Activity Based Funding / Management Performance Management Report Performance Indicator Definitions Manual (Health Service Measures) 2013-2014 Version 1.2 27 February 2014 improving care | managing resources | delivering quality © Department of Health, State of Western Australia (2013). Copyright to this material produced by the Western Australian Department of Health belongs to the State of Western Australia, under the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968 (C’wth Australia). Apart from any fair dealing for personal, academic, research or non-commercial use, no part may be reproduced without written permission of the Performance Activity and Quality Division, Western Australian Department of Health. The Department of Health is under no obligation to grant this permission. Please acknowledge the WA Department of Health when reproducing or quoting material from this source. Important Disclaimer: All information and content in this Material is provided in good faith by the WA Department of Health, and is based on sources believed to be reliable and accurate at the time of development. The State of Western Australia, the WA Department of Health and their respective officers, employees and agents, do not accept legal liability or responsibility for the Material, or any consequences arising from its use. Table of Contents ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .......................................................................................................................................................... I ACRONYMS ......................................................................................................................................................................... II 1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................................... 1 2. DATA DEFINITIONS ..................................................................................................................................................... 9 2.1 EFFECTIVENESS ACCESS (EA) PIS .................................................................................................................................... 9 EA7: PERCENTAGE OF ED MENTAL HEALTH PATIENTS ADMITTED WITHIN 8 HOURS ......................................................... 10 EA8: THEATRE ACTIVITY .................................................................................................................................................... 15 EA9: AMBULANCE DIVERSION........................................................................................................................................... 21 EA10: ACCESS BLOCK......................................................................................................................................................... 23 EA11: ADMISSIONS FROM ED ........................................................................................................................................... 27 2.2 EFFECTIVENESS APPROPRIATENESS (EAP) PIS.............................................................................................................. 30 EAP2: ADULT IMMUNISATION: PERCENTAGE OF PEOPLE AGED 65 YEARS AND OVER IMMUNIZED AGAINST INFLUENZA 31 EAP3.A: OBESITY: PERCENTAGE OF POPULATION WHO ARE OVERWEIGHT OF OBESE: A) ADULTS.................................... 34 EAP3.B: OBESITY: PERCENTAGE OF POPULATION WHO ARE OVERWEIGHT OF OBESE B) CHILDREN ................................. 37 EAP4: TOBACCO: PERCENTAGE OF ADULTS WHO ARE CURRENT SMOKERS ...................................................................... 40 2.3 EFFECTIVENESS QUALITY (EQ) PIS................................................................................................................................ 43 EQ2: PERCENTAGE OF EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT ATTENDANCES WHICH ARE UNPLANNED RE-ATTENDANCES IN LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO 48 HOURS OF PREVIOUS ATTENDANCE............................................................................................. 44 EQ4: RATE OF SEVERITY ASSESSMENT CODE (SAC) 1 CLINICAL INCIDENT INVESTIGATION REPORTS RECEIVED BY PATIENT SAFETY SURVEILLANCE UNIT (PSSU) WITHIN 45 WORKING DAYS OF THE EVENT NOTIFICATION DATE ............................. 47 EQ6: HOSPITAL ACCREDITATION ....................................................................................................................................... 50 EQ9.A-G: UNPLANNED HOSPITAL READMISSIONS OF PATIENTS DISCHARGED FOLLOWING MANAGEMENT OF A) KNEE REPLACEMENT, B) HIP REPLACEMENT, C) TONSILLECTOMY & ADENOIDECTOMY, D) HYSTERECTOMY, E) PROSTATECTOMY, F) CATARACT SURGERY, AND G) APPENDICECTOMY ........................................................................... 52 EQ12: RATE OF COMMUNITY FOLLOW UP WITHIN FIRST 7 DAYS OF DISCHARGE FROM PSYCHIATRIC ADMISSION .......... 79 EQ13: MEASURES OF PATIENT EXPERIENCE (INCLUDING SATISFACTION) WITH HOSPITAL SERVICES ................................ 83 EQ14: HAND HYGIENE COMPLIANCE ................................................................................................................................. 87 2.4 EFFICIENCY INPUTS PER OUTPUT UNIT (EI) KPIS .......................................................................................................... 90 EI2: ELECTIVE SURGERY DAY OF SURGERY ADMISSION RATES .......................................................................................... 91 EI4: YTD DISTANCE OF EXPENDITURE TO BUDGET ............................................................................................................. 95 EI5: YTD DISTANCE OF OWN SOURCED REVENUE TO BUDGET .......................................................................................... 98 EI7: SCHOOL DENTAL SERVICE RATIO OF EXAMINATIONS TO ENROLMENTS ................................................................... 101 EI9: NUMBER OF SEPARATIONS (UNWEIGHTED): TOTAL ESTIMATED UNWEIGHTED INPATIENT ACTIVITY (EXCLUDING LSMH) ............................................................................................................................................................................. 103 EI10: CODED ACUTE MULTIDAY AVERAGE LENGTH OF STAY ........................................................................................... 111 EI11: YTD DISTANCE OF SALARIES EXPENDITURE TO BUDGET ......................................................................................... 114 2.5 EQUITY ACCESS (EQA) KPIS........................................................................................................................................ 115 EQA2.A&B: STANDARDISED RATE RATIO OF HOSPITALISATIONS OF A) ABORIGINAL PEOPLE COMPARED TO NONABORIGINAL PEOPLE B) ABORIGINAL CHILDREN (0-4 YEARS) COMPARED TO NON-ABORIGINAL CHILDREN (0-4 YEARS) 116 EQA3.A&B: CHILDHOOD IMMUNISATION: PERCENTAGE OF CHILDREN FULLY IMMUNISED AT 12-15 MONTHS: A) ABORIGINAL B) TOTAL .................................................................................................................................................... 119 EQA5: WA HEALTH ABORIGINAL EMPLOYMENT HEADCOUNT ........................................................................................ 121 2.6 SUSTAINABILITY WORKFORCE (SW) KPIS................................................................................................................... 125 SW1: PROPORTION OF MEDICAL GRADUATES AND OTHER CATEGORIES OF MEDICAL STAFF TO TOTAL MEDICAL STAFF 126 SW2: PROPORTION OF NURSING GRADUATES AND OTHER CATEGORIES OF NURSING STAFF TO TOTAL NURSING STAFF ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 132 SW4.A: INJURY MANAGEMENT A) LOST TIME INJURY SEVERITY RATE ............................................................................ 138 SW4.B: INJURY MANAGEMENT B) PERCENTAGE OF MANAGERS AND SUPERVISORS TRAINED IN OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH (OSH) AND INJURY MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................... 140 SW5: LEAVE LIABILITY ..................................................................................................................................................... 143 SW6.A: ACTUAL AND BUDGET FTE: AVERAGE MONTHLY TOTAL FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS ............................................. 147 SW6.B: ACTUAL AND BUDGET FTE: AVERAGE MONTHLY BUDGET FULL TIME EQUIVALENTS .......................................... 151 2.7 PROCESSES CODING (PC) KPIS ................................................................................................................................... 155 PC1: PERCENTAGE OF CASES CODED BY END OF MONTH CLOSING DATE ........................................................................ 156 2.8 PROCESSES FINANCE (PF) KPIS .................................................................................................................................. 160 PF1: PATIENT FEE DEBTORS............................................................................................................................................. 161 PF4: NURSEWEST SHIFTS FILLED ...................................................................................................................................... 164 PF5: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE – PAYMENT WITHIN TERMS ................................................................................................... 166 Acknowledgments The production of the report would not have been possible without the support of the key stakeholders and data providers from the Department of Health. Their advice and provision of information is greatly appreciated. Acknowledgement is also extended to key staff within the Performance Reporting Branch and Information Development and Management Branch, Performance Activity and Quality Division. I Acronyms AAR ABF ABF/M ABM ABS ACEM ACHS ACIR AIHW ATSI BMI CAHS CEO COAG DOH DOHA DOSA ED EDDC EDIS ESWL eWAU FTE GL HIN HMDC HMDS HR HS HSMR HWSS ICD IDM iWAU JHC KPIs MRSA NHDD NMHS OP OSH OSQH OSR PHC PMF PRB SLA SMHS SMR TOOCS WACHS WLDC YTD Age Adjusted Rate Activity Based Funding Activity Based Funding/Management Activity Based Management Australian Bureau of Statistics Australasian College of Emergency Medicine Australian Council on Health Standards Australian Childhood Immunisation Register Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Body Mass Index Child and Adolescent Health Service Chief Executive Officer Council of Australian Governments Department of Health Department of Health and Ageing Day of Surgery Admission Emergency Department Emergency Department Data Collection Emergency Department Information System Elective Surgery Waiting List emergency department Weighted Activity Unit Full Time Equivalent General Ledger Health Information Network Hospital Morbidity Data Collections Hospital Morbidity Data System Human Resources Health Service Hospital Standardised Mortality Ratio Health and Wellbeing Surveillance International Classification of Diseases Information Development and Management Branch inpatient Weighted Activity Schedule Joondalup Health Campus Key Performance Indicators Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus National Health Data Dictionary North Metropolitan Health Service Operational Plan Occupational Safety and Health Office of Safety and Quality in Health Care Own Sourced Revenue Peel Health Campus Performance Management Framework Performance Reporting Branch Statistical Local Area South Metropolitan Health Service Standardised Mortality Ratio Type of Occurrence Classification System WA Country Health Service Wait List Data Collections Year to Date II 1. Introduction The purpose of this manual is to provide consistent and clear definitions for the Performance Indicators (PIs) detailed in the Activity Based Funding and Management Performance Management Framework 2013-14 (PMF) to enable users to report and interpret on the results of the reporting entities. Any changes to the definitions will be in accordance with the “Guidelines for Creating and Changing State-wide Reporting Definitions” document (Information Circular 0087/11). The PIs cover all domains of performance and include Outcome Measures (KPIs) and Health Service Measures. This document contains Health Service Measures only and should be read in conjunction with the Performance Indicators Definitions Manual (Outcome Measures) document. The selected PIs are aligned to all 4 pillars noted in the WA Health Strategic Intent 2010-2015. An extract of the PIs schedule from 2013-14 PMF is provided in Table 1. 1 Table 1: Schedule of KPIs and Reporting Frequency 2013-14 Key: * Proposed PAF indicator developed as the same indicator title or a WA Health equivalent measure ^ National core hospital-level outcome indicators recommended by the ACSQHC developed as the same indicator or a WA Health equivalent measure new! Indicator is new to PMF 2013-14 changed! Indicator reporting level and/or reporting frequency changed from PMF 2012-13 to PMF 2013-14 deferred! Indicator deferred until 2014-15 ABF/ABM Framework Domain DOH PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT MEASURES REPORTING REPORTING Code LEVEL FREQUENCY Domain Dimension EA1 EA2 EA3 EFFECTIVENESS Access EA4 EA5 EA7 OUTCOME MEASURE * Proportion of emergency department patients seen within recommended times a) % Triage Category 1 - 2 minutes b) % Triage Category 2 - 10 minutes c) % Triage Category 3 - 30 minutes d) % Triage Category 4 - 60 minutes e) % Triage Category 5 - 2 hours * NEAT % of ED Attendances with LOE <=4 hours Average overdue wait time of elective surgery cases waiting beyond the clinically recommended time, by urgency category a) beyond 30 days for urgency category 1 b) beyond 90 days for urgency category 2 c) beyond 365 days for urgency category 3 * Elective surgery patients treated within boundary times: a) % Category 1 within 30 days b) % Category 2 within 90 days c) % Category 3 within 365 days * Percentage of selected elective cancer surgery cases treated within boundary time: a) Bladder Cancer b) Bowel Cancer c) Breast cancer HEALTH SERVICE MEASURE Percentage of ED Mental Health patients admitted within 8 hrs 2 Facility Monthly Facility Facility Monthly Monthly Facility Monthly Facility Quarterly Facility Monthly ABF/ABM Framework Domain Dimension Domain Code DOH PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT MEASURES EA8 EA9 EA10 EA11 Theatre activity Ambulance Diversion Access Block Admissions from ED EAP1 OUTCOME MEASURE Rate of selected potentially preventable chronic condition hospitalisations (for specified chronic conditions) EAP2 HEALTH SERVICE MEASURE Adult immunisation: percentage of people aged 65 years and over immunised against Influenza Appropriateness EAP3 Obesity: percentage of population who are overweight or obese: a) Adults b) Children EAP4 Tobacco: percentage of adults who are current smokers EQ1 OUTCOME MEASURE Age-adjusted rate (AAR) of avoidable deaths Quality EQ3 *^ Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia infections per 10,000 patient days 3 REPORTING LEVEL REPORTING FREQUENCY Facility Facility Facility Facility Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Whole of population (reported at Health Service level) Annually Whole of population (reported at Health Service level) Whole of population (reported at Statewide level Annually Whole of population (reported at Statewide level Annually Whole of population (reported at Health Service level) Facility Annually Annually Annually ABF/ABM Framework Domain Dimension Domain Code DOH PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT MEASURES REPORTING LEVEL REPORTING FREQUENCY EQ5 *^ Hospital standardised mortality ratio Facility Annually EQ7 *^ Death in low-mortality DRGs Facility Annually EQ8 *^ In hospital mortality rates (for acute myocardial infarction, stroke, fractured neck of femur & pneumonia) Facility Annually EQ10 Rate of total hospital readmissions within 28 days to a designated mental health inpatient unit Facility Quarterly Facility Monthly Health Service Quarterly EQ2 HEALTH SERVICE MEASURE Percentage of Emergency Department Attendances which are unplanned re-attendances in less than or equal to 48 hours of previous attendance. EQ4 Rate of Severity Assessment Code (SAC) 1 clinical incident investigation reports received by Patient Safety Surveillance Unit within 45 working days of the event notification date EQ6 Hospital accreditation Facility Annually EQ9 *^ Unplanned hospital readmissions of patients discharged following management of (knee replacement, hip replacement, tonsillectomy & adenoidectomy, hysterectomy, prostatectomy, cataract surgery and appendicectomy) changed! Facility Quarterly EQ12 * Rate of community follow up within first 7 days of discharge from psychiatric admission Facility Quarterly EQ13 * Measures of patient experience (including satisfaction) with hospital services Facility Annually 4 ABF/ABM Framework Domain Dimension Domain Code EQ14 EI2 EI4 EI5 EI7 EI9 Number of separations (unweighted) EI10 * Coded acute multiday average length of stay EI11 YTD Distance of Salaries Expenditure to Budget new! OUTCOME MEASURE Standardised Mortality Ratio (SMR) of deaths among Aboriginal children (0-4 years) and non-Aboriginal children (0-4 years) EI3 EI6 EI8 Inputs per output unit EQA1 EQUITY Hand Hygiene Compliance OUTCOME MEASURE Volume of weighted activity year-to-date: a) Inpatients (variance from target) b) ED attendances (variance from target) c) Outpatients (variance from target) Average cost per test panel for PathWest * YTD distance of net cost of service to budget * Ratio of actual cost of specified public hospital services compared with the ‘state efficient price’ deferred! HEALTH SERVICE MEASURE * Elective surgery day of surgery admission rates YTD Distance of Expenditure to Budget YTD Distance of Own Sourced Revenue to Budget School Dental Service ratio of examinations to enrolments EI1 EFFICIENCY DOH PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT MEASURES Access EQA4 Proportion of eligible population receiving dental services from 5 REPORTING LEVEL REPORTING FREQUENCY Facility Tri-annually Facility Monthly Statewide Health Service Health Service Monthly Monthly Annual Facility Health Service Health Service Whole of population (reported at Health Service level) Facility Monthly Monthly Monthly Annually Facility Quarterly Health Service Monthly Whole of population (reported at Health Service level) Whole of Annually Monthly Quarterly ABF/ABM Framework Domain Dimension Domain Code EQA2 EQA3 EQA5 SW3 SW1 SUSTAINABILITY Workforce DOH PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT MEASURES subsidised dental programs by group: changed! a) Aged 16 years and over b) Aged 65 years and over c) Total Aboriginal population HEALTH SERVICE MEASURE Standardised Rate Ratio of Hospitalisations of : a) Aboriginal People compared to non-Aboriginal People. b) Aboriginal children (0-4 years) compared to non-Aboriginal children (0-4 years) REPORTING LEVEL population (reported at Health Service level) Whole of population (reported at Health Service level) Childhood immunisation: percentage of children fully immunised at 12Whole of 15 months: population a) Aboriginal (reported at b) Total Health Service level) WA Health Aboriginal employment headcount Health Service changed! OUTCOME MEASURE Staff turnover Facility HEALTH SERVICE MEASURE Proportion of medical graduates (and other categories of medical Facility staff) to total medical staff a) Interns (graduate) b) Resident Medical Officers c) Registrars d) Consultants e) Other 6 REPORTING FREQUENCY Annually Quarterly Monthly changed! Monthly Quarterly ABF/ABM Framework Domain Dimension Domain Code DOH PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT MEASURES REPORTING LEVEL REPORTING FREQUENCY SW2 Proportion of nursing graduates (and other categories of nursing staff) to total nursing staff a) Graduate b) Junior c) Experienced d) Senior e) SRN and above Facility Quarterly SW4 SW5 Injury management: Health Service a) Lost time injury severity rate b) Percentage of managers and supervisors trained in occupational safety and health (OSH) and injury management responsibilities changed! Leave Liability Facility changed! SW6 Actual and Budget FTE Bi-annually Monthly Health Service Monthly Facility Monthly Facility Monthly HCN Service Monthly HIN Service Monthly Health Service Monthly Facilities & Equipment PC2 Coding PC1 PROCESSES PF2 Finance PF3 OUTCOME MEASURE Percentage of cases coded within boundary a) Cases within 2 weeks of discharge b) Remaining cases within 4 weeks of discharge HEALTH SERVICE MEASURE Percentage of cases coded by end of month closing date OUTCOME MEASURE Manually corrected payroll errors (underpayments) Availability of Information Communication Technology (ICT) services: percentage of Service calls resolved at first point of contact HEALTH SERVICE MEASURE PF1 Patient fee debtors 7 ABF/ABM Framework Domain Dimension Domain Code PF4 PF5 DOH PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT MEASURES NurseWest shifts filled Accounts payable – payment within terms 8 REPORTING LEVEL REPORTING FREQUENCY Statewide HCN Service Monthly Monthly 2. Data Definitions 2.1 Effectiveness Access (EA) PIs There are 10 EA PIs proposed in the 2013-14 PMF, including 5 Health Service measures. 9 EA7: Percentage of ED Mental Health patients admitted within 8 hours Reported Data Description Items Identifier MDG-04-076 Name Percentage of Emergency Department Admitted Mental Health Patients With A Length Of Episode Less Than Or Equal To 8 Hours Aliases Length of Episode (LOE) Admitted, ED Length of Episode (Admitted) Definition The percentage of Mental Health patients who were admitted from the Emergency Department within 8 hours. Related Metadata Guide for Use Admitted patients are determined from event records in the Emergency Department Data Collection (EDDC) using the [Presentation Date], [Presentation Time], [Discharge Date], [Discharge Time], [Triage Category], [Visit Type], [Admission Date], [Admission Time], [Episode End Status], [Diagnosis], [Presenting Problem], [Major Diagnostic Category] and [Admitting Consultant] fields. MDG-04-008 Total Admissions From The Emergency Department MDG-04-054 Emergency Department Length Of Episode For Admitted Mental Health Patients A patient is admitted when they undergo the formal admission process, whereby the hospital accepts responsibility for the patient's care and/or treatment by completion of the administrative process. The administrative process is completed when a hospital records the commencement of treatment and/or care and/or accommodation of a patient. A Mental Health attendance is recorded when a patient is given a Mental Health code of a [Diagnosis] or a [Presenting Problem] as follows :– EDIS sites (i.e. public metropolitan hospitals, Bunbury Hospital and Joondalup Health Campus) Mental Health Codes include a diagnosis of one of the following ICD-10-AM codes: any F codes or T39.1, T40.0, T40.1, T40.2, T40.3, T40.4, T40.5, T40.6, T40.7, T40.8, T40.9, T42.4, T43.9, T50.9, T51.9, T52.0, T52.9, T56.2, Z00.4, Z03.2, Z04.6, Z09.3, Z13.3, Z50.4, Z54.3, Z65.8, Z65.9, Z81.8, Z86.5, Z91.4, Z91.5, or one of the following presenting problem codes: T0000, TC000, TW000, TD000, TE000, TF000, TG000, TGA00, TGB00, TH000, TJ000, TS000, TK000, TM000, TN000, TNA00, TP000. HCARe sites (i.e. WACHS hospitals, excluding Bunbury Hospital) Mental Health attendance at the ED is recorded when a patient is given a [Major Diagnostic Category] code of 19 (Mental diseases and disorders) or 20 (Substance use and substance induced organic mental disorders). {Length of Episode} for admitted Mental Health patients is determined by [Discharge Date] and [Discharge Time] minus [Presentation Date] and [Presentation Time] with the following exception for those patients admitted to the ED. 10 {Length of Episode} for Mental Health patients admitted to an Emergency Department observation ward by an ED clinician is determined by [Admission Date] and [Admission Time] minus [Presentation Date] and [Presentation Time]. These patients are identified using the [Admitting Consultant] or [Episode End Status] fields. The above exception is based on advice from the Health Services that a patient admitted to the Emergency Department by an ED clinician for observation is receiving appropriate care. All other admitted patients in the ED are deemed to be waiting for an inpatient bed. Limitations Peel Health Campus does not provide [Diagnosis], [Presenting Problem] or [Major Diagnostic Category] codes so it is excluded from Mental Health reporting. Peel Health Campus does not have the capacity to record the fields that identify patients who were admitted for ED observation, so {Length Of Episode} cannot be calculated for Admissions to ED (by ED clinician). It is not always possible to correctly identify Mental Health admissions to observation wards due to varying admitting practices. Until there is standardised work practice this report will be interpreted with an understanding that there will possibly be an over count of Mental Health admissions to observation when they are in fact admitted to the hospital. Due to continuous quality improvement processes historical figures may be subject to change. Reported Data Validation Items Format Numeric 6 NNNNNN Data Values Inclusions [Presentation Date] and [Presentation Time] are present. [Discharge Date] and [Discharge Time] are present. [Admission Date] and [Admission Time] are present. [Triage Category] = Resuscitation (1) Emergency (2) Urgent (3) Semi Urgent (4) 11 Non-urgent (5). [Diagnosis] or [Presenting Problem] are in the Mental Health Code list or [Major Diagnostic Category] is equal to 19 or 20. Exclusions [Presentation Date] and [Presentation Time] are not present. [Discharge Date] and [Discharge Time] are not present. [Admission Date] and [Admission Time] are not present. [Episode End Status] Dead on Arrival (7). [Visit Type] = Dead on Arrival (10) Direct Admission (6, 7, 8, 16). [Diagnosis] or [Presenting Problem] are not in the Mental Health Code list or [Major Diagnostic Category] is not equal to 19 or 20. Scope Includes Public Metropolitan and WACHS Hospitals with an emergency department/service and Joondalup Health Campus (publicly funded activity). Excludes Peel Health Campus. Excludes nursing posts and other non-hospital establishments. The reference period is the period of time where this definition is being applied and encompasses from 00:00 at the start of the reference period to 23:59 at the end of the reference period for daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual reporting. Snapshot reports use 23:59 as the reference period. Formula Determination of Admitted to ED by an ED clinician A Mental Health patient is deemed to be admitted to ED by an ED clinician if [Admitting Consultant] is TRUE that is: For EDIS sites: if the [ADMIT_DR_CODE] = (one of supplied list of codes and prior to 1 April 2008) Or [ADMIT_DR_TYPE] = EDADM. For HCARe sites: 12 If [Episode End Status] = 10. Length of Episode – For patients Admitted to ED by an ED clinician Length of Episode – For all other admitted patients Calculation {Length of Episode} (in minutes) for each record is the [Admission Date] and [Admission Time] minus [Presentation Date] and [Presentation Time]. {Length of Episode} (in minutes) for each record is the [Discharge Date] and [Discharge Time] minus [Presentation Date] and [Presentation Time]. For records where [Presentation Date] and [Presentation Time] are within the reference period and [Diagnosis] or [Presenting Problem] are in the Mental Health Code list or [Major Diagnostic Category] is equal to 19 or 20 and [Admission Date] and [Admission Time] are present and [Discharge Date] and [Discharge Time] are present and [Triage Category] = 1,2,3,4 or 5, minus [Visit Type] of 6, 7, 8, 10 or 16, minus [Episode End Status] = 7; calculate the {Length of Episode} (in minutes). Numerator: The count of {Mental Health Admissions} calculated as above where [Presentation Date] and [Presentation Time] are within the reference period, and that have a {Length of Episode} less than or equal to 480 minutes. Denominator: The count of {Mental Health Admissions} calculated as above where [Presentation Date] and [Presentation Time] are within the reference period. Calculation: Numerator divided by denominator, expressed as a percentage. Verification Rules Value is >/= zero Data Collection Identification Items Source Emergency Department Data Collection (EDDC) extract provided by Performance, Activity and Quality is updated every day at 2 am for EDIS and every Tuesday for HCARe and Peel, and on the 3rd working day of the month for TOPAS and JHC Meditech. Governance Items Purpose of the data To monitor the length of episode for admitted Mental Health patients in the ED. Source of the definition Data Integrity Directorate, Mental Health Commission and Health Services 13 Version number V2.0 Approval date 20101012 14 EA8: Theatre activity Reported Data Description Items Identifier MDG-14-001 Name Percentage of used theatre hours to allocated hours in theatre. Aliases Definition The proportion of used theatre hours to total allocated theatre hours, expressed as percentage. Related Metadata None Guide for Use Theatre activity data required for the determination of percentage of used theatre hours to total allocated hours in theatre are extracted from two separate data files in the Theatre Management System (TMS) at each hospital, i.e., the ‘T_Operation’ file is extracted for the determination of used theatre time, and the ‘T_Thr_Schedule’ file is extracted for the determination of allocated theatre time. These two files are linked by schedule ID, which is a unique value for each scheduled (allocated) session to match used theatre time of operation(s) with the scheduled session in which the operation(s) was performed. Used Theatre Time Used theatre time is the time accumulated in each allocated session where at least one operation was performed. Accumulated time in theatre used to perform an operation in an allocated session is the time from when a patient arrived in the operating theatre OR the time from when anaesthesia started with a view to continue with induction (what ever time is recorded earlier), to the time when the patient left the operating theatre. The time a patient arrived in the operating theatre is identified by the date/time value in the [Ope_Arrive_Theatre] field of records in the ‘T_operation’ file in TMS at each hospital. The time anaesthesia started (with a view to continue with induction) is identified by the date/time value in the [Ope_Anae_Strt] field of records in the ‘T_operation’ file in TMS at each hospital. The time the patient left the operating theatre is identified by the date/time value in the [Ope_Theatre_End] field of records in the ‘T_operation’ file in TMS at each hospital. Used theatre time is measured in minutes and converted into hours before the calculation of its proportion to total allocated theatre hours. Operations that are included in the calculation of used theatre time in an allocated session are identified using the [Ope_Status] field in the ‘T_operation’ file. Operation records with one of the following codes in the [Ope_Status] field are included: ‘CM’ (Details Committed), ‘CO’ (Recovery Complete), ‘LT’ (Left Theatre), ‘RE’ (Arrived in Recovery) or ‘RP’ (Awaiting Recovery Pickup). Note: Some operations may have a start time earlier than the scheduled session’s start time (early start) and/or a finish time (patient left operating theatre) later than the scheduled session’s finish time (late finish). The time used to perform an operation that is outside the scheduled session’s start time and scheduled session’s finish time is included in the calculation of used theatre 15 time. Allocated Theatre Time Allocated theatre time is the time (in hours and minutes) allocated to a session holder. It is defined from the scheduled session’s start time to the scheduled session’s finish time. Allocated theatre time accommodates all theatre activity components, e.g. Arrive theatre time, Anaesthetic start time, Patient ready, Procedure start time, surgical start time, Procedure finish time and Patient leave theatre time. Where operations start earlier than the scheduled session’s start time and/or finish later than the scheduled session’s finish time, the used time outside the scheduled session’s start time and scheduled session’s finish time is not included as part of the allocated theatre time. The scheduled session’s start time is identified by the date/time value in the [SCH_STRT_TIMESTAMP] field in records in the ‘T_Thr_Schedule’ file in TMS. The scheduled session’s finish time is identified by the date/time value in the [SCH_END_TIMESTAMP] field in records in the ‘T_Thr_Schedule’ file in TMS. Scheduled sessions that are included in the calculation of allocated theatre time are identified using the [Sch_Sess_Use_Flag] field in the ‘T_Thr_Schedule’ file. Scheduled session records with one of the following codes in the [Sch_Sess_Use_Flag] field are included: ‘CONS’ (Consultants) or ‘REG’ (Registrar). Note: Turnaround time is the time during a scheduled session when an operating theatre is not occupied by a patient. Turnaround time is included as part of allocated theatre time for the session if another patient is to follow on, i.e., the next patient arrives in the operating theatre following the previous patient leaving the operating theatre without interruption by other factors such as cleaning or other maintenance. Session allocated time can vary between sites, e.g. ‘AD’ (all day) session at RPH is 0815 -1715 hrs while it is 0830-1730HRS at SCGH. Total used theatre time and total allocated theatre time for a reporting period The calculation for percentage of used theatre time to allocated time is attributed to the reporting period (i.e., calendar month) according to the scheduled session’s start time. To identify the reporting period of the operations performed in each allocated session, records in the ‘T_Thr_Schedule’ file are linked to records in the ‘T_Operation’ file, using the scheduled session’s ID value, a common identifier between the two files. This is the [OPE_SCH_ID] field in the ‘T_Operation’ file and the [SCH_ID] field in the ‘T_Thr_Schedule’ file. The allocated session in the ‘T_Thr_Schedule’ file can correspond to multiple operations in the ‘T_Operation’ file; therefore, this will result in one allocated session record linking with multiple operation records. Used theatre time is determined from all linked records but allocated theatre time is determined from unique allocated session records, i.e., from each unique scheduled session ID. Total used theatre time for a reporting (calendar) month is the sum of accumulated hours and minutes from all operations in each allocated session where the scheduled session’s start time falls between the start date and end date of the reporting month. 16 Total allocated theatre time for a reporting (calendar) month is the sum of hours and minutes from each unique scheduled session where the scheduled session’s start time falls between the start date and end date of the reporting month. Theatre inclusion Only operations with an operation status code in [Ope_Status] field of ‘CM’, ‘CO’, LT’, ‘RE’ or ‘RP’ that were performed in main theatres of each hospital are included for determining used theatre time. Operations performed outside ‘Main theatre’ areas such as ‘Outlying areas’, minor theatres and special units (e.g. endoscopy, radiology, coronary care, day surgery) are excluded. Note: Kaleeya is recorded as a theatre location at Fremantle Hospital (FH) and is indicated by location code ‘FKAL’ or location description ‘Kaleeya’ and sublocation codes ‘TH1’, ‘TH2’, ‘TH3’, ‘TH4’, ‘TH5’. Shenton Park Campus is recorded as a theatre location at Royal Perth Hospital (RP) and is identified by location code ‘THEAS’ or location description ‘Theatre SPC’ and sub-location codes ‘SPC1’, ‘SPC2’, ‘SPC3’. Port Hedland Hospital (PH) is the former name and site of Hedland Health Campus (HH). Port Hedland Hospital closed on 17 November 2010. Theatre sub-location codes for both sites are ‘TH01’, ‘TH02’. Limitations As there is a possibility that inclusion for a scheduled session’s allocated time varies between sites, comparison of this indicator among sites must be taken with caution. Reported Data Validation Items Format Numeric 8 NNNNNNNN Data Values Inclusions Numerator (Used theatre time): TMS records in the ‘T_Operation’ file where the code in [Ope_Status] equals one of the following. Code ‘CM’ ‘CO’ ‘LT’ ‘RE’ ‘RP’ Exclusions Description Details Committed Recovery Completed Left Theatre Arrived in Recovery Awaiting Recovery Pickup Denominator (Allocated theatre time): TMS records in the ‘T_Thr_Schedule’ file where the code in [Sch_Sess_Use_Flag] field equals one of the following. Code Description ‘CONS’ Consultant ‘REG’ Registrar Numerator (Used theatre time): TMS records in the ‘T_Operation’ file where the code in [Ope_Status] equals one of the following. 17 Scope Code ‘AN’ Description Anaesthesia Started ‘BO’ ‘CA’ ‘CH’ ‘ES’ ‘HC’ ‘HR’ ‘PA’ ‘RQ’ ‘SU’ Booked/Confirmed Cancelled On Hold - Cancelled Emergency Surgery Started On Hold – Confirmed On Hold – Requested Arrived in Suite Booking Requested Surgery Started Denominator (Allocated theatre time): TMS records in the ‘T_Thr_Schedule’ file where the code in [Sch_Sess_Use_Flag] equals one of the following. Code Description ‘CLOS’ Closed ‘MNT’ Maintenance WA public hospitals that have theatre activity recorded in TMS. Only operations performed in allocated sessions in main theatres of each hospital are included. Main theatres of each hospital are identified by sub-location code or sub-location description. Sub-location codes for main theatres of each hospital in TMS records are identified using the [Ope_Subloc_Code] field in the ‘T_Operation’ file as follows. Hospital Code Sub-location code AK (Armadale/Kelmscott) ‘OR1’, ‘OR2’, ‘OR3’, ‘OR4’, ‘OR5’, ‘OR6’, ‘OR7’ AL (Albany Hospital) ‘TH1’, ‘TH2’ BL (Bentley Hospital) ‘RTH1’, ‘RTH2’, ‘TH1’, ‘TH2’ BN (Busselton Hospital) ‘TH1’, ‘TH2’ BR (Broome Hospital) ‘TH1’, ‘TH2’ BY (Bunbury Hospital) ‘THA’, ‘THB’, ‘THC’ CA (Carnarvon) ‘TH-A’, ‘TH-B’ DY (Derby Hospital) ‘TH1’, ‘TH2’ ES (Esperance Hospital) ‘TH01’ FH (Fremantle Hospital) ‘TH01’, ‘TH02’, ‘TH03’, ‘TH04’, ‘TH05’, ‘TH06’, ‘TH07’, ‘TH08’, ‘TH09’, ’TH1’, ‘TH2’, ‘TH3’, ‘TH4’, ‘TH5’ GH (Geraldton Hospital) ‘TH1, ‘TH2’ 18 HH (Hedland Health Campus) ‘TH01’, ‘TH02’ KE (King Edward Memorial Hospital) ‘TH1’, ‘TH2’, ‘TH3’, ‘TH4’, ‘TH5’ KG (Kalgoorlie Hospital) ‘TH1’, ‘TH2’ KM (Kalamunda Hospital) ‘TH1’, ‘TH2’ KN (Kununurra Hospital) ‘TH01’ NG (Narrogin Hospital) ‘TH1’ OS (Osborne Park Hospital) ‘TH1’, ‘TH2’, ‘TH3’ PH (Port Hedland Hospital) ‘TH01’, ‘TH02’ PM (Princess Margaret Hospital for Children) ‘PROOM’, ‘TH1’, ‘TH2’, ‘TH3’, ‘TH4’, ‘TH5’, ‘TH5A’, ‘TH6’ Formula QE (Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital) ‘DPRM’, ‘OR01’, ‘OR02’, ‘OR03’, ‘OR04’, ‘OR05’, ‘OR06’, ‘OR07’, ‘OR08’, ‘OR09’, ‘OR10’, ‘OR11’, ‘OR12’ RK (Rockinghamd General Hospital) ‘TH1’, ‘TH2’, ‘TH3’, ‘TH4’ RP (Royal Perth Hospital) ‘SPC1’, ‘SPC2’, ‘SPC3’, ‘TH01’, ‘TH02’, ‘TH03’,‘TH04’, ‘TH05’, ‘TH06’,‘TH07’, ‘TH08’, ‘TH09’, ‘TH10’, ‘TH11’, ‘TH12’, ‘TH14’, ‘TH15’, ‘TH16’ SW (Swan District Hospital) ‘TH1’, ‘TH2’, ‘TH3’, ‘TH4’, WM (Nickol Bay Hospital) ‘TH01’, ‘TH02’ Using the linked records from ‘T_Operation’ file and ‘T_Thr_Schedule’ file in TMS at each hospital, the denominator (Total allocated time) and the numerator (Total used theatre time) are calculated as follows. Denominator Total allocated hours for each reporting (calendar) month are the sum of started date/time) from each unique scheduled session ID ([SCH_ID] field), where the code in [Sch_Sess_Use_Flag] equals ‘CONS’ or ‘REG’ and the scheduled session’s start time falls between the start date and end date of the reporting (calendar) month. Numerator Total used theatre hours for each reporting (calendar) month are the sum of used theatre time (patient left theatre date/time minus patient arrived theatre date/time or anaesthetic started date/time, which ever occurs earlier) from each linked operation record where the code in [Ope_Status] equals ‘CM’, ‘CO’, ‘LT’, ‘RE’ or ‘RP’. 19 Calculation Percentage of used theatre hours to total allocated hours for a reporting (calendar) month is the total used theatre time (hours) for a reporting (calendar) month divided by total allocated time (hours) for the same reporting (calendar) month, expressed as percentage. Used theatre hours (%) = Σ[Patient leaved theatre – (Patient arrived theatre or Anaes. started)] X 100 Σ(Scheduled finishes – Scheduled starts) Total used theatre time and total allocated (scheduled) time in minutes are converted into hours before the percentage of used theatre hours is calculated. Verification Rules Data Collection Identification Items Source Theatre Management System (TMS) at each hospital Governance Items Purpose of the data To report on efficiency in theatre usage in WA public hospitals. Source of the definition TMS Business Unit Group Version number V 0.2 Approval Date Interim approval – 12 April 2011 Performance Activity & Quality Division 20 EA9: Ambulance Diversion Reported Data Description Items Identifier MDG-04-010 Name Metropolitan area hours of Ambulance Diversion Aliases Definition The total number of hours when ambulances are diverted from one metropolitan hospital ED to another metropolitan hospital ED. Ambulance Diversion Number of hours Emergency Department (ED) on Ambulance Diversion Related metadata Guide for Use Provider: St John Ambulance Australia Limitations There may be discrepancies, due to rounding, in ambulance diversion data when data is reported in minutes (e.g. Daily report) rather than hours. Reported Data Validation Items Format Numeric 7 N, NNN.N Data Values Hours Inclusions Exclusions Scope Formula • • • • • • • Sir Charles Gardiner Hospital Swan District Hospital Armadale-Kelmscott Hospital Fremantle Hospital Rockingham-Kwinana Hospital Royal Perth Hospital Joondalup Health Campus Count of [Ambulance Diversion Finish Time] minus [Ambulance Diversion Activate time] minus ambulance diversion overlapping 21 time divided by 60 for all records during reporting period. Overlapping time = the time where one or more diversions occur at the same time at the same hospital site. Where an emergency department is on diversion at 1200 midnight on the last reporting day of the month, only the diversion time prior to midnight is counted in that reporting period. The diversion time post midnight will be captured in the subsequent reporting month. Verification Rules Value is ≥ to zero Data Collection Identification Items Source Ambulance Diversion Reporting System (ADRS), St John Ambulance Australia Governance Items Purpose of the data To monitor the total hours of ambulance diversion at metropolitan Emergency Departments Source of the definition Health Services, Information Management and Reporting Version number V 1.4 Approval date 20071015 22 EA10: Access Block Reported Data Description Items Identifier MDG-04-009 Name Access Block Alias Patients waiting for 8 hours or more for admission. Definition The percentage of admitted patients who waited in the Emergency Department (ED) for greater than or equal to 8 hours for admission. Related Metadata Guide for Use Access Block is counted from event records in the Emergency Department Data Collection (EDDC) using the [Presentation Date] [Presentation Time], [Discharge Date], [Discharge Time], [Triage Category], [Visit Type], [Admission Date], [Admission Time], [Episode End Status] and [Admitting Consultant] fields. MDG-04-001 WA ED Attendances. MDG-04-008 WA ED Admissions. A patient is admitted when they undergo the formal admission process, whereby the hospital accepts responsibility for the patient's care and/or treatment by completion of the administrative process. The administrative process is completed when a hospital records the commencement of treatment and/or care and/or accommodation of a patient. Only admitted patients are included in the count. Admitted patients are determined using the [Admission Date/Time] fields. {Length of Episode} is used to determine patients waiting ≥ 8 hours for admission. {Length of Episode} for admitted patients is determined by [Discharge Date/Time] minus [Presentation Date/Time] with the following exception for those patients admitted to the Emergency Department by an ED clinician for observation. {Length of Episode} for patients admitted to an Emergency Department observation ward by an ED clinician is determined by [Admission Date/Time] minus [Presentation Date/Time]. These patients are identified using the [Admitting Consultant] or [Episode End Status] fields. The above exception is based on advice from the Health Services that a patient admitted to the Emergency Department by an ED clinician for observation is receiving appropriate care. All other admitted patients in the ED are deemed to be waiting for an inpatient bed. Patients who are Dead on Arrival or Direct Admissions are excluded from the count. 23 Limitations Peel Health Campus does not have the capacity to record the fields that identify patients who were admitted for ED observation, so {Length Of Episode} cannot be calculated for Admissions to ED (by ED clinician). Due to continuous quality improvement processes historical figures may be subject to change. Reported Data Validation Items Format Numeric 5 NNN.N Data Values Inclusions [Presentation Date] and [Presentation Time] are not missing. [Discharge Date] and [Discharge Time] are not missing. [Admission Date] and [Admission Time] are not missing. [Triage Category] = Exclusions Resuscitation (1) Emergency (2) Urgent (3) Semi Urgent (4) Non-Urgent (5). [Presentation Date] and [Presentation Time] are missing or null. [Discharge Date] and [Discharge Time] are missing or null. [Admission Date] and [Admission Time] are missing or null. [Triage Category] = Dead on Arrival (6) Direct Admission (7) Current Inpatient (8) Unknown (9). [Episode end status] = Dead on Arrival (7). [Visit Type] = Dead on Arrival (10) 24 Scope Direct Admission (6, 7, 8, 16). • • Public Hospitals with an Emergency Department and publicly funded activity at Joondalup and Peel Health Campuses. Excludes nursing posts and other non-hospital establishments. Formula Determination of Admitted to ED (by ED clinician A patient is deemed to be admitted to ED by an ED clinician if [Admitting Consultant] is TRUE that is: For EDIS sites: if the [ADMIT_DR_CODE] = (one of supplied list of codes), for records prior to 1 April 2008 Or [ADMIT_DR_TYPE] = EDADM For HCARe sites: If [Episode End Status] = 10. Length of Episode – For patients Admitted to ED by an ED clinician Length of Episode – For All other admitted patients Calculation {Length of Episode} (minutes) for each record is the [Admission Date] and [Admission Time] minus [Presentation Date] and [Presentation Time]. {Length of Episode} (minutes) for each record is the [Discharge Date] and [Discharge Time] minus [Presentation Date] and [Presentation Time]. Numerator Count of those records that have a value within the boundaries of the reference period AND with an [Admission Date] [Admission Time] AND a {Length of Episode} equal to or greater than 480 minutes minus those records with a [Triage Category] of 6, 7, 8 or 9 minus those records with a [Visit Type] of 6, 7, 8, 10 or 16 minus those records with an [Episode end status] of 7. Denominator Count of those records that have a value within the boundaries of the reference period AND with an [Admission Date] [Admission Time] minus those records with a [Triage Category] of 6, 7, 8 or 9 minus those records with a [Visit Type] of 6, 7, 8, 10 or 16 minus those records with an [Episode End Status] of 7. 25 Calculation Numerator divided by Denominator, expressed as a percentage. Verification Rules Value is >/= to zero Data Collection Identification Items Source Emergency Department Data Collection (EDDC) extract provided by Performance, Activity and Quality is updated every day at 2 am for EDIS, every Tuesday for HCARe and Peel, and on every 3rd working day of the month for TOPAS and JHC Meditech. Governance Items Purpose of the data To establish and monitor the proportion of patients who wait greater than or equal to 8 hours for admission. Source of the definition Health Services and Data Integrity Directorate Version number V2.0 Approval date 20101012 26 EA11: Admissions from ED Reported Data Description Items Identifier MDG-04-008 Name Total Admissions from the Emergency Department (ED). Aliases ED Admits. ED Admissions. Definition A count of all ED attendances that have an admission recorded. Related Metadata Guide for Use A patient is admitted when they undergo the formal admission process, whereby the hospital accepts responsibility for the patient's care and/or treatment by completion of the administrative process. The administrative process is completed when a hospital records the commencement of treatment and/or care and/or accommodation of a patient. MDG-04-001 TOTAL ED ATTENDANCES. MDG-04-026 TOTAL MENTAL HEALTH ADMISSIONS FROM THE EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT Patients admitted to an inpatient ward or the Emergency Department are included in the count. Admitted patients that are Triage Category 1 to 5 are included. - For all hospitals except PHC ED Admissions are counted from event records in the Emergency Department Data Collection (EDDC) using [Presentation Date] [Presentation Time], [Triage category], [Visit Type], [Episode end status], [Admission Date] and [Admission Time]. Admitted patients are defined as Emergency Department attendances with an [Admission Date] and [Admission Time], (excluding Dead on Arrival and Direct Admit patients). - For PHC For PHC, ED admitted patients are counted from event records in the EDDC using the [Presentation Date], [Presentation Time], [Triage Category], [Visit Type], and [Episode end status]. Admitted ED patients are defined as ED attendances with an [Episode end status] of Admitted (excluding Dead on Arrival and Direct Admit patients). Limitations Due to continuous quality improvement processes historical figures may be subject to change. 27 Reported Data Validation Items Format Numeric 5 NNN.N Data Values Inclusions [Presentation Date] and [Presentation Time] are present - For all hospitals except PHC [Admission Date] and [Admission Time] are present [Triage Category] = - For PHC Resuscitation (1) Emergency (2) Urgent (3) Semi Urgent (4) Non-Urgent (5) [Presentation Date] and [Presentation Time] are present [Triage Category] = Resuscitation (1) Emergency (2) Urgent (3) Semi Urgent (4) Non-urgent (5) [Episode end status] = Admitted to ward/other admitted patient unit (1) Admitted to ED Ward (10) Admitted to HITH/RITH (11) Exclusions [Presentation Date] and [Presentation Time] values are not present - For all hospitals except PHC [Admission Date] and [Admission Time] values are not present [Episode end status] = - For PHC Dead on Arrival (7) [Visit Type] = Dead on Arrival (10) Direct Admission (6, 7, 8, 16). [Presentation Date] and [Presentation Time] are not present [Episode end status] = Dead on Arrival (7) 28 [Visit Type] = Scope Formula - For all hospitals except PHC Dead on Arrival (10) Direct Admission (6, 7, 8, 16). Public Hospitals (Metropolitan and WACHS) with an Emergency Department and publicly funded activity at Joondalup and Peel Health Campuses Excludes nursing posts and other non-hospital establishments. Count of records where [Presentation Date] and [Presentation Time] are within the reference period and [Admission Date] and [Admission Time] are present and [Triage Category] of 1,2,3,4 or 5 minus [Visit Type] of 6, 7, 8, 10 or 16 minus [Episode end status] of 7. - For PHC Count of records where [Presentation Date] and [Presentation Time] are within the reference period and {Episode end status] of 1, 10 or 11, and [Triage Category] of 1,2,3,4 or 5, minus [Visit Type] of 6, 7, 8, 10 or 16, minus [Episode end status] of 7. Verification Rules Value is >/= to zero. Data Collection Identification Items Source Emergency Department Data Collection (EDDC) extract provided by IMR is updated every day at 2 am, for EDIS and 3rd working day of the month for HCARe, TOPAS and Peel The HCARe extract includes records from the previous month and the 3 months prior to capture delayed data entry Governance Items Purpose of the data To count the number of ED attendances that result in an admission to hospital, in order to gauge the inpatient demand level resulting from the hospitals’ ED activity. Source of the definition Health Services, Information Management and Reporting Version number Version 2.4 Approval date 20080616 29 2.2 Effectiveness Appropriateness (EAP) PIs There are 4 EAP PIs proposed in the 2013-14 PMF, including 3 Health Service measures. 30 EAP2: Adult immunisation: percentage of people aged 65 years and over immunized against Influenza Reported Data Description Items Identifier ABF/M-KPI-EAP2 Name Adult immunizations in persons aged 65 years and over, immunized against seasonal influenza. Aliases The prevalence of adult immunizations in persons aged 65 years and over, immunized against seasonal influenza. The percentage of adults aged 65 years and over, immunized against seasonal influenza. The proportion of adults aged 65 years and over, immunized against seasonal influenza. Definition The percentage of persons aged 65 years and over who reported having a seasonal influenza vaccination since March 1st (refers to most recent year). The indicator is a population based measure of seasonal flu vaccine uptake in over 65 year olds in the Western Australian population as a whole as each individual that is surveyed has their response weighted to the population and adjusted to the age and sex distribution. The percentage will be presented with a 95% confidence interval. Related Metadata Prevalence estimates are also reported in the Operational Plan (OP) Performance indicators. Guide for Use This indicator is a population based measure of preventative health care and takes into account differences in age and sex distribution within Western Australia. Limitations Due to changes in the wording for the flu question in 2010, no historical data is available for this indicator. The surveillance system is population based and designed to measure and monitor estimates at the population level. Therefore, while estimates will be representative of the Western Australian population as a whole it is unlikely to be reliably representative of small minority groups within the population such as Aboriginal people. Data is collected on a monthly bases but is best reported annually. The recommended reporting period is from August – February. 2011 data will not be available until April/May 2012. Sample sizes are generally consistent between years but if they should vary substantially, this may disproportionately affect the 31 precision of estimates for those years, reflected in the confidence interval widths. Such instances will be noted if and when they occur. Reported Data Validation Items Format Numeric 4 NN.N Data Values Inclusions All persons aged 65 years and over who received the seasonal flu vaccine. The survey attracts a response rate of 85% and therefore can be said to be representative of the WA population as a whole. Population figures: All WA residents assigned to a Health Service (North Metro, South Metro and WACHS) according to SLA based on boundaries outlined by the Epidemiology Branch, System Policy & Planning. Exclusions The data is collected as a Computer Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI) and therefore anyone without access to a phone will be excluded as well as anyone too ill to participate. Scope WA residents who were randomly selected from a transcribed 10% portion of the 2008/09 White Pages. Formula Prevalence estimates will be calculated using the Complex Samples method. 95% confidence intervals will be calculated using the exact method for Poisson distribution. Numerator: Persons aged 65 years and over who reported having the seasonal flu vaccine since March 2010. The numerator is weighted to account for the sampling methodology and adjusted to the age and sex distribution of the Western Australia population of the previous year. Denominator: Total persons aged 65 years and over in Western Australia from the previous year’s Estimated Residential Population. Verification Rules >0 Data Collection Identification Items Source Immunisation data: WA Health and Wellbeing Surveillance System (HWSS), Epidemiology Branch. Population data: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Department of Planning and Infrastructure, Epidemiology Branch. 32 Governance Items Purpose of the data For ABF/M KPI reporting. Source of the definition Epidemiology Branch, System Policy & Planning Version number 1.1 Approval date 20130605 33 EAP3.a: Obesity: percentage of population who are overweight of obese: a) adults Reported Data Description Items Identifier ABF/M-KPI-EAP3a Name Percentage of the WA adult (16 years and over) population, who are overweight or obese. Aliases The proportion of the WA adult (16 years and over) population, who are overweight or obese. The prevalence of overweight or obesity among the WA adult (16 years and over) population. Definition Overweight and obesity are defined using the Body Mass Index (BMI), which requires the input of the respondents height (metres) and weight (kilograms) measurements. In persons aged 18 years of age and over, overweight is defined as a BMI of greater than 25 and less than 30. Obese is defined as a BMI of greater than or equal to 30. Classifications of overweight and obese for adults are based on the World Health Organisation guidelines. In persons aged 5 to 17 years of age, BMI is calculated using BMI-for-age charts developed by the United States Centre for Disease Control and Prevention. Classifications of overweight and obese for children aged 5 to 15 years were developed by Cole et al (2000) and are internationally recognized. The indicator is a population based measure of overweight and obesity in adults 16 years and over in the Western Australian population as a whole as each individual that is surveyed has their response weighted to the population and adjusted to the age and sex distribution. The percentage will be presented with a 95% confidence interval. Related Metadata Prevalence estimates are also reported in the Annual Health and Wellbeing Surveillance System adult report. Guide for Use This indicator is a population based measure of the prevalence of overweight and obesity and takes into account differences in age and sex distribution within Western Australia. The surveillance system is population based and designed to measure and monitor estimates at the population level. Therefore, while estimates will be representative of the Western Australian population as a whole it is unlikely to be reliably representative of small minority groups within the population such as Aboriginal people. Limitations Data is collected on a monthly basis but is best reported annually. 34 The data for a calendar year is available within 8 weeks of the next calendar year. E.g. 2011 data will not be available until February/March 2012. Sample sizes are generally consistent between years but if they should vary substantially, this may disproportionately affect the precision of estimates for those years, reflected in the confidence interval widths. Such instances will be noted if and when they occur. Reported Data Validation Items Format Numeric 4 NN.N Data Values Inclusions All adults 16 years and over. The survey attracts a response rate of 85% and therefore can be said to be representative of the WA population as a whole. Population figures: All WA residents assigned to aHealth Service (NMHS, SMHS, WACHS) according to SLA based on boundaries outlined by the Epidemiology Branch, System Policy & Planning. Exclusions The data is collected as a Computer Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI) and therefore anyone without access to a phone will be excluded as well as anyone too ill to participate. Outliers and biologically implausible results for height and weight are not included in the analysis of BMI. Scope WA residents who were randomly selected from a transcribed 10% portion of the 2008/09 White Pages. Formula A correction measure is used on all height and weight measurements that are provided by HWSS respondents aged 20 years and over because the literature states that people tend to under-estimate their weight and over-estimate their height. Prevalence estimates will be calculated using the Complex Samples method. 95% confidence intervals will be calculated using the exact method for Poisson distribution. Numerator: Persons aged 16 years and over who have BMI scores that categorise them as overweight or obese. The numerator is weighted to account for the sampling methodology and adjusted to the age and sex distribution of the Western Australia population of 35 the previous year. Denominator: Total persons aged 16 years and over in Western Australia from the previous year’s Estimated Residential Population. Verification Rules >0 Data Collection Identification Items Source BMI data: WA Health and Wellbeing Surveillance System (HWSS), Epidemiology Branch. Population data: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Department of Planning and Infrastructure, Epidemiology Branch. Governance Items Purpose of the data For ABF/M KPI reporting. Source of the definition Epidemiology Branch, System Policy & Planning Version number 1.1 Approval date 20130605 36 EAP3.b: Obesity: percentage of population who are overweight of obese b) children Reported Data Description Items Identifier ABF/M-KPI-EAP3b Name Percentage of WA children (5 to 15 years), who are overweight or obese. Aliases The proportion of WA children (5 to 15 years) who are overweight or obese. The prevalence of overweight or obesity among WA children (5 to 15 years). Definition Overweight and obesity are defined using the Body Mass Index (BMI), which requires the input of the respondents height (metres) and weight (kilograms) measurements. In persons aged 5 to 17 years of age, BMI is calculated using BMI-for-age charts developed by the United States Centre for Disease Control and Prevention. Classifications of overweight and obese for children aged 5 to 15 years were developed by Cole et al (2000) and are internationally recognized. The indicator is a population based measure of overweight and obesity in children aged 5 to 15 years in the Western Australian population as a whole as each individual that is surveyed has their response weighted to the population and adjusted to the age and sex distribution. The percentage will be presented with a 95% confidence interval. Related Metadata Prevalence estimates are also reported in the Annual Health and Wellbeing Surveillance System child report. Guide for Use This indicator is a population based measure of the prevalence of overweight and obesity among children aged 5 to 15 years and takes into account differences in age and sex distribution within Western Australia. Limitations The surveillance system is population based and designed to measure and monitor estimates at the population level. Therefore, while estimates will be representative of the Western Australian population as a whole it is unlikely to be reliably representative of small minority groups within the population such as Aboriginal people. Data is collected on a monthly basis but is best reported annually. The data for a calendar year is available within 8 weeks of the next calendar year. E.g. 2011 data will not be available until February/March 2012. 37 Sample sizes are generally consistent between years but if they should vary substantially, this may disproportionately affect the precision of estimates for those years, reflected in the confidence interval widths. Such instances will be noted if and when they occur. Reported Data Validation Items Format Numeric 4 NN.NN Data Values Inclusions All children aged 5 to 15 years. The survey attracts a response rate of 85% and therefore can be said to be representative of the WA population. Population figures: All WA residents assigned to aHealth Service (NMHS, SMHS, WACHS) according to SLA based on boundaries outlined by the Epidemiology Branch, System Policy & Planning. Exclusions The data is collected as a Computer Assisted Telephone Interview and therefore anyone without access to a phone will be excluded as well as anyone too ill to participate. Outliers and biologically implausible results for height and weight are not included in the analysis of BMI. Children aged less than 5 are not included. Scope WA residents who were randomly selected for a transcribed 10% portion of the 2008/09 White Pages. Formula Prevalence estimates will be calculated using the Complex Samples Method. 95% confidence intervals will be calculated using the exact method for Poisson distribution. Numerator: Persons aged 5 to 15 years who have BMI scores that categorise them as overweight or obese. The numerator is weighted to account for the sampling methodology and adjusted to the age and sex distribution of the Western Australia population for the previous year. Denominator: Total persons aged 5 to 15 years in Western Australia from the previous year’s Estimated Residential Population. Verification Rules >0 38 Data Collection Identification Items Source BMI data: WA Health and Wellbeing Surveillance System, Epidemiology Branch. Population: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Department of Planning and Infrastructure, Epidemiology Branch. Governance Items Purpose of the data For ABF/M KPI reporting. Source of the definition Epidemiology Branch, System Policy & Planning Version number 1.1 Approval date 20130605 39 EAP4: Tobacco: percentage of adults who are current smokers Reported Data Description Items Identifier ABF/M-KPI-EAP4 Name Percentage of WA adults (18 years and over), who are current daily smokers. Aliases The prevalence of current daily smoking in WA adults (18 years and over). The proportion of WA adults (18 years and over) who are current daily smokers. Definition The percentage of people aged 18 years and over who describe their smoking status as smoking daily. The indicator is a population based measure of current daily smoking in persons 18 years and over in the Western Australian population as a whole as each individual that is surveyed has their response weighted to the population and adjusted to the age and sex distribution. The prevalence of different areas can be compared using the 95% confidence intervals presented. Related Metadata Prevalence estimates are reported in the Annual Health and Wellbeing Surveillance System adult report. Guide for Use This is a population based measure of the smoking prevalence in Western Australia and takes into account differences in age and sex distribution in different areas of the State. Limitations The surveillance system is population based and designed to measure and monitor estimates at the population level. Therefore, while estimates will be representative of the Western Australian population as a whole it is unlikely to be reliably representative of small minority groups within the population such as Aboriginal people. Baseline and targets are set using national data, in line with performance measures for the National Partnership Agreement on Preventive Health (NPAPH). However, State data is used to assess annual performance as national data is only collected on a 3-year basis. Data is collected on a monthly basis but is best reported annually. The data for a calendar year is available within 8 weeks of the next calendar year. E.g. 2011 data will not be available until February/March 2012. Sample sizes are generally consistent between years but if they should vary substantially, this may disproportionately affect the precision of estimates for those years, reflected in 40 the confidence interval widths. Such instances will be noted if and when they occur. Reported Data Validation Items Format Numeric 4 NN.N Data Values Inclusions All adults aged 18 years and over, who have a smoking status of daily. The survey attracts a response rate of 85% and therefore can be said to be representative of the WA population. Population figures: All WA residents assigned to a Health Service (NMHS, SMHS, WACHS) according to SLA based on boundaries outlined by the Epidemiology Branch, System Policy & Planning. Exclusions The data is collected as a Computer Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI) and therefore anyone without access to a phone will be excluded as well as anyone too ill to participate. Scope WA residents who were randomly selected from a transcribed 10% portion of the 2008/09 White Pages. Formula Prevalence estimates will be calculated using the Complex Samples Method. 95% confidence intervals will be calculated using the exact method for Poisson distribution. Numerator: Persons aged 18 years and over who reported smoking daily. The numerator is weighted to account for the sampling methodology and adjusted to the age and sex distribution of the Western Australia population for the previous year. Denominator: Total persons aged 18 years and over in Western Australia from the previous year’s Estimated Residential Population. Verification Rules >0 Data Collection Identification Items Source Smoking data: WA Health and Wellbeing Surveillance System, Epidemiology Branch. Population: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Department of Planning and Infrastructure, Epidemiology Branch. Governance Items Purpose of the data For ABF/M KPI reporting. 41 Source of the definition Epidemiology Branch, System Policy & Planning Version number 1.1 Approval date 20130605 42 2.3 Effectiveness Quality (EQ) PIs There are 13 EQ PIs proposed in the 2013-14 PMF, including 7 Health Service measures. 43 EQ2: Percentage of Emergency Department Attendances which are unplanned re-attendances in less than or equal to 48 hours of previous attendance Reported Data Description Items Identifier MDG-04-102 Name National Emergency Access Target (NEAT) Percentage of Emergency Department (ED) Attendances which are an unplanned re-attendance in less than or equal to 48 Hours of previous attendance. Aliases Percentage of ED with an unplanned re-attendance at any hospital within 48 hours. Definition The percentage of NEAT ED attendances where the patient re-attended any ED in less than or equal to 48 hours. Related MDG-04-089 NEAT Total Emergency Department Attendances which are Metadata unplanned re-attendance. MDG-04-101 NEAT Total ED Departures Guide for Use Limitations All NEAT Performance Indicators (PIs) have the following General inclusions/exclusions: Records must have a valid [Presentation Date] and [Presentation Time] Records must have a valid [Discharge Date] and [Discharge Time] Records must have a [Presentation Date] and [Presentation Time] within the Reference Period i.e. for Date fields to be considered valid, the day, month and year components must be accurate, as per Meteor Data Element 294429 Date—accuracy indicator, code AAA. {NEAT Unplanned re-attendances} are counted from event records in the Emergency Department Data Collection (EDDC) using [Presentation Date] and [Presentation Time], [Discharge Date] and [Discharge Time], [Visit Type] and [Data Linkage PID]. The timing of the re-attendance is determined using [Presentation Date] and [Presentation Time] of the current visit and [Discharge Date] and [Discharge Time] of the previous visit, regardless of the site of either visit: Determine 48 Hours: Previous visit [Discharge Date] and [Discharge Time] minus current visit [Presentation Date] and [Presentation Time]. Where the time between visits is less than or equal to 48 hours the record is included in the formula and the count of {NEAT Unplanned re-attendances} is recorded against the hospital (if it is in scope) which recorded the previous attendance. The record will be counted regardless if the hospital is in-scope or not, and the count will be attributed to the hospital where the previous attendance occurred regardless if the hospital is in-scope or not but will only be reported for in-scope hospitals. As [Visit Type] of unplanned re-attendance is not available from Peel Health Campus nor any HCARe site, they are excluded from reporting. Due to continuous quality improvement processes, historical figures may be subject to change. 44 Reported Data Validation Items Format Numeric 6 NNN.N% Data Values Inclusions Numerator: {NEAT Unplanned re-attendances} [Presentation Date] and [Presentation Time] are not missing and are valid. [Discharge Date] and [Discharge Time] are not missing and are valid. [Visit Type] = Unplanned return (3) [Data Linkage PID] is present Denominator: {NEAT attendances} [Presentation Date] and [Presentation Time] are not missing and are valid. [Discharge Date] and [Discharge Time] are not missing and are valid. Exclusions Numerator: {NEAT Unplanned re-attendances} [Presentation Date] or [Presentation Time] are missing or invalid. [Discharge Date] or [Discharge Time] are missing or invalid. [Data Linkage PID] is not present Denominator: {NEAT attendances} [Presentation Date] or [Presentation Time] are missing or invalid. [Discharge Date] or [Discharge Time] are missing or invalid. Formulae Numerator: {NEAT Unplanned re-attendances} at all hospitals are determined where [Presentation Date] and [Presentation Time] are not missing and are valid and are within the reference period and [Discharge Date] and [Discharge Time] are not missing and are valid and [Visit Type] = 3 and [Data Linkage PID] is present; and where the same [Data Linkage PID] had a [Discharge Date] and [Discharge Time] that was within 48 hours prior to the [Presentation Date] and [Presentation Time] of the current attendance. The count of {NEAT Unplanned re-attendances} is given to the site of the previous attendance. Denominator: The count of {NEAT Attendances} records at the in-scope hospitals (see Scope below) where [Presentation Date] and [Presentation Time] are not missing and are valid and are within the reference period and [Discharge Date] and [Discharge Time] are not missing and are valid. This is the count of total attendances at the site of the previous attendance. Calculation: Numerator divided by denominator, expressed as a percentage for 45 Verification Rules Scope hospitals. Value is >/= zero Reported Data Structure Items Scope Metro Public Hospitals with an Emergency Department, publicly funded activity at Joondalup and Peel Health Campuses; and the following rural hospitals: • • • • • • • Albany Regional Hospital Bunbury Hospital Broome District Hospital Geraldton Regional Hospital Kalgoorlie Regional Hospital Nickol Bay Hospital Hedland Health Campus Data Collection Identification Items Source Emergency Department Data Collection (EDDC). Provider Performance, Activity and Quality Division Governance Items Purpose of the data To monitor ED Attendances with unplanned re-attendance to an ED in less than or equal to 48 hours. Source of the National Partnership Agreement, Health System Improvement Unit, Performance definition Activity and Quality Division, Health Services. Version number V1.1 Approval date 26/09/2012 46 EQ4: Rate of Severity Assessment Code (SAC) 1 clinical incident investigation reports received by Patient Safety Surveillance Unit (PSSU) within 45 working days of the event notification date Reported Data Description Items Identifier Name All SAC 1 clinical incident investigation reports received by PSSU within 45 working days of the event notification Aliases SAC 1 clinical incident investigation report Definition SAC 1 clinical incident investigation reports received by PSSU within 45 working days of the notification date, calculated as a percentage of those due to be received. Related Metadata SAC 1 report Guide for Use Data is extracted by notification date. The notification date is when the SAC 1 clinical incident is reported to PSSU. The Numerator is the number of SAC 1 clinical incident investigation reports received by PSSU within 45 working days of the notification date, per Health Service per month. This is calculated by extracting all SAC 1 clinical incidents by notification date, including the fields: date report due, health service and date report received. The resulting SAC 1 clinical incidents are filtered to those where the date the report was received is equal to or less than the date the report was due, and then by health service and the quarter the report was due. The Denominator is the number of SAC 1 clinical incident investigation reports due to be received by PSSU within 45 working days of the notification date per Health Service per month. This is calculated by extracting all SAC 1 clinical incidents by notification date, including the fields: date report due, health service and date report received. The resulting SAC 1 clinical incidents are filtered by health service and the quarter the report was due. For 2013-14 ABF reporting: Reporting frequency: quarterly Reporting level: Health Service (PMR) Facility (Governing Councils Report) Limitations Reported Data Validation Items Format Percentage 4 47 NN.NN% Data Values >= 0% and <= 100% Inclusions All SAC 1 notifications received from all Health Services Metropolitan and WACHS public hospitals and. SAC 1clinical incidents are clinical incidents/near misses where serious harm or death is/could be specifically caused by health care rather than the patient’s underlying condition or illness. SAC 1 clinical incidents include the eight nationally endorsed sentinel event categories (below): 1. Procedures involving the wrong patient or body part resulting in death or major permanent loss of function. 2. Suicide of an inpatient (including patients on leave). Retained instruments or other material after surgery requiring re-operation or further surgical procedure. 3. Intravascular gas embolism resulting in death or neurological damage. 4. Haemolytic blood transfusion reaction resulting from ABO incompatibility. 5. Medication error resulting in death of a patient. 6. Maternal death or serious morbidity associated with labour or delivery. 7. Infant discharged to the wrong family or infant abduction. Sentinel event refers to unexpected occurrences involving death or serious physical or psychological injury/harm or risk thereof. Exclusions • Private health services (including Joondalup Health Campus and Peel Health Campus). Scope Western Australian Health services, except Next Step Drug and Alcohol services, East Perth Formula Divide the Numerator by the Denominator and multiply by 100 to calculate the percentage of SAC 1 investigation reports received by PSSU within 45 working days (63 calendar days) of the notification date. Verification Rules >= 0% and <= 100% Data Collection Identification Items Source Patient Safety Surveillance Unit Severity Assessment Code 1 Database (Access) 48 Governance Items Purpose of the data A measure of percentage of SAC 1 clinical incident investigation reports received by PSSU within 45 working days of the notification date. • • Source of the definition Clinical Incident Management Policy (2012) Operational Directive OD 0421/13. Version number 4.0 Approval date 20130605 49 EQ6: Hospital accreditation Reported Data Description Items Identifier Name Hospital Accreditation Aliases Accreditation Definition Accreditation status of public hospitals at a point in time. Related Metadata Guide for Use Accreditation is defined as a status that is conferred on an organisation that has been assessed as having met particular standards. From 1 January 2013 all public hospitals in Western Australia are required to be accredited to the National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards using the Australian Health Service Safety and Quality Accreditation Scheme. (Refer to Department of Health, Operational Directive 0410/12 dated 18 December 2012) Public hospitals are required to engage an accrediting agency that is registered with the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care, to undertake their accreditation assessment against the NSQHS Standards. Reporting of a hospital’s accreditation is ‘as at a point in time.’ This definition reflects the new accreditation model implemented from 1 January 2013. Limitations Reported Data Validation Items Format Text Data Values N/A Inclusions All hospitals which treat public patients in WA. Includes private hospitals which are contracted to provide public services. Exclusions Solely private hospitals (i.e., private hospitals which are not contracted to provide public services). Scope Public Hospitals (metropolitan and rural), except Next Step Drug and Alcohol services, East Perth. Private hospitals which are contracted to provide public services, e.g., Joondalup Health Campus, Peel Health Campus. Please refer to a report’s scoping to determine which sites are included/excluded in that particular report. Formula Status of in scope hospitals, presented as the accreditation status 50 as at a point in time. Verification Rules Permissible accreditation status values: • • Accredited Not Accredited Data Collection Identification Items Source Licensing and Accreditation Regulatory Unit (LARU) Governance Items Purpose of the data Current measure of hospital accreditation status across WA Health sites Source of the definition Licensing and Accreditation Regulatory Unit (LARU) Version number 3.1 Approval date 20130719 51 EQ9.a-g: Unplanned hospital readmissions of patients discharged following management of a) knee replacement, b) hip replacement, c) tonsillectomy & adenoidectomy, d) hysterectomy, e) prostatectomy, f) cataract surgery, and g) appendicectomy Reported Data Description Items Identifier (Office use only) Name Unplanned hospital readmissions following selected surgical episodes of care Aliases Unplanned hospital readmissions Unexpected hospital readmissions Definition Unplanned hospital readmissions following surgical episodes of care within a set period of time for: (1) knee replacement, (2) hip replacement, (3) tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy, (4) hysterectomy, (5) prostatectomy, (6) cataract surgery and (7) appendicectomy. Unplanned readmissions are those readmissions where the principal diagnosis (PDx) and readmission interval indicate that the readmission may be related to the care provided by the hospital in an index surgical episode of care. Related Metadata Guide for Use Unplanned hospital readmissions following selected medical episodes of care (in development). This reported definition is based on the proposed MyHospitals definition (as at 17 April 2012) and considers unplanned hospital readmissions following select surgical procedures within a set time period to any public hospital. An index episode of care is an episode of care during which one of the selected surgical procedures occurred during the relevant reference period. For a separation to be considered a readmission, the separation must follow an index episode of care for the same individual that occurred during the relevant denominator reference period. Only the first readmission occurring within the specified readmission interval is counted. If more than one surgical procedure occurs at an index episode of care, then the readmissions is counted for each surgical procedure. This definition is dependent on coded inpatient data (via the Hospital Morbidity Data System [HMDS]) for the numerator and denominator. Therefore this definition is to be reported on a quarterly basis, with a one quarter data lag. This lag is required so a greater volume of data is available for reporting. The identification of patients and the readmission at any hospital uses the Root LP (Linkage Project) Number available within the HMDS. The Root LP Number is generated by the Data Linkage Branch (Public Health Division) and uses probabilistic matching to match cases. When Root LP Number is not available, a concatenation of Hospital Number and UMRN (Unit Medical Record Number) is used instead. Only facilities with greater than 50 denominator separations per annum will be considered for reporting for this indicator. A minimum number of procedures is required during the reporting period so the figures are not skewed by small sample sizes and to protect the confidentiality of patients. Specific rules are applied for the treatment of contiguous hospital separations for the numerator and denominator. The specific rules are outlined in Appendix A. Limitations This reporting definition is dependent on coded information. To overcome this, a lag is included in the reporting of data. Figures reported for recent months may not be complete due to delays in data coding, data linkage and quality checking. The Root LP Number used to identify readmissions is generated using probabilistic matching. This is a ‘best estimate’ used to match cases based on a series of patient identifying information, however false matches are possible. When Root LP Number is not available a concatenation of Hospital Number and UMRN is used instead. In such instances (<1% of cases) readmission to the same hospital can only be reported. A UMRN for each patient may not be available statewide due to different patient identifiers used between each instance of HCARe CMS and also between TOPAS/webPAS and other systems. This reporting definition is derived from a national reporting definition and is subject to change. Reported Data Validation Items Format Percentage 4 NNN.N% Data Values Inclusions The separation is a readmission to any public hospital following an episode of care in which one of the following procedures was performed: knee replacement, hip replacement, tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy, hysterectomy, prostatectomy, cataract surgery or 53 appendicectomy (see procedure lists below). Knee replacement Number of episodes of care in which one of the following surgical procedures (ACHI(7th Ed) procedure codes) was undertaken. Procedure Code 49518-00 49521-00 49521-02 49524-00 Description Total arthroplasty of knee, unilaterial Total arthroplasty of knee with bone graft to femur, unilateral Total arthroplasty of knee with bone graft to tibia, unilaterial Total arthroplasty of knee with bone graft to femur and tibia, unilateral Hip replacement Number of episodes of care in which one of the following surgical procedures (ACHI(7th Ed) procedure codes) was undertaken. Procedure Code Description 49318-00 Total arthroplasty of hip, unilaterial 49319-00 Total arthroplasty of hip, bilateral Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy Number of episodes of care in which one of the following surgical procedures (ACHI(7th Ed) procedure codes) was undertaken. The patient must be aged 14 years or less during the reference period. Procedure Code 41789-00 41789-01 41801-00 Description Tonsillectomy without adenoidectomy Tonsillectomy with adenoidectomy Adenoidectomy without tonsillectomy Hysterectomy Number of episodes of care in which one of the following surgical procedures (ACHI(7th Ed) procedure codes) was undertaken. Procedure Code Description 35653-00 35653-01 35653-04 Subtotal abdominal hysterectomy Total abdominal hysterectomy Total abdominal hysterectomy with removal of adnexa Abdominal hysterectomy with extensive retroperitoneal dissection Abdominal hysterectomy with radical excision of pelvic lymph nodes Laparoscopically assisted vaginal hysterectomy Laparoscopically assisted vaginal hysterectomy with removal of adnexa 35661-00 35670-00 35750-00 35753-02 54 35756-00 35756-03 90448-01 90448-02 35657-00 35673-02 35667-00 35664-00 35664-01 35667-01 90443-00 Laparoscopically assisted vaginal hysterectomy proceeding to abdominal hysterectomy Laparoscopically assisted vaginal hysterectomy proceeding to abdominal hysterectomy with removal of adnexa. Total laparoscopic abdominal hysterectomy Total laparoscopic abdominal hysterectomy with removal of adnexa Vaginal hysterectomy Vaginal hysterectomy with removal of adnexa Radical abdominal hysterectomy Radical abdominal hysterectomy with radical excision of pelvic lymph nodes Radical vaginal hysterectomy with radical excision of pelvic lymph nodes Radical vaginal hysterectomy Other excision of uterus Prostatectomy Number of episodes of care in which one of the following surgical procedures (ACHI(7th Ed) procedure codes) was undertaken. Procedure Code 37207-00 37201-00 37203-00 37203-02 37203-04 37203-05 37207-01 37200-03 37200-04 37224-00 37224-01 90407-00 37203-03 Description Endoscopic laser ablation of prostate (includes TULIP) Transurethral needle ablation of prostate Transurethral resection of prostate Transurethral electrical vaporization of prostate Microwave thermotherapy of prostate High intensity focused ultrasound (transrectal) of prostate Endoscopic laser excision of prostate Suprapubic prostatectomy Retropubic prostatectomy Endoscopic destruction of prostatic lesion Endoscopic resection of prostatic lesion Excision of other lesion of prostate Cryoablation of prostate Cataract surgery Number of episodes of care in which one of the following surgical procedures (ACHI(7th Ed) procedure codes) was undertaken. The patient must be aged 30 years or over during the reference period. Procedure Code 42698-00 42702-00 42702-01 Description Intracapsular extraction of crystalline lens Intracapsular extraction of crystalline lens with insertion of foldable artificial lens Intracapsular extraction of crystalline lens with insertion of other artificial lens 55 42698-01 42702-02 42702-03 42698-02 42702-04 42702-05 42698-03 42702-06 42702-07 42698-04 42702-08 42702-09 42731-01 42698-05 42702-10 42702-11 Extracapsular extraction of crystalline lens by simple aspiration (and irrigation) technique Extracapsular extraction of crystalline lens by simple aspiration (and irrigation) technique with insertion of foldable artificial lens Extracapsular extraction of crystalline lens by simple aspiration (and irrigation) technique with insertion of other artificial lens Extracapsular extraction of crystalline lens by phacoemulsification and aspiration of cataract Extracapsular extraction of crystalline lens by phacoemulsification and aspiration of cataract with insertion of foldable artificial lens Extracapsular extraction of crystalline lens by phacoemulsification and aspiration of cataract with insertion of other artificial lens Extracapsular crystalline lens extraction by mechanical phacofragmentation and aspiration of cataract Extracapsular crystalline lens extraction by mechanical phacofragmentation and aspiration of cataract with insertion of foldable artificial lens Extracapsular crystalline lens extraction by mechanical phacofragmentation and aspiration of cataract with insertion of other artificial lens Other extracapsular extraction of crystalline lens Other extracapsular extraction of crystalline lens with insertion of foldable artificial lens Other extracapsular extraction of crystalline lens with insertion of other artificial lens Extraction of crystalline lens by posterior chamber sclerotomy with removal of vitreous Other extraction of crystalline lens Other extraction of crystalline lens with insertion of foldable artificial lens Other extraction of crystalline lens with insertion of other artificial lens Appendicectomy Number of episodes of care in which one of the following surgical procedures (ACHI(7th Ed) procedure codes) was undertaken. Procedure Code Description 30571-00 Appendicectomy 30572-00 Laparoscopic appendicectomy Specific inclusions for the numerator: The principal diagnosis (PDx) code for the episode of care is one of the ICD-10-AM (7th edition) diagnosis codes listed in appendix B. The readmission occurs within a specified number of days from the previous separation date of admission, as specified below: 56 Procedure Knee replacement Hip replacement Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy Hysterectomy Prostatectomy Cataract surgery Appendicectomy Readmission Interval 60 days 60 days 15 days 30 days 30 days 45 days 30 days Where the readmission interval for specified PDx codes is less than the readmission interval for the selected procedure, the readmission interval is noted in appendix B. Exclusions Please see appendix A for further details on the treatment of contiguous separations in the numerator and denominator. Excludes separations where the patient died in hospital. Hysterectomy excludes episodes of care with an ICD-10-AM (7th Ed) additional diagnosis code Z37 - Outcome of delivery. Only the first readmission within the specified readmission interval is counted. Subsequent readmissions for the index separation are excluded. Scope The following client statuses are excluded from the numerator and denominator: • 0 (Funding Hospital) • 2 (Unqualified Newborn) • 3 (Boarder) • 7 (Organ Procurement) • 8 (Resident) The 36 in-scope Activity Based Funding facilities and where the minimum number of separations for the procedure has been met. Reported by facility by surgical procedure on a quarterly basis. Formula Knee Replacement: Numerator: Count of readmission separations where: the previous procedure code is equal to the procedure list for knee replacement (listed in inclusions above); and client status is not equal to 0,2,3,7 and 8; and a readmission separation has occurred with a principal diagnosis of ‘Y’ for knee replacement in the principal diagnosis codes for numerator list (appendix B); and separation date minus admission date is ‘listed’ for recommended readmission interval for knee replacement in principal diagnosis codes for numerator list (appendix B); else readmission interval is less than or equal to 60 days; and Root LP Number is equal to the previous separation and readmission separation; 57 or if Root LP Number is blank, a concatenation of Hospital Number and UMRN is equal to the previous separation and readmission separation. Denominator: Count of separations where: the procedure code is equal to the procedure list for knee replacement (listed in inclusions above) for a single separation; and client status is not equal to 0,2,3,7 and 8. If two or more continuous separations occur, the previous separations are counted if: the previous separation must have a mode of separation of 1 or 3; and the subsequent separation must have a source of referrallocation of 4 or 5, and a source of referral-professional is not 7; and must be care type acute. Acute separation then surgical procedure performed date of admission [acute separation] is equal to the date of previous separation [surgical procedure separation]; Surgical procedure performed then acute separation: separation date [surgical procedure separation] is equal to the date of admission [acute admission]. Calculation: Numerator divided by the denominator expressed as a percentage. Hip replacement Numerator: Count of readmission separations where: the previous procedure code is equal to the procedure list for hip replacement (listed in inclusions above); and client status is not equal to 0,2,3,7 and 8; and a readmission separation has occurred with a principal diagnosis of ‘Y’ for hip replacement in the principal diagnosis codes for numerator list (appendix B); and separation date minus admission date is ‘listed’ for recommended readmission interval for hip replacement in principal diagnosis codes for numerator list (appendix B); else readmission interval is less than or equal to 60 days; and Root LP Number is equal to the previous separation and readmission separation; or if Root LP Number is blank, a concatenation of Hospital Number and UMRN is equal to the previous separation and readmission separation. Denominator: Count of separations where: the procedure code is equal to the procedure list for hip replacement (listed in inclusions above) for a single separation; and client status is not equal to 0,2,3,7 and 8. If two or more continuous separations occur, the previous separations are counted if: the previous separation must have a mode of separation of 1 or 3; and the subsequent separation must have a source of referrallocation of 4 or 5, and a source of referral-professional is not 7; 58 and must be care type acute. Acute separation then surgical procedure performed: date of admission [acute separation] is equal to the date of previous separation [surgical procedure separation]; Surgical procedure performed then acute separation: separation date [surgical procedure separation] is equal to the date of admission [acute admission]. Calculation: Numerator divided by the denominator expressed as a percentage. Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy Numerator: Count of readmission separations where: the previous procedure code is equal to the procedure list for tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy (listed in inclusions above); and client status is not equal to 0,2,3,7 and 8; and patient is aged 14 years or less during the reference period; and a readmission separation has occurred with a principal diagnosis of ‘Y’ for tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy in the principal diagnosis codes for numerator list (appendix B); and separation date minus admission date is ‘listed’ for recommended readmission interval for tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy in principal diagnosis codes for numerator list (appendix B); else readmission interval is less than or equal to 15 days; and Root LP Number is equal to the previous separation and readmission separation; or if Root LP Number is blank, a concatenation of Hospital Number and UMRN is equal to the previous separation and readmission separation. Denominator: Count of separations where: the procedure code is equal to the procedure list for tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy (listed in inclusions above) for a single separation; and client status is not equal to 0,2,3,7 and 8; and patient is aged 14 years or less during the reference period. If two or more continuous separations occur, the previous separations are counted if: the previous separation must have a mode of separation of 1 or 3; and the subsequent separation must have a source of referrallocation of 4 or 5, and a source of referral-professional is not 7; and must be care type acute. Acute separation then surgical procedure performed: date of admission [acute separation] is equal to the date of previous separation [surgical procedure separation]; Surgical procedure performed then acute separation: Separation date [surgical procedure separation] is equal to the date of admission [acute admission]. Calculation: Numerator divided by the denominator expressed as a percentage. 59 Hysterectomy Numerator: Count of readmission separations where: the previous procedure code is equal to the procedure list for hysterectomy (listed in inclusions above); and client status is not equal to 0,2,3,7 and 8; and excluding episodes of care with an ICD-10-AM (7th Ed) additional diagnosis code Z37 – Outcome of delivery; and a readmission separation has occurred with a principal diagnosis of ‘Y’ for hysterectomy in the principal diagnosis codes for numerator list (appendix B); and separation date minus admission date is ‘listed’ for recommended readmission interval for hysterectomy in principal diagnosis codes for numerator list (appendix B); else readmission interval is less than or equal to 30 days; and Root LP Number is equal to the previous separation and readmission separation; or if Root LP Number is blank, a concatenation of Hospital Number and UMRN is equal to the previous separation and readmission separation. Denominator: Count of separations where: the procedure code is equal to the procedure list for hysterectomy (listed in inclusions above) for a single separation; and client status is not equal to 0,2,3,7 and 8; and excluding episodes of care with an ICD-10-AM (7th Ed) additional diagnosis code Z37 – Outcome of delivery. If two or more continuous separations occur, the previous separations are counted if: the previous separation must have a mode of separation of 1 or 3; and the subsequent separation must have a source of referrallocation of 4 or 5, and a source of referral-professional is not 7; and must be care type acute. Acute separation then surgical procedure performed: date of admission [acute separation] is equal to the date of previous separation [surgical procedure separation]; Surgical procedure performed then acute separation: separation date [surgical procedure separation] is equal to the date of admission [acute admission]. Calculation: Numerator divided by the denominator expressed as a percentage. Prostatectomy Numerator: Count of readmission separations where: the previous procedure code is equal to the procedure list for prostatectomy (listed in inclusions above); and client status is not equal to 0,2,3,7 and 8; and a readmission separation has occurred with a principal 60 diagnosis of ‘Y’ for prostatectomy in the principal diagnosis codes for numerator list (appendix B); and separation date minus admission date is ‘listed’ for recommended readmission interval for prostatectomy in principal diagnosis codes for numerator list (appendix B); else readmission interval is less than or equal to 30 days; and Root LP Number is equal to the previous separation and readmission separation; or if Root LP Number is blank, a concatenation of Hospital Number and UMRN is equal to the previous separation and readmission separation. Denominator: Count of separations where: the procedure code is equal to the procedure list for prostatectomy (listed in inclusions above) for a single separation; and client status is not equal to 0,2,3,7 and 8. If two or more continuous separations occur, the previous separations are counted if: the previous separation must have a mode of separation of 1 or 3; and the subsequent separation must have a source of referrallocation of 4 or 5, and a source of referral-professional is not 7; and must be care type acute. Acute separation then surgical procedure performed: date of admission [acute separation] is equal to the date of previous separation [surgical procedure separation]; Surgical procedure performed then acute separation: separation date [surgical procedure separation] is equal to the date of admission [acute admission]. Calculation: Numerator divided by the denominator expressed as a percentage. Cataract surgery Numerator: Count of readmission separations where: the previous procedure code is equal to the procedure list for cataract surgery (listed in inclusions above); and client status is not equal to 0,2,3,7 and 8; and patient is aged 30 years or over during the reference period; and a readmission separation has occurred with a principal diagnosis of ‘Y’ for cataract surgery in the principal diagnosis codes for numerator list (appendix B); and separation date minus admission date is ‘listed’ for recommended readmission interval for cataract surgery in principal diagnosis codes for numerator list (appendix B); else readmission interval is less than or equal to 45 days; and Root LP Number is equal to the previous separation and readmission separation; or if Root LP Number is blank, a concatenation of Hospital Number and UMRN is equal to the previous separation and readmission separation; Denominator: 61 Count of separations where: the procedure code is equal to the procedure list for cataract surgery (listed in inclusions above) for a single separation; and client status is not equal to 0,2,3,7 and 8; and patient is aged 30 years or over during the reference period. If two or more continuous separations occur, the previous separations are counted if: the previous separation must have a mode of separation of 1 or 3; and the subsequent separation must have a source of referrallocation of 4 or 5, and a source of referral-professional is not 7; and must be care type acute. Acute separation then surgical procedure performed: date of admission [acute separation] is equal to the date of previous separation [surgical procedure separation]; Surgical procedure performed then acute separation: separation date [surgical procedure separation] is equal to the date of admission [acute admission]. Calculation: Numerator divided by the denominator expressed as a percentage. Appendicectomy Numerator: Count of readmission separations where: the previous procedure code is equal to the procedure list for appendicectomy (listed in inclusions above); and client status is not equal to 0,2,3,7 and 8; and a readmission separation has occurred with a principal diagnosis of ‘Y’ for appendicectomy in the principal diagnosis codes for numerator list (appendix B); and separation date minus admission date is ‘listed’ for recommended readmission interval for appendicectomy in principal diagnosis codes for numerator list (appendix B); else readmission interval is less than or equal to 30 days; and Root LP Number is equal to the previous separation and readmission separation; or if Root LP Number is blank, a concatenation of Hospital Number and UMRN is equal to the previous separation and readmission separation; Denominator: Count of separations where: the procedure code is equal to the procedure list for appendicectomy (listed in inclusions above) for a single separation; and client status is not equal to 0,2,3,7 and 8. If two or more continuous separations occur, the previous separations are counted if: the previous separation must have a mode of separation of 1 or 3; and the subsequent separation must have a source of referrallocation of 4 or 5, and a source of referral-professional is not 7; and must be care type acute. Acute separation then surgical procedure performed: date of admission [acute separation] is equal to the date of 62 previous separation [surgical procedure separation]; Surgical procedure performed then acute separation: separation date [surgical procedure separation] is equal to the date of admission [acute admission]. Calculation: Numerator divided by the denominator expressed as a percentage. Reference Period: The readmission interval is measured from the separation date of the index episode of care. To determine if a subsequent episode of care is a readmission, the readmission interval is applied from the date of separation for the index separation to the date of admission for the subsequent episode of care. Verification For reporting purposes, the readmission is counted against the quarter in which the initial separation occurred. 0-100% Rules Data Collection Identification Items Source Hospital Morbidity Data System, Inpatient Data Collections, Data Integrity, PAQ Governance Items Purpose of the data Source of the definition This information is used for Activity Based Funding and Management reporting, other internal performance reporting and for internal validation of proposed national reporting definition. Unplanned/ unexpected readmissions following selected surgical episodes of care (any public hospital, same state/ territory) MyHospitals definition (17/4/2012 draft definition). Further revisions made by the Performance Directorate and Data Integrity Directorate in the Performance Activity and Quality Division. Version number v1.0 Approval date 20130805 63 Appendix A: Treatment of contiguous hospital separations for denominator and numerator (specific rules used in the draft MyHospitals definition) Note: DOA - date of admission DOS - date of separation PDx – principal diagnosis Scenario 1 Separation A Procedure performed Separation B Separation C Care type: Acute Care type: Non-acute DOS Separation A = DOA Separation B AND DOS Separation B = DOA Separation C Denominator – Index episode of care Numerator – Readmission • Include Separation A in the • Include Separation B in the numerator as a readmission for Separation A if: − Source of Referral-Location for Separation B is not 4 or 5 or Source of ReferralProfessional is not 7 AND − PDx is a readmission PDx as per Table 1 denominator • Include Separation B in the index episode of care if: − DOS Separation A = DOA Separation B AND − Source of Referral-Location for Separation B is 4 (acute hospital) or 5 (psychiatric hospital) and Source of Referral-Professional is not 7 (statistical admission/type change) • Include Separation C in the numerator as a readmission for Separation B if: − Separation B is in denominator AND − Source of Referral-Location for Separation C is not 4 or 5 or Source of ReferralProfessional is not 7 AND − PDx is a readmission PDx as per Table 1 Readmission Interval The readmission interval applies from the DOS for Separation A to the DOA for a readmission. If Separation B is included in the index episode of care, the readmission interval for both Separations A and B applies from the DOS for Separation B to the DOA for a readmission. 64 Scenario 2 Separation A Procedure performed Separation B Separation C Care type: Non-acute Care type: Acute DOS Separation A = DOA Separation B AND DOS Separation B = DOA Separation C Denominator – Index episode of care Numerator – Readmission • Include Separation A in the • Include Separation B in the numerator as a readmission for Separation A if: − Source of Referral-Location for Separation B is not 4 or 5 or Source of ReferralProfessional is not 7 AND − PDx is a readmission PDx as per Table 1 denominator • Separations B and C are not included in the denominator • Include Separation C in the numerator as a readmission for Separation A if: − Separation B is not in numerator AND − PDx is a readmission PDx as per Table 1 Readmission Interval The readmission interval is measured from the DOS for Separation A. 65 Appendix B: ICD10-AM (7th Ed) principal diagnosis codes for the numerator (specific rules used in the MyHospitals definition) Note: If the readmission interval shown in this appendix is longer than the procedure’s specified readmission interval (e.g. readmission interval for tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy is 15 days), then the default readmission interval should be the procedure’s specific readmission interval. Principal Diagnosis A04.7 - Enterocolitis due to Clostridium difficile A40 - Streptococcal sepsis A41 - Other sepsis A49 - Bacterial infection of unspecified site D50.0 - Iron deficiency anaemia secondary to blood loss (chronic) D50.8 - Other iron deficiency anaemias D50.9 - Iron deficiency anaemia, unspecified D62 - Acute posthaemorrhagic anaemia D64.9 - Anaemia, unspecified D68.3 - Haemorrhagic disorder due to circulating anticoagulants D68.4 - Acquired coagulation factor deficiency D68.5 - Primary thrombophilia D68.6 - Other thrombophilia D68.8 - Other specified coagulation defects D68.9 - Coagulation defect, unspecified D69.5 - Secondary thrombocytopenia D69.6 Thrombocytopenia, unspecified D69.8 - Other specified haemorrhagic conditions D69.9 - Haemorrhagic condition, unspecified E10.0 - Type 1 diabetes mellitus with hyperosmolarity E10.1 - Type 1 diabetes mellitus with acidosis E10.64 - Type 1 diabetes mellitus with hypoglycaemia E10.65 - Type 1 diabetes mellitus with poor control E11.0 - Type 2 diabetes mellitus with hyperosmolarity E11.1 - Type 2 diabetes mellitus with acidosis E11.64 - Type 2 diabetes mellitus with hypoglycaemia E11.65 - Type 2 diabetes mellitus with poor control Knee Rep. Hip Rep. Hyster. Prostat. Tonsill. & Adenoid. Appendic. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Cat.Surg. Recommended readmission interval (if not entire readmission interval) 0-30 days Y Y 0-7 days 0-7 days 0-7 days 0-15 days 0-7 days 66 Principal Diagnosis E13.0 - Other specified diabetes mellitus with hyperosmolarity E13.1 - Other specified diabetes mellitus with acidosis E13.64 - Other specified diabetes mellitus with hypoglycaemia E13.65 - Other specified diabetes mellitus with poor control E14.0 - Unspecified diabetes mellitus with hyperosmolarity E14.1 - Unspecified diabetes mellitus with acidosis E14.64 - Unspecified diabetes mellitus with hypoglycaemia E14.65 - Unspecified diabetes mellitus with poor control E27.2 - Addisonian crisis E86 - Volume depletion E87 - Other disorders of fluid, electrolyte and acidbase balance F05.9 - Delirium, unspecified F10.2 - Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol, dependence syndrome F10.5 - Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol, psychotic disorder F11.2 - Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of opioids, dependence syndrome F11.5 - Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of opioids, psychotic disorder G45 - Transient cerebral ischaemic attacks and related syndromes G54.0 - Brachial plexus disorders G54.1 - Lumbosacral plexus disorders G56 - Mononeuropathies of upper limb G57 - Mononeuropathies of lower limb G97.0 - Cerebrospinal fluid leak from spinal puncture G97.1 - Other reaction to spinal and lumbar puncture G97.8 - Other postprocedural disorders of nervous system Knee Rep. Hip Rep. Hyster. Prostat. Tonsill. & Adenoid. Appendic. Cat.Surg. Recommended readmission interval (if not entire readmission interval) Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days 0-7 days 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y 67 Y Y 0-7 days Y 0-7 days Principal Diagnosis G97.9 - Postprocedural disorder of nervous system, unspecified H02.4 - Ptosis of eyelid H15.0 - Scleritis H16.0 - Corneal ulcer H16.1 - Other superficial keratitis without conjunctivitis H16.2 Keratoconjunctivitis H16.3 - Interstitial and deep keratitis H16.8 - Other keratitis H16.9 - Keratitis, unspecified H20.0 - Acute and subacute iridocyclitis H20.2 - Lens-induced iridocyclitis H20.8 - Other iridocyclitis H20.9 - Iridocyclitis, unspecified H21.0 - Hyphaema H21.5 - Other adhesions and disruptions of iris and ciliary body H21.8 - Other specified disorders of iris and ciliary body H26.4 - After-cataract H27 - Other disorders of lens H31.3 - Choroidal haemorrhage and rupture H31.4 - Choroidal detachment H33.0 - Retinal detachment with retinal break H33.2 - Serous retinal detachment H33.3 - Retinal breaks without detachment H33.4 - Traction detachment of retina H33.5 - Other retinal detachments H40.0 - Glaucoma suspect H40.2 - Primary angleclosure glaucoma H40.4 - Glaucoma secondary to eye inflammation H40.8 - Other glaucoma H40.9 - Glaucoma, unspecified H43.0 - Vitreous prolapse H43.1 - Vitreous haemorrhage H43.3 - Other vitreous opacities H43.8 - Other disorders of vitreous body H43.9 - Disorder of vitreous body, unspecified Knee Rep. Hip Rep. Hyster. Prostat. Tonsill. & Adenoid. Appendic. Cat.Surg. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 68 Recommended readmission interval (if not entire readmission interval) 0-7 days Principal Diagnosis H44.0 - Purulent endophthalmitis H44.1 - Other endophthalmitis H44.4 - Hypotony of eye H44.6 - Retained (old) intraocular foreign body, magnetic H44.7 - Retained (old) intraocular foreign body, nonmagnetic H53 - Visual disturbances H57.1 - Ocular pain H59 - Postprocedural disorders of eye and adnexa, not elsewhere classified I20 - Angina pectoris I21 - Acute myocardial infarction I24 - Other acute ischaemic heart diseases I26 - Pulmonary embolism I33 - Acute and subacute endocarditis I38 - Endocarditis, valve unspecified I39 - Endocarditis and heart valve disorders in diseases classified elsewhere I45 - Other conduction disorders I46 - Cardiac arrest I47 - Paroxysmal tachycardia I48 - Atrial fibrillation and flutter I49 - Other cardiac arrhythmias I50 - Heart failure I51 - Complications and ill-defined descriptions of heart disease I60 - Subarachnoid haemorrhage I61 - Intracerebral haemorrhage I62 - Other nontraumatic intracranial haemorrhage I63 - Cerebral infarction I64 - Stroke, not specified as haemorrhage or infarction I65 - Occlusion and stenosis of precerebral arteries, not resulting in cerebral infarction I66 - Occlusion and stenosis of cerebral arteries, not resulting in cerebral infarction I74 - Arterial embolism and thrombosis I80 - Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis I81 - Portal vein thrombosis Knee Rep. Hip Rep. Hyster. Prostat. Tonsill. & Adenoid. Appendic. Cat.Surg. Recommended readmission interval (if not entire readmission interval) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-15 days Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-15 days Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-15 days Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days 69 Y Principal Diagnosis I82.2 - Embolism and thrombosis of vena cava I82.8 - Embolism and thrombosis of other specified veins I95 - Hypotension I97.8 - Other postprocedural disorders of circulatory system, not elsewhere classified I97.9 - Postprocedural disorder of circulatory system, unspecified J02 - Acute pharyngitis J03 - Acute tonsillitis J06 - Acute upper respiratory infections of multiple and unspecified sites J12 - Viral pneumonia, not elsewhere classified J13 - Pneumonia due to Streptococcus pneumoniae J14 - Pneumonia due to Haemophilus influenzae J15 - Bacterial pneumonia, not elsewhere classified J16 - Pneumonia due to other infectious organisms, not elsewhere classified J17 - Pneumonia in diseases classified elsewhere J18 - Pneumonia, organism unspecified J20 - Acute bronchitis J22 - Unspecified acute lower respiratory infection J35 - Chronic diseases of tonsils and adenoids J36 - Peritonsillar abscess J39 - Other diseases of upper respiratory tract J40 - Bronchitis, not specified as acute or chronic J44 - Other chronic obstructive pulmonary disease J69.0 - Pneumonitis due to food and vomit J81 - Pulmonary oedema J95.2 - Acute pulmonary insufficiency following nonthoracic surgery J95.4 - Mendelson's syndrome J95.5 - Postprocedural subglottic stenosis J95.8 - Other postprocedural respiratory disorders J95.9 - Postprocedural respiratory disorder, unspecified Knee Rep. Hip Rep. Hyster. Prostat. Tonsill. & Adenoid. Appendic. Cat.Surg. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-15 days Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-15 days Y Recommended readmission interval (if not entire readmission interval) 0-7 days 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y 0-7 days Y 0-7 days Y Y Y 0-7 days 0-7 days Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days 70 Principal Diagnosis J96.0 - Acute respiratory failure J96.9 - Respiratory failure, unspecified J98.1 - Pulmonary collapse K12.2 - Cellulitis and abscess of mouth K38.3 - Fistula of appendix K43 - Ventral hernia K45 - Other abdominal hernia K46 - Unspecified abdominal hernia K56.0 - Paralytic ileus K56.1 - Intussusception K56.2 - Volvulus K56.4 - Other impaction of intestine K56.5 - Intestinal adhesions [bands] with obstruction K56.6 - Other and unspecified intestinal obstruction K56.7 - Ileus, unspecified K57 - Diverticular disease of intestine K59.0 - Constipation K63.0 - Abscess of intestine K63.1 - Perforation of intestine (nontraumatic) K63.2 - Fistula of intestine K65 - Peritonitis K66.0 - Peritoneal adhesions K66.1 - Haemoperitoneum K91.0 - Vomiting following gastrointestinal surgery K91.3 - Postprocedural intestinal obstruction K91.8 - Other postprocedural disorders of digestive system, not elsewhere classified K91.9 - Postprocedural disorder of digestive system, unspecified K92.0 - Haematemesis K92.1 - Melaena K92.2 - Gastrointestinal haemorrhage, unspecified L03.10 - Cellulitis of upper limb L03.11 - Cellulitis of lower limb L03.2 - Cellulitis of face L03.3 - Cellulitis of trunk L23.1 - Allergic contact dermatitis due to adhesives L27.0 - Generalised skin eruption due to drugs and medicaments Knee Rep. Hip Rep. Hyster. Prostat. Tonsill. & Adenoid. Appendic. Cat.Surg. Recommended readmission interval (if not entire readmission interval) Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days 0-7 days Y Y Y 0-7 days Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y 0-7 days Y 0-7 days Y 0-7 days Y 0-7 days 0-7 days 0-7 days 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 71 Y 0-7 days Principal Diagnosis L27.1 - Localised skin eruption due to drugs and medicaments L89 - Decubitus ulcer and pressure area M00.05 - Staphylococcal arthritis and polyarthritis, pelvic region and thigh M00.06 - Staphylococcal arthritis and polyarthritis, lower leg M00.25 - Other streptococcal arthritis and polyarthritis, pelvic region and thigh M00.26 - Other streptococcal arthritis and polyarthritis, lower leg M00.95 - Pyogenic arthritis, unspecified, pelvic region and thigh M00.96 - Pyogenic arthritis, unspecified, lower leg M21.25 - Flexion deformity, pelvic region and thigh M21.26 - Flexion deformity, lower leg M21.30 - Wrist or foot drop (acquired), multiple sites M21.37 - Wrist or foot drop (acquired), ankle and foot M21.75 - Unequal limb length (acquired), pelvic region and thigh M21.76 - Unequal limb length (acquired), lower leg M24.45 - Recurrent dislocation and subluxation of joint, pelvic region and thigh M24.46 - Recurrent dislocation and subluxation of joint, lower leg M24.65 - Ankylosis of joint, pelvic region and thigh M24.66 - Ankylosis of joint, lower leg M25.05 - Haemarthrosis, pelvic region and thigh M25.06 - Haemarthrosis, lower leg M25.45 - Effusion of joint, pelvic region and thigh M25.46 - Effusion of joint, lower leg M25.55 - Pain in a joint, pelvic region and thigh M25.56 - Pain in a joint, lower leg M25.65 - Stiffness of joint, not elsewhere classified, pelvic region and thigh Knee Rep. Hip Rep. Hyster. Prostat. Tonsill. & Adenoid. Appendic. Cat.Surg. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days 0-7 days Y Y Recommended readmission interval (if not entire readmission interval) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 72 Principal Diagnosis M25.66 - Stiffness of joint, not elsewhere classified, lower leg M25.85 - Other specified joint disorders, pelvic region and thigh M25.86 - Other specified joint disorders, lower leg M25.95 - Unspecified joint disorder, pelvic region and thigh M25.96 - Unspecified joint disorder, lower leg M79.15 - Myalgia, pelvic region and thigh M79.16 - Myalgia, lower leg M79.25 - Neuralgia and neuritis, unspecified, pelvic region and thigh M79.26 - Neuralgia and neuritis, unspecified, lower leg M79.55 - Residual foreign body in soft tissue, pelvic region and thigh M79.56 - Residual foreign body in soft tissue, lower leg M79.65 - Pain in limb, pelvic region and thigh M79.66 - Pain in limb, lower leg M84.35 - Stress fracture, not elsewhere classified, pelvic region and thigh M84.36 - Stress fracture, not elsewhere classified, lower leg M87.05 - Idiopathic aseptic necrosis of bone, pelvic region and thigh M87.06 - Idiopathic aseptic necrosis of bone, lower leg M87.25 - Osteonecrosis due to previous trauma, pelvic region and thigh M87.26 - Osteonecrosis due to previous trauma, lower leg M87.85 - Other osteonecrosis, pelvic region and thigh M87.86 - Other osteonecrosis, lower leg M87.95 - Unspecified osteonecrosis, pelvic region and thigh M87.96 - Unspecified osteonecrosis, lower leg M96.6 - Fracture of bone following insertion of orthopaedic implant, joint prosthesis, or bone plate M96.8 - Other postprocedural musculoskeletal disorders Knee Rep. Hip Rep. Hyster. Prostat. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 73 Tonsill. & Adenoid. Appendic. Cat.Surg. Recommended readmission interval (if not entire readmission interval) Principal Diagnosis M96.9 - Postprocedural musculoskeletal disorder, unspecified N02.8 - Recurrent and persistent haematuria, other N02.9 - Recurrent and persistent haematuria, unspecified N13.0 - Hydronephrosis with ureteropelvic junction obstruction N13.1 - Hydronephrosis with ureteral stricture, not elsewhere classified N13.3 - Other and unspecified hydronephrosis N13.4 - Hydroureter N13.5 - Kinking and stricture of ureter without hydronephrosis N13.6 - Pyonephrosis N13.7 - Vesicoureteralreflux-associated uropathy N13.8 - Other obstructive and reflux uropathy N13.9 - Obstructive and reflux uropathy, unspecified N17 - Acute kidney failure N30.0 - Acute cystitis N30.3 - Trigonitis N30.8 - Other cystitis N30.9 - Cystitis, unspecified N31.2 - Flaccid neuropathic bladder, not elsewhere classified N31.8 - Other neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder N31.9 - Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder, unspecified N32.0 - Bladder neck obstruction N32.1 - Vesicointestinal fistula N32.2 - Vesical fistula, not elsewhere classified N35 - Urethral stricture N39.0 - Urinary tract infection, site not specified N39.3 - Stress incontinence N39.4 - Other specified urinary incontinence N41 - Inflammatory diseases of prostate N42.1 - Congestion and haemorrhage of prostate N45 - Orchitis and epididymitis N47 - Redundant prepuce, phimosis and paraphimosis N48.1 - Balanoposthitis Knee Rep. Hip Rep. Hyster. Prostat. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Tonsill. & Adenoid. Appendic. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 74 Cat.Surg. Recommended readmission interval (if not entire readmission interval) 0-7 days Principal Diagnosis N70 - Salpingitis and oophoritis N73 - Other female pelvic inflammatory diseases N76 - Other inflammation of vagina and vulva N81 - Female genital prolapse N82 - Fistulae involving female genital tract N89.5 - Stricture and atresia of vagina N93 - Other abnormal uterine and vaginal bleeding N94.1 - Dyspareunia N99.0 - Postprocedural kidney failure N99.1 - Postprocedural urethral stricture N99.3 - Prolapse of vaginal vault after hysterectomy N99.8 - Other postprocedural disorders of genitourinary system N99.9 - Postprocedural disorder of genitourinary system, unspecified Q43.0 - Meckel's diverticulum R00 - Abnormalities of heart beat R04.1 - Haemorrhage from throat R04.2 - Haemoptysis R06.0 - Dyspnoea R06.1 - Stridor R07.0 - Pain in throat R10.0 - Acute abdomen R10.2 - Pelvic and perineal pain R10.3 - Pain localised to other parts of lower abdomen R11 - Nausea and vomiting R13 - Dysphagia R15 - Faecal incontinence R19.0 - Intra-abdominal and pelvic swelling, mass and lump R26.2 - Difficulty in walking, not elsewhere classified R26.8 - Other and unspecified abnormalities of gait and mobility R30.1 - Vesical tenesmus R30.9 - Painful micturition, unspecified R31 - Unspecified haematuria R32 - Unspecified urinary incontinence R33 - Retention of urine R34 - Anuria and oliguria Knee Rep. Hip Rep. Hyster. Prostat. Tonsill. & Adenoid. Appendic. Y Y Y Y Cat.Surg. Recommended readmission interval (if not entire readmission interval) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days 0-7 days 0-7 days 75 Principal Diagnosis R39.0 - Extravasation of urine R39.1 - Other difficulties with micturition R39.8 - Other and unspecified symptoms and signs involving the urinary system R41.0 - Disorientation, unspecified R42 - Dizziness and giddiness R49.0 - Dysphonia R50 - Fever of other and unknown origin R53 - Malaise and fatigue R58 - Haemorrhage, not elsewhere classified R63.0 - Anorexia R63.3 - Feeding difficulties and mismanagement R63.8 - Other symptoms and signs concerning food and fluid intake R79 - Other abnormal findings of blood chemistry S06.1 - Traumatic cerebral oedema S06.3 - Focal brain injury S06.4 - Epidural haemorrhage S06.5 - Traumatic subdural haemorrhage S06.6 - Traumatic subarachnoid haemorrhage S06.8 - Other intracranial injuries S30.2 - Contusion of external genital organs S37.1 - Injury of ureter S37.20 - Injury of bladder, unspecified S37.21 - Contusion of bladder S37.22 - Rupture of bladder S37.28 - Other injury of bladder S37.30 - Injury of urethra, part unspecified S37.31 - Injury of membranous urethra S37.32 - Injury of penile urethra S37.33 - Injury of prostatic urethra S37.38 - Injury of other part of urethra S37.4 - Injury of ovary S37.5 - Injury of fallopian tube S37.7 - Injury of multiple pelvic organs S37.81 - Injury of adrenal gland Knee Rep. Hip Rep. Hyster. Prostat. Y Y Tonsill. & Adenoid. Appendic. Cat.Surg. Recommended readmission interval (if not entire readmission interval) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days 0-7 days 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y 0-7 days 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y 0-7 days Y Y 0-7 days Y Y 0-7 days Y Y 0-7 days Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y 0-7 days 0-7 days 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days 0-7 days Y 0-7 days Y 0-7 days Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y 76 Principal Diagnosis S37.82 - Injury of prostate S37.83 - Injury of seminal vesicle S37.84 - Injury of vas deferens S37.88 - Injury of other pelvic organ S37.9 - Injury of unspecified pelvic organ S72.0 - Fracture of neck of femur S73 - Dislocation, sprain and strain of joint and ligaments of hip S74 - Injury of nerves at hip and thigh level T40.2 - Other opioids T40.4 - Other synthetic narcotics T40.6 - Other and unspecified narcotics T45.5 - Anticoagulants T80.1 - Vascular complications following infusion, transfusion and therapeutic injection T80.2 - Infections following infusion, transfusion and therapeutic injection T81 - Complications of procedures, not elsewhere classified Excluding T81.1 - Shock during or resulting from a procedure, not elsewhere classified T83.0 - Mechanical complication of urinary (indwelling) catheter T84 - Complications of internal orthopaedic prosthetic devices, implants and grafts T85.2 - Mechanical complication of intraocular lens T85.78 - Infection and inflammatory reaction due to other internal prosthetic devices, implants and grafts T85.88 - Other complications of internal prosthetic device, implant and graft, NEC T85.9 - Unspecified complication of internal prosthetic device, implant and graft T88.5 - Other complications of anaesthesia T88.7 - Unspecified adverse effect of drug or medicament Knee Rep. Y Hip Rep. Hyster. Prostat. Tonsill. & Adenoid. Appendic. Cat.Surg. Y Recommended readmission interval (if not entire readmission interval) 0-7 days Y 0-7 days Y 0-7 days Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y 0-7 days Y 0-7 days Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 0-7 days 77 Principal Diagnosis T88.8 - Other specified complications of surgical and medical care, not elsewhere classified T88.9 - Complication of surgical and medical care, unspecified Z46.6 - Fitting and adjustment of urinary device Z74.0 - Need for assistance due to reduced mobility Knee Rep. Hip Rep. Hyster. Prostat. Tonsill. & Adenoid. Appendic. Cat.Surg. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 78 Y Recommended readmission interval (if not entire readmission interval) 0-7 days EQ12: Rate of community follow up within first 7 days of discharge from psychiatric admission Reported Data Description Items Identifier (office use only) Name Aliases Definition Rate of community follow-up within first 7 days of discharge from psychiatric admission Proportion of public patient contacts with community-based public mental health non-admitted services within seven days post discharge from designated acute psychiatric inpatient units. Proportion of separations from the mental health service organisation’s acute psychiatric inpatient unit(s) for which a community ambulatory service contact, in which the consumer participated, was recorded in the seven days immediately following that separation. An acute psychiatric inpatient unit is defined as services that provide voluntary and involuntary short-term inpatient management and treatment during an acute phase of mental illness, until the person has recovered enough to be treated effectively and safely in the community. An ambulatory service contact is the provision of a clinically significant service by a specialised MH service provider(s) for patients/clients, other than those patients/clients admitted to psychiatric hospitals or designated psychiatric units in acute care hospitals, and those resident in 24 hour staffed specialised residential mental health services, where the nature of the service would normally warrant a dated entry in the clinical record of the patient/client in question. In May 2011 a target of 75% achievement was endorsed by the AHMAC Mental Health Standing Committee. This target will be subject to periodic review and will be further informed by analysis of the data. Related Metadata Rate of hospital readmissions within 28 days to a designated mental health inpatient unit. Guide for Use: Continuity of care and support following discharge from a mental inpatient service is important as: • A responsive community support system for persons who have experienced an acute psychiatric episode requiring hospitalisation is essential to maintain clinical and functional stability and to minimise the need for hospital readmission. o Patients leaving hospital after a psychiatric admission with a formal discharge plan, involving linkages with community services and supports, are less likely to need early readmission. o Research indicates that patients have increased vulnerability immediately following discharge, including higher risk for suicide. This indicator is reported at the facility at which the patient was discharged from. 79 This indicator is reported at a facility level and is based on the location of the acute psychiatric inpatient unit (e.g., as Boronia Lodge is located at Swan Districts hospital, any post discharge contacts for separations from Boronia Lodge will be reported under Swan Districts hospital). Limitations Some public patients discharged from designated mental health inpatient units will not be followed up by a public community team. These patients may leave the State or be treated by a private mental health practitioner or a GP. These patients are counted as not being seen when they should be excluded altogether from the denominator. This reporting definition relies on coded data from HMDS. By its nature, this indicator also requires at least 7 days to elapse from the date of separation prior to being able to report. To overcome these limitations, a lag is included in the reporting of data. Figures reported for recent months may not be complete due to delays in data coding and quality checking. It is recommended that this indicator is reported on a quarterly basis with a 6 month lag in the reference period for the data. Reported Data Validation Items Format Percentage 4 NN.N% Data Values Inclusions All public patient separations from designated acute mental health inpatient units within WA. For the numerator – the patient must be present at the service event following discharge. Exclusions For the numerator - Community service contacts on day of separation are not included. The following separations are excluded: • Same day separations. • Statistical and change of care type separations. • Separations that end by transfer to another acute or psychiatric hospital. • Separations that end by death, left against medical advice/discharge at own risk. • Separations where length of stay is one night only and procedure code for ECT is recorded. Note: the Procedure code for ECT is identified from the ACHI 7th Edition: Electroconvulsive therapy block 1907. Scope All WA designated psychiatric mental health facilities (as listed below). 80 Acute mental health units at the following facilities: Excludes the following nonacute/rehabilitation units Albany Hospital Armadale Hospital Karri Ward Bentley Hospital John Milne Centre Broome Hospital Bunbury Hospital Fremantle Hospital Graylands Hospital Ellis, Plaistowe, Casson, Red Wing, Murchison and Plaistowe Forensic Joondalup Health Campus Kalgoorlie hospital King Edward Memorial Hospital Mercy Hospital Osborne Park Hospital Princess Margaret Hospital Rockingham Hospital Royal Perth Hospital Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital Swan Districts Hospital For a particular report, please refer to that report’s scoping to determine which sites are included. Formula Numerator: Number of in scope overnight public separations from designated acute mental health inpatient units within the reference period for which a community ambulatory service contact, in which the consumer participated, was recorded in the seven days immediately following that separation. Denominator: Number of in-scope overnight public separations for designated acute mental health inpatient units occurring within the reference period. Calculation (Numerator ÷ Denominator) × 100, expressed as a percentage Verification Rules Value =< 100% 81 Data Collection Identification Items Source HMDS (Inpatient separations) and MHIS (Ambulatory mental health service contacts) Governance Items Purpose of the data To monitor continuity of care and support following discharge from a mental health inpatient unit. Source of the definition Manager, Mental Health Information System. Version number 1.1 Approval date 20130605 AHMAC, National Mental Health Performance subcommittee. 82 EQ13: Measures of patient experience (including satisfaction) with hospital services Reported Data Description Items Identifier Name Aliases Definition Related Metadata Guide for Use (office use only) Overall Indicator of Patient Satisfaction Overall Satisfaction, wghtcomp Overall patient satisfaction for adults admitted 0-34 nights to public hospitals (and to private hospitals contracted to provide public hospital services). The Overall Indicator of Patient Satisfaction is just one component of the Patient Evaluation of Health Services (PEHS) Patient Satisfaction survey, but gives a good indication of overall patient satisfaction as measured by seven domains and is also weighted by overall rankings of importance. The PEHS survey is conducted annually by Edith Cowan University’s Survey Research Centre using Computer Assisted Telephone Interview. The survey is administered to a randomly selected sample of patients admitted to a WA hospital as a public patient. The survey uses a valid and reliable instrument containing questions that cover seven domains of health care. These domains were identified by Principal Component Analysis and validated by the University of Western Australia. The seven domains are: • Time and attention paid to your care • Getting into hospital • Information and communication between you and the people caring for you • Meeting your personal as well as clinical needs • Your right to be involved in your care and treatment • The coordination and consistency of your care • The residential aspects of the hospital Patients are also asked to rank each domain from least important to most important. Each scale score is calculated as follows. Firstly, the responses to each question in the domains (scales) are weighted from 0 to 1, where 0 is the least acceptable or least favorable response and 1 is the most acceptable or most favorable response. All values in between reflect a range of perceptions between these two extremes. ‘No opinion’ and ‘Doesn’t apply’ are not included in the analysis. Secondly, the average score out of 100 for each of the 83 seven scales (and their sub-scales if applicable) is calculated. The scores are then weighted by the rankings of importance. The average of these seven scales is calculated, this is the overall indicator of patient satisfaction. Limitations If the overall score is less than 70, there is cause for concern. An investigation of each scale and individual questions will assist in identifying those areas of patient satisfaction that require attention. The sampling timeframes have changed over time. In 2010-11 and 2009-10 the surveys were conducted over each full financial year. In 2009 the survey was conducted from 1 February to 30 June 2009. The number of patients selected from each hospital will vary based on budgetary constraints and the size of the hospital. The sample is only representative of Western Australian adults admitted to hospitals as a public patient. Reported Data Validation Items Format Data Values Inclusions Exclusions Scope Formula: Numeric 4 NNN.N Care Type = 21 = Acute Care Funding = 21 = Australian HealthCare Agreements Funding Client Type = 6 = Admitted Client Mode Separation = 9 = Home Length of Stay 0-34 nights (sep - adm=<34) Aged 16-74 years at separation Western Australian Resident (6000<=postcode<=6999) At least one phone number Psychiatric Care Days > 0 Interpreter Required = 1 = Yes Silent Numbers Prisoners Deceased since discharge Public Hospitals (metropolitan and rural) Joondalup Health Campus, publicly funded activity Peel Health Campus, publicly funded activity Weight individual responses to questions from 0 to 1, If 4 point variable: wardwait2 =.; if wardwait = 1 then wardwait2 = 0; if wardwait = 2 then wardwait2 = .33; if wardwait = 3 then wardwait2 = .67; if wardwait = 4 then wardwait2 = 1; drop wardwait; rename wardwait2 wardwait; 84 If 5 point variable then weight as follows: 1 = 0; 2 = .25; 3 = .5; 4 = .75; 5 = 1; Then Calculate mean scale scores for each subscale, E.g. getohosp = MEAN(of wardwait hos_wait adm_feel)*100; …(repeat for all other subscales) Then Calculate mean scale scores for each scale, as defined by subscales E.g. access = MEAN(of wardwait hos_wait adm_feel signpost parking rate_ass priv_ask culture dietask adm_proc adm_plan timecons toldward ask_medi ohcpchk )*100; …(and repeat for 6 other scales) Then Weight each scale score by corresponding patient rankings from least important to most important, avail_mean = mean (of avail); needs_mean = mean (of needs); waittime_mean = mean (of waittime); inform_mean = mean (of inform); involve_mean = mean (of involv); environ_mean = mean (of environ); cocare_mean = mean (of cocare); min = min(of avail_mean needs_mean waittime_mean inform_mean involve_mean environ_mean cocare_mean); sc1 = access*(waittime_mean/min); sc2 = availabl*(avail_mean/min); sc3 = environs*(environ_mean/min); sc4 = specneed*(needs_mean/min); sc5 = continue*(cocare_mean/min); sc6 = informed*(inform_mean/min); sc7 = involved*(involve_mean/min); sumscs = sum(of sc1 sc2 sc3 sc4 sc5 sc6 sc7); if (sc1>=0)then d1=(waittime_mean/min); if (sc2>=0)then d2=(avail_mean/min); if (sc3>=0)then d3=(environ_mean/min); if (sc4>=0)then d4=(needs_mean/min); if (sc5>=0)then d5=(cocare_mean/min); if (sc6>=0)then d6=(inform_mean/min); if (sc7>=0)then d7=(involve_mean/min); 85 sumds = sum(of d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7); Then Calculate the mean weighted score. Verification Rules wghtcomp = (sumscs/sumds); >=0 and <=100 Data Collection Identification Items Source Patient Evaluation of Health Services Survey (PEHS) Patient Satisfaction survey Governance Items Purpose of the data Source of the definition Version number Approval date A measure of overall patient satisfaction of adults admitted 0-34 nights to public hospitals for ABF/ABM Performance Management Reports. Epidemiology Branch, System Policy & Planning 1.0 20120813 86 EQ14: Hand Hygiene Compliance Reported Data Description Items Identifier Name Aliases Definition Related Metadata Guide for Use: (office use only) Hospital Hand Hygiene Compliance Rate Hand Hygiene Compliance The hand hygiene compliance rate (expressed as a percentage) of a participating WA Public Hospital. Improving hand hygiene (HH) among healthcare workers (HCW) is currently the single most effective intervention to reduce the risk of healthcare associated infections in Australian hospitals. Poor hand hygiene practice among HCWs is strongly associated with healthcare associated infection transmission and is a major factor in the spread of antibiotic-resistant pathogens within hospitals.1 There is convincing evidence that improved hand hygiene can reduce infection rates. More than 20 hospital based studies (including systematic reviews) of the impact of hand hygiene on the risk of healthcare associated infection have been published between 1977 and 2008. Despite study limitations almost all showed an association between improved hand hygiene practices and reduced infection and cross transmission rates.1 The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC) engaged Hand Hygiene Australia (HHA) to implement the National Hand Hygiene Initiative (NHHI). The NHHI aims to improve knowledge about infection control among HCWs, including the importance of appropriate HH in reducing the risk of healthcare associated infections. The NHHI is multi-faceted and includes education regarding HH and alcohol based hand rub (ABHR), measuring infection rates, and tri–annual monitoring and feedback of HH compliance.1 Direct observation by trained observers is the gold standard to monitor compliance with optimal hand hygiene practice. The volume of data collected by hospitals is determined by their acute inpatient bed number. This ensures that audit intensity is consistent with a hospital’s likely infection control risk.2 The audit process to determine hand hygiene compliance is based on the World Health Organization “5 Moments for Hand Hygiene” framework, which defines the five key “Moments” when hand-cleaning is required during patient care, i.e., 1: before touching a patient; 2: before a procedure; 3: after a procedure or body fluid exposure risk; 4: after touching a patient; and 87 5: after touching a patient’s surroundings.1 Collected data is used to calculate the hand hygiene compliance rate of a hospital (expressed as a percentage). The rate reflects the total number of appropriately performed HH Moments observed in a given period divided by the total number of moments observed in the same period. WA Health has identified a state-wide benchmark of 70% compliance.3 Published literature notes that a “power band” of disease reduction appears to occur when HH compliance rates improve to 55%–70% using the 5 Moments tool.4 References: 1 HHA 5 moments for hand hygiene manual. Retrieved from 0-11-23.pdf 1/3/2012 2 Outcomes from the first two years of the Australian National Hand Hygiene Initiative (supplemental material), retrieved from 1/3/12 3 retrieved from 1/3/2012. Limitations 4 Grayson LM, Russo PL, Cruickshank M, Bear JL , Gee CA, et al. Outcomes from the first 2 years of the Australian National Hand Hygiene Initiative Medical Journal of Australia 2011; 195 (10): 615-619. WA Hospital participation in hand hygiene compliance data collection is identified in Operational Directive 0197/09. From February 2010 data collection is mandatory for all public metropolitan hospitals, WACHS regional resource centres and integrated district health services, and Joondalup and Peel Health Campuses. WACHS small hospital participation is at the discretion of WACHS. Not all WACHS small hospitals participate in data collection each audit period. In addition a number of mandatory hospitals have not submitted data in each audit period from February 2010. If data is used for comparison, it is important to note that generally a higher number of moments audited will generate a more reliable compliance rate. HHA recommends using 95% confidence intervals when reporting compliance rates. Audit periods have changed slightly since the commencement of the NHHI; however, audit periods remain tri-annual. In 2012, The audit periods are; • February 1 – March 30 88 • • May 1 – June 30 September 1 – October 31. Reported Data Validation Items Format Numeric 3 NN.N Data Values Inclusions Numerator: The total number of appropriately performed HH moments observed at a hospital in a given audit period. Denominator: the total number of HH Moments observed at a hospital in a given audit period. Exclusions Scope The moments are; 1: before touching a patient; 2: before a procedure; 3: after a procedure or body fluid exposure risk; 4: after touching a patient; 5: after touching a patient’s surroundings. nil Public metropolitan, WACHS regional resource centres and integrated district health services. Participating WACHS small hospitals. Joondalup and Peel Health Campuses. Formula: For a particular report, please refer to that report’s scoping to determine which sites are included. Numerator: X=Total number of appropriately performed HH Moments observed at a hospital in a given audit period. Denominator: Y=Total number of HH Moments observed at a hospital in a given audit period. Calculation: compliance Verification Rules X/Y *100 = % rate of overall hand hygiene Utilise numerator / denominator to calculate the exact binomial 95% Confidence Interval % rate of overall hand hygiene compliance >=0 and <=100% Data Collection Identification Items Source Governance Items Purpose of the data Source of the definition Version number Approval date Office of Safety and Quality in Healthcare. To report the hand hygiene compliance rate of Western Australian public hospitals for ABF/ABM Performance Management Reports Quality Improvement Directorate 1.0 20120813 89 2.4 Efficiency Inputs per output unit (EI) KPIs There are 11 EI PIs proposed in the 2013-14 PMF, including 7 Health Service measures. 90 EI2: Elective surgery day of surgery admission rates Reported Data Description Items Identifier MDG-01-015 Name Day of Surgery (elective) Admission rate Aliases Definition The proportion of multi-day elective surgical separations where a procedure was performed on the day of admission. DOSA Related metadata Guide for Use Day of Surgery (Elective) Admission (DOSA) rates are counted from records in the Hospital Morbidity Data System (HMDS) using the [Diagnosis Related Groups], [Care Type / Episode of Care Type], [Admit Type], [Client Status / Patient Type], [Procedure Date], [Admission Date] and [Payment Classification] fields. DOSA rates are the proportion of acute multi-day elective surgical separations, where a procedure was undertaken on the same day as admission. DRGs are applied to the discharge records and are only available at the conclusion of clinical coding. Therefore DOSA rates cannot be calculated until the conclusion of clinical coding and thus the HMDS is the accurate source of determining DOSA rates. Only records with Care Type of Acute or Patient Type of Qualified Newborn are included in the count for acute separations. Organ procurement, hospital boarders, unqualified newborns, Aged Care Residents, Flexible Care and Ambulatory Surgical Initiative patients are excluded from the count. Contracted activity is counted at the hospital where the activity is performed (i.e. the contracted hospital). Rates are counted from HMDC based on the DRG applied to the discharge record. Procedure dates are entered during clinical coding of procedures performed. As this information is only available at the conclusion of clinical coding, the source used is HMDS given the improved accuracy of using a DRG to determine true surgical separations. Limitations Historical data is updated in each extract, to take account of edit/quality assurance processes. Delays in clinical coding may result in a potential lag in data completeness. Reported Data Validation Items Format Percentage 91 7 NNN.NN% Data Values Inclusions HMDS Field names and values Care Type / Episode of Care • Acute OR Client Status / Patient Type • Qualified newborns 21 1.0 A 1 5.0 PG 3 4 1 2 ELW ELWN Admit Type / Status • Elective – Waitlist • Elective – Not Waitlist Surgical DRGs • Surgical TOPAS HCARe 2nd digit of DRG Code is 0, 1, 2 or 3 Funding Source Public patients in private hospitals only and these are defined by: 21 • Australian Health Care Agreements 29 • Correctional Facility 30 • Reciprocal Health Care Agreement Exclusions Field and value names Care Type / Episode of Care = Rehabilitation Palliative Psychogeriatric Geriatric Evaluation and Management Maintenance Newborn Organ Procurement Boarders Aged Care Resident Flexible Care HMDS TOPAS HCARe 22 23 24 29 25 26 27 28 30 2.0 3.0 5.0 4.0 6.0 7.0 9.0 10.0 31 Client Status / Patient Type Contracting Service/Funding Hospital Funding Source Ambulatory Surgical Initiative Procedure Date is null 92 F H C 0 ((zero) 0 (zero) 646 R P PG G N U OP O AG PR F ASI Duplicates excluded as detailed in MDG-01-20 Removal of Duplicates. Scope Public Hospitals (metropolitan and rural), except Next Step Drug and Alcohol services, East Perth Joondalup Health Campus, publicly funded activity Peel Health Campus, publicly funded activity Formula Numerator HMDS Count of the number of records where [Separation Date] has a value that is within/equal to the start and end date of the reference period for records where [Care Type / Episode of Care] of 21 or [Client Status / Patient Type] of 1 and [Admission Status] of 3 or 4 and [DRG] = surgical and [Separation Date] > [Admission Date] and [Procedure Date] is not null and [Procedure date] = [Admission Date]. Minus [Client Status / Patient Type] of 0. Minus records where [Payment Classification] = 33. Duplicates excluded as detailed in MDG-0120 Removal of Duplicates. Denominator HMDS Count of the number of records where [Separation Date] has a value that is within/equal to the start and end date of the reference period for records where [Care Type / Episode of Care] of 21 or [Client Status / Patient Type] of 1 and [Admission Status] of 3 or 4 and [DRG] = surgical and [Separation Date] > [Admission Date] and [Procedure Date] is not null. Minus [Client Status / Patient Type] of 0. Minus records where [Payment Classification] of 33. Duplicates excluded as detailed in MDG-0120 Removal of Duplicates. Calculation Numerator divided by denominator expressed a percentage. Verification Rules • Value is 0 per cent - 100 per cent inclusive Data Collection Identification Items Source Hospital Morbidity Data System Updated weekly every Wednesday. Governance Items Purpose of the To monitor the proportion of acute elective surgical separations, data where patients were admitted on the same day they had their procedure. Source of the • Data Integrity Directorate, Performance Activity and 93 definition Quality Division • Hospital Morbidity Data System Reference Manual • Data Definition: DG-01-020 Removal of Duplicates Version number V2.0 Approval date 20120315 Version 2.0 includes approved changes to align acute / subacute definitions to national definitions which classifies psychogeriatric care type as subacute and qualified newborns as acute care. 94 EI4: YTD Distance of Expenditure to Budget Reported Data Description Items Identifier (office use only) Name YTD Distance of Expenditure to Budget Aliases n/a Definition The distance of year to date (YTD) actual total expenditure to the YTD budget. Related Metadata n/a Guide for Use YTD actual total expenditure is operating/recurrent expenditure, excluding asset investment program (capital works) expenditure. It is extracted from the Year to Date Actual measure, of the Discoverer Report HCN_FIN.FR(SUM) – Income Statement – Budget Holder, generated from the General Ledger. YTD budget is extracted from the YTD Budget measure of the Discoverer report. The distance of YTD actual expenditure to YTD budget is to be expressed as a percentage. Discoverer Report Parameter Values: Period Name = relevant period (month) of report Budget Name = Budget 2012 (representing the 2011-12 financial year). Budget Holders(s) = NMH0000 – NORTH METROPOLITAN HEALTH SERVICE SMH0000 – SOUTH METROPOLITAN HEALTH SERVICE * WCH0000 – CHILD & ADOLESCENT HEALTH SERVICE WACHS00 – WA COUNTRY HEALTH SERVICE *: Includes Peel Health Service Limitations Internal transactions (purchase of services and recoups, and shared services transactions) are not eliminated at individual entity or health services level, but on consolidation for whole of Health. Budget figures for a particular month are subject to updates in subsequent months. 95 Reported Data Validation Items Format Percentage 7 NNN.NN% Data Values Leave blank. Inclusions Include Operating/Recurrent Entities from Oracle Financials 11i: Entity Posting + Name = 040 (NMHS) Entity Posting + Name = 020 (SMHS) Entity Posting + Name = 075 (Peel HS) Entity Posting + Name = 030 (CAHS) Entity Posting + Name = 080 (WACHS) Exclusions Exclude Capital Entities from Oracle Financials 11i: Entity Posting + Name = 140 (NMHS) Entity Posting + Name = 120 and 121 (SMHS) Entity Posting + Name = 175 (Peel HS) Entity Posting + Name = 130 (CAHS) Entity Posting + Name = 180 (WACHS) Scope The four major WA area health services. Formula Run the report to display only the Operating/Recurrent Entities, as indicated in the above inclusions and exclusions. Budget = YTD Budget total expenditure Actual = YTD Actual total expenditure Calculation = (Budget - Actual) / Budget x 100, expressed as a percentage. If the denominator is zero, the calculated result should be reported / displayed as "N/A". Verification Rules Value is likely to be between -100% and 100%, however, it is mathematically possible to be >100%. 96 Data Collection Identification Items Source Oracle Financials 11i – General Ledger. Note: The GL is generally closed and ready for reporting on the 4th working day each month, with June being the exception when the GL will remain open for a longer period due to the processing of end of year adjustments. Governance Items Purpose of the data YTD expenditure to budget is used for monitoring and accountability of budget management. Source of the definition Health Finance. Version number 1.0 Approval date 20120813 97 EI5: YTD Distance of Own Sourced Revenue to Budget Reported Data Description Items Identifier (office use only) Name YTD Distance of Own Sourced Revenue to Budget Aliases n/a Definition The distance of year to date (YTD) actual total own sourced revenue (OSR) to the YTD budget. Related Metadata n/a Guide for Use YTD actual total OSR is operating/recurrent OSR, excluding asset investment program (capital works) OSR. It is extracted from the Year to Date Actual measure, of the Discoverer Report HCN_FIN.FR(SUM) – Income Statement – Budget Holder, generated from the General Ledger. YTD budget is extracted from the YTD Budget measure of the Discoverer report. The distance of YTD actual OSR to YTD budget is to be expressed as a percentage. Discoverer Report Parameter Values: Period Name = relevant period (month) of report Budget Name = Budget 2012 (representing the 2011-12 financial year). Budget Holders(s) = NMH0000 – NORTH METROPOLITAN HEALTH SERVICE SMH0000 – SOUTH METROPOLITAN HEALTH SERVICE * WCH0000 – CHILD & ADOLESCENT HEALTH SERVICE WACHSCHS00 – WA COUNTRY HEALTH SERVICE *: Includes Peel Health Service Limitations Internal transactions (purchase of services and recoups, and shared services transactions) are not eliminated at individual entity or health services level, but on consolidation for whole of Health. Budget figures for a particular month are subject to updates in subsequent months. 98 Reported Data Validation Items Format Percentage 7 NNN.NN% Data Values Inclusions Include Operating/Recurrent Entities from Oracle Financials 11i: Entity Posting + Name = 040 (NMHS) Entity Posting + Name = 020 (SMHS) Entity Posting + Name = 075 (Peel HS) Entity Posting + Name = 030 (CAHS) Entity Posting + Name = 080 (WACHS) Exclusions Exclude Capital Entities from Oracle Financials 11i: Entity Posting + Name = 140 (NMHS) Entity Posting + Name = 120 and 121 (SMHS) Entity Posting + Name = 175 (Peel HS) Entity Posting + Name = 130 (CAHS) Entity Posting + Name = 180 (WACHS) Scope The four major WA area health services. Formula Run the report to display only the Operating/Recurrent Entities, as indicated in the above inclusions and exclusions. NOTE: Based on accounting convention, revenue (OSR) (actual and budget) is presented in Oracle Financials and Discoverer as negative values. For ABF/ABM performance reporting, revenue indicators should be presented as positive values. Multiply revenue values from Oracle Financials or Discoverer by -1 to convert them to positive values. Budget = YTD Budget total OSR x -1 Actual = YTD Actual total OSR x -1 Calculation = (Actual - Budget) / Budget x 100, expressed as a percentage. 99 If the denominator is zero, the calculated result should be reported / displayed as "N/A". Verification Rules Value is likely to be between -100% and 100%, however, it is mathematically possible to be >100%. Data Collection Identification Items Source Oracle Financials 11i – General Ledger. Note: The GL is generally closed and ready for reporting on the 4th working day each month, with June being the exception when the GL will remain open for a longer period due to the processing of end of year adjustments. Governance Items Purpose of the data YTD own source revenue to budget is used for monitoring and accountability of budget management. Source of the definition Health Finance. Version number 1.0 Approval date 20120813 100 EI7: School Dental Service ratio of examinations to enrolments Reported Data Description Items Identifier ABF/M-KPI-EI7 Name Ratio of total examinations to total enrolments in the School Dental Service per calendar year Aliases Definition The Numerator is the number of examinations reported per calendar year by the School Dental Service, grouped to North Metropolitan Health Service, South Metropolitan Health Service, West Australian Northern and Remote Country, and Southern Country Health Service, as indicated by the address of the clinic. The Denominator is the number of children enrolled with each School Dental Service clinic as reported per calendar year by the School Dental Service, grouped to North Metropolitan Health Service, South Metropolitan Health Service, West Australian Country Health Service, as indicated by the address of the clinic. Reporting frequency: yearly Reporting level: Health Service Related Metadata Limitations Mobile Dental Clinics will service child groups in wide areas and may cross from one area health service to another. The proportion of such children/events is expected to be small. Since individual children are not tracked by this measure, multiple examinations of a single child contribute to the value. Therefore, this measure should be seen as indicating the level of service delivery, rather than the proportion of children examined. There is no scope for linking the variations in school children population with available Dental Health Services (DHS) FTE providing the delivery of services to these children. That is, there is no guarantee that DHS FTE will be increased to match the increase in school children attending school or enrolled in the school dental service. Reported Data Validation Items Format Ratio 7 NNNNNNN Data Values Positive number Inclusions All examinations by School Dental Service 101 Exclusions None Scope School Dental Service Formula Calculation = Numerator / Denominator Verification Rules Data Collection Identification Items Source School Dental Service Governance Items Purpose of the data Source of the definition Version number Approval date 1.1 20130605 102 EI9: Number of separations (unweighted): Total Estimated Unweighted Inpatient Activity (excluding LSMH) Reported Data Element Definition Reported Data Description Items Identifier Name Total Estimated Unweighted Inpatient Activity (including LSMH) Aliases Volume of inpatient activity Unweighted separations Definition Total estimated unweighted inpatient activity is the count of inpatient records available in HMDS, plus records from TOPAS and HCARe where a HMDS record is not available. That is, the counts include records which have been coded and entered into the Hospital Morbidity Data System (HMDS) and uncoded records when the coded record is not available. The count excludes separations classed as non-admitted by national and local definitions. The count also excludes activity at Graylands SelbyLemnos, referred to as Long Stay Admitted Mental Health (LSMH) activity. Related Metadata Percentage Variance from Target – Total Estimated Weighted Inpatient Activity Percentage Variance from Target – Weighted Emergency Department Attendances Percentage Variance from Target – Weighted Outpatient Occasions of Service Unweighted Long Stay Admitted Mental Health Beddays Guide for Use Total estimated unweighted inpatient activity is counted from HMDS extracts (coded data) and TOPAS, HCARe, Joondalup Health Campus (JHC) and Peel Health Campus (PHC) discharge extracts (uncoded data) using the [Client Status] or [Patient Type], [Separation Date], [Account Number], and [Establishment Code] fields. The total estimated unweighted inpatient activity count is derived from coded (HMDS) and uncoded (discharge extract) information. The coded information takes precedence for inclusion in the count, and uncoded information is used to complete the count due to the delay in available coded data. This method of counting unweighted separations allows for a timely estimate of unweighted activity. This methodology also excludes TOPAS, HCARe records, JHC and PHC discharge records where the record has been deleted, replaced or removed from the Hospital Morbidity Data System, to avoid over counting. The counts include publicly funded activity at JHC and PHC. Contracted dialysis is included in the model (e.g., dialysis activity contracted by the hospitals to non-government organisations, Sir Charles Gairdner contract to Joondalup Health Campus). Under current local and national definitions for admitted patients, the following patient types are considered non-admitted patients – Ambulatory Surgery Initiative (ASI), Organ Procurement, Boarders, Cancelled Elective Surgery, Aged Care & and Flexible Care Residents. 103 Apart from ASI patient types, the other above listed patient types are excluded from the WA ABF model in 2012/13. Note that Cancelled Elective Surgery is identified using the [Principal Diagnosis] field, and therefore can only be identified in coded data. Unqualified newborns are also excluded from the local ABF model as the costs are attributed to the mother’s episode of care. Although the exclusions are excluded from reporting, they are first identified in the data set and labelled within the {Ctyp12} field. The {Ctyp12} field contains values that identify the episode of care type or ‘sub-group’ defined for ABF inpatient activity in 2012/13. {Ctyp12} contains the following subgroups (asterisked groups are excluded from reporting): Boarders*, Unqualified Newborns*, Organ Procurement*, Flexible Care Residents*, Cancelled Elective Surgery*, Aged Care* Area Mental Health Service (AMHS), Sub Acute (Rehab, Palliative, Geriatric Evaluation and Management, Psychogeriatric cases not captured in the AMHS grouping), Non Acute (Maintenance), Acute Inpatients. Total Estimated Unweighted Inpatient Activity therefore includes the remaining subgroups, and is reported in total. The subgroups are defined in this document for reference. Activity is counted at the funding hospital; therefore, activity conducted by a hospital that has been funded by another is not counted (i.e., contracted hospital separations are excluded). Activity being funded by Statewide Contracting Services is not included (e.g., renal and palliative care at Bunbury and Broome). This indicator can be calculated for all WA public hospitals and public activity from Peel and Joondalup Health Campuses, except Graylands Selby-Lemnos and Next Step Drug and Alcohol Service. However, please note that the scope of different WA Health reports varies; refer to the details of each report to determine the relevant site inclusions and exclusions. Historical data are updated in each extract. Note: Difference from National Operating Model This definition reflects the West Australian Department of Health (DoH) methodology used in the Service Level Agreements (SLAs) between the DoH and the health services. This methodology incorporates the national methodology where available; however, the scope of included activity which is subject to ABF is wider in the WA SLAs than what is currently required at the national level. Specifically, the WA inpatient indicator includes sub-acute care, long stay mental health (Graylands SelbyLemnos), and non-acute care, which are not subject to ABF nationally. The national model also restricts which separations are included based on funding source, specifically only including public and private patients with a funding source of Australian Health Care Agreements, Private Health Insurance, Self Funded and Reciprocal Health Care Agreements. The WA model does not have this restriction. The national model only reports on coded activity; the WA model uses an estimation methodology to account for the delays in coding (see following section). 104 As at publication, WA is awaiting detailed documentation of the final national model (currently in draft) from the Independent Hospitals Pricing Authority (IHPA); should any national rules change, this definition may be updated accordingly. Limitations Total Estimated Unweighted Inpatient activity (separation based data) Figures reported for recent months have a higher proportion of uncoded information than earlier months, due to the delays in data coding and edit. Whilst an analysis across prior year information has been undertaken to understand any variability between the actual weights and the estimated weights across all patient episodes, the order of coding could potentially skew early results; simpler cases are likely to be coded before more complex cases, which may cause variability in estimates for weighted activity for recent months. The impact of order of coding diminishes as time goes on and more cases are coded. For final counts, complete HMDS data should be used. Reported Data Validation Items Format Numeric 6 NNNN.N% Data Values Inclusions For JHC and PHC records only Include only public patients HMDS [Payment Classification] = Exclusions Australian Health Care Agreements 21 Correctional Facility 29 Reciprocal Health Care Agreement 30 The following records are excluded from the HMDS extract: Cases with a record status: D (Deleted), E (Data Entry), I (In Progress), M (Modify), N (New), P (Pending), R (Replaced), V (Removed) or X (Error). The following records are excluded from the HCARe discharge extract: [Flag] = C (these are reversed or cancelled cases). Exclude duplicate records from within each TOPAS, HCARe and HMDS extract: Duplicate records = [Establishment Code] and [Account Number] are identical within the HMDS, TOPAS and HCARe data sets. For TOPAS and HCARe records: 105 Exclude uncoded (TOPAS/HCARe) record where coded (HMDS) record has the same values for the following fields: [Establishment Code] [Account Number] Exclude uncoded (TOPAS/HCARe) record where the coded record in the HMDS Deleted, Replaced or Removed (DRV) extract* has the same values for the following fields: [Establishment Code] [Account Number] *The HMDS DRV extract is an extract of coded records with a [Record Status] of D (Deleted), R (Replaced) or V (Removed), where a matching record with a [Record Status] of C (Clean) does not exist in HMDS (records are matched using [Establishment Code] and [Account Number]). For HMDS, TOPAS and HCARe records: TOPAS HCARe Exclude contracted services HMDS [Client Status] or [Patient type] = Contracted Service 5 C 5 The following patient subgroup exclusions are identified in the dataset sequentially, using an if-then-else criteria, then excluded based on the values attributed to each exclusion within {Ctyp12}: Source system value Sub-group excluded: TOPAS HCARe HMDS 10.0 O 28 Group to {Ctyp12} as: 1. Boarders - Care Type/Episode of Care = or - BR Client Status/Patient Type = 3 B 3 2 U 2 UnqNB 9.0 OP 27 OP N/A F 31 FCR 2. Unqualified Newborns - Client Status/Patient Type = 3. Organ Procurement - Care Type/Episode of Care = 4. Flexible Care Residents - Care Type/Episode of 106 Care = H C 5. Aged Care N/A AG 30 ACR N/A N/A Z53 CES 6. Cancelled Elective Surgery - Scope first three characters of [Principal Diagnosis] = This indicator can be calculated for all public hospitals (metropolitan and rural) and public activity at Joondalup and Peel Health Campuses, excluding: Graylands Selby-Lemnos (including Frankland Centre) Country Small Hospitals Next Step Drug and Alcohol services, East Perth Nursing posts and other non-hospital establishments For a particular report, please refer to that report’s scoping to determine which sites are included. Formula {Total Estimated Weighted Inpatient Activity} HMDS records Sum of (Count of the number of records where [Separation Date] has a value that is within/equal to the reference period (i.e., calendar month). Minus cases with a record status of D, E, I, M, N, P, R, V, X. Minus cases where [Establishment Code] and [Account Number] are identical within the data set. Minus [Client Status] = 5. Minus {Ctyp12} = BR, UnqNB, OP, FCR, ACR or CES). And for JHC and PHC only: And where [Payment Classification] = (21, 29, or 30). TOPAS, HCARe, JHC & PHC discharge records Sum of (Count of the number of records where [Separation Date] has a value that is within/equal to the reference period (i.e., calendar month). Minus HCARe records where [Flag] = C.. Minus TOPAS & HCARe records where [Establishment Code] and [Account Number] = records in HMDS or HMDS DRV extract. Minus records where [Establishment Code] and [Account Number] are identical within the data sets. Minus [Client Status] = 5. Minus {Ctyp12} = BR, UnqNB, OP, ACR, or FCR). And for JHC and PHC only: And where [Payment Classification] = (21, 29, or 30). Calculation Sum of formula results for HMDS records and TOPAS & HCARe records. Verification Rules Value is >/= to zero Additional information – How to calculate included inpatient subgroups for {Ctyp12} 107 – separation based data Records need to be flagged as Area Mental Health Service within the created field {AMHS} as follows: Hospital Establishment Number & Name Wards {AMHS} flag - 105 (Sir Charles Gairdner) D20, PYWD Y - 244 (Swan District) MHSW, MHLS, MHLW, MHWW, SVCO, SVCS Y - 239 (Osborne Park) OL Y - 104 (King Edward Memorial) MBU Y - 156 (Boronia Inpatient Unit) All wards Y - 255 (Bentley) W8, W7, W6, W5, JMC, 10A, 10B, 10C, FWP, CRU, W10A, W10B, W10C, 1309, ECTD, W6W7 Y W41, W42, W51, W43, W4SW, MOSS, D5W, ECT Y Y - 102 (Fremantle) - 203 (Armadale-Kelmscott District Memorial) LOPEN, LHDU, KARRI, BANKS, BANKSIA - 2239 (Armadale Mental Health for Older People Authorised) BANKS, KARRI - 101 (Royal Perth) 2K, PSYD, EDPP Y - 103 (Princess Margaret) 4H, STUBB Y - 277 (Rockingham General) MHAC, MHAO, MHEC, MHEO Y - 201 (Albany) MENTAL HEALTH UNIT, MHU Y - 208 (Bunbury) MEN, MENTAL HEALTH, PICU Y - 226 (Kalgoorlie) PSYCHIATRIC UNIT Y - 206 (Broome) ACUTE PSYCHIATRIC UNIT Y - All other records Y N With records flagged as {AMHS}, the following patient subgroups are identified in the dataset sequentially using an if-then-else criteria, with the values attributed to {Ctyp12} as follows: Field Values Sub-group: 108 Group to {Ctyp12} as: 1. Area Mental Health Service - {AMHS} flag = Y 2. Sub Acute - TOPAS HCARe HMDS Rehabilitation 2.0 R 22 Palliation 3.0 P 23 Psychogeriatric† 5.0 PG 24 Geriatric Evaluation and Management 4.0 G 29 TOPAS HCARe HMDS 6.0 N 25 Care Type/Episode of Care = 3. Non-Acute - AMHS SubAC Care Type/Episode of Care = Maintenance Care NA 4. Acute Inpatients - All other records that are not yet grouped AC_IP †Note: Most psychogeriatric cases occur in designated mental health wards and will be grouped to the AMHS sub-group. Any cases that do not occur in a designated mental health ward will be grouped to sub-acute. Data Collection Identification Items Source HMDS Weekly HMDS extracts HMDS Deleted, Removed or Replaced extract Updated weekly, maintained by the Hospital Morbidity Data Collection Branch TOPAS The monthly file provided to Business & Financial Modelling, PAQ captures all activity to 2359 on last day of the calendar month Weekly file extracted at 0600 hours each Monday for data up to Sunday 2359 hours (TOPAS Discharge Extract) The monthly file provided to Business & Financial Modelling, PAQ captures all activity to 2359 on last day of the calendar month HCARe Extracted every Monday for data up to Sunday 2359 hours (HCARe Discharge Extract) The monthly file provided to Business & Financial Modelling, PAQ captures all activity to 2359 on last day of the calendar month JHC Weekly discharge extract, provided by JHC (contains 7 days of data) The monthly file provided to Business & Financial Modelling, PAQ captures all activity to 2359 on last day of the calendar month PHC Weekly discharge extract, provided by PHC (contains 7 days of data) The monthly file provided to Business & Financial Modelling, PAQ captures all activity to 2359 on last day of the calendar month 109 PAQ WA 2012/13 ABF/M Operating Model documentation Governance Items Purpose of the data Total Estimated Unweighted Inpatient Activity is the count used as the basis for calculating Total Estimated Weighted Inpatient Activity. Total Estimated Weighted Inpatient Activity is used to report volume of activity for WA public hospitals in the Activity Based Funding Performance Management Report, and enables timely reporting against the Service Level Agreements. The Total Estimated Unweighted Inpatient Activity count is an estimated count of final coded separations. For final activity counts, use complete data from the HMDS. Percentage Coded Cases provides an indication of completeness at a given point in time. Source of the definition/ additional information Business and Financial Modelling Directorate, Performance Activity and Quality Division, DoH WA Performance Directorate, Performance Activity and Quality Division, DoH WA Local and National ABF/M Operating Model documentation, available on http://activity Hospital Morbidity Data System Reference Manual, July 2011 – Section 8: Operational Directives and Program Bulletins Version number 1.0 Approval date 20120813 110 EI10: Coded acute multiday average length of stay Reported Data Description Items Identifier MDG-02-003b Name Acute Multiday Average Length of Stay (ALOS) Aliases Definition The average length of an acute multiday inpatient episode, measured in days. Related Metadata Total length of stay Acute separations Acute average length of stay MDG-01-020 Removal of Duplicates MDG-02-003a (Preliminary Activity Definition) Guide for Use Acute Multiday ALOS Acute multiday ALOS is calculated from the Hospital Morbidity Data System (HMDS) morbidity data using the [Admission Date], [Separation Date], [Care Type], [Client Status], [Length of Stay], [Qualified Days] and [Hospital Code] fields. Acute multiday ALOS is calculated by dividing the total length of stay of acute multiday separations by the total number of acute multiday separations during the reporting period. Length of stay for inpatient episodes excludes leave days. A case is defined as multiday when the separation date is not equal to the admission date. All days of stay for an episode of care are attributed to the month in which the episode of care was separated (for the length of stay calculation). All non-acute / sub-acute separations are excluded from the count. Activity at public and private hospitals is included. Ambulatory Surgery Initiative cases are included in the count as these patients have undergone a formal admission. Contracted activity is counted at the hospital where the activity is performed (i.e., the contracted hospital). Both numerator and denominator exclude unqualified newborns, posthumous organ procurements, hospital boarders and aged care residents from the count as per the standard reporting. Cases from non-Western Australian hospitals and Residential Aged Care Facilities are excluded. Duplicates excluded as detailed in MDG-01-20 Removal of Duplicates. Historical data are updated in each extract, to take account of edit/quality assurance processes. 111 Limitations Delays in clinical coding may result in a potential lag in data completeness. For preliminary activity counts refer to MDG-02-003a which sources uncoded discharge extract data. Measuring the ALOS of episodes of care separated during the reporting period is not a measure of ALOS of patients receiving care in the reporting period. Long stay patients discharged during the reporting period can affect ALOS for a particular reporting period. Reported Data Validation Items Format Numeric 6 NNN.NN Data Values Inclusions Field and value names HMDS Care Type = • 21 Acute Client Status = • Exclusions 1 Qualified newborn Field and value names HMDS Client Status = Contracting Service /Funding Hospital 0 (zero) Unqualified newborn 2 Boarder 3 Organ Procurement 7 Resident 8 Hospital Code = Non-WA Hospitals Aged Care 646 >= 700 not including 935 (Graylands) Duplicates excluded as detailed in MDG-01-20 Removal of Duplicates. Scope All WA public hospitals (metropolitan and rural) All WA private hospitals (metropolitan and rural) 112 Formula Numerator HMDS If [Client Status] = 1 and [Qualified Days] is greater than 0 and [Qualified Days] is less than [Length of Stay], then [Length of Stay] = [Qualified Days]. If [Length of Stay] is less than 1, then [Length of Stay] is 1. Sum of [Length of Stay] where the [Separation Date] has a value that is within/equal to start and end date of the reference period and [Separation Date] does not equal [Admission Date]. Include those records with a [Care Type] of 21 or [Client Status] of 1. Minus those records with a [Client Status] of 0, 2, 3, 7 or 8. Minus those records with [Hospital Code] of 646 or >= 700, except 935 (Graylands Hospital). Denominator HMDS Count of records where [Separation Date] has a value that is within/equal to start and end date of the reference period and [Separation Date] does not equal [Admission Date]. Include those records with a [Care Type] of 21 or [Client Status] of 1. Minus those records with a [Client Status] of 0, 2, 3, 7 or 8. Minus those records with [Hospital Code] of 646 or >= 700, except 935 (Graylands Hospital). Calculation Numerator divided by denominator Verification Rules Data Collection Identification Items Source HMDS Updated weekly every Wednesday. Governance Items Purpose of the data Source of the definition Data Integrity, Performance Activity and Quality Division Hospital Morbidity Data System Reference Manual MDG-01-020 Removal of Duplicates Version Number V1.0 Approval Date 20111108 113 EI11: YTD Distance of Salaries Expenditure to Budget This indicator is currently under development. 114 2.5 Equity Access (EQA) KPIs There are 5 EQA PIs proposed in the 2013-14 PMF, including 3 Health Service measures. 115 EQA2.a&b: Standardised Rate Ratio of Hospitalisations of a) Aboriginal People compared to Non-Aboriginal People b) Aboriginal children (0-4 years) compared to non-Aboriginal children (0-4 years) Reported Data Description Items Identifier ABF/M-KPI-EQA2 Name Standardised Rate Ratio of Hospitalisation of Aboriginal People compared to Non-Aboriginal People Aliases Any related terms as applicable. Definition Rate ratios are used to compare the rate of an event in different subgroups within a population. The Aboriginal hospitalisation rate compares the rate of hospitalisations in the Aboriginal population to the rate in the nonAboriginal population. The rate ratio shows the difference between the two populations, and is presented with a 95% confidence interval. The rate ratio is shown separately for all ages and for children aged 0-4. Related Metadata Guide for Use Hospitalisations among residents of each Health Service (HS) in WA are counted from hospital inpatient separation records extracted from the Hospital Morbidity Data System (HMDS). The allocation of separation data to HS is based on the location of usual residence of the patient, and not where the hospitalisation occurred. Patient residential details are collected upon admission to hospital and each record is subsequently assigned the relevant census collection district (CD) and statistical local area (SLA), by the Data Linkage Branch. The Epidemiology Branch then assigns records to the correct HS based on their SLA of usual residence. Records with missing CD or SLA information are assigned to a HS by the Epidemiology Branch using the record’s locality or postcode information. Limitations Due to the availability of complete coded separation data the indicator usually presents data from 9 months previous. The identification of Aboriginal status will be improved through measures the Epidemiology Branch uses routinely with data linkage. However, the identification of Aboriginal status will be a limitation of the indicator. 116 Reported Data Validation Items Format Numeric 4 NN.N Data Values Inclusions Hospitalisation separation records where patients are identified as WA residents. Exclusions Hospital records of non-WA residents (overseas and other Australian states and territories), as well as WA residents with no postcode or locality information recorded. Duplicated records of contracted services at funding hospitals (patient type = 0). Hospital records with unknown Aboriginal status or age at admission. Scope All public and private hospital records for Western Australian residents with a postcode or locality recorded. Formula All ages and 0-4 years calculated separately. Age-standardised rate ratios (SRRs) are calculated using the indirect method. SRRs are calculated annually by financial year. Numerator: Total hospitalisations Aboriginal population: the numerator is the observed number of hospitalisations in the Aboriginal population. Total hospitalisations Aboriginal population (0 to 4 year olds): the numerator is the observed number of hospitalisations in the Aboriginal population for 0-4 year olds. Denominator: Total hospitalisations Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal populations: the denominator is the expected number of hospitalisations in the Aboriginal population based on the rate of hospitalisations in the non-Aboriginal population. Total hospitalisations Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal populations (0 to 4 year olds): the denominator is the expected number of hospitalisations in the Aboriginal population for 0-4 year olds based on the rate of hospitalisations in the non-Aboriginal population for 0-4 year olds. To enable the comparison of the indicator over time, the rate of hospitalisations in the non-Aboriginal population will be based on the rate in 2009/10. Verification Rules > 0 and < 100 For statistical validity the SRR will not be reported if the number of hospitalisations is less than 5. 117 When data are extracted for the calculation of the rate ratios for the new year, data from the same extract are also used for the recalculation of all previously reported years to ensure that those rate ratios are based on the most up-to-date available data. Data Collection Identification Items Source Hospitalisations: Hospital Morbidity Data System (HMDS). Population: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Department of Planning Governance Items Purpose of the data For ABF/M KPI reporting. Source of the definition Epidemiology Branch, System Policy & Planning Version number 1.1 Approval date 20130605 118 EQA3.a&b: Childhood immunisation: percentage of children fully immunised at 12-15 months: a) Aboriginal b) Total Reported Data Description Items Identifier ABF/M-KPI-EQA3 Name Percentage of children fully immunized in the 12-15 month agecohort, as registered on the Australian Childhood Immunisation Register (ACIR). Aliases The proportion children fully immunized in the 12-15 month agecohort as registered on the Australian Childhood Immunisation Register (ACIR). Definition A child is assessed as fully immunised at 12 months of age (12-15 months) if they have received age appropriate immunizations against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, haemophilus influenza B and hepatitis B. The data is presented as the percentage of children fully immunised for the 12-15 month age-cohort by Indigenous status as well as total. Related Metadata Information is also reported in the Department of Health Annual Report and Country Health Service Annual Report for the December quarter of the year. Guide for Use This indicator is a population based measure used to assess the immunisation coverage among children of a particular age cohort. One age cohort is chosen to represent overall coverage among children. Limitations As it is recommended that this indicator is reported quarterly, the baseline may need to reflect a seasonal variation (if present) Reported Data Validation Items Format Numeric 4 NN.N Data Values Inclusions Only those immunisation services a child has received up to 12 months of age are included. Population figures: All WA residents assigned to a Health Service 119 (North Metro, South Metro and WACHS [Northern and Remote Country and Southern Country]) according to SLA based on boundaries outlined by the Epidemiology Branch, System Policy & Planning. Exclusions Non-WA residents are excluded. Scope All children in WA aged 12 to 15 months. Formula Numerator is divided by the denominator and multiplied by 100 to derive the percentage. Numerator: The number of children fully immunised in the 12-15 month agecohort as defined in the ACIR. Denominator: Total number of children in the 12-15 month age-cohort as registered in the ACIR. Verification Rules >0 Data Collection Identification Items Source Australian Childhood Immunisation Register (ACIR). Prepared by: Communicable Disease Control Directorate Governance Items Purpose of the data For ABF/M KPI reporting. Source of the definition Version number Epidemiology Branch and Communicable Disease Control Directorate, Public Health Division 1.0 Approval date 20120813 120 EQA5: WA Health Aboriginal employment headcount Reported Data Description Items Identifier Name Headcount of WA Health Aboriginal employees Aliases Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) employees Definition A headcount of WA Health employed Aboriginal staff who are in a 50D position or have self-identified as Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander or both. Related metadata N/A Guide for use The methodology used to determine the number of ATSI staff employed within WA Health is based on: • • Employees currently employed under Section 50(d) of the Equal Opportunity Act 1984, and Current employees that identified as Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander via the: o Equity and Diversity Questionnaire and/or o WA Health N2 New Starters form (since February 2011). The figures reported may differ to information held on local databases across WA Health. This is a monthly report which provides snapshot data of active WA Health employees with a current contract for the end of the reporting month. A range of datasets are extracted from the WA Health Human Resources Data Warehouse (HRDW), such as Employee Details, EEO Survey Results, Position Requirements, and manipulated in an MS Access database to obtain relevant information. Business rules are applied to the data to eliminate non-conforming records. The indicator includes all active WA Health staff including permanent, fixed term, casual and sessional employees. Limitations Due to the implementation of a revised methodology for the extraction of ATSI employees, historic information cannot be provided prior to June 2012. Information is extracted from the WA Health HRDW establishment data. The Employee Details table contains current employee information and will refer to ‘as at the time of extraction’ only. Previous months’ data is ‘frozen’ with the new month’s data appended on. Historical information will not be updated. 121 As the completion of the EEO Survey is voluntary, the indicator may represent an undercount of the total WA Health ATSI employee workforce, due to the fact that a part of the data analysis relies on self-nomination of ATSI origin by employees. Where an employee holds more than one contract with the Department (e.g. more than one part time position, casual employment contract), the employee is counted only once in the overall (statewide) count of ATSI employees for WA Health, but more than once in counts at the health service level, if they occupy multiple positions located across different health services. Where an employee is acting in a position at the point of data extraction, it is assumed that position is where they are working at the time and their substantive position has been excluded from analysis. Reported Data Validation Items Format Numeric 3 NNN Data Values Inclusions All active WA Health employees with a current permanent, fixed-term, casual or sessional contract meeting the following requirements: 1) All occupied positions with a position requirement of: Required Code – 50(d) OR Required Level – S50-D and/or 2) Employees which have an EEO Employee Table Code of; A AT B T Exclusions – – – – Aboriginal Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Both Torres Strait Islander. Non WA Health locations including the Office of Health Review, Peel Health Campus, Joondalup Health Campus, Drug and Alcohol Office, and Mental Health Commission WA. Agency staff Employees falling into the following categories: Descriptor Job Type Job Type Code SECON OFFV 122 Description SECONDMENT OUT NOT PAID OFFICIAL VISITOR Job Type Job Type Job Type Placement Reason NOPAY HSGC AGNC WCPAY Placement Reason Placement Reason Placement Reason Placement Reason M26 M24 H07 EMSNP NO PAY HEALTH SERVICE GOVERNING COUNCILS AGENCY WORKERS COMPENSATION PAYMENT ONLY TEMP DEP NOT PD SECONDMT NOT PD UNPAID PERIOD SECONDMENT EXTERNAL NOT PAID Non-occupied positions and inactive employees at the time of the snapshot. Employees with permanent and fixed term contracts where employee has no contracted hours recorded. Scope This indicator is reported at the health service level: Child And Adolescent Health Service Dental Services Department Of Health Director General Health Development Division Health Finance Health Finance Division Health Reform Innovation And Health Reform Office Of The Chief Medical Officer Office Of The Director General Performance Activity And Quality Public Health Division Royal Street Divisions Health Corporate Network Health Information Network North Metro Health Service Pathwest South Metro Health Service WA Country Health Service ‘Department of Health’ Budget holders are not reported individually, but are presented as a rolled-up figure. Formula: Calculation Headcount of all active WA Health employees who have a position requirement code of 50(d) or a position required level of S50-D and/ or have self-identified as being from an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander origin via the EEO Employee Table Code of A, AT, B or T. A unique identifier created for each employee, consisting of Surname, Firstname, Middlename Initial and Birth Date, is utilised to establish headcounts. Verification rules >0 Data Collection Identification Items 123 Source WA Health Human Resource Data Warehouse • • • • • Employee Details Employee Position Details Position Details EEO Survey Results Position Requirements Governance Items Purpose of the data This performance indicator is used to monitor the headcount of WA Health employees with an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander origin. Source of the definition Workforce Modelling and Data, Resource Strategy Directorate, and the Aboriginal Health Division, WA Health Version number 1.3 Approval date 20130517 124 2.6 Sustainability Workforce (SW) KPIs There are 6 SW PIs proposed in the 2013-14 PMF, including 5 Health Service measures. 125 SW1: Proportion of medical graduates and other categories of medical staff to total medical staff Reported Data Description Items Identifier ABF/M-KPI-SW1 Name Proportion of medical graduates (interns) to supervising medical staff and to total medical staff Aliases Medical grouping breakdown Definition This indicator is used to show the proportion of a medical grouping (e.g. graduates) against the full medical workforce to ensure the correct levels to sustain training and safe patient care are maintained within the WA Health system. Related Metadata Guide for Use Proportion of new Nursing Graduates to other Nursing Staff and to Total Nursing Staff Reporting of new medical graduates needs to be considered with the other medical groupings to ensure the correct level of supervision and training occurs to ensure satisfactory training and safe patient care. The medical groupings presented are: (a) Interns: a doctor in the first postgraduate year of training under conditional registration. (b) Resident Medical Officers: junior doctors from Postgraduate year 2 onwards who have completed an internship and are generally registered as medical practitioners but have not formally commenced vocational training. (c) Registrars: (or specialist in training) a registered doctor who has completed prevocational training and may be in basic vocational training, working towards higher qualification in a medical specialty. (d) Consultants: (or specialist) a doctor who has completed vocational training. (e) ‘Other’ Medical: other doctors including international medical graduates and career medical officers. These groupings are determined by using the ‘rate ID’ and ‘rate description’ field in the HR data warehouse. These fields relate to actual payment amounts and are the most accurate reflection of the role and activity of the employee. All groupings were determined by the Postgraduate Medical Council of Western Australia in December 2010. These will be reviewed on a regular basis (please see the inclusions listed below to show the actual rate IDs used to determine the groupings). This indicator excludes ‘null’ or ‘missing’ rate IDs (which are generally associated with agency staff, recoups or data quality issues) as these cannot be appropriately allocated to a medical grouping. For this reason the total medical staff Full Time Equivalent (FTE) may be different from the actual medical FTE indicated in other reports. Due to this only the percentage is to be reported for this indicator (i.e. the number of FTEs is not to be reported). This is a quarterly indicator- due to variations of medical graduate numbers (with the major intake in January/ February each year) this needs to be considered when reporting. Limitations This indicator can be reported at the major location level. Consideration must be given 126 to the accuracy of the location data, particularly if a number of physical locations are rolled into one major location or spread across numerous major locations as this may skew the data. Payment recoups (i.e. interns and RMOs on rotation) can have impacts on the grouping percentages at some sites. This can slightly overestimate or underestimate groupings at some sites, depending upon how the recoup is processed. This indicator uses rate ID to group into the specific medical groupings. Monitoring of new rate IDs or changes to rate IDs need to occur to ensure the definition remains current. Reported Data Validation Items Format Percentage 4 NNN.N% Data Values Inclusions Medical WFM account codes including: Account Code 0181 0182 0183 0184 0185 0186 0189 0191 0192 0193 0194 0195 0217 0218 Account code description Salaried Medical Officers Salaried Medical Pract s Salaried Radiology (Medical Imaging) Salaried Radiotherapy Salaried Pathology Salaried Dental Officers Salaried Other Sessional Clinical Sessional Radiology (Medical Imaging) Sessional Radiotherapy Sessional Pathology Sessional Other Agency Medical Salaried Agency Medical Sessional Consultants: Rate ID CLA014 CLA015 CLA016 CLA017 CLA018 CLA019 CLA020 CLA021 CLA022 CLA023 CLA024 CLA14.1 CLA15.1 CLA16.1 CLA17.1 CLA18.1 CLA19.1 CLA20.1 CLA21.1 CLA22.1 CLA23.1 CLA24.1 CLB014 Rate Description Clinical Academic Level 14 Clinical Academic Level 15 Clinical Academic Level 16 Clinical Academic Level 17 Clinical Academic Level 18 Clinical Academic Level 19 Clinical Academic Level 20 Clinical Academic Level 21 Clinical Academic Level 22 Clinical Academic Level 23 Clinical Academic Level 24 Clinical Academic Level 14.1 Clinical Academic Level 15.1 Clinical Academic Level 16.1 Clinical Academic Level 17.1 Clinical Academic Level 18.1 Clinical Academic Level 19.1 Clinical Academic Level 20.1 Clinical Academic Level 21.1 Clinical Academic Level 22.1 Clinical Academic Level 23.1 Clinical Academic Level 24.1 Clinical Academic Level 14 127 Rate ID DUPOS9 DZAN16 DZAN17 DZAN18 DZAN19 DZAN20 DZAN21 DZAN22 DZAN23 DZAN24 DZPA16 DZPA17 DZPA18 DZPA19 DZPA20 DZPA21 DZPA22 DZPA23 DZPA24 MA16.1 MA17.1 MA18.1 MA19.1 Rate Description Plastic & Ortho Surg Ses YR 9 Anaesthetist Level 16 Anaesthetist Level 17 Anaesthetist Level 18 Anaesthetist Level 19 Anaesthetist Level 20 Anaesthetist Level 21 Anaesthetist Level 22 Anaesthetist Level 23 Anaesthetist Level 24 Pathologist Level 16 Pathologist Level 17 Pathologist Level 18 Pathologist Level 19 Pathologist Level 20 Pathologist Level 21 Pathologist Level 22 Pathologist Level 23 Pathologist Level 24 Consultant Ft YR 1 Consultant Ft YR 2 Consultant Ft YR 3 Consultant Ft YR 4 CLB015 CLB016 CLB017 CLB018 CLB019 CLB020 CLB021 CLB022 CLB023 CLB024 DJC001 DJC002 DJC003 DJC004 DJC005 DJC006 DJC007 DJC008 DJC009 DKMP01 DKMP02 DKMP03 DMSP01 DMSP02 DMSP03 DPGP01 DPGP02 DPGP03 DPGP04 DPGP05 DQSF01 DQSF02 DQSF03 DQSF04 DQSF05 DQSF06 DQSF07 DQSF08 DQSF09 DQSS01 DQSS02 DQSS03 DQSS04 DQSS05 DQSS06 DQSS07 DQSS08 DQSS09 DRSS01 DRSS02 DRSS03 DRSS04 DRSS05 DRSS06 DRSS07 DRSS08 DRSS09 DSSS01 DSSS02 DSSS03 DSSS04 DSSS05 DSSS06 DSSS07 Clinical Academic Level 15 Clinical Academic Level 16 Clinical Academic Level 17 Clinical Academic Level 18 Clinical Academic Level 19 Clinical Academic Level 20 Clinical Academic Level 21 Clinical Academic Level 22 Clinical Academic Level 23 Clinical Academic Level 24 Consultant Yr1 Consultant Yr2 Consultant Yr3 Consultant Yr4 Consultant Yr5 Consultant Yr6 Consultant Yr7 Consultant Yr8 Consultant Yr9 Health Serv Medical Pract YR 1 Health Serv Medical Pract YR 2 Health Serv Medical Pract YR 3 Senior Medical Pract YR 1 Senior Medical Pract YR 2 Senior Medical Pract YR 3 Voc Regist General Pract YR 1 Voc Regist General Pract YR 2 Voc Regist General Pract YR 3 Voic Regist General Pract YR 4 Voic Regist General Pract YR 5 General Surgeon FT YR 1 General Surgeon FT YR 2 General Surgeon FT YR 3 General Surgeon FT YR 4 General Surgeon FT YR 5 General Surgeon FT YR 6 General Surgeon FT YR 7 General Surgeon FT YR 8 General Surgeon FT YR 9 General Surgeon <5Sess YR 1 General Surgeon <5Sess YR 2 General Surgeon <5Sess YR 3 General Surgeon <5Sess YR 4 General Surgeon <5Sess YR 5 General Surgeon <5Sess YR 6 General Surgeon <5Sess YR 7 General Surgeon <5Sess YR 8 General Surgeon <5Sess YR 9 General Surgeon 12Sess YR 1 General Surgeon 12Sess YR 2 General Surgeon 12Sess YR 3 General Surgeon 12Sess YR 4 General Surgeon 12Sess YR 5 General Surgeon 12Sess YR 6 General Surgeon 12Sess YR 7 General Surgeon 12Sess YR 8 General Surgeon 12Sess YR 9 General Surgeon 14Sess YR 1 General Surgeon 14Sess YR 2 General Surgeon 14Sess YR 3 General Surgeon 14Sess YR 4 General Surgeon 14Sess YR 5 General Surgeon 14Sess YR 6 General Surgeon 14Sess YR 7 128 MA20.1 MA21.1 MA22.1 MA23.1 MA24.1 MHS01.1 MHS02.1 MHS03.1 MMP01.1 MMP02.1 MMP03.1 MVR01.1 MVR02.1 MVR03.1 MVR04.1 MVR05.1 PFT16.1 PFT17.1 PFT18.1 PFT19.1 PFT20.1 PFT21.1 PFT22.1 PFT23.1 PFT24.1 PMS16.1 PMS17.1 PMS18.1 PMS19.1 PMS20.1 PMS21.1 PMS22.1 PMS23.1 PMS24.1 SFA16.1 SFA17.1 SFA18.1 SFA19.1 SFA20.1 SFA21.1 SFA22.1 SFA23.1 SFA24.1 SHS01.1 SHS02.1 SHS03.1 SMP01.1 SMP02.1 SMP03.1 SP16.1 SP17.1 SP18.1 SP19.1 SP20.1 SP21.1 SP22.1 SP23.1 SP24.1 SS16.1 SS17.1 SS18.1 SS19.1 SS20.1 SS21.1 Consultant Ft YR 5 Consultant Ft YR 6 Consultant Ft YR 7 Consultant Ft YR 8 Consultant Ft YR 9 Health Serv Med Pract YR 1 Health Serv Med Pract YR 2 Health Serv Med Pract YR 3 Senior Medical Pract YR 1 Senior Medical Pract YR 2 Senior Medical Pract YR 3 Voc Regist General Pract YR 1 Voc Regist General Pract YR 2 Voc Regist General Pract YR 3 Voc Regist General Pract YR 4 Voc Regist General Pract YR 5 Pathologist Level 16.1 Pathologist Level 17.1 Pathologist Level 18.1 Pathologist Level 19.1 Pathologist Level 20.1 Pathologist Level 21.1 Pathologist Level 22.1 Pathologist Level 23.1 Pathologist Level 24.1 Pathologists Med-Sess Lvl 16.1 Pathologists Med-Sess Lvl 17.1 Pathologists Med-Sess Lvl 18.1 Pathologists Med-Sess Lvl 19.1 Pathologists Med-Sess Lvl 20.1 Pathologists Med-Sess Lvl 21.1 Pathologists Med-Sess Lvl 22.1 Pathologists Med-Sess Lvl 23.1 Pathologists Med-Sess Lvl 24.1 Surgeon FT A YR 1.1 Surgeon FT A YR 2.1 Surgeon FT A YR 3.1 Surgeon FT A YR 4.1 Surgeon FT A YR 5.1 Surgeon FT A YR 6.1 Surgeon FT A YR 7.1 Surgeon FT A YR 8.1 Surgeon FT A YR 9.1 Health Serv Med Pract YR 1 Health Serv Med Pract YR 2 Health Serv Med Pract YR 3 Senior Med Pract YR 1 Senior Med Pract YR 2 Senior Med Pract YR 3 Consultant Sess YR 1.1 Consultant Sess YR 2.1 Consultant Sess YR 3.1 Consultant Sess YR 4.1 Consultant Sess YR 5.1 Consultant Sess YR 6.1 Consultant Sess YR 7.1 Consultant Sess YR 8.1 Consultant Sess YR 9.1 Surgeon Sess YR 1.1 Surgeon Sess YR 2.1 Surgeon Sess YR 3.1 Surgeon Sess YR 4.1 Surgeon Sess YR 5.1 Surgeon Sess YR 6.1 DSSS08 DSSS09 DTSS01 DTSS02 DTSS03 DTSS04 DTSS05 DTSS06 DTSS07 DTSS08 DTSS09 DUPOF1 DUPOF2 DUPOF3 DUPOF4 DUPOF5 DUPOF6 DUPOF7 DUPOF8 DUPOF9 DUPOG1 DUPOG2 DUPOG3 DUPOG4 DUPOG5 DUPOG6 DUPOG7 DUPOG8 DUPOG9 DUPOS1 DUPOS2 DUPOS3 DUPOS4 DUPOS5 DUPOS6 DUPOS7 DUPOS8 General Surgeon 14Sess YR 8 General Surgeon 14Sess YR 9 General Surgeon 16Sess YR 1 General Surgeon 16Sess YR 2 General Surgeon 16Sess YR 3 General Surgeon 16Sess YR 4 General Surgeon 16Sess YR 5 General Surgeon 16Sess YR 6 General Surgeon 16Sess YR 7 General Surgeon 16Sess YR 8 General Surgeon 16Sess YR 9 Plastic & Ortho Surg A YR 1 Plastic & Ortho Surg A YR 2 Plastic & Ortho Surg A YR 3 Plastic & Ortho Surg A YR 4 Plastic & Ortho Surg A YR 5 Plastic & Ortho Surg A YR 6 Plastic & Ortho Surg A YR 7 Plastic & Ortho Surg A YR 8 Plastic & Ortho Surg A YR 9 Plastic & Ortho Surg B YR 1 Plastic & Ortho Surg B YR 2 Plastic & Ortho Surg B YR 3 Plastic & Ortho Surg B YR 4 Plastic & Ortho Surg B YR 5 Plastic & Ortho Surg B YR 6 Plastic & Ortho Surg B YR 7 Plastic & Ortho Surg B YR 8 Plastic & Ortho Surg B YR 9 Plastic & Ortho Surg Ses YR 1 Plastic & Ortho Surg Ses YR 2 Plastic & Ortho Surg Ses YR 3 Plastic & Ortho Surg Ses YR 4 Plastic & Ortho Surg Ses YR 5 Plastic & Ortho Surg Ses YR 6 Plastic & Ortho Surg Ses YR 7 Plastic & Ortho Surg Ses YR 8 SS22.1 SS23.1 SS24.1 SVR01.1 SVR02.1 SVR03.1 SVR04.1 SVR05.1 VDMP01 VDMP02 VDMP03 VDMP04 VDMP05 VDMP06 VENP01 VENP02 VENP03 VENP04 VENP05 VENP06 VFPR01 VFPR02 VFPR03 VGSM01 VGSM02 VGSM03 VGSM04 VHC001 VHC002 VHC003 VHC004 VHC005 VHC006 VHC007 VHC008 VHC009 Surgeon Sess YR 7.1 Surgeon Sess YR 8.1 Surgeon Sess YR 9.1 Voc Regist General Pract YR 1 Voc Regist General Pract YR 2 Voc Regist General Pract YR 3 Voc Regist General Pract YR 4 Voc Regist General Pract YR 5 NW26 Health Serv Med Pract YR 1 NW26 Health Serv Med Pract YR 2 NW26 Health Serv Med Pract YR 3 NW26 Health Serv Med Pract YR 4 NW26 Health Serv Med Pract YR 5 NW26 Health Serv Med Pract YR 6 NW26 DMO (Non Procedural) NW26 DMO (Non Procedural) NW26 DMO (Non Procedural) NW26 DMO (Non Procedural) NW26 DMO (Non Procedural) NW26 DMO (Non Procedural) NW26 DMO (Procedural) NW26 DMO (Procedural) NW26 DMO (Procedural) NW26 Senior Med Officer YR1 NW26 Senior Med Officer YR2 NW26 Senior Med Officer YR3 NW26 Senior Med Officer YR4 Nw26 Consultant YR 1 Nw26 Consultant YR 2 Nw26 Consultant YR 3 Nw26 Consultant YR 4 Nw26 Consultant YR 5 Nw26 Consultant YR 6 Nw26 Consultant YR 7 Nw26 Consultant YR 8 Nw26 Consultant YR 9 Rate Description Registrar Yr 1 Registrar Yr 2 Registrar Yr 3 Registrar Yr 4 Registrar Yr 5 Registrar Yr 6 Registrar Yr 7 Senior Registrar Yr 1 Senior Registrar Yr 2 Supervised Med Off Yr 1 Supervised Med Off Yr 2 Supervised Med Off Yr 3 Supervised Med Off Yr 4 Supervised Med Off Yr 5 Supervised Med Off Yr 6 Supervised Med Off Yr 7 Supervised Med Off Yr 8 Supervised Med Off Yr 9 Trainee Medical Administrator Yr 1 Trainee Medical Administrator Yr 2 Trainee Medical Administrator Yr 3 Trainee Medical Administrator Yr 4 Trainee Medical Administrator Yr 5 Rate ID DHTH02 DHTH03 DHTH04 DHTH05 DHTH06 DHTH07 ME05.1 ME06.1 ME07.1 ME08.1 ME09.1 ME10.1 ME11.1 ME12.1 ME13.1 MEO10.1 MEO11.1 MEO5.1 MEO6.1 MEO7.1 MEO8.1 MEO9.1 MTP01.1 Rate Description Trainee Public Health Physician Yr 2 Trainee Public Health Physician Yr 3 Trainee Public Health Physician Yr 4 Trainee Public Health Physician Yr 5 Trainee Public Health Physician Yr 6 Trainee Public Health Physician Yr 7 Registrar Year 1.1 Registrar Year 2.1 Registrar Year 3.1 Registrar Year 4.1 Registrar Year 5.1 Registrar Year 6.1 Registrar Year 7.1 Senior Registrar Year 1.1 Senior Registrar Year 2.1 Registrar Year 6.1 Registrar Year 7.1 Registrar Year 1.1 Registrar Year 2.1 Registrar Year 3.1 Registrar Year 4.1 Registrar Year 5.1 Trainee Psychiatrist Year 1.1 Registrars: Rate ID DCRG01 DCRG02 DCRG03 DCRG04 DCRG05 DCRG06 DCRG07 DDSR01 DDSR02 DESM01 DESM02 DESM03 DESM04 DESM05 DESM06 DESM07 DESM08 DESM09 DFTM01 DFTM02 DFTM03 DFTM04 DFTM05 129 DFTM06 DFTM07 DGTP01 DGTP02 DGTP03 DGTP04 DGTP05 DGTP06 DGTP07 DHTH01 Trainee Medical Administrator Yr 6 Trainee Medical Administrator Yr 7 Trainee Psychiatrist Yr 1 Trainee Psychiatrist Yr 2 Trainee Psychiatrist Yr 3 Trainee Psychiatrist Yr 4 Trainee Psychiatrist Yr 5 Trainee Psychiatrist Yr 6 Trainee Psychiatrist Yr 7 Trainee Public Health Physician Yr 1 MTP02.1 MTP03.1 MTP04.1 MTP05.1 MTP06.1 MTP07.1 VCRG01 VCRG02 VCRG03 Trainee Psychiatrist Year 2.1 Trainee Psychiatrist Year 3.1 Trainee Psychiatrist Year 4.1 Trainee Psychiatrist Year 5.1 Trainee Psychiatrist Year 6.1 Trainee Psychiatrist Year 7.1 Nw26 Registrar Yr 1 Nw26 Registrar Yr 2 Nw26 Registrar Yr 3 Rate ID VBRM01 VBRM02 VBRM03 Rate Description Nw26 Resident Medical Officer Yr1 Nw26 Resident Medical Officer Yr2 Nw26 Resident Medical Officer Yr3 Resident Medical Officers: Rate ID DBRM01 DBRM02 DBRM03 Rate Description Resident Medical Off Yr 1 Resident Medical Off Yr 2 Resident Medical Off Yr 3 Interns: Rate ID DAI001 Rate Description Intern Other Medical: ‘Other Medical’ includes all other Rate Ids that do not fit in the above Intern, Resident Medical Officer, Registrar and Consultant categories. This includes, for example, Medical Administrators, Dental Officers, Specified Calling positions, and positions with negotiated pay rates. Exclusions Null or missing rate IDs Non WA Health locations including the Office of Health Review, Peel Health Campus, Joondalup Health Campus, Drug and Alcohol Office, and Mental Health Commission WA Scope For 2013/14 only 36 sites are considered for this indicator. These are the sites selected by the Activity Based Funding (ABF) Reporting team. Of the 36 ABF sites, only those which have interns and/or RMOs are included in scope. Formula Numerator Medical grouping (either the consultant, registrar, resident medical officer, intern or other medical grouping FTEs). Denominator Sum of consultants, registrars resident medical officers, interns and other medical FTEs. Calculation Numerator divided Denominator expressed as a percentage for the grouping. Example % consultants are calculated by dividing the total number of consultants (numerator) by the sum of consultants, registrars, resident medical officers, interns and other medical (denominator) to determine the % consultants in the workforce. Verification Rules Between 0% and 100%. Data Collection Identification Items Source HR data warehouse Governance Items 130 Purpose of the This indicator is used to show the proportion of a medical grouping (i.e. graduates) against the full medical workforce to ensure the correct levels to sustain training and data safe patient care are maintained within the WA Health system. Source of the definition Version Workforce Directorate, WA Health. number 1.1 Approval date 20130605 131 SW2: Proportion of nursing graduates and other categories of nursing staff to total nursing staff Reported Data Description Items Identifier ABF/M-KPI- SW2 Name Proportion of nursing graduates and other nursing staff to total nursing staff Aliases Nursing grouping breakdown Definition This indicator is used to show the proportion of a nursing grouping (e.g., nursing graduates) against the full nursing workforce to ensure the correct levels to sustain training and safe patient care are maintained within the WA Health system. Proportion of new Medical Graduates to other Medical Staff and to Total Medical Staff Related Metadata Guide for Use The reporting of nursing graduates needs to consider the employment context into which they are potentially employed. Frequently, the capacity to employ graduate nurses will vary with the aggregated level of staff experience in the place of employment. Greater numbers of graduate nurses can be employed into areas where there are sufficient numbers of experienced staff to both support and supervise their work, while the opposite is true for areas where there are few experienced nurses. The nursing groupings presented are: (a) Graduate: usually the first occasion of employment following qualification and Board registration as either a RN (registered nurse) or an EN (enrolled nurse); most often this period includes a formal graduate development program to support entry into the workforce. (b) Junior: the period of employment during which an RN or an EN continues to consolidate both their formal education and initial employment experience as a graduate. Since the RN has greater responsibilities and role complexity than is the case for ENs, RNs in their second and third years following graduation are considered relatively junior to more experienced RN colleagues, and ENs in their second year following graduation are considered relatively junior to more experienced EN colleagues. (c) Experienced: RNs with three or more years post-graduation experience (or more than two years in the case of an EN), will generally possess a broad range of competencies and clinical expertise. 132 (d) Senior: RNs with six or more years post-graduation experience (or ENs who have qualified as an ASEN – advanced skills enrolled nurse), possess highly developed competencies and problem solving abilities. This grouping of nurses includes individuals who have specialist clinical, education, and resource management skills. For example, this group is inclusive of ANF level 2 promotional positions for RNs who collectively take responsibility for the quality of patient care delivery and the standard of practice in an assigned ward or unit (CN), or who implement and evaluate staff development and education programs for new and existing staff at ward or unit level (SDN). (e) SRN and above: this category includes nurses and midwives in very senior roles ranging from front-line manager/leader, clinical consultation roles, through to executive-level strategic service director positions. (f) ‘Other’ Nursing: non-specific, miscellaneous; often will include individuals attributed as nurses in the payroll system but being paid nonnursing award wages. These groupings are determined by using the ‘rate ID’ and ‘rate description’ field in the HR data warehouse. These fields relate to actual payment amounts and are the most accurate reflection of employee experience and seniority available for these reporting purposes. All groupings were determined by the Nursing and Midwifery Office of WA Health in December 2010. These will be reviewed on a regular basis (please see the inclusions listed below to show the actual rate IDs used to determine the groupings). This indicator excludes ‘null’ or ‘missing’ rate IDs (which are generally associated with agency staff, recoups or data quality issues) as these cannot be appropriately allocated to a nursing grouping. For this reason the total nursing staff Full Time Equivalent (FTE) may be different from the actual FTE reported in other reports. Due to this, only the percentage is to be reported for this indicator (i.e. the number of FTEs is not to be reported). This is a quarterly indicator – be aware some variation in nursing graduate numbers will be associated with bi-annual graduate intakes in January/ February and July/ August of each year. ‘Other’ nursing, although calculated as part of the overall nursing group, will not be included in the ABF reporting. Limitations This indicator can be reported at the major location level. Consideration must be given to the accuracy of the location data, particularly if a number of physical locations are rolled into one major location or spread across numerous major locations as this may skew the data. 133 Payment recoups can have impacts on the grouping percentages at some sites. This can slightly overestimate or underestimate groupings at some sites; however, for nursing groupings the impact is believed to be very small. This indicator uses rate ID to group into the specific nursing groupings. Monitoring of new rate IDs or changes to rate IDs need to occur to ensure the definition remains current. Reported Data Validation Items Format Percentage 4 NNN.N% Data Values Inclusions Nursing WFM account codes including: Account Code 0111 0113 0116 0117 0211 Account code description Nursing Services Casual Nurses Enrolled Nurses Enrolled Mental Health Nurses Agency nurses Graduate Nurses : Rate ID ENE001 ENE011 ENE1.1 MST1.1 NEA001 NEA011 REMEB1 RGN1.1 Rate Description ENROLLED NURSE EBA LEV 1 NSG ASSIST EBA LEV 1 ENROLLED NURSE EBA LEVEL 1.1 MIDWIFE STUDENT - REGISTERED NURSE L1.2.1 REGISTER M/CRAFT YR1 4WK REG GEN NURSE L1-1 4WK ENROLLED MHN EB YR1 4WK REGISTERED GENERAL NURSE LEVEL 1.1 Junior Nurses: Rate ID ENE002 ENE012 ENE1.2 NEA012 NEA013 RGN1.2 RGN1.3 Rate Description ENROLLED NURSE EBA LEV 2 NSG ASSIST EBA LEV 2 ENROLLED NURSE EBA LEVEL 1.2 REG GEN NURSE L1-2 4WK REG GEN NURSE L1-3 4WK REGISTERED GENERAL NURSE LEVEL 1.2 REGISTERED GENERAL NURSE LEVEL 1.3 Experienced Nurses: Rate ID ALL.1 EME.3 EME.4 EME.5 EME.6 ENE003 ENE004 ENE005 ENE013 Rate Description ALL CLASSIFICATIONS.1 ENROLLED MENTAL HEALTH NURSE EBA.3 ENROLLED MENTAL HEALTH NURSE EBA.4 ENROLLED MENTAL HEALTH NURSE EBA.5 ENROLLED MENTAL HEALTH NURSE EBA.6 ENROLLED NURSE EBA LEV 3 ENROLLED NURSE EBA LEV 4 ENROLLED NURSE EBA LEV 5 NSG ASSIST EBA LEV 3 134 ENE031 ENE1.3 ENE1.4 ENE2.1 ENE3.1 ENE4.1 NEA014 NEA015 NEA016 REMEB2 REMEB3 RGN1.4 RGN1.5 EN SCHOOL NURSE EBA L2 ENROLLED NURSE EBA LEVEL 1.3 ENROLLED NURSE EBA LEVEL 1.4 ENROLLED NURSE EBA LEVEL 2.1 ENROLLED NURSE EBA LEVEL 3.1 ENROLLED NURSE EBA LEVEL 4.1 REG GEN NURSE L1-4 4WK REG GEN NURSE L1-5 4WK REG GEN NURSE L1-6 4WK ENROLLED MHN EB YR2 4WK ENROLLED MHN EB YR3 4WK REGISTERED GENERAL NURSE LEVEL 1.4 REGISTERED GENERAL NURSE LEVEL 1.5 Senior Nurses: Rate ID ASEE1.1 ASEE1.2 ASEE2.1 ENAS01 ENAS02 ENSAS1 ENSAS2 FRM2.1 FRM2.2 FRM2.3 FRM2.4 NEA005 NEA006 NEA007 NEA008 NEA009 NEA017 NEA018 NEA019 NEA021 NEA022 NEA023 NEA024 NEA026 NEA027 NEA028 NEA029 NEC021 NEC022 NEC023 NEC024 REMEB4 REMEB5 REMEB6 RGN1.6 RGN1.7 RGN1.8 RGN1.9 SCA2.1 SCA2.2 SCA2.3 SCA2.4 Rate Description ADVANCED SKILL EN EBA L 1.1 ADVANCED SKILL EN EBA L 1.2 ADVANCED SKILL EN EBA L 2.1 ADVANCED SKILL EN EBA L 1 ADVANCED SKILL EN EBA L 2 ADV SKILL SCHOOL EN L1 ADV SKILL SCHOOL EN L2 FBC REGISTERED MIDWIFE L2.1 FBC REGISTERED MIDWIFE L2.2 FBC REGISTERED MIDWIFE L2.3 FBC REGISTERED MIDWIFE L2.4 REGISTER M/CRAFT YR5 4WK FBC REG M/WIFE L2-1 4WK FBC REG M/WIFE L2-2 4WK FBC REG M/WIFE L2-3 4WK FBC REG M/WIFE L2-4 4WK REG GEN NURSE L1-7 4WK REG GEN NURSE L1-8 4WK REG GEN NURSE L1-9 4WK S-DEV/CLIN/A-MAN L2-1 4WK S-DEV/CLIN/A-MAN L2-2 4WK S-DEV/CLIN/A-MAN L2-3 4WK S-DEV/CLIN/A-MAN L2-4 4WK SCHOOL NURSE L2-1 4WK SCHOOL NURSE L2-2 4WK SCHOOL NURSE L2-3 4WK SCHOOL NURSE L2-4 4WK COMMUNITY M/WIFE L2-1 4WK COMMUNITY M/WIFE L2-2 4WK COMMUNITY M/WIFE L2-3 4WK COMMUNITY M/WIFE L2-4 4WK ENROLLED MHN EB YR4 4WK ENROLLED MHN EB YR5 4WK ENROLLED MHN EB YR6 4WK REGISTERED GENERAL NURSE LEVEL 1.6 REGISTERED GENERAL NURSE LEVEL 1.7 REGISTERED GENERAL NURSE LEVEL 1.8 REGISTERED GENERAL NURSE LEVEL 1.9 CLINICAL NURSE LEVEL 2.1 CLINICAL NURSE LEVEL 2.2 CLINICAL NURSE LEVEL 2.3 CLINICAL NURSE LEVEL 2.4 SRN’s and Above Rate ID NEAS01 Rate Description SENIOR REG NSE L 1 4WK 135 NEAS02 NEAS03 NEAS04 NEAS05 NEAS06 NEAS07 NEAS08 NEAS09 NEAS10 SRN1.1 SRN2.1 SRN3.1 SRN4.1 SRN5.1 SRN6.1 SRN7.1 SRN8.1 SRN9.1 SR10.1 All “AG4” rate IDs All ‘AP2 and AP4’ rate IDs All ‘AS4’ rate IDs SENIOR REG NSE L 2 4WK SENIOR REG NSE L 3 4WK SENIOR REG NSE L 4 4WK SENIOR REG NSE L 5 4WK SENIOR REG NSE L 6 4WK SENIOR REG NSE L 7 4WK SENIOR REG NSE L 8 4WK SENIOR REG NSE L 9 4WK SENIOR REG NSE L 10 4WK SENIOR REG NURSE LEVEL 1.1 SENIOR REG NURSE LEVEL 2.1 SENIOR REG NURSE LEVEL 3.1 SENIOR REG NURSE LEVEL 4.1 SENIOR REG NURSE LEVEL 5.1 SENIOR REG NURSE LEVEL 6.1 SENIOR REG NURSE LEVEL 7.1 SENIOR REG NURSE LEVEL 8.1 SENIOR REG NURSE LEVEL 9.1 SENIOR REG NURSE LEVEL 10.1 HSU GEN DIV HSU PROF DIV HSU SNR OFF DIV ‘Other’ Nurses (not to be reported as a numerator): Rate ID Rate Description All HW rate IDs HOSP WRKERS All ‘ZZ’ rate IDs NEG RATE All GOS rate IDs GOSAC Please note: ‘other’ nursing also includes various other rate IDs that do not fit in the above graduate, junior, experienced, senior and SRN and above categories. Please see guide for use. Exclusions Null or missing rate IDs Non WA Health locations including the Office of Health Review, Peel Health Campus, Joondalup Health Campus, Drug and Alcohol Office, and Mental Health Commission WA Scope For 2013/14 only 36 sites are considered for this indicator. These are the sites selected by the Activity Based Funding (ABF) Reporting team. Of the 36 ABF sites, only those which have graduate and/or junior nurses are included in the analysis. Formula Numerator Nurse grouping (either the graduate, junior, experienced, senior or SRN and above grouping) Denominator Sum of graduate, junior, experienced, senior, SRN and other nursing. Calculation Numerator divided Denominator expressed as a percentage for the grouping. 136 Example % senior nurses are calculated by dividing the total number of senior nurses (numerator) by the sum of graduate, junior, experienced, senior, SRN and ‘other’ nursing (denominator) to determine the % senior nurses in the workforce. Verification Between 0% and 100%. Rules Data Collection Identification Items Source HR data warehouse Governance Items Purpose of the This indicator is used to show the proportion of a nursing grouping (e.g.. data graduates) against the full nursing workforce to ensure the correct levels to sustain training and safe patient care are maintained within the WA Health system. Source of the definition Workforce Directorate and the Nursing and Midwifery Office, WA Health Version number 1.1 Approval date 20130605 137 SW4.a: Injury management a) Lost time injury severity rate Reported Data Description Items Identifier ABF/M-KPI-SW4a Name Injury severity rate Aliases Lost time injury severity rate Definition The lost time injury severity rate is the number of severe injuries (estimated 60 days /shifts or more lost from work) divided by the number of lost time injuries, presented as a rate per 100 lost time injuries. An injury resulting in death is considered to have accounted for more than 60 days lost. Related Metadata Guide for Use This is a measure of incident/accident prevention and the effectiveness of injury management. Reporting frequency: six-monthly Reporting level: Health Service Note: the data are extracted for the two reporting periods: JanuaryJune and July-December at each calendar year. Limitations The medical certificates and medical notes are used in the process of determining if a claim will be included as an estimate. Further information on complying with this reporting requirement, including the calculation and reporting of the performance measures, can be found at Reported Data Validation Items Format Number (rate per 100 lost time injuries) 4 NN.NN Data Values >= 0 and <=100 Inclusions The severity rate is the number of severe injuries (estimated 60 days /shifts or more lost from work) divided by the number of lost time injuries multiplied by 100. Note: the calculation of days lost during the reporting period is to be estimated. An injury resulting in death is included as a severe injury coded as more than 60 days of work hours lost (equivalent to a work days/shifts). Compensated claims = The number of workers’ compensation claims by employees lodged and accepted by RiskCover in the public WA Health System. The count of claims is based on an 138 lodgement date falling within the specified collection time period. LTI/D = The number of total compensation claims, where one day/shift or more was lost, in this financial year as a proportion of the total number of workers. The one day/shift is equal to a ≥ 1 (estimated) work day (where a day equates to a work day that may or may not be continuous). Claims are coded according to the Type of Occurrence Classification System (TOOCS) coding system (2nd addition). Exclusions Scope Data exclude reporting entities such as HCN, HIN, Drug and Alcohol Office, and DoH at Royal Street. Includes: • North Metropolitan Health Service o Dental Health o PathWest • South Metropolitan Health Service • Child and Adolescent Health Service • WA Country Health Service Excludes: • Joondalup Health Campus • Peel Health Campus Formula Numerator: Number of severe injuries (X 100). Denominator: Number of lost time injuries. Verification Rules >=0 or <=100 Data Collection Identification Items Source RiskCover & Health Services RiskCover provides the data for the calculation. The data and result are reviewed and approved by each reporting entity. RiskCover supplies the data to the Performance Reporting Branch (PRB), then PRB send the data to the individual reporting entities for approval. Governance Items Purpose of the data WA State Performance Indicator Definition Source of the definition Operational Plan 2010-11 report definition for PI 4.9. Version number 3.0 Approval date 20130605 139 SW4.b: Injury management b) Percentage of managers and supervisors trained in occupational safety and health (OSH) and injury management responsibilities Reported Data Description Items Identifier ABF/M-KPI-SW4b Name Percentage of managers and supervisors trained in occupational safety, health (OSH) and injury management responsibilities Aliases Percentage of managers trained in occupational safety and health (OSH) and injury management responsibilities Definition The percentage of managers and supervisors trained in occupational safety and health (OSH) and injury management responsibilities is the number of WA health managers and supervisors who have received training in OSH practices within the last three years, divided by the total number of managers in WA Health, expressed as percentage. The data are based on a snapshot as at a point in time. Related Metadata Guide for Use This is a measure of incident/accident prevention and the effectiveness of injury management. This measure is reported in accordance with the Public Sector Commissioner’s Circular 2012-05. The circular states that “The frequency of refresher training is at the discretion of the agency, however it should occur at least every three years or sooner if significant changes to the risk profile of the agency/ work areas or legislative changes occur.” It measures the percentage of current WA health managers and supervisors who have received training in occupational safety, health (OSH) and injury management responsibilities within the last three years, as at a point in time – e.g., snapshot as at the end of the report period. The number of managers is based on headcount, not FTE. Limitations Defining a manager or supervisor in Health is difficult due to the range of disciplines and management structures. The agreed list of employees approved by health services below is used to define “Manager” • Directors; • Nurse managers and Clinical Nurse Specialists; • Staff Development nurses; • Tier 6 staff level (specific to PathWest); • Allocated Leader (specific to Allied Health Professionals). This list is not exhaustive and other employees classified as managers or supervisors should be included. 140 Reported Data Validation Items Format Percentage 4 NN.NN% Data Values >= 0% and <=100% Inclusions Numerator and Denominator: Managers include: directors, nurse managers and clinical nurse specialists, staff development nurses, tier 6 staff level (specific to PathWest), and allocated leader (specific to Allied Health Professionals). This list is not exhaustive and other employees classified as managers should be included. Numerator: Current managers who have received OSH and injury management training within the last three years. This includes refresher training. Exclusions Scope Includes: • North Metropolitan Health Service o Dental Health o PathWest • South Metropolitan Health Service • Child and Adolescent Health Service • WA Country Health Service • Health Corporate Network • Health Information Network • Department of Health For a particular report, please refer to that report’s scoping to determine which sites are included. Excludes: Formula • Joondalup Health Campus • Peel Health Campus • Drug and Alcohol Office. Numerator: Number (headcount) of WA health managers and 141 supervisors who have received training in OSH practices within the prior three years, as at the last day of the reporting period. Denominator: Total number (headcount) of managers employed in WA Health, as at the last day of the reporting period. Numerator divided by Denominator, expressed as a percentage. Verification Rules >=0 or <=100% Data Collection Identification Items Source Health Services and other WA Health entities. Note: Health Services and entities supply the data to the Performance Reporting Branch (PRB). Governance Items Purpose of the data To report on the the percentage of current managers (anyone who supervises staff), who have received training in their responsibilities for occupational safety, health and injury management, in line with the Public Sector Commissioner’s Circular. Source of the definition Public Sector Commissioner’s Circular 2012-05 Version number 2.1 Approval date 20130719 142 SW5: Leave Liability Reported Data Description Items Identifier MDG-06-007 Name Leave Liability Aliases N/A Definition A count of hours of accrued annual leave and currently available long service leave. Related Metadata None Guide for Use Leave liability is the sum of the accrued annual leave and currently available long service leave. It does not take into account the liability of pro rata long service leave of those aged 55 years and over. Includes all permanent and non permanent employees. Leave liability data will change for each Budget Holder/location due to staff transfers. Therefore comparisons with previous recorded values may not be directly comparable for a particular location. Limitations Reported Data Validation Items Format Numeric (to 2 decimals) 9 NNNNNNN.NN Data Values Inclusions Grouping 1. Nursing and Nursing Support 2. Medical 3. Medical Support Account Code 111 113 116 117 118 181 182 183 184 185 186 189 191 192 193 194 195 114 115 131 132 133 134 135 143 Description Nursing Services Casual Nurses Enrolled Nurses Enr'lld Mental Hlth Nurse Assistant In Nursing Salaried Medical Officers Salaried Medical Practitioners Salaried Radiology (Medical Imaging) Salaried Radiotherapy Salaried Pathology Salaried Dental Officers Salaried Other Sessional Clinical Sessional Radiology (Medical Imaging) Sessional Radiotherapy Sessional Pathology Sessional Other Registered Dental Nurse Dental Clinic Assistant Radiology (Medical Imaging) Radiotherapy Pathology Dietitians Podiatry 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 172 121 122 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 161 162 168 171 4. Admin & Clerical 5. Hotel Services 6. Site Services Exclusions Chapliancy Health Promotions Rehabilitation Assistance Other Medical Support Services Dental Technician Dental Therapists Occupational Therapy Pharmacy Physiotherapy Social Work Technical Speech Pathology Psychologists Other Ancillary Services Aboriginal Health Worker General Admin & Clerical Clinical Admin Support Catering Cleaning Services Orderlies & Transport Patient Support Assistants Laundry & Linen Stores & Supply Home Ancillary Worker Engineering Maintenance Services Grounds & Gardens Security Services Other Categories Account Group for Agency Staff (0210) Office of Health Review Peel Health Campus Joondalup Health Campus Mental Health Commission WA Drug and Alcohol Office 144 Scope Leave Liability will be reported for the following WA State Public Health system locations: North Metropolitan Health Service South Metropolitan Health Service Child and Adolescent Health Service WA Country Health Service Others Dental Admin Dental Central Dental North Dental South Pathology Centre Health System Support Health Corporate Network Dental Health Service Director General’s Office Health Policy & Clinical Reform Health Finance Path West Covers state government hospital employees working on rotation in private hospitals. Leave liability can also be reported by WA Health major locations. For a particular report, please refer to that report’s scoping to determine which major locations are included. Formula Count of hours of accrued annual leave and currently available long service leave. Verification Rules Value is >/= to zero Data Collection Identification Items Source Human Resource Data Warehouse. Data is extracted following advice from HCN that the general ledger is closed and available for reporting. Department of Health WA Chart of Accounts ( Governance Items Purpose of the data The intention is to capture the employer liability in hours. This information can be used to monitor and report on annual leave and long service leave entitlements. Source of the definition Workforce Division and Health Corporate Network, Department of Health. 145 Version number V1.4 Approval date 20130605 146 SW6.a: Actual and Budget FTE: Average Monthly Total Full Time Equivalents Reported Data Description Items Identifier PMR-12-070a Name Average Monthly Total Full Time Equivalents – Financial View Aliases Month to Date (MTD) Total FTE Average Monthly Total FTE Actual FTE Definition The average number of full time equivalent Total Employees, allocated by cost centre. Related Metadata MDG-06-001 Average Monthly Total FTE (Major Location View) PMR-12-070b Average Monthly Budgeted FTE (Financial View) Guide for Use Average Monthly FTE are counts of Nursing Services, Nursing Agency, Admin & Clerical, Medical Support Services, Hotel Services, Site Services, Medical Agency, Medical-Salaried and MedicalSessional FTEs. The monthly Average FTE is the average hours worked during a period of time divided by the relevant Award Full Time Hours for the same period. This definition is referred to as a ‘Financial view’ because FTEs are allocated according to the cost centre paying for the FTE, irrespective of where the FTE is physically located. Cost centres provide groupings of financial information according to various parameters that may include the description of services delivered, functions performed, projects etc. Cost centre groupings in WA Health range from various levels including Level 5 - Health Service/Entity; Level 4 - Division; Level 3/2 - Directorate; and Posting Level. Cost Centre Level 5 is the highest level. There is an expectation that at the lower the cost centre level, more precise detail is provided as to the grouping or cost centre purpose. Limitations Reported Data Validation Items Format Numeric 9 NNNNN.# Data Values Inclusions Grouping 1. Nursing and Nursing Support 2. Medical Account Code 111 113 116 117 118 181 182 183 147 Description Nursing Services Casual Nurses Enrolled Nurses Enr'lld Mental Hlth Nurse Assistant In Nursing Salaried Medical Officers Salaried Medical Practitioners Salaried Radiology (Medical Imaging) 184 185 186 189 191 192 193 194 195 114 115 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 172 121 122 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 161 162 168 171 3. Medical Support 4. Admin & Clerical 5. Hotel Services 6. Site Services Exclusions Office of Health Review Joondalup Health Campus Peel Health Campus Mental Health Commission WA Drug and Alcohol Office 148 Salaried Radiotherapy Salaried Pathology Salaried Dental Officers Salaried Other Sessional Clinical Sessional Radiology (Medical Imaging) Sessional Radiotherapy Sessional Pathology Sessional Other Registered Dental Nurse Dental Clinic Assistant Radiology (Medical Imaging) Radiotherapy Pathology Dietitians Podiatry Chapliancy Health Promotions Rehabilitation Assistance Other Medical Support Services Dental Technician Dental Therapists Occupational Therapy Pharmacy Physiotherapy Social Work Technical Speech Pathology Psychologists Other Ancillary Services Aboriginal Health Worker General Admin & Clerical Clinical Admin Support Catering Cleaning Services Orderlies & Transport Patient Support Assistants Laundry & Linen Stores & Supply Home Ancillary Worker Engineering Maintenance Services Grounds & Gardens Security Services Other Categories Scope Average monthly total FTE – Financial View will be reported for the following WA Health Level 5 Cost Centres: North Metropolitan Health Service South Metropolitan Health Service Child and Adolescent Health Service WA Country Health Service Health Corporate Network Dental Health Service Health Information Network PathWest Department of Health Divisions (the following divisions are Level 4 Cost Centres) Office of Director General Resource Strategy Systems Policy and Planning Performance Activity and Quality Public Health and Clinical Services For a particular report, please refer to that report’s scoping to determine which sites are included. Covers state government hospital employees working on rotation in private hospitals. Formula The Workforce MTD Average FTE uses the following calculation method: SUM of hours for all [EMPLOYEE EARNING CODE] values where [FTE FLAG] = Y, divided by the sum of [AWARD] full time equivalent hours for the [PAY MONTH]. Verification Rules Values > 0 Data Collection Identification Items Source Human Resource Data Warehouse. Data is extracted following advice from HCN that the general ledger is closed and available for reporting. Department of Health WA Chart of Accounts available from Oracle Discoverer 10G. Governance Items Purpose of the data The count is used to report the profile of the WA Health workforce, and may be used to report against the Budgeted FTE and FTE ceiling. Source of the definition Workforce Division Resource Strategy & Infrastructure Division 149 Performance Activity & Quality Division Version number 1.1 Approval date 20130605 150 SW6.b: Actual and Budget FTE: Average Monthly Budget Full Time Equivalents Reported Data Description Items Identifier PMR-12-070b Name Average Monthly Budget Full Time Equivalents – Financial View Aliases Month to Date (MTD) Total FTE Budget Average Monthly Total FTE Budget Budget FTE Budgeted FTE Definition FTE Budgets are a measure of the number of FTE that a budget holder can purchase within the approved finanical budget. The FTE budgets are allocated by the budget holders, according to Cost Centre. Related Metadata Guide for Use The monthly average FTE budgets are calculated by the budget holders, based on available funding for FTE. Budget holders provide their budgeted FTE to the Department of Health to be loaded into the Human Resource Data Warehouse (HRDW) each month. A report is run from the FTE budget system to extract the monthly budget information, for the purposes of monthly reporting. PMR-12-070a Average Monthly Total FTE (Financial View) The FTE budget for closed financial periods (i.e., previous months and the current month) cannot be updated – i.e., only future periods (‘open periods’) can be updated. Period 13 is an additional period that budget holders can use to temporarily allocate funding and therefore budgeted FTE. Period 13 is used when there is funding available, but budget holders are unsure of when the funding will be used. The expectation is that the funding will be allocated to the remaining open periods at some point soon after. Note that ‘actual’ FTE are not reported in period 13. Average Monthly budget FTE are available for Nursing Services, Nursing Agency, Admin & Clerical, Medical Support Services, Hotel Services, Site Services, Medical Agency, Medical-Salaried and Medical-Sessional FTEs. This definition is referred to as a ‘Financial view’ because budgeted FTEs are allocated according to the cost centre paying for the FTE, irrespective of where the FTE is physically located. Cost centres provide groupings of financial information according to various parameters that may include the description of service delivered, functions performed, projects etc. Cost centre groupings in WA Health range from various levels including Level 5 - Health Service/Entity; Level 4 - Division; Level 3/2 - Directorate; and Posting Level. Cost Centre Level 5 is the highest level. There is an expectation that at the lower the cost centre level, more precise detail is provided as to the grouping or cost centre purpose. 151 Limitations Reported Data Validation Items Format Numeric 9 NNNNN.# Data Values Inclusions Grouping 1. Nursing and Nursing Support 2. Medical 3. Medical Support 4. Admin & Clerical 5. Hotel Services Account Code 111 113 116 117 118 181 182 183 184 185 186 189 191 192 193 194 195 114 115 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 172 121 122 151 152 153 154 155 152 Description Nursing Services Casual Nurses Enrolled Nurses Enr'lld Mental Hlth Nurse Assistant In Nursing Salaried Medical Officers Salaried Medical Practitioners Salaried Radiology (Medical Imaging) Salaried Radiotherapy Salaried Pathology Salaried Dental Officers Salaried Other Sessional Clinical Sessional Radiology (Medical Imaging) Sessional Radiotherapy Sessional Pathology Sessional Other Registered Dental Nurse Dental Clinic Assistant Radiology (Medical Imaging) Radiotherapy Pathology Dietitians Podiatry Chapliancy Health Promotions Rehabilitation Assistance Other Medical Support Services Dental Technician Dental Therapists Occupational Therapy Pharmacy Physiotherapy Social Work Technical Speech Pathology Psychologists Other Ancillary Services Aboriginal Health Worker General Admin & Clerical Clinical Admin Support Catering Cleaning Services Orderlies & Transport Patient Support Assistants Laundry & Linen 156 157 161 162 168 171 6. Site Services Exclusions Stores & Supply Home Ancillary Worker Engineering Maintenance Services Grounds & Gardens Security Services Other Categories Office of Health Review Peel Health Campus Joondalup Health Campus Mental Health Commission WA Drug and Alcohol Office Scope Budget FTE will be reported for the following WA Health Level 5 Cost Centres: North Metropolitan Health Service South Metropolitan Health Service Child and Adolescent Health Service WA Country Health Service Health Corporate Network Dental Health Service Health Information Network PathWest Department of Health Divisions (the following divisions are Level 4 Cost Centres) Office of Director General Resource Strategy Systems Policy and Planning Performance Activity and Quality Public Health and Clinical Services Covers state government hospital employees working on rotation in private hospitals. Formula The budget holders calculate their FTE budget based on the available funding for FTEs. Budget holders provide their monthly budgets to the DoH, which are then loaded into the budgeted FTE system. Budget holders provide the budgets for each month ([Pay Month]), cost centre ([Cost Centre ID]), and account code ([Account Code]). The budgets for prior months and the current reporting month should not be changed – only budgets for future periods can be updated. The Budget FTE are then extracted from the budgeted FTE system by the Workforce Division as follows: A report is run from the budgeted FTE system (Oracle Warehouse) to extract the FTE budget information. Fields extracted are: [Year], [Pay Month], [Cost Centre ID], [Account Code], [Budget MTD], [YTD Monthly Average Budget], [Cost centre Level 5], [Cost Centre Level 153 4], and [Account Group]. [Pay month] is used to allocate budgets to a particular reporting month. [Cost Centre ID] is used to group cost centres to [Cost Centre Level 5] or [Cost Centre Level 4]. [Account Code] is used to group FTE to [Account Group]. [Budget MTD] can be summed across [Account codes] and within cost centre groupings to report budgeted FTE. Verification Rules Values ≥ 0 Data Collection Identification Items Source Budgeted FTE System, Human Resource Data Warehouse. Data is extracted following the end of the month. Department of Health WA Chart of Accounts available from Oracle Discoverer 10G. Governance Items Purpose of the data To report the FTE budget for the WA Health workforce, and enable comparison against the actual FTE. Source of the definition Workforce Division Resource Strategy and Infrastructure Division Performance Activity & Quality Division Version number 1.1 Approval date 20130605 154 2.7 Processes Coding (PC) KPIs There are 2 PC PIs proposed in the 2013-14 PMF, including 1 Health Service measure. 155 PC1: Percentage of cases coded by end of month closing date Reported Data Description Items Identifier MDG-01-013 Name Coded cases Aliases Reportable cases Definition The percentage of all inpatient discharge records which have been clinically coded, transmitted to the Hospital Morbidity Data System (HMDS) and cleared from a range of quality edit processes. Related Metadata Guide for Use Total Separations Submitted Cases Numerator A count of records from TOPAS, HCARe CMS (HCARe), Peel Health Campus (PHC) and Joondalup Health Campus (JHC) morbidity extracts generated for the Hospital Morbidity Data Collection (HMDC) unit that have been clinically coded and cleared from a range of quality edit processes by HMDC. Denominator A count of records from inpatient discharge extracts. This extract contains details of all inpatient discharges, irrespective of status of clinical coding. Cases are matched between numerator and denominator using Hospital Number (Est Code) and Account Number. Limitations Replacement cases: A very small number of cases can be replaced or updated after acceptance into the HMDS. This occurrence falsely increases the number of reportable cases. This effect is negligible. Morbidity extracts from TOPAS are received on a daily basis and HCARe on a semi-weekly basis whereas PHC and JHC data are received on a monthly basis. Dependent on the start and end date of the reference period, discrepancies may exist between private and public hospitals in regard to the number of cases received by HMDC. The data from Next Step Inpatient Withdrawal Unit are not included since the discharge extracts are not available and the morbidity extracts are received on a monthly basis. If the report is generated within 28 days of the end date of the reference period, data are incomplete as the recommended boundary period for coding completeness has not elapsed. Cases in the numerator have passed quality control checks and may have required modification by the Health Services prior to acceptance into the HMDS. Based on current process it is possible for these changes to be reflected in the 156 numerator prior to the denominator. Therefore, if alterations are made to separations dates it is possible to have differing dates between the numerator and denominator. The date in the numerator is considered corrected and used when available. Reported Data Validation Items Format Percentage 7 NNN.NN% Data Values Inclusions Records with a Separation Date that is within or equal to the start and end date of the reference period. If available, the separation date from the numerator is used otherwise the denominator is the source of the separations date (see limitations). Numerator All records from TOPAS, HCARe, PHC* and JHC* morbidity extracts that have been clinically coded and cleared from a range of quality edit processes by HMDC (record status of “C - Complete”). The Extraction Date for the records needs to be less than or equal to the date when the report is generated. The [Extraction Date] refers to the date when the morbidity extract was generated and is obtained from the extract file name. Denominator All records from TOPAS, HCARe, PHC* and JHC* inpatient discharge extracts. *Public patients only and these are defined by: Funding Source Australian Health Care Agreements Correctional Facility Reciprocal Health Care Agreement Numerator/Denominator Exclusions HMDS Value 21 29 30 Non-public patients at PHC and JHC. Next Step Inpatient Withdrawal Unit cases (Est Code = 0459). Numerator Cases with a record status of “D – Deleted”, “E – Data Entry“, “I – In Progress”, “M – Modify“, “N – New”, “P – Pending”, “R – Replaced”, “V – Removed” or “X – Error”. 157 Duplicate records: are cases with identical Est Code and Account Number combinations. In the event of cases with identical Est Code and Account Number combinations the case with the latest batch and case number is kept. Denominator Scope HCARe discharge extract: Exclude all cases where the variable ‘Flag’ = ‘C’, these are reversed or cancelled cases. Duplicate records: are cases with identical Est Code and Account Number combinations. In the event of cases with identical Est Code and Account Number combinations the case with the latest Separation Date is kept. Public hospitals (metropolitan and rural) Public patients at PHC and JHC Formula Numerator Count of the number of clinically coded TOPAS, HCARe, PHC and JHC hospital morbidity records that have been cleared from a range of quality edit processes by HMDC where [Separation Date] has a value that is within/equal to the start and end date of the reference period. Denominator Count of [Cases from Discharge Extracts] + [Cases found on Morbidity Extracts that are not present on Discharge Extracts] [Cases from Discharge Extracts] = The number of TOPAS, HCARe, PHC and JHC inpatient discharge records where [Separation Date] has a value that is within/equal to the start and end date of the reference period. [Cases found on Morbidity Extracts that are not present on Discharge Extracts] = Contract cases (e.g. Renal Dialysis funded by public hospitals) may not have been entered into TOPAS or HCARe when the discharge extracts were generated. These cases are entered by hospitals at a later date and would eventually be submitted to HMDS. Since the discharge extracts are not as frequently updated for the previous financial year, there would be some discrepancies between discharge extract and morbidity extract. In order to accommodate these discrepancies, the denominator is supplemented with the cases in the numerator that are absent from the denominator by linking with Est Code and Account Number. Calculation Numerator divided percentage. Verification Rules 0 -100% inclusive. 158 by denominator, expressed as a Data Collection Identification Items Source TOPAS Extracted at 0400 hours every Monday (TOPAS Discharge Extract). webPAS Extracted at 0400 hours every Monday (webPAS Discharge Extract). HCARe Extracted at 0900 hours every Monday (HCARe Patient Discharge Extract). JHC/PHC Governance Items Purpose of the data Extracted within 4 weeks of the end of the previous month. This information is used in hospital statistics, resource utilisation, budgetary allocation, clinical auditing and research, and reporting to external organisations. This information is used to measure the performance of clinical coding at public hospitals. Source of the definition Version number Health Service, Information Management and Reporting V2.1 Approval date 20130605 159 2.8 Processes Finance (PF) KPIs There are 5 PF PIs proposed in the 2013-14 PMF, including 3 Health Service measures. 160 PF1: Patient fee debtors Reported Data Description Items Identifier (office use only) Name Patient Fees Debtor Days Aliases - Definition The average number of days it takes to recover patient fee debtors. Related Metadata n/a Guide for Use YTD Patient Debtors is sourced from Oracle Discoverer report: HCN_FIN.FR (SUM) - Balance Sheet - GL Account Lines (Balance Sheet – Entity worksheet) MTD Patient Fees Revenue is sourced from Oracle Discoverer report: HCN_FIN.FR (SUM) Patient Fees Debtor Days is to be expressed as a number representing the number of days. Oracle Discoverer Report Parameter Values: FR (SUM) - Balance Sheet - GL Account Lines Period Name = select current period (month) of report. Budget Name = Budget [YYYY], representing the financial year where YYYY is the second half of the financial year, e.g.,: Budget Name = Budget 2014 (representing the 2013-14 financial year), Budget Name = Budget 2015 (representing the 2014-15 financial year), etc. Entity Level 3 Name = ALL Click on the “AA0150 Debtors” row name and drill down to Account Posting + Name. The line “921100 – AR – Patient”. The figure in the “Actual YTD” column represents the YTD Patient Debtors. FR (SUM) – Income Statement – Budget Holder Period Name = select current period (month) of report. Budget Name = Budget [YYYY], representing the financial year where YYYY is the second half of the financial year, e.g.,: Budget Name = Budget 2014 (representing the 2013-14 financial year), Budget Name = Budget 2015 (representing the 2014-15 financial year), etc. Budget Holder Name = ALL When the report run has been successfully completed, select relevant “Entity Posting + Name” under Page Items. The total “AA6000 – Patient Fees” in the “Actual MTD” column represents 161 the MTD Patient Fees for the selected Entity. Limitations FR (SUM) reports are based on Oracle Financial’s Summary Tables generated after each month-end process for reporting. Prior month’s data is not retained or presented since the Summary Tables are refreshed with the current month’s data only. If prior month’s data is required, then the HCN_FIN.FR (PAR) equivalent of the above reports should be used. NOTE: Prior month’s data do not normally change, unless there are exceptional circumstances (eg. Significant budget holder restructures or correction of errors). Reported Data Validation Items Format Number 7 NNNNN.N Data Values Inclusions Include Operating/Recurrent Entities from Oracle Financials 11i: Entity Posting + Name = 040 (NMHS) Entity Posting + Name = 020 (SMHS) Entity Posting + Name = 075 (Peel HS) Entity Posting + Name = 030 (CAHS) Entity Posting + Name = 080 (WACHS) Exclusions Exclude Capital Entities from Oracle Financials 11i: Entity Posting + Name = 140 (NMHS) Entity Posting + Name = 120 and 121 (SMHS) Entity Posting + Name = 175 (Peel HS) Entity Posting + Name = 130 (CAHS) Entity Posting + Name = 180 (WACHS) Scope All Health budget holders (eg. WACHS, CAHS, NMHS, SMHS). Formula Run the report to display only the Operating/Recurrent Entities, as indicated in the above inclusions and exclusions. Debtors = (YTD Actual Patient Debtors + Prior Financial Year Jun YTD Actual Patient Debtors) / 2 NOTE: Based on accounting convention, revenue (actual and budget) is presented in Oracle Financials and Discoverer as negative values. For ABF/ABM performance reporting, revenue indicators should be presented as positive values. Multiply revenue values from Oracle Financials or Discoverer by -1 to convert them to positive values. 162 Patient Fees = YTD Actual Patient Fees x -1 Calculation = (Debtors / Patient Fees) x number of days since 30 June of prior financial year, expressed as number of days (rounded to nearest whole number). Verification Rules Value can be between 0 and 365 days. Data Collection Identification Items Source Oracle Financials 11i – General Ledger. Note: The GL is generally closed and ready for reporting on the morning of the 4th working day each month, with June being the exception when the GL will remain open for a longer period due to the processing of end of year adjustments. Governance Items Purpose of the data Debtor days is a measure used for monitoring and accountability of revenue collection management. Source of the definition Resource Strategy Division Version number 2.1 Approval date 20130605 163 PF4: NurseWest shifts filled Reported Data Description Items Identifier (office use only) Name NurseWest Shifts Filled Aliases Definition: The proportion of public hospital / health services requested nursing shifts filled by NurseWest/other nursing agencies. Related Metadata Guide for Use: NurseWest was established in July 2003 to provide a state-wide, centrally coordinated service for the recruitment and deployment of temporary nursing staff to all public hospitals and health services within WA Health and to meet Government savings objective through increased efficiencies. When hospitals and health services exhaust their internal casual nurse pools, NurseWest fill their staffing deficits either with its own casual nurses or staff sourced from external nursing agencies from the Common Use Arrangement (CUA) panel contracts. A shift is any request received by NurseWest and other nursing agencies to fill a temporary nursing shift in any Metropolitan health site/service including all South Metropolitan Health Services, North Metro Health Services, and Child and Adolescent Health Service and Communicable Disease Control Directorate. NurseWest and other agencies do not provide temporary nurses to Joondalup or Peel Health Campuses. Limitations Reported Data Validation Items Format Percentage 6 NNN.NN% Data Values > 0 and <=100 Inclusions Shifts worked by following registration types only: Registered Nurses (RN) Enrolled Nurse (EN) Registered Midwife (RM) Exclusions Scope NurseWest/other nursing agencies do not provide the following staffing types: • Patient Care Assistants • Assistants in Nursing (AIN) Metropolitan Public Hospitals and Murray District Hospital, Child and Adolescent Health Service (including Child and Adolescent Community Health), Communicable Disease Control Directorate, Excludes Drug and Alcohol Office, Country Health Service, Peel and Joondalup Health Campuses Formula: Numerator: Denominator: Calculation: Count the total number of records where Date is within the reporting period and Outcome = ‘Filled’ . Count the total number of records where Date is within the reporting period The proportion of public hospital requested nursing shifts filled by NurseWest/other nursing agencies = numerator/denominator x 100 (expressed as a percentage). 164 The percentage of Metropolitan Health Service nursing shifts filled by NurseWest and nursing agencies = numerator/denominator x 100. Verification Rules Data Collection Identification Items Source Microsoft EXCEL report generated at NurseWest extracted from NurseWest/other nursing agencies online staffing solution (Cascom). Monthly file extracted within 5 days of end of month. Governance Items Purpose of the The proportion of public hospital requested nurse shifts filled through data NurseWest/other nursing agencies provides a measure of sustainability in the provision of hospital care. Source of the Health Corporate Network definition: Version number 1.1 Approval date 20130605 165 PF5: Accounts payable – payment within terms Reported Data Description Items Identifier (office use only) Name Accounts payable – payment within terms Aliases Invoice Payment KPI Payment Within Terms HCN (Metroplitan) invoices paid within 30(36) days Definition The percentage of invoices paid within 36 days of the invoice date by the Metropolitan Pay Group (HCN) within Oracle Accounts Payable. Related Metadata Guide for Use: Only includes invoices processed by Oracle AP Metro Pay Group (HCN Supply Payment Management and Finance AP) Does not include invoices processed by the Country Pay Group (WACHS) Includes all payments in Oracle AP including reimbursements and other transactions processed as invoices Includes payment via EFT and issuing of Cheques Includes Credit Note “invoices” Includes payments on behalf of non-WA Health entities for which HCN operates a bureau service, such as the Mental Health Commission, Drug & Alcohol Office and Health and Disability Services Complaints Office Section 608 of the Health Accounting Manual specifies Payment Terms for commercial payments are 30 days from the date of invoice. Oracle AP Terms settings will only allow payment to occur exactly on, or after, the due date. Consequently, as WA Health only operates one pay run per week, payment within 36 days is considered to be within terms. Non-commercial payments for other than supply related invoices (e.g. subsidies, reimbursements of staff expenses) are paid immediately within the next scheduled payment run Limitations Commercial and non-commercial payments utilizing the Oracle AP system are not distinguished within the report. Reported Data Validation Items Format Percentage Data Values Inclusions 5 NNN.NN% >=0% or <=100% Invoices processed by Oracle AP Metro Pay Group (HCN Supply Payment Management and Finance AP) Credit Note “invoices” All payments in Oracle AP including reimbursements and other 166 Exclusions Scope transactions processed as invoices Payment via EFT and issuing of Cheques Payments on behalf of non-WA Health entities for which HCN operates a bureau service, such as the Mental Health Commission, Drug & Alcohol Office and Health and Disability Services Complaints Office Invoices processed by the Country Pay Group (WACHS) Invoices processed by Oracle AP Metro Pay Group (HCN Supply Payment Management and Finance AP) Formula: Numerator Count of invoices paid<=36 days Denominator Count of invoices paid Verification Rules >=0% or <=100% Data Collection Identification Items Source Oracle Financials 11i – Accounts Payable Discoverer Report – AP Supply Invoice Analysis Governance Items Purpose of the data Payment Within Terms is a measure of compliance with Section 608 of the Health Accounting Manual, which is in turn based on Treasurers Instruction 323 – Timely Payment of Accounts Source of the Health Corporate Network Supply definition Version number 1.0 Approval date 20120813 167