Title Author(s) Citation Issue Date URL Infrared Spectra and Molecular Configuration of Benzoic Acid (Special Issue on Physical Chemistry) Hayashi, Soichi; Kimura, Noriyuki Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University (1966), 44(4): 335-340 1966-10-31 http://hdl.handle.net/2433/76131 Right Type Textversion Departmental Bulletin Paper publisher Kyoto University Infrared Spectra and of Molecular Configuration Chenzoic Acid Soichi HAYASIIIand Noriyuki KIMURA* (Gotoh Laboratory) ReceivedAugust 16, 1966 Infrared spectra of benzoic and deuterobenzoicacids were measured at low temperatures. The characteristic bands of the COOHgroup near 1700,1300and 950 cm.-1 were observed as pairs. This appears to indicate that two kinds of configurationshaving different energies and different spectra exist in the crystal. The energy difference was estimated to be about 0.1 Kcal./mole from measurements of intensity ratios of pairs at various temperatures. The nearly equal distances of the two C—Obonds in benzoicacid, i.e. 1.29 and 1.24A as determined by X-ray measurements, were interpreted as the average for the mixture of the two configurations. INTRODUCTION The crystal and molecular structures of benzoic acid were accurately determined by Sim, Robertson and Goodwin", who reported that the molecules form nearly planar, centrosymmetrical dimers, with hydrogen bonds (2.64A) between adjacent carboxyl groups. They assigned the hydrogen atom of the carboxyl group to 02, as shown in Figure 1 (A), though the resolution of this hydrogen atom was not good enough to confirm the assignment. This lack of resolution may indeed be connected with the nearly equal distances of the two C-0 bonds, i.e. 1.29 and 1.24 A, and indicate a ready transfer of hydrogen to the other oxygen across the OzOz OiOi ofdi OzO'z Fig. 1. * (A)(B) Two kinds of configurations -ff (335 ) of benzoic acid. Soichi HAYASIII and Noriyuki hydrogen bond. If they the two must have in the KIMURA configurations the crystalline energies and frared same show of dimers energy potential spectra of and of benzoic spectrum. spectra. benzoic and of Figure However, field of Ci symmetry, different acid In order they when may acids slightly these were isolated, the dimers have to investigate deuterobenzoic 1 are matters, measured are different the in- at low tem- peratures. EXPERIMENTAL The benzoic acid supplied The deuterobenzoic recrystalization. crystalization of these from by the aceton-deuterium samples were Tokyo acid, oxide obtained by Kasei Co. C6H5COOD, solution. cooling the was further was Well oriented melts purified prepared between by the crystal two by re- layers optically flat plates of rock-salt. Infrared spectra were measured by the Perkin Elmer 521 spectrometer, and the Koken DS-301 spectrometer equipped with two NaC1 prisms and an AgC1 polarizer. RESULTS The infrared peratures infrared 1. spectra There of two C=0 at room OH bending, at room temperature, of C—O stretching respond to z the of the at 1706 bonds of the dimeric respectively, broad and units. are OH bending, band at about in the and in the The region at 935 cm.-1 region polarized or of another 959 at and room of the stretching at 1432 cm.-1 vibrations 1298 cm.-1, those at low tem- one of the band coupled at 1334 and measured and COOD groups 1684 cm.-1 is due to one of the the two bands and and acids 3, respectively, COOH bands temperature ing and and deuterobenzoic Figures 2 and in Figure 4. characteristic are vibration cm.-1 of benzoic are shown in spectra is shown Frequencies AND DISCUSSION 1324 and 1288 cm.-1 coupled 948 cm.-1, temperature vibration which are 0 rc Ia ^ 3200 2800 2400 Fig. 2. 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 WAVE NUMBER(cm-') Infrared spectra of benzoic acid at —150°C. (336) ^ or 1421 of C—O stretch- 600 corin the a Infrared Spectra and Molecular Configuration Ir~ ZI a of Benzoic Acid Ilill ^ . ii H i Z LA V rr WI 2400 2200 2000 1800 1600 WAVE Fig. 3. Infrared 1400 1200 1000 800 600 NUMBER (cm-1) spectra of d-benzoic acid at —150°C. .... _/,, ,,,,,, ,i,_.....,x_v, 111 '11I a!N^^'i"I ,,,.,,,,,~ I1111 N 11---------------ij 1I1---------------iI~III u)1r,iI i----------------II II III --------- cr jilIIi1 zr--------CC + W IIV W 1 (I 1600 region ration. acids 2. I 1600 14001200 1100 1000900 WAVE NUMBER(cm-') Fig. 4. Polarized infrared spectra of benzoic acid at —150°C. E vector parallel to b axis. ----E vector perpendicular ...... to b axis. of O—H out-of-plane The is given Causes Polarized bending correspondence in Table of the of the 1, together vibration2'. bands with between bands the benzoic assigments disappear and on deute- deuterobenzoic of them. splitting infrared spectra of Figure ( 337) I These 4 measured at —150°C show that bands Soichi HAYASHI and Noriyuki Table 1. Characteristic KIMURA Frequencies of Benzoic and Deuterobenzoic at —150°C Acids. (RCOOH)2(RCOOD)z Frequency Configurations and cm.-1assignments**cm.-'assignments 1706 1684Bv Frequency Configurations A1700 and A C=01684Bv C=0 1674 1432 1334 1298 v C-0 -I-40H1375*v C-0 1350 B1321* AOH+vC-01293* 1064 1044 959 948 707due 808v 670 B 6OH930* A917* to benzene ring730* C—C783Av 8 OD 4 OD A B A a' OH+benzene 725 a OH o' OH+benzene 718* 710 690 A —C~Oscisseringa654 A 554B/Ca>546B/C 543AC\ B A C—C ring ring —C‹0scissering'1 0scissering536 A —C\ 0 scissering5l * Bands perhaps due to RCOOH•RCOOD dimers. ** v=stretching ; S=inplane bending ; u=out-of-plane bending at 1184 and 1174 cm.-1 have high dichroic ratios. This means that the orientation of samples is good. Hence, the splitting of the bands of low dichroic ratios at 1706 and 1684 cm.-1 must not be due to the "factor group splitting", caused by the interaction with neighbouring molecules of the crystal. A pair of bands at 1334 and 1298 cm.-1 as well as the doublet at 959 and 948 cm.-1 must not be due to the "factor group splitting" either. Moreover, it is difficult to consider that many pairs of the bands are caused by the "Fermi resonance". Another type of explanation') of the splitting of bands of the carboxylic group is the tunnelling motion of hydrogen atoms in the O—H groups of the acid dimers from one equiva- E R(=Rc21-,=Rc2'ri) Fig. 5. Asymmetric double minimum (338 ) potencial. Infrared Spectra and Molecular Configuration of Benzoic Acid lent position to another. Although such a phenomenon would give rise to the splitting of the Raman-active vO—H energy levels into pairs', infrared-active bands of vC=O, vC-0+(5OH and oOH would be difficult to give rise to the splitting by tunnelling effect. Consequently, we concider that the two configurations of Figure 1(A) and (B) with different energies and different spectra exist in the crystal. Figure 5 shows the potential energy curve of the dimer in the crystal. The two potential minima would be different from each other. The lower and higher potential respond to the configurations A and B of Figure 1, respectively. 3. Energy minima cor- difference If the two configurations exist and the ratio of absorption coefficients of a pair is constant, the energy difference (4E0) between configurations A and B can be obtained by measuring intensity ratios of the pair at various temperatures from 6080- 7070 - GO60 (- 5050 f- 40z 40 - aa UJ 0 30a30 0 2020 1010 - 0 o------------------------F— 175017001650 WAVE NUMBER (cm-1)WAVE Fig. 6(a). C=0 17501700 bands at —160°C.Fig. 6(b). 1650 NUMBER (cm-') C=0 bands at —80°C. -0 .51.0 Q J I.OO.s 1100 —1 ,5•0 O 510 /I xiO3 Fig. 7. Temperature dependences of band areas of pairs. —6-0— A pair at ca . 1300 em''. —O—Q— A pair at ca . 1700 cm-I. ( 339 ) Soichi HAYASIII and Noriyuki the following equation KIMURA : 1n AA A ) RT' 1nKBeAs/R_LIE(1) K A. where A,, and An are the band areas for absorption assigned to the configurations A and B respectively, KA and KBthe absorption coefficients of corresponding bands, and AS and dE the differences of entropy and enthalpy between the configurations A and B, respectively. Figure 6 shows the pair of bands due to C=0 stretching vibration at various temperatures. From the linearity of ln(A,,/An) against 1/T, shown in Figure 7, the energy difference is estimated to be about 0.1 Kcal./mole. 4. Interpretation for nearly equal C—O distances The C—O distances of gaseous dimers of formic and acetic acids have been determined by using the electron diffractionG). The longer and shorter values for these acids are 1.36 and 1.25A, and those for nicotinic acid are 1.18 and 1.34A, respectively. The differences of these distances are larger than those for the benzoic acid. The nearly equal C—O distances for the benzoic acid, i.e. 1.29 and 1.24A, may be interpreted as averages for the mixture of the two configurations with a larger difference in C—O distances than that actually observed. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors wish to thank Professor R. Gotoh for his kind advices and encouragement throughout this work. REFERENCES (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) G. A. Sim, J. Monteath Robertson and T. H. Goodwin,Acta Cryst., 8, 157 (1955). D. Hadji and N. Sheppard, Proc. Roy. Soc., A216, 247 (1953). S. Braid, D. Hadji and N. Sheppard, Spectrochem.Acta, 8, 249 (1956). R. Blinc and D. Hadji, "Hydrogen Bonding" Pergamon Press, London, 1959,p. 148. F. F. Bentley and M. T. Ryan, Spectrochim.Acta, 20, 685 (1964). "Tables of Interatomic Distances and Configuration in Molecules and Ions," The Chemical Society, Burlington House, W. I. London, 1958. ( 340)