ec A M i n i s t r y P u b l i c a t i o n o f C r y s t a l E v a n g e l i c a l F re e C h u rc h Volume 10, No. 2 Inside Sharing Our Blessings Around the Globe! GOD HAS BLESSED US ABUNDANTLY at Crystal Free Church. With a commitment to hold fast to the eternal truth of God’s Word and a commitment to allow the Spirit of God to guide and direct us, He has placed His hand of blessing upon our church. Don’t you wish we could just package it all up and share it with others around the world? In many ways we can…and do! Keep up-to-date on the latest CEFC news! Attend the Soul Mates Seminar! page 4 Do You Struggle with Anger? page 5 Upcoming Global Ministries Trips and Opportunities… page 6 Summer Options for Your Children… page 8 2004 Gospel Music Celebration with Calvin Hunt… page 15 March/April 2004 One of the wonderful ways we share our blessings with the world is through the Global Encouragement Team (GET) Ministries. GET takes some of the best that Crystal Free Church has to offer and shares it with a group of servants who are often honored yet neglected, often praised yet unintentionally ignored. In May, the Crystal Free family has the privilege of again sharing our blessings with missionary servants around the world–this time in Southern Africa. A Response GET Ministries provides a multi-faceted refreshment and renewal retreat to missionaries and their families with the goal of: • enhancing each servant’s effectiveness through refreshment and renewal. • sustaining servants in ministry through encouragement and care. • mobilizing the Crystal Free family with excitement in service to global missions. • inspiring other churches across the nation to undertake a similar effort. The Format The GET Ministries conference is not intended to be a working seminar, but rather is designed to address the spiritual, physical and emotional needs of missionaries and their families. A GET The GET Mission We desire to edify, encourage, strengthen and help enable servants of Jesus Christ to fulfill their worldwide ministry. The Need The same doubts, temptations and struggles we face here in Minnesota are often more pronounced in the crucible of the mission field. It is estimated that one career missionary in 20 (5.1 percent of the mission force) leaves the mission field to return home every year. In addition, almost half of all new missionaries (47 percent) leave the field in the first five years. Of those who leave, 71 percent leave for preventable reasons. Ministries conference provides an opportunity for refreshment in service, renewal in spirit and a relaxed atmosphere where personal needs and professional skills can be addressed. Our Mission: To know and love God, and make Him known. Our Vision: church. Our Purpose: To grow together in personal renewal, community GET continued on page 10 To become a disciple-making impact and global outreach. T A Ministry Publication of Crystal Evangelical Free Church Vo l u m e 1 0 N o . 2 March/April 2004 NEWSLETTER STAFF Dr. Stephen Goold SENIOR PASTOR Pastor David Rodquist SENIOR ASSOCIATE PASTOR Pastor Greg Braly CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES Dr. Tim Brannagan SPIRITUAL LIFE & GROWTH Dr. Monroe Brewer GLOBAL MINISTRIES Pastor Jeff McCourt WORSHIP MUSIC & CELEBRATION ARTS Pastor Geoff Safford STUDENT MINISTRIES Gary Wabshaw TECHNICAL SUPPORT MINISTRIES Pastor Iv Woolf FAMILY & COMMUNITY MINISTRIES Julie Zuehlke CARE MINISTRIES Lisa Reiland EDITOR AND DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS ec IN THIS ISSUE… GET 1 Time to 2 Finding Financial 3 Family & 4 Dealing with 5 Global 6 Tearing Down the High 7 Children’s 8 Care Ministries........................pages 9, 14 Spiritual Life & 10 God’s 11 Student 12 Messianic Passover 13 PowerHouse Golf 13 The Lord’s 13 Dark Nights of the 14 Gospel 15 2 I M E T O C O N S I D E R Is it a Business or is it a Church? Blending Passionate Spirituality with Ministry Excellence IT ARRIVED VIA EMAIL and seemed like a fair question. Even a good one. “Pastor, things PASTOR work so well around S TEVE G OOLD here, so efficiently, and we’ve grown so large I’m beginning to struggle with something. Are we a church or have we become a business?” The question forced me to consider my friend’s concern very carefully. How do we do the work of the Church well without being conformed in the mold of a business? A vital question. I have come to conclude the successful church must never lose sight that it is the Church, and the Church must never lose sight that it is to be successful! Quite simply put, the church is in the business of being the Church. Here are a couple of things I have learned over many years in the ministry of pastoral leadership that will help maintain equilibrium and bring success in “this business of being the Church.” First, we must continually maintain a biblical sense of mission. The mission of the local church is clear. It comes straight out of the Gospels. Our mission is to bring the gospel to all of mankind, provide an environment of edification for those who receive it, and display the love and compassion of Christ before others. We have one essential product: a changed human being. With this in mind the church can operate like a business without becoming a business. In business, the goal is not to change the customer. It’s not to educate the customer. It’s to satisfy the customer. The mission of the Church, however, is not to satisfy the customer, but to change the customer, to change worldly values into God’s values. We must continually maintain a biblical sense of mission and carry it out in the most efficient and effective way possible, even if it reminds some people of a business. Second, we must continually specialize in accomplishing the mission. The Church is the only organization that is not entirely concerned with the kingdom of this earth. All the others are totally focused on this side. We’re the only one with an eternal dimension. If we don’t specialize in accomplishing our mission, no one else will. For that reason, many good concerns are not to be the primary focus of the Church. More often than not we have to say, “The need is there but this ministry is not for us. It doesn’t pass the smell test when it comes to accomplishing our mission.” Quite frankly, I am nonplussed with the aesthetic lakes, swimming pools, bowling lanes, gift shops, dance centers, retirement housing and elaborate food courts that are becoming common place accouterments in the staggeringly expensive church facilities being built throughout America. The sheer demands of personnel, dollars and infrastructure of management required for operations virtually ensures that the “church” eventually becomes a business. If you go to the American Lung Association and say: “Haven’t you seen the frightening statistics indicating that 97 percent of all Americans have ingrown toenails? Why don’t you help?” they will tell you, “Our interest stops above the neck and below the navel. We focus on lungs…” The Church needs to operate in this way also. Crystal Evangelical Free Church must clearly establish and continually maintain a biblical sense of mission and specialize in accomplishing that mission in the most expedient, organized and Spirit empowered way. In the process, we won’t worry about “appearing” like a business. We just won’t become a business except for our unwavering commitment to be in the business of being the Church of Jesus Christ. Finding Financial Freedom $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ “When money is no longer a rival god, people are freed up to relate to the real God and serve Him in profoundly new and deeper ways. As we manage our resources in God-honoring ways, lives are transformed, individuals and families experience reduced anxiety, relational restoration occurs, and the joy of financial freedom is felt” (“Good $ense” manual, by Dick Towner; Zondervan). Following Pastor Steve’s series on “Partnering with God Financially,” have you wanted to learn to put those principles into practice? Crystal Free Financial Health Ministry is in the business of ensuring we obey the first commandment, “You shall have no other gods before me.” We do this by offering opportunities to receive ministry or to join our ministry leadership team. Are You Hungry? Are you hungry for more of the presence of the Lord? Are you hungry for revival and transformation– in your life, your family, the church and your community? Ask the Lord to teach you more about prayer in 2004 at “Are You Hungry?” a prayer gathering for the entire Crystal Free family! Join us on the last Sunday of each month 7:00 p.m. in Sandberg Chapel Contact Steve Loopstra at or 612-327-9418. “See how hungry I am for Your counsel; preserve my life through Your righteous ways!” –Psalm 119:40 Opportunities to Receive Ministry Crown Ministry Small Groups Ten-week studies based on Larry Burkett’s “Christian Financial Concepts” are available for CEFC attenders. Topics include: spending, debt elimination, budgeting, saving and giving. Groups meet at a variety of times and locations. Materials fee: $48/individual, $58/couple. Contact Frank Butler at 763-546-5705. Individual Budget Counseling Trained Budget Counselors are currently available for individual appointments to examine your financial status and adjust it to conform to biblical principles. Contact Tiffany Jasmer at 763-971-5121. LAVISH Praise H ANOINTED Worship H DEEP Intimacy “Let EVERYTHING that has breath P RAISE the L ORD” –Psalm 150 Sundays, March 7 and May 2 7:00-8:00 p.m. H O p p o r t u n i t i e s t o J o i n t h e Te a m Small Group Leader Training Call 763-546-5705 for training opportunities with Frank Butler. Budget Counselor Training Marshall Heitzman trains and equips you to help others transform their finances and their lives. No financial background is required. Materials Fee: $30. Call Katherine Bentley at 763971-5123 to register. Have you visited Crystal Free Church’s website lately? Last fall our newly-renovated site went live and new information is being added each week. Select this site as a “favorite” for important church family information as well as helpful encouragement and support in a variety of life circumstances. Continue to pray for the CEFC Website Team and the wide range of ministry possibilities this incredible tool offers! 3 Family & Community Ministries 4 A Time to Laugh... “A cheerful heart is good medicine” –Proverbs 17:22 There’s nothing quite like a good laugh to soothe your weary soul and help you forget your cares, even if momentarily. Don’t miss a great opportunity to laugh with a member of the hilarious cast from the hit production, “Triple Espresso.” Comedian Bob Stromberg takes the stage on Friday, May 7 from 8:00 to 9:30 p.m. in the CEFC Worship Center. Reserved seating tickets are sold by mail only. Order forms are available beginning on Sunday, March 28. This show is open to all Crystal Free families and friends. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• A “Knight” to Remember! Hear ye, hear ye. Knights and fair maidens of the Crystal Free realm. His Majesty, the King, has commanded that a sumptuous feast (aka: “The 2004 Father/Daughter Banquet”!) be prepared in honour of noble fathers and their fair daughters on the seventh of May, 2004. The castle drawbridge will be lowered at 5:30 p.m. for festivity and photography. Renaissance costume or formal attire is heartily requested. His majesty will award special favors for the most authentic attire. Chief court jester, Sir Robert Stromberg, of the realm of Triple Espresso, will make for merry entertainment. Tickets may be purchased by mail only, commencing on the twenty-eighth of March. Keep thine eyes fixed upon the church bulletin and royal Information Centers for ticket order forms. If thou art baffled, call 763-536-3282. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Soul Mates Seminar Just Your Average Kid by Charlene Hoffman, Director of Parenting Ministries AS PARENTS WE MAKE DECISIONS ABOUT OUR KIDS every day. Some decisions are small, some can change the whole course of their lives. My son wants to sign up for baseball this year. It’s one thing if all I had to do was sign him up and then send him off. But these days we get choices. National or American league? Some teams have try-outs, others don’t. Do we want to be on a traveling team or just play on the local neighborhood teams? Then there are the commitments to practices and games. What about the rest of the summer? You can fill it up with science camps, swimming lessons, family vacations, visiting grandma and grandpa or just hanging out with friends. How do you begin to make these kinds of choices? Friends offer recommendations on wonderful resources meant to help my son achieve greatness. While I appreciate their intentions, I can’t help but feel that all these opportunities to turn my child into someone extraordinary miss the point. Does he really have to be academically or artistically above average to make a difference in the world? We all want the very best for our kids. And there’s nothing wrong with signing them up for drama or accelerated math programs if they enjoy the challenge or want to try something new. I do want to give my kids every opportunity to succeed. However, it’s tempting to start measuring my son’s worth as a person (not to mention my worth as a mom) by the wrong standard when we’re barraged with all these opportunities. I want my son to explore his gifts and passions, but at the end of the day, I want his success to be measured by how he treats people, how he handles disappointments and how he lives out his faith. I don’t want it to be measured by his ability to sing or find the square root of a number. More than anything, I want my children to be a light in the darkness. They can do that even if they are just average kids doing average things! If you have questions about parenting, contact CEFC Parenting Ministries at 763-971-5106. with Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott Join us for an informative and powerful relationship seminar. Saturday, March 13 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Crystal Evangelical Free Church Whether you’re dating seriously or have been married for years, you’ll be glad you attended this seminar! Registration brochures are available in the CEFC Information Centers. Contact Family & Community Ministries at 763-971-5102 for more information. Running on Empty? To get divorced because love has died, is like selling your car because it’s run out of gas. –Diane Sollee, Life Issues • Letting Jesus lift your anger from you A series that investigates and offers insights regarding challenging life issues “In your anger do not sin: do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold.” Ephesians 4:26 Rob has been a Christian for 16 years. He loves the Lord, has a great family and a job that puts food on the table. He’s also active in his church. To most, Rob is a wonderful Christian example, but to those who know him best, he can also be a time bomb ready to explode with anger. Rob’s wife, Beth, loves him deeply, but has been afraid when his angry words and yelling turn him into a stranger. She’s especially fearful of what his anger seems to be doing to their children. They are growing distant toward Rob and have increasingly begun acting out in anger toward one another. Beth is afraid to bring up her concerns because his reactions are unpredictable. So, she continues to pray, trying her best not to make waves. At the same time, he tries to manage his frustrations by clamming up. That, however, does not mean he allows others to have their way. Instead, he complains behind people’s backs. Often times, his initial attempt to not say anything in order to avoid hurting someone’s feelings ends up hurting several people in the end. Though fictitious, this scenario is being played out in many homes. Nearly all of us come into adulthood with the residual effects of difficult childhood experiences and the lies we believe about them. We learn coping mechanisms along the way to manage the effects of those lies as they are triggered. For someone like Rob, the compulsive anger may derive from a belief that he must control circumstances to keep from feeling pain. All this is not to say anger is always negative. God’s righteous anger is mentioned 18 times in the Old Testament and in the New Testament Jesus became angry with those who misled others. Actually, “anger is a God-given emotion which indicates unresolved tension within a person’s spirit. It is anger’s motives, forms of expression and effects that determine whether it is sinful or appropriate.”1 At times Rob may have righteous anger about things that also anger God. Other times it may come out of his inability to constructively deal with or identify his emotions. Maybe he felt unloved or misunderstood as a child and, somewhere along the way, vowed never to be close to or hurt by people. Or, perhaps there was an unwritten rule in his family that expressing emotions and opinions was not allowed. He may have been told crying wasn’t for little boys or that his opinions weren’t valid. On the other hand, the anger he witnessed may have been expressed in rage and belittlement.This may have led him to vow never to get angry. He still holds to that vow today, pushing down any feelings of anger or disagreement. In these kinds of environments, children are not taught to identify their feelings or understand how to express them in a healthy manner. As they grow up, they often fear situations and relationships which expect them to do so. Like Rob they bring the “rules” and admonitions about emotions with them into adulthood. In this way, they may successfully block out some of the potential pain in life, but they also close out authentic love and acceptance for and from others. Unfortunately, Rob’s method of managing emotions only lasts so long before the proverbial cork pops and anger or other unwanted emotions surface. Even if he’s successful at keeping these emotions at bay, he risks other side effects, including a variety of health issues associated with suppressed emotions. We were not created to hold these powerful feelings inside. God calls us to walk in the light and openly work through matters of disagreement, misunderstanding and frustration. By doing so, we can actually deepen and grow in our relationships. While adults in Rob’s childhood may have sinned by punishing him for his feelings, today it is up to him, with the help of the Lord, to humbly learn godly and healthy ways of dealing with emotions. As a child, Rob did not know God’s Word directs us to not let the sun go down on our anger. We’re directed to clear up issues of anger in a productive and timely manner so that they don’t grow and end up leaving scars. To Rob, anger was wrong, so he determined to stuff it down. Left unchecked, even his “righteous anger” can turn into bitterness, contempt and exploitation. If you are dealing with compulsive anger tendencies, honestly consider if you consistently possess more than a few of the following hidden signs of anger2: • Depression • Chronic sarcasm, impatience and resentful pessimism • Expectations of perfection in self and others • Frequent stress-related illnesses • A critical spirit • Outbursts of yelling or physical abuse • Tendency to gossip or not cooperate • Legalistic attitudes • Demanding or domineering attitudes • Unwillingness to see or admit your faults or weaknesses • Areas of unforgiveness toward others • Harsh attitudes toward various people groups • Difficulty expressing emotions or being vulnerable • Contempt toward those who do share emotions If you’ve determined that you are one of many who struggle with compulsive, unhealthy anger, it is important to realize you need more than a strong desire and good intentions to manage this powerful emotion. Following are some good first steps to take as you address unhealthy patterns of anger: • Take responsibility for the presence of unresolved, lie-based thinking and actions that lead to sinful ways and cause you to lose control of your emotions. Ask the Lord to show you if there’s anything He wants you to see about your anger. Anger, continued on page 7... 5 “Anger” continued from page 5 Tearing Down the High Places • Commit to not blame others for your irritations. See them as triggers for what is already present inside you. You may have legitimate anger about the sin you see in others, but problems arise when you allow your reaction to overtake your life, lead you to sin, or blind you to your own faults. King Josiah’s reign was blessed by the Lord because he “did not turn aside from doing what was right” (2 Chronicles 34:2) and he went to great lengths to purify the cities under His rule. We too must do the work of removing from our lives the places, things, people and thoughts that cause us to wander from God’s ways. King Josiah saw to it that the altars for the images of Baal and their incense altars were torn down. He also made sure that the Asherah poles, the carved idols and the cast images were smashed (1 Chronicles 34:4). For this, He and His people were blessed and protected. What things in your life clearly have the potential of leading you down a wrong path? Are you holding on to things, thoughts, memories or people which lead to anger, bitterness, lust or other unholy behaviors and choices? Like God’s people in the time of Josiah, if we humble ourselves and recognize how we have strayed, He will surely hear us and save us from the disaster that may have awaited us. As ironic as it may be, there is freedom in the constraint of the Holy Spirit! Pastor John Piper provides an illustration to this kind of freedom. “There are sensations of unbounded independence that are not true freedom because they deny truth and are destined for calamity. For example, two women may jump from an airplane and experience the thrilling freedom of free-falling. But there is a difference: one is encumbered by a parachute on her back and the other is free from this burden. Which person is most free? The one without the parachute feels free–even freer, since she does not feel the constraints of the parachute straps. But she is not truly free. She is in bondage to the force of gravity and to the deception that all is well because she feels unencumbered. This false sense of freedom is in fact bondage to calamity which is sure to happen after a fleeting moment of pleasure.”1 Everything around you may tell you to do whatver feels right. Do not be deceived. The Lord’s ways are perfect and mean to lead us to freedom and life. Choose life today! “This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to His voice, and hold fast to Him.” –Deuteronomy 30:19 “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, You will not despise.” –Psalm 51:17 • Recognize you will never control people or circumstances. Give that attempt to control over to God. Seek to develop your relationship with our sovereign God who is the source of all emotional healing. Be open to new places He desires for you. • Do your own mistakes or those of others create agitation and irritation in you? Give yourself the freedom to make mistakes by asking Jesus to find the source of your need for perfection. • Find the source and origin of your dependence upon the “nice guy” or “she’s so sweet” label that enables you to avoid dealing with necessary conflict up-front. Instead, use your frustrations and emotions to lead you to where you first learned to avoid pain in this way. Ask Jesus to show you the truth about how to deal with conflict in healthy, open ways. One great motivation to resolving anger issues is the potential for satisfying, healthy relationships and personal peace. God makes it clear that this takes effort. Letting anger grow leads to bitterness and other troubles. His Word warns against letting bitterness grow, but it also provides us with ways of guarding against these troubles by finding healing and forgiveness. “Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord. See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.” –Hebrews 12:14-15 Like Rob’s wife, many spouses and friends also need to consider how they contribute to the problem of someone else’s anger issues. If you sweep their unnecessary, disrespectful, angry reactions under the carpet, you are not doing them or yourself any favors. Your avoidance of confronting difficult behavior is just as sinful. On the other hand, your healthy confrontation can motivate them to seek ministry for the painful emotions being triggered. The Lord calls us to honesty and integrity in relationships. Avoiding these issues just corrupts relationships and enables someone to continue unhealthy patterns. “But if we walk in the Light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus, His Son, purifies us from all sin.” –1 John 1:7 The reasons behind your anger may go deep below the surface of your current irritations. A great way to start dealing with anger is to humbly seek the Lord through healing prayer. Find a trusted friend to pray with and seek out some of the resources below to help you on the road to healing. For additional scripture on anger, also read Mark 3:1-6 and 11:25; Ephesians 4:30-32; Colossians 3:5-17; 1 Timothy 2:8; and James 1:19-26. • Anger Aware Focus Group Donna Hosher, Focus Group Director, 763-971-5118 1 “What’s the Difference?” by John Piper; Crossway Books, Wheaton, Illinois; ©1990 • Assessment and Referral Counseling Katherine Bentley, Care Ministries, 763-971-5123 • Freedom Ministry (freedom from strongholds) • Theophostic Ministry (inner-healing prayer) See Brochures on each of these ministries are available in the CEFC Information Centers or call Care Ministries at 763-971-5123. Counseling Insights, a Biblical Perspective on Caring for People–Anger; ©1997 Insight for Living. When Anger Hits Home; Gary Jackson Oliver and H. Norman Wright; ©1992 Moody Press; pgs. 236 and 237. 1, 2 7 F F F F Children’s Ministries A Summer ull of un, riends and aith! 8 IS SUMMER REALLY ONLY A COUPLE OF MONTHS AWAY? That means it’s time to start considering how your children might best spend summer vacation. And, it also means your Children’s Ministries team has been hard at work preparing a great summer of growth for them. Here’s an update of what you can expect from this summer: VBS on a Sunday…Beginning June 6 at the 9:30 and 11:15 a.m. Sunday Worship Celebrations your kids can take part in a VBS format of exciting Bible-centered experiences. Watch your bulletin for more details. KidsWay…This exciting, four-night event for the family runs June 6-9 and promises to be a wonderful experience for everyone! Join acrobat, DonB, and musical ventriloquist, Mark Thompson, and bring friends and neighbors to hear a clear gospel message in a non-threatening environment. This event is for the whole family! (Children kindergarten and under must have adult supervision.) Camp Heritage…We’re excited to present “Pilgrims & Patriots” on June 15-17. Your 3rd-5th graders will enjoy learning about our godly heritage while being prepared to live out their faith. Space is limited, so sign up soon. (See accompanying article on Camp Heritage.) Sports Camp…Join us June 21-25 as we combine sports and the Bible in a refreshing way. We tentatively plan to offer basketball, soccer, tennis, cheerleading and one other sport. (Sports selections are subject to change based upon participation.) Sports Camp is for 1st-5th grade students. CrossRoads Summer Enrichment…CrossRoads offers five special weeks with our licensed CrossRoads staff (June 7-10, 14-17; July 12-15, 19-22, 26-29). If you’ve considered enrolling your child in CrossRoads preschool, one of these weeks is a great introduction. Space is limited, so call soon! The Luis Palau Festival…This wonderful festival runs August 7-8 from 12:00-6:00 p.m. at the State Capital Mall. PSK Camp…Back by popular demand, this camp (for children, three years old-kindergarten) presents “Jesus & Me” and “Old Testament Buddies” on June 22-24 and June 29-July 1. Children’s Ministries also offers two summer discipleship programs through which parents can lead their children. “Awesome Adventure” is a two-week course allowing parents to disciple children in the basics of their faith. “Jungle Adventure” provides parents with material to lead their children through truths found in the fruit of the Spirit while it helps build character values into their lives. Both courses are available through Pastor Greg Braly. As you consider the options, we’re sure you’ll find some great tools to teach your children in fun environments. We hope to see you and your children this summer! Pastor Greg Braly Extreme Sports Day…Watch for more details on a sports day of skateboarding, rock climbing, biking and more. Pick up future issues of our children’s newsletter to learn more and mark your calendar for Thursday, July 29. Science Camp…On July 12-16, “Adventures in Creation” gives children fun and helpful information about fossils, as well as offering hands-on experiences like building a giant mammoth and an Ark, and going on a fossil dig. Science Camp helps build a strong foundation in your 3rd-5th grade student’s life and faith. Watch for dates to be announced. (See accompanying article on Science Camp.) Camp K2…Join Pastor Greg Braly and friends as they take you through a super Bible adventure during this special three-day summer camp for children, kindergarten through second grade on July 13-15. Music Camp…Your kids will love learning more about music while they develop a heart for worship and music ministry at this great day camp experience July 19-25. Camp ends with an opportunity to present a children’s musical in CEFC’s morning Worship Celebrations on July 25. C r y s t a l F r e e C h u r c h C h i l d r e n ’s M i n i s t r i e s Building a Godly Heritage Camp Heritage June 15-17 Science Camp July 12-16 GOD COMMANDED THE ISRAELITES to year after year recall the mighty deeds that He had done for them as a nation. He knows how important it is to actively remind ourselves of His goodness. Karl Marx knew the power this kind of reminder could hold when he said, “Take away the heritage of a people and they are easily persuaded.” Unfortunately, the godly heritage of the United States has been continually undermined for at least the last 50 years and many aspects of it will soon be forgotten if the Church does not work to keep it alive. Children’s Camps, continued on page 11 Care Ministries: providing fellowship and support Senior Adult Ministry Silver & Gold Luncheons Resume Silver & Gold senior adult luncheons are a great time of fellowship and outreach to those in the church as well as the local community. The cost for the meal and program is $3.50 and profits go to several missionaries around the world. Mark your calendar with the 2004 schedule below. All luncheons are on Thursdays from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the CEFC Family Center (lower level). Join us this year! Call Care Ministries at 763-971-5123 for more details. 2004 Silver & Gold Luncheon Schedule April 15, May 20, June 17, July 15, August 19, September 16, October 21, November 18, December 16 CEFC Health Ministry partners with Soteria Family Health Center to present... Aging is God’s Idea Planning for the Future Saturday, April 24 • 8:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. CEFC Ministry Center Topics include… • Physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of aging • Legal issues in estate planning, wills, trusts and power of attorney • Funeral planning • End of life issues, including Advanced Directives For additional information, call 763-971-5120. Disability Ministry Victorious Living Ministry A Ministry Name that Reflects Spiritual Results Victorious Living Ministry claims its name due to the victorious relief people experience from personal and spiritual strongholds and lies. The two ministries it encompasses, Freedom Ministry and Theophostic Ministry, are primarily prayer ministries, bringing people before the throne of God through confidential appointments with trained intercessors. • Freedom Ministry addresses the strongholds we may have in a broad range of areas. • Theophostic Ministry specifically addresses the source and origin of the lies from the enemy in more of a laserlike fashion. Crystal Free Church has the privilege of being a regional and national resource for these two ministries. If you have a heart for co-laboring with Christ in setting minds free (2 Corinthians 10:5) and restoring broken hearts (Isaiah 61:1), call Judy Hagen, Director of Victorious Living Ministry at 763-971-5130 and join us! Save Our Students (S.O.S.) A seminar for students and adults Sponsored by the Minnesota Family Institute Saturday, April 17 • 9:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. CEFC Sandberg Chapel In this special seminar for teens and adults, you’ll hear the reality of the gay agenda in public schools and the risks it presents to your children. Learn what children are learning about homosexuality and how you can respond. For more information, call 763-971-5121. Help rescue our youth from the sexual confusion so prevalent in today’s culture! A Blessing to All “He is not here, for He is risen! Go quickly, and tell His disciples.” –Matthew 28:6 Just as with anyone in CEFC Sunday school classes, it is so vital that our friends who are involved in Disability Ministry learn that Jesus died, rose from the dead and lives for them too! Each week we ask: “Why are these facts important? Why could only Jesus do this for us?” Participants in our class surprise us with their simple but profound answers: “Jesus is God’s son.” “He died on the cross.” “He rose from the dead.” “He lives in heaven.” This life-changing story is told through song, sign, Bible reading and visual images. We’ve seen over 100 individuals with profound disabilities participate in our fellowship and it’s been a life-changing experience for those of us serving in this ministry. We invite you to join us and enjoy God’s blessings in Disability Ministry. Help us let others know that He lives and has risen for them! Upcoming Disability Ministry Easter Events Glory Club Friendship Class Easter Worship and Teaching Easter Video and Fellowship Sunday, April 4 • 11:15 a.m. Tuesday, April 6 • 7:00 p.m. Family Center C Gym (lower level) CEFC Family Invitation Join us on Tuesday, May 4 from 6:30-8:00 p.m. in the Family Center for a Care Ministries Volunteer Appreciation Dessert event. Express your encouragement for the care from all our volunteers over the last year! 9 Spiritual Life & Growth 10 Discovery You’ve heard about it…“The Passion of the Christ” You’ve read about it…“The Passion of the Christ” You’ve even seen it…“The Passion of the Christ” ? LPHA A ARE YOU YOUNG in the Christian faith? Do you struggle to make sense of it all? Or are you just interested in finding out more about Christianity? You’re not alone! Join others who have similar questions in “Discovery.” Discovery is offered on Sundays at 9:30 a.m. in the Main Campus Conference Room. Six topics of essential importance in discovering who God is and how He works in the world today are investigated. Come discover what a relationship with God involves. For more information, call Spiritual Life & Growth Ministries at 763-536-3226. a safe place to ask questions What’s all this talk of faith, hope, love and forgiveness? How could something so brutal, so cruel, so horrible be so…beautiful? You have questions. Your family has questions. Your friends have questions. Where can you turn? Alpha…a safe place to ask questions. Bring your questions and come explore or reacquaint yourself with the teachings of Christianity. Invite your non-churched friends and experience God’s presence in a powerful way. Alpha is for… GET…continued from page 1 The Team The Global Encouragement Team (GET) consists of committed Christian professionals from Crystal Free Church who have expertise in the areas of Bible teaching, praise and worship, counseling and prayer, and personal skills development and consulting. Our desire is to enhance the effectiveness of God’s servants and to help sustain them in ministry through encouragement and care. An Opportunity Crystal Free Church has teamed up with Youth for Christ– Southern Africa to hold a GET Ministries Conference. Missionaries from numerous mission agencies and from the countries of Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe are invited. Together, CEFC and YFC–Southern Africa are committed to providing complete programming for the GETSouthern Africa conference at an affordable price to the missionary community. God has blessed us abundantly at Crystal Free Church. He wants us to also bless the world. While only a few of us will actually go to South Africa, all of the Crystal Free family is involved. Through prayer, funding and encouragement, you hold an important role. The impact God can provide through GET Ministries is beyond our comprehension. In the midst of cross-cultural isolation, distance and hardship, the Crystal Free family has the opportunity to help meet the needs of those who represent our Lord Jesus in foreign lands. We’re excited to let God use us to make a worldwide and eternal impact! Anyone interested in finding out more about the Christian faith. Adults of all ages are welcome. Learning and laughter. It is possible to learn about the Christian faith and to have fun at the same time. People meeting together. An opportunity to get to know others and make new friends. Helping one another. Small groups give you a chance to discuss issues raised during the talks. Ask anything. Alpha is a place where no question is seen as too simple or too hostile. Join us for the spring “What’s-It-All-About… Alpha?” on Monday, April 19. If you like what you see, then come back. There is never any obligation. Spring 2004 Alpha Mondays, April 19-June 28 6:00 to 8:30 p.m. There is no cost for the course. Dinner and childcare is provided. Call Donna Janes at 651-636-9786 or email for details and to register. W Too Self-Sufficient to Pray? " e have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of heaven. We have been preserved these many years in peace and prosperity. We have grown in numbers, wealth and power as no other nation has ever grown. But we have forgotten God. …We have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us!" –Abraham Lincoln, "Proclamation Appointing a National Fast Day," March 30, 1863, reprinted in The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln, ed. Roy P. Basler (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1953), vol. 6, p. 156. “Children’s Camps”… It’s Gonna Be a Really Good Day! our very own Pastor Jeff McCourt, Edy Lavelanet, Kevin Mills and Rachel Gaspar. With a variety of musical styles, this CD offers something for just about everyone, delighting those from age 2 Jody Abboud has a passionate desire to to 92. From the fun and funky “Amazing Grace Rap” to the celtic-flavored see the next generation of believers grow in the ability to freely express their “Psalm 23” and the intimate “I Was Made to Worship You,” there is sure to love for the Lord. Out of that desire, be a style that inspires you and your she’s produced a wonderful new chilfamily to enter His courts with praise! dren’s CD called, “It’s Gonna Be a Really Good Day!” The New Song Kids “It’s Gonna Be a Really Good Day!” Choir featured on the CD includes many is available at the CEFC bookstore or children who regularly attend Crystal Free Katie’s Hallmark (Four Seasons Church, as well as the contributions of Mall in Plymouth). God’s Classroom…a Teaching Style for Everyone! Making your daily prayer, “Change me Oh God–transform my mind and revive my heart!” DO YOU HAVE A TEACHABLE spirit? Do you yearn to grow in maturity and walk closer with God? Scripture is replete with encouragement for us to develop a life of learning. It’s clear that doesn’t mean a life with our heads completely buried in books, even the Bible. God is more creative than that! Sometimes learning is just plain hard work, but God also provides an assortment of creative ways to learn and grow–enough to keep us on our toes, hold our attention and motivate any personality or learning style. Most of us realize the value of having people around who are open to letting God teach them new things. Do you know people like that? They haven’t reached perfection or even pretend it’s possible, but they have a humble and teachable spirit no matter how long they’ve known Christ. Like all of us, those individuals sin and make mistakes from time to time. But what makes such a person stand out is that he or she humbly recognizes the weaknesses and sees them as opportunities for God to teach and pour out His strength and grace. Those are also the people we choose to go to when we’ve goofed up. You won’t get a lecture or a wagging finger, but you’ll probably get someone who can relate to you, pray with you and encourage you along the right path. It’s not the person striving for perfection who makes a good friend, but one who is asking God to change him or her to be more and more like Christ. This person is constrained by the Holy Spirit, while open to His power. A teachable spirit means a humble spirit because it says, “I don’t have this all figured out. I need God and I need to continually be transformed.” What a refreshment to be around such a person! Is that the kind of person you long to be? What does God’s Word have to say about having a teachable spirit? There are over 100 times it encourages the art of learning. See the CEFC homepage at and click on the Heartbeat banner for a brief look at what God has to say about cultivating a life of learning and growing. Read the selected scripture while you ask God to open your heart to grow in seven important areas of learning: • The Study of Scripture • Life Experience • The Experience of Others: Role Models/Wise Counsel/History • Direct Teaching from God • Learning through Suffering • Developing a Humble Heart • Putting Lessons Into Action Ask the Lord if there’s an area or two where you especially need growth. Contact Spiritual Life & Growth Ministries at 763971-5226 to learn more. continued from page 8 Children had the opportunity to learn about the history of dinosaurs at Science Camp 2003. Are you aware of the miracles God performed on the behalf of this nation to bring us independence? Did you know that the majority of our founding fathers believed in God and the Bible? They were convinced that our government should be established in obedience to God’s Word. Along with these facts, at Camp Heritage your child will learn about the miracles that took place in the making of our nation. Can your children support their belief in God as their Creator and defend the Creation Theory? Are they asking things like: “Did man live with dinosaurs?” “What happened to the dinosaurs?” “Did the flood really happen?” “What did Noah’s ark look like?” “Do fossils fit in with the Bible?” If you want your children to have an understanding of these important subjects, you’ll want to to enroll them in Science Camp. Through hands-on projects and games, they’ll learn that the Bible is true and that science supports that fact! If your third through fifth graders have not yet attended Camp Heritage and Science Camp, we encourage you to enroll them in one or both this summer. It is crucial that they are introduced to these truths at a young age before they are indoctrinated into the pervading “politically correct” secular humanist view of the origin of life and American history. Camp Heritage and Science Camp offer your children a fun way (multi-media, costumes, hands-on projects) to learn principles and historical facts that will help solidify their faith for a lifetime! Now’s the time to begin working on your summer calendar! Contact Children’s Ministries at 763-536-3240 for additional information on summer camps. 11 S T U D E N T M Fusion I N I S T R I E S UPCOMING EVENTS FUSION IS A NEW YOUNG ADULT ministry with a unique approach. It emphasizes a faith community with an atmosphere that develops everyday disciples of Jesus and leads them to transform their church and their world. Fusion emphasizes: • Practical, relevant and interactive Bible teaching • Authentic, passionate worship • Relational, transparent community • Purpose-driven worldview Student Ministries Schedule Friday, March 12 PowerHouse concert featuring “Look Alive” Sunday, March 14 Quiz meet Sunday, April 11 No Student Ministries Sunday, April 18 Districts Quiz Meet April 30-May 2 Districts April 30-May 2 Jr./Sr. Getaway The leadership of Fusion is a group of young adults whose hearts are excited to minister to their sphere of influence. Our kickoff date is Saturday, April 17. Watch for more details! If you know of a young adult (age 18-26) who is looking for a place to connect to God, church and other young adults, contact Pastor Geoff Safford at 763-971-5113. New Ministry to Parents 2004 Jr./Sr. Getaway P.A.C.T. IS A GROWING AND DEVELOPING MINISTRY TO PARENTS So you liked the Dells, our former Getaway location? Say good-bye to that tradition and say hello to a whole new adventure! We’re shaking things up this year. Get ready for a drive, some great food, fun sightseeing and fancy clothes. And, don’t worry, we’ll still get wet! The best part is it’s a mystery–one you won’t want to miss! 2004 Jr./Sr. High Getaway April 30-May 2 Cost: $140 (Cost includes transportation, hotel, mystery activity and all meals except lunch on Saturday and Sunday.) We depart on Friday, April 30 at 12:30 p.m. and return on Sunday, May 2 at 5:00 p.m. Counting on the IF YOUR TEENAGER LISTED THE TOP TEN individuals they for young adults by young adults to young adults of Jr. and Sr. High students. P.A.C.T. stands for Parents and Children Together. Our goal in this ministry is two-fold: • Connect parents to their children in a spiritually-healthy mentoring relationship. • Connect parents to, and inform them of, the culture in which their children are growing. A recent Gallup survey noted the mixed messages that are sent out by today’s teens. What we have discovered is that if we can get past the externals (hair styles, music, clothes, piercings and body art) we may be surprised to find a generation that is crying out for help. • A cry for trust • A cry for love • A cry for security • A cry for purpose • A cry to be heard • A cry to be valued • A cry for support P.A.C.T. meets one Wednesday a month. If you’re interested in this new parenting ministry, contact Pastor Geoff Safford at 763-971-5113. Culture? respect and admire in the area of personal integrity, would you make the cut? Unfortunately, even many Christian students don’t have role models at home when it comes to living a life of purity, personal integrity and respect for others. Obviously none of us is living a life of perfection. We’re all on a journey. The real question is, how do our children witness us reacting to those times when we stumble? Do we openly admit our mistakes? Do we apologize when necessary? Do we turn to God and seek Him for our satisfaction in life? Or do our children see us searching for fulfillment in entertainment, gathering possessions and self gratification? One thing is certain–we can’t leave the role modeling up to 12 our culture. “While American culture bombards young people with messages that sexual exploration or experimentation at a young age is healthy and normal, current health statistics are sending them a very different message–the truth. Each day in America, 8,000 teenagers are infected with sexually transmitted diseases. More than a million teenage girls will become pregnant this year, which can be expected to account for 20 percent of the 1.3 to 1.5 million abortions that will be performed in the U.S. this year.” (© 2004 Agape Press) We can’t count on our culture to teach and lead our kids. Let’s commit to live lives that model the purity and godly standards that lead them into the future without the baggage and regrets that today’s world is enticing them into. Student Ministries is dedicated to helping you do this in an effective way. Contact our office at 763-9715108 for more information. Help support Student Ministries’ PowerHouse outreach at the 2004 PowerHouse Golf Open! Messianic Passover Seder 2004 an evening of Messiah, Marty and Music HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED just what the Last Supper was all about? Many Christians don’t realize that the last supper Jesus ate with His disciples was actually a Passover Seder, one of three major feasts celebrated annually by the Hebrew people. The tradition of the Passover celebrates the deliverance by God of the Jewish people from their bondage in Egypt nearly 3,500 years ago. You can learn more about this important celebration when you attend... PowerHouse Golf Open The Messianic Passover Seder Friday, April 2 6:00-9:00 p.m. CEFC Family Center Join Pastor Irv Woolf, Greg Bownik and Marty Goetz, Jewish believers in Jesus, as they lead you through this ancient Jewish celebration. Included in the Seder is a ritual meal, kosher supper and a delicious four-course meal. In addition, Marty Goetz will lead us in tremendous Messianic music. For more information or to receive a registration form, call Family & Community Ministries at 763-971-5102. To plan appropriately for this meal, we must receive registrations before Sunday, March 28. The Lord’s Pantry Easter Baskets WITH EASTER JUST AROUND THE CORNER, the Lord’s Pantry Team is planning to prepare baskets of fresh and packaged food for those experiencing financial hardship. If you need food assistance, call the Crystal Free Church Reception Desk at 763-533-2449 by Sunday, April 4. If you know of someone from the Crystal Free family who could benefit from this ministry, encourage him or her to call with the request. The Lord’s Pantry is now accepting food donations. A shopping list is posted on the Care Ministries bulletin boards at the Main and Extended Campuses. These donations can be left at the Extended Campus. Thanks for supporting this special ministry to those in need! SUPPORT IS NEEDED for the PowerHouse Golf Open! God is increasingly and creatively using the PowerHouse to reach students and the community while helping connect them to church. Here are some ideas on how you can help in this vital ministry: • Register to play in the PowerHouse Open that takes place on Tuesday, May 18. • Help raise funds to reach the community. • Donate prizes or funds for the tournament. • Recruit someone to play in the Open with you. • Pray that God will use the PowerHouse to impact many more in the future. • Visit us in the PowerHouse and learn more about the ministry. The PowerHouse Open is again hosted at The Links at Northfork in Ramsey, Minnesota. We’re praying for a full golf course for a day of fun and fundraising! For more information about Student Ministries and the PowerHouse, call Laura Arseneau at 763-971-5114. L Seeing God Through Suffering “ ike it or not, suffering is a necessary part of holiness. This statement is not intended to minimize real hurt and terrible agony, not to paint a happy face on people as they grapple with these things. But suffering can be more than just pain, and distress can have meaning greater than itself. One writer puts it this way: ‘In the reckonings of humans, suffering is a disqualification for life; in the ways of God it is an equipment for life.’ Our painful moments can become a crucible through which Christ-in-us is formed. Rather than evidence of a failed relationship with God, pain can deepen relationship by revealing God from new angles.” –Judith Hougen, “Transformed Into Fire;” pg 142; Kregel Publications; ©2002 13 The Great Light of Jesus Draws Near During... Stephen Ministry at Work! A Word of Encouragement from a Grateful Care Receiver “I was going through a divorce and had lots of regrets and disappointments. A co-worker noticed I wasn’t myself and asked about it. I didn’t know he was a Stephen Minister, but as time went on, he became a real friend. While he seldom spoke, he asked all the right questions and let me talk about everything. Listening to myself revealed how I was really feeling and I slowly began to work things out. This man really cared for me with no strings attached. It was one of the few times I have experienced God’s unconditional love. As time went on, this friend gently, and sometimes not so gently, coaxed me into going to a divorce recovery group. It was there that I began to accept my part in the failure of my marriage. When I began attending Crystal Free Church I went on a short-term mission trip. During that time I was told that I was a caring person and would make a good Stephen Minister. In response, I took the training. Through my own experiences, I learned first-hand the value of being available for others who are going through a life crisis. That’s why I serve as a Stephen Minister and love doing it.” Would you like to let God use what He’s taught you through life experiences? Pray about taking Stephen Ministry training next fall. You’ll learn valuable tools for your own life as well as how to be an encouragement to those around you. Contact Care Ministries at 763-971-5123 for more information on Stephen Ministry. Focus Group Ministry Letting God Use Your Experiences to Encourage Others Have you ever gone through a difficult time? Did you come through it strengthened and refined? Maybe you’ve wondered if God might use that experience to help others? Perhaps the Lord is nudging you to join our Focus Group Team as a leader in your particular area of life experience. We’re looking for additional qualified small group leaders in the following areas: Celebrate Recovery (addictions), Mending Hearts Divorce Care (separation/divorce), GriefShare (loss through death), Career Transitions (unemployment), Compassionate Responders (mental illness), Chance to Change (gambling) and Weight Loss. The CEFC Focus Group Ministry is centered on encouraging one another to live healthy lives here on earth while having our focus on heaven. To learn more, contact Donna Hoshor, Director of Focus Group Ministry, at 763-971-5118. 14 The Dark Nights of the Soul “God the Father has his eye on each of you, and has determined by the work of the Spirit to keep you obedient through the sacrifice of Jesus. May everything good from God be yours! What a God we have! And how fortunate we are to have him, this Father of our Master Jesus! Because Jesus was raised from the dead, we’ve been given a brand new life and have everything to live for, including a future in heaven–and the future starts now! God is keeping careful watch over us and the future. The Day is coming when you’ll have it all–life healed and whole. I know how great this makes you feel, even though you have to put up with every kind of aggravation in the meantime. Pure gold put in the fire comes out of it proved pure; genuine faith put through this suffering comes out proved genuine. When Jesus wraps this all up, it’s your faith, not your gold, that God will have on display as evidence of his victory. You never saw Him, yet you love Him. You still don’t see Him, yet you trust Him–with laughter and singing. Because you kept on believing, you’ll get what you’re looking forward to: total salvation.” –1 Peter 2-9, The Message LISA ANDERSON, AN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL teacher who has attended Crystal Free Church for 14 years, will tell you she has personally experienced the sentiment of the verses above, most dramatically in the past 18 months. Due to an unforeseen illness, she has walked on the very edge of death and seen God’s watchful eye upon her life in deep and mysterious ways. Her doctors concur that the healing of her body has been nothing less than a miracle–“a brand new life” given to her. Lisa continues to experience the refining work of God’s hand as the challenges of sight impairment make their way into her life. She cannot physically see as she once did, but there’s no doubt that God has brought incredible healing to Lisa’s spiritual sight–in ways she would never trade for 20/20 vision. Have you in the past, or are you currently going through “dark nights of the soul”? You’ll want to see Crystal Free’s homepage at for a glimpse of Lisa’s journey through those times when her future seemed darkest. (Click on “LifeStories.”) As you read, give thanks to the Lord for His healing power and ask Him to speak to you of His great love and intimate care for your own precious life and soul. For support and encouragement during difficult times of physical, emotional or spiritual struggle, contact Care Ministries at 763-971-5123. A Ministry Publication of Crystal Evangelical Free Church Volume 10, No. 2 March 7 March 9 March 12 March 13 March 13, 14 March 19 March 22 March 28 April 2 April 3 April 4 April 8 April 9 April 11 April 13 April 17 April 19 April 23-25 April 24 April 25 April 26 April 28 April 30-May 2 May 2 May 4 May 7 May 9 May 10 May 18 May 21-23 May 23 March/April 2004 OneFifty Praise & Worship Ministry for Men: “Second Tuesday” PowerHouse Concert Featuring “Look Alive” “Soul Mates” Seminar with Dr. Les Parrott Gospel Music Celebration with Calvin Hunt A Women’s Tea “Generations of Joy” Ladies’ Latte – Coffee Night at the PowerHouse “Are You Hungry?” Prayer Gathering Messianic Passover Seder with Marty Goetz Children’s Ministries Family Easter Celebration Marty Goetz Concert “Preparation for the Cross” Easter Drama Good Friday “Celebration of the Cross” Easter Resurrection Celebrations Ministry for Men: “Second Tuesday” “Save Our Students” Seminar “What’s-It-All-About...ALPHA” Course begins Women’s Ministries “While-Away” Retreat “Aging is God’s Idea–Planning for the Future” “Are You Hungry?” Prayer Gathering Marriage Preparation Class Begins Women’s Ministries Bible Studies Closing Events Jr. High/Sr. High Getaway OneFifty Praise & Worship Care Ministries Volunteer Appreciation Event Father-Daughter Banquet with Bob Stromberg Child Dedication Ladies’ Latte – Coffee Night at the PowerHouse PowerHouse Golf Open Pure Marriage Encounter Weekend “Are You Hungry?” Prayer Gathering Impacting Our City, the Nation and the World