P Cube - A Data Envelopment Analysis Based Solution for Business Process Intelligence Evaluating the effectiveness of any process is one of the most challenging tasks faced by managers today, especially when there are multiple inputs and outputs of the process. The difficulty is further compounded when the relationships between the inputs and the outputs are complex and involve unknown tradeoffs. The challenge is in terms of comparing the performance of a process at different locations of the organization, or evaluating how the process has been performing at a particular location over consecutive periods of time (also called window analysis). The P Cube tool developed by TCS is targeted towards solving such managerial problems, and can be applied to both macro-level and micro-level processes, thereby providing an effective performance measurement and monitoring framework for Business Process Intelligence (BPI). It caters to the performance evaluation needs of both top management as well as different functional managers within an organization. The tool can seamlessly integrate with an organization’s information management system to provide insightful dashboards for monitoring processes and identifying benchmark groups, so as to ensure continual improvement of processes. Various strategic, tactical, and operational decisions can be taken based on the insights provided. P Cube - A Data Envelopment Analysis Based Solution for Business Process Intelligence About the Author Prakash Chandra Sah Prakash Chandra Sah is a Consultant in the Business Intelligence and Performance Management (BIPM) Service at Tata Consultancy Services (TCS). He is a B. Tech from IIT Kharagpur and MBA from IIM Calcutta with professional experience of more than 16 years. He brings his rich domain expertise into analytical computing. 1 P Cube - A Data Envelopment Analysis Based Solution for Business Process Intelligence Table of Contents 1. Performance Evaluation: Brief Introduction...................................... 3 2. Data Envelopment Analysis: An overview......................................... 5 3. P Cube - A TCS Solution........................................................................... 6 4. Different application scenarios of P Cube........................................ 10 5. Conclusion................................................................................................... 11 6. Acknowledgements................................................................................. 12 2 P Cube - A Data Envelopment Analysis Based Solution for Business Process Intelligence Performance Evaluation: Brief Introduction Performance Evaluation It is difficult to evaluate the performance of a process when there are multiple inputs and multiple outputs. This point is illustrated below with a macro example of an organization having operations across multiple locations: Performance evaluation of DMUs that are heterogeneous in nature CEO DMUs spread across geographies operating at different levels and different market scenarious A Decision Making Unit (DMU), as depicted below, is a separate entity/unit, with multiple inputs and outputs. The efficiency of the unit depends on how best the unit leverages the inputs to maximize the outputs. Inputs Outputs Decision making Unit (DMU) Efficiency, in its most elementary form can be written as: Efficiency = Output Input When there are multiple inputs and outputs, the best way of coming up with a single efficiency measure is as below: Efficiency = where, (w1* O1) + (w2* O2) +……. + (wm*Om) -------------------------------------------------(u1* I1) + (u2* I2) + ……. + (un* In) for m outputs and n inputs Oi = Output i Ij = Input j wi = weight applied to output i uj = weight applied to input j 3 P Cube - A Data Envelopment Analysis Based Solution for Business Process Intelligence Key Challenges In the above definition of efficiency, there is always a big debate on how to arrive at a set of weights for inputs and outputs that would be fair to all DMUs, since DMUs differ in terms of: l Mix of customers served l Availability and cost of inputs l Facility configuration l Processes/practices used and so on…… It may also not always be fair to use the same set of weights for all the DMUs, because of the points mentioned above. Different DMUs may wish to give varying degree of importance to different outputs, because of the local market conditions and their own operating strategy. In such a scenario, the key challenges for top management are: l How to compare efficiency of a diverse set of units serving diverse set of markets? l What are the best practices? l What is the trade-offs among inputs and outputs? l Which are the poorly performing units? l Where are the various improvement opportunities and how big are they? Traditional Approaches for Performance Evaluation Some traditional approaches employed by many organizations are given below: 1. Output Focus: Focus only on outputs. There are two approaches adopted here – one, focus on only a single output measure like profit; two, use a weighted sum of output measures with some pre-defined weights. 2. Operating Ratios: Use of operating ratios such as Labor-hrs/transaction, $sales/sq. ft., etc. Although these are good for highly standardized operations, they do not reflect varying mix of inputs and outputs found in more diverse operations. 3. Financial approach: Convert everything to Dollar. $Inputs $Outputs The problems with this approach are: l Some inputs/outputs cannot be valued in $ (non-profit) l A single ratio like Return on Investment (ROI) is not holistic P Cube – a TCS Solution: Brief Introduction P Cube is a multiple-measure performance evaluation and benchmarking tool. With this solution, the focus of performance evaluation and benchmarking is shifted from characterizing performance in terms of single measures to evaluating performance from a multidimensional systems perspective. It has the advantage of dynamically adjusting weights. P Cube has been designed based on Data Envelopment Analysis, a linear programming model, which is explained in the next section. P Cube is explained in greater detail later in this paper. 4 P Cube - A Data Envelopment Analysis Based Solution for Business Process Intelligence P Cube stands for l Performance Evaluation, l Productivity Measurement, and l Profitability Analysis, which are the areas that the solution analyzes. Data Envelopment Analysis: An Overview What is Data Envelopment Analysis Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is a non-parametric, linear programming-based method of analysis to evaluate the performance of multi-input and multi-output processes. DEA requires neither an explicit formulation of the underlying functional relationship nor pre-assigned weights for outputs and inputs in evaluating performance relative to peer group. The main advantage of using DEA is its ability to explicitly take into account the use of multiple inputs (resources) to indicate multiple outputs (services). DEA also helps to minimize the complexity of analysis by simultaneously evaluating the attributes of interest and presenting a single, composite score, referred to as "efficiency." DEA is a relatively new “data oriented” approach for evaluating the performance of a set of peer entities (or processes) called Decision Making Units (DMUs) which convert multiple inputs into multiple outputs. The definition of a DMU is generic and flexible. Recent years have seen a great variety of applications of DEA for use in evaluating the performances of multiple entities engaged in various activities in different contexts in several countries. DEA is a methodology directed to frontiers rather than central tendencies. The following sentences explain this statement. Instead of trying to fit a regression plane through the center of data as in statistical regression, for example, one ‘floats’ a piecewise linear surface to rest on top of the observations. Because of this perspective, DEA proves particularly adept at uncovering relationships that remain hidden from other methodologies. For instance, consider what one wants to mean by “efficiency”, or more generally, what one wants to mean by saying that one DMU is more efficient than another DMU. This is accomplished in a straightforward manner by DEA without requiring explicitly formulated assumptions and variations with various types of models such as in linear and nonlinear regression models. This frontier analysis concept is illustrated on the next page for a very simplistic case of single input, two outputs, and 6 DMUs (DMUs A to F) scenario. Mkt. share/Capital employed Frontier Analysis 5 (C) (B) 4 3 ncy ficie f E tive Rela (E) 2 1 0 0 (A) (D) (F) 1 2 Sales / Capital employed Figure 1: Frontier Analysis 5 3 P Cube - A Data Envelopment Analysis Based Solution for Business Process Intelligence Input Outputs Axes Input 1 Output 1 Output 2 X-axis Y-axis Capital employed Sales Market share Sales / Capital employed Market share / Capital employed Table 1: Input/Output Parameters & Axes for the Frontier Analysis Example The frontier is drawn by enveloping a convex surface (line in this case) over the points lying farthest away from the origin. The points lying on the surface can be said to be 100% efficient relatively (In the above example, DMUs B, C and D can be said to be 100% efficient), while other DMUs can be evaluated for their efficiency by calculating the ratio of their distance from origin to that of the distance of the nearest frontier to the origin. The graph above depicts relative efficiency of DMU A, as ratio of distance of A from origin to that of the frontier from the origin. Such analysis also gives insight on the shortest path the DMUs can take for reaching the frontier i.e. to become more efficient. The above diagram is a lot easier to understand, make sense of, and generate insight from, than the list of traditional ratios talked about earlier. This method of looking at data in a different way is an important practical issue. Many managers are happy with ratios but showing them that their ratios can be viewed differently and used to obtain new information is often an eye-opener to them. Extending to More Inputs/Outputs In the simple example there was just one input and two outputs. This can be ideal for a simple graphical analysis. If there are more inputs or outputs, drawing a simple graph is not possible. However it is still possible to carry out EXACTLY the same analysis as above by using mathematics rather than pictures. This is where DEA is used. DEA can be used for evaluating any number of DMU's, with any number of inputs and outputs. It can be formulated as a nonlinear optimization problem which, at first sight, is difficult to solve numerically. However it can be converted into a linear programming problem and solved, which is what TCS’ P Cube solution does. This paper does not go into the details of the mathematical formulation. The purpose of the paper is to illustrate the benefits of using the model and explore its various application scenarios, rather than getting into the nitty-gritty of the mathematical formulation. In the next section, using an illustration of a multi-site organization, the P Cube model has been explained in detail. P Cube - A TCS Solution Solution description With the DEA background, based on which the P Cube solution is built, some key characteristics of the solution are listed below: l Multiple-input, multiple-output efficiency measurement tool l Uses a multi-dimensional efficient frontier to define multiple Input/Output productivity l Relative distance to the frontier shows the Relative Efficiency l Every DMU is shown in the best-possible light to provide level playing field to all the DMUs l Allows the management to specify minimum or maximum weights that can be attached to the various inputs and outputs (This is optional and is in addition to the optimization model built in the tool) l Has provision for Scenario analysis with weight changes to avoid error in managerial decision making as far as weight restriction (as described in the previous point) is concerned 6 P Cube - A Data Envelopment Analysis Based Solution for Business Process Intelligence The following diagram illustrates the solution framework at high level, as applied to multi-site/unit performance evaluation scenario: Identity DMUs and I/O Parameters Get the Relative Efficiencies of the DMUs Find benchmarks & best practices Decision Support l Who are the best performers? P Cube- TCS' Analytical Engine based on Data Envelopment Analysis Benchmarking & Scenario Analysis l Which units to close down? l Which units have the potential to improve? l What should be the new benchmarks? l How to devise incentive scheme? Figure 2: Solution framework The various steps followed by the solution are displayed below: Plan Phase Identify the Strategic Inputs and outputs and get data Identify the Decision making units (DMUs) to be compared Weight restriction preferences Data Envelopment Analysis Phase Scenario Analysis Arrive at optimal solution Relative efficiencies Liner Programming model Benchmarking Phase Profitability Efficiency Matrix identify best performers Effective Decision making Figure 3: Solution steps The following example explains the working of the solution. 7 P Cube - A Data Envelopment Analysis Based Solution for Business Process Intelligence An Illustration The tool was tested with a hypothetical example of an organization having operations at 30 sites (called DMUs). The top management of the organization wants to evaluate how these 30 sites have been performing. Investments in these sites in terms of capital and number of employees vary widely (these are the two key inputs, considered critical from performance perspective). Also, there is more than one parameter (like profit) which is important for the organization from long-term perspective. The top Management has decided that there are three important parameters based on which the sites should be evaluated. These are profit, revenue growth, and customer satisfaction index. The challenges for top management are: l How to come up with a single measure of operating efficiency for these sites l What weights should be applied to the various inputs and outputs l How benchmarking should be done l How decisions such as closure of some units should can be taken Let’s see how P Cube helps the top management of the organization to address these challenges. The following is the data of the identified inputs and outputs for all the 30 DMUs for a particular period of time, for which evaluation has to be done: DMUs and their input/output values Capital Invested (Million USD) Total Annual Wages (Million USD) Profit (Million USD) Revenue Growth (%) Customer Satisfaction Index DMU 1 1080 235 204 106 7 DMU2 1000 225 208 32 6 DMU3 500 123 131 138 4 DMU4 180 56 114 103 6 DMU29 800 183 170 57 9 DMU30 166 57 38 60 9 ......... Table 2: Sample data used Additionally, the top management feels that some minimum weights (as shown in the table below) should be applied to each of the parameters. The model allows this optional feature. Top Management weight restrictions (Optional) Restriction type Capital Invested (Million USD) Total Annual Wages (Million USD) Profit (Million USD) Revenue Growth (%) Customer Satisfaction Index At least (%) 30 30 20 30 10 At most (%) 100 100 100 100 100 Table 3: Sample data used 8 P Cube - A Data Envelopment Analysis Based Solution for Business Process Intelligence With these inputs P Cube does analysis based on DEA (discussed earlier) and provides the following insights to the top management: l Relative efficiency of the various DMUs l Trend of relative efficiency values over consecutive periods of time (of course for this data for past periods is also required) l Best practices group (for benchmarking purpose) l Profitability-Efficiency Matrix All these are illustrated in the Efficiency Dashboard on the next page. Efficiency Score Chart 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 Efficiency 0.6 0.5 l Score 0.4 l Frequency 0.3 Chart l Window Analysis 0.2 0.1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Window analysis of DMUs Efficiency Freq. Chart 1 10 0.9 9 0.8 8 0.7 7 6 DMU 1 DMU 2 DMU 3 DMU 4 0.5 0.4 5 4 0.3 3 0.2 2 0.1 1 0 0 2005 2006 2007 .1 o0 0t 2008 0.2 to 0.1 0.3 to 0.2 0.4 0.8 0.9 0.6 0.5 0.7 to to to to to to 0.3 0.7 0.8 0.5 0.4 0.6 1 to 0.9 Figure 4: Efficiency Dashboard 35 Best practice compansion group Under-performing potential leaders 30 Profitability Efficiencies 0.6 25 Best Perfomers Star Sleeper Benchmark Group 20 15 ??? Dog 10 5 Under-performing possibly profitable 0 20 Candidates for closure 40 60 Efficiency Figure 5: Efficiency – Profitability Matrix 9 80 100 P Cube - A Data Envelopment Analysis Based Solution for Business Process Intelligence The Efficiency – Profitability Matrix on the previous page gives some very significant insights. All the four quadrants of the matrix deserve to be analyzed separately. The analysis the four quadrants of the matrix are presented in the following table: Quadrant Characteristics Description Star High profitability High Efficiency The DMUs here are the best practice group and should be used for benchmarking purpose by the top management Sleeper High profitability Low Efficiency These DMUs are just “satisfying” the shareholders. They have the potential to perform better. They could be having high profitability possibly because of favorable market condition. Low efficiency is not a good sign from long-term perspective. Question Mark Low profitability Low Efficiency These units are under-performing, and have the potential to increase their operating efficiency. By increasing their efficiency they can possibly move to the “star” quadrant. Dog Low profitability High Efficiency This is the most interesting quadrant. The DMUs in this quadrant are efficient, but are still not profitable. Here the top management needs to analyze the possible adverse market scenarios. Strategic decisions such as closure of units in this quadrant can be taken after further due diligence. Table 4: Analysis of the Matrix Quadrants Solution Features Some of the advantages of the solution are as follows: l Scalability in terms of no. of DMUs or no. of inputs/outputs, so that with changes in business scenario or evaluation methodology, no re-work on the model is required. It can scale up to any number of input, output or DMU. l Adaptability to serve different application scenarios (covered in next section) l Flexibility to allow users to do scenario analysis by varying values (input / outputs) / weight restrictions. Can also provide correlation analysis between inputs and outputs to come up with cause and effect relationships between certain input and output combination. l User-friendliness to understand and analyze the results in simple dashboards to aid decision-making. Different Application Scenarios of P Cube Other than the multi-site performance evaluation scenario described earlier, there are a number of other scenarios where P Cube be used. In fact, as stated earlier, P Cube can be used for performance evaluation of any process having multiple inputs and outputs. Examples may be found in a variety of industries, both in manufacturing and services e.g. Ford Motor Company, Emerson Electric, General Electric, GMAC, and Merrill Lynch. The following diagram illustrates the various application scenarios in different areas of Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) model (SCOR is a process reference model developed by the management consulting firm PRTM and AMR Research and endorsed by the Supply-Chain Council as the cross-industry de facto standard diagnostic tool for supply chain management). P Cube has framework for each of these scenarios, and the solution can be seamlessly integrated with the information management landscape of an organization. 10 P Cube - A Data Envelopment Analysis Based Solution for Business Process Intelligence Multi-site performance evaluation Plan Benchmarking of Manufacturing Cells Productivity analysis of retail network Plan Plan Deliver Source Make Deliver Source Return Return Supplier Return Return Suppliers' Supplier Make Your Company Internal or External Supplier Evaluation Deliver Return Source Make Deliver Source Return Return Customer Return Customer's Customer Internal or External Manufacturing system performance Total Productive Maintenance Marketing Effectiveness Supply chain performance evaluation Figure 6: Different application scenarios of P Cube Conclusion Monitoring of business processes, at both macro-level and micro-level, is very important for managing and improving all aspects of a business. Several researchers have come up with different approaches for effective monitoring of processes. But DEA approach, based on which TCS’ tool “P Cube” has been developed, has been found to be the most effective approach, and is used by many organizations, both in the manufacturing and service sector. The tool not only takes into account all the critical inputs and outputs, it also has the advantage of dynamically adjusting the weights of the inputs and outputs. This provides level playing ground to all the peer units, ensuring wider acceptability within an organization. 11 P Cube - A Data Envelopment Analysis Based Solution for Business Process Intelligence Acknowledgements 1. Sanjeet Singh, Assistant Professor in the Operations Management Department at Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, for introducing the concept of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). 2. M N Pal, Professor in the Operations Management Department at Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, for exploring the use of Data Envelopment Analysis in Total Productive Maintenance (TPM). 3. Anurag Dubey, Head, Business Intelligence & Performance Management (BIPM) Service, TCS Manufacturing Industry Solutions Unit, for his continuous support in building the P Cube Solution. 4. Anand Nanda, team member of Business Intelligence & Performance Management (BIPM) Service, TCS Manufacturing Industry Solutions Unit, for his dedicated effort in the development of the P Cube solution. 12 About BIPM Service of Tata Consultancy Services Business Intelligence and Performance Management (BIPM) service is the integration of three practices BI, EAI, and KM into one BIPM Service. The service has been providing consulting services to several Fortune 500 companies and there was an increasing need to integrate these three practices to address enterprise’s problems in holistic manner. BIPM service has a consultant base of more than 9000 associates, rendering services to over 300 clients globally. About Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) Tata Consultancy Services is an IT services, business solutions and outsourcing organization that delivers real results to global businesses, ensuring a level of certainty no other firm can match. TCS offers a consulting-led, integrated portfolio of IT and ITenabled services delivered through its unique Global Network Delivery ModelTM , recognized as the benchmark of excellence in software development. A part of the Tata Group, India's largest industrial conglomerate, TCS has over 143,000 of the world's best trained IT consultants in 42 countries. The company generated consolidated revenues of US $6 billion for fiscal year ended 31 March 2009 and is listed on the National Stock Exchange and Bombay Stock Exchange in India. 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