C o m Every Student, Every School, Every Community – "The Starter Kit for Campus Ministry" om C u m un it y ity ry ry ve m n oo ve ry St ud en t Ev e ry S t t n lE o o lE ve ry u Ev d e er y S ch ve E ch S E ry ve t S t en d u o ho Sc y er Ev l m om y C r e Ev y unit ye m id by r e h est abl ish ed to ev er y To ge t elism evang f o a nt Americ me n e i v l o oo 0. am sch e 0 h e g i s 20 dh an c n d e ,a en ,w gh i h ar r o i un j e, dl Wesleyan Youth United Methodist Renewal Christian and Missionary Alliance SCRIPTURE UNION Challenge 2000 is an alliance of Christian students, youth workers, churches and youth organizations seeking to communicate the gospel of Christ to every teenager. It is coordinated by the National Network of Youth Ministries and is in partnership with Mission America. 2 schools Lord ... Jesus Christ. Heart ... yours united with others. Message ... that changes lives. Goal ... every student in every school. Challenge ... by year-end 2000. 3 2 Partnering locally and nationally to reach every student, every school and every community for Jesus Christ. 5 The centerpiece of this magazine and of the Challenge 2000 movement. The sections to follow will assist you in fulfilling the Covenant. 6 Our mission, what’s important and how we will make a difference. 8 These four priorities are essential if we are to reach students in every school in America. 14 It all begins with prayer. You and two friends can change your world! 16 Publicly take a stand, dedicating students and educators as missionaries. 18 Can We Do It? Are You Ready? Most Wanted, A Vision of Fruit, His Story, Your Story, How You Can Make A Big Difference ... 26 Many students jumpstart their efforts by starting a campus club or outreach. These pages will help you. 30 An adult youth leader plays vital roles as a player/coach and as a campus insider. 34 Christians in local communities are better together when they link up to reach every student and every school. 38 From every student, every school and every community to the world in need of Christ. 40 A Student’s Bill of Rights and the legal resources available to help you if needed. 42 Welcome to one-stop shopping for more than 300 resources available to support your ministry. 60 Stop here to connect with training conferences and ministries ready to serve you. 61 Find your Challenge 2000 T-Shirts, Sunday Church Tool Kits, Covenant posters, backpack tags and Starter Kits here. 4 ve and I lo ves me esus lo J e s u Beca will: him, I ip with tionsh , ve rela ugh praying to a lo His myself hrist ... thro nd allowing C a , s ord Jesu 8 g His W ch day. studyin lead me ea tthew 22:36-3 to Ma Spirit my life ... moral tions and in my c Christ ts, words, a 2 though ships. thy 4:1 n 1 Timo relatio Challenge 2000 Covenant At the heart of Challenge 2000 is a covenant to pursue a relationship with Christ that leads us to reach this generation with the gospel. y destin pecial as a s God h y g m in v and Belie for me nge, ission challe and m e this k a t I in n, es ti io t . ri a o it r pir auth gene Holy S and all honor and , rents on the my pa ... with love relying , e -3 lif my uth ans 6:1 nce. Ephesi 13:1 and yo obedie s eople pray Roman oung p try to y n u in o jo c I our d to cross n a a s , r g e enin work l awak ist to piritua of Chr for a s ssage e m e person e th g k n a u t o ry y help nd eve g chool a d unitin every s . ing an gardless 0 g 0 ra 0 u 2 o in enc stians ... re tus. r end myself by yea Chri l sta er 5 ocia with oth church or s rews 10:24-2 , Heb of race im king H to r ... as g h prayeual awakenin g u ro God th bring spirit 7:14 daily to eration. nicles n 2 Chro my ge ol y scho st to m nd of Chri ng, living a e g a s yi s t the me rld ... by pra very studen t. s e o and w ing so that to know Chri s witnes opportunity s 1:8 e ct A th has To date, thousands of students and youth workers have already signed this covenant and committed themselves to fulfill the Challenge. Sign your personal Covenant card – found on the insert in the middle of this magazine – and carry it with you everywhere. ge hallen w w w. c 5 2000 .org We are united by our dedication to the same mission: To communicate the gospel of Jesus Christ to every teenager 6 How Will We Make a Difference? We will ... Champion the Cause ... of reaching every student • Sign the Covenant and decide your prayer strategy (insert in middle of magazine) What’s Important to Us? Every teenager should have the opportunity to know Jesus Christ personally. Our schools are our mission field. Prayer is at the heart of reaching our friends and our schools for Christ. The Bible is our sole guide. The local church is vital to a student’s spiritual life. To reach every student, Christians must cooperate and have respect for each other. There are many different ways to reach students on our campuses, but they all have the same goal. Pray Regularly ... alone and with others. • Begin with First Things First (pages 14-15) Develop a Personal Plan ... to make a difference. • Design your own personal plan (pages 10-11) and identify your Most Wanted (page 20) Equip Ourselves to Share Christ ... and help others do the same. • Gain confidence in sharing His Story and Your Story (pages 22-23) Determine to Partner ... to reach every student and every school. • Find out how to partner with others (pages 12-13, 34-37) Ask our Church and Community Leaders ... to help and support us. • Prepare your church to participate in Challenge 2000 Sunday (page 16) Pursue Finding the Best Resources ... to help accomplish our goal. • Which resources do you need to help you? (pages 42-62) Link Arms ... with others around the nation. • Report progress about your school online at www.everyschool.com 7 “None of the churches have their own agenda. They just want to see students reached for Christ.” Marshall Snider, Ministries Coordinator – City of Dallas, Oregon The Challenge 2000 Alliance is Christian students, youth leaders, churches and youth organizations networking their efforts to communicate the gospel of Christ to every teenager. Our strategy is to establish ministries of evangelism and discipleship to every middle, junior high and high school in America by year-end 2000. Believing in the centrality and importance of the local church to the success of this cause, the Alliance challenges every church and youth organization to help accomplish this goal. 8 s e i t i ior r p ur o f he t to d tt e i m n.” m a l P o l c oo h c e S ar very e eE W “ f th 1 Committed CHRISTIAN STUDENTS as missionaries to their campus o 2 Committed ADULT YOUTH LEADERS as equippers and encouragers of the students 3 Effective LOCAL CHURCHES and MINISTRIES that impact schools 4 Effective LOCAL PARTNERSHIPS that network local churches and Christian youth organizations 9 will you take the challenge to: Pursue a passionate commitment to Christ and a personal plan for campus evangelism? 1 Committed CHRISTIAN STUDENTS as missionaries to their campus Big Idea: Passionate determination leads to action. Students who capture the heart of Christ’s love are compelled to share their faith with others. 2 Corinthians 5:14, Ephesians 6:19 Am I passionately pursuing a growing relationship with Christ? Am I consistently praying for my friends, classmates and family? “My backpack is covered with Christian sayings like ‘God Rules.’ One of my patches says, ‘I dare you to ask me about Jesus.’” Aaron Sexton, student – Phoenix, Arizona Am I looking for opportunities to share my faith in Christ with others? Do I know how to tell others about a relationship with Christ? Do I have a personal plan to reach others at my school? Have I prayed about and committed to the Challenge 2000 Covenant? Be a part of a peer accountability group encouraging others to live and share the life of Christ? Big Idea: There is strength, encouragement and support in numbers. Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 Am I meeting regularly with Christian friends from my campus? Do I have specific friends who encourage me and hold me accountable to live for Christ? Am I daily encouraging my friends and helping them be accountable to live for Christ? Unite with all Christian students as the body of Christ, to fulfill the Great Commission at your school? Big Idea: A group of campus Christians divided against themselves cannot stand. Matthew 12:25 Do I understand the meaning of the Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20? Am I and my group of Christian friends helping other Christians on campus live for Christ? Are we as students developing ministries to reach our campus? The next step I will take is: Are we targeting specific student groups on our campus to present Christ to them? For resources to assist you, turn to pages 14-15,18-25, 42-58, 60-62. 10 will you take the challenge to: Pursue a passionate commitment to Christ and be personally involved in campus-focused evangelism and discipleship? Big Idea: Spiritual leaders personally understand and believe that God loves them, and desire to love and obey Him wholeheartedly. Matthew 22:37-39 Have I made a consistent time alone with God my top priority? Are repentance and brokenness welcomed in my life? Do others see the power of God demonstrated in me? Do I prioritize my time to include a campus presence and/or influence? Do I live a lifestyle of humble obedience to Christ and His Word? Equip and coach students to be Campus Missionaries to their school as a part of their Every School Plan? Big Idea: Responsible leadership equips and mobilizes students with the skills and knowledge to fulfill the Great Commission with their peers. Ephesians 4:11, 12 Am I leading students to Christ and equipping students to lead their friends to Christ? points of the Challenge 2000 Covenant? (see page 5) Do our students learn how to intentionally build relationships for the purpose of the Great Commission? Do my students know how to love their friends by serving them at their point of need? Am I willing to adjust what I am doing in my ministry to what God is doing to build His kingdom in our community? Am I connecting with other youth leaders in my community to encourage and support them personally? Work cooperatively with other adult youth leaders from area churches and Christian organizations? Big Idea: Humble leaders realize that God values unity. Therefore, they seek a greater impact by personally cooperating with other ministries. Psalm 133:1-3 Do I have a personal conviction that cooperation within the body of Christ is better than being a “Lone Ranger”? Do I have one or more other adult youth leaders that I meet with on a regular basis for encouragement and support? 2 Committed ADULT YOUTH LEADERS as equippers and encouragers of the students The next step I will take is: Does our ministry have a structure that encourages students to disciple other students? Have I taught students to share their faith in Christ in a spirit of love? Does the training of my students encompass all the action For resources to assist you, turn to pages 18, 30-33,42-62. 11 will you take the challenge to: Include the Every School Plan in your church’s evangelism strategy? “Spiritual awakening does not come like a lightning bolt out of the blue – normally a decade or so of preparation precedes a major national revival.” J. Edwin Orr 3 Big Idea: Exposure to God’s heart for hurting people stirs compassion and motivates action. Matthew 9:36-38 Is my church aware that 75% of those who trust Christ do so by age 18? Does our church recognize that teenagers are tremendously responsive to the gospel? Does our church have an evangelism strategy that includes students on campus? Effective LOCAL CHURCHES and MINISTRIES that impact schools and involving new believers in a local church? Commission committed Christian students as missionaries to their school? Big Idea: Commissioning students publicly in a local church empowers them to do ministry. Acts 13:2,3 Does the leadership in our church understand and support the commissioning of students as missionaries? Have we found a way to provide ongoing motivation and needed resources for students throughout the school year? Has our church set a time to publicly pray for and/or commission students as missionaries? Are we committed to loving students and welcoming them into our church when they become believers? Include the Every School Plan in your prayer life, giving and programming? Is our church moved by compassion to deal with the deeply personal needs of middle, junior high and high school students? Big Idea: Our use of time, talent and treasure demonstrates what we are dedicated to. Matthew 6:21 If you are a parachurch youth worker, are you assisting your local church in reaching students, Are we including student evangelism and outreach to schools within our church prayer life? Does our church publicly pray for students and schools on a regular basis? The next step I will take is: How much of our financial resources are invested in reaching students and schools? Are we praying for local and national officials who make decisions regarding values and religious freedom on campus? For resources to assist you, turn to pages 16-18, 42-62. 12 will you take the challenge to: Cooperate with others in your community in joint evangelistic efforts? Implement an Every School Plan targeting every student in your area for Christ? Big Idea: It is Christ’s desire for His disciples to love each other and work together as a witness to the world so that the world might believe. John 17:20-24 Big Idea: Christ’s purpose is for us to fulfill the Great Commission. It makes sense to focus our combined energy on what we’ve been commanded to do. Matthew 28:18-20 Have you assessed what God is already doing through existing Christian ministries and student initiatives on each campus you are targeting? Have you considered starting a ministry to a school where there is no ministry or to a school with a particular need? 4 Effective LOCAL PARTNERSHIPS that network local churches and Christian youth organizations Are you pursuing relationships with other adult leaders who are ministering to the schools? Are you cooperating with existing ministries to help reach the campus for Christ? Are you working together with other ministries in implementing the Every School Plan? Does every campus in your area have an adult youth leader focused on reaching that school for Christ? Is there an ongoing prayer strategy active on each campus? Are student leaders being encouraged and trained to reach their campus for Christ? Cooperate to provide resources, training and finances to support the strategy? Big Idea: To be most effective, we must work together using all the gifts of the body, maximizing our influence for Christ. Deuteronomy 32:30, 1 Corinthians 12:4-6 Is your ministry cooperating with other ministries to provide resources, training and finances in support of an Every School Plan? Do you need to provide specific resources, training and/or events to more effectively reach students at schools in your community? The next step I will take is: Has your partnership of ministries adequately provided staff to equip students to reach their schools for Christ? For resources to assist you, turn to pages 18, 34-37, 42-62. 13 "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” Jeremiah 33:3 (NIV) That is what God wants to do for you! “Young people in student-led prayer bands have been at the forefront in almost every awakening.” J. Edwin Orr He asks you to PRAY. “Call to me,” He says. He gives you a PROMISE. “I will answer you,” He vows. He provides you with POWER. “I will tell you great and unsearchable things,” He exclaims. Nothing of any significance will happen with your friends or at your school until you pray. When you do, God moves into action. When He acts, He doesn’t just give you peanuts; He does things beyond your wildest imagination. When you think about how to pray for your school, you have all kinds of options. • Do a prayer walk around your school. • Join others in praying during See You at the Pole and then throughout the year. • Conduct a concert of prayer with a large group of students praying together. • Try “yearbook praying” where you pray through your school’s annual. • Design a plan to pray locker to locker for every person in your school. • Go room to room asking God to work in the lives of students and teachers in every room in your school. • Take prayer requests asking people at school how you can pray for them. • Do “doorway praying” by standing at the doorway of your school and praying for every person who comes in the door. The list is as long as you are creative! However, one approach needs to be at the heart of your prayer strategy. Jesus laid it out for us in Matthew 18:18-20: “I tell you the truth, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three come together in my name, there I am with them.” New International Version (NIV) Here Jesus promises that all of His resources are available to you. When you pray to Him, He releases those resources and answers your prayers. That’s awesome! Then He tells us that there is incredible spiritual power when we pray in unity with other believers. When we pray in twos and threes, His presence is with us in a special way. Jesus’ presence and power are available to change peoples’ lives when we meet in twos and threes to pray! That’s incredible! Do you really want to see God work in the lives of your friends? Are you wondering how to get this going? Here’s how ... 14 3 friends ... Meet 3 times a week to pray ... For 3 friends who need Christ. • 3 friends. They will encourage you and hold you accountable. What a gift that is! • Meet 3 times a week to pray. Arrange your schedule to pray whenever you like – before school, after school, free time, over lunch, at night, on the weekend, on the phone. You get the idea. Work it out together. Just make sure you get 10-15 minutes together when you meet. • For 3 friends who need Christ. Who are 3 friends that you want to come to Christ? Pray for those 3 friends every time you meet to pray. Ask God how He wants to use you to reach them. When the 3 of you meet together to pray, you are asking God to change the lives of 9 of your friends. If that happens you will have the beginning of a spiritual revolution on your campus. Imagine what could happen when all the other Christians on your campus begin to pray like this. It will change your school in ways you never imagined! I will pray with: Prayer Partner #1 [Write your name] Prayer Partner #2 Prayer Partner #3 I will meet 3 times a week at: Time #1 Time #2 Time #3 I will pray for these friends who need Christ: Friend #1 Friend #2 Friend #3 Signed It can all begin with you! Will you and two friends take the challenge? Many national ministries suggest this strategy of praying in threes. See the Prayer Triplet card combined with the poster insert in the middle of this magazine to help remind you to pray this way. 15 “While they were worshipping ... the Holy Spirit said, ‘Set apart for me ... for the work to which I have called them.’” Acts 13:2 (NIV) Does your church publicly stand with students and educators, sending them out as ambassadors for Christ to local schools? Challenge 2000 Sunday The Challenge 2000 Alliance is calling local Christian churches across our country to pray for all their students, educators, and schools. A special commissioning of those desiring to be Campus Missionaries is encouraged during the church services on the weekends of September 13, 1998 and September 12, 1999. By dedicating a public service to the monumental task of reaching every teenager with the gospel, churches will align themselves with the unprecedented partnering taking place today among students, youth workers, churches and youth organizations, both nationally and locally. The Challenge 2000 objective – to see a ministry of evangelism and discipleship established to every middle, junior high and high school in America by year-end 2000 – can only be accomplished ... together. Every Church in Every Community A Challenge 2000 Service looks different in every church in every community. In planning a Challenge 2000 Service, you might consider: • Using a Challenge 2000 video segment on a large screen and with quality sound to capture the passion and emotion of students in ministry and life on campus (see Challenge 2000 Service resources on page 62). • Interviewing students and youth leaders, pointing out the needs of students in the church and especially the real life issues teenagers face without Christ. • Casting a vision for reaching every student in the community. Parachurch youth leaders can partner with the local church in illustrating the need for the entire body of Christ to work together. • Inviting a teacher or coach to give real life examples of the lives of students without Christ, or their impact as a Christian example on the school campus. • Taking pictures and displaying them in the weeks to come. • Asking students to give a testimony about what God is doing at their school. At an appropriate point in the service ... • Invite all middle, junior high and high school students to stand up or come to the front of the congregation. • Ask a church leader to offer a prayer of dedication, spiritual protection and intercession as the school year begins. • Explain the Challenge 2000 Covenant and let the church know how many students have signed it. (Put the Covenant on a screen.) 16 • Show the church how the students will pray in Prayer Triplets. You might want to demonstrate this to the congregation. • Give the congregation an opportunity to sign up to pray for a student. • Spread the students around the congregation in their groups of 3 and ask adults in the congregation to gather around them to pray for them. Educators as Insiders on the Campus Congregations may include a time of affirmation and a prayer of dedication for educators, coaches and other school personnel. Often "hands of blessing" are laid on teachers, affirming the significant role Christian educators play. They minister daily as insiders on the public and private campuses in the community. If you will be hosting a Challenge 2000 Service, please complete and mail in the response postcard in the middle of the magazine. Is God calling your church to commission specific students – a select few – to the role of Campus Missionary? The title, as well as the role, is significant. As a church family and as a youth ministry, a significant commitment to support student missionaries throughout the school year must be made. Support often includes weekly accountability groups, provision of resources, and a congregational commitment to pray for students and schools by name. A number of churches are establishing an application process to pre-qualify interested students for this significant calling. Beginning with an interview and personal preparation, Campus Missionaries often come to experience the same challenges and needs as adult missionaries the church supports. Some churches link campus missions with the missions strategy of the church. Churches often support local parachurch efforts as an extension of their mission efforts. It is also a way for their young people to have a united witness on campus with other believers. Commission all students in your church who are reaching out on campus. Next Steps to Commissioning Campus Missionaries 1. Inform Leaders. Inform your senior pastoral leadership and youth leaders about the Challenge 2000 Alliance and its mission to reach every young person with the gospel. 2. Confirm the Date. Seek senior leadership support in dedicating your church service(s) on the second weekend of September to the purpose of calling your church family to the cause of reaching every student with the gospel of Christ. (Choose another weekend if needed.) 3. Determine Objectives. Ask yourself and your leadership: Are we ready to dedicate or commission specific students and educators as Campus Missionaries during the next school year, besides praying for all students and educators that day? (For help in preparing students as Campus Missionaries, see the Resource Guide, pages 48-51) 4. Plan the Program. Offer to provide or assist with the resources and various service elements that will make your Challenge 2000 Service a meaningful and moving experience for the entire church family. (The Challenge 2000 video has some great segments to help cast the vision!) 5. Order Materials. Order a Challenge 2000 Sunday Church Tool Kit – a toolbox full of resources to help your church capture the significant work God is doing in reaching students through campus-focused evangelistic ministry. 17 See page 62 for more on the Challenge 2000 Sunday Church Tool Kit and call 1-800-729-4716. Is reaching out to every student on every campus really possible? The mission of Challenge 2000 is ambitious, to say the least. The goal is to begin a ministry on every campus in our nation, and give every teenager the opportunity to trust Christ. Humanly speaking, it seems impossible. There are 56,000 campuses with millions of students in America. Who is going to reach out to these students? Are there even Christians on all these campuses? How about your campus? Are you and your friends up to the challenge? And besides, who thought of this idea in the first place? It would be easy to say that Challenge 2000 originated with some zealous youth leaders and a few wacko teenagers. But it didn’t. The mission of reaching out to every person in every part of the world is God’s idea. Moments before His departure into heaven, Jesus gave us our game plan, “Go into the whole world and preach the good news to everyone, everywhere.” Mark 16:15 The Living Bible (TLB) It was the last thing Jesus talked about before He returned to His Father in heaven ... and it’s a good idea to listen to a person’s final words, especially if it is God speaking! This charge, given by Jesus to all Christians for all time, is called the Great Commission. It is also found in Matthew 28:18-20 and Luke 24:47. The vision of Challenge 2000 originates from Jesus’ Great Commission to take God’s love to every person. Does it still seem far-fetched? Here is what you can count on: the Great Commission is going to be completed. Jesus said in Matthew 24:14 that the time will come when the entire world will hear, and then He will return. 18 Is that time coming soon? Only God Himself knows that schedule. But there are many who believe it is today’s young generation that is going to complete the Great Commission. You live at a very unique time in history. So why choose to be committed to Challenge 2000 and God’s Great Commission? Here are three reasons: 1. Because Christ told us, as His disciples, to “Go everywhere and tell everyone.” 2. Because of your love for the Lord. “If anyone loves me He will obey My teaching.” John 14:23 (NIV) 3. Because teenagers and adults everywhere are hurting and spiritually lost and need to be told how they can know Jesus Christ. Matthew 9:36-37 God in His wisdom already has a plan for how He is going to reach out to every student. He has people in place for every school. Though it may make us a bit nervous to think about, we can make a big difference right where God has placed us ... at our school. We should pray for schools everywhere, but the answer to the prayers for our school will be US! Can we do it? Is reaching out to every campus possible? How would you answer that question? Your next step is on the next page. Dig in. Take the challenge! If you accept the challenge, remember your life will be different. You may never be the same. “So far, I have talked to at least 70 to 75 people about Christ. Many of them have started to consider Christ for the very first time in their life, others have had their fading faith restored. It gives me a warm feeling inside to know that God enabled me to share with my peers.” Rebecca Tucker, student – Hazelwood, Missouri It’s Launch Time You’re wired. You are about to take off and it could well be the most dramatic experience of your life. You are entering into a world seldom experienced by humans. It is a world where God is powerfully bringing people into His kingdom. He is taking them literally from the clutches of the enemy. He is adopting them into His very own family. And God is calling you to be His partner in this incredible rescue operation. Who is scheduled to be rescued? A lot of them are your friends. Others are students you see around the campus, but may not know personally. Some are in trouble from time to time, while others are just regular people. You might not even think of them as lost and in the control of the enemy. They are lost spiritually with no hope of living forever with God. But God has other plans! You are going to have the awesome privilege of working right in the middle of His battle plan for the lives of your friends. So you better be prepared. Here are a few timely suggestions: • Put on your armor. Carefully read Ephesians 6:10-20 right now. Read it and prayerfully “suit up” every day. • Know who you are. Knowing your identity in Christ will be critical, especially when the enemy comes and accuses you of being a phony, or reminds you that you are just a mere human with little power. Read Ephesians 2:10 and 2 Corinthians 5:17-20. 19 • Draw close to Jesus Christ. You will need to be close to the Coach, who is your Commander in Chief. Daily prayer and time in His Word will be critical. You will want to trust His Spirit to fill you with wisdom and power to know what to do each day at school, and to make wise decisions. Memorize Ephesians 5:18 and Galatians 2:20. Some significant things may take place at your school this year. Athletic teams may win championships. Students may be named to the National Honor Society. Someone may even lose his or her life. But every dramatic event at your school will pale in comparison to the moment when one person is rescued from the enemy and brought into the spiritual family of our heavenly Father. And you have the opportunity to be a part of those moments by bringing friends to Christ. On every campus in our nation God is calling students to join Him. Get ready. Your life will never be the same. The next six pages (20-25) of 1x1x56k are interactive studies designed for you and your group as you prepare for your campus outreach. Each of these pages may be duplicated and used as a discussion and study guide for your meetings and Bible studies, or for your personal use. From what you have read in the three stories in Luke 15 and Jesus’ words in Luke 19, how would you describe God’s heart for the lost? (For a bit more insight look at 1 Timothy 2:3-4 and 2 Peter 3:9) very important Have you ever lost something to you? ething valuable, and Tell us about a time you lost som what you had to do to find it. What is God saying to you about lost people? , it hurts, doesn’t When you lose something valuable l you find it. unti it it? You don’t stop looking for Are there some lost people at your school you are especially concerned about? Who? rest in lost things God our Father has a special inte ies in Luke chapter also. Check out the following stor what God is showing 15 and see if you can figure out sessions. us about His concern for lost pos • The Lost Sheep – Luke 15:4-7 A student at your school who is spiritually lost may not look any different than you or your Christian friends. In fact, they may even feel the same way that you do about many things, and face some of the same problems. The difference is that they are spiritually dead, they do not have Christ living within them to guide and comfort them, and they are facing eternal separation from God. Jesus Christ deeply cares about your lost friends. They are on His "Most Wanted" list and He wants you to be the one who helps bring them home to Him. • The Lost Coin – Luke 15:8-10 • The Lost Son – Luke 15:9-24 in common? How What do these three stories have and the father feel did the woman, the shepherd, had lost? How hard about the valued possession they of emotion did they and long did they look? What kind d? feel after what they lost was foun What is the greatest thing that has ever happened to you? You were lost and now you know Jesus Christ personally. What is the greatest thing you could ever do for someone else? You can help bring them to Jesus Christ. the woman, the In the three stories, who does nt? What do you shepherd, or the father represe think the lost thing represents? Who are your "Most Wanted"? Ask God to bring to mind the faces and names of those you want to pray for, asking that they would come to Christ. List their names one by one. Most Wanted: Jesus brings up the A bit later in the book of Luke, when he says in theme of lost possessions again came to seek and Luke 19:10, “For the Son of Man g Bible (TLB) to save what was lost.” The Livin Who are lost Jesus is talking about lost people. ? them e people? How would you describ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 20 © Fireseed Productions, Duplication permitted In this story, the sower was doing a good job spreading his seed across the whole field. But he got different results. Some seed was rejected by the soil. Some sprang up but quickly faded away. Some seed was eventually choked out by weeds. However, a good portion of the soil was ready, and produced a huge crop. Let’s talk about your school for a moment. How does the story of the sower, the seed and the soils apply to you and your campus? Give some examples. dents at your God’s love for you and the stu Scripture says in The . able ark school is pretty rem that none of your 2 Peter 3:9 that it is His desire would all repent they but sh, friends would ever peri Him. of their sins and come to know can we tell as So if this is God’s desire, then how do, will all of them many as possible? And when we stion is found in an respond? The answer to that que 13:1-23. After illustration Jesus used in Matthew these questions: you read this passage, discuss are described as In this Scripture, people’s hearts d was sown. How soil or the ground where the see s of soil in this story? would you describe the four type When we share Christ with others, can we expect that some will respond? Why? 1. 2. 3. If not everyone responds to the message of Christ, should that surprise us? Why? 4. seed represent? In your opinion, what does the The Bible tells us that our world is made up of spiritual fields, fields of people (see John 4:34-38). A campus is a field of people with clubs, teams, cliques and classes. It is in this field that God is carrying out His rescue operation, using us to spread the seed of His Word to as many parts of the field as we are able. The more Christians who are involved in a campus club or movement, the greater the amount of seed that is spread across the campus – and, the greater the number who will come to Christ. What about those who do not respond when we share Christ? Do we ignore them? s it mean to spread Who is the sower, and what doe the seed? plant seed across all If you were a farmer, you would . Why? Because your fields, not just some of them d, the more crop you the more soil you cover with see will have at harvest time. thew 13:1-23 and Let’s go back to the story in Mat think about these questions: er plant with seed? How much of the field did the sow In the same way that a farmer cultivates hard soil so that it will receive the seed in the future, we keep loving and relating to our friends who are not responsive. In due time, some of them will put their trust in Christ. the field bore fruit? What portion or percentage of How can you apply this discussion on the “vision of fruit” to your campus ministry? Has your vision for fruit increased? Explain your thoughts to your group. uce fruit and other Why did some of the field prod parts did not? lts from the seed What are the four different resu that was scattered? What have you decided to do as a result? 1. 2. 3. 4. 21 © Fireseed Productions, Duplication permitted 4. Tell the Truth. The best way to start is by telling your own story – about how and why you received Christ (see Your Story on the opposite page). Then share how they can receive Him. The Word of God is the only thing that will be effective in bringing people to Christ. A booklet that explains the gospel can be real helpful.* You can learn what to say, but share it in a personal manner. Vs.13-26 ut Christ His Story – Telling Others Abo important part of your Bringing others to Christ is an like He told His very Christian life. Jesus tells us, just and preach the Good first disciples, “You are to go ... ” Mark 16:15 (TLB) News to everyone, everywhere. to share Christ. We For most of us, it takes courage what to say or when may be nervous or struggle with will help: Depend on to say it. Here is an attitude that rs about Christ, and the Holy Spirit when you tell othe ck out Acts 1:8. then leave the results to God. Che Spirit when sharing Why can you depend on the Holy your faith? 5. Expect Results. If God is speaking to a person's mind and heart, they will recognize the truth when they hear it. Arguments are unnecessary. We just need to explain how they can receive Christ and invite them to do so. Some will respond, others may not be ready. But remember, a lot of students are ready to trust Christ if only someone will tell them how. Jesus told His disciples in John 4, "... open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.” (NIV) He was talking about people who were spiritually ready to commit their lives to Him. He was also talking about your campus. JD)? What Would Jesus Do (WW h out to others was The best example of how to reac great game plan a us Christ himself. Jesus shows further, read this any go in John 4:4-41. Before you we should how of ple passage and list every exam rs. witness about our faith to othe Has this study from John 4 been helpful? How? Who do you want to begin praying for – your “Most Wanted” friend? When will you share Christ with him/her? following principles Compare what you found to the from Jesus’ example in John 4. with prayer. Ask God 1. Be Ready. Evangelism begins so that you can share to lead you, and to open doors His "divine appointwith your friends. Be ready for t time to share your ments." He will show you the righ faith. Vs.5-6 What tools will help you share? Christ's love. Spend 2. You “Gotta Care.” Demonstrate in John 4 that see to time with them. It is important different ally raci the woman Jesus talked with was ion and relig rent than He was. She was from a diffe these of e non But was also known to be immoral. Vs. 7-9 her. to out hing things stopped Jesus from reac If Jesus walked on the earth today, there would not be a better place for Him than on our school campuses. He was often called “Teacher,” and was a master educator. It makes a lot of sense to take Jesus to school with you and share Him with your friends. l things. Ask good 3. Go Ahead. Talk about spiritua about God or spirik thin questions like, “Do you ever d what life is all dere won tual things?” Or, “Have you to talk, but r doo the about?” Questions open up is good listening. ns stio que remember the key to good hear the person's If you are a good listener you will turn the conversacan you thoughts and needs, and ist did. Vs. 10-15 Chr as tion to spiritual answers, just * Check out the tools and resources to help you share Christ on pages 44-47. 22 Concepts shared from First Priority of America, Venture Media and Youth For Christ, Duplication permitted 2. This is how I became a Christian. Be very specific, even how you prayed to receive Christ, if you remember. It helps people understand how they can receive Christ. ut Christ Your Story – Telling Others Abo Joe’s Big Surprise with some exciting Joe came back from a concert ng," he said to his ethi news. "I’ve got to tell you som my Savior!" be to ist friend. "Tonight I invited Chr ed. "Great, I’ve been Joe’s friend smiled and respond been living the waiting for you to do that. I have long time so you a for you of Christian life in front you would become ing hop like, could see what it was a Christian." look. "I’ve been trying Joe gave his friend a surprised couldn’t do it. Why to live a good life too, but I just w Christ?" didn’t you tell me how I could kno ld you answer his If you were Joe's friend, how wou question? 3. Now that I have received Christ, my life is different in the following ways. List three or four areas, referring back to your points in number one. but telling about our Living our faith is very important, ptures say, "And Scri faith is just as important. The have never heard they if how can they believe in Him about Him unless r hea about Him? And how can they (TLB) 4 10:1 ans someone tells them?" Rom When you have told your story, explain the gospel to your friend, and ask if they would like to receive Christ into their life (see His Story on the opposite page). words that are The best way to put your faith into example of this An y. stor own personal is to tell your read Acts 26:1-23 is Paul. Before you go any further, story. and get acquainted with Paul's met Christ. Vs. 9-11 • He described his life before he e to know Christ. • He explained exactly how he cam Vs.13-18 had received Christ. • He described his life once he Some Tips Vs.19-23 and then share your Work through these questions arate sheet of paper story with a friend. (Use a sep if you need it.) • If you received Christ when you were real young, and it is difficult to remember your life before Christ, identify one area where you have had a struggle and Jesus has made a difference – like family problems, a tragedy, personal issues, etc. • When you write your answers to these questions, write as though you were talking to a friend. • Use "for example" type of illustrations when you share. It will help others relate. • Make your story short – like a couple of minutes. • If you think your story is boring, it's not. Identify how Christ has helped you, and tell it with excitement. • Share your story with a Christian friend first. Ask them to help you make it clear. re I invited Christ to 1. This is how my life was befo e how you thought be my Savior and Lord. Describ re you had a need about life, and some areas whe or struggle. • Remember: Your faith in Christ must be personal, but it should never be private. Friends don't let friends die lost. 23 Concepts shared from Reach Out, Venture Media and First Priority of America, Duplication permitted happen to be a stuIs it just mere chance that you Or, is there a bigger dent at the school you attend? answer? Could it be reason, a reason only God can and the whole world, that in His master plan for you are because of a speHe placed you right where you cific purpose? self who has made Ephesians 2:10 says,"It is God him from Christ lives us what we are and given us new we should that ned Jesus; and long ages ago He plan ) (TLB rs." spend these lives in helping othe has not passed Nothing happens in your life that right where you you has through God's hands. God rs to Him. othe lead and are so that you can help See Your Whole School: Jesus said in Mark 16:15, "You are to go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone, everywhere." (TLB) This is often called Christ's Great Commission, His command to give everyone the opportunity to say yes to His love and forgiveness. Your school is an important part of the world Jesus was talking about. To understand your campus is to see it as a large "field" of people made up of many small groups, like teams, classes, clubs, students who hang together, etc. It is within these smaller groups that influence, good or bad, is the greatest. List all the groups you can identify at your campus. helps and influLeaders Wanted: A student who leads. Leaders feel ences others is a student who . They know what is deeply about the needs they see help, and they try to important, they think of ways to ool needs leaders. do something about it. Every sch pus to be a leader? Has God called you to your cam you are in, your activLet's think about it. The classes with, are all a part of ities, and the friends you hang placed you. It is in the "spiritual field" where God has others. Are you this "field" that you are influencing ready to lead for Him? talk about how you If your answer is yes, then let's campus. can make a big difference on your In which groups are you involved? 4:35 Jesus tells us, Sharpen Your Vision: In John k around you! Vast "Loo , as He told His first disciples all around us and fields of human souls are ripening In our sphere of ) (TLB " are ready now for reaping. trust Him, if only to y read influence, there are people we must see. first But . how someone would tell them ent. What are the Think about your school for a mom : emotionally, physineeds you see in other students ld they be helped? cally, spiritually? In what ways cou Good news travels the fastest among friends. Which groups could you begin to influence for Jesus Christ? Who are some individuals you want to help and reach personally? How could you show kindness to them, beginning today? rt for your classmates What do you think is God's hea view them? and your school? How does He smates and school? What is your heart for your clas © Fireseed Productions, Duplication permitted 24 or three outreach Reaching Out: What are two sage of Christ with ideas to help you share the mes in? your friends? When could you beg 1. Plan Your Strategy: Your Personal Team – Who are the key Christian people on your campus who will encourage and join you in helping reach other s? 2. 3. can you go to for Training is keeping sharp. Who rs to Christ? othe g brin you training that will help iple those who come How will you help teach and disc to Christ at your school? Who are one or two special accountability partn ers who will stand with you? 1. church? How will you involve them in your 2. Prayer will make a big difference at your schoo l. When and where will you regularly meet toget her with Christian friends to pray for your school? Can You Do It? e a difference is going Your confidence to lead and mak ugh His Holy Spirit. to come from God Himself, thro you had to offer God all n, When you became a Christia that same faith with is It . was your life and your faith y day, fill you with ever Him t that God wants you to trus to lead out on ce fiden con His Spirit, and give you His Your responyou. ugh thro it your campus. God will do steps, and ous age cour take sibility is to trust Him and God will bring the results. at will be your first Think about it for a moment. Wh e on your campus? step to begin to make a differenc Who are the specific friends who do not know Christ for whom you want to pray? List their names and how you will pray for them. Prayers not praye d are prayers unanswered. 1. 2. 3. has faith in Me will "I tell you the truth, anyone who will do even greater do what I have been doing. He going to the Father." things than these, because I am Jesus (John 14:12 NIV) 4. 5. Report your school outreach at www.everyschool.com. 6. 7. 25 © Fireseed Productions, Duplication permitted Starting a Christian Club or Outreach at Your School ... “I was invited to attend a Christian club only to find 10 students eating doughnuts, praying briefly at the end of their meeting. I challenged them to be more than a group of Christians, but rather students who would boldly intercede for their campus. The room ... is now packed every Friday with students gathering for prayer and Bible study.” Duane Pace, Youth Pastor – Dallas, Georgia Has God given you a vision to reach out on your campus? Fantastic! If you are confident that God wants you to begin an outreach or club at your school, step out in faith and ask others to join you. When you unite with other Christians, a powerful, influential force to reach your friends for Christ is birthed on your campus. If you are ready, read on! Many students are launching Christian clubs on their campuses, while others are forming campus student outreaches or organizations. Clubs are usually recognized as an official group and are allowed to meet on campus. Outreaches and organizations are informally recognized and may meet in homes or churches. Students have to decide which is best for their school, but either way the reason for uniting is not only for fellowship, but to reach their campus for Christ. A good example of this is found in Acts 2. This account of the very first gathering of Christians is a model of how they came together to be encouraged and strengthened, and then went out to reach those in their community for Christ. Their first group grew because they did not meet just to fellowship, but to reach others. So, before you begin, clearly identify WHY you want to start a club or outreach: what its purpose or intention is. There are a number of excellent resources and organizations available to serve you in pioneering and leading your campus club or outreach. (see pages 48-51) 26 Beginning a Christian Club or Outreach Pray first • Praise the Lord for what He wants to do at your school. • Ask Him to walk you through the beginning process. • Mobilize the Christians into Prayer Triplets. (see page 15) • Plead with God to give you a bold vision for your school. • Ask the Lord to bring many students to Christ at your school. • Pray that the administration and the student government would be open to your request. Notice where God is already working at your school • Check to see if there are existing Christian clubs and outreach meetings at your school or in the community. • Join with those who are reaching out to the school with the gospel, increasing your partnership. • At times, it is good to start a new club or outreach. If so, be sure you communicate with existing Christian clubs and outreaches. Gather the resources you need to begin • Find others on your campus who will join you. • Look for Christian teachers, coaches, or staff at your school who might serve as a sponsor. • Request a written copy of the school policy for starting school clubs or student organizations. • Review copies of other school clubs that have completed a constitution or charter. • Ask a Christian youth worker from your church or organization to assist you. “This past New Year’s Eve the students from four campus Bible Begin behind the scenes • Schedule a time and neutral place for an introductory meeting to share the vision with other students. • Be sure everyone understands the clear purpose of the group. • Discuss when it would be best to meet. • Complete any required applications, charters or constitutions the school requires. clubs ... hosted a lockin at Lake City High School. An estimated 400 to 500 students attended ... between 100 and 150 students responded to the invitation to commit their lives to the Lord.” Gaining school approval • Be sure you have discovered what is required at your school to have a recognized club. • Insure that your group will be student-led, although you may invite adult guests on occasion. • As a team, present your request to the school administration or student government for approval. • Know where to find support for your legal rights to meet on campus, if approval is denied. (see pages 40-41) Mark Moder, Youth Pastor – Rathdrum, Idaho Get Started! 27 Expanding Your Impact An old gray-haired track coach told his freshman cross-country team that there are three times when you really win or lose the race. The start, the middle and the end! “To be a consistent winner,” he went on, “you must Get Started, Keep Going and Finish Well.” Get Started • As you launch your group, the first few meetings will set the tone. • Many students come just to check it out ... maybe only once. • How you and your team treat visitors will help bring them back. • Plan out your first few meetings ahead of time. • Map out your vision as a team, including a lot of interaction. • Your enthusiasm and a clear purpose will go a long way in the first few meetings! Keep Going Purpose + Variety + Involvement = Momentum! Purpose: A passion and plan to reach every student on campus. Variety: Meetings which differ week-to-week. Involvement: Every student has a role. • Consider a four-week rotation of meetings to maximize your impact. • Each week’s meeting has a carefully chosen purpose and different format. • One model of this is the ACTS Revolution, from First Priority of America.* Accountability Week After a welcome and update, break into small accountability groups of three to share needs and pray for each other. Many groups use their Prayer Triplet strategy for this. (see page 15) *Used by permission 28 Challenge Week Invite a student or community youth leader to challenge the group from God’s Word. Testimony Week As a large group, many students take turns telling how God is working on campus, answering Prayer Triplet prayers, and changing lives. S eek Week Share the gospel of Christ through an outreach strategy on campus or by inviting preChristian students to an evangelistic meeting designed for them. (see Ways to Witness below, and pages 18-25) After completing a four-week revolution, you can repeat the process again and again. Finish Well • How many relay races are lost because of a dropped baton? • Don’t let the school year end without a plan and leadership team in place for next year. • Begin early in the winter season to identify and personally mentor potential leaders for next year. • Include them in your planning and praying. Share leadership opportunities with them. • Once your leadership team is confident of the maturity and vision of the future leaders, pass the baton, early in the spring. • Be sure everyone is involved in affirming their role as leaders before the school year ends. • Decide a summer schedule to get together for planning the next school year. Ways You Can Be A Witness On Campus: 1 Give a speech, research paper, art project or poem about Jesus. 2 Personally share Christ with a friend. 3 Wear a Christian T-shirt or button. 4 Write an article for the school newspaper. 5 Put an advertisement in the high school yearbook or newspaper. 6 Organize and help lead a See You at the Pole prayer meeting the third Wednesday in September. 7 Invite your youth leader to eat lunch with you and your friends who don’t know Christ. (Get permission for him/her to be on campus.) 8 Give a report on a Christian book or person. 9 Perform a Christian song or skit for a talent show. 10 Give Christian evangelism material to non-Christians. 11 Set a goal to witness to one student each day. 12 Counsel fellow students going through a rough time. 13 Carry your Bible on campus. 14 Be a servant. 15 Invite friends who don’t know Christ to visit your church youth meeting or activities. 16 Ask your teacher if your youth leader can speak in class. © Youth Alive 29 Youth Leaders Only Consider the daily dilemmas of the player/coach – a sports phenomenon. Should I go into the game and take over? Or do I let the others play? Am I really better at that skill ... or just more experienced? Should I substitute myself for the younger untested rookie? Youth workers have an awful lot in common with this rare but exciting role. Or should have. For many of us today, it is far too easy to watch from the sidelines as students move onto the field. Others get a thrill only out of managing the action from the dugout or even from the press box. Today's paradigm shift – as students take the lead in ministry – can create a sense of confusion in the ranks. Is the primary role of the paid and volunteer youth worker to equip students for evangelism among their peers. Or should we be out there reaching teenagers for Christ ourselves? The answer is ... yes. The excitement of introducing a teenager to Christ ourselves is only exceeded by the joy of seeing a student we have coached lead their peer to the Lord. But even if most of our students were leading others to Christ, the harvest field is so large and ripe that it will take all of us, adult youth workers and students, to join in and do our part. We coach students, but we also join them. Some will only catch on by watching us up close as we play alongside them on the field. Campus Focus As God moves students into vital roles of leadership and ministry on their campuses, He may also want us to re-think how and why and where we minister. Acknowledging that students spend 35 or more hours on their campus each week, many fruitful youth workers are dedicating more of their time to be on, around, near or focused toward at least one school. We can reflect our priorities by re-orienting our own ministry budgets, calendars and staff to make an impact on an unreached student body. We must communicate to our senior leadership and authority structure to help them embrace the vision to reach the “10/20 window” – those between 10 and 20 years old. This generation is one of the most winnable, yet still unreached, people groups in the world. Equipping Students A player/coach doesn’t just play ... but takes his or her years of experience and imparts wisdom through teachable moments. Having a great playbook and specialized team meetings allows the coach to pass on team values, methods and goals. But the greatest training comes in the midst of the action ... on the field or court. Whether opening day or a playoff game, the coach’s preparation of the team is best tested by game-time action. Preparing students to have a ministry of their own comes in many forms throughout the year. Summer often provides students with their most uncluttered schedule to be challenged and trained in peer evangelism. Helping students gain a personal 30 plan for outreach is vital as the school year begins. (see the Resource Guide on pages 43-51 for ideas) Challenge 2000 Sunday Coaches usually call a team huddle before a game, placing hands in the center of a tightly knit circle. Players and onlookers usually feel invincible. Challenge 2000 Sunday is a day set aside to call the entire team, extended church family and prayerful intercessors together to rally for the task. As students and educators are prayed for and sent out, and as congregations take their support role seriously, God releases the church for ministry and raises their anticipation level for what He will do. See You at the Pole (SYATP) and After Every team needs to be ready for opening day. Helping your students connect with other students from the same schools is often best coordinated through the local youth worker Network or a communitywide gathering. But as students shape their plan for SYATP, coach them to also plan beyond the Pole. How or what are they called to do next – together? Many excellent prayer strategies or campus game plans are available. With a critical mass gathered for SYATP and with well-equipped student leaders in place, September is a great month to kick off for a year-long ministry of prayer and evangelism on campus. (see the Resource Guide on pages 48-59) Every School Needs a Shepherd Has God called you to shepherd or minister to one specific school? City Networks that have organized to assign at least one local youth worker to each school report great results. More students are shepherded, student leaders know where to find help, prayer movements are stimulated and competition in the community breaks down. Variety! God uses many ways to reach students at a school. Have you discovered the ways He is working in your area? School assembly speakers, evening youth meetings in a nearby home, on-site campus clubs, student-tostudent evangelism strategies, outreach nights in a local church, use of surveys, videos which are shown at lunchtime ... God is working to bring students to Himself. How is He working in your area? Campus Insider Doors open wide once you have established trust in a campus culture. The next section will help you consider how to become an insider at a school near you ... “There's an actual anointing that comes over a school when students pray. They come to school to see what God's going to do.” Stan Heeren, Youth Worker 31 Youth Leaders Only "The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us." John 1:14 (NIV) “Local youth workers are finding other creative ways to be visible on campus. They are volunteering with a purpose ... providing hallway supervision, or working at school activities such as field trips or the annual college fair.” Marshall Snider, Network City Coordinator – Dallas, Oregon Rather than shouting His message of hope from a distance, Jesus modeled “incarnational” ministry. He came and “pitched His tent” among us. We can and must do the same thing among students within the school environment if we are going to impact them for Christ. How to Begin • Build the Foundation for a Bridge To penetrate a campus community, prayer must be the foundation of our approach. Through prayer and observation, we can gain insights about a specific school and discern ways He is already working there. Ask Him to send other workers along with you into that specific field of harvest. Pray for a good personal connection with a school staff person who is already an insider on the campus. • Build the Bridge: Know the School Knowing a school’s culture and unique student groups is invaluable for maximum impact. Start by interviewing students from your own ministry. Read the school newspaper and annual yearbook as well as the local section of your community newspaper. Go to sporting events, school concerts and assemblies. Know the names of the principal(s), key leaders and the school secretary. • Cross the Bridge: Begin with Relationships Challenge 2000 does not have a political agenda. The goals are eternal and spiritual in nature. Long-term spiritual fruitfulness will grow out of trust built with school authorities far more than stirring conflict or public confrontation. Start by getting to know school administration and other school gatekeepers. Meet the principal and other school leaders informally at events, games, etc. Ask parents to introduce you. Write a note of encouragement. When appropriate, seek to have a formal appointment. Keep it brief. Communicate your availability to assist with their needs. • Keep the Bridge Open: Serve the School Find a point of need where your interest, effort or experience is needed. You or your local ministry may have the expertise, a facility or the equipment that your school cannot afford but needs. Each school is different, but you might consider coaching, tutoring, using your technical/video/photography skills, support help, and chaperoning of events. The list goes on. Prayerfully brainstorm with other youth leaders and concerned adults about how the body of Christ can serve the schools. • Widen the Bridge: Personal Contact with Student Groups As you serve within the school, students will begin to recognize you as an insider. Identify what sports team, music group or student sub-group you are running into most regularly. Learn from the example of Jesus in John 4, as He encountered the woman at the well. Show interest by asking 32 Adapted from Penetrating the Campus, Reach Out Ministries, Duplication permitted good questions and listening well. Pick up on students’ needs and offer hope. By asking the “5 Ws” (who, what, where, when, and why questions), you can talk to almost any student for 10 minutes or more. • Mobilize Other Adult Leaders You cannot penetrate every student group by yourself. Recruit and link with other Christian adult youth leaders to find at least one way that they can penetrate the campus as well. Even on a very busy and limited schedule, being at the right place at the right time will open doors for ministry. Try athletic events, evening activities, and other carefully selected opportunities. • Equip and Motivate Your Students You might picture yourself and other adult leaders as the point of a spear going to the campus, and students like the shaft. As you set the pace, model compassion, meet needs, and share the gospel, students will have an example they can follow. Help them shape their own personal plan for evangelism among their friends and others on their campus. Walk them through the practical worksheets for students on pages 20-25. Lastly, be sure to register your ministry commitment to each school you have adopted by going online at www.everyschool.com. 33 The Challenge 2000 Alliance is made up of more than 25,000 full-time youth leaders,175,000 adult volunteers, 2.5 million students and thousands of local churches and youth organizations. There are more than 500 local networking efforts taking place. Together, we already have a presence in the communities of all 56,000 schools we seek to reach! Since there are many churches and youth organizations often represented at each school, we must cooperate if we are going to succeed at sharing Christ with every part of the student body. Youth workers should also model that same kind of unity and cooperation by networking in the community. The purpose of networking on a campus and in a community is to foster ... • Relationships (Who we are) which are built on prayer, encouragement, and unity. This results in ... • Strategy (What we do) including the sharing of resources, cooperative training, combined events, and discovering a plan to reach students on every middle, junior high and high school in our area. Relationship Encouragement Training Prayer Campus Strategy Accountability Vision Meetings Outreaches Sharing Ideas Strategy Commission ... Cooperation ... Cord There is a strong biblical basis for cooperative ministry. It is vital that the Church – the body of Christ – focus its efforts on fulfilling the Great Commission together in each community. It shows our obedience to the command of our Lord. Linking together demonstrates the heart of God as reflected in Jesus’ prayer in John 17:20-23: “May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know....” (NIV) It is wiser to combine our efforts than to work alone. Solomon wrote, “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work ... a cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” Ecclesiastes 4:9,12 (NIV) So where do you start? Here are some networking basics, as shared by experienced coordinators of youth worker Networks. Most of these principles also apply to students working together on a campus. • Take the Lead A movement needs passionate leadership – one or more people with a vision to fulfill the Great Commission in your area. This person might not be a youth worker, but has a burning desire for every young person to get a chance to respond to Jesus Christ. 34 • Clarify Your Vision This begins – and continues – with prayer. Ask God to make His plan clear for reaching your community. Then write it down in a mission statement as a starting place for your Network. Habakkuk 2:2 says, "Write down the revelation ... so that a herald may run with it." (NIV) Ask God to lead you to others of like mind, and pray with them for clarity. • Build a Team As you pray, expect God to help you establish a core group of others who "own" a similar vision. Continue praying together about what He wants you to do. Get to know one another personally, allowing barriers to break down and trust to grow. Your relationships will be increasingly personal as you pray for and encourage one another. Many groups find their praying is more effective when they intercede for schools or churches on site. Try "prayer walking" at each target campus. Be creative! • Grow a Strategy As you pray, God will reveal specific plans to help fulfill your vision. He will show you what to do! This may include any of the following: – Monthly Network meetings – Student leadership training – A city-wide outreach event – Concerts of prayer – Youth worker training (volunteers and paid) – Expanding your prayer base – See You at the Pole or other student prayer strategies – Establishing student-led Bible clubs – Plans to establish ministries to every school – Other strategies Everything your Network does should ultimately help fulfill your purpose: to build up the body of Christ on and off campus so that every student can be exposed to the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Your Network will probably not say yes to every youth event that comes along – that’s okay! Pray and ask God for discernment to keep your movement on track with what God wants you to do. • Expand Your Base In your community, God has already placed His people in key positions to help fulfill your vision. Keep expanding your team to include other concerned adults with a heart to reach every student. God knows the big picture. Ask Him to lead you to them. Ask, "Who are the people in this city that are ready to participate in this vision?" These may include: – Other youth workers – paid and volunteer – Men’s groups (such as Promise Keepers) – Women’s groups (such as Moms in Touch) – School personnel (administrators, teachers, coaches, etc.) – Community organizations (DARE, MADD, YMCA, etc.) – Business people (individuals, or service clubs such as Rotary, etc.) • Work Your Plan If the goal of presenting the gospel to every young person by year-end 2000 will be reached, it will take steady effort by a Network in every school, city, town or county. Keep that vision at the forefront of all you do. Come alongside student leaders with regular training and encouragement. or schools near you? These same principles could be used to establish a movement there. As cooperation spreads across the nation, Challenge 2000 will become a reality! Unfortunately, most Christian student leaders report that they feel they are "on their own" with little support from their youth leaders. Yet most believe they are trying to apply the things they are learning in their youth group! Some Networks sponsor monthly or even weekly training times for leaders from multiple schools to come together to exchange ideas, pray together and be nurtured by caring adults. • Persevere A Network’s momentum ebbs and flows – don’t be surprised when it happens to you! Networks that last realize they are in a spiritual battle, keep their focus on the target, work through obstacles and adapt to change. They reinvent themselves as necessary to continue reaching out to every student in every school in their community. • Multiply Yourself Is there is a functioning Network in your "Jerusalem"? How about in your Judea – and Samaria? How could you use your influence to encourage or help launch a Network in other communities 35 The National Network of Youth Ministries offers membership for youth workers and resources for those who coordinate Networks. To receive membership applications or the Coordinator’s Manual, call 1-800-FOR-NNYM. The Lost Farm Child The story is told of a young child that got lost in a farmer’s field. When night fell, the little boy didn’t come home. That caused much alarm with the parents of this child and throughout the small farm community. Neighbors came over immediately to help the family frantically look for the missing child. As they crisscrossed the field late into the evening with no sight of the lad, the father reluctantly sent the townspeople home. He told them that in the morning they would resume the search. At daybreak, the search party had gathered back at the main farmhouse. The father had a plan. He instructed them to join hands in a long line and begin to comb the field. After searching for quite some time, there came a sudden message down the line of people that the boy had been found. The man rushed to where his child was – but the child had died from exposure to the freezing temperatures of the night. As the grieving dad held his lifeless son in his arms, he looked up at those people that had been searching for the child and said sadly, "I only wish that we would have joined hands sooner." The situation in our day is just as urgent as in this story. Young people are dying every day, physically and spiritually. They are waiting for the body of Christ to come together in a spirit of cooperation so they can be found by their heavenly Father. What barriers exist that prevent us from working together for such a critical task? To move from a vague vision to the reality of a Great Commission Network in your city, ask yourself these questions: Leadership Who are the passionate leaders God has singled out to lead the effort in our community (youth workers, pastors, or other concerned adults)? Vision and Team What is my vision for the youth of our community? Try writing it down in a sentence or two. Who could I regularly pray with about the needs of teenagers? Where and when will we meet? Strategy On another sheet, write down: • How many young people are in our community? • What are the names of the middle, junior high and senior high schools in my community? • What ministries are currently focusing on each school? 36 Expand Your Base List the people in your community that you believe have a heart to reach youth. (Consider youth workers/pastors, caring adults, school staff, community organizations, business people.) Does each school have Christian adults committed as spiritual shepherds or "coaches" for student leaders? What can you do to develop a relationship with these other leaders? Work Your Plan What events or strategies could you use to help students lead ministry at their schools? • Leadership training: “Not working together as the whole body of Christ is like trying to • Outreach events: drive a car without fuel ... We need each • Corporate worship and prayer gatherings: Have you adopted your area schools by going online to www.everyschool.com? Check out the resources on pages 48-51, 59-60. What materials or resources do students need to help them succeed? 37 other to reach this generation of youth.” Vince Purpero, Director Orlando Student Venture You’re the one! Of all of the generations who have ever lived, yours is the first one which can finish the task! "Finish what task?" you ask. Great question. The task of taking the gospel of Jesus Christ to every nation, tribe, people and language in the world. Jesus made the task pretty clear. When He left, He said: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations....” Matthew 28:19 (NIV) “Expect great things from God; attempt great things for God.” William Carey He predicted that before His return, “the gospel must first be preached to all nations....” Mark 13:10 (NIV) In heaven He saw standing before Him: “... a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language....” Revelation 7:9 (NIV) Since Christ spoke these words, it has never been more possible to complete the task than it is now. Your generation has the best opportunity ever to get the job done! Here’s how Jesus wants it accomplished: “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8 (NIV) • Ask daily to receive the power of the Holy Spirit to be a witness for Christ. • Start in Jerusalem – your home. Live the life with your family. • Move out to Judea – your friends. Love your friends by listening and sharing Christ. • Go on to Samaria – your school. Tell your story to people you are praying for at school. • Keep on going to the ends of the earth – your world. Give your future for God’s plan and purpose of taking the gospel around the world. The need is there. For example... The number of teenagers who need Christ in Mexico City is greater than the entire population of New York City. The opportunity has never been greater. For example ... 140,000 people come to Christ every day around the world. What can you do to get in on God’s worldwide plans for you? • Faithfully live for Christ at home, with your friends and at school. • Meet a person of another race or country and build a friendship. • Pray for a country you are interested in and learn all you can about it. • Make plans to go on a mission trip with your youth group or with a friend. • Ask God to show you how He wants to use you in another country once you finish school. God has His eye on you for great things. In His eyes ... you’re the one! 38 39 s Campu l o o h lic Sc Act a Pub n o Access s l t a u h ussing q g E Ri The f of disc . o s e t s l n l o i e p d r u the pu nt’s B ious st pus for er relig Stude ith oth on cam t meet w s to mee HT to tudent eedom fr e HE RIG bols. S h T t m s y t s n I. e d an stud h signs ols. allows sues. throug d symb is n fs s a e u li s e io n b ig s s u relig h io lig ug speech fs thro your re om of s belie u d identify e io o e g t r li F e T s. 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Us nicatio u m m ver Co nd Roe inkley a r B . .W 0 by J © 199 40 Legal Resources In case you need advice or counsel in dealing with a legal issue, we recommend you contact: The American Center for Law and Justice Jay Alan Sekulow, Lead Counsel P.O. Box 64429 Virginia Beach, VA 23467-4429 Phone: (757) 226-2489 Fax: (757) 226-2836 E-mail: aclj@exin.net Internet: http://www.aclj.org Christian Legal Society Center for Law and Religious Freedom Steven McFarland, Director 4208 Evergreen Lane, Ste. 222 Annandale, VA 22003 Phone: (703) 642-1070 Fax: (703) 642-1075 E-mail: clshq@mindspring.com Internet: http://www.clsnet.com The National Legal Foundation Steven W. Fitschen, Executive Director P.O. Box D Virginia Beach, VA 23328-0004 Phone: (757) 424-4242 Fax: (757) 420-0855 E-mail: nlf@nlf.net Internet: http://www.nlf.net The Rutherford Institute John Whitehead, President P.O. Box 7482 Charlottesville, VA 22906-7482 Phone: (804) 978-3888 Fax: (804) 978-1789 E-mail: tristaff@rutherford.org Internet: http://www.rutherford.org Verses marked NIV are taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers. Verses marked TLB are taken from THE LIVING BIBLE, copyright © 1971. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved. Jim Whitmer Photography photos: pages - 3, 5 - 7, 10, 11, 14, 15, 17, 21, 28, 31, 33, 35, 37, 40, 41 Fellowship of Christian Athletes photos: pages - 4, 13, 27, 31, 32, 33, and 38 National Network of Youth Ministries photos: pages - 3, 6, 12, 16, 19, 20, 29, 31, 39 Student Venture Media photos: pages - 7, 14, 18, 26, 36, 39 41 Welcome In every generation, God raises up His spokesmen and women to accomplish His work. In this generation that mantel of responsibility has been laid on the Christian youth, youth leaders and parents of our communities across the nation and the world. That’s you! And to do what God has called you to takes the right tools and resources. This is what the Challenge 2000 Resource Guide is all about. It includes some of the best tools from over 40 denominations, organizations and publishing houses that will help equip you to reach out to your local school. The Challenge 2000 Resource Guide has been designed to help you with selected resources for everything from sharing Christ with students, helping new believers and learning discipleship ideas, to launching clubs and movements at your school. It will point you in the direction of some hot web sites and connect you with great videos, books and CDs. Look through this list of great tools, and then call 1-800-729-4716. Our partner, Integrated Resources, will set you up with all you need. May you, His ambassador, be fruitful in all the good work you do. How to Order Challenge 2000 Resources To help you with one-stop shopping convenience, you will want to photocopy the Order Form on page 63 to keep a list of your choices. Please be sure to fill out the Order Form completely before calling or mailing in your order. All Challenge 2000 resources are available through Integrated Resources by calling 1-800-729-4716 and referring to the product code number listed under each resource. Always use the product code number when ordering materials from Integrated Resources. Resources listed include title, author’s name, description, product code number (with publisher abbreviation) and price. To find the publisher of a product, match the abbreviation within the product code to the publisher key on page 58. You can also see and order from the Challenge 2000 Resource Guide online at www.challenge2000.org (this option will be available 9/98). 42 Campus Prayer Resources Campus work begins with prayer. In fact, you won’t want to do a thing until prayer is a central part of your life and ministry. Here are prayer resources to help you get the right start. AN AWESOME WAY TO PRAY • Empowering Your Ministry Through Prayer A manual for developing a comprehensive prayer strategy for your ministry, with an emphasis on event prayer strategies. 83-YFC003 – $10 • Forty Days Prayer and Fasting (Booklet and Audio Tape) – by Miles McPherson • Seven Basic Steps to Successful Fasting and Prayer –by Bill Bright A pocket-sized resource for growing in the spiritual discipline of fasting. Many helpful insights. 83-NLP009 – $1 Is it really possible to dedicate yourself to fasting and prayer? Miles takes Matthew 4 seriously and shows us how. 83-MAM004 – Book & tape $5 LEADERS GUIDE BARRY ST.CLAIR • That None Should Perish: How To Reach Entire Cities Through Prayer Evangelism – by Ed Silvoso • An Awesome Way to Pray – by Barry St. Clair Designed to help students develop a prayer strategy for themselves, their friends and their school. This book energizes and equips students to pray, asking God to make them the answer to their own prayers – by living the life, loving their friends and telling their story. 83-ROM001 – $3.95 • Guiding A Concert of Prayer – by David J. Garda A resource manual for guiding concerts of prayer as well as developing a prayer base for your ministry. 83-SL005 – $7.95 • An Awesome Way to Pray Leaders Guide – by Barry St. Clair Practical six-week curriculum provides leaders with how to’s in helping students develop a prayer strategy. 83-ROM002 – $6.95 • Prayer Force • Preparing Youth Ministry For The Coming Revival – by Mike Higgs This is a 30-day excursion into the heart of prayer for youth, including “let’s dive in” Scriptures, prayer challenges, praise sections and daily application. 83-HH011 – $9.99 • The Campus Prayer Handbook for Students – by Mike Higgs A motivational and inspirational booklet designed to assist students in developing and implementing prayer evangelism strategies on their campuses. 83-LINC012 – $4 • The Youth Worker Prayer Handbook – by Mike Higgs A prayer network of students around the nation and world connecting prayer requests and encouragement for campus and community prayer. Call 1-800-699-4678 for free newsletter. Internet Address: www.prayerforce.com • The Call To Prayer – A Prayer Journal – by Chuck Wysong and Lloyd Ogilvie The biblical basis and practical how-to’s concerning prayer evangelism, applicable in a campus setting. 83-HE010 – $11 A challenge to youth workers in youth ministry renewal; a renewed perspective to reach this generation of youth. 83-NNYM007 – $9.95 Practical ways of developing a prayerdriven youth ministry, as well as ideas for motivating and deploying students in campus-oriented prayer evangelism strategies. 83-LINC013 – $4 • Wild Things Happen When I Pray – by Becky Tirabassi If only ordinary things happen when you pray, this book will motivate you to expect extraordinary things. A stimulating book on prayer and evangelism. 83-ZON014 – $10.99 • Public Schools Power Prayers – by Judy Turpen A concise powerful book on how to pray for students, teachers and administrators at your school. Full of prayer helps. 83-CEAI008 – $6.50 43 www.challenge2000.org Campus Evangelism Resources Most teenagers are already thinking about God. We just have to uncover that spiritual hunger. Relating the message of Christ to teenagers at the local campus takes sensitivity, relevancy and initiative. Select from the following print and media tools to help you bring students to Christ. • Let’s Talk – Evangelistic Surveys Surveys to help us understand students’ needs and open doors for sharing our faith. Topics include heroes, sports, current events, relationships, values, etc. 83-SV018 – 25 Pack/$2.95 • Life Can Have True Meaning: A Youth Witnessing Book – by Ron Wheeler This witnessing booklet provides teens with a powerful and easy-to-follow witnessing tool for presenting the gospel to friends. 83-BH019 – $9.95 • More Than a Carpenter – by Josh McDowell Evangelistic Print and CD-ROM Resources • How to Get Better Grades & Have More Fun – by Steve Douglass Practical steps for getting better grades, having more fun doing it. Concludes with an invitation to receive Christ. Author is a Harvard and MIT graduate. 1201e – $7.99 Josh’s classic book on the uniqueness of Jesus Christ, and how we can receive Him as personal Lord and Savior. A great apologetic tool. 83-TYN020 – $4.99 83-TYN021 – 6 book pack/$15.99 • “Real Life” Campus Articles Relevant one-page articles on felt needs that students experience, pointing them to Christ. Sowing tools. Use as handouts with friends or for class talks. 4-color (available fall ’98). 83-SV022 – 10 pack/$2.95 • Insiders Guide to High School (enhanced CD) “Welcome to high school” is the message of this enhanced CD music resource with 10 songs from top CCM artists, real-time video clips and gospel presentation. Great for introducing friends to God’s truth and Christ. For CD Player or computer (available fall ’98). 83-INT015 – $11.98 each 83-INT016 – 10 pack/$89.90 • Let’s Talk – Evangelistic Booklets Short booklets that talk about felt needs of students and present the gospel. Subjects include relationships, winning and success, satisfaction, friends, gangs. 4-color. 83-SV017 – 10 pack/$5.95 1-800-729-4716 • Teens in Crisis Wallet Cards Wallet card features crisis hotline numbers enabling students to help a friend in crisis and open doors for sharing Christ. Five cards per sheet. 83-YA024 – $1 (one sheet) • The Question – Evangelistic Survey Creative survey to help understand students and open the door to share the gospel. 83-SDM027 – 100 pack/$8.50 • NFL Player Testimony Cards Individual AIA 4-color cards with Christian testimony, great for sharing Christ with friends. 5353a – 10 card pack/$3.50 • Ten Time Bombs – by Ron Hutchcraft Provides answers to some of the most important and confusing pressures in a young person’s life. Ideal for introducing lost teens to Christ and helping Christian young people find practical help. 83-ZON028 – $10.99 • Joe Gibbs’ Success Story Four-color brochure in which Joe shares his quest for success and his faith in God – lessons learned in his life. 5352a – 10 pack/$3.50 Booklets to help you tell others Being prepared to talk with other students about Christ is important. Each of these booklets is a tool you can use to guide someone to Christ. They divide the gospel message into several steps: God, Sin, Jesus Christ, and Trusting Him. • Yours for Life – by Ron Hutchcraft This mini-booklet presents the core gospel message. 83-ATS029 – $.35 each • The High School Survival Kit A creatively packaged box for distribution to teenagers on campuses or in the community. Includes music CD, sports video, booklets, other goodies. Sowing and evangelistic in nature for broad distribution (available fall ’98). 83-SV025 – $11.50 each 83-SV026 – 100+/$9.95 each 44 • Knowing God Personally God’s great news about his desire for a relationship with you. 83-SL031 – $.25 each 83-SL032 – 100 pack/$20 Spanish version: 83-SL033 – $.35 each 83-SL034 – 100 pack/$32 • Bridge to Life Focuses on Christ as the bridge to God. 83-NAV030 – Pack of 50/$10 • Life’s Greatest Adventure Focuses on the adventure of knowing God personally. 83-YFC035 – $.20 each • LIFE Band Life’s Greatest Adventure tract/LIFE write-up. A witness band and booklet included. 83-YFC036 – $.50 each Evangelistic Videos/Films • Sex At Its Best (video) – by Ron Hutchcraft This high-energy, fast-moving, cuttingedge video presents “Sex, the Inventor’s Way,” which delivers love without scars, and excitement without regrets. It offers the hope of a new beginning through knowing Jesus Christ. 83-GF039 – $25 • Moment of Truth (video) The story of a teen who only has a moment to encounter Christ, a moment when he is vulnerable, and the courage of a schoolmate who shares the gospel with him. 83-MH044 – Public Use/$60 83-MH045 – Home Use/$20 • One in a Million (video) A teen who, after saving a baby’s life, discovers he had never been born because his mother chose to have an abortion. This discovery leads to a change in events. 83-MH046 – $30 • Driving Force (video) • More Than Winning Evangelism tract using a sports theme. 83-FCA037 – $.10 each Hairpin turns and excessive speeds make for an exhilarating experience, but knowing Christ is most important to these men behind the wheel. Features NASCAR drivers and their faith. 83-AIA040 – $20 • Drinking, Drugs & Sex (video) – by Jacob Aranza A live video recording of Jacob’s dynamic presentation to public high school assemblies. Sowing tool. 83-AO041 – $15 • Spirit of the Game (video) Features top NFL players giving you a glimpse of how they relate their faith in Jesus Christ to their NFL profession. Action with an evangelistic message. 5355t – $19.95 • Future Tense (video) • The Answer Tract A clear, simple presentation of the gospel, unfolding into the shape of a cross. 83-SDM038 – 100 pack/$14 A college student’s dream about Christ’s second coming has a profound effect on each member of his family, giving each the opportunity to trust Christ. 83-MH0042 – Public Use/$60 83-MHD043 – Home Use/$20 • The Facts of Life – by Barry St. Clair • The Crossing (video) A clear, simple way for students to communicate the gospel to their friends. 83-ROM023 – 10 pack/$2.50 This powerful video dramatically presents the good news of the gospel in the context of a young person’s life. An illustration of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Best Evangelistic Film – Crown Awards. 83-YFC047 – $39.95 • The Four Spiritual Laws Uses theme of absolute truth to communicate the gospel. Over a billion in print. 5001p – Pack of 50/$8.99 • Would You Like to Know God Personally? The Teenage Edition Focuses on God’s great desire to know you personally. 5006p – Pack of 50/$8.99 • Your Most Important Relationship Focuses on God’s great love and a relationship with Him. 5801e – $.25 each • Give Me the Rock (video) NBA players share their testimonies on this 38-minute, high-action video that also speaks on issues especially relevant to today’s youth. 5354t – $20 • Joe Gibbs’ “Fourth and One” (video) A 44-minute life-story video in which Joe presents lessons learned in his life and talks of his personal faith in God. Clips of NFL and racing highlights interspersed. 5352t – $20 45 • Without Reservation (video) Four teens who die in a car crash find themselves suspended in time and space. They observe their individual destinies, each having a different response as they enter heaven or hell. Evangelistic message. 83-MH048 – Public Use/$60 83-MH049 – Home Use/$20 www.challenge2000.org Evangelism Training for Peer to Peer and Adults • Giving Away Your Faith – by Barry St. Clair • Becoming a Contagious Christian/Video Curriculum Kit A proven evangelistic resource that youth workers and students can use in creating their own action plan for evangelism. 83-ZON050 – $79.99 • Everyone, Everywhere A six-session seminar for practical training in sharing your faith. 83-SDM051 – Student Seminar Packet/$10.95 83-SDM052 – Ind. Curriculum/$2.29 83-SDM053 – Leaders Packet/$15 83-SDM054 – Leaders Set/$8.25 (includes guide and curriculum) • Fair Share By giving a step-by-step training in sharing our faith, this book not only creates a desire to communicate Christ to others but also equips students with the ability to do it. 83-ROM058 – $6.50 • God’s Vision for You: A Call for Youth to Share Their Faith (video) – by Susie Shellenberger This video will challenge and remind teens of the importance of witnessing their faith to their unsaved friends. 83-BH059 – $24.95 • Have I Got Good News For You – by Duffy Robbins This book shows you how to share Christ and bring good news to your unsaved friends while answering many questions about witnessing. 83-ZON060 – $8 Peer evangelistic counselor training course, with reproducible student materials, evangelistic surveys, and companion Triumphant Truth tracts. Plus audio training tape. 83-TEAM055 – $10 • How to Share Your Faith in Less Than 2 Minutes • Game Day Evangelism Training Handbook This easy-to-use method will equip teens to clearly and confidently share the gospel in less than two minutes. 83-DARE061 – Pack of 20 with audio tape/$15 83-DARE062 – Add’l singles, $1 each Training manual to equip teenagers to get into the game of reaching their friends for Christ. Sessions include “count the cost” to “how to make a game plan,” etc. 83-DARE056 – Manual/$9 83-DARE057 – Audio tape/$5 1-800-729-4716 • How to Equip Students to Reach Students The principles for becoming a ministry to not only reach students, but rather equip students to reach their own peers. Available as audio set or trainer’s kit. 83-SL063 – Workbook/$4 83-SL064 – Audio set/$29.95 83-SL065 – Trainer’s set/$49.95 • Influencing Your World – by Barry St. Clair Building on the model of Jesus, this book helps students discover how to become a servant leader at school. 83-ROM066 – $6.50 • L.I.F.E. Workbook Teaches students how to tell God’s story, how to tell their story, how to love and serve others, how to pray friends into the Kingdom, how to make disciples, etc. 83-YFC067 – $4.95 • Live the Life! Student Evangelism Training Kit This six-session video-driven YFC curriculum takes students beyond mere “witnessing” into living unmasked lives of honesty and love – the most productive kind of outreach there is! (available fall ’98) 83-ZON068 – $79.99 • Sharing My Faith This helps young people overcome their questions and fears about witnessing. 83-BH069 – $6.99 46 • Shatter the Silence Evangelism Training Handbook This comprehensive 80-page training manual will give you all the tools necessary to fully equip your teens in evangelism, apologetics, and campus ministry. 83-DARE070 – $8 83-DARE071 – audio tape/add’l $5 • Tell It Well Student Evangelism Kit Comprehensive and culturally relevant tools and training to personally bring friends to Christ. Booklets and CD with resources that can be duplicated. For students or adult leaders (available fall ’98). 83-VM072 – $12.95 • Witnessing With Style Help your teens uncover their unique evangelism style. Personal Proclamation Profile Test included. 83-DARE075 – Pack of 20 with audio tape/$15 83-DARE076 – Single copies/$1 each • Won By One Training Series – by Josh McDowell and Dann Spader Practical resources for students and leaders in effective peer evangelism. Highly effective. 83-WN077 – $49.99 • The Great Campus Commission Kit Geared to the student-led, studentinitiated approach to campus ministry (equal access club). Focuses on evangelism, prayer, campus clubs. 83-YFC073 – $19.95 • The Great Campus Commission Resourcer Designed with students in mind. Geared to educate, teach, equip and challenge students to begin student-led ministry. For students, teachers, youth leaders. 83-YFC074 – $9.95 47 www.challenge2000.org Strategies help organize and mobilize students and adults toward a common purpose. These resources will help you form clubs, launch movements, organize meetings and plan events. • Campus Missions Packet (Student Edition) Includes wallet card of crisis hotline numbers, Guess What Happened to Me, Meeting the Equal Access Challenge, The Book of Hope, Friend Focus cards and more. Each Campus Missionary should have one. 83-YA084 – $5 Ministry and Club Strategies • Christian Club Kit • The Campus Starter Kit • 12-Minute Meetings for Studentled Campus Christian Clubs Each book contains 40 complete meeting guides. 83-YA078 – 12-Minute Meetings/$6 83-YA079 – More 12-Minute Meetings/$6 83-YA080 – Still More 12-Minute Meetings/$6 Learn how you can begin a ministry at your campus that will unite the Christians and bring students to Christ. Develop a Win-Build-Send movement and involve your church. Includes training, resources, video, CD, multiple tools. For students and adults (available fall ’98). 83-SV085 – $19.95 • Bible Clubs and Student Religious Meetings in Public Schools This set of occasional papers of the National Legal Foundation contains a 50-page booklet discussing legal issues concerning Christian clubs. 83-YA082 – $5 1-800-729-4716 A six-session leader’s curriculum designed for use by student leaders who wish to teach the student edition of the Christian Club Seminar. 83-CCC089 – $2 • Christian Club Seminar (Student Edition) • Fellowship of Christian Athletes Huddle Starter Kit • Changing Lives Forever Designed to help you change the life of a teenager for eternity. Covers 11 basic areas, from meeting new kids to running dynamic meetings. Gain practical insights into the nature of ministry. For adults or students. 83-YFC086 – $7.95 • Campus Missions Packet (Leader Edition) Contains helps for developing a Campus Missions strategy in your church or community, including Meeting the Equal Access Challenge, The Book of Hope, sample letters for communicating with students, plus all the forms in the Student Edition. 83-YA083 – $5 • Christian Club Seminar (Leader’s Edition) A six-session workbook for the Christian club student leader in training fellow students in the basics of operating a Christian Club. 83-CCC090 – $1.50 • 101 Ways to Reach Your Campus Great leader’s guide to campus ministry, including school assemblies, rallies, class released time, networking and equipping students. 83-YA081 – $20 A comprehensive kit with everything a student needs to organize and operate a successful Christian club on campus. The kit includes three interactive cassette tapes on running a club, plus three books. 83-CCC088 – $15.95 FCA provides a kit packed full of resources to help students start a FCA Huddle at their school. For information on this packet and starting a Huddle, call FCA direct. 1-800-289-0909 • First Priority Student Leader Manual • Christian Club Guide The “how-to” book for student leaders of Christian clubs. Covers how to organize and operate an on-campus Christian club, including studies for first year of meetings. 83-SDM087 – $3.50 48 Designed for the teenage officers or leaders of First Priority equal access clubs. Help in creating an entire school year’s calendar of meetings and campus events. Call LifeWay direct to order. 1-800-458-2772/$14.95 • How to Begin Group Outreach Events Four sessions guide your group in developing creative and relevant outreach events that serve to train your ministry team and reach their lost friends. 83-SL097 – Workbook/$4 83-SL098 – Audio set/$29.95 83-SL099 – Trainer’s set/$49.95 • First Priority Business/ Community Manual A manual for business and community leaders interested in providing funding and support for a local Network of youth leaders who plan to start a campus club ministry. Call LifeWay direct to order. 1-800-458-2772/$24 • How To Start a Christian Club on Campus Great help with details of starting a Christian Club, how to work with school officials, and benefits to the local church. 83-NACE100 – $5 • LifeSaver Pocket Pack • First Priority Campus Club Manual Presents the complete First Priority Strategy for starting and supporting equal access campus clubs. Useful for youth workers, club sponsors, principals, senior pastors. Call LifeWay direct to order. 1-800-458-2772/$24.95 A booklet designed to help Christian clubs and youth groups mobilize students to build friendships with non-Christians on secondary school campuses. 83-CCC101 – $1.50 • NEMA Coffee House Kit A how-to kit for developing a coffee house in partnership with your local campus club. Great way to draw kids from their campus. 83-NEMA103 – $19.95 • My Campus, My Mission – by Miles McPherson Seeing your campus as a mission is the theme of this manual with eight steps to launching a club-centered movement at your school. Practical helps from forming your group to crisis intervention. 83-MAM106 – $3 • One Way 2 Play! Campus Strategy Packet Start a “One Way 2 Play!” Drug Free strategy at your school! Packet includes a booklet, a charter and resource help. 83-FCA107 – $5 • Meeting the Equal Access Challenge A student’s guide to what can and what cannot be done, according to the law, on a public school campus. Includes how to meet with a principal and start a club. 83-YA091 – $5 • One Way 2 Play! Video A dynamic, fast-paced video designed to inspire youth to commit to a drug-free lifestyle. 83-FCA108 – $12 • First Priority Youth Ministry Network Manual This manual contains vital information for each member of a local Network of youth leaders committed to starting and supporting First Priority equal access clubs on campus. Call LifeWay direct to order. 1-800-458-2772/$24.95 • Mission Impossible: Taking Your Campus for Christ Seven practical steps that enable teens to successfully reach their campus for Christ – by starting mission-driven Bible clubs. 83-DARE104 – Pack of 20 with audio tape/$15 83-DARE105 – Add’l singles, $1 each • NEMA Campus Clubs Kit Start a NEMA campus club that connects with students on campus and uses a NEMA Coffee House as an offcampus outreach. 83-NEMA102 – $39.95 49 • Rock Your Planet: A Campus Club Training Manual Equip your teens to transform their Bible club from a “holy huddle” to a missiondriven T.A.S.K. Force. 40 campus club sessions and weekly action plan. 83-DARE109 – $20 with audio tape www.challenge2000.org • Take A Stand Campus Ministry Manual for Students This 140-page student missionary manual introduces students to campus missions and teaches how to make a difference on campus. 83-YA110 – $5 each (10+/$4.50 each, 50+/$4 each) • Take A Stand Condensed Edition This 32-page preliminary tool spells out the procedure for starting a Youth Alive club, ways to be a witness on campus, and creative outreach ideas. 83-YA111 – $1 (10+/$.90 each) • Growing in Hope with Jesus This study guide is designed to be used with the Book of Hope. Useful for discipleship groups, new Christians and campus clubs. 83-HOPE115 – $1.75 each • The Great [Campus] ComMISSION Kit This is designed with students in mind. It’s a resource of information geared to educate, teach, equip and challenge students to begin a student-led, studentinitiated campus ministry. The resourcer is divided into three parts: Students Only, Youth Leaders Only, Teachers Only. 83-YFC118 – $9.95 A practical plan for aggressive evangelistic, Bible-based, church-centered youth events on campus or nearby. An eight-week step-by-step strategy, including training for evangelistic peer counselors, and follow-up. 83-TEAM112 – $79.99 • True Love Waits Manual Contains full information for impacting a school campus with the message of purity, conducting a school True Love Waits campaign, Bible studies, etc. Call LifeWay direct to order. 1-800-458-2772/$14.95 Ideas for Campus Meetings, Clubs and Small Groups • Youth Worker’s Idea Depot Do not worry Well done! Love each other! Practical, proven ideas gathered from front-line youth leaders. Search by Scripture, topic, key words, etc. 83-GRP120 – $29.99 • The Book of Hope • Best Discussion Launchers A tool for getting God’s Word to students on campus. It is made up of Scriptures from the four gospels, telling the life story of Jesus in clear terms that lead young people to a decision for Christ. 83-HOPE113 – $1.75 each Here’s the definitive collection of group’s best-ever discussion launchers! You’ll get hundreds of thought-provoking questions kids can’t resist discussing. 83-GRP121 – $11.99 • The Book Of Hope Distribution Strategy • Covenant of Courage Join purposeful students across the globe as you work through five weeks of personal study and weekly group interaction, leading up to a personal Covenant of Courage. 83-SL123 – $5 • Creative to the Max – by Todd Clark Top ideas for your ministry on and off campus, and the church. 83-CP124 – $8.99 • Essential Connection Magazine Monthly magazine containing daily quiet times for students, four monthly meetings for campus clubs, music reviews and articles – by students. Call LifeWay for subscription info. 1-800-458-2772 • Get Real: Making Core Christian Beliefs Relevant to Teenagers The top 24 foundational beliefs that teenagers must know to grow in their Christian faith! You’ll get practical ideas for communicating these essential core beliefs. 83-GRP126 – $15.99 • Goof Proof Skits These thirty 5-to-10 minute skits come with simple, straightforward dialogue and easily understood icons that tell actors how to deliver their lines. Scripture references and discussion questions make every skit a spiritual learning experience! 83-GRP127 – $13.99 A manual to assist organizations who may want to sponsor a citywide distribution of the Book of Hope. 83-HOPE114 – $1 1-800-729-4716 The unique debate approach you’ll discover in this helpful resource will get students thinking out loud and get them into God’s Word. 83-GRP122 – $12.99 Geared toward the student-led, studentinitiated approach to campus ministry (equal access club). Its several resources focus on education of legal rights, campus evangelism, prayer and campus club leadership. 83-YFC117 – $19.95 • The Great [Campus] ComMISSION Resourcer • Team Impact! Master Manual and Video • Controversial Discussion Starters 50 • The Call (video) The story of Sherri Howard beginning a student-led Bible study at her high school in Wichita, Kansas, resulting in a student-led Bible study on every campus in Wichita. 83-MH248 – $20 • Finish The Job (video) • Honest to God These 41 small group meetings are designed to strengthen the faith of youth. The meetings deal with topics such as honesty, self-esteem, priorities, changes, forgiveness, faith, etc. 83-YFC128 – $19.95 • Hot Talk Starter Video Series These videos really get people talking. Each video presents four hot topics that are guaranteed to start discussion and get teenagers exploring biblical answers. 83-GRP129 – $19.99 each • The Magnet Effect (Book and Video) – by Barry St. Clair Attract new students through these practical steps in designing outreach events that are culturally and relationally relevant. Video shows what it looks like. 83-ROM136 – Book/$10 83-ROM250 – Video/$20 • You Choose The Ending Skits These 19 hot-topic skits are guaranteed to keep your kids on the edge of their seats – because each skit has 3 possible endings! 83-GRP137 – $13.99 Vision & Motivational Tools for Great Commission & Campus Ministry • Chosen With A Mission – by Nancy Wilson • It’s All About Uth – Video Discussion Starters Four bold straightforward segments are the hallmark of each of these dynamic videos. Designed for youth and presented by youth. Each comes with a discussion guide to initiate discussion at campus club or group meetings. Choose from: 83-YA130 – More Than Feelings – topics on sex, AIDs, STD, abortion, date rape. 83-YA131 – Precious and Few – friendship, dating, marriage, divorce. 83-YA132 – Behind the Mirror – Selfesteem, attitude, apathy, depression. 83-YA133 – The Future 83-YA134 – Promotional Video – 3-minute introduction to series 83-YA135 – Set of 5 videos/$29.95 Title videos/$15 each Promotional video/$5 each New! David Thompson learned to trust God when, as a college student, he got word his missionary parents were murdered by communists. David, now a medical missionary, challenges teens to trust God and be the generation who will complete the Great Commission. 83-MH119 – $20 Challenging students to an intimate partnership with Jesus Christ in fulfilling His purposes for this generation and embracing their God-given destiny. Includes book and audio tape (available fall ’98). 83-VM138 – $9.50 • The Harvest/A Modern Day Parable Inspired by a true story, this video will touch your heart and give you and your group a vivid picture of the spiritual harvest on campus and around the world. Best Picture of the Year – Crown Awards. 17 minutes. 5590h – $14.95 • Turning Your High School Campus Right Side Up (video) – by Jacob Aranza Powerful story and challenge from Jacob’s own life. Will give you courage and hope for your school and friends. 83-AO140 – $14.99 • Generation Video Chronicles four major movements of God among young people today in areas of prayer, purity, campus ministry, and missions. Helps students discover their strategic role in being used by God. 83-MH139 – $85 51 www.challenge2000.org Campus Follow Up Bringing teenagers to Christ is just the first step in your work. Spiritual young ones need spiritual parents, and the resources in this section will help equip you in getting young believers started and grounded in their faith, and involved in the local church. Personal and Group Resources • Dare 2 Dig Deeper Series • 21 Jump Start – by Miles McPherson Getting started on your incredible Christian life is the theme of this study through the Gospel of John. 21 powerful studies will help new Christians get radical about their faith. 83-MAM141 – $6.99 Helpful booklets assist young people in character, discernment, holiness and boldness in sharing their faith, and how to interact with their culture from a Christian perspective. Focus on the Family titles: 83-SV155 – Getting Real: Television 83-SV156 – Lethal Haze: Drugs 83-SV157 – Lyrics Don’t Matter: Music 83-SV158 – Moral Kombat: Media 83-SV159 – Toxic Porn: Pornography Individual titles/$1.25 each • Now That I’m A Christian – Basic Bible Studies for Youth – by Chic Shaver A simple Bible study designed to help teens who have recently trusted Christ. An excellent study for teaching the basics. 83-BH151 – $3.99 • Beginning with Christ • Alive In Christ Personal Growth Series Value Pack (set of 8 titles) This eight-part series will teach new believers the basics of the Christian walk, learning how to apply God’s principles to everyday living. Each book builds on the prior one. Follow-up resource for local church and campus ministry. Titles: 83-YA142 – Alive in Christ, Guess What Happened to Me! 83-YA143 – Alive To Win 83-YA144 – Alive To Follow 83-YA145 – Alive in the Word 83-YA146 – Alive To Pray 83-YA147 – Alive To Worship 83-YA148 – Alive To Share 83-YA149 – Alive as Part of the Body Individual titles/$1 each 83-YA150 – $6/set (10+sets/$5.40 each) • Beyond Extreme Web site to help teenagers with solid values and faith in Christ. See www.beyondextreme.com. 1-800-729-4716 This booklet helps tell new believers about their salvation and the Christian life. Topics include answered prayer, the Bible, witnessing, and forgiveness. 83-NAV152 – 10 pack/$12 • First Steps – Knowing God Better Five high priority topics for new believers, from assurance that Christ is in their life, to the importance of a church. Colorful and interactive. One on one or groups (available fall ’98). 83-SV160 – 5-study book/$4.95 83-SV161 – Study 1/$1 each 83-SV162 – Study 2/$1 each 83-SV163 – Study 3/$1 each 83-SV164 – Study 4/$1 each 83-SV165 – Study 5/$1 each • Bruce & Stan’s Guide to God – by Bruce Bickel and Stan Jantz This fresh, user-friendly guide to the Christian life is designed to help new believers get started or recharge the batteries of believers of any age. 83-HH153 – $10.99 • Core Belief Bible Studies/ Why God Matters and Why Jesus Christ Matters Ground students in their faith. You’ll lead fun and compelling discussions that dive into the core beliefs of the Christian faith. 83-GRP154 – $11.99 each 52 • Following Jesus – by Barry St. Clair This book will help ground students in their faith and equip them on sharing their faith and praying for their friends on campus. 83-ROM166 – $6.50 • Get Real: Making Core Christian Beliefs Relevant to Teenagers The top 24 foundational beliefs that teenagers must know to grow in their Christian faith. You’ll get practical ideas for communicating these essential core beliefs. 83-GRP167 – $15.99 • Getting Started – by Barry St. Clair • Total Athlete A five-lesson evangelistic Bible study designed to help introduce Christ to athletes and follow up with God’s Word applied in competition and life. 83-AIA182 – $3.95 Designed for six sessions of follow up, this booklet gets new believers started in their walk with Christ. 83-ROM168 – $2.50 • Going on with Christ This booklet provides the format for telling others about salvation and the Christian life. Topics include answered prayer, the Bible, witnessing, and forgiveness. 83-NAV169 – Pack of 10/$12 • Growing in Christ Practical lessons to help new believers toward Christian maturity. 83-NAV170 – $6 • Live It Up – by Tom Sine This will help you evaluate your life, your goals, and your decisions for God's Kingdom in this thought-provoking and lifestyle challenging book. 83-HP174 – $14.99 • Making A Love That Lasts – by Jacob Aranza Written for today’s teen, Jacob uses humor to expose the lies about teen sex and relationships. 83-AO175 – $9.99 • Nurturing New Believers (audio cassette tape) – by Ron Hutchcraft • How to Deepen Your Relationship With God Now that you know God personally, what’s next? This revised and updated tool will help your students in their follow-up of peer evangelism. Ten studies. 83-SL171 – $2.25 God’s Word explains the preparation, the goal, and the plan for getting “God’s VIPs” off to a great start in Christ. 83-RHM176 – Free • Paul/Timothy Student Manual with Leader’s Guide Packets designed for one-on-one discipleship of young Christians. Simple enough for a junior or senior in high school to become a Paul or Paulette. 83-SDM177 – Leader/$7.50 83-SDM178 – Disciple/$4.50 • The Basics of Christianity – by Jim Burns Seasoned youth leader takes the reader into the heart of what it means to know Christ and walk with Him. Good for young or seasoned Christians. 83-GL179 – $16.99 • LifeChange Point of decision counseling tool that can then be given to the new Christian for first four weeks of follow up and growth. 83-SDM172 – $1.35 • Life’s Growing Adventure Dynamic 14-day study for new Christians. Handy for follow up and involvement in the body of Christ. 83-YFC173 – $1 • The Christian Music Diet (video) – by Al Menconi This video combines key Scriptures, introduces the “Teeter-Totter Principle,” answers common questions about youth and music. 83-MEN180 – $20 • Topical Memory System • Totally True For the follow-up of new believers. These six basic lessons of the Christian faith (God, Jesus, Bible, Prayer, Holy Spirit & Holy Living, and Church) presented in the 4-color book will help new believers begin to walk with the Lord. 83-YFC183 – $2.95 • Truth Slayers – by Josh McDowell Through a fascinating PowerLink Chronicles novel, youth will discover what makes right always right, why wrong choices so often seem right, and how a four-step process guarantees right choices every time. 1325m – $10.99 • When Your Parents Call it Quits, When Faith Isn’t Easy Anymore, Who’s Calling the Shots – by Dan Webster Three short, powerful booklets that help young Christian students deal with practical problems critical to their spiritual growth. Booklets are $2.50 each. 83-NAV094 – When Your Parents 83-NAV095 – When Faith 83-NAV096 – Who’s Calling • The Holy Spirit Booklet for Teenagers Simple truth for teenagers on how to make the Holy Spirit leader of their lives. 83-SV184 – $.45 each booklet 83-SV187 – Pack of 25/$9.50 If you want to memorize Scripture, but aren’t sure what to memorize or how, this is what you need. Great for Christians of all ages. 83-NAV181 – $12 53 www.challenge2000.org Bibles for New Believers For the following Bibles, call The International Bible Society (IBS) at 1-800-524-1588 • NIV Paperback Bible Low-priced NIV Bibles include notes to help new believers read the Bible. Call IBS direct to order. 1-800-524-1588/$2.25 each Case of 24/$1.75 each • NIV Paperback New Testament • Teen Study Bible Younger teens (ages 12-15) will find help in reading the Bible. In-text notes address controversial issues, scientific facts, intellectual questions, as well as interesting Bible trivia. 83-ZON185 – Hard cover/$24.99 83-ZON186 – Softcover/$19.99 • True Love Waits Bible (NIV) Packed with articles and advice from Max Lucado, Josh McDowell, James Dobson and others dealing with issues of love and commitment, sexual purity and marriage. Call LifeWay direct to order. 1-800-458-2772/$19.99 Low-priced Bible for wide distribution. Our lowest priced New Testament. Decision page included. Call IBS direct to order. 1-800-524-1588/$.65 each Case of 50/$.50 each • Path to Victory NIV New Testaments (Choose Basketball, Baseball or Football Cover) New Testaments feature testimonies from world-famous Christian athletes. (5 1/4" x 8"). Call IBS direct to order. 1-800-524-1588/$2.75 each Case of 24/$2.25 each • Pathlight New Testament New Testament packed with articles and advice for younger teens and pre-teens. Call IBS direct to order. 1-800-524-1588/$3.50 each Case of 24/$2.99 each • Power for Competing Sports Bible • Youth Walk Devotional Bible Powerful discipleship tool for high school and college athletes. 64 pages of discipleship helps, an 8-page color introduction. Call IBS direct to order. 1-800-524-1588/$4.99 each Case of 24/$4.50 each This Bible is designed exclusively for older teens (ages 15-19). There are 260 daily devotions, book introductions and a special section called “Hot Topics.” 83-ZON188 – Hard cover/$24.99 83-ZON189 – Softcover/$19.99 • The Message The popular paraphrase that captures the interest of young and old. 83-NAV190 – Paperback/$15 1-800-729-4716 54 Campus Leadership Resources Your movement or club on campus will be strong because your leadership is strong. This section is filled with resources for discipleship and equipping students who will lead the movement on campus. Equipping Resources for Growing Leaders • Answers to Tough Questions – by Josh McDowell Josh gives understandable answers to 73 of the most difficult and frequently asked questions about the credibility of Christianity. 1303e – $10.99 • Compassion for Lost People – by Bo Boshers • Evidence That Demands a Verdict – by Josh McDowell Small group resource manual teaching students how to have compassion for their lost friends; to evangelize in a natural, authentic way; to be excited to change their campuses for Christ. 83-WC/ZON207 – $14.99 Documents historical evidences for the Christian faith. Useful for writing papers, preparing talks and general discussions about the Christian faith. 1301e – $14.95 • Culture in Crisis A six-session seminar that calls on students to impact their generation for Christ. 83-SDM208 – Student Seminar Packet/$10.95 83-SDM209 – Ind. Curriculum/$2.29 83-SDM210 – Leaders Guide/$8.25 • Experiencing God – Youth Edition – by Henry Blackaby & Claude V. King This exceptional book helps young people understand how God leads and develops them as they serve Him. Build your faith and love for God. 83-LW221 – $9.95 • Design for Discipleship Series This Bible study series features step-bystep lessons, from laying a foundation in Christ to developing strong faith. Seven books and a leader’s guide. Titles: 83-NAV211 – Your Life in Christ 83-NAV212 – The Spirit-Filled Christian 83-NAV213 – Walking with Christ 83-NAV214 – The Character of the Christian 83-NAV215 – Foundations for Faith 83-NAV216 – Growing in Discipleship 83-NAV217 – Our Hope in Christ 83-NAV218 – Leader’s Guide Books/$4 each Leader’s Guide/$5 each • Foundations For Youth Ministry (Audio and Manual Set) The starting point for every ministry is in laying the right foundation. This biblical model equips volunteers and key student leaders to pursue the values and longer-term vision that Jesus modeled. 83-SL222 – $59.95 • Giving Away Your Faith – by Barry St. Clair This step-by-step book will help ground students in their faith and equip them to share their faith and pray for their friends on campus. 83-ROM223 – $6.50 • Back to the Basics A six-session seminar on developing basic practical disciplines in your life to help you grow spiritually. 83-SDM201 – Student Seminar Packet/$10.95 83-SDM202 – Ind. Curriculum/$2.29 83-SDM203 – Leaders Guide/$8.25 • Basic Building Blocks for Bible Study – by Peter Verkruyse Helps you understand your Bible in a way that brings life to your personal study time and energy to your relationship with God. 83-CP204 – $9.99 • Being A Leader – by Jim Burns Great insights for teens coming from a seasoned youth leader. Helpful to all aspiring young people. 83-GL205 – $16.99 • Born to Reproduce Dawson Trotman’s classic essay on purpose–driven ministry and the challenge to multiply. Classic for campus work. 83-NAV206 – Pack of 10/$10 • Gone Fishin’ • Step-By-Step Mentoring Kit – by Dick Wynn Step-by-step kit for mentoring teens contains 24 weekly sessions with video illustrations, audio cassette and evangelism tools, emphasizing the hallmarks of Character, Courage, Compassion, Competency, Conviction and Commitment. 83-EYL219 – $29.95 • Lead On A mentoring kit for university-age and mature high-school young people. Takes a more intensive approach to mentoring those at the crossroads of life decisions. (available summer ’98) 83-EYL220 – $29.95 55 Discover the contagious character and enduring priorities of Jesus! Part one examines Jesus’ ministry priorities through the Gospel of Mark. The second half challenges students to develop contagious character. 83-SL224 – Workbook/$4 • Helping Friends in Crisis – by Jim Burns This seasoned youth leader gives you vital information for helping friends. Insights and how to’s that are needed in every campus ministry. 83-GL226 – $16.99 www.challenge2000.org • Ready Defense – by Josh McDowell You’ll be prepared to stand strong in your faith with more than 60 vital “lines of defense” for the Christian believer found in this extraordinary compilation of the very best of Josh’s research. 83-JMM234 – $18.99 • Gotta Care Booklet Gotta Care is a year-long campaign that is designed to help you and your friends practice six Christian disciplines – praying, giving, reading, telling, abiding, and serving. Integrate Gotta Care into your life, campus ministry and youth group. 83-YFC225 – $2.49; 10+/$1.99 ea. • Life Happens: Get Ready – by Barry St. Clair Discovering who you are in Christ and your unique destiny gives you as a student the confidence you need to handle the pressure of living for Christ at school. Helps you “get ready.” 83-ROM229 – $7.99 • InterActa • Setting You Free to Make Right Choices – by Josh McDowell Workbook creatively and systematically teaches students how to determine right from wrong in their everyday lives. Focuses on moral questions about lying, cheating and pre-marital sex. 1326a – Workbook/$9.95 1326d – Leader’s Guide/$5.95 • Setting Youth Free to Make Right Choices (Video Series) – by Josh McDowell Interactive group studies for students in college or high school. The sample set includes student notes and leader’s guides from five InterActa or LifeSkills studies that give a good indication of the range of topics and styles within series. 741-000p – $7.99 Set This five-part series teaches students how to always make right moral choices. Includes leader’s guide and Truth Slayers book. 1326vid – $99.99 Set • Lost Art of Discipleship Making This book is the fruit of many years of personal experience of building disciples. Learn that multiplication and discipleship is the key to your ministry. 83-ZON230 – $8.99 • Perspective On The Journey – by Kevin Young • Invisible Enemies This 40-minute film helps students discover the invisible spiritual battle they face in everyday life. Springboard into a healthy discussion on the subtle lies of the enemy. Call YFC direct to rent. 1-800-735-3252/$59.95 (rental) • Let’s Talk Interactive Campus Studies 20 individual studies making core Christian truth dynamic and relevant for students. Handy for small groups or clubs. Focuses on discipleship and campus outreach. Sample set includes 5 different studies with teacher’s notes (available fall ’98). 83-SV228 – $7.99 Set 1-800-729-4716 Youth devotional written in story form, brings the reader into a drama following the progress of a fictional character challenged to stay the course. Application questions. 83-SV231 – $5.00 • So You Discipleship Series – by Chuck Klein A nine-lesson Bible study designed to help athletes apply God’s Word in competition and everyday life situations. 5302a – $4.95 Three interactive books designed with teens’ learning style in mind. Helps students understand and apply the essentials of the Christian life. Titles: 83-SV235 – So You Want Solutions for new Christians 83-SV236 – So You Want to Get Into the Race - next steps of faith 83-SV237 – So You Want to Set the Pace - helping students grow and lead Books/$5.95 each 83-SV238 – Leader’s Guide/$5.95 • Purity Under Pressure – by Neil Anderson and Dave Park • Stomping Out the Darkness – by Neil T. Anderson & Dave Park • Principles of Athletic Competition – Practicing the Presence of God In a reassuring style, spiritual truths behind sexual temptations are presented, and simple ways to develop godly relationships are provided. 83-HH232 – $8.99 • Radical Christianity – by Jim Burns It’s time to step up with this book of insight on how to be radical in the faith. 83-GL233 – $9.99 56 Powerful book for teenagers focusing on who we really are in Christ and how to wear the full armor of God every day. 83-GL239 – $8.99 • Student DayMaker • The Mark of a World Changer – by Ron Luce Learn how to be an effective Christian and witness through a campus club. Also includes a student calendar, the seven realities of Experiencing God, outlines of the Bible, how to share your faith, etc. Call LifeWay direct to order. 1-800-458-2772/$7.95 This 13-week devotional book shows how you can become radically changed by a vital relationship with God. You will be given specific steps to build spiritual strength and character. 83-TM249 – $8 • Student-Led Cell Group Vision Video An important resource designed to motivate your students to join or lead a student-led cell group. This video features Josh McDowell, student leaders and participants. 83-HIM244 – $9.95 • The Moving Toward Maturity Series – by Barry St. Clair • Student-Led Cell Group Manual Step-by-step manual to help you develop student-led cell groups in your ministry. Includes training, curriculum, ice breakers and forms to track the success of your cells. 83-HIM241 – $49.95 • Taking Your Campus for Christ by Radically Loving Your Friends – by Barry St. Clair and Keith Naylor This book challenges students to radically love their friends on the campus and gives practical tools on how they can make a difference at their school. 83-ROM245 – $5.99 • Talks for Teens (Audio tape) – by Jacob Aranza • Student-Led Cell Group Topics Seven ready-to-use student cell topics on issues teens face today. Each volume includes 10 topics, ice breakers and helpful forms. 83-HIM242 – $12.95 • Student-Led Cell Group Leadership Training Seminar Audio tape training by Ted Stump speaking on how to develop and implement youth cells in their own ministry setting. 83-HIM243 – $24.95 In this two audio cassette series Jacob addresses teens with two topics: How to Give Your Life Away and A Reasonable Reason to Wait. 83-AO246 – $14.99 This series will help ground students in their faith and equip them on sharing Christ and praying for their friends. Includes Leader’s Guide and five books. Titles: Spending Time Alone with God Following Jesus Giving Away Your Faith Influencing Your World Making Jesus Lord 83-ROM253 – Set/$35 83-ROM254 – Leader’s Guide/$9.99 • Under Siege – Novel by Josh McDowell and Chuck Klein A “novel plus” about students who want to take their high school for Christ. This engaging book will capture your interest and show you how to develop strategies to reach your friends for Christ. 5525us – $5.95 • The Bondage Breaker Youth Edition – by Neil Anderson and Dave Park For youth who face peer pressure, sexual temptation, insecurity, and fear. Offers practical help to teens who want to experience true freedom in Christ. 83-HH247 – $7.99 • When All Hell Breaks Loose: Satan’s Secret Strategies to Keep You Quiet About Christ What to do when the devil strikes; three keys to prepare teens for the battle of souls! 83-DARE255 – Pack of 20 with audio tape/$15 83-DARE256 – Add’l singles/$1 each 57 www.challenge2000.org • Won by One Training Manual • Time Alone with God Notebook – by Barry St. Clair An evangelism training manual featuring a weekly journal and easy to use lessons such as: It’s Your Choice, Wartime Training, When God Invades Your World, Living Life on the Offense. 83-ALL257 – $14.95 Helps students discover daily what God is saying to them through His Word and prayer. Encourages personal, practical action. 83-ROM269 – $5.99 • WWJD Youth Leader’s Kit A complete six-week curriculum for helping students deepen their faith. The kit includes six student journals, a leader’s guide, poster and clip art. Discover exactly what Jesus would do. 83-ZON258 – $59.99 Student Devotionals & Personal Helps • Just Between God and You • Ultimate Love – by Neil T. Anderson and Rich Miller This dynamic 4-color journal will jumpstart students in their devotional life. Includes 28 different interactive ways to both read their Bibles and pray daily. 83-YFC263 – $5.95 Focus on knowing God and personally experiencing His involvement in day-today situations. Covers God’s plan for love, dating, and relationships. 741hb – $7.99 • Reality Check – by Neil Anderson and Rich Miller 40 short, youth-oriented devotions that will strengthen teens in the unique battles they face. 83-HH264 -– $7.99 • 21-Day Challenge – by Dan Buschow • Spending Time Alone with God – by Barry St. Clair A tool that will help you and your leaders develop a growing, exciting relationship with the Lord, as you learn to spend time with God. 83-ALL259 – $14.99 This book will help ground students in their faith and equip them on sharing their faith and praying for their friends on campus. 83-ROM265 – $6.50 • 90 Days Through The New Testament – by Jim Burns Take a trip of adventure and speed through the NT as you are guided to know this wonderful book. 83-GL260 – $19.99 • DiscipleHelps: A Daily Quiet Time Guide and Journal This daily devotional journal for teenagers is packed with three full months of terrific quiet time materials, including a prayer focus for each day. Call Lifeway direct to order. 1-800-458-2772/$1.65 ALL Allies ATS Amercian Tract Society AO Aranza Outreach BH Beacon Hill CCC Campus Club Coalition CP College Press DARE Dare 2 Share EYL Emerging Young Leaders • Something’s Happening Every Day – by Zeke Zeiler FCA Fellowship of Christian Athletes FL Family Life A daily devotional guide for teenagers weaving Scripture with discipleship concepts and teen issues, encouraging students to walk and talk their faith. Quarterly segments (available fall ’98). 83-SV266 – $6.95 GF Gospel Films • Take Five, Student Devotional HOPE Book of Hope A daily devotional for youth ages 12-19. Includes music, poetry, photos and artwork by teens. 83-YA267 – $2.15/each quarter HP Herald Press LINC LINC Ministries • Ten Challenges of A WorldChanger – by Ron Luce LW Life Way MAM Miles Ahead Ministry A WorldChangers knows that God has given a mandate to change the world with his life. This 13-week devotional book guides the reader through 10 specific challenges to answer that call. 83-TM268 – $8 MEN Al Menconi Ministries MH Mars Hill • Extreme Faith – By Neil T. Anderson and Dave Park 40 short, challenging devotions to get teenagers into the Word of God and help them discover the difference Jesus can make daily. 83-HH262 – $7.99 1-800-729-4716 Abbreviations of Publishers: 58 GL Gospel Light GRP Group HE Harvest Evangelism HH Harvest House HIM High Impact Ministries IBS International Bible Society INC interl’inc MP Moody Press NACE Nat’l Assn. of Christian Educators NAV Nav Press NLP New Life Publisher NNYM Nat’l Network/Youth Ministries ROM Reach Out Ministries SL Sonlife SV Student Venture TEAM Team Impact TM Teen Mania WC Willow Creek YA Youth Alive YFC Youth for Christ YRM Young River Ministries YS Youth Specialties ZON Zondervan For Adult Leaders Culture redefines itself every few years. That means adult youth leaders, volunteers and parents need to stay current to work effectively with mainstream teenagers on the campus. Select from resources that best meet your needs. • How to Lead Small Groups If you’ve been leading small groups for years or are just beginning, this book will give you the skills you need to be a more effective leader. 83-NAV274 – $7 • It’s All Rock’n Roll To Me – by Dave Hart This book is for youth workers and leaders who want to stay in touch with kids and music. 83-MEN275 – $10 • The Battle for a Generation – by Ron Hutchcraft • Josh McDowell’s Handbook on Counseling Youth Provides knowledge, practical methods, and a vision for reaching today’s generation for Christ. Illustrations and examples of effective methods. 83-MP270 – $10.99 A complete manual on every topic you will be faced with in helping teens. 83-WN276 – $18.99 • Parenting Today’s Adolescent – by Dennis and Barbara Rainey The authors’ 25 years of youth work and parenting combine to help parents and youth leaders alike. Includes 14 snares that trap teens. 300 pages of wise counsel (available fall ’98). 83-FL093 – $19.99 • A Guide To Public Schools Understanding your schools, a pastor’s influence, issues students must deal with, how to have effective evangelism, legal rights, etc. 83-NACE271 – $8 • Face To Face An effective tool to help evaluate your student’s personal and spiritual condition. You will have an excellent understanding of where your students are relationally and spiritually. 83-HIM272 – $2.95 • Generation Next – by George Barna One of the leading cultural analysts of our day gives you insight about youth and our culture. Helps you adapt your ministry to the times. 83-GL273 – $10.99 This how-to book for doing youth ministry discusses how your kids can apply their real-life faith in three key areas of the Christian life: outreach, nurture, and service. 83-ZON280 – $14 • The Next Generation: Understanding and Meeting the Needs of Generation X – by Gary Zustiak A valuable resource that will teach you how Generation X thinks, acts and how you can reach them for Christ. 83-CP281 – $9.99 • The Servant-Driven Church – by Ray Fulenwider Teaches church leaders how to infuse excitement into the congregation while getting the “whole” church involved in ministry. 83-CP282 – $14.99 • Understanding Kids Today (Audio Tape) – by Jacob Aranza Do you listen to the news and wonder what is going on with America’s youth? Learn from Jacob’s message based on his experience ministering to over two million students. 83-AO283 – $4.99 • Youth Leaders Only/C2000 Edition From interl’inc, linking the resources of Christian music with the needs of campus ministries and clubs. Year-long subscription gets 36 CDs or cassettes, plus 50+ music videos, 100+ campus club discussion guides. Call for subscription or visit www.interlinconline.com. Call interl’nc direct to order. 1-800-725-3300 Cassettes/$179.95; CDs/$301.95 • The Ministry of Nurture – by Duffy Robbins • Your Home A Lighthouse • Penetrating the Campus – by Barry St. Clair Written to help youth leaders bridge the gap between the church and the school campus. In-depth help in devising and implementing a plan to reach students. 83-ROM277 – $9.99 Church can be overwhelming for nonChristians. This book will show you how to lead an evangelistic Bible study in your own home, giving unbelievers a glimpse of Christ in a comfortable setting. 83-NAV284 – $11 • Purpose Driven Youth Ministry – by Doug Fields Your guide to effective youth ministry. This veteran youth worker shares a ministry model with nine foundations that are essential for a purpose-driven youth ministry. 83-ZON278 – $17.99 • Student Ministry for the 21st Century – by Bo Bosher Key principles and how to’s for building a dynamic student ministry that keeps more and more students coming, keeps them growing and sends them to reach their campus. 83-WC/ZON279 – $19.99 59 • VITAL LINC Campus Consultants Would you like to begin a ministry to your local school? Does your church need help in campus ministry? An experienced adult campus worker will help coach you through the steps to starting and keeping going. Call Student Venture direct for free consultation. 1-800-699-4678 www.challenge2000.org Challenge, vision, training, unity: that's why conferences are a favorite for students all across the country. Check out these great national conferences, camps and events for campus ministry and evangelism training, sponsored by Challenge 2000 Alliance Ministries. Conference/Seminar • Athlete Summer Camps • Changin' the World Summit • DASH Conferences • Day One 2000 • DC/LA 2000 Superconference • Equip! (Junior High Students) • FCA Leadership Camps • Foundations & Strategy Seminar • Game Day Evangelism Training • Network 1999 Forum • River Rush • SEMP Conferences • Something's Happening Y2K • Sports Camps • Strength for the Task • Student-Led Cell Group Training • The Getaway & Fast Break • The Radical Truth Seminar • War Cry Student Conference • Youth Link 2000 Host FCA TI ROM YA YFC SL FCA SL D2S NNYM YRM SL SV AIA CMN HIM SV NIYM YA SBC Challenge 2000 Alliance Christ for Native Youth Christ in Youth Christian Educators Association Int'l Church of the Nazarene Crossroads Youth Ministry Dare 2 Share Emerging Young Leaders Fellowship of Christian Athletes First Priority Joshua Force Miles Ahead Ministries National Christian Educators Assn. National Institute of Youth Ministry National Network of Youth Ministries Reach Out Ministries Ron Hutchcraft Ministries See You at the Pole Sonlife Southern Baptist Convention Student Discipleship Ministries Student Venture Young Life Young River Ministries Youth Alive/Assemblies of God Youth for Christ Youth Life Youth Specialties Youth With A Mission www.challenge2000.org www.everyschool.com www.CrossPlaza.com/CNY www.ciy.com http://members.aol.com/ceaieduca/CEAI/ceaihome.htm www.nazarene.org www.cyminc.org www.dare2share.org www.eyl.org www.fca.org www.firstpriorityusa.com http://members.aol.com/genxcross/index.htm www.milesahead.com www.nace-cee.org www.niym.org www.nnym.org www.reach-out.org www.hutchcraft.com www.syatp.com www.sonlife.com www.youthscape.com www.studentdiscipleship.org www.studentventure.com www.younglife.org www.youngriver.com www.ag.org www.yfc.org www.youthlife.org www.youthspecialties.com www.ywamportorchard.com 1-800-729-4716 Phone 1-800-289-0909 1-812-867-2418 1-770-441-2247 1-800-545-2766 1-800-735-3252 1-800-770-4769 1-800-289-0909 1-800-770-4769 1-800-462-8355 1-800-FOR-NNYM 1-888-680-RUSH 1-800-770-4769 1-800-699-4678 1-513-933-2421 1-316-733-4444 1-800-72-YOUTH 1-800-699-4678 1-714-498-4418 1-800-545-2766 1-888-YOUTHLK 60 Website www.fca.org www.reach-out.org www.dcla2000.org www.sonlife.com www.fca.org www.sonlife.com www.dare2share.org www.nnym.org www.riverrush.com www.sonlife.com www.somethingshappeningy2k.com www.cellgroup.com www.studentventure.com www.niym.org www.youthlink2000.org (Person responsible for payment) 61 The Challenge 2000 Backpack Tag The Challenge 2000 Sunday Church Tool Kit To help your church prepare for this special day of dedication, a Challenge 2000 Sunday Church Tool Kit has been assembled, full of resources to assist you in casting a church-wide vision for what students can do as evangelists in their generation. To display your commitment to the Challenge 2000 mission and witness to your friends. 1 x 1 x 56k teaser on one side and the Challenge 2000 Covenant on the back. Ideal as a backpack tag or a wallet card. The Challenge 2000 Backpack Tag #83-C2002 – $ .50 each, min.10 The Challenge 2000 Sunday Church Tool Kit #83-C2001 – $14.95 each This tool kit contains a wealth of ideas and elements that will help you create an entire dedication service or a significant segment in an existing service. The Tool Kit includes: The Challenge 2000 Video – a compilation of video segments, including the Campus Ministry segment from the Generation series, See You at the Pole promotion, LifeBoat #1, and other motivational segments. A Challenge 2000 Service Preparation Booklet – full of sermon notes, commissioning ideas, and special church service features. A 30-Day Prayer Calendar – a reproducible schoolyear-long prayer guide with a 30-day rotation to pass along to committed prayer partners. Church Bulletin Insert – a 5.5" x 8" camera-ready master to use as service inserts. The Christian Club Guide – for students who want to lead a club on campus. Witnessing Tracts – great tools to help students share their faith. Campus Missions Overview – a quick To order the Challenge 2000 start piece to map Sunday Church Tool Kit, your course of action. Other Assorted Backpack Tag, Covenant or Tools – helping to 1x1x56k Starter Kit, call: mobilize students. The Challenge 2000 Covenant To help you affirm your commitment to the Challenge 2000 mission and goals. Poster size for display at home, in your locker at school or at church! The Challenge 2000 Covenant Poster #83-C2003 – $ .50 each, min.10 The 1x1x56k Starter Kit The starting place for campus ministry ... the thing you are holding in your hand. Great tools for students and youth workers! Prices in quantity Product Code $15 for set of 10 #83-C2004 $25 for set of 20 #83-C2005 $35 for set of 30 #83-C2006 $45 for set of 40 #83-C2007 $ 1 ea. for 50 or more #83-C2008 1-800-729-4716 62 When placing an order, make a copy of this form so it can be used again for future orders. 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Mail to: Integrated Resources Call:1-800-729-4716 4307 East Third St. Bloomington, IN 47401 Allow 2 to 3 weeks for mailed in orders. www.challenge2000.org Prices and Availability: Some prices subject to change. Call to find out the current prices and information about new products. Some products may be discontinued or backordered for reasons beyond our control. Shipping Time: Most orders leave our office within 24 to 48 hours after receipt of payment. To order, call: 1-800-729-4716 63 $4.95 1x1x56k ©1998 A publication of the Challenge 2000 Alliance Challenge 2000 Executive Team Allen Weed, interl'inc Barry St. Clair, Reach Out Ministries Doug Clark, National Network of Youth Ministries Chuck Klein, Student Venture Kevin Harlan, Fellowship of Christian Athletes Len Taylor, Southern Baptist Convention Paul Fleischmann, National Network of Youth Ministries, Chairman, Challenge 2000 Doug Tegner, National Coordinator, Challenge 2000 Designed by: Zender+Associates, Cincinnati, OH For more information, please contact: Challenge 2000 c/o National Network of Youth Ministries 12335 World Trade Drive, Suite 16 San Diego, CA 92128 phone: 619.615.8480 fax: 619.451.6900 email: Challenge2000@nnym.org www.challenge2000.org www.nnym.org www.everyschool.com