Published and Copyright 2012 by:
Wisdom International School for Higher Education Studies (WISHES)
Abinsay St., Dumanlas, Buhangin
Davao City 8000, Philippines
http://www.wisdom.edu.ph & http://www.wisdomislamic.info
About Us (Founders’ Brief Profiles)
Our Value System
Our Vision and Mission
Long-term Goals
Our Recent and Past Projects and Activities 1986-2012
Our Future Projects and Activities 2013-2020
Contact us for More Information and Co-Sponsorship
Wisdom International School for Higher Education Studies (WISHES) is recognized by the Philippine government through
the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) as an accredited institution of
higher learning for higher Islamic studies (Diploma, BA, MA and Doctoral degree programs) and other degree programs (BSBA,
MBA and DBA) relevant to professional growth, well-balanced personality and ultimate success. It is the first accredited online
institution to offer double degrees: Bachelor of Arts in Islamic Studies and Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and
Bachelor of Arts in Islamic Studies and Bachelor of Science in Elementary/Secondary Education Major in English, giving
opportunity for students worldwide to have a well-balanced education. It has its physical campus in Davao City, Philippines
which offers the Basic Education (Pre-School, Elementary and High School) for Muslim young learners to learn Arabic, Islamic
Studies and Qur’an along with the modern curriculum required by the Philippine Department of Education.
WISDOM -- a word synonymous to knowledge and the translation of the Arabic word "hikmah" referring to the Prophet's Sunnah
in the Glorious Qur'an -- is an acronym for World Islamic Service for Developing Outstanding Muslims (WISDOM). This is the
theme of Wisdom Enrichment International Learning Program (WEILP) a project initially started in 2003 as a non-degree Islamic
Studies online program of the Wisdom Enrichment Foundation (WEFOUND), a non-profit, non-political, private organization
which is accredited by the Philippine Security and Exchange Commission (SEC). Alhamdullillah, after two years of operation,
WEILP has officially become the Wisdom International School for Higher Education Studies (WISHES) offering BA, MA and
Doctorate degree programs in Islamic Studies specializing in Aqeedah (Firm Belief), Islamic Personality Development and
Da’wah according to the Qur’an and the Sunnah. Students who will graduate in this educational institution are expected to have
the right aqeedah (belief) and/or eeman (faith), develop the characteristics expected of Muslims according to the Qur'an and the
Sunnah, and do righteous deeds for the sole pleasure of Allah the Most High. In this way, they will be able to do da'wah
(inviting people to Islam), enjoin the right and forbid the wrong so that in the sight of Allah the Most Merciful they become
outstanding Muslims. They will be among those successful Muslims who will attain Allah's Mercy -- worthy of His everlasting
rewards. Allah the Only True God and Sustainer says:
“You (practicing Muslims) are the best of peoples, evolved for mankind. You enjoin what is right, forbid what is wrong, and
believe in Allah...” (Qur'an 3:110)
“Allah has promised the believers, men and women, gardens under which rivers flow to dwell therein and beautiful mansions in
gardens of everlasting bliss. But the greatest bliss is the Good Pleasure of Allah: that is the supreme success.” (Qur'an 9:72)
“And he who brings the Truth and he who confirms (and supports) it—such are the men who do right. They shall have all that
they wish for, with their Rabb (Cherisher and Sustainer). Such is the reward of those who do good: so that Allah will remit from
them (even) the worst in their deeds and give them their reward according to the best of what they have done.” (Qur'an 39:3335)
About Us (Founders’ Brief Profiles)
Dr. Mamarinta (Omar) Mababaya
• Founder and Chairman, Wisdom Enrichment Foundation (WEFOUND);
• President, Wisdom International School for Higher Education Studies
• Author of Islamic and other Books and Articles published in Saudi
Arabia, Philippines, Pakistan and USA;
• Currently writing his
doctoral dissertation in Da’wah and Islamic
Management entitled, “Comparative Analysis of the Social Capital
Creation and Strategic Management Styles of Selected Da’wah
Organizations in Southeast Asia” at the University of Islamic Science
Dr. Omar Mababaya speaking during the
International Symposium on Muslim Education
Awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), August 2002, Westminster Business School, University of Westminster,
London, United Kingdom. PhD Thesis: The Role of Multinational Companies in the Middle East: The Case of Saudi Arabia
(Published in the USA in 2002, both paperback and e-book versions). By virtue of this thesis, the researcher was granted
visiting scholarship in 1997 at the School for Postgraduate and Interdisciplinary Research on Interculturalism and
Transnationality, a Doctoral School at Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark;MA in Economics degree, School of
Economics at the University of the Philippines, UP Diliman, Quezon City, under Ford Foundation Scholarship;
Graduated BS in Business Administration (Marketing) in Mindanao State University, Marawi City, Philippines as Full
Visiting Scholar, Aalborg University, Denmark, 1997; Graduate Economics Fellow, a Postgraduate Grant under the
Philippine Center for Economic Development/Ford Foundation, School of Economics, University of the Philippines, 19781980; 1980-81; Full Scholar, Mindanao State University (MSU), 1972-1976;
Currently pursuing a PhD research degree major in Da’wah and Islamic Management at the Faculty of Leadership and
Management, Islamic Science University of Malaysia, with approved research topic entitled “Comparative Analysis of the
Social Capital Creation and Strategic Management Styles of Selected Da’wah Organizations in Southeast Asia”;
Planned and co-organized with his wife, Dr. Norlain Dindang the WISHES double degree programs: 1) Bachelor of Arts in
Islamic Studies and Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, and 2) BA Islamic Studies and Bachelor of Science
in Elementary/Secondary Education Major in English, 2012;
Planned and organized the WISHES Business Administration Curricula (BA, MBA, and DBA), 2005;
Founder and Senior Business Consultant, Business Spirals TransAsia, Davao City, Philippines;
Founding Chairman, Integrated Mindanao Economic Forum (IMEF), 2008-2009;
Consultant, Mindanao State University, Marawi City, Philippines, 2003-2006;
Founder and Partner, Mindanao State University Wisdom International (MSU-WINT) Online School of the Mindanao State
University and Wisdom Enrichment Foundation;
Chairman and Organizer of various seminars conducted in the Philippines and in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia;
Lecturer on Islam, strategic planning, economics and marketing;
Attended international business conferences and trainings in several countries worldwide;
Around 30 years of experience in the areas of economic analysis and forecasting, feasibility study preparation, project
review, development planning, strategic planning, annual business planning, marketing analysis, marketing research,
business intelligence and database management;
Member of the Task Force responsible for planning and implementing the concept of strategic business unit (SBU)
management for the Fertilizer Group, Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC), Riyadh;
Professor, WISHES Business Administration and Islamic Studies Departments; and
Active involvement in various Professional and Da’wah activities of WISHES in Davao City.
Dr. Norlain Dindang
• Founder and Chairman, Wisdom International School for Higher Education
Studies (WISHES);
• President (Managing Director), Wisdom Enrichment Foundation (WEFOUND);
• Awarded Doctor of Education in Educational Administration with the doctoral
dissertation entitled, “Correlates of the Aspirations of Muslims in the
Philippines: Implications for Education and Other Government National
Policies" at the University of the Philippines (UP), Diliman, Quezon City,
Philippines where she also obtained Certificate and Master in Educational
Administration as a UP college scholar and MSU Faculty Development
Grantee; she is the only UP student who finished 3 degrees (Certificate,
Master in Education and Doctor of Education in Educational Administration)
within four academic years, 1978-1982 and a two time recipient of UP College
Scholar award;
Dr Norlain Dindang presenting the resolution on
the teaching of Islamic Studies according to the
Qur’an and the Sunnah during the International
Symposium in Muslim Education
Author of several Islamic Books and Articles published in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Philippines, Germany and worldwide on
the Internet. Four of her books are being distributed worldwide by the Darusalam Publishers (a renown International
Islamic publishers of authentic Islamic books based on the Qur'an and the Sunnah which is based in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
and has branches in various countries, including USA and UK): Dawah According to the Qur'an & Sunnah, Divine
Message for All Mankind, The Rationale and Benefits of Salat, and The Qur'an - The Divine Revelation.
Finished her Bachelor of Arts in Political Science (1973) and Master of Arts in Teaching (1975) in Mindanao State
University (MSU), Marawi City, Philippines as Full Scholar;
Recipient of the following scholarships: Jamiatul Philippine Al Islamia, MSU Muslim Scholarship, Full Scholarship, MSU
Faculty Development Scholarship, and UP College Award;
Attended Arabic, Islamic Studies and Qur'an courses in Daar Adh-Dhikr for more than three years (1991-1994) and the
World Assembly of Muslim Youths (WAMY) Women's Jaliat (Islamic Learning Center) for three years (1994-1997), where
she later taught Islamic Studies to Muslim women expatriates in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia;
Did intensive research and organization of the WISHES Education Department Degrees and Curricular Offerings for
submission to the CHED-ARMM Commissioner for approval, June 2012;
Passed civil service eligibilities and teachers examinations;
Organized and lectured on various topics in Islam in Saudi Arabia, Philippines, Indonesia and Malaysia;
Authored and presented the Educational Resolution on the teaching of Islamic Studies according to the Qur’an and the
Sunnah as well as the study of the Qur’an and Arabic Language during the International Symposium on Muslim Education
conducted at the Centennial Hall, Manila Hotel, Metro Manila, Philippines on February 16-17, 2009;
Submitted to the Chairman of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
(ARMM) educational proposal to offer some Islamic Studies subjects in the Philippine Higher Education Curricula -- towards
developing Muslims to become assets to the whole Philippine society in promoting peace, development and success. The
proposal was presented in public during the "Muslim Filipino Educators' Conference on Relevant Higher Education
Curricula for Muslims in the Philippines" held in MSU, Marawi City on August 16, 2007;
Organized the Wisdom Enrichment International Learning Program (WEILP) on Islamic Studies and Personality
Planned and organized in 2003 the WISHES Diploma, BA, MA and Doctor of Islamic Studies curriculum which were
reviewed by selected Muslim educators at King Saud University and Imam Muhammad University in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia;
Planned and co-organized with her husband, Dr. Omar Mababaya the WISHES double degree programs: 1) Bachelor of
Arts in Islamic Studies and Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, and 2) BA Islamic Studies and Bachelor of
Science in Elementary/Secondary Education Major in English, 2012;
Former active daeyah (Islamic propagator) in Daar Ad-Dhikr, World Assembly of Muslim Youth, WAMY Women's
Committee, National Guard Hospital and Riyadh Military Hospital Women's Jaliat, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia ,1991-2008;
Author of the Bill submitted by Assemblyman Atty. Rakil Dagalangit in 1983 on Integration of Islamic Studies, Qur'an and
Arabic in the Philippine Educational System;
Proposed to former Ambassador Dr. Mauyag M. Tamano the teaching of Islamic Studies to Muslim pupils and students
studying in the Philippine Embassy Schools in Saudi Arabia (1989);
Travelled (with her husband, Dr. Omar Mababaya as well as children) to various countries worldwide for educational and
socio-cultural enhancements;
Raised three children: Mariam (26 years old, MA Islamic Studies Cum Laude Graduate), Ahmad (24, MA Islamic Studies
Summa Cum Laude Graduate) and Abdur-Rahman (20, BA Islamic Studies Cum Laude Graduate currently taking MA
Islamic Studies). All of them are teaching Arabic, Qur’an, and Islamic Studies at WISHES Elementary and High School
Department in Davao City. Both Ahmad and Abdur-Rahman give khutbah (Islamic Friday Lecture
http://www.youtube.com/user/infowishes#g/u) at Wisdom Mosque, Davao City, Philippines;
Presently teaching Islamic Studies (BA, MA & Doctor of Islamic Studies) at WISHES online school;
Doing Da’wah online through the WEFOUND website: http://www.wefound.wisdom.edu.ph and webpages:
http://www.wisdom.edu.ph/elementary/words.htm; and
Giving da’wah/Islamic lessons to Muslim and Non-Muslim women who come to WISHES Davao City for Islamic knowledge
and guidance.
Our Value System
The nucleus of our value system is WISDOM -- we share Allah’s blessing (i.e., Islamic knowledge based on the Qur’an and the
Sunnah) with the following value system:
● W - Wisdom
“He (Allah) grants wisdom to whom He pleases; and he to whom wisdom is granted receives indeed a benefit overflowing; but
none will grasp the Message but men of understanding.” (Qur’an 2: 269)
“My Rabb (Cherisher and Sustainer)! Bestow wisdom (religious knowledge, right judgment of the affairs) on me, and join me
with the righteous. And grant me an honorable mention in later generations. And make me one of the inheritors of the Paradise
of Delight.” (Ash-Shu`ara 26:83)
● I - Integrity
We are honest and ethical in all our relationships, starting with how we treat each other. We keep our promises and adhere to
Truth. Our personal and professional conduct ensures trust.
● S - Sincerity and Sacrifice
We dedicate all our deeds to Allah: “Say: ‘Truly, my prayer and my service of sacrifice, my life and my death are (all) for Allâh,
the Cherisher of the Worlds.’” (Qur’ân 6:162)
● D- Dynamism
We accept our current reality and the underlying challenges. Our total quality management approach to innovative learning in a
dynamic environment conforms to the basic principles of consistency, reliability, integrity and dynamism.
“Verily Allah will not change the (good) condition of a people as long as they do not change their state (of goodness)
themselves (by committing sins and by being ungrateful and disobedient to Allah).” (Qur'an Ar-Rad 13:11)
● O - Outstanding accomplishments
We are always delighted when we, our students and the rest of the Muslims attain excellence and perfection in our
accomplishments and everything we do for the pleasure of Allah.
“…Our Rabb! Perfect our Light for us, and grant us Forgiveness: for You have power over all things.” (Qur’ân 66:8)
Abû Hurairah
narrated that the Prophet
said, “Religion is very easy and whoever overburdens himself in his religion
will not be able to continue in that way. So you should not be extremists, but try to be near to perfection and receive the good
tidings that you will be rewarded; and gain strength by offering the prayers in the mornings, afternoons and during the last
hours of the nights.” (Bukhâri 1/ 38)
● M - Moderation
We adopt moderation in all our deeds and actions: “Thus We have made you a just (moderate) Ummah that you be witnesses
over mankind and the Messenger be a witness over you.” (Al-Baqarah 2: 143)
Our Vision and Mission
Our Vision
Our vision is to see a learned and prosperous society that adheres to the authentic teachings of Islam where members are ideal
individuals and groups who please Allah wholeheartedly, live a pure Islamic life in this world, and aspire to attain eternal bliss in
the Hereafter. This vision conforms to the prayer of Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him), as a source of inspiration,
enlightenment and aspiration as stated in the Qur'an:
“My Rabb (Cherisher and Sustainer)! Bestow wisdom (religious knowledge, right judgment of the affairs) on me, and join me
with the righteous. And grant me an honorable mention in later generations. And make me one of the inheritors of the Paradise
of Delight.” (Ash-Shu`ara 26:83)
Mission Statement
The Wisdom International School for Higher Education Studies (WISHES) aspires to be a leading international institution of
higher learning for educating every interested and deserving individual who wants to attain balanced personality, peace and
eternal success for the sole pleasure of Allah the Almighty.
Long-term Goals
WISHES aims at providing high quality and relevant education, coupled with the following long-term goals:
To produce ideal Muslims who are assets not only to their respective societies and countries but also to the international
community by virtue of their correct beliefs and righteous deeds as well as sincerity, love, devotion and fear of Allah in
accordance with the teachings of the Qur’an and the Sunnah;
To develop God-fearing, law-abiding, peace-loving and responsible Muslims who will help promote peace and order, justice
and equity in their respective societies and countries, necessary for building a peaceful and progressive world;
To provide students with the necessary knowledge, skills and methodologies of teaching in order to prepare them to teach
Islamic Studies subjects effectively;
To train Islamic workers who will actively present Islam to others with wisdom and beautiful preaching according to the
Qur’an and Sunnah;
To develop excellent academic researchers and writers on Islam according to its authentic sources in order to produce
quality scholarly books and textbooks on Islamic Studies subjects for Muslim learners from pre-elementary to postgraduate
levels of the educational system and thus, present the true Message of Islam to all mankind;
To help mold dedicated, honest, sincere and dynamic Muslim leaders who will be prepared to lead their respective
communities and societies for a peaceful and prosperous well-balanced life and development;
To produce outstanding Muslims who will attain success, especially supreme success in the eternal Life Hereafter; and
To cooperate with national and international universities and institutions as well as scholarly and professional associations
worldwide for learning and training in economic, physical, socio-cultural, intellectual, moral and spiritual development;
responsible citizenship; and dynamic as well as just leadership -- all for the promotion of world peace and development and
hence, success.
Our Recent and Past Projects/Activities 1986-2012
1) Organized Ramadan Islamic Lectures for Women and Teenagers on: “Islam: The Way to Supreme Success”
presented by Dr. Norlain Dindang and “Modesty in Islam and the Muslim Women’s Hijab” by Sister Shajeda
Barandia, a daeyah from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, conducted at the WISHES Mosque, Wisdom Compound,
Dumanlas, Davao City, August 12, 2012/Ramadan 25,1433;
2) Conducted the Qur’an Ramadan Competition for all qualified pupils and high school students at WISHES Mosque.
Top three winners for the Boys and Girls Groups where given certificates of recognition, gifts and some cash
awards. Special prize was awarded to Abdulrahman Palawan, for memorizing the whole Qur’an, August 3, 2012;
3) Submitted to the Commission on Higher Education, Autonomous Region for Muslims in Mindanao (CHED-ARMM)
the proposal to offer additional WISHES double degree program (i.e., in addition to Bachelor of Arts in Islamic
Studies and Bachelor of Science in Business Administration): Bachelor of Arts in Islamic Studies and Bachelor
of Science in Elementary/Secondary Education Major in English , July 2012;
4) Launching of the Wisdom Islamic Information website: http://www.wisdomislamic.info in order to continue and
improve the defunct website of the Wisdom Enrichment Foundation (WEFOUND) which was started in 2003, June
5) Third WISHES Arabic, Qur’an & Islamic Studies Second Summer Program for Youth and Adults where children
as young as four years old were taught the Fundamental Teachings of Islam including proper way of praying
according to the Sunnah of the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) (April 20 to May 20, 2012) http://youtu.be/iP8sPyjMzzQ
6) WISHES School Closing Program for 2011-2012 -- Many Filipino Muslims from different tribes attended the
program which showed how WISHES pupils from kindergarten to Grades 1-4 read some Surah’s of the Qur’an,
recited some duas from the Qur’an and Ahadeeth in Arabic and English, performed prayers at an early age,
delivered da’wah (Islamic Lecture) in public, and listened to the tafsir of Ayaatul Kursi by Imam Ibn Katheer as
read by brother Zayd Hamilton from the USA who is currently taking MA in Islamic Studies at WISHES (March 29,
2012); http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfmRplIoROU&feature=youtu.be
7) Enhancement of the WISHES website with Islamic Studies Video Library based on the Qur’an and Sunnah (March
25, 2012) http://www.wisdom.edu.ph/vindex1/index.php
8) Enhancement of the WISHES website with Islamic Studies Electronic Library based on the Qur’an and Sunnah
categorized into various important topics in Islam (e.g., Tawheed, Aqeedah, Islamic Character, Da’wah, etc.)(March
20, 15, 2012) http://www.wisdom.edu.ph/vindex1/index.php?option=com_abook&view=book&id=0&Itemid=276
9) Active Participation in the Public Lecture on “Discover Islam”, coordinated by UMMAH Muslim Students
Association in Davao City, University of Mindanao (UM), Davao City, where Dr Omar Mababaya and WISHES
teachers brother Zayd Hamilton from USA and brother Abdurrahman Talusan lectured on Aqeeda, The Excellence
of Islam and Other Issues (March19, 2012);
10) Orientation and Motivation Lecture on “The Role of Islam in Promoting Islam, Peace and Success” to the
Mindanao State University- General Santos BA Islamic Studies Students,conducted at WISHES Lecture Hall,
Davao City (March16, 2012);
11) Coordinated the WISHES Active Participation in the Public Lecture on Discover Islam, coordinated by the Inter
School Muslim Organization, UM, Davao City, where WISHES teachers Ahmad Mababaya and Abdurrahman
Talusan lectured on the Basics of Islam, Absolute Oneness of God (Tawheed) and Other Issues (February 2,
12) Offering of the Double Degree Program on BA Islamic Studies and BS Business Administration where Muslims
can take Business Administration with Partial Scholarship and BA Islamic Studies for Free in Four Years in order
to help them gain better employment opportunities and do Da’wah at the same time (January 9, 2012);
13) Supported the Silsilah Forum Two-day Live-in Seminar-Workshop for Dialogue & Peace", Brokenshire Resort &
Convention Center, Davao City, where Dr Omar Mababaya lectured on "The Role of Muslim Educators in Islamic
Da'wah", November 11-13, 2011;
14) Assisted International Organization in the Aministration of Qurban Distribution (Novmber 7, 2011)
15) Coordinated the WISHES Active Participation in the “Inter-Religious Dialogue on Faith, Art & Freedom, Davao
City, where WISHES teacher Ahmad Mababaya lectured on "Freedom of Expression in Islam" September 14, 2011;
16) ‘Eid Prayer & Celebration with Islamic Awareness Lecture and offering of Free Food, WISHES, Davao City, (August
30, 2011);
17) Organized Ramadan Qur’an Memorization Contest with gifts and certicates to outstanding participants, Wisdom
Mosque, Davao City (August 17-19, 2011);
18) Active participation at the 1st Epistemology Workshop in the Philippines, jointly held by MSU and IIIT East Asia in
Marawi City as speaker on “The Response of Muslim Intellectuals to Modern Knowledge”, May 21-22, 2011;
19) Organized the Islamic Public Lecture on “Discover Islam” with Sheikh Muhammad Al-Akas, an International
Lecturer from Dammam, Saudi Arabia, conducted at WISHES Lecture Hall, Davao City (May 15, 2011);
20) Second WISHES Arabic, Qur’an & Islamic Studies Second Summer Program for Youth and Adults (April 15 to May
15, 2011);
21) Welcomed the CHED-ARMM Delegation headed by Hon. Dr. Norma M. Sharief, Regional Chairman II &
Managing Commissioner of the Commission on Higher Education-Autonomous Region in Muslim
Mindanao (CHED-ARMM) during their official visit at the Wisdom International School for Higher
Education Studies (WISHES) in Davao City. The Commissioner was accompanied by a number of CHEDARMM officials who also had the opportunity to have an ocular assessment of WISHES physical
resources and online academic capabilities ( April 15, 2011);
22) Conducted the WISHES Recognition and Award Program for Parents and School Children with the theme: “Peace and
Success in Islam” at WISHES Lecture Hall, Davao City (April 5, 2011);
23) Dr Omar Mababaya, the WISHES President lectured on “The Excellence o f Tawheed (Absolute Oneness of God)
in Promoting Peace and Development” at Mindanao Week of Peace 2010 Seminar, conducted at the University of
Mindanao, Davao City, (December 11, 2010);
24) Dr Omar Mababaya the President of WISHES, gave a lecture presentation during the symposium on Mindanao
Week of Peace 2010, with the theme: “Responsive and Responsible Governance key to Peace, Development and
Sustainability”, held at the University of Mindanao, Matina, Davao City (December 4, 2010);
25) Organized Da’wah to Non- Muslims: “Understanding Islam for Peace and Development” , conducted at WISHES
Lecture Hall, Dumanlas, Davao City (November 19, 2010);
26) Islamic Program for Muslim Children whose Parents were Participating the Public Lecture on Islam,conducted at
WISHES Lecture Hall, Davao City (November 18, 2010);
27) Islamic Public Lecture on Islamic Awareness, Peace, Development and Success,conducted at WISHES Lecture
Hall, Davao City (November 18, 2010);
28) Assisted International Organizations in the Aministration of Qurban Distribution (November 17, 2010);
29) Celebrated ‘Eid Prayer with Free Food After the Prayer, WISHES Campus, Davao City (November 16, 2010);
30) OIC Participation to the “First General Forum for the Heads of Islamic Cultural Centers and Associations Outside
the Islamic World”, under the auspices of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) –
an affiliate of – and the Kuwait’s Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs, at the headquarters of ISESCO, in Rabat,
Morocco (November 9-10, 2010);
31) Active Participation in the Department of Education (DepEd) and the Philippine-Australia Basic Education
Assistance for Mindanao (BEAM) project jointly sponsored a five-day National Workshop on the Improvement of
Administrative and Fiscal Management of Pilot Madaris Implementing the Standard Madrasah Curriculum (SMC),
at the Waterfront Hotel, Davao City, ( September 29 to October 3, 2010)
32) Lectured on on “The Implications of Ramadan to Worldly and Eternal Success” during the Muslim Youth Seminar
on Ramadan conducted at Mahad Piapi Al-Islamie, Davao City (August 8, 2010);
33) Construction of the Wisdom School Canteen and Playground (June 2010)
34) Participation in The International Islamic Federation of Student Organizations (IIFSO) held its general
assembly in Jakarta on 4-7 with the theme “IIFSO…40 years…and another make of history” (June 5, 2010);
35) Hosted the Second Muslim Women Assembly, Moltaqa An-Nisaah (Wisdom Compound, Davao City - Around
500 participants, 25 June 2010)
36) WISHES President awarded "Best Presenter" during the 1st Postgraduate Colloquium at USIM, Malaysia,
http://wisdom.edu.ph/index/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=63:usim&catid=1:latestnews&Itemid=71 June 14, 2010;
37) Supported the First Da'wah Assembly of Muslim Women in Davao City with Dr. Norlain Dindang as the
Speaker on “The Role of Muslim Women in Promoting Peace and Development” (May 8, 2010 - Around 700
38) First WISHES Arabic, Qur’an and Islamic Studies Summer Program for Children and Adults (19 April – 29
May 2010) http://youtu.be/f7s31nsix-4 also see: http://wisdom.edu.ph/index/WISHES-School-Pictures-2010.swf;
Conducted the Islamic Personality Development, Public Speaking and Da’wah Program at WISHES
Lecture Hall, Davao City (March 8-10, 2010);
40) Furnishings of Conference Room & Lecture Hall of Wisdom International School for Higher Education
Studies (WISHES) (February 2010)
41) Active Participation to the Regional Conference of Women Peace Advocates, Waterfront Hotel, Davao City,
January 23-24, 2010;
42) Active Participation to the 3rd National Ulam Summit "A Common Word towards a Common Peace", Waterfront
Hotel, Davao City, 25-28, January 2010;
43) Started uploading Islamic Friday Lectures and Islamic Program in English on youtube.com for Da’wah purpose,
http://www.youtube.com/user/infowishes?feature=watch, October 29, 2008;
44) Construction of the Wisdom Convention Center Building for International Peace and Development (The 3 floor
building has a lecture/social hall, a meeting room, office, guest rooms, and classrooms (August 2008- January 2010);
45) Qurban Administration/Distribution (from an international donor sent through the Philippine Muslim Teachers’
College) to New Muslims in Davao City, December, 2009;
46) Yearly ‘Eid’l Fitr and Eidl Adha Celebrations in Davao City in 2007, 2008 and December, 2009;
47) Wrote the book “Understanding Prophet Muhammad’s Life, Character and Teachings: The Key to World Peace,
Prosperity and Success” and having it published in May 2009 by the VDM Publishing Company in Germany. The book
is being used as one the textbooks for the WISHES BA in Islamic Studies program. It is available worldwide through the
amazon.com and other online book shops. http://www.amazon.com/UNDERSTANDING-PROPHET-MUHAMMADCHARACTER-TEACHINGS/dp/363915312X The electronic version is being distributed online for free to interested readers,
especially to non Muslim readers as part of our da’wah.
48) Organized the International Lectures on “Global Peace, Development and Success through Understanding Islam
from Authentic Sources” in cooperation with the Mindanao State University-General Santos Unit in MSU-GSC Gymnasium,
General Santos City, Philippines. MSU students, faculty and staff attended the lectures presented by Dr. Jamil Abu Hananeh
(from Riyadh), Sheikh Ahmad Al-Muddhi also from Riyadh), Dr. Omar Mababaya and Dr. Norlain Dindang-Mababaya
(February 18, 2009);
49) Dr. Omar Mababaya delivered the speech on “The Role of Islamic Education in the Light of the Qur’an and the
Sunnah in Promoting Peace and Development and Dr Norlain Dindang-Mababaya presented the resolution on the
teaching of Islamic Studies according to the Qur’an and the Sunnah during the International Symposium in
Muslim Education on February 17, 2009;
50) Organized with the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM)
and the Integrated Mindanao Economic Forum (IMEF) the International Symposium on Muslim Education with the
theme: “The Role of Education in Promoting Peace and Sustainable Socio-Economic Development” conducted at
the Centennial Hall, Manila Hotel, Metro Manila, Philippines on February 16-17, 2009;
51) Acquisition of books and furnishing for the Library of Wisdom International School for Higher Education
Studies (WISHES) (March, 2009)
52) Granting of scholarships (free tuition) to poor but deserving (local and international) students for the BA, MA and
Doctorate in Islamic Studies Program of the Wisdom International School (WISHES), 2009;
53) Accepting more students for the online FREE learning program, Wisdom Enrichment International Learning Program
(WEILP), 2009;
54) Coordinated with the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) and
the Integrated Mindanao Economic Forum (IMEF) the Launching of Educational Opportunities for CHED-ARMM, July
55) WISHES President, Dr Omar Mababaya, addressed on 23 July 2009 the conference with the topic "Imperatives of
Moderation and Tolerance in the Majority-Minority Relations" during The 1st Metro Manila Muslim Leaders'
Tripartite Conference took place at the Philippine International Convention Center, (July 21-23 2009);
56) Opening of the Wisdom International School for Higher Education Studies (WISHES) Pre-School and Elementary
Department, an integrated private non-profit education offering modern (Philippine Department of Education
Curriculum) and Islamic Studies Curriculum (where students learn Qur’an, Arabic, Dua, Hadith and Islamic
Studies based on the Qur’an and Sunnah). One of the Islamic Studies teachers was Madinah Islamic University
graduate and the rest were raised and educated in Saudi Arabia as well as in WISHES online Islamic Studies (June
2009); http://wisdom.edu.ph/elementary/http://wisdom.edu.ph/elementary/
57) Da’wah to Non-Muslims Alhamdulillah there were Filipino men and women along with their families in Davao City
embraced Islam in 2008-2009. Some of them stayed for a number of days in the Wisdom Compound to learn Islam.
They were given Islamic Lessons and taught reading and memorization of short surahs (August 2008-March 2009);
Some New Muslims Learning Islam in Wisdom Islamic/Da’wah Center, Davao City
58) Started the Friday Congregation (Jum’ah) Prayer at Wisdom Mosque, Davao City with English as the medium
language to cater to various students, professionals and foreigner Muslims who can not understand the local
language/dialect, August 2008;
59) Construction of the Wisdom Mosque and Da’wah Center Building (March 2007-July 2008): The 3-floor building has a
mosque for men (in the first/ground floor), women prayer room (2nd floor) and da’wah lecture rooms (3rd floor). Each floor
has office and comfort rooms;
Wisdom Mosque and Da’wah Center
60) Organized with the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM)
the Muslim Filipino Educators' Conference on Relevant Higher Education Curricula for Muslims in the
Philippines" held in Mindanao State University, Marawi City, (August 16, 2007);
Muslim Filipino Educators' Conference
61) Submitted to the Chairman of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Autonomous Region in Muslim
Mindanao (ARMM) educational proposal to offer some Islamic Studies subjects in the Philippine Higher Education
Curricula towards developing Muslims to become assets to the whole Philippine society in promoting peace,
development and success during the "Muslim Filipino Educators' Conference on Relevant Higher Education Curricula for
Muslims in the Philippines" held in MSU, Marawi City on August 16, 2007;
62) Construction of the Wisdom Administration and Islamic Library Building (in Davao City, Philippines, JanuaryOctober 2006);
63) Conducted series of lectures during the “Two Months Da’wah Training Course for Filipino Women Expatriates in
Riyadh” organized by Daar Al-Iman held at the Cooperative Office for Call and Guidance Al-Batha, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia,
April -May 2006;
64) Distributed (free and without copyright) a number of books, booklets and articles to selected individuals as well as
public and university libraries worldwide, 2006;
65) Donated Islamic Books to the Philippine Muslim Teachers College (PMTC), Marawi City, Philippines (2005);
66) Wrote a scholarly paper on Islam entitled “Religious Curricular Offerings in the Muslim World: Challenges and
Prospects in the Light of Strategic Planning, Social Networking, Modern Technological Advancement and
Globalization of Islamic Knowledge” (The paper was presented by Dr. M. Omar Mababaya during the International
Seminar on Religious Curricular in the Muslim World: Challenges and Prospects held at the International Islamic University
(IIU), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on September 6-8, 2005;
67) Worked for the accreditation of WISHES by the Chairman of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED)
Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) (April 5 2005);
68) Oranization and launching of the Wisdom International School for Higher Education (WISHES), an online institution
of higher learning that offers BA, MA and Doctorate degrees in Islamic Studies Major in Aqeedah, Islamic
Personality Development and Da’wah According to the Qur’an and Sunnah as well as BSBA, MBA and Doctor in
Business Administration (May 2004); http://www.wisdom.edu.ph/
69) Donated Islamic Books and helped in the establishment of King Faisal Center for Islamic, Arabic and Asian
Studies Library, an Islamic library with varieties of Islamic books based on authentic Islamic sources (i.e., Qur'an
and Sunnah). It has also collections of electronic books and computer facilities open for students, professors as well as
registered members from the Mindanao State University, Marawi City, Philippines (2004);
70) Initiated the creation of the Mindanao State University Wisdom International (MSU-WINT) in 2003. MSU-WINT is a
joint online educational project of the Mindanao State University (MSU) and the Wisdom Enrichment Foundation
(WEFOUND). MSU is one of the top leading state universities in the Philippines. One of the specialized courses offered was
Islamic Studies (June 2003) ;
71) Compiled more than 30 electronic books for all the subjects included in the WISHES Islamic Studies curriculum,
72) Wrote the book, “The Role of Multinational Companies in the Middle East: The Case of Saudi
Arabia” published by the Dissertation.com, USA, January 2003;
73) Wrote the book, “International Business Success in a Strange Cultural Environment”
published by the Universal Publishers, USA, March 2003;
74) Wrote 5 Islamic books included in the electronic WISHES textbooks, 2003 to be published in the
future, insha Allah;
75) Made extensive research on Islamic curriculum based on authentic sources (Qur’an and
Sunnah) and designed the curricular offerings of the Wisdom International School for Higher
Education Studies (WISHES) BA, MA and Doctoral programs, which were submitted for
comments and suggestions to some professors and curriculum experts of the King Abdul Aziz
University and Imam University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (2002-2003);
76) Wrote more than 70 articles on Islam from 1992-2003 published in the World Assembly of
Muslim Youth (WAMY) Islamic Future magazine and Wisdom Enrichment Foundation
WEFOUND website;
77) Organized in January 2003 the Wisdom Enrichment International Learning Program (WEILP) – a non-degree
Islamic Studies program. This is a free program open to all Muslims and non-Muslims worldwide who want to learn
authentic knowledge of Islam –i.e., Qur’an and Sunnah (Certificate of Participation is issued to every successful student
who passes the examinations online.);
78) Organized and launched an Islamic website based on authentic knowledge of Islam known as the Wisdom
Enrichment Foundation Website (formerly www.wefound.org now part of the wisdom.edu.ph
http://wefound.wisdom.edu.ph (January 2000);
79) WEFOUND had operated for more than seven months (from June 1999 to January 2000) its own Wisdom
Enrichment Forum Global Email Network through muslimsonline email list server. This global Da'wah is now being
continued by email using the WEFOUND FREE email service. Alhamdullillah (Praise be to Allah), WEFOUND through this
email list service is again distributing free articles/lessons on Islam and Da’wah based on the Qur’an and the Sunnah
80) Organized in cooperation with the World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and the
International Council for Islamic Information (ICII), Leicestershire, UK the international seminar on “Public Speaking
on Eternal Success through Correct Belief and Righteous Deeds” conducted at the World Assembly of Muslim Youth
(WAMY) new WAMY Women’s Headquarters, Rawdah Area, Saudi Arabia, January 21 to February 18, 2000;
81) Organized in cooperation with the World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and the
International Council for Islamic Information (ICII), Leicestershire, UK the international seminar on “Public Speaking
On Why Mankind Must Know Islam” conducted at the World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY) new WAMY Women’s
Headquarters, Rawdah Area, Saudi Arabia, October 15, 2000 to November 12, 2000;
82) Organized in cooperation with the World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and the
International Council for Islamic Information (ICII), Leicestershire, UK the international seminar on "Success
through Authentic Knowledge of Islam and Effective Public Speaking” conducted at the World Assembly of Muslim
Youth (WAMY) Headquarters, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, February 4, 2000 to March 3, 2000;
83) Organized in cooperation with the World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and the
International Council for Islamic Information (ICII), Leicestershire, UK the international seminar on “Islamic
Personality Development and Effective Public Speaking” conducted at the World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY)
Headquarters, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, April 16 to June 18, 1999;
84) Organized in cooperation with the World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and the
International Council for Islamic Information (ICII), Leicestershire, UK the international seminar on “The True
Islamic Personality According to the Qur’an and the Sunnah” conducted at WAMY Headquarters, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia,
May 14, 1999;
85) Organized in cooperation with the World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and the
International Council for Islamic Information (ICII), Leicestershire, UK the international seminar on “True Islamic
Personality as a Pre-requisite to Effective Da’wah Work” conducted at WAMY Headquarters, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia,
June 18, 1999;
86) Organized in cooperation with the World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and the
International Council for Islamic Information (ICII), Leicestershire, UK the international seminar on “The Best Way to
Attain Supreme Success”, conducted at the Philippine Center for Asian Studies Lecture Hall, University of the Philippines,
Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines on August 15, 1999 and at the Mindanao State University-General Santos City (MSUGSC), University Lecture Hall, General Santos City, Philippines, August 23-24, 1999;
87) Organized in cooperation with the World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and the
International Council for Islamic Information (ICII), Leicestershire, UK the international seminar on “Da’wah to NonMuslims: Rationale and Effective Methodology” conducted at the Institute of Science and Mathematics Education
Department (ISMED) Lecture Hall, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines, August 16-17, 1999;
88) Organized in cooperation with the World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and the
International Council for Islamic Information (ICII), Leicestershire, UK and the Mindanao State University-General
Santos City (MSU-GSC) the international seminar on “Da’wah to Non-Muslims: Rationale and Effective
Methodology” conducted at MSU-GSC, University Lecture Hall, General Santos City, Philippines, August 25, 1999;
89) Organized in cooperation with the World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and the
International Council for Islamic Information (ICII), Leicestershire, UK the international seminar on “Discover the
Truth About Islam” conducted at the Institute of Science and Mathematics Education Department (ISMED) Lecture Hall
and UP Alumni Association House, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines on August 18-20, 1999;
90) Organized in cooperation with the World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and the
International Council for Islamic Information (ICII), Leicestershire, UK and the Mindanao State University-General
Santos City (MSU-GSC) the international seminar on “Discover the Truth About Islam” conducted at MSU-GSC,
University Lecture Hall, General Santos City, Philippines, August 21-22, 1999;
91) Organized the International Women Third Lecture Series on Islam, sponsored by the Ministry of Defense Religious
Department, Community Office for Call and Guidance, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, January 9, 1998;
92) Wrote the booklet, “Admonitions to Robert Morey, And those who lie against Allah and Islam" published by the
International Islamic Publishing House, Riyadh Saudi Arabia, 1999;
93) Wrote the book, “The Qur'an: The Divine Revelation” published and being distributed worldwide by the Darussalam
Publishers, Riyadh Saudi Arabia, 1998. The electronic/soft copy version of this booklet is available for immediate
download in our website: http://www.wisdom.edu.ph;
94) Wrote the book, “Rationale and Benefits of Salat (The Islamic Prayers)” published and being distributed worldwide by
the Darussalam Publishers, Riyadh Saudi Arabia, 1998. The electronic/soft copy version of this booklet is available for
immediate download in our website http://www.wisdom.edu.ph;
95) Wrote the book, “Da’wah According to the Qur'an and the Sunnah” published and being distributed worldwide by the
Darussalam Publishers, Riyadh Saudi Arabia, 1998 (The electronic/soft copy and revised version of this book is available
for immediate download at WISHES website: for online readinghttp://www.wisdom.edu.ph/IS118-Da'wah/Bismillah.htm. To
download: http://www.wisdom.edu.ph/Handbook_on_Dawah_Dr.Norlain_May09.pdf. );
96) Wrote the book, “Divine Message for All Mankind”
Publishers, Riyadh Saudi Arabia, 1998;
published and being distributed worldwide by the Darussalam
97) Organized the International Women Second Lecture Series on Islam, sponsored by the Ministry of Defense Religious
Department, Community Office for Call and Guidance, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, January 24, 1997 to February 23, 1997;
98) Organized the International Women First Lecture Series on Islam, sponsored by the Ministry of Defense Religious
Department, Community Office for Call and Guidance, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, January 10, 1997 to February 5, 1997;
99) Organized the Lecture Series on Islam sponsored by the World Assembly of Muslim Youth Women’s Branch, Riyadh,
Saudi Arabia, September-October 1996;
100) Organized the Short-Term Course in Islamic Studies, sponsored by the World Assembly of Muslim Youth Women’s
Branch, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, June-October 1996;
101) Wrote the booklet, “Holy Qur'an: The Book of Guidance” published by the International Islamic Publishing House,
Riyadh Saudi Arabia, 1993 (We are distributing for free the electronic version in our website
http://www.wefound.wisdom.edu.ph (formerly www.wefound.org as part of our da’wah for the pleasure of Allah.);
102) Wrote the booklet, “Oneness of God: The Ultimate Solution to the Trinitarian Controversy” published by the
International Islamic Publishing House, Riyadh Saudi Arabia, 1993;
103) Wrote the booklet, “Islam: The Solution to the World's Social Problems” published by the International Islamic
Publishing House, Riyadh Saudi Arabia, 1993;
104) Wrote the booklet, “Muhammad : Allâh’s Messenger to the Whole Mankind” published in 1993 by the Cooperative
Office for Call and Guidance (COCG) at North Riyadh, KSA. The COCG has been distributing this book for free;
105) Distributed Islamic books written by the founders of WISHES and WEFOUND to selected universities and public
libraries worldwide including USA and Great Britain, 1990;
106) Wrote and published the book “Jesus: A Man, Not God,” Mindanao State University, Marawi City Philippines:
published by Wisdom Enrichment Foundation, 1989 also published by the World Muslim League, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia,
107) Wrote and published the book Scriptural Prophesies and Scholars’ Perceptions of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.s.),
(With Foreword by Dr. Maneh Al-Johani, WAMY Secretary General) Marawi City, Philippines: Wisdom Enrichment
Foundation, 1990;
108) Wrote and published the book “Teachings of the World’s Great Prophet: Comprehensive Guidance to Success,”
(With Foreword by Dr. Maneh Al-Johani, WAMY Secretary General) Marawi City, Philippines: Wisdom Enrichment
Foundation, 1989;
109) Wrote and published the book “The Holy Qur’an: The Divine Word of God”, Mindanao State University, Marawi City,
Philippines: Wisdom Enrichment Foundation, 1989; and
110) Wrote and published the book Great Words of Wisdom: Guide to Successful Life, Marawi City, Philippines: Wisdom
Enrichment Foundation, 1989.
111) Organized and officially registered the Wisdom Enrichment Foundation, Inc. in the Philippine Securities and
Exchange Commission (SEC), May 20, 1986.
Our Future Projects/Activities 2013-2020
With the help of Allah
through the cooperation and support of dedicated and sincere Muslims, we will pursue the
following projects and activities:
1) To pursue the construction of the five school building (with library, compute lab, dormitory and lecture
hall) needed for a quality Islamic international integrated school. It will have the Wisdom Islamic School
which is the WISHES Waqf Project. In the future this project shall be expanded to become a standard
international institution of higher studies or Islamic university for the promotion of world peace,
development and success, insha Allah;
Proposed WISHES Five-Floor Multi-Purpose School Building
2) To establish Wisdom Islamic School Enriched MadrasahDepartment as the WISHES Waqf Program. This
department will be an enriched Madrasah type of school where there will be more on Qur’an memorization, Arabic
Language, Islamic Studies (Aqeedah, Fiqh, Hadeeth, Seerah, Duaa and Da’wah) to be enriched with English and
Tagalog Languages and Basic knowledge of Computer and Information Science as subjects. This is opened for
students who want to pursue Bachelor of Arts in Islamic Studies in order to: a) teach Qur’an, Arabic, Islamic
Studies; b) become an Imam; c) be a writer on Islam; and/or d) do Da’wah based on the Qur’an and the Sunnah.
The enriched Madrasah department will be the WISHES’ Waqf Project where all the profits or earnings out of
tuitions fees and donations will be used for the expansion of WISHES Islamic projects.
3) Putting up other Islamic and integrated schools in other cities/locations in the Philippines and elsewhere
worldwide with minimal tuition fees, enough to sustain the operation of the school(s);
4) Eestablishing WISHES campus for the college Islamic department (i.e., offer Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts and
Doctor in Islamic Studies) ;
5) Giving scholarship to poor, and qualified or deserving students who want to take up Bachelor of Arts in Islamic
Studies at WISHES;
6) Provide accommodation at reasonable fees for students enrolled in the enriched Madrasah department to make
Qur’an memorization easy for them;
7) Establishing small printing press for the publication and printing of Islamic books and booklets based on the
Qur’an and the Sunnah;
8) Train and employ qualified male and female to be effective duaats
9) Conduct more Islamic lectures and seminars based on the Qur’an and Sunnah where male and female audience will
be segregated – all these Islamic programs and projects are intended to please Allah the Almighty so that He will
bless us and make Islam based on the Qur’an and the Sunnah prevail for every deserving Muslim to enjoy peace,
development and supreme success.
10) To establish Qur’an Memorization School for Muslims in Davao Region where they will be taught Aqeedah, Islamic
Personality Development and Da’wah According to the Qur’an and the Sunnah at the same time so they can
practice and share their knowledge to others after memorizing the Noble Qur’an, insha Allah;
11) To offer college department for BA in Islamic Studies, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Bachelor of
Science in Teaching Islamic Studies, etc. in WISHES, Davao City where all students will have to learn the true and
authentic knowledge of Islam based on the Qur’an and the Sunnah, apply such knowledge, share them to others
and be patient in their learning, application and sharing of Islam to others – all for the pleasure of Allah;
12) To expand the existing Wisdom Mosque in Davao City to accommodate the increasing number of students and
13) To organize the International Educators and Policy Makers Conference on “International Peace and Development
through Relevant and Effective Curriculum in Higher Education”;
14) To organize International Conference on “The Role of Muslims in Promoting Peace and Development”
15) To invite co-sponsors and organize annually Interfaith Dialogue of Educators and Policy Makers on Promoting
International Peace and Development;
16) To organize Series of Muslim International Youth Leadership Training, Public Speaking and Personality
Development forums;
17) To organize Qur’an Reading, Adhan, Islamic Public Speaking and Quiz Bowl competitions;
18) To recognize the distinct accomplishments and significant contributions of Muslim leaders, businessmen and
scholars by giving them appropriate honoris causa awards;
19) To conduct intensive training program for Muslim Teachers teaching Islamic Studies;
20) To organize Series of Lectures on Characteristics of Ideal Muslims and their Role in Promoting World Peace and
21) To offer tutorial classes to students taking Diploma and BA in Islamic Studies in Wisdom Compound, Davao City;
22) To offer Arabic, Islamic Studies and Qur’an weekend classes for those who cannot join the regular classes;
23) To have computer laboratory and train poor but deserving students computer literacy & basic knowledge of IT;
24) To conduct short-term courses/trainings on knowledge and skills improvement for unemployed Muslims;
25) To establish high standard integrated Islamic schools and colleges that will offer other courses (where the
curriculum includes basic or fundamental knowledge of Islam and knowledge on how to do Da'wah according to
the Qur'an and the Sunnah), which can become one of the leading Islamic universities in the world, insha Allah; To
invite sponsors for organizing orphanage center for Muslims in Davao Region;
26) To revise and publish the WEFOUND Islamic electronic books for the use of WISHES online students and for
distribution to other interested readers;
27) To distribute authentic Islamic books to some public libraries & universities worldwide; and
28) To put up a Center for Peace, Development and Success in Davao City (insha Allah) – all for the pleasure of Allah
the Almighty.
Contact Us for More Information and Co-Sponsorship/Donation
Wisdom International School for Higher Education Studies (WISHES)
Wisdom Compound, Abinsay St., Dumanlas, Buhangin, Davao City, Philippines, 8000
Tel: 0063-82-2844458 , Mobile Phone: 00639322936902 or 00639214122958
Websites: http://www.wisdom.edu.ph &
Bank Account Name: Wisdom International School for Higher Education Studies
Union Bank
US Dollar $ Saving, Account Number: 131160002982
Union Bank , University Mall Branch, C.M. Recto Street, Davao City 8000 Philippines