Big Sandy Community and Technical College Course Syllabus

Big Sandy Community and Technical
Course Syllabus
PS Number:
Faculty Name:
Course Prefix and Number:
Course Prerequisites:
Course Title:
Catalog Course Description:
61554 Semester:
Year: 2015
ChenzhaoVierheller, Ph. D. Title:
BIO 112
Course Credit Hours: 3
Introduction to Biology
Basic study of structure, function and interactions of living organisms including cell
theory, genetics, energetics, evolution and ecology.
Instructor Contact Information:
Campus Location:
Office Hours:
Office Phone Number:
Best Times to Call:
KCTCS Email:
Special Instructions:
Building & Room:
Campbell 120d
Will be posted on the Course website and beside office door.
Alternate Number:
During office hour
All course related communication should be done via E-mail through course website in
Supervisor Contact Information:
Campus Location:
Office Phone Number:
KCTCS Email:
Marsha McKenzie
Building & Room:
606-886-3863 ext. 64740
Text and Supplies:
Inquiry into Life, 14th Edition, 2014
Author(s): Mader, Sylvia; Windelspecht, Michael
McGraw-Hill Publisher (WCB)
ISBN-10 0-07-751628-1, ISBN-13 978-0-07-751628-4
ISBN-10 0-07-352552-9, ISBN-13 978-0-07-352552-5
Campbell 120K
Approved Course Competencies
Students should prepare for twenty-first century challenges by gaining:
A. Knowledge of human cultures and the physical and natural worlds through study in the sciences and
mathematics, social sciences, humanities, histories, languages, and the arts.
Method to Achieve Activity:
A comprehensive final exam will include the competencies listed above as taught in the class.
B. Intellectual and practical skills, including
 inquiry and analysis
 critical and creative thinking
 written and oral communication
 quantitative literacy
 information literacy
 teamwork and problem solving
C. Personal and social responsibility, including
 civic knowledge and engagement (local and global)
 intercultural knowledge and competence
 ethical reasoning and action
 foundations and skills for lifelong learning
D. Integrative and applied learning, including synthesis and advanced accomplishment across general and
specialized skills.
Course Specific Competencies:
Student achieving a passing grade will be able to demonstrate proficiency in the following areas, to a degree
commensurate with the grade received.
 Analyze information using the Scientific Method.
 Describe basic cellular functions that are essential to all life.
 Demonstrate critical thinking about basic concepts of biology and to integrate that knowledge into a
practical application for daily life.
 Describe the evolutionary relationships that have developed between organisms within the
classification Kingdoms.
 Describe the position of humans in the hierarchy of life and our relationship to the environment as a
biological organism.
 Describe the concept of heredity and how it is influenced on a genetic level.
Lab Competencies: N/A
Course Outline:
Week / Date
Activities / Assignments
Syllabus and Introduction
Quiz 1: Course Info
Chapter 1: The Study of Life
Chapter 2: The Molecules of Cells
Quiz 2: Chapter 1 & 2
Chapter 3: Cell Structure & Function
Chapter 4: Membrane Structure and Function
Quiz 3: Chapter 3 & 4
Exam 1: Chapter 1-4
Chapter 5: Cell Division
Chapter 6: Metabolism: Energy and Enzymes
Quiz 4: Chapters 5 & 6
Chapter 7: Cellular Respiration
Chapter 8: Photosynthesis
Fall Break
Quiz 5: Chapters 7 & 8
Exam 2: Chapters 5 -8.
Chapter 25.1-3: DNA Structure
DNA Replication
Gene expression (p500-503)
Chapter 26.1-2: DNA Cloning
Biotechnology Products
Chapter 27. 1-2, 4-5: Theory of Evolution
Evidence of Evolution
Process of Evolution
Macroevolution and Speciation
Chapter 32.4-5: Evolution of the Hominins
Evolution of Modern Humans
Quiz 6: Chapters 25.1-3, 26.1-2, 27.1-2, 4-5 & 32.4-5
Chapter 35: Nature of Ecosystems
Chapter 36: Major Ecosystems of the Biosphere
Quiz 7: Chapter 35 & 36
Exam 3: Chapter 25.1-3, 26.1-2, 27.1-2, 4-5 & 32.4-5, 35 & 36
Chapter 23: Patterns of Gene Inheritance
Chapter 24: Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance
Quiz 8: Chapter 23 & 24
Final Exam: Comprehensive
Course Structure:
This class is delivered entirely over the internet (Blackboard). Students are required to read the text book,
watch movie clips and participate course activities via E-mail, chat and / or discussion board on a weekly bases.
Technology/Media Component:
This Course uses internet, E-mail, animations and on-line videos.
Service-Learning: N/A
Course Requirements and Evaluations:
I. General Grade policy:
The course grade is based on quizzes, exams, term paper and course participation.
II. Self Quizzes:
There are 8 self-quizzes. Details about quizzes can be found in the course website. Each quiz has 2
attempts. Quizzes contain mostly multiple choices questions
III. Examination:
There will be 4 exams, 3 during the semester plus the final exam. Exams may include multiple choices,
matching, true/false along with short answer questions and definitions. Each semester exam covers 4 chapters.
The final exam is a comprehensive exam including materials from all chapters covered during the semester. The
exam with the lowest grade will be dropped.
Each exam has a time limit and must be taken before the due dates (check course website for details). Points
will be deducted if the exam time exceeds the time limit. Only one attempt is allowed for each exam!
IV. Term paper:
Student can choose to write One term paper during the semester. It would be counted as bonus. Details
about the term paper can be found in the course website.
V. Participation:
Students are encouraged to participate in various discussion forums in the Discussion Board and attend chat
sections. All participation activities can be found in the class website.
VI. Grading Scale:
A= 90-100% (450 and above)
B= 80-89% (400-449 pts)
C= 65-79% (325-399 pts)
E= below 65% (324 and below)
Grade Policy:
1. Three semester exams (exam with the lowest score will be dropped): 100 point each (X2)
2. The final exam (comprehensive)
160 points.
(Three exams with the top scores will be counted)
3. Self Quizzes: 15 point each (X8) 120 points
4. Course Participation: Participation Activities 1-4 (Discussion Board)
20 points
5. Term paper
20 points (Bonus)
6. Total points: 500 (200 + 160 + 120 + 20)
200 points
Attendance Policy:
This course is delivered entirely over the internet (Blackboard). Participation is an important part of course
and accounts for part of the grade. Students who fail to participate in the course before the Wednesday of the
first week of class may be dropped from the roster.
The last activity (quiz, exam or posting) recorded will be considered as the last day of active participation.
Missed Exam and quiz Policy:
I. Exam Make-up and Reset Policy
All make-up exams are conducted during a 3-day period after the regular exam due date. The make-up exam
will have a time limit of 2/3 length as the regular exam.
Each student is allowed to have ONE exam-reset during the semester. The exam reset will be given only to
those students who cannot complete their exam due to computer difficulty. Request of exam reset MUST be sent
to instructor before the regular exam due date. Students who have their exams reset will need to take the makeup exam and have a time limit of 2/3 length as the regular exam.
One missed exam can also be dropped as the exam with the lowest score.
II. Quiz make-up and Reset Policy
Quiz resets are given to students who are not able to complete the quiz or quizzes due to computer
difficulty and send the requests to the instructor.
Quizzes do not have due dates, however, quizzes must be taken in sequential order. Exams are available only
after appropriate quiz is completed (See course website for detail).
Late Assignment Policy:
Points will be deducted with each day the assignments (paper or participation activities) are late. No
assignments will be accepted a week after the assignment due date or after the grades of the assignments are
posted, whichever occurs earlier.
Withdrawal Policy:
Students will be allowed to withdraw from the course and get a grade of W before taking the final exam or
until the last day possible as designated on BSCTC calendar, whichever occurs earlier.
Additional information can be found at the following site: