Competitive Equilibrium Equilibrium and and Regulatory Regulatory Competitive Bias in in Converging Converging Technologies Technologies Bias VíctorPavón PavónVillamayor Villamayor Víctor DepartmentofofEconomics Economics Department OxfordUniversity University Oxford “CompetitionininNetworking” Networking”Conference Conference “Competition LondonBusiness BusinessSchool School London 13-14May May2004 2004 13-14 Converging Technologies: Technologies: Converging “Setofoftechnological technologicalplatforms platformsthat, that,although althoughtechnically technically “Set differentiated,tend tendtotosupply supplysimilar similartypes typesofofservices” services” differentiated, Convergenceisisaaconsequence consequenceofoftwo twotrends…… trends…… Convergence Network Network Convergence: Convergence: “…increasingability abilityofofnetworks networkstotocarry carryan anincreasing increasing “…increasing numberofofservices” services” number Interface Interface Convergence: Convergence: “…increasingability abilityofofterminal terminaldevices devicestotobe bean anefficient efficient “…increasing mediumfor foraccessing accessingaanew newplethora plethoraofofservices” services” medium convergenceaadriver driverofofregulatory regulatoryharmonization harmonizationbetween between IsIsconvergence industries?…. industries?…. US Broadband Broadband Market Market US Incumbent Incumbent Phone Phone Companies: Companies: ¾Broadband Broadbandretail retailofferings offeringssubject subjecttotoprice priceregulation regulationby by ¾ eitherstates statesor orthe theFCC FCC either ¾Network Networkfacilities facilitiesmust mustbe beavailable availabletotocompetitors competitors ¾ (by1996 1996TA) TA) (by contrast….. InIncontrast….. US Broadband Broadband Market Market US Cable Cable TV TV Companies: Companies: ¾They Theyare arenot notregulated regulatedwith withrespect respecttotobroadband broadband ¾ connections connections ¾The Theissue issuehere hereare are“Open “OpenAccess” Access”requirements requirements ¾ So,asymmetric asymmetricregulation regulationisisstill stillan anopen openissue…… issue…… So, Research Agenda: Agenda: Research Convergence Convergence Competition Competition Regulatory Asymmetry Asymmetry Regulatory Welfare Welfare Westart startdiscussing discussingthe thefirst firstissue…… issue…… We Framework of of Analysis: Analysis: Framework ASSUMPTIONS: ASSUMPTIONS: Twoplatforms platforms(A (A&&B) B)offering offeringbundles bundlesofofservices services Two Thereisisaacontinuous continuousset setofofservices: services:xx∈∈[0,1] [0,1] There Bundlescontain containservices serviceswith withdifferent differentfunctionality functionality Bundles Functionalityofofservice servicexxisislower lowerthe thehigher higherthe the Functionality distancebetween betweenservice servicexxand andthe theprovider’s provider’slocation. location. distance ¾ Platforms Platformsare areassociated associatedtotoscopes, scopes,ss∈∈(0,1]: (0,1]: ¾ setofofservices servicessupplied suppliedw/ w/++functionality functionality set ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Technologies: Technologies: Consumers: Consumers: Monopolistic Equilibrium: Equilibrium: No No Convergence Convergence Monopolistic Monopolistic Equilibrium: Equilibrium: No No Convergence Convergence Monopolistic Utilityofofaaconsumer consumerlocated locatedatatyyconsuming consumingservices servicesfrom from Utility platformA: A: platform y+r / 2 U ya = ∫ y λa ( x, s )dx = r 1 − s y −r / 2 ¾IfIfp=U(y*) p=U(y*)⇒ ⇒all allconsumers consumerstotothe theleft leftofofy* y*will willdemand demand ¾ servicesfrom fromplatform platformAA(Mantena (Mantena&&Sundararajan, Sundararajan,2003) 2003) services ¾Then Thenp=U(y*) p=U(y*)represents representsan aninverse inversedemand demandfunction function ¾ Monopolistic Equilibrium: Equilibrium: No No Convergence Convergence Monopolistic Platform A optimises: q + r / 2 max Π A = nq a λa ( x, s )dx − c a qa q − r / 2 ∫ which gives: q a* = s (r − c a ) 2r r + ca p a* = 2 Competitive Equilibrium: Equilibrium: Convergence Convergence Competitive Competitive Equilibrium: Equilibrium: Convergence Convergence Competitive Utility needs to be re-defined as follows: pa = U ya − U yb + p B Observe that, under competition, platform A expects: p Be ∈ [c B ,U B ( y )] ⇒ p Be = θ aU B ( y ) where: θ a ∈ ,1 U B ( y ) cB Competitive Equilibrium: Equilibrium: Convergence Convergence Competitive Competitive Equilibrium: Equilibrium: Convergence Convergence Competitive Platform A optimises: y+r / 2 y+r / 2 c ( ) max Π A = nq a λa ( x, s, z )dx − λb ( x, s, z )dx 1 − θ a − ca qac y −r / 2 y − r / 2 ∫ ∫ which gives: s(rδ a − c a (1 − s )) q = 2r (1 − z )(1 − θ a s ) c a where: δ a = 1 − θ a s − z (1 − θ a ) rδ a + c a (1 − s ) p = 2(1 − s ) c a Competitive Equilibrium: Equilibrium: Convergence Convergence Competitive SolvingOut Outfor forLinear LinearExpectations Expectations Solving Observe that: z = 0 ⇒θ =1 z =1⇒θ = 0 Thus, θ must be a decreasing function of z: θ i ( z) = 1 − z ∀i = a, b Competitive Equilibrium: Equilibrium: Convergence Convergence Competitive SolvingOut Outfor forLinear LinearExpectations Expectations Solving ( ) s(1 − s ) δˆa − ca q = 2r (1 − z )(1 − (1 − z )s ) c a where: δˆa z p ac = r (1 − z )1 + + ca 2 1− s z = r (1 − z )1 + 1− s Competitive Equilibrium: Equilibrium: Convergence Convergence Competitive ∂q ac r (1 − z )(1 − s ) 1 > 0 ⇔ σ0 = > − 2s = σ 1 ∂z ca 1− z Competitive Equilibrium: Equilibrium: Convergence Convergence Competitive ∂p ac 1 r (s − 2 z ) s = 0 z < ⇔ > ∂z 2 1 − s 2 Asymmetric Regulation Regulation && Convergence Convergence Asymmetric INDUSTRY A q Regulator optimises: max Wa = q ∫ ( pa (t ) − ca )dt 0 Proposition1.1.The Theregulator’s regulator’soptimisation optimisationproblem problemhas hasfirstfirstProposition andsecond-best second-bestoptimums optimumscharacterized, characterized,respectively, respectively,by: by: and s (r − c a ) f qa = p af = c a r (1 − z ) s r q = − 1− z 2 s a r 2 (1 − z ) p = 2s s a Asymmetric Regulation Regulation && Convergence Convergence Asymmetric INDUSTRY B Platform B optimises: y+r / 2 y+r / 2 ˆ max Π B = nqb λb ( x, s, z )dx − λa ( x, s, z )dx + p a − cb qb y −r / 2 y −r / 2 ∫ p̂a ∫ : price chosen by the regulator in industry A. Asymmetric AsymmetricRegulation Regulation&&&Convergence Convergence Asymmetric Regulation Convergence INDUSTRY B Optimal Service: ( 1 − s )[r (1 − z ) + s ( pˆ a − cb ))] qb = 2r (1 − z ) Suppose: ca = cb . If a first-best prevails in industry A: q f b ( 1 − s) = 2 r (1 − z ) p = cb + 2s f b But, if a second-best prevails in industry A: 2 (1 − z ) − 2scb r 1 s − qbs = 1 + 2r (1 − z ) 2 r (1 − z )(2 + r ) 1 pbs = cb + 2 2s Asymmetric AsymmetricRegulation Regulation&&&Convergence Convergence Asymmetric Regulation Convergence Welfare WelfareAnalysis Analysis Welfare Analysis By construction: Waf > Was Proposition 2.2. When When aa first-best first-best isis implemented, implemented, the the effect effect ofof Proposition convergence on on welfare welfare across across industries industries isis asymmetrical: asymmetrical: convergence welfare isis strictly strictly increasing increasing inin industry industry AA but but strictly strictly welfare decreasingininindustry industryB: B: decreasing 2 ∂W af 2 sr (r − c ) >0 = 2 ∂z [2r (1 − z )] Wb f ∂Wb f 3r (1 − z )(1 − s ) <0 = ⇒ 8s ∂z Final Remarks Remarks Final Harmonisationofofregulatory regulatoryframeworks frameworks Harmonisation Convergenceofofregulatory regulatoryinstitutions institutions Convergence