BBM 9 rev - Direktori File UPI

(volume 2)
oleh: Dra. Hj. Kimtafsirah, MA.
Alhamdulillah! Anda sudah selesai mempelajari BBM 8, berarti Anda
telah berlatih mengembangkan materi pembelajaran speaking skill
bagi siswa-siswi S D terutama kelas 1, 2 dan 3 (tiga).
Pada BBM 9 ini, Anda akan mempelajari pembelajaran bahasa Inggris
bagi siswa dan siswi S D terutama kelas 4 (empat), 5 (lima) dan Kelas
6 (enam). Sesuai dengan aturan KBK (Competency Based
Curriculum), guru dianjurkan menerapkan teknik apa saja, asalkan
tujuan pembelajaran tercapai “teknik apa saja” yang dimaksud
adalah teknik-teknik yang ada dibawah payung pendekatan
komunikatif. Sebagaimana telah diuraikan pada BBM 8, pendekatan
komunikatif (CLT) Communicative Language Teaching =
Communicative Approach, adalah seperangkat pendekatan atau teoriteori yang memiliki kesamaan persepsi bahwa tujuan pembelajaran
bahasa adalah C.C. (Communicative Competence = kemampuan
berkomunikasi) baik secara lisan maupun tulisan.
Dengan adanya kebijakan baru, Kurikulum 2006 mengharuskan
pentingnya KTSP (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan) yang
disusun oleh masing-masing sekolah, Guru diharapkan lebih kreatif
dalam mengembangkan materi, menerapkan teknik, merancang
kegiatan komunikatif sehingga suasana kelas lebih aktif,
menyenangkan baik bagi siswa maupun guru itu sendiri.
Berdasarkan pengalaman penulis sendiri ketika menatap rekan-rekan
guru dari daerah, banyak yang berpendapat bahwa KTSP berbeda
sekali dengan KBK. Dengan menulis BBM ini, penulis dapat
menggaris bawahi, bahwa dasar kurikulum 2006 adalah tetap KBK,
perbedaannya hanyalah pada anjuran dan keharusan sekolah
masing-masing agar menyusun KTSP untuk sekolahnya sendiri yang
berdasarkan petunjuk khusus pembuatan KTSP yang sudah disusun
oleh Departemen Pendidikan Nasional.
Dibawah ini penulis siapkan indikator pembelajaran atau tujuan
khusus pembelajaran speaking bagi siswa-siswi kelas IV, V, dan VI
Setelah mempelajari BBM 9 ini, diharapkan Anda dapat :
1. Mengidentifikasi materi pembelajaran untuk siswa kelas 4
(empat), kelas 5 (lima) dan kelas 6 (enam).
2. Menyebutkan topik dan sub topik yang sesuai untuk
pembelajaran kelas IV (empat), kelas V (lima) dan kelas VI
3. Merancang kegiatan komunikatif dalam pembelajaran speaking
sesuai dengan kelasnya.
4. menerapkan teknik yang tepat untuk mengajar speaking.
5. Menentukan cara yang tepat untuk mengevaluasi kemampuan
“Speaking Skill para siswa.
Berikut ini penulis tuliskan contoh-contoh topik dan sub topik untuk
kelas empat, lima dan kelas enam. Anda diharapkan dapat
menentukan sendiri topik=topik lain sesuai dengan KTSP dari sekolah
Topik dan sub topik yang sesuai dengan kompetensi yang diharapkan
dari kelas IV SD, kelas V SD dan kelas VI SD.
1. Untuk kelas IV SD (contoh saja) topik-topik dilanjutkan dengan
penguasaan kosa kata seperti :
1. The animals kingdom.
2. Occupation : many kinds of job.
3. Kata kerja yang sedang berlangsung ditambah preposition on,
in, too.
2. Untuk kelas V SD : Vocabulary atau kosa kata tetap menjadi fokus,
grounding of English seperti be, do and have, introductory it,
introductory there, mini dialogue juga dibahas dalam
pembelajaran speaking, lagu anak-anak, puisi anak-anak. Present
Tense, Present continuous dapat diperkenalkan.
3. Untuk kelas VI SD, penulis sarankan untuk mengetengahkan
genre (teks) yang pendek, game, narative teks, seperti legend, fable,
recount yang pendek-pendek. Untuk kelas VI (enam) SD,
diperkenalkan kalimat dalam bentuk Pesent Tense dan Past Tense,
Future tense.
Perlu Anda catat, Anda diharapkan dapat mengembangkan teknik
penyajiannya sesuai dengan KTSP yang dilaksanakan di sekolah
Anda. Pelajari contoh-contoh penyajian materi pada BBM 8
(delapan) dan BBM 9 (sembilan), harapan penulis, Anda
mempunyai ide yang kreatif untuk merancang kegiatan
komunikatifnya sesuai dengan KTSP.
Sekali lagi dalam kedua BBM ini penulis hanya memberikan
contoh-contoh saja, selanjutnya, Anda diharapkan lebih kreatif
dalam merancang materi!
Silahkan mencoba dan semoga menjadi model guru yang handal!
Teaching Speaking To Year 4 (four)Students of
Elementary School.
Setelah mempelajari kegiatan belajar satu ini, Anda
diharapkan dapat merancang kegiatan komunikatif
yang lain, terutama setelah mempelajari contoh-contoh
yang penulis sediakan di BBM ini.
1.1. About Animals.
Study, the pictures and pronounce the following worlds in part 1
and 2.
Pictures of creatures with wings (Gambar-gambar binatang bersayap.
1.2. Creatures with wings. Say!
1. ant
: semut
2. bat
: kelelawar
3. bee
: lebah
4. bettle or cockroach
: lipas
5. black bird
: burung jalak
6. butterfly
: kupu-kupu
7. canary
: burung kenari
8. crow
: burung gagak
9. dove
: burung merpati
10. duck
: itik
11. eagle
: burung elang
12. fly
: lalat
13. fowl
: unggas
14. goose
: angsa
15. hawk
: burung rajawali
16. heron
: bangau
17. locust
: belalang
18. mosquito
: nyamuk
19. moth
: ngengat
20. ostrich
: burung onta
21. owl
: burung hantu
22. parrot
: burung kakak tua
23. peacock
: burung merak
24. penguin
: burung pinguin
25. ant
: semut
1.3. Exercise 1.
Match the words with the pictures, and write them in the following
1. Picture one is ………………
2. Picture two is ……………..
3. Picture three is ……………
4. Picture four is …………….
5. Picture five is ……………...
6. Picture six is ………………
7. Picture two is ……………..
8. Picture seven is ……………
9. Picture nine is …………….
10. Picture ten is ……………...
11. Picture eleven is ……………
12. Picture twelve is ……………
13. Picture thirteen is …………
14. Picture fourteen is …………
15. Picture fifteen is ……………
16. Picture sixteen is ……………
17. Picture seventeen is ………..
18. Picture eighteen is …………..
19. Picture nineteen is …………..
20. Picture twenty is ……………..
21. Picture twenty one is …………
22. Picture twenty two is …………
23. Picture twenty three is ………
24. Picture twenty four is ………..
1.4. Exercise 2
Read this mini dialogue.
A : Barbara, what is this?
B : Oh, this is butterfly.
A : Is this parrot?
B : No, it is not. It is owl.
1.5. Exercise 3
Now complete the following mini dialogue. Translate the underlined
words into English. (Lengkapi mini dialog ini; terjemahkan kata-kata
yang digaris bawahi).
A. R : Susan, what is this?
S : oh, this is ………… (itik/bebek)
R : is this …………? (burung elang)
S : No, it is not ………… it is (burung onta)
B. K : Lily, what is this?
L : Oh, this is ………… (lipas)
K : Is this …………? (lebah)
L : No, it is not. It is ………… (nyamuk)
C. Wendy : Mike, what is this?
: Oh, this is ………… (bebek angsa)
Wendy : Is this …………? (burung gagak)
: No, it is not. It is ………… (burung kenari)
D. Practice! (Berlatihlah!) work in pairs = bekerja berpasangan.
Is this hawk?
Yes, it is.
Is this moth?
No, it is not. It is mosquito.
1.4. Occupation
1.4.1. Study the pictures.
(from picture dictionary)
1.4.2. Say the following words.
1. air pilot
: pilot
2. barber (hairdresser)
: tukang cukur
3. barman (bartender)
: pelayan bar
4. butcher
: tukang daging
5. carpenter
: tukang kayu
6. bank clerk
: pegawai bank
7. (bus) conductor
: kondektur
8. cook (chef)
: juru masak, koki
9. decorator or house painter
: tukang cat
10. dentist
: dokter gigi
11. detective
: detektif
12. diver
: penyelam
13. docker
: pekerja pelabuhan
14. doctor
: dokter
15. (bus) driver
: supir/pengemudi bis
16. dustman
: tukang sampah
17. farmer
: petani
18. fireman
: anggota pemadam kebakaran
19. fisherman
: nelayan
20. mechanic
: montir
21. (train) guard
: pegawai stasiun.
1.4.3. Exercise 4
Complete these sentences (lengkapi kalimat ini), say and write! Look
at the pictures.
1. Picture 1 is ………………
2. Picture 2 is ………………
3. Picture 3 is ………………
4. Picture 4 is ………………
5. Picture 5 is ……………...
6. Picture 6 is ………………
7. Picture 7 is ………………
8. Picture 8 is ………………
9. Picture 9 is ………………
10. Picture 10 is …………….
11. Picture 11 is …………….
12. Picture 12 is ……………..
13. Picture 13 is …………….
14. Picture 14 is ……………..
15. Picture 15 is ……………...
16. Picture 16 is ………………
17. Picture 17 is ……………..
18. Picture 18 is ……………..
19. Picture 19 is ……………..
20. Picture 20 is ……………...
21. Picture 21 is ……………...
1.4.4. Exercise 5
Read the following sentences.
What is your job?
I am a teacher.
What is his job?
He is a doctor.
What is her job?
She is a dentist
What is Mr. Green’s job?
Mr. Green is a pilot.
1.4.5. Study the following sentences.
I am a student.
You are a teacher.
He is a doctor.
She is a dentist.
It is a dove.
We are students.
You are teachers.
They are doctors.
1.4.6. Exercise 6
Mr. Black
he (=laki-laki)
Mrs. Smith
she (=perempuan)
The cat
It (=binatang)
Jack and Jill
they (=mereka)
1. What is Mr. ?Hardono’s job?
(he, she, it, they) (is, am, are) a butcher.
2. What is Mr. Thompson’s job?
(she, it, he) (is, am, are) a bank clerk.
3. What is John’s job?
(he, she, it) (is, am, are) a bus conductor.
4. What is it?
(he, she, it, they) (is, am, are) a pinguin.
5. What are Tim and Tom’s job?
(he, she, it, they) (is, am, are) detectives.
1.4.7. Exercise 7
Find out the meaning of difficult words in this mini dialogue. Please,
A : Hello, Tom, this is Mary.
T : Hello Mary, I am Tom.
M : How do you do?
Nice to meet you, Mary.
M : Nice to meet you too.
1.4.8. Exercise 8
Complete this mini dialogue.
R : Hello, Andri, this is …………
A : Hello ………… I am Andri.
Lyn : How do you do ……, Andri?
A : How ……… you Lyn?
Nice to meet you, Lyn.
Lyn : Nice to ………too.
(catatan : dalam perkenalan, sesudah diperkenalkan, biasanya
mengatakan : How do you do? Dan dijawab : How do you do?).
1.5. Verbs + Ing + Preposition (on, in, to)
1.5.1. Say and find the meanings of each sentence!
Sit in a tree
He is sitting in a tree
Stand on one leg
He is standing on one leg
Run to the bus
He is running to the bus
Sit in the bus
He is sitting in the bus
1.5.2. Say and find out the meaning of each sentence.
1. A hen is in front of an egg
2. A hen is on an egg
3. An egg is in a pan
4. It is a tin
A hen is in a tin
1.5.3. Say and find out the meaning of each sentence.
This is a bus
A man is on the bus
The man is a bus man
The bus man is standing on the bus
(adapted from The Oxford English Course for Malaya)
1.6. Tes formatif 1
1. What is the important topic for teaching year 4 students?
2. Do you think ‘pictures’ are very interesting for children?
3. Please write the communicative activities for teaching year 4
students of elementary school.
4. study the following mini dialogue then write the exercises two
kinds of exercises. (cari yang berbeda dari contoh).
Mini dialogue
A : What is Amir’s job?
B : Oh, he is a dentist.
A : Is Andy a dentist too?
B : No, he is not. He is a pilot.
Tindak lanjut dan umpan balik
Cocokanlah jawaban Anda dengan kunci jawaban tes formatif
yang ada pada bagian akhir modul ini. Hitunglah jawaban yang
benar kemudian gunakanlah rumus dibawah ini untuk
mengetahui tingkat penguasaan Anda terhadap materi.
Rumus =
yang betul x 2,5 x 100%
3 x 2,5 = 7,5 x 100% = 75
Apabila tingkat penguasaan anda tercapai 70% ke atas, maka
anda dapat meneruskan pembelajaran berikutnya.
Jika tidak, Anda harus mengulangnya.
Teaching Speaking To Year 5 (five) Students of
Elementary School Based on C.B.C.
Setelah mempelajari kegiatan belajar dua ini, Anda
dapat menyusun sendiri kegiatan komunikatif yang
tepat untuk mengajar siswa-siswi SD, juga mampu
menentukan topik dan sub topik yang sesuai dengan
KTSP bagi sekolah Anda.
2.1. The grounding of English Stated in the Dialogues.
2.1.1. Dialogue 1
A : Excuse me!
B : Yes?
A : Is this your hand bag?
B : Is this your hand bag?
A : Yes it is.
Thank you very much.
2.1.1. At the Cloak Room
C : My coat and my umbrella, please.
Here is my ticket.
Number 5 (five)
D : Here is your umbrella and your coat.
C : This is not my umbrella sorry, Sir.
D : Is this your umbrella?
No, it isn’t.
C : Is this it?
D : Yes, it is.
Thank you very much.
2.1.3. Study the picture, and complete the sentences below.
Picture 1 : Mr. Smith is in ……… (tempat
penyimpanan barang)
Picture 2 : The number of the ticket is number
……… (lima)
Picture 3 : This man is ……… (sedang
Picture 4 : The man is taking the ………
(payung dan jas)
Picture 5 : That is not the (payung) ……… of
Mr. Smith.
Picture 6 : This is not a coat, this is an
……… (payung)
Picture 7 : Mr. Smith is ……… (senang)
(from first thing first)
2.1.4. To Be (is, am, are)
Say the followings sentences and find their meanings.
I am fine, you are fine,
He is sick
She is well
They are healthy
We are not ill
I am hungry, you are hungry,
He is thirsty
She is tired
We are happy
They are not sad
I am here, you are there,
He is there
She is at home
We are in the class
They are in the farm
They are not in Jakarta
It is cold
It is hot
It is windy
It is sunny
It is dark
It is snowy
It is foggy
I am short, you are tall,
He is strong
She is weak
It is great
We are big
They are small
2.1.5. Answer these questions.
1. How are you? (I am …………)
2. How is Jane? (She is …………)
3. Where is John? (He is …………)
4. How is the weather? (It is …………)
5. Where is Mary? (She is …………)
6. Is Mrs. Anderson tired? (Yes, …………)
7. Is Mr. Green in the class? (No, …………)
8. Are you happy? (yes, …………)
9. How is your grandma? (She …………)
10. is it snowy in Mount Baw-Baw? (Yes, …………)
2.1.6. Read and say! Find the meanings in your dictionary!
(from New English Course)
2.1.7. Fill in the sentences with is, am, OR are.
1. The children ………… happy.
2. This man ………… not happy, he ……… sick.
3. Mary ………… at home, she ……… tired.
4. The weather ………… bad, it ……… windy.
5. Tom and Mary ………… healthy.
6. Samson …………tall and strong.
7. Nasredin …………short.
8. The students ………… thirsty.
9. My uncle ………… not ill.
10. They ………… in the farm.
2.1.8. Describe these pictures.
Picture 1 : This …………
We ………… in the car.
We ………… sitting
Picture 2 : They …………sleeping.
they ………… ill.
they …………in bed.
Picture 3 : This is a …………
It is ………… on the box.
The box …………big.
The hen …………small.
Picture 4 : Mr. Windardi …………a
He ………… forty years old.
He ………… teaching English.
He ………… and …………
2.2. Tes Formatif 2
Answer these questions and do as you are asked to do.
1. Study the pictures, design the communicative activity based on
the pictures.
2. Choose the correct specific objectives.
a) students are able to understand the story.
b) students are able to identify is, am, are.
c) students are able to know the pictures.
d) students are able to describe the pictures.
e) students are able to understand the text.
3. Write the lesson plan for teaching children’s song. (Anda boleh
memilih lagu apa saja, lagu anak-anak dalam bahasa Inggris).
4. How do you teach “to be” (is, am, are, was, were) ?
5. mention the techniques used for teaching speaking, at least 5
Tindak lanjut dan umpan balik
Cocokanlah jawaban Anda dengan kunci jawaban tes formatif
yang ada pada bagian akhir modul ini. Hitunglah jawaban yang
benar kemudian gunakanlah rumus dibawah ini untuk
mengetahui tingkat penguasaan Anda terhadap materi.
Rumus =
Yang benar x 10
4 x 10
x 100%
x 100% = 80%
Apabila tingkat penguasaan anda tercapai 70% ke atas, maka
anda dapat meneruskan pembelajaran berikutnya.
Jika tidak, Anda harus mengulangnya.
Teaching Speaking To Year 6 (five) Students of
Elementary School Based on C.B.C.
3.1. To do as the principle verb and do as auxiliary verb
Read and say.
Mini dialogue.
A : What do you do ?
B : I am a student.
A : Do you
do your home work?
B : Yes, I do
Observe :
What do you do (=apa pekerjaan Anda?).
The first do is auxiliary verb, the second do is principle verb (=do
yang pertama sebagai kata kerja bantu, do yang kedua, sebagai
kata kerja pokok).
Do you do your home work?
Yes, I do
3.2. Learn by heart!
I. I do my work.
You do your work.
He does his work.
She does her work.
It does its work.
We do our work.
You do your work.
They do their work.
II. Subject
possessive pronoun (kata ganti empunya)
For examples (Contoh-contoh) :
A : I go to my home town.
I go to with my daughters.
We go by train.
B : Do you go with your son?
A : No, I do not.
C : Is this your coat?
D : Yes it is.
C : Does he go to the cloak room?
D : Yes, he does.
3.3. Read and say
Do I smoke?
I do not smoke.
Do you smoke?
you do not smoke.
Does he smoke?
he does not smoke.
Does she smoke?
He does not smoke.
Do it drink milk?
it does not eat.
Do we smoke?
we do not smoke.
Do you know?
you do not know.
Do they know?
They do not know.
3.4. Fill in the sentences with do OR does.
1. Mary …………her home work
2. We …………not smoke.
3. My father ………… not go to Jakarta.
4. ………… your sister study?
5. ………… you and Amir speak English?
6. Wendy ………… not live in Indonesia.
7. ………… Wendy live in Melbourne?
8. David ………… not smoke.
9. Neil ………… not speak Chinese.
10. ………… you know Neil?
3.5. Study the picture. What are they doing? Choose the correct
answers in the brackets .
(from New English Study Course)
1. The boy is riding (a horse/a dog).
2. (The fish/the horse) is jumping out of the sea.
3. The (is running/is walking) beside the sea.
4. The car is standing outside (the hotel/the tree)
5. The boy is holding (a glass/a fish)
6. The dog is (jumping/walking)
7. The girl is standing under (a tree/a building)
8. the boy and the girl are (sitting/standing)
3.6. Repeat after the teacher.
1. a ‘book / a ‘good book
a ‘ very good ‘book / a’ very ’good text book/
2. a ‘doll / Mary’s ‘new doll / Mary’s ‘new ‘China doll/
3.7. Read and sing
‘Baa, baa ‘black sheep
‘Have you any ‘woll?
‘Yes, sir, ‘yes, sir ‘three bags ‘full
‘one for my ‘master
And ‘one for the ‘little
And ‘one for the ‘little boy
Who ‘lives down the ‘lane
‘hot cross ‘burns
‘hot cross ‘burns
‘one a penny, ‘two a penny
‘hot cross ‘burns
(The teacher explains the meanings of the unfamiliar words)
3.8. Match the activities with the sentences. Write your answers
in the space provided.
(the picture from New English Study)
1. They are …………
2. He is ……………..
3. She is …………….
4. He is ……………..
5. They are …………
6. He is ……………..
7. He is …………….
8. He is …………….
3.9. Study the picture before you read the dialogue.
(from First thing First)
3.9.1. Describe the picture by completing these sentences.
Jack and Jean are …………
They ………… looking for the …………
The children ………… not in the …………
They ………… in the garden.
Sally is ………… the tree and
Tim is ………… the tree.
Where ………… the dog?
It ………… too.
3.9.2. Copy the dialogue and read it.
: Where’s Sally, jack?
: She’s in the garden. Jean.
: What is she doing?
: She is sitting under the tree.
: Is Tim in the garden. Too?
: Yes. He is.
He is climbing the tree.
: I beg your pardon?
Who is climbing the tree?
: Tim is.
: What about the dog?
: The dog’s in the garden. Too.
It’s running across the grass.
It’s running after a cat.
3.9.3. Act the dialogue out.
(from First thing First)
3.9.4. Answer these questions based on the dialogue.
1. Where are Mrs. Young and Mrs. Price?
2. Are they in the dining room or in the guest room?
3. Does Mrs. Price like coffee?
4. Which one is the visitor, Mrs. Young or Mrs. Price?
5. Does Mrs. Price like milk?
6. Does Mrs. Price like black coffee?
7. Do you like tea or coffee?
8. Do you like biscuits?
3.9.6. Please act out! Work in a group of five or six. The
teacher should help the students to act out.
They are playing school.
Din is the teacher.
: “class! stand! Turn right!
: “We are standing. We are turning right.”
: “Where are you standing?”
: “We are standing here.”
: “Are you standing there?”
: “No, we are standing here.”
: “Turn left.”
: “We are turning left.”
: “Turn around!”
: “We are turning round.”
: Now you are the teacher, Daud.”
: “Walk in front of the class, Amat.”
: “I am walking in front of the class.”
: “Walk between the class and the board. Where is he
(from The Oxford English Course for Malaya)
3.9.7. Language focus
Past Tense of is and are : was and were.
He is ill now (present tense)
He was ill yesterday (kemarin)
She is happy now.
She was sad last night (tadi malam)
Tom is at home now.
Tom was at home last week (minggu lalu)
Tim and Jack are in the garden now.
Tim and Jack were in the garden last Sunday (minggu yang lalu)
Are you sick? (present tense)
Were you sick yesterday?
I am not sad (present tense)
I was not sad last night.
3.9.8. Complete the sentences with is, am, are, was, OR were.
1. David ………… a good student,
He ………… very kind (present tense)
2. Dany ………… in his office yesterday.
3. Tuti ………… not at home last night.
4. …………Mary at home now?
5. She ………… in Perth last month.
6. …………your brothers tall? (present tense)
7. My parents …………in Palembang last week.
8. ………… your father busy now?
9. How ………… your mother yesterday?
10. She ………... not healthy yesterday.
3.9.9. Simple Past Tense Read and say.
I am listening to the radio now.
I listen to the radio every day.
Yesterday I listened to the radio.
Ria is playing tennis now.
She plays tennis every day.
Yesterday she played tennis.
Ucapan akhiran –ed dalam waktu lampau.
1. Dibelakang bunyi (k) (p) (s) (t ∋ ) ( ∫ ) (f)
Contoh :
( ∫ t)
(t ∋ t)
(t ∫ t)
2. Dibelakang bunyi (m) (v) (n) (l) (r) (b) (z) (ng) (w) (ei)
Contoh :
(d ∋ d)
3. Dibelakang bunyi (t) dan (d) akhiran itu diucapkan sebagai (ed).
Contoh :
(ted) Repeat these sentences after the teacher.
Yesterday I worked very hard.
Yesterday morning we walked to the office.
Yesterday afternoon it rained.
Yesterday evening they played chess.
Last week you receive four letters.
Last month Rene visited her friends.
Last night I watched TV. Discuss the meanings of the sentences above with your
3.9.10. The teacher read/tell the story to his/her students
several times. The students listened. The teacher writes some
unfamiliar words on the board. Then the students have to answer
the questions given by the teacher.
This is the technique of reproduction.
Teacher : Students, I will tell you Nasredin Hodja stories, please listen
Teacher reads these stories one by one.
1. Sun And Moon.
Hodja entered the tea shop one day and proclaimed
profoundly, “The moon is more useful than the sun.” “Why,
Hodja?” they inquired. “Because we need the light more during
the night when it is dark than during the day time when it is
2. A Bargain.
The Hodja always wanted to learn something new, one day he
had a sudden inspiration to learn how to play the lute. He
approached a music teacher and asked him, “How much do
you charge for private lute lessons? “Three silver pieces for the
first month; after one silver piece a month.” “Oh, great!”
exclaimed Hodja. “Then I’ll start with the second month.”
3. Lost.
One day Hodja lost his donkey. While looking for it he was also
rejoicing. When they asked him the reason, Hodja told them,
“I’m happy because I wasn’t riding the donkey when it got lost.
If I had been, I’d be lost now, too!”
(from the Lighter Slide of TEFL)
Teacher writes some words on the board.
Students work in a small group, they have to answer the
questions given by the teacher.
Finally, students should retell the story in their own
The examples of questions.
1. Was Hodja a funny man?
2. Where was he one day? (see the first story).
3. Did he enter the cinema?
4. What did he say about the moon?
5. Do you agree with Hodja?
3.9.11. Read and say the limerick .
There was a young lady of Bygur; who went for a ride on a tiger,
they returned from the ride with the lady inside,
And a smile on the face of the tiger.
1. Do you know what limerick is?
2. Do you understand the limerick?
3. Where did the lady go?
4. How did she go?
5. Did she go home?
6. Did she go home safely?
7. Where was the young lady?
8. Why did the tiger smile?
3.10. Tes Formatif 3
1. Write one of the Indonesian fables in English, for example the
mouse deer and the farmer.
2. teach the text (the mouse deer and the farmer to year six
students of elementary school).
3. Write the questions (5 questions).
4. Develop the communicative activity.
5. The story should be written in the past tense form. Therefore
you should teach simple past to your student.
Describe how would you teach simple past to your students.
Tindak lanjut dan umpan balik
Cocokanlah jawaban Anda dengan kunci jawaban tes formatif
yang ada pada bagian akhir modul ini. Hitunglah jawaban yang
benar kemudian gunakanlah rumus dibawah ini untuk
mengetahui tingkat penguasaan Anda terhadap materi.
Rumus =
Yang benar x 10
4 x 10
x 100%
x 100% = 80%
Apabila tingkat penguasaan anda tercapai 70% ke atas, maka
anda dapat meneruskan pembelajaran berikutnya.
Jika tidak, Anda harus mengulangnya.
Keterangan : Kunci exercise tidak disediakan, karena exercise yang
dimaksud ditujukan kepada siswa-siswi SD, sebagai contoh. Jadi
Anda yang harus menjawabnya.
Dibawah ini hanya disediakan kunci jawaban tes formatif saja.
Kegiatan Belajar 1
1.6. Tes Formatif 1
1. Topics which relate to vocabulary, “pictures” will be more
interesting for students, occupation, animal Kingdom, etc.
2. yes, I think so. In my opinion, colourful pictures will be more
interesting for students. Pictures help student have more
information to understand the lesson.
3. Communicative activities are designed based on the topic
students should work in pairs or in the small group.
4. Tidak disediakan kunci jawaban.
Kegiatan Belajar 2
2.2. Tes Formatif 2
1. Tidak disediakan jawaban.
2. a) Wrong because the word understand can not be used.
b) Correct.
c) Wrong – the word know can not be used in writing the specific
d) correct.
e) wrong
3. Tidak disediakan jawaban.
4. To teach is, am, are, was, were should be integrated in the
dialogue. Ask students to complete the sentences orally.
e.g. Ani, please complete this sentences. Are you?
5. techniques used for teaching speaking information gap, using
pictures, using genre, neighbourhood walk, moving, role-play,
simulation, games, song, poem, text play.
3.10. Tes Formatif 3
1. Tidak disediakan jawaban.
2. Tidak disediakan jawaban.
3. Questions e.g.
Is mouse deer four footed animal?
Where does a mouse deer live?
Is cucumber sweet?
What does the mouse deer do?
How is the end of the story?
4. Tidak disediakan jawaban.
5. First, pronunciation of the verbs end in suffix ed.
e.g. stopped (pt), walked (kt), etc.
Second, language focus.
Third act out the dialogue.
Consisting of simple past.
Alexander, L.G (1972). First Thing First Longman.
Alexander, L.G (1974). Target, Longman.
Howe, P.D. Rahman, A and Siahaan, N (1973). Picture Dictionary,
Indira, Jakarta.
Kimtafsirah, (2006). SPEAKING, A Paper Presented At Diklat Tingkat
Menengah Guru Bahasa Inggris SMP, March 19 – April 8, 2006. PPPG
Bahasa, Jakarta.
Mulyasa, E, Dr. (2006). KTSP, Rosda, Bandung.
Mulyasa, E, Dr. (2006). Kurikulum Yang Disempurnakan, Rosda,
Mulyasa, E, Dr. (2006). Menjadi Guru Profesional, Rosda, Bandung.
New English Course (1972). Groler, Inc.
The Lighter Side of TEFL, (1994). Washington, D.C.
The Oxford English For Malaya (1971) Kuala Lumpur.