The Pride of Lincoln Lincoln Intermediate School Sixth Grade Weekly Meeting Topics This week we are focusing on: Being kind to our fellow Pride Members Don‛t be a bystander—report bullying!! school. Rememminimum of 4 ber my iPad every Compass activities day. every week for both Language Arts and Math Log Apps EVERY (LOOK at the Dates—MAPS time I use one on testing is coming SOON) the BLUE app log! Top apps/sites: Complete all homework (electronic or otherwise) Care for my iPad at home and at Ratio Rumble Digit Whiz Buzz Math Multiflow Complete a Pride Leaders Mrs. Dodge Room 210 Room 204 414-604-4200 414-604-4200 Send assignments to: Send BL assignments to: April 15, 2013 Special Reminders: · Tues. 4/16 All City Band Concert · Tues. 4/16 3rd Quarter “Movie” trip slips + money DUE · Wed. April 17th 4:008:00 Parent Teacher Conferences by request · Fri. April 19th is an “A” day · Tues. 4/23 Reading MAPS Test · Fri. 4/26 Chemistry Test · Thurs. 5/2 Language MAPS Test · Wed. 5/8 Mr. Napoli‛s Math MAPS test · Mon. 5/13 Ms. Anderson‛s Math MAPS test Roots to Words iTooch Language Arts Mr. Napoli Issue 27 Inquiry Apps: R = Respect O = Organization Send SS assignments to: A = Attitude R = Responsibility Nearpod Science 360 Powerport Notes Evernote Math Balanced Literacy Targets: Targets: · Improve Multiplication and Division Skills. · Find the Volume of Prisms. · Complete a comprehensive Characterization for the main characters in “Split Cherry Tree.” · Identify and Explain multiple Themes in “Split Cherry Tree.” Stations · Think Beyond the Text when summarizing nonfiction. 1. Digit Whiz · Increase my reading stamina by silently reading 60 minutes this week. 2. Buzzmath 3. Quizlet Stations 4. Compass/Manga High 1. Compass/Achieve 3000 2. iTooch Language Arts Science 3. Language Adventures Targets: 4. Roots to Words · Perform group roles correctly. · Describe Dalton‛s theory of atoms. · List the information in the periodic table and describe how it is used. Social Studies · Think Beyond the Text when summarizing non-fiction. Think Beyond the Text when summarizing non-fiction. Inquiry Inquiry · Plot Ancient Chinese Dynasties in chronological order on a timeline. · Stephanie Harvey Reading Strategy: Stephanie Harvey Reading Strategy: · Targets: Claim: Because planet Earth has a limited supply of all metals, recycling programs are important. Why or why not? · How does the rich cultural heritage of the ancient Chinese affect present day Chinese citizens. We have learned so much! Apps/sites we should be proficient on: Sushi Monster Painless Challenges (4) Roads of Rome Grammar Express Popwords Opposites TapQuiz Maps Rome Travel Guide Notes Pearl Diver PaperHelper Scratchwork Math Friendzy Word Float Edmodo Write 2 Figurative Language Poll Everywhere Fraction Contender SAS Gloss Cursive Writing HD Word Warp (+ Extreme) Brain Pop Socrative Khan Academy NotePad My Homework Follett/Destiny ShowMe Mad Math Page 2 Egypt Apps (6) Podcast My Grammar Lab Animal Metaphors and They Say Wordsworth Similes Type Fun Lite Puffin (for Compass) Homophones Free Uncommon School Podcasts What‛s That Say? GrammarBas Nat Geo Today Grammar Girl Podcasts Language Adventures The Pride of Lincoln