McDonnell will work on the development of a site specific, participatory/interactive historical play with music for staging at Montgomery Inn. The play will feature a choir, with singers drawn from the local community. At this exploratory phase, the project will encompass two areas of work: research and writing of a draft script, including musical components, and outreach to local communities to explore the possibilities for participation, with emphasis on assembling a community choir. Tapestry New Opera Works, Todmorden Mills - Tapestry New Opera Works will explore the potential in creating a music-theatre/opera performance at Todmorden Mills with playwright Hannah Moscovitch about the Brooks Bush Gang. Single Thread Theatre Company, Gibson House - Single Thread Theatre Company will undertake initial work on a site-specific play about the story of the Gibson family and Gibson House, including research and exploratory work at the site with the actors, director and playwright. 12 Artists in the Library recipients D’bi Young Anitafrika, Oakwood Village Library and Arts Centre d’bi.young anitafrika is an internationally celebrated African-Jamaican-Canadian dubpoet, monodramatist, and educator. She is the published author of two collections of poetry, eight plays, two dubpoetry albums, and The Sankofa Trilogy. d’bi is the recipient of two Dora Mavor Moore Awards, among many others, and is the Program Designer and Facilitator of the Arts, Activism and AIDS Academy – a recent project of the Stephen Lewis Foundation. ($20,000) Dwayne Morgan, Cedarbrae Branch Dwayne Morgan is a spoken word artist and the 2012 Canadian Festival of Spoken Word National Poetry Slam Champion. He is founder of Up From the Roots entertainment, promoting the artistic contributions of African Canadian and urban influenced arts. In 2013, Morgan was honoured with a Star on the Scarborough Walk of Fame. He is the recipient of the African Canadian Achievement Award, the Harry Jerome Award for Excellence in the Arts and three Canadian Urban Music Awards. Dwayne has published seven books and recently started a poetry slam pilot project with York Region District School Board. ($20,000) FIXT POINT, Mimico Branch Founded in 2006, FIXT POINT is a professional theatre and media company engaging communities with site specific performance and audio art. Their goal is to preserve local heritage and promote neighbourhood cultures through art and storytelling. Their acclaimed project The Tale of a Town was produced as a full-length radio show for CBC Radio One and has toured across Ontario, engaging hundreds of community members around the province. FIXT POINT has produced widely acclaimed tours of original work around the world, including at the Edinburgh Festival and the Prague International Festival. ($20,000) Latoya Joy Lapps, Downsview Branch Joy Lapps is a musician, composer and arts educator whose primary instrument is the soprano steel pan. She has performed at festivals including Toronto’s Afrofest, Muhtadi’s International Drumming Festival, and Antigua’s Moods of Pan Festival. Joy has released four recordings and the self-titled EP Joy (2013). She has been nominated for a Harry Jerome Arts and Media Award and the Caribbean Music and Entertainment Award. Joy is founder of Steel Pan Experience, offering workshops and presentations to schools and communities across Toronto. ($20,000) Rukhsana Khan, Fairview Branch Rukhsana Khan is an award-winning author and storyteller who was born in Lahore, Pakistan and immigrated to Canada at the age of three. She has published twelve books ranging from picture books to short stories to teen novels. Her book Wanting Mor has and/or been shortlisted for fifteen awards and her picture book The Big Red Lollipop was chosen by the New York Times as one of the ten best illustrated books of 2010, and selected by New York Public Library as one of the 100 Greatest Children’s Books in the Last 100 Years. ($20,000) ArtReach Toronto recipients 4 Reasonz – Do What You Love (DWYL) is an intensive film and media-training project for ten youth in the Jane and Finch/Sheppard community. Throughout the process of a collaborative production, participants will undergo technical skill development workshops in script-writing, audio, electronic field production and studio production. The project will culminate in a film screening. ($10,000) Blackness Between Us – Blackness Between Us is an arts project that will work with two groups of Black youth from underserved communities to create a zine of writing and illustrations that explore alternative ways of healing and building healthy relationships. ($7,500) Blossom – Blossom is a fashion project for 15 young Muslim women in the Mount Denis & Dixon area. The five-month project addresses bullying and media stereotypes of conservatively dressed Muslim girls. It includes lessons in fashion illustration, hijab pin creation, sewing, pattern drafting and fashion photography. The work created in the project will be presented in a fashion show in the community. ($6,000) Breaking the Cycle (BTC) – The Cycle of Cinemateque is a film project for five past graduates of BTC Scarborough, an employment and gang exit strategy project. Over seven weeks, 13 participants will develop skills in camera, script writing, editing, photo and graphic design. Each participant will develop their own skit, two of which will be chosen by the group for production. Additionally, they will create public service announcements (PSAs) about gang violence that will be aired in schools, community centers and youth groups. ($10,000) Broadway from the Block (BFTB) is a Jane and Finch based, youth-run showcase that provides a stage to highlight the talent of youth in the area. The BFTB group will work to develop and present a multi-arts showcase including music, dance, drama and comedy. ($7,500) Canadian Roots Exchange – Digital Stories, Stories of Reconciliation is a storytelling and video project that will work with 30 youth from Indigenous and newcomer (refugees and immigrant) communities, and communities of colour. The project will use oral traditions to explore themes of diaspora, identity, and community building and draw parallels between underserved communities featuring a range of diversity. ($10,000) Darrel Gamotin – Navigation (NAV) is a six-month, arts-intensive, cultural immersion project for young Filipino men between the ages of 17 to 24. This multi arts project creates the space for participants to start a dialogue with each other, receive mentorship from professional artists within the community, have access to professional tools to hone their creativity, define their identity, explore their community, and tell their stories on their own terms. ($10,000) F-YOU: The Forgiveness Project – Grief - This writing project will be led by five youth who will publish a book of youth-written memoirs around the theme of grief. The 30 youth whose works are selected will participate in six workshops to develop their skills in storytelling, writing and spoken performance. Outreach will target youth in the downtown core, Regent Park, Jane and Finch and Rexdale who are coping with the impacts of loss and grief. (10,000) FCJ Network – The Art Between Us will involve professional mentors providing 12 workshops in each of the following arts forms: painting and drawing, theatre, and dance. The project will be led by a youth network housed at the FCJ Refugee Centre, and offered to up to 60 newcomer and refugee youth. Participants will develop pieces to be presented to the larger community at an inhouse event. ($10,000) Fitzroy Facey – Anti-Violence Anthem Project is a twelve-week creative experience for 16-22 year old artists living in two underserved communities in Toronto. Youth from two communities (representing the east and west sides of the city) will work together to develop a message of propeace and anti-violence. The group will then work alongside industry professionals to write and produce a collaborative song. An accompanying short film will be created, directed by young emerging filmmakers. ($10,000) Friends in Trouble – Project Screw Face will provide 20 racialized youth, ages 16-29, with artistic development opportunities in videography and filmmaking. Participants will create a documentary examining the hostility in first time encounters among racialized males, commonly known as "the screw face”. The film will be screened throughout priority neighbourhoods where the group will host panel discussions around the topic. ($10,000) Gashanti Unity – Portrait of a Lady: Courage -- In this project, 10 young Somali women will broaden their exposure to culturally specific art history from East Africa, and around the world, and then use this inspiration to create their own works. During the six-month project, participants will have access to arts professionals and culturally relevant role models to explore the arts and develop technical skills in photography and film. Participants will share their stories in an exhibition and screening event. ($13,500) Ill Nana – Right to Dance is an eight-week youth-led, dance intensive training project, accompanied by a 16-week series of drop in classes. The classes will culminate in a public showcase of ten LGBTTIQQ2S* youth participants’ solo, self-choreographed works. ($15,000) It Gets Fatter – It Gets Fatter is a youth-led collective that promotes body positivity and critical awareness of the harmful discourses that it counters. This project will provide a series of photography, writing and digital storytelling workshops to eight to ten self-identifying fat people of color across the GTA. The project will also include a retreat, and a public launch and showcase for the works produced. ($10,000) Jasmine Ali – Battlefield Project is a spoken word and hip-hop dance workshop series led by a 21 year old Regent Park community member, Jasmine Ali. 20 youth between the ages of 13 and 19 will participate in the sessions and plan a final event to demonstrate their new skills. ($10,000) Justin Anderson – Champions is an after school project teaching the art of Taekwondo to ten young men and women that are facing issues due to violence in the Malvern community. The 14 project will offer training and workshops (in partnership with Breaking the Cycle) in integrity, courage, and self-control while promoting anti-violence. The project will culminate in a showcase. ($9,500) Keep Rockin’ You – Toronto B-Girl Movement is a skill building, empowerment and confidence strengthening project for twenty-five young women. Sessions are two days per week and will offer breaking classes, and discussions surrounding women in hip-hop. The group will also be supported to attend and participant in public dance events. ($10,000) LGBT Asian Youth Films – LGBT Asian Youth Films will provide ten to fifteen LGBTQ+ participants from East and Southeast Asian communities a safe space to share their stories and passions, and challenge their barriers through film. Participants will attend workshops in writing, script development, production and editing. Youth will create pieces that will be shared at a screening and an online launch. ($10,000) Mad Arts Collective – Making Scenes, a Play on Madness - The Making Scenes project was developed in response to mainstream depictions of madness, and to arts production opportunities that are inaccessible to artists of various abilities and needs. The project will be a space to critique, commiserate, and create “mad media and art” on the group’s own terms. Participants will be engaged through conversations, trips to galleries, and events that explore the theme of madness. The project will culminate in the creation of a play and accompanying “docu-mental-ry”. ($10,000) Malvern Family Resource Centre – Through My Eyes will bring together ten youth with high functioning disabilities in Malvern. With the support of artists acting as mentors, participants will work as a collective to tell their stories through the art of photography, visual arts and drumming. The group will present and perform their works at three local events following the workshops. ($10,000) Ismailova Theatre of Dance – Open The Door will provide a space for 10 youth to develop skills in dance and theatre arts, culminating in a final showcase. Outreach will target newcomer youth, and youth with financial need from the Russian speaking, as well as Latina, South Asian and East Asian communities. ($10,000) Oswaldo Quiroz – Supporting Latino Artists Through Education (SLATE) is a film-training project for Hispanic males ages 16-24 who are interested in film, writing, acting, and music. Outreach will target youth who are out of school or in probation, and living in the Jane and Finch area. Throughout the 12 workshops, eight participants will work on two four-minute films that explore the theme of culture. The project will also provide entry-level training assistance for working on sets, with the goal of connecting youth to employment as production assistants. ($10,000) Patch Project – Portfolio Development Project (PDP) is a youth-led, capacity-building project for young newcomer artists residing in Toronto’s underserved communities. PDP will supports participants to develop their art skills by transforming the walls around construction sites into canvases that showcase their work to the public. ($10,000) Patrick de Belen – Poetry is our Second Language (PSL) is a five-week, youth-led workshop series that builds skills in poetry writing and spoken word performance among Filipino-Canadian youth. This project was developed by spoken word artist Len Cervantes, and is now being revived by a 21-year-old former participant. ($6,000) Pomegranate Tree Group – Heartbeats: The IZZAT Project is an initiative that will explore the spectrum of family violence (for example, forced marriage and “honour” related violence) through 12 workshops in theatre and community performance. The project will present their works in three dinners and talk back performances. ($15,000) Refuge Productions – In Search Of Our Stories is a film mentorship initiative for young women ages 20-29. The project that will provide skill development opportunities through the production of three short films focused on diasporic journeys. Participants will build their skills in the production process by supporting the production of the first film, playing key roles in the making of the second, and finally taking the lead on the third. ($10,000) Rex Pride – Queer Media Arts Project (Q-MAP2): Voicing Out is a multi-arts project based in Rexdale that will offer 5-20 LGBTQ+ youth access to multi arts programming that thematically focuses on sexual orientation and gender identity. Participants will create pieces with messages for social change in their community with the support of five mentors. ($15,000) 15 Tangled Art and Disability – Outta Your Mind is a project for culturally diverse youth with disabilities. “Krip-Crew” is a youth committee that will come together to spark the evolution of Krip-Hop culture in Toronto. The committee will develop “Skillz Development”, a series of intensive workshops in lyric-writing and beat-making with local artists. Finally, “Krip-Hop Nation: Toronto” will be a performance and professional development series with Krip-Hop giants Leroy Moore and Kounterclockwise. ($10,000) Unapologetic Burlesque – Workshops and Showcase - Unapologetic Burlesque is a workshop and skill share series with the goal of bringing burlesque back to its political roots, while prioritizing consent, accessibility and representation. The project will be offering free skill share workshops for youth to develop performances and create costumes, culminating in a sliding-scale showcase. ($10,000) Victoria Mejicano – The Community Crossover - Victoria Mejicano, a youth theatre performer and a newcomer from the Dominican Republic, will lead 15 youth from the Latino, Somali and Onkwehonwe communities in this four-month project. The Community Crossover will explore themes of immigration and settlement through performance, which will culminate in a showcase created and presented by the participants. ($10,000) Business for the Arts (artsVest™) recipients Phase One Recipients Abilities Arts Festival Acting Up Stage Theatre Company Inc. Amadeus Choir of Greater Toronto Amici Chamber Ensemble Angelwalk Theatre Arraymusic Art Starts Neighbourhood Cultural Centre Arts for Children and Youth ArtsSmarts/GénieArts B.A.A.N.N Theatre Centre Ballet Creole** C.C.M.C Music Gallery Cahoots Theatre Projects Canadian Children's Opera Company Canadian Cultural Society of the Deaf Canadian Rep Theatre Choirs Ontario Coleman Lemieux & Compagnie Continuum Contemporary Music Ensemble Dance Ontario Association Dancemakers Documentary Organization of Canada Dreamwalker Dance Company Esmeralda Enrique Spanish Dance Theatre** Expect Theatre Inc. Gallery 44 Centre for Contemporary Photography Hannon-Shields Centre for Leadership & Peace O/A Children's Peace Theatre Lab Cab Arts Festival Le Laboratoire d'art - Le labo inc.** Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto Literary Review of Canada Lula Music and Arts Centre MacBeck Studio Inc.,c/o DanceWorks Manifesto Community Projects Inc. Menaka Thakkar Dance Company of Canada Nightswimming Repertory Theatre Nightwood Theatre No.9: Contemporary Art and the Environment Ontario Crafts Council Open Studio $4,000.00 $9,000.00 $4,000.00 $1,000.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $5,000.00 $6,000.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $6,000.00 $2,100.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $5,000.00 $2,000.00 $2,400.00 $6,000.00 $2,000.00 $600.00 $1,000.00 $6,000.00 $5,000.00 $2,000.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $3,750.00 $2,000.00 $1,600.00 $1,600.00 $1,950.00 $5,000.00 $1,000.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $2,500.00 $7,500.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 16 Orpheus Choir of Toronto Pax Christi Chorale Planet in Focus: International Environmental Film & Video Festival Prefix Institute of Contemporary Art, Inc. Propeller Centre for the Visual Arts Regent Park Film Festival Roseneath Theatre Shakespeare in Action Sinfonia Toronto Small Theatre Administrative Facility Small World Music Society South Asian Visual Arts Centre** Studio 180 Theatre Talisker Players Chamber Music The Canadian Society of Childres Authors, Illustrators and Performers The Centre for Aboriginal Media O/A imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts The Company Theatre for Cultural Exchange and Education The Elmer Iseler Singers The Esprit Orchestra The Force for Cultural Events Production Inc. The Glenn Gould Foundation The Remix Project The Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition Theatre Columbus Theatre Direct Canada Theatre Gargantua Inc Theatre Ontario Toronto Animated Image Society Toronto Mendelssohn Choir Toronto Photographers Workshop Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival** Toronto Summer Music Foundation Volcano Non-Profit Productions Inc. Wavelength Music Arts Projects Whippersnapper Gallery Inc Young Voices Toronto Zata Omm Dance Projects $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $2,000.00 $7,500.00 $5,000.00 $5,400.00 $6,000.00 $1,600.00 $7,500.00 $2,000.00 $7,500.00 $1,750.00 $2,000.00 $6,000.00 $4,000.00 $2,000.00 $6,000.00 $2,500.00 $2,000.00 $6,000.00 $4,000.00 $6,000.00 $2,500.00 $5,000.00 $6,000.00 $4,000.00 $2,000.00 $5,500.00 $9,000.00 $7,500.00 $2,000.00 $7,500.00 $4,250.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 Phase Two Recipients to be announced in September 2014. 17 Platform A Micro-Grants Arts for Children and Youth micro-grant recipients Ascend Art Collective: An art collective rooted in creativity, learning, sharing and enjoying the creation of art. Through weekly workshops at the Ascend retail space facilitated by visual artist Felicia Samuels, 7-10 youth will learn the basics of art creation, business development and event planning, with the opportunity to engage the community and test the market with their creations during a final showcase / pop-up shop. ($990) Basement Apartment Films: Basement Apartment is a collective of 5 emerging filmmakers from priority areas of Toronto. The collective works together with the aim of mitigating the barriers faced by economically challenged filmmakers to entering the film industry by creating opportunities for emerging film makers to take their careers and professional development into their own hands. In weekly meetings the members of the Basement Apartment collective will share resources, develop skills and knowledge (through workshops, targeted mentorship and group work) and then apply those skills to the promotion, production and distribution of a short film, which will be created with additional crew members and mentors from the community. The short film will be screened at an event at Cinecycle. ($1,000) Community Unite Project: By participating in a series of workshops (led by resident elders, resident high school students, and two youth group coordinators), youth will learn how they can create healthy community dialogues. They will each use this learning to make a personal leadership statement pledging their involvement to their community on a self-designed ceramic plaque. The project’s goal is to engage and inspire youth ages 6-15 living the Kennedy/Eglinton priority neighbourhood and in the Birchmount/Eglinton area, to become more involved in their community. The workshops, and a showcase of the final artworks, will take place in the community room of a Toronto Community Housing building at 1021 Birchmount Road. ($1,000) Camelle D’andra Davidson: Visual Expressions is a community batik art program taking place in a Toronto Community Housing building in the Glendower community (Birchmount/Finch), in which an inter-generational collective of community artists will participate in weekly workshops to create various pieces of batik art based on themes that best represent them as individuals or as a community. They will develop artworks that tell a visual story about their community, city, life, history and what they have learned. The artworks will be showcased and shared with the community in an exhibition at the end of the program. ($890) Peta-Gaye Melissa Duff: Lost Dreams is an artist development program for young women between the ages of 15-29 who would not have access otherwise to professional music services. Over 10 weeks, the program will engage 5 young women to develop as recording artists by participating in full-day sessions at Sandbox Studios, in which they will gain performance and recording skills from 8 community artists acting as presenters and mentors. Community as audience. The program will result in a recorded compilation of songs, which will be shared with the community. ($990) Fitzroy Anthony Facey: The 8:45:66 Initiative is a collaborative project bringing together three generations, for a first-of-its-kind music program in the Malvern community. This initiative brings together a father and sons trio (an 8-year-old child, a 25-year old youth and an adult), who will collaborate to create and record 3 original songs. These songs will be shared with the seniors living in Toronto Community Housing senior care facilities, during 3 interactive performances. Each performance includes a hands-on music/instrument making session, and the seniors will be invited to play their hand-made instruments along with the musicians during the performance. ($1,000) Junior Francois Lavagesse: The 16 Bars Jae Lejit Documentary will raise awareness about artistic health, leadership and innovation through the creation of a documentary film/video that demonstrates the hip hop artist Jae Lejit’s creative process and his method of fusing music, visual imagery, and community-engaged artmaking. The film, which will include interviews from members of the Victoria Village community, as well as a “soundtrack” featuring musical imagery from 10-15 AFCY artists, will be unveiled in a 2-week exhibition/screening at a film studio. ($1,000) Casandra Erica London: The Casandra London Network Youth Program is a community driven initiative fusing together the art of theatre and journalism for diverse youth ages 19-28 making social and political differences in marginalized areas. Over the course of three months, 8 youth will attend weekly workshops (2.5 hrs each) where they will learn how to collectively create a play, produce an online video news report, and develop an event to showcase their work in the community. ($1,000) 18 Art Starts micro-grant recipients Nicole Little: Mixed media art installation using the artists own work, portraits created by contributing Toronto artists and wildlife studies created by Toronto youth collaged together in a large scale visual map representing the diversity of this city. ($1,000) Amefika Browne: An LGBTQ craft group called Krafty Queers who provide safe, sober, intergenerational spaces for people in the LGBTQ community to come together, connect and make art. ($1,000) Ananna Rafi: Addressing the issues of litter and public space in Flemingdon & Thorncliff Parks an eco-activist public art project using recycles and found objects to create artistic sculptural planter projects across the neighbourhood. ($1,000) Lindy Kinoshameg: First nations artist born on Manitoulin Island now living in Toronto looking to create and exhibit a series of drawings/projection installation pieces surrounding the concept of shape-shifting and documenting his growth from living on a reservation to an urban environment. ($1,000) Ohemaa Boateng: Engaging youthful parents who are currently in conflict with the law in artistic workshops to create a recorded CD of singing, spoken words or read aloud literary works as well as a handcrafted cover and companion booklet for their children) to help reconnect families while encouraging artistic expression and literacy skills. ($1,000) Genito Muchochoma: Dance performance artist from Mozambique who wishes to choreograph a full-length dance performance piece inspired by the life and history of Nelson Mandela. He hopes to perform his piece around Toronto in schools, theaters and in connection with the African diasporic community. ($1,000) Toronto Wordsmiths: A youth lead collective working together to provide ongoing creative writing and literary workshops. The program will culminate in a reading from participants and launch of an anthology zine. ($1,000) Khydup Gyatso: Addressing the issues of oppression through a variety of workshops the participants will work with the artist to create a depiction inspired by their discussions and bring together a visual narrative in the form of a graphic novel. ($1,000) Jumblies Theatre micro-grant recipients Alvis Choi: To conduct a creative research project with Chinese migrant workers about their change of occupation due to migration, and its impact on their social status, income level, lifestyle and health. ($1,000) Ben Lee: To explore diverse food rituals and traditions and develop a festive event, with participants from the Dufferin Grove Park Farmers Market and other community venues. ($1,000) Faten Toubasi: To implement a 5-day visual arts project at the Arab Community Centre of Toronto, with immigrant/refugee youth, creating images of home: in Toronto and original home. ($1,000) Jun Yee Wang: For the developmental phase of the Story of Silk, an inter-generational project taking place in Scarborough, using silk as a literal and figurative thread to bring together varied cultures, ecologies and histories. ($1,000) Lorenzo Pagnotta: To create a series of workshops for seniors living in the St. Clair and Glencairn area that will use performance and visual arts forms to explore the intersection between fitness and art-making. ($1,000) Pam Snell: For the initial phase of creating a participatory video that will set the stage for a larger Queering Families Project. ($1,000) Tamar Swartz: To create a series of accordion books with seniors through an open-studio process, at Parkdale Activity and Recreation Centre and/or another community venue. ($1,000) Josephine Yudnara De Ridder Linarez: To create four weekly community-collaborative percussion workshops resulting in a public performance in the Oakwood Village area. ($1,000) Sketch micro-grant recipients Salomeh Ahmadi: To create a photo series exploring Muslim women and non-Muslim women wearing hijabs. This series will deconstruct the cultural perception of the hijab and the women who wear them. ($1,000) 19 Whitney French: To create a high quality literary magazine that features writing and artwork from young women of colour. ($1,000) Heather Fulton: To create photo-based series around the theme of memory loss and nostalgia, using experimental forms of disintegration. ($1,000) Jessica Jordon: To create a 10 minute hand-drawn animation (7200 frames) entitled Blossom that will depict the emotional metamorphosis of womanhood through a feminist lens. ($1,000) Richael Laking: To create a series of paintings exploring the representation of First Nations people in pop culture and mainstream media. ($1,000) Funmilola Lawson: To create an 8 song EP entitled Deep in the Game that captures life growing up at Jane and Finch. ($1,000) Steve Mantyka: To create an etching series of juxtaposing images of Mount Pleasant cemetery and local coffee shops filled with life. ($1,000) Dynesti Williams: To create a 5-song EP exploring themes of self-discovery, re-birth, despair, and triumph. ($1,000) 20 Targeted Enhanced Funding recipients Aluna Theatre works in partnership with Casa Maiz, Centre for Spanish Speaking Peoples and Mujer to makes theatre more accessible for Latino Canadian audiences through touring performances into suburban neighbourhoods and providing youth training programs in Jane and Finch and Jamestown. ($15,000) B current works in partnership with Toronto Public Library and Toronto Community Housing Corporation to provide training workshops and access to the arts for youth in Jane and Finch, Lawrence Heights and Weston Mount Dennis communities. Workshops are geared towards the interest of the youth in each community. Guest artist facilitators are then engaged to instruct and explore different mediums with participants. Workshops in the past have included graffiti art, filmmaking, mask making, traditional African Dance, music recording, Urban/Hip Hop soundscaping, and drama/improv games. ($10,000) Bach Children's Chorus of Scarborough develops a love of music and singing in children through enjoyable learning and performing experiences. It is comprised of four separate choirs with a total membership of approximately 200 children and youth between the ages of 6 and 24. Rehearsals are held at Scarborough Bluffs United Church and the choir presents two annual concerts at the George Weston Recital Hall in the Toronto Centre for the Arts. ($10,000) The Canadian Children's Opera Company offers the OPERAtion KIDS program to introduce children ages 8-13 to the world of opera. OPERAtion KIDS is offered as an after school program in two locations, one in the east end and one in the west end of the city. and is also offered as a 6-week in-school program. Everyone is welcome, regardless of experience, knowledge or ability and each workshop includes an introduction to acting, singing, prop-making, costumes, writing scripts, creating sets and stage management. ($10,000) Clay and Paper Theatre is known for its puppetry, pageantry and processional theatre in public places. It will work in partnership with Success Beyond Limits, the Art Gallery of York University and a youth group from the Jane and Finch area to develop and produce a community-based parade in the Jane and Finch area that confronts the issue of poverty. The parade is part of a larger project that illuminates social justice priorities defined by the community youth. ($10,000) COBA, in partnership with the Malvern Family Resources Centre, will run a 12-week intergenerational program where participants will express themselves through movement and sound using a traditional African Diasporic vocabulary. Students will work with an instructor and live drummer to create their own stories; each participant's story will then be woven together to create a final work that will be presented at the Malvern Multicultural Festival. ($15,000) dance Immersion, in partnership with the Ngoma drumming ensemble, will provide weekly youth dance and drum classes at the Driftwood Community Centre in the Jane/Finch neighbourhood. 2013/14 sessions will take place in September-December, January-April, and March-June. ($5,000) Diaspora Dialogues will launch a new program that will nurture multiple emerging playwrights in partnership with Toronto theatre companies. Five emerging playwrights from diverse backgrounds will be partnered with theatre companies under the guidance of a dramaturge. The theatres - Obsidian, Cahoots, Theatre Columbus, Buddies in Bad Times, and Native Earth - all have distinct mandates addressing a spectrum of diversity. The program aims to be a hybrid of a playwright's residency and a multi-theatre playwrights unit bridging socio-cultural identities. The year long program would culminate in a public reading of each playwright's script at their respective host theatres. ($15,000) Dixon Hall Music School is home to over 260 students from the Regent Park, Moss Park and St. Lawrence neighbourhoods. For as low as $3 per lesson, students receive individual encouragement and attention from highly qualified and dedicated teachers in a welcoming, friendly environment. Students can also rent instruments (pianos, keyboards, violins, drum sets etc.) for as little as $3 per month. This unique experience of the arts is a lifeline for families from a particularly low income area of Toronto. Acquiring and excelling at a new skill in turn promotes self-esteem and builds a positive self-image. ($10,000) Drum Artz Canada will conduct the Samba Youth Program for at-risk youth ages 14-18 in the Jane-Finch neighbourhood. The program will deliver a series of educational world music and percussion workshops in three schools, followed by an afterschool program open to the 21 community. The focus of the program is on drumming, visual arts, singing, dance and the history of various musical genres. ($15,000) Dusk Dances will bring in two choreographers to work with youth over a 5 month period in three public schools in the Weston Road/St Clair area. The youth will create a dance work that they will perform at the Dusk Dances event in Earlscourt Park in 2014. ($20,000) Etobicoke Community Concert Band will present a series of Concerts In-The-Park at Etobicoke's Applewood Shaver House, featuring repertoire ranging from swing to jazz and from military brass to broadway hits. All concerts are free of charge. ($10,000) The Hanaford Street Silver Band Youth program gives young brass and percussion players, ages 10-24, the opportunity to participate in one of three brass ensembles: the Youth Band, for advanced highschool and university/college students; the Community Band, for intermediate highschool students; and the Junior Band, for beginners, ages 10-14. Members have the opportunity to participate in rehearsals, concerts, clinics, competitions, and recordings. The program runs from September through April, and includes weekly rehearsals and concert appearances, as well as an annual Young Artists Solo competition. Instruments are made available free of charge to students who don't have their own. ($6,000) Mammalian Diving will undertake a new youth-based mentoring project connecting their current youth participants in Parkdale to youth in Jane and Finch, Lawrence Heights, Malvern and Weston Mount Dennis. The aim is to help bridge the downtown / suburban divide. ($15,000) Manifesto's School of Community & Culture will include visual arts, dance, music, fashion, and arts education workshops designed to develop skills of emerging/mid-career artists and underserved youth from across the city. It will also include workshops on business, administration, and entrepreneurship in the arts, and eventually an on-the-job internship program. In 2014, a calendar of approximately 30 workshops will be offered, prior to launching the school with a physical space in 2015. ($20,000) Mural Routes will offer the Continuum apprenticeship and mentoring program for emerging youth artists, to give them practical, on-the-job experience in the field of mural art production. On-site training will take place where Mural Routes projects are active. The pilot program, which runs from June 10, 2013 to August 30, 2014, will mentor 8-10 participants. ($15,000) Ontario Association of Art Galleries is developing a 3 year mentoring program for culturally diverse public art gallery professionals who wish to prepare themselves for leadership roles. ($10,000) Pan Trinbago offers an annual, intensive five-week steelband camp in the summer for at risk youth. The free program exposes the young pannists to a variety of professional arrangers and styles and moods in music. At the end of the five weeks, students participate in Pan Alive, Pan Frenzy and Caribana. Pan Trinbago also has a year 'round program for youth that meets twice a week. ($5,000) Pleiades Theatre brings their Speak the Speech theatre workshops to schools and community centres in neighbourhoods outside the downtown core, including Crescent Town, Eglinton EastKennedy Park, Jamestown, Kingston-Galloway, Malvern, and Westminster-Branson. The program is delivered in French or English and includes collective creation, clown, mask, stage combat and text work. Play Upon the Word is a parallel education program that provides drama classes for adults in ESL courses. ($10,000) The Power Plant will create a residency program for contemporary artists that will focus on artistic projects that directly engage youth in the production in a sustainable manner. The Power Plant will partner with community organizations in priority neighbourhoods - Jane and Finch, Kingston Galloway, Lawrence Heights - to bring youth into the program. Youth programming will also be delivered off-site, in the neighbourhoods themselves. ($15,000) Regent Park School of Music provides high quality, affordable music education to youth in Regent Park and other high priority areas of the city, including Parkdale, Jane & Finch, and Lawrence Heights. Private lessons are available in piano, violin, viola, cello, guitar, voice, flute, saxophone, clarinet, trumpet, and percussion. Students can borrow their instrument for free from the school if they don't already own one. Group lessons are available in music theory, string ensemble, choir and early childhood music. ($7,000) 22 St. Christopher House Music School provides affordable, high quality music education to students of all ages in the west-central core of Toronto. It offers lessons in theory, harmony, piano, violin, viola, voice, guitar, flute, accordion, clarinet and recorder. In 2013/14, it will introduce a new children's choir for students ages 7-13. Common Threads Kids is a result of a long relationship with Common Thread Community Chorus. Students will learn a wide variety of fun songs that build a sense of belonging, respect for diversity, and positive social change from a youth perspective. ($2,000) Storytellers School of Toronto (aka Storytelling Toronto) will undertake phase three of the Village of Storytellers project in the Regent Park neighbourhood. The project was designed to acknowledge, strengthen and celebrate storytelling in the community. The goals of the project are for Regent Park residents to value sharing stories from their own backgrounds, cultures and personal experiences and engage in activities to each learn to tell a story. ($10,000) Theatre Direct Canada will continue The Firefly Project, a research project with pre-school children that offers week long residencies in kindergarten classes in nine schools. Using storytelling and story acting techniques, facilitators aid each child in telling their own story. The stories are enacted by their classmates, then illustrated and published as a book for the classroom. The work is conducted in neighbourhoods throughout the city, including Crescent Town, and Flemingdon Park-Victoria Village areas. ($10,000) Toronto Alliance for the Performing Arts (TAPA) works closely with a number of leading youth social service agencies to offer CitySPECIAL, a program that offers free tickets to disadvantaged and at-risk youth for theatre, dance and opera performances, ensuring that the arts remain accessible to all youth across the city, regardless of their social and economic background. TAPA also offers a discounted ticket program for students that offers $5 tickets to select preview performances. The program reaches participants in Crescent Town, Dorset Park, Eglinton EastKennedy Park, Jamestown, Jane and Finch, Kingston Galloway, Lawrence Heights, Scarborough Village, Steeles L'Amoreaux, Weston Mount Dennis. ($5,000) University Settlement Music School provides affordable, high quality music education for children and adults. In addition to individual lessons in piano, violin, viola, flute, clarinet, accordion and drums, it has an adult and a children's choir, chamber music programs, and computer music courses for intermediate and advanced players. ($6,500) VIVA! Youth Singers of Toronto provides singing opportunities for children and youth, ages 430, through its five choirs. Their Inclusion Program provides support for youth who have needs which affect their ability to thrive in any area of their choral experience. Support is determined on an individual basis by the Inclusion Coordinator and the chorister's Conductor. Needs of choristers in the Inclusion Program tend to emerge from disabilities typical to any school environment, such as Autism, Down’s Syndrome, ADHD, Learning Disabilities, and other physical or intellectual disabilities. All choirs are inclusive to and provide support for youth who have disabilities. ($11,000) Young People's Theatre is working to deepen the level of engagement with schools from priority neighbourhoods, inviting new schools to take part in Arts Impact (an outreach program that packages heavily subsidized* tickets for 60 students - approximately 2 classrooms - to a YPT show, with pre- and post-performance workshops in the classroom) and the active recruitment of Member Schools in Lawrence Heights, Flemingdon Park-O'Connor, Crescent Town, Eglinton East-Kennedy Park and Scarborough Village areas. Member Schools is a more intensive program than Arts Impact, in that it involves all students in the school and provides more inclassroom workshops, plus enrichment programs related to research and exploration. *The ticket subsidy for Arts Impact is 80% and for Member Schools it ranges from 25% to 100%, based on needs of school. ($15,000) 23 ARTS DISCIPLINE 2013 ANNUAL AND MULTI-YEAR OPERATING DESCRIPTIONS A Space is an artist-run centre with a mandate to be politically engaged, issue/community based, technically innovative, antiracist, anticensorship and accessible. The gallery develops programs that support emerging artists, new artistic practices and work that is informed by a culturally specific aesthetic. The organization also encourages public interest in the arts and provides a venue for communication between artists and audience. A Space is one of a few established galleries in Canada dedicated to community art as a defined artistic practice. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $62,000 Acting Up Stage Theatre Company produces, develops and promotes better understanding of contemporary musical theatre. 2013/14 activities include productions of Once On This Island (Lynn Ahrens/Stephen Flaherty) in association with Obsidian Theatre, a tour to Alberta of Do You Want What I Have? A Craiglist Cantata (Bill Richardson/Veda Hille), a revival of Elegies: A Song Cycle (William Finn), their annual musical concert at Koerner Hall, and a variety of mentoring and training initiatives. ANNUAL OPERATING $15,000 Alameda Theatre develops and produces work by Latino Canadian artists. In 2013/14, they will hold their sixth DeColores Festival of new works and Nueva Voz, a youth mentoring program. ANNUAL OPERATING $15,000 Aluna Theatre Collective develops and produces culturally diverse performance work with a focus on Latin Canadian and women artists. In 2013/14, they will produce the 2nd Panamerican Routes Festival a biennial international interdisciplinary festival including productions of Quilchena (Tara Beagan), The Architecture of Terrorism (collective creation), El Refugio de Freidel/Friedel's Refuge (Lillian Suarez Henao) and La Maleta (Beatriz Pizano). They will continue development of new works and mentoring of emerging artists and newcomer artists through their residency program. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $30,000 The Amadeus Choir of Greater Toronto, under the direction of Lydia Adams, is a 90-voice auditioned choir known for its professionalism, musicality and diverse programming. It performs an annual fourconcert subscription series in the George Weston Recital Hall, presenting well-known artists in works by Canadian and international composers. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $25,375 Amici Chamber Ensemble presents an annual four-concert series at the Glenn Gould Studio featuring guest artists, performs in concerts produced by other organizations, commissions new works by Canadian composers and undertakes education and outreach initiatives in Toronto schools. ANNUAL OPERATING $18,000 Aradia Ensemble specializes in the performance of Baroque and Classical chamber, orchestral and vocal repertoire on period instruments. ANNUAL OPERATING $10,000 Arraymusic commissions and performs contemporary Canadian and international music, especially the work of emerging composers. Activities include an annual season of concerts, an annual Young Composers' Workshop; the operation of a permanent rehearsal studio and offices and a resident artists program. ANNUAL OPERATING $38,090 Art Bar Poetry Series hosts weekly readings at Q Space on College Street. Theme nights encourage wider participation by emerging artists and engage audiences; the annual Music & Poetry Night, Black History Night, and Discovery Night (featuring emerging and first-time poets) remain popular. A monthly email promoting the initiative is distributed to more than 375 individual community members, publishers and professional writers' organizations across the country. ANNUAL OPERATING $7,000 24 Art Gallery of York University is a university-affiliated public art gallery that provides exhibitions, programs and related activities focusing on contemporary art. Its aim is to enrich the cultural and intellectual environment of York University and the surrounding regions. The gallery maintains a permanent collection and outdoor sculpture garden for the university. It generates circulating exhibitions and undertakes an extensive award winning publishing program. Out There is a program through which the gallery works with youth from Jane/Finch, resulting in programming in the gallery - Chronicles of the Outspoken (2012) - and in the community - Artmaking and Performance for Social Justice (2013). MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $55,000 Art Metropole is a contemporary visual arts centre dedicated to a non-geographical notion of community. The organization is committed to representing both local and international artists at varying stages of their career. The distribution of artists' multiples and publications in a fashion that bypasses the museum and gallery system is a prominent feature of the operations. They wholesale and retail artists' products, represent artists' products at contemporary art fairs, in publications and on the web. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $38,000 Art of Time Ensemble is a chamber music collective that is committed to finding new ways of blending classical music with other genres and other art forms in order to give it the contemporary relevance and context it needs to find a broader audience. It presents an annual series of concerts at Harbourfront Centre's Enwave Theatre. ANNUAL OPERATING $40,000 Art Starts Neighbourhood Cultural Centre is a community-based arts program with headquarters at the Yorkdale Mall and satellite projects all over the city. It works with professional artists in a variety of artforms, bringing them together with people from the neighbourhood. It serves all ages with participants from diverse ethnic backgrounds. All programs are free or low cost. Core programs include workshops, youth projects, festivals, multi-media projects, community collaborations, and open studios. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $65,000 Artists Film Exhibition Group presents a year-round film and video exhibition screening program dedicated to the presentation and appreciation of contemporary and historical film and video by local, national and international artists under the name Pleasure Dome. At the core of its mandate is the intention to make time based work accessible to as many sectors of the public as possible. The curated programs feature both established and emerging creators working in shorter length or small format pieces, nontraditional media and projects that bring together film and video with performance and installation components. An emphasis is placed on seeking out work created by those in underrepresented groups - people of colour, gay/lesbian, women and younger producers. ANNUAL OPERATING $23,000 Arts for Children and Youth engage young people living in priority neighbourhoods in high quality and accessible arts programming that is developed in collaboration with community and education partners. AFCY positions arts programs in schools and neighbourhood venues as a means to build community and empower marginalized children and youth as decision makers who can realize their full potential as social contributors. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $37,000 Arts Inter-Media/Dance Collection Danse (DCD) is a national repository for Canadian dance archives. Founded in 1974 by Lawrence and Miriam Adams, DCD manages the country's largest collection of dance artifacts and documents - over 600 portfolios. The organization promotes dance in Canada through costume and document exhibits, publications in print, audio-visual and digital media, and research, education and advocacy. 2013/14 activities include digitizing their collections. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $31,000 Ashkenaz Foundation is dedicated to fostering an increased awareness in Yiddish culture through the cultural arts. At the centre of the Foundation activities is the biennial Ashkenaz festival celebrating over 100 years of Jewish creativity in the Diaspora and featuring Yiddish artists from all over the world. Musically, its roots are in traditional Klezmer music, but it has successfully melded with urban influences of modern jazz, the influences of Spain, and hip hop. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $50,000 25 b current presents works from the Canadian and international Black Diaspora focusing on alternative productions and arts education programs. In 2013/14, it will remount Obeah Opera; hold afterRock, a play development series that will feature 3 Parts Harmony (Raven Dauda); present their annual rock.paper.sistahz festival; and offer a variety of training and mentoring projects plus community-based events. ANNUAL OPERATING $25,000 Bach Children's Chorus of Scarborough, under the direction of founding conductor Linda Beaupre, develops a love of music and singing in children through enjoyable learning and performing experiences. The choir presents two annual concerts at the George Weston Recital Hall in the Toronto Centre for the Arts as well as offering training and touring opportunities to their members. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $18,500 Ballet Creole (BC) was founded in 1990 by Artistic Director Patrick Parson, and presents contemporary dance works that testify to the heritage of African and Caribbean cultures as they interface with European traditions. 2013/14 activities include a mainstage remount of Breaking Out and touring of their annual holiday season production, Soulful Messiah. ANNUAL OPERATING $23,750 Ballet Jorgen Canada (BJC) was founded in 1987 by Susan Bodie and Bengt Jorgen, with a mission to advance the art of ballet and choreography through the artistic vision of Bengt Jorgen. 2013/14 activities include production of a new dance film, and performances of The Velveteen Rabbit and Romeo & Juliet. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $90,000 Buddies in Bad Times is committed to the development and production of queer theatrical expression. Their 2013/14 season includes: Pig (Tim Luscombe), Dinner at Seven Thirty (Theatre Rusticle), Damnee Manon, Sacree Sandra (Michel Tremblay), The Wanderers (Kawa Ada), The Gay Heritage Project (Damien Atkins, Paul Dunn and Andrew Kushnir), Hackerlove (Sky Gilbert), Quicksand (inDANCE), and Me Talking to Myself in the Future (Marie Brassard). They will hold 35th Rhubarb Festival, Strange Sisters Cabaret and Pride 14 events and continue their play development activities. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $137,000 Cabaret Company was founded to produce the works of Sky Gilbert and associate artists. In 2013/14, they will produce the premiere of Hackerlove (Sky Gilbert) and continue work on development and mentoring projects including Free Jane, GenderPlay, and Kitchen Party. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $13,000 The Cabbagetown Community Arts Centre offers low-cost instruction in music to more than 300 children and youth from Regent Park and Cabbagetown. CCAC offers programs in piano, violin, drums, guitar, bass, saxophone and flute. They also offer a summer camp, and after school programs: homework club, visual arts, karate, dance & photography. Through rentals to community groups and local partnerships, the building is a hub of activity for local artists and arts organizations. ANNUAL OPERATING $18,500 Cahoots Theatre Projects develops and presents new Canadian work that reflects Canada's cultural diversity. In 2013/14, it will premiere The Wanderers (Kawa Ada) and continue its work on new play development through their HotHouse series and other initiatives. ANNUAL OPERATING $40,000 The Canadian Alliance of Dance Artists - Ontario Chapter (CADA-ON) was established in 1986 to improve the economic status and working conditions of dance artists in Ontario. A membership-based organization, it has chapters in Ontario and B.C. Of Ontario members, 75% live in Toronto. 2013/14 activities include diversity outreach to expand the reach of its services, including to the African diaspora, urban dance, Flamenco, and South Asian communities. ANNUAL OPERATING $13,250 Canadian Children's Opera Company introduces opera to children and youth through professional musical and dramatic education and the performance of operatic and choral repertoire. The 2013/14 season includes semi-staged version of East of the Sun and West of the Moon, Winter Celebrations (a concert featuring the junior choir divisions), and a tour of Dickens of a Christmas. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $20,500 26 Canadian Contemporary Dance Theatre (CCDT) was founded in 1980 as a professional repertory company (with an accompanying training school) of children and young adults). They perform the works of professional choreographers for children, youth and the general public under the leadership of artistic director Deborah Lundmark and managing director Michael deConinck Smith. 2013/14 activities include the presentation of their annual holiday program Wintersong, and the SolarDance educational outreach project. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $45,000 Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Centre (CFMDC) was incorporated in 1972 as an artist-run centre with a mandate to distribute and promote the work of independent filmmakers. The centre deals with animation, drama, documentary and experimental work, and holds a collection of over 3,000 titles. These are marketed worldwide to educational institutions, community groups, festivals, cinematheques, repertory theatres, and broadcasters. The CFMDC provides financial return to artists through the sale and rental of their work, and seeks to broaden the audience for Canadian independent film. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $48,000 The Canadian Music Centre promotes the works of Canadian composers and encourages the performance and appreciation of Canadian music by maintaining a comprehensive library of published and unpublished scores, tapes, CDs and books; offering educational programs to students and teachers; and providing promotional and advocacy services. ANNUAL OPERATING $70,000 Canadian Stage produces contemporary works from the Canadian and international repertoire. Its 2013/14 mainstage season includes Venus in Furs by David Ives; an Ex Machina production of Needles and Opium by Robert Lepage, Helen Lawrence by Stan Douglas and Chris Haddock, London Road by Alecky Blythe and Adam Cork; the Akram Khan Company production of Desh, choreographed and performed by Akram Khan; and a Kidd Pivot production of The Tempest Replica, choreographed and directed by Crystal Pite. Berkeley Street Theatre will feature Belleville by Amy Herzog, in association with Company Theatre; Tribes by Nina Raine, in association with Theatrefront Productions; The Flood Thereafter and Yukon Style by Sarah Berthiaume, translated by Nadine Desrochers; Winners and Losers by Marcus Youssef and James Long, in association with Theatre Replacement, Neworld Theatre and Crow's Theatre. The Shakespeare in High Park production will be The Taming of the Shrew and Macbeth played in rep. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $820,000 The CanAsian Dance Festival presents traditional and contemporary dance by artists working in Asian and Asian-influenced dance forms; commissions Canadian dance works, and produces professional development activities. The 2013 Festival will be held April 27 to May 12 with mainstage, late-night, student matinee, dance forum, workshop, and master class programming. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $18,000 CARFAC Ontario (Canadian Artist Representation Ontario/le front des artistes canadiens) acts as a professional body for artists for the advancement of their common interest and assists in their negotiations with individuals and institutions. Initiatives and core services include publications, professional development and consultations, legal advice, a relief fund and a resource centre. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $20,000 Carlos Bulosan Theatre produces work that reflects the social and political issues affecting the Filipino community and creation of new works by Filipino-Canadian artists. In 2013/14, they plan to work on play development, launch a training program for directors and a new community-engaged arts program for youth with Kapisanan Community Centre. ANNUAL OPERATING $6,000 Cathedral Bluffs Symphony Orchestra is a community orchestra that presents an annual five-concert subscription series with pre-concert lectures at the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto. It also hosts an annual concerto competition for young musicians, and presents an annual free concert featuring young artists at the Scarborough Civic Centre. ANNUAL OPERATING $15,000 Cedar Ridge Studio Gallery is volunteer-run gallery located within the city-owned Cedar Ridge Creative Centre. Each year it organizes juried exhibitions of contemporary art, offers rental space to local artists, operates a Sunday Open Studio for potters, and exhibits its permanent collection. It also collaborates on 27 arts programming for youth in the East Scarborough area. ANNUAL OPERATING $5,500 The Centre for Aboriginal Media produces the imagineNATIVE Film and Media Arts Festival annually in October, focusing on new film, video, radio, and new media works by emerging and established Aboriginal artists. Programming includes annual retrospectives, curated programs, and showing of significant groundbreaking and legacy works. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $55,000 The Centre for Indigenous Theatre is committed to the training and professional development of Native performing artists from across Canada. They base their training on Indigenous knowledge, cultural values, and traditions that inform contemporary expression of indigenous performing arts. In 2013/14, they will present Girl Who Loved Her Horses (Drew Hayden Taylor) and White Buffalo Calf Woman (Rose Stella); offer a wide range of workshops for students in their three year training program; continue a variety of programs and initiatives to strengthen aboriginal performance training in Toronto and Canada; and move into a new ArtScape facility on Shaw Street. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $34,000 Charles Street Video is a video production/post production facility for artists, and is dedicated to providing its members with affordable access to a range of electronic media production tools, technical support and training. The centre provides opportunities through residencies and a youth production program. It also supports opportunities through workshops, orientations, scholarships, a newsletter, the C$V program and sponsorship of screenings. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $54,500 Children's Peace Theatre, based at the Massey-Goulding historic site in Taylor Creek park, serves the Crescent Town neighbourhood through a range of year-round and summer programs, including theatre and visual arts workshops, conflict transformation workshops, and original theatre productions. Their main participants are children and youth from a wide range of cultural backgrounds. Peace Camp is one of their largest programs. ANNUAL OPERATING $18,000 The Chimera Project was founded in 1999 as the vehicle for choreographer Malgorzata Nowacka. The contemporary dance company describes its aesthetic as one informed by compelling themes and intense raw physicality; their activities encompass creation, production, film, and education. 2013/14 activities include the creation of new full-length works and educational tours to First Nations communities. ANNUAL OPERATING $10,000 Chinese Artists Society of Toronto (CAST) promotes Chinese artists and culture through an annual concert series that provides local artists with the opportunity to perform, preserves traditional Chinese art forms and supports new compositions by Chinese Canadian composers. ANNUAL OPERATING $13,000 The Chinese Opera Group of Toronto preserves the traditional performing arts of Beijing Opera in Canada. Chinese opera is a unique art form that requires the combined efforts of visual artists, actors, musicians and dancers to tell a collective story. In addition to mounting one fully staged Beijing opera performance annually, the organization presents smaller lecture demonstrations and undertakes youth training and mentoring initiatives. ANNUAL OPERATING $10,000 Clay and Paper Theatre employs the elements of commedia dell'arte, pantomime, mask, puppetry and pageantry to develop popular and processional theatre in public places. In 2013/14, they will produce their summer show A Settler's Story: Our Last Best Hope; work on the development of Architecture XX Project in collaboration with Kenyan artists; and stage their community-engaged events - Puppets on Ice, Day of Delight, Night of Dread and the new Twelfth Night Show. In addition, they will continue mentoring work with emerging artists and begin a partnership with Art Gallery of York University to work in the Jane/Finch community. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $20,000 Collective of Black Artists (COBA) was founded in 1993 by co-artistic directors BaKari Lindsay and Charmaine Headley, with musical director Richard Cumberbatch. They present traditional West African and Caribbean dance and music, as well as contemporary work developed from an Africanist movement 28 aesthetic. 2013/14 activities include production of their annual season performance and teaching their AFeeree movement system in Toronto classrooms. ANNUAL OPERATING $30,000 Coleman Lemieux & Compagnie (CLC) was founded by Laurence Lemieux and Bill Coleman. Their mandate includes creative innovation and cultural participation; their projects often bring together choreographers and dancers with diverse amateur artists and non-artists. 2013/14 activities include both Coleman and Lemieux debuting new mainstage choreographies. ANNUAL OPERATING $25,000 Contact Contemporary Music is dedicated to the creation, production and presentation of contemporary music, with a focus on Canadian music, representing and recognizing diverse socio-cultural communities, and the LGBT community. Their annual activity is centred around Intersection, their new music festival at Yonge/Dundas Square. ANNUAL OPERATING $7,250 Continuum presents concerts featuring the core ensemble of flute, clarinet, violin, cello, piano, and percussion, as well as unusual instrumental combinations. The organization has been responsible for commissioning and premiering over 100 new works from emerging and established Canadian and International composers. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $21,000 Corpus Dance Projects, led by artistic director David Danzon, creates work combining dance, comedy and physical theatre to create unique dance concepts presented in both traditional and unusual venues. 2013/14 activities include the creation of a new mainstage dance work, and continuation of their community collaboration with Jamii called "The Esplanadians". MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $30,000 Crow's Theatre focuses on the development support, production and touring of new plays that "question accepted truths about our history, our times and the communities in which we live." In 2013/14, they will produce the Toronto premiere of Winners and Losers (Marcus Youssef/James Long), develop new works by Damien Atkins and Annabel Soutar, and tour SEEDS (Anabel Soutar) to Montreal, Calgary, Ottawa and Vancouver. They will continue work on their facility plans in Leslieville including a variety of arts outreach projects to engage the neighbourhood. ANNUAL OPERATING $34,000 dance Immersion was founded in 1994 to cultivate and provide presentation, networking and professional development opportunities for dance artists of African descent and/or whose practices are rooted in the African Diaspora. Vivine Scarlett is the founder, program director and curator. 2013/14 activities include their annual mainstage showcase presentation at Harbourfront Centre, and workshop series with renowned African artists. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $25,000 Dance Ontario Association is a membership-based service organization dedicated to the advancement of all forms of dance in Ontario. 2013/14 activities include completing a report from the Connecting the Dots symposium, a three-year, cross-sectoral project connecting their members with leaders in all areas of the dance field to identify community needs; and Dance Expeditions, a performance series for artists (youth to senior, amateur, professional or community-based) whose dance fuses styles or elements that represent diversity. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $20,000 The Dance Umbrella of Ontario (DUO), founded in 1988, assists and supports professional dance creators in Ontario, providing subsidized arts management, administration and business services, as well as a resource centre and advocacy. In 2013/14, DUO will undertake community consultations and communications initiatives as they launch their new mission and vision. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $28,850 Dancemakers was founded in 1974, and presents a contemporary dance season as part of Harbourfront's Next Steps series, a home season at the Dancemakers Centre for Creation, and various other initiatives such as mentorships, pre-professional education, laboratories, and residencies. 2013/14 activities include celebration of their 40th anniversary during their season performances, with a focus on 29 cross-disciplinary collaborations between emerging and established artists. ANNUAL OPERATING $87,000 DanceWorks, a presenter of contemporary dance founded in 1977, supports the creation, production and dissemination of choreography by independent dance artists and small-scale companies. 2013/14 activities include collaborations with dance Immersion and Series 8:08 for residencies, and presentations of works by Toronto companies firstthingsfirst and Signal Theatre and by Vancouver company 605 Collective. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $55,000 Diaspora Dialogues supports the creation and presentation of new fiction, poetry and drama that reflects the complexity of the city through the eyes of its richly diverse writers. Activities include a combined mentoring/commissioning program, a multidisciplinary reading/performance series, professional development seminars and artist-run workshops for youth. ANNUAL OPERATING $30,000 Dixon Hall Music School provides affordable, high quality music education to young people from the Regent Park neighbourhood. In addition to lessons in piano (classical and blues), guitar (classical and folk), percussion, violin, saxophone and other orchestral instruments, the organization operates a March Break camp, an overnight summer music camp, a summer music day camp and a Listening Library. ANNUAL OPERATING $20,000 The Doris McCarthy Gallery at U of T is the only exhibition space in Scarborough dedicated to contemporary art. Through interdisciplinary programming they encourage audiences to think critically and to examine life. The DMG includes a wide diversity in programming including cultural and youth programs. They produce catalogs and interpretive texts, including online audio guides and videos for their exhibits. They have commissioned several permanent sculptural works on campus. In 2013 they are opening a competition for artwork for the 2015 Pan and Para Pan Games for the Aquatic Centre. They have been able to secure further funding for a lecture series. 2014 marks the 10th anniversary of DMG, and they plan to increase their greater community involvement within the celebrations. ANNUAL OPERATING $45,000 Dreamwalker Dance Company is the vehicle for dancer/choreographer Andrea Nann's inter-disciplinary dance collaborations and arts education initiatives. 2013/14 activities include the continuation of Nann's residency with the Young Centre, The Whole Shebang performance and literary regional projects for youth education, and the creation of six new works. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $15,000 Drum Artz Canada is committed to making music and arts programming accessible to all people regardless of age, class, race, (dis)ability or gender. With a range of educational programs headed by professional artists, DAC encourages creative expression, team building, youth leadership and selfesteem. They run programs for kids, youth, adults and families that offer training in world music drumming, steel pan, breakdancing, stilt-walking, and visual arts. Their Samba Kidz and Youth troupe performs during community events across the city. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $17,000 Dusk Dances is an event curated by Sylvie Bouchard that presents dance in urban public parks at dusk. Running independently since 1996, it also fosters community partnerships by conducting workshops and commissioning young choreographers in priority neighbourhoods. The 2013 edition includes the flagship 6 day festival in Withrow Park featuring choreography from Susie Burpee, Throwdown Collective, and Compania Carmen Romero. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $31,000 Echo Women's Choir specializes in music from village singing traditions from around the world, performing both contemporary and traditional choral music. It presents two concerts each season at Church of the Holy Trinity and performs at festivals and events produced by other organizations. Each year it hosts two workshops with local experts in a particular folk tradition. ANNUAL OPERATING $5,000 The Elmer Iseler Singers is a professional 20-voice chamber choir that commissions and performs new works in addition to classical choral repertoire. It produces an annual five-concert subscription series in 30 Toronto in addition to its many other engagements through collaborations with other arts groups. ANNUAL OPERATING $34,000 The Esmeralda Enrique Spanish Dance Company (EESDC) was founded in 1982. Esmeralda has been training Canadian artists in flamenco for thirty years through the affiliated Academy of Spanish Dance; she now has an ensemble of dancers who perform with her and continue to train in Canada and Spain. 2013/14 activities include The Art of Flamenco biennial symposium, and creation of a new mainstage work. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $23,000 Esprit Orchestra commissions, performs and promotes new music by Canadian composers. It presents a four concert subscription series at Koerner Hall. Their education program, Towards a Living Art, provides study guides for teachers to accompany the student concert performances. Creative Sparks is a mentoring project in new music creation, performance, appreciation and leadership which pairs professional composers with students in the classroom over a number of weeks. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $84,500 Etobicoke Centennial Choir is a 48-member mixed voice choir serving West Toronto. It presents a 3concert subscription series at Humber Valley United Church that encompasses a varied repertoire of classical and contemporary works, both sacred and secular. ANNUAL OPERATING $4,750 Etobicoke Community Concert Band provides an opportunity for amateur musicians to perform diverse and entertaining repertoire ranging from swing, to jazz and from military brass to broadway hits. In addition to the concerts performed at Etobicoke Collegiate, the band accepts invitations for other engagements and participates in a number of outreach activities. ANNUAL OPERATING $6,500 Etobicoke Philharmonic Orchestra is a community orchestra that performs symphonic repertoire in its annual five concert subscription series in a local school auditorium. It also accepts invitations to perform at concerts produced by other organizations. ANNUAL OPERATING $11,000 Exultate Chamber Singers is a 25-member mixed voice chamber choir that performs repertoire spanning six centuries of sacred and secular choral music. It presents an annual four-concert subscription series at St. Thomas' Anglican Church in Toronto and makes guest appearances in communities throughout Ontario. ANNUAL OPERATING $7,000 Factory Theatre develops, produces and promotes original Canadian theatre. Their 2013/14 season will include: The Gravitational Pull of Bernice Trimble (Beth Graham), Essential Questions (Priscila Uppal), Beatrice & Virgil (Lindsay Cochrane), and BINGO! (Daniel MacIvor). They will continue their new play development programs including Factory Wired 2014, a new play showcase. ANNUAL OPERATING $158,000 FADO Performance Inc. is the only artist-run centre in English Canada dedicated specifically to performance art. Their mandate is to advance the knowledge and appreciation of performance art and to support the development and production of the art form through residencies, lectures, discussion, exchanges, festivals, conferences, publications, workshops and classes. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $24,000 The Franklin Carmichael Art Group runs a community-based arts centre in north Etobicoke, promoting the visual arts by providing art classes for children, teens, adults and seniors, supporting art exhibitions, and sponsoring juried art shows for its members and the north Etobicoke community. ANNUAL OPERATING $5,000 The Fringe of Toronto is dedicated to the promotion and prosperity of the independent theatre community. It aims to provide affordable entertainment for audiences and development opportunities for artists. In 2013/14, they will continue to present their annual 12 day, non-juried event in July and their curated Next Stage Festival in January. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $77,000 31 fu-GEN Theatre Company supports the development and production of work by Asian-Canadian artists. In 2013/14 season they will develop new works: Three Years and Eight Months (Donald Woo), The Boxing Show (Ravi Jain and David Yee), Nine Dragons (Jovanni Sy), Untitled Fu Manchu Play (Guillermo Verdecchia and David Yee) and host an international artist exchange project with Theatre Replacement (Vancouver), East/West Players (Los Angeles) and Ma-Yi Theatre (New York). MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $20,000 Fujiwara Dance Inventions was established in 1991 as a vehicle for the work of dancer / choreographer Denise Fujiwara, whose contemporary dance practice is based in Butoh. 2013/14 activities include the creation of a large site-specific work, and a commission for Dancemakers. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $17,000 Gallery 44 is an artist-run centre committed to the advancement of contemporary Canadian photography. The gallery maintains a number of major program areas: a main gallery, member's gallery and exhibition vitrines, photographic production facilities, and services to artists and young people through workshops and education in the schools program. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $73,000 The Hannaford Street Silver Band is an award winning professional brass band and Resident Company of Toronto's St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts. Its mission is to honour the traditions of the brass band art form and at the same time, place it in a contemporary context with a unique Canadian point of view. HSSB also sponsors and administers three youth bands. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $28,000 Harbourfront Centre's mission is to nurture the growth of new cultural expression, stimulate Canadian and international interchange, and provide a dynamic, accessible environment for the public to experience the marvels of the creative imagination. Annual programs include the World Stage series of international contemporary performance; the NextSteps dance series; HATCH and Fresh Ground, two programs that foster the creation of new work; the signature summer festivals program; HarbourKIDS providing interactive hands-on activity for children and families; Music with Bite music concerts for families; and visual arts programs, including architecture and craft. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $265,000 Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival is an annual film festival (late April/early May) that celebrates Canadian and international documentary film and video. The program features over one hundred public screening programs and a conference comprised of workshops and panel discussions, forums, awards and a videoteque. In addition to the festival, the organization presents Doc Soup, which is a year round monthly screening and discussion series, and an international filmmakers exchange along with an online marketplace initiative. The group recently launched a new programming headquarters at the renovated Bloor Cinema. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $72,000 Inner City Angels provides quality arts education opportunities to Toronto school children led by professional interdisciplinary artists. It runs creative multidisciplinary programs and workshops in Toronto schools, provides support to artists and collaborates with Mariposa in the Schools on initiatives that bring the arts into Toronto's inner city and priority neighbourhood schools. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $36,500 Inside Out Film & Video Festival presents the annual Toronto Lesbian and Gay Film and Video Festival that exists to challenge attitudes and change lives through the promotion, production, and exhibition of film and video by and about lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans persons of all ages, races and abilities. In addition to the screening program, a series of professional forums and networking opportunities are presented. The ten-day festival held in May has grown exponentially over its history and has become a model for other like organizations around the world. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $45,000 InterAccess is an artist-run centre for electronic media arts. It explores the intersection of culture and technology through the creation, exhibition and critique of electronic art forms and new communications media. The centre's mission is to expand the cultural space of technology with extensive program activities that support curated exhibitions, production projects, user groups, workshops, artist' talks, 32 seminars, conferences, consulting services and a periodic electronic newsletter. In addition to presentation and office space, the organization makes available a creation venue and resource centre. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $48,000 International Readings at Harbourfront is dedicated to the promotion of contemporary literature from Canada and around the world. Annual programs include the International Festival of Authors, YoungIFOA, the Authors program of weekly readings, ALOUD: A Celebration for Young Readers, and Forest of Reading/Festival of Trees, a two-day event in May for youth and young adult readers in partnership with the Ontario Library Association. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $140,000 The Jubilate Singers is a 35-voice chamber choir that performs an eclectic international repertoire sung in original languages and from a wide range of choral traditions. They present an annual three-concert subscription series at Calvin Presbyterian Church and two community concerts. ANNUAL OPERATING $5,000 Jumblies Theatre, under the artistic direction of Ruth Howard, does collaborative theatre/art work with community groups. It follows principles of inclusiveness, high artistic standards, collaboration, unconventional staging, and a balancing of process and product. It works in the community through a variety of forms, including long-term residencies, workshops, mentoring volunteers and apprentices, and participation in seminars and conferences. There are three programming strands: Jumblies Projects (creating new work); Jumblies Studio (training & mentoring artists); Jumblies Offshoots (maintaining relationships and programs within communities where projects have taken place). MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $48,000 Kaeja d'Dance is a contemporary dance company formed in 1990 by Karen and Allen Kaeja, whose choreography is characterized by its intense physical, imagistic approach. 2013/14 activities include the Porch View Dances community engagement program and a mainstage concert. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $30,900 Kaha:wi Dance Theatre (KDT) was founded in 2001 as a vehicle for artistic director Santee Smith to create, present and promote Aboriginal artistic expression as it intersects with new dance forms. Their aesthetic is informed by traditional Iroquois and other dance forms, indigenous and otherwise. In 2009 they held their first Aboriginal Dance Training program, a summer intensive for professional dancers of diverse backgrounds. 2013/14 activities include a full-evening program at Harbourfront as part of an international collaboration, and the premiere The Honouring at Toronto's bicentennial ceremony for the War of 1812. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $32,000 The Koffler Gallery is a public art gallery part of the Koffler Centre for the Arts. The gallery exhibits, interprets and documents works of contemporary Canadian artists and programs of special interest to the Jewish community. The gallery also organizes a public program and school age youth programs. They will be moving into Artscape Youngplace in September 2013, they will be continuing their off-site programming as well. They are looking forward to begin to manage spaces at the Vaughan JCC and Bathurst JCC in the coming years. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $50,000 The Korean Canadian Symphony Orchestra presents two concerts annually, featuring KoreanCanadian soloists and composers. The fall concert of the 2013/14 season will celebrate the 50th anniversary of Korean Canadian diplomatic relations and will feature Korean composer and musician Serin Hong. The spring concert will present young pianist Sunny Hyoseon Kim. ANNUAL OPERATING $10,000 Korean Dance Studies Society was founded in 1987 and is dedicated to the promotion, creation and production of traditional dance forms from Korea and other culturally diverse communities. 2013/14 activities include development of a new work, Arirang, in collaboration with Gangwon Provincial Dance Company, and a symposium featuring South Korean artists to be held around International Dance Day festivities. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $17,000 33 Le Théâtre francais de Toronto is the only professional French-language theatre company in Toronto producing plays from the Canadian and international French-language repertoire. In 2013/14, the company season will include Toronto productions of Le fa le do (Luc Moquin), Les Préciuses ridicules d'hier a aujourdhui (Moliere and others), Cher Menteur (Jean Cocteau translated by Jerome Kilty), Un (Mani Soleymanlou) and Mes Singeries vocales (Bruce Coppens); works for young audiences (Les Zinspirés 2.0 and L'Atelier); and Ontario tours and national tours of Zone (Marcel Dubé) and Le fa le do (Luc Moquin). MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $107,000 The League of Canadian Poets is the professional organization for established and emerging poets in Canada and its goal is to increase the public profile of Canadian poetry. With more than 700 members, the League serves the poetry community and promotes a high level of professional achievement through events, networking, projects, publications, mentoring and awards. Its library, one of one of the most extensive collections of Canadian poetry in the country, is open to the public. ANNUAL OPERATING $19,100 Les Amis Concerts presents an annual series of concerts featuring emerging young performers playing works by contemporary Canadian composers as well as traditional chamber repertoire. ANNUAL OPERATING $5,000 Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto (LIFT) supports and encourages alternative and independent filmmakers by providing affordable access to equipment and post production facilities, discounted rates at labs and supply houses, production grants, workshops, seminars, artist talks, public exhibitions and discussions, publication of a newsletter, crew location services and information services on a variety of film production topics. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $63,000 Little Pear Garden Collective, led by artistic director Emily Cheung, develops and promotes Chinese dance and opera in Canada via the creation, production and presentation of performances, lectures, demonstrations, workshops, and symposiums. 2013/14 activities include a full-length evening show at Asian Heritage Month and an increased number of school performances. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $13,000 Mammalian Diving Reflex strives to create intellectually challenging and theatrically rich presentations. In 2013/14 the company will continue to present works from their repertoire; work on the development of new pieces; and seek partnering and commissioning opportunities in Canada and internationally. Projects in their repertoire include: Haircuts by Children, Monster Makers, Children Choice Awards and All the Sex I've Ever Had. In addition, they will continue to work with their youth project, the Young Mammals, and launch a consultancy wing. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $25,000 Manifesto Community Projects is a youth-led non-profit organization that cultivates youth arts in Toronto through multidisciplinary arts-based workshops, internship programs, arts exhibitions and community arts events. In September they hold their annual Manifesto Festival of Community & Culture, a series of urban arts, music, visual arts, and dance events that showcases hundreds of emerging and established artists to diverse audiences across the city. Their focus is on the youth arts sector in Toronto and on art forms, including street art, inspired by hip hop culture. Their programming focuses on artistic development, capacity-building, and youth engagement, and aims to cultivate positive change in the lives of young people and their communities. ANNUAL OPERATING $25,000 Mariposa in the Schools (MITS) provides performances and workshops to schools and community venues in Ontario that reflects Ontario's diverse cultural heritage and celebrates traditional arts through programs in world music, storytelling, dance, theatre, puppetry, and spoken word. Through partnerships with other arts organizations and community groups, MITS also develops special projects in Toronto's under-resourced neighbourhoods. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $17,000 34 The Mayworks Festival of Working People and the Arts is an annual multidisciplinary arts festival held in the month of May. The festival seeks to celebrate the culture of working people, forge new links between professional artists and workers, showcase the art produced by innovative and emerging artists, and provide a positive image of labour. ANNUAL OPERATING $23,750 The Menaka Thakkar Dance Company was founded in 1978, and produces classical and contemporary Indian dance works, primarily in Bharatanatyam and Odissi dance. Plans for 2013/14 include production of new choreography, In Search of the Other Ganesh, and a new production for children and youth for dissemination through Prologue to the Performing Arts. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $35,000 Mercer Union, A Centre for Contemporary Art, is committed to supporting artists through the presentation and examination of Canadian and international contemporary visual art and related cultural and critical practices. Established in 1979, the centre provides exhibition spaces and programs for the presentation, interpretation, documentation and promotion of current artistic production. The centre programs a main space and annex space in the rear; the facility also has an apartment for visiting artists and eventual outdoor terrace for performances. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $64,000 Mixed Company develops and produces innovative and socially relevant forum-style theatre and makes custom-created theatre projects for the broader community. In 2013/14 season, they will develop new works for school audiences and offer school shows of Showdown 2.0 in French and English and Mixed Messages. Their community programs will include works on elder abuse and youth facing barriers to employment. In addition, they will offer training in Forum Theatre. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $18,825 Modern Times Stage Company produces new and classic plays with an emphasis on performance style and a focus on theatrical traditions of the Middle East. In 2013/14, they will premiere a new collective creation entitled Forgiveness and tour the work to Denmark. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $28,000 MOonhORse Dance Theatre was established in 1996 to support Claudia Moore in the pursuit of her artistic journey, including creation, interpretation and commission of works. 2013/14 activities include presentation of a new mainstage solo showcase, The Escape Artist, and the Older & Reckless presentation series. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $10,300 Mural Routes works with artists, communities, and government agencies to encourage, promote, and create public wall art. It educates, engages and enhances communities through public art murals and acts as a service organization for mural artists and organizations interested in the creation of mural art. Activities include commissioning murals in the Scarborough area, training young artists, co-hosting forums/conferences devoted to mural art, and serving as an information clearinghouse for muralists and community groups. ANNUAL OPERATING $13,000 Music Africa promotes African music in Toronto through its annual Afrofest Festival of African Music held in July and through Black Heritage Month concerts presented annually at the Gladstone Hotel in February. The Festival has been held at Woodbine Park since 2012. ANNUAL OPERATING $31,000 The Music Gallery is a centre for promoting and presenting innovation and experimentation in all forms of music and for encouraging cross-pollination between genres, disciplines and audiences. It presents a wide spectrum of artists who perform different forms and styles of music, including contemporary classical, experimental pop/rock, jazz/improv and new world music. ANNUAL OPERATING $79,000 Music Mondays Community Series presents free noon-hour concerts at Church of the Holy Trinity weekly from May to September. This annual summer music program presents a diverse range of artists and musical styles. ANNUAL OPERATING $3,500 35 Music Toronto presents classical chamber music at the Jane Mallet Theatre. Its 16 concert season comprises four series: Quartets, Piano, Discovery (young artists) and Contemporary Classics. ANNUAL OPERATING $86,500 The Nathaniel Dett Chorale is Canada's first professional choral group dedicated to Afrocentric music of all styles, including classical, spiritual, gospel, jazz, folk and blues. The Chorale promotes awareness of and interest in Afrocentric vocal music, in the spirit of African-Canadian composers R. Nathaniel Dett. Activities include a three concert subscription series at the Glenn Gould Studio, educational activities and touring. ANNUAL OPERATING $21,000 National Shevchenko Musical Ensemble comprises the Shevchenko Choir, the Toronto Mandolin Orchestra, and dancers. Although each group performs on its own, the main offering is a full concert that includes the entire ensemble (choir, orchestra and dancers), presenting a varied program of folk, classical and contemporary music. ANNUAL OPERATING $7,500 Native Earth Performing Arts is dedicated to the creation, development and production of professional artistic performance that expresses the Aboriginal experience. In 2013/14, they will produce Quilchena (Tara Beagan) and co-host Panamerican Routes/Rutas Panamericanas Festival with Aluna Theatre. They will continue their development work with Weesageechak Begins to Dance Festival, playwright in residence program, and other mentoring activities. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $75,000 Native Women in the Arts is an organization for First Nations, Inuit and Metis women from diverse artistic disciplines who share a common interest in culture, art, community and the advancement of Indigenous people. It nourishes and transforms its community by pursuing the highest standards of artistic excellence; by presenting high quality artists; and by offering professional development opportunities to emerging artists. ANNUAL OPERATING $16,500 Necessary Angel Theatre Company is dedicated to creating original work that challenges assumptions and engages multiple points of view. In the 2013/14 season, they will tour Crash (Pamela Sinha) to theatres in Canada, work on the development of What Makes A Man (Jennifer Tarver), Room (Emma Donoghue), and I Killed Spalding Gray (Daniel MacIvor). They will mentor young directors and launch a new youth theatre program in Weston Mount Dennis with Urban Arts. ANNUAL OPERATING $67,000 New Adventures In Sound Art fosters awareness and understanding of experimental sound art in its myriad forms of expression. It mounts three festivals annually, each focusing on different aspects of sound art: SoundTravels is a summer-long event that explores the spacial dimension of sound art through performance and installation; Deep Wireless Festival focuses on radio and transmission art; and SOUNDplay creates opportunities for artists to integrate sound art practice with new media and other artistic disciplines. It also participates in the annual international exchange art event - Art's Birthday. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $13,500 New Music Concerts, led by artistic director Robert Aitken, presents an annual series of concerts featuring contemporary music by Canadian and international composers. ANNUAL OPERATING $55,000 Nightswimming is a dramaturgical company founded in 1994 that commissions and develops new works of theatre, dance and music. In 2013/14 their activities include: the premiere of Same Same but Different (Anita Majumdar); tour of Blue Box (Carmen Aguirre), continued development work on Boys with Cars (Anita Majumdar) and Wolf in the Voice and Why We Are Here (Martin Julien/Brian Quirt) plus commissioning projects and support for playwrights in residence. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $17,000 Nightwood Theatre forges creative alliances among women of diverse backgrounds in order to develop and produce innovative Canadian theatre. In 2013/14, they will produce The Carousel (Jennifer Tremblay) and Free Outgoing (Anupama Chandrasekhar). In addition, they will work on the development 36 of Unholy Path (Diane Flacks) and a new work by Anusree Roy, continue their play development programs including Write from the Hip (for emerging artists) and the New Groundswell Festival, and lay the groundwork for more national and international touring. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $73,000 The North York Concert Orchestra Society administers the North York Concert Orchestra and the NYCO Chamber Players. The NYCO is a 55-member community orchestra that presents a four-concert subscription series at the Centre for the Arts (St. Michael's College School). The NYCO Chamber Players gives approximately eight annual concerts in seniors’ residences and schools. As part of its season, it also hosts the NYCO Mozart Vocal Competition for singers aged 16-35. ANNUAL OPERATING $2,735 Northern Visions Independent Film and Video Association produces the Images Festival of Independent Film & Video, the most established and comprehensive festival for independent media artists in Canada. The festival includes programs of mixed international and Canadian short films and videos, feature-length screening programs, media-based performances, guest curated programs, commissioned works, a spotlight Canadian artist project, a book publication, a Canadian tour, a symposium, and a curated citywide exhibition of approximately thirty installation and new media artworks. The annual festival is held in April. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $48,000 Obsidian Theatre Company produces plays by playwrights of AfriCanadian descent and the African Diasporic canon. In 2013/14, they will produce The Gravitational Pull of Bernice Trimble as a co-pro with Factory Theatre and Once on This Island (Lynn Ahrens/Stephen Flaherty) as a co-pro with Acting Up Stage Company. In addition, they will continue to support playwrights and artists through their play development, mentoring and training programs. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $45,000 The Ontario Association of Art Galleries (OAAG) encourages the ongoing development of public nonprofit art galleries, art museums, artist-run centres and community galleries in Ontario. OAAG maintains a resource centre, provides advisory services for its members, publishes reports and reference guides, hosts an annual series of professional development workshops, annual conferences and an awards program. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $20,000 Open Studio is an artist-run centre that supports and facilitates professional artists in the production of print media projects and in the development of their professional endeavours. The centre's multifaceted programming include a studio facility rental, visiting artists, scholarships, exhibitions, education activities, collaborative printing, portfolio reviews, outreach tours, international perspectives, print sales and archives. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $70,000 Opera Atelier creates new productions of opera and ballet from the baroque and early classical periods. Works are presented in fully staged period production with orchestra on period instruments. An annual two-concert subscription series is presented at the Elgin Theatre. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $75,000 Opera in Concert presents rarely-performed operas in concert format performed by young Canadian singers. Its annual 4-concert subscription series is presented at the Jane Mallett Theatre. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $30,000 Orchestra Toronto is a community orchestra that presents an annual five-concert subscription series with pre-concert lectures at the George Weston Recital Hall in the Toronto Centre for the Arts. ANNUAL OPERATING $20,000 Oriana Women's Choir presents an annual three-concert subscription series at Grace Church-on-the Hill, featuring new and established repertoire suited to the female voice. It also performs at diverse events and venues around Ontario. ANNUAL OPERATING $8,500 37 The Orpheus Choir of Toronto is a 60-voice ensemble noted for performing adventuresome works outside the mainstream choral repertoire. It presents an annual 4-concert series. ANNUAL OPERATING $20,000 PACT (Professional Association of Canadian Theatres) is a national trade and service organization representing professional Anglophone theatres across the country. In 2012/13, they will continue their core programs and services plus new professional development initiatives focused on artistic risk, audience development and engagement, and international exchanges. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $5,000 Pan Trinbago Steeband Association of Ontario organizes concerts, workshops and festivals and runs several youth programs, including the annual summer Steelband Camp. Annual performance events include Pan Jazz and Pan Frenzy. ANNUAL OPERATING $9,000 The Paprika Festival is an annual juried two-week festival featuring new theatre works by young artists 21 and under. The 13th festival will be staged at Tarragon Theatre in March 2014. In addition, they will offer a variety of networking and mentoring programs during the year to prepare participants for the festival. ANNUAL OPERATING $13,000 Pax Christi Chorale is a 100 member community-based choir that performs classical choral works and new music with an emphasis on Canadian repertoire. It presents an annual subscription series and performs in concerts produced by other organizations. The Pax Christi Youth Choir is also presented at the subscription concerts and performs with the adult choir for oratorio performances. Concerts take place at Grace Church-on-the-Hill. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $15,000 Peggy Baker Dance Projects was established in 1991 to serve as a vehicle for Peggy Baker's performances, choreography, and collaborations, particularly with musicians as equal partners, and by engaging in commission projects for solos and duets. Today, the company focuses mainly on group works. 2013/14 activities include production of a new company work, and creation of a commission for Winnipeg's Contemporary Dancers. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $22,500 The Planet in Focus: International Environmental Film & Video Festival promotes the use of film and video as a catalyst for public awareness, discussion and appropriate action on the environmental health of the plant. This is the only festival in Canada devoted to the aesthetic and thematic exploration of environmental films and videos. The festival includes screenings, panel discussions, workshops, programs for school children and youth and is held annually in September/October. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $23,000 Playwrights Guild of Canada provides a voice for Canadian playwrights on the national and international level. Their activities include offering professional development opportunities, representing playwrights at contract negotiations, promoting Canadian plays, administering awards, and acting as an advocacy and resource centre. ANNUAL OPERATING $23,000 Pleiades Theatre creates new Canadian translations of works from the national, international contemporary and classical repertoire. In 2013/14, they will produce the first major revival since 1979 of Damnée Manon, Sacrée Sandra (Michel Tremblay) in association with Buddies in Bad Times, and work on several translation projects for future productions. In addition, they will continue to offer their Speak the Speech arts education program in schools and Play Upon the Word workshops for ESL Classes. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $20,000 The Power Plant is a public gallery devoted exclusively to contemporary visual art. The gallery pursues its activities through exhibitions, publications and public programming and is committed to the dissemination of Canadian artworks in a national and international context. 2013/14 programming includes a survey of significant works by Micah Lexier; Post Script: Writing After Conceptual Art, an exhibition featuring painting, sculpture, installation and works on paper by more than 50 artists, raising questions about how we read, look at, hear, and process language; a solo exhibition of work by Brussels38 based artist Jimmy Robert that will include a new performance work; and a solo exhibition by British installation artist Mike Nelson. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $176,000 Prefix Institute of Contemporary Art promotes the appreciation and understanding of contemporary photographic media, digital arts and sound art. Through exhibitions, publications and related activities, Prefix presents the work of contemporary Canadian artists and critically examines issues that affect the dissemination of contemporary art in Canada. It operates a public gallery at 401 Richmond Street West that includes a gallery as well as the only dedicated audio art gallery in Canada, a window gallery open to the public corridors and a reference library of over 5000 titles. In addition to its exhibitions, the organization also presents the Urban Field Speaker Series, a biennial visual arts conference and publishes books through MIT press. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $30,000 princess productions was founded in 1995, and serves as a vehicle for artistic director Yvonne Ng's activities as a choreographer, performer, instructor, curator and producer of contemporary dance. Its artistic vision emphasizes a unique Canadian perspective, with multidisciplinary work that is influenced by Ng's Canadian-Chinese identity. 2013/14 activities include presentation of the dance made in Canada/fait au Canada biennial festival. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $18,000 ProArteDanza is a ballet/contemporary repertory dance company founded in 2002 and headed by artistic director Roberto Campanella and artistic associate Robert Glumbek. Plans for 2013 and 2014 include spring and fall home seasons, featuring works by Campanella, Glumbek and others; and the Summer Intensive Program for youth. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $15,000 Prologue to the Performing Arts believes that the performing arts play a vital role in the development of healthy, creative and responsible members of society and is dedicated to ensuring access to the performing arts for all of Ontario's young people. Through a roster of individual artists and companies, it facilitates the presentation of dance, theatre, puppetry, music and storytelling performances and workshops locally, provincially and across Canada. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $30,000 Puppetmongers creates work that draws on puppetry and storytelling traditions from around the world then places the work in a contemporary context. In 2013/14, they will continue development work on a new show, Monger Memories, revisit and remount The Pirate Widow Chang, tour Cinderella at Muddy York to schools, offer their annual Winter holiday show - Tea at the Palace and their March break show The Miller and his Wife and Brick Brothers Circus. In addition, they will continue to offer a variety of training and mentoring activities including Fresh Ideas in Puppetry and June Intensive at Humber College. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $20,000 Red Pepper Spectacle Arts co-creates and facilitates multi-disciplinary collaborative art works at the community level, with a focus on the First Nations community. Based in a studio in Kensington Market, it produces the annual Festival of Lights; mentors and trains new community-based artists, particularly First Nations youth and emerging Native artists; and facilitates programming in partnership with community groups. It undertakes large and smaller-scale initiatives using story creation, mask making, movement, mosaic, sculpture, pottery, printmaking, digital media design & technology, photography, textiles, theatre design and more. ANNUAL OPERATING $29,000 Red Sky, established in 2000 by artistic director Sandra Laronde, is dedicated to Aboriginal contemporary performance in dance, theatre and music. 2013/14 activities include a Canadian tour of new and remounted dance works, creation of a new family audience piece, and the launch of a Community Partnership and Engagement program. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $33,000 Regent Park Film Festival is a multi-day festival designed to promote an 'active multiculturalism' and encourage cross-cultural exchange. All the film festival screenings are free. It services the communities of Regent Park, Moss Park, St. Jamestown and Cabbagetown. It is planning on reaching out through to many inner city neighbourhoods in the coming years. The festival is dedicated to showing works that 39 resonate with inner city culture and experiences. The festival includes approximately ten screening programs plus workshops, master classes and panel discussions. The festival also presents work made by residents of Regent Park along with installations of artwork and performances by Toronto creators. The annual festival is held in November. Other than the festival the have all year programming including school and community screenings, film/video workshops at no cost. They are an anchor organization at Daniels Spectrum, have a versatile theater space for screenings and two editing suites. ANNUAL OPERATING $20,000 Regent Park Focus Youth Media Arts Centre is a youth focused, community-based arts organization that provides youth with sustained access to a range of media technology and training, including video, photography, new media, music recording, radio and television broadcast. Serving neighbourhood youth, residents and community groups, RPF aims to become a new media, radio and television arts broadcast centre and neighbourhood arts hub for media arts training and production. ANNUAL OPERATING $27,000 The Regent Park School of Music offers affordable high quality music lessons to youth in the Regent Park and Jane/Finch neighbourhoods. In addition to individual instruction on instruments such as piano, violin, guitar and clarinet, group classes are held for choir, string ensemble, music theory and early childhood music. ANNUAL OPERATING $20,000 Roseneath Theatre creates, produces and tours family and TYA theatre productions. In 2013/14, they will produce and tour Wired (Green Thumb Theatre/Betty Quan), Dib and Dob and the Journey Home (David Craig and Robert Morgan) and premiere of La Maleta (Bea Pizano). In addition, they will work on the development of new TYA scripts, launch the National TYA Playwrights Unit and an Arts Education Workshop Pilot Project. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $67,000 Scarborough Philharmonic is a community orchestra that presents an annual concert series at The Salvation Army featuring both traditional classical repertoire and newly commissioned works. In addition to full orchestra concerts, chamber concerts are presented at St. Paul's L'Amoreaux Anglican Church. ANNUAL OPERATING $20,000 Series 8:08 was founded in 1992 as a service organization for the contemporary dance community that supports choreographer career advancement through programming works in progress and professional development workshops. 2013/14 activities include the annual Choreographic Performance Workshop series, and partnership with Harbourfront World Stage for professional Alternative Technique Classes. ANNUAL OPERATING $4,800 Shadowland Theatre creates community-based outdoor theatre and performance events with a distinct visual style, using puppetry, mask and animated sculpture. Their large outdoor spectacles bring community players together with professional artists. They also run youth arts workshops on the Island, in schools, with residents of the Harbourfront neighbourhood, and throughout the city. ANNUAL OPERATING $18,000 Sinfonia Toronto performs string orchestra and chamber orchestra repertoire ranging from baroque to contemporary, in an annual 7-concert subscription series at the Glenn Gould Studio. ANNUAL OPERATING $13,000 SKETCH provides arts programming within a wide array of artistic disciplines for street-involved and homeless youth as an avenue for creating opportunities, community connections, and developing employment and life skills for participants. SKETCH nurtures the artistic development and social engagement of youth, and acts as a cultural haven for young people experiencing difficulty in their lives. Their arts programming is led by professional artists and takes place in fully equipped multidisciplinary arts studios and with community partners in non-arts environments across the city. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $65,000 Small Theatre Administrative Facility (STAF) is an arts service organization that offers affordable, professional, administration and promotion services to small not-for-profit theatre ventures and independent artists on a fee-for-service basis. ANNUAL OPERATING $25,000 40 Small World Music Society, under the direction of Alan Davis, is dedicated to providing increased performance opportunities to local performers of traditional and world music. Activities include festivals and workshops in a variety of Toronto venues. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $42,500 Smile Company brings professional Canadian musical theatrical productions to seniors who are unable to attend regular presentations due to financial or physical limitations. In 2013/14, they will tour a revival of Sweet Marie (Sharon Dyer/James Howard), premiere Gift of the Magi (Leslie Arden) and Art Meets Havoc (William Orlowski); and produce an adaptation of Johnny Belinda. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $24,000 Soulpepper Theatre Company is an artist-founded, classical repertory company. The 2014 season will include productions of R.C. Sheriff's Journey's End, Spoon River Anthology, a musical adaptation of Edgar Lee Master's work by Mike Ross, Strinberg's Dream Play, adapted and created by Daniel Brooks and Lorenzo Savolini, Brecht's Caucasian Chalk Circle, adapted and scored by Ross Manson and John Millard, and Michael Shamata's adaptation of A Christmas Carol. The company will continue development activity on new works and adaptations and offer youth outreach and access programs. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $285,000 Soundstreams Canada fosters the development of contemporary Canadian creation in the performing arts through a variety of programming. The 2013/14 season includes five concerts presented at Koerner Hall and will celebrate the music of Arvo Pärt, Flamenco, Canadian Choral works, and Bach's St. Matthew's Passion; it will also feature Airline Icarus, a new Opera by composer Brian Current and playwright Anton Piatigorsky. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $84,000 The South Asian Visual Arts Centre (SAVAC) facilitates year-round programming on behalf of emerging and established South Asian visual artists. The organization is committed to the professional development of contemporary visual artists by providing research opportunities, presentation, promotion and dissemination of works of local and international scope through exhibitions, public programs and publications. The organization does not have a permanent gallery space and programs in a number of venues. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $40,000 Southern Currents is dedicated to the development and presentation of contemporary works by local artists of Latin American origin or heritage; the presentation of Canadian works in Latin America and elsewhere and international Latin works in Canada. It produces the Alucine Toronto Latino Film and Video Festival annually in March, featuring national and international films and videos including fiction, documentaries and experimental works, video installations, and workshops. In between festivals, the organization tours programs of film and media works throughout Latin America, United States and Europe. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $20,000 St. Christopher House Music School provides affordable, high quality music education to students of all ages in the west-central core of Toronto. It offers lessons in theory, harmony, piano, violin, viola, voice, guitar, flute, accordion, clarinet and recorder. It also runs a community choir for children and adults, opera appreciation courses, in collaboration with the COC, and a multidisciplinary program called Suite Life Arts for Youth. ANNUAL OPERATING $24,000 Storytellers' School of Toronto (aka Storytelling Toronto) has been promoting the art of storytelling through courses, workshops, and community events since 1979. Its largest public event continues to be the annual Toronto Festival of Storytelling, which takes place over 6 days in March. Other programs include the Storytent held every Saturday morning during the farmers' market at the Artscape Wychwood Barns, the Legless Stockings concerts, and the Village of Storytellers: Regent Park project. Courses offered range from introductory storytelling to master classes. ANNUAL OPERATING $25,500 Studio 180 produces plays of social consequence often not well known to Canadian audiences. In 2013/14, they will stage the Toronto premiere of God of Carnage (Yasmina Reza) as part of the Mirvish 41 season, the Canadian premiere of Cock (Mike Bartlett) at Theatre Centre, and continue to offer arts education programs in the schools and post show Beyond the Stage. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $15,000 Subtle Technologies produces an annual multidisciplinary festival (late May/early June) that explores the relationships between art, science and technology. The festival provides a forum for artists and scientists to discuss, demonstrate and exhibit their work. Programming is developed using an open call for proposals and through the research work of a hired, professional curator. The festival comprises interdisciplinary performances, multimedia installation, mentoring demonstrations and a diverse lecture series featuring scientists and artists presenting in one-hour segments. They also organize an ArtScienceCamp for artists and scientists in the winter, and several workshops and screenings throughout the year. The 2013 theme is Immortality. ANNUAL OPERATING $16,000 SummerWorks Theatre Festival is Canada's largest juried festival of primarily new Canadian plays. The 2013 festival will feature local and national companies on stage at Factory Theatre, Theatre Passe Muraille, Theatre Centre, Lower Ossington Theatre, and off-site performance locations. Their programming also includes a Reading Series, late night music concerts and a multidisciplinary performance series, in addition, they support emerging artists through their S.L.I.P. leadership program. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $40,000 Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra is a professional Baroque chamber orchestra that performs on period instruments. Its annual ten-concert subscription series is presented at Trinity St. Paul's Centre. It also presents three concerts during the season at the George Weston Recital Hall (Toronto Centre for the Arts), one at Koerner Hall, and its annual Sing Along Messiah is presented at Massey Hall. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $160,000 Talisker Players Chamber Music is a 12-member instrumental ensemble that specializes in collaborating with singers to present rarely-performed vocal chamber music. Although the emphasis in repertoire is on new and recent music, concerts include music from all periods and styles. In addition to its annual series of concerts presented at Trinity St. Paul's Centre, Talisker accepts invitations to appear elsewhere and performs free community outreach concerts. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $13,000 Tapestry new opera works is dedicated to the creation, development and performance of new opera and engages artists and audiences on subjects relevant to contemporary society. In addition to development workshops, it has an annual production cycle generally comprises: Composer/Librettist Laboratory, Opera Briefs, The Tapestry Songbook, a touring production and a mainstage production of a full-length opera. ANNUAL OPERATING $35,000 Tarragon Theatre develops and produces new theatrical work from across Canada. In 2013/14, they will produce new works, remounts and adaptations: The Best Brothers (Daniel MacIvor), The Valley (Joan MacLeod), Flesh and Other Fragments of Love (Evelyne de la Cheneliere), Marry Me - the songs of Sondheim (Craig Lucas and Norman Rene), A God in Need of Help (Dean Dixon), The God That Comes (Hawksley Workman), remount of The Double (Adam Paolozza, Afrif Mirabdolbaghi, Viktor Lukawski), remount of The Ugly One (Marius von Mayenburg), Lungs (Duncan Macmillan) and Soliciting Temptation (Erin Shields). In addition, they will continue a variety of play development programs. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $200,000 The Textile Museum of Canada is devoted to collecting, exhibiting and documenting ethnographic textiles, and contemporary textiles in all media. The Museum has a collection of 12,000 artifacts and is the foremost museum in Canada specializing in textiles. It develops and presents curated exhibitions of the work of contemporary artists, artifacts from the collection as well as comprehensive outreach and education programs to augment the exhibitions. Its curatorial model has expanded beyond the walls of the museum with a phone app TXTileCIty. TMC is also moving forward with upcoming shows about "smart" fabrics, and workshops on electronic arts. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $58,000 Company Theatre is an actor-focused company dedicated to examining and enhancing the art of performance. In 2013/14 their plans include: a production of the Canadian premiere of Belleville by Amy 42 Herzog, a workshop of their adaptation of Hamlet, and a reading of Lukas Barfuss' Oil. ANNUAL OPERATING $15,000 The Theatre Centre is dedicated to developing and producing original innovative performance and supporting artists creating alternative work. In 2013/14, they will move into their new space at the Carnegie Library on Queen St. W. The space will open with The Library Project - a collaboration with neighbourhood residents. They will continue their Resident Artist Programs and produce We Are Not Afraid of the Dark (Tine Van Aerschot), This Clement World (Cynthia Hopkins), Small Axe (Project Humanity), Cabaret Brise-Jour (L'Orchestre d'Hommes Orchestres). Their biennial Free Fall Festival will feature new works by Daniel Brooks, Jani Lauzon, Denise Fujiwara. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $110,000 Theatre Columbus is committed to creating original shows combining a physical theatre tradition with issues relevant to our time and place. In 2013/14, they will produce a new outdoor winter production, Just Visiting (Haley McGee); create and broadcast A Walk in the Park, a collection of audio plays for podcast and live performance; and focus on the development of new works. ANNUAL OPERATING $41,000 Theatre Direct Canada presents compelling, inventive and uncompromising theatre for young audiences. In 2013/14, they will tour Dib and Dob (David Craig/Robert Morgan), work on the development of Once...and Then! (Lynda Hill and Linda Carson), and the creation of a new work for autistic children Red Kite Blue Sky (Jacqui Russell). In addition, they will continue The Firefly Project, a research project with pre-school children, and run outreach programs at their facility in the Wychwood Barns. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $67,000 Theatre Gargantua is an artist-driven company that creates and produces new works with a multidisciplinary focus. In 2013/14, they will tour Sacrifice Zone to Australia; begin development on a new work, The Crypticus Project; develop and premiere The Shrapnel Project; and continue their mentoring and skill development work with youth in at-risk neighbourhoods. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $15,000 Theatre Ontario is an association of community, educational and professional theatre organizations and individuals dedicated to the development and maintenance of high quality theatre throughout the province. They play a role as a bridge between different sectors of the theatre community and foster public engagement in theatre. Their 2013 season of activities will include their ongoing work in the areas of training, providing resources, and offering a central communications network. Each year they take on special initiatives in addition to their core programming. ANNUAL OPERATING $11,500 Theatre Passe Muraille develops and produces innovative and provocative Canadian theatre and nurtures new artists and theatre companies. In 2013/14, their season will include: Giant: A Song Cycle (Rob Kempson), Heaven Above, Heaven Below (Linda Griffiths), Same, Same but Different (Anita Majumdar), remount of Crash (Pamela Sinha), Moss Park (George F. Walker), Critical Conditions (Rosamund Small), Why We Are Here (Martin Julien and Brian Quirt). In addition they will continue to support the development of new plays through their residency companies and artists, and will launch a new project to support the development of administrators and producers from smaller companies. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $154,000 Theatre Smith-Gilmour is dedicated to the development and production of original works and adaptations of existing texts. Their signature style involves physical interpretation of text performed on a bare stage. In 2013/14, their plans include the continued development of Jean Valjean (adaptation of Les Miserables) and a remount and tour of As I Lay Dying (adaptation of William Faulkner novel). In addition, they will work on developing new works and mentoring emerging artists. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $41,000 Theatrefront is an ensemble of artists working together to develop a unique collaborative process. In 2013/14, they will produce Tribes (Nina Raine) and work on the development of Snow (Holly Lewis) and The Orange Dot (Sean Dixon). ANNUAL OPERATING $15,000 43 Toronto Alliance for the Performing Arts (TAPA) provides services to enhance the development of professional theatre, opera and dance in Toronto and promotes and advocates on behalf of the sector. In 2012/2013, they will continue their advocacy and promotion work, operate the TOTix Booth, produce the Dora Mavor Moore Awards and continue to undertake projects and special initiatives to increase awareness of performing arts in Toronto. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $78,000 Toronto Blues Society promotes and presents blues in all its diverse styles to a wide audience and provides a wide range of services to blues musician. In addition to offering a range of workshops and educational outreach programs, TBS presents the Women’s Blues Revue, The Maple Blues Awards, the Gladstone Blues Series. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $32,000 Toronto Book and Magazine Fair produces Word on the Street, Canada's largest, annual outdoor book and magazine festival, a free, public event that provides an opportunity for audiences to interact with Canada's vibrant writing and publishing communities. Its mandate is to unite the country in a national, annual celebration of reading and writing, and to highlight the importance of literacy in the lives of all Canadians. Featuring more than 250 book, magazine and literacy exhibitor booths in the festival marketplace, the festival has several on-site performance venues programmed with authors, poets, storytellers, and performers. ANNUAL OPERATING $41,500 Toronto Chamber Choir is a 40-voice community choir that presents authentic performances of seldomheard Renaissance and Baroque choral music. It presents an annual 4-concert subscription series at Christ Church Deer Park, comprising two full-length evening performances with guest soloists and instrumentalists and two informal afternoon lecture-concerts followed by a reception during which choir and audience mingle. ANNUAL OPERATING $7,500 Toronto Children's Chorus is a treble voice choir that provides musical and educational opportunities for children from six to seventeen. They annually present a varied subscription series and make guest appearances at festivals and concerts produced by other organizations. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $38,000 Toronto City Opera (aka Toronto Opera Repertoire) is a community-based opera company that draws both soloists and chorus members from the local community. It stages two operas from standard Italian and French repertoire at the Bickford Centre Theatre. ANNUAL OPERATING $4,800 Toronto Consort is a chamber ensemble specializing in the music of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, exploring new ways to bring early music to the modern audience. It presents an annual series of concerts at Trinity St. Paul's Centre and performs throughout Canada, the United States, Great Britain and Europe. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $26,000 Toronto Dance Theatre was founded in 1968, and has been under the direction of Christopher House since 1994. They are a contemporary dance ensemble dedicated to the creation and performance of original Canadian choreography. 2013/14 activities include commissions from mid-career Torontonian choreographers, and a remount of work by House. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $150,000 Toronto Downtown Jazz Society produces the annual Toronto Jazz Festival at Nathan Phillips Square for 10 days in late June/early July and features a full spectrum of jazz styles that target all age groups and musical tastes. Other festival-related concerts are also presented in clubs and other performance venues around the city. ANNUAL OPERATING $30,000 Toronto Early Music Centre promotes the performance and appreciation of medieval, renaissance and baroque music through a variety of programs and member services. Annual activities include Musically Speaking, a series of one-hour Sunday afternoon historical performances at Church of the Holy Trinity, the annual Early Music Fair at Montgomery's Inn, workshops and music circles and workshops, and a variety of services for the early music community. ANNUAL OPERATING $4,200 44 Toronto Jewish Film Festival features films that celebrate the diversity and history of the Jewish experience around the world and strives to break down stereotypes and racial barriers. Both feature length and shorts are presented. An itinerary of panel discussions and professional forums are offered in conjunction with the screenings. The festival takes place annually in May at multiple locations. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $24,000 Toronto Jewish Folk Choir performs repertoire of current and traditional secular Yiddish music and also commissions new works by Jewish-Canadian composers. It presents an annual spring concert, participates in festivals and concerts produced by other organizations and also performs in seniors residences. ANNUAL OPERATING $5,800 The Toronto Mendelssohn Choir, established in 1894, maintains a tradition of choral music through its repertoire which includes early Baroque masterpieces, large-scale oratorios, choral/orchestral works and commissioned pieces, usually accompanied by full orchestra. In addition to its annual four-concert subscription series, the TMC appears frequently as a guest with the Toronto Symphony and maintains outreach activities. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $61,000 Toronto Operetta Theatre presents classic operetta and light opera through an annual subscription series at the Jane Mallett Theatre in the St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts. Through its productions the company provides training and experience to young artists in the early stages of their careers. ANNUAL OPERATING $23,000 Toronto Photographers Workshop (TPW) is an artist-run centre dedicated to promoting and supporting photo-based artists' work through exhibitions and publications. TPW is committed to producing catalogues for all exhibitions and to publish books on significant Canadian artists. The gallery houses an important Resource Centre representing twenty-five years of archival collection and documentation of photographic activity in Canada. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $65,000 Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival is a festival that promotes the integrity and diversity of Asian Canadian and Diasporic film culture, and nurtures the talent of new and emerging independent Asian directors from Canada and around the world. The festival takes place annually in November at downtown locations including some offsite gallery installations. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $45,000 Tribal Crackling Wind (TCW) was founded in 1999 as a vehicle for the work of multidisciplinary artist Peter Chin. The mandate of the company is to produce events that integrate music, dance and design to create contemporary rituals and ceremonies. 2013/14 activities include research and creation of an extensive new work, Woven, and a Toronto Dance Theatre commission. ANNUAL OPERATING $15,000 Trinity Square Video is an artist-run centre that provides access to production and post-production facilities for individual artists and community organizations working on non-commercial video projects. TSV supports the independent video community through subsidized equipment rentals, workshops, artistin-residency programs, and the presentation of artists' work. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $50,000 University Settlement Music School provides affordable, high quality music education for children and adults. In addition to individual lessons in piano, violin, viola, flute, clarinet, accordion and drums, it has an adult and a children's choir, chamber music programs, and computer music courses for intermediate and advanced players. ANNUAL OPERATING $23,500 V Tape was founded in 1980 and is Canada's largest distributor of video art. The organization has developed into an information and distribution system for media works by artists and independents committed to the cataloguing, exhibition, distribution, preservation and the future of media artworks. A number of exhibition/presentation, curatorial development and educational programs are also presented. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $70,000 45 Vesnivka Choir is a community-based women's choir that promotes the Ukrainian choral tradition, including classical, folk and sacred music. With its affiliated male counterpart, the Ukrainian Male Chamber Choir, and newly established boys choir, the Dudaryk Boys Choir of Toronto, it presents an annual three-concert subscription series and participates in festivals and concerts produced by other organizations. ANNUAL OPERATING $8,000 Victoria Scholars is a male choral ensemble specializing in music from the renaissance, medieval, baroque, classical and romantic eras. It presents an annual 3-concert series at Our Lady of Sorrows Church, with each concert repeated at Blessed Sacrament Church. It also performs free Tenebrae services annually, and makes guest appearances at concerts produced by other organizations. ANNUAL OPERATING $6,600 VideoCabaret International brings Canadian history, tradition and contemporary times to life on the stage through works that are music/video/theatre hybrids. In 2013/14, they will present The Great War at the Young Centre; work on an adaptation of Rigoletto; further develop three new works - City for Sale, To Be, and Mirajistan (Deanne Taylor); and continue to support artists through their Black Box Sessions and workshops. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $60,000 Viva! Youth Singers of Toronto provides singing opportunities for children and youth ages four to thirty through its five choirs. It presents two concerts each season at Trinity St. Paul's Centre and performs frequently with other organizations and for community events. ANNUAL OPERATING $13,000 Volcano creates original theatre that combines the strengths of live performance with elements from traditions of other theatre cultures and media. In 2013/14, they will present A Beautiful View (Daniel McIvor) in Toronto and tour communities in Ontario; premiere A Moveable Beast (Crooked Figure Dances) at Commonwealth Games in Glasgow; and develop Infinity (Hannah Moscovitch), Until We Say Yes (Deborah Pearson), and The Flying Child (Roland Schimmelpfennig). In addition, they will continue work on a variety of training and mentoring initiatives including the Volcano Conservatory and inFORMING CONTENT creation intensive. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $40,000 Why Not Theatre explores new forms of storytelling with a particular focus on the use of international modes of theatre creation and a physical movement approach. In 2013/14 they plan to premiere Satyajit Ray Project at the Young Centre, tour works from the their repertoire (Spent, Iceland, Brimful of Asha) to India and locations in Canada, and work on the development of several works in progress including the Kamagata Maru Project and the Castle Show. ANNUAL OPERATING $15,000 Women's Art Resource Centre (WARC) was established in 1984 as an artist-run centre dedicated to the advancement of artistic practice by contemporary Canadian women artists. WARC activities include an exhibition program, maintaining a Curatorial Research Centre containing 2,600 artist slides and files, organizing professional development workshops, conferences and seminars, developing educational curriculum resource and outreach projects for professional artists and youth. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $37,000 The Women's Musical Club of Toronto presents Music in the Afternoon, an annual series of five afternoon chamber concerts at Walter Hall. Concerts are complemented by the pre-concert lecture series, Tuning Your Mind, which is presented in partnership with the Faculty of Music, University of Toronto. ANNUAL OPERATING $2,500 Workman Theatre Project produces the Rendezvous with Madness Film Festival annually in November, presenting features and shorts about the facts and mythology surrounding mental health/illness and addiction. Each film program focuses on different themes and includes panel discussions with filmmakers, artists and people sharing professional and personal experience with mental illness and addiction. The festival partners with a number of other organizations in Toronto and beyond. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $17,000 46 Young People's Theatre presents theatre for young people and their families. Their multiyear cycle includes co-productions with local and national companies and their own productions. 2013/14 season will include A Story Before Time (Drew Hayden Taylor), Annie (adaptation of Little Orphan Annie), Jabber (Marcus Youssef), nOOb (Christopher Duthie), Where the Wild Things Are (Presentation House), Minotaur (Kevin Dyer), Emily's Piano (Mark Cassidy), Paper Song (Concrete Theatre). In addition, they will continue to develop new TYA plays, run their Drama School and do outreach through their Community Participation Program. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $311,000 YYZ Artists' Outlet is an artist-run centre for the exhibition and dissemination of contemporary art. The centre is mandated to support and develop audiences for the most challenging ideas in current art practice by presenting a diverse program of exhibitions, art books and special events. The gallery features two exhibition spaces, one of which is currently devoted to the time-based arts, and a publication lounge where books, catalogues and historical archives are made available to visitors for purchase and/or research. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING $65,000 47 PROJECT FUNDING DESCRIPTIONS 20K Project will develop and re-imagine Jules Verne's classic novel 20,000 Leagues under the Sea as a stage play. It is part of much larger transmedia project to raise awareness about 21st century global concerns about water. The work is being co-produced with the 2015 Pan Am Games Arts & Culture Program. PROJECT $10,000 60 X 60 Dance Toronto will present another installment of the 60X60 Dance Toronto showcase at the Enwave Theatre (NextSteps Series) from June 2 to November 9, 2014. For this unique production, 60 1minute dance pieces are choreographed by Toronto dance artists and set to 60 1-minute original Canadian musical compositions. The works are combined by macro choreographer, Viv Moore, and presented in a non-stop 1 hour performance. PROJECT $6,000 106 & York Urban Arts Festival will develop and produce a four day multidisciplinary urban arts festival at The Legion Hall on Weston Road and the West Side Arts Hub in September 2013. Two days of artist development workshops will provide youth with mentorship in urban arts, including music, theatre, dance, visual arts, spoken word/poetry, film, photography and fashion, followed by a high school showcase and annual 106 and York Show. The project aims to support the development of young artists from Rexdale, Jane-Finch, Weston Mount-Dennis and Lawrence Heights by providing a platform to showcase their talents, and by promoting mentorship opportunities and the initiation of solo and collaborative performances. PROJECT $10,000 Abilities Arts Festival will conduct the Frames of Reference II project, a 12 week master class for up to 6 photographers from the disability and deaf communities to work with documentary photographer Vincenzo Pietropaolo. The project will take place at 401 Richmond from September 9 to December 2, 2013. It will culminate in the creation of a photographic catalogue and public exhibit of participants' work. PROJECT $8,000 Academy Concert Series will present three chamber music concerts at Eastminster United Church on November 9, 2013, March 1, and May 10, 2014. They will also present a community concert at a retirement home or school related to each of the concerts. PROJECT $1,000 adelheid dance projects will complete an additional creation phase of elsewhere, a full evening group work by Heidi Strauss for five dancers, in preparation for a technical residency in Victoria. The work will take place in December 2013 at the Theatre Centre, The Citadel, Dovercourt House, and Winchester Street Theatre. PROJECT $7,000 African Canadian Heritage Association will conduct workshops for youth focusing on music and video production at Centennial College in Scarborough from September 14, 2013 to May 31, 2014. The project will culminate in a final performance in Malvern. PROJECT $10,000 African Women Acting will produce the AWA Festival in Regent Park from June 10 to June 16, 2013. The project engages professional artists to lead dance, music and theatre workshops for emerging artists from the Twansifueli and Naija Girls arts groups. The project culminates with a festival celebrating female artists and African cultural heritage at Daniels Spectrum. Festival activities include African dance, music and theatre workshops for the general public, performances by emerging and professional artists, and a visual art exhibition. PROJECT $10,000 Afrihili Cultural Association of Ontario will produce the Akwaaba Ghana Festival, a two-day event featuring music, dance, spoken word, drumming, food, and arts and cultural traditions of Ghanaian people on August 16-17, 2013 at Ahenfie banquet hall and Earl Bales Park. PROJECT $3,500 48 Against the Grain Theatre is a new company whose aim is to present both contemporary and standard works in an inconventional manner. They will present Debussy's opera, Pelleas et Melisande in June 2014 at Factory Theatre. PROJECT $7,000 AIMToronto promotes and supports the work of creative improvising musicians in Toronto. It will present a segment of its Interface series with NYC violinist Mark Feldman at U of T's Jazz Performance Space at 90 Wellesley Street on October 7, 2013. PROJECT $1,000 L'Alliance Française de Toronto will present its annual music programming - Cabaret-Chanson, Classique de poche, Jazz en tête-à-tête, Pour Ie fun, Chansongs - and special programming (3 concerts) between November 2013 and June 2014. All concerts will take place at the Pierre-Leon Gallery (Alliance Française) except the Chansongs Series which will take place at The Royal Conservatory of Music. PROJECT $6,450 Amazing Cat Performances will conduct a series of poetry, music and theatre workshops and performances for the Russian speaking community, taking place at Earle Bales Community Centre and various locations in North York from November 1, 2013 to October 30, 2014. Project activities include poetry club sessions where participants learn writing skills and techniques from professional writers, and workshops and rehearsals with professional performing artists in preparation for five performance events. The events will involve the presentation of literary works by Russian authors, poetry readings, and musical and theatre performances. PROJECT $8,000 The AMY Project will conduct a summer performance intensive for young urban women taking place from June 24 to August 25, 2013, culminating in a series of shows at Theatre Passe Muraille during the Summerworks Theatre Festival. PROJECT $15,000 Anandam Dancetheatre Productions will undertake phase two of research for The Precipice Project, an exploration of our relationship to public space, urban architecture and gravity. This phase is entitled Glaciology, and makes use of the interior and exterior architecture of the Bata Shoe Museum. This latest creation phase of the project will look to adapt the work for a traditional theatre setting. Work will take place in the company's rehearsal studio, July 8-20, 2013. PROJECT $7,000 Arabesque Dance Company will produce Sawah, exploring the influences and uniqueness of Middle Eastern dance as it intersects with ballet, jazz and African dance forms. The performance, choreographed by Yasmina Ramzy, will take place at Fleck Dance Theatre in April 2014 as part of the NextSteps Series. PROJECT $9,000 The Archie Alleyne Scholarship Fund helps build and sustain the integrity of live musicianship by ensuring that young people are able to participate in advanced music training and education, and by providing high quality performance opportunities for young musicians. The organization will present Syncopation: Deep Roots, the continuation of a series of concerts and photo exhibits that document and celebrate the history and contributions of Toronto's pioneering Black musicians, on February 16, 2014 at Daniels Spectrum. PROJECT $4,500 Architect Theatre will develop The Pipeline Project a theatrical experience that examines our individual and collective relationship to oil and gas through recorded interviews, rational arguments and a breathtaking landscape created on stage. The work uses interviews conducted amongst Northern Gateway Pipeline stakeholders. PROJECT $7,000 Ars Mechanica will produce Show and Tell Alexander Bell, a techno-magical immersion into Alexander Graham Bell's desperate attempts to invent a machine in order to better communicate with those he held most dear. PROJECT $2,500 49 Art City in St. James Town will conduct the Art City 2014 Artist in Residence Program, taking place at Art City from March 1 to June 30, 2014. Four resident artists will conduct storytelling, puppetry, photography and printmaking workshops with children and youth participants from Art City, exploring the themes of community, belonging, and friendship. PROJECT $6,400 Art for Commuters explores the urban screen, its relationship to the viewing public, and what possibilities it holds for artists working in the public realm. It will screen Drift non-stop during Nuit Blanche 2013. Drift, by Marcin Ignac (Poland/UK) and Lorenzo Oggiano (Italy), takes inspiration from biological organisms while embracing the plastic nature of synthetic processes. PROJECT $2,000 Article 11 will develop The Ministry of Grace by Tara Beagan in June/July 2014. After a mother's children are taken to a residential school she flees to California where she ends up as the Tamed Heathen in an evangelist ministry. PROJECT $7,000 Artists to Artists Foundation will curate a show entitled Common Threads that will be installed at the Art/Work Gallery in June 2014. PROJECT $6,000 Arts4All Creative Society will conduct the Tapestry Series project taking place at the Davenport Perth Neighbourhood and Community Health Centre and Pelham Park Gardens from November 4, 2013 to June 27, 2014. The stories of local seniors will be shared with pre-school aged audiences through the presentation of three original storytelling plays and a storybook tapestry, all created in collaboration with Davenport Perth community members and Arts4All artists. PROJECT $12,000 Asian Arts Freedom School will offer a series of writing and performance workshops for Asian/Pacific Island youth from across the city, taking place at the Glad Day Bookshop from June 1 to October 31, 2013. Participants, including youth from all ethnic backgrounds taking part in coalition building workshops, will create individual and collective writing pieces to be presented at AAFS performance events. PROJECT $11,000 Association of Artists for A Better World will present the Winterfolk Blues and Roots Festival, a free family festival, at the Eaton Chelsea Hotel, February 13-16, 2014. PROJECT $4,000 Axis Music will provide free violin, cello and piano workshops for 18 children and youth at the Gordonridge Community Centre in Eglinton East-Kennedy Park from November 1, 2013 to July 15, 2014. The project overcomes economic barriers to music instruction and composition by engaging residents through weekly one-on-one, group and guest artist workshops, developing their instrumental and compositional skills. Participants will perform compositions during three recitals for the Gordonridge community, and attend classical music concerts. PROJECT $12,000 Azure Rivers will engage in a second phase of development of their new work Madam Mao by Janet Lo and Paul Thompson in October 2013. This solo show is based on the life of Madame Mao Jian Qing, the wife of Chairman Mao Zedong. The work focuses on her quest for power and her role as a feminist in China incorporating elements of dance and music. PROJECT $5,000 Bain Arts Collective will conduct the Home Made Stories project, creating site-specific performances involving dance, puppetry, music and art installations in celebration of the Co-op's 100th anniversary, and taking place at Bain Apartments Co-operative from July 1 to September 25, 2013. PROJECT $15,000 Baobab Afrikan Arts will present Mandingue Summit, a five-day West African dance and drum festival that celebrates traditional Mandingue culture with workshops and performances led by masters. The festival will take place at Daniels Spectrum, September 13-29, 2013. PROJECT $8,000 50 Danielle Baskerville will complete development work on Close My Eyes, a full evening contemporary dance theatre duet choreographed by D.A. Hoskins for Danielle Baskerville and Luke Garwood. Work will take place at The Citadel, October 1-28, 2013. PROJECT $6,000 Batuki Music Society is a presenter of African music and arts. Its mandate is to encourage local African musicians to participate in Toronto's diverse arts and culture scene through live music shows, visual arts displays, and festivals. It will present Songs of My Mother: A Celebration of African Women at Daniels Spectrum on September 28, 2013. PROJECT $6,300 blackandblue dance projects will present 4 performances of Speak, Love, a new evening-length duet choreographed by Sasha Ivanochko for Ivanochko and Brendan Wyatt, at the Winchester Street Theatre in December 2013. PROJECT $8,000 Black Hammer Group will present The Ballad of Weedy Peetstraw at SummerWorks 2013. A backwoods boy sells his soul to the devil in exchange for supernatural prowess on the banjo in this comic postmodern bluegrass opera. PROJECT $3,500 Blood Orange Theatre will present Somebody Else by Sarah Miller-Garvin a play about a woman confronting a childhood secret that forces her to re-examine her actions. PROJECT $2,000 Bluemouth Inc. will develop Stay (a) Wake! A Field Guide to Strip Poker in November/December 2013. The work brings together disparate ideas and looks for connections between an Australian walkabout, an Irish wake, poker games, and the seven stages of grief. PROJECT $10,000 Angela Blumberg will create a new dance work inspired by Ann Carson's poem And Reason Remains Undaunted. The choreographic work will look at ways of translating Carson's poem into a physical realm, and will take place as part of her residency at the Toronto Heliconian Club from January 6 to April 30, 2014. PROJECT $6,000 Body Percussion Festival will present an international array of dance and movement artists that use the body, footwork or instruments as extensions of the body, in a percussive way. The festival, organized by Viv Moore and Soraya Peerbaye, will take place in May 2014 at Harbourfront Centre’s Brigantine Room. PROJECT $8,000 BoucharDanse will partner with Théâtre La Tangente to present 7 performances of a full evening production as part of NextSteps at Harbourfront's Enwave Theatre in October 2014. Works to be presented are the world premiere of L'éternel voyage by Sylvie Bouchard and the Toronto premiere of L'Implorante by both Bouchard and Théâtre La Tangente. PROJECT $9,000 Bound2Create will present Dirty Butterfly in November 2013 at Aki Studio. This startling drama by Jamaican British playwright Debbie Tucker Green explores voyeurism, power, guilt and the collateral damage of domestic abuse and racial economic divide. PROJECT $9,000 The Box Collective will present public reading/performance events at the Rivoli in October 2013 and February and June 2014. The thematic events feature an eclectic mix of poets, writers, performance artists, visual artists, playwrights, filmmakers, activists, philosophers, scholars, and musicians. PROJECT $3,300 Butcher Gallery will produce All-Terrain, a three part artist/curator performative action series that will take place between July 2013 and Spring 2014. The concept is to relocate the gallery from indoors to outdoors; each show will be mounted outdoors, documented and dissambled in one day. The primary dissemination of the series will be through gallery-made multiples, documentation and the gallery website. PROJECT $4,000 51 Michael Caldwell will create a contemporary dance choreography for five dancers, based on the theme of loneliness. Work will take place at The Citadel, November 4-22, 2013. PROJECT $7,000 Canada Clown will present the annual Toronto Festival of Clowns at Pia Bouman School. The 5-day event will bring together clowns and physical artists of all disciplines to showcase their work. PROJECT $8,000 Canadian Film in the Schools administers the Reel Canada project, a touring film festival taking place at Toronto high schools and middle schools between October 2013 and June 2014. It presents a curated program of feature films, documentaries, animated programs and shorts in Toronto schools. Its purpose is to raise awareness around Canadian film within the high school population. Films are programmed by students with assistance from the project organizers. Complementing the screenings is a series of lectures and other activities. PROJECT $4,000 Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives Gallery will present the exhibition Body Politic: Political Bodies taking place June 1, 2013 to February 28, 2014. For the 40th Anniversary of the CLGA, the Archives will present an historical and contemporary look at the Toronto gay newspaper The Body Politic (1971-1987) and how it has shaped LGBTQ communities in Canada. PROJECT $3,500 Canadian Rep Theatre will produce Pacamambo by Wajdi Mouawad, translated by Shelley Tepperman, at the Citadel in January/February 2014. This poetic and magical work addresses transformation from life to death, from innocence to experience, and from anger to understanding. PROJECT $9,000 CANORAA Inc. will present the Latin-Afro-South Asian Festival and workshop series, taking place at Lula Lounge, Gallery 1313 and the Wychwood Art Barns from March 2 to June 4, 2014. The festival will present music and dance works and a video and visual arts exhibition, exploring common elements and influences between Latin American, African and South Asian cultures. Project activities include a series of percussion, printmaking, dance, and flamenco guitar workshops open to members of the three cultural communities and the general public. PROJECT $10,000 CANSCAIP (Canadian Society of Children's Authors, Illustrators, and Performers) will hold Packaging Your Imagination, its annual professional development conference, at the Lakeshore Campus of Humber College on November 9, 2013. As a pilot project, lectures and workshops will be streamed online in order to increase accessibility, and there will be an evaluation component to determine areas of success in this venture and aspects that require improvement. PROJECT $8,000 Canzine Arts Festival will produce the annual Canzine Festival of Independent Culture at 918 Bathurst Cultural Centre on October 20, 2013. Canada's largest festival of alternative culture and publications, it includes readings, seminars, zine exhibitions, workshops, panels discussions, art installations and performances. This event brings together creators working in a variety of media and promotes the exchange of ideas and products. The conference will be preceded by the Canzine Symposium on October 19th, a one day zine maker conference that will allow zine creators to hone their skills and network with peers. PROJECT $5,000 Cardinal/Kantor will present Clifford Cardinal's Stich in October 2013. The play is about an internet porn superstar who suffers from psychological abuse and consequently makes bad life choices. PROJECT $10,000 Caribbean Chorale of Toronto will develop and present a musical theatre production that tells the twenty year story of the Chorale since its founding in 1993. Beginning in November 2013, Artistic Director Luther Hansraj will lead workshops and rehearsals for Chorale members at several locations, including the Church of St. Michael the Archangel, and St. Hilda's Anglican Church, with the final presentation taking place at the Rembrandt Banquet Hall in Scarborough on May 10, 2014. PROJECT $9,000 52 Lua Casu will create Hybrid, a work that speaks to the challenges and benefits of mixing of races, cultures, identities, and values in present day Canadian society. Work will take place at Joy of Dance studios from August 15, 2013 to March 30, 2014. PROJECT $7,000 Central Toronto Youth Services (CTYS) will conduct the Transcend 2014 project, taking place at CTYS from November 13, 2013 to June 23, 2014. Transgender youth under the age of 24 will work with lead artists Syrus Marcus Ware and Tristan R. Whiston using different art forms, including visual art, writing, poetry and digital media, to explore gender and identity. The project culminates in a public showcase of works created by the youth. PROJECT $15,000 Marie-Josee Chartier will present a series of mixed programs of short works that she choreographed and directed, involving a group of ten dancers and actors. Work on the petites danses "mini festival" production will take place from January 20 to February 1, 2014 as part of her residency at the Tank House Theatre, Young Centre for the Performing Arts. PROJECT $7,000 The Chinese National Musician Xu Ruhui Foundation will present the Xu Ruhui Centennial Symphony Concert featuring music of late Shanghai composer Xu Ruhui, at the PC Ho Theatre on June 20, 2014. PROJECT $5,000 Clawhammer Theatre Company will develop The Show That Smells, a puppet show about sex, love, ambition, wrestling with the devil, and falling from grace by Gil Garratt and Gemma James-Smith, from November 2013 to January 2014. PROJECT $10,000 Chocolate Woman collective will develop Side Show Freaks & Circus Injuns by Monique Mojica and LeAnne Howe. The work will explore two characters from the Side Show era - the snake charmer/dancer and the he/she persona. The structure of the piece is based on effigy mounds and earthworks found throughout Turtle Island. PROJECT $5,000 Choirs Ontario promotes, supports and celebrates choral music across the province. It will hold its annual Youth Choir camp at the University of Toronto, August 16-25, 2013. The choir's final performance takes place at Grace Church on-the-Hill. PROJECT $4,000 The Christie Pits Film Festival is a four night curated festival of feature length and short films presented in outdoors at Christie Pits Park between June and November. The screenings in the park are free, and encourage audiences who may not see great works of film due to barriers such as cost, location and unfamiliarity. This year the festival features a program of short films by Toronto filmmakers that will be screened prior to the features. PROJECT $1,000 Citizen Theatre Collective will develop a physical theatre image-based piece exploring intimacy and inspiration using Franz Kafka`s Letters to Felice as source material. Development work will take place at Zuke studio in September 2013. PROJECT $7,000 Community Arts Guild will conduct the research and development phase of the Campfires project, taking place at Cedar Ridge Creative Centre and other East Scarborough locations from January 6 to June 28, 2014. Working from oral history and inspired by the image of campfires and the theme of legacies, the project will engage artists of the Community Arts Guild and residents of KingstonGalloway/Orton Park in multi-arts explorations and workshops, culminating in a two-week long interactive gallery installation at Cedar Ridge. PROJECT $13,000 53 Compania Carmen Romero is offering the Flamenco Legacy workshop series, an 8-day intensive dance and music cultural exchange with legendary Spanish artist La Tati, at Mad for Dance Studios, January 2230, 2014. PROJECT $4,000 Contact Toronto Photography Festival presents a series of large-format, photo-based public installations by Canadian and international artists to animate exterior city spaces as a complement to the exhibitions presented in both public and private galleries that comprise the annual festival in May. A program of related lectures and panel discussions provides a forum for discussion and debate, exploring the thematic focus of the festival. PROJECT $4,000 The Contrary Company will develop a work about a group of women undergoing cancer therapies. The group will work collectively incorporating movement, voice and sound design into the theatre piece. Development work will take place at PT studio in September 2013. PROJECT $8,000 The Convergence Ensemble will present a concert of creative jazz and improvised music to celebrate the release of Live in Saskatoon at Gallery 345 on November 17, 2013. PROJECT $950 Louis Laberge-Cote will begin the initial research of a new solo work for himself, including a mentorship with Ted Robinson and vocal training sessions with Fides Krucker. The work will take place from January 6 to August 31, 2014 at the Winchester Street Theatre and Centre Q. PROJECT $6,000 Creation Company will develop Ian Kamu’s Nora, an exploration of mental illness within communities of colour, in November/December 2013. PROJECT $4,850 Tanya Crowder's HOWDARESHE (xchange) includes the creation and presentation of new commissioned work and creative and professional exchanges by artists from Toronto and Montreal Darryl Tracy and Lina Cruz. The Toronto segment will take place at Dovercourt House in April 2014. PROJECT $4,000 CUE-Sketch will conduct the Underground Art Detective Mission project taking place at Sketch Working Arts, East Metro Youth Services, LAMP Community Health Centre and various other locations in Toronto from September 1, 2013 to February 28, 2014. Lead artists will work with marginalized youth to create multidisciplinary art projects. PROJECT $13,750 Dance Matters Dance Productions produces a curated community-based performance series featuring original choreographies from dance artists of all disciplines, artistic perspectives and cultural influences. The series, headed by Tanya Crowder, will take place at the Scotiabank Studio Theatre - Pia Bouman School, from November 1, 2013 to May 15, 2014. PROJECT $10,000 Design Exchange will present This is Not a Toy: Artists and Designers at Play. This exhibition, catalogue, and outreach program explores urban vinyl toys as contemporary art objects and soci/political signifies through the work of 44 artists and 4 themes form historical to contemporary. PROJECT $4,000 The Diaspora Film Festival is a showcase for independent Canadian and international artists dealing with the concept of diaspora. It will take place October 31 to November 5, 2013 at Innis Town Hall, Carlton Cinemas and Arta Gallery. The aim of this festival is to expose Toronto audiences to films by filmmakers that are culturally poignant and not readily accessible through the mainstream. PROJECT $4,000 54 Diasporic Genius (Tides Canada Initiatives Society) will conduct the Telling Stories into Form project, a 16 week storytelling, visual arts and narrative movement program for residents of Thorncliffe Park, taking place at the East York Town Centre in Thorncliffe Park from January 1 to June 1, 2014. PROJECT $4,500 The Dietrich Group will redevelop and present Land of Fuck (a fable), a dance work by D.A. Hoskins for nine performers exploring the theme of evolution. The performances will take place in April 2014 at the Winchester Street Theatre. PROJECT $8,000 DOC Toronto will present the Documentary Masters Series from November 2013 to spring 2014 at various locations in Toronto. PROJECT $3,000 Dos Mundos Arts and Media will conduct the Pan-American Bridges project, a series of multidisciplinary arts workshops and talks, showcasing Pan-American art forms by local artists, and taking place during the Uma Nota Festival of Tropical Expressions, October 18-20, 2013. PROJECT $7,570 Drag Musical Collective will facilitate a community theatre project taking place at the 519 Community Centre from July 1 to September 31, 2013, during which queer and trans youth of colour and aboriginal youth will work with professional artists to create a 45-60 minute drag musical to be performed at The 519 and Buddies In Bad Times Theatre. PROJECT $10,000 Driftwood Theatre’s 2014 Bard's Bus Tour will feature The Tempest by William Shakespeare and Shakespeare's Will by Vern Theissen in Todmorden Mills and Withrow Park in the summer of 2014. Both works feature the motif of the sea and explore the issue of isolation. PROJECT $10,000 Dylan Bell and the Autonomous Collective is a new ensemble comprised of Dylan Bell (voice/piano/bass/guitar/looping), Justin Abedin (guitars), George Koller bass/dilruba/voice) and Ben Riley (drums/percussion/voice). Representing the virtuosity and versatility of the Toronto jazz and original music scene, the ensemble will present two concerts on November 15, 2013 at the Jazz Bistro and March 15, 2014 at Hugh's Room. PROJECT $2,000 East End Music Project will offer subsidized weekly music lessons for children and youth, taking place at the Church of the Resurrection on Woodbine Avenue from January 21 to May 30, 2014. Programming will consist of guitar, vocal ensemble and piano lessons delivered by professional musicians during both group and private sessions, culminating in a collaborative performance event. PROJECT $6,000 Ecce Homo Theatre will develop Brushfire or Untitled (Wojnarowicz is dead) by Alistair Newton in February 2014.The work is based on the life and work of visual artist, poet, playwright, photographer, filmmaker, political rabble-rouser and early AIDS activist David Wojnarowicz. PROJECT $6,000 Eight Fest Small-Gauge Film Festival will take place at Polish Combatants Hall (SPK), January 24-26, 2014. The festival screens films shot in 8mm and other small-gauge formats. In addition to screenings, it will include workshops and artist talks. PROJECT $7,250 Eldritch Theatre will present Frankenstein's Boy by Eric Woolfe at Theatre Direct's studio in February 2014. This new play for live actors, also features magic and puppetry, and combines the tropes of Gothic horror, Grand Guignol and romantic fantasies of 1930's movies. PROJECT $10,000 55 Elspeth Heyworth Centre For Women will host visual artist Minal Kulkani in a year-long residency taking place at their location on Finch Avenue West from November 15, 2013 to November 14, 2014. Minal will work with appoximately 50 seniors, women and youth, teaching them painting and drawing techniques and facilitating the creation of individual and collaborative works. PROJECT $10,000 Ensemble Polaris explores new perspectives on music from the Scandinavian and Baltic countries, Scotland and Canada, as well as original, Nordic-inspired repertoire. The ensemble will present A Polaris Cabaret on April 11, 2014 at the 918 Bathurst Street arts space. PROJECT $3,500 Etobicoke Handweavers & Spinners Guild will provide opportunities for its members to increase skills and artistry with professional textile artists who come as guest speakers and workshop leaders. The skills development sessions will take place from September 3, 2013 to June 30, 2014 and cover a broad range of crafts including basketry weaving, dying fabric and yarns, spinning, fabric design, felting and needlefelt. PROJECT $1,200 Events in Real Time will develop Untitled Alien project, an interdisciplinary theatre work where fictional alien worlds are collectively created through a performer-driven process. The work incorporates theatre, music, dance and video while addressing questions about language and communication. Development work will take place in July 2013. PROJECT $6,000 Eventual Ashes will conduct multidisciplinary arts workshops for queer youth of colour and Indigenous youth, taking place at the Glad Day Bookshop from November 1, 2013 to March 30, 2014. Participants will learn skills in music, writing, film, dance and theatre and create their own performance pieces that combine at least two disciplines. The project culminates in a performance at Buddies in Bad Times Theatre. PROJECT $10,000 Expres Arte will conduct the Identidad project, a community theatre program for 13 Latin American youth from Jane-Finch to explore themes of identity and culture, taking place at Casa Maiz Latin American Cultural Centre in Jane-Finch from July 15 to September 15, 2013. PROJECT $7,808 The Feint of Hart Collective will develop Henri Faberge's Feint of Hart, an original multimedia theatrical production combining scripted theatre, music, improvisation and video projections to explore themes of gender, repressed sexuality and corruption of power. Development work will take place at Videofag in June/July 2013. PROJECT $8,000 FibreWebs Collective will conduct the We Are Part of the Fabric project, taking place at the Sherbourne Health Centre from February 3 to June 28, 2014. Professional fabric artists will facilitate a series of 20 fibre-arts workshops involving spinning, weaving and storytelling, and explore the theme of connectedness with queer identified youth participants. The project will culminate with an exhibition of participants' work at Buddies in Bad Times Theatre during Toronto World Pride in June 2014. PROJECT $8,000 Franco-fete de la communaute urbaine de Toronto will present Franco-Fete at Dundas Square, June 21-23, 2013. The weekend event is an annual celebration of francophone culture in Toronto and it will feature a range of musical styles for all ages in the square and two bistros. PROJECT $5,000 Fruit Loopz Collective will facilitate the Fruit Loopz Art and Mentorship Project, taking place at the Sherbourne Health Centre and the Griffin Centre from November 1, 2013 to May 1, 2014. Collective members and guest artists will work with a collaborative of youth service agencies to provide spectrum youth with multidisciplinary arts workshops, including storytelling, photography and video production, performance art, zine and comic book creation. The project will culminate in exhibitions at the AGO, Native Earth Performing Arts and Buddies in Bad Times Theatre. PROJECT $13,000 56 Gadfly will present 7 performances of a new full-length, multidisciplinary contemporary street dance work titled Aforismo at The Citadel in November 2013. The work incorporates urban contemporary dance with video and original music. PROJECT $8,000 The Gallops will develop a contemporary interpretation of Aeschylus' The Oresteia with a cast of emerging and mature artists. The work will integrate movement, music and design elements to explore themes of violence, revenge while asking moral questions. Development work will take place in October 2013. PROJECT $6,000 Luke Garwood will undertake the initial creation phase for a new work called The Windows. It will be a silent movie styled dance piece that will become a site specific work made for computer browser/pop up windows. Work will take place at The Citadel, December 2, 2013 to April 25, 2014. PROJECT $6,000 Geetanjali Music and Dance Group will develop and produce the Inspirations 2013 multicultural arts event, convening professional artists across artistic disciplines in celebration of Asia's first Nobel Laureate, Rabindranath Tagore. Development workshops and rehearsals will take place starting in August at Thistletown and Gord and Irine Risk Community Centres and York University. The final event will take place at the Toronto Centre for the Arts on November 9, 2013. PROJECT $10,000 Gendai Gallery will undertake a year-long thematic research, discussion, screening series and publication kit investigating the notion of Model Minority. There will be four screenings and four workshops presented between December 2013 and June 2014. PROJECT $7,000 Gimme One Riddim will present the expanded second phase of their Jamaican ska-themed production for Harbourfront's NextSteps series. Work on the choreography by Natasha Powell and Jasmyn Fyffe will take place from December 3, 2013 to March 26, 2014, with the performances taking place March 27-29, 2014. PROJECT $7,000 Greater Toronto Chapter of the NAJC will produce the Japantown Festival taking place at 730 Queen West from September 20 to October 6, 2013. The event involves the creation of a large-scale mural on the exterior of Sanko's Trading Company, a hub for the Japanese Canadian community. PROJECT $10,000 The Greater Toronto Philharmonic Orchestra is a 50-member ensemble with a mandate to develop the skills of musical students, amateur, and professional musicians in Toronto by providing orchestral performance opportunities. It will present four concerts as part of its subscription series and one outreach concert. The series' concerts will take place on December 7, 2013, and February 14, April 12, and May 17, 2014 at Calvin Presbyterian Church and the Columbus Centre. The outreach concert will take place at Briton House on December 1, 2013. PROJECT $1,000 GREX was formed by Alex Samaras in 2010 as a vehicle for voice-focused collective music creation. The Collective will present two concerts at the Glenn Gould Studio, April 25-27, 2014. PROJECT $4,500 Groundwater Productions will develop The Apple by Erin Shields in February/March 2014. A contemporized version of the Genesis story of Original Sin examines how a narrative implants itself on the communal subconscious. PROJECT $4,200 group of twenty-seven is a full classical chamber orchestra that performs concerts of rarely heard, older works, and new Canadian works. It will present four concerts - November 15, 2013 at Grace Church onthe-Hill, February 7 and April 6, 2014 at Church of the Holy Trinity, and May 16, 2014 at Berkeley Church. PROJECT $8,000 57 Parul Guptal will undertake the creation of a sixty-minute Kathak piece that will focus on communication and improvisation between the Kathak dancer and Tabla player. Work will take place at Sagrario Pilates Studio, June 10 to October 6, 2013. PROJECT $6,000 Hand Eye Society will present a one-day festival of video games with word or writing components at the Toronto Reference Library featuring a game-making workshop, game showcase and discussions of the creative design on November 16, 2013. PROJECT $4,000 Hardworkin' Homosexuals will present the Explain Yourself live performance book launch at Club 120 on September 14, 2014 to celebrate the publication of Compulsive Acts, a book of critical essays and interviews about the work of Sky Gilbert. PROJECT $4,000 Hope and Hell Theatre will develop Life, death and the blues, an autobiographical concert/theatre hybrid by Raoul Bhaneja. The work explores the musical genre of the blues through live performance and multimedia. Development work will take place at Theatre Passe Muraille in August/September 2013. PROJECT $3,500 D.A. Hoskins will undertake the initial in-studio research and development of a new interdisciplinary dance work that explores the theme of perception through aesthetic. This two week process will solely develop material within the dance aspect of the work and will engage seven dance artists at The Citadel, June 10-21, 2013. PROJECT $8,000 IFT will produce Nightmare Dream by Motion at the Campbell House Museum in January 2014. This intimate, site specific presentation explores the African encounter with the "other." PROJECT $12,000 Illumine Media Project will conduct a five day filmmaking camp and six month filmmaking program for youth from St. Jamestown and Regent Park, taking place at the Wellesley Community Centre and various neighbourhood locations from December 20, 2013 to June 30, 2014. PROJECT $10,000 IMPACT will develop a storytelling project based in the Ponnivala folk story of South India using the South Asian movement-based art forms of Banethi and Kalari, and conducted in collaboration with youth participants at the Malvern Family Resource Centre, Regent Park Boys & Girls Club and the Thorncliffe Neighbourhood Office from January 15 to June 30, 2014. PROJECT $9,000 Iranian-Canadian Composers of Toronto (ICOT) is a collective of five composers with a mission to create works that bridge Canadian and Iranian culture through music and art. It will present Arash the Archer, an operatic adaptation of the eponymous Persian myth at the Fleck Dance Theatre on July 18, 2013 as part of the Tirgan Festival at Harbourfront Centre. PROJECT $5,000 Jamii Esplanade will conduct the Esplanade Sculptural Photo Exhibit project, taking place at the St. Lawrence Community Centre and local parks from January 1 to July 31, 2014. The project engages professional artists and residents of the Esplanade in a collaborative process to create outdoor sculptural photo exhibits in Crombie Park, Berczy Park and Market Lane Park as part of the 2014 CONTACT Photography Festival. PROJECT $10,000 Jeng Yi is a drum and dance group that has a mandate to present innovative compositions and stage shows based on the performing arts of Korea. It will present The Jeng Yi Comeback Show in winter 2013 at the Fleck Dance Theatre. PROJECT $3,150 58 Jewish Music Week in Toronto is a week-long festival of musical events and lectures that celebrates the many recognized styles of Jewish music such as Klezmer, Cantorial, Sephardic, Israeli pop and Yiddish theatre. In addition, the Jewish contribution to Jazz, Broadway, Classical, Big Band and the music of Jewish Hollywood songwriters is also highlighted. This includes. The festival will take place during the week of May 18-25, 2014 at various locations across the City. PROJECT $9,000 Jeunesses Musicales of Ontario encourages the pursuit of music among young people and assists emerging performers and composers to develop their careers. JMO will present two concerts at the Brigantine Room on February 17 and May 19, 2014 as part of the Music With Bite concert series, produced in partnership with Harbourfront Centre. PROJECT $2,000 Molly Johnson will commission choreographer Sabina Perry to re-create a dance-theatre solo for her using Perry's choreographic score, Funeral for My 20's. The creation work will take place from January 1 to January 17, 2014 at hub14. PROJECT $3,000 JunctQin is an ensemble of pianists that introduces audiences to contemporary keyboard repertoire. It will present FIVE, a concert celebrating the ensemble's fifth year at Gallery 345 on May 30, 2014. PROJECT $2,100 Kaisoca Pass de Torch will offer a sixteen week calypso and soca instructional program for children and youth from June 1 to October 1, 2013 at Berner Trail Community Centre in Malvern. The workshops will cover storytelling, the history of calypso, poetry writing, calypso music, singing, and dance, culminating in learners performing their own compositions and songs with dance before an audience. They will run a beginner and an intermediate/advanced program concurrently, and will produce a CD showcasing the learners' work. PROJECT $10,000 Kala Nidhi Fine Arts of Canada will present New Directions in Indian Dance: the Kala Nidhi Festival at the Fleck Dance Theatre, March 13-16, 2014. It will explore new trends in Indian dance through performances and symposia with live streaming between Toronto and outside locations. PROJECT $10,000 Kapisanan Philippine Centre will produce the KULTURA Filipino Arts Festival at its facility in Kensington Market and various Toronto venues, August 9- 23, 2013. This multidisciplinary festival features live music, spoken word performances, culinary arts, play readings, two art exhibits, and multi-arts workshops and programming, all led by Filipino-Canadian youth. For 2013 they are continuing the themes of Pamahiin/Ritual, exploring Filipino superstition and related rituals, and Sariling Duende or 'unique spirit inside you' through re-imagined portraits of the Filipino-Canadian. PROJECT $10,000 Kemi Contemporary Dance Projects will create La Bas, choreographed by Jennier Dallas and dancer Joanie Audet, from November 15, 2013 to January 15, 2014 at Dovercourt House studios. The first presentation of the work will take place at the Fleck Dance Theatre for Dance Ontario's DanceWeekend in January 2014. PROJECT $5,000 Kristy Kennedy has commissioned a solo for herself, to be choreographed by Sasha Ivanochko, inspired by the music and personas of David Bowie. The work on this initial creation phase will take place at The Citadel from December 9, 2013 to January 17, 2104. PROJECT $5,000 Benjamin Landsberg will undertake a one-month creation period for a new full-length contemporary dance work that will explore some of his questions around shifts in the global perception of homosexuality. Work will take place at the National Ballet School studio and Winchester Street Theatre studio, July 1-31, 2013. PROJECT $5,000 59 The Larkin Singers is a 16-member mixed-voice choir dedicated to choral music. It will present its threeconcert subscription series at Church of the Holy Trinity on November 23, 2013, January 25 and April 5, 2014. PROJECT $2,500 Las Perlas del Mar Productions will conduct the Artistic Expressions project, taking place at their Rushton Road location, Wychwood Barns, Gallery 44, and the Toronto Rape Crisis Centre from January 6 to June 15, 2014. The project involves video production, photography, storytelling and painting workshops for marginalized Hispanic women and men, led by professional artists from the Hispanic community, and culminates with an exhibition of works created at the Toronto Rape Crisis Centre. PROJECT $7,000 The Latin American Art Projects will be holding their sixth Latin American Speaker Series with four talks from February 2014 to April 2014. PROJECT $3,000 Latin St. Music will conduct a free Cuban music program for children and teens, taking place at Oakwood Library and Chalkfarm Community Centre from July 3 to August 28, 2013. The project involves a series of Cuban percussion workshops, culminating in a public performance. PROJECT $8,000 Le Laboratoire d'Art is a Francophone media arts facility that focuses on research, production, innovation, collaboration and outreach. Le Labo will present the Franco-Ontarian Aesthetic Development and Sustainability Project, a collaborative project that will provide professional workshops and networking opportunities to Le Labo members and francophone/francophile artists supporting Toronto's FrancoOntarian aesthetic. The workshops will include artistic development, graphic design and specific media practices, with some focusing on youth. PROJECT $5,000 Le Théâtre La Tangente will produce by Claude Guilmain at Theatre Glendon in June 2013. The multi-media work is the third part of a trilogy and focuses on a family birthday celebration full of facile conversation disguising a group of tormented people. PROJECT $10,000 Brandy Leary will create a new solo dance work, drashta, applying contemporary perspectives to the Indian movement vocabularies of Kalari and Chhau. The development work will take place from November 1, 2013 to January 30, 2014 at the Collective Space. PROJECT $5,000 Li Delun Music Foundation promotes Western and Chinese classical musics. The organization will present An East Meets West Concert of Favourite Classics on January 4, 2014 at George Weston Recital Hall. PROJECT $3,000 Life of a Craphead presents a monthly performance show called Doored at Double Double Land from November 2013 to October 2014. Curated by Amy Lam and Jon McCurley, the series features new performance works by visual artists. PROJECT $3,000 Life Rattle will present the 20th annual Totally Unknown Writers Festival at the Rivoli on November 6, 2013, featuring an evening of readings by ten new writers representing a variety of cultures and experiences. Participants are selected by a collective of writers and editors who have worked with the organization. The program is intended to reflect the range and variety of Toronto communities - the organization provides expertise to inexperienced writers in order to prepare them for a live reading. PROJECT $3,500 Litmus Theatre Collective will produce a collective collaboration, Birth of Frankenstein, in the debate room at Hart House in November 2013. The work is an investigation of the act of creation that parallel's the classic novel and the historical influences that lead Mary Shelley to write Frankenstein. PROJECT $11,000 60 Shannon Litzenberger will present a 12 hour cyclical episodic performance installation featuring 8 contemporary choreographers and over 50 professional and amateur performers at the Gardiner Museum as part of Toronto's Nuit Blanche on October 5, 2013. Everyday Marvels, based on Lorna Crozier's poetry, will feature 16 miniature vignettes exploring the everyday objects interpreted in the poems. PROJECT $6,500 Long Winter is a monthly series of inter-arts, multi-media events where programming is offered in four rooms simultaneously, focusing primarily on musical performances from acts that often employ the use of visual and dance collaborations. In addition to music, a central feature of Long Winter events is the involvement and exhibition of other art forms, including performance, installation and visual art, film screenings, puppetry, spoken word and poetry, video games, and panel discussions and storytelling. Events will take place once a month between November 2013 and March 2014 at the Great Hall. PROJECT $6,000 The Loyan Foundation will engage visual artist David Kibuuka to conduct the Modern Batik Art Workshop project, taking place at Carmine Stefano Community Centre in North York from March 10 to June 27, 2014. Participating youth aged 14-24 will learn a range of batik art techniques, create original batik art pieces, and learn how to market their work. PROJECT $8,000 Lula Music and Arts Centre produces community festivals and events that celebrate and promote the dance and music of world cultures, particularly South America and Caribbean. The organization will present LULAWORLD 2014 at Lula Lounge, May 6-18, 2014. PROJECT $10,000 MABELLEarts will develop and produce A Light in Mid Winter, a neighbourhood parade and community arts celebration to take place in Central Etobicoke, from November 4, 2013 to February 28, 2014. The project involves ongoing multi-disciplinary arts workshops with people of all ages living at Mabelle, and the event will feature spectacle-based theatre, outdoor installations, culturally specific movement and music performances, video projections, costume design and portraiture created in collaboration with Mabelle residents. PROJECT $12,000 MacGregor Park Art Club will offer a skateboard design and creation workshops for local students and youth, taking place at MacGregor Park and Ecole Secondaire Toronto Ouest from December 1, 2013 to July 15, 2014. Working with visual artists Lissa Brunet and Gordie Wornoff, participating youth will make their own skateboards and design a skateboard park for the school. The project culminates in an exhibition of works created at MacGregor Park during the Canada Day long weekend. PROJECT $6,000 Maniac Star, comprised of composer/conductor Brian Current, librettist Anton Piatigorsky and soprano Carla Huhtanen will mount a performance of Airline Icarus at Daniels Spectrum, June 3-8, 2014. PROJECT $10,000 Maracatu Mar Aberto will conduct the Beats on the Block project from June 3 to September 30, 2013. During workshops held at Clay & Paper Theatre, Island Woolworks Studio and Toronto Kiwanis Boys and Girls Club, community participants will work with MMA member musicians and partnering dancers and costume designers to create a production informed by the traditions of Maracatu that will be performed at the 2013 Cabbagetown Festival. PROJECT $10,000 Median Contemporary will present and facilitate Art Spin from June to September 2013. The project comprises bicycle-led tours of public, commercial and artist-run galleries in combination with site-specific art installations and multidisciplinary performances by local artists. PROJECT $4,000 The Mermaid Collective will produce Nik Beeson and Richard Sanger's Dive, an original sonic-theatre work, in a cabaret setting at The Citadel in February 2014. It is an adaptation of Lighea, a story written by mid-20th Century Italian author Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa. PROJECT $10,000 61 Mix Mix dance collective will remount the 60-minute street dance piece, Jack Your Body, as part of the Next Stage Festival at the Factory Theatre from December 1, 2013 to January 19, 2014. PROJECT $4,500 Mooredale Concerts presents a unique combination of professional and youth concerts designed to attract families, students, and senior citizens. It will present 10 concerts at Koerner Hall, Walter Hall, MacMillan Theatre and Laidlaw Hall, Upper Canada College between November 25, 2013 and June 1, 2014. PROJECT $4,000 A Moveable Beast will present A Moveable Beast in collaboration with Volcano Theatre. This multidisciplinary production combines classical music, original composition and sonic experimentation, with projected video, and movement in an examination of Canadian hybrid identity in the 21st century. Performances will take place at the Daniels Spectrum, April 11-27, 2014. PROJECT $3,000 Muhtadi International Drumming Festival includes the festival launch at Wychwood Green Art Barns on June 6, 2013, and festival programming and workshops at Woodbine Park, June 8-9, 2013. The festival will feature numerous Toronto-based drumming groups that represent cultural traditions from around the world and feature a range of percussion forms, including steel pan, kit drums, djembe, congas, taiko, and others. PROJECT $10,000 Musica Reflecta, under the leadership of pianist and conductor Anastasia Tchernikova, is a chamber orchestra collective (string quartet, woodwind quintet, pianist, and a handful of composers) that aims to present new works, and rearrange classics for the 'newly formed mini-orchestra'. In collaboration with Love Nation, Musica Reflecta will present Continuous Events Clapping Optional in January 24, 2014 at St. Barnabas Anglican Church. PROJECT $2,400 Nagata Shachu, a professional taiko drum group, will present its 15th anniversary concert at the Enwave Theatre on November 22- 23, 2013. In addition to taiko drumming, the concert will feature melodic instruments such as the shinobue (bamboo folk flute), shakuhachi (end-blown flute), shamisen (threestringed plectrum), and voice, as well as dance and movement. PROJECT $7,000 Neitgeist will produce Truth/Dare: A Satire (with dance) in June 2014 as part of World Pride. A staged reading of the 1991 documentary film Truth or Dare is juxtaposed with original live and multimedia elements. PROJECT $8,000 New Harlem Productions will develop A Song for Tomorrow by Christina Wong between November 2013 and January 2014. Weaving Cantonese and English, the play tells the story of the sacrifices new Canadians make to find love and happiness. PROJECT $2,500 NIA Centre for the Arts will conduct the Masters@Work project, a three part series of creative writing, theatre and poetry workshops for young emerging artists working from an African-Canadian perspective, and taking place at their Oakwood Village location from March 1, 2014 to March 31, 2015. Workshops will be led by prominent African-Canadian artists Trey Anthony, Wendy Braithwaite and Lawrence Hill. PROJECT $7,000 Jacob Niedzwiecki will mount 8 performances of Jacqueries, a contemporary dance work for 5 dancers that starts with a heist and ends with a show trial, linking performers and audience with synchronized sound through a custom mobile phone app, as they move seamlessly together through indoor and outdoor public and private spaces. The work will be produced at a location near Bay and Dundas from June to October, 2013. PROJECT $9,000 62 No. 9 will present a public art exhibition - We Must Cultivate Our Garden - by Nathan Coley (UK) at the Evergreen Brickworks. The work is an illuminated 30ft long text piece that will be installed on top of a building so that it can be seen from the Don Valley Parkway. PROJECT $3,000 Nobody's Theatre will produce Scheherazade by Johnnie Walker in January 2014 at Factory Theatre as part of the Next Stage Festival. PROJECT $5,000 on the MOVE is an annual career planning and networking conference for emerging dance artists, which facilitates their transition into the dance profession. The events, organized by several dance organizations, will take place at Daniels Spectrum between November 1, 2013 and April 30, 2014. PROJECT $4,000 Ontario Crafts Council will present the exhibition Surface and Symbol: recent Beadwork by Jean Marshall in their gallery from August 8 to September 28, 2013. This curated solo show of work by an Aboriginal artist explores beading as an expressive medium conveying ideas about identity. PROJECT $6,000 Open Book Foundation will host a Toronto Literary Salon event on November 7, 2013, featuring writers who have written on the theme of fatherhood. Salon events provide a chance for the reading public to rub shoulder with local writers, exchange ideas about the issues of the day and expand their knowledge of the literary talent in their midst. PROJECT $2,000 Open Door Storytelling Project will present the Mosaic Storytelling Festival at St. David's Anglican Church Parish Hall, every second Sunday afternoon from January to April 2014 The festival showcases storytellers that reflect the diversity of the neighbourhoods and storytelling traditions (Greek, African, Celtic, Turkish, Jewish, Islamic, South Asian, Persian). It seeks to underscore the importance of local history, lost stories and how these can assist in building a sense of community. PROJECT $2,667 Open Roof Films Entertainment, Inc. will present the fourth annual Open Roof Festival at the Open Roof Theatre (25 Dockside Drive) each Thursday between June 20 and August 22, 2013, featuring artists such as Diana, The Woodchopper's Association, Evening Hymn, Omhouse, Pursuit Grooves, Vernce, Modern Superstitions, Most People, Del Bel, and Cookie Duster. PROJECT $4,000 The Organization of Calypso Performing Artistes will present the Calypso Riddims Music Series, a new music series dedicated to producing and presenting calypso music in all its forms. The three-day concert series will take place at Daniels Spectrum, July 12-14, 2013. PROJECT $6,000 Kevin Ormsby will create and present Until Then...Now, a selection of his previous contemporarydiasporic works, for dance Immersion from January 1 to April 3, 2014 at the National Ballet School and Enwave Theatre. PROJECT $8,000 Outside the March will produce Vitals by Rosamund Small in May 2014. Performed in a site-specific location, the play, based on interviews with EMS workers, tells the story of a Toronto paramedic dealing with a disturbing emergency. PROJECT $12,000 Pan Arts Network will present Autumn Leaves of Steel, a showcase featuring steelpan solo artists, at the PC Ho Theatre at Scarborough Chinese Cultural Centre on November 2, 2013. Prior to the event, PAN will present pan masterclasses in schools with pan programs. PROJECT $4,000 63 Paradigm Productions will present Stencil Boy and Other Portraits by Susanna Fournier at The Next Stage Festival in January 2014, exploring interconnectedness and tension between artists' real worlds and the invented world of their paintings. PROJECT $5,000 Parkdale Beauty Pageant Society will present the 15th Annual Parkdale Film + Video Showcase taking place June 18-21, 2013 at venues in Parkdale. The festival will feature the work of film and video makers living in the neighbourhood and continues its outdoor screening and installation initiatives. A program of workshop for children and newcomers will be presented at Parkdale Public Library. PROJECT $5,000 Parkdale Village Arts Collective will present the exhibition Telling: An Audio Survey of Parkdale in November 2013. This exhibition of public space installations will integrate visual art and sound recordings as a means of exploring the history and changing character of Toronto’s Parkdale neighbourhood. PROJECT $2,500 People Project (Tides Canada Initiatives) will conduct the Leaving Evidence workshop series and multimedia archiving project for spectrum youth, taking place at the Glad Day Bookshop and the 519 Church Street Community Centre from November 1, 2013 to August 1, 2014. The project involves a series of multimedia arts workshops with a focus on documentary photography and video production, apprenticeship sessions for young artists, a culminating community event and exhibition of works produced, and an online digital archive to document the project. PROJECT $12,000 Philippine Women Centre of Ontario will conduct Our Voices: A Portrait Series Project, taking place at the Magkaisa Centre from June 1 to December 30, 2013. This youth-led initiative will employ photo-based visual arts techniques as educational tools to explore issues of settlement and integration as faced by the Filipino Canadian community in Toronto. PROJECT $8,000 The Plasticine Poetry Series Association runs a monthly reading series at Pauper's Pub, featuring invited readers and an open-mic session. The purpose of the series is to introduce established writers to new audiences and to provide a supportive environment in which emerging writers can read from their work. The series will run the third Sunday of each month from July 2013 to June 2014. PROJECT $3,440 Play It Again Productions will develop and present Death Married my Daughter, at the Toronto Fringe Festival in July 2013. The play utilizes Shakespeare's characters, Desdemona and Ophelia, to denounce the relationship between men and women, women and power and the injustices they have faced. PROJECT $2,000 pounds per square inch performance will create two new dance works as part of the Art of Peace Project, to be performed in site specific peace gardens in Toronto. Gerry Trentham's creation work will take place from April 7 to September 28, 2014 at Canadian Contemporary Dance Theatre studios. PROJECT $6,000 Pratibha Arts promotes and presents Indian classical arts in Canada. It will present a five-series program in collaboration with Harbourfront Centre featuring the collaboration of diverse cultural music and dance forms. Each program will be designed and commissioned specifically with the idea of highlighting a common element among artistic styles. The series, called Spectrum, will take place June 29 to September 1, 2013 and will be free of charge. PROJECT $5,000 QuipTake will develop and present I, Racist by Adam Lazarus, a story that explores racism and its many grey areas using storytelling, songs, movement and bouffon. PROJECT $2,100 Raging Asian Women Taiko Drummers (RAW) is an all-women taiko collective. It will present Movement: a Percussion Cycle, a concert for full Taiko drumming ensemble at the Betty Oliphant Theatre, December 7-8, 2013. PROJECT $6,000 64 Rainbow Association of Canadian Artists will conduct the Spectra project taking place at the 519 Community Centre and Bishop Marrocco Auditorium from December 1, 2013 to July 6, 2014. The project involves a showcase series, professional development workshops, one-on-one mentoring and group recording opportunities for emerging singers and songwriters who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or as straight-allies (LGBTA). PROJECT $9,000 REAson d'etre dance productions will create a new modern dance piece, It's a Boy, set on 9 artists of different ages, to explore the vulnerabilities men face in our society. The work will take place at Ballet Jorgen Studios between July and December 2013. PROJECT $7,000 Red Dress Productions artists Anna Camilleri and Tristan Whiston will facilitate the first phase of the Winchester Park Public Art Project that will engage neighbourhood residents in the development of a large-scale three dimensional public artwork. The project will take place at the Bleecker Street Cooperative and various locations in the Winchester Park Neighbourhood from August 15 to December 15, 2013. PROJECT $8,000 Red Slam Collective will conduct Da Jump Off!: 4 Directions Urban Arts Experience project, a series of interdisciplinary urban arts workshops, taking place at Art City in St. James Town from October 15, 2013 to February 15, 2014. Red Slam artists will work with Art City's children and youth participants to explore the Four Directions of the Medicine Wheel through graffiti writing, break dancing, beat making and MC'ing. The project will culminate in a showcase of participants' work for the wider community to be held at Daniels Spectrum in Regent Park. PROJECT $8,000 The Remix Project will conduct the Academy of Creative Arts project, taking place at their arts facility in Liberty Village from November 15, 2013 to October 31, 2014. During the project, 15 youth aged 15-24 from underserved communities across the city will participate in career development workshops and be mentored by professional artists in a range of artistic mediums, including illustration and fine arts, graphic arts and web design, photography, and video. The project culminates in a graduation event showcasing participants' work. PROJECT $15,000 Renaissance Canadian Theatre will develop Bachelor Man by Winston Kam in February 2014. Based on historical fact, the play explores the lives of Chinese immigrant men and how immigrant families were affected by the Chinese Immigration Act of 1923. PROJECT $3,000 Renaissance Projects will present Kelly and the Kellygirls in concert at Revival on October 24, 2013, featuring songs from their upcoming album, The Deep Ending. The band is known for its fusion of ska, reggae, swing, flamenco, mariachi, as well as having a dynamic and theatrical live performance style. PROJECT $3,000 Right Path Community Centre will conduct the Oshun Ra project taking place at Body's Inc. Studio in Jane-Finch from November 15, 2013 to June 15, 2014. During the project, youth of African and AfroCaribbean ancestry from Jane-Finch will participate in a series of visual arts, drama, dance, music and poetry workshops led by professional artists, and develop a final performance based on the Oshun Ra story to be presented at the North York Civic Centre. PROJECT $6,500 Roarshaq is Mark Godfrey (bass), Joel Visentin (piano), Jeff LaRoche (sax, clarinet), and Derek Gray (drums, percussion). As an ensemble, they are dedicated to creating original works in the field of jazz and improvised music. The ensemble will undertake a development workshop to rehearse new works from November 18 to December 6, 2013. PROJECT $2,050 65 Rosedale Winds is a woodwind quintet comprised of five emerging musicians who are interested in establishing a strong collaborative relationship between emerging composers and professional musicians. They will present two concerts at Gallery 345 in October 2013 and April 2014, featuring rarely performed Canadian woodwind quintet repertoire. PROJECT $1,500 The Rowers Reading Series is a monthly reading series that showcases the work of Canadian poets and fiction writers with an emphasis on established creators and exceptional emerging artists from publishing houses of all sizes. Readings takes place the first Monday of each month from November 2012 to June 2013 at The Victory Cafe on Markham Street. PROJECT $5,100 The Royal Conservatory of Music, Performing Arts division, will present three concerts that are part of the Italian music series La Dolce Musica. The concerts will take place at Koerner Hall on November 2, December 7 and December 15, 2013. PROJECT $7,500 Jessica Runge will produce and perform the Festival of Possibilities, including an informal public presentation and workshops. The project investigates the relationship between content and context, and integrates the work of five choreographers: Susie Burpee, Deborah Dunn, Susanna Hood, Heidi Strauss, and Runge herself. The development and presentation work will take place from January 1 to December 30, 2014 at Intergalactic Arts Co-op (Artscape Youngplace). PROJECT $7,000 The Ryerson Image Centre will present the exhibition Ghost Dance: Activism and Resistance in Indigenous Art, curated by Steven Loft, from September 18 to December 15, 2013. The exhibition, which seeks to explore the intersection of historical events and artistic practice, will include a film program, artist talks, panel discussion and a publication. PROJECT $6,000 Salon du Livre de Toronto will present the 21st annual Toronto French Book Fair at the Bram & Bluma Appel Studio at Toronto Reference Library, December 4-7, 2013. In addition to providing the opportunity for French-language publishers and distributors from Ontario, Quebec and Europe to display their wares and share information, the fair creates a festival-like atmosphere through readings, performances, book signings and panel discussions. An education component, designed to promote reading to younger generations, features workshops for school groups. PROJECT $5,500 San Lorenzo Latin American Community Centre will produce the Inti Raymi Festival at Christie Pits Park, June 22-23, 2013. The festival features folk music from Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, El Salvador, Brazil, the Caribbean and the music of First Nations people in Canada. PROJECT $4,000 Anjelica Scanurra will perform Danzas Sagradas, a one-hour contemporary/flamenco solo inspired by the Picasso's painting Guernica, at Harbourfront Centre's Studio Theatre as part of NextSteps, September 27-28, 2013. PROJECT $5,000 Scaramella Concerts will present a three-concert chamber music series on period instruments at Victoria College Chapel, University of Toronto, on November 30, 2013, February 1 and April 12, 2014. PROJECT $1,000 Scarborough Caribbean Youth Dance Ensemble will hire Tamla Mathews to lead a series of African and Afro-Caribbean dance classes for children and youth at Berner Trail Community Centre in Malvern from November 1, 2013 to June 28, 2014. Participants will be introduced to African and Afro-Caribbean dance, have the opportunity to learn from guest artists, and perform for their local community. PROJECT $9,000 66 The Scarborough Film Festival enhances the cultural dynamic of Scarborough through the art of international films and multicultural cinema. The second Scarborough Film Festival will take place June 38, 2014. PROJECT $2,500 Shakespeare in the Ruff will present a re-imagined version of Shakespeare's Richard III in Withrow Park in August 2013. The company will conduct outreach to engage all communities in the Riverdale neighbourhood and will continue their mentoring work of young aspiring theatre artists through the Young Ruffians program. PROJECT $10,000 Sherbourne Health Centre: SOY (Supporting Our Youth) will conduct two arts initiatives for LGBT youth from January 11 to June 30, 2014. Pink Ink involves 12 weekly sessions at the Yorkville Public Library, where participants develop their creative writing, practice performing their work, integrate movement and group pieces into their performances, and culminates with the creation of zines presented at a launch event. SHIFT involves 12 weeks of photographic instruction, mentoring and skills development for the youth, with sessions at Gallery 44, outings to sites across the city, a gallery hop in Queen West, and culminates in an outreach exhibit. PROJECT $6,000 Single Thread Theatre will workshop Mackenzie House Story by Alex Dault at Mackenzie House in June 2013. This found space work tells the story of William Lyon Mackenzie from divergent personal and historical perspectives. PROJECT $6,500 The Sino-Tibetan Buddhist Association, Toronto will mount One Stroke at Metro Hall, May 12-16, 2014. This group exhibition features the work of Master Tam Shek-Wing and 17 other artists on his 80th lunar birthday. PROJECT $7,000 The Sir WIlliam Campbell Foundation is charged with the preservation of Campbell House and has included contemporary art programming in the space since 2011. It will present House&Home, a contemporary art intervention at the Campbell House Museum, curated by Katherine Dennis and featuring work by Cindy Blazevic, Gwenessa Lam and Zoe Kreye. The work will be exhibited from September 1 to October 31, 2013. PROJECT $3,500 Sistering will host writer Lauren Kirshner and guest artists to lead the Sister Writes program at the BloorGladstone Branch of the Toronto Public Library from June 15, 2013 to June 15, 2014. This creative writing workshop series will enable twenty marginalized women to write about their realities using various literary styles. Participants will publish their writing in the program magazine, Roots to Branches, and present their work to the public through readings at the magazine launch and at local community centres. PROJECT $13,000 Small Wooden Shoe will develop the collective creation, The Radio Variety Show, January 6 to February 22, 2014. A live audience will watch the creation of a radio show including dramas, guest spots and interviews. PROJECT $10,000 Zoja Smutny will create Rose Porn, comprising 12 brief solo dances and 12 accompanying songs. The solos will be developed with specific performers in mind, who will later receive a "manual" with a choreography and its song. The performer can then interpret the work as they see fit, and will later be brought together with the other soloists for a group presentation. The creation work will take place from February 1 to April 30, 2014 at Dancemakers and Studio 363. PROJECT $5,000 South Riverdale Community Health Centre will host ceramic artists Paul Stewart and Juliana Pivato from January 3 to May 3, 2014 to provide service users from the Health Centre's programs with ceramic arts workshops at the centre and the Crescent Town Community Club. The project will culminate in an exhibition of participants’ work. PROJECT $6,000 67 Spectrum is a collective of Toronto composers with a shared vision for creating and presenting creative music in Canada. The collective's music uses an approach rooted in jazz and creative music to create a unique genre of crossover chamber music. It will present three concerts as part of its 2013/2014 season at the Annex Theatre on November 21, 2013, January 24 and April 17, 2014. PROJECT $6,000 St. Stephen's Community House will host resident artists Sara Sniderhan and Peter Mitchell to conduct the Kensington Art Academy project, offering visual arts classes for youth in grades 7-12, taking place at their Kensington Market location from November 4, 2013 to June 30, 2014. The project will culminate with a group exhibition at Ingram Gallery. PROJECT $13,000 Stolen From Africa, a national youth led non-profit organization that promotes awareness of Black Diaspora and Indigenous cultural histories through education, fashion, music and the arts, will work with 100 emerging youth artists from Jamestown, Jane-Finch, Weston-Mt. Dennis, Kingston-Galloway, and Malvern on the SavingOurSelves (SOS) project. The project will take place from August 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014 and will involve a series of multi-media arts development retreats and culminate in a performances and exhibit to be held at the AGO. PROJECT $15,000 Story Planet will conduct free story workshops for school children and youth ages 6-18 from across the city, taking place at their writing centre in Bloordale Village from November 8, 2013 to June 20, 2014. Led by professional writers and visual-media artists, each workshop involves participants in collective story writing and illustration, culminating in a finished storybook for each participant. PROJECT $12,000 StudioFeed Toronto will present the second annual Sound in Motion (SIM) festival, a four-day event celebrating the electronic and eclectic music ecosystem in Toronto, featuring workshops, interactive installations, short film screenings, and live performances by electronic artists. The event will take place at Global Village Backpacker Hostel (back patio), Bata Shoe Museum, Coronation Park, Polish Combatants Hall, and the Music Gallery, July 11-14, 2013. PROJECT $6,000 Suburban Beast will produce Concord Floral by Jordan Tannahill in March 2014 at The Theatre Centre. The work is a multimedia-driven adaptation of Boccaccio's Decameron, set in Vaughan and featuring a cast of ten teenagers from Toronto's suburbs. PROJECT $7,500 SuiteLife Arts For Youth will conduct the StArt Youth Presenting Art project to develop and produce a multidisciplinary youth arts festival, taking place at the Scarborough Village Community Centre and Theatre from July 22 to August 24, 2013. The project provides young emerging artists with opportunities to showcase their work, and to participate in a series of workshops in a range of artistic disciplines including theatre, singing, dance, spoken word, fine arts, photography, and short film/video. PROJECT $8,000 The Supernaturalz collective will bring the b-boy community together in a festival to explore the Torontoborn Threading movement style with workshops, panel discussions, a battle, and a performance. The festival will take place at Simply Swagg Dance Studio and other locations in late August 2013. PROJECT $5,000 Supine Collective will develop The Supine Cobbler (a Canadian Western for girls) by Jill Connell. This multidisciplinary work is in the genre of contemporary westerns about female outlaws. Development will take place at the Pia Bouman Theatre in October 2013. PROJECT $10,000 Linnea Swan will create a new interdisciplinary solo work, SOS, exploring the themes of isolation and loneliness through the hilarious and harrowing lens of online dating. The work will take place from December 2, 2013 to January 4, 2014 at Gibraltar Point Centre for the Arts and Dancemakers Centre for Creation. PROJECT $6,000 68 Syrinx Concerts Toronto will present a series of five Sunday Salon concerts at Heliconian Hall from December 2013 to May 2014, as well as an 80th birthday concert celebrating the career of Walter Buczynski. Each concert comprises music by traditional classical composers and a featured Canadian composer either from an existing work or a commissioned piece for the performer(s). PROJECT $5,000 Team Vector will hold Vector: Game + Art Convergence, a festival and symposium centred on contemporary art practice and its intersections with the medium of digital games, at a variety of venues including OCAD University and Videofag, February 20-23, 2014. PROJECT $7,000 Team Vector will hold Vector: Game + Art Convergence, a festival and symposium centred on contemporary art practice and its intersections with the medium of digital games, at a variety of venues including OCAD University and Videofag, February 20-23, 2014. PROJECT $7,000 Theatre Asylum will produce 2 short plays by playwright Maria Irene Fornes that explore themes of poverty and self-delusion: The successful life of 3 and Mud. Production will take place in November 2013. PROJECT $14,000 Theatre Brouhaha will produce Dead Mouse by Toronto playwright Kat Sandler in October 2013. The play is about a multi-generational family living under one roof in Toronto; an exiled relative returns to a family gathering with a dark secret. PROJECT $3,500 Theatre Collider will develop Pinky Swear by Christopher Duthie in November/December 2013. This TYA play is about a nude photo of a teenage girl going viral on social media at a high school and how the virtual simulacrum has very real consequences in the physical world. PROJECT $5,000 Theatre Museum Canada will exhibit a booth at the CNE in August 2013 showcasing theatre pioneers Tom Hendry, Susan Rubes, Paul Thompson, and Vera Cudjoe. There will also be mask-making for children and other archival material highlighting Canada's theatrical heritage. PROJECT $2,500 TheatreRun will develop Double Bill: Shostakovich, or Three Days in Red & Italian Mime Suicide in May 2014. Two short works based on the lives of two artists (a Russian composer and an Italian mime) use movement, gesture and music to explore the intersection of the political and the personal. PROJECT $3,000 Theatre Smash will produce a remount The Ugly One by Marius von Mayenburg at Tarragon Theatre in January/February 2014. This biting and hilarious satire examines the nature of beauty and image. PROJECT $4,500 The Thin Edge New Music Collective is a Toronto based contemporary chamber music ensemble that aspires to bring innovative and challenging 20th and 21st century music to audiences. It will present Premieres II, a program of newly commissioned works by 5 emerging composers from Canada, England and the USA. The program will be presented at Tapestry/Nightwood New Work Studio on June 8, 2013. PROJECT $1,067 Throwdown Collective will create a new 10-minute work that will investigate how the performers play with time and expectations to create different perspectives in the eyes of the viewer. This new work will be presented at the dance:made in Canada festival in August 2013. PROJECT $7,000 The Toronto Alternative Arts & Fashion Week will take place at Daniels Spectrum, April 22-24, 2014. The festival comprises five integral elements: photography and video exhibition, performance series, video screenings, site-specific installations, artist talk series. This year's festival, titled State of Us, will explore the notion of being. PROJECT $4,500 69 Toronto Animated Image Society will offer a lecture, workshop and production series entitled Cycle and Re-cycle: The Art of Animation from January to August 2014. The program will empower diverse artists and general public with inspiring animation lectures, screenings, and workshops to access the required tools to create their own animation work. PROJECT $4,000 The Toronto Comic Arts Festival, a celebration of comics, graphic novels and their creators, comprises readings, panel discussions, interviews, and workshops in addition to an exhibition and vendor fair, at the Toronto Reference Library and other venues, May 9-11, 2014. PROJECT $8,000 The Toronto Dance Community Love-In will run several dance development activities, including eight professional workshops, the Summer Love-In intensive, the Teaching Space Program, community meetings, and the presentation series, ps: We Are All Here. The activities will take place from November 1, 2013 to July 31, 2014 at Dovercourt House. PROJECT $7,000 Toronto Heritage Dance will present five nationally important contemporary dance works by Toronto choreographers in a program that spans several decades of dance development in Toronto. The work will take place in October of 2013 at the Winchester Street Theatre. PROJECT $3,000 The Toronto International Deaf Film and Arts Festival, in partnership with the Inclusive Media and Design Centre (IMDC) at Ryerson University, will offer training, expertise, and equipment to selected film and video makers to make their artistic work more accessible. The artists will be selected from the Toronto International Deaf Film and Arts Festival, imagineNATIVE, and Toronto Reel Asian film festivals. The project will run from June 1, 2013 to May 31, 2014. PROJECT $4,000 Toronto International Flamenco Festival will present its 7th annual festival at Ryerson Theatre, the Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre and the Bloor Cinema in October 2013. The festival contributes to the development and awareness of flamenco in Canada through its presentation of international and Canadian Flamenco artists in performance, workshops in dance, singing and guitar, and flamenco film screenings. PROJECT $5,000 Toronto Masque Theatre is dedicated to the performance of masques and works inspired by the spirit of the masque. It will present The Myth of Europa at Trinity Saint Paul's Centre on April 25-26, 2014. PROJECT $10,000 Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition will present the Art Now: Art Relief public installation program taking place at Nathan Phillips Square, July 5-7 2013. Presented during the annual outdoor art exhibition, this initiative is designed to be inclusive of installation, sculpture, performance,and video based work. A threeperson curatorial team will select work from the results of an open call to the visual arts community. The installations happen in various parts of the square and can be interactive. PROJECT $1,500 The Toronto Palestine Film Festival takes place at Bloor Cinema, AGO, Jackman Hall and Bell Lightbox, September 27 to October 5, 2013. Approximately 10 programs representing 25 films will highlight the evolving Palestinian narrative and introduce a Canadian audience to new work. PROJECT $2,000 Toronto Sketch Comedy Festival Group will produce their 9th Festival of Sketch Comedy at Lower Ossington Theatre and The Comedy Bar in March 2014. The festival will feature troupes from Canada and United States, provide networking opportunities for sketch comedy performers, and professional development workshops for festival artists and the general public. PROJECT $7,000 70 Toronto Summer Music Foundation will present a series of eleven Mentors and Fellows concerts as part of the 2013 festival, featuring ensembles comprised of young talented musicians at the start of their professional careers - participants in the TSMF Academy - and their mentors, who include: Mark Fewer, Axel Strauss, Paul Coletti, Chris Costanza, Andre Laplante, Jonathan Crowe, Martin Beaver, Steven Dann, Marc Coppey. PROJECT $8,000 Toronto Urban Dance Symposium (TUDS) is a forum to educate both professional and emerging urban dance artists about available resources, industry best practices, employment standards and professional opportunities. The fourth annual symposium will be held at Winchester Street Theatre and studios in November 2013 and will include workshops with guest instructors, panel discussions, battles, performances, and the Street Dance Awards Gala. PROJECT $8,000 TorQ Percussion Quartet is an ensemble that is committed to adding to percussion repertoire and performance and promoting music education in schools. It will present three concerts: November 20, 2013 (at Arraymusic), March 19-20, 2014 (at the Tranzac), and May 9 (at Church of the Holy Trinity). PROJECT $9,000 The Toy Piano Composers is a collective of seven composers who present new music in a welcoming and engaging environment. They will present Tension/Resolution at Heliconian Hall on April 26, 2014. The concert will feature 6 Canadian premieres for harp and ensemble by the Toy Piano Composers alongside Daniel Brophy's award-winning work The Red Sky, with performances by guest harpist Angela Schwarzkopf and members of the Toy Piano Composers Ensemble. PROJECT $4,000 Tropicana Community Services will conduct the Speckz-tacular Dance Program, a 26 week dance program focusing on urban and Caribbean dance, taking place at their Scarborough Youth Resource Centre from January 6 to July 4, 2014. Working with choreographer Kay Ann-Ward, participating youth aged 12-24 will learn a range of dance styles, including hip-hop, funk, dancehall, contemporary, ballet and jazz, and have the opportunity to perform at community events and compete in local dance competitions and showcases. PROJECT $12,000 Tune Your Ride Collective will present the Toronto Bicycle Music Festival, a free outdoor music festival, along Toronto's waterfront on September 7, 2013. The festival moves from park to park throughout the day, starting at Trinity Bellwoods Park, moving to Bellevue Square Park (Kensington), and closing at Christie Pits Park. All electricity for the festival is produced by audience members using locally assembled, bicycle-powered sound systems. PROJECT $2,500 Turtle House Art/Play Centre will conduct a multi-disciplinary arts program for refugee chldren aged 412 and their parents/guardians from January 18 to June 14, 2014. The program will take place at two locations where refugee needs are identified, Forest Manor Public School in North York and Gateway Public School in Flemingdon Park-Victoria Village. At each location, lead artists will engage participants through 8-weeks of painting, drum-making, percussion and ceramic arts workshops, culminating in an open house event in celebration of participants' work. PROJECT $13,000 U.N.I.T Productions will produce Of Mice and Morro and Jasp, a clown adaptation of Steinbeck's novel about being down on your luck, at Factory Theatre in January/February 2014. PROJECT $10,000 UNITY (Urban Non-violent Initiatives Through Youth) will integrate graffiti art activities into their urban arts UNITY Festival taking place at Yonge-Dundas Square and various Toronto venues from July 17 to July 20, 2014. Project activities include the commission of graffiti art works by professional artists, demonstration of live graffiti art during each day of the festival, and a graffitti art workshop at Daniels Spectrum for the general public. PROJECT $9,000 71 Univox Choir Toronto is a mixed-voice community choir for young adults. The repertoire comes from a wide variety of styles and languages, including music from the Renaissance, choral classics, contemporary music, spirituals and international folk songs. It will present three concerts during the 2013/14 season: December 14 at Christ Church Deer Park, March 22 at the Miles Nadal JCC, and June 10 at Revival. PROJECT $7,500 Bageshree Vaze will work with mentor Christopher House to create Ritual, a new contemporary Kathak dance work that will be presented at the Canasian Kickstart Festival in April 2014 at Winchester Street Theatre. PROJECT $4,500 Wavelength Music Arts Projects will present six series at a variety of Toronto venues between February and June 2014: Wavelength Music Festival "FOURTEEN", Wavelength @ Images Festival, Wavelength Artist Incubator Showcase, and 2014 Development Nights and Record Release Events. PROJECT $10,000 Wedge Curatorial Projects will present an exhibition of photographs by Jonathan Blak, An Intimate Portrait: Toronto and Jamaica, at the Gladstone Hotel, February 1-28, 2014. The exhibition examines performance within Caribbean youth culture from the perspective of a photographer who has been involved in the rise of the Jamaican and Toronto art and music industries, and had witnessed several intersections in between. PROJECT $1,500 Whippersnapper Gallery will present Sidewalk Screening featuring 27 videos by emerging artists.that will be projected daily between 4:00 pm and 4:00 am from the gallery's front window onto Dundas Street, from December 2013 to February 2014. PROJECT $3,000 WIAprojects will present Babble (Babel), a cultural and language intervention in the traditional halls of Hart House, November 4-11, 2013 and February 3-10, 2014. This research and performance initiative will be a dialogic cacophony with artists Berenicci Hershorn, Margaret Dragu, Christine Brault and Helene Vosters. PROJECT $4,000 The WOW Project will create The Woman on Woman project, an investigation of queer female representation in theatre, between November 2013 and April 2014. The project will include readings of Ann Marie MacDonald’s Goodnight Desdemona, Good Morning Juliet, Susan G. Cole’s A Fertile Imagination, and d'bi young’s andrognye, and presentations of Mel Hague’s Theatrical Essay and Brief History of the Dyke. PROJECT $4,250 The Wychwood Clarinet Choir provides a place for clarinet players of all ages and stages to play musically together, opportunities for each player to play any part, and extends general musical knowledge and clarinet technique, WCC will present two ticketed concerts at St. Michael's and All Angels Church on November 17, 2013 and May 25, 2014, two community access performances on December 15, 2013 at location TBA, and April 22, 2014 at Christie Gardens, and Clarinet Day at the Faculty of Music, University of Toronto on February 1, 2014. PROJECT $3,000 Xpace Cultural Centre will present five exhibitions of work by emerging artists in their Project Space, from November 2013 to June 2014. PROJECT $2,000 Year Zero One will present the QueersTOry, a mobile app and walking tour designed for smartphones that will chronicle the layered histories and achievements of Toronto's queer communities. This project will identify 20 historically significant sites and ask Toronto artists to create media pieces based on the historical narrative that will be presented on the audience's smartphones. The project will coincide with World Pride 2014. PROJECT $6,000 72 The Young Centre for the Performing Arts will present the Canwest Cabaret Festival, a weekend of songs and stories taking place October 24-17, 2013. Fifty performances will be presented in the Young Centre's four main performance spaces over the three days of the festival. Theatres will be arranged in nightclub fashion with cabaret tables and chairs. PROJECT $8,000 Young Voices Toronto (formerly known as High Park Choirs of Toronto) trains young voices and develops a love of choral music among choir members. YVT will present Water and Light, a special Spring Concert in May 2014 at the George Weston Recital Hall. PROJECT $8,000 Sashar Zarif will continue the development of two solo dances that will further his work on Mugham, a centuries-old integrated art of poetry, dance and music. Work will take place at The Citadel, July 17 to August 23, 2013. PROJECT $7,000 Zata Omm Dance Projects will present 4 performances of vox:lumen at the Enwave Theatre in March 2015 as part of World Stage. The work is a parable about the human consumption of critical resources, focusing on the importance of generating light in our lives. PROJECT $9,000 73 ARTS DISCIPLINE RECIPIENT DETAILS ANNUAL OPERATING GRANTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 COMMUNITY ARTS Cabbagetown Community Arts Centre Cedar Ridge Studio Gallery Children's Peace Theatre Franklin Carmichael Art Group Manifesto Community Projects Mayworks Mural Routes Inc. Native Women in the Arts Red Pepper Spectacle Arts Regent Park Focus Shadowland Theatre Total Community Arts Annual Operating 2012 Allocation 14,500 5,000 13,000 4,500 12,000 23,750 11,000 15,500 29,000 30,000 16,000 174,250 2013 Request 25,000 6,000 18,000 6,000 45,000 25,000 18,000 25,020 29,000 45,000 21,000 263,020 2013 Allocation 18,500 5,500 18,000 5,000 25,000 23,750 13,000 16,500 29,000 27,000 18,000 199,250 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DANCE Ballet Creole Canadian Alliance of Dance Artists Chimera Project COBA Collective of Black Artists Coleman Lemieux & Compagnie Dancemakers Public Recordings Performance Projects Series 8:08 Tribal Crackling Wind for the Arts Total Dance Annual Operating 23,750 11,250 10,000 19,575 10,000 87,000 0 9,600 15,000 186,175 40,000 15,000 15,000 30,000 25,000 87,000 15,000 13,000 20,000 260,000 23,750 13,250 10,000 30,000 25,000 87,000 0 4,800 15,000 208,800 1 2 3 4 5 LITERARY Art Bar Poetry Series Diaspora Dialogues Charitable Society League of Canadian Poets Storytellers School of Toronto Toronto Book and Magazine Fair Total Literary Annual Operating 7,000 15,000 19,100 25,500 37,500 104,100 7,000 30,000 19,100 28,500 47,500 132,100 7,000 30,000 19,100 25,500 41,500 123,100 74 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 MUSIC Amici Chamber Ensemble Aradia Ensemble Arraymusic Art of Time Ensemble Canadian Music Centre Cathedral Bluffs Symphony Orchestra Chinese Artists Society of Toronto Chinese Opera Group of Toronto Contact Contemporary Music Dixon Hall Music School Echo Women's Choir Elmer Iseler Singers Etobicoke Centennial Choir Etobicoke Community Concert Band Etobicoke Philharmonic Orchestra Exultate Chamber Singers Jubilate Singers Korean Canadian Symphony Orchestra Les Amis Concerts Music Africa of Canada Inc. Music Gallery Music Mondays Community Series Music Toronto Nathaniel Dett Chorale National Shevchenko Musical Ensemble New Music Concerts North York Concert Orchestra Orchestra Toronto Oriana Women's Choir Orpheus Choir of Toronto Pan Trinbago Steelband Assoc. of Ontario Regent Park School of Music Scarborough Philharmonic Orchestra Sinfonia Toronto St. Christopher House Music School Tapestry New Opera Works Toronto Chamber Choir Toronto City Opera Toronto Downtown Jazz Society Toronto Early Music Centre Toronto Jewish Folk Choir Toronto Operetta Theatre University Settlement Music School Vesnivka Choir Inc. Victoria Scholars Men's Choral Ensemble VIVA! Youth Singers of Toronto Women's Musical Club of Toronto Total Music Annual Operating 2012 Allocation 12,000 7,000 38,090 13,000 60,000 11,000 9,000 6,250 7,250 20,000 5,000 29,570 4,750 6,500 7,000 5,000 5,000 6,000 5,000 15,000 79,000 3,500 91,500 21,000 5,000 55,000 2,735 18,000 7,000 11,000 9,000 15,000 18,000 7,940 24,000 35,000 7,500 6,000 13,000 5,250 5,800 19,000 23,500 8,000 6,600 9,000 2,500 781,235 2013 Request 18,000 10,360 48,090 41,000 80,000 15,000 15,000 10,000 16,000 20,000 5,000 34,943 7,000 7,500 11,000 8,000 5,000 15,000 5,000 35,000 84,250 4,500 91,500 21,000 7,800 60,000 11,355 30,000 8,500 20,000 9,000 22,000 21,000 15,000 26,000 45,000 7,500 9,000 31,000 5,250 6,000 30,000 38,000 14,000 10,000 13,000 2,500 1,050,048 2013 Allocation 18,000 10,000 38,090 40,000 70,000 15,000 13,000 10,000 7,250 20,000 5,000 34,000 4,750 6,500 11,000 7,000 5,000 10,000 5,000 31,000 79,000 3,500 86,500 21,000 7,500 55,000 2,735 20,000 8,500 20,000 9,000 20,000 20,000 13,000 24,000 35,000 7,500 4,800 30,000 4,200 5,800 23,000 23,500 8,000 6,600 13,000 2,500 781,235 75 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 2 3 4 THEATRE Acting Up Stage Theatre Company AfriCan Theatre Ensemble Alameda Theatre Company b current Cahoots Theatre Projects Carlos Bulosan Theatre Crow's Theatre Company Driftwood Theatre Group Factory Theatre Fixt Point Theatre Harold Green Jewish Theatre Company Necessary Angel Theatre Company Paprika Festival Playwrights Guild of Canada Small Theatre Administrative Facility The Company Theatre Theatre Columbus Theatre Ontario Theatrefront Inc. Why Not Theatre Total Theatre Annual Operating VISUAL/MEDIA ARTS Artists Film Exhibition Group Doris McCarthy Gallery Regent Park Film Festival Inc. Subtle Technologies Total Visual/Media Arts Annual Operating TOTAL ANNUAL OPERATING 2012 Allocation 10,000 0 0 20,000 30,000 12,000 24,000 0 155,775 0 0 65,000 10,000 22,000 20,000 0 41,000 11,500 10,000 0 431,275 2013 Request 15,000 13,500 15,000 40,000 40,000 15,000 60,000 12,000 160,000 10,000 15,000 70,000 20,000 24,000 25,000 20,000 50,000 11,500 15,000 15,000 646,000 2013 Allocation 15,000 0 15,000 25,000 40,000 6,000 34,000 0 158,000 0 0 67,000 13,000 23,000 25,000 15,000 41,000 11,500 15,000 15,000 518,500 23,000 21,000 10,000 14,000 68,000 26,000 50,000 30,000 20,000 126,000 23,000 45,000 20,000 16,000 104,000 1,745,035 2,477,168 1,934,885 76 MULTI-YEAR OPERATING GRANTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 COMMUNITY ARTS Art Starts Neighbourhood Cultural Centre Arts for Children and Youth Drum Artz Canada Inner City Angels Jumblies Theatre Mariposa in the Schools Prologue to the Performing Arts Sketch Total Community Arts Multi-Year Operating 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 DANCE Arts Inter-Media Ballet Jorgen Canadian Contemporary Dance Theatre CanAsian Dance Festival Corpus Dance Projects dance Immersion Dance Ontario Association Dance Umbrella of Ontario DanceWorks Dreamwalker Dance Company Dusk Dances Esmeralda Enrique Spanish Dance Company Fujiwara Dance Inventions Kaeja d'Dance Kaha:wi Dance Theatre Korean Dance Studies Society Little Pear Garden Collective Menaka Thakkar Dance Company MOonhORsE dance theatre Peggy Baker Dance Projects princess productions ProArteDanza Red Sky Performance Toronto Dance Theatre Total Dance Multi-Year Operating 1 2 3 4 5 LARGE INSTITUTIONS Canadian Stage Harbourfront Centre International Readings at Harbourfront Power Plant Soulpepper Theatre Company Total Large Institutions Multi-Year Operating 2012 Allocation 65,000 12,000 14,000 36,500 38,000 15,000 20,000 41,000 241,500 2013 Request 70,000 50,000 25,000 38,000 60,000 18,000 30,000 80,000 371,000 2013 Allocation 65,000 37,000 17,000 36,500 48,000 17,000 30,000 65,000 315,500 26,000 77,000 41,850 13,400 24,000 22,000 15,150 28,850 49,000 12,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 30,900 20,000 11,325 11,000 23,000 10,300 15,000 14,000 10,000 10,000 146,450 671,225 31,000 110,000 51,850 18,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 28,850 60,000 15,000 35,000 23,000 20,000 40,000 32,000 20,000 15,000 40,000 15,500 23,000 18,000 15,000 35,000 150,000 871,200 31,000 90,000 45,000 18,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 28,850 55,000 15,000 31,000 23,000 17,000 30,900 32,000 17,000 13,000 35,000 10,300 22,500 18,000 15,000 33,000 150,000 805,550 820,000 201,775 111,200 141,240 146,500 146,500 870,000 400,000 150,000 190,650 300,000 300,000 820,000 265,000 140,000 176,000 285,000 285,000 77 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 MUSIC Amadeus Choir of Greater Toronto Bach Children's Chorus of Scarborough Canadian Children's Opera Company Opera Atelier Opera In Concert Pax Christi Chorale Toronto Children's Chorus Toronto Mendelssohn Choir Total Music Multi-Year Operating THEATRE Aluna Theatre Buddies In Bad Times Theatre Cabaret Theatre Company Centre for Indigenous Theatre Clay and Paper Theatre Fringe of Toronto fu-GEN Theatre Company Le Théâtre français de Toronto Mammalian Diving Reflex Mixed Company Modern Times Stage Company Native Earth Performing Arts Nightswimming Nightwood Theatre Obsidian Theatre Company Inc. Pleiades Theatre Puppetmongers Roseneath Theatre Smile Company Studio 180 Theatre Company SummerWorks Theatre Festival Tarragon Theatre Theatre Centre Theatre Direct Canada Theatre Gargantua Theatre Passe Muraille Theatre Smith-Gilmour VideoCabaret International Volcano Non-Profit Productions Inc. Young People's Theatre Total Theatre Multi-Year Operating 2012 Allocation 25,375 18,500 20,500 58,760 25,500 9,250 28,000 60,900 246,785 2013 Request 25,375 25,000 22,500 75,000 30,000 15,000 38,500 61,000 292,375 2013 Allocation 25,375 18,500 20,500 75,000 30,000 15,000 38,000 61,000 283,375 15,000 119,200 12,000 32,000 16,500 72,000 11,000 101,000 22,000 18,825 15,000 63,000 14,000 63,350 39,500 17,000 19,000 57,000 22,500 10,000 30,000 190,000 82,000 63,000 11,075 151,275 41,000 54,800 32,000 301,000 1,696,025 30,000 170,000 14,000 40,000 35,000 90,000 20,000 126,500 30,000 28,000 30,000 75,000 20,000 88,690 45,000 20,000 25,000 71,250 28,000 20,000 50,000 200,000 150,000 80,000 25,000 181,530 45,000 75,000 40,000 330,000 2,182,970 30,000 137,000 13,000 34,000 20,000 77,000 20,000 107,000 25,000 18,825 28,000 75,000 17,000 73,000 45,000 20,000 20,000 67,000 24,000 15,000 40,000 200,000 110,000 67,000 15,000 154,000 41,000 60,000 40,000 311,000 1,903,825 78 1 2 3 4 VISUAL/MEDIA ARTS Art Gallery of York University Koffler Gallery Prefix Institute of Contemporary Art Textile Museum of Canada Total Visual/Media Arts Multi-Year Operating TOTAL MULTI-YEAR OPERATING 2012 Allocation 33,000 50,000 17,000 35,000 135,000 2013 Request 72,000 65,000 52,000 95,000 284,000 2013 Allocation 55,000 50,000 30,000 58,000 193,000 3,137,035 4,301,545 3,786,250 79 MID-CYCLE MULTI-YEAR OPERATING GRANTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 MUSIC Ashkenaz Foundation Continuum Esprit Orchestra Hannaford Street Silver Band New Adventures In Sound Art Small World Music Society Soundstreams Canada Tafelmusik Talisker Players Chamber Music Toronto Blues Society Toronto Consort Total Music Mid-Cycle Multi-Year THEATRE PACT Toronto Alliance for the Performing Arts Total Theatre Mid-Cycle Multi-Year VISUAL/MEDIA ARTS A Space Gallery Art Metropole Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Centre CARFAC Ontario Centre for Aboriginal Media Charles Street Video FADO Performance Inc. Gallery 44 Hot Docs Documentary Festival Inside Out Lesbian and Gay Film Festival Inc. InterAccess LIFT Mercer Union Northern Visions Independent Film & Video Association Ontario Association of Art Galleries Open Studio Planet in Focus South Asian Visual Arts Collective Southern Currents / Corrientes Del Sur Toronto Jewish Film Festival Toronto Photographers Workshop Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival Trinity Square Video V Tape Women's Art Resource Centre Workman Arts Project YYZ Artists' Outlet Total Visual/Media Arts Mid-Cycle Multi-Year TOTAL MID-CYCLE MULTI-YEAR 2012 Allocation 30,000 16,000 82,500 28,000 13,500 27,500 64,000 140,000 5,000 27,000 19,000 452,500 2013 Request 50,000 25,000 125,000 36,000 20,000 60,000 84,000 161,000 15,000 37,000 28,000 641,000 2013 Allocation 50,000 21,000 84,500 28,000 13,500 42,500 84,000 160,000 13,000 32,000 26,000 554,500 5,000 73,500 78,500 5,000 80,000 85,000 5,000 78,000 83,000 62,000 27,172 38,000 16,312 28,000 54,500 23,000 68,000 28,000 32,000 43,800 58,500 62,000 42,000 12,000 65,000 12,000 23,000 18,000 12,000 61,000 25,000 50,000 52,000 37,000 7,500 65,000 1,022,784 1,553,784 63,000 40,000 50,000 30,000 60,000 60,000 30,000 96,000 100,000 50,000 48,180 87,750 67,500 55,000 25,000 70,000 30,000 50,000 21,600 30,000 66,000 50,000 55,000 80,000 40,000 20,000 67,600 1,442,630 2,168,630 62,000 38,000 48,000 20,000 55,000 54,500 24,000 73,000 72,000 45,000 48,000 63,000 64,000 48,000 20,000 70,000 23,000 40,000 20,000 24,000 65,000 45,000 50,000 70,000 37,000 17,000 65,000 1,260,500 1,898,000 80 PROJECT ALLOCATIONS COMMUNITY ARTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 COMMUNITY ARTS 106 & York Urban Arts Festival Abilities Arts Festival African Canadian Heritage Association African Women Acting Afrihili Cultural Association of Ontario Amazing Cat Performances AMY Project APUS Coop Theatre Art City in St. James Town ArtHeart Community Art Centre Arts Access Fund Arts4All Creative Society Asian Arts Freedom School Axis Music Bain Arts Collective Bells and Barking Black Lily Arts Collective Camera Strap Collective Canadian Foundation for Asian Culture CANORAA Inc. CANORAA Inc. Caribbean Chorale of Toronto Central Toronto Youth Services Community Arts Guild Community Matters Toronto Conoser CUE-Sketch Davenport Arts Community De-Railed Theatre Collective Diasporic Genius - Tides Canada Initiatives Society Dos Mundos Arts and Media Drag Musical Collective East End Music Project Elizabeth Fry Toronto Elspeth Heyworth Centre For Women Etobicoke Handweavers & Spinners Guild Eventual Ashes Everybody's Theatre Company Expect Theatre Inc. Expres Arte F_RMlab Family Service Toronto FibreWebs Collective Foodshare Toronto Franklin Horner Community Centre Fruit Loopz Collective Geetanjali Music and Dance Group Girls Rock Camp Toronto Glenn Gould Foundation 2013 Request 10,000 8,000 10,000 10,000 3,500 10,000 15,000 2,500 8,000 7,955 10,000 15,000 11,000 15,000 15,000 7,450 8,200 8,000 10,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 7,800 14,625 13,750 15,000 10,600 10,020 7,570 10,000 8,000 8,000 15,000 1,200 12,000 8,000 15,000 7,808 8,000 5,000 9,950 5,800 15,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 2013 Allocation 10,000 8,000 10,000 10,000 3,500 8,000 15,000 0 6,400 0 0 12,000 11,000 12,000 15,000 0 0 0 0 0 10,000 9,000 15,000 13,000 0 0 13,750 0 0 4,500 7,570 10,000 6,000 0 10,000 1,200 10,000 0 0 7,808 0 0 8,000 0 0 13,000 10,000 0 0 81 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 COMMUNITY ARTS Greater Toronto Chapter of the NAJC Illumine Media Project IMPACT Indian Martial and Performance Art Collective of Toronto In Forma Theatre Iranian Canadian Centre for Art and Culture Jamii Esplanade Kaisoca Pass De Torch Kapisanan Philippine Centre Kennedy House Youth Services Inc. Kuriou Foundation Las Perlas del Mar Productions Inc Latin St. Music Loyan Foundation MABELLEarts MacGregor Park Art Club Making Room Community Arts Maracatu Mar Aberto Mood Disorders Association of Ontario NIA Centre for the Arts NOW HEAR THIS! Artists' Collective People Project - Tides Canada Initiatives Philippine Women Centre of Ontario Photographers Without Borders, Inc. R.I.S.E. Edutainment Rainbow Association of Canadian Artists Red Dress Productions Red Slam Collective Regent Park Youth Theatre Program Remix Project Right Path Community Centre Russian Library & Community Information Centre Scarborough Bluffs Music Scarborough Caribbean Youth Dance Ensemble Second Base Youth Shelter Sherbourne Health Ctr: SOY Sistering Social Circus Circle South Riverdale Community Health Centre South Riverdale Community Health Centre SPEAKout Organization for the Arts and Community Awareness Square Circle HQ - Social Circus Program St. Stephen's Community House Stolen From Africa Story Planet SuiteLife Arts for Youth Tamarind Eco Art Projects Toronto Disability Art and Performance Project (TDAPP) Toronto Writers' Collective Tropicana Community Services Turtle House Art/Play Centre 2013 Request 10,000 15,000 2013 Allocation 10,000 10,000 10,585 15,000 10,000 14,000 10,000 10,000 8,000 8,000 9,000 9,500 8,000 15,000 8,000 15,000 10,000 15,000 8,700 14,560 12,000 8,000 7,950 14,000 10,000 8,000 8,000 4,300 15,000 8,000 8,000 15,000 10,000 15,000 7,500 13,000 15,000 7,780 7,780 9,000 0 0 10,000 10,000 10,000 0 0 7,000 8,000 8,000 12,000 6,000 0 10,000 0 7,000 0 12,000 8,000 0 0 9,000 8,000 8,000 0 15,000 6,500 0 0 9,000 0 6,000 13,000 0 0 6,000 9,800 15,000 15,000 15,000 14,000 8,000 10,000 15,000 8,000 15,000 15,000 0 0 13,000 15,000 12,000 8,000 0 0 0 12,000 13,000 82 100 101 102 103 104 105 COMMUNITY ARTS Uncommon Collective Urban Non-violent Initiatives Through Youth Warden Woods Community Centre We Are One Jazz Project Whippersnapper Gallery Youth Film and Media Training Network (POV) Total Community Arts Projects 2013 Request 8,000 10,000 8,000 15,000 10,000 7,500 1,128,683 2013 Allocation 0 9,000 0 0 0 0 569,228 83 DANCE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 DANCE 3degrees adelheid dance Aer Time Alias Dance Project Alias Dance Project Anandam Dancetheatre Productions Arabesque Dance Company Arabesque Dance Company Baobab Afrikan Arts blackandblue dance projects Blue Ceiling Dance Body Percussion Festival Body Percussion Festival BoucharDanse Brazil Dance World Inc Compania Carmen Romero Compania Carmen Romero Dance Matters Dance Productions Dance Media Group/Dance Current Desna Ukranian Dance Company of Toronto DeviationDance Dietrich Group Femmes du Feu Find the Floor Dance Collective Flamenco de cerca/Flamenco up close Gadfly Gimme One Riddim Hercinia Arts Collective House of Nuance Ipsita Nova Dance Projects Janak Khendry Dance Company Jasmyn Fyffe Dance Jazz Hub Just Bgraphic Kala Nidhi Fine Arts of Canada KeepRockinYou Kemi Contemporary Dance Projects Kemi Contemporary Dance Projects Kokus Productions Kokus Productions Larchaud Dance Project Leading From The Hip Collective Love Flows Down Mix Mix Dance Collective Mix Mix Dance Collective Moving Company Performance Projects Musi-ciel (60 X 60 Dance) Newton Moraes Dance Theatre Now, For Instance 2013 Request 4,500 8,000 10,000 10,000 8,000 7,020 9,000 9,000 10,000 8,500 5,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 8,000 8,000 10,000 8,000 7,780 8,000 10,000 7,750 3,900 7,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 4,000 7,000 10,000 7,130 8,000 8,000 10,000 7,500 9,000 6,860 10,000 10,000 7,000 10,000 8,000 8,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 5,480 2013 Allocation 0 7,000 0 0 0 7,000 0 9,000 8,000 8,000 0 0 8,000 9,000 0 0 4,000 10,000 0 0 0 8,000 0 0 0 8,000 7,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,000 0 0 5,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,500 0 6,000 0 0 84 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 DANCE Now, For Instance On the MOVE pounds per square inch performance Public Recordings Performance Projects REAson d'etre dance productions Remote Creations Supernaturalz Throwdown Collective Toronto Dance Community Love-In Toronto Heritage Dance Toronto International Flamenco Festival Inc. Toronto Urban Dance Symposium Typecast Dance Company Tziporah Productions wind in the leaves collective Zata Omm Dance Projects Subtotal Dance Projects - organizations 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Acorn, Amanda Acorn, Amanda Alaoui, Meryem Anderson, Meredith Baskerville, Danielle Blackwood, Shavar Blumberg, Angela Blumberg, Angela Caldwell, Michael Casu, Lua Chartier, Marie-Josee Crowder, Tanya Crowder, Tanya Dell, Jesse Duggan, Brittany Evans, Aria Fobister, Waawaate Forcier, Marie France Garwood, Luke Guerra, Anthony Gupta, Parul Hampton, Amy Herrera, Consuelo Hilliard, Kate Hilliard, Kate Hoskins, Darryl Arthur Irwin-Childs, Sion Jaberizadeh, Roshanak Janmekha, Jarucha Johnson, Molly Kennedy, Kristy Kiel, Hanna Kimmons, Vanessa Jane 2013 Request 5,480 4,000 8,000 6,000 8,000 3,400 10,000 9,000 8,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 8,000 10,000 543,300 2013 Allocation 0 4,000 6,000 0 7,000 0 5,000 7,000 7,000 3,000 5,000 8,000 0 0 0 9,000 179,500 8,000 7,000 10,000 10,000 7,000 10,000 8,000 7,700 8,000 8,000 10,000 8,000 8,000 5,600 5,000 8,000 8,000 7,000 7,600 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 3,850 3,850 8,000 7,000 8,000 10,000 3,460 8,000 10,000 8,000 0 0 0 0 6,000 0 0 6,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 0 4,000 0 0 0 0 0 6,000 0 6,000 0 0 0 0 8,000 0 0 0 3,000 5,000 0 0 85 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 DANCE Laberge-Cote, Louis Landsberg, Benjamin Leary, Brandy Lindenberg, Barbara Litzenberger, Shannon Makonnen, N.Tsehaie McCowan, Jennifer-Anne Mena, Sebastian Mensah, Elsie Morse, Lanto Murray, Catherine Nankervis, Kate Niedzwiecki, Jacob Norman, Tracey Norman, Tracey Ormsby, Kevin O'Shea, Meagan O'Shea, Meagan Pantin, Nicola Runge, Jessica Scannura, Angelica Singha, Rina Smutny, Zoja Soto, Carla Spaziani, Andrea Suri, Ashima Suri, Ashima Swan, Linnea Vaze, Bageshree Wild, Daniel Zarif, Sashar Subtotal Dance Projects - individual artists Total Dance Projects 2013 Request 8,000 8,000 5,000 8,000 10,000 5,500 8,000 7,500 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 10,000 8,000 8,000 10,000 8,000 8,000 4,550 8,500 8,000 10,000 8,000 10,000 8,000 7,990 7,990 6,300 4,540 7,400 8,000 496,330 2013 Allocation 6,000 5,000 5,000 0 6,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9,000 0 0 8,000 0 0 0 7,000 5,000 0 5,000 0 0 0 0 6,000 4,500 0 7,000 139,000 1,039,630 318,500 86 LITERARY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 LITERARY 1st Planet Productions Water Source Creative Box Collective CANSCAIP Canzine Arts Festival Hardworkin' Homosexuals Life Rattle Open Book Foundation Open Door Storytelling Project Plasticine Poetry Series Association Rowers Pub Reading Series Inc. Salon du Livre de Toronto Small Talk Collective This Magazine Toronto Comic Arts Festival Total Literary Projects 2013 Request 8,000 3,300 8,000 5,000 4,000 3,500 5,000 2,667 3,440 5,100 8,000 3,500 8,000 8,000 75,507 2013 Allocation 0 3,300 8,000 5,000 4,000 3,500 2,000 2,667 3,440 5,100 5,500 0 0 8,000 50,507 87 MUSIC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 MUSIC 416 Toronto Creative Improvisers Collective 416 Toronto Creative Improvisers Collective Academy Concert Series Against the Grain Theatre Alliance Française de Toronto Archie Alleyne Scholarship Fund Association of Artists for A Better World Association of Improvising Musicians Toronto Batuki Music Society Canadian Art Song Project Canadian Men's Chorus Chinese National Musician Xu Ruhui Foundation Choirs Ontario Chronosynclastium Classical Revolution Toronto Convergence Ensemble Dande Showcase Dylan Bell and the Autonomous Collective E.S. Experiment Ensemble Polaris Essential Opera Evergreen Club Contemporary Gamelan FAWN Opera Franco-fete de la communaute urbaine de Toronto Greater Toronto Philharmonic Orchestra Greater Toronto Philharmonic Orchestra GREX group of 27 I Furiosi Baroque Ensemble Inspired Productions Iranian-Canadian Composers of Toronto (ICOT) Jeng Yi Jeunesses Musicales Ontario Jewish Music Week JunctQin Keyboard Collective Larkin Singers Li Delun Music Foundation Long Winter Lula Music and Arts Centre Majlis Multidisciplinary Arts Maniac Star Mooredale Concerts Moveable Beast Muhtadi International Drumming Festival Musica Reflecta Nagata Shachu Open Roof Films Entertainment Inc. Org. of Calypso Performing Artistes Pan Arts Network 2013 Request 8,000 8,000 4,000 10,000 6,500 4,500 5,000 4,300 6,500 4,000 10,000 10,000 4,700 10,000 5,950 1,700 10,000 2,500 10,000 4,500 5,775 10,000 5,000 10,000 2,750 7,000 9,000 8,000 5,000 5,320 10,000 3,150 4,000 10,000 2,153 3,000 4,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 9,000 10,000 10,000 2,523 7,000 5,000 6,000 10,000 2013 Allocation 0 0 1,000 7,000 6,450 4,500 4,000 1,000 6,300 0 0 5,000 4,000 0 0 950 0 2,000 0 3,500 0 0 0 5,000 0 1,000 4,500 8,000 0 0 5,000 3,150 2,000 9,000 2,100 2,500 3,000 6,000 10,000 0 10,000 4,000 3,000 10,000 2,400 7,000 4,000 6,000 4,000 88 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 MUSIC Penthelia Singers Pocket Concerts Pratibha Arts Raging Asian Women Taiko Drummers Renaissance Projects Rezonance Baroque Ensemble Roarshaq Roma Art Centre Rosedale Winds Royal Conservatory of Music San Lorenzo Latin American Community Centre Scaramella Concerts Spectrum Composers Collective StudioFeed Toronto Suggakanz Entertainment Collective Syrinx Concerts Toronto Tamala The Young Centre (GBSP Centre Corp) Thin Edge New Music Collective Toronto Beach Chorale Toronto Concert Orchestra Toronto Concert Orchestra Toronto Masque Theatre Toronto Sinfonietta Toronto Sinfonietta Toronto Summer Music Foundation Toronto Youth Wind Orchestra TorQ Percussion Quartet Toy Piano Composers TRANZAC TrypTych Productions Vocal Theatre Inc. Tune Your Ride Collective Univox Choir Toronto Vespera Ensemble Wavelength Music Arts Projects Windermere String Quartet World Fiddle Day Toronto Wychwood Clarinet Choir Young Voices Toronto Total Music Projects 2013 Request 2,500 4,808 5,000 10,000 6,500 6,171 4,944 10,000 3,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 6,500 8,000 10,000 7,500 5,000 10,000 1,067 2,500 8,000 10,000 10,000 6,800 6,000 10,000 8,472 9,320 4,000 4,510 2,000 2,500 7,500 10,000 10,000 3,000 7,300 3,000 8,000 591,713 2013 Allocation 0 0 5,000 6,000 3,000 0 2,050 0 1,500 7,500 4,000 1,000 6,000 6,000 0 5,000 0 8,000 1,067 0 0 0 10,000 0 0 8,000 0 9,000 4,000 0 0 2,500 7,500 0 10,000 0 0 3,000 8,000 275,467 89 THEATRE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 THEATRE 20K Collective Ahuri Theatre Ahuri Theatre Angelwalk Theatre Appledore Productions APUS Theater Architect Theatre Ars Mechanica Art & Lies Productions Article 11 Azure Rivers Back Burner Productions Beaver Theatre Black Hammer Group Blood Orange Theatre Bloomsbury Collective Bluemouth Inc. Presents Bound to Create Bound to Create Camila's Bones Collective Canada Clown Canadian Rep Theatre Canadian Rep Theatre Cardinal/Kantor Carrying on Collective Cart/Horse Theatre Chocolate Woman Collective Circlesnake Citizen Theatre Collective Clawhammer Theatre Company Colectivo Maiz Connective Tissue Contrary Company Convection Productions Creation Company Crowning Monkey Crow's Feet Physical Theatre Cue6 Theatre Company Desperate Road Collective Drifts Live Collective Driftwood Theatre Group Ecce Homo Theatre Eldritch Theatre Electric Sheep Project Epic and Everyday Events in Real Time Eventual Ashes Fault Line Theatre Feint of Hart Collective 2013 Request 10,000 12,000 15,000 4,000 3,500 5,000 7,000 9,000 14,800 10,000 5,000 6,450 10,000 4,500 3,500 11,600 10,000 15,000 15,000 10,000 8,000 9,000 12,000 10,000 15,000 4,000 10,000 7,000 7,000 10,000 10,000 3,000 8,000 5,000 4,850 3,500 8,000 7,000 10,000 10,000 15,000 8,000 15,000 5,700 15,000 10,000 7,000 7,000 10,000 2013 Allocation 10,000 0 0 0 0 0 7,000 2,500 0 7,000 5,000 0 0 3,500 2,000 0 10,000 0 9,000 0 8,000 0 9,000 10,000 0 0 5,000 0 7,000 10,000 0 0 8,000 0 4,850 0 0 0 0 0 10,000 6,000 10,000 0 0 6,000 0 0 8,000 90 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 THEATRE Fixt Point Theatre Foreign Accent Syndrome Collective Funny Face Productions Gallops God is in the Dairy Groundling Theatre Groundwater Productions Guild Festival Theatre HH Theatre Collective Hope and Hell Theatre Company Hopscotch Collective IFT Theatre Independent Theatre Project Inque& Quille Productions Jaybird Productions Kadozuke Kollektif Keystone Theatre KJV Collective Le Théâtre La Tangente Lester Trips Theatre Litmus Theatre Collective Malach Production Collective Manic Productions mcguffin company mcguffin company Mermaid Collective MMM Collective MMM Collective Moveable Feast Moyo Theatre Neitgeist New Harlem Productions New Toronto Theatre No Drop Productions. Nobody's Business Theatre Orisa Collective Outside the March Pandemic Theatre Paradigm Productions Parry Riposte Productions Perfectly Norma Productions Planet 88 Productions Play It Again Productions Playwright Project Project: Humanity Inc. Proud Productions QuipTake Reanaissance Canadian Theatre Company Red One Theatre Collective Red Snow Collective Renaissance Canadian Theatre Company 2013 Request 15,000 6,500 8,694 6,000 5,000 15,000 4,200 15,000 5,964 5,000 15,000 15,000 5,000 5,000 2,000 15,000 12,000 6,650 15,000 10,000 11,000 15,000 8,655 7,000 7,000 13,500 10,000 4,000 10,000 15,000 15,000 9,000 4,000 2,000 5,000 10,000 12,000 6,000 5,000 3,000 15,000 5,000 10,000 7,000 15,000 9,000 10,000 10,000 4,000 10,000 7,500 2013 Allocation 0 0 0 6,000 0 0 4,200 0 0 3,500 0 12,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,000 0 11,000 0 0 0 0 10,000 0 0 0 0 8,000 2,500 0 0 5,000 0 12,000 0 5,000 0 0 0 2,000 0 0 0 2,100 0 0 0 3,000 91 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 THEATRE Savage Heart Collective Savage Theatre Shakespeare In Action Shakespeare in the Ruff Single Thread Theatre Company Small Wooden Shoe SmorgasBORG Sometimes Y Theatre Stop and See Collective Stuck in the Mud Productions Subtle Vigilance Collective Suburban Beast Suck and Blow Collective Suck and Blow Collective Supine Collective Tamil Literary Garden Templeton Philharmonic Tetrault Arts Productions Theatre 20 Theatre 20 Theatre Asylum Theatre Brouhaha Theatre Collider Theatre Four Four Theatre Museum Canada Theatre Sasa Theatre Smash Theatre Zou TheatreRun Theatreworks Productions Things Fallin' Apart Three Peasants Theatre Threshold Theatre Threshold Theatre Tomorrow's Eve Theatre Toronto Laboratory Theatre Toronto Sketch Comedy Festival Group Torrent Productions Triangle Pi Productions U.N.I.T. Productions Unit 102 Actors Company Videofag West End Theatre Company Whetstone Productions Will Shakes Love's Spear Women & War Project WOW Project Written on Water Theatre Total Theatre Projects 2013 Request 3,500 10,000 15,000 10,000 6,500 10,000 4,000 12,000 3,500 6,810 10,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 8,000 6,280 7,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 5,000 6,900 15,000 2,500 15,000 7,000 10,000 6,000 10,000 7,500 10,155 7,500 5,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 7,000 10,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 7,000 9,000 10,000 7,000 10,000 1,347,208 2013 Allocation 0 0 0 10,000 6,500 10,000 0 0 0 0 0 7,500 0 0 10,000 0 0 0 0 0 14,000 3,500 5,000 0 2,500 0 4,500 0 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7,000 0 0 10,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,250 0 351,900 92 VISUAL/MEDIA ARTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 VISUAL/MEDIA ARTS 519 Church Street Community Centre Art for Commuters Artery Bazaar Artists to Artists Foundation ArtsXplosion Cultural Society Butcher Gallery Canadian Film in the Schools Canadian Gay and Lesbian Archives Christie Pits Film Festival Contact Toronto Photography Festival Design Exchange Diaspora Film Festival Group Digital Promises/Material Presence Documentary Organization of Canada, Toronto Chapter Eight Fest Small-Gauge Film Festival Elsewhen European Union Film Festival Gendai Gallery George Brown College School of Design Hand Eye Society Institute for Community Inquiry Intergenerational LGBT Artists Residency Latin American Art Projects Latino Canadian Cultural Association Le Laboratoire d'Art Life of a Craphead Little Red Lighthouse Collective Median Contemporary No Foundation Gallery No. 9 North Korean Human Rights Film Festival Ontario Crafts Council Ontario Jewish Archives Parkdale Beauty Pageant Society Parkdale Village Arts Collective Pix Film Productions ReelWorld Film Festival Ryerson Image Centre/Ryerson University Scarborough Film Festival Sino-Tibetan Buddhist Studies Assoc. in North America Sir William Campbell Foundation Team Vector Toronto Alternative Arts & Fashion Week Toronto Animated Image Society Toronto International Deaf Film & Arts Festival Toronto Korean Film Festival Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition Toronto Palestine Film Festival Collective Toronto Silent Film Festival 2013 Request 8,000 3,300 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 6,258 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 5,000 8,000 8,000 4,500 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 6,499 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 5,000 4,500 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 5,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 5,000 4,500 2013 Allocation 0 2,000 0 6,000 0 4,000 4,000 3,500 1,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 0 3,000 7,250 0 0 7,000 0 4,000 0 0 3,000 0 5,000 3,000 0 4,000 0 3,000 0 6,000 0 5,000 2,500 0 0 6,000 2,500 7,000 3,500 7,000 4,500 4,000 4,000 0 1,500 2,000 0 93 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 VISUAL/MEDIA ARTS Wedge Curatorial Projects Whippersnapper Gallery WIAprojects Workparty XPACE Cultural Centre XPACE Cultural Centre Year Zero One Total Visual/Media Arts Projects 2013 Request 8,000 7,000 8,000 8,000 3,500 3,550 8,000 407,607 2013 Allocation 1,500 3,000 4,000 0 2,000 0 6,000 143,750 94 APPEAL RECOMMENDATIONS – FEBRUARY/MARCH 2013 Projects 1 APUS Co-op Theatre 2 Supernaturalz 3 Toronto Heritage Dance 4 Inspired Productions 5 Ars Mechanica 6 Inque & Quill Productions 7 Kadozuke Kollektif 8 Play it Again Productions 9 QuipTake 10 Christie Pits Film Festival 11 Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition Operating Community Arts Regent Park Focus TOTAL 2012 2013 Pre-Appeal Appeal Grant Request 2,500 10,000 10,000 5,320 9,000 5,000 15,000 5,000 10,000 8,000 8,000 Recommendation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Recommendation 0 5,000 3,000 0 2,500 0 0 2,000 2,100 1,000 1,500 45,000 27,000 3,000 30,000 2013 Total Grant 0 5,000 3,000 0 2,500 0 0 2,000 2,100 1,000 1,500 30,000 20,100 95 APPEAL RECOMMENDATIONS – AUGUST 2013 2013 Operating Appellants Regent Park Focus Total Operating 2013 Project Appellants 416 Toronto Creative 1 Improvisers Collective 2 Academy Concert Series 3 Ahuri Productions 4 APUS Co-op Theatre 5 Ars Mechanica 6 Artists to Artists Foundation 7 Christie Pits Film Festival Diasporic Genius -Tides 8 Canada Initiatives 9 Funny Face Productions Greater Toronto 10 Philharmonic Orchestra 11 HH Theatre Collective 12 Inque & Quill Productions 13 Inspired Productions Jeunesses Musicales 14 Ontario 15 Kadozuke Kollektif 16 Little Red Lighthouse 17 Mix Mix Dance Collective 18 New Harlem Productions Parkdale Village Arts 19 Collective Perfectly Norma 20 Productions 21 Play it Again Productions 22 QuipTake Renaissance Canadian 23 Theatre Company 24 Scaramella Concerts 25 Supernaturalz 26 Tanya Crowder 27 Tetrault Arts 28 TheatreRUN 29 Toronto Heritage Dance Toronto Outdoor Art 30 Exhibition 31 Torrent Productions 32 Tracey Norman 33 Videofag 34 World Fiddle Day Toronto Total Project TOTAL 2012 Allocation 30,000 30,000 2013 Request Pre-Appeal Recommendation Appeal Recommendation 2013 Total Allocation 45,000 45,000 27,000 27,000 3,000 3,000 30,000 30,000 8,000 4,000 15,000 2,500 9,000 8,000 8,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,000 0 0 2,500 6,000 1,000 0 1,000 0 0 2,500 6,000 1,000 10,020 8,694 0 0 4,500 0 4,500 0 7,000 5,964 5,000 5,320 0 0 0 0 1,000 0 0 0 1,000 0 0 0 4,000 15,000 8,000 10,000 9,000 0 0 0 0 0 2,000 0 0 4,500 2,500 2,000 0 0 4,500 2,500 4,500 0 2,500 2,500 15,000 5,000 10,000 0 0 0 0 2,000 2,100 0 2,000 2,100 7,500 6,000 10,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 10,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,000 1,000 5,000 4,000 0 3,000 3,000 3,000 1,000 5,000 4,000 0 3,000 3,000 8,000 10,000 8,000 10,000 7,300 274,798 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,500 0 0 0 0 52,100 1,500 0 0 0 0 52,100 55,100 96 MUSIC CREATION AND AUDIO RECORDING (September 3, 2013 deadline) Creation Allison Au Melanie Brulée Harley Card Ka Nin Chan Katarina Curcin Brian Current Michael Davidson Jason Drakes JD Era John Kameel Farah Mike Ford Bret Higgins Layah Jane Majid Jordan Jadea Kelly Joy Lapps Junia-T Alexina Louie Kirk MacDonald Dylan Mamid (Zeds Dead) Afarin Mansouri Tehrani Moghaddam Aline Morales Gregory Lee Newsome Mary-Margaret O'Hara Juliet Palmer Donné Roberts Promise Shepherd Ian Thornley / Tasson Tyler Tona Ken Whiteley $4,000 $3,000 $3,000 $5,000 $3,000 $2,500 $4,000 $4,000 $3,500 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $2,500 $3,000 $5,000 $3,000 $3,000 $2,325 $4,000 $3,000 $3,000 $2,000 $4,000 $5,000 $4,000 $3,000 $3,000 TOTAL (60 allocations): $300,000 Recording Kervin Barreto Sean Bellaviti Duane Blackburn Brooke Blackburn Jane Bunnett Devin Cuddy Sienna Dahlen Cheka Dioubaté Rebecca Everett Attila Fias Sticky Green Michael Herring Alice Ping Yee Ho Aaron Jensen Ian Kamau Calvin Longley Selina Martin Jory Nash Joe Oliva (Eh440) Ryan Oliver Frankie Payne Tim Posgate 4th Pyramid Bobby Rice Robert Rosenman Andrew Sheppard Casey Sokol Ian Swain Kumle Thomas Saidah Baba Talibah $8,000 $6,655 $5,000 $8,000 $10,000 $6,000 $5,880 $5,500 $4,000 $7,000 $1,750 $9,000 $9,000 $10,000 $9,000 $3,500 $10,000 $8,000 $10,000 $4,250 $2,700 $5,000 $5,000 $7,000 $5,000 $7,000 $8,940 $5,000 $5,000 $9,000 97 VISUAL ARTISTS (October 1, 2013 deadline) Level 1 ($3,000) Basil AlZeri Jaime Angelopoulos Alex Bierk Andreas Buchwaldt Angel Chen Graham Curry Robert Donnelly Benjamin Edelberg Chloe Ellingson Sarah Febbraro Elisa Julia Gilmour Julie Gladstone Leah Gold Claire Greenshaw Brett Gundlock Alexandra Haagaard Neil Harrison Jared Herda Kate Jackson Jeremy Jansen Laurie Kang Sarah Keenlyside Beverly Koski Nick Kozak Christopher Lacroix Lulu Ladron de Guevara Mark Laliberte Ryan Legassicke Maria Flawia Litwin Kristie MacDonald Janet Macpherson Samantha Mogelonsky Gideon Naf Rob Nicholls Susy Oliveira Ryan Park Michael Parsons Rajni Perera Derrick Piens Meghan Price Jonathan Scott Anuta Skrypnychenko Jessica Vallentin Nikki Woolsey Naomi Yasui $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 Total Level 1 (45 allocations) $135,000 Level 2 ($5,000 or $8,000) Michelle Bellemare Daniel Bergeron Bill Burns Sarah Cale Chikonzero G Chazunguza Chris Curreri Rocky Dobey Nahum Flores Heather Goodchild Insoon Ha Sadko Hadzihasanovic Gita Hashemi Robert Hengeveld April Hickox Marla Hlady Raffael Iglesias Luis Jacob Shelagh Keeley Kris Knight Surendra Lawoti Michael Maranda Jennifer Murphy Louise Noguchi Anders Oinonen Luke Painter Frances Patella Elizabeth Pead Amin Rehman Kathryn Ruppert-Dazai Eugenio Salas Jon Sasaki Greg Staats Derek Sullivan Aaron Vincent Elkaim Daryl Vocat Jeffrey Chong Wang Dale Scott Waters $5,000 $5,000 $8,000 $5,000 $8,000 $5,000 $8,000 $5,000 $5,000 $8,000 $8,000 $8,000 $8,000 $8,000 $8,000 $5,000 $8,000 $8,000 $5,000 $8,000 $8,000 $8,000 $8,000 $5,000 $8,000 $5,000 $5,000 $8,000 $8,000 $5,000 $5,000 $8,000 $8,000 $5,000 $8,000 $5,000 $5,000 Total Level 2 (37 allocations): $248,000 TOTAL (both levels – 82 allocations): $383,000 98 MEDIA ARTISTS (November 4, 2013 deadline) Level One (up to $4,000) J Adam Brown $4,000 Andrea Bussmann $4,000 Jake Chirico / Chloe Sosa-Sims $4,000 Noelle Elia $4,000 Zachary Finkelstein / Kalli Anderson $4,000 David Fono / Byron Laviolette $4,000 Hugh Gibson $4,000 Tanya Kan $4,000 Margaret Krawecka $4,000 Pascal Langlois $4,000 Erin Lewis $4,000 Elisia Mirabelli $3,000 Kire Paputts $4,000 Aaron Phelan $4,000 Meghan Remy $4,000 Lina Rodriguez $4,000 Brett Story $4,000 Jordan Tannahill $3,000 Carla Veldman $4,000 Alexander Abu Daniel Sawma Williams $4,000 Total (20 allocations) $78,000 Level Two (up to $10,000) Phillip Barker Rodrigo Barriuso Philip Beesley Phillippe Blanchard Esther Buckareff / Barbara Greczny Ulysses Castellanos SoJin Chun Solomon Friedman Sarah Galea-Davis Christy Garland Gloria Kim Sharon Lewis Azed Majeed Christof Migone Richard Mongiat / David Sylvestre Kathleen Mullen Laura Mullin / Chris Tolley Jim Munroe Randall Okita Justine Pimlott Nicholas Pye David Ridgen Jeffrey Round Tamara Z Sanowar-Makhan Michelle St. John Sean Wainsteim Total Level Two (26 allocations) $10,000 $8,000 $10,000 $8,000 $5,000 $ 5,000 $ 7,000 $ 6,000 $ 7,000 $10,000 $ 5,000 $10,000 $7,000 $ 6,000 $ 6,000 $7,000 $5,000 $5,000 $10,000 $10,000 $7,000 $5,000 $7,000 $7,000 $8,000 $6,000 $187,000 TOTAL (both levels – 46 allocations): $265,000 99 WRITERS PROGRAM (June 15, 2012 deadline) Level One ($2,000) Graham Arnold Brendan Bowles Jay Brown Louis Cruz Leesa Dean Eufemia Fantetti Sarah Fletcher Veronica Fredericks Kathy Friedman Iris Gershon Laura Hartenberger Ava Homa Thea Lim James Lindsay Brooke Lockyer Mark Manner Nico Mara-McKay David Miller Jessica Moore Joanna Reid Alana Trumpy J Wallace Julia Zarankin Lindsay Zier-Vogel Level 1 Playwrights ($2,000) Sandra Cardinal Jill Connell William Ellis Miriam Fernandes Susanna Fournier Qasim Khan Julia Lederer Tanya Suvenarini Lena Laura McKay Jessica Moss Marilo Nunez Rob Salerno Clinton Walker Christina Wong Total Level 1 (38 allocations): $76,000 Level Two ($8,000) Najwa Ali Robert Benvie Shaughnessy Bishop-Stall Dennis Bock Anna Camilleri Margaret Christakos Laura Clarke Rosemary Counter Dani Couture Megan Crewe Andrew Daley Stacey May Fowles Susan Glickman Anna Humphrey Ann Ireland Sandra Kasturi Greg Kearney Ben Ladouceur Sue MacLeod Pash Malla Helen Marshall Maria Meindl Peter Norman Brian Rigg Naben Ruthnum Brett Savory Martha Schabas Jacob Scheier Sarah Selecky Alexandra Shimo-Barry Karen Solie Cordelia Strube Moez Surani Suzanne Sutherland Kate Taylor Robert Ward Marlene Webber Adrienne Weiss Patricia Westerhof Paul Yee Level 2 Playwrights ($8,000) Nicolas Billon Kate Cayley Lisa Codrington Don Hannah Hannah Moscovitch Aurora H Stewart Jordan Tannahill Andrew Templeton Bobby Theodore Evan Tsitsias Robert Tsonos Paula Wing Total Level 2 (52 allocations): $416,000 TOTAL (both levels – 90 allocations): $492,000 100 RESCINDED ALLOCATIONS When an organization is unable to comply with conditions on its funding or is unable to proceed with the project for which it received funding, the allocation is rescinded and the funds added to the current year’s budget for disbursement. If the rescinded allocations were awarded in previous years, these funds become added revenue for the current year budget. If the rescinded allocations are part of the current year budget in the first place, there is no increase to the budget when the allocations are rescinded. Allocation Year – 2011 Quantum Creation $4,000 Allocation Year – 2012 Andrew Pink Play Trip the Light Fantastic $8,000 $2,500 $5,000 Total Rescinded Allocations $19,500 Quantum Creations was recommended a 2011 Theatre Project grant in the amount of $4,000 to produce A Singularity of Being by T. Berto at the Walmer Centre Theatre. However, after a number of delays, the organization cancelled the project. The TAC Board of Directors rescinded the allocation and added the funds to the 2013 budget. Andrew Pink was recommended a 2012 Visual Artist grant in the amount of $8,000. Although Andrew was a Toronto resident when he applied to the program on October 1st, he moved to Montreal before the results were announced on December 4th. The move is permanent, and since he is no longer a Toronto resident, he is not eligible to receive a grant from TAC. The TAC Board of Directors rescinded the allocation and added the funds to the budget for the 2013 budget. Play, a collective comprised of multimedia artists Tom Kuo and pianist/composer Lee Pui Ming, was recommended a 2012 Music Project grant in the amount of $2,500 for an installation that was to take place at Gallery 345. The collective was unable to raise sufficient funds to move forward with the project and returned the grant. The TAC Board of Directors rescinded the allocation and added the funds to the 2013 budget. Trip the Light Fantastic was recommended a 2012 Dance Project grant in the amount of $5,000 to create an interactive dance and multi-media work. Due to scheduling conflicts and other circumstances, the collective cancelled the project and returned the grant. The TAC Board of Directors rescinded the allocation and added the funds to the 2013 budget. 101 BOARD OF DIRECTORS (as at December 31, 2013) Chair President Past President Secretary Treasurer John D. McKellar Karen Tisch (to December 9, 2013) Nova Bhattacharya (from December 9, 2013) Don Moffat (to December 9, 2013) Cindy Wan Harold Chmara Curtis Barlow (to December 9, 2014) Councillor Michelle Berardinetti Dallas Bergen Janet Carding Aileen Carroll Councillor Gary Crawford Susan Crocker Matt Galloway Danis Goulet (to December 9, 2013) Josh Grossman Richard Hill (from December 9, 2013) Ruth Howard Lauren Howes (from December 9, 2013) Seema Jethalal Moynan King Louis Laberge-Côté (from December 9, 2013) Linda R. Lewis Chris Lorway (from December 9, 2013) Natalie Lue (to December 9, 2013) Councillor Josh Matlow Devon Ostrom Councillor John Parker Andrew Pyper Colleen Smith Priscila Uppal John Van Burek Councillor Adam Vaughan Jessica Wyman (to December 9, 2013) 102 COMMITTEES Community Arts Ruth Howard Chair Elle Alconcel Kim Crosby Spy Dénommé-Welch Cara Eastcott Greg Frankson Gordon Mack Scott Tamala Matthews Dance Nova Bhattacharya Chair (to 12/09/2013) Louis Laberge-Côté Chair (from 12/09/2013) Lionel Félix Charmaine Headley Kevin Ormsby Jon Reid Cindy Cin-Ling Yip Literary Andrew Pyper Chair Farzana Doctor Tasleem Thawar Music Dallas Bergen Co-Chair Josh Grossman Co-Chair Lawrence Cherney Jeanie Chung Cynthia Hawkins Jose Ortega Aisha Wickham Theatre Moynan King Co-Chair John Van Burek Co-Chair Keith Barker Leah-Simone Bowen Marjorie Chan Lisa Codrington Shawn Kerwin Sarah Meurling John Millard Jordan Tannahill Visual Arts/Media Arts Danis Goulet Co-Chair (to 12/09/2013) Jessica Wyman Co-Chair (to 12/09/2013) Lauren Howes Co-Chair (from 12/09/2013) Richard Hill Co-Chair (from 12/09/2013) Russell Brohier Francisco-Fernando Granados Shauna McCabe 103 JURIES Dance Projects (February deadline) Roshanak Jaberi Louis Laberge-Côté Jo Leslie Diana Reyes Malar Varatharaja Dance Projects (August deadline) Michael Caldwell Peter Chin Malgorzata Nowacka Patrick Parson Cindy Yip Large Institutions Jury Colleen Smith Chair Philip Akin Cathryn Gregor Mark Hammond Steven Loft Music Creation & Audio Recording Stewart Goodyear Brian Kobayakawa Paco Luviano Michie Mee Shakura S’Aida. Visual Artists: Level 1 Katherine Dennis Lili Huston-Herterich Tamara Toledo Jim Verburg Visual Artists: Level 2 Pamela Edmonds Keesic Douglas Libby Hague Heather Haynes Media Artists Sarah Goodman Gye-joong Kim Lalita Krishna Jeff Wright Artists in the Library Kai Ner Maa Pitanta Chris Tolley. Syrus Marcus Ware. Heather Mathis Animating Historic Sites Golshan Abdmoulaie Rhonda Corvese Paola Poletto Karen Black Robert Kerr ArtReach Grant Review Team Aden Abebe Norman Alconcel Nicole Cajucom Femi Lawson Joanna Duarte Laudon Memo Patrice Njoh Erica Pulfer Milo (Aemilius) Ramirez ADVISORY Strategic Funding Advisory Group Nova Bhattacharya Danis Goulet Seema Jethalal Chris Lorway Natalie Lue Colleen Smith Jini Stolk Karen Tisch John Van Burek 104