Reaction Kinetics Main Textbook: Applied Physical Pharmacy (Chapter 8) Content I. II. III. IV. V. VI. Rates and Orders of Reaction Determination of The Order of Reaction Stability and Shelf Life of Drugs Other Factors Effecting The Rate of Reaction Complex Reaction Enzyme Catalysis Reaction I. Rates and Orders of Reaction I.1. Rate of reaction Change of concentration as a function of time (dc/dt) I.2. Order of reaction Sum of the exponents (a + b + …) aA + bB + … nN = Product 1 d [ A] 1 d [ B] = − ⋅ = k[ A]a ⋅ [ B]b + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅[ N ]n (k : rate constant) Rate = − ⋅ a dt b dt Ex. CH3COOH + C2H5OH k CH3COOC2H5 + H2O d [CH 3COOH ] d [C2 H 5OH ] − =− = k[CH 3COOH ]1[C2 H 5OH ]1 dt dt ∴ 1+1 = 2 Second order reaction Molecularity The number of molecules involved in elementary reaction, not used in complex reactions Ex) 2NO + O2 2NO2 2NO N2O2 N2O2 + O2 2NO2 Specific rate constant Rate constant in an elementary reaction I.1. Zero - Order Reactions Rate is independent of the concentration of the reactants d [ A] − = k0 dt At − A 0 = − k 0 t ⇔ ⇔ ∫ At A0 A t t dA = −K0 ∫ dt 0 = A −k 0 0 t ⇔ c = a − kt T1 / 2 = 1 2 k A0 a Concentration Units for a zero - order reaction d[ A] moles = k =− dt L⋅s −k Time I.2. Pseudo - Zero Order Reactions The concentration of drug remains constant for a period of time Solid drug saturated solution [A] k degraded drug [B] d [ B] − = k[ A] dt A solid drug as a drug reservoir, and [A]n remains constant d [ B] = k app dt (Kapp = k[A]) I.3. First - Order Reactions Rate of reaction is directly proportional to the concentration of one of the reactants d [ A] − = k[ A] dt Ex. 2H2O2 2H2O + O2 − d [c ] = k [c ] dt c = Concentration of H2O2 remaining undecomposition t = Time k = First - order velocity constant The equation LogC = LogC0 – kt/2.303 2 .303 log c 0 k= t C Log ⇒ T 1/ 2 = 0.693 k concentration − k 2.303 Units of first - order reaction k= d [ A] 1 moles / L −1 ⋅ = =s dt [ A] s ⋅ moles / L 0 Time I.4. Pseudo - First Order Reactions Consider a reaction of A and B forming produce C A+B k C − d [ A] = k[ A]1[ B ]1 Overall, it appears to be second - order : dt If [B] ≫ [A] ; [B] is constant because so little [B] is used up in the reaction − d [ A] = k app [ A] dt Ex. CH3COOH + Cl2 k CH2ClCOOH + HCl d [CH 3COOH ] Rate = − = k[CH 3COOH ][Cl2 ] = k 1[CH 3COOH ] dt I.5. Second - Order Reactions The rates depend on the concentration of two reactants [A] + [B] k C − d [ A] − d [ B] = = k[ A][ B] dt dt a, b = The initial concentration of A, B dx = k (a − x)(b − x) x = The concentration each species reacting dt t = Time When A = B 2 dx a=b, the rate of reaction is : = k (a − x) dt x = kt a(a − x) k = 1 ⎛ x ⎞ ⎜ ⎟⇔ at ⎝ a − x ⎠ t 1/ 2 = 1 ak x a (a − x) k The units for second - order reaction d[ A] 1 moles/ L L k= ⋅ 2= = dt A s(moles/ L)2 s ⋅ mole Time II. Determination of the Order of Reaction II.1. Graphic Method The reaction is zero - order if a straight line results when concentration C is plotted against t The reaction is first - order if log(a - x) vs. t yields a straight line The reaction is second - order if 1/(a - x) vs. t give a straight line Plot of tertiary buty l alcohol concentration against time 0.75 100 0.7 80 60 40 A plot of log concentration against time 2 lo g (c ) 120 ln{ a/ (a- x)} C o nc. Decomposition of Tertiary butyl alcohol with Sulfuric acid at 200C 0.65 0.6 1.75 1.5 0.55 20 1.25 0.5 0 0 10 20 30 Time, min 40 50 0 20 Time, min 40 60 0 20 Time, min 40 60 II.2. Half – Life Method for Determination of Order The half - life can be expressed in general terms t1 / 2 = k 1 a ( n −1) Zero - order = T1/2 proportional to initial concentration First - order = T1/2 independent of concentration Second - order = T1/2 proportion to the reciprocal of concentration If two reactions are run at difference initial concentration a1, a2 the half life t1/2(1), t1/2(2) a= log(t1 / 2(1) / t1 / 2( 2) ) log(a2 / a1 ) +1 If a reaction is first - order t1/2(1) = t1/2(2) ; log( t1/2(1) / t1/2(2) ) = log1 = 0 ∴ a= 0+1=1 III. Stability and Shelf of Drugs Shelf life is indicated by T90 [At] = Concentration after time t [A0] = Initial concentration [At] = [A0] – kt90 Ex. A drug contained 1.2 mg/ml. To obtain 90% of 1.2mg/ml : 1.2 mg/ml x 0.9 = 1.08 mg/ml And K=0.03 mg/ml/h 1.2 – 1.08 = 0.12 T = 90 0.12 = 4h 0.03 Long-term/Accelerated Testing Conditions Conditions Minimum time period at submission Long-term testing 25±2℃, 60%RH±5% 12 months Accelerated testing 40±2℃, 75%RH±5% 6 months III.1. Accelerated Stability Testing The first - order reaction 2.303 t= log c0 k C Ex.6. The initial conc. : 200mg/ml k= 3 x 10-5h-1 at 25℃. The limit of viability : 150mg/ml Shelf life = ? t= 2.303 200mg / ml log ⋅ = 95,000h ≈ 1.1 year −5 −1 3 ×10 h 150mg / ml III.2. The Effects of Temperature The Arrhenius equation can be used to indicate the effect of temperature on the specific rate constant for reaction k = Ae− Ea / RT log k = log A − Ea 2.303 ⋅ RT Log A Slope = k = Specific reaction rate constant A = Arrhenius factor Ea = Energy of activation R = Gas constant (1.987 cal/deg mole) T = Absolute temperature − Ea 2.303R Log k 1 T y2 − y1 Ea = ⋅ 2.303R x2 − x1 Ea also can be obtained by considering ; For a temperature T2 and T1 log k2 Ea ⎛ (T2 − T1 ) ⎞ ⎟⎟ = ⋅ ⎜⎜ k1 2.303R ⎝ T2T1 ⎠ Ex.8. T1= 383°K, k1= 2.0h-1 ; T2= 423°K, k2 = 3.8h-1 Ea = ? ; A = ? (R=1.987 cal deg-1 mol-1) Solution : Ea ⎛ 423 − 383 ⎞ 1 3 .8 = log ⎜ ⎟. 2 .0 2 . 303 ⎝ 423 × 383 ⎠ 1 . 987 ∴ Ea = 5.164 × 103 cal ⋅ mole −1 3 − 5 . 164 × 10 log( 5.5 × 10 − 4 s −1 ) = log A ⋅ ⇒ A = 4.8 × 10 −1 s −1 2.303 × 1.987 × 383 III.3. Influences of pH on Reaction Rates The magnitude of the rate of a hydrolytic catalyzed by H+ and OH- ions can vary considerably with pH - The H+ ion catalysis predominates at a lower pH - The OH- ion catalysis operates at a higher pH at an intermediate pH : The rate may be pH-independent or catalyzed by both H+ and OH- ions - The pH of optimum stability can be determined by plotting log k against pH Log k pH, optimum stability - The point of the reflection of such a plot represents the pH of optimum stability pH III.4. Effects of Solvents on Reaction Rates To stabilize the drug - Alter the activity coefficients and transition state - Change physicochemical parameter : pKa, surface tension, viscosity.. Less polar A Less polar B More polar ∆pH III.5. Electrolyte Solutions and The Dielectric Constant The dielectric constant (E) of the solvent can influence the rate of constant k Za⋅Zb log k = log ke∞ − E K : Rate constant for reaction Ke∞ : Rate constant in a solvent of an infinite dielectric constant Za : Charge on ion Zb : Charge of a drug molecule Opposite If both the drug and solvent ions have a similar charge, the slope is negative. So drug in solvents with low E will decrease the decomposition rate. no stabilization with low E - If the charges on the attacking ion and the drug molecules are opposite, the slope of the plot is positive. logk Similar stabilization charge with low E - (H2O) (C6H6) 1 E Log k against reciprocal values of the dielectric constant for benzene IV. Other Factors Effecting the Rate of Reaction IV.1. Presence of Additives - Buffer salt An increasing salt concentration can effect pKa change in rate constants Drug degradation is promoted by general acid or base catalysis - Addition of surfactant Accelerate degradation because of micelle catalysis and charge neutralization Stabilize the drug by modifying the surface charge IV.2. Modes of Pharmaceutical Degradation - Hydrolysis : H+ and OH- ions are the most common catalysts - Oxidation : For reactions with atmosphere O2 • Drugs effected by O2 are dissolved in solvent • Free radical mechanisms and chain reaction - Photolysis : Degradation of a drug by light Protection from Oxidation + Ascorbic acid is an electron donor Poly- hydroxy phenolic compounds provide resonance stabilization Sodium sulphite, metabisulfite, and bisulfate + Oil systems include tocopherol, ascorbyl palmitate… + Chelating agents include Cu2+, Fe2+, and Fe3+ + Removal of O2, replace with N2 or CO2 + Optimum pH + Protection from light + In regard to refrigeration, as temperature increases, oxidation reactions increased + Surfactants aid surface protection and charge neutralization IV.3. Stabilization Protection also can be afforded by - Selection of optimum pH - Buffers - Solvents - Complexing agents - Surfactants allow the incorporation of a drug into micelles to reduce hydrolytic rate - To formulation a drug as a suspension, the rate of breakdown is only proportional to the concentration of the drug in solution - H2O can be removed by freeze drying - Chemical modification V. Complex Reaction V.1. Reversible Reaction [A] kf kr [B] kf, kr : Rate constants - The rate equation for this first - order reversible reaction is A0 − Aeq 2.303 t= ⋅ log A − Aeq (k f − k r ) − d [ A] = k f [ A] − k r [ B ] dt If it is plotted against log A0 − Aeq A − Aeq 2 . 303 ; Slope = k f − kr V.2. Parallel Reaction The rate equation for first - order of the parallel type − d [c ] = (k1 + k 2 )[C ] = kexp [C ] dt k1 k1, k2 : The rate constant for reactions A, B Kexp : The rate constant found from experiments C k2 K1, k2 can be found by finding the ratio R= [A]/[B] [ A] k1 R= = [ B] k 2 ⎛ R ⎞ k1 = k exp ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ R + 1⎠ ; A k2 = k exp ( R + 1) B V.3. Consecutive Reaction A k1 B k2 C Where each step follows first - order rules − d [ A] = k1 [ A] dt The rate of change of decomposition of B is − d [ A] = k1 [ A] − k 2 [ B ] dt − d [ A] = k2[B] And that of C : dt Integration of equation : [A] = [A0]e-k1t k1 [ A0 ] − k1t [ B] = .[e − e − k 2t ] k 2 − k1 and [C] = [A0] - [A] - [B] ⎡ 1 − k1t − k 2t ⎤ = [A0 ]× ⎢1 + (k 2 e − ke )⎥ ⎣ k1 − k 2 ⎦ The equations can be used to find : k1, k2 and [C] VI. Enzyme Catalysis Reaction Effect of substrate concentration on the rate of an enzyme catalyzed reaction [S] : Substrate concentration V0 : Initial velocity Km : The Michaelis-Menten constant V max Vmax 2 V0 km [S] E+S k1 k2 ES k3 k4 E+P V0 is equal to the rate of breakdown of ES The first - order rate equation : V0 = k3 [ES] The second - order equation is utilized d [ ES ] = k1 ([ ET ] − [ ES ]) ⋅ [ S ] dt ET : Total enzyme concentration K1 : Second order rate constant From equation − d [ ES ] = k 2 [ ES ] + k 3 [ ES ] dt In the steady state condition k1([ET] – [ES])[S] = k2[ES] + k3[ES] [ S ]([ ET ] − [ ES ]) k 2 + k 3 = = km [ ES ] k1 [ ES ] = [ ET ][ S ] K m + [S ] V0 = k3 [ E T ][ S ] km + [S ] When the enzyme is saturated with substrate : Vmax = k3[ET] V max ⋅ [ S ] The Michaelis - Menten equation : V 0 = km + [S ] km 1 1 1 = ⋅ + The Lineweaver - Burk equation : V0 Vmax [ S ] Vmax 1 1 When is plotted against V0 [S ] 1 V0 A straight line is obtained Slope = km Slope = Vmax Vmax and km can be obtained 1 Vmax −1 km 1 [S ] km Vmax References Applied physical pharmacy Physical pharmacy (Martin; 4 th) 물리약학 (제3판) Drug stability (3 th)