Microsoft IT Academy brochure 2013

Safe and secure access for active IT
Academies is through the student and
staff spaces in the Learning Place.
Department of Education, Training and Employment
Learning Technologies Unit
Microsoft IT
Web conferences
Live web conferences are hosted regularly to provide
schools with further information and an opportunity to
share their experiences with the IT Academy.
These sessions are recorded to enable viewing at any time.
Browse the OneChanncel calendar for specific session
dates and times. Participants can also search for MSITA in
the Learning Place to access recording links or register for
upcoming programs.
Microsoft IT Academy is an online learning
resource available to all Queensland state
schools with secondary aged students,
teaching and non-teaching staff.
Students who successfully complete Microsoft
certification can also gain valuable Queensland
Certificate of Education credit.
IC Central
IC Central is the Microsoft Academy Support Partner
(MASP) available to support schools to establish and
manage their IT Academy subscription benefits.
Phone: 1300 44 55 60
Email enquiries:
Technical support:
For more information go to:
Through the Microsoft IT Academy (IT
Academy), learners have the opportunity to
gain knowledge and skills in various Microsoft
business applications and technologies
that can lead to internationally recognised
Microsoft certifications.
IT Academy offers enhanced professional learning to active
users in subscribed schools, 24/7 via the Learning Place.
By engaging with Microsoft course work
students will be equipped with workforce
-ready technology skills to broaden their
potential employment opportunities.
Teaching and non-teaching staff will enhance
their professional learning.
September 2013
Great state. Great opportunity.
Your school as a
Microsoft IT
Roles and responsibilities for schools:
• appoint an IT Academy administrator who
will manage the program benefits, receive
announcements and information updates
• assign users to appropriate courses that
support their learning needs
• use the Learning Management System to track
user progress and assessment
• deliver practice tests and exams for users.
More than 400
self-paced courses
Schools with active IT Academy subscriptions are
also registered as a Certiport Authorised Testing
Centre, which allows them to deliver Microsoft
Office Specialist and Microsoft Technology
Associate exams to students and staff.
Subscription to IT Academy provides:
access to more than 400 self-paced
interactive online learning courses
online support resources - videos,
eBooks, readings
opportunity to gain internationally
recognised certification.
Microsoft IT Academy is currently provided free
to Queensland state schools with secondary
aged students as part of the department’s
Microsoft Enterprise Agreement.
There is a cost to purchase inventory to access the
practice tests and exams to seek certification through
Certiport, however this is offered at a reduced
academic rate and varies depending on the amount of
inventory purchased.
Receiving Microsoft IT
Academy certification
As an IT Academy, a school can issue a course
completion certificate to students, teaching and
non-teaching staff at the completion of each course.
Microsoft certifications are awarded at the completion
of online, computer-assessed proctored exams
facilitated by specialist test providers.
Karen McFarlane, HOD Senior Schooling
‘Our students are really enjoying the
program and we are seeing some great
results across the board.
‘Before enrolling in the program, I had
one student who didn’t know what career
direction she wanted to head in and didn’t
even want to go to school. Now, it’s a
completely different story!’
Mary Anderssen, Year 8-10 teacher
aligning to the curriculum
Teachers implementing and guiding students through
the course work have access to direct support in the
form of customisable lesson plans. Teachers can join
the Microsoft Partners in Learning Network, which offers
best practice examples from all over the world.
State High School
Charleville School
of Distance Education
Resources for
The learning objectives and lesson structure of
Microsoft course work has been mapped to align
with existing curriculum and training packages
offered by schools.
Albany Creek
‘Seeing the improvements and discoveries that
our students are making and transferring over
to other learning areas is very rewarding.
Gain Queensland Certificate
of Education credits
Microsoft IT Academy certifications can also help students
obtain the credit they need to complete their Queensland
Certificate of Education.
For every Microsoft exam completed successfully, students
can gain one credit under the Enrichment category of learning.
A total of eight credits can be acquired through these means.
‘Students who struggle with maths suddenly
find that they can produce a graphing
document that looks great without the
extensive effort and frustration that often
accompanies complex tasks.’
Springfield Central
State High School
Aidan Kinzett, Year 11 student
‘The good thing about the Microsoft IT
Academy is that you can access it 24/7 at school, home, anywhere. Now that you
can gain QCE credits, I also have the added
security of knowing I’m one step closer to my
Queensland Certificate of Education.’