ECCersCie Extra!

ECCersCie Extra!
JUNE 12, 1999
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Nick Logue, an Ellerslie 9 year old, was recently
awarded his Karate Black Belt. Nick passed his qualifying test on March 6th, 1999 at the Allegany College Gym.
As You may recall from previous issues, Nick has been
actively involved in Karate for quite a few years, 3 and
1/2 to be exact. Nick currently trains through the American Martial Arts Acadamy under the instruction of April
Twigg and Shawn Taylor.
Even though Nick has obtained his black belt, his
karate training does not end. He now is working toward
climbing the rank ladder by working toward successive
degrees of his black belt.
The Ellerslie Extra! staff would like to extend
a big congratulations for a job well
Nick is the son of Greg and
Debbie Logue, and the grandson of
Richard and Nancy See and Colleen Logue, all of
Ellerslie. Nick is also actively involved in baseball and soccer in our community.
Repairs to Kings Grove Road
Bridge Over Wills Creek
(Submitted for Publication by Kevin Beachy, County Engineer, Allegany County)
On Behalf of the Allegany County Department of Public Works, the Allegany County Commissioners have
awarded the contract for repairs to the Kings Grove Road
Bridge over Wills Creek in Ellerslie, MD to Carl Belt,
Inc., 11521 Milnor Ave, Cumberland, MD. The amount
of the contract is $277.660.00 and the duration of work is
60 consecutive calendar days.
This project involves structural modifications to the
existing bridge, replacement of the existing deck with galvanized open grid decking and installation of new w-beam
traffic barrier on the bridge and for the roadway approaches.
It is anticipated that the construction work will begin
on or around May 3, 1999 and should be completed by
July 1, 1999.
Replacement of bridge bearings will involve jackingup the existing bridge several inches to allow installation
of the new bearings, and other miscellaneous work, e.g.
floor beams, traffic barrier, new bridge rakers, etc. will
require short-term temporary traffic delays. A traffic
control plan will be in effect including flagpersons to direct traffic to utilize the bridge. Exercise caution and
drive slowly especially during these periods.
Removal of the existing deck and installation of the
new galvanized open-grid deck will require nighttime
work from 11:00 PM to 6:00 AM for 7 to 10 days. Only
emergency vehicles and pedestrians will be allowed to
cross the bridge during this period. Special provisions
have been made with the Ellerslie Fire Dept. to provide
fire protection services for this period by having a fire
truck stationed at night on the`east side of the bridge.
During the nighttime work, residents are urged to
have a vehicle on the west side of the bridge especially if
your work schedule requires departure prior to 6:00 AM.
Should you have any questions, please contact the
County Department of Public Works - Engineering Division at 301-777-5933, ext. 201.
The Living Word
Crime Watch Newsl
Two incidents have occurred that the community should take note of. The first set
of incidents have occurred at the King's
Grove Bridge in Ellerslie. These incidents
have been of different types, but all involve underage children. The incidents
have been reported to the police and necessary action has been taken. There have
also been a string of break-in's to parked
vehicles. Residents are reminded to lock
their vehicles,. Never leave valuables in the
vehicle. Report any problems to the appropriate Law Enforcement agency. We
like to think Ellerslie is a safe community,
but it will only remain safe if we exercise
caution, safety, and become involved.
The Crime Watch is actively pursuing volunteers to continue the mobile neighborhood watch. If interested, Please contact
Dick DeVore at 301.724.4577
Where Are Tliey A/o-w?
This month, our "Where are They
Now? Column focuses on not one
but two former Ellerslie residents.
Brian and Christa (LeMasters)
Kasekamp. Both resided in Ellerslie
for several years, attending and graduating from Mt. Savage High
School. Following graduation, Brian
received an AA degree in ElectroMechanical Technology from ACC
in 1997 and a Bachelor's degree in
Electronic Engineering Technology
from Fairmont State College in
1989. Christa attended Frostburg
State College where she received a
Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from Frostburg State
Univ. in 1989.
The two were united in marriage
on September 3, 1989 at the Ellerslie United Methodist Church.
Brian started to work at Cable &
Wireless, Inc. headquartered in Vienna, VA at their Chantilly, VA,
manufacturing facility in October
1989 at which time they moved to
Leesburg, VA. Then on to Manassas, VA in 1990 and then to Ashburn, VA, in 1994 where they now
Brian is currently employed by
Cable & Wireless in Chantilly with
the position of Technical Operations Manager. He manages a test
lab where the company tests and
configures Internet backbone equipment before being deployed to one
of the company sites throughout the
Christa also worked for Cable
& Wireless in Vienna, VA from
April 1990 until September 1997.
She worked in various departments within customer service as
a manager. In September, 1997
she resigned from Cable & Wireless when their daughter was born
to become a full time mom. They
are the proud parents of Emily
Rachael Kasekamp who was born
September 24, 1997.
Brian is the son of Marlon
Kasekamp. Christa is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Clark
LeMasters, all of Ellerslie.
Mason Dixon Line Part 2
In March of 1766, the surveyors were given permission to proceed west toward the Allegheny Mts. They had
already completed some work on the eastern boundaries of Maryland. The line was marked with stones that were
cut and sent from England as needed. By April 25th, they had reached the foot of Sideling hill when they realized
that they could take their wagons no further. By June, the line had been run to the valley west of "Little Alleganey
Mountain." From this point, they were directed to finish work toward the East. The following summer, an agreement had been reached with the Six Nations of Indian tribes residing in this area. The survey team was able to continue west to the "Top of the Great Dividing Ridge of the Alleganey Mountains." On July 16th, they were joined by
14 Indians deputized by the Chiefs of the Six Nations to go with them on the line.
As they proceeded farther west, they began to develop difficulties. A journal entry on Sept. 29th went as follows:
26 of our men left; They would not pass the River for Fear of Shawnee and Delaware Indians. But we
prevailed upon 15. Ask men to proeced with us and with them we continued the Lien Westward. On Oct
9th, they crossed the War Path near Dunkard Creek in West Virginia, at that time this was actually Vir
ginia. The Six Nation Indian Tribe representatives with them halted their work as this was the end of the 6
nations jurisdiction.
Due to the transportation difficulties in moving the cut stones, no stones were placed west of Sidling Hill. From
that point forward, on the return trip from Dunkard Creek, mounds of earth or stone heaped around wooden posts
served to mark the mile markers of the line they surveyed. In addition, Mason and Dixon put in extra mounds on
tops of the principle ridges at the line. The original mile posts on the western end were made of wood, twelve inches
square, five feet long set two feet in the ground. The heaps of earth and stone were some 8 feet in diameter. By
November, the weather had turned so bad that many of their help had left and mounds were not placed around all of
the wooden posts. This concluded the work on the Northern Maryland boundary, a distance according to Mason
and Dixon as 230 miles 18 chains 21 links from the beginning of the line in Delaware.
Regionally, stone markers were placed in the line in 1902. All the markers on the line have been assigned numbers for identification purposes. The markers in our town include #168 located on Will's Mt., #169 located at the
church on Ellerslie Rd, #170 on the Ridge up behind the water tank, and #171 at the clay mines at the intersection of
the boundary of Bedford, Somerset, and Allegany County.
Interesting to note is that the stone placed at the church was an original stone located in the area of Central Pennsylvania. It was placed on the current site in the 1902 resurvey of the line. In about 1950, the stone was replaced by
a marble stone and the original was presented to the PA Historical Society. The line in its long history has been surveyed many times to correct and adjust the original line.
On a more community related note, an individual by the name of Moses Porter was one who helped survey the
original line. Moses eventually located in this area settling on a 137 acre farm, which may have been the site of
Porter Cemetery in Fords Mill. Moses and his brother John were both sons of John Porter who was the original
Porter Immigrant to settle in southern Maryland. Both sons were revolutionary soldiers in Captain Paxton's Bedford
County Militia. John later located to the Eckhart area while Moses at some point also moved into Maryland.
Moses would have produced descendants under the surnames of Porter, Burley, and DeVore. Local relatives believed to be descendants include Dorothy Bohn, Dick and Bill DeVore, Paul DeVore, and also the descendants of
Henry and Emma Lowery.
Another interesting side point is that Maryland's original claim was based on the Charter to Lord Baltimore that
extended to 40 degrees North Latitude. This would place the original boundary just south of Bedford and Somerset
Next issue, the rise and fall of the Pottery and clay mine industry in our town.
ommunity Notes
Congratulations To Shelby Logsdon for being the top girl scout cookie salesperson of our local troop. The troop
meets at the Ellerslie United Methodist Church.
Thanks To all who helped and supported our local cub scouts at the annual scout show at the mall. Be sure to
read the article inside this issue on the show.
Condolences To the family and friends of Zola Shriner. Mrs. Shriner resided in the Mt. Savage area. She is survived in Ellerslie by her son Don Shriner, and her grandsons Wayne and Dave Shriner. Our thoughts our with the
Congratulations To Joey Logson. Joey won first place in the "Lets Say No To Drug Abuse" Contest. Joey won
first place in the 2nd, third, and 4th grade division of schools in the local area. Joey is the son of Tom and Laura
Logsdon and the grandson of Wayne and Darlene Logsdon.
Thanks To Terry Lybarger and Ben Sampson for their help with the Mason Dixon Line history research. Terry
resides in Ellerslie on Albright St.
Congratulations To Daniel Williams and Tyler DeVore. Both boys were awarded their Bobcat Badge in Scouting. They are members of Pack 50 Cub Scouts who meet in Mt. Savage on Tuesdays.
Congratulations - To Andrew Ostinowsky on the announcement of his engagement. Andy is the son of Mr. and
Mrs Mike Ostinowsky who reside in Valley View Heights.
Congratulations To all the local girl scouts. An investiture ceremony was held on Feb. 4th where all new girl
scouts were awarded their pins and patches.
Congratulations To Aaron Alhburn, son of Kathy and Lane Alhburn of Hummingbird St. Aaron will be married
on May 29 to Michelle Crespo.
Thanks to the Members of the Ellerslie United Methodist Church for the wonderful meal and program they presented to the members of the Ellerslie Fire Company, Ambulance Service, and Ladies Auxiliary.
This month, the volunteer spotlight shines on Dee Stallings. Dee is active in many ways in our community. Most obvious to all is her participation with the ambulance service. Dee is certified as an
emergency medical technician and as many know is a recognizable face on our ambulance. Dee also
serves the community as the recording secretary of the fire department.
S.She is responsible for all the company correspondences and
picking up the mail each day. But Dee doesn't stop there!
She assists this publication by serving as our proof reader.
This alone is a difficult job. I know. I am one of the writers
she proofs. (I promise to try harder, Dee.) Aside from her
involvement in our community, Dee is also active in her
church in Mt. Savage. Dee resides on Whitetail Lane in Ellerslie with her husband Elliott,
her son Ben and his dog Spanky. If you see Dee out and about, let her know how much you appreciate
her hard work.
About The
The Ellerslie Extra! is
published by several
organizations within
our community.
Those organizations
include the Ellerslie
Fire Dept., Ellerslie
Ambulance Service,
Ellerslie Athletic Association, and the
Ellerslie Citizens
Committee. We encourage all residents
to participate in this
project by submitting
story ideas and information to us for publication. We also are
always in need of assistance with delivery.
This paper is published to all Ellersie
residents free of
charge and we do
provide mail delivery
for those who submit
stamps for mailing.
For those people who
reside outside of
Ellerslie, a subscription is availble for
$7.00 which includes
10 issues.
Birthdagg and linnivRr8ari8
3rd Robin ringer, 4th Shirley Beckman, 5th Matthew Crump, 6th Terry Lybarger,
8th Richard Lybarger, Jery ANoel and David Burgess, 9th Michelle Sisk, 11th Jim
DeVore, 12th Yvone Sturtz, 13th Kayla Williams, 14th Darin Logsdon, 15th Susan Frantz, 16th Lucas Miller, 17th Janet Armstrong and Angela Ashenfelter, 18th
Becky Goebel, 19th Dalton Smith, Evan and Jordon Logue and Daniel Crump,
21st Lucas Kenney, 23rd Scott Noel, 24th Tammy Miller, 25th Christopher Davis,
26th Joshua Smith and Myrna Eiser, 27th Frank and Jimmy
Goebel, 29th Alice Marie Growden, 31st Cassie Troutman.
Tim and Crystal Smith
Jim and Janie Bucy
Buddy and Tammy Miller
July 15th
July 19th
July 24th
Scout's Twice Part' irN ArNtNual
Several local cub scouts recently participated in the Annual Potomac Council
Scout Show . The show is conducted annually at the Country Club Mall and includes scouts from the Maryland / West Virginia Region. The local cub scout
pack, Pack 50, was represented by several local boys. The boys helped develop a
display for the Mall show. The display this year was on camping safety. The
scouts invited over two hundred individuals to tour the display and find the many
safety violations that the camp displayed. Those local boys included Rickie DeYore and Joey Logsdon, who work in the Webelo Den, Josh Logsdon, who is a
member of the Bear den, and Tyler DeVore and Daniel Williams who are members of the Wolf den. A special thanks to the parent volunteers for their work, including Sue and Chris Crump, Mark Williams, Tom Logsdon, Dick DeVore,
and Jim Uhl who is the Cub master. Scouting provides unique opportunities for
boys. If you are interested in getting your son involved in scouting, Pack 50 meets
every Tuesday at 7 PM at the Mt. Savage Methodist Church.
3-row To Contact Us
Sarah and Rob Johnson
PO Box 413
Ellerslie, MD 301.724.6610
Dick DeVore
PO Box 45
Ellerslie,MD 301.724.4577
Mike Mathews
PO Box 105
Ellerslie, MD 301.724.7131
Emergency Service Officers
The Ellerslie Fire
Company, recently
held their annual election of officers. Serving the fire dept. are
President Frank Clark, Vice President
Glenn Ford, Secretary Dee Stallings,
Treasurer Rob Johnson, Chaplain Jeff
Brewer, Building and Grounds Mark
Williams, and Jenn Christner as Sgt. of
Arms. The operational officers are
Chief Dick DeVore, Deputy Chief
Glenn Ford, Ass't Chiefs Scott
Williams, Wayne Shriner, Mark
Williams, and Rob Johnson. The captains are Andy Lybarger and Dave
Christner. The leut. is Brent Crosten.
In charge of retention and recruitment is
Sarah Johnson.
The Ellerslie
Ambulance Service has annouced
its officers for
1999. They include Cork Jamison as president, captain, and supply officer. Viv Jamison
is the vice-president and ass't captain.
Serving as the secretary is Frank
Clark. Frank also serves as a trustee
and chaplain. Rick Mallow is the
treasurer and vehicle officer. Shawn
Mallow is the financial secretary.
Dee Stallings serves as a trustee. The
group's final trustee is Rob Johnson.
Serving as the training officer of the
group is Kara Merkle.
Ladies Auxiliary Holds Election of Officers
The Ladies Auxiliary is led by Barb Corbin. The vice president is Carol Wilson. The recording secretary is Karen DeVore. The group's treasurer is Sharon
DeVore. Sally Byerley is the group's ass't secretary and the financial secretary
is Olive June Schroyer. The historian for the group is Marie Simpkins. The
Chaplin is Norma Clark and the ways and means officer is Marilyn Kennell. The
ladies do a wonderful job working with the fire department and the entire fire
company appreciates their efforts.
The Ellerlise Athletic
Association is led this year
by President George
Knotts. The vice president
is Dick DeVore. The secretary and treasurer are Viv
and Cork Jamison. The
Athletic boosters are led by
President Knotts. with a
vice president in Ken Sisk.
Secretary is Pam Pressman.
Returning as Treasurer is
Debbie Logue. Chairperson of the Ways and
Means Committee is Linda
Fire Dept Meetings Ambulance Meetings Athletic Association Crime Watch Meeting Cub Scouts Girl Scouts Fire Dept. Bingo Ellerslie UMC Services Calvary Bible Church Service
Chicken Fry
1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month at the firehall @ 7PM
2nd Thursday of each month at the firehall @ 7PM
2nd Sunday of every month at the firehall @ 6:30 PM
4th Thursday of each month at the firehall @ 7 PM
Every Tuesday at Mt. Savage Methodist Church @ 7 PM
1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month at Ellerslie UMC
Every Monday nite at 6:45 PM at the firehall
Sunday School at 9:30 AM and Church at 10:45 AM
Church at 10 AM and Sunday School at 11:15 AM
2nd Saturday of each month from 12 PM till 8 PM at firehall
Ellerslie 60+
Reunion Planned
The annual Ellerslie 60+ reunion is scheduled once again this year. The event will be
held on Saturday, June 12th. The Reunion
will be held this year at the Ellerslie Outdoor
Club. and will start a 1:00 PM and will run
until 5 PM. If you have any questions about
the event, contact Anna Lee See.
Resident Voices
The following was submitted anonymously.
I am writing this letter in regards to an incident
that happened on Feb. 16, 1999. An Automobile accident happened on Rt. 35 which involved 3 teenagers. Apparently the accident
occurred seconds before the school buses
transporting the Ellerslie Students arrived. To
my understanding, the school bus had to stop
at the scene of the accident because of an unknown object rolling across the road. It was a
sunny day so the students on the bus had the
windows down. Three of the students heard
cries of help from the accident victims which in
return got off the bus to answer these cries.
these students are all from our community in
Ellerslie. There names are Luke Merkel, son
of Kenny and Carol Sue Merkel, Jennifer
Troutman, daughter of Julie Shaffer, and
Michael Shaffer, son of Mike Shaffer. I feel as
a member of our community these children
should be cited for their courageous conduct.
These students along with the aide of Virginia
Lavin shows that people care about people.
Tennis Courts
To Host Clinic
A Junior Tennis Camp, directed by certified teaching professional C.W. "Charlie" Waltman, is being
planned for June and July at the Ellerslie Park
There are three morning sessions scheduled: Session 1 will be held June 14-17 and June 21-24;
Session 2 will be held June 28-July 1 and July 5-8;
and Session 3 from July 19-22 and July 26-29.
Campers will be divided into age groups. The times
are the same for each session. Camp for age 9, 10
and 11 will run from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m., and
ages 12, 13, 14 and 15 will run from 10 a.m. to 11:30
a .m.
Interested youths may attend by the week or by the
day. For a full, two-week session, the cost per
camper is $40. For one week, the cost is $25. If
unable to attend a full week, the cost is $8 per day.
Just choose the weeks or days you wish to attend,
and show up at the Ellerslie courts at the appropriate time.
A special Sports Day will be held at the end of the
camp, at the Park, from 10 a.m. to noon on Friday,
July 30, with a variety of activities available, including tennis, softball and basketball. The end-ofcamp Sports Day will be for anyone who participated during any of the weeks of junior tennis
Little League To Host Playoffs
The George's Creek Little League committee has announced that the Ellerslie Community Park
will be the site of this year's Little League Playoff Tournament. The tournament will start on Saturday, June 19th and conclude on Sunday, June 20th. In the event of rain, the following weekend
has been selected as an alternate date. The tournament will feature all the little league teams from
the league in an event to determine the season champions. This proves to be a great tournament as
competition in the league is very high. So make plans to come out now and support our hometown
team in their quest to become the 1999 season champs.
Ellerslie United Methodist Church
Vacation Bible School
Monday June 14th
Friday June 18 th
from 6:00 to 8:45 PM
Nursery age through 9th grade
Contact the Church for Details
Notary Public of the
State of Maryland
The following are the Notary fees authorized
The Secretary of State of Maryland
Executing affidavits and acknowledgments:
Notarizing the original or first copy of a document:
For each signature
$ 2.00
Notarizing subsequent copies of the document:
For each signature
$ 2.00
1-"own Officers Elected
The Ellerslie Citizens Committee conducted its
annual town election on March 2, 1999. Elected
to two year terms were Frank Clark and Janet
Kendall. The committee then conducted their annual election of officers. Dick DeVore will serve
as Chairman, Frank Clark as Treasurer and Helen
Phillips as secretary. The other committee seat is
held by Bill DeVore. The committee is responsible for collecting and distributing the town tax
money to various projects that it sponsors.
For local notary service call:
Meta Miller (301) 777-8162
Community Represented on MST Council
The Maryland State Police,
under the direction of Lt.
Mike Mattingly, Barracks
Commander for the Cumberland Branch of the State Police, have formed an adivsory
council to discuss law enforcement issues in the local communities. The committee is
made up of residents from several communities who lack city
police coverage. The local rep
on this council for Ellerslie is
Dick DeVore. Serving as Dick's
alternate is Frank Clark.
The purpose of the committee
is to provide a forum to bring
specific community police problems to the attention of law enforcement personnel, who may
not be aware that a problem exists.
If you have an item involving public safety that
needs to be addressed, please
feel free to contact Dick at
301.724.4577 to discuss the
situation. Items that the committee has discussed from
other communities include
highway design and signage,
drug and alchol problems,
speeding, and vandalism.
Special Thanks to Shaffer Construction, Ron Shaffer
and crew for the great job they did in helping us prepare
the new infield surface at the ballfield for this year's season. We couldn't have done it without your help!
Thanks once again!
The Ellerslie Athletic Association Booster Committee
Town Baseball Rosters and Schedules
The Pee Wee Teamd
Team 1
Team 2
Coach: Ansil Shircliffe
Coach: Mark Williams
Haden Shircliffe
Brandon Bussard
Codie Self
Steven Hunt
Scott Noel
Brandon Paris
Codie Sindy
Colby Ackerson
Garth Poling
Christopher Ranker
Jordan Wilson
Taylor Thompson
Brett Thompson
Daniel Williams
Kayla Williams
Tyler DeVore
Kaylee DeVore
Codie Hook
Will Clauson
Brandon Lavin
Jordan Logue
Evan Logue
Brandon Kendall
Steven Lowery
June 9th @ 6 PM
Ellerslie vs Ellerslie
June 12th @ 10 AM
Ellerslie @ Mt. Savage
June 16th @ 6 PM
Mt. Savage @ Ellerslie
June 9th @ 6 PM
Ellerslie vs Ellerslie
June 12th @ 10 AM
Mt Savage @ Ellerslie
June 16th @ 6 PM
Ellerslie @ Corriganville
June 19th @ 10 AM
Ellerslie @ Corriganville
June 19th @ 10 AM
Ellerslie @ Mt. Savage
June 23rd @ 6 PM
Ellerslie @ Hyndman
June 26th @ 10 AM
Ellerslie @ Hyndman
June 23rd @ 6 PM
Ellerslie @ Mt Savage
Little League
Coach George Knotts
Coaches: Landis and
Lucas Kenney
Lucas Knolls
Nick Logue
Rickie DeVore
Derrick Sisk
Jesse Matthews
Daniel Crump
Jimmy Poling
Cameron Pressman
Josh Logsdon
Joey Logsdon
Travis Diehl
Marcus Kendall
June 1 lth @ 6 PM
Midland @ Ellerslie
June 14th @ 6 PM
Ellerslie @ Lonaconing
June 17th @ 7:30 PM
Ellerslie @ Westernport
June 22nd @ 6 PM
Ellerslie @ Dawson
Brett Landie
Shane Hager
Eddie Rockwell
Justin Morgan
Ben Brewer
Lonnie Harvey
Billy %bribe'
Jesse Leydig
Jared Lowery
Allen Martin
Cliff Martin
Jessica White
June 8th @ 6 PM
Mt Savage @ Ellerslie
June 10th @ 7:30 PM
Ellerslie @ Barton
June 15th @ 6 PM
Ellerslie @ Midland
June 17th @ 6 PM
June 25th @ 6 PM
Mt Savage @ Ellerslie
June 28th @ 6 PM
Ellerslie @ Lonaconing
June 30th @ 6 PM
Mt. Savage @ Ellerslie
Ellerslie @ Lonaconing
Caa 4
i) v
Ellerslie Extra!
PO Box 237
Ellerslie, MD 21529
Once again we come seeking help. This photo was turned up in a stack of old pictures. To the best we can determine, the photo was taken around 1951. The team, presumably a little league team was sponsored by the fire department. We are starting we no information on names so any help would be greatly appreciated.