Wordsworth Primary School Newsletter—March 2014

Wordsworth Primary School
‘Bringing out the Best in Everyone’
Newsletter—March 2014
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome to the second half of the spring term.
Firstly, thank you for the nice comments, cards and good
wishes after my recent bereavement; I have been really
touched by your kindness.
As you are now aware the school is heading for a time of
change. The first change will happen in
1-DM as Mrs Cutler-Davies is leaving the
school at Easter to take a new job nearer
her home. We wish her every success in
her new job, but she will be sadly missed.
Alongside this I am also taking Mrs Moss out of class to
support the children who have additional needs.
In recent weeks we have been rather disappointed that
some of the children have been using swear words. This
has extended as far as writing swear words all over the
walls, doors and partitions in the girls toilets. The first
time it happened we removed the graffiti, the second and
third times we were cross, but we have had to be very
strict as this type of behaviour is totally unacceptable. I
hope that we have seen the last of it as it is unfair on
those girls who do ‘respect the school and grounds’ and
who are now worried about using the toilets as they may
see something they don’t like. Parents can also support
the school by using appropriate language at home and
not allowing their children to use swear words.
We are also working very hard to ensure that the
children’s behaviour is improved at play and lunchtimes.
We are now running a number of lunchtime clubs to ease
the pressure on the playground and are
working hard to support children with
appropriate behaviours skills, including
much class time being devoted to social
skills. Parents can support the school by
reminding their children that hitting,
kicking and aggressive behaviours are
not tolerated in school and that this type
of behaviour results in playtimes being
missed (as per school policy).
We are hopeful that we should see turf being laid on the
field in the next few weeks (weather permitting). Once we
can open up the spaces and use the field the children will
not feel as cramped and so we should experience less
inappropriate behaviour.
Mr Paul Betteridge
Polite School Notices
Colds and Flu
We currently have a rather nasty flu virus
going around the staff and it has meant that
teachers have needed to have some time off
to recuperate. When a teacher is off sick for
more than one day we try very hard to retain
the same supply teacher. However, when this
is not possible we minimise the number of
teachers the classes have in any one week.
Paperless Communications
Many thanks to those parents who recently
returned their child’s Pupil Data Record forms.
This information is used to keep the school
systems up to date and ensures that we are able
to contact you in an emergency. We keep this
information in school and do not share it with any
third party. However, we are trying to move
towards being a more paperless school. By
providing us with up to date mobile and email
details we can now ensure that all
correspondence is available to you immediately
via text and email. This term we aim to send all
information in paper and electronic form, so you
will get letters and newsletters on paper but you
will also get a text or e-mail alert. Next term we
will reduce the number of paper copies we send
and will rely on the text and e-mail alerts for
Newsletters and letters. All letters and newsletters
are held on our website so please do visit the site
at www.wordsworthprimary.co.uk to view these.
We welcome all feedback so if
there is something you would like
to see on our website that is not
currently available please do let
us know.
Polite School Notices
Free School Meals
Just registering for Free School Meals means
that the school can get access to extra
Please can I encourage parents who are in
receipt of benefits to register their child for
Free School Meals. This is a way of
confidentially letting the school and the Local
Authority know of your child’s entitlements. By
registering, the school receives additional
funding that can be used for the children. Even
if you don’t take up the offer of the free
freshly cooked hot meals each day, the school
and children can benefit. Please see the office
for details and assistance.
We have very strict guideline for
administering medicines. We are able to
administer prescription medicines only
and cannot give children medication that
has been bought over the counter. Please
make sure that you provide the
medication and the means to administer,
e.g. a medicine spoon (normally plastic
with measure on the bowl) or cup and
spacers for inhalers. We will also require
written permission from the parent and
reserve the right to refuse to administer
medicines without written permission and
correct equipment.
Teachers strike day
Please do not use the disabled
parking bays in the Sainsburys
car park. The parking attendants
have asked us to inform parents that
if they use the disabled bays they
face getting a parking ticket. The
school is unable to intervene with
any parking issues including the
issuing of parking tickets.
The NUT and the NASUWT have called a
national day of strike action on Wednesday
26th March. As on previous teacher strike
days, teachers have been asked if it would be
possible to inform the school prior to the strike
so that we can give parents advance notice of
any closures. We will send a letter shortly
giving more information.
Dates for your diary :
Spring term:
Thursday 20th March
Thursday 2nd April
Friday 4th April
Summer term:
Tuesday 22nd April
Tuesday 20th May
Wednesday 21st May
Monday 26th—30th May
Monday 2nd June
Week beginning 23rd June
Wednesday 25th June
Friday 27th June
Saturday 28th June
Week beginning 30th June
Week beginning 7th July
Wednesday 23rd July
Academy Consultation for parents 3.30—5.30pm
Year 2 trip to Winchester Science Museum
Early Years Open Doors
Last day of term
Children back to school
Early Years Open Doors
School photographer Class photos
Half Term Holiday
Inset Day (School Closed)
Pre-School sessions
Year 2 group residential trip to Minstead
Year 2 group return from Minstead
Celebration Day
Pre-School sessions
Reports go home
Pre-School sessions
Parents Evenings
Last day of term