OPTIMASI PEMBENTUKAN ASAM ASETAT DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN METODE PENAMBAHAN MINERAL (FeCl3 DAN CoCl2) UNTUK PROSES DAUR ULANG LIMBAH PULP KAKAO THE OPTIMATIZATION OF ACETIC ACID FORMATION RESULTING FROM COCOA PULP WASTE RECOVERY PROCESS WITH MINERALS ADDITION METHOD (FeCl3 AND CoCl2) _________________________________________________________________________ Bunga Mentari1 Mindriany Syafila2 Marisa Handajani3 Program Studi Teknik Lingkungan ITB Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan Institut Teknologi Bandung Jl. Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132 bungayusuf@gmail.com 1 mindri@ftsl.itb.ac.id 2 marisa.handajani@ftsl.itb.ac.id 3 Abstrak : Pengolahan buah kakao menjadi biji kakao kering akan menghasilkan limbah pulp kakao yang apabila dibiarkan terus menerus dan tanpa pengolahan lebih lanjut dapat menimbulkan dampak bagi lingkungan terutama tanah dan perairan yang dijadikan tempat pembuangan limbah tersebut, bau yang tidak sedap dan juga akan terjadi fermentasi alami dari mikroorganisme yang terdapat dalam limbah tersebut dimana akan dihasilkan alkohol. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh pembentukan optimal asam asetat dalam proses pengolahan limbah cair pulp kakao secara anaerob dengan menggunakan variasi penambahan mineral. Proses pengolahan limbah cair pulp kakao ini menggunakan Circulating Bed Reactor yang terbuat dari flexyglass berkapasitas 4,5 liter. Seeding dan aklimatisasi dilakukan sampai tercapai kondisi steady state, kemudian 2 buah reaktor CBR anaerob dioperasikan dalam suhu ruang selama 20 hari. Masing-masing reaktor diberikan penambahan mineral yang berbeda yaitu reaktor 1 ditambahkan FeCl3 dan reaktor 2 ditambahkan CoCl2. Pengambilan sampel harian dilakukan untuk analisis temperatur, COD, VSS, asam asetat, pH dan komposisi gas dengan periode waktu tertentu.Pengukuran asam asetat dengan kosentrasi tertinggi sebesar 27.375,09 mg/L diperlihatkan oleh reaktor 1(dengan penambahan FeCl3), sedangkan reaktor 2 (dengan penambahan CoCl2) menghasilkan asam asetat dengan kosentrasi sebesar 20.000,06 mg/L. Laju pembentukkan asam asetat untuk reaktor 1 adalah sebesar 1.156,25 mg/L/hari dan laju pembentukkan asam asetat untuk reaktor 2 adalah sebesar 681,252 mg/L/hari. Kata kunci : pulp kakao, asidogenesis, asam asetat, mineral Abstract : The conversion of cocoa fruit to dried cocoa beans generates cocoa pulp waste, which if it lets continuously and without further process, can generate the impact of environment especially land and waters as the exile place of waste, unwell aroma and also there will be natural fermentation from the microorganism ,which there are in the waste, and alcohol will be yielded. The objective of this research is to know about the optimatization of acetic acid formation resulting from cocoa pulp waste recovery process with minerals addition method. The process is run on anaerobic Circulating Bed Reactor which is made from flexyglass that have 4,5 liters capacities. Seeding and acclimatization are conducted until get a steady state condition, and then two reactors CBR-anaerobic will be operated at room temperature for 20 days. Both of the reactors are given with different minerals, reactor 1 is added by FeCl3 and reactor 2 is added by CoCl2. Checking of temperature, COD, VSS, acetic acid, pH are carried during the operation in 24 hoursbases. Gas analysis has performed on certain time period. Result of acetic acid analysis indicates that reactor 1 (with attendance of FeCl3) produce the highest concentration of acetic acid about 27.375,09 mg/L, while the reactor which with attendance of CoCl2 (reactor 2) produced acetic acid concentration about 20.000,06 mg/L. The rapid formation of reactor 1 is about 1.156,25 mg/L/days and 681,252 mg/L/days for reactor 2. Key words : cocoa sweating, acidogenic, acetic acid, minerals WW2-1 PREFACE Theobroma cacao L. (Sterculiaceae) is an important tropical rain forest species which occupies as the third of environmental sub sector commodity in Indonesia after oilpalm and rubber. During the time, the result of cacao crop which form as a cacao seed can be proceed without or with fermentation. Because of the sell prices have no different far and fermentation process needs much time, the farmer prefers to process the result of cacao crop to become a dry seed product without fermentation. There are a number of new products that have potential for increasing returns to cocoa growers. These include seed pulp and products from pod husk waste which are byproducts from the chocolate processing industry. These byproducts have not any attention by society and it is also attend to be assumed as the garbage, so that by the end of this fermentation process, these byproducts thrown off hand or let empty into the dismissal channel and after that it will be contamination for territorial water. From 1 kilogram of dry cacao seed can result about 0,1 - 0,19 liters of cocoa sweating. Imaginable if compared it in to the level of cacao seed production and the growth of cacao seed industrial process amount, it can be more cocoa sweating total production amount. During on-farm processing of cocoa seed, the pulp is removed by fermentation and is hydrolyzed by microorganisms. The natural fermentation process by microorganism will have an alcohol as the result. Hydrolyzed pulp is known in the industry as "sweating." During fermentation, the pulp provides the substrate for various microorganisms which are essential to the development of chocolate flavor precursors during the roasting process. Fermentation was once thought to be simply an easy way to remove the pulp to facilitate drying, but its importance to cocoa quality has been well established (Lopez 1986). The pulp is about 10% from wet weight of seed (Quesnel, 1967) and potential to be exploited. That cocoa waste pulp can be exploited for making of acetate (acetic acid), which known as vinegar, by using microorganism which from pure culture or mixture culture (Prameswari , 2004). Clostridium thermoaceticum C6H12O6 glucose CH3COOH acetic acid + Q ............................................................(1) (1) = Anaerobic Fermentation Process The processing of cocoa pulp waste becomes the acetic acid will be carried by the anaerobic digestion process up to acidogenesis phase. In this phase, metabolism process from hydrolysis phase product by acidogenic bacteria happened. According to Torien and Hattingh (1969), anaerobic species which found in this process are from Streptococcaceae and Enterobacteriaceae family. In general, those bacteria need CO2 and organic acid as carbon source, ammonia as Nitrogen source or sulfide as sulfur source, Vitamin B, hemin, menadion, and minerals as a nutrient. The final special product in this acidogenesis phase are volatile organic acid (propionate, butyrate, acetate, and formic acids), carbon dioxide CO2, hydrogen H2 ). WW2-2 Table 1. Minerals Function in Microorganism Metabolism (Syafila, 1997) 1. 2. 3. 4. Unsure Source Fe Fe2+, Fe3+ Cl Cl- Co Co2+ Function in metabolism in cytochrome, ferredoxin and any steel-sulfur protein, co-factor enzyme (dehydrates) inorganic anion in cell inside the enzymes which contain co-enzyme B12 (glutamate mutase, methylmalonul - CoA mutase) The factor that influence the acetic acid fermentation are (Rosdyana, 2004) : Type of microorganism and also amount of cultures Temperature pH Availability of Oxygen The used of cocoa pulp waste as substrate give two benefit at the same time, first is to lessening the cocoa pulp waste discard to the ground and territorial water, and secondly is obtained the acetic acid as vinegar which can give an economically advantages. METHODOLOGIES The researches have started from April 2008, where take place in Environmental Engineering Laboratory of Water Quality, The Faculty of Environment and Civil Engineering. The researches have done by a few steps work. The first step is cocoa pulp waste characteristic test. Cocoa pulp waste as a fermentation media are obtained from peeling phase of cocoa plantation which come from PT. IGE Cipatat, Bandung, West Java. The characteristic that measured are temperature, pH, Total Suspended Solid (TSS), Volatile Suspended Solid (VSS), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Dissolved Oxygen (DO). After we know the characteristic of cocoa pulp waste that need to recovered, we can start to assemble the Circulating Bed Reactor (CBR). CBR which used is made from flexyglass and has the volume about 4,5 liter with sampling port. There are things to be paid attention when compile the reactor are : - The circle form of flexyglass which has been holed in the half of area and put down in reactor base to recirculation. - The aerator with double port is connected to the reactor. First port will breeze the air and the second one will suck the air, so that the process happened in anaerobic condition. - The “goose neck” is used to detect the existence of gas formed. WW2-3 Goose neck Sample Port Sparger Aerator Fig 1. Scheme of the Reactor Seeding is aim to growing the microorganism which be used in acetate acid forming process, in order to process the waste in many number. Inokulum/kultur or biomass seed of bacterium which used is come from cacao pulp waste itself. After the seeding process, the Acclimatization process can be started. Acclimatization is done for microorganism adaption purpose, so that the microorganism have ability to processing the cocoa waste pulp to become acetate acid. The reactors operated with batch system and take the sample for VSS and COD analyzed, so that it gets the steady state conditions. Table 2. The compositions of sample on reactor Mixed Culture Glucose Aquadest : cocoa waste pulp 10 % total volume 1 % total volume 50 50 The mainly process in this research is running process. This process use the Circulating Bed Reactor (CBR) - Anaerobic . The process of cocoa pulp waste is carried in different reactor for each variations of minerals added. The volume of reactor is 4,5 liters with the compositions are cocoa waste pulp (1,4 liters), aquadest (1,4 liters), biomass (20% total volume; 0,7 liters) and minerals which concentration added is 1 – 10 mg/l (in this research we use 10 mg/l for mineral concentrations added). The minerals are FeCl3 and CoCl2. The calculations of the reactor compositions are to create the condition of reactor with COD sample value about 100.000 mg/l. The reactor operation time is 20 days, where sampling is carried every day in purpose to analyze some parameters. The parameters are pH, COD, gasses composition, temperature, VSS and acetic acid concentration. After we all get the data, alternate analysis of cocoa pulp waste recovery process with minerals variations added. The sources which have been researched and analyzed must be compiled in systematic report. WW2-4 RESULTS AND ANALYSIS The first step of researches is cocoa waste pulp characteristic test as a fermentation media. The cocoa pulp waste characteristic test, which use Standard Methods For The Examination of Water and Wastewater 20th Edition 1998 ( SMEWW ) as a reference, has got the result shown on Table 3. Table 3. Result of Cocoa Pulp Waste Characteristic Test No Parameters Standard of Measurement Methods Result 1 Temperature °C 27 2 pH 3 TSS mg/l SMEWW 2540-D 3196 4 VSS mg/l SMEWW 5560 2930 5 COD mg/l SMEWW 5220-B 140000 6 BOD mg/l SMEWW 5210-B 64000 7 DO mg/l SMEWW 4500-O-G 0,3 3,95 According to the result of cocoa pulp waste characteristic test, high organic concentration in the waste was found, so it is needed a lot of microorganism for the process. Seeding of mix culture microorganism is aim to growing the microorganism amounts. Acclimatization is carried for microorganism adaption purpose to the cocoa pulp waste that will be proceed. Inokulum/kultur or biomass seed of bacterium which used come from cocoa pulp waste itself, because there is much microorganism that consists in cocoa pulp waste and the adaptation process of microorganism will be expected. Fig. 2 The Seeding Process of Cocoa Pulp Waste Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and Volatile Suspended Solid (VSS) analysis will be carried in acclimatization process. The analysis purpose is to know about the degradation of organic compound from the waste and also the improvement of microorganism amount in the reactor. The reactors volume is 6,5 liters with the composition which shown in Table 4. WW2-5 Table 4. Compositions of Reactor in Acclimatization Process Mixed Culture Glucose Waste Aquadest 650 ml 65 gr 2925 ml 2925 ml Anaerobic condition can be created by giving nitrogen flushing about ±15 minutes before and after the compositions of reactor entered. The result of COD measurement in Fig. 3 have shown that there are the degradation of COD values from 109.760 mg/L become 50.960 mg/L during 14 days. Fig. 3 Degradation of COD Values in Aclimatization Process The measurement of VSS parameter cannot be used as a standard rules, caused by the growth of microorganisms in the reactor which make a flock and bio-film. The flock and bio-film are patching in the reactor wall, so this conditions assumed that there is no homogeneous mixing in the reactor. Bio-film is one of microorganism form which growth and patch at one particular surface and surrounded by some mucus compound. Bio-film usually growth on the surface that have contact with the water and almost 99 % of bacteria live in bio-film community (http://www.edstrom.com in Prameswari, 2004). Acetobacter aceti is one of the bacterium which takes a part of cocoa seed fermentation and consists in cocoa pulp waste. They also can make the bio-film (Adams, 1997). This flock and bio-film formed have influence the amount of microorganism (suspended in waste), become more less. The measurement of VSS parameter based on suspended solid materials in waste, so that the value are decreased (Fig. 4). WW2-6 Fig. 4 VSS Value in Aclimatization Process Acclimatization process have been carried after achieve the steady-state condition, where there is no significant degradation of COD value. After the acclimatization process has done, we have got more microorganisms that have adapted with the waste to be used in CBR-anaerobic operation step called Running. The operation of CBR-anaerobic for the cocoa waste pulp recovery process will be carried in different reactors, with the capacity of each reactor is around 4,5 liter, for each variation mineral added. Reactor 1 has given by FeCl3 and reactor 2 has given by CoCl2 as the mineral addition, with each mineral concentration is about 10 mg/L. In the beginning and after waste-biomass-aquadest-mineral compositions packed into the reactor, nitrogen flushing must be carried about 15 minutes with the purpose is to create the anaerobic condition in the reactor. In this operation phase, besides measuring COD and VSS values, we are also measuring other parameters such as pH, temperature, acetic acid as a daily parameters and gas composition at selected time of period. After 20 days of operation time and sampling, the reactors will be stopped. Temperature as one of the factors that influence acetic acid formation process, has been measured in purpose to save the optimum temperature for the reactor. Figure. 5 shown that both of the process have ruined in the optimum temperature (23,9 – 29,4 °C). Fig. 5 Temperature WW2-7 The COD measurement results from both reactors (Fig. 6) shown that the more degradation value has happened in reactor 2 (with CoCl2 as mineral addition). The degradation is until 35.280 mg/L (on 20th day). In the reactor 1 (with FeCl3 as mineral addition) the degradation value reaches 50.960 mg/L (on 20th day). Fig. 6 The Degradation of COD Values The result of VSS value measurement, visible at Fig. 7, have shown that VSS values from both of the reactors are tend to increasing by the end of period. It is mentioned that the microorganism which take a part in this process are decreasing. The fluctuation of VSS value can be caused by the microorganism from cocoa pulp waste which have tendency to forming a bio-film at the wall and the surface of the reactor, also forming the flock in waste dilution, so that the posibility of flock and bio-film from the sample which measured daily to be brought or not becomes one of the factors that influence the result. Fig. 7 The Fluctuation of VSS Value The formation of acetic acid from both of reactors visible in Fig. 8. In the beginning of period, the formation of acetic acid is unvisible or just about 6000 mg/L. The highest concentration of acetic acid by the end of period is about 27.375,09 mg/L from reactor 1. The formation rapid from reactor 1 is about 1.156,25 mg/L/day. Reactor 2 is WW2-8 yielding about 20.000,06 mg/L for the acetic acid, with the formation rapid about 681,252 mg/L/days. Fig. 8 The Formation of Acetic Acid from Cocoa Pulp Waste Acetic acid concentration that formed, inversely with acidity degree that represented by pH value from each reactor. The concentration of acetic acid that increase can make the pH value of the reactor decrease (Fig. 9). Fig. 9 pH Value from Cocoa Pulp Waste Recovery Process Gasses kromatografi is used to measuring gas composition. The result from the measurement (Fig. 10) are O2 gasses concentration in reactor 1, about 17,8229 % v/v in the beginning of period and 18,5128 % v/v in the end of period. In reactor 2 (Fig. 11), O2 gasses concentration has decreased from 20,3259 % v/v become 17,5361 % v/v in the end of period. Attedance of O2 gasses in the reactor have influence the path of acetate. Reactor 1, which have O2 gasses concentration increased from beginning to the end of period, cause acetic acid formed faster. The decreased of O2 gasses concentration in reactor 2 causes acetic acid formed slowly. The concentration of N2 in the beginning of reaction (t0) of reactor 1 is about 81,5837 % v/v and concentration of N2 in reactor 2 about 79,4986 % v/v, but the WW2-9 concentration of N2 from reactor 1 and 2 have a relative values is about 81 % v/v in the end of reaction. CO2 concentration is about 0,5933 % v/v for the reactor 1 and 0,1753 % v/v for the reactor 2 in the beginning of reaction. At the end of reaction, CO2 concentration of reactor 1 has been decreased about 0,2662 % v/v, but the CO2 concentration for reactor 2 has been increased about 0,4 % v/v. Fig. 10 Gasses Composition (Reactor 1; FeCl3 as Mineral Addition) Fig. 11 Gasses Composition (Reactor 2; CoCl2 as Mineral Addition) At the reactor 1, there is no H2 gasses concentration from the beginning until the end of the periode. While, in the reactor 2 the H2 gasses concentration did not founded in the beginning of periode, but there is H2 gasses concentration founded about 0,0723 % v/v by the time of periode. The attendance of H2 gasses at the reactor can be happened because of the H2 producer bacterium existence. According to Grady & Lim (1980), in anaerobic process there are the H2 producer bacterium which included in to non-metanogenic bacterium group. Bitton (1994) is also told that there are group of acidogenic fermentatif bacterium and acetogenic bacterium which produce H2 gasses in anaerobic process. Attendance of H2 gasses will cause the pressure of hydrogen parcial decreased, the pressure of hydrogen parcial above 10-4 will cause acetic acid formed process will be blocked. WW2-10 CONCLUSION Cocoa pulp waste can be exploited and proceed with anaerobicly, produce various byproduct compound from the acidogenic process. The acetic acid is a special byproduct compound that produced. The cocoa pulp waste recovery process which use Circulating Bed Reactor-anaerobicly with minerals added method (FeCl3 dan CoCl2) for about 10 mg/L, has the highest acetic acid concentration from reactor 1 (with FeCl3 as mineral addition) about 27.375,09 mg/L as a result. The acetic acid concentration from reactor 2 (with CoCl2 as mineral addition) is about 20.000,06 mg/L by the end of period. Oxygen gasses concentration which founded in the reactor has influence the acetic acid forming process. The anaerobicly acetic acid forming process will be blocked with the attendance of H2 gasses in reactor. The big scale of cocoa pulp waste recovery process better be done by anaerobicly process, because the path of acetic acid forming process which done aerobicly will require O2 so that the biggest energy will be needed to take care the reactor condition keep aerobic. On the other hand, the aerobiclly acetic acid forming process can be done with technological engineering such as minerals added method which give a nutritions source to the mixed culture of cocoa pulp waste anaerobic bacterium. Bibliography Adams, M. R. 1997. Vinegar. Dalam: Wood, B. J. B (eds). Microbiology of Fermented Food, Volume 1. Elsevier Applied Science Publisher Ltd. New York. Billqys, M. N. P. 2008. Potensi Pembentukan Asam Asetat sebagai Senyawa Antara pada Proses Asidogenesis Limbah Pulp Kakao untuk Dimanfaatkan Kembali. Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan. ITB. Bandung. Grady, C. P. dan Lim, Henry, C. 1980. Biological Wastewater Treatment, Theory, and Application. Mercel Dekker Inc. New York. 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