to read the April Good News

Is Still
Speaking . . .”
Worship Starts at 11AM
Wednesday-April 2 - Northern Westmoreland
Association Cluster Service
First UCC-Harrison City, on Harrison City Rd.. (Access
is available from the Giant Eagle Side)
Rev. Meredith Hutchison preaching on “Broken Justice”
The best kept secret in the
Church is Opening Sunday
- The First Sunday
of the Month at 10:00AM.
See inside, page 5
Sunday-April 6 - Fifth Sunday in Lent
Scripture: Romans 12:1-7; Mark 13:21-23
Sermon: “Live Responsibly”
Wednesday-April 9 - Northern Westmoreland
Association Cluster Service
Hill’s Church (Emmanuel Reformed UCC) 7:30PM
3618 Hill’s Church Road, Export
Rev. Richard Lindsay-Bignell preaching on “Broken Bread”
Rev. Char Burch officiating at Holy Communion
Sunday-April 13 - Sixth Sunday in Lent
Palm/Passion Sunday
The Passion According to Mary
Thursday-April 17 - Maundy Thursday
Simple Meal of Soup and Bread 6:30PM, followed by Communion
in the Fellowship Hall and Tenebrae Service in the Sanctuary
Friday-April 18 - Good Friday
Ecumenical Good Friday Service
Level Green Presbyterian Church, 7:30PM
Rev. Roger Steiner preaching
Sunday-April 20 - Easter Sunday
8:00AM Easter Sunrise Service
Scripture: Mark 16:1-20
Sermon: “Write Your Own Ending”
9:15AM Easter Breakfast
11:00AM Easter Worship
Scripture: Matthew 28:1-10
Sermon: “Terror On Easter?”
Worship Schedule
Page 2
 Pastor’s Report
Page 3
Page 4
 Legacy Giving
 HOSS’S Day
 New Stove
 Income Tax Service
 Thank Yous
 Copier
Page 5
 Opening Sunday
 Pet Sunday
 Welcome to Worshp
 Homebound
 New Members
Page 6
 Sermon & Worship CDs
 Bible Study
 Funeral Luncheons
 Youth Group
 Faith In Action Seminar
 Stewardship
 ROC Team
Page 7
Sunday-April 28 - Second Sunday of Easter
Scripture: Matthew 28:11-15
Sermon: “Easter Means Trouble”
Back Cover:
 Important Dates
 Contact Information
From the Pastor’s Pen
Pastor’s Report to Consistory
March 3, 2014
The ROC (Renew Our Congregation) team came back from the Penn West Conference church
vitality event (Feb. 21 and 22) totally inspired. Those attending with me were Robin Brautigam, Joyfa Kelly, Sylvia Duncan and Sallie Bradley. N. Graham Standish was the keynote
speaker, and his subject was based on his book Becoming a Blessed Church. If anyone would
like to read the book, I can get gently used copies from Amazon for a very reasonable price.
Graham’s presentation was based on what I believe to be true, that in the church we are Religious but not spiritual. We do OK worshipping on Sunday morning, but forget our foundation
in Jesus Christ in the other work that the church does. This stunts our growth. So, we are introducing a new format for meetings that Graham has proven works, since he is the pastor of Calvin Presbyterian Church in Zelienople. (see ) Graham has
his own website with many excellent and free resources at .
Graham contends and rightly so, that we cannot have a spiritually grounded church unless our
leaders are spiritually grounded and he provides resources by which we might do this. So there
is a change in the agenda format for the March Consistory meeting.
For your information, these things took place in the month of February:
 Both the stewardship and ROC team had meetings at my home and I thank the members for
accommodating me. The stewardship team will meet again on March 17 and form a report
and a plan from the surveys that we sent out last fall.
 I preached at the installation of John Titus as pastor at First UCC on Feb. 16.
 Dave Conner and I met to discuss the Web site.
 We laid to rest Henrietta Kunkle who passed away on Feb. 14. Her funeral was Feb. 20. I
am always grateful for those who help with the funeral luncheons. You are my partners in
 Dorothy Martin has consented to oversee the refreshments for the cluster service at
DMUCC on March 19.
 Saturday morning Bible study has resumed.
 A huge thank you to Steve Cherep and his crew for removing the old stove and installing
the new one on Feb. 24. We are incredibly grateful for those who contributed to the purchase of the stove and we got a discount because the griddle was placed on the wrong side.
They also did not charge us shipping charges. God moves in a mysterious way! Total cost
of the stove ended up to be $5,781.
Respectfully submitted,
Meredith Hutchison
Page 2
Our Annual
is coming
April 26
Sunday, April 13
(Saturday after Easter)
4 - 7PM
Please mark your calendar
and tell your friends and family
members. Eat here in good company or
take a delicious meal home to enjoy.
Page 3
Please join us for the Easter
Party on Palm Sunday,
April 13 at 3:00PM, followed by a covered dish
supper at 5:00PM. All are
welcome, with fun for all
ages! You can dye eggs,
decorate cookies, make
crafts, join in the Easter Egg
Hunt or Egg Drop or just
laugh a lot! Bring 6 hardboiled eggs and one raw egg
well-packaged so it will not
break when dropped off the
Church roof!
On April 6, the Westmoreland Association will sponsor a program
on Legacy Giving entitled
“Wouldn’t you like to leave
something besides an empty
pew?” The Salvation Army has
recently publicized legacy giving,
and it is good to know that you
can make such a gift to your
church as well. Registration for
the program is at 3:00. The program begins at 4:00PM and is to
be held at Apollo, First UCC.
Pastor Meredith is on the committee that has put the program together. Please let her know if you
plan to attend. 
Bring your friends and family in to
Hoss’s in Murrysville anytime on Sunday,
April 27, for a great lunch or dinner, and
don’t forget to clip and use your Denmark
Manor HOSS’S CARD here — our Church
receives 20% of your check. Thanks for
April 27, 2014
Denmark Manor UCC
Yes! The New Stove is here!! Did you know that to
date we received $1,257.00 in donations for our stove
fund? The stove malfunctioned at the Ham Dinner and
thanks to Steve Cherep we have been able to limp along
with three out of the six burners.
The total cost of the stove was $5,781.00 — Trustee
Cherep had the manufacturer waive the freight costs.
We paid for the remainder with moneys from our bicentennial fund. Donations have also come in for our other
major kitchen appliances which are quite aged.
Thank you to everyone who gave so generously of their time, talent and muscle in
locating, negotiating, ordering and installing our new stove. It was a labor in
love and perseverance. Special thanks to Congregation
members who donated for the stove.
Thank you to Dorothy Martin for organizing and hosting hospitality for the March 19 Lenten Cluster Service
at Denmark Manor UCC, and to those who generously
donated and helped.
Thanks to Myrt Driscoll for organizing our Movie Trip
to see “Jerusalem: the East Side Story: on March 30.
Thanks to our Women’s Fellowship for their donation
of The Upper Room Devotional Guides. These daily devotionals are free—get yours at the table in the Sanctuary.
Free Income Tax Service is again offered for taxpayers
with low and moderate incomes by IRS trained volunteer councilors. Hours are by appointment at Jeannette
Senior Center 724-527-3200 through April 9, and Penn
Township Library 724-744-4414 through April 11.
Due to the age and malfunction of our copier, the Consistory has authorized lease of a new copier.
Page 4
Lenten Cluster
Service Schedule
Welcome to our
at 7:30PM
at our sister UCC churches.
Lenten Cluster Services at Westmoreland
Association North Churches are held each
Wednesday throughout Lent.
The Cluster services will be around the theme of “Restored In
Christ”. Pastor Meredith preaches on April 2 at First UCC
in Harrison City. Light refreshments follow Worship.
The schedule is as follows:
April 2
Harrison City
Meredith Hutchison
April 9
Richard Lindsay
About Opening Sunday
The best kept secret in the Church is Opening Sunday
- The First Sunday of the Month at 10:00AM.
Officially known as “Opening”, Joni Mattei gives an
inspirational message, we celebrate birthdays and then we
eat something delicious, usually made by Doris Walk and
sometimes others. This is for all ages and a wonderful
time of fellowship. 
Pet Sunday is May 4
Our “Opening” on Sunday, May 4
is Pet Sunday. This will be the last
Opening until September.
Bring your pet and enjoy sharing
the joy that your pet brings to you.
The pets will receive a special blessing.
This is during the Sunday School hour from 9:45 to
10:30AM. This annual event is always a “Howl”!
Stuffed animals are also welcome. 
Page 5
Denmark Manor is part of the
United Church of Christ in
which congregations make the
decisions about the operation
and faith stance of the Church.
We believe in freedom of conscience, and do not tell others
what doctrine they must accept.
We affirm the work of the Trinity, the authority of the Bible
and that God is still speaking in
this world.
Remember the homebound:
Claudia McLarty, at home
Helen Maynard, Wm. Penn Care Ctr.
Millie Kane, at home
Virginia Driscoll, Golden Heights
Sheila Sharatz, at home
Lee Ridinger, at home
Lillian Parson, Wm. Penn
Care Ctr.
 Glenn Frye, Autumn Ridge
We have several people in our
Congregation who attend regularly but are not members. If
you would like to become a
member, please see Pastor
Thanks to Pat Kistler for
donating and installing our
new phone system!
Missed a
who can’t
get out to
Catch up with a
Our soundperson Dave
Conner, diligently records the
Worship Service each Sunday.
He then cuts a Master CD for
the Office, and another for
members and visitors to take
with them (free) – there are
several of these on the table in
the back of the Sanctuary.
With Easter arriving
soon and Mother’s Day coming in May, why not take one?
Enjoy the ”peace beyond understanding” that listening to
God’s word brings, or take one
to a friend, relative or homebound person. The one you
pick will be the one especially
meant for you. Sermon CDs
are also ideal if weather, time
or circumstance have made
attendance difficult.
You are most welcome
to take multiple CDs. 
Faith In Action Health Seminar
A dynamic Brain Health and Heart Disease Seminar, featuring Safdar Chaudhary, MD on April 26, 2104 from 10:00
am to 3:00pm at New Hope Presbyterian Church, 1272 Lincoln Way, North Huntingdon, PA 15642. Advance tickets are
$30.00 and $35.00 at the door. A healthy lunch will be
served. Reservations can be made by sending a check to
Faith in Action, 2001 Municipal Court, Harrison City, PA
15636 or call 724 392 4161.
During this informative seminar, you will discover knowledge and joy in the experience of taking good care of yourself
by moving, eating right, reducing stress that promotes your
brain health and your heart wellness.
ROC Team
day, April 23, at 7PM.
The ROC Team will meet on Wednes-
Stewardship Team
The Stewardship Team
will meet on Wednesday, April 30, at 7PM.
The Joint Youth Group has been invited to join us for our
Easter Party on Palm Sunday, April 13 at 3:00PM, followed
by a covered dish supper at 5:00PM. All are welcome, with
fun for all ages! You can dye eggs, decorate cookies, make
crafts, join in the Easter Egg Hunt or Egg Drop. Bring 6 hardboiled eggs and one raw egg well-packaged so it will not
break when dropped off the Church roof!
Saturday Morning Bible Study
We meet at 9AM on Saturday mornings at the Panera in Murrysville. We can always find a way to squeeze in a new member and no previous Biblical knowledge is required. Check
your Newsletter and Bulletin for scheduling. All are welcome.
Funeral Luncheons
Thanks to all who have comforted others in this Ministry. To
help with Funeral Luncheons, please call Pat Kistler at 724744-4229. 
Page 6
Page 7
Our “Opening” on Sunday, May 4 is Pet Sunday. This will be
the last Opening until September. Bring your pet and enjoy
sharing the joy thatyour pet brings to you. The pets will receive a
special blessing. This is during the Sunday School hour from
9:45 to 10:30AM. This annual event is always a “Howl”!
Stuffed animals are also welcome. 
Denmark Manor
United Church of Christ
2003 Denmark Manor Road
Export, PA 15632
eMail >
Online >
Return Service Requested
Coming in April . . .
Coming in May . . .
Wednesday, April 2 - Lenten Service 7:30PM Harrison City
Thursday. April 3
Choir 7PM
Saturday, April 5 - Bible Study 9AM at Panera’s Murrysville
Sunday, April 6
Opening Sunday 10AM
Communion Sunday, 11AM
Monday, April 7
Consistory 7PM
Wednesday, April 9 - Lenten Service 7:30PM Hills UCC
Thursday, April 10
Choir 7PM
Saturday, April 12 - Bible Study 9AM at Panera’s Murrysville
Passion Sunday, April 13 - Palm Parade during Worship
Easter Party 3PM at DMUCC - Youth Group included
Monday, April 14
Christian Ed 7:30PM
Maundy Thursday, April 17
NO Choir
Simple Meal & Communion 6:30PM, Tenebrae Service 7:30PM
Good Friday Ecumenical Svc. 7:30PM at LG Presbyterian
Holy Saturday, April 19
NO Bible Study
Easter Sunday, April 20 - 8AM Sunrise Service with Communion
Easter Breakfast 9:15AM
11AM Easter Service with Communion
Thursday, April 24
Choir 7PM
Friday, April 25
Preparation Beef Dinner
Saturday, April 26
Beef Dinner 4-7PM
NO Bible Study
Sunday, April 27 - Sunday School 9:45 AM, Worship 11AM
Hoss’s Day, All Day at Murrysville Hoss’s
Thursday. May 1
Choir 7PM
Saturday, May 3 - Bible Study 9AM at Panera’s Murrysville
Sunday, May 4
Opening Sunday 10AM
Communion Sunday, 11AM
Pet Sunday
Monday, May 5
Consistory 7PM
Thursday, May 8
Choir 7PM
Saturday, May 10 - Bible Study 9AM at Panera’s Murrysville
Sunday, May 11
Mother’s Day
Sunday School 9:45 AM, Worship 11AM
Monday, May 12
Christian Ed 7:30PM
Thursday, May 15
Choir 7PM
Saturday, May 17 - Bible Study 9AM at Panera’s Murrysville
Sunday, May 18 - Sunday School 9:45 AM, Worship 11AM
Irwin Male Chorus 7PM
Thursday, May 22
Choir 7PM
Saturday, May 24 - Bible Study 9AM at Panera’s Murrysville
Sunday, May 25 - Sunday School 9:45 AM, Worship 11AM
Thursday, May 29
Choir 7PM
Saturday, May 31 - Bible Study 9AM at Panera’s Murrysville
SUNDAY SCHOOL Sundays 9:45AM with WORSHIP SERVICE Sundays (Sept. thru June) 11AM
OPENING SUNDAY is the First Sunday of each month at 10AM
OFFICE HOURS are Monday and Thursday 9AM - 3PM