CURRICULUM VITAE DI ANNE DAVI S, M. Eng., M . A. HU MAN FAC TOR S NOR TH INC . Human Factors North Inc. 174 Spadina Avenue, Suite 202 Toronto, Ontario M5T 2C2 Telephone: Fax: Home Office: E-mail: (416) 596-1252 (416) 596-6946 (416) 778-9948 DESIGNAT IO N Canadian Certified Professional Ergonomist – 2006 EDUCAT ION Honours B.Sc. Psychology – 1986 University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M.A. Educational Technology – 1992 Concordia University, Montréal, Québec, Canada M.Eng. Human Factors and Information Systems – 2003 University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada PROF ESSIO NAL E XPERIENCE 2002 – present Associate Consultant, Human Factors North Inc. (selected projects) Participated in the development of workplan for a “Field Test of a Comprehensive Fatigue Management Program Compared with Current Company Practices”: Transport Canada Conducted a literature review on napping and fatigue management: Transport Canada Conducted a heuristic evaluatio n of SafetyAnalyst, traffic analysis (e.g., network screening) software: Midwest Research Institute Conducted a literature review on hours of service on commercial motor vehicle driving: Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Acted as project manager and interface designer for the development of the Toronto Centre for Phenogenomics web site and six sub-sites: Hospital for Sick Children Conducted a requirements analysis for mouse model databases at the Toronto Centre for Phenogenomics: Hospital for Sick Children Designed the information architecture for Ontario Drug Programs information for display on PDAs and the Internet for use by physicians and pharmacists: Ministry of Health and Long Term Care Conducted literature review for driver behaviour at highway-railway crossings: Transport Canada Dianne Davis, M.Eng., M.A., CCPE Page 1 Conducted an assessment of wayfinding issues and made detailed recommendations to address these issues: Point Pelee National Park Conducted a literature review on commercial motor vehicle driver cumulative fatigue recovery periods: Transport Canada Participated in the development of a research plan concerning the investigation of commercial motor vehicle driver cumulative fatigue recovery periods: Transport Canada Conducted a task analysis to assess the safety of monitoring activities of driving examiners during G2 road tests. Collected data on examiners’ visual search patterns during simulated road tests and participated in the analysis and interpretation of results: Ministry of Transportation, Ontario Conducted on-road evaluation of signs for airport infield at Pearson International Airport: Earth Tech (Canada) Inc. (for the Greater Toronto Airport Authority) Worked on development of training materials for the “Fundamentals of Highway Safety Improvement” course: U.S. Department of Transportation – Federal Highway Administration Conducted a literature review of the benefits and limitations of physiological and behavioural measured used in driving and fatigue studies: Transport Canada President & Principal Consultant – Fishbone Interactive (1997 – present) User Interface Designer, DMA Consulting Inc. (2001 – 2002) Senior Usability Specialist, Maclaren McAnn Interactive (2000 – 2001) User Interface Design (selected projects) Developed the user interface design for the first release of enterprise testing software, (contracted by DMA Consulting Inc.): Quest Software, Inc. The application, Jprobe (, is used to maximize application performance by helping test, identify, isolate and fix performance bottlenecks in IT infrastructure. Assessed end-user needs, and produced the user interface architecture, style guide, and detailed design specification. Provided interface design for the display of traffic and weather for the RealTraffic, Virginia Department of Transportation - VDOT 511 prototype: Maptuit Corp. Created a revised user interface design for MedCIRCLE (Collaboration for Internet Rating, Certification, Labeling and Evaluation of Health Information), a web-based health information rating site: Centre for Global E-health Innovation Created a revised user interface design of based on usability findings. Produced the user interface architecture and detailed user interface specification: GMCanada Created a revised user interface design for “The Buy Centre”, an online automobile purchasing process, based on usability findings: GMCanada Created the interface design of the “First New Car” web site ( Defined functional specifications and use cases for the web site. Produced the user interface architecture and detailed user interface specification: GMCanada Designed the interface and high level design of the “Telecommunications to Grow Your Business” online course for Bell Canada ( Bell Canada Heuristic Evaluations (selected projects) Conducted a heuristic evaluation of the Hospital for Sick Children’s Ambulatory Referral Management System: Hospital for Sick Children Conducted a heuristic evaluation of Canada Post’s “Ship and Click” application: Canada Post Evaluated the usability of the Federal Express web site ( The evaluation was conducted as a heuristic evaluation: Federal Express Conducted a heuristic evaluation of Canada Post’s “Fetch” web site: Canada Post Dianne Davis, M.Eng., M.A., CCPE Page 2 Conducted a heuristic evaluation of MedCIRCLE (Collaboration for Internet Rating, Certification, Labelling and Evaluation of Health Information), a web-based health information rating site: Centre for Global E-health Innovation Usability Evaluations (selected projects) Conducted usability testing of the Hospital for Sick Children’s Ambulatory Referral Management System with hospital clerks, nurses and physicians culminating in extensive interface design guidelines: Hospital for Sick Children Conducted usability testing of Canada Post’s “Ship and Click” online application with members of the general public: Canada Post Conducted usability evaluations on online medical guideline websites with family physicians and specialists: Centre for Global E-health Innovation Conducted a usability evaluation of evidence-based medicine resources on mobile devices with general internists, residents, and family physicians: Bell University Labs Conducted usability testing of MedCIRCLE (Collaboration for Internet Rating, Certification, Labelling and Evaluation of Health Information), a web-based health information rating site, with health care consumers: Centre for Global E-health Innovation Conducted a collaborative usability inspection of an online recruiter web site ( in preparation for site redesign. Site registration increased 54% to 97% on the basis of usability recommendations: JobShark Conducted a usability evaluation of the Hospital Report Consumer Web Site with members of the general public: Hospital Report Research Collaborative Conducted a usability of the Hospital for Sick Children’s human resources system with physicians, human resources staff and administrators: Hospital for Sick Children Conducted usability testing with patients and caregivers to evaluate the usability of the Hospital for Sick Children’s Virtual Tour, an interactive tour of the operating room: Hospital for Sick Children Conducted a usability evaluation of The Buy Centre, an online automobile purchasing centre, with members of the general public: GMCanada Conducted usability testing of SmartTrack2, BASF’s automotive colour management software, with PBE Jobbers (Automotive Paint, Body, and Equipment): BASF Conducted usability testing of Goosefun, an educational web site for children 6-10: Metta Communications Conducted usability testing of the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety web site ( with health care practitioners: Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety Conducted usability testing of, an educational website, with children ages 4-8: TVOntario Conducted a usability evaluation of Borderfree, an e-commerce site prototype, with members of the general public: Devlin E-business Architects Conducted usability testing of BodyShop Mall, an (, with automotive shop owners: BASF e-commerce web site Conducted usability testing of ZED ( an art hosting web site, with members of the general public: Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Conducted usability testing of First New Car site prototype ( with automobile purchasers: GMCanada Conducted a usability evaluation of TVOKids’ “Time Trackers” web site, winner of a Gemini award for BEST INTERACTIVE WEB SITE, with students ages 6-8. TVOntario Dianne Davis, M.Eng., M.A., CCPE Page 3 Conducted usability testing of the Clarica Life Insurance Company web site prototype in preparation for redesign ( MacLaren McCann Interactive REPO RT S (sseele lected HFN FN reepo port rtss)) Davis, D., Masliah, M., Smiley, A., and Bahar, G. Heuristic Evaluation of Modules 1 & 4 in SafetyAnalyst. Final report prepared for D. W. Harwood, Principal Traffic Engineer, Midwest Research Institute. 2005. Davis, D., Philp, C., and Smiley, A. Point Pelee National Park Sign Plans. Final report prepared for Parks Canada. 2004. Davis, D. and Smiley, A. Infield Airport Wayfinding Sign Study. Final report prepared for Earthtech. 2003. Smiley, A., and Davis, D. Investigation of commercial motor vehicle driver cumulative fatigue recovery periods: Phase II Addendum – Napping Literature Review. Report prepared for the Transportation Development Centre, Transport Canada. 2005. Smiley, A., Donderi, D.C., and Davis D. Definition of monitoring on a G2 road test. Final report prepared for the Ministry of Transportation, Ontario. 2004. Smiley, A., Boivin, D.B., Heslegrave, R., and Davis, D. Investigation of commercial motor vehicle driver cumulative fatigue recovery periods: Literature review. Rep. No. TP14206E, Transportation Development Centre, Transport Canada. 2003. Smiley, A., Boivin, D.B., Heslegrave, R., and Davis, D. Investigation of commercial motor vehicle driver cumulative fatigue recovery periods: Phase II. Rep. No. TP14245E, Transportation Development Centre, Transport Canada. 2003. PUBLICAT IONS (p (peer er rrev eviewe wed d)): Takeshita, H., Davis, D., and Strauss, S.E., (2002). Clinical Evidence at the Point of Care in Acute Medicine: A Handheld Usability Case Study, in Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics th Society 48 Annual Meeting. (Received best paper award for the Medical Systems and Rehabilitation Technical Group.) PROF ESSIO NAL AFF ILIATIO NS Member of TORCHI (Toronto Region Computer Human Interaction) Member of SIGCHI (Special Interest Group on Computer Human Interaction) Member of UPA (Usability Professionals’ Association) Member of the Canadian Health Informatics Association Dianne Davis, M.Eng., M.A., CCPE Page 4