Error analysis of approximation methods for stochastically modeled chemical reaction systems David F. Anderson∗ with Arnab Ganguly and Thomas Kurtz ∗ Department of Mathematics University of Wisconsin - Madison SAMSI Program on Stochastic Dynamics September 1st, 2009 Outline 1. Describe the model of interest: stochastically modeled population processes. 2. Discuss possible numerical algorithms: exact and approximate. 3. Discuss error analysis and the importance of proper scalings. Chemical reactions • Standard notation for chemical reactions: A+B →C is interpreted as “a molecule of A combines with a molecule of B to give a molecule of C.” • Each instance of the reaction A + B → C changes the state of the system by the vector: 2 3 −1 νk = 4 −1 5 . 1 The model and notation • Have d chemical species {S1 , S2 , . . . , Sd } undergoing a series of reactions, indexed by k . • If reaction k occurs at time t, then the state of the system, X (t), is updated via addition of the reaction vector νk ∈ Zd : X (t) = X (t−) + νk . • The waiting times for the reactions are exponentially distributed with intensity (propensity) functions λk : Rd → R≥0 : P( X (t + ∆t) = X (t) + νk | X (t) ) = λk (X (t))∆t + o(∆t). The model This model is a continuous time Markov chain in Zd≥0 with generator X (Af )(x) = λk (x)(f (x + νk ) − f (x)). k Kolmogorov’s forward equation (“Chemical Master Equation”) X X d P(x, t) = λk (x − νk )P(x − νk , t) − λk (x)P(x, t). dt k k describes how the distribution of the process changes in time. The model This model is a continuous time Markov chain in Zd≥0 with generator X (Af )(x) = λk (x)(f (x + νk ) − f (x)). k Kolmogorov’s forward equation (“Chemical Master Equation”) X X d P(x, t) = λk (x − νk )P(x − νk , t) − λk (x)P(x, t). dt k k describes how the distribution of the process changes in time. One intuitive representation for path-wise solutions is given by a random time-change « X „Z t X (t) = X (0) + Yk λk (X (s))ds νk , k 0 where the Yk are independent, unit-rate Poisson processes. Mass-action kinetics The standard intensity function chosen is mass-action kinetics: λk (x) = κk d Y i=1 xi ! . (xi − νkis )! Example: If S1 → anything, then λk (x) = κk x1 . Example: If S1 + S2 → anything, then λk (x) = κk x1 x2 . Example: If S1 + 2S2 → anything, then λk (x) = κk x1 x2 (x2 − 1). Mass-action kinetics The standard intensity function chosen is mass-action kinetics: λk (x) = κk d Y i=1 xi ! . (xi − νkis )! Example: If S1 → anything, then λk (x) = κk x1 . Example: If S1 + S2 → anything, then λk (x) = κk x1 x2 . Example: If S1 + 2S2 → anything, then λk (x) = κk x1 x2 (x2 − 1). • Recall pure birth process (X → 2X ) described in Mark Alber’s tutorial lecture. • This type of model is used ubiquitously for cellular biochemical processes and is filling the pages of Science and PNAS. • Typically referred to as a “chemical master equation” (Kolmogorov’s forward equation) model in this literature. • Models can be simple (single Gene-mRNA-Protein) or extremely complicated (E. coli heat shock response) Methods of investigation: numerical simulation X (t) = X (0) + X k t „Z Yk « λk (X (s))ds νk , 0 (GOOD NEWS) There are a number of numerical methods that produce statistically exact sample paths: 1. Gillespie’s algorithm. 2. The first reaction method. 3. The next reaction method. For each step of these methods one must find : (i) the amount of time that passes until the next reaction takes place: ∆n . (the minimum of exponential RVs) (ii) which reaction takes place at that time. Methods of investigation: numerical simulation X (t) = X (0) + X t „Z Yk « λk (X (s))ds νk , 0 k (GOOD NEWS) There are a number of numerical methods that produce statistically exact sample paths: 1. Gillespie’s algorithm. 2. The first reaction method. 3. The next reaction method. For each step of these methods one must find : (i) the amount of time that passes until the next reaction takes place: ∆n . (the minimum of exponential RVs) (ii) which reaction takes place at that time. (BAD NEWS) If P k λk (X (t)) 0, then 1 1 λ k k (X (t)) ∆n ≈ P and the time needed to produce a single exact sample path over an interval [0, T ] can be prohibitive. Tau-leaping Standard “τ -leaping” 1 was developed by Dan Gillespie in an effort to overcome the problem that ∆n may be prohibitively small. Z t Tau-leaping is essentially an Euler approximation of λk (X (s))ds: 0 Z (h) = Z (0) + X ≈ Z (0) + X d X „Z Yk h « λk (Z (s)) ds νk 0 k „ « Yk λk (Z (0)) h νk k = Z (0) + „ « Poisson λk (Z (0)) h νk . k 1 D. T. Gillespie, J. Chem. Phys., 115, 1716 – 1733. Tau-leaping One “intuitive” representation for Z (t) generated by τ -leaping is Z (t) = X (0) + X t „Z « λk (Z ◦ η(s))ds νk , Yk 0 k where η(s) = tn , if tn ≤ s < tn+1 is a step function giving left endpoints of time discretization. Another algorithm: A midpoint method For a time discretization 0 = t0 < t1 < · · · < tN = T , with h = tn − tn−1 , let ρ(z) = z + 1 X h λk (z)νk , 2 k be a “deterministic” midpoint approximation and let Z(t) solve: Z(t) = X (0) + X „Z Yk k where η(s) = tn , if tn ≤ s < tn+1 . 0 t « λk ◦ ρ(Z ◦ η(s))ds νk , Previous error analysis Under the scaling h → 0: 1. Rathinam, Petzold, Cao, and Gillespie2 showed, among other things (implicit methods, etc.), that tau-leaping is first order accurate in a weak sense if the intensity functions λk are linear. 2. Li3 extended this result by showing that standard tau-leaping has a strong error (in the L2 norm) of order 1/2 and a weak error of order one: q sup E |Z (tn ) − X (tn )|2 ≤ Ch1/2 n≤N |Ef (Z (T )) − Ef (X (T ))| ≤ Ch, where 0 = t0 < t1 < · · · < tN = T is a partition of [0, T ]. 3. The midpoint method is no more accurate than standard tau-leaping 2 3 M. Rathinam et al., SIAM Multi. Model. Simul., 4, 2005, 867 – 895. T. Li, SIAM Multi. Model. Simul., 6, 2007, 417 – 436. An example that needs explaining: part I Consider the simple example 1 X → 0, X (0) = 106 . Letting h = 1/102 and simulating 100,000 sample paths with each method yields the following approximate distributions Problem with the h → 0 scaling Recall, tau-leaping methods are only useful if h ∆n , for otherwise an exact method would be performed. Therefore, we should require that 1 ≈ ∆n k λk (X (t)) h P or h X λk (X (t)) 1. k So h → 0 does not seem to be an appropriate scaling to describe the accuracy of these methods. The “classical scaling” Summary: τ -leaping is only useful if h X λk (X (t)) 1 while 1 1. λ (X (t)) k k P k We will make the following natural assumptions on our model: (i) Xi (0) = O(V ) for some V 1 (think of as the “volume”). (ii) The rate constants of reactions of the form S1 → ∗, S1 + S2 → ∗, S1 + S2 + S3 → ∗, scale with V like: „ κk = O(1), 1 κk = O V « , „ « 1 κk = O . V2 A key property of this scaling For each k and x ∈ Rd λk (Vx) = VAVk (x) = O(V ). Example: • For the reaction S1 + S2 → ∗, λk (Vx) = dk (Vx1 )(Vx2 ) = V (dk x1 x2 ). V Time-step Recall: τ -leaping is only useful if h X λk (X (t)) 1 while k 1 1. λ (X (t)) k k P For β ∈ (0, 1), we let h = 1/V β . This scaling satisfies the above requirements: X h λ(X (t)) = V −β O(V ) = O(V 1−β ) 1. k Error analysis on scaled processes We consider the scaled processes def X V (t) = X (t) , V def Z V (t) = Z (t) , V def Z V (t) = Z(t) . V which satisfy « „ Z t 1 X AVk (X V (s))ds νk Yk V V 0 k „ « Z t 1 X Z V (t) = X V (0) + Yk V AVk (Z V ◦ η(s))ds νk V 0 k „ Z t « X 1 Yk V AVk ◦ ρV (Z V ◦ η(s))ds νk , Z V (t) = X V (0) + V 0 X V (t) = X V (0) + k where def ρV (z) = z + 1 X V h Ak (z)νk , 2 k and prove theorems in this setting. Strong error of standard tau-leaping Theorem (Anderson, Ganguly, Kurtz – 2009) Let X V (t) and Z V (t) denote the scaled processes for t ∈ [0, T ] with h = V −β . There exists a constant C = C(T ) > 0 such that sup E|X V (t) − Z V (t)| ≤ t≤T C = Ch. Vβ A new coupling of X V (t) and Z V (t) To sharpen the result, let " « „ Z t 1 X V V V Yk ,1 V X (t) = X (0) + AV k (X (s)) ∧ Ak (Z ◦ η(s)) ds V 0 k «– „ Z t V V V V V νk + Yk,2 V AV k (X (s)) − Ak (X (s)) ∧ Ak (Z ◦ η(s)) ds V V 0 " « „ Z t 1 X V V V Yk ,1 V (Z ◦ η(s)) ds (X (s)) ∧ A AV k k V 0 k „ Z t «# V V V V V V + Yk,3 V Ak (Z ◦ η(s)) − Ak (X (s)) ∧ Ak (Z ◦ η(s)) ds νk , Z V (t) = X V (0) + 0 where the Yk ,i are mutually independent Poisson processes. Note: distribution of the “marginal processes” X V (t) and Z V (t) are unchanged. Exact asymptotics for standard tau-leaping Theorem (Anderson, Ganguly, Kurtz – 2009) Let X V (t) and Z V (t) satisfy the new coupling for t ∈ [0, T ]. Then as V → ∞ V β (X V − Z V ) → E, where E(t) is deterministic and satisfies Z t Z 1 t DF (x(s))E(s)ds + E(t) = DF (x(s))F (x(s))ds, E(0) = 0, 2 0 0 and where f V → f means either lim P{sup |f V (t) − f (t)| > } = 0, V →∞ t≤T ˛ ˛ ˛ ˛ lim E sup ˛f V (t) − f (t)˛ = 0. V →∞ t≤T for all > 0 Idea of proof Can show: V V Z V t X (t) − Z (t) ≈ M (t) + DF V (Z V ◦ η(s))(X V (s) − Z V (s))ds 0 +V −β 1 2 t Z DF (Z V ◦ η(s))F V (Z ◦ η(s))ds 0 where M V (t) is a martingale and V (1+β)/2 M V ⇒ M, where M is a mean-zero Gaussian process. • (1 + β)/2 > β, so done. Weak error of standard tau-leaping The following is now immediate. Theorem (Anderson, Ganguly, Kurtz – 2009) Let X V (t) and Z V (t) be as before. Then, for any continuous differentiable function f “ ” lim V β Ef (X V (t)) − Ef (Z V (t)) = E(t) · ∇f (x(t)). V →∞ Strong error of midpoint tau-leaping Theorem (Anderson, Ganguly, Kurtz – 2009) Let X V (t) and Z V (t) denote the scaled processes for t ∈ [0, T ]. Then there exists a constant C = C(T ) > 0 such that ff C 1+β V V sup E|X (t) − Z (t)| ≤ κ(β) , where κ(β) = min 2β, . 2 V t≤T A new coupling of X V (t) and Z V (t) To sharpen the result, let " „ Z t « 1 X V V V V Yk ,1 V AV k (X (s)) ∧ Ak (ρ ◦ Z ◦ η(s)) ds V 0 k «– „ Z t V V V V V V (ρ ◦ Z ◦ η(s)) ds νk (X (s)) ∧ A (X (s)) − A + Yk,2 V AV k k k X V (t) = X V (0) + 0 " „ Z t « 1 X V V V V Z (t) = X (0) + AV Yk ,1 V k (X (s)) ∧ Ak (ρ ◦ Z ◦ η(s)) ds V 0 k „ Z t «# V V V V V V + Yk,3 V AV (ρ ◦ Z ◦ η(s)) − A (X (s)) ∧ A (Z ◦ η(s)) ds νk , k k k V V 0 where the Yk ,i are mutually independent Poisson processes. Exact asymptotics for midpoint tau-leaping Theorem (Anderson, Ganguly, Kurtz – 2009) Let X V (t) and Z V (t) satisfy the new coupling for t ∈ [0, T ]. Then as V → ∞ V 2β (X V − Z V ) → E1 , V V 2β (1+β)/2 if β < 1/3. V V if β = 1/3. V V if β > 1/3. (X − Z ) ⇒ E2 , (X − Z ) ⇒ E3 , Where E1 solves t Z DF (x(s))E1 (s)ds + H(t), E1 (t) = 0 E2 solves t Z E2 (t) = M(t) + DF (x(s))E2 (s)ds + H(t), 0 E3 solves t Z E3 (t) = M(t) + DF (x(s))E3 (s)ds. 0 Idea of proof Can show: X V (t) − Z V (t) ≈ M V (t) + t Z DF V (Z V ◦ η(s))(X V (s) − Z V (s))ds + V −2β H(t) 0 where V (1+β)/2 M V ⇒ M(t). For those who must know: H(t) = 1 6 Z 0 t DF (x(s))2 F (x(s))ds + 1 24 t Z 0 F (x(s))T HF (x(s))F (x(s))ds. Weak error of midpoint tau-leaping Theorem (Anderson, Ganguly, Kurtz – 2009) Let X V (t) and Z V (t) be as before. Then, for any C 3 function f , there exists a constant C = C(f , T ) > 0 such that ˛ ˛ ˛ ˛ V 2β sup ˛Ef (X V (t)) − Ef (Z V (t))˛ ≤ C. t≤T An example that needs explaining: part II Consider the simple example 1 X → 0, X (0) = 106 . V = 106 . Letting h = 1/102 = 1/V 1/3 (so β = 1/3) and simulating 100,000 sample paths with each method yields the following approximate distributions Take home messages 1. Scaling to get instructive error estimates is a tricky business and must be handled with care. 2. Can be informative in that it tells you what algorithms do (and which should be used).