JTFF CBT Page 1 of 1 11 DEC1ASSIFIED BY 65179 DEN/ stpl lsg ON 10-13-2011 semerrtinoTORN JOINT TERRORISM TASK FORCE (JTTF) ORIENTATION Introduction To The FBI Overview Of Instructional Goal And Objectives (U) Goal: The goal of this orientation is to introduce the new task force member to the policies, procedures, and InvestigatiVe techniques employed by the FBI in the fight against domestic and international terrorism. (U) Objectives: 1. Read the ten FBI priorities 2. Read the History of the ITTF 3. Review the FBI Organization Chart & Structure EXIT MODULE :: NEXT PAGE: 1 OF 17 —ssearrtisoFORS flle://D:\jttfoV2\modulel \m1_000.htm ACLURM020735 8/8/2011 FBI020526 Page 1 of 1 JTFF CBT SB8116119-M8943181— JOINT TERRORISM TASK FORCE (JTTF) ORIENTATION Introduction To The PSI FBI Priorities (U) After September 11th, 2001, the FBI realigned its mission and purpc...x.t to reflect the global and dcmcztic threats that fate the U.S. FBI Director Robert M. Mueller III defined the following as the top ten priorities (in order of importance) that confront the Bureau today. 1. Protect the United States from terrorist attack. 2. Protect the United States against foreign intelligence operations and espionage. 3. Protect the United States against cyber-based attacks and high technology crimes. 4. Combat public corruption at all levels. 5. Protect civil rights. 6. Combat transnational/national criminal organizations and enterprises. 7. Combat major white-collar crime. 8. Combat significant violent crime. 9. Support federal, state, local, and International partners. 10. Upgrade technology to successfully perform the FBI's mission. QUIT :: PREVIOUS :: NEXT PAGE: 2 OF 17 9138B9AL/741839eBB file://D:\jttfoV2\modulel1m1_010.htm ACLURM020736 8/8/2011 FBI020527 Page 1 of 1 JTFF CBT JOINT TERRORISM TASK FORCE (3TTF) ORIENTATION Introduction To The FBI FBI Priorities (Con't) (U) During January 20, 2010 testimony before the US Senate, FBI Director Robert $. Mueller III repertcd: "We not only face threats from Al-Qa'ida, but also from selfdirected groups not part of Al-Qa'ida's formal structure which have ties to terrorist organizations through money or training. We face threats from homegrown terrorists - those who live in the communities they intend to attack, and who are self-radicalizing, self-training, and self-executing. We face threats from those who may attend training camps overseas - individuals who may live here in the United States, and who may be radicalized here or overseas, and those who may live overseas but plan to travel to the United States to perpetrate attacks. We also face threats from extremists operating in new sanctuaries around the world. While we disabled Al-Qa'ida's training and financing mechanisms in Afghanistan in the wake of the September 11th attacks, it is clear that Al-Qa'ida and its offshoots are rebuilding in Pakistan, Yemen, and the Horn of Africa." QUIT PREVIOUS :: NEXT PAGE: 3 OF 17 file://DAjttfoV2\modulel1m1_020.htm ACLURM020737 8/8/2011 FBI020528 • Page 1 of 1 JTFF CBT —TETTGErfititereciW Introduction To The JOINT TERRORISM TASK FORCE (3TTF) ORIENTATION FBI FBI Priorities (Con't) (U) In an October 5, 2009 speech to the International Association of Chiefs cf Pc!ice Annual Conference, Director -Mueller told attendees: "We are increasingly concerned with pockets of people around the world that identify with Al-Qa'ida and its ideology, including those who may be living here in the United States. At the same time, we are also concerned with domestic terrorism, and, in particular, lone offenders...We are working to identify and stop those who would move beyond hateful rhetoric to acts of violence, but it is a difficult task. How do we find a lone individual who would one day open fire in a church or a community center? How do we stop those who would orchestrate another Oklahoma City bombing? We must do everything we can to prevent any such attack." QUIT :: PREVIOUS:: NEXT PAGE: 4 OF 17 esesseAtuozom file://D:\jttfoV2\modulel\m1_030.htm ACLURM020738 8/8/2011 FBI020529 Page 1 of 1 I JTFF CBT II -saGneehitterromq 3OINT TERRORISM TASK FORCE (3TTF) ORIENTATION Introduction To The FBI FBI Priorities (Cool) (U) The other priorities are also of vital concern to the FS/ crtd-olgr.Ificant manpower' and resources are being applied to them. An example of a top priority of the Bureau is the technology upgrade of Sentinel, which will be the new case management system and interface for information sharing with other federal, state, and local agencies. QUIT PREVIOUS :: NEXT PAGE: 5 OF 17 —SECRETHNABOUL- file://D:\jttfoV2\modulel\m1_040.htm ACLURM020739 8/8/2011 FBI020530 Page 1 of 1 JTFF CBT TreltdrikHNGS012S. Introduction To The FBI JOINT TERRORISM TASK FORCE (JTTF) ORIENTATION A Brief History Of The JTTF (U) The first Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) was fprmed In New York in May, 1980 to combat a terrorist bombings. Chicago was the second FBI Field Office to form a 3T1 F. aeries of (U) Later, Presidential Decision Directive 39 mandated that the FBI coordinate the activities of all law enforcement agencies to ensure efficient terrorism investigations. The establishment of the JTTF Program enhances the FBI's ability to perform this responsibility. The program maximizes interagency cooperation and coordination by employing cohesive units of full and part-time federal and local officers that are capable of addressing a wide variety of terrorism matters. QUIT :: PREVIOUS :: NEXT PAGE: 6 OF 17 szeftseHeielivaw- fIle://13:\jttfoV21modulel\m1_050.htm ACLURM020740 8/8/2011 FBI020531 JTFF CBT SETN199744;084188 JOINT TERRORISM TASK FORCE (JTTF) ORIENTATION Introduction To The FBI A Brief History Of The JTTF (Con't) (U) On September 4, 2001, former U.S. Attorney Robert S. Mueller III was swam in co FBI Director with a mar:dr:to to address a number of steep challenges: upgrade the Bureau's information technology infrastructure; address records management issues; and enhance FBI foreign counterintelligence analysis and security in the wake of the damage done by former Special Agent and convicted spy Robert S. Hanssen. (U) Within days of his entering on duty, the September 11 terrorist attacks were launched against New York and Washington, D.C., Director Mueller led the FBI's massive investigative efforts in partnership with all U.S. law enforcement, the federal government, and our allies overseas. On October 26, 2001, the President signed into law the'U.S. Patriot Act, which granted new provisions to address the threat of terrorism. Director Mueller accordingly accepted on behalf of the Bureau responsibility for protecting the American people against future terrorist attacks. To assist the FBI in its mission, the Attorney General signed The Attorney General's Guidelines for Domestic FBI Operations (AGG-Dom) on September 29, 2008. The Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide (DIOG) provides supplemental, specific guidance to the AGG-Dom, and became effective on Dec. 16, 2008. QUIT :: PREVIOUS :: NEXT PAGE: 7 OF 17 seeTterrntesteet file://DAjttfoV2\modulel\m1_060.htm ACLURM020741 FBI020532 Page 1 ofl JTFF CBT SEMETHNOROBN JOINT TERRORISM TASK FORCE (JTTF) ORIENTATION Introduction To The FBI A Brief History Of The JTTF (Can't) (U) To support the Bureau's change in mission and to meet newly articulatcd sh-ategic prioritieS, Director Mucilcr called for a reerigiridering of FBI structure and operations that will closely focus the Bureau on prevention of terrorist attacks, on countering foreign intelligence operations against the U.S., and on addressing cybercrime-based attacks and other high technology crimes. In addition, the Bureau remains dedicated to protecting civil rights, combating public corruption, organized crime, white-collar crime, and, major acts of violent crime. It is also strengthening its support to federal, county, municipal, and international law enforcement partners. It is also dedicated to upgrading its technological infrastructure to successfully meet each of its priorities. (U) After September 11, 2001, the FBI created the National Joint Terrorism Taskforce (N.ITTF) to support the JTTF's in each of the FBI's 56 Field Offices and the JTTF annexes in some strategic Resident Agencies. QUIT:: PREVIOUS:: NEXT PAGE: 8 OF 17 file://DAjttfoV2\modulel\m1070.htm ACLURM020742 8/8/2011 FBI020533 Page 1 of 1 JTFF CBT —111BeciBABABki Introduction To The FBI JOINT TERRORISM TASK FORCE (JTTF) ORIENTATION FBI Organization Chart And Structure ID7E (U) FBI Organization CU) Counterterrorism DivisionI- QUIT :: PREVIOUS :: NEXT PAGE: 9 OF 17 BiiieftBS6Hitefflefttl- file://a\jttfoV2\modulel\m1_080.htm ACLURM020743 8/8/2011 FBI020534 ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE 10-14-2011 BY 65179 DEM/ stp/ leg FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION OFFICE OF RAW AFFAIRS DIRECTOR CHIEF OF STAFF OFFICE OF CONGRESSIONAL AFFAIFS I oFFIcEOF THE GENERA. COUNSEL SACH DEPUTY DIRECTOR OFFICE OF EOUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNI OFFICE OF PROFESSION& RESPONSIRUTY ASSOCIATE DEPUTY DIRECTOR EXE-CUTIVE ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR NATIONAL SECILRITY BRANCH • OCECURVE ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR CRIMINAL, CYBER, RESPONSE AM) SERVICES BRANCH ASSOCIATE EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT Dump= FOR NATIONAL SECURITY BRANCH . ESC-CUINE ASSEITANT DIRECTOR FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOSY BFIANCH --I ...-r--., I COUNTEINERFONSIA COUNTESINIELUGENCS --1 MEER MESON winos/Jr/ H 71 .1md INSPECTION DIVISPON OFF/CE OF INTEORM' ANO COISPLIANCE ECECUTNE ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR INFORMATION AND TECHNOLOGY BRANCH EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR HUMAN RESOURCES BRANCH FACIUITES ASO LOONIES SERSKF-13 ONSION OPERATIONAL lEONOLOGY MOON r n."8"IT "M" I m+ ""/ TRAU"'"WW°N MINCE ONISION I ' CRUM-JUSTO1 IhrORMATKIN MINGO o' INTERNATIONAL OPERATIONS ONISION I IANORATORY DINSION RESPONSE moo' I OFFICE OF THE OMEIODESAAN HUMM4m""" DIRECTORATE OF MASS DESSNZON --o RESOURCE PLANNING OFFICE MVIGIOII MM1M1MMIEMW 6ECUMTY We" 1 I J COVE OF WI ENFcsicEmENT OXSISNATION no. January 20. 2010 ACLURM020744 FBI020535 J"1 Page 1 of 1 CBT SErReTtAltrFORN Introduction To The FBI JOINT TERRORISM TASK FORCE (JTTF) ORIENTATION Map Of FBI Field Offices And Resident Agencies (U) Go to the FBI Intranet to see a current map of FBI Field Offices and Resident Agencies: QUIT :: PREVIOUS :: NEXT PAGE: 10 OF 17 SEC f9i~CFN file://D:\ittfoV21modulel\m1_090.htrn ACLURM020745 FBI020536 Page 1 of 1 JTFF CBT —Szartrrriveresu Introduction To The FBI JOINT TERRORISM TASK FORCE (JTTF) ORIENTATION (U) Acronyms And Field Office Structure .b7 E (U) MS acronym dictionary (U) Assistant Director in Charge (ADIC): The ADICS are assisted by SACS who are responsible for specific programs. (U) Assistant Special Agent in Charge (ASAC): The second in command in most Reid Offices. (U) Chief Division Counsel (CDC): A Special Agent lawyer who assists with legal matters and advice for the Field Office. (U) Legal Attache (Legat) (U) Special Agent in. Charge (SAC): Each Field Office is overseen by a Special Agent in Charge (SAC), except those in Los Angeles, New York City and Washington, D.C. Due to their large size, each of these offices are managed by an Assistant Director in Charge (ADIC). (U) Supervisory Special Agent (SSA): A Squad supervisor or th'e head of the ITTE. (U) Task Force Officer (TFO) QUIT :: PREVIOUS :: NEXT PAGE: 11 OF 17 SBCRXZW.INIZON file://DAjttfoV21module1 1m1_100.htm ACLURM020746 8/8/2011 FBI020537 Page 1 of 1 JTFF CBT ITEIterfittegoas._ Introduction To The JOINT TERRORISM TASK FORCE (3TTF) ORIENTATION FBI (U) Abbreviations And Field Office Structure (Con't) (U) Some other abbreviations includc: Electronic Case File (ECF) Universal Index (UNI) Sub-file (SUB) b7E Automated Case Support (ACS) (U) There are also standardized abbreviation codes for FBI Field Offices and Legat office codes and Locations, Information Technology Centers, Street Suffixes and Prefixes, Indentification Codes, US and Canadian Provinces Abbreviations. A complete listing of these Abbreviations and codes can be found in the Electronic Communication Reference Guide on pages 67-75. --aBeRBBALKQEMBL- file://D:\jttfoV2\modulel\m1_110.htm ACLURM020747 8/8/2011 FBI020538