Learning through Games Adapted by Marilyn Mason Table of Contents Jeopardy ......................................................................................................................................................... 2 Categorías “g o j”, ll o y”, h muda, y “b o v” Jeopardy ......................................................................................................................................................... 7 Diptongos, prefijos, dígrafos y grupos consonánticos Patas Contentas........................................................................................................................................... 11 gue, gui, güe y güi Ratón y Queso.............................................................................................................................................. 12 qui y que Lotería .......................................................................................................................................................... 13 Grupos Consonánticos Lotería .......................................................................................................................................................... 20 C Suave y C Fuerte Alinear Cuatro ............................................................................................................................................. 22 Hiatos o Ll Damas ............................................................................................................................................................ 24 Prefijos - dis, des, im, in, pre, pro Ocho Loco Card Game ................................................................................................................................ 27 c (suave), x, z, , s Ocho Loco Card Game ................................................................................................................................ 31 Silaba tónica y acentos Cochinito ....................................................................................................................................................... 35 Sufijos, prefijos y plurales Cochinito ....................................................................................................................................................... 39 Palabras de alta frecuencia - listas 5, 6 y 7 Learning through Games Adapted by Marilyn Mason Jeopardy This game can be found in Words Their Way, p. 195 – 196. Objective: The student will develop understanding of words in the categories of “g o j”, ll o y”, h muda, y “b o v” Number of players: 4 – 6 players Materials: Game board, colored index cards with words and definitions, play money. (Optional) Procedure: The teacher or one player is the game host. Hang the Jeopardy game board so everyone can see it. The game begins when the first player chooses a category and an amount on the envelope. He/she says, “I’ll take category “g o j” for $50.00.” The game host picks the card and reads the answer. The player must respond in the form of a question. For example: Game host says: “La respuesta es: Tienda donde se venden joyas.” Player responds: “¿Qué es joyería? j-o-y-e-r-í-a The player must state the question and spell the answer correctly to get the money. If the player doesn’t answer correctly, the next player takes a turn and the card is replaced into the pocket on the game board. (Variation: If there is no play money, group players in teams and keep score of points earned.) The students play until there are no more cards in the pockets on the game board . The winner is the person who has the most money, or the team with the most points at the end of the game. The students may need assistance with the vocabulary at the beginning. A list of the words used in the game may be posted on chart paper. After the players familiarize themselves with the words, the list can be removed. The students can help make the game by writing the words on colored index cards for the pockets. As they write the card, they write the word on the chart paper. Variation: After the students become familiar with the game, they can play Double Jeopardy. They receive double the money when they answer correctly. This game can be adapted for word study, vocabulary development, or in science or social studies to learn unit vocabulary words GISD Federal Programs Learning Through Games - 2 This page was taken from Words their Way by Donald R. Bear, et. al GISD Federal Programs Learning Through Games - 3 La respuesta es: La respuesta es: Un hombre que trabaja con vacas y caballos. La parte del cuerpo que tiene ojos, nariz y boca. La pregunta correcta es: La pregunta correcta es: ¿Qué es vaquero? v-a-q-u-e-r-o ¿Qué cabeza? c-a-b-e-z-a La respuesta es: La respuesta es: Folleto o librete de noticias, cuentos y fotos. Letras grandes que se usan al principio de una oración. La pregunta correcta es: La pregunta correcta es: ¿Qué es revista? ¿Qué es mayúsculas? m-a-y-ú-s-c-u-l-a-s r-e-v-i-s-t-a La respuesta es: La respuesta es: Establecimiento para lavar la ropa. Animal de granja que da leche para sus becerros. La pregunta correcta es: La pregunta correcta es: ¿Qué es lavandería? l-a-v-a-n-d-e-r-i-a ¿Qué es vaca? v-a-c-a La respuesta es: La respuesta es: Transporte que vuela. Contenedor de vidrio donde se pone un líquido. La pregunta correcta es: La pregunta correcta es: ¿Qué es avión? a-v-i-ó-n ¿Qué es botella? b-o-t-e-l-l-a La respuesta es: La respuesta es: Acción y efecto de abrazar. Vehículo de dos ruedas y pedales. La pregunta correcta es: La pregunta correcta es: ¿Qué es abrazo? ¿Qué es bicicleta? b-i-c-i-c-l-e-t-a a-b-r-a-z-o GISD Federal Programs Learning Through Games - 4 La respuesta es: La respuesta es: Un insecto que vuela y hace miel. La parte amarilla del huevo. La pregunta correcta es: La pregunta correcta es: ¿Qué es abeja? a-b-e-j-a ¿Qué es yema? y-e-m-a La respuesta es: La respuesta es: Trabajo que se realiza acerca de un tema como en el área de ciencia. Tienda donde se venden joyas. La pregunta correcta es: La pregunta correcta es: ¿Qué es joyería? ¿Qué es proyecto? j-o-y-e-r-í-a p-r-o-y-e-c-t-o La respuesta es: La respuesta es: El quinto mes del año. Agua que cae de las nubes. La pregunta correcta es: La pregunta correcta es: ¿Qué es mayo? ¿Qué es lluvia? m-a-y-o l-l-u-v-i-a La respuesta es: La respuesta es: Asiento con cuatro patas, y en que solo cabe una persona. Paso estrecho y largo entre paredes, una calle pequeña. La pregunta correcta es: La pregunta correcta es: ¿Qué es silla? ¿Qué es callejón? s-i-l-l-a c-a-l-l-e-j-ó-n La respuesta es: La respuesta es: Verdura blanca que se pone en la comida. De color del oro y del sol. Es el tercer color del espectro solar. La pregunta correcta es: La pregunta correcta es: ¿Qué es cebolla? ¿Qué es amarillo? c-e-b-o-l-l-a GISD Federal Programs a-m-a-r-i-l-l-o Learning Through Games - 5 La respuesta es: La respuesta es: Colchón pequeño para reclinar la cabeza en la cama. Casa o domicilio. La pregunta correcta es: La pregunta correcta es: ¿Qué es almohada? a-l-m-o-h-a-d-a ¿Qué es hogar? h-o-g-a-r La respuesta es: La respuesta es: El no permitir algo. Que tiene vacío por dentro. La pregunta correcta es: La pregunta correcta es: ¿Qué es prohibir? p-r-o-h-i-b-i-r ¿Qué es hueco? h-u-e-c-o La respuesta es: La respuesta es: Cuando se conserva el dinero y no se gasta. Persona que es mucho mas grande de estatura de lo que se considera normal. La pregunta correcta es: La pregunta correcta es: ¿Qué es ahorrar? ¿Qué es gigante? a-h-o-r-r-a-r g-i-g-a-n-t-e La respuesta es: La respuesta es: Muchas personas. Hombre a caballo. La pregunta correcta es: La pregunta correcta es: ¿Qué es gente? ¿Qué es jinete? g-e-n-t-e j-i-n-e-t-e La respuesta es: La respuesta es: Abertura más o menos redondeada en alguna cosa. Un animal de África, cuello largo y cabeza pequeña con manchas amarilla y café. La pregunta correcta es: La pregunta correcta es: ¿Qué es agujero? GISD Federal Programs a-g-u-j-e-r-o ¿Qué es jirafa? j-i-r-a-f-a Learning Through Games - 6 Jeopardy Objective: The student will develop understanding of words in the categories of diptongos, prefijos, dígrafos and grupos consonánticos. Number of players: 4 – 6 or in teams. Materials: Game board, colored index cards with words and definitions, play money (Optional, but fun!) Procedure: Please follow the procedure as stated in the previous Jeopardy game. (Glue the attached questions and answers on colored index cards.) CATEGORY CARDS (Cut and glue on small card and attach above row of four envelopes on Jeopardy game board) Prefijos Diptongos GISD Federal Programs Dígrafos Grupos Consonánticos Learning Through Games - 7 La respuesta es: La respuesta es: El color que tienen la nieve o la leche o . . Una forma que indicada dirección. La pregunta correcta es: La pregunta correcta es: ¿Qué es blanco? ¿Qué es flecha? b-l-a-n-c-o f-l-e-c-h-a La respuesta es: La respuesta es: Una bolsa llena de un gas o aire, de forma más o menos esférica. El hijo de mi tío o tía. La pregunta correcta es: La pregunta correcta es: ¿Qué es un globo? g-l-o-b-o ¿Qué es un primo? p-r-i-m-o La respuesta es: La respuesta es: Pasar de un lado a otro de la calle. Interrogación que se hace para que alguien responda con o que sabe. La pregunta correcta es: La pregunta correcta es: ¿Qué es cruzar? c-r-u-z-a-r ¿Qué es pregunta? p-r-e-g-u-n-t-a La respuesta es: La respuesta es: Razón que se da o se alega para excusar una culpa. Que no puede ser visto. La pregunta correcta es: La pregunta correcta es: ¿Qué es invisible? ¿Qué es disculpa? i-n-v-i-s-i-b-l-e d-i-s-c-u-l-p-a GISD Federal Programs Learning Through Games - 8 La respuesta es: La respuesta es: Decir de antemano algo que va a suceder El tiempo que ocurre en medio de alguna en el futuro. presentación o juego. La pregunta correcta es: La pregunta correcta es: ¿Qué es predecir? ¿Qué es intermedio? p-r-e-d-e-c-i-r i-n-t-e-r-m-e-d-i-o La respuesta es: La respuesta es: Acción de entrevistar a una persona. Sumamente difícil, no posible. La pregunta correcta es: La pregunta correcta es: ¿Qué es ¿Qué es una imposible? i-m-p-o-s-i-b-l-e entrevista? e-n-t-r-e-v-i-s-t-a La respuesta es: La respuesta es: Utensilio que tiene dientes muy juntos, con el cual se desenreda y se compone el pelo. Viento. La pregunta correcta es: ¿Qué es aire? ¿Qué es peine? La pregunta correcta es: a-i-r-e p-e-i-n-e La respuesta es: La respuesta es: Conjunto de edificios y calles, un ayuntamiento donde vive gente. Lo que necesitamos tomar. La pregunta correcta es: La pregunta correcta es: ¿Qué es agua? ¿Qué es una ciudad? GISD Federal Programs a-g-u-a c-i-u-d-a-d Learning Through Games - 9 La respuesta es: La respuesta es: Poner diligencia y atención a alguien o a algo. Guardar. Un carro. La pregunta correcta es: La pregunta correcta es: ¿Qué es un auto? ¿Qué es cuidar? a-u-t-o c-u-i-d-a-r La respuesta es: La respuesta es: Un animal. Mascota que ladra. Acción de llover. La pregunta correcta es: La pregunta correcta es: ¿Qué es un perro? ¿Qué es lluvia? p-e-r-r-o l-l-u-v-i-a La respuesta es: La respuesta es: Cría macho de la cabra. Ir de prisa. Como caminar rápidamente. La pregunta correcta es: La pregunta correcta es: ¿Qué es un chivo? c-h-i-v-o ¿Qué es correr? c-o-r-r-e-r La respuesta es: La respuesta es: Mueble para sentarse en una mesa. El numero de un día. La pregunta correcta es: La pregunta correcta es: ¿Qué es silla? ¿Qué es s-i-l-l-a GISD Federal Programs fecha? f-e-c-h-a Learning Through Games - 10 Patas Contentas Objective: Word study on gue, gui, güe, and güi words Materials: Penguin game board, game pieces for up to four players, spinner or dice, paper and pencil for each player. Procedure: Each person spins the spinner or rolls the dice to determine who goes first. The first player starts on seguimos and spins the spinner to move his game piece the appropriate number of spaces. The player must write and read the word to stay at that space. If he mispronounces the word, he/she goes back to the space he was on the game board. The first player to get to the word llegue is the winner. Word List: seguimos (first word) sigue vergüenza alguien juguetería bilingüe sígueme amiguitos manguera güero guerra lleguemos agüita aguinaldo guitarra guerrero pingüino amiguita seguido juguetona tortuguita sinvergüenza ambigüedad llegue (last word) GISD Federal Programs hormiguero Miguel guía juguete guisado águila seguía cigüeña pague lingüista guiño Learning Through Games - 11 Ratón y Queso Objective: Word study for qui and que words in Spanish. Materials: Ratón y Queso game board, game pieces for up to four players, dice or spinner, pencil and paper for each player Procedure: This game is played exactly as the Patas Contentas game. Word list for qui and que words: queso quehacer queda quedar quiso quebrar quinientos quetzal quizá quinto quicio quitasol queja quintillizo quieto quejarse quemadura quitamanchas quiosco quema quirófano quietud GISD Federal Programs quiere quemado quedo quien quitar quiebra quinta quinceañera quince quesería quesadilla quejido querido química quebrado querer quijada quilate quincena quienquiera que querellante Learning Through Games - 12 Lotería – Grupos Consonánticos Objective: Word study of the following blends: ch, pr, br, dr, tr, fl, bl, fr, tr, cr, gr and cl. Materials: Lotto boards for 4 players, game pieces to cover each blend, picture blend cards or word blend cards. Procedure: The caller asks each player to place a game piece on the blank free space on each lotto card. Tell the players that their game card may have some squares with the same blend. When a blend word or picture card is called out, the player may put the game piece on only one square with that blend, not all the squares with that blend. The caller begins calling out the printed words or shows a picture card of a blend word. The winner is the person who gets four squares filled in a row, either horizontally, vertically or diagonally. The winner then becomes the new caller. Variation: The blend picture cards and word cards can be used as a word sort, according to each blend. (See attached word list and picture word cards) GISD Federal Programs Learning Through Games - 13 LOTERÍA GISD Federal Programs Learning Through Games - 14 crayón grúa tronco chivo bloque bruja fresa trineo blusa trenza charco trompo triángulo chicle pregunta fruta brincar trece dragón chicote florero clavillo tronca plato chango clavo tren gráfica planeta tractor gritar flor premio planta tres droga GISD Federal Programs Learning Through Games - 15 GISD Federal Programs Learning Through Games - 16 GISD Federal Programs Learning Through Games - 17 GISD Federal Programs Learning Through Games - 18 GISD Federal Programs Learning Through Games - 19 Lotería - C Suave y C Fuerte Objective: Word study of the hard and soft c sounds Materials: Lotto boards for 4 - 6 players, game pieces to cover each word as it is called. Procedure: The caller picks up a card and calls the word, and the players mark the word with a game piece if they have the word on their card. The winner is the person who gets four words in a row either horizontally, vertically or diagonally. Word list: canta corazón canción cámara casa cuna vaca comiendo coyote cama canguro cucharas cepillo calcetín décimos cereza cebolla ciruelas cena cocina decir cisne cebra cerdo (Refer to p. 49 and 76 in Estudio de palabras for more words.) GISD Federal Programs Learning Through Games - 20 LOTERÍA GISD Federal Programs Learning Through Games - 21 Alinear Cuatro Objective of game: Word study for hiatos. Variation #2: word study for ll words. Number of players: Two per gameboard Materials: Two sets of 16-20 linking cubes of two different colors. Each player has one color. To make the gameboard cut 2” squares and glue them onto a posterboard in a checkboard fashion. Object of the game: The student must correctly pronounce the word before placing the cube on it. The player who places four of his colored cubes in a row wins. The player can win by placing the cubes horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. Variation #1: Hiatos (Un hiato es una palabra que tiene dos vocales juntas, pero esas vocales pertenecen a distintas silabas.) Ui, ae, ea, eo, oe, aí, ía, oa, ío, aú, eí diluir mía pelea maestro cocoa huir sentía lío leo poeta concluir engreído quería tío raíz fideo Saúl tarea baúl frío maíz leal recreo traer fea hacía caída destruir poema caer reír paíz Raúl toalla construir video río barbacoa correo vendía maestro vea Joel trío tía oír quería diluir tío Variation # 2: ll words llegar amarillo llaga rollo grulla calle llamada callado malla bellísimo billete llegue estrella olla cabello lluvioso grillo cuchillo cabello lluvia caballo halla pollito silla llevar orgullo milla gallo llorón orilla llegada anillo lleno ballena llano toalla cebolla chillón taller batalla camello rodilla llorar pollo aquello bella llave millón hebilla caballero valle llamar sillón galleta gallina maravilloso (The students can make their own game board by using the attached word grid sheet and a word study list.) GISD Federal Programs Learning Through Games - 22 GISD Federal Programs Learning Through Games - 23 Damas Objective: Word study for prefijos: dis-, des-, im-, in-, pro-, pre-. Materials: Checkerboard for each pair of students playing, 14 linking cubes of two different colors. Number of players per game: two (See attached directions for Checkers) How to make the checkerboard: 1. Precut 40 2” black squares of construction paper. (For one board) 2. Cut 14 X 22 red poster board. (One poster board makes 2 checkerboards) 3. Glue 2” black squares onto red poster board leaving 2” in between. Glue in a checkerboard fashion leaving alternate squares open. 4. Make 2 copies of the prefijos words on pages 59 & 60 in Estudio de palabras. Glue the same word on each black square, one facing the player and the other facing the opponent. 4. Get 14 linking cubes of two different colors for each player. 5. See attached directions and strategies for playing checkers from Phonic Lessons by Fountas and Pinnell. Four additional words list for game: deshonor disfunción desgracia dispar GISD Federal Programs Learning Through Games - 24 GISD Federal Programs Learning Through Games - 25 The preceding two pages were taken from Phonic Lessons by Fountas and Pinell GISD Federal Programs Learning Through Games - 26 Ocho Loco Card Game c (suave), x, z, s Objective: The students will practice differentiating between c, x, z, & s words in the Crazy 8 card game.* Number of Players: 4 – 6 Materials: Deck of Ocho Loco cards. The cards consist of 12 words for each letter; suave c, x, z, & s, 5 “Ocho Loco”, 5 “Toma dos Tarjetas”, and 4 letter category cards. (See attached word list.) When preparing cards make sure the word is glued to the top of the card so that students holding cards can see the word. Procedure: The dealer deals each player 8 cards. The four letter category cards are placed face up in a semi-circle on the table in front of the players. One card is turned face up next to the remaining cards, which are face down. The first player must play a card from his hand that matches the same letter sound as the card which was turned up to begin play. As he plays his card, he says the word correctly and places it below the matching letter card. The next player must follow suit. If the player can’t play, he can play an “Ocho Loco” card to change the suit, or a “Toma dos Tarjetas” card. The “Ocho Loco” card allows him to change the suit and play a different letter card. The “Toma dos Tarjeta” card makes the next player draw two cards and lose his turn. If the player doesn’t have a “Ocho Loco” or a “Toma dos Tarjetas” card, he may draw up to three cards from the stack. If he still can’t play, he passes his turn. The game continues until one person has only one card. He then knocks on the table and says “Una tarjeta”. The first player to discard all his cards wins the game. Variation: The dealer can deal fewer cards to shorten the came. However this doesn’t always guarantee the game to be shorter. Another variation is to use the word cards in a word sort. GISD Federal Programs Learning Through Games - 27 Category Cards c (suave) s x z Word cards for Loco Ocho maceta aceite cielo cereza canción ceja cebra cerca cero océano acción sucio masa suave sapo pasa siga subir casi semana puse resumen clase conexión Félix GISD Federal Programs piso cabeza máximo Learning Through Games - 28 éxito taxi crucifixión oxígeno excepto reflexión galaxia paz zapato zorrillo zanahoria plaza zeta calabaza azúcar zona xilófono ceniza feliz auxilio 8 Loco GISD Federal Programs 8 Loco excelente 8 Loco Learning Through Games - 29 8 Loco 8 Loco Toma Toma 2 2 Tarjetas Tarjetas Toma 2 Tarjetas GISD Federal Programs Toma 2 Tarjetas 8 Loco Toma 2 Tarjetas Toma 2 Tarjetas Learning Through Games - 30 Ocho Loco Card Game Objective: The students will learn to identify where the stress of the word is and categorize the words as agudas, graves, esdrújulas and sobresdrújulas. Number of Players: 4 – 6 players Materials: Deck of ocho loco cards. The cards are made using accented words: 13 agudas, 13 graves, 13 esdrújulas, and 13 sobresdrújulas, 5 “ocho loco”, 5 “toma dos tarjetas”, and 4 accent category cards. (See attached word list and cards.) Procedure: The dealer deals each player 8 cards. The four accent rule cards are placed face up on the table in front of the players. One card is turned face up next to the remaining cards, which are face down. The first player must play a card that matches the same accent of the word. As he plays, he places his card upon the accent rule card & says the word correctly. The next player follows suit. If a player can’t play, he may play an “ocho loco”, or a “toma dos tarjetas” card. The “ocho loco” card allows him to change the suit and play a different accent rule. The “toma dos tarjeta” card makes the next player draw two cards and lose his turn. These cards can be played anytime during the game. If the player doesn’t have an “ocho loco” or “toma dos” card, he may draw up to three cards from the stack. If he still can’t play, he passes his turn. The game continues until one person has one card. He then knocks on the table and says “Una tarjeta”. The first player to discard all his cards wins the game. Variation: The dealer can deal fewer cards to shorten the game. These words may also be used as a word sort to identify the rule that applies to the accented word. This game can also be adapted to other word study features. Follow-up: After playing the game, the players write two different words on 2 stick-on notes. Invite them to write more examples of each accent type. Put these words on the chart below the appropriate accent rule. Invite the students to share what they learned about accent words. GISD Federal Programs Learning Through Games - 31 AGUDAS educación violín botón televisión conexión cajón además atrás después inglés sofá canción chapulín GRAVES fácil cárcel azúcar fútbol aeróbic lápiz sándwich súper cadáver cómic cáncer fósil crecías ESDRÚJULAS última bíblico teléfono oxígeno clínica eléctrico biógrafo máscara GISD Federal Programs Learning Through Games - 32 México romántico alfabético búfalo SOBRESDRÚJULAS edúcamelo préstamelo escríbemelo cómpranoslos fácilmente rómpeselo únicamente recuérdenselo artísticamente básicamente científicamente trabajándoselos históricamente Ocho Loco Ocho Loco Ocho Loco Ocho Loco Toma dos tarjetas Toma dos tarjetas Toma dos tarjetas Toma dos tarjetas Toma dos tarjetas Ocho Loco GISD Federal Programs periódico Learning Through Games - 33 AGUDAS GRAVES La sílaba tónica es la última. Tilde – si terminan en vocal, -n, o –s La sílaba tónica es la penúltima. Tilde – si terminan en consonante (no –n, o –s) también –y ESDRÚJULAS SOBRESDRÚJULAS La sílaba tónica es la antepenúltima. Tilde – Siempre La sílaba tónica es alguna sílaba anterior a la antepenúltima. Tilde - Siempre GISD Federal Programs Learning Through Games - 34 Cochinito* Objective: To develop fluency using words containing suffixes, prefixes, and plurals. Number of players: 4 – 6 players Materials: Deck of 50 Palabras Poderosas, containing stop sign and pig cards. (See attached stop signs and pigs and words for game.) When preparing cards make sure the word is glued to the top of the card so that students holding cards can see the word. Procedure: The dealer shuffles the cards. She deals one card at time to the first player. The player continues to say the words quickly and accurately until he is dealt a stop sign or a pig card. If he receives a stop sign, he gets to keep the cards he has been dealt and the play goes to the next player. If he receives a pig card, the dealer takes all his cards. If the player misses the word, the next player says the word. If the player doesn’t know the word, he may say “Pass.” The person who has the most cards at the end of the game wins! The idea is to make this game quick and lively! This game will improve fluency and increase the visual memory bank of these powerful words! antisocial conexión compañero descubrir posición dislocar confusión imposible *Adapted from www.theschoolbell.com/Links/Dolch/Directions/pig.html GISD Federal Programs Learning Through Games - 35 independencia apretón prehistórico grandote regularmente perrito pedrada pajarillo gigantesco trenecito zapatero crecimiento joyería hombrecillo responsabilidad superfino reanimar autobiografía subrayar artista semicircular comprador transportar extraordinario lindísimo lápices GISD Federal Programs Learning Through Games - 36 aeroplanos cubano amable intercambio hermoso anormal hachazo traspasar internacional demografía sobrenombre monocolor irregularidad audífono bicicleta telegrama GISD Federal Programs Learning Through Games - 37 ALTO ALTO ALTO ALTO GISD Federal Programs Learning Through Games - 38 Cochinito* Objective: The student will develop fluency using sight words from lists 5, 6, & 7. Materials: Deck of sight words, containing stop sign and pig cards. (See attached words, stop signs and pig cards. Procedure: Please follow the same procedure from the previous Cochinito game. Sight words to use: afuera antes arriba ayer ayudo bajo color cuando dejo eres estar leer mucho ningún pues quiero también tengo *Adapted from www.theschoolbell.com/Links/Dolch/Directions/pigs/html GISD Federal Programs Learning Through Games - 39 tuyo vamos algo desde donde entrar grande haber hablo hacer hasta lejos listo mejor nada nadie nunca quien señor siempre sobre abajo alguien amigo atrás conmigo cual después edad entonces GISD Federal Programs Learning Through Games - 40 llego luego mañana mismo nuevo porque tanto traer usar usted hacía pronto GISD Federal Programs Learning Through Games - 41 ALTO ALTO ALTO ALTO GISD Federal Programs Learning Through Games - 42