Version 8 Windows Server with Web Client Setup Guide Rev. 1.7 Version 8 Server Setup Table of Contents Before You Begin ............................................................................................................................ 2 A Note About Progeny Downloads And Updates ......................................................................... 3 Setup Checklist For Upgrading Existing Progeny Systems To Progeny 8 ..................................... 5 Setup Checklist For New Progeny 8 Installations.......................................................................... 6 Section 1: Progeny Server Setup.................................................................................................... 7 Updating From Earlier Versions Of Progeny ............................................................................... 8 Windows 2000/2003 Installations .............................................................................................. 9 Progeny Server 8 Installation .................................................................................................... 10 Java Runtime Environment 6.0 And Tomcat Server 6.0 Installation ........................................ 11 Section 2: Progeny Server Configuration .................................................................................... 14 Progeny Server Configuration Utility ........................................................................................ 15 Step 1: Create The Progeny Database Service ...................................................................... 15 Step 2: Activate Your New Database Service ........................................................................ 21 Step 3: Configuring Windows Firewall .................................................................................. 22 Web Client Configuration .......................................................................................................... 24 Database Service Connection Setup ......................................................................................... 25 Web Client Service Options ....................................................................................................... 27 Tomcat Server 6.0 Setup ........................................................................................................... 28 Section 3: Appendicies ................................................................................................................. 29 Appendix A: Software License Agreement ................................................................................ 30 Appendix B: Additional Parameters For Progeny Server Configuration Utility ........................ 33 Appendix C: Web Server Configuration Options ....................................................................... 38 Appendix D: Up-Converting Progeny Databases To Version 8 Format ..................................... 42 Appendix E: Best Practices for Progeny Backups Using the Automated Backup Utility .......... 47 Appendix F: Common Ports Used By Other Software ............................................................... 49 800-PROGENY | 561-859-0773 | 1 Version 8 Server Setup Before You Begin… 1. IMPORTANT - If you are upgrading from a previous version of Progeny Server, you will need to install the Progeny Desktop Client on a PC with Administrative Rights to upgrade the databases before you install the Progeny Server software. a. Please refer to Appendix: D of this manual for instructions on up-converting your database(s) 2. Make sure you are using an ADMINISTRATOR account on your server. Progeny Server requires Administrative Rights to properly install. 3. Your server should have Windows Server 2000/2003/2008/2008R2 installed. 4. Make sure your server is connected to the Internet and is fully updated before beginning installation. 5. Please take note of your customer number and installed Progeny software versions. This information will help Progeny technicians to assist you more quickly. Customer Number: _____________________________ Installed Progeny Software (Please check all that apply): Clinical LIMS Lab Suite Web-Enabled 800-PROGENY | 561-859-0773 | 2 Version 8 Server Setup A Note About Progeny Downloads and Updates Progeny no longer ships physical media for its software. All software is delivered via secure download. You will receive credentials and hyperlinks to download the various components of Progeny 8 from your Progeny Representative. When updates are issued, your company contact will receive an email from Progeny with a hyperlink to the update and instructions for updating. Always keep a backup of your license files on the server or a removable storage drive (Preferred) Updates for the Progeny Web Server will be made available in the form of an updated ROOT.war file which will be downloaded and installed on your Progeny Server. Once the update is complete on the Progeny Server; no further action is required by the end users. o To install these updates, refer to the Tomcat Server section of this manual for information on unpacking ROOT.war files. Web update notices will be sent out to anyone on our "Web Update Notices" contact list. All current Progeny Web users have been added to this list. o If you have not been receiving updates and wish to be added to this list, send an email with your name and customer number to Please use “Add To Web Update Notice List” as the header. o Updated versions will also be displayed on the login screen of the web client, and the ROOT.war file can be reached via hyperlink. 800-PROGENY | 561-859-0773 | 3 Version 8 Server Setup In contrast, updates to the Progeny Windows Client are provided in the form of a setup.exe file which is downloaded to and run on the end users' PC. No action is required by the Progeny Server. Progeny Windows Client update notices will be sent to anyone on our "Windows Client Update Notices" contact list. All current Progeny Windows client users have been added to this list. o If you have not been receiving updates and wish to be added to this list, send an email with your name and customer number to Please use “Add To Windows Client Update Notice List” as the header. o Updated versions are also available from the login screen of the Windows client via [Acct Info...]|[Update...]. IMPORTANT NOTE: All updates to the Windows client will require a web update as well to ensure the two client versions are in sync. Additionally, Windows client updates must be made for all Windows client end users to ensure that each PC using the Windows client application is also in sync. 800-PROGENY | 561-859-0773 | 4 Version 8 Server Setup Setup Checklist for Upgrading Existing Progeny Systems To Progeny 8 Stop / Disable all services related to your current Progeny Server installation. Refer to Appendix: D for up-converting your database files to the new Progeny 8 format. Complete Progeny Server installation/upgrade and load up-converted database Update Java Runtime Environment and Tomcat Server (if necessary) Create the new database service. Configure Tomcat Server Configure the Progeny 8 Web Client Create Windows Advanced Firewall traffic rules on the server. Install Progeny 8 on client PC’s (See Progeny 8 Client Setup) Register client PC’s with Progeny and obtain license file. Input the server connection settings into each Progeny 8 client. 800-PROGENY | 561-859-0773 | 5 Version 8 Server Setup Setup Checklist For New Progeny 8 Installations (No existing database) Complete Progeny Server installation. Install Java Runtime Environment and Tomcat Server 6.0 Create the new database service. Configure the Progeny 8 Web Client Configure Tomcat Server 6.0 Create Windows Advanced Firewall traffic rules on the server. Install Progeny 8 on client PC’s (See Progeny 8 Client Setup). Register client PC’s with Progeny and obtain license file. Input the server connection settings into each Progeny 8 client. 800-PROGENY | 561-859-0773 | 6 Version 8 Server Setup Section 1: Progeny Server Setup 800-PROGENY | 561-859-0773 | 7 Version 8 Server Setup Upgrading From Earlier Versions of Progeny Upgrading to Progeny 8 Server from previous versions of Progeny Server is now simpler than ever – most installation steps are now handled by the Progeny 8 installer. To upgrade: 1. Stop/Disable all services and processes used by Progeny Server. These can include, depending on your Progeny version and modules purchased (** denotes wildcard character): a. Processes i. Dbsrv**.exe ii. Scjview.exe iii. Tomcat**.exe iv. Tomcat**w.exe b. Services i. SQLANYs_** ii. Tomcat** 2. Up-Convert your database files to the Progeny 8 format. Refer to Appendix: D for detailed instructions. 3. Complete the installation process for Progeny 8. DO NOT UNINSTALL PREVIOUS VERSIONS YET. Once the installation is complete, restart the server (optional, but recommended). 4. If you want to uninstall the previous version of Progeny, you may do so at this point. a. Progeny recommends that you thoroughly test your new database services before you remove previous versions of Progeny Server. As long as the database services are set to use different computer ports, Progeny 8 can run right alongside your previous installation. Once the new system is running smoothly you can go ahead and remove the previous versions of Progeny Server. 5. Make sure to uninstall all previous versions of the Progeny Desktop client AFTER you uninstall the server. Make this your last step. 800-PROGENY | 561-859-0773 | 8 Version 8 Server Setup Windows Server 2000/2003 Installations New Installation: 1. When running a new installation of Windows Server 2000 or 2003, or if this is the first time you are installing any version of Progeny, there are no major settings to change or roles to add. a. The only changes from a basic installation we recommended are to add the following Networking Components in Server 2003: i. Microsoft TCP/IP version 6 1. NOTE: While not necessary for Progeny Server’s operation, IPv6 is beginning to take over internet addressing from its predecessor, IPv4. Since you’re doing a new installation, now is as good a time as any to future-proof your server. b. The server can otherwise be set up in any manner you wish i. CAUTION: If running multiple databases, web/FTP/email servers or any other web services off the same server, make sure that Progeny Server has each has its own unique communication ports. 1. Overlapping services can clog ports and can cause Progeny Server to malfunction. ii. Again, each Progeny 8 database service MUST have its own unique, dedicated port for proper operation. 800-PROGENY | 561-859-0773 | 9 Version 8 Server Setup Progeny Server 8 Installation 1. Install the Progeny Server application by double-clicking Progeny8Server.exe and accepting the license agreement on the next screen. a. A copy of the Software License Agreement may be found in Appendix: A of this manual. 2. On the following screen enter your User Name and Organization. a. Note: This information is completely optional and may be completed at your discretion. None of this information is transmitted to any outside party. b. Do not change the installation directory from its default. The server application should install to C:\Program Files\Progeny Software\Progeny8\Server\ c. Click Install to complete the process. 800-PROGENY | 561-859-0773 | 10 Version 8 Server Setup Java Runtime Environment 6.0 and Tomcat Server 6.0 Installation 1. Install Java RE 6. Do not change the installation directory or any settings offered – just leave the default settings and click Install. 2. Double-click the Apache Tomcat installer on the desktop; follow the prompts leaving all options at their default settings/positions, excepting the following configuration settings: a. When asked what type of install you want to use, select Full Install. 800-PROGENY | 561-859-0773 | 11 Version 8 Server Setup 3. On the next screen, you can leave Tomcat’s default communication port set at 8080, use the server’s default port 80, or you can change it to fit your installation. (NOTE: If you do not know EXACTLY what you’re doing, it is HIGHLY recommended that you DO NOT change the port assignment to anything other than 8080 or 80 to preserve both your sanity and ours.) a. If you have no idea what the preceding statement is talking about, it would be best for you to leave the port number right where it is. b. Continue through the prompts, leaving everything as default settings. c. After the installation, UNCHECK the box that wants to start the Tomcat service. We’re not quite there yet… 800-PROGENY | 561-859-0773 | 12 Version 8 Server Setup 4. Navigate to C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0\webapps a. Change the name of the ROOT folder to ROOT.OLD. Go back to the Desktop and retrieve the ROOT.war file. Drag or Copy/Paste this file into the webapps folder. Change the name of the file to (click OK when warned about changing the extension). Right click the folder, and then select Extract All. Make sure the unzip process placed all the files into \webapps\ROOT. Example below: 800-PROGENY | 561-859-0773 | 13 Version 8 Server Setup Section 2: Progeny Server Configuration 800-PROGENY | 561-859-0773 | 14 Version 8 Server Setup Progeny Server Configuration Utility Step 1: Create the Progeny Database Service 1. Double-click the Progeny 8 Server Configuration Utility, located on the desktop. 2. Dismiss the welcome screen popup, then click View Folders. 800-PROGENY | 561-859-0773 | 15 Version 8 Server Setup 3. Click on SQL Anywhere in the left pane, then select the Services Tab in the right pane. Navigate into the open space in the right pane, right click, then select New Service… 4. Choose a name for your new service. No spaces are allowed, and the name is case sensitive, so write down the name EXACTLY as you type it in. In our example, we are calling this Progeny8Demo. Click Next. 5. On the next screen, select Network Database Server (It’s the first option – you do not have to do anything!), then click Next. 6. This next screen tells the Server Configuration Utility where the server executable is. a. If you did a custom install, locate the dbsrv11.exe file within the Progeny Software\Progeny8\Server\Bin32\ folder and type in the full file path. 800-PROGENY | 561-859-0773 | 16 Version 8 Server Setup i. Click Next. b. If you did a standard install, leave this just the way it is and click Next. 7. This screen is the true guts of the database service. There are dozens of available parameters that power users can take advantage of, though more novice users can quickly become overwhelmed. 800-PROGENY | 561-859-0773 | 17 Version 8 Server Setup 8. The basic database parameters looks like this: -x (connection type) –n (service name) “(file path of database file)” a. If you are creating only one service, it is a good idea to use the default port. i. If you do not specify a port in the configuration, you will use the default port of 2638: -x tcpip or –x tcpip(PORT=2638) ii. Otherwise you can specify a new port in the following format: -x tcpip(PORT=2642) b. The service name identifies the service to the server and client computers. It is simplest to make the service name EXACTLY the same as the database name. c. Spaces are not allowed in the file path. Since Windows automatically introduces spaces in the file paths, you MUST enclose the file path in “quotation marks.” d. Make sure to separate each component with a space. Spaces tell the Configuration Utility how to separate the different parameters. In the picture below, we use the following sample parameters: -x tcpip(PORT=2638) -n Progeny8Demo "C:\Program Files\Progeny Software\Progeny 8\Server\Progeny8Demo.db" 800-PROGENY | 561-859-0773 | 18 Version 8 Server Setup 9. The next screen needs no alterations. The Server Configuration Utility needs to have access to the Local system account. Just click Next. 10. For the startup type, make sure Automatic is selected. If you do not choose Automatic, you will have to restart the service every time the server is turned off, rebooted, or otherwise quits. Click Next. 800-PROGENY | 561-859-0773 | 19 Version 8 Server Setup 11. In the final screen, DO NOT click the “Start the service now” button. If you made any mistakes in the installation process and click this button, can freeze the application. Just click Finish. *INSTALLATION NOTE: If using more than one database service, each service must use its own unique port to prevent interference. 800-PROGENY | 561-859-0773 | 20 Version 8 Server Setup Step 2: Activate Your New Progeny Database Service 1. Back on the main screen of the Server Configuration Utility, you should now see the service you created listed in the right pane. The red box next to the name denotes that the service is stopped. Right click the service name, then select Start. If the service was properly configured, the red square will become a green triangle. If not, go back through the instructions again. Good configuration running properly: Bad configuration NOT RUNNING: 800-PROGENY | 561-859-0773 | 21 Version 8 Server Setup Step 3: Configuring Windows Firewall to Add Incoming and Outgoing Firewall Exceptions 1. Open Windows Firewall with Advanced Security as an Admin by going Start Menu All Programs Administrative Tools Right-click on Windows Firewall with Advanced Security select Run as Administrator. 2. In the left pane, select Inbound Rules, then go to Action New Rule… 3. We need to open specific ports in the server, so select Port, then click Next. 800-PROGENY | 561-859-0773 | 22 Version 8 Server Setup 4. On the next screen, the only thing we want to do is enter the port number of the database service. Select Specific local ports and enter 2638. Click Next. 5. The next two screens do not have anything that needs changing. Click Next through both. 6. In this last screen, you can give your new rule a name and description. Be descriptive in the name, forget the description. In our sample, we called the inbound rule Progeny8ServerInboundPortOpening 7. Repeat steps 1-6 for the Outbound Rule. When you reach step 6, just change Inbound to Outbound for the name. Firewall Rule Reference: 1. Inbound firewall rule: <Database Service Name>InboundPortOpening 2. Outbound firewall rule: <Database Service Name>OutboundPortOpening 800-PROGENY | 561-859-0773 | 23 Version 8 Server Setup Web Client Configuration To access the configuration options for the Progeny 8 Web Client, open a browser window on the server and navigate to http://localhost:8080 If successful, you should see the screen below: To access the administration menu, enter the user name “config” and the password “internal”. The password can be changed later via the Web Client Service Options menu. 800-PROGENY | 561-859-0773 | 24 Version 8 Server Setup Database Service Connection Setup Each network connection consists of six parts: a. Connection Name: This is the name you choose for the network connection. It is recommended you make this the same as your Database Service. b. Service Name: This is the name of the service we set up with the Progeny Server Configuration Utility. The name needs to match the service name EXACTLY. c. Database Name: This should EXACTLY match the name of the database file; however, the .db extension is not needed and should be omitted. d. Host Address: This is the IP address of the server. e. Db Port: This is the port number of the database service. If you are using a standard installation and did not specify a port in the Progeny Server Configuration Utility, then enter 2638 here. Otherwise enter the port number you specified. i. Remember, each service requires its own unique port number! 800-PROGENY | 561-859-0773 | 25 Version 8 Server Setup Once you have created your connection and tested it, you need to send in the request for your official server license. Click the Request Lic. Button on the right, which brings up the following screen: Enter your information, along with the customer number given by your Progeny Sales Representative. When you hit Send Request, an email will be sent to Progeny HQ for verification and issuance. Once your information is verified and a license is created, it will be sent to the email address provided in the license request. When you receive the license, download it to a USB drive or otherwise put the license file on your server’s desktop. Load up the Service Connection page again, but this time click the Upload Lic. Button, which brings up the following window: Click the Browse button, then navigate to the license file on your server’s desktop. Click Upload, and Progeny will activate your server connection, authorizing it for licensed use. 800-PROGENY | 561-859-0773 | 26 Version 8 Server Setup Web Client Service Options This section will allow you to configure some parts of the Web client to conform to your organization’s personal needs and tastes. Included here are the password change options for administrative access to these menus. STOP HERE AND CHANGE YOUR PASSWORDS RIGHT NOW A complete list of the configuration options, their descriptions, and available option choices is contained in Appendix C. 800-PROGENY | 561-859-0773 | 27 Version 8 Server Setup Tomcat Server 6.0 Setup 1. Click Start menu All Programs Apache Tomcat 6.0 Configure Tomcat 2. Change the Startup type dropdown menu to Automatic a. NOT Automatic(Delayed Start) 3. Click the Start button, click OK. a. It can take up to a minute to initialize the Tomcat service, depending on your particular system configuration. 800-PROGENY | 561-859-0773 | 28 Version 8 Server Setup Section 3: Appendices 800-PROGENY | 561-859-0773 | 29 Version 8 Server Setup Appendix A: Software License Agreement PLEASE READ THIS SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT CAREFULLY BEFORE INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE. 1. Single User License Grant: PROGENY SOFTWARE, LLC. ("Progeny") hereby grants to Customer ("Customer") a nonexclusive and nontransferable license to use the Progeny software ("Software") in object code form solely on a single PC owned or leased by Customer. Customer may install the software to a home computer or laptop provided it is solely used by Customer and no-one else (the same person for both the work PC and home PC or laptop). 2. Multiple-Users License Grant: Progeny grants to Customer a nonexclusive and nontransferable license to use the Progeny software in object code form, installed on a per PC basis for up to the number of PC’s the Customer has paid a license fee ("Permitted Number of Computers"). Customer may only use the programs contained in the Software (i) for which Customer has paid a license fee (or in the case of an evaluation copy, those programs Customer is authorized to evaluate) and (ii) for which Customer has received a license file (xxx.lic). Customer grants to Progeny the right to audit the number of PC’s installed with Progeny software during Customer's normal business hours to verify compliance with the above provisions. In the event such audit discloses that the Permitted Number of Computers is exceeded, Customer shall promptly pay to Progeny the appropriate license fee for the additional computers. At Progeny’s option, Progeny may terminate this license for failure to pay the required license fee. 3. Customer may make one (1) archival copy of the Software provided Customer affixes to such copy all copyright, confidentiality, and proprietary notices that appear on the original. 4. EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY AUTHORIZED ABOVE, CUSTOMER SHALL NOT: COPY, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, SOFTWARE OR DOCUMENTATION; MODIFY THE SOFTWARE; REVERSE COMPILE OR REVERSE ASSEMBLE ALL OR ANY PORTION OF THE SOFTWARE; OR RENT, LEASE, DISTRIBUTE, SELL, OR CREATE DERIVATIVE WORKS OF THE SOFTWARE. 5. Customer agrees that aspects of the licensed materials, including the specific design and structure of individual programs, constitute trade secrets and/or copyrighted material of Progeny. Customer agrees not to disclose, provide, or otherwise make available such 800-PROGENY | 561-859-0773 | 30 Version 8 Server Setup trade secrets or copyrighted material in any form to any third party without the prior written consent of Progeny. Customer agrees to implement reasonable security measures to protect such trade secrets and copyrighted material. Title to Software and documentation shall remain solely with Progeny. 6. LIMITED WARRANTY. Progeny warrants that for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of shipment from Progeny: (i) the media on which the Software is furnished will be free of defects in materials and workmanship under normal use; and (ii) the Software substantially conforms to its published specifications. Except for the foregoing, the Software is provided AS IS. This limited warranty extends only to Customer as the original licensee. Customer's exclusive remedy and the entire liability of Progeny under this limited warranty will be limited to a complete refund of the purchase price of the Software paid by Customer. In no event does Progeny warrant that the Software is error free or that Customer will be able to operate the Software without problems or interruptions. 7. This warranty does not apply if the software (a) has been altered, except by Progeny, (b) has not been installed, operated, repaired, or maintained in accordance with instructions supplied by Progeny, (c) has been subjected to abnormal physical or electrical stress, misuse, negligence, or accident… 8. DISCLAIMER. EXCEPT AS SPECIFIED IN THIS WARRANTY, ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED CONDITIONS, REPRESENTATIONS, AND WARRANTIES INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NONINFRINGEMENT OR ARISING FROM A COURSE OF DEALING, USAGE, OR TRADE PRACTICE, ARE HEREBY EXCLUDED TO THE EXTENT ALLOWED BY APPLICABLE LAW. 9. IN NO EVENT WILL PROGENY BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOST REVENUE, PROFIT, OR DATA, OR FOR SPECIAL, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES HOWEVER CAUSED AND REGARDLESS OF THE THEORY OF LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE EVEN IF PROGENY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. In no event shall Progeny’s liability to Customer, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), or otherwise, exceed the price paid by Customer for the Software. The foregoing limitations shall apply even if the above-stated warranty fails of its essential purpose. 10. The above warranty DOES NOT apply to any beta software, any software made available for testing or demonstration purposes, any temporary software modules or any software for which Progeny does not receive a license fee. All such software products are provided AS IS without any warranty whatsoever. 11. This License is effective until terminated. Customer may terminate this License at any time by destroying all copies of Software including any documentation. This License will 800-PROGENY | 561-859-0773 | 31 Version 8 Server Setup terminate immediately without notice from Progeny if Customer fails to comply with any provision of this License. Upon termination, Customer must destroy all copies of Software. 12. Software, including technical data, is subject to U.S. export control laws, including the U.S. Export Administration Act and its associated regulations, and may be subject to export or import regulations in other countries. Customer agrees to comply strictly with all such regulations and acknowledges that it has the responsibility to obtain licenses to export, re-export, or import Software. 13. If the Software, or any part thereof, is, or in the opinion of Licensor may become, the subject of any claim, suit or proceeding for infringement of any United States or foreign patent, trademark or copyright, or in the event of any adjudication that the Software, or any part thereof, infringes any United States or foreign patent. Trademark or copyright, or of the sublicense or Use of the Software, or any part thereof, is enjoined, Licensor shall protect and hold harmless Licensee; and Licensor shall at its option and expense: (1) procure for Licensee the right under such patent; trademark or copyright to Use or sublicense as appropriate, the Software or such part thereof; or (ii) replace the Software, or part thereof, with other suitable Software or parts; or (iii) suitably modify the Software, or part thereof; or (iv) if the Use of the Software, or part thereof, shall be prevented by injunction, refund the aggregate payments paid therefore by Licensee, less a reasonable sum for Use. Licensor shall not be liable for any costs or expenses incurred without its prior written authorization. 14. This License shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Indiana, United States of America, as if performed wholly within the state and without giving effect to the principles of conflict of law. If any portion hereof is found to be void or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of this License shall remain in full force and effect. This License constitutes the entire License between the parties with respect to the use of the Software. 800-PROGENY | 561-859-0773 | 32 Version 8 Server Setup Appendix B: Additional Parameters For Progeny Server Configuration Utility These parameters provide additional functionality and flexibility with your database services. These tools are designed for the advanced user, database developer, or IT support staff. Users who do not have at least a working knowledge of the Sybase system should not attempt to work with these additional parameters without FIRST making a complete backup of their databases ON AN EXTERNAL DRIVE. For added safety and security, please do not keep the database backup on the server. 800-PROGENY | 561-859-0773 | 33 Version 8 Server Setup dbsrv9 - Server options (apply to server and all databases): -b run in bulk operations mode -c <size> -ca 0 make initial cache a maximum of <size> bytes <size> may be specified as nnnK, nnnM, nnnG, nnnP disable automatic cache resizing -cc[+|-] enable/disable page collection for cache warming (default is enabled) -ch <size> -cr[+|-] set maximum cache size of <size> bytes <size> may be specified as nnnK, nnnM, nnnG, nnnP set minimum cache size of <size> bytes <size> may be specified as nnnK, nnnM, nnnG, nnnP enable/disable cache warming (default is enabled) -cs display cache sizing statistics -ct[+|-] enable/disable client-server character translation (default is enabled) -cv[+|-] enable/disable cache warming status messages (default is disabled) -ec <list> -ep comma-separated list of communication encryption types supported types: none, simple, ecc_tls(params), rsa_tls(params), rsa_tls_fips(params) prompt for encryption keys if necessary -fc <file> filename of DLL with filesystem full callback function -ga automatically shutdown after last database closed -gc <num> set checkpoint timeout period to <num> minutes -gd <level> -ge <size> set starting database permission to <level>; <level> may be one of "dba", "all" or "none" set external DLL thread stack size to <size> -gf disable firing of triggers -gk <level> -gm <num> set "stopping database server" permission to <level>; <level> may be one of "dba", "all" or "none" set LOAD/UNLOAD permission to <level>; <level> may be one of "dba", "all" or "none" set maximum number of server connections (up to licensed maximum) -gn <num> set maximum number of concurrent server requests (up to gm) -gp <size> set maximum page size of <size> bytes <size> must be power of 2 >= 1024 and <= 32768 set maximum recovery time to <num> minutes -cl <size> -gl <level> -gr <num> -gss <size> -gt <num> -gu <level> set engine thread stack size of <size> bytes <size> may be specified as nnnK or nnnM set maximum number of CPUs to use (up to licensed maximum) et utility commands (e.g., DROP DATABASE) permission to <level>; <level> may be one of "utility_db", "dba", "all" or "none" 800-PROGENY | 561-859-0773 | 34 Version 8 Server Setup -k do not collect performance statistics -m truncate transaction log after checkpoint -n <name> name the database server (will be truncated to 40 characters) -o <file> filename for copy of message window -oe <file> filename to log startup errors, fatal errors and assertions -os <size> maximum size for file specified by -o <size> may be specified as nnnK, nnnM, nnnG -p <size> set maximum communication packet size (>300, <16000) -- default 1460 -pc compress communication packets -pt <size> set compression threshold (minimum packet size to compress) -qp suppress performance warnings -qw do not display database server screen -r read-only mode -- database modifications not allowed -s <id> syslog facility id (none,user,daemon,local0,...,local7) (default is user) -sb <level> set broadcast level 0=Ignore all broadcasts, 1=Ignore dblocate broadcasts -ti <min> client idle time before disconnect (default is 240 minutes) -tl <sec> client liveness timeout in seconds (default is 120 seconds) -tq <time> set quitting time -u use buffered disk I/O -ua disable use of asynchronous I/O -uc use console UI -ud run as a daemon -uf <action> -ui action to take upon a fatal error <action> may be one of "abort", "default", or "defunct" automatically choose UI -ut <min> touch temporary files -- default every 30 minutes -ux use X Windows GUI -v display product version information -x <list> comma-separated list of network drivers to run (TCPIP) -xs <list> comma-separated list of web protocols to accept (http, https, https_fips) 800-PROGENY | 561-859-0773 | 35 Version 8 Server Setup -z display debugging information -ze display server environment variables -zl remember last statement for each connection -zn <num> number of request log files to keep (used with -zs) -zo <file> redirect request logging information to file -zr <level> set request logging level <level> may be one of "all", "sql", "sql+hostvars", or "none" maximum size for file specified by -zo <size> may be specified as nnnK, nnnM, nnnG -zs <size> Recovery options: -a <logfile> apply named transaction log file -f force database to start without transaction log Database options (apply only to preceding database): -ek <key> specify database file encryption key -m truncate transaction log after checkpoint -n <name> name the database -r read-only mode -- database modifications not allowed 800-PROGENY | 561-859-0773 | 36 Version 8 Server Setup Protocol options: TCP/IP: Broadcast, BroadcastListener, DoBroadcast, Host, LDAP, LocalOnly, MyIP, ReceiveBufferSize, SendBufferSize, ServerPort, TDS, Timeout HTTP: DatabaseName, LocalOnly, LogFile, LogFormat, LogMaxSize, LogOptions, MaxConnections, MaxRequestSize, MyIP, ServerPort, Timeout HTTPS: Certificate, Certificate_password, DatabaseName, LocalOnly, LogFile, LogFormat, LogMaxSize, LogOptions, MaxConnections, MaxRequestSize, MyIP, ServerPort, Timeout dbstop [options] [name] @<data> expands <data> from environment variable <data> or file <data> -c "keyword=value;..." -d supply database connection parameters -o <file> log output messages to file -q do not print messages -x if there are connections, do not stop -y if there are connections, do not prompt, stop anyway stop only the specified database 800-PROGENY | 561-859-0773 | 37 Version 8 Server Setup Appendix C: Web Server Configuration Options ALLOW_CONTINUOUS_BARCODE PRINTING o Enable batch printing for barcode labels to be done using continuous form feed from one HTML page. o 0 = Deny o 1 = Allow ALLOW_REFRESH_COMPUTEDS o Allows Computed Fields to automatically refresh their computations when dependent fields are changed o 0 = Deny o 1 = Allow AUTHENTICATION_TYPE o 0 = Standard Authentication o 1 = LDAP Authentication BARCODE_LABEL_HEIGHT o The height (in inches) of the barcode label BARCODE_LABEL_WIDTH o The width (in inches) of the barcode label COMET_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT o This is the number of seconds that server push connections should wait before timing out. CONFIG_ADMIN_PASSWD o The password for administrator with configuration privileges. Only this user is allowed to change server configuration parameters. CHANGE THIS IMMEDIATELY! CONFIG_SHUTDOWN_PASSWD o The password for the admin user who can do shutdown broadcasts. CHANGE THIS IMMEDIATELY! DB_CONFIG_PASSWD o The password for the admin user allowed to do database parameter configuration. CHANGE THIS IMMEDIATELY! 800-PROGENY | 561-859-0773 | 38 Version 8 Server Setup DOCUMENTS_REPOSITORY_FOLDER o The folder on the web server where documents used in the application are saved and/or retrieved from DOCUMENT_UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE_KILOBYTES o Maximum size of a document allowed to be uploaded. Measured in kilobytes. ENABLE_CLIENTSIDE_LOGS_ON_SERVER o Keeps JavaScript logs of errors/exceptions on the server o 1 = Keep Logs o 0 = Don’t Keep Logs IMAGES_REPOSITORY_FOLDER o The folder on the web server where images used in the application are saved and/or retrieved from. The default value is C:\Progeny Software\Images Repository IMAGE_UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE_KILOBYTES o Maximum size of an image allowed to be uploaded. Measured in kilobytes. JRE_DOWNLOADS_LIST_PAGE o URL pointing to a website with the list of JRE installation files for different platforms (Do Not Change) JRE_DOWNLOAD_FILE_WIN32 o This is a local URL (within the web server ROOT folder) where you can store the x86 download file for Java Runtime. If a user needs to update their Java Runtime, the Web App will download this file. JRE_DOWNLOAD_FILE_WIN64 o This is a local URL (within the web server ROOT folder) where you can store the x64 download file for Java Runtime. If a user needs to update their Java Runtime, the Web App will download this file. JRE_MINIMUM_VERSION o This is the Java ID of the minimum allowed version of Java Runtime for the client desktop. Should not be set any lower than 1.6.0_24 LOGIN_PAGE_LOGO o The logo to be used on the main logon screen to replace the progeny logo. Use absolute URL to GIF or JPEG. 800-PROGENY | 561-859-0773 | 39 Version 8 Server Setup PEDIGREE_BACKGROUND_IMAGE o The URL of the image you wish to use as the pedigree background image. Must be located on HTTP server. SESSION_INACTIVITY_INTERVAL o The amount of time (in minutes) that a user session can be inactive before the session expires. SHOW_PARTICIPANT_CONFIG_PARAMS o 0 = Use the primary configuration file. o 1 = Use the custom configuration file that contains participant datasheet configuration parameters. SMTP_PASSWD o Password for the SMTP account used to send emails SMTP_PORT o SMTP server port used to send emails SMTP_SERVER o SMTP server address used to send emails SMTP_USERNAME o SMTP username used to authenticate sending emails STARTUP_PAGE o Specify the startup page that your users must land on when they logon using this parameter. Valid values are progeny.html or orders.html THANKYOU_LANDING_PAGE o The page the user will be landed on or directed to after logging off USE_HYPERLINKS_FORDOWNLOADS o 0 = Use the default file download method. o 1 = use hyperlinks to activate any file downloads to circumvent browser security. USE_JWS_PEDIGREE_VIEWER o 0 = Use Java Applets. o 1 = Use Java Web Start Application to view pedigrees. WEB_DATA_CAPTURE_DB_ALIAS o The database alias used for Web Data Capture. 800-PROGENY | 561-859-0773 | 40 Version 8 Server Setup WEB_DATA_CAPTURE_EMAIL_FROM o Email alias used to send emails regarding WDC WEB_DATA_CAPTURE_PASSWD o The password for the WDC user. WEB_DATA_CAPTURE_USER o The Progeny user for web data capture. 800-PROGENY | 561-859-0773 | 41 Version 8 Server Setup Appendix D: Up-Converting Progeny Databases to Version 8 Format 1. Install the Progeny 8 Client on a desktop with administrative rights and register this installation with Progeny. This will be your administrative client (See Progeny 8 Client Setup). 2. Locate your existing database file on the server (If using Progeny 7, you would likely go to C:\Program Files\Progeny Software\Progeny 7\Server\). Copy the database file to external media and load it into your administrative client. 800-PROGENY | 561-859-0773 | 42 Version 8 Server Setup 3. Start Progeny 8, and under the local database radio button, click browse. 4. Navigate to your existing database file and double-click it. 800-PROGENY | 561-859-0773 | 43 Version 8 Server Setup 5. Back at the main login screen, log into the database file as you normally would. The next box lets you know that the database needs to be updated to the Version 8 format. Click Ok. 6. The next box asks you to create a name for the new database file. Create a folder in the Progeny root folder (C:\Program Files\Progeny Software\) called “Progeny Databases”, then give the new database a name and save it to this folder. 800-PROGENY | 561-859-0773 | 44 Version 8 Server Setup 7. This next screen confirms the file path of the new database file and gives you the option of encrypting the new database. a. NOTE: While the option is available, we DO NOT recommend you encrypt your database unless required to. Encrypting the database can negatively impact the database’s performance. 8. The system will run for a minute or so, and you may see several windows pop up and disappear. When this preparatory process is finished, a new window will appear asking you to click OK to perform the database upgrade. Click OK. 800-PROGENY | 561-859-0773 | 45 Version 8 Server Setup 9. In the next screen click OK to begin the database upgrade maintenance process. a. Depending on the relative size of your database, this process can take several minutes. 10. When the upgrade process is complete, Progeny 8 will open, and you should have full access to your database. a. If you do not see your database information, close Progeny 8, delete the new database files, and begin the process again. b. Close the Progeny client and copy the updated database back onto your external media. c. Once your server has been updated to the newest version of Progeny Server, reload the new database file into the server, placing it in the Progeny Server root folder (usually C:\Program Files\Progeny Software\Progeny 8\Server\) 11. Continue on to Section 2: Progeny Server Configuration. 800-PROGENY | 561-859-0773 | 46 Version 8 Server Setup Appendix E: Best Practices for Progeny Backups Using the Automated Backup Utility Progeny has its own Automated Backups utility, specifically designed for use with server-integrated environments. Using Automated Backups, Progeny can create as many incremental backups as you need (provided you allocate enough disk space), each working on its own independent schedule. For each scheduled backup instance, Progeny will create one (1) copy of the database and overwrite this copy with each scheduled backup. The best way to make use of this feature is to create a minimum of two backup instances – one set every 2-4 hours and another one time daily event. If disk space allows, you can create a daily backup for each day of the week, allowing you to roll back the database to a previous day should a serious error occur. To configure Automated Backups, open your database using the Progeny user name, right click the root icon in your folder list, and select Automated Backups… 800-PROGENY | 561-859-0773 | 47 Version 8 Server Setup This will bring up the Automated Backups window. Select new, and give the backup instance a name that contains no spaces. NOTE: It is best to use the Backup Database + Log File option. The “To Path” is the file path local to the server. The best place for the backups is right in the root folder of the server drive. We recommend C:\ProgenyAutoBackups. You will need to create a subfolder for each backup instance. For example, the setup for the two backups will look like this: C:\ProgenyAutoBackups\Hourly C:\ProgenyAutoBackups\Daily For the Backup Frequency option, leave the setting on Every Day unless your backup instance is for a specific day (if you were doing Monday-Friday separate daily backups for example). Automated Backups works on the server and does not use any network resources. There are two options for scheduling the backup frequency – “Once At” and “Every”. Once At is designed for single daily backups. Every is designed for incremental backups on a minute or hour based schedule NOTE: When using the “Every” option, it is recommended to select a frequency of at least 2 Hours as this gives you enough time to retrieve your latest backup copy before it is overwritten by your current instance, in which case you would have to roll back to the previous day. This is entirely optional and should be arrange to best suite your needs. 800-PROGENY | 561-859-0773 | 48 Version 8 Server Setup Appendix F: Common Ports Used By Other Software (A.K.A. – The Ports Not To Use!) The following list details many of the ports commonly used by other software packages. For Progeny to operate properly, it needs to be configured to a port which is not used by any other service. If there is only one database used by Progeny, please use the default port 2638. Every additional database will require its own port for use. For each of these additional databases please select a port that IS NOT on this list. Service echo echo discard discard systat systat daytime daytime qotd qotd chargen chargen ftp-data ftp ssh telnet smtp time time rlp nameserver nameserver nicname Port 7/tcp 7/udp 9/tcp 9/udp 11/tcp 11/udp 13/tcp 13/udp 17/tcp 17/udp 19/tcp 19/udp 20/tcp 21/tcp 22/tcp 23/tcp 25/tcp 37/tcp 37/udp 39/udp 42/tcp 42/udp 43/tcp Name Description sink null sink null users users #Active users #Active users quote quote ttytst source ttytst source #Quote of the day #Quote of the day #Character generator #Character generator #FTP, data #FTP. control #SSH Remote Login Protocol mail timserver timserver resource name name whois #Simple Mail Transfer Protocol #Resource Location Protocol #Host Name Server #Host Name Server 800-PROGENY | 561-859-0773 | 49 Version 8 Server Setup domain domain bootps bootpc tftp gopher finger http hosts2-ns hosts2-ns kerberos kerberos hostname iso-tsap rtelnet pop2 pop3 sunrpc sunrpc auth uucp-path sqlserv nntp ntp epmap epmap netbios-ns netbios-ns netbios-dgm netbios-ssn imap sql-net sqlsrv pcmail-srv snmp snmptrap print-srv bgp 53/tcp 53/udp 67/udp 68/udp 69/udp 70/tcp 79/tcp 80/tcp 81/tcp 81/udp 88/tcp 88/udp 101/tcp 102/tcp 107/tcp 109/tcp 110/tcp 111/tcp 111/udp 113/tcp 117/tcp 118/tcp 119/tcp 123/udp 135/tcp 135/udp 137/tcp 137/udp 138/udp 139/tcp 143/tcp 150/tcp 156/tcp 158/tcp 161/udp 162/udp 170/tcp 179/tcp dhcps dhcpc #Domain Name Server #Domain Name Server #Bootstrap Protocol Server #Bootstrap Protocol Client #Trivial File Transfer www-http #World Wide Web #HOSTS2 Name Server #HOSTS2 Name Server kerberos-sec #Kerberos kerberos-sec #Kerberos hostnames #NIC Host Name Server #ISO-TSAP Class 0 #Remote Telnet Service postoffice #Post Office Protocol - Version 2 #Post Office Protocol - Version 3 rpcbind #SUN Remote Procedure Call rpcbind #SUN Remote Procedure Call ident tap #Identification Protocol usenet loc-srv loc-srv nbname nbname nbdatagram nbsession imap4 snmp-trap #SQL Services #Network News Transfer Protocol #Network Time Protocol #DCE endpoint resolution #DCE endpoint resolution #NETBIOS Name Service #NETBIOS Name Service #NETBIOS Datagram Service #NETBIOS Session Service #Internet Message Access Protocol #PCMail Server #SNMP #SNMP trap #Network PostScript #Border Gateway Protocol 800-PROGENY | 561-859-0773 | 50 Version 8 Server Setup irc ipx rtsps rtsps mftp mftp ldap https https microsoft-ds microsoft-ds kpasswd kpasswd isakmp crs crs exec biff login who cmd syslog printer talk ntalk efs router ulp ulp timed tempo irc-serv irc-serv courier conference netnews netwall uucp 194/tcp 213/udp 322/tcp 322/udp 349/tcp 349/udp 389/tcp 443/tcp 443/udp 445/tcp 445/udp 464/tcp 464/udp 500/udp 507/tcp 507/udp 512/tcp 512/udp 513/tcp 513/udp 514/tcp 514/udp 515/tcp 517/udp 518/udp 520/tcp 520/udp 522/tcp 522/udp 525/udp 526/tcp 529/tcp 529/udp 530/tcp 531/tcp 532/tcp 533/udp 540/tcp #Internet Relay Chat Protocol #IPX over IP MCom MCom ike #Lightweight Directory Access Protocol #HTTP over TLS/SSL #HTTP over TLS/SSL # Kerberos (v5) # Kerberos (v5) #Internet Key Exchange #Content Replication System #Content Replication System #Remote Process Execution comsat #Remote Login whod shell spooler #Extended File Name Server route routed timeserver newdate rpc chat readnews #For emergency broadcasts uucpd 800-PROGENY | 561-859-0773 | 51 Version 8 Server Setup klogin 543/tcp kshell 544/tcp dhcpv6-client 546/tcp dhcpv6-client 546/udp dhcpv6-server 547/tcp dhcpv6-server 547/udp afpovertcp 548/tcp afpovertcp 548/udp new-rwho 550/udp rtsp 554/tcp rtsp 554/udp remotefs 556/tcp rmonitor 560/udp monitor 561/udp nntps 563/tcp nntps 563/udp whoami 565/tcp whoami 565/udp ms-shuttle 568/tcp ms-shuttle 568/udp ms-rome 569/tcp ms-rome 569/udp http-rpc-epm 593/tcp http-rpc-epm 593/udp hmmp-ind 612/tcp hmmp-ind 612/udp hmmp-op 613/tcp hmmp-op 613/udp ldaps 636/tcp doom 666/tcp doom 666/udp msexch 691/tcp msexch 691/udp kerberos-adm 749/tcp kerberos-adm 749/udp kerberos-iv 750/udp mdbs_daemon 800/tcp mdbs_daemon 800/udp krcmd #Kerberos login #Kerberos remote shell #DHCPv6 Client #DHCPv6 Client #DHCPv6 Server #DHCPv6 Server #AFP over TCP #AFP over TCP new-who #Real Time Stream Control Protocol #Real Time Stream Control Protocol rfs_server rmonitord snntp snntp sldap #NNTP over TLS/SSL #NNTP over TLS/SSL #Microsoft shuttle #Microsoft shuttle #Microsoft rome #Microsoft rome #HTTP RPC Ep Map #HTTP RPC Ep Map #HMMP Indication #HMMP Indication #HMMP Operation #HMMP Operation #LDAP over TLS/SSL #Doom Id Software #Doom Id Software #MS Exchange Routing #MS Exchange Routing #Kerberos administration #Kerberos administration #Kerberos version IV 800-PROGENY | 561-859-0773 | 52 Version 8 Server Setup ftps-data 989/tcp ftps 990/tcp telnets 992/tcp imaps 993/tcp ircs 994/tcp pop3s 995/tcp pop3s 995/udp kpop 1109/tcp nfsd-status 1110/tcp nfsd-keepalive 1110/udp nfa 1155/tcp nfa 1155/udp activesync 1034/tcp phone 1167/udp opsmgr 1270/tcp opsmgr 1270/udp ms-sql-s 1433/tcp ms-sql-s 1433/udp ms-sql-m 1434/tcp ms-sql-m 1434/udp ms-sna-server 1477/tcp ms-sna-server 1477/udp ms-sna-base 1478/tcp ms-sna-base 1478/udp wins 1512/tcp wins 1512/udp ingreslock 1524/tcp stt 1607/tcp stt 1607/udp l2tp 1701/udp pptconference1711/tcp pptconference1711/udp pptp 1723/tcp msiccp 1731/tcp msiccp 1731/udp winsock 1745/tcp winsock 1745/udp ms-streaming 1755/tcp spop3 spop3 #FTP data, over TLS/SSL #FTP control, over TLS/SSL #Telnet protocol over TLS/SSL #IMAP4 protocol over TLS/SSL #IRC protocol over TLS/SSL #pop3 protocol over TLS/SSL (was spop3) #pop3 protocol over TLS/SSL (was spop3) #Kerberos POP #Cluster status info #Client status info #Network File Access #Network File Access #ActiveSync Notifications #Conference calling #Microsoft Operations Manager #Microsoft Operations Manager #Microsoft-SQL-Server #Microsoft-SQL-Server #Microsoft-SQL-Monitor #Microsoft-SQL-Monitor #Microsoft Windows Internet Name Service #Microsoft Windows Internet Name Service ingres #Layer Two Tunneling Protocol #Point-to-point tunnelling protocol 800-PROGENY | 561-859-0773 | 53 Version 8 Server Setup ms-streaming msmq msmq radius radacct msnp msnp ssdp ssdp close-combat close-combat nfsd knetd mzap mzap qwave qwave directplay directplay ms-olap3 ms-olap3 ms-olap4 ms-olap4 ms-olap1 ms-olap1 ms-olap2 ms-olap2 ms-theater ms-theater wlbs wlbs ms-v-worlds ms-v-worlds sms-rcinfo sms-rcinfo sms-xfer sms-xfer sms-chat 1755/udp 1801/tcp 1801/udp 1812/udp 1813/udp 1863/tcp 1863/udp 1900/tcp 1900/udp 1944/tcp 1944/udp 2049/udp 2053/tcp 2106/tcp 2106/udp 2177/tcp 2177/udp 2234/tcp 2234/udp 2382/tcp 2382/udp 2383/tcp 2383/udp 2393/tcp 2393/udp 2394/tcp 2394/udp 2460/tcp 2460/udp 2504/tcp 2504/udp 2525/tcp 2525/udp 2701/tcp 2701/udp 2702/tcp 2702/udp 2703/tcp #Microsoft Message Queue #Microsoft Message Queue #RADIUS authentication protocol #RADIUS accounting protocol nfs #NFS server #Kerberos de-multiplexor #Multicast-Scope Zone Announcement Protocol #Multicast-Scope Zone Announcement Protocol #QWAVE #QWAVE Experiment Port #DirectPlay #DirectPlay #Microsoft OLAP 3 #Microsoft OLAP 3 #Microsoft OLAP 4 #Microsoft OLAP 4 #Microsoft OLAP 1 #Microsoft OLAP 1 #Microsoft OLAP 2 #Microsoft OLAP 2 #Microsoft Windows Load Balancing Server #Microsoft Windows Load Balancing Server #Microsoft V-Worlds #Microsoft V-Worlds #SMS RCINFO #SMS RCINFO #SMS XFER #SMS XFER #SMS CHAT 800-PROGENY | 561-859-0773 | 54 Version 8 Server Setup sms-chat 2703/udp sms-remctrl 2704/tcp sms-remctrl 2704/udp msolap-ptp2 2725/tcp msolap-ptp2 2725/udp icslap 2869/tcp icslap 2869/udp cifs 3020/tcp cifs 3020/udp xbox 3074/tcp xbox 3074/udp ms-dotnetster 3126/tcp ms-dotnetster 3126/udp ms-rule-engine 3132/tcp ms-rule-engine 3132/udp msft-gc 3268/tcp msft-gc 3268/udp msft-gc-ssl 3269/tcp msft-gc-ssl 3269/udp ms-cluster-net 3343/tcp ms-cluster-net 3343/udp ms-wbt-server 3389/tcp ms-wbt-server 3389/udp ms-la 3535/tcp ms-la 3535/udp pnrp-port 3540/tcp pnrp-port 3540/udp teredo 3544/tcp teredo 3544/udp p2pgroup 3587/tcp p2pgroup 3587/udp ws-discovery 3702/udp ws-discovery 3702/tcp dvcprov-port 3776/tcp dvcprov-port 3776/udp msfw-control 3847/tcp msdts1 3882/tcp sdp-portmap 3935/tcp #SMS CHAT #SMS REMCTRL #SMS REMCTRL #MSOLAP PTP2 #MSOLAP PTP2 #Microsoft Xbox game port #Microsoft Xbox game port #Microsoft .NET ster port #Microsoft .NET ster port #Microsoft Business Rule Engine Update Service #Microsoft Business Rule Engine Update Service #Microsoft Global Catalog #Microsoft Global Catalog #Microsoft Global Catalog with LDAP/SSL #Microsoft Global Catalog with LDAP/SSL #Microsoft Cluster Net #Microsoft Cluster Net #MS WBT Server #MS WBT Server #Microsoft Class Server #Microsoft Class Server #PNRP User Port #PNRP User Port #Teredo Port #Teredo Port #Peer to Peer Grouping #Peer to Peer Grouping #WS-Discovery #WS-Discovery #Device Provisioning Port #Device Provisioning Port #Microsoft Firewall Control #DTS Service Port #SDP Port Mapper Protocol 800-PROGENY | 561-859-0773 | 55 Version 8 Server Setup sdp-portmap net-device net-device ipsec-msft ipsec-msft llmnr llmnr wsd wsd rrac rrac dccm dccm ms-licensing ms-licensing directplay8 directplay8 man rasadv rasadv imip-channels imip-channels directplaysrvr directplaysrvr 3935/udp 4350/tcp 4350/udp 4500/tcp 4500/udp 5355/tcp 5355/udp 5357/tcp 5358/tcp 5678/tcp 5678/udp 5679/tcp 5679/udp 5720/tcp 5720/udp 6073/tcp 6073/udp 9535/tcp 9753/tcp 9753/udp 11320/tcp 11320/udp 47624/tcp 47624/udp #SDP Port Mapper Protocol #Net Device #Net Device #Microsoft IPsec NAT-T #Microsoft IPsec NAT-T #LLMNR #LLMNR #Web Services on devices #Web Services on devices #Remote Replication Agent Connection #Remote Replication Agent Connection #Direct Cable Connect Manager #Direct Cable Connect Manager #Microsoft Licensing #Microsoft Licensing #DirectPlay8 #DirectPlay8 #Remote Man Server #IMIP Channels Port #IMIP Channels Port #Direct Play Server #Direct Play Server 800-PROGENY | 561-859-0773 | 56