HPE 100: History and Philosophy of Physical Education HPE 101

HPE 100: History and Philosophy of Physical Education
History of Physical Education in Rome and Egypt. Traditional African physical activities. The influence of
British physical education system in Kenya. The nature of physical education in U.S.A. and how it
contrasts with the British one. Development of P.E. in Kenya.
Philosophy: Definition, nature and scope of philosophy of PE and Sports. Personal philosophy and
development of PE and sports. Relevance of sport philosophy. Branches of philosophy and their
application to sports. Mass versus elitism in the development of sports. Selected philosophies and their
application to sports. Philosophical bases of P.E. for human movement studies.
HPE 101: Hockey, Netball and Soccer
History and development of each game. Basic skills. Drills, rules, lead up and conditioning games.
Markings, layout and dimensions of facilities and equipment for each sport.
ESS 102: Functional Human Anatomy
Morphological and structural basis of human movement. Systemic organization of the human body:
cells, tissues, organs and systems: Reference positions, planes of action and muscular skeleton
structures involved in movement. Practical and laboratory emphasis: Identification, handling and
manipulation of human models and musculoskeletal structures of the body.
HPE 103: Basketball, Handball and Volleyball
History and development of each game. Basic skills. Drills, rules, lead up and conditioning games.
Markings, layout and dimensions of facilities and equipment for each sport.
HPE 104: Psychology of Physical Education
Basic concepts of psychology related to learning and coaching of sports skills. Role
of psychology of PE and sports. Psychomotor learning in relation to mental
development. Theories of personality and self image in choice and participation.
Effects of anxiety, stress and motivation on performance. Aggression and its effects
on contemporary sports. Practical application of psychology to winning and
counselling in sports.
HPE 105: Adapted Physical Activity and Sports
Effects of congenital, acquired physical, mental and emotional disabilities on the acquisition of motor
skills. Designing and implementing physical education programmes for the various types of disabilities;
effects of disability on motor development.. Adaptation of physical activities and environment. Practical
HPE 106: Traditional, Emerging and Creative Games
Anthropological studies of traditional games, sports activities of ethnic communities of Kenya and
Africa- varieties, participation and their cultural significance. Children’s informal games. Factors
responsible for emergence, diffusion and decline of these games. Efforts to record, teach and learn
these games for formalization and perpetuation to be considered. Types and role of creative games.
Practical involvement.
HPE 107: Health Education and Wellness
Meaning of health and wellness. Essential components of good health:–emotional, spiritual,
social-cultural and physical well-being. Individual health decision making process and lifestyle.
Potential health and behavioural problems and prevention:- sexual diseases (STDs and HIV/
AIDS), pregnancy prevention, weight control and dieting, alcoholism and social drinking,
smoking, drug abuse, accidents, suicide and crime, stress management. School and community
health. Environment and health. Individual practical lifestyle application and assessment.
HPE 200 Human Physiology
The physiological principles of the neuromuscular, cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine and digestive
ems. Fundamentals of muscle excitation and contraction, muscle fibres, motor activity and energysupplying processes. Circulatory system and work; oxygen and carbon dioxide transport, transport of
heat, nutrients and metabolic end-products, blood flow and muscle supply. Cardiovascular system;
adjustment of circulatory system to work, respiration and gas exchange. CO2 dissociation and buffering,
aerobic and anaerobic respiration. Osmo-regulation and excretion: kidney and skin, nervous system;,
hormonal control of salt and water balance. Practical emphasis.
HPE 201 Athletics I, Softball and Swimming I
Athletics I: History of athletics in Kenya and world-wide. Track events, cross country, sprints, relays,
hurdling, middle and long distance races. Race walking. safety measures. Markings, layout and
dimensions of track and equipment.
Softball: History and development. Basic skills, drills, rules, lead up and conditioning games. Markings,
layout and dimensions of facilities and equipment.
Swimming I: History, hygiene and safety in swimming. Watermanship, Front crawl and Breaststroke.
Treading. Dimensions and layout of swimming pool. Pool care.
HPE 202: Motor Development and Learning
Sequence of development, growth and maturation patterns from foetus, childhood to age twelve.
Developmental patterns related to age, sex and environment. Relationship between body size and
composition to physical activities. Relationship between growth, development and motor skill
performance. Perceptual motor development and movement: space, time, body awareness and weight
transfer. Fundamental motor skills, planning, feedback and implementation.
HPE 203: Athletics II, Rounders and Swimming II
Athletics II- Field events: long jump, high jump, triple jump, shot put, discus and javelin. Safety
measures. Markings, Layout and dimensions of facilities and equipment.
Rounders- History and development. Basic skills, drills, rules, lead up and conditioned games.
Swimming II- Backstroke and Butterfly stroke. Starts, turns and diving. Hydrodynamics. Rules for
HPE 204: Principles of Training and Exercise Prescription
Definitive understanding of training as applied to exercise and sports. Philosophies, values and
objectives of training. Concepts, types and modes of training as they apply to human performance.
Determining trainee’s needs. Systematic principles of training. Periodization and overtraining. Women
and physical activity. Geographic and climatic considerations in training.
HPE 205: Curriculum Development in Physical education
Philosophy, design, development, implementation and evaluation. Critique of existing PE programmes in
Educational institutions. Role of the Ministry of Education; the Inspectorate and Kenya Institute o
Education. PE curriculum development theories and models: Developmental, humanistic, movement,
fitness and inclusion. Criteria for selection and sequencing of content. Design factors; local needs
assessment, goals, legal requirements. PE curriculum issues and concerns. Practical applications of
designed PE model guidelines.
HPE 206: Comparative Physical Education and Sports
History and methodology of comparative PE and sports. Comparison of pre-colonial, colonial and post
colonial physical education and sports in Kenya. Current objectives, philosophy and content of physical
education programmes at primary, secondary, college and university levels in Kenya vis-à-vis selected
countries in Africa, Europe and America. Comparison of professional preparation of PE teachers in
Kenya vis-à-vis those in selected countries.
HPE 207: Biomechanics
Mechanics of human motion: body as a system to levers, joint and muscular action, scalar and vector
computations, static and dynamic friction . Basic fluid dynamics and ballistic motion. Biomechanics of
upper and lower extremity. Equilibrium and human movement. Basic biomechanics principles applied to
team, individual, batting, racket and aquatic sports. Practical / laboratory emphasis.
HPE 300: Outdoor Education and First Aid
Outdoor Education: Applications of theories of learning to outdoor education. Transfer of theoretical
knowledge to practical application in outdoor education. Responsibilities and qualities of an outdoor
educator. Leadership styles in outdoor education.
Importance of environmental conservation,
planning and execution of outdoor activities. Practical involvement in using the geographical features in
enhancing outdoor education: camp craft, hiking, orienteering, mountaineering, boating, canoeing,
rock-climbing and Kayaking. Social, survival and safety skills in outdoor living. Care and maintenance of
outdoor equipment and facilities.
First Aid: philosophy, principles and practices underlying assistance or treatment for life threatening
emergencies, sudden injury or illness before the arrival of professional medical assistance. Safety
consideration at home, Institution and in the community. Rescue operation simulation; practical
emphasis: evaluation, protection, support and evacuation.
HPE 301: Aerobics, Dance and Gymnastics
Aerobics: History, concepts, responsibilities, scientific rationale. components of a
session, music selection, choreographic principles, communication and cueing. Modes of
Dance: Origin and development of traditional dances, types and educational values. Analysis of
selected dances. Classification of African traditional dances. Relation of dance to music, drama
and anthropology. Creation and analysis of space patterns, and improvisational skills.
Choreography. Dance adjudication, dance lesson planning and teaching.
Gymnastics: Principles and practice of educational gymnastics, basics skills in Olympic
gymnastics. Floor and apparatus, displays, adjudication, equipment used, maintenance and
HPE 302: Sports Pedagogy and Management
Pedagogy; Teaching methodology in physical Education(PE) ;Direct, indirect and limitation methods of
teaching; Teaching styles in each approach. Schemes of work; Lesson planning and execution of a
lesson; Unfavourable weather condition lesson.
Management; Organisation of intramurals, planning, procurement, storage and control of games
equipment. Designing the annual/seasonal programme of training for sports and games. Participation
and motivation of teams. Discipline among the players.
HPE 303: Badminton, Tennis and Squash
History and development of racquet games. Ball sense development activities. Teaching points, drills for
each skill: forehand, backhand, service, smash, volley, lob. Lead up and conditioning games. Markings,
layout and dimensions of facilities and equipment.
HPE 304: Martial Arts
History and development of any three selected forms of martial arts. Philosophy of each sport. Basic
Equipment and facilities for each sport. Body contact areas. Basic defence and offence skills and
techniques. Teaching points, drills and conditioned practices. Individual tactics and strategies. Rules
and officiating. Organization of competitions. Coaching and conditioning. Practical involvement /
HPE 305: Sociology of Physical Education and Sports
Introduction to sociology and sociological concepts. Sports in society and sociological theories of
functional approach, conflict theory, critical theory and symbolic interactions. Sociological perspectives
of sports. Concepts of culture and socialization, economy, religion, mass media and politics. Equality
and discrimination in sports, personal development and social mobility through sports. Sports and the
future with emphasis on contemporary and emerging issues. Application of sociological principles in
team sport settings.
HPE 306: Prevention and Management of Sports Injuries
Classification of injuries. Predisposing factors to injuries. Prevention of injuries. Pathology of repair
process and principles of management of musculo-skeletal injuries resulting from sports and exercise
participation. Common conditions related to specific anatomical regions. Practical emphasis: Evaluation,
management, application of therapeutic modalities to injured participants and rehabilitation of the
HPE 307: Nutrition and Human Performance
Nutrition for exercise and health. Assessment of foods nutritional value. The relationship between
nutritional demands and physical activity: caloric and fluids needs. Optimal nutrient for health, exercise,
recreation and sports for various populations and age groups. Meals planning, weight control and
eating disorders. Practical emphasis.
HPE 308: Legal Issues in Physical Education and Sports
Legal issues related to; Physical Education, sports, due process, liability, negligence, risk assumption,
rights/liberties government and safety issues in sports, Physical Education and recreation in schools The
importance and processes of insurance and insurance against adventure injuries. Administrative
responsibility toward legal action in Physical Education and sports playgrounds, facilities and equipment.
Ethics and values in sports and physical education .
HPE 309/SRM 304: Stress Management in Physical Education, Recreation and Sport
Concepts, theories and models of stress as applied to physical activity and recreation. Physical and
recreational activity as a stressor and as a reliever. Aetiology and reactions to stress: psychological,
physiological and behavioural. Effects of stress on learning and the school environment. Methods of
stress management.
HPE 400: Tests, Measurements in Physical Activity
Purpose of testing in physical education. Criteria for selecting fitness tests. Administration of selected
tests on components of fitness. Methods of recording and processing data. Descriptive statistics
relevant within physical education; Statistical techniques: sampling, frequency distribution, measures of
central tendency, normal curve, regression and correlation analysis, probability and hypothesis testing.
HPE 401: Skill specialisation I (Two sports from two different categories)
Advanced skills, defence and attack strategies, team formation, certification in
officiating. Administration of the sport as manager and coach.
Swimming; Design and implementation of swimming lessons. Water hazards and safety. Action in
dangerous situations. Personal survival skills – floatation, treading and use of clothes. Saving others –
reaching and throwing rescues, entering water, surface dives, releases and towing. Resuscitation in
water and on land. Post-rescue care. Certification in coaching, lifesaving and officiating. Other water
activities (therapeutic activities, games).
Athletics; Rules and officiating; Equipment and facilities; improvisation of equipment; Coaching and
training; Design and implementation of athletic lessons. Organisation of competitions; Certification in
coaching and officiating.
HPE 402: Exercise Physiology
Physiological responses and adaptations of exercise: cardio respiratory, musculoskeletal and
body composition. Ergogenic substances/ aids and performance. Environmental factors and
performance. Special considerations in exercise: age, gender, Physique, and disability. Practical
emphasis: somatotyping, physical stress testing, laboratory testing physical fitness components.
HPE 403: Skill specialisation II(Two sports from two different categories)
Coaching strategies, scouting, talent identification, match analysis, planning the sports calendar,
conditioning programmes, practical officiating and certification.
Swimming; Organising swimming galas. Certification in coaching, lifesaving and officiating. Personal
survival skills – floatation, treading and use of clothes. Saving others – reaching and throwing rescues,
entering water, surface dives, releases and towing. Resuscitation in water and on land. Post-rescue
care. Other water activities (aqua aerobics). Drills for training for competition.
Athletics; Hammer, pole vault, Organisation of competitions, conditioning programmes. Certification in
coaching and officiating.
HPE 404: Computer Application in Physical activity.
Practical application of Information Technology and Computer software in physical and health
education and sports. Basic knowledge and understanding of word processing, data entry
(access) and presentation (PowerPoint). Use of computers to display selected 3 dimensions
illustrations for teaching, learning and coaching purposes. Basic storage and data manipulation.
HPE 405: Sports Equipment and Facilities
Principles involved in the design, use, maintenance, repair and management of indoor and outdoor
sports equipment and facilities. Practical improvisation, construction / marking of various sports
equipment, playing field, courts, athletic track; swimming pools, etc. Management of Physical education
and sports equipment and facilities. Visits to sports’ manufacturing plant, retail shops and facilities.
HPE 406: Contemporary Issues in Physical education and Sports
Topical and current issues in leisure, recreation and sport as scholarly and professional areas.
Sport as a spectacle. Analysis of sporting and recreation outlets in Kenya and worldwide.
Organization of major sporting events such as the Olympics and World Cup Soccer. Perceptions
of time, freedom and the impact of change within leisure, recreation and sports perspective.
Sports and globalisation versus gender, racism, ethnicity, corruption, state and politics. Sports as
entertainment. Sports and mass media. Community programmes linking sports to physical and
human environment, recreation and poverty alleviation, HIV-AIDS and conflict resolution.
Donors and development of sports and recreation.
HPE 407/ ESS 400: Research Methods in Human Performance
The nature of research. Methods of research in physical education, sport, exercise and dance.
Research design: identifying and stating a problem, formulating hypothesis. Introduction to
hypothesis techniques. Types of research, Descriptive, Experimental and qualitative research.
Application of basic statistical techniques: t-tests, simple analysis of variance. Nonparametric
techniques, Reliability, Internal and external validity. Writing research report.
HPE 408: Special Olympics
Definition. Special Olympics vs Paralympics. History of special Olympics. Programmes. Coaching and
officiating special Olympics sports. Event management, fundraising, proposal writing and resource
mobilisation. Research in special Olympics. Volunteer training and utilisation