made possible by the Co-financed by the ERDF INTERREG IVC INNOVATION & ENVIRONMENT REGIONS OF EUROPE SHARING SOLUTIONS Management & Organisation: the project management structure and flow chart CASTLE Kick-off Meeting Brussels, 25th - 26th February 2009 Marco Mobrici 2.3 Application Form: management and coordination ►LP overall responsibility ◉ Shared with the PPs through the Co-financing Statements (already signed) and through the Partnership Agreement (as requested by the Managing Authority). ►Steering Group (SG) ◉ Members: 1 Project Coordinator from the Lead Partner (as chairperson) and 9 Project Leaders, as project Coordinators for the partners (1 per each partner). ◉ Tasks: Ensuring that all the project technical & financial obligations are fulfilled, decision taking on the project vital matters, steering of the project, validating the outputs, defining the communication strategy, agreeing on project modifications (if necessary). ►Project Managers Group (PMG) ◉ Members: 10 Project Managers (1 for each PP) who are also the SG deputy members. ◉ Tasks: day-to-day management, preparation of the materials to be approved by the SG (each project meeting foresees a PMG session and a subsequent SG session (both technical and financial). ►Local/regional project teams, set up by each PP ◉ Clear identification of the staff working on the project and especially of the activities carried out by the staff (for reporting purposes, time sheets with activities carried out/outputs must be produced by each PP). 2 2.3 Application Form: management and coordination Lead Partner Legal Representative Project Partners Legal Representative Personal representative with legal standing. Personal representative with legal standing. Project Coordinator Project Leader Qualified in European project management, he/she takes over the operational responsibility for the implementation of the overall project. (the Project Coordinator and the Project Leader is the same person for the LP). Person appointed by the project partner for the parts of the project for which it is responsible. He/she takes over the authority to represent the project partner in the project, deciding on project important and strategic matters, to control the overall activities and the financial issues. Project Financial Manager Project Manager Person responsible for the day-to-day management, for the accounts, financial reporting, the internal handling of ERDF funds and national cofinancing. The PM is the deputy member at the SG, representing the corresponding Project Coordinator. (the Project Financial Manager and the Project Manager is the same person for the LP). Person appointed by the project partner for the day-to-day project management, including both the technical and the administrative/financial matters. The PMs are deputy members at the SG, representing the corresponding Project Leaders. Other technical staff Other technical staff Persons who regularly work on the technical parts of the project. Persons who regularly work on the technical parts of the project. Other admin./financial staff Other admin./financial staff Persons who regularly work on the admin./financial parts of the project. Persons who regularly work on the admin./financial parts of the project. 3 2.3 Application Form: management and coordination ► Staff and mailing list 4 2.3 Application Form: management and coordination ► Component leaders They coordinate, in cooperation with the LP, component activities and partners involved, propose methodologies, check work progress, collect the PPs’ contributions for outputs finalisation. 5 2.3 Application Form: management and coordination Management flow chart 6 2.3 Application Form: management and coordination 7 ¿Questions? 8 made possible by the Co-financed by the ERDF INTERREG IVC INNOVATION & ENVIRONMENT REGIONS OF EUROPE SHARING SOLUTIONS Thank you for your kind attention! Marco Mobrici Institute for Transport and Logistics Foundation Phone +39 051 28 3246 Fax +39 051 28 3169