Equality Advisory Group Wednesday 4 March 2015 Minutes Present

Equality Advisory Group
Wednesday 4 March 2015
Paul Wordsworth (City of Sanctuary, Interfaith Forum) - Chair
Sue Lister (York Older People's Assembly)
Carolyn Suckling (York Access Group)
Amy Charlton (Higher York)
Daryoush Mazloum (York Racial Equality Network)
Mike Durkin (City of York Council)
Will Boardman (City of York Council)
Cllr Linsay Cunningham (Cabinet Member Health and Community
Cllr Nigel Ayre (Liberal Democrat Group)
Charlie Croft (City of York Council)
Kay Bailey (City of York Council)
1.Welcome and Introductions
Paul Wordsworth (PW) welcomed everyone to the meeting and all
introduced themselves. Mike Durkin explained that he was there as an
observer having started to attend the internal Fairness and Leadership
Group. Apologies were received from Chris Edmondson (York Independent
Living Network), Mahendra Verma (York Indian Cultural Assoc), Cllr Tony
Richardson (Conservative Group).
PW read out a statement from the Clinical Commissioning Group who had
been invited to attend:
“Integrated Community Services
Feedback from two market engagement events held by the CCG for
community services in January/February highlighted that there would be a
benefit in undertaking further detailed work around the community services
that the CCG currently commissions, which would enable a wider
understanding of existing systems and help to shape and influence future
models of care. We will therefore be working with our existing providers,
local authorities and voluntary sector providers to review services and
transform them collectively. Detailed plans for this project are currently being
developed. The CCG has made this decision with the aim of building trust
and a shared vision for integrated community services across the Vale of
York as one single, integrated team; a vision that is also in line with our
strategy and plans for the future that will build upon our successful bid to
become a pioneer site for New Models of Care. It is the intention to complete
in-depth service reviews for each service line within a defined period of time
which will enable the development, agreement and implementation of
service specifications documenting as-is service provision (current aim is
within the next 8 months). This work also provides the ideal platform for the
CCG to work with current providers and ensure the delivery of high quality
services throughout 2015-16 while it works on designs for the future. From
this the CCG will promptly take forward service developments and engage
all of stakeholders in the development of a vision for integrated community
services. This is when engagement with the Equality Advisory Group will be
vital. As soon as formal project timescales are agreed; these will be
communicated. “
Amy Charlton said that she'd been contacted by the NHS and was working
with then on a mental health campaign. Equality reps had also been invited
to a CCG event on equalities on 24 March.
Action: to keep invite open for future meetings as appropriate.
The minutes of the last meeting were agreed as a true record.
Questions were asked around the proposed multi faith/multi cultural centre see public participation item.
A question was asked whether the input of councillors at EAG meetings had
been resolved.
Answer: there was no issue to resolve as such. Councillors were invited to
contribute in the meeting at the discretion of the Chair.
3.Public participation
There was no one registered to speak but PW read out a statement from the
Mahendra Verma on behalf of the York Indian Cultural Association (YICA):
"I would like the group to make a note of YICA's concern that members of the
York Indian community still do not have a permanent base to meet. Among
the Indian community the Hindus, quite a large number, and Sikhs do not
have a place to worship. The senior citizens do not have a place to meet and
socialise nor do the children have any such place. They are all contributing
financially and culturally to the city of York.”
Discussion took place around the proposed multi faith centre. Charlie Croft
said he had already forwarded the requirements supplied by the YICA to the
developers. Charlie Croft explained that the proposal for the multi faith
centre rests with the developers of the Hungate site and advised that a
community consultation may be held. He was aware that other organisations
including the Unitarian and Methodist churches also have an interest and
may put forward additional and complementary ideas.
Charlie Croft has also met with YUMI (York Unifying Multicultural Initiative)
who have expressed an interest. He reminded EAG that the proposal has
always been put forward as a multi faith idea and is very much open to any
other group to come forward with proposals. Charlie Croft has written to York
Interfaith to inform them about the opportunity. The basic premise for the
centre would be to have a ‘tenant’ to anchor the centre around provision
such as a cafe and therefore provide a continuous revenue stream.
Question: would each group pay for space? Answer: not known at this stage.
Action: EAG to be kept informed of progress.
KB gave an update on ways of promoting the public participation item. An
article was in the Winter ‘Your Voice’ edition. Kay will be submitting details
for the AbleWeb York blog and new website http://www.ablewebyork.org/
and also attending York CVS forums to bring this opportunity to their
Action: EAG reps to work with KB and CYC Marketing and Comms to
investigate putting a feature in York Press.
4.A Fairer York - York Equality Scheme Plan 2015-2017
Will Boardman (WB) outlined the recent approval of the Plan but he was
attending EAG to share with them the aim to produce something that was
inspiring and work with partners to achieve this. How should we do it, who
should we work with, how should we communicate it? WB shared three
questions he wanted EAG to consider:
1. We want to illustrate these priorities through people telling us what
A Fairer York means for them in these areas. What would you say it
meant to you in each case?
2. The descriptions of the priorities are not written in a way which will
mean a lot to many people. How could we make them clearer and
more to the point?
3. We are working on how we can launch A Fairer York to the city. Does
EAG have any views on how we might ensure this is an inclusive
process and how we can make sure it has an impact?
Question : can it be more explicit about the intentions eg we want to aim for
no food banks in York.
Will explained that a pledge idea for organisations had been discussed.
Question: suggest removing the potentially inflammatory connotation of
decrease the numbers on benefits and change to increasing/creating jobs.
Question: there needs to be a range of language used, can't be a tick box
Question: how many groups have been talked to so far? In response Many
groups have been consulted already.
Question: it needs a figurehead, it needs to take advantage of the Spirit
Level authors based in the city.
Cllr Cross reminded the meeting that there are key changes in overall
responsibility and the shift from the Council doing everything to the local
resident and other orgs taking on more responsibility.
Question: suggestion to run an umbrella campaign because there were so
many messages within this that it could get confusing.
Question: to look at local areas with elected members, did you know facts
Question: has the council looked at becoming a zero suicide city?
5.Having a voice in the planning process
The action from the December meeting was shared with the group.
Timescales for further consultation on the Local Plan would now take place
post election, date to be confirmed. Kay is going to liaise with Planning to
cross check their database for equality organisations in York to enable future
consultation opportunities. Planning Panels in non parished wards are a
mechanism for volunteer involvement whilst in parished wards it’s parish
councils. Neighbourhood Plans and Village Design Statements (CYC
contacts: Rebecca Harrison and Caroline Strudwick) are being driven locally
by communities. Community Forums are set up on large city wide projects
eg Heslington East, British Sugar site and involve invited residents from a
cross section of the community.
Question: planning panel guidance needs to reflect the Equality Act eg it may
not be possible for a wheelchair user to access someone's home if that's
where a Panel meets.
Action: KB to share with Communities & Equalities Team who support
Planning Panels and update the Planning Panel guidance/factsheet.
6.Information, Advice and Guidance
This topic was discussed initially at the December meeting. Under the Care
Act every council must set up a service for providing information, advice and
guidance (IAG) about care and support for adults and support for carers.
Charlie asked the EAG reps to consider in a small group activity how this
approach might be achieved to help take this project forward.
7.Any Other Business
 Brief feedback was given on ‘Meet the Party Leader’ meeting with
Cllr Chris Steward. Some of the topics discussed included levels of
influence in opposition, Blue badge parking, Independent living fund,
Planning of new house buildings in future, Health funding, Hate
Crime. A summary will be uploaded to the equalities webpage on the
council website.
 Reminder of ‘Meet the Chief Executive’ with Kersten England on
Weds 22 April 2.30-4pm
 Future EAG meetings were set as follows:
o Weds 3 June 6-8pm
o Weds 2 September 6-8pm
o Weds 2 December 10-12noon
o Weds 2 March 10-12noon
 Carolyn raised the issue of voter registration.
 It was agreed that the next chairperson will be Amy Charlton (Higher
Note:The next meeting is on Wednesday 3 June 2015 at 6pm.