The Rt Hon David Cameron MP c/o David Holmes Prime Minister

The Rt Hon David Cameron MP
Prime Minister
10 Downing Street
c/o David Holmes
Mathematics Institute,
University of Warwick
On behalf of the UK young researcher community in mathematics: EPSRC funding decisions.
Dear Prime Minister,
On behalf of the UK young researcher community in mathematics, we are writing to express our
concern about the recent funding decisions taken by EPSRC regarding the funding of postdoctoral
fellowships in mathematics. Consistent with the recommendations of the International Review of
Mathematics[1] organised by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC),
we presume that the aim of EPSRC funding is to maintain diversity within mathematics and to
encourage the best researchers in all areas of mathematics to work in the UK.
No doubt you are aware how mathematics of all kinds underpins all of modern technology from
medical imaging to internet transactions; as a recent example, algebraic topology is now being
applied to analysing complex data[2]. We as a group are embarking on careers which we hope will
continue the strong UK tradition of excellence across all fields of mathematics.
We observe that in contrast to this, the EPSRC has resolved that their `fellowships will no longer be
universally available in all areas … but rather that priorities will be identified’[3]. In particular, the
current round of fellowships will only be available to researchers in the area of statistics and applied
probability. This seems incompatible with the intention to attract the best researchers in all fields. It
is not plausible that this will encourage the best young researchers to move into the EPSRC's
preferred area; specialisation begins around the second year of an undergraduate degree, so that by
the completion of a PhD a young researcher has had around 6-7 years of intensive specialised
training in their chosen discipline, and cannot rapidly switch fields to accommodate the desires of
the EPSRC. It is furthermore neither desirable nor realistic to expect second year undergraduates to
pick their specialities according to the availability of funding (which might change in the course of
the next 6 or 7 years anyway). Instead of winning the most promising people for the areas EPSRC
wants to support, this policy will drive many of them abroad.
The timing of the fellowships offered by the EPSRC is also not well suited to the aim of attracting
outstanding young researchers; decisions are made after those for US fellowships, so that the best
candidates are routinely forced to withdraw from the EPSRC competition to accept offers from the
Overall, we find the actions of the EPSRC incompatible with its aims; it seems to have little regard
for obtaining the best value for (public) money, or for developing mathematics capability in the UK
to the greatest benefit of its citizens, as detailed in the EPSRC-organised International Review of
Mathematical Sciences.
We see this as a consequence of a failure of the EPSRC to either communicate with mathematicians,
or to listen to the recommendations of their own International Review. Further evidence of this is
provided by the recent letter from the Review panel to the EPSRC stating that `the limitation
imposed on fellowship sub-areas is inconsistent with both the emphatic `unity’ viewpoint in our
report, and with our expressed concerns about weaknesses in the UK mathematical sciences career
We therefore request that you strongly encourage the EPSRC both to consult more actively, and to
act in line with the results of these consultations.
[3] Letter from Philippa Hemmings of EPSRC to the heads of UK mathematics departments,
explaining EPSRC's policy of Shaping Capability.
[4]Letter from Margaret Wright of the International Review panel to David Delpy, Chief Executive
of EPSRC, protesting against EPSRC's July 2011 policy on fellowships.
The following 383 cosignatories represent a wide range of research fields including Algebra,
Algebraic Geometry, Analysis and PDEs, Category Theory, Combinatorics, Complexity,
Differential Geometry, Dynamical Systems, Financial Maths, Fluid Dynamics, Fluid Dynamics,
Geometric Analysis, Integrable Systems, Mathematical Biology, Mathematical Logic, Mathematical
Physics, Number theory, Numerical Analysis, Probability, Quantum Information & Foundations,
Representation Theory, Statistics, Theoretical Physics, Topology.
Matthew Adamson
Nicolas Addington
Sergios Agapiou
Sabri Al-Safi
Rafael Alcaraz
Subject area
Mathematical Biology
Algebraic Geometry
Bayesian Inverse Problems/
Quantum Information &
Dynamical Systems
University of Leicester
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
University of Warwick
University of Cambridge
Abdullah Alshammari
Don Praveen
Hafiz Junaid Anjum
Raphael Assier
Sarah Astill
Aistis Atminas
Andrew Bailey
Simon Baker
Leonardo Baldassini
Jessica Banks
Robert Barham
Nathan Barker
Andrew Barwell
David Bate
Mariano Beguerisse
Mark Bell
Gwyn Bellamy
Marie Bjerrum
Luke Blackbourn
Florian Block
Thomas Bloom
Mathematical Biology
University of Manchester
Royal Holloway and Bedford New College (University
of London)
University of Oxford
Analysis and PDEs
University of Warwick
Fluid Dynamics
Mathematical Physics
Analysis and PDEs
Dynamical Systems
Information Theory
Mathematical Logic
Dynamical Systems
Analysis and PDEs
Mathematical Biology
Category Theory
Fluid Dynamics
Number theory
Adam Bohn
University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge
University of Bristol
University of Warwick
University of Birmingham
University of Manchester
University of Bristol
University of Oxford
University of Leeds
University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
University of Bristol
University of Warwick
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
University of Warwick
University of Manchester
University of Cambridge
University of St Andrews
University of Warwick
University of Bristol
Queen Mary, University of London (University of
University of Cambridge
University of Manchester
University of Leeds
Theofanis Alexoudas Algebra
Christopher Bowman Algebra
Paul Bradley
David BradleyAlgebra
Ed Brambley
Lukas Brantner
Daniel Brattan
Charles Brett
Lorna Brightmore
Fluid dynamics
Algebraic Geometry
Mathematical Physics
Analysis and PDEs
Mathematical Physics
Neil Bristow
Dynamical Systems
Pedro Brito
Edwin Broni-Mensah
Tom Brookfield
Tara Brough
Tim Browning
Francis Burstall
Maria Buzano
Jonathan Cairns`
John Calabrese
Alberto Camara
Andrew Chan
Aaron Chan
Matthew Chantry
Philippe Charmoy
Maurice Chiodo
Ann Mary Chuter
Kate Clements
Giulio Codogni
Michael Coffey
Tom Collings
Glen Collins
Alex Collins
Tom Collyer
David Conlon
Donal Connolly
Jenny Cooley
Owen Cotton-Barratt
Thomas Cottrell
Stephen Coughlan
Michael Cox
Sarah Crowley
Konrad Dabrowski
Conor Daly
Gentiana Danila
Alastair Darby
Justine Dattani
Cosmin Davidescu
Allison Davies
Andrew Davies
Rhys Davies
Christina Davies
Sarah Davis
Sarah Dawson
Laurence Edward
Antoine Delmotte
Paul Dempster
Financial Maths
Number theory
Differential Geometry
Differential Geometry
Algebraic Geometry
Number theory
Algebraic Geometry
Fluid Dynamics
Dynamical Systems
Mathematical Physics
Algebraic Geometry
Differential Geometry
Mathematical Physics
Representation Theory
Analysis and PDEs
University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge
University of Durham
University of Warwick
University of Bristol
Bioinformatics Research Center, Aarhus University,
University of Aberdeen
University of Manchester
University of Birmingham
University of St Andrews
University of Bristol
University of Bath
University of Oxford
University of Cambridge
University of Oxford
University of Nottingham
University of Warwick
University of Aberdeen
University of Bristol
University of Oxford
University of Melbourne (Australia)
University of Surrey
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
University of Cambridge
University of Warwick
University of Birmingham
University of Birmingham
University of Bath
University of Warwick
University of Oxford
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
University of Cambridge
Number theory
Category Theory
Algebraic Geometry
Mathematical Logic
Fluid Dynamics
Fluid Dynamics
Algebraic Geometry
Mathematical Biology
Number theory
Fluid Dynamics
Theoretical Physics
Fluid Dynamics
Algebraic Geometry
Fluid Dynamics
University of Warwick
University of Oxford
University of Sheffield
University of Bayreuth
University of Birmingham
University of Bristol
University of Warwick
University of Cambridge
University of Paris 7, France
University of Manchester
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
University of Cambridge
University of Birmingham
University of Manchester
University of Oxford
University of Leeds
University of Warwick
University of Leeds
Functional Programming
University of Nottingham
Mathematical Biology
Mathematical Physics
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
University of Liverpool
Barry Devlin
Cara Donnelly
Aristomenis Donos
Tom Ducat
Andrew Duncan
Melissa Duncan
Michael Dymond
Tom Eccles
Almut Eisentraeger
Jonathan Elliott
Bernhard Elsner
Nina Embleton
Joshua Erde
Category theory
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
Algebraic Geometry
Analysis and PDEs
Mathematical Physics
Analysis and PDEs
Numerical Analysis
Category Theory
Scientific Computing
Jonathan Evans
Differential Geometry
Ben Fairbairn
Andrea Fanelli
Khadija Farooq
Terry Farrelly
Joanna Fawcett
Dankrad Feist
Andrew Ferguson
Joel Fine
Algebraic Geometry
Theoretical Physics
Mathematical Physics
Dynamical Systems
Differential Geometry
Jonit Fischmann
Peter Ford
Guido Franchetti
Benjamin Franz
Robert Fryer
Meurig Gallagher
Ana Garcia Pulido
Daniele Garrisi
Davoud Ghatei
Jeffrey Giansiracusa
Gregor Giesen
William Giles
Kristoffer Glover
Alexander Goater
Hadi Godazgar
Mahdi Godazgar
Marco Golla
Robert Goss
Olga Goulko
Frank Gounelas
Fluid dynamics
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Biology
Complex Dynamics
Fluid Dynamics
Analysis and PDEs
Analysis and PDEs
Dynamical Systems
Financial Maths
Fluid Dynamics
Mathematical Physics
Theoretical physics
Theoretical Physics
Algebraic Geometry
Gary Greaves
Number theory
Nicholas Greer
Simon Griffiths
Sergey Grigorian
Rhiannon Gwyn
Alan Hammond
Esen Hanac
Thomas Hardcastle
Adam Harper
Heather Harrington
Richard Harris
William Hart
Differential Geometry
Theoretical Physics
Differential Geometry
Mathematical Biology
Number theory
Mathematical Biology
Differential Geometry
Number theory
University of Glasgow
University of Cambridge
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
University of Warwick
University of Warwick
University of Oxford
University of Birmingham
University of Cambridge
University of Oxford
University of Sheffield
University of Oxford
University of Birmingham
University of Cambridge
Currently at ETH Zurich, was intending to return to UK
at the end of this postdoc
Birkbeck College (University of London)
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
University of Warwick
University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge
University of Bristol
University Campus Suffolk
Queen Mary, University of London (University of
University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge
University of Oxford
University of Warwick
University of Birmingham
University of Warwick
POSTECH, South Korea
University of Birmingham
Swansea University (University of Wales)
University of Warwick
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
University of Manchester
University of Bristol
University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge
University of Warwick
University of Cambridge
University of Oxford
Royal Holloway and Bedford New College (University
of London)
University of Manchester
IMPA (ex University of Cambridge)
Stony Brook University (United States)
King's College London (University of London)
University of Oxford
University of Birmingham
University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
University of Cambridge
University of Warwick
John Haslegrave
David Haw
Laurence George
Demosthenis Hawke
Umar Hayat
Andriy Haydys
Matthew Hennessy
Marion Hesse
Chris Heunen
Jan Hladky
Ben Hoare
Moritz Hoegner
Charlie Hogg
David Holmes
Andreas Holmstrom
Julian Holstein
Christopher Hopper
David Howden
Thomas Hudson
Spencer Hughes
Gareth Hurst
Noel Hustler
Sohail Iqbal
Astrid Jahn
Adam James
Rollo Jenkins
Thomas Johnson
Marianne Johnson
Elinor Jones
Stephen Jones
Michael Joyce
Seung-Jo Jung
Ilya Kachkovskiy
Dintle Kagiso
Tristan Kalloniatis
Alexander Kasprzyk
Tatjana Kecojevic
University of Cambridge
University of Bristol
Mathematical Physics
University of Leeds
Algebraic Geometry
Differential Geometry
University of Warwick
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
Differential Geometry
University of Warwick
Applied mathematics
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
Environmental Fluid Mechanics
Number theory
Algebraic Geometry
Algebraic Geometry
Analysis and PDEs
Analysis and PDEs
Analysis and PDEs
Mathematical Biology
Mathematical Physics
Algebraic Geometry
Representation Theory
Theoretical Physics
Financial Maths
Algebraic Geometry
Analysis and PDEs
Dynamical Systems
Number theory
University of Oxford
University of Bath
University of Oxford
University of Warwick
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge
University of Warwick
University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge
University of Oxford
University of Warwick
University of Oxford
University of Cambridge
University of Leeds
University of Edinburgh
University of Warwick
University of Glasgow
University of Birmingham
University of Edinburgh
University of Birmingham
University of Manchester
University of Leicester
University of Liverpool
Institute of Actuaries
University of Warwick
King's College London (University of London)
University of Warwick
King's College London (University of London)
Algebraic Geometry
University of Warwick
Algebraic Geometry
Mitchel T. Keller
Adrian Kent
Charlotte Kestner
Konstantin Kisil
Anastasia Kisil
Mathematical Physics
Model theory
Mathematical Physics
Georgie Knight
Dynamical Systems
Sebastian Koch
Sotiris KonstantinouRizos
Martijn Kool
Roald Koudenburg
Achilleas Kryftis
Andre Kueh
Teresa Kyrke-Smth
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
University of Manchester
London School of Economics and Political Science
(University of London)
University of Cambridge
University of Leeds
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
University of Cambridge
Queen Mary, University of London (University of
University of Cambridge
Integrable Systems
University of Leeds
Algebraic Geometry
Algebraic Topology
Category Theory
Fluid Dynamics
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
University of Sheffield
University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge
University of Oxford
Kei Fong Lam
Ben Lambert
Jack Lamplugh
Julien Landel
John Lapinskas
Hiu-Fai Law
Daniel Lawson
Chern-Yang Lee
Benjamin Leslie
Martin Lester
Sarah Lilienthal
Guilherme Frederico
Lima de Carvalho e
Lijing Lin
Allan Lo
Acyr Locatelli
Warren Lockhart
David Loeffler
Eoin Long
Daniel Loughran
Ross Lund
Damiano Lupi
Andrew Macpherson
Pravin Madhavan
Emanuel Malek
Sara Maloni
Tony Mann
Jesus Martinez Garcia
Lilian Matthiesen
Sheila McCann
David McCormick
Damon McDougall
Analysis and PDEs
Geometric Analysis
Number theory
Fluid Dynamics
Number theory
Analysis and PDEs
Logic & Computation
University of Warwick
University of Durham
University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge
University of Birmingham
University of Oxford
University of Bristol
University of Nottingham
University of Edinburgh
University of Oxford
University of Cambridge
Category Theory
University of Cambridge
Numerical Analysis
Algebraic Geometry
Mathematical Physics
Number theory
Number theory
Analysis and PDEs
Algebraic Geometry
Analysis and PDEs
Mathematical Physics
University of Manchester
University of Birmingham
University of Bath
University of Liverpool
University of Warwick
University of Cambridge
University of Bristol
University of Bristol
University of Warwick
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
University of Warwick
University of Cambridge
University of Warwick
I am signing this in a private capacity
Analysis and PDEs
University of Cambridge
Algebraic Geometry
Number theory
Dynamical Systems
Analysis and PDEs
Inverse problems
Andrew McDowell
Justin McInroy
Robert Mckemey
Ciaran Meachan
Kitty Meeks
David Mendes da
Stephen Metcalfe
Algebraic Geometry
University of Edinburgh
University of Bristol
University of Leicester
University of Warwick
University of Warwick
Royal Holloway and Bedford New College (University
of London)
University of Oxford
University of Manchester
University of Edinburgh
University of Oxford
Number theory
University of Bristol
University of Leicester
Rob Morris
Numerical Methods for PDEs
Applied Mathematics: Fluid
Analysis and PDEs
Mathematical Physics
Industrial Mathematical
Paul Mortimer
Serena Murru
David Naughton
Jonathan Nelson
Dynamical Systems
Vipin Michael
Stephen Miller
Paul Mitchener
Philip Moor
Luke Morgan
Cara Morgan
University of Birmingham
No longer active in research
University of Sheffield
University of Warwick
University of Birmingham
University of Oxford
IMPA (ex University of Cambridge)
Queen Mary, University of London (University of
University of Sheffield
University of Manchester
University of Cambridge
Rachel Newton
James Newton
William Nollett
Réamonn Ó
Neave O'Clery
Beverley O'Neill
Chris Oates
Rosalind Oglethorpe
Matthias Ohst
Goncalo Oliveira
Thomas Oliver
Christoph Ortner
Georg Ostrovski
John Ottem
Martin Palmer
Christiana Pantelidou
Kyriakos Paridis
Chris Parker
Kim Howard Parker
Amar Parmar
Pras Pathmanathan
Alex Paulin
Sam Pegler
Yuchen Pei
Christian Perfect
Laurence Perreault
Jennifer Pestana
Oleg Pikhurko
Nathan Prabhu-Naik
Luigi Previdi
Jonathan Pridham
David Pryce
Michal Przykucki
Tom Pugh
Chris Purcell
Soma Purkait
Yu Qiu
Victoria Quigley
Muhammad Imran
Anas Ahmad Rana
Oscar RandalWilliams
Tom Ranner
Kolyan Ray
Thomas Reeve
Luke Reger
Felix Rehren
Paul Richmond
Filip Rindler
Norman Rink
Kieran Roberts
Alice Rogers
Michaela Puck
Number theory
Number theory
Mathematical Biology
Mathematical Physics
Differential Geometry
Differential Geometry
Number theory
Analysis and PDEs
Dynamical Systems
Algebraic Geometry
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Biology
Fluid Dynamics
Mathematical Biology
Number theory
Mathematical Physics
University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge
University of Warwick
Queen Mary, University of London (University of
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
University of Manchester
University of Warwick
University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
University of Nottingham
University of Warwick
University of Warwick
University of Cambridge
University of Oxford
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
University of Manchester
University of Birmingham
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
University of Warwick
University of Oxford
University of Nottingham
University of Cambridge
University of Warwick
University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Theoretical Physics
University of Cambridge
Numerical Analysis
Algebraic Geometry
Algebraic Geometry
Fluid dynamics
Mathematical Physics
Number theory
Analysis and PDEs
University of Oxford
University of Warwick
University of Glasgow
University of Nottingham
University of Cambridge
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
University of Cambridge
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
University of Warwick
University of Warwick
University of Bath
University of Sheffield
Algebraic Geometry
University of Oxford
Complexity Science
University of Warwick
University of Copenhagen
Analysis and PDEs
Numerical Analysis
Number theory
Theoretical Physics
Analysis and PDEs
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
University of Warwick
University of Cambridge
University of Birmingham
University of Nottingham
University of Birmingham
King's College London (University of London)
University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge
University of Birmingham
King's College London (University of London)
University of Oxford
Noncommutative Geometry
Omri Ross
Ilia Roustemoglou
Ana Rovi
Carmen Rovi
Florian Rupp
Jamie Sandells
David P. Sanders
Taro Sano
Julia Sauter
David Saxton
Laura Schaposnik
Michael Schaub
Saul Schleimer
Volker Schlue
Dirk Schlueter
Olaf Schreiber
Michael Scott
Michael Selig
Jason Semeraro
Bati Sengul
Akram Shalabi
Alexander Shannon
Thomas Sharland
Ben Sharp
Nick Sharples
Jonathan Simmons
Shavak Sinanan
Alessandro Sisto
Paul Smith
Maxim Sølund
Julian Sonner
Gareth Speight
Financial Maths
Integrable Systems
Differential Geometry
Dynamical Systems
Fluid Dynamics
Dynamical Systems
Algebraic Geometry
Differential Geometry
Analysis and PDEs
Algebraic Geometry
Mathematical Physics
Algebraic Geometry
Algebraic Geometry
Dynamical Systems
Analysis and PDEs
Analysis and PDEs
Fluid Dynamics
University of Cambridge
Loughborough University
University of Glasgow
University of Edinburgh
Technical University Munich (Germany)
University of Birmingham
National Autonomous University of Mexico
University of Warwick
University of Leeds
University of Cambridge
University of Oxford
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
University of Warwick
University of Cambridge
University of Oxford
University of Cambridge
University of Warwick
University of Warwick
University of Oxford
University of Cambridge
King's College London (University of London)
University of Cambridge
University of Warwick
University of Warwick
University of Warwick
University of Birmingham
University of Warwick
University of Oxford
University of Cambridge
Dynamical Systems
University of Bristol
Mathematical Physics
Analysis and PDEs
Matthew Spencer
James Sprittles
Katherine Staden
Amanda Stagg
Katie Steckles
Jacopo Stoppa
Mathematical Physics
High Energy Physics
University of Cambridge
University of Warwick
Queen Mary, University of London (University of
University of Birmingham
University of Birmingham
University of Cambridge
University of Manchester
Game Theory
University of Warwick
Algebraic Geometry
Quantum Information &
Number theory
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
University of Cambridge
Sergii Strelchuk
Marco Streng
Dayal Strub
Robert Style
Pablo Suarez-Serrato
(PhD Cantab)
Tom Sutherland
Andrew Swan
Rupert Swarbrick
Mike Swarbrick
Kirsty Syder
Ta Sheng Tan
Robert Tang
Differential Geometry
University of Cambridge
University of Warwick
University of Warwick
University of Oxford
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Algebraic Geometry
Mathematical Logic
University of Oxford
University of Leeds
University of Warwick
Number theory
University of Bristol
Number theory
University of Nottingham
University of Cambridge
University of Warwick
Stephen Tate
Jay Taylor
Christopher Taylor
Robert Teed
Damiano Testa
Teruji Thomas
Adam Thomas
James Thompson
Scott Thomson
Matthew Tointon
Giuseppe Torri
Paul Towers
Sofia Trejo
James Turner
Charlotte Turner
Linda Uruchurtu
Muhammad Usman
Daniel Vasey
Charles Vial
Tamara von Glehn
Richard Wade
George Walker
James Walton
Yixin Wan
Christopher Warner
Richard Webb
Robert Wells
Ansgar Wenzel
Matthew White
Ben Willey
Rasmus Wissmann
Julia Wolf
Hannah Woodall
Francis Woodhouse
Thomas Woolley
Colin Wright
Aneta Wroblewska
Elena Yudovina
Mariano ZeronMedina
Shengtian Zhou
Mathematical Physics
Financial Maths
Mathematical Physics
Algebraic Geometry
University of Warwick
University of Aberdeen
Barclays Capital
University of Leeds
University of Warwick
Theoretical Physics
University of Cambridge
Representation Theory
Geometry/Geometric Group
Additive combinatorics
Theoretical Physics
Mathematical Physics
Dynamical Systems
Number theory
Mathematical Physics
Analysis and PDEs
University of Edinburgh
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
University of Warwick
Category Theory
University of Cambridge
Algebraic Geometry
Category Theory
Number theory
Mathematical Biology
Dynamical Systems
Mathematical Physics
Financial Maths
Number theory
Mathematical Biology
Mathematical Biology
Mathematical Biology
University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge
University of Oxford
University of Bristol
University of Leicester
University of Cambridge
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
University of Warwick
University of Cambridge
University of Sussex
University of Oxford
University of Bristol
University of Oxford
Ecole Polytechnique, Paris
University of Bath
University of Cambridge
University of Oxford
Director, Denbridge Marine Ltd
University of Maria Curie-Sklodowska in Lublin, Poland
University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge
Algebraic Geometry
University of Warwick
University of Durham
University of Cambridge
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
University of Leicester
University of Warwick
University of Birmingham
University of Warwick
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
University of Manchester
This letter had been copied to:
The Rt Hon. David Willetts MP, Minister of State for Universities and Science
The Hon. Andrew Miller MP, Chair, Science and Technology Committee
The Hon. Gavin Barwell MP, Science and Technology Committee
The Hon. Gregg McClymont MP, Science and Technology Commitee
The Hon. Stephen McPartland MP, Science and Technology Committee
The Hon. Stephen Metcalfe MP, Science and Technology Committee
The Hon. David Morris MP, Science and Technology Committee
The Hon. Stephen Mosley MP, Science and Technology Committee
The Hon. Pamela Nash MP, Science and Technology Committee
The Hon. Jonathan Reynolds MP, Science and Technology Committee
The Hon. Graham Stringer MP, Science and Technology Committee
The Rt Hon. Roger Williams MP, Science and Technology Committee
The Hon. Therese Coffey MP PhD
The Hon. Julian Huppert MP PhD
Sir Adrian Smith FRS, Director General, Knowledge and Innovation, BIS
Professor Frank Kelly FRS, Chair, Council for the Mathematical Sciences