IN THE NATURE OF FORM 2A - MEMORANDUM CONTAINING SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROSPECTUS THIS ABRIDGED PROSPECTUS CONSISTS OF 48 PAGES. PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOU GET ALL PAGES Please ensure that you read the Prospectus, the general instructions contained in this Memorandum before applying in the Issue. Unless RWKHUZLVHVSHFL¿HGDOOWHUPVXVHGLQWKLVIRUPVKDOOKDYHWKHPHDQLQJDVFULEHGWRVXFKWHUPVLQWKH3URVSHFWXV7KHLQYHVWRUVDUH DGYLVHGWRUHWDLQDFRS\RI3URVSHFWXV$EULGJHG3URVSHFWXVIRUWKHLUIXWXUHUHIHUHQFH India Infoline Finance Limited (Formerly known as India Infoline Investment Services Limited) A Public Limited Company Incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956, as amended (“the Act”). Registered as a Non-Banking Financial Company within the meaning of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 (2 of 1934). 5HJLVWHUHG2I¿FH&RUSRUDWH2I¿FH$WKÀRRU3DULQHH&UHVFHQ]R&DQG&%DQGUD.XUOD&RPSOH[%DQGUD±(DVW0XPEDL0DKDUDVKWUD,QGLD 7HO )D[ :HEVLWHZZZLLÀ¿QDQFHFRP )RUGHWDLOV RI FKDQJHV LQ 1DPH DQG 5HJLVWHUHG 2I¿FH VHH WKH VHFWLRQWLWOHG³History and certain other Corporate Matters´EHJLQQLQJRQSDJHRIWKH3URVSHFWXV &RPSOLDQFH 2I¿FHU DQG &RQWDFW 3HUVRQ0U0DQLVK0LVKUD( 3XEOLF,VVXHE\,QGLD,QIROLQH)LQDQFH/LPLWHG³&RPSDQ\´RU³,VVXHU´RI6HFXUHG5HGHHPDEOH1RQ&RQYHUWLEOH'HEHQWXUHVRIIDFHYDOXH of ` 1,000 each, (“NCDs”), aggregating upto `PLOOLRQKHUHLQDIWHUUHIHUUHGWRDVWKH³%DVH,VVXH´ZLWKDQRSWLRQWRUHWDLQRYHUVXEVFULSWLRQ upto`5,250 million aggregating to a total of upto ` PLOOLRQ KHUHLQDIWHU UHIHUUHG WR DV WKH ³2YHUDOO ,VVXH VL]H´ GENERAL RISKS Investors are advised to read the Risk Factors carefully before taking an investment decision in the Issue. For taking an investment decision, the investors PXVW UHO\ RQ WKHLU RZQ H[DPLQDWLRQ RI WKH ,VVXHU DQG WKH ,VVXH LQFOXGLQJ WKH ULVNV LQYROYHG 6SHFL¿F DWWHQWLRQ RI WKH LQYHVWRUV LV LQYLWHG WR WKH FKDSWHU titled “Risk Factors” on pages XI to XXVII of the Prospectus. ISSUER’S ABSOLUTE RESPONSIBILITY 7KH,VVXHUKDYLQJPDGHDOOUHDVRQDEOHLQTXLULHVDFFHSWVUHVSRQVLELOLW\IRUDQGFRQ¿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µ&$5($$¶>'RXEOH$@E\&$5(IRUDQDPRXQWRIXSWR`12,000 million vide its letter GDWHG$XJXVWDQGµ%:5$$2XWORRN6WDEOH¶E\%ULFNZRUNIRUDQDPRXQWRIXSWR`10,500 million vide its letter dated August 27, 2013. The UDWLQJ RI 1&'V E\ &$5( LQGLFDWHV LQVWUXPHQWV ZLWK WKLV UDWLQJ DUH FRQVLGHUHG WR KDYH D KLJK GHJUHH RI VDIHW\ UHJDUGLQJ WLPHO\ VHUYLFLQJ RI ¿QDQFLDO obligations. Such instruments carry very low credit risk. The rating of NCDs by Brickwork indicates instruments with this rating are considered to have D KLJK GHJUHH RI VDIHW\ UHJDUGLQJ WLPHO\ VHUYLFLQJ RI ¿QDQFLDO REOLJDWLRQV 6XFK LQVWUXPHQWV FDUU\ YHU\ ORZ FUHGLW ULVN 7KH UDWLQJV SURYLGHG E\ &$5( and/or Brickworkmay be suspended, withdrawn or revised at any time by the assigning rating agency and should be evaluated independently of any other rating.These ratings are not a recommendation to buy, sell or hold securities and investors should take their own decisions. Please refer to page 424 of the Prospectus for the rationale for the above ratings. LISTING 7KH1&'VRIIHUHGWKURXJKWKLV3URVSHFWXVDUHSURSRVHGWREHOLVWHGRQWKH1DWLRQDO6WRFN([FKDQJHRI,QGLD/LPLWHG³16(´DQG%6(/LPLWHG³%6(´ 2XU&RPSDQ\KDVREWDLQHGµLQSULQFLSOH¶DSSURYDOVIRUWKH,VVXHIURPWKH16(DQG%6(vide their letter(s) both dated September 4, 2013. For the purposes RIWKH,VVXH16(VKDOOEHWKH'HVLJQDWHG6WRFN([FKDQJH PUBLIC COMMENTS 7KH'UDIW3URVSHFWXVGDWHG$XJXVWZDV¿OHGZLWK16(DQG%6(SXUVXDQWWRWKHSURYLVLRQVRIWKH6(%,'HEW5HJXODWLRQVDQGZDVRSHQIRUSXEOLF comments for a period of 7 (seven) Working Days.i.e. until 5 p.m. on September 4, 2013 ISSUE SCHEDULE ,668( 23(16216(37(0%(5 ,668( &/26(6212&72%(5# 7KH6(%,UHJLVWUDWLRQFHUWL¿FDWHDV³PHUFKDQWEDQNHU´IRU,'%,&DSLWDO0DUNHW6HUYLFHV/LPLWHGKDVH[SLUHGRQ-XQH$QDSSOLFDWLRQGDWHG0DUFKIRUUHQHZDO RI WKH VDLG FHUWL¿FDWH RI UHJLVWUDWLRQ KDV EHHQ PDGH WR 6(%, ** India Infoline Limited (IIFL) is the Promoter of our Company. As there are common directors between IIFL and our Company, IIFL is deemed to be our associate as per the 6HFXULWLHV DQG ([FKDQJH %RDUG RI ,QGLD 0HUFKDQW %DQNHUV 5HJXODWLRQV DV DPHQGHG (Merchant Bankers Regulations) ,,)/ ZLOO VLJQ WKH GXH GLOLJHQFH FHUWL¿FDWH DQG DFFRUGLQJO\ EHHQ GLVFORVHG DV D /HDG 0DQDJHU )XUWKHU LQ FRPSOLDQFH ZLWK WKH SURYLVLRQ WR 5HJXODWLRQ $ DQG H[SODQDWLRQ WR 5HJXODWLRQ $ RI WKH 0HUFKDQW %DQNHUV Regulations, IIFL would be involved only in marketing of the Issue. # The subscription list for the Issue shall remain open for subscription upto 5pm., with an option for early closure or extension by such period, upto a period of 30 days from the date of opening of the Issue, as may be decided at the discretion of the duly authorised committee of Directors of our Company subject to necessary approvals. In the event of such early closure of the Issue or extension of the Issue, our Company shall ensure that notice of such early closureor extension of the Issue is givenas the case may be on such date of closure through advertisement/s in a leading national daily newspaper. IDBI Trusteeship Services Ltd has by it letter dated August 22, 2013 given its consent for its appointment as Debenture Trustee to the Issue and for its name to be included in the Prospectus and in all the subsequent periodical communications sent to the holders of the Debenture issued pursuant to this Issue $ FRS\ RIWKLV 3URVSHFWXV DQG ZULWWHQ FRQVHQWV RI RXU 'LUHFWRUV RXU &RPSDQ\ 6HFUHWDU\ DQG &RPSOLDQFH 2I¿FHU RXU$XGLWRU WKH &KDUWHUHG$FFRXQWDQW LVVXLQJ VWDWHPHQW RI WD[ EHQH¿W WKH OHJDO DGYLVRU WKH /HDG 0DQDJHUV WKH &R/HDG 0DQDJHUV WKH 5HJLVWUDU WR WKH ,VVXH (VFURZ &ROOHFWLRQ %DQNV 5HIXQG %DQN &UHGLW 5DWLQJ$JHQFLHV WKH %DQNHUV WR RXU &RPSDQ\ WKH 'HEHQWXUH7UXVWHH DQG WKH /HDG %URNHUV WR DFW LQ WKHLU UHVSHFWLYH FDSDFLWLHV VKDOO EH ¿OHG ZLWK WKH 5HJLVWUDU RI &RPSDQLHV 0XPEDL LQ WHUPV RI VHFWLRQ DQG VHFWLRQ RI WKH$FW DORQJZLWK WKHUHTXLVLWHHQGRUVHGFHUWL¿HGFRSLHVRI DOOUHTXLVLWHGRFXPHQWV)RU IXUWKHUGHWDLOVSOHDVHUHIHUWR WKHFKDSWHUWLWOHG³0DWHULDO &RQWUDFWV DQG Documents for Inspection” beginning on page 347 of the Prospectus. INDIA INFOLINE FINANCE LIMITED 3 IN THE NATURE OF FORM 2A - MEMORANDUM CONTAINING SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROSPECTUS DETAILS RELATING TO ENTITIES ASSOCIATED WITH THE ISSUE ,QYHVWRU *ULHYDQFH (PDLO :HEVLWH ZZZUU¿QDQFH com/ &RQWDFW 3HUVRQ Anurag Awasthi &RPSOLDQFH 2I¿FHU 6DQGHHS0DKDMDQ6(%,5HJQ1R,10 LEAD MANAGERS TO THE ISSUE Axis Capital Limited $[LV+RXVH/HYHO&:DGLD,QWHUQDWLRQDO&HQWUH3%0DUJ:RUOL0XPEDL 0DKDUDVKWUD,QGLD7HO +91 22 4325 2525 )D[ +91 22 4325 3000 (PDLO LLÀQFG#D[LVFDSLQ ,QYHVWRU JULHYDQFH HPDLO FRPSODLQWV#D[LVFDS in :HEVLWHZZZD[LVFDSLWDOFRLQ&RQWDFW3HUVRQSimran Gadh Compliance 2I¿FHU01DWDUDMDQ6(%,5HJQ1R,10 .DUY\,QYHVWRU6HUYLFHV/LPLWHG +DOOPDUN %XVLQHVV 3OD]D 6DQW 'Q\DQHVKZDU 0DUJ 2II %DQGUD .XUOD &RPSOH[ %DQGUD (DVW 0XPEDL 0DKDUDVKWUD ,QGLD 7HO + 91 22 6149 1500 )D[ +91 22 6149 1515 (PDLO LLÀQFG#NDUY\FRP ,QYHVWRU *ULHYDQFH(, :HEVLWHwww.karvy. com &RQWDFW 3HUVRQ 0U 6XPLW 6LQJK 0U 6ZDSQLO 0DKDMDQ Compliance 2I¿FHU0U90DGKXVXGKDQ5DR6(%,5HJQ1R,10 SMC Capitals Limited (QWHUSULVH&HQWUH1HDU2UFKLG+RWHO1HKUX5RDG9LOH3DUOH(DVW 0XPEDL0DKDUDVKWUD,QGLDTel)D[ India Infoline Limited** (PDLO LLÀQFG#VPFFDSLWDOVFRP ,QYHVWRU *ULHYDQFH (PDLO investor. WK)ORRU,,)/&HQWUH.DPDOD&LW\6HQDSDWL%DSDW0DUJ/RZHU3DUHO:HVW :HEVLWHwww. Contact Person 0XPEDL0DKDUDVKWUD,QGLD7HO)D[ +91 22 2493 0U$EKLVKHN*DXU&RPSOLDQFH2I¿FHU0U6DQMHHY%DUQZDOSEBI Regn. (PDLOLÀQFG#LLÀFDSFRP,QYHVWRU*ULHYDQFH,'LJLE#LLÀFDSFRP 1R,10 :HEVLWHZZZLLÀFDSFRP&RQWDFW3HUVRQ0U6DFKLQ.DSRRUCompliance REGISTRAR TO THE ISSUE 2I¿FHU5DMHVK*DQXSEBI Regn. No,10 Link Intime India Private Limited & 3DQQDODO 6LON 0LOOV &RPSRXQG /%6 0DUJ %KDQGXS :HVW 0XPEDL 7UXVW,QYHVWPHQW$GYLVRUV3ULYDWH/LPLWHG ± 0DKDUDVKWUD ,QGLD 7HO )D[ +91 22 2596 109//110, 1st FORRU %DODUDPD 9LOODJH 3DULJNKDUL %DQGUD .XUOD &RPSOH[ 0329 EmailLLÀQFG#OLQNLQWLPHFRLQ,QYHVWRU*ULHYDQFHPDLOLLÀQFG# %DQGUD (DVW 0XPEDL 0DKDUDVKWUD ,QGLD 7HO :HEVLWH &RQWDFW 3HUVRQ 0U 6DFKLQ )D[ (PDLO LG LQIR#WUXVWJURXSFRLQ ,QYHVWRU Achar 5HJLVWUDWLRQ1XPEHU,15 *ULHYDQFH PDLO :HEVLWH www.trustgroup. COMPANY SECRETARY AND COMPLIANCE OFFICER &RQWDFW 3HUVRQ Anindya Sen &RPSOLDQFH 2I¿FHU Balkrishna Shah Name : Mr. Manish Mishra $WK)ORRU3DULQHH&UHVFHQ]R& 6(%,5HJQ1R,10 *%ORFN%DQGUD.XUOD&RPSOH[%DQGUD(DVW0XPEDL0DKDUDVKWUD India (PDLO 7HO )D[ IDBI &DSLWDO0DUNHW6HUYLFHV/LPLWHG UGÀRRU0DIDWODO&HQWHU1DULPDQ3RLQW0XPEDL±0DKDUDVKWUD,QGLD DEBENTURE TRUSTEE 7HO91 - 22 4322 1212 )D[Email: LLÀQFG#LGELFDSLWDOFRP IDBI Trusteeship Services Limited ,QYHVWRU*ULHYDQFHPDLO: Website:www.idbicapital. $VLDQ%XLOGLQJ*URXQG)ORRU5.DPDQL0DUJ%DOODUG(VWDWH0XPEDL com Contact Person: Rishi Tiwari &RPSOLDQFH 2I¿FHU &KULVWLQD '¶VRX]D 0DKDUDVKWUD,QGLD7HO)D[+ 91 22 6631 1776 &RQWDFW3HUVRQ0U$MLW*XUXML(PDLOitsl@ 6(%,5HJQ1R,10 6(%,5HJLVWUDWLRQ1RIND000000460 7KH6(%,UHJLVWUDWLRQFHUWL¿FDWHDV³PHUFKDQWEDQNHU´IRU,'%,&DSLWDO0DUNHW 6HUYLFHV/LPLWHGKDVH[SLUHGRQ-XQH$QDSSOLFDWLRQGDWHG0DUFK IDBI Trusteeship Services Limited has by its letter dated August 22, 2013 given its consent for its appointment as Debenture Trustee to the Issue and for IRUUHQHZDORIWKHVDLGFHUWL¿FDWHRIUHJLVWUDWLRQKDVEHHQPDGHWR6(%, its name to be included in this Prospectus and in all the subsequent periodical ** India Infoline Limited (IIFL) is the Promoter our Company. As there are communications to be sent to the holders of the Debentures issued pursuant to common directors between IIFL and our Company, IIFL is deemed to be our this Issue. DVVRFLDWHDVSHUWKH6HFXULWLHVDQG([FKDQJH%RDUGRI,QGLD0HUFKDQW%DQNHUV 5HJXODWLRQV DV DPHQGHG 0HUFKDQW %DQNHUV 5HJXODWLRQV ,,)/ KDV STATUTORY AUDITORS VLJQHGWKHGXHGLOLJHQFHFHUWL¿FDWHDQGDFFRUGLQJO\EHHQGLVFORVHGDVD/HDG Sharp & Tannan Associates 0DQDJHU)XUWKHULQFRPSOLDQFHZLWKWKHSURYLVLRQWR5HJXODWLRQ$DQG &KDUWHUHG$FFRXQWDQWV 1DULPDQ %KDZDQ WK )ORRU 1DULPDQ 3RLQW H[SODQDWLRQWR5HJXODWLRQ$RIWKH0HUFKDQW%DQNHUV5HJXODWLRQV,,)/ 0XPEDL±0DKDUDVKWUD,QGLD7HO would be involved only in marketing of the Issue. )D[ (PDLO PXPEDLRI¿FH#VKDUSWDQQDQFRP Contact 3HUVRQ 0U 7LUWKDUDM .KRW 0HPEHUVKLS 1R 37457 Firm Registration CO-LEAD MANAGERS TO THE ISSUE 1XPEHU: CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT ISSUING STATEMENT OF TAX BENEFIT Pritesh Mehta & Co &KDUWHUHG $FFRXQWDQWV 6DL &KDPEHUV 1H[W WR 6\QGLFDWH%DQN1HDU5DLOZD\6WDWLRQ6DQWDFUX](DVW0XPEDL± 55,QYHVWRUV&DSLWDO6HUYLFHV3/LPLWHG 0DKDUDVKWUD ,QGLD 7HO + 22 2617 5159 )D[ + 22 2617 5159 Contact 005RDG5DQL-KDQVL0DUJ-KDQGHZDODQ1HZ'HOKL±7HO+ 3HUVRQ 0U 3ULWHVK 0HKWD 0HPEHUVKLS 1R 49593 Firm Registration 91 11 2363 6362/63 )D[ +91 11 2363 6746 (PDLO LLÀQFG#UUIFOFRP 1XPEHU: 4 INDIA INFOLINE FINANCE LIMITED IN THE NATURE OF FORM 2A - MEMORANDUM CONTAINING SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROSPECTUS %ULFNZRUN5DWLQJV,QGLD3YW/LPLWHG ,,, ÀRRU 5DM $ONDD 3DUN .DOHQD$JUDKDUD %DQQHUJKDWWD 5RDG %DQJDORUH ,QGLD ,QIROLQH /LPLWHG $[LV &DSLWDO /LPLWHG 7UXVW )LQDQFLDO &RQVXOWDQF\ .DUQDWDND7HO)D[(PDLOinfo@ 6HUYLFHV3YW/WG(GHOZHLVV%URNLQJ/LPLWHG.DUY\6WRFN%URNLQJ/LPLWHG, &RQWDFW3HUVRQ0V6KDUDGD6KLYUDP:HEVLWH www. 55(TXLW\%URNHUV3ULYDWH/LPLWHG60&*OREDO6HFXULWLHV/LPLWHG,QWHJUDWHG 6(%,5HJLVWUDWLRQ1R,1&5$ (QWHUSULVHV ,QGLD /LPLWHG -0 )LQDQFLDO 6HUYLFHV /LPLWHG 63$ 6HFXULWLHV LEGAL COUNSEL TO THE ISSUE /LPLWHG,'%,&DSLWDO0DUNHW6HUYLFHV/LPLWHG+')&6HFXULWLHV/LPLWHG Khaitan & Co 2QH ,QGLDEXOOV &HQWUH WK )ORRU 7RZHU 6HQDSDWL %DSDW 0DUJ %$1.(56727+(,668((6&52:&2//(&7,21%$1.6 (OSKLQVWRQH5RDG0XPEDL±0DKDUDVKWUD,QGLD7HO+ 91 22 6636 ICICI Bank Limited 5000 )D[+ 91 22 6636 5050 &DSLWDO 0DUNHW 'LYLVLRQ 0XPEDL 6DPDFKDU 0DUJ )RUW 0XPEDL ± Tel: )D[(PDLOLG ,QYHVWRUV LEAD BROKERS *ULHYDQFH(PDLO:HEVLWH ContactPerson0U$QLO*DGRRSEBI Axis Capital Limited, India Infoline Limited, Trust Financial Consultancy Services 5HJLVWUDWLRQ1RINBI00000004 Pvt. Ltd., Edelweiss Broking Limited, Karvy Stock Broking Limited, RR Equity Brokers Private Limited, SMC Global Securities Limited, Integrated Enterprises (India) Limited, Axis Bank Limited 8QLYHUVDO,QVXUDQFH%XLOGLQJ*URXQG)ORRU6LU305RDG)RUW0XPEDL±Tel: JM Financial Services Limited, HDFC Securities Limited, SPA Securities Limited, IDBI FaxEmailidYLUDMYDLG\D# Capital Market Services Limited D[LVEDQNFRP,QYHVWRUV*ULHYDQFH(PDLO:HEVLWHZZZD[LVEDQNFRPContactperson: BANKERS TO OUR COMPANY 0U9LUDM9DLG\D0U1DFKLNHW.DOZLW6(%,5HJLVWUDWLRQ1RINBI00000017 Andhra Bank, Axis Bank Ltd, Bank of Baroda, Bank of India, Bank of Maharashtra, IndusInd Bank limited Canara Bank, Central Bank of India, Vijaya Bank IFB Mumbai, Corporation Bank, *HQ 7KLPPD\\D 5RDG 3XQH ± Tel: +91 20 2634 3201 Fax: +91 Development Credit Bank Ltd, Dena Bank, HDFC Bank Ltd., ICICI Bank Ltd, IDBI 20 2634 3241 Emailid VDQMD\YDVDUNDU#LQGXVLQGFRP ,QYHVWRUV *ULHYDQFH (PDLO Bank Ltd, Induslnd Bank, ING Vysya Bank Ltd, The Karur Vysya Bank Ltd, Punjab National Bank, Punjab & Sind Bank, Small Industries Development Bank of India, :HEVLWH Contactperson 0U 6DQMD\ 9DVDUNDU SEBI Registration Standard Chartered Bank 1R INBI00000002 SELF CERTIFIED SYNDICATE BANKS HDFC Bank Limited 7KH OLVW RI 'HVLJQDWHG %UDQFKHV WKDW KDYH EHHQ QRWL¿HG E\ 6(%, WR DFW DV +')& %DQN +RXVH 6HQDSDWL %DSDW 5RDG /RZHU 3DUHO :HVW 0XPEDL ± 6&6%VIRUWKH$6%$SURFHVVLVSURYLGHGRQWKHZHEVLWHRI6(%,DWZZZVHEL 400 013 Tel Fax Emailid: uday. For details of GL[LW#KGIFEDQNFRP ,QYHVWRUV *ULHYDQFH (PDLO :HEVLWH the Designated Branches of the SCSBs which shall collect Application Forms, com Contactperson0U8GD\'L[LW 6(%,5HJLVWUDWLRQ1RINBI00000063 please refer to the above-mentioned link. LEAD BROKERS IDBI Bank Limited ,'%,7RZHU:7&FRPSOH[&XIIH3DUDGH0XPEDL±Tel FaxEmailidYMD\DQDQWKDQ#LGELFRLQ,QYHVWRUV*ULHYDQFH(PDLO :HEVLWH Contactperson 0U 9 -D\DQDQWKDQ SEBI Registration 1RINBI00000076 CREDIT RATING AGENCIES Credit Analysis and Research Limited WK )ORRU *RGUHM &ROLVHXP 6RPDL\D +RVSLWDO 5RDG 2II (DVWHUQ ([SUHVV +LJKZD\6LRQ(0XPEDL0DKDUDKVWUD,QGLD7HO+91 22 67543416 )D[ +91 22 6754 3457 (PDLO YLMD\DJUDZDO#FDUHUDWLQJVFRP Contact 3HUVRQ0U9LMD\$ SEBI Registration 1RIN/CRA/004/1999 TABLE OF CONTENTS 2%-(&762)7+(,668( ,668(352&('85( 7(5062)7+(,668( 27+(5,16758&7,216 '(7$,/63(57$,1,1*727+(&203$1< /(*$/$1'27+(5,1)250$7,21 5,6.)$&7256 '(&/$5$7,21 &(17(56)25$9$,/$%,/,7<$1'$&&(37$1&(2) $33/,&$7,21)2506 /,672)6(/)&(57,),&('6<1',&$7( %$1.66&6%6 81'(57+($6%$352&(66 Page No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applying for, subscribing to, or seeking Allotment of NCDs pursuant to the Issue. 7KH/HDG0DQDJHUV&R/HDG0DQDJHUVDQGWKHLUUHVSHFWLYHDVVRFLDWHVDQGDI¿OLDWHVDUHSHUPLWWHGWRVXEVFULEHLQWKH,VVXH $SSOLFDQWV DUH DGYLVHG WR UHDG WKH 3URVSHFWXV ¿OHG ZLWK 5HJLVWUDU RI &RPSDQLHV DQG WKH JHQHUDO LQVWUXFWLRQV FRQWDLQHG LQ WKLV DSSOLFDWLRQ IRUP FDUHIXOO\DQGWRVDWLVI\WKHPVHOYHVRIWKHGLVFORVXUHVEHIRUHPDNLQJDQDSSOLFDWLRQIRUVXEVFULSWLRQ8QOHVVRWKHUZLVHVSHFL¿HGDOOWKHWHUPVXVHGLQWKLV $SSOLFDWLRQ)RUPKDYHWKHVDPHPHDQLQJDVLQWKH3URVSHFWXV)RUDFRS\RIWKH3URVSHFWXVWKHDSSOLFDQWPD\UHTXHVWXVDQGRUWKH/HDG0DQDJHUV DQG&R/HDG0DQDJHUV)XUWKHULQYHVWRUVDUHDGYLVHGWRUHWDLQWKHFRS\RIWKH3URVSHFWXV$EULGJHG3URVSHFWXVIRUWKHLUIXWXUHUHIHUHQFH3OHDVH¿OOLQ WKH)RUPLQ(QJOLVKXVLQJ%/2&.OHWWHUV,QYHVWRUVVKRXOGFDUHIXOO\FKRRVHWKH6HULHVRI1&'VWKH\ZLVKWRDSSO\IRU)RUGHWDLOVSOHDVHUHIHUWRVHFWLRQ µ7HUPVRIWKH,VVXH¶RQSDJHRIWKH3URVSHFWXV INDIA INFOLINE FINANCE LIMITED 5 IN THE NATURE OF FORM 2A - MEMORANDUM CONTAINING SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROSPECTUS DETAILS PERTAINING TO THE ISSUE 2XU &RPSDQ\ DQG WKH /HDG 0DQDJHUV DUH QRW OLDEOH IRU DQ\ DPHQGPHQW RU PRGL¿FDWLRQ RU FKDQJHV LQ DSSOLFDEOH ODZV RU UHJXODWLRQV ZKLFK PD\ RFFXU after the date of the Prospectus. A. OBJECTS OF THE ISSUE I. Issue Proceeds The funds raised through this Issue, after meeting the expenditures RIDQGUHODWHGWRWKH,VVXHZLOOEHXVHGIRUWKH¿QDQFLQJDFWLYLWLHV LQFOXGLQJ OHQGLQJ DQG LQYHVWPHQWV VXEMHFW WR DSSOLFDEOH VWDWXWRU\ DQGRU UHJXODWRU\ UHTXLUHPHQWV WR UHSD\ RXU H[LVWLQJ ORDQV DQG RXU EXVLQHVV RSHUDWLRQV LQFOXGLQJ IRU RXU FDSLWDO H[SHQGLWXUH DQG ZRUNLQJ FDSLWDO UHTXLUHPHQWV 7KH0DLQ2EMHFWVFODXVHRIWKH0HPRUDQGXPRI$VVRFLDWLRQRIRXU &RPSDQ\SHUPLWVRXU&RPSDQ\WRXQGHUWDNHWKHDFWLYLWLHVIRUZKLFK the funds are being raised through the present Issue and also the DFWLYLWLHV ZKLFK RXU &RPSDQ\ KDV EHHQ FDUU\LQJ RQ WLOO GDWH II. Interim Use of Proceeds 2XU0DQDJHPHQWLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKHSROLFLHVIRUPXODWHGE\LWIURP WLPH WR WLPH ZLOO KDYH ÀH[LELOLW\ LQ GHSOR\LQJ WKH SURFHHGV UHFHLYHG IURP WKH ,VVXH 3HQGLQJ XWLOL]DWLRQ RI WKH SURFHHGV RXW RI WKH ,VVXH IRU the purposes described above, our Company intends to temporarily invest funds in high quality interest bearing liquid instruments including money market mutual funds, deposits with banks or temporarily deploy the funds in investment grade interest bearing securities as may be approved by the Board. Such investment would be in accordance with the investment policies approved by the Board or any committee thereof from time to time. III. MonLWRULQJRI8WLOL]DWLRQRI)XQGV There is no requirement for appointment of a monitoring agency in terms RI WKH 'HEW 5HJXODWLRQV 7KH %RDUG VKDOO PRQLWRU WKH XWLOL]DWLRQ RI WKH SURFHHGVRIWKH,VVXH)RUWKHUHOHYDQW)LQDQFLDO<HDUVFRPPHQFLQJIURP )LVFDO RXU &RPSDQ\ ZLOO GLVFORVH LQ RXU ¿QDQFLDO VWDWHPHQWV WKH XWLOL]DWLRQ RI WKH QHW SURFHHGV RI WKH ,VVXH XQGHU D VHSDUDWH KHDG DORQJ with details, if any, in relation to all such proceeds of the Issue that have QRW EHHQ XWLOL]HG WKHUHE\ DOVR LQGLFDWLQJ LQYHVWPHQWV LI DQ\ RI VXFK XQXWLOL]HGSURFHHGVRIWKH,VVXH We propose to issue NCDs to NRIs on a non repatriable as well as UHSDWULDEOHEDVLVDQG),,VDQG4),V8QGHU)RUHLJQ([FKDQJH0DQDJHPHQW (Borrowing and Lending in Rupees) Regulation, 2000 as amended from WLPH WR WLPH 0RQLHV UHFHLYHG IURP QRQ UHVLGHQWV LQFOXGLQJ 15,V ),,V DQG4),VVKDOOEHXVHGDVSHUUHOHYDQWUHJXODWLRQVJXLGHOLQHVFODUL¿FDWLRQV issued by RBI from time to time. To ensure compliance with the aforementioned, our Company shall open and maintain separate escrow accounts (in case of non-ASBA Applications) and separate public issue accounts ZLWK WKH (VFURZ &ROOHFWLRQ %DQNV LQ FRQQHFWLRQ ZLWK DOO $SSOLFDWLRQ monies received from residents and non residents including eligible NRIs on repatriation and non-repatriation basis, FII and QFIs. All Application monies received from such resident and non-resident Applicants (in case of non-ASBA Applications) shall be deposited in the respective escrow DFFRXQWV PDLQWDLQHG ZLWK (VFURZ &ROOHFWLRQ %DQN 8SRQ FUHDWLRQ RI 6HFXULW\ DV GLVFORVHG LQ WKH 7UXVW 'HHG WKH (VFURZ &ROOHFWLRQ %DQNV shall transfer the monies from the escrow accounts to the respective public issue accounts. Similarly, upon creation of Security as disclosed in the Trust Deed, Application money in ASBA Accounts shall be released to the UHVSHFWLYHSXEOLFLVVXHDFFRXQWV8SRQOLVWLQJRI1&'VWKHDPRXQWVKDOO EH PRYHG WR RXU &RPSDQ\¶V DFFRXQWV 2XU &RPSDQ\ VKDOO HQVXUH WKDW monies kept in Non-Resident Public Issue Account shall be moved to a VHSDUDWHDFFRXQWRIWKH&RPSDQ\DQGEHXWLOL]HGRQO\LQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK DQGVXEMHFWWRWKHUHVWULFWLRQVFRQWDLQHGLQ)RUHLJQ([FKDQJH0DQDJHPHQW (Borrowing and Lending in Rupee) Regulation, 2000 and various rules, UHJXODWLRQVRUFODUL¿FDWLRQLVVXHGIURPWLPHWRWLPH FIIs, QFIs and NRIs who intend to participate in the Issue must comply with the laws, rules and regulations of the jurisdiction they 6 INDIA INFOLINE FINANCE LIMITED are resident in and laws, rules and regulations to which they are otherwise subject to in connection with the purchase and sale of NCDs. No offer or sale of NCDs, pursuant to this Prospectus or otherwise, is being made in the United States or any other jurisdiction where it is unlawful to do so. Accordingly these materials are not directed DWRUDFFHVVLEOHE\WKHVHLQYHVWRUV,IDQ\LQYHVWRULQDQ\MXULVGLFWLRQ RXWVLGH,QGLDUHFHLYHVWKLV3URVSHFWXVVXFKLQYHVWRUPD\RQO\VXEVFULEH to the NCDs if such subscription is in compliance with laws of all MXULVGLFWLRQVDSSOLFDEOHWRVXFKLQYHVWRU )RU GHWDLOV UHIHU WR WKH FKDSWHU ³2EMHFW RI WKH ,VVXH´ RQ SDJH RI the Prospectus. B. ISSUE PROCEDURE I. Procedure for Application 1. Availability of Prospectus and Application Forms Copies of the Abridged Prospectus containing the salient features of this Prospectus together with Application Forms and the copies of this 3URVSHFWXVPD\EHREWDLQHGIURPRXU5HJLVWHUHG2I¿FHWKHRI¿FHVRIWKH /HDG0DQDJHUV&R/HDG0DQDJHUV/HDG%URNHUVGHVLJQDWHGEUDQFKHVRI the SCSB and Trading members. Additionally this Prospectus, Abridged Prospectus and the Application Form will be available for download on the ZHEVLWHVRI16(DQG%6(DWZZZQVHLQGLDFRPDQGZZZEVHLQGLDFRP UHVSHFWLYHO\ DQG WKH ZHEVLWHV RI WKH /HDG 0DQDJHUV DW ZZZD[LVFDSLWDO FRLQ ZZZLLÀFDSFRP ZZZLGELFDSLWDOFRP DQG ZZZWUXVWJURXSFRLQ DQG WKH &R/HDG 0DQDJHUV DW ZZZUU¿QDQFHFRPUUIFOFRPZZZNDUY\ com and The prescribed colour of the Application Form for the Applicants is as follows: Category Colour of the Application Form 5HVLGHQW,QGLDQV±$6%$$SSOLFDQWVDVZHOODVQRQ$6%$ White Applicant (OLJLEOH ),,V 4),V DQG 15,V DSSO\LQJ RQ D UHSDWULDWLRQ Blue as well as non-repatriation basis) (OHFWURQLF$SSOLFDWLRQ)RUPVZLOODOVREHDYDLODEOHRQWKHZHEVLWHRI6WRFN ([FKDQJHV 7UDGLQJ PHPEHUV DUH UHTXLUHG WR GRZQORDG WKH (OHFWURQLF $SSOLFDWLRQ)RUPVIURPVWRFNH[FKDQJHVSODWIRUPVDQGVXEPLWWKHVHIRUPV along with cheques/drafts/payment instrument to the collecting banks. A K\SHUOLQN WR WKH ZHEVLWH RI WKH 6WRFN ([FKDQJH IRU WKLV IDFLOLW\ ZLOO EH SURYLGHG RQ WKH ZHEVLWH RI WKH /HDG 0DQDJHUV &R/HDG 0DQDJHUV DQG the SCSBs. Applicants are requested to note that in terms of the Debt Application &LUFXODU6(%,KDVPDQGDWHGLVVXHUVWRSURYLGHWKURXJKDUHFRJQL]HGVWRFN H[FKDQJHZKLFKRIIHUVVXFKDIDFLOLW\DQRQOLQHLQWHUIDFHHQDEOLQJGLUHFW application by investors to a public issue of debt securities with an online payment facility (“Direct Online Application Mechanism”). In this regard, 6(%,KDVWKURXJKWKH'HEW$SSOLFDWLRQ&LUFXODUGLUHFWHGUHFRJQL]HGVWRFN H[FKDQJHVLQ,QGLDWRSXWLQQHFHVVDU\V\VWHPVDQGLQIUDVWUXFWXUHIRUWKH implementation of the Debt Application Circular and the Direct Online $SSOLFDWLRQ0HFKDQLVP,QWKHHYHQWWKDWWKH6WRFN([FKDQJHVDUHXQDEOH to put in necessary systems, infrastructure and processes in place so as to enable the adoption of the Direct Online Application Circular prior to the Issue Opening Date, we shall not offer eligible investors desirous of applying in the Issue the option to make Applications through the Direct 2QOLQH$SSOLFDWLRQ0HFKDQLVP 2. Who Can Apply : The following categories of persons are eligible to apply in the Issue: Category I )RUHLJQ,QVWLWXWLRQDO,QYHVWRUVDQGVXEDFFRXQWVRWKHUWKDQDVXEDFFRXQW ZKLFK LV D IRUHLJQ FRUSRUDWH RU IRUHLJQ LQGLYLGXDO UHJLVWHUHG ZLWK 6(%, including Sovereign Wealth Funds, Pension and Gratuity Funds registered ZLWK6(%,DV),,V Public Financial Institutions, Statutory Corporations, Commercial Banks, IN THE NATURE OF FORM 2A - MEMORANDUM CONTAINING SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROSPECTUS Co-operative Banks and Regional Rural Banks, which are authorised to LQYHVWLQWKH1&'V Provident Funds, Pension Funds, Superannuation Funds and Gratuity Fund, ZKLFKDUHDXWKRULVHGWRLQYHVWLQWKH1&'V Venture Capital funds and / or Alternative Investment Funds registered ZLWK6(%, ,QVXUDQFH&RPSDQLHVUHJLVWHUHGZLWKWKH,5'$ 1DWLRQDO,QYHVWPHQW)XQG 0XWXDO)XQGV Category II &RPSDQLHVERGLHVFRUSRUDWHDQGVRFLHWLHVUHJLVWHUHGXQGHUWKHDSSOLFDEOH ODZVLQ,QGLDDQGDXWKRULVHGWRLQYHVWLQWKH1&'V Public/private charitable/religious trusts which are authorised to invest in WKH1&'V 4),VQRWEHLQJDQLQGLYLGXDO 6FLHQWL¿F DQGRU LQGXVWULDO UHVHDUFK RUJDQLVDWLRQV ZKLFK DUH DXWKRULVHG WRLQYHVWLQWKH1&'V 3DUWQHUVKLS¿UPVLQWKHQDPHRIWKHSDUWQHUVDQG Limited liability partnerships formed and registered under the provisions RIWKH/LPLWHG/LDELOLW\3DUWQHUVKLS$FW1RRI Category III* 5HVLGHQW,QGLDQLQGLYLGXDOV 1RQ5HVLGHQW,QGLDQVRQUHSDWULDWLRQDVZHOODVQRQUHSDWULDWLRQEDVLV +LQGXXQGLYLGHGIDPLOLHVWKURXJKWKH.DUWDDQG 4),EHLQJDQ,QGLYLGXDO *With respect to applications received from Category III applicants, applications by applicants who apply for NCDs aggregating to a value not more than ` 1.00 million, across all series of NCDs, (Option I and/ or Option II and/or Option III and/or Option IV), shall be grouped together as Reserved Individual Portionwhile applications by applicants who apply for NCDs aggregating to a value exceeding ` 1.00 million, across all series of NCDs, (Option I and/or Option II and/or Option III and/or Option IV), shall be separately grouped together as Unreserved Individual Portion. Note: Participation of any of the aforementioned categories of persons or entities is subject to the applicable statutory and/ or regulatory requirements in connection with the subscription to Indian securities by such categories of persons or entities. An Investor must ensure that in case it is a non resident including an eligible FII, QFIs and NRI, it is not (i) based in the United States of America (“USA”), and/or, (ii) domiciled in the USA, and/or, (iii) residents/ citizens of the USA, and/or, (iv) subject to any taxation laws of the USA. 3. Applications cannot be made by: 0LQRUVZLWKRXWDJXDUGLDQ$JXDUGLDQPD\DSSO\RQEHKDOIRIDPLQRU +RZHYHU WKH QDPH RI WKH JXDUGLDQ ZLOO QHHG WR EH PHQWLRQHG RQ WKH $SSOLFDWLRQ)RUP )RUHLJQQDWLRQDOVRWKHUWKDQ4),VDQGH[FHSWDVPD\EHSHUPLVLEOHXQGHU WKH &%'7 1RWL¿FDWLRQ RU XQGHU DOO DSSOLFDEOH ODZV LQFOXGLQJ EXW QRW OLPLWHGWR5%,RU6(%,ODZV Non resident investors including NRIs, QFIs and FIIs who are (i) based LQWKH86$DQGRULLGRPLFLOHGLQRUUHVLGHQWRIWKH86$DQGRULLL 863HUVRQVRUWKRVHZKRDSSO\RQDFFRXQWRIRUIRUWKHEHQH¿WRIVXFK SHUVRQVDQGRULYVXEMHFWWRDQ\WD[ODZVRIWKH86$ )RUHLJQ9HQWXUH&DSLWDO,QYHVWRU 2YHUVHDV&RUSRUDWH%RGLHVDQG Persons ineligible to contract under applicable statutory/ regulatory requirements. * Applicant shall ensure that guardian is competent to contract under Indian Contract Act, 1872 In case of Applications for Allotment of the NCDs in dematerialised form, the Registrar shall verify the above on the basis of the records provided by the Depositories based on the DP ID and Client ID provided by the Applicants in the Application Form and uploaded onto the electronic system of the Stock Exchanges by the Members of the Syndicate or the Trading Members, as the case may be. $SSOLFDQWVDUHDGYLVHGWRHQVXUHWKDWDSSOLFDWLRQVPDGHE\WKHPGR QRWH[FHHGWKHLQYHVWPHQWOLPLWVRUPD[LPXPQXPEHURI1&'VWKDW can be held by them under applicable statutory and or regulatory SURYLVLRQV $SSOLFDQWV DUH DGYLVHG WR HQVXUH WKDW WKH\ KDYH REWDLQHG WKH QHFHVVDU\VWDWXWRU\DQGRUUHJXODWRU\SHUPLVVLRQVFRQVHQWVDSSURYDOV in connection with applying for, subscribing to, or seeking allotment of NCDs pursuant to the Issue. The Lead Managers, Co-Lead Managers and their respective associates DQGDI¿OLDWHVDUHSHUPLWWHGWRVXEVFULEHLQWKH,VVXH 4. Any other Information a) How to Apply? Applicants may use any of the following facilities for making Applications: L $6%$$SSOLFDWLRQVWKURXJKWKH0HPEHUVRI6\QGLFDWHDQGWUDGLQJPHPEHUV RIWKH6WRFN([FKDQJHV³Syndicate ASBA´)RUIXUWKHUGHWDLOVSOHDVH UHIHUWR³$6%$$SSOLFDWLRQV´RQSDJHRIWKH3URVSHFWXV LL $6%$ $SSOLFDWLRQV WKURXJK 6&6%V )RU IXUWKHU GHWDLOV SOHDVH UHIHU WR ³$6%$$SSOLFDWLRQV´RQSDJHRIWKH3URVSHFWXV LLL 1RQ$6%$$SSOLFDWLRQV WKURXJK WKH 0HPEHUV RI 6\QGLFDWH DQG WUDGLQJ PHPEHUV RI WKH 6WRFN ([FKDQJHV )RU IXUWKHU GHWDLOV SOHDVH UHIHU WR ³1RQ$6%$$SSOLFDWLRQV´RQSDJHRIWKH3URVSHFWXV LY 1RQ$6%$$SSOLFDWLRQV WKURXJK WKH 0HPEHUV RI 6\QGLFDWH DQG WUDGLQJ PHPEHUVRIWKH6WRFN([FKDQJHVIRUDSSOLFDQWVZKRLQWHQGWRKROGWKH NCDs in physical form.For further details please refer to “Applications for allotment of physical NCDs by Applicants who do not have a Demat Account”RQSDJHRIWKH3URVSHFWXV Please note that there is a single Application Form for ASBA as well as non-ASBA Applicants who are Persons Resident in India. There is a separate Application Form for non-resident Applicants (ASBA Applicants and non-ASBA Applicants), including those who are eligible FIIs, QFIs and NRIs applying for NCDs on repatriation or non-repatriation basis. b) $SSOLFDWLRQE\YDULRXV$SSOLFDQW&DWHJRULHV 5. Applications by Mutual Funds No mutual fund scheme shall invest more than 15% of its NAV in debt instruments issued by a single Company which are rated not below investment grade by a credit rating agency authorised to carry out such DFWLYLW\ 6XFK LQYHVWPHQW OLPLW PD\ EH H[WHQGHG WR RI WKH 1$9 RI the scheme with the prior approval of the Board of Trustees and the Board RI$VVHW0DQDJHPHQW&RPSDQ\ A separate application can be made in respect of each scheme of an ,QGLDQPXWXDOIXQGUHJLVWHUHGZLWK6(%,DQGVXFKDSSOLFDWLRQVVKDOOQRW EH WUHDWHG DV PXOWLSOH DSSOLFDWLRQV$SSOLFDWLRQV PDGH E\ WKH$0&V RU FXVWRGLDQVRID0XWXDO)XQGVKDOOFOHDUO\LQGLFDWHWKHQDPHRIWKHFRQFHUQHG scheme for which application is being made. In case of Applications made E\ 0XWXDO )XQG UHJLVWHUHG ZLWK 6(%, D FHUWL¿HG FRS\ RI WKHLU 6(%, UHJLVWUDWLRQFHUWL¿FDWHPXVWEHVXEPLWWHGZLWKWKH$SSOLFDWLRQ)RUP7KH DSSOLFDWLRQVPXVWEHDOVRDFFRPSDQLHGE\FHUWL¿HGWUXHFRSLHVRIL6(%, 5HJLVWUDWLRQ&HUWL¿FDWHDQGWUXVWGHHGLLUHVROXWLRQDXWKRULVLQJLQYHVWPHQW and containing operating instructions and (iii) specimen signatures of DXWKRUL]HG VLJQDWRULHV )DLOLQJ WKLV RXU &RPSDQ\ UHVHUYHV WKH ULJKW WR DFFHSWRUUHMHFWDQ\$SSOLFDWLRQLQZKROHRULQSDUWLQHLWKHUFDVHZLWKRXW assigning any reason therefor. 6. Application by Scheduled Banks, Co-operative Banks and Regional Rural Banks Scheduled Banks, Co-operative Banks and Regional Rural Banks can apply in this public issue based upon their own investment limits and approvals. 7KHDSSOLFDWLRQPXVWEHDFFRPSDQLHGE\FHUWL¿HGWUXHFRSLHVRIL%RDUG 5HVROXWLRQ DXWKRULVLQJ LQYHVWPHQWV LL /HWWHU RI $XWKRULVDWLRQ )DLOLQJ INDIA INFOLINE FINANCE LIMITED 7 IN THE NATURE OF FORM 2A - MEMORANDUM CONTAINING SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROSPECTUS 7. 9. 1. 2. L LL iii. WKLV RXU &RPSDQ\ UHVHUYHV WKH ULJKW WR DFFHSW RU UHMHFW DQ\$SSOLFDWLRQ in whole or in part, in either case, without assigning any reason therefor. 3XUVXDQW WR 6(%, &LUFXODU QR &,5&)'',/ GDWHG -DQXDU\ 6&6%V PDNLQJ DSSOLFDWLRQV RQ WKHLU RZQ DFFRXQW XVLQJ $6%$ IDFLOLW\ VKRXOG KDYH D VHSDUDWH DFFRXQW LQ WKHLU RZQ QDPH with any other SEBI registered SCSB. Further, such account shall be used solely for the purpose of making application in public issues DQG FOHDU GHPDUFDWHG IXQGV VKRXOG EH DYDLODEOH LQ VXFK DFFRXQW IRU ASBA applications. Application by Insurance Companies In case of Applications made by insurance companies registered with WKH,QVXUDQFH5HJXODWRU\DQG'HYHORSPHQW$XWKRULW\DFHUWL¿HGFRS\RI FHUWL¿FDWHRIUHJLVWUDWLRQLVVXHGE\,QVXUDQFH5HJXODWRU\DQG'HYHORSPHQW Authority must be lodged along with Application Form. The applications PXVWEHDFFRPSDQLHGE\FHUWL¿HGFRSLHVRIL0HPRUDQGXPDQG$UWLFOHV of Association (ii) Power of Attorney (iii) Resolution authorising investment DQGFRQWDLQLQJRSHUDWLQJLQVWUXFWLRQVLY6SHFLPHQVLJQDWXUHVRIDXWKRUL]HG VLJQDWRULHV)DLOLQJWKLVRXU&RPSDQ\UHVHUYHVWKHULJKWWRDFFHSWRUUHMHFW any Application in whole or in part, in either case, without assigning any reason therefor. Applications by Alternative Investments Funds Applications made by an Alternative Investments Fund eligible to invest LQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKH6HFXULWLHVDQG([FKDQJH%RDUGRI,QGLD$OWHUQDWH ,QYHVWPHQW )XQGV 5HJXODWLRQV PXVW EH DFFRPSDQLHG E\ FHUWL¿HG WUXH FRSLHV RI L WKH 6(%, UHJLVWUDWLRQ FHUWL¿FDWH RI VXFK $OWHUQDWLYH ,QYHVWPHQW)XQGLLDUHVROXWLRQDXWKRULVLQJWKHLQYHVWPHQWDQGFRQWDLQLQJ RSHUDWLQJLQVWUXFWLRQVDQGLLLVSHFLPHQVLJQDWXUHVRIDXWKRULVHGSHUVRQV Alternative Investment Funds applying for Allotment of the NCDs shall DW DOOWLPH FRPSO\ ZLWK WKH FRQGLWLRQV IRU FDWHJRULHV DV SHU WKHLU 6(%, UHJLVWUDWLRQ FHUWL¿FDWH DQG WKH 6HFXULWLHV DQG ([FKDQJH %RDUG RI ,QGLD (Alternate Investment Funds) Regulations, 2012. Applications by NRIs^^ Our Company proposes to issue NCDs to NRIs on a repatriable as well as non-repatriable basis. The NRI Applicants should note that only such Applications as are accompanied by Application Amount in Indian Rupees only shall be considered for Allotment. An NRI can apply for NCDs RIIHUHG LQ WKH ,VVXH VXEMHFW WR WKH FRQGLWLRQV DQG UHVWULFWLRQV FRQWDLQHG LQWKH)(0$%RUURZLQJRU/HQGLQJLQ5XSHHV5HJXODWLRQVDQG other applicable statutory and/or regulatory requirements including the LQWHUHVWUDWHUHTXLUHPHQWDVSURYLGHGLQWKH&%'71RWL¿FDWLRQ$OORWPHQW RI1&'VWR15,VVKDOOEHVXEMHFWWRWKH$SSOLFDWLRQPRQLHVSDLGE\WKH NRI as described below: In case of NRIs applying under repatriation basis: If it is received either E\LQZDUGUHPLWWDQFHRIIUHHO\FRQYHUWLEOHIRUHLJQH[FKDQJHWKURXJKQRUPDO banking channels i.e. through rupee denominated demand drafts/cheque GUDZQ RQ D EDQN LQ ,QGLD RU E\ WUDQVIHU RI IXQGV KHOG LQ WKH ,QYHVWRU¶V UXSHHGHQRPLQDWHGDFFRXQWVLH1RQUHVLGHQW([WHUQDO15()&15DQ\ RWKHUSHUPLVVLEOHDFFRXQWLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK)(0$PDLQWDLQHGZLWKDQ RBI authorised dealer or a RBI authorised bank in India. In case of NRIs applying under non-repatriation basis: If it is received HLWKHUE\LQZDUGUHPLWWDQFHRIIUHHO\FRQYHUWLEOHIRUHLJQH[FKDQJHWKURXJK normal banking channels i.e. through rupee denominated demand drafts/ cheque drawn on a bank in India or by transfer of funds held in the ,QYHVWRU¶VUXSHHGHQRPLQDWHGDFFRXQWVLH1RQUHVLGHQW2UGLQDU\152 DFFRXQW)&15DQ\RWKHUSHUPLVVLEOHDFFRXQWLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK)(0$ DQG 1RQ 5HVLGHQW ([WHUQDO 15( PDLQWDLQHG ZLWK DQ 5%, DXWKRULVHG GHDOHURUD5%,DXWKRULVHGEDQNLQ,QGLD:HFRQ¿UPWKDW WKH UDWH RI LQWHUHVW RQ HDFK VHULHV RI 1&'V GRHV QRW H[FHHG WKH SULPH lending rate of the State Bank of India as on the date on which the resolution approving the Issue was passed by our Board, plus 300 basis SRLQWV WKHSHULRGIRUUHGHPSWLRQRIHDFKVHULHVRI1&'VLVQRWOHVVWKDQ\HDUV our Company does not and shall not carry on agricultural /plantation / INDIA INFOLINE FINANCE LIMITED LY A. a) E c) B. a) E 10. real estate business/Trading in transferable Development Rights (TDRs) DQGGRHVQRWDQGVKDOOQRWDFWDV1LGKLRU&KLW)XQGFRPSDQ\ ZH ZLOO ¿OH WKH IROORZLQJ ZLWK WKH QHDUHVW RI¿FH RI WKH 5HVHUYH %DQN QRWODWHUWKDQGD\VIURPWKHGDWH± of receipt of remittance of consideration received from NRIs in connection ZLWKWKH,VVXHIXOOGHWDLOVRIWKHUHPLWWDQFHVUHFHLYHGQDPHO\ a list containing names and addresses of each NRI Applicant who have remitted funds for investment in the NCDs on non-repatriation basis and repatriation basis, DPRXQWDQGGDWHRIUHFHLSWRIUHPLWWDQFHDQGLWVUXSHHHTXLYDOHQWDQG names and addresses of authorised dealers through whom the remittance KDV EHHQ UHFHLYHG7KH$SSOLFDWLRQ PRQH\ IRU WKH 1&'V KDV WR EH SDLG LQ FKHTXH RU GHPDQG GUDIWV RQO\ LQ UXSHH GHQRPLQDWHG FXUUHQF\ RQO\ and of closure of the Issue, full details of the monies received from NRI $SSOLFDQWVQDPHO\ a list containing names and addresses of each NRI Allottee and number of NCDs issued to each of them on non-repatriation basis and repatriation basis, and DFHUWL¿FDWHIURPRXUFRPSOLDQFHRI¿FHUWKDWDOOSURYLVLRQVRIWKH)(0$ Act, and rules and regulations made thereunder in connection with the Issue of nonconvertible debentures have been duly complied with. Applications by eligible NRIs (applying either on a repatriation or a QRQ±UHSDWULDWLRQEDVLVVKRXOGEHDFFRPSDQLHGE\LDEDQNFHUWL¿FDWH FRQ¿UPLQJ WKDW WKH GHPDQG GUDIW LQ OLHX RI WKH$SSOLFDWLRQ 0RQH\ KDV EHHQGUDZQRQDQ15(DFFRXQWDQGLLLIVXFKHOLJLEOH15,LVD3HUVRQ of Indian Origin (“PIO”), a PIO card. NRIs who intend to participate in the Issue must comply with the laws, rules and regulations of the jurisdiction they are resident in and laws, rules and regulations to which they are otherwise subject to in connection with the purchase and sale of NCDs. No offer or sale of NCDs, pursuant to this Prospectus or otherwise, is being made in the United States or any other jurisdiction where it is unlawful to do so. Accordingly these materials are not directed at or accessible by these ,QYHVWRUV ,I DQ\ LQYHVWRU LQ DQ\ MXULVGLFWLRQ RXWVLGH ,QGLD UHFHLYHV WKLV3URVSHFWXVVXFKLQYHVWRUPD\RQO\VXEVFULEHWRWKH1&'VLIVXFK subscription is in compliance with laws of all jurisdictions applicable WRVXFKLQYHVWRU Application by FIIs^^ An FII who purchases the NCDs under this Issue shall make the payment for purchase of such securities either by inward remittance through normal banking channels or out of funds held in Foreign Currency Account or Non-resident Rupee Account maintained by such FII with a designated EUDQFK RI DQ DXWKRUL]HG GHDOHU LQ WHUPV RI WKH DSSOLFDEOH UHJXODWLRQV governing the same. Applications by FIIs for Allotment of the NCDs in non-ASBA form must be DFFRPSDQLHGE\FHUWL¿HGWUXHFRSLHVRILLWV6(%,UHJLVWUDWLRQFHUWL¿FDWH LLDQLQZDUGUHPLWWDQFHFHUWL¿FDWHLLLDUHVROXWLRQDXWKRULVLQJLQYHVWPHQW LQWKH1&'VDQGLYVSHFLPHQVLJQDWXUHVRIDXWKRULVHGSHUVRQV 6FKHGXOH RI 5%, 1RWL¿FDWLRQ 1R )(0$ ± 5% GDWHG UG 0D\SURYLGHVIRUWKHSHUPLVVLRQWR),,VIRUSXUFKDVHRQUHSDWULDWLRQ basis, NCDs /non-convertible debentures issued by an Indian company either directly from the issuer or through a registered stock broker on a UHFRJQLVHGVWRFNH[FKDQJHLQ,QGLD)XUWKHUDVSHUWKH5%,FLUFXODUGDWHG 0DUFKEHDULQJUHIHUHQFH1R5%,$3',56HULHV &LUFXODU1RLWKDVEHHQGHFLGHGWKDW6(%,UHJLVWHUHG),,VXEDFFRXQWV of FIIs can now invest in primary issues of non-convertible debentures (NCDs) only if listing of such NCDs is committed to be done in 15 days RIVXFKLQYHVWPHQW,QFDVHWKH1&'VLVVXHGWRWKH6(%,5HJLVWHUHG),,V VXE DFFRXQWV RI ),,V DUH QRW OLVWHG RQ VWRFN H[FKDQJHV ZLWKLQ GD\V of issuance for any reason, then the FII/ sub account shall immediately dispose of these NCDs either by way of sale to a third party or to the Issuer and the Issuer shall immediately redeem/ buyback the said securities from the FIIs/ sub accounts of FIIs in such eventuality. IN THE NATURE OF FORM 2A - MEMORANDUM CONTAINING SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROSPECTUS Further, FIIs investment into the present Issue will be restricted by various 6(%,DQG5%,FLUFXODUVSURYLGLQJIRUFRUSRUDWHGHEWOLPLWV ^^ The Issuer does not make any representations and does not guarantee eligibility of any FII or Eligible NRI for investment into the Issue on repatriation or non-repatriation basis. All FIIs and NRIs should verify their eligibility and ensure compliance with all relevant and applicable RBI )(0$QRWL¿FDWLRQVDQGJXLGHOLQHVDVZHOODVDOOUHOHYDQWDQGDSSOLFDEOH 6(%,JXLGHOLQHVQRWL¿FDWLRQVDQGFLUFXODUVSHUWDLQLQJWRWKHLUHOLJLELOLW\ to invest in the Issue at the stage of investment in every tranche, at the time of remittance of their investment proceeds as well as at the time of disposal of the NCDs; including but not limited to SEBI Circular dated April 1, 2013 Bearing reference No: CIR/ IMD/FIIC/6/2013, SEBI Circular dated February 8, 2013, bearing reference No. CIR/ IMD/FIIC/3/2013RBI Circular dated January 24, 2013, bearing reference no. RBI/2012-13/391, 5%, 1RWL¿FDWLRQ 1R )(0$ ± 5% GDWHG UG 0D\ 7KH ,VVXHU ZLOO QRW FKHFN RU FRQ¿UP HOLJLELOLW\ RI VXFK LQYHVWPHQWV LQWR WKH Issue. FIIs who intend to participate in the Issue must comply with the laws, rules and regulations of the jurisdiction they are resident in and laws, rules and regulations to which they are otherwise subject to in connection with the purchase and sale of NCDs. No offer or sale of NCDs, pursuant to this Prospectus or otherwise, is being made in the United States or any other jurisdiction where it is unlawful to do so. Accordingly these materials are not directed at or accessible by these ,QYHVWRUV ,I DQ\ LQYHVWRU LQ DQ\ MXULVGLFWLRQ RXWVLGH ,QGLD UHFHLYHV WKLV3URVSHFWXVVXFKLQYHVWRUPD\RQO\VXEVFULEHWRWKH1&'VLIVXFK subscription is in compliance with laws of all jurisdictions applicable WRVXFKLQYHVWRU 11. Application by QFIs 3XUVXDQWWRDFLUFXODUGDWHG-XO\WKH5%,KDVSHUPLWWHG(OLJLEOH QFIs to invest in “to be listed” corporate NCDs of Indian companies directly IURPWKH,VVXHUWKURXJK4),V'3RQDUHSDWULDWLRQEDVLVVXEMHFWWRFHUWDLQ WHUPV DQG FRQGLWLRQV )XUWKHUPRUH LQ WHUPV RI WKH 6(%, FLUFXODU GDWHG -XO\ (OLJLEOH 4),V KDYH EHHQ SHUPLWWHG WR LQYHVW LQ FRUSRUDWH NCDs of Indian companies, which are offered to the public in India in accordance with the Companies Act, provided that, listing is committed to be done within 15 days from such investment. (OLJLEOH4),VDUHSHUPLWWHGWRLQYHVWLQFRUSRUDWHGHEWVHFXULWLHVZLWKRXW lock-in or residual maturity clauses) and mutual fund schemes up to an RYHUDOOOLPLWRI86'ELOOLRQRYHUDQGDERYHWKH),,OLPLWVIRULQYHVWPHQW LQFRUSRUDWHGHEW7KHVHOLPLWVDUHPRGL¿HGDQGDOORFDWHGLQWKHPDQQHU VSHFL¿HGLQWHUPVRIWKH6(%,FLUFXODUGDWHG-XO\ (OLJLEOH4),VVKDOORSHQDVLQJOHQRQLQWHUHVWEHDULQJ5XSHHDFFRXQWZLWK an AD category-I bank in India for routing the payment for transactions relating to purchase and sale of corporate debt instruments (including LQYHVWPHQWLQHTXLW\VKDUHVLQSXEOLFLVVXHVVXEMHFWWRWKHFRQGLWLRQVDV may be prescribed by the RBI from time to time. This account shall be funded by inward remittance through normal banking channels in any permitted currency (freely convertible) and shall be operated by the QFIs '3 )XUWKHU (OLJLEOH 4),V DUH UHTXLUHG WR RSHQ D VLQJOH GHPDW DFFRXQW with a QFIs DP for investment in eligible corporate debt instruments. (OLJLEOH4),VZKRZLVKWRSDUWLFLSDWHLQWKH,VVXHDUHUHTXLUHGWRVXEPLW WKH$SSOLFDWLRQ)RUPPHDQWIRU1RQ5HVLGHQWVLQWKH,VVXH(OLJLEOH4),V are not permitted to issue off-shore derivative instruments or participatory notes. 6LPLODUO\ 6(%, KDV vide LWV FLUFXODU &,5,0'),,& SHUPLWWHG 4),¶VWRSDUWLFLSDWHLQSULPDU\LVVXHVRIQRQFRQYHUWLEOHGHEHQWXUHVRQO\ if listing of such NCDs is committed to be done in 15 days of such LQYHVWPHQW,QFDVHWKH1&'VLVVXHGWRWKH(OLJLEOH4),¶VDUHQRWOLVWHG RQVWRFNH[FKDQJHVZLWKLQGD\VRILVVXDQFHIRUDQ\UHDVRQWKHQWKH QFI shall immediately dispose of these NCDs either by way of sale to a third party or to the Issuer and the Issuer shall immediately redeem/ buyback the said securities from the QFI in such eventuality. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. QFIs who intend to participate in the Issue must comply with the laws, rules and regulations of the jurisdiction they are resident in and laws, rules and regulations to which they are otherwise subject to in connection with the purchase and sale of NCDs. No offer or sale of NCDs, pursuant to this Prospectus or otherwise, is being made in the United States or any other jurisdiction where it is unlawful to do so. Accordingly these materials are not directed at or accessible by these ,QYHVWRUV ,I DQ\ LQYHVWRU LQ DQ\ MXULVGLFWLRQ RXWVLGH ,QGLD UHFHLYHV WKLV3URVSHFWXVVXFKLQYHVWRUPD\RQO\VXEVFULEHWRWKH1&'VLIVXFK subscription is in compliance with laws of all jurisdictions applicable WRVXFKLQYHVWRU Applications by Trusts In case of Applications made by trusts, settled under the Indian Trusts $FWDVDPHQGHGRUDQ\RWKHUVWDWXWRU\DQGRUUHJXODWRU\SURYLVLRQ JRYHUQLQJ WKH VHWWOHPHQW RI WUXVWV LQ ,QGLD PXVW VXEPLW D L FHUWL¿HG copy of the registered instrument for creation of such trust, (ii) Power of Attorney, if any, in favour of one or more trustees thereof, (iii) such other documents evidencing registration thereof under applicable statutory/ regulatory requirements. Further, any trusts applying for NCDs pursuant to the Issue must ensure that (a) they are authorised under applicable statutory/regulatory requirements and their constitution instrument to hold and invest in debentures, (b) they have obtained all necessary approvals, consents or other authorisations, which may be required under applicable statutory and/or regulatory requirements to invest in debentures, and F DSSOLFDWLRQV PDGH E\ WKHP GR QRW H[FHHG WKH LQYHVWPHQW OLPLWV RU PD[LPXP QXPEHU RI 1&'V WKDW FDQ EH KHOG E\ WKHP XQGHU DSSOLFDEOH statutory and or regulatory provisions. Failing this, our Company reserves WKHULJKWWRDFFHSWRUUHMHFWDQ\$SSOLFDWLRQVLQZKROHRULQSDUWLQHLWKHU case, without assigning any reason therefor. Applications by Public Financial Institutions, Statutory Corporations, which are authorized to invest in the NCDs 7KH DSSOLFDWLRQ PXVW EH DFFRPSDQLHG E\ FHUWL¿HG WUXH FRSLHV RI L $Q\$FW5XOHVXQGHUZKLFKWKH\DUHLQFRUSRUDWHGLL%RDUG5HVROXWLRQ DXWKRULVLQJLQYHVWPHQWVDQGLLL6SHFLPHQVLJQDWXUHRIDXWKRUL]HGSHUVRQ Applications by companies, bodies corporate and societies registered under the applicable laws in India 7KH DSSOLFDWLRQ PXVW EH DFFRPSDQLHG E\ FHUWL¿HG WUXH FRSLHV RI L $Q\$FW5XOHVXQGHUZKLFKWKH\DUHLQFRUSRUDWHGLL%RDUG5HVROXWLRQ DXWKRULVLQJLQYHVWPHQWVDQGLLL6SHFLPHQVLJQDWXUHRIDXWKRUL]HGSHUVRQ ,QGLDQ 6FLHQWL¿F DQGRU LQGXVWULDO UHVHDUFK RUJDQL]DWLRQV ZKLFK DUH authorized to invest in the NCDs 7KH DSSOLFDWLRQ PXVW EH DFFRPSDQLHG E\ FHUWL¿HG WUXH FRSLHV RI L $Q\$FW5XOHVXQGHUZKLFKWKH\DUHLQFRUSRUDWHGLL%RDUG5HVROXWLRQ DXWKRULVLQJLQYHVWPHQWVDQGLLL6SHFLPHQVLJQDWXUHRIDXWKRUL]HGSHUVRQ 3DUWQHUVKLS¿UPVIRUPHGXQGHUDSSOLFDEOH,QGLDQODZVLQWKHQDPHRI the partners and Limited Liability Partnerships formed and registered under the provisions of the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008 (No. 6 of 2009) 7KH DSSOLFDWLRQ PXVW EH DFFRPSDQLHG E\ FHUWL¿HG WUXH FRSLHV RI L 3DUWQHUVKLS'HHGLL$Q\GRFXPHQWVHYLGHQFLQJUHJLVWUDWLRQWKHUHRIXQGHU DSSOLFDEOH VWDWXWRU\UHJXODWRU\ UHTXLUHPHQWV LLL 5HVROXWLRQ DXWKRUL]LQJ LQYHVWPHQWDQGFRQWDLQLQJRSHUDWLQJLQVWUXFWLRQV5HVROXWLRQLY6SHFLPHQ VLJQDWXUHRIDXWKRUL]HGSHUVRQ Applications under Power of Attorney Incase of Applications made pursuant to a power of attorney by Category , $SSOLFDQWV D FHUWL¿HG FRS\ RI WKH SRZHU RI DWWRUQH\ RU WKH UHOHYDQW UHVROXWLRQRUDXWKRULW\DVWKHFDVHPD\EHDORQJZLWKDFHUWL¿HGFRS\RI WKH 0HPRUDQGXP RI$VVRFLDWLRQ DQG$UWLFOHV RI$VVRFLDWLRQ DQGRU E\H laws must be lodged along with the Application Form, failing this, our &RPSDQ\UHVHUYHVWKHULJKWWRDFFHSWRUUHMHFWDQ\$SSOLFDWLRQLQZKROH or in part, in either case, without assigning any reason therefor. In case of Investments made pursuant to a power of attorney by Category ,,DQG&DWHJRU\,,,$SSOLFDQWVDFHUWL¿HGFRS\RIWKHSRZHURIDWWRUQH\ must be lodged along with the Application Form. INDIA INFOLINE FINANCE LIMITED 9 IN THE NATURE OF FORM 2A - MEMORANDUM CONTAINING SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROSPECTUS II. D b. F 10 ,QFDVHRIDQ$6%$$SSOLFDWLRQSXUVXDQWWRDSRZHURIDWWRUQH\DFHUWL¿HG copy of the power of attorney must be lodged along with the Application )RUP)DLOLQJWKLVRXU&RPSDQ\LQFRQVXOWDWLRQZLWKWKH/HDG0DQDJHUV DQG&R/HDG0DQDJHUVUHVHUYHVWKHULJKWWRUHMHFWVXFK$SSOLFDWLRQV 2XU &RPSDQ\ LQ LWV DEVROXWH GLVFUHWLRQ UHVHUYHV WKH ULJKW WR UHOD[ WKH DERYH FRQGLWLRQ RI DWWDFKLQJ WKH SRZHU RI DWWRUQH\ DORQJ ZLWK the Application Form subject to such terms and conditions that our Company and the Lead Managers and Co-Lead Managers may deem ¿W Application for Allotment of Debt Securities in Physical Form 'HPDWHULDOL]HG)RUP Applications for allotment of physical NCDs by Applicants who do not have a Demat Account All Applicants who do not have a Demat Account and intend to apply for NCDs in physical form (other than non-resident Investors), should submit the Application Forms duly completed in all respects, by providing all the information including PAN and Demographic Details and accompanied by DFFRXQW SD\HH FKHTXHV GUDIWV DQG WKH .QRZ <RXU &XVWRPHU ³.<&´ GRFXPHQWVZLWKWKH0HPEHUVRIWKH6\QGLFDWH7UDGLQJ0HPEHUVRIWKH 6WRFN ([FKDQJHV 7KH FKHTXHEDQN GUDIW FDQ EH GUDZQ RQ DQ\ EDQN including a co-operative bank and is member or sub-member of the %DQNHUV¶ FOHDULQJKRXVH DQG ORFDWHG DW WKH SODFH ZKHUH WKH$SSOLFDWLRQ Form is submitted, i.e. where the designated collection centres of the (VFURZ&ROOHFWLRQ%DQNVDUHORFDWHG2XWVWDWLRQFKHTXHVEDQNGUDIWVGUDZQ on banks not participating in the clearing process will not be accepted and applications accompanied by such cheques or bank drafts are liable WREHUHMHFWHGDQGWKH(VFURZ&ROOHFWLRQ%DQNVVKDOOQRWEHUHVSRQVLEOH IRU VXFK UHMHFWLRQV 3D\PHQWV WKRXJK VWRFNLQYHVW ZRXOG DOVR QRW EH allowed as the same has been discontinued by the RBI vide QRWL¿FDWLRQ No.DBOD.NO.FSC.BC. 42/24.47.001/2003-04 dated November 5, 2003. &DVK6WRFNLQYHVW0RQH\2UGHUV3RVWDO2UGHUVZLOOQRWEHDFFHSWHG,QFDVH payment is effected in contravention of conditions mentioned herein, the DSSOLFDWLRQLVOLDEOHWREHUHMHFWHGDQGDSSOLFDWLRQPRQH\ZLOOEHUHIXQGHG and no interest will be paid thereon. A separate cheque / bank draft must accompany each Application Form. No cash payments shall be accepted. All cheques / bank drafts accompanying the application should be crossed “A/c Payee only” and (a) all cheques / bank drafts accompanying the applications made by eligible applicants must be made payable to “India ,QIROLQH)LQDQFH/LPLWHG±1&'(VFURZ”. .<& 'RFXPHQWV WR EH VXEPLWWHG E\$SSOLFDQWV ZKR GR QRW KDYH D Demat account and are applying for NCDs in the Physical Form (not DSSOLFDEOHWRQRQUHVLGHQW,QYHVWRUV 6HOIDWWHVWHGFRS\RIWKHSURRIRILGHQWL¿FDWLRQIRULQGLYLGXDOV $Q\RIWKHIROORZLQJGRFXPHQWVVKDOOEHFRQVLGHUHGDVDYHUL¿DEOHSURRI RILGHQWL¿FDWLRQ3DVVSRUW9RWHU¶V,''ULYLQJ/LFHQFH*RYHUQPHQW ,'&DUG'HIHQFH,'&DUG3KRWR3$1&DUG3KRWR5DWLRQ&DUG Self-attested copy of the PAN card (incase of a minor, the guardian shall DOVRVXEPLWWKHVHOIDWWHVWHGFRS\RIKLVKHU3$1FDUG 6HOIDWWHVWHGFRS\RIWKHSURRIRIUHVLGHQFH $Q\RIWKHIROORZLQJGRFXPHQWVVKDOOEHFRQVLGHUHGDVDYHUL¿DEOHSURRI of residence: UDWLRQFDUGLVVXHGE\WKH*R, YDOLGGULYLQJOLFHQVHLVVXHGE\DQ\WUDQVSRUWDXWKRULW\RIWKH5HSXEOLFRI ,QGLD HOHFWULFLW\ELOOQRWROGHUWKDQWKUHHPRQWKV ODQGOLQHWHOHSKRQHELOOQRWROGHUWKDQWKUHHPRQWKV YDOLGSDVVSRUWLVVXHGE\WKH*R, $$'+$$5 /HWWHU LVVXHG E\ 8QLTXH ,GHQWL¿FDWLRQ $XWKRULW\ RI ,QGLD ³8,'$,´ YRWHU¶V,GHQWLW\&DUGLVVXHGE\WKH*R, SDVVERRNRUODWHVWEDQNVWDWHPHQWLVVXHGE\DEDQNRSHUDWLQJLQ,QGLD OHDYH DQG OLFHQVH DJUHHPHQW RU DJUHHPHQW IRU VDOH RU UHQW DJUHHPHQW RU ÀDWPDLQWHQDQFHELOO INDIA INFOLINE FINANCE LIMITED 5HJLVWHUHG 2I¿FH DGGUHVV LQ FDVH RI DSSOLFDQWV XQGHU &DWHJRU\ , RU &DWHJRU\,,RU OLIHLQVXUDQFHSROLF\ d. Copy of a cancelled cheque of the bank account to which the amounts pertaining to payment of refunds, interest and redemption, as applicable, should be credited. Applicants (other than non-resident Investors) applying for allotment of 1&'V LQ SK\VLFDO IRUP E\ VLJQLQJ WKH$SSOLFDWLRQ )RUP FRQ¿P WR WKH &RPSDQ\WKH/HDG0DQDJHUV&R/HDG0DQDJHUVDQGWKH5HJLVWUDUWKDW they donot hold any Demat account in India. 7KH0HPEHUVRIWKH6\QGLFDWH7UDGLQJ0HPEHUVRIWKH6WRFN([FKDQJHV VKDOORQUHFHLSWRIWKHFRPSOHWHG$SSOLFDWLRQ)RUPDORQJZLWKWKH.<& Documents and the cheque/ draft, provide an acknowledgment of the DSSOLFDWLRQ WR WKH $SSOLFDQW $IWHU YHUL¿FDWLRQ RI WKH .<& GRFXPHQWV VXEPLWWHGE\WKH$SSOLFDQWDORQJZLWKWKHDSSOLFDWLRQWKH0HPEHUVRIWKH 6\QGLFDWH7UDGLQJ0HPEHUVRIWKH6WRFN([FKDQJHVVKDOOXSORDGDOOVXFK details of the Applicant that is required for the purpose of allotment based RQWKH$SSOLFDWLRQ)RUPRQWKHRQOLQHSODWIRUPRIWKH6WRFN([FKDQJHV 7KH0HPEHUVRIWKH6\QGLFDWH7UDGLQJ0HPEHUVRIWKH6WRFN([FKDQJHV shall thereafter submit the physical Application Form (duly stamped by VXFK0HPEHUVRIWKH6\QGLFDWH7UDGLQJ0HPEHUVRIWKH6WRFN([FKDQJHV DORQJZLWKWKHFKHTXHEDQNGUDIWDQGWKH.<&'RFXPHQWVWRWKH(VFURZ Collecting Bank(s). 7KH 0HPEHUV RI WKH 6\QGLFDWH DQG WKH 7UDGLQJ 0HPEHUV RI WKH 6WRFN ([FKDQJH VKDOO HQVXUH WKH\ VKDOO DFFHSW$SSOLFDWLRQ )RUPV RQO\ LQ VXFK cities/ towns where the banking branches (escrow banks) are available. Details of such banking branches are available on the websites of the Lead 0DQDJHUVDWZZZD[LVFDSLWDOFRLQZZZLLÀFDSFRPZZZWUXVWJURXSFRLQ DQG ZZZLGELFDSLWDOFRP DQG WKH &R/HDG 0DQDJHUV DW ZZZUU¿QDQFH com/, and A link to the VDLG ZHE SDJHV VKDOO DOVR EH DYDLODEOH RQ WKH ZHEVLWH RI 16( DQG %6( at and, respectively. The Members of the Syndicate and the Trading Members of the Stock Exchange shall ensure they shall accept Application Forms only in VXFK FLWLHV WRZQV ZKHUH WKH EDQNLQJ EUDQFKHV HVFURZ EDQNV DUH DYDLODEOH'HWDLOVRIWKHWKHEUDQFKHVRIWKH(VFURZ%DQNVZKHUHWKH $SSOLFDWLRQ )RUP DORQJ ZLWK WKH FKHTXH GHPDQG GUDIW VXEPLWWHG by a Non ASBA applicant shall be deposited by the Members of the 6\QGLFDWHDQG7UDGLQJ0HPEHUVDUHDYDLODEOHRQWKHZHEVLWHVRIWKH /HDG0DQDJHUVDWZZZD[LVFDSFRPZZZLLÀFDSFRPZZZWUXVWJURXS and and the Co-Lead Managers at www. UU¿QDQFHFRPUUIFOFRPZZZNDUY\FRPDQGZZZVPFFDSLWDOVFRP$ OLQNWRWKHVDLGZHESDJHVVKDOODOVREHDYDLODEOHRQWKHZHEVLWHRI16( DQG %6( DW ZZZQVHLQGLDFRP DQG ZZZEVHLQGLDFRP UHVSHFWLYHO\ $OLQNVKDOODOVREHSURYLGHGWRWKHDERYHPHQWLRQHGZHEVLWHVLQWKH Application Form as well. 19. Applications for allotment of NCDs in dematerialised form a. Payment mechanism for non-ASBA Applicants The cheque/bank draft can be drawn on any bank, including a cooperative bank which is situated at and is member or sub-member of the %DQNHUV¶FOHDULQJKRXVHORFDWHGDWWKHSODFHZKHUHWKH$SSOLFDWLRQ)RUP LVVXEPLWWHGLHDWGHVLJQDWHGFROOHFWLRQFHQWUHVRIWKH(VFURZ&ROOHFWLRQ Bank. Outstation cheques /bank drafts drawn on banks not participating in the clearing process will not be accepted and applications accompanied by VXFKFKHTXHVRUEDQNGUDIWVDUHOLDEOHWREHUHMHFWHGDQGWKHFROOHFWLQJEDQN VKDOO QRW EH UHVSRQVLEOH IRU VXFK UHMHFWLRQV 3D\PHQW WKRXJK VWRFNLQYHVW would also not be allowed as the same has been discontinued by the RBI vide QRWL¿FDWLRQ 1R '%2'12)6&%& GDWHG 1RYHPEHU&DVK6WRFNLQYHVW0RQH\2UGHUV3RVWDO2UGHUV ZLOO not be accepted. In case payment is effected in contravention of conditions PHQWLRQHGKHUHLQWKHDSSOLFDWLRQLVOLDEOHWREHUHMHFWHGDQGDSSOLFDWLRQ money will be refunded and no interest will be paid thereon. A separate cheque / bank draft must accompany each Application Form. No cash payments shall be accepted. IN THE NATURE OF FORM 2A - MEMORANDUM CONTAINING SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROSPECTUS All cheques / bank drafts accompanying the application should be crossed “A/c Payee only” and (a) all cheques / bank drafts accompanying the applications made by eligible applicants must be made payable to escrow accounts mentioned below. 3OHDVHQRWHWKDWQHLWKHURXU&RPSDQ\QRUWKH0HPEHUVRIWKH6\QGLFDWH nor the Registrar shall be responsible for redressal of any grievances that Applicants may have in regard to the non-ASBA Applications made to the 7UDGLQJ0HPEHUVLQFOXGLQJZLWKRXWOLPLWDWLRQUHODWLQJWRQRQXSORDGRI WKH$SSOLFDWLRQVGDWD$OOJULHYDQFHVDJDLQVW7UDGLQJ0HPEHUVLQUHODWLRQ WRWKH,VVXHVKRXOGEHPDGHE\$SSOLFDQWVWRWKHUHOHYDQW6WRFN([FKDQJH Escrow Mechanism -:H VKDOO RSHQ DQG PDLQWDLQ VHSDUDWH (VFURZ $FFRXQWV DQG 3XEOLF ,VVXH $FFRXQWV ZLWK (VFURZ &ROOHFWLRQ %DQNV in connection with all Application monies received from residents and non-residents including eligible NRIs on repatriation and non-repatriation basis, FIIs and QFIs, in whose favour the non-ASBA Applicants, applying through cheques shall make out the cheque or demand draft in respect of their Application. (DFK $SSOLFDQW H[FHSW IRU $6%$ $SSOLFDQWV VKDOO GUDZ D FKHTXH RU demand draft for the Application Amount as per the following terms: i. All Applicants would be required to pay the full Application Amount at the time of the submission of the Application Form other than ASBA Applicants. ii. The Applicants shall, with the submission of the Application Form, draw DSD\PHQWLQVWUXPHQWIRUWKH$SSOLFDWLRQ$PRXQWLQIDYRXURIWKH(VFURZ Accounts and submit the same along with their Application. If the payment LV QRW PDGH IDYRXULQJ WKH (VFURZ$FFRXQWV DORQJ ZLWK WKH$SSOLFDWLRQ )RUP WKH$SSOLFDWLRQ ZLOO EH UHMHFWHG$SSOLFDWLRQ )RUPV DFFRPSDQLHG by cash, stock invest, money order or postal order will not be accepted. iii. The payment instruments from the resident Applicants shall be payable LQWRWKH(VFURZ$FFRXQWGUDZQLQIDYRXURI³IIFL – NCD Escrow - R”. iv. The payment instruments from eligible Non Resident Applicants including NRIs on repatriation and non-repatriation basis, FIIs and QFIs shall be SD\DEOHLQWKH1RQ5HVLGHQW(VFURZ$FFRXQWVGUDZQLQIDYRXURI³IIFL – NCD Escrow – NR - Repatriable” and “IIFL – NCD Escrow – NR – Non-Repatriable”. Payments should be made by cheque, or a demand draft drawn on any bank (including a cooperative bank), which is situated at cities where EUDQFKHV RI (VFURZ EDQNV GHWDLOV RI ZKLFK LV DYDLODEOH RQ WKH ZHEVLWHV RI WKH /HDG 0DQDJHUV DQG &R/HDG 0DQDJHUV LV VLWXDWHG 2XWVWDWLRQ FKHTXHVGUDIWVVKDOOEHUHMHFWHG (VFURZ &ROOHFWLRQ %DQNV VKDOO FDUU\ RXW QHFHVVDU\ FKHFNV DQG EDODQFHV to ensure that non-resident applications received in the Issue are on a repatriation or non-repatriation basis, prior to realisation of payment instruments in the relevant non-resident escrow/ public issue accounts. 'HWDLOVRIWKHEUDQFKHVRIWKH(VFURZ%DQNVZKHUHWKH$SSOLFDWLRQ)RUP along with the cheque/ demand draft submitted by a Non ASBA applicant VKDOOEHGHSRVLWHGE\WKH0HPEHUVRIWKH6\QGLFDWHDQG7UDGLQJ0HPEHUV DUHDYDLODEOHRQWKHZHEVLWHVRIWKH/HDG0DQDJHUVDWZZZD[LVFDSFRP ZZZLGELFDSLWDOFRPZZZWUXVWJURXSFRLQDQGZZZLLÀFDSFRPDQGWKH &R/HDG0DQDJHUVDWZZZUU¿QDQFHFRPUUIFOFRPZZZNDUY\FRPDQG A link to the said web pages shall also be available RQWKHZHEVLWHRI16(DQG%6(DWZZZQVHLQGLDFRPDQGZZZEVHLQGLD com, respectively. A link shall also be provided to the above mentioned websites in the Application Form as well. 8SRQ FUHDWLRQ RI 6HFXULW\ DV GLVFORVHG LQ WKH7UXVW 'HHG DQG UHFHLSW RI QHFHVVDU\FRPPXQLFDWLRQIURPWKH/HDG0DQDJHUVDQG&R/HDG0DQDJHUV WRWKH,VVXHDVSHUWKHSURYLVLRQVRIWKH(VFURZ$JUHHPHQWWKH(VFURZ Collection Bank(s) shall transfer the monies from the escrow accounts to separate bank accounts i.e. the respective public issue accounts. Our Company shall at all times ensure that any monies kept in the Non Resident (VFURZ$FFRXQW DQGRU WKH 1RQ 5HVLGHQW 3XEOLF ,VVXH$FFRXQW VKDOO EH utilised only in accordance with applicable statutory and/or regulatory requirements. 7KH)HHVIRU/HDG0DQDJHUVDQG&R/HDG0DQDJHUVVKDOOEHSDLGRXWRI the Public Issue Account once listing/ trading approvals are received from 6WRFN ([FKDQJHV XSRQ UHFHLSW RI LQVWUXFWLRQV IURP WKH /HDG 0DQDJHUV DQG&R/HDG0DQDJHUVDVSURYLGHGIRULQWKH(VFURZ$JUHHPHQW 7KHEDODQFHDPRXQWLQWKH(VFURZ$FFRXQWVDIWHUWUDQVIHUWRWKH3XEOLF Issue Account shall be transferred to the Refund Account. Payments of refund and interest on Application Amount to the relevant Applicants shall DOVR EH PDGH IURP WKH 5HIXQG$FFRXQW DV SHU WKH WHUPV RI WKH (VFURZ Agreement and this Prospectus. 7KH(VFURZ&ROOHFWLRQ%DQNVZLOODFWLQWHUPVRIWKLV3URVSHFWXVDQGWKH (VFURZ$JUHHPHQW7KH(VFURZ&ROOHFWLRQ%DQNVVKDOOQRWH[HUFLVHDQ\ lien whatsoever over the monies deposited therein. For instructions pertaining to completing Application Form please see “Issue Procedure-Instructions for completing the Application Form”on page 293 of the Prospectus. b. Payment mechanism for ASBA Applicants i. 3URFHGXUHIRU$SSOLFDWLRQWKURXJKWKH0HPEHUVRIWKH6\QGLFDWH7UDGLQJ Members of the Stock Exchanges using the Applications Supported by Blocked Amount (“ASBA”) facility and Applications through SCSBs using ASBA facility This section is for the information of the Applicants proposing to subscribe to the Issue through the ASBA Process (“$6%$,QYHVWRUV”). Please note that application through ASBA is optional for all categories of Resident $SSOLFDQWV7KH/HDG0DQDJHUV&R/HDG0DQDJHUVDQGRXU&RPSDQ\DUH QRWOLDEOHIRUDQ\DPHQGPHQWVRUPRGL¿FDWLRQVRUFKDQJHVLQDSSOLFDEOH laws or regulations, which may occur after the date of this Prospectus. ASBA Investors are advised to make their independent investigations and WRHQVXUHWKDWWKH$SSOLFDWLRQ)RUPLVFRUUHFWO\¿OOHGXS Our Company, Lead Managers, Co-Lead Managers,Lead Brokers,our GLUHFWRUVDI¿OLDWHVDVVRFLDWHVDQGWKHLUUHVSHFWLYHGLUHFWRUVDQGRI¿FHUV and the Registrar to the Issue shall not take any responsibility for acts, mistakes, errors, omissions and commissions etc. in relation to applications accepted by SCSBs, Applications uploaded by SCSBs, applications accepted but not uploaded by SCSBs or applications accepted and uploaded without blocking funds in the ASBA Accounts. It shall be presumed that for applications uploaded by SCSBs, the DPRXQWSD\DEOHRQDSSOLFDWLRQKDVEHHQEORFNHGLQWKHUHOHYDQW$6%$ Account. 7KH OLVW RI EDQNV ZKLFK KDYH EHHQ QRWL¿HG E\ 6(%, WR DFW DV 6&6%V for the ASBA Process is provided on home/list/5/33/0/0/Recognised-Intermediaries. For details on Designated Branches of SCSBs collecting the Application Form, please refer the above PHQWLRQHG 6(%, OLQN$OO WKH 6&6%V KDYLQJ D EUDQFK LQ WKH ORFDWLRQ RI EURNHU FHQWHUV RI 6WRFN ([FKDQJHV QRWL¿HG E\ ([FKDQJHV LQ WHUPV RI clause 6 of Circular dated October 4, 2012 and updated on a regular EDVLV LQ WHUPV RI 6(%, FLUFXODU GDWHG -DQXUD\ DUH UHTXLUHG WR QDPHDWOHDVWRQHEUDQFKZKHUH6\QGLFDWH0HPEHUVDQGRUFDQVXEPLW the ASBA forms. ASBA Applicants applying through a member of the Syndicate should ensure that the Application Form is submitted to a member of the Syndicate. ASBA Applicants should also ensure that Application Forms submitted to the Syndicate will not be accepted if the SCSB where the $6%$$FFRXQW DV VSHFL¿HG LQ WKH$SSOLFDWLRQ )RUP LV PDLQWDLQHG KDV not named at least one branch at that location for the Syndicate to deposit the Application Form from ASBA Applicants (A list of such branches is available at ASBA Applicants Applying directly through the SCSBs should ensure that the Application Form is submitted to a Designated Branch, of a SCSB where the ASBA Account is maintained (A list of such branches is available at Recognised-Intermediaries). 7KRVH$SSOLFDQWVZKRZLVKWRDSSO\WKURXJKWKH$6%$SURFHVVE\¿OOLQJ in physical Application Form will have to select the ASBA mechanism in $SSOLFDWLRQ)RUPDQGSURYLGHQHFHVVDU\GHWDLOV7KH¿OOHGLQ$SSOLFDWLRQ INDIA INFOLINE FINANCE LIMITED 11 IN THE NATURE OF FORM 2A - MEMORANDUM CONTAINING SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROSPECTUS Applicants applying under the ASBA Process should note that on the Form containing instructions to SCSB to block the Application Amount basis of name of these Applicants, Depository Participant’s name and shall be submitted to the designated branches of the SCSBs. The ASBA LGHQWL¿FDWLRQ QXPEHU DQG EHQH¿FLDU\ DFFRXQW QXPEHU SURYLGHG E\ $SSOLFDWLRQVFDQDOVREHVXEPLWWHGZLWKWKH0HPEHURIWKH6\QGLFDWHDW them in the Application Form, the Registrar to the Issue will obtain WKH 6\QGLFDWH$6%$ &HQWUHV RU ZLWK WKH7UDGLQJ 0HPEHUV RI WKH 6WRFN from the Depository demographic details of these Applicants such ([FKDQJHVDWWKH6\QGLFDWH$6%$&HQWUHVZKRVKDOOLQWXUQIRUZDUGWKH DV 3$1 DGGUHVV IRU SULQWLQJ RQ $OORWPHQW DGYLFH DQG RFFXSDWLRQ VDPH WR WKH 6&6%V LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK WKH FLUFXODUV LVVXHG E\ 6(%, LQ (“Demographic Details”). Hence, Applicants applying under the ASBA WKLV UHJDUG IURP WLPH WR WLPH 7KH 0HPEHUV RI 6\QGLFDWH DQG 7UDGLQJ 3URFHVVVKRXOGFDUHIXOO\¿OOLQWKHLU'HSRVLWRU\$FFRXQWGHWDLOVLQWKH 0HPEHUV RI WKH 6WRFN ([FKDQJH VKDOO DFFHSW $6%$ $SSOLFDWLRQV RQO\ Application Form. at the Syndicate ASBA Centres and should ensure that they verify the details about the ASBA Account and relevant SCSB prior to accepting These Demographic Details would be used for all correspondence with the Application Form. such Applicants including mailing of the letters intimating unblocking of their respective ASBA Accounts. The Demographic Details given by Care should be taken that such Application Forms should bear the stamp the Applicants in the Application Form would not be used for any other RIWKHUHOHYDQW6&6%0HPEHUVRIWKH6\QGLFDWHRUWUDGLQJPHPEHUVRI SXUSRVHVE\WKH5HJLVWUDU+HQFH$SSOLFDQWVDUHDGYLVHGWRXSGDWHWKHLU WKH6WRFN([FKDQJHVRWKHUZLVHWKH\DUHOLDEOHWREHUHMHFWHG Demographic Details as provided to their Depository Participants. ASBA Application in electronic mode will only be available with such By signing the Application Forms, the Applicants applying under the ASBA SCSBs who provide such facility. In case of application in such electronic Process would be deemed to have authorised the Depositories to provide, form, the ASBA Applicant shall submit the Application Form with upon request, to the Registrar to the Issue, the required Demographic instruction to block the Application amount either through the internet Details as available on its records. banking facility available with the SCSB, or such other electronically enabled mechanism for applying and blocking funds in the ASBA Account Letters intimating Allotment and unblocking the funds would be mailed held with SCSB, as would be made available by the concerned SCSB. at the address of the ASBA Applicant as per the Demographic Details UHFHLYHG IURP WKH 'HSRVLWRULHV 7KH 5HJLVWUDU WR WKH ,VVXH ZLOO JLYH $SSOLFDWLRQVDUHOLDEOHWREHUHMHFWHGZKHUHLQWKH6&6%VDUHQRWDEOHWR instructions to the SCSBs for unblocking funds in the ASBA Account block the funds for Application Forms which have been uploaded by the to the extent NCDs are not allotted to such ASBA Applicants. ASBA 0HPEHU RI WKH 6\QGLFDWH RU 7UDGLQJ 0HPEHUV RI WKH 6WRFN ([FKDQJH $SSOLFDQWV PD\ QRWH WKDW GHOLYHU\ RI OHWWHUV LQWLPDWLQJ XQEORFNLQJ due to any reason. of the funds may get delayed if the same once sent to the address Mode of payment -The Applicant applying under the ASBA Process agrees REWDLQHGIURPWKH'HSRVLWRULHVDUHUHWXUQHGXQGHOLYHUHG to block the entire amount payable on application with the submission Note that any such delay shall be at the sole risk of the ASBA Applicants RI WKH$SSOLFDWLRQ )RUP E\ DXWKRUL]LQJ WKH 6&6% WR EORFN DQ DPRXQW and none of us, the SCSBs, the Members of the Syndicate or Trading equivalent to the amount payable on application, in an ASBA Account. Member shall be liable to compensate the Applicant applying under After verifying that sufficient funds are available in the ASBA the ASBA Process for any losses caused due to any such delay or Account,details of which are provided in the Application Form or through liable to pay any interest for such delay. which the Application is being made in case of electronic ASBA Application, In case no corresponding record is available with the Depositories that the SCSB shall block an amount equivalent to the amount payable on matches three parameters, (a) Client ID, (b) the DP ID and (c) the PAN application mentioned in the Application Form until it receives instructions 1XPEHUWKHQVXFKDSSOLFDWLRQVDUHOLDEOHWREHUHMHFWHG IURP WKH 5HJLVWUDU 8SRQ UHFHLSW RI LQWLPDWLRQ IURP WKH 5HJLVWUDU WKH 6&6%VVKDOOWUDQVIHUVXFKDPRXQWDVSHUWKH5HJLVWUDU¶VLQVWUXFWLRQIURP iii. $SSOLFDWLRQVWKURXJKWKH0HPEHUVRIWKH6\QGLFDWH7UDGLQJ0HPEHUV the ASBA Account. This amount will be transferred into the Public Issue of the Stock Exchanges through Collecting Banks without using ASBA Account maintained by us as per the provisions of section 73(3) of the Facility Companies Act. The balance amount remaining blocked in the ASBA All Application Forms, either in physical or downloaded Application Forms, $FFRXQWVLIDQ\DIWHUWKH¿QDOLVDWLRQRIWKH%DVLVRI$OORWPHQWVKDOOEH duly completed and accompanied by account payee cheques / drafts shall unblocked by the SCSBs on the basis of the instructions issued in this EHVXEPLWWHGZLWKWKH0HPEHUVRIWKH6\QGLFDWHRU7UDGLQJ0HPEHUVRI UHJDUG E\ WKH 5HJLVWUDU WR WKH ,VVXH WKH /HDG 0DQDJHUV DQG &R/HDG WKH6WRFN([FKDQJHVEHIRUHWKHFORVXUHRIWKH,VVXH7KH0HPEHUVRIWKH 0DQDJHUVWRWKHUHVSHFWLYH6&6% 6\QGLFDWH7UDGLQJ0HPEHUVRIWKH6WRFN([FKDQJHVXSRQUHFHLSWRIWKH 7KH 6&6% PD\ UHMHFW WKH DSSOLFDWLRQ DW WKH WLPH RI DFFHSWDQFH RI Non-ASBA Applications, shall upload all the details of the applications Application Form if the ASBA Account with the SCSB, details of which RQ WKH RQOLQH SODWIRUP RI WKH 6WRFN ([FKDQJHV7KH$SSOLFDWLRQV DUH WR have been provided by the Applicant in the Application Form, does not EH VXEPLWWHG WR WKH 0HPEHUV RI WKH 6\QGLFDWH RU 7UDGLQJ 0HPEHUV RQ KDYH VXI¿FLHQW IXQGV HTXLYDOHQW WR WKH DPRXQW SD\DEOH RQ DSSOLFDWLRQ a timely manner so that the details can be uploaded by the closure of mentioned in the Application Form. Subsequent to the acceptance of the EDQNLQJ KRXUV RQ WR WKH 6WRFN ([FKDQJH SODWIRUP LH IURP DP DSSOLFDWLRQ E\ WKH 6&6% WKH 5HJLVWUDU ZRXOG KDYH D ULJKW WR UHMHFW WKH till 5.00 p.m. (Indian Standard Time) during the Issue Period, following application on any of the technical grounds. which they shall acknowledge the uploading of the Application Form by stamping the acknowledgment slip with the date and time and returning ,Q WKH HYHQW RI ZLWKGUDZDO RU UHMHFWLRQ RI $SSOLFDWLRQ )RUP RU IRU LWWRWKH$SSOLFDQW7KH0HPEHUVRIWKH6\QGLFDWH7UDGLQJ0HPEHUVRI unsuccessful Application Forms, the Registrar shall give instructions to the WKH6WRFN([FKDQJHVVKDOOWKHUHDIWHUVXEPLWWKHSK\VLFDO$SSOLFDWLRQ)RUP SCSB to unblock the application money in the relevant ASBA Account DORQJZLWKWKHFKHTXHEDQNGUDIWWRWKH(VFURZ&ROOHFWLRQ%DQNV within twelve (12) Working Days of receipt of such instruction. There will be no interest paid on any such refunds. 19A.Direct Online Application Mechanism ii. Depository account and bank details for Applicants applying under the Applicants are requested to note that in terms of the Debt Application ASBA Process &LUFXODU6(%,KDVPDQGDWHGLVVXHUVWRSURYLGHWKURXJKDUHFRJQL]HGVWRFN H[FKDQJHZKLFKRIIHUVVXFKDIDFLOLW\DQRQOLQHLQWHUIDFHHQDEOLQJGLUHFW IT IS MANDATORY FOR ALL THE APPLICANTS APPLYING application by investors to a public issue of debt securities with an online UNDER THE ASBA PROCESS TO RECEIVE THEIR NCDs IN payment facility (“Direct Online Application Mechanism”). In this regard, DEMATERIALISED FORM. ALL APPLICANTS APPLYING UNDER 6(%,KDVWKURXJKWKH'HEW$SSOLFDWLRQ&LUFXODUGLUHFWHGUHFRJQL]HGVWRFN THE ASBA PROCESS SHOULD MENTION THEIR DEPOSITORY H[FKDQJHVLQ,QGLDWRSXWLQQHFHVVDU\V\VWHPVDQGLQIUDVWUXFWXUHIRUWKH PARTICIPANT’S NAME, PAN DETAILS, DEPOSITORY implementation of the Debt Application Circular and the Direct Online PARTICIPANT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER AND BENEFICIARY $SSOLFDWLRQ0HFKDQLVP,QWKHHYHQWWKDWWKH6WRFN([FKDQJHVDUHXQDEOH ACCOUNT NUMBER IN THE APPLICATION FORM. 12 INDIA INFOLINE FINANCE LIMITED IN THE NATURE OF FORM 2A - MEMORANDUM CONTAINING SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROSPECTUS to put in necessary systems, infrastructure and processes in place so as to enable the adoption of the Direct Online Application Circular prior to the Issue Opening Date, we shall not offer eligible investors desirous of applying in the Issue the option to make Applications through the Direct 2QOLQH$SSOLFDWLRQ0HFKDQLVP III. INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILLING UP APPLICATION FORM 20. General Instructions i. Instructions for completing the Application Form Submission of Application Form (Non-ASBA) $SSOLFDWLRQVWREHPDGHLQSUHVFULEHGIRUPRQO\ 7KHIRUPVWREHFRPSOHWHGLQEORFNOHWWHUVLQ(QJOLVK (QVXUHWKDWWKHGHWDLOVDERXW'HSRVLWRU\3DUWLFLSDQWDQG%HQH¿FLDU\$FFRXQW LQ WKH $SSOLFDWLRQV IRU VHHNLQJ DOORWPHQW RI 1&'V LQ GHPDWHULDOL]HG mode are correct, as allotment of NCDs to these Applicants will be in WKHGHPDWHULDOL]HGIRUPRQO\ Information provided by the Applicants in the Application Form will be XSORDGHGRQWRWKH6WRFN([FKDQJHV3ODWIRUPV\VWHPE\WKH0HPEHUVRI WKH6\QGLFDWH7UDGLQJ0HPEHUVRIWKH6WRFN([FKDQJHVDVWKHFDVHPD\ be, and the electronic data will be used to make allocation/ Allotment. 7KH$SSOLFDQWVVKRXOGHQVXUHWKDWWKHGHWDLOVDUHFRUUHFWDQG OHJLEOH $SSOLFDWLRQV VKRXOG EH PDGH E\ .DUWD LQ FDVH RI +8) 3OHDVH HQVXUH 3$1GHWDLOVRIWKH+8)LVPHQWLRQHGDQGQRWRI.DUWD 7KXPE LPSUHVVLRQV DQG VLJQDWXUHV RWKHU WKDQ LQ (QJOLVK+LQGL*XMDUDWL 0DUDWKL RU DQ\ RWKHU ODQJXDJHV VSHFL¿HG LQ WKH th Schedule of the &RQVWLWXWLRQ QHHGV WR EH DWWHVWHG E\ D 0DJLVWUDWH RU 1RWDU\ 3XEOLF RU D 6SHFLDO([HFXWLYH0DJLVWUDWHXQGHUKLVKHUVHDO (YHU\DSSOLFDQWVKRXOGKROGYDOLG3HUPDQHQW$FFRXQW1XPEHU3$1DQG PHQWLRQ WKH VDPH LQ WKH$SSOLFDWLRQ )RUP ,Q FDVH RI -RLQW$SSOLFDQWV 3$1RIDOO-RLQW$SSOLFDQWVLVFRPSXOVRU\ Applicants (other than those resident Investors applying for Allotment of NCDs in physical form) should correctly mention their DP ID and Client ID in the Application Form. For the purpose of evaluating the validity of Applications, the Demographic Details of Applicants shall be derived IURPWKH'3,'DQG&OLHQW,'PHQWLRQHGLQWKH$SSOLFDWLRQ)RUP Applicants (other than non-resident Investors) applying for Allotment of 1&'VLQSK\VLFDOIRUPVKRXOGVXEPLWWKH.<&GRFXPHQWVDVPHQWLRQHG DERYH7KH5HJLVWDUVKDOOZLWKKROGGLVSDWFKRIWKH3K\VFLDO1&'FHUWL¿FDWHV WLOOWKHSURSHU.<&GRHFXPHQWVDUHUHFLHYHG All applicants are required to tick the relevant column of “Category of ,QYHVWRU´LQWKH$SSOLFDWLRQ)RUP $OO DSSOLFDQWV DUH UHTXLUHG WR WLFN WKH UHOHYDQW ER[ RI WKH ³0RGH RI Application” in the Application Form choosing either ASBA or Non-ASBA PHFKDQLVP $OO $SSOLFDWLRQ )RUPV H[FHSW LQ FDVH RI $SSOLFDWLRQ )RUPV WKURXJK ASBA mechanism) duly completed together with cheque/bank draft for the amount payable on application must be delivered before the closing of the ,VVXH WR DQ\ RI WKH 0HPEHUV RI WKH 6\QGLFDWH DQG 7UDGLQJ 0HPEHUV RI WKH6WRFN([FKDQJHVZKRVKDOOXSORDGWKHVDPHRQWKH6WRFN([FKDQJH 3ODWIRUPEHIRUHWKHFORVXUHRIWKH,VVXH All Applicants applying through Non-ASBA mechanism shall mention the $SSOLFDWLRQ1XPEHU6ROH¿UVW$SSOLFDQW¶VQDPHDQGWKHSKRQHQXPEHU RQWKHUHYHUVHVLGHRIWKHFKHTXHDQGGHPDQGGUDIW 1RUHFHLSWZLOOEHLVVXHGIRUWKHDSSOLFDWLRQPRQH\+RZHYHU%DQNHUVWR the Issue and/or their branches receiving the applications will acknowledge WKHVDPH (QVXUHWKDW\RXVHOHFWWKHFRUUHFWRSWLRQZKLOH¿OOLQJLQWKH$SSOLFDWLRQ Form. Where the applicants have not indicated their choice of the relevant Series of NCDs, the Company shall allot Option IV NCDs to all valid applications. Further Instructions for ASBA Applicants ASBA Applicants should correctly mention the ASBA Account number and ensure that funds equal to the Application Amount are available in the ASBA Account before submitting the Application Form to the Designated %UDQFKRWKHUZLVHWKHFRQFHUQHG6&6%VKDOOUHMHFWWKH$SSOLFDWLRQ If the ASBA Account holder is different from the ASBA Applicant, the Application Form should be signed by the ASBA Account holder, in accordance with the instructions provided in the Application Form. Not PRUHWKDQ¿YHDSSOLFDWLRQVFDQEHPDGHIURPRQHVLQJOH$6%$$FFRXQW For ASBA Applicants, the Applications in physical mode should be submitted to the SCSBs or a member of the Syndicate or to the Trading 0HPEHUV RI WKH 6WRFN ([FKDQJHV RQ WKH SUHVFULEHG $SSOLFDWLRQ )RUP SCSBs may provide the electronic mode for making application either through an internet enabled banking facility or such other secured, electronically enabled mechanism for application and blocking funds in WKH$6%$$FFRXQW $SSOLFDWLRQ)RUPVVKRXOGEHDUWKHVWDPSRIWKH0HPEHURIWKH6\QGLFDWH 7UDGLQJ0HPEHURIWKH6WRFN([FKDQJHVDQGRU6&6%$SSOLFDWLRQ)RUPV ZKLFKGRQRWEHDUWKHVWDPSLVOLDEOHWREHUHMHFWHG ALL APPLICATIONS BY CATEGORY I APPLICANTS SHALL %( 5(&(,9(' 21/< %< 7+( /($' 0$1$*(56 &2/($' 0$1$*(56 /($' %52.(56 $1' 7+(,5 5(63(&7,9( AFFILIATES. All Applicants should apply for one or more option of NCDs in a single Application Form only. Our Company would allot Option IV NCDs to all valid applications, wherein the applicants have not indicated their choice of NCDs. To supplement the foregoing, the mode and manner of Application and submission of Application Forms is illustrated in the following chart. Mode of Application ASBA Applications To whom the Application Form has to be submitted i. WR WKH 0HPEHUV RI WKH 6\QGLFDWH RQO\ DW WKH 6\QGLFDWH $6%$ $SSOLFDWLRQ/RFDWLRQVRU ii. to the Designated Branches of the SCSBs where the ASBA Account LVPDLQWDLQHGRU iii. WR 7UDGLQJ 0HPEHUV RQO\ DW WKH 6\QGLFDWH $6%$ $SSOLFDWLRQ Locations. Non- ASBA i. WRWKH0HPEHUVRIWKH6\QGLFDWHRU Applications ii. WR7UDGLQJ0HPEHUV ii. Terms of Payment The face value for the NCDs is payable on application only. In case of allotment of lesser number of NCDs than the number applied, our Company VKDOOUHIXQGXQEORFNWKHH[FHVVDPRXQWSDLGRQDSSOLFDWLRQWRWKHDSSOLFDQW 21. Do’s and Don’t’s Do’s &KHFNLIHOLJLEOHWRDSSO\ 5HDGDOOWKHLQVWUXFWLRQVFDUHIXOO\DQGFRPSOHWHWKH$SSOLFDWLRQ)RUP (QVXUHWKDWWKHGHWDLOVDERXW'HSRVLWRU\3DUWLFLSDQWDQG%HQH¿FLDU\$FFRXQW LQWKHDOORWPHQWRI1&'VLQ'HPDWHUDLOVHGIRUPWKURXJKWKH0HPEHUVRI WKH6\QGLFDWHDQG7UDGLQJ0HPEHUVDUHFRUUHFWDVDOORWPHQWRI1&'VWR WKHVHDSSOLFDQWVZLOOEHLQWKHGHPDWHULDOL]HGIRUPRQO\ ,Q FDVH RI DQ +8) DSSO\LQJ WKURXJK LWV .DUWD WKH$SSOLFDQW LV UHTXLUHG WR VSHFLI\ WKH QDPH RI DQ $SSOLFDQW LQ WKH $SSOLFDWLRQ )RUP DV µ;<= +LQGX8QGLYLGHG)DPLO\DSSO\LQJWKURXJK345¶ZKHUH345LVWKHQDPH RIWKH.DUWD+RZHYHUWKH3$1QXPEHURIWKH+8)VKRXOGEHPHQWLRQHG LQWKH$SSOLFDWLRQ)RUPDQGQRWWKDWRIWKH.DUWD (QVXUHWKDWWKH$SSOLFDWLRQVDUHVXEPLWWHGWRWKH0HPEHUVRIWKH6\QGLFDWH DQG7UDGLQJ0HPEHUVRQDWLPHO\PDQQHURQWKH,VVXH&ORVLQJ'DWHVR WKDWWKHGHWDLOVFDQEHXSORDGHGEHIRUHWKHFORVXUHRIWKH%LGGLQJ3HULRG (QVXUH WKDW WKH $SSOLFDQW¶V QDPHV JLYHQ LQ WKH $SSOLFDWLRQ )RUP LV H[DFWO\WKHVDPHDVWKHQDPHVLQZKLFKWKHEHQH¿FLDU\DFFRXQWLVKHOG ZLWKWKH'HSRVLWRU\3DUWLFLSDQW (QVXUHWKDW\RXPHQWLRQ\RXU3$1DOORWWHGXQGHUWKH,7$FW (QVXUHWKDWWKH'HPRJUDSKLF'HWDLOVDUHXSGDWHGWUXHDQGFRUUHFWLQDOO UHVSHFWV H[FHSW LQ FDVH ZKHUH WKH DSSOLFDWLRQ LV IRU 1&'V LQ SK\VLFDO IRUP INDIA INFOLINE FINANCE LIMITED 13 IN THE NATURE OF FORM 2A - MEMORANDUM CONTAINING SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROSPECTUS (QVXUHWKHXVHRIDQ$SSOLFDWLRQ)RUPEHDULQJWKHVWDPSRIWKHUHOHYDQW ,Q WHUPV RI WKH 6(%, FLUFXODU &,5&)'',/ GDWHG -DQXDU\ 6&6%7UDGLQJ0HPEHUVRIWKH6WRFN([FKDQJHVRUWKH0HPEHUVRIWKH 6\QGLFDWHH[FHSWLQFDVHRIHOHFWURQLF$6%$$SSOLFDWLRQVWRZKRPWKH DSSOLFDWLRQLVVXEPLWWHG ,I DSSO\LQJ IRU 1&'V LQ SK\VLFDO IRUP HQVXUH WKH .<& GRFXPHQWV are submitted along with the Application Form and the date of birth is PHQWLRQHGRQWKH$SSOLFDWLRQ)RUP (QVXUHWKDW\RXKDYHREWDLQHGDOOQHFHVVDU\DSSURYDOVIURPWKHUHOHYDQW statutory and/or regulatory authorities, as applicable to each category of investor, to apply for, subscribe to and/or seek allotment of NCDs pursuant WRWKH,VVXH (QVXUHWKDW\RXVHOHFWWKHFRUUHFWRSWLRQZKLOH¿OOLQJLQWKH$SSOLFDWLRQ Form. Where the applicants have not indicated their choice of the relevant Series of NCDs, the Company shall allot Option IV NCDs to all valid DSSOLFDWLRQV Incase you are submitting an Application Form to a trading member ensure that he is located in a town / city that has a escrow banking facility. (list RI VXFK ORFDWLRQV DUH DYDLODEOH RQ WKH ZHEVLWHV RI 6WRFN ([FKDQJHV WKH &RPSDQ\ /HDG PDQDJHUV DQG &R/HDG 0DQDJHUV D OLQN IRU WKH VDPH EHLQJDYDLODEOHLQWKH$SSOLFDWLRQ)RUP (QVXUHWKDW\RXUHFHLYHDQDFNQRZOHGJHPHQWIURPWKH'HVLJQDWHG%UDQFK WKH7UDGLQJ0HPEHURIWKH6WRFN([FKDQJHVRUIURPWKH0HPEHUVRIWKH Syndicate, as the case may be, for the submission and upload of your $SSOLFDWLRQ)RUP 'R¶VIRU$6%$$SSOLFDQWVLQDGGLWLRQWRWKHDERYHPHQWLRQHGJHQHUDO instructions (QVXUHWKDW\RXVSHFLI\$6%$DVWKHµ0RGHRI$SSOLFDWLRQ¶DQGXVHWKH $SSOLFDWLRQ)RUPEHDULQJWKHVWDPSRIWKHUHOHYDQW6&6%7UDGLQJ0HPEHUV RIWKH6WRFN([FKDQJHVRUWKH0HPEHUVRIWKH6\QGLFDWHH[FHSWLQFDVH RIHOHFWURQLF$SSOLFDWLRQ)RUPVWRZKRPWKHDSSOLFDWLRQLVVXEPLWWHG (QVXUH WKDW \RXU $SSOLFDWLRQ )RUP LV VXEPLWWHG HLWKHU DW D 'HVLJQDWHG Branch of an SCSB where the ASBA Account is maintained, with a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¿HGLQWKH$SSOLFDWLRQ)RUPLVPDLQWDLQHGKDVQRWQDPHGDWOHDVW RQH EUDQFK DW WKDW ORFDWLRQ IRU WKH 0HPEHUV RI WKH 6\QGLFDWH 7UDGLQJ 0HPEHU WR GHSRVLW WKH$SSOLFDWLRQ )RUP IURP$6%$$SSOLFDQWV $ OLVW of such designated branches is available at home/list/5/33/0/0/Recognised-Intermediaries. ASBA Applicants Applying directly through the SCSBs should ensure that the Application Form is submitted to a Designated Branch, of a SCSB where the ASBA Account is maintained (A list of such branches is available at in/sebiweb/home/list/5/33/0/0/RecognisedIntermediaries). (QVXUHWKDWWKH$SSOLFDWLRQ)RUPLVVLJQHGE\WKH$6%$$FFRXQWKROGHU LQFDVHWKH$6%$$SSOLFDQWLVQRWWKHDFFRXQWKROGHU (QVXUH WKDW \RX KDYH PHQWLRQHG WKH FRUUHFW $6%$ $FFRXQW QXPEHU LQ WKH$SSOLFDWLRQ)RUP (QVXUHWKDW\RXKDYHIXQGVHTXDOWRRUPRUHWKDQWKH$SSOLFDWLRQ$PRXQW in the ASBA Account before submitting the Application Form to the UHVSHFWLYH 'HVLJQDWHG %UDQFK ZLWK D 7UDGLQJ 0HPEHU RI WKH 6WRFN ([FKDQJHVRUWRWKH0HPEHUVRIWKH6\QGLFDWH ,Q FDVH \RX DUH VXEPLWWLQJ WKH $SSOLFDWLRQ )RUP WR D 0HPEHU RI WKH Syndicate, please ensure that the SCSBs with whom the ASBA Account VSHFL¿HGLQWKH$SSOLFDWLRQ)RUPLVPDLQWDLQHGKDVDEUDQFKVSHFL¿HGIRU collecting such Application Forms in the location where the Application Form is being submitted. 14 INDIA INFOLINE FINANCE LIMITED 2013, in case of an SCSB making an ASBA Application, such ASBA Application should be made through an ASBA Account utilised solely for the purpose of applying in public issues and maintained in the name of such SCSB Applicant with a different SCSB, wherein clear demarcated funds are available. (QVXUHWKDW\RXKDYHIXQGVHTXDOWRWKH$SSOLFDWLRQ$PRXQWLQWKH$6%$ Account before submitting the Application Form and that your signature LQWKH$SSOLFDWLRQ)RUPPDWFKHVZLWK\RXUDYDLODEOHEDQNUHFRUGV (QVXUHWKDW\RXKDYHFRUUHFWO\WLFNHGSURYLGHGRUFKHFNHGWKHDXWKRULVDWLRQ ER[LQWKH$SSOLFDWLRQ)RUPRUKDYHRWKHUZLVHSURYLGHGDQDXWKRULVDWLRQ to the SCSB via the electronic mode, for blocking funds in the ASBA Account equivalent to the Application Amount mentioned in the Application )RUP (QVXUHWKDW\RXUHFHLYHDQDFNQRZOHGJHPHQWIURPWKH'HVLJQDWHG%UDQFK RU WKH FRQFHUQHG /HDG 0DQDJHU WKH &R/HDG 0DQDJHUV /HDG %URNHU VXEEURNHU RU7UDGLQJ 0HPEHU RI WKH 6WRFN ([FKDQJH DV WKH FDVH PD\ be, for the submission of the Application Form. 'RQ¶WV 'RQRWDSSO\IRUORZHUWKDQWKHPLQLPXPDSSOLFDWLRQVL]H Do not pay the application amount in cash or by money order or by postal RUGHURUE\VWRFNLQYHVW 'R QRW ¿OO XS WKH $SSOLFDWLRQ )RUP VXFK WKDW WKH 1&'V DSSOLHG IRU H[FHHGVWKHLVVXHVL]HDQGRULQYHVWPHQWOLPLWDSSOLFDEOHWRVXFKLQYHVWRU XQGHUODZVRUUHJXODWLRQVDSSOLFDEOHWRVXFKLQYHVWRURUPD[LPXPQXPEHU of NCDs that can be held under the applicable laws or regulations or PD[LPXPDPRXQWSHUPLVVLEOHXQGHUWKHDSSOLFDEOHUHJXODWLRQV Do not submit the GIR number instead of the PAN as the Application )RUPZLOOEHUHMHFWHGRQWKLVJURXQG 'RQRWVXEPLWWKH$SSOLFDWLRQ)RUPVZLWKRXWWKHIXOO$SSOLFDWLRQ$PRXQW Do not submit Application Forms in non-ASBA mode to any of the &ROOHFWLRQ&HQWUHVRIWKH%DQNHUVWRWKH,VVXH5HJLVWUDU&RPSDQ\ 'RQRWVXEPLW$SSOLFDWLRQDFFRPSDQLHGZLWK6WRFNLQYHVW 'RQ¶WV IRU$6%$$SSOLFDQWV LQ DGGLWLRQ WR WKH DERYH PHQWLRQHG JHQHUDO instructions Payment of Application Amounts in any mode other than through blocking of the Application Amounts in the ASBA Accounts shall not be accepted XQGHUWKH$6%$ Do not send your physical Application Form by post. Instead submit the VDPH WR D 7UDGLQJ 0HPEHU RI WKH 6WRFN ([FKDQJHV RU WR D 0HPEHU RI WKH6\QGLFDWHDVWKHFDVHPD\EH 'RQRWDSSO\IRU1&'VLQSK\VLFDOIRUPLQFDVHRI1RQUHVLGHQW,QYHVWRU 'RQRWVXEPLWPRUHWKDQ¿YH$SSOLFDWLRQ)RUPVSHU$6%$$FFRXQW 'RQRWVXEPLWWKH$SSOLFDWLRQ)RUPZLWKD0HPEHURIWKH6\QGLFDWHRU 7UDGLQJ0HPEHURIWKH6WRFN([FKDQJHVDWDORFDWLRQRWKHUWKDQZKHUH WKH6\QGLFDWH$6%$&HQWUHVDUHORFDWHGDQG 'RQRWVXEPLW$6%$$SSOLFDWLRQVWRD0HPEHURIWKH6\QGLFDWHRUWKH 7UDGLQJ0HPEHUVRIWKH6WRFN([FKDQJHVXQOHVVWKH6&6%ZKHUHWKH$6%$ $FFRXQW LV PDLQWDLQHG DV VSHFL¿HG LQ WKH$SSOLFDWLRQ )RUP KDV QDPHG DWOHDVWRQH'HVLJQDWHG%UDQFKDVGLVSOD\HGRQWKH6(%,ZHEVLWHKWWS in WKHUHOHYDQWDUHDIRUWKH0HPEHUVRIWKH6\QGLFDWHRUWKH7UDGLQJ0HPEHUV RIWKH6WRFN([FKDQJHVWRGHSRVLWWKH$SSOLFDWLRQ)RUPV 22. Other Instructions i. Joint Applications $SSOLFDWLRQVPD\EHPDGHLQVLQJOHRUMRLQWQDPHVQRWH[FHHGLQJWKUHH ,QWKHFDVHRIMRLQWDSSOLFDWLRQVDOOSD\PHQWVZLOOEHPDGHRXWLQIDYRXU RI WKH ¿UVW DSSOLFDQW$OO FRPPXQLFDWLRQV ZLOO EH DGGUHVVHG WR WKH ¿UVW named applicant whose name appears in the Application Form and at the DGGUHVVPHQWLRQHGWKHUHLQ3$1IRUDOO-RLQWDSSOLFDQWVLVFRPSXOVRU\ IN THE NATURE OF FORM 2A - MEMORANDUM CONTAINING SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROSPECTUS ii. $GGLWLRQDO0XOWLSOH$SSOLFDWLRQV iii. D b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. M An applicant is allowed to make one or more applications for the NCDs for WKHVDPHRURWKHUVHULHVRI1&'VVXEMHFWWRDPLQLPXPDSSOLFDWLRQVL]H of ` 5,000 and in multiples of ` 1,000 thereafter, for each application. Any DSSOLFDWLRQIRUDQDPRXQWEHORZWKHDIRUHVDLGPLQLPXPDSSOLFDWLRQVL]H ZLOOEHGHHPHGDVDQLQYDOLGDSSOLFDWLRQDQGVKDOOEHUHMHFWHG+RZHYHU any application made by any person in his individual capacity and an DSSOLFDWLRQ PDGH E\ VXFK SHUVRQ LQ KLV FDSDFLW\ DV D NDUWD RI D +LQGX 8QGLYLGHG IDPLO\ DQGRU DV MRLQW DSSOLFDQW VKDOO QRW EH GHHPHG WR EH D multiple application but for the purpose of deciding whether the applicant ZLOO EH FRQVLGHUHG XQGHU WKH 5HVHUYHG ,QGLYLGXDO 3RUWLRQ RU 8QUHVHUYHG Individual Portion, two or more applications, as above, will be clubbed together. For the purposes of allotment of NCDs under the Issue, applications shall be grouped based on the PAN, i.e. applications under the same PAN shall be grouped together and treated as one application. Two or more applications ZLOOEHGHHPHGWREHPXOWLSOHDSSOLFDWLRQVLIWKHVROHRU¿UVWDSSOLFDQWLV one and the same. For the sake of clarity, two or more applications shall be deemed to be a multiple application for the aforesaid purpose if the 3$1QXPEHURIWKHVROHRUWKH¿UVWDSSOLFDQWLVRQHDQGWKHVDPH Depository Arrangements $VSHUWKHSURYLVLRQVRI6HFWLRQ%RIWKH$FWWKHDOORWPHQWRI1&'V of our Company can be made in both dematerialised form (i.e. not in the IRUP RI SK\VLFDO FHUWL¿FDWHV EXW EH IXQJLEOH DQG EH UHSUHVHQWHG E\ WKH Statement issued through electronic mode) as well as physical form. We have made depository arrangements with NSDL and CDSL for issue and holding of the NCDs in dematerialised form. Please note that tripartite DJUHHPHQWVKDYHEHHQH[HFXWHGEHWZHHQRXU&RPSDQ\WKH5HJLVWUDUDQG both the depositories. As per the provisions of the Depositories Act, 1996, the NCDs issued by XVFDQEHKHOGLQDGHPDWHULDOL]HGIRUP,QWKLVFRQWH[W 7ULSDUWLWH$JUHHPHQW GDWHG 1RYHPEHU DQG 'HFHPEHU between us, the Registrar to the Issue and CDSL and NSDL, respectively for offering depository option to the investors, An applicant who wishes to apply for NCDs in the electronic form must KDYHDWOHDVWRQHEHQH¿FLDU\DFFRXQWZLWKDQ\RIWKH'HSRVLWRU\3DUWLFLSDQWV (DPs) of NSDL or CDSL prior to making the application, 7KH DSSOLFDQW VHHNLQJ DOORWPHQW RI 1&'V LQ WKH (OHFWURQLF )RUP PXVW QHFHVVDULO\¿OOLQWKH'HPRJUDSKLF'HWDLOVLQWKH$SSOLFDWLRQ)RUP 1&'V DOORWWHG WR DQ DSSOLFDQW LQ WKH (OHFWURQLF$FFRXQW )RUP ZLOO EH FUHGLWHGGLUHFWO\WRWKHDSSOLFDQW¶VUHVSHFWLYHEHQH¿FLDU\DFFRXQWV For subscription in electronic form, names in the Application Form should be identical to those appearing in the account details in the depository. Non-transferable Allotment Advice/refund orders will be directly sent to the applicant by the Registrars to this Issue, If incomplete/incorrect details are given in the Application Form, it will EHUHMHFWHG For allotment of NCDs in electronic form, the address, nomination details and other details of the applicant as registered with his/her DP shall be used for all correspondence with the applicant. The applicant is therefore responsible for the correctness of his/her demographic details given in the Application Form vis-à-vis those with his/her DP. In case the information LV LQFRUUHFW RU LQVXI¿FLHQW RXU &RPSDQ\ ZRXOG QRW EH OLDEOH IRU ORVVHV if any, It may be noted that NCDs in electronic form can be traded only on the 6WRFN ([FKDQJHV KDYLQJ HOHFWURQLF FRQQHFWLYLW\ ZLWK 16'/ RU &'6/ 16(DQG%6(KDYHFRQQHFWLYLW\ZLWK16'/DQG&'6/ ,QWHUHVWUHGHPSWLRQDPRXQWRURWKHUEHQH¿WVZLWKUHVSHFWWRWKH1&'VKHOG in dematerialised form would be paid to those NCD holders whose names DSSHDURQWKHOLVWRIEHQH¿FLDORZQHUVJLYHQE\WKH'HSRVLWRULHVWRXVDV RQUHFRUGGDWH,QFDVHRIWKRVH1&'VIRUZKLFKWKHEHQH¿FLDORZQHULV QRWLGHQWL¿HGE\WKH'HSRVLWRU\DVRQWKHUHFRUGGDWHERRNFORVXUHGDWH ZHZRXOGNHHSLQDEH\DQFHWKHSD\PHQWRILQWHUHVWRURWKHUEHQH¿WVWLOO VXFK WLPH WKDW WKH EHQH¿FLDO RZQHU LV LGHQWL¿HG E\ WKH 'HSRVLWRU\ DQG FRQYH\HG WR XV ZKHUHXSRQ WKH LQWHUHVW RU EHQH¿WV ZLOO EH SDLG WR WKH EHQH¿FLDULHVDVLGHQWL¿HGZLWKLQDSHULRGRIWHQ:RUNLQJ'D\V k. 7KHWUDGLQJRIWKH1&'VVKDOOEHLQGHPDWHULDOL]HGIRUPRQO\ LY Communications a. All future Communications in connection with Applications made in the Issue should be addressed to the Registrar to the Issue quoting all relevant details as regards the applicant and its application. b. $SSOLFDQWV FDQ FRQWDFW WKH &RPSOLDQFH 2I¿FHU RI RXU &RPSDQ\/HDG 0DQDJHUV&R/HDG0DQDJHUVRUWKH5HJLVWUDUWRWKH,VVXHLQFDVHRIDQ\ Pre-Issue related problems. In case of Post-Issue related problems such DV QRQ UHFHLSW RI $OORWPHQW $GYLFH FUHGLW RI 1&'V LQ GHSRVLWRU\¶V EHQH¿FLDU\ DFFRXQW UHIXQG RUGHUV HWF DSSOLFDQWV PD\ FRQWDFW WKH &RPSOLDQFH 2I¿FHU RI RXU &RPSDQ\/HDG 0DQDJHU &R/HDG 0DQDJHUV or Registrar to the Issue. IV. PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS 23. Payment Mechanism for Non-ASBA Applicants The cheque/bank draft can be drawn on any bank, including a cooperative bank which is situated at and is member or sub-member of the %DQNHUV¶FOHDULQJKRXVHORFDWHGDWWKHSODFHZKHUHWKH$SSOLFDWLRQ)RUP LVVXEPLWWHGLHDWGHVLJQDWHGFROOHFWLRQFHQWUHVRIWKH(VFURZ&ROOHFWLRQ Bank. Outstation cheques /bank drafts drawn on banks not participating in the clearing process will not be accepted and applications accompanied by VXFKFKHTXHVRUEDQNGUDIWVDUHOLDEOHWREHUHMHFWHGDQGWKHFROOHFWLQJEDQN VKDOO QRW EH UHVSRQVLEOH IRU VXFK UHMHFWLRQV 3D\PHQW WKRXJK VWRFNLQYHVW would also not be allowed as the same has been discontinued by the RBI vide QRWL¿FDWLRQ 1R '%2'12)6&%& GDWHG 1RYHPEHU&DVK6WRFNLQYHVW0RQH\2UGHUV3RVWDO2UGHUV ZLOO not be accepted. In case payment is effected in contravention of conditions PHQWLRQHGKHUHLQWKHDSSOLFDWLRQLVOLDEOHWREHUHMHFWHGDQGDSSOLFDWLRQ money will be refunded and no interest will be paid thereon. A separate cheque / bank draft must accompany each Application Form. No cash payments shall be accepted. All cheques / bank drafts accompanying the application should be crossed “A/c Payee only” and (a) all cheques / bank drafts accompanying the applications made by eligible applicants must be made payable to “IIFL - NCD Escrow - R”. 3OHDVHQRWHWKDWQHLWKHURXU&RPSDQ\QRUWKH0HPEHUVRIWKH6\QGLFDWH nor the Registrar shall be responsible for redressal of any grievances that Applicants may have in regard to the non-ASBA Applications made to the 7UDGLQJ0HPEHUVLQFOXGLQJZLWKRXWOLPLWDWLRQUHODWLQJWRQRQXSORDGRI WKH$SSOLFDWLRQVGDWD$OOJULHYDQFHVDJDLQVW7UDGLQJ0HPEHUVLQUHODWLRQ WRWKH,VVXHVKRXOGEHPDGHE\$SSOLFDQWVWRWKHUHOHYDQW6WRFN([FKDQJH Escrow Mechanism -:H VKDOO RSHQ DQG PDLQWDLQ VHSDUDWH (VFURZ $FFRXQWV DQG 3XEOLF ,VVXH $FFRXQWV ZLWK (VFURZ &ROOHFWLRQ %DQNV in connection with all Application monies received from residents and non-residents including eligible NRIs on repatriation and non-repatriation basis, FIIs and QFIs, in whose favour the non-ASBA Applicants, applying through cheques shall make out the cheque or demand draft in respect of their Application. (DFK $SSOLFDQW H[FHSW IRU $6%$ $SSOLFDQWV VKDOO GUDZ D FKHTXH RU demand draft for the Application Amount as per the following terms: a) All Applicants would be required to pay the full Application Amount at the time of the submission of the Application Form other than ASBA Applicants. b) The Applicants shall, with the submission of the Application Form, draw DSD\PHQWLQVWUXPHQWIRUWKH$SSOLFDWLRQ$PRXQWLQIDYRXURIWKH(VFURZ Accounts and submit the same along with their Application. If the payment LV QRW PDGH IDYRXULQJ WKH (VFURZ$FFRXQWV DORQJ ZLWK WKH$SSOLFDWLRQ )RUP WKH$SSOLFDWLRQ ZLOO EH UHMHFWHG$SSOLFDWLRQ )RUPV DFFRPSDQLHG by cash, stock invest, money order or postal order will not be accepted. INDIA INFOLINE FINANCE LIMITED 15 IN THE NATURE OF FORM 2A - MEMORANDUM CONTAINING SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROSPECTUS c) The payment instruments from the resident Applicants shall be payable LQWRWKH(VFURZ$FFRXQWGUDZQLQIDYRXURI³,,)/±1&'(VFURZ5´ d) The payment instruments from eligible Non Resident Applicants including NRIs on repatriation and non-repatriation basis, FIIs and QFIs shall be SD\DEOHLQWKH1RQ5HVLGHQW(VFURZ$FFRXQWVGUDZQLQIDYRXURI³,,)/ ± 1&' (VFURZ ± 15 5HSDWULDEOH´ DQG ³,,)/ ± 1&' (VFURZ ± 15 ± Non-Repatriable”. Payments should be made by cheque, or a demand draft drawn on any bank (including a cooperativebank), which is situated at cities where EUDQFKHV RI (VFURZ EDQNV GHWDLOV RI ZKLFK LV DYDLODEOH RQ WKH ZHEVLWHV RI WKH /HDG 0DQDJHUV DQG &R/HDG 0DQDJHUV LV VLWXDWHG 2XWVWDWLRQ FKHTXHVGUDIWVVKDOOEHUHMHFWHG (VFURZ &ROOHFWLRQ %DQNV VKDOO FDUU\ RXW QHFHVVDU\ FKHFNV DQG EDODQFHV to ensure that non-resident applications received in the Issue are on a repatriation or non-repatriation basis, prior to realisation of payment instruments in the relevant non-resident escrow/ public issue accounts. 'HWDLOVRIWKHEUDQFKHVRIWKH(VFURZ%DQNVZKHUHWKH$SSOLFDWLRQ)RUP along with the cheque/ demand draft submitted by a Non ASBA applicant VKDOOEHGHSRVLWHGE\WKH0HPEHUVRIWKH6\QGLFDWHDQG7UDGLQJ0HPEHUV DUHDYDLODEOHRQWKHZHEVLWHVRIWKH/HDG0DQDJHUVDWZZZD[LVFDSFRP ZZZLGELFDSLWDOFRPZZZWUXVWJURXSFRLQDQGZZZLLÀFDSFRPDQGWKH &R/HDG0DQDJHUVDWZZZUU¿QDQFHFRPUUIFOFRPZZZNDUY\FRPDQG A link to the said web pages shall also be available RQWKHZHEVLWHRI16(DQG%6(DWZZZQVHLQGLDFRPDQGZZZEVHLQGLD com, respectively. A link shall also be provided to the above mentioned websites in the Application Form as well. 8SRQ FUHDWLRQ RI 6HFXULW\ DV GLVFORVHG LQ WKH7UXVW 'HHG DQG UHFHLSW RI QHFHVVDU\FRPPXQLFDWLRQIURPWKH/HDG0DQDJHUVDQG&R/HDG0DQDJHUV WRWKH,VVXHDVSHUWKHSURYLVLRQVRIWKH(VFURZ$JUHHPHQWWKH(VFURZ Collection Bank(s) shall transfer the monies from the escrow accounts to separate bank accounts i.e. the respective public issue accounts. Our Company shall at all times ensure that any monies kept in the Non Resident (VFURZ$FFRXQW DQGRU WKH 1RQ 5HVLGHQW 3XEOLF ,VVXH$FFRXQW VKDOO EH utilised only in accordance with applicable statutory and/or regulatory requirements. 7KH)HHVIRU/HDG0DQDJHUVDQG&R/HDG0DQDJHUVVKDOOEHSDLGRXWRI the Public Issue Account once listing/ trading approvals are received from 6WRFN ([FKDQJHV XSRQ UHFHLSW RI LQVWUXFWLRQV IURP WKH /HDG 0DQDJHUV DQG&R/HDG0DQDJHUVDVSURYLGHGIRULQWKH(VFURZ$JUHHPHQW 7KHEDODQFHDPRXQWLQWKH(VFURZ$FFRXQWVDIWHUWUDQVIHUWRWKH3XEOLF Issue Account shall be transferred to the Refund Account. Payments of refund and interest on Application Amount to the relevant Applicants shall DOVR EH PDGH IURP WKH 5HIXQG$FFRXQW DV SHU WKH WHUPV RI WKH (VFURZ Agreement and this Prospectus. 7KH(VFURZ&ROOHFWLRQ%DQNVZLOODFWLQWHUPVRIWKLV3URVSHFWXVDQGWKH (VFURZ$JUHHPHQW7KH(VFURZ&ROOHFWLRQ%DQNVVKDOOQRWH[HUFLVHDQ\ lien whatsoever over the monies deposited therein. 24. Mode of Payment for ASBA Applicants The Applicant applying under the ASBA Process agrees to block the entire amount payable on application with the submission of the Application )RUP E\ DXWKRUL]LQJ WKH 6&6% WR EORFN DQ DPRXQW HTXLYDOHQW WR WKH amount payable on application, in an ASBA Account. After verifying that sufficient funds are available in the ASBA Account,details of which are provided in the Application Form or through which the Application is being made in case of electronic ASBA Application, the SCSB shall block an amount equivalent to the amount payable on application mentioned in the Application Form until it receives instructions IURP WKH 5HJLVWUDU 8SRQ UHFHLSW RI LQWLPDWLRQ IURP WKH 5HJLVWUDU WKH 6&6%VVKDOOWUDQVIHUVXFKDPRXQWDVSHUWKH5HJLVWUDU¶VLQVWUXFWLRQIURP the ASBA Account. This amount will be transferred into the Public Issue 25. Account maintained by us as per the provisions of section 73(3) of the Companies Act. The balance amount remaining blocked in the ASBA $FFRXQWVLIDQ\DIWHUWKH¿QDOLVDWLRQRIWKH%DVLVRI$OORWPHQWVKDOOEH 16 INDIA INFOLINE FINANCE LIMITED unblocked by the SCSBs on the basis of the instructions issued in this UHJDUG E\ WKH 5HJLVWUDU WR WKH ,VVXH WKH /HDG 0DQDJHUV DQG &R/HDG 0DQDJHUVWRWKHUHVSHFWLYH6&6% 7KH 6&6% PD\ UHMHFW WKH DSSOLFDWLRQ DW WKH WLPH RI DFFHSWDQFH RI Application Form if the ASBA Account with the SCSB, details of which have been provided by the Applicant in the Application Form, does not KDYH VXI¿FLHQW IXQGV HTXLYDOHQW WR WKH DPRXQW SD\DEOH RQ DSSOLFDWLRQ mentioned in the Application Form. Subsequent to the acceptance of the DSSOLFDWLRQ E\ WKH 6&6% WKH 5HJLVWUDU ZRXOG KDYH D ULJKW WR UHMHFW WKH application on any of the technical grounds. ,Q WKH HYHQW RI ZLWKGUDZDO RU UHMHFWLRQ RI $SSOLFDWLRQ )RUP RU IRU unsuccessful Application Forms, the Registrar shall give instructions to the SCSB to unblock the application money in the relevant ASBA Account within twelve (12) Working Days of receipt of such instruction. There will be no interest paid on any such refunds. Depository account and bank details for Applicants applying under the ASBA Process IT IS MANDATORY FOR ALL THE APPLICANTS APPLYING UNDER THE ASBA PROCESS TO RECEIVE THEIR NCDs IN DEMATERIALISED FORM. ALL APPLICANTS APPLYING UNDER THE ASBA PROCESS SHOULD MENTION THEIR DEPOSITORY PARTICIPANT’S NAME, PAN DETAILS, DEPOSITORY PARTICIPANT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER AND BENEFICIARY ACCOUNT NUMBER IN THE APPLICATION FORM. Applicants applying under the ASBA Process should note that on the basis of name of these Applicants, Depository Participant’s name and LGHQWL¿FDWLRQ QXPEHU DQG EHQH¿FLDU\ DFFRXQW QXPEHU SURYLGHG E\ them in the Application Form, the Registrar to the Issue will obtain from the Depository demographic details of these Applicants such DV 3$1 DGGUHVV IRU SULQWLQJ RQ $OORWPHQW DGYLFH DQG RFFXSDWLRQ (“Demographic Details”). Hence, Applicants applying under the ASBA 3URFHVVVKRXOGFDUHIXOO\¿OOLQWKHLU'HSRVLWRU\$FFRXQWGHWDLOVLQWKH Application Form. These Demographic Details would be used for all correspondence with such Applicants including mailing of the letters intimating unblocking of their respective ASBA Accounts. The Demographic Details given by the Applicants in the Application Form would not be used for any other SXUSRVHVE\WKH5HJLVWUDU+HQFH$SSOLFDQWVDUHDGYLVHGWRXSGDWHWKHLU Demographic Details as provided to their Depository Participants. By signing the Application Forms, the Applicants applying under the ASBA Processwould be deemed to have authorised the Depositories to provide, upon request, to the Registrar to the Issue, the required Demographic Details as available on its records. Letters intimating Allotment and unblocking the funds would be mailed at the address of the ASBA Applicant as per the Demographic Details UHFHLYHG IURP WKH 'HSRVLWRULHV 7KH 5HJLVWUDU WR WKH ,VVXH ZLOO JLYH instructions to the SCSBs for unblocking funds in the ASBA Account to the extent NCDs are not allotted to such ASBA Applicants. ASBA $SSOLFDQWV PD\ QRWH WKDW GHOLYHU\ RI OHWWHUV LQWLPDWLQJ XQEORFNLQJ of the funds may get delayed if the same once sent to the address REWDLQHGIURPWKH'HSRVLWRULHVDUHUHWXUQHGXQGHOLYHUHG Note that any such delay shall be at the sole risk of the ASBA Applicants and none of us, the SCSBs, the Members of the Syndicate or Trading Member shall be liable to compensate the Applicant applying under the ASBA Process for any losses caused due to any such delay or liable to pay any interest for such delay. In case no corresponding record is available with the Depositories that matches three parameters, (a) Client ID, (b) the DP ID and (c) the PAN 1XPEHUWKHQVXFKDSSOLFDWLRQVDUHOLDEOHWREHUHMHFWHG Direct Online Application Mechanism Applicants are requested to note that in terms of the Debt Application &LUFXODU6(%,KDVPDQGDWHGLVVXHUVWRSURYLGHWKURXJKDUHFRJQL]HGVWRFN H[FKDQJHZKLFKRIIHUVVXFKDIDFLOLW\DQRQOLQHLQWHUIDFHHQDEOLQJGLUHFW IN THE NATURE OF FORM 2A - MEMORANDUM CONTAINING SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROSPECTUS application by investors to a public issue of debt securities with an online payment facility (“Direct Online Application Mechanism”). In this regard, 6(%,KDVWKURXJKWKH'HEW$SSOLFDWLRQ&LUFXODUGLUHFWHGUHFRJQL]HGVWRFN H[FKDQJHVLQ,QGLDWRSXWLQQHFHVVDU\V\VWHPVDQGLQIUDVWUXFWXUHIRUWKH implementation of the Debt Application Circular and the Direct Online $SSOLFDWLRQ0HFKDQLVP,QWKHHYHQWWKDWWKH6WRFN([FKDQJHVDUHXQDEOH to put in necessary systems, infrastructure and processes in place so as to enable the adoption of the Direct Online Application Circular prior to the Issue Opening Date, we shall not offer eligible investors desirous of applying in the Issue the option to make Applications through the Direct 2QOLQH$SSOLFDWLRQ0HFKDQLVP V. Submission Of Application Forms 26. Submission Of Application Form (Non-ASBA) General Instructions $SSOLFDWLRQVWREHPDGHLQSUHVFULEHGIRUPRQO\ 7KHIRUPVWREHFRPSOHWHGLQEORFNOHWWHUVLQ(QJOLVK (QVXUHWKDWWKHGHWDLOVDERXW'HSRVLWRU\3DUWLFLSDQWDQG%HQH¿FLDU\$FFRXQW LQ WKH $SSOLFDWLRQV IRU VHHNLQJ DOORWPHQW RI 1&'V LQ GHPDWHULDOL]HG mode are correct, as allotment of NCDs to these Applicants will be in WKHGHPDWHULDOL]HGIRUPRQO\ Information provided by the Applicants in the Application Form will be XSORDGHGRQWRWKH6WRFN([FKDQJHV3ODWIRUPV\VWHPE\WKH0HPEHUVRI WKH6\QGLFDWH7UDGLQJ0HPEHUVRIWKH6WRFN([FKDQJHVDVWKHFDVHPD\ be, and the electronic data will be used to make allocation/ Allotment. 7KH$SSOLFDQWVVKRXOGHQVXUHWKDWWKHGHWDLOVDUHFRUUHFWDQG OHJLEOH $SSOLFDWLRQV VKRXOG EH PDGH E\ .DUWD LQ FDVH RI +8) 3OHDVH HQVXUH 3$1GHWDLOVRIWKH+8)LVPHQWLRQHGDQGQRWRI.DUWD 7KXPE LPSUHVVLRQV DQG VLJQDWXUHV RWKHU WKDQ LQ (QJOLVK+LQGL*XMDUDWL 0DUDWKL RU DQ\ RWKHU ODQJXDJHV VSHFL¿HG LQ WKH th Schedule of the &RQVWLWXWLRQ QHHGV WR EH DWWHVWHG E\ D 0DJLVWUDWH RU 1RWDU\ 3XEOLF RU D 6SHFLDO([HFXWLYH0DJLVWUDWHXQGHUKLVKHUVHDO (YHU\DSSOLFDQWVKRXOGKROGYDOLG3HUPDQHQW$FFRXQW1XPEHU3$1DQG PHQWLRQ WKH VDPH LQ WKH$SSOLFDWLRQ )RUP ,Q FDVH RI -RLQW$SSOLFDQWV 3$1RIDOO-RLQW$SSOLFDQWVLVFRPSXOVRU\ Applicants (other than those resident Investors applying for Allotment of NCDs in physical form) should correctly mention their DP ID and Client ID in the Application Form. For the purpose of evaluating the validity of Applications, the Demographic Details of Applicants shall be derived IURPWKH'3,'DQG&OLHQW,'PHQWLRQHGLQWKH$SSOLFDWLRQ)RUP Applicants (other than non-resident Investors) applying for Allotment of 1&'VLQSK\VLFDOIRUPVKRXOGVXEPLWWKH.<&GRFXPHQWVDVPHQWLRQHG DERYH7KH5HJLVWHUVKDOOZLWKKROGGLVSDWFKRIWKH3K\VLFDO1&'FHUWL¿FDWHV WLOOWKHSURSHU.<&GRFXPHQWVDUHUHFHLYHG All applicants are required to tick the relevant column of “Category of ,QYHVWRU´LQWKH$SSOLFDWLRQ)RUP $OO DSSOLFDQWV DUH UHTXLUHG WR WLFN WKH UHOHYDQW ER[ RI WKH ³0RGH RI Application” in the Application Form choosing either ASBA or Non-ASBA PHFKDQLVP $OO $SSOLFDWLRQ )RUPV H[FHSW LQ FDVH RI $SSOLFDWLRQ )RUPV WKURXJK ASBA mechanism) duly completed together with cheque/bank draft for the amount payable on application must be delivered before the closing of the ,VVXH WR DQ\ RI WKH 0HPEHUV RI WKH 6\QGLFDWH DQG 7UDGLQJ 0HPEHUV RI WKH6WRFN([FKDQJHVZKRVKDOOXSORDGWKHVDPHRQWKH6WRFN([FKDQJH 3ODWIRUPEHIRUHWKHFORVXUHRIWKH,VVXH All Applicants applying through Non-ASBA mechanism shall mention the $SSOLFDWLRQ1XPEHU6ROH¿UVW$SSOLFDQW¶VQDPHDQGWKHSKRQHQXPEHU RQWKHUHYHUVHVLGHRIWKHFKHTXHDQGGHPDQGGUDIW 1RUHFHLSWZLOOEHLVVXHGIRUWKHDSSOLFDWLRQPRQH\+RZHYHU%DQNHUVWR the Issue and/or their branches receiving the applications will acknowledge WKHVDPH (QVXUHWKDW\RXVHOHFWWKHFRUUHFWRSWLRQZKLOH¿OOLQJLQWKH$SSOLFDWLRQ Form. Where the applicants have not indicated their choice of the relevant 27. Series of NCDs, the Company shall allot Option IV NCDs to all valid applications. Further Instructions for ASBA Applicants ASBA Applicants should correctly mention the ASBA Account number and ensure that funds equal to the Application Amount are available in the ASBA Account before submitting the Application Form to the Designated %UDQFKRWKHUZLVHWKHFRQFHUQHG6&6%VKDOOUHMHFWWKH$SSOLFDWLRQ If the ASBA Account holder is different from the ASBA Applicant, the Application Form should be signed by the ASBA Account holder, in accordance with the instructions provided in the Application Form. Not PRUHWKDQ¿YHDSSOLFDWLRQVFDQEHPDGHIURPRQHVLQJOH$6%$$FFRXQW For ASBA Applicants, the Applications in physical mode should be submitted to the SCSBs or a member of the Syndicate or to the Trading 0HPEHUV RI WKH 6WRFN ([FKDQJHV RQ WKH SUHVFULEHG $SSOLFDWLRQ )RUP SCSBs may provide the electronic mode for making application either through an internet enabled banking facility or such other secured, electronically enabled mechanism for application and blocking funds in WKH$6%$$FFRXQW $SSOLFDWLRQ)RUPVVKRXOGEHDUWKHVWDPSRIWKH0HPEHURIWKH6\QGLFDWH 7UDGLQJ0HPEHURIWKH6WRFN([FKDQJHVDQGRU6&6%$SSOLFDWLRQ)RUPV ZKLFKGRQRWEHDUWKHVWDPSLVOLDEOHWREHUHMHFWHG ALL APPLICATIONS BY CATEGORY I APPLICANTS SHALL %( 5(&(,9(' 21/< %< 7+( /($' 0$1$*(56 &2/($' 0$1$*(56 /($' %52.(56 $1' 7+(,5 5(63(&7,9( AFFILIATES. All Applicants should apply for one or more option of NCDs in a single Application Form only. Our Company would allot Option IV NCDs to all valid applications, wherein the applicants have not indicated their choice of NCDs. To supplement the foregoing, the mode and manner of Application and submission of Application Forms is illustrated in the following chart. Mode of Application ASBA Applications To whom the Application Form has to be submitted L WR WKH 0HPEHUV RI WKH 6\QGLFDWH RQO\ DW WKH 6\QGLFDWH $6%$ $SSOLFDWLRQ/RFDWLRQVRU ii. to the Designated Branches of the SCSBs where the ASBA $FFRXQWLVPDLQWDLQHGRU LLL WR 7UDGLQJ 0HPEHUV RQO\ DW WKH 6\QGLFDWH $6%$ $SSOLFDWLRQ Locations. Non- ASBA L WRWKH0HPEHUVRIWKH6\QGLFDWHRU Applications LL WR7UDGLQJ0HPEHUV VI. Rejection of Applications The Board of Directors and/or any committee of our Company reserves its IXOO XQTXDOL¿HG DQG DEVROXWH ULJKW WR DFFHSW RU UHMHFW DQ\ DSSOLFDWLRQ LQ whole or in part and in either case without assigning any reason thereof. Application may be rejected on one or more technical grounds, including but not restricted to: $SSOLFDWLRQV QRW GXO\ VLJQHG E\ WKH VROHMRLQW DSSOLFDQWV LQ WKH VDPH sequence as they appear in the records of the depository), signature of VROHDQGRUMRLQWDSSOLFDQWVPLVVLQJ Applications submitted without payment of the entire Application Amount. +RZHYHU RXU &RPSDQ\ PD\ DOORW 1&'V XS WR WKH YDOXH RI DSSOLFDWLRQ PRQLHVSDLGLIVXFKDSSOLFDWLRQPRQLHVH[FHHGWKHPLQLPXPDSSOLFDWLRQ VL]HDVSUHVFULEHGKHUHXQGHU ,QFDVHRISDUWQHUVKLS¿UPV1&'VPD\EHUHJLVWHUHGLQWKHQDPHVRIWKH LQGLYLGXDOSDUWQHUVDQGQR¿UPDVVXFKVKDOOEHHQWLWOHGWRDSSO\+RZHYHU DOLPLWHGOLDELOLW\SDUWQHUVKLS¿UPFDQDSSO\LQLWVRZQQDPH Date of Birth for First/ Sole Applicant for persons applying for allotment of NCDs in physical form not mentioned in the Application Form (not DSSOLFDEOHIRUQRQUHVLGHQW,QYHVWRUV INDIA INFOLINE FINANCE LIMITED 17 IN THE NATURE OF FORM 2A - MEMORANDUM CONTAINING SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROSPECTUS Application by persons not competent to contract under the Indian Contract $FW LQFOXGLQJ PLQRUV ZLWKRXW WKH QDPH RI JXDUGLDQ DQG LQVDQH SHUVRQV 3$1RIWKH$SSOLFDQWQRWPHQWLRQHGLQWKH$SSOLFDWLRQ)RUPH[FHSWIRU Applications by or on behalf of the Central or State Government and the RI¿FLDOV DSSRLQWHG E\ WKH FRXUWV DQG E\ LQYHVWRUV UHVLGLQJ LQ WKH 6WDWH RI 6LNNLP SURYLGHG VXFK FODLPV KDYH EHHQ YHUL¿HG E\ WKH 'HSRVLWRU\ 3DUWLFLSDQWV *,5QXPEHUIXUQLVKHGLQVWHDGRI3$1 $SSOLFDWLRQVIRUDPRXQWVJUHDWHUWKDQWKHPD[LPXPSHUPLVVLEOHDPRXQWV SUHVFULEHGE\DSSOLFDEOHUHJXODWLRQV Applications by persons/entities who have been debarred from accessing WKHFDSLWDOPDUNHWVE\6(%, $SSOLFDWLRQVE\2&%V ,Q FDVH RI (OLJLEOH 15,V DSSO\LQJ RQ QRQ UHSDWULDWLRQ EDVLV LI WKH VWDWXV RIWKHGHPDWDFFRXQWPHQWLRQHGLVUHSDWULDEOH ,QFDVHRI(OLJLEOH15,VDSSO\LQJRQUHSDWULDWLRQEDVLVLIWKHPRQH\LV UHFHLYHGIURPDQDFFRXQWRWKHUWKDQ1RQ5HVLGHQW([WHUQDO15()&15 DQ\RWKHUSHUPLVVLEOHDFFRXQWLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK)(0$PDLQWDLQHGZLWK DQ5%,DXWKRULVHGGHDOHURUD5%,DXWKRULVHGEDQNLQ,QGLD ,QFDVHRI(OLJLEOH15,VDSSO\LQJRQQRQUHSDWULDWLRQEDVLVLIWKHPRQH\ is received from an account other than Non-resident Ordinary (NRO)/ any RWKHU SHUPLVVLEOH DFFRXQW LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK )(0$ DQG 1RQ 5HVLGHQW ([WHUQDO 15( DFFRXQW PDLQWDLQHG ZLWK DQ 5%, DXWKRULVHG GHDOHU RU D 5%,DXWKRULVHGEDQNLQ,QGLD %DQNFHUWL¿FDWHQRWSURYLGHGDORQJZLWKGHPDQGGUDIWIRU15,$SSOLFDQWV 3,2$SSOLFDWLRQVZLWKRXWWKH3,2&DUG Non resident investors including NRIs, FIIs and QFIs who are (i) based in WKH86$DQGRULLGRPLFLOHGLQWKH86$DQGRULLLUHVLGHQWVFLWL]HQV RIWKH86$DQGRULYVXEMHFWWRDQ\WD[DWLRQODZVRIWKH86$ 1RQUHVLGHQW,QYHVWRUVDSSO\LQJIRU1&'VLQSK\VLFDOIRUP $Q\DSSOLFDWLRQIRUDQDPRXQWEHORZWKHPLQLPXPDSSOLFDWLRQVL]H $SSOLFDWLRQIRUQXPEHURI1&'VZKLFKDUHQRWLQPXOWLSOHVRIRQH Application under power of attorney or by limited companies, corporate, WUXVWHWFZKHUHUHOHYDQWGRFXPHQWVDUHQRWVXEPLWWHG $SSOLFDWLRQ )RUP GRHV QRW KDYH DSSOLFDQW¶V GHSRVLWRU\ DFFRXQW GHWDLOV LH '3 ,' &OLHQW ,' DQG KDV QRW RSWHG IRU$OORWPHQW RI 1&'V LQ SK\VLFDOIRUP $SSOLFDWLRQVDFFRPSDQLHGE\6WRFNLQYHVWPRQH\RUGHUSRVWDORUGHU Application Forms not delivered by the applicant within the time prescribed as per the Application Form and this Prospectus and as per the instructions LQWKLV3URVSHFWXVDQGWKH$SSOLFDWLRQ)RUP ,QFDVHWKHVXEVFULSWLRQDPRXQWLVSDLGLQFDVK In case no corresponding record is available with the Depositories that PDWFKHVWKUHHSDUDPHWHUVQDPHO\FOLHQW,'3$1DQGWKH'3,' $SSOLFDWLRQV VXEPLWWHG GLUHFWO\ WR WKH (VFURZ &ROOHFWLRQ %DQNV LI VXFK EDQNLVQRWWKH6&6% $SSOLFDWLRQ)RUPDFFRPSDQLHGZLWKPRUHWKDQRQHFKHTXH )RUDSSOLFDWLRQVLQGHPDWPRGH'3,'&OLHQW,'3$1DVSHU(OHFWURQLF ¿OHGRHVQRWPDWFKZLWKGHSRVLWRU\UHFRUGV $SSOLFDWLRQQRWXSORDGHGLQWRWKH(OHFWURQLF¿OHVRI6WRFN([FKDQJHV $SSOLFDWLRQVGLUHFWO\XSORDGHGWRWKH(OHFWURQLF¿OHVRI6WRFN([FKDQJHV DQG QRW WKURXJK WKH 0HPEHUV RI WKH 6\QGLFDWH RU 7UDGLQJ 0HPEHUV RI WKH([FKQDJHV Applications by persons who are not eligible to acquire NCDs of our Company in terms of applicable laws, rules, regulations, guidelines and DSSURYDOV $6%$$SSOLFDWLRQ)RUPVQRWEHLQJVLJQHGE\WKH$6%$$FFRXQWKROGHU $6%$$SSOLFDWLRQVQRWKDYLQJGHWDLOVRIWKH$6%$$FFRXQWWREHEORFNHG With respect to ASBA Applications, inadequate funds in the ASBA INDIA INFOLINE FINANCE LIMITED $FFRXQW WR HQDEOH WKH 6&6% WR EORFN WKH$SSOLFDWLRQ$PRXQW VSHFL¿HG in the ASBA Application Form at the time of blocking such Application $PRXQW LQ WKH$6%$$FFRXQW RU QR FRQ¿UPDWLRQ LV UHFHLYHG IURP WKH 6&6%IRUEORFNLQJRIIXQGV $SSOLFDWLRQVZKHUHFOHDUIXQGVDUHQRWDYDLODEOHLQWKH$SSOLFDQW¶VEDQN DFFRXQWDVSHU¿QDOFHUWL¿FDWHVIURP(VFURZ&ROOHFWLRQ%DQNV $XWKRUL]DWLRQWRWKH6&6%IRUEORFNLQJIXQGVLQWKH$6%$$FFRXQWQRW SURYLGHG $SSOLFDWLRQVXSORDGHGDIWHUWKHH[SLU\RIWKHDOORFDWHGWLPHRQWKH,VVXH &ORVLQJ'DWHXQOHVVH[WHQGHGE\WKH6WRFN([FKDQJHVDVDSSOLFDEOH Applications by Applicants whose demat accounts have been ‘suspended IRUFUHGLW¶SXUVXDQWWRWKHFLUFXODULVVXHGE\6(%,RQ-XO\EHDULQJ QXPEHU&,505''3 $6%$ $SSOLFDWLRQV VXEPLWWHG WR WKH 0HPEHUV RI 6\QGLFDWH RU 7UDGLQJ 0HPEHUV RI WKH 6WRFN ([FKDQJH RU DW D 'HVLJQDWHG %UDQFK RI D 6&6% where the ASBA Account is not maintained, and ASBA Applications VXEPLWWHG GLUHFWO\ WR DQ (VFURZ &ROOHFWLQJ %DQN DVVXPLQJ WKDW VXFK EDQNLVQRWD6&6%WRRXU&RPSDQ\RUWKH5HJLVWUDUWR WKH,VVXH Kindly note that The ASBA Applications being submitted with the Member of the Syndicate or with the Trading Members of the Stock Exchanges should be submitted at the Syndicate ASBA Centres. Further,ASBA Applications submitted to the Members of the Syndicate or Trading Members of the Stock Exchange will not be accepted if WKH 6&6% ZKHUH WKH$6%$$FFRXQW DV VSHFL¿HG LQ WKH$SSOLFDWLRQ Form, is maintained has not named at least one Designated Branch for the Members of the Syndicate or Trading Members of the Stock Exchange, as the case may be, to deposit ASBA Applications (A list RIVXFKEUDQFKHVLVDYDLODEOHDWKWWSZZZVHELJRYLQVHELZHEKRPH OLVW5HFRJQLVHG,QWHUPHGLDULHV For further instructions regarding application for the NCDs, investors are requested to read the Application Form. 29. Investor Withdrawals and Pre-closure Investor Withdrawal: Applicants are allowed to withdraw their applications at any time prior to the closure of the Issue. Pre-closure:2XU &RPSDQ\ LQ FRQVXOWDWLRQ ZLWK WKH /HDG 0DQDJHUV DQG &R/HDG0DQDJHUVUHVHUYHVWKHULJKWWRFORVHWKH,VVXHDWDQ\WLPHSULRU WRWKH,VVXH&ORVLQJ'DWHVXEMHFWWRUHFHLSWRIPLQLPXPVXEVFULSWLRQIRU NCDs aggregating to75% of the Base Issue. Our Company shall allot NCDs with respect to the applications received at the time of such pre-closure in accordance with the Basis of Allotment as described hereinabove and VXEMHFWWRDSSOLFDEOHVWDWXWRU\DQGRUUHJXODWRU\UHTXLUHPHQWV )RUIXUWKHUGHWDLOVSOHDVHUHIHUWRWKHFKDSWHU³,VVXH3URFHGXUH´RQSDJH of the Prospectus. C. Terms of the Issue 30. Principal Terms & Conditions of this Issue 7KH1&'VEHLQJRIIHUHGDVSDUWRIWKH,VVXHDUHVXEMHFWWRWKHSURYLVLRQVRIWKH 'HEW5HJXODWLRQVWKH$FWWKH0HPRUDQGXPDQG$UWLFOHVRI$VVRFLDWLRQRIRXU Company, the terms of this Prospectus, the Application Forms, the terms and conditions of the Debenture Trust Agreement and the Debenture Trust Deed, other applicable statutory and/or regulatory requirements including those issued IURPWLPHWRWLPHE\6(%,WKH*RYHUQPHQWRI,QGLD16(DQG%6(5%,DQG or other statutory/regulatory authorities relating to the offer, issue and listing RIVHFXULWLHVDQGDQ\RWKHUGRFXPHQWVWKDWPD\EHH[HFXWHGLQFRQQHFWLRQZLWK the NCDs. 31. Ranking of NCDs The NCDs would constitute secured obligations of ours and shall rank paripassuLQWHUVHDQGVXEMHFWWRDQ\REOLJDWLRQVXQGHUDSSOLFDEOHVWDWXWRU\DQG or regulatory requirements, shall also, with regard to the amount invested, be VHFXUHGE\ZD\RID¿UVWparipassuFKDUJHRQWKHLGHQWL¿HGLPPRYDEOHSURSHUW\ DQG¿UVWparipassu charge on current assets, book debts, loans and advances, and receivables, both present and future. The NCDs proposed to be issued under the Issue and all earlier issues of debentures outstanding in the books of our IN THE NATURE OF FORM 2A - MEMORANDUM CONTAINING SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROSPECTUS Company having corresponding assets as security, shall rank paripassu without SUHIHUHQFH RI RQH RYHU WKH RWKHU H[FHSW WKDW SULRULW\ IRU SD\PHQW VKDOO EH DV SHUDSSOLFDEOHGDWHRIUHGHPSWLRQ2XU&RPSDQ\FRQ¿UPVWKDWDOOSHUPLVVLRQV and/or consents for creation of a paripassu charge on the current assets, book debts, loans and advances, and receivables including gold loan receivables, both present and future as stated above, have been obtained from all relevant FUHGLWRUVOHQGHUVDQGGHEHQWXUHWUXVWHHVRIRXU&RPSDQ\ZKRKDYHDQH[LVWLQJ charge over the above mentioned assets. 32. Debenture Redemption Reserve Section 117C of the Act states that any company that intends to issue debentures must create a DRR to which adequate amounts shall be credited out of the SUR¿WVRIRXU&RPSDQ\XQWLOWKHUHGHPSWLRQRIWKHGHEHQWXUHV7KH0LQLVWU\RI &RUSRUDWH$IIDLUVKDVWKURXJKLWVFLUFXODUGDWHG$SULO³Circular”), VSHFL¿HGWKDWWKHTXDQWXPRI'55WREHFUHDWHGEHIRUHWKHUHGHPSWLRQOLDELOLW\ actually arises in normal circumstances should be ‘adequate¶WRSD\WKHYDOXHRI the debentures plus accrued interest/ Redemption amount, (if not already paid), till the debentures are redeemed and cancelled. The limits provided under the said Circular has undergone revision vide0LQLVWU\RI&RPSDQ\$IIDLUV*HQHUDO Circular No. 4/2013 No. 11/02/2012-CL-V(A) dated February 11, 2013 which VSHFL¿HVWKDW1%)&VOLNHRXU&RPSDQ\1%)&VZKLFKDUHUHJLVWHUHGZLWKWKH 5%,XQGHU6HFWLRQ,$RIWKH5%,$FWVKDOOFUHDWH'55WRWKHH[WHQWRI per cent of the value of the debentures issued through public issue. Accordingly our Company is required to create a DRR of 25% of the value of debentures LVVXHGWKURXJKWKHSXEOLFLVVXH$VIXUWKHUFODUL¿HGE\WKH&LUFXODUWKHDPRXQW WREHFUHGLWHGDV'55ZLOOEHFDUYHGRXWRIWKHSUR¿WVRIRXU&RPSDQ\RQO\ LIWKHUHLVSUR¿WIRUWKHSDUWLFXODU\HDUDQGWKHUHLVQRREOLJDWLRQRQWKHSDUW RIRXU&RPSDQ\WRFUHDWH'55LIWKHUHLVQRSUR¿WIRUWKHSDUWLFXODU\HDU2XU &RPSDQ\VKDOOFUHGLWDGHTXDWHDPRXQWVWR'55IURPLWVSUR¿WVHYHU\\HDUXQWLO such NCDs are redeemed. 7KH 0LQLVWU\ RI &RPSDQ\ $IIDLUV *HQHUDO &LUFXODU 1R 1R 11/02/2012-CL-V(A) dated February 11, 2013 further provides that every company required to create/maintain DRR shall before the 30th day of April RIHDFK\HDUGHSRVLWRULQYHVWDVWKHFDVHPD\EHDVXPZKLFKVKDOOQRWEH OHVVWKDQ¿IWHHQSHUFHQWRIWKHDPRXQWRILWVGHEHQWXUHVPDWXULQJGXULQJWKH \HDUHQGLQJRQWKHVWGD\RI0DUFKQH[WIROORZLQJLQDQ\RQHRUPRUHRIWKH following methods, namely 33. Authority for the Issue 3XUVXDQWWRUHVROXWLRQSDVVHGE\WKHVKDUHKROGHUVRIRXU&RPSDQ\DWWKHLU$*0 KHOGRQ-XQHDQGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKSURYLVLRQVRI6HFWLRQG of the Act, the Board has been authorised to borrow sums of money as they may deem necessary for the purpose of the business of our Company, which together with the monies already borrowed by our Company (apart from temporary loans REWDLQHGIURPRXU&RPSDQ\¶VEDQNHUVLQWKHRUGLQDU\FRXUVHRIEXVLQHVVPD\ H[FHHGDWDQ\WLPHWKHDJJUHJDWHRIWKHSDLGXSFDSLWDORIRXU&RPSDQ\DQG LWVIUHHUHVHUYHVWKDWLVWRVD\UHVHUYHVQRWVHWDSDUWIRUDQ\VSHFL¿FSXUSRVHV E\DVXPQRWH[FHHGLQJ` 120,000 million (Rupees One hundred and twenty thousand million). At the meeting of the Board of Directors of our Company, held on August 21, 2013 the Directors approved the issue of NCDs to the public upto an amount not H[FHHGLQJ` 12,000 million. 34. Face Value The face value of each NCD to be issued under this Issue shall be ` 1,000. 35. Security The principal amount of the NCDs to be issued in terms of this Prospectus together with all interest due on the NCDs, as well as all costs, charges, all fees, UHPXQHUDWLRQRI'HEHQWXUH7UXVWHHDQGH[SHQVHVSD\DEOHLQUHVSHFWWKHUHRIVKDOO EHVHFXUHGE\ZD\RI¿UVWSDULSDVVXFKDUJHRQWKHLGHQWL¿HGLPPRYDEOHSURSHUW\ DQGD¿UVWparipassu charge on current assets, book debts, loans and advances, and receivables including gold loan receivables, both present and future, of our Company. Our Company will create the security for the NCDs in favour of the Debenture 7UXVWHHIRUWKH1&'+ROGHUVRQWKHDVVHWVWRHQVXUHVHFXULW\FRYHURI the amount outstanding in respect of NCDs at any time. Our Company intends to enter into an agreement with the Debenture Trustee, µ'HEHQWXUH7UXVW'HHG¶WKHWHUPVRIZKLFKZLOOJRYHUQWKHDSSRLQWPHQWRI the Debenture Trustee and the issue of the NCDs. Our Company proposes to FRPSOHWHWKHH[HFXWLRQRIWKH'HEHQWXUH7UXVW'HHGEHIRUH¿QDOLVDWLRQRIWKH %DVLV RI$OORWPHQW LQ FRQVXOWDWLRQ ZLWK WKH 'HVLJQDWHG 6WRFN ([FKDQJH DQG XWLOL]HWKHIXQGVRQO\DIWHUWKHVWLSXODWHGVHFXULW\KDVEHHQFUHDWHG 8QGHUWKHWHUPVRIWKH'HEHQWXUH7UXVW'HHGRXU&RPSDQ\ZLOOFRYHQDQWZLWK WKH'HEHQWXUH7UXVWHHWKDWLWZLOOSD\WKH1&'+ROGHUVWKHSULQFLSDODPRXQWRQ the NCDs on the relevant redemption date and also that it will pay the interest GXHRQ1&'VRQWKHUDWHVSHFL¿HGLQWKLV3URVSHFWXVDQGLQWKH'HEHQWXUH7UXVW Deed. The Debenture Trust Deed will also provide that our Company may withdraw any portion of the security and replace with another asset of the same or a higher value. 36. Credit Rating CARE 7KH1&'VSURSRVHGWREHLVVXHGXQGHUWKLV,VVXHKDYHEHHQUDWHGµ&$5($$¶ >'RXEOH$@ E\ &$5( IRU DQ DPRXQW RI XSWR ` 12,000 million vide its letter GDWHG$XJXVW 7KH UDWLQJ RI 1&'V E\ &$5( LQGLFDWHV LQVWUXPHQWV with this rating are considered to have a high degree of safety regarding timely VHUYLFLQJRI¿QDQFLDOREOLJDWLRQV6XFKLQVWUXPHQWVFDUU\YHU\ORZFUHGLWULVN Brickwork The NCDs proposed to be issued under this Issue have been rated ‘BWR AA (Outlook: Stable) by Brickwork for an amount of up to `10,500 million vide its letter dated August 27, 2013. The rating of NCDs by Brickwork indicates instruments with this rating are considered to have a high degree of safety UHJDUGLQJ WLPHO\ VHUYLFLQJ RI ¿QDQFLDO REOLJDWLRQV 6XFK LQVWUXPHQWV FDUU\ very low credit risk. 37. Period of Subscription The subscription list shall remain open for a period as indicated below, with an RSWLRQIRUHDUO\FORVXUHRUH[WHQVLRQE\VXFKSHULRGDVPD\EHGHFLGHGE\WKH GXO\DXWKRULVHGFRPPLWWHHRI'LUHFWRUVRIRXU&RPSDQ\VXEMHFWWRQHFHVVDU\ DSSURYDOV ,Q WKH HYHQW RI VXFK HDUO\ FORVXUH RI WKH ,VVXH RU H[WHQVLRQ RXU &RPSDQ\VKDOOHQVXUHWKDWQRWLFHRIVXFKHDUO\FORVXUHH[WHQVLRQLVJLYHQRQH day prior to such early date of closure through advertisement/s in a leading national daily newspaper. Issue Opens on September 17, 2013 Issue Closing Date* October 4, 2013 *Application and any further changes to the Applications shall be accepted only between 10.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. (Indian Standard Time, “IST”) during the Issue Period as mentioned above by the Members of the Syndicate, Trading Members and designated branches of SCSBs, except that on the Issue Closing Date when the Applications and any further changes in details in Applications, if any, shall be accepted only between 10.00 a.m. and 3.00 p.m. (IST) and shall be uploaded until 5.00 p.m. (IST) or such extended time as permitted E\ WKH 6WRFN ([FKDQJHV ,W LV FODUL¿HG WKDW WKH $SSOLFDWLRQV QRW XSORDGHG LQ the Stock Exchange Platform would be rejected. Due to limitation of time available for uploading the Applications on the Issue Closing Date, the Applicants are advised to submit their Applications one day prior to the Issue Closing Date and, in any case, no later than 3.00 p.m. (IST) on the Issue Closing Date. All times mentioned in this Prospectus are Indian Standard Time. Applicants are cautioned that in the event a large number of Applications are received on the Issue Closing Date, as is typically experienced in public offerings, some Applications may not get uploaded due WRODFNRIVXI¿FLHQWWLPH Such Applications that cannot be uploaded will not be considered for allocation under the Issue. Applications will be accepted only on Business Days, i.e., Monday to Friday (excluding any public holiday). Neither our Company, nor any Member of the Syndicate, Trading Members or designated branches of SCSBs is liable for any failure in uploading the Applications due to faults in any software/hardware system or otherwise. INDIA INFOLINE FINANCE LIMITED 19 IN THE NATURE OF FORM 2A - MEMORANDUM CONTAINING SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROSPECTUS Application Amount (DFKDSSOLFDWLRQVKRXOGEHIRUDPLQLPXPRI1&'VDQGPXOWLSOHVRI1&' WKHUHDIWHU7KHPLQLPXPDSSOLFDWLRQVL]HIRUHDFKDSSOLFDWLRQIRU1&'VZRXOG be ` 5,000 (for all options of NCDs namely, Option I, Option II, Option III and Option IV NCDs either taken individually or collectively) and in multiples of ` 1,000 thereafter (for all options of NCDs namely, Option I, Option II, Option III and Option IV NCDs either taken individually or collectively). Applicants can apply for any or all options of NCDs offered hereunder (any/all options) using the same Application Form. $SSOLFDQWV DUHDGYLVHG WR HQVXUHWKDW DSSOLFDWLRQVPDGH E\ WKHP GR QRW H[FHHG WKH LQYHVWPHQW OLPLWV RU PD[LPXP QXPEHU RI 1&'V WKDW FDQ EH KHOGE\WKHPXQGHUDSSOLFDEOHVWDWXWRU\DQGRUUHJXODWRU\SURYLVLRQV 39. Escrow Mechanism :H VKDOO RSHQ DQG PDLQWDLQ VHSDUDWH (VFURZ $FFRXQWV DQG 3XEOLF ,VVXH $FFRXQWVZLWK(VFURZ &ROOHFWLRQ%DQNV LQFRQQHFWLRQZLWKDOO$SSOLFDWLRQ monies received from residents and non-residents including eligible NRIs on repatriation and non-repatriation basis, FIIs and QFIs, in whose favour the non-ASBA Applicants, applying through cheques shall make out the cheque or demand draft in respect of their Application. (DFK$SSOLFDQWH[FHSWIRU$6%$$SSOLFDQWVVKDOOGUDZDFKHTXHRUGHPDQG draft for the Application Amount as per the following terms: a) All Applicants would be required to pay the full Application Amount at the time of the submission of the Application Form other than ASBA Applicants. b) The Applicants shall, with the submission of the Application Form, draw DSD\PHQWLQVWUXPHQWIRUWKH$SSOLFDWLRQ$PRXQWLQIDYRXURIWKH(VFURZ Accounts and submit the same along with their Application. If the payment LV QRW PDGH IDYRXULQJ WKH (VFURZ$FFRXQWV DORQJ ZLWK WKH$SSOLFDWLRQ )RUP WKH$SSOLFDWLRQ ZLOO EH UHMHFWHG$SSOLFDWLRQ )RUPV DFFRPSDQLHG by cash, stock invest, money order or postal order will not be accepted. c) The payment instruments from the resident Applicants shall be payable LQWRWKH(VFURZ$FFRXQWGUDZQLQIDYRXURI³,,)/±1&'(VFURZ5´ d) The payment instruments from eligible Non Resident Applicants including NRIs on repatriation and non-repatriation basis, FIIs and QFIs shall be SD\DEOHLQWKH1RQ5HVLGHQW(VFURZ$FFRXQWVGUDZQLQIDYRXURI³,,)/ ± 1&' (VFURZ ± 15 5HSDWULDEOH´ DQG ³,,)/ ± 1&' (VFURZ ± 15 ± Non-Repatriable”. Payments should be made by cheque, or a demand draft drawn on any bank (including a cooperative bank), which is situated at cities where branches of (VFURZEDQNVGHWDLOVRIZKLFKLVDYDLODEOHRQWKHZHEVLWHVRIWKH/HDG0DQDJHUV DQG&R/HDG0DQDJHUVLVVLWXDWHG2XWVWDWLRQFKHTXHVGUDIWVVKDOOEHUHMHFWHG (VFURZ &ROOHFWLRQ %DQNV VKDOO FDUU\ RXW QHFHVVDU\ FKHFNV DQG EDODQFHV WR ensure that non-resident applications received in the Issue are on a repatriation or non-repatriation basis, prior to realisation of payment instruments in the relevant non-resident escrow/ public issue accounts. 'HWDLOVRIWKHEUDQFKHVRIWKH(VFURZ%DQNVZKHUHWKH$SSOLFDWLRQ)RUPDORQJ with the cheque/ demand draft submitted by a Non ASBA applicant shall be GHSRVLWHGE\WKH0HPEHUVRIWKH6\QGLFDWHDQG7UDGLQJ0HPEHUVDUHDYDLODEOH RQWKHZHEVLWHVRIWKH/HDG0DQDJHUVDWZZZD[LVFDSFRPZZZLGELFDSLWDO FRPZZZWUXVWJURXSFRLQDQGZZZLLÀFDSFRPDQGWKH&R/HDG0DQDJHUVDW ZZZUU¿QDQFHFRPUUIFOFRPZZZNDUY\FRPDQGZZZVPFFDSLWDOVFRP$OLQN WRWKHVDLGZHESDJHVVKDOODOVREHDYDLODEOHRQWKHZHEVLWHRI16(DQG%6( at and, respectively. A link shall also be provided to the above mentioned websites in the Application Form as well. 8SRQ FUHDWLRQ RI 6HFXULW\ DV GLVFORVHG LQ WKH 7UXVW 'HHG DQG UHFHLSW RI QHFHVVDU\FRPPXQLFDWLRQIURPWKH/HDG0DQDJHUVDQG&R/HDG0DQDJHUVWRWKH ,VVXHDVSHUWKHSURYLVLRQVRIWKH(VFURZ$JUHHPHQWWKH(VFURZ&ROOHFWLRQ Bank(s) shall transfer the monies from the escrow accounts to separate bank accounts i.e. the respective public issue accounts. Our Company shall at all WLPHVHQVXUHWKDWDQ\PRQLHVNHSWLQWKH1RQ5HVLGHQW(VFURZ$FFRXQWDQG or the Non Resident Public Issue Account shall be utilised only in accordance with applicable statutory and/or regulatory requirements. 20 INDIA INFOLINE FINANCE LIMITED 7KH)HHVIRU/HDG0DQDJHUVDQG&R/HDG0DQDJHUVVKDOOEHSDLGRXWRIWKH Public Issue Account once listing/ trading approvals are received from Stock ([FKDQJHVXSRQUHFHLSWRILQVWUXFWLRQVIURPWKH/HDG0DQDJHUVDQG&R/HDG 0DQDJHUVDVSURYLGHGIRULQWKH(VFURZ$JUHHPHQW 7KHEDODQFHDPRXQWLQWKH(VFURZ$FFRXQWVDIWHUWUDQVIHUWRWKH3XEOLF,VVXH Account shall be transferred to the Refund Account. Payments of refund and interest on Application Amount to the relevant Applicants shall also be made IURPWKH5HIXQG$FFRXQWDVSHUWKHWHUPVRIWKH(VFURZ$JUHHPHQWDQGWKLV Prospectus. 7KH (VFURZ &ROOHFWLRQ %DQNV ZLOO DFW LQ WHUPV RI WKLV 3URVSHFWXV DQG WKH (VFURZ$JUHHPHQW7KH(VFURZ&ROOHFWLRQ%DQNVVKDOOQRWH[HUFLVHDQ\OLHQ whatsoever over the monies deposited therein. 40. Allotment of Debt Securities The registrar will aggregate the applications based on the applications UHFHLYHG WKURXJK DQ HOHFWURQLF ERRN IURP WKH VWRFN H[FKDQJHV DQG GHWHUPLQH WKH YDOLG DSSOLFDWLRQV IRU WKH SXUSRVH RI GUDZLQJ WKH EDVLV RI DOORFDWLRQ *URXSLQJ RI WKH DSSOLFDWLRQ UHFHLYHG ZLOO EH WKHQ GRQH LQ WKH IROORZLQJPDQQHU 1. Grouping of Applications and Allocation Ratio: Applications received from various applicants shall be grouped together on the following basis: a) Applications received from Category I applicants:Applications received from Category I, shall be grouped together, (“Institutional Portion”); b) Applications received from Category II applicants:Applications received from Category II, shall be grouped together, (“Non-Institutional Portion”); c) Applications received from Category III applicants: Further with respect to applications received from Category III applicants, applications by applicants who apply for NCDs aggregating to a value not more than ` 1.00 million, across all series of NCDs (Option I and/or Option II and/or Option III and/ or Option IV), shall be grouped together, (“Reserved Individual Portion”) while applications by applicants who apply for NCDs aggregating to a value H[FHHGLQJ ` 1.00 million, across all series of NCDs (Option I and/or Option II and/or Option III and/or Option IV), shall be separately grouped together, (“Unreserved Individual Portion”). For removal of doubt, “Institutional Portion”, “Non-Institutional Portion” “Reserved Individual Portion” and “Unreserved Individual Portion” are individually referred to as “Portion” and collectively referred to as “Portions” For the purposes of determining the number of NCDs available for allocation to each of the abovementioned Portions, our Company shall have the discretion of determining the number of NCDs to be allotted over and above the Base ,VVXH 6L]H LQ FDVH RXU &RPSDQ\ RSWV WR UHWDLQ DQ\ RYHUVXEVFULSWLRQ LQ WKH Issue upto ` 5,250 million. The aggregate value of NCDs decided to be allotted RYHUDQGDERYHWKH%DVH,VVXH6L]HLQFDVHRXU&RPSDQ\RSWVWRUHWDLQDQ\ oversubscription in the Issue), and/or the aggregate value of NCDs upto the %DVH,VVXH6L]HVKDOOEHFROOHFWLYHO\WHUPHGDVWKH“Overall Issue Size”. 41. Basis of Allotment for NCDs a) $OORWPHQWVLQWKH¿UVWLQVWDQFH L $SSOLFDQWVEHORQJLQJWRWKH,QVWLWXWLRQDO3RUWLRQLQWKH¿UVWLQVWDQFHZLOO EH DOORFDWHG 1&'V XSWR RI 2YHUDOO ,VVXH 6L]H RQ ¿UVW FRPH ¿UVW serve basis (determined on the basis of date of receipt of each application GXO\ DFNQRZOHGJHG E\ WKH /HDG 0DQDJHUV &R/HDG 0DQDJHUV 6&6% 'HVLJQDWHG%UDQFKRURQOLQHDFNQRZOHGJHPHQW LL $SSOLFDQWVEHORQJLQJWRWKH1RQ,QVWLWXWLRQDO3RUWLRQLQWKH¿UVWLQVWDQFH ZLOOEHDOORFDWHG1&'VXSWRRI2YHUDOO,VVXH6L]HRQ¿UVWFRPH¿UVW serve basis (determined on the basis of date of receipt of each application GXO\DFNQRZOHGJHGE\WKH0HPEHUVRIWKH6\QGLFDWH7UDGLQJ0HPEHUV 6&6%'HVLJQDWHG%UDQFKRURQOLQHDFNQRZOHGJHPHQW LLL $SSOLFDQWV EHORQJLQJ WR WKH 8QUHVHUYHG ,QGLYLGXDO 3RUWLRQ LQ WKH ¿UVW LQVWDQFHZLOOEHDOORFDWHG1&'VXSWRRI2YHUDOO,VVXH6L]HRQ¿UVW FRPH¿UVWVHUYHEDVLVGHWHUPLQHGRQWKHEDVLVRIGDWHRIUHFHLSWRIHDFK DSSOLFDWLRQGXO\DFNQRZOHGJHGE\WKH0HPEHUVRIWKH6\QGLFDWH7UDGLQJ 0HPEHUV6&6%'HVLJQDWHG%UDQFKRURQOLQHDFNQRZOHGJHPHQW IN THE NATURE OF FORM 2A - MEMORANDUM CONTAINING SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROSPECTUS LY $SSOLFDQWV EHORQJLQJ WR WKH 5HVHUYHG ,QGLYLGXDO 3RUWLRQ LQ WKH ¿UVW LQVWDQFHZLOOEHDOORFDWHG1&'VXSWRRI2YHUDOO,VVXH6L]HRQ¿UVW FRPH¿UVWVHUYHEDVLVGHWHUPLQHGRQWKHEDVLVRIGDWHRIUHFHLSWRIHDFK DSSOLFDWLRQGXO\DFNQRZOHGJHGE\WKH0HPEHUVRIWKH6\QGLFDWH7UDGLQJ 0HPEHUV6&6%'HVLJQDWHG%UDQFKRURQOLQHDFNQRZOHGJHPHQW $OORWPHQWV LQ FRQVXOWDWLRQ ZLWK WKH 'HVLJQDWHG 6WRFN ([FKDQJH VKDOO EHPDGHRQD¿UVWFRPH¿UVWVHUYHEDVLVEDVHGRQWKHGDWHRIXSORDGRI HDFKDSSOLFDWLRQLQWRWKH(OHFWURQLF%RRNZLWK6WRFN([FKDQJHVLQHDFK 3RUWLRQVXEMHFWWRWKH$OORFDWLRQ5DWLR b) Under Subscription: 8QGHUVXEVFULSWLRQLIDQ\LQ5HVHUYHG,QGLYLGXDO3RUWLRQRU8QUHVHUYHG ,QGLYLGXDO3RUWLRQVKDOO¿UVWEHPHWE\LQWHUVHDGMXVWPHQWEHWZHHQWKHVH two sub-categories. Thereafter, if there is any under subscription in any Portion, priority in allotments will be given in the following order: i. Reserved Individual Portion LL 8QUHVHUYHG,QGLYLGXDO3RUWLRQ iii. Non-Institutional Portion iv. Institutional Portion Y RQD¿UVWFRPH¿UVWVHUYHEDVLV )RUHDFK3RUWLRQDOODSSOLFDWLRQVXSORDGHGLQWRWKH(OHFWURQLF%RRNZLWK 6WRFN([FKDQJHVZRXOGEHWUHDWHGDWSDUZLWKHDFKRWKHU$OORWPHQWZLWKLQ DGD\ZRXOGEHRQSURSRUWLRQDWHEDVLVZKHUH1&'VDSSOLHGIRUH[FHHGV NCDs to be allotted for each Portion respectively. 0LQLPXP DOORWPHQWV RI 1&'V DQG LQ PXOWLSOHV RI 1&' thereafter would be made in case of each valid application. c) Allotments in case of oversubscription: ,Q FDVH RI DQ RYHUVXEVFULSWLRQ DOORWPHQWV WR WKH PD[LPXP H[WHQW DV SRVVLEOHZLOOEHPDGHRQD¿UVWFRPH¿UVWVHUYHEDVLVDQGWKHUHDIWHURQ SURSRUWLRQDWHEDVLVLHIXOODOORWPHQWRI1&'VWRWKHDSSOLFDQWVRQD¿UVW FRPH¿UVWEDVLVIRUIRUPVXSORDGHGXSWRSPRIWKHGDWHIDOOLQJRQH day prior to the date of oversubscription and proportionate allotment of NCDs to the applicants on the date of oversubscription (based on the date RI XSORDG RI WKH $SSOLFDWLRQ RQ WKH 6WRFN ([FKDQJH 3ODWIRUP LQ HDFK Portion). d) Proportionate Allotments: For each Portion, on the date of oversubscription: i. Allotments to the applicants shall be made in proportion to their respective DSSOLFDWLRQVL]HURXQGHGRIIWRWKHQHDUHVWLQWHJHU ii. If the process of rounding off to the nearest integer results in the actual DOORFDWLRQ RI 1&'V EHLQJ KLJKHU WKDQ WKH ,VVXH VL]H QRW DOO DSSOLFDQWV will be allotted the number of NCDs arrived at after such rounding off. 5DWKHU HDFK DSSOLFDQW ZKRVH DOORWPHQW VL]H SULRU WR URXQGLQJ RII KDG the highest decimal point would be given preference, iii. In the event, there are more than one applicant whose entitlement remain equal after the manner of distribution referred to above, our Company ZLOO HQVXUH WKDW WKH EDVLV RI DOORWPHQW LV ¿QDOLVHG E\ GUDZ RI ORWV LQ D fair and equitable manner. e) Applicant applying for more than one series of NCDs: If an applicant has applied for more than one series of NCDs, and in case such applicant is entitled to allocation of only a part of the aggregate number of NCDs applied for, the Series-wise allocation of NCDs to such applicants shall be in proportion to the number of NCDs with respect to HDFK6HULHVDSSOLHGIRUE\VXFKDSSOLFDQWVXEMHFWWRURXQGLQJRIIWRWKH QHDUHVW LQWHJHU DV DSSURSULDWH LQ FRQVXOWDWLRQ ZLWK /HDG 0DQDJHUV &R /HDG0DQDJHUVDQG'HVLJQDWHG6WRFN([FKDQJH All decisions pertaining to the basis of allotment of NCDs pursuant to the Issue shall be taken by our Company in consultation with the Lead 0DQDJHUV &R/HDG 0DQDJHUV DQG WKH 'HVLJQDWHG 6WRFN ([FKDQJH DQG in compliance with the aforementioned provisions of this Prospectus. Our Company would allot Option IV NCDs to all valid applications, wherein the applicants have not indicated their choice of the relevant Series of NCDs. 3OHDVH QRWH LQ FDVH .<& GRFXPHQWV DUH QRW SURSHU 5HJLVWUDU VKDOO KROG EDFN SK\VLFDO FHUWL¿FDWH DOORWHG WR WKH DSSOLFDQW SHQGLQJ UHFHLSW RI FRPSOHWH .<& GRFXPHQWV IURP$SSOLFDQW DQG WKH &RPSDQ\ VKDOO NHHS LQDEH\DQFHWKHSD\PHQWRILQWHUHVWRURWKHUEHQH¿WVWLOOVXFKWLPH7KH Company shall also not be liable to pay interest for delay in depatch of WKH FHUWL¿FDWH LQFDVH RI GHOD\ FDVXHG GXH WR QRQ UHFLHSW RI SURSHU .<& documents to the satisfaction of the Registrar. 42. Deemed date of Allotment The date on which the Board of Directors/or duly authorised Committee RI'LUHFWRUVDSSURYHVWKH$OORWPHQWRIWKH1&'V$OOEHQH¿WVUHODWLQJWR the NCDs including interest on NCDs shall be available to the Debenture +ROGHUVIURPWKH'HHPHG'DWHRI$OORWPHQW7KHDFWXDODOORWPHQWRI1&'V may take place on a date other than the Deemed Date of Allotment. 43. $OORWPHQW$GYLFH5HIXQG2UGHUV The unutilised portion of the application money will be refunded to the Applicant on the Designated Date and no later than twelve (12) working days from the Issue Closing Date in the manner as provided below: 1. In case of Applications made by Non-ASBA applicants on the Stock ([FKDQJH WKURXJK WKH 0HPEHUV RI WKH 6\QGLFDWH 7UDGLQJ 0HPEHUV RI WKH6WRFN([FKDQJHVE\PDNLQJSD\PHQWWKRXJKFKHTXHVWKHXQXWLOLVHG portion of the application money (includes refund amounts payable to XQVXFFHVVIXO$SSOLFDQWVDQGDOVRWKHH[FHVVDPRXQWSDLGRQ$SSOLFDWLRQ will be credited to the Bank Account of the Applicant as per the banking account details (i) available with the depositories for Applicants having Demat accounts and (ii) as provided in the Application Form for others by way of any of the following modes: L 'LUHFW &UHGLW ± ,QYHVWRUV KDYLQJ EDQN DFFRXQWV ZLWK WKH %DQNHUV WR WKH Issue shall be eligible to receive refunds through direct credit. Charges, if any, levied by the relevant bank(s) for the same would be borne by us. LL 1(&6±3D\PHQWRIUHIXQGZRXOGEHGRQHWKURXJK1(&6IRU,QYHVWRUV having an account at any of the 91 centres where such facility has been PDGH DYDLODEOH 7KLV PRGH RI SD\PHQW RI UHIXQGV ZRXOG EH VXEMHFW WR DYDLODELOLW\ RI FRPSOHWH EDQN DFFRXQW GHWDLOV LQFOXGLQJ WKH 0,&5 FRGH as available from the Depositories. The payment of refunds through this mode will be done for Applicants having a bank account at any centre ZKHUH 1(&6 IDFLOLW\ KDV EHHQ PDGH DYDLODEOH VXEMHFW WR DYDLODELOLW\ RI DOOLQIRUPDWLRQIRUFUHGLWLQJWKHUHIXQGWKURXJK1(&6 LLL 1()7±3D\PHQWRIUHIXQGVKDOOEHXQGHUWDNHQWKURXJK1()7ZKHUHYHU WKH,QYHVWRUV¶EDQNKDVEHHQDVVLJQHGWKH,QGLDQ)LQDQFLDO6\VWHP&RGH ,)6& ZKLFK FDQ EH OLQNHG WR D 0,&5 DOORWWHG WR WKDW SDUWLFXODU EDQN branch. IFSC Code will be obtained from the website of RBI as on a date immediately prior to the date of payment of refund, duly mapped ZLWK0,&5QXPEHUV,QFDVHRIRQOLQHSD\PHQWRUZKHUHYHUWKH,QYHVWRUV KDYH UHJLVWHUHG WKHLU QLQH GLJLW 0,&5 QXPEHU DQG WKHLU EDQN DFFRXQW number with the depository participant while opening and operating the GHPDWDFFRXQWWKH0,&5QXPEHUDQGWKHLUEDQNDFFRXQWQXPEHUZLOOEH duly mapped with the IFSC Code of that particular bank branch and the payment of refund will be made to the Investors through this method. LY 57*6 ± ,I WKH UHIXQG DPRXQW H[FHHGV ` 200,000, the Investors have the option to receive refund through RTGS. Charges, if any, levied by the refund bank(s) for the same would be borne by us. Charges, if any, OHYLHGE\WKH,QYHVWRU¶VEDQNUHFHLYLQJWKHFUHGLWZRXOGEHERUQHE\WKH Investor. v. For all other Investors (non-ASBA) the refund orders will be despatched through Speed Post/ Registered Post. Such refunds will be made by FKHTXHV SD\ RUGHUV RU GHPDQG GUDIWV GUDZQ LQ IDYRXU RI WKH VROH ¿UVW Investor and payable at par. vi. Credit of refunds to Investors in any other electronic manner permissible XQGHUWKHEDQNLQJODZVZKLFKDUHLQIRUFHDQGDUHSHUPLWWHGE\WKH6(%, from time to time. 2. In case of ASBA Applications, the unutilised portion of the application money shall be unblocked by the SCSBs on the basis of the instructions LVVXHG LQ WKLV UHJDUG E\ WKH 5HJLVWUDU WR WKH ,VVXH WKH /HDG 0DQDJHUV DQGWKH&R/HDG0DQDJHUVWRWKHUHVSHFWLYH6&6%V INDIA INFOLINE FINANCE LIMITED 21 IN THE NATURE OF FORM 2A - MEMORANDUM CONTAINING SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROSPECTUS Further, Allotment of NCDs shall be made within a time period of twelve (12) :RUNLQJ'D\VIURPWKHGDWHRIFORVXUHRIWKH,VVXH Credit to demat account will be given no later than twelve (12) Working 'D\VIURPWKHGDWHRIWKHFORVXUHRIWKH,VVXH 2XU&RPSDQ\VKDOOSD\LQWHUHVWDW¿IWHHQSHUDQQXPLI$OORWPHQW is not made and refund orders are not dispatched and/or demat credits are not made to investors within twelve (12) Working Days of the Issue &ORVLQJ 'DWH RU GDWH RI UHIXVDO RI WKH 6WRFN ([FKDQJHV ZKLFKHYHU LV earlier. If such money is not repaid within eight days from the day our &RPSDQ\ EHFRPHV OLDEOH WR UHSD\ LW RXU &RPSDQ\ DQG HYHU\ RI¿FHU LQ GHIDXOW VKDOO RQ DQG IURP H[SLU\ RI HLJKW GD\V EH OLDEOH WR UHSD\ WKH money with interest at the rate of 15% as prescribed under Section 73 RI WKH &RPSDQLHV$FW SURYLGHG WKDW WKH EHQH¿FLDU\ SDUWLFXODUV UHODWLQJ to such Applicants as given by the Applicants is valid at the time of the upload of the demat credit. Our Company will provide adequate funds to the Registrars to the Issue, for this purpose. 43A. Interest 1. Interest and Payment of Interest In case of Option I and III, interest would be paid monthly at the following rates of interest in connection with the relevant categories of NCD holders, on the amount outstanding from time to time, commencing from the Deemed Date of Allotment of Option I NCD: Rate of Interest per annum payable monthly (%) Please note that in case the NCDs are transferred and/or transmitted in accordance with the provisions of this Prospectus read with the provisions of the Articles of Association of our Company, the transferee of such NCDs or the deceased holder of NCDs, as the case may be, shall be HQWLWOHGWRDQ\LQWHUHVWZKLFKPD\KDYHDFFUXHGRQWKH1&'VVXEMHFWWR such Transferee holding the NCDs on the Record Date. $V SHU FODXVH L[ RI 6HFWLRQ RI WKH ,7 $FW QR WD[ LV UHTXLUHG WR be deducted at source on any interest payable on any security issued E\ D FRPSDQ\ ZKHUH VXFK VHFXULW\ LV LQ GHPDWHULDOL]HG IRUP DQG LV OLVWHG RQ D UHFRJQL]HG VWRFN H[FKDQJH LQ ,QGLD LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK WKH Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956 (42 of 1956) and the rules PDGHWKHUHXQGHU$FFRUGLQJO\QRWD[ZLOOEHGHGXFWHGDWVRXUFHIURPWKH interest on listed NCDs held in the dematerialised form. +RZHYHU LQ FDVH RI 1&'V KHOG LQ SK\VLFDO IRUP DV SHU WKH FXUUHQW SURYLVLRQVRIWKH,7$FWWD[ZLOOQRWEHGHGXFWHGDWVRXUFHIURPLQWHUHVW payable on such NCDs held by the investor (in case of resident individual 1&' KROGHUV LI VXFK LQWHUHVW GRHV QRW H[FHHG ` LQ DQ\ ¿QDQFLDO \HDU ,I LQWHUHVW H[FHHGV WKH SUHVFULEHG OLPLW RI ` 5,000 on account of LQWHUHVW RQ WKH 1&'V WKHQ WKH WD[ ZLOO EH GHGXFWHG DW DSSOLFDEOH UDWH +RZHYHU LQ FDVH RI 1&' KROGHUV DUH FODLPLQJ QRQGHGXFWLRQ RU ORZHU GHGXFWLRQRIWD[DWVRXUFHDVWKHFDVHPD\EHWKH1&'KROGHUVVKRXOG furnish either (a) a declaration (in duplicate) in the prescribed form i.e. L )RUP + ZKLFK FDQ EH JLYHQ E\ LQGLYLGXDOV ZKR DUH RI WKH DJH RI 60 years or more (ii) Form 15G which can be given by all applicants RWKHUWKDQFRPSDQLHVDQG¿UPVRUEDFHUWL¿FDWHIURPWKH$VVHVVLQJ 2I¿FHUZKLFKFDQEHREWDLQHGE\DOODSSOLFDQWVLQFOXGLQJFRPSDQLHVDQG ¿UPVE\PDNLQJDQDSSOLFDWLRQLQWKHSUHVFULEHGIRUPLH)RUP1R Category of NCD Holder Option I Option III The aforesaid documents, as may be applicable, should be submitted Category I and Category II 12% 12% WR RXU &RPSDQ\ TXRWLQJ WKH QDPH RI WKH VROH ¿UVW 1&' KROGHU 1&' Reserved Individual Portion in category III 12% 12% folio number and the distinctive number(s) of the NCD held, prior to the 5HFRUG 'DWH WR HQVXUH QRQGHGXFWLRQORZHU GHGXFWLRQ RI WD[ DW VRXUFH 8QUHVHUYHG,QGLYLGXDO3RUWLRQLQFDWHJRU\,,, 12% 12% IURPLQWHUHVWRQWKH1&'7KHLQYHVWRUVQHHGWRVXEPLW)RUP+* For avoidance of doubt, with respect to Option I and Option III where interest is FHUWL¿FDWHLQRULJLQDOIURP$VVHVVLQJ2I¿FHUIRUHDFK¿QDQFLDO\HDUGXULQJ WREHSDLGRQDPRQWKO\EDVLVUHOHYDQWLQWHUHVWZLOOEHFDOFXODWHGIURPWKH¿UVWGD\ the currency of the NCD to ensure non-deduction or lower deduction of till the last date of every month during the tenor of such NCDs, and paid on the WD[DWVRXUFHIURPLQWHUHVWRQWKH1&' ¿UVWGD\RIHYHU\VXEVHTXHQWPRQWK)RUWKH¿UVWLQWHUHVWSD\PHQWIRU1&'VXQGHU the monthly options, interest from the Deemed Date of Allotment till the last day 44. Payment of Interest to NCD Holders RI WKH VXEVHTXHQW PRQWK ZLOO EH FOXEEHG DQG SDLG RQ WKH ¿UVW GD\ RI WKH PRQWK Payment of Interest will be made to those NCD holders whose names QH[WWRWKDWVXEVHTXHQWPRQWK DSSHDULQWKHUHJLVWHURI'HEHQWXUH+ROGHUVRUWR¿UVWKROGHULQFDVHRI In case of Option II and IV NCDs, interest would be paid annually at the MRLQWKROGHUVDVRQ5HFRUG'DWH following rates of interest in connection with the relevant categories of We may enter into an arrangement with one or more banks in one or more NCD holders, on the amount outstanding from time to time, commencing cities for direct credit of interest to the account of the investors. In such from the Deemed Date of Allotment of each Option II and option IV cases, interest, on the interest payment date, would be directly credited NCD: to the account of those investors who have given their bank mandate. Rate of Interest per annum (%) :HPD\RIIHUWKHIDFLOLW\RI1(&61()757*6'LUHFW&UHGLWDQGDQ\ RWKHUPHWKRGSHUPLWWHGE\5%,DQG6(%,IURPWLPHWRWLPHWRKHOS1&' Category of NCD Holder Option II Option IV holders. The terms of this facility (including towns where this facility would Category I and Category II 12% 12% be available) would be as prescribed by RBI. Refer to the paragraph on Reserved Individual Portion in Category III 12% 12% “0DQQHURI5HIXQGH[FHSW$6%$$SSOLFDWLRQ3D\PHQWRI,QWHUHVW” on page 266. 8QUHVHUYHG,QGLYLGXDO3RUWLRQLQ&DWHJRU\,,, 12% 12% For avoidance of doubt, with respect to Option II and Option IV where the 7D[ H[HPSWLRQ FHUWL¿FDWHGRFXPHQW LI DQ\ PXVW EH ORGJHG DW WKH RI¿FH date of interest payment falls on a Saturday, Sunday or a public holiday in of the Registrar at least 7(seven) days prior to the Record Date or as 0XPEDLRUDQ\RWKHUSD\PHQWFHQWUHQRWL¿HGLQWHUPVRIWKH1HJRWLDEOH VSHFL¿FDOO\ UHTXLUHG IDLOLQJ ZKLFK WD[ DSSOLFDEOH RQ LQWHUHVW ZLOO EH ,QVWUXPHQWV$FW WKHQ LQWHUHVW ZRXOG EH SDLG RQ WKH QH[W ZRUNLQJ GHGXFWHGDWVRXUFHRQDFFUXDOWKHUHRILQRXU&RPSDQ\¶VERRNVDQGRURQ GD\3D\PHQWRILQWHUHVWZRXOGEHVXEMHFWWRWKHGHGXFWLRQDVSUHVFULEHG payment thereof, in accordance with the provisions of the IT Act and/ LQ WKH ,7$FW RU DQ\ VWDWXWRU\ PRGL¿FDWLRQ RU UHHQDFWPHQW WKHUHRI IRU RUDQ\RWKHUVWDWXWRU\PRGL¿FDWLRQHQDFWPHQWRUQRWL¿FDWLRQDVWKHFDVH the time being in force. may be. Please note that if the date of interest payment falls on a Saturday, Sunday $WD[GHGXFWLRQFHUWL¿FDWHZLOOEHLVVXHGIRUWKHDPRXQWRIWD[VRGHGXFWHG RU D SXEOLF KROLGD\ LQ 0XPEDL RU DQ\ RWKHU SD\PHQW FHQWUH QRWL¿HG LQ 45. Interest on Application Money WHUPV RI WKH 1HJRWLDEOH ,QVWUXPHQWV$FW WKHQ LQWHUHVW DV GXH DQG a. Interest on application monies received which are used towards allotment SD\DEOHRQ VXFK GD\ ZRXOG EH SDLG RQ WKH QH[W:RUNLQJ 'D\ 3D\PHQW of NCDs RILQWHUHVWZRXOGEHVXEMHFWWRWKHGHGXFWLRQDVSUHVFULEHGLQWKH,7$FW Our Company shall pay interest on application money on the amount RU DQ\ VWDWXWRU\ PRGL¿FDWLRQ RU UHHQDFWPHQW WKHUHRI IRU WKH WLPH EHLQJ DOORWWHG VXEMHFW WR GHGXFWLRQ RI LQFRPH WD[ XQGHU WKH SURYLVLRQV RI WKH in force. ,QFRPH 7D[ $FW DV DPHQGHG DV DSSOLFDEOH WR DQ\ $SSOLFDQW WR 22 INDIA INFOLINE FINANCE LIMITED IN THE NATURE OF FORM 2A - MEMORANDUM CONTAINING SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROSPECTUS b. 46. a. b. ZKRP1&'VDUHDOORWWHGSXUVXDQWWRWKH,VVXHIURPWKHGDWHRIUHDOL]DWLRQ the time of redemption and the redemption proceeds would be paid to those of the cheque(s)/demand draft(s) whichever is later up to one day prior to NCD holders whose names stand in the register of NCD holders maintained WKH'HHPHG'DWHRI$OORWPHQWDWWKHUDWHRISHUDQQXP+RZHYHU E\XVRQWKHUHFRUGGDWH¿[HGIRUWKHSXUSRVHRI5HGHPSWLRQ+RZHYHU no interest is to be paid on application amount to the ASBA Applicants. RXU &RPSDQ\ PD\ UHTXLUH WKDW WKH 1&' FHUWL¿FDWHV GXO\ GLVFKDUJHG E\WKHVROHKROGHUDOOWKHMRLQWKROGHUVVLJQHGRQWKHUHYHUVHRIWKH1&' Our Company has a right to withdraw the Issue at anytime 2 (two) days FHUWL¿FDWHVEHVXUUHQGHUHGIRUUHGHPSWLRQRQPDWXULW\DQGVKRXOGEHVHQW prior to Issue Closing Date for receiving subscription in the Issue. Our by the NCD holder(s) by Registered Post with acknowledgment due or by &RPSDQ\ VKDOO LQ WKH HYHQW RI VXFK ZLWKGUDZDO VXEMHFW WR UHFHLSW RI D KDQG GHOLYHU\ WR RXU RI¿FH RU WR VXFK SHUVRQV DW VXFK DGGUHVVHV DV PD\ minimum subscription of 75% of the Base Issue, i.e. ` 3,937.50 million, EHQRWL¿HGE\XVIURPWLPHWRWLPH1&'KROGHUVPD\EHUHTXHVWHGWR allot NCDs to all applicants who have applied for NCDs up to one day VXUUHQGHUWKH1&'FHUWL¿FDWHVLQWKHPDQQHUDVVWDWHGDERYHQRWPRUH prior to the date by which Company gives notice for withdrawal of Issue. than three months and not less than one month prior to the redemption Further our Company shall pay interest on application money on the amount date so as to facilitate timely payment. DOORWWHG VXEMHFW WR GHGXFWLRQ RI LQFRPH WD[ XQGHU WKH SURYLVLRQV RI WKH ,QFRPH 7D[$FW DV DPHQGHG DV DSSOLFDEOH WR DQ\ DSSOLFDQWV WR We may at our discretion redeem the NCDs without the requirement of ZKRP1&'VDUHDOORWWHGSXUVXDQWWRWKH,VVXHIURPWKHGDWHRIUHDOL]DWLRQ VXUUHQGHULQJRIWKH1&'FHUWL¿FDWHVE\WKHKROGHUVWKHUHRI,QFDVHZH of the cheque(s)/demand draft(s) or 3 (three) days from the date of receipt GHFLGHWRGRVRWKHKROGHUVRI1&'VQHHGQRWVXEPLWWKH1&'FHUWL¿FDWHV of the application (being the date of presentation of each application as to us and the redemption proceeds would be paid to those NCD holders acknowledged by the Bankers to the Issue) whichever is later up to one whose names stand in the register of NCD holders maintained by us on day prior to the Deemed Date of Allotment, at the rate of 12% per annum. WKH UHFRUG GDWH ¿[HG IRU WKH SXUSRVH RI UHGHPSWLRQ RI 1&'V ,Q VXFK +RZHYHULWLVFODUL¿HGWKDWLQWKHHYHQWWKDWRXU&RPSDQ\GRHVQRWUHFHLYH FDVHWKH1&'FHUWL¿FDWHVZRXOGEHGHHPHGWRKDYHEHHQFDQFHOOHG$OVR a minimum subscription of 75% of the Base Issue, i.e. ` 3,937.50million see the paragraph on “Payment on Redemption” given below. our Company will not allot any NCDs to applicants. NCDs held in Demat form: Please note no interest is to be paid on application monies to the ASBA No action is required on the part of NCD holder(s) at the time of redemption Applicants. of NCDs. Our Company may enter into an arrangement with one or more banks 47. Payment on Redemption in one or more cities for direct credit of interest to the account of the The manner of payment of redemption is set out below: applicants. Alternatively, the interest warrant will be dispatched along with NCDs held in physical form(not applicable for non-resident Investors): WKH/HWWHUVRI$OORWPHQWDWWKHVROHULVNRIWKHDSSOLFDQWWRWKHVROH¿UVW The payment on redemption of the NCDs will be made by way of cheque/ applicant. SD\ RUGHU HOHFWURQLF PRGHV +RZHYHU LI RXU &RPSDQ\ VR UHTXLUHV WKH Interest on application monies received which are liable to be refunded aforementioned payment would only be made on the surrender of NCD Our Company shall pay interest on application money which is liable to FHUWL¿FDWHV GXO\ GLVFKDUJHG E\ WKH VROH KROGHU DOO WKH MRLQWKROGHUV be refunded to the applicants in accordance with the provisions of the VLJQHGRQWKHUHYHUVHRIWKH1&'FHUWL¿FDWHV'HVSDWFKRIFKHTXHVSD\ 6(%, 'HEW 5HJXODWLRQV DQGRU WKH &RPSDQLHV $FW RU RWKHU DSSOLFDEOH order, etc. in respect of such payment will be made on the Redemption VWDWXWRU\ DQGRU UHJXODWRU\ UHTXLUHPHQWV VXEMHFW WR GHGXFWLRQ RI LQFRPH Date or (if so requested by our Company in this regard) within a period WD[ XQGHU WKH SURYLVLRQV RI WKH ,QFRPH 7D[ $FW DV DPHQGHG DV of 11 Working Days from the date of receipt of the duly discharged NCD DSSOLFDEOH IURP WKH GDWH RI UHDOL]DWLRQ RI WKH FKHTXHVGHPDQG GUDIWV FHUWL¿FDWH upto one day prior to the Deemed Date of Allotment, at the rate of 4% In case we decide to do so, the redemption proceeds in the manner stated per annum. Such interest shall be paid along with the monies liable to above would be paid on the Redemption Date to those NCD holders be refunded. Interest warrant will be dispatched / credited (in case of whose names stand in the register of NCD holders maintained by us on electronic payment) along with the Letter(s) of Refund at the sole risk WKHUHFRUGGDWH¿[HGIRUWKHSXUSRVHRI5HGHPSWLRQ+HQFHWKHWUDQVIHUHHV RI WKH DSSOLFDQW WR WKH VROH¿UVW DSSOLFDQW +RZHYHU QR LQWHUHVW LV WR EH if any, should ensure lodgement of the transfer documents with us at least paid on application monies to the ASBA Applicants. 7 (seven) days prior to the record date. In case the transfer documents are In the event our Company does not receive a minimum subscription of not lodged with us at least 7 (seven) days prior to the record date and 75 % of the Base Issue, i.e. ` 3,937.50 million on the date of closure we dispatch the redemption proceeds to the transferor, claims in respect of the Issue, the entire subscription shall be refunded to the applicants of the redemption proceeds should be settled amongst the parties inter se within Twelve (12) Working Days from the date of closure of the Issue. If and no claim or action shall lie against us or the Registrars. WKHUHLVGHOD\LQWKHUHIXQGRIVXEVFULSWLRQE\PRUHWKDQGD\VDIWHURXU 2XUOLDELOLW\WRWKH1&'+ROGHUVWRZDUGVKLVWKHLUULJKWVLQFOXGLQJIRU Company becomes liable to pay the subscription amount, our Company SD\PHQWRURWKHUZLVHVKDOOVWDQGH[WLQJXLVKHGIURPWKHGDWHRIUHGHPSWLRQ will pay interest for the delayed period, at rates prescribed under subin all events and when we dispatch the redemption amounts to the NCD sections (2) and (2A) of Section 73 of the Companies Act. holder(s). Provided that, notwithstanding anything contained hereinabove, our Further, we will not be liable to pay any interest, income or compensation Company shall not be liable to pay any interest on monies liable to be of any kind from the date of redemption of the NCD(s). refunded in case of (a) invalid applications or applications liable to be NCDs held in Demat form: UHMHFWHG DQGRU E DSSOLFDWLRQV ZKLFK DUH ZLWKGUDZQ E\ WKH DSSOLFDQW On the redemption date, redemption proceeds would be paid by cheque / Please refer to “Rejection of Application´DWSDJHRIWKH3URVSHFWXV pay order / electronic mode to those NCD holders whose names appear on Maturity and Redemption WKHOLVWRIEHQH¿FLDORZQHUVJLYHQE\WKH'HSRVLWRULHVWRXV7KHVHQDPHV Period of Redemption ZRXOGEHDVSHUWKH'HSRVLWRULHV¶UHFRUGVRQWKHUHFRUGGDWH¿[HGIRUWKH 2SWLRQ,DQG2SWLRQ,,1&'VZLOOEHUHGHHPHGDWWKHH[SLU\RIPRQWKV SXUSRVHRIUHGHPSWLRQ7KHVH1&'VZLOOEHVLPXOWDQHRXVO\H[WLQJXLVKHG from the Deemed Date of Allotment. WRWKHH[WHQWRIWKHDPRXQWUHGHHPHGWKURXJKDSSURSULDWHGHELWFRUSRUDWH 2SWLRQ ,,, DQG 2SWLRQ ,9 1&'V ZLOO EH UHGHHPHG DW WKH H[SLU\ RI action upon redemption of the corresponding value of the NCDs. It may months from the Deemed Date of Allotment. be noted that in the entire process mentioned above, no action is required Procedure for Redemption by NCD holders on the part of NCD holders. NCDs held in physical form (not applicable for non-resident Investors): Our liability to NCD holder(s) towards his/their rights including for SD\PHQWRURWKHUZLVHVKDOOVWDQGH[WLQJXLVKHGIURPWKHGDWHRIUHGHPSWLRQ No action would ordinarily be required on the part of the NCD holder at INDIA INFOLINE FINANCE LIMITED 23 IN THE NATURE OF FORM 2A - MEMORANDUM CONTAINING SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROSPECTUS II. 49. 50. 1. 2. 3. 24 in all events and when we dispatch the redemption amounts to the NCD holder(s). Further, we will not be liable to pay any interest, income or compensation of any kind from the date of redemption of the NCD(s). Payments Terms of Payment The face value for the NCDs is payable on application only. In case of allotment of lesser number of NCDs than the number applied, our &RPSDQ\ VKDOO UHIXQG XQEORFN WKH H[FHVV DPRXQW SDLG RQ DSSOLFDWLRQ to the applicant. Record Date The record date for payment of interest in connection with the NCDs or repayment of principal in connection therewith shall be 7 days prior to the date on which interest is due and payable, and/or the date of redemption. Provided that trading in the NCDs shall remain suspended between the aforementioned Record Date in connection with redemption of NCDs and WKH GDWH RI UHGHPSWLRQ RU DV SUHVFULEHG E\ WKH 6WRFN ([FKDQJHV DV WKH case may be. ,Q FDVH 5HFRUG 'DWH IDOOV RQ D GD\ ZKHQ VWRFN H[FKDQJHV DUH KDYLQJ D trading holiday, the immediate subsequent trading day will be deemed as the Record Date. 0DQQHURI5HIXQGH[FHSW$6%$$SSOLFDWLRQ3D\PHQWRI,QWHUHVW The manner of payment of interest / refund in connection with the NCDs is set out below: )RU1&'VDSSOLHGKHOGLQ'HPDWIRUP The bank details will be obtained from the Depositories for payment of ,QWHUHVWUHIXQGH[FHSW$6%$$SSOLFDWLRQVUHGHPSWLRQDVWKHFDVHPD\ be. Applicants who have applied for or are holding the NCDs in Demat form, are advised to immediately update their bank account details as appearing on the records of the depository participant. Please note that failure to do so may result in delays in credit of refunds to the applicant DW WKH DSSOLFDQW¶V VROH ULVN DQG WKH /HDG 0DQDJHUV &R/HDG 0DQDJHUV our Company nor the Registrar to the Issue shall have any responsibility and undertake any liability for the same. For NCDs held in physical form (not applicable for non-resident Investors): The bank details will be obtained from the Registrar to the Issue for payment of interest / refund / redemption as the case may be. The mode of interest/ refund/ redemption payments shall be undertaken in the following order of preference: Direct Credit Investors having their bank account with the Refund Banks, shall be eligible to receive refunds, if any, through direct credit. The refund amount, if any, would be credited directly to their bank account with the Refund Banker. NECS 3D\PHQWRILQWHUHVWUHIXQGUHGHPSWLRQVKDOOEHXQGHUWDNHQWKURXJK1(&6 IRU1&'+ROGHUV$SSOLFDQWVKDYLQJDQDFFRXQWDWWKHFHQWHUVPHQWLRQHG LQ1(&60,&5OLVW 7KLV PRGH RI SD\PHQW RI UHIXQGV ZRXOG EH VXEMHFW WR DYDLODELOLW\ RI FRPSOHWH EDQN DFFRXQW GHWDLOV LQFOXGLQJ WKH 0DJQHWLF ,QN &KDUDFWHU 5HFRJQLWLRQ 0,&5 FRGH ,QGLDQ )LQDQFLDO 6\VWHP &RGH ,)6& FRGH bank account number, bank name and branch name as appearing on a cheque leaf, from the Depositories. One of the methods for payment RI LQWHUHVW UHIXQG UHGHPSWLRQ LV WKURXJK 1(&6 IRU 1&' +ROGHUV Applicants having a bank account at any of the abovementioned centers. RTGS 1&'+ROGHUV$SSOLFDQWVKDYLQJDEDQNDFFRXQWZLWKDSDUWLFLSDWLQJEDQN DQG ZKRVH LQWHUHVW SD\PHQW UHIXQG UHGHPSWLRQ DPRXQW H[FHHGV ` 0.2 PLOOLRQRUVXFKDPRXQWDVPD\EH¿[HGE\5%,IURPWLPHWRWLPHKDYH WKHRSWLRQWRUHFHLYHUHIXQGWKURXJK57*66XFKHOLJLEOH1&'+ROGHUV Applicants who indicate their preference to receive interest payment / refund / redemption through RTGS are required to provide the IFSC code INDIA INFOLINE FINANCE LIMITED 4. 5. 51. 52. 53. in the Application Form or intimate our Company and the Registrars to the Issue at least 7 (seven) days before the Record Date. Charges, if any, OHYLHGE\WKH1&'+ROGHUV$SSOLFDQWV¶EDQNUHFHLYLQJWKHFUHGLWZRXOG EH ERUQH E\ WKH 1&' +ROGHUV$SSOLFDQW ,Q WKH HYHQW WKH VDPH LV QRW provided, interest payment / refund / redemption shall be made through 1(&6 VXEMHFW WR DYDLODELOLW\ RI FRPSOHWH EDQN DFFRXQW GHWDLOV IRU WKH same as stated above. NEFT Payment of interest / refund / redemption shall be undertaken through 1()7 ZKHUHYHU WKH 1&' +ROGHUV$SSOLFDQWV¶ EDQN KDV EHHQ DVVLJQHG the Indian Financial System Code (“IFSC”), which can be linked to a 0DJQHWLF,QN&KDUDFWHU5HFRJQLWLRQ(“MICR”), if any, available to that particular bank branch. IFSC Code will be obtained from the website of RBI as on a date immediately prior to the date of payment of refund, GXO\PDSSHGZLWK0,&5QXPEHUV:KHUHYHUWKH1&'+ROGHUV$SSOLFDQWV KDYH UHJLVWHUHG WKHLU QLQH GLJLW 0,&5 QXPEHU DQG WKHLU EDQN DFFRXQW number while opening and operating the de-mat account, the same will be duly mapped with the IFSC Code of that particular bank branch and the SD\PHQWRILQWHUHVWUHIXQGUHGHPSWLRQZLOOEHPDGHWRWKH1&'+ROGHUV Applicants through this method. 5HJLVWHUHG3RVW6SHHG3RVW )RU DOO RWKHU 1&' +ROGHUV $SSOLFDQWV LQFOXGLQJ WKRVH ZKR KDYH QRW XSGDWHG WKHLU EDQN SDUWLFXODUV ZLWK WKH 0,&5 FRGH RU WKRVH$SSOLFDQWV who have been alloted Option I NCDs and if the interest payment through 1(&6WRVXFK$SSOLFDQWVLVXQVXFFHVVIXOWRVXFK$SSOLFDQWVLQWHUHVWZLOO be paid annually and the interest payment / refund / redemption orders shall be dispatched through Speed Post/ Registered Post. 3OHDVHQRWHWKDW1&'+ROGHUV$SSOLFDQWVDUHHOLJLEOHWRUHFHLYHSD\PHQWV through the modes detailed in (1), (2) (3), and (4) herein above provided they provide necessary information for the above modes and where such payment facilities are allowed / available. Please note that our Company shall not be responsible to the holder of NCD, for any delay in receiving credit of interest / refund / redemption so long as our Company has initiated the process of such request in time. Printing of Bank Particulars on Interest Warrants As a matter of precaution against possible fraudulent encashment of refund orders and interest/redemption warrants due to loss or misplacement, the SDUWLFXODUVRIWKH1&'+ROGHUV$SSOLFDQWV¶EDQNDFFRXQWDUHPDQGDWRULO\ required to be given for printing on the refund orders/ warrants. In relation WR1&'VDSSOLHGDQGKHOGLQGHPDWHULDOL]HGIRUPWKHVHSDUWLFXODUVZRXOG be taken directly from the depositories. In case of NCDs held in physical form either on account of rematerialisation or transfer, the investors are advised to submit their bank account details with our Company/ Registrar at least 7 (seven) days prior to the record date failing which the refund orders/ warrants will be dispatched to the postal address of the holder of the NCD as available in the records of our Company. Bank account particulars will be printed on the refund orders/ warrants ZKLFKFDQWKHQEHGHSRVLWHGRQO\LQWKHDFFRXQWVSHFL¿HG Buy Back of NCDs Our Company may, at its sole discretion, from time to time, consider, VXEMHFW WR DSSOLFDEOH VWDWXWRU\ DQGRU UHJXODWRU\ UHTXLUHPHQWV EX\EDFN of NCDs, upon such terms and conditions as may be decided by our Company. Effect of holidays on payment $OO GD\V H[FOXGLQJ 6XQGD\V DQG D SXEOLF KROLGD\ LQ 0XPEDL RU DW DQ\ RWKHU SD\PHQW FHQWUH QRWL¿HG LQ WHUPV RI WKH 1HJRWLDEOH ,QVWUXPHQWV $FW H[FHSW ZLWK UHIHUHQFH WR ,VVXH 3HULRG ZKHUH ZRUNLQJ GD\V VKDOOPHDQDOOGD\VH[FOXGLQJ6DWXUGD\V6XQGD\VDQGSXEOLFKROLGD\VLQ ,QGLDRU DW DQ\ RWKHU SD\PHQWFHQWUHQRWL¿HGLQ WHUPVRI WKH1HJRWLDEOH ,QVWUXPHQWV$FW Interest shall be computed on a 365 days a year basis on the principal RXWVWDQGLQJRQWKH1&'V+RZHYHULISHULRGIURPWKH'HHPHG'DWH2I $OORWPHQW DQQLYHUVDU\ GDWH RI$OORWPHQW WLOO RQH GD\ SULRU WR WKH QH[W IN THE NATURE OF FORM 2A - MEMORANDUM CONTAINING SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROSPECTUS 54. 55. I. 1. (a) (b) (c) anniversary / redemption date includes February 29, interest shall be computed on 366 days a-year basis, on the principal outstanding on the NCDs. ,IWKHGDWHRISD\PHQWRILQWHUHVWRUSULQFLSDORUDQ\GDWHVSHFL¿HGGRHV not fall on a Working Day, then the succeeding Working Day will be considered as the effective date for such payment of interest or principal, DVWKHFDVHPD\EHWKH³(IIHFWLYH'DWH´,QWHUHVWDQGSULQFLSDORURWKHU DPRXQWV LI DQ\ ZLOO EH SDLG RQ WKH (IIHFWLYH 'DWH )RU DYRLGDQFH RI GRXEW LQ FDVH RI LQWHUHVW SD\PHQW RQ (IIHFWLYH 'DWH LQWHUHVW IRU SHULRG EHWZHHQDFWXDOLQWHUHVWSD\PHQWGDWHDQGWKH(IIHFWLYH'DWHZLOOEHSDLG LQQRUPDOFRXUVHLQQH[WLQWHUHVWSD\PHQWGDWHF\FOH3D\PHQWRILQWHUHVW ZLOO EH VXEMHFW WR WKH GHGXFWLRQ RI WD[ DV SHU ,QFRPH 7D[ $FW RU DQ\ VWDWXWRU\PRGL¿FDWLRQRUUHHQDFWPHQWWKHUHRIIRUWKHWLPHEHLQJLQIRUFH ,Q FDVH WKH 0DWXULW\ 'DWH IDOOV RQ D KROLGD\ WKH SD\PHQW ZLOO EH PDGH RQWKHQH[W:RUNLQJ'D\ZLWKRXWDQ\LQWHUHVWIRUWKHSHULRGRYHUGXH Transfer of Debt securities The NCDs shall be transferred or transmitted freely in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Act. The provisions relating to transfer and transmission and other related matters in respect of our shares contained in the Articles and the Act shall apply, mutatis mutandis (to WKH H[WHQW DSSOLFDEOH WR GHEHQWXUHV WR WKH 1&'V DV ZHOO ,Q UHVSHFW of the NCDs held in physical form, a suitable instrument of transfer as may be prescribed by us may be used for the same. The NCDs held in GHPDWHULDOLVHG IRUP VKDOO EH WUDQVIHUUHG VXEMHFW WR DQG LQ DFFRUGDQFH with the rules/procedures as prescribed by NSDL/CDSL and the relevant DP of the transfer or transferee and any other applicable laws and rules QRWL¿HGLQUHVSHFWWKHUHRI7KHWUDQVIHUHHVVKRXOGHQVXUHWKDWWKHWUDQVIHU formalities are completed prior to the record date. In the absence of the same, interest will be paid/redemption will be made to the person, whose name appears in the register of debenture holders maintained by the Depositories/ Company, as the case may be. In such cases, claims, if any, by the transferees would need to be settled with the transferor(s) and not with us or Registrar. Taxation To the Resident Debenture Holder ,QWHUHVWRQ1&'UHFHLYHGE\'HEHQWXUH+ROGHUVZRXOGEHVXEMHFWWRWD[ DWWKHQRUPDOUDWHVRIWD[LQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKDQGVXEMHFWWRWKHSURYLVLRQV RIWKH,7$FW1RLQFRPHWD[LVGHGXFWLEOHDWVRXUFHDVSHUWKHSURYLVLRQV of section 193 of the I.T Act on interest on debentures in respect of the following: In case the payment of interest on debentures to resident individual or +8)'HEHQWXUH+ROGHUE\DFRPSDQ\LQZKLFKWKHSXEOLFDUHVXEVWDQWLDOO\ LQWHUHVWHGLQWKHDJJUHJDWHGXULQJWKH¿QDQFLDO\HDUGRHVQRWH[FHHG`5000 SURYLGHGWKHLQWHUHVWLVSDLGE\DQDFFRXQWSD\HHFKHTXH :KHQ WKH $VVHVVLQJ 2I¿FHU LVVXHV D FHUWL¿FDWH RQ DQ DSSOLFDWLRQ E\ D 'HEHQWXUH +ROGHU RQ VDWLVIDFWLRQ WKDW WKH WRWDO LQFRPH RI WKH 'HEHQWXUH +ROGHUMXVWL¿HVQRORZHUGHGXFWLRQRIWD[DWVRXUFHDVSHUWKHSURYLVLRQV RI 6HFWLRQ RI WKH ,7 $FW DQG WKDW FHUWL¿FDWH LV ¿OHG ZLWK WKH &RPSDQ\%()25(7+(35(6&5,%(''$7(2)&/2685(2)%22.6 )253$<0(172)'(%(1785(,17(5(67 :KHQWKHUHVLGHQW'HEHQWXUH+ROGHUZLWK3$1QRWEHLQJDFRPSDQ\RU D ¿UP RU D VHQLRU FLWL]HQ VXEPLWV D GHFODUDWLRQ LQ WKH SUHVFULEHG )RUP * YHUL¿HG LQ WKH SUHVFULEHG PDQQHU WR WKH HIIHFW WKDW WKH WD[ RQ KLV estimated total income of the previous year in which such income is to be included in computing his total income will be nil as per the provisions RI VHFWLRQ $ $ RI WKH ,7 $FW +RZHYHU XQGHU VHFWLRQ $ (1B) of the I.T. Act, Form 15G cannot be submitted nor considered for H[HPSWLRQIURPGHGXFWLRQIURPWD[DWVRXUFHLIWKHDJJUHJDWHRILQFRPH of the nature referred to in the said section, viz. dividend, interest, etc. as prescribed therein, credited or paid or likely to be credited or paid during WKH 3UHYLRXV \HDU LQ ZKLFK VXFK LQFRPH LV WR EH LQFOXGHG H[FHHGV WKH PD[LPXPDPRXQWZKLFKLVQRWFKDUJHDEOHWRWD[DVPD\EHSUHVFULEHGLQ HDFK\HDU¶V)LQDQFH$FW7RLOOXVWUDWHDVRQ$SULOWKHPD[LPXP DPRXQWRILQFRPHQRWFKDUJHDEOHWRWD[LQFDVHRILQGLYLGXDOVRWKHUWKDQ G 2. 3. 4. 5. II. 1. D VHQLRUFLWL]HQVDQGVXSHUVHQLRUFLWL]HQVDQG+8)VLV`LQFDVH RI UHVLGHQW VHQLRU FLWL]HQV ZKR DUH RU PRUH \HDUV RI DJH EXW OHVV WKDQ \HDUV RI DJH DW DQ\ WLPH GXULQJ WKH ¿QDQFLDO \HDU LV `250,000 DQG LQ FDVH RI UHVLGHQW VXSHU VHQLRU FLWL]HQV ZKR DUH RU PRUH \HDUV RI DJH DW DQ\ WLPH GXULQJ WKH ¿QDQFLDO \HDU LV `500,000 for Previous <HDU 6HQLRU FLWL]HQV ZKR DUH \HDUV RU PRUH RI DJH DW DQ\ WLPH GXULQJ WKH ¿QDQFLDO \HDU HQMR\ WKH VSHFLDO SULYLOHJH WR VXEPLW D VHOIGHFODUDWLRQ LQ WKH SUHVFULEHG )RUP + IRU QRQ GHGXFWLRQ RI WD[ DW source in accordance with the provisions of section 197A (1C) of the I.T. Act even if the aggregate income credited or paid or likely to be FUHGLWHGRUSDLGH[FHHGVWKHPD[LPXPDPRXQWQRWFKDUJHDEOHWRWD[LH ` IRU )< SURYLGHG WKDW WKH WD[ GXH RQ WRWDO LQFRPH RI WKHSHUVRQLV1,/,QDOORWKHUVLWXDWLRQVWD[ZRXOGEHGHGXFWHGDWVRXUFH DVSHUSUHYDLOLQJSURYLVLRQVRIWKH,7$FW)RUP1R*:,7+3$1 + :,7+ 3$1 &HUWL¿FDWH LVVXHG XV KDV WR EH ¿OHG ZLWK WKH Company before the prescribed date of closure of books for payment of debenture interest. 2Q DQ\ VHFXULWLHV LVVXHG E\ D FRPSDQ\ LQ D GHPDWHULDOL]HG IRUP DQG LV OLVWHGRQUHFRJQL]HGVWRFNH[FKDQJHLQ,QGLDZHI-XQH 8QGHU VHFWLRQ $ RI WKH ,7$FW UHDG ZLWK VHFWLRQ $ RI WKH I.T. Act, a listed debenture is treated as a long term capital asset if the same is held for more than 12 months immediately preceding the date RILWVWUDQVIHU8QGHUVHFWLRQRIWKH,7$FWFDSLWDOJDLQVDULVLQJRQ WKHWUDQVIHURIORQJWHUPFDSLWDODVVHWVEHLQJOLVWHGVHFXULWLHVDUHVXEMHFW WRWD[DWWKHUDWHRIRIFDSLWDOJDLQVFDOFXODWHGZLWKRXWLQGH[DWLRQRI the cost of acquisition. The capital gains will be computed by deducting H[SHQGLWXUHLQFXUUHGLQFRQQHFWLRQZLWKVXFKWUDQVIHUDQGFRVWRIDFTXLVLWLRQ of the debenture from the sale consideration. ,QFDVHRIDQLQGLYLGXDORU+8)EHLQJDUHVLGHQWZKHUHWKHWRWDOLQFRPH DVUHGXFHGE\WKHORQJWHUPFDSLWDOJDLQVLVEHORZWKHPD[LPXPDPRXQW QRW FKDUJHDEOH WR WD[ WKHQ WKH ORQJ WHUP FDSLWDO JDLQV VKDOO EH UHGXFHG by the amount by which the total income as so reduced falls short of the PD[LPXPDPRXQWZKLFKLVQRWFKDUJHDEOHWRLQFRPHWD[DQGWKHWD[RQ the balance of such long-term capital gains shall be computed at the rate mentioned above. ,Q DGGLWLRQ WR WKH DIRUHVDLG WD[ D VXUFKDUJH RI RI VXFK WD[ OLDELOLW\ LQ WKH FDVH RI ¿UPV DQG GRPHVWLF FRPSDQLHV ZKHUH WKH LQFRPH H[FHHGV `10,000,000 is also payable. A 2% education cess and 1% secondary DQG KLJKHU HGXFDWLRQ FHVV RQ WKH WRWDO LQFRPH WD[ LQFOXGLQJ VXUFKDUJH LVSD\DEOHE\DOOFDWHJRULHVRIWD[SD\HUV Short-term capital gains on the transfer of listed debentures, where debentures are held for a period of not more than 12 months would be WD[HG DW WKH QRUPDO UDWHV RI WD[ LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK DQG VXEMHFW WR WKH SURYLVLRQV RI WKH ,7 $FW 7KH SURYLVLRQV UHODWHG WR PD[LPXP DPRXQW QRW FKDUJHDEOH WR WD[ VXUFKDUJH DQG HGXFDWLRQ FHVV GHVFULEHG DW SDUD above would also apply to such short-term capital gains. In case the debentures are held as stock in trade, the income on transfer RI GHEHQWXUHV ZRXOG EH WD[HG DV EXVLQHVV LQFRPH RU ORVV LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWKDQGVXEMHFWWRWKHSURYLVLRQVRIWKH,7$FW +2:(9(5 ,1 &$6( :+(5( 7$; +$6 72 %( '('8&7(' $7 6285&(:+,/(3$<,1*'(%(1785(,17(5(677+(&203$1< ,61275(48,5('72'('8&7685&+$5*(('8&$7,21&(66 $1'6(&21'$5<$1'+,*+(5('8&$7,21&(66 To the Non Resident Indians A non-resident Indian has an option to be governed by Chapter XII-A of WKH ,7$FW VXEMHFW WR WKH SURYLVLRQV FRQWDLQHG WKHUHLQ ZKLFK DUH JLYHQ in brief as under: 8QGHUVHFWLRQ(RIWKH,7$FWLQWHUHVWLQFRPHIURPGHEHQWXUHVDFTXLUHG RUSXUFKDVHGZLWKRUVXEVFULEHGWRLQFRQYHUWLEOHIRUHLJQH[FKDQJHZLOOEH WD[DEOHDWSOXVDSSOLFDEOHVXUFKDUJHHGXFDWLRQFHVVDQGVHFRQGDU\ KLJKHU HGXFDWLRQ FHVV ZKHUHDV ORQJ WHUP FDSLWDO JDLQV RQ WUDQVIHU RIVXFK'HEHQWXUHVZLOOEHWD[DEOHDWRIVXFKFDSLWDOJDLQVZLWKRXW LQGH[DWLRQRIFRVWRIDFTXLVLWLRQSOXVDSSOLFDEOHVXUFKDUJHHGXFDWLRQFHVV DQGVHFRQGDU\KLJKHUHGXFDWLRQFHVV6KRUWWHUPFDSLWDOJDLQVZLOOEH INDIA INFOLINE FINANCE LIMITED 25 IN THE NATURE OF FORM 2A - MEMORANDUM CONTAINING SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROSPECTUS E F G III. 26 WD[DEOH DW WKH QRUPDO UDWHV RI WD[ LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK DQG VXEMHFW WR WKH provisions contained therein. 8QGHU VHFWLRQ ) RI WKH ,7$FW VXEMHFW WR WKH FRQGLWLRQV DQG WR WKH H[WHQWVSHFL¿HGWKHUHLQORQJWHUPFDSLWDOJDLQVDULVLQJWRDQRQUHVLGHQW Indian from transfer of debentures acquired or purchased with or subscribed WRFRQYHUWLEOHIRUHLJQH[FKDQJHZLOOEHH[HPSWIURPFDSLWDOJDLQWD[LIWKH QHWFRQVLGHUDWLRQLVLQYHVWHGZLWKLQVL[PRQWKVDIWHUWKHGDWHRIWUDQVIHURI WKHGHEHQWXUHVLQDQ\VSHFL¿HGDVVHWRULQDQ\VDYLQJFHUWL¿FDWHVUHIHUUHG to in clause (4B) of section 10 of the I.T. Act in accordance with and VXEMHFWWRWKHSURYLVLRQVFRQWDLQHGWKHUHLQ 8QGHU VHFWLRQ * RI WKH ,7$FW LW VKDOO QRW EH QHFHVVDU\ IRU D QRQ UHVLGHQW,QGLDQWR¿OHDUHWXUQRILQFRPHXQGHUVHFWLRQRIWKH,7 $FW LI KLV WRWDO LQFRPH FRQVLVWV RQO\ RI LQYHVWPHQW LQFRPH DV GH¿QHG under section 115C and / or long term capital gains earned on transfer RIVXFKLQYHVWPHQWDFTXLUHGRXWRIFRQYHUWLEOHIRUHLJQH[FKDQJHDQGWKH WD[ KDV EHHQ GHGXFWHG DW VRXUFH IURP VXFK LQFRPH XQGHU WKH SURYLVLRQV RI&KDSWHU;9,,%RIWKH,7$FWLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKDQGVXEMHFWWRWKH provisions contained therein. 8QGHUVHFWLRQ+RIWKH,7$FWZKHUHDQRQUHVLGHQW,QGLDQEHFRPHV a resident in India in any subsequent year, he may furnish to the Assessing 2I¿FHUDGHFODUDWLRQLQZULWLQJDORQJZLWKUHWXUQRILQFRPHXQGHUVHFWLRQ 139 for the assessment year for which he is assessable, to the effect that the provisions of Chapter XII-A shall continue to apply to him in relation to the investment income (other than on shares in an Indian Company) GHULYHGIURPDQ\IRUHLJQH[FKDQJHDVVHWVLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKDQGVXEMHFW to the provisions contained therein. On doing so, the provisions of Chapter XII-A shall continue to apply to him in relation to such income for that assessment year and for every subsequent assessment year until the transfer or conversion into money of such assets. ,QDFFRUGDQFHZLWKDQGVXEMHFWWRWKHSURYLVLRQVRI6HFWLRQ,RIWKH,7 Act, Non-Resident Indian may opt not to be governed by the provisions of Chapter XII-A of the I.T. Act. In that case, please refer to para A (2, DQGIRUWKHWD[LPSOLFDWLRQVDULVLQJRQWUDQVIHURIGHEHQWXUHV 8QGHU 6HFWLRQ RI WKH ,7 $FW WKH FRPSDQ\ LV UHTXLUHG WR GHGXFW WD[DWVRXUFHDWWKHUDWHRIRQLQYHVWPHQWLQFRPHDQGDWWKHUDWHRI RQ DQ\ ORQJWHUP FDSLWDO JDLQV DQG DV UHIHUUHG WR LQ VHFWLRQ ( at the normal rates for Short Term Capital Gains if the payee Debenture +ROGHULVD1RQ5HVLGHQW,QGLDQ7KHSURYLVLRQVUHODWHGWRVXUFKDUJHDQG education cess described above would also apply to such income/gains. $VSHUVHFWLRQRIWKH,7$FWUHDGZLWKWKHFLUFXODUQRGDWHG October 30, 1995 issued by the CBDT, in the case of a remittance to a FRXQWU\ ZLWK ZKLFK D 'RXEOH 7D[ $YRLGDQFH $JUHHPHQW '7$$ LV LQ IRUFHWKHWD[VKRXOGEHGHGXFWHGDWWKHUDWHSURYLGHGLQWKH)LQDQFH$FW of the relevant year or at the rate provided in the DTAA, whichever is PRUH EHQH¿FLDO WR WKH DVVHVVHH +RZHYHU VXEPLVVLRQ RI WD[ UHVLGHQF\ FHUWL¿FDWHFRQWDLQLQJSUHVFULEHGSDUWLFXODUVLVDPDQGDWRU\FRQGLWLRQIRU DYDLOLQJEHQH¿WVXQGHUDQ\'7$$,QWHUPVRI&KDSWHU;$RIWKH,QFRPH 7D[ $FW JHQHUDO $QWL $YRLGDQFH 5XOH PD\ EH LQYRNHG QRWZLWKVWDQGLQJ anything contained in the Act. By this Rule any arrangement entered into by an assessee may be declared to be impermissible avoidance arrangement DVGH¿QHGLQWKDW&KDSWHUDQGWKHFRQVHTXHQFHZRXOGEHLQWHUDOLDGHQLDO RIWD[EHQH¿WDSSOLFDEOHZHI $OWHUQDWLYHO\WRHQVXUHQRQGHGXFWLRQRUORZHUGHGXFWLRQRIWD[DWVRXUFH DVWKHFDVHPD\EHWKH'HEHQWXUH+ROGHUVKRXOGIXUQLVKDFHUWL¿FDWHXQGHU VHFWLRQRUVHFWLRQRIWKH,7$FWIURPWKH$VVHVVLQJ2I¿FHU before the prescribed date of closure of books for payment of debenture interest. To the FIIs ,Q DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK DQG VXEMHFW WR WKH SURYLVLRQV RI VHFWLRQ $' RI the I.T. Act on transfer of debentures by FIIs, long term capital gains are WD[DEOH DW SOXV DSSOLFDEOH VXUFKDUJH DQG HGXFDWLRQ DQG VHFRQGDU\ DQG KLJKHU HGXFDWLRQ FHVV DQG VKRUWWHUP FDSLWDO JDLQV DUH WD[DEOH DW 30% (plus applicable surcharge and education and secondary and higher HGXFDWLRQFHVV7KHFRVWLQGH[DWLRQEHQH¿WZLOOQRWEHDYDLODEOH)XUWKHU INDIA INFOLINE FINANCE LIMITED EHQH¿WRISURYLVLRQVRIWKH¿UVWSURYLVRRIVHFWLRQRIWKH,7$FWZLOO not apply. Income other than capital gains arising out of debentures is WD[DEOHDWLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKDQGVXEMHFWWRWKHSURYLVLRQVFRQWDLQHG therein. ,Q DGGLWLRQ WR WKH DIRUHVDLG WD[ LQ FDVH RI IRUHLJQ FRUSRUDWH ),,V ZKHUH WKHLQFRPHH[FHHGV`DVXUFKDUJHRIRIVXFKWD[OLDELOLW\ is also payable. A 2% education cess and 1% secondary and higher HGXFDWLRQ FHVV RQ WKH WRWDO LQFRPH WD[ LQFOXGLQJ VXUFKDUJH LV SD\DEOH E\DOOFDWHJRULHVRIWD[SD\HUV The Finance Act, 2013 (by way of insertion of a new section 194LD in WKH,7$FWSURYLGHVIRUORZHUUDWHRIZLWKKROGLQJWD[DWWKHUDWHRI on payment by way of interest paid by an Indian company to FIIs and 4XDOL¿HG )RUHLJQ ,QYHVWRU LQ UHVSHFW RI UXSHH GHQRPLQDWHG ERQG RI DQ ,QGLDQ FRPSDQ\ EHWZHHQ -XQH DQG -XQH SURYLGHG VXFK UDWHGRHVQRWH[FHHGWKHUDWHDVPD\EHQRWL¿HGE\WKH*RYHUQPHQW ,Q DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK DQG VXEMHFW WR WKH SURYLVLRQV RI VHFWLRQ ' RI WKH ,7$FW QR GHGXFWLRQ RI WD[ DW VRXUFH LV DSSOLFDEOH LQ UHVSHFW RI capital gains arising on the transfer of debentures by FIIs. The provisions at para II (4 and 5) above would also apply to FIIs. IV. To the Other Eligible Institutions $OOPXWXDOIXQGVUHJLVWHUHGXQGHU6HFXULWLHVDQG([FKDQJH%RDUGRI,QGLD RUVHWXSE\SXEOLFVHFWRUEDQNVRUSXEOLF¿QDQFLDOLQVWLWXWLRQVRUDXWKRULVHG E\ WKH 5HVHUYH %DQN RI ,QGLD EH H[HPSW IURP WD[ RQ DOO WKHLU LQFRPH including income from investment in Debentures under the provisions of 6HFWLRQ ' RI WKH ,7 $FW VXEMHFW WR DQG LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK WKH provisions contained therein. OTHER INSTRUCTIONS I. Rights of NCD holders 6RPHRIWKHVLJQL¿FDQWULJKWVDYDLODEOHWRWKH1&'KROGHUVDUHDVIROORZV 7KH1&'VVKDOOQRWH[FHSWDVSURYLGHGLQWKH$FWFRQIHUXSRQWKHKROGHUV thereof any rights or privileges available to our members including the right to receive notices or annual reports of, or to attend and/or vote, at our JHQHUDOPHHWLQJ+RZHYHULIDQ\UHVROXWLRQDIIHFWLQJWKHULJKWVDWWDFKHG to the NCDs is to be placed before the members, the said resolution will ¿UVW EH SODFHG EHIRUH WKH FRQFHUQHG UHJLVWHUHG 1&' KROGHUV IRU WKHLU consideration. In terms of Section 219(2) of the Act, holders of NCDs shall be entitled to a copy of the balance sheet and copy of trust deed RQDVSHFL¿FUHTXHVWPDGHWRXV 2. 6XEMHFW WR DSSOLFDEOH VWDWXWRU\UHJXODWRU\ UHTXLUHPHQWV LQFOXGLQJ requirements of the RBI, the rights, privileges and conditions attached to WKH1&'VPD\EHYDULHGPRGL¿HGDQGRUDEURJDWHGZLWKWKHFRQVHQWLQ writing of the holders of at least three-fourths of the outstanding amount of the NCDs or with the sanction of a special resolution passed at a meeting of the concerned NCD holders, provided that nothing in such consent or resolution shall be operative against us, where such consent RU UHVROXWLRQ PRGL¿HV RU YDULHV WKH WHUPV DQG FRQGLWLRQV JRYHUQLQJ WKH NCDs, if the same are not acceptable to us. 3. 7KHUHJLVWHUHG1&'KROGHURULQFDVHRIMRLQWKROGHUVWKHRQHZKRVHQDPH VWDQGV ¿UVW LQ WKH UHJLVWHU RI GHEHQWXUH KROGHUV VKDOO EH HQWLWOHG WR YRWH LQ UHVSHFW RI VXFK 1&'V HLWKHU LQ SHUVRQ RU E\ SUR[\ DW DQ\ PHHWLQJ of the concerned NCD holders and every such holder shall be entitled to one vote on a show of hands and on a poll, his/her voting rights on every resolution placed before such meeting of the NCD holders shall be in proportion to the outstanding nominal value of NCDs held by him/her. 4. 7KH 1&'V DUH VXEMHFW WR WKH SURYLVLRQV RI WKH 'HEW 5HJXODWLRQV WKH $FW WKH 0HPRUDQGXP DQG$UWLFOHV RI$VVRFLDWLRQ RI RXU &RPSDQ\ WKH terms of this Prospectus, the Application Forms, the terms and conditions of the Debenture Trust Deed, requirements of the RBI, other applicable statutory and/or regulatory requirements relating to the issue and listing, RIVHFXULWLHVDQGDQ\RWKHUGRFXPHQWVWKDWPD\EHH[HFXWHGLQFRQQHFWLRQ with the NCDs. IN THE NATURE OF FORM 2A - MEMORANDUM CONTAINING SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROSPECTUS 5. A register of NCD holders (“Register of Debenture holder”) will be maintained in accordance with Section 152 of the Act and all interest/ redemption amounts and principal sums becoming due and payable in respect of the NCDs will be paid to the registered holder thereof for WKHWLPHEHLQJRULQWKHFDVHRIMRLQWKROGHUVWRWKHSHUVRQZKRVHQDPH VWDQGV¿UVWLQWKH5HJLVWHURI1&'KROGHUVDVRQWKHUHFRUGGDWH)XUWKHU as the NCDs issued are also being issued in Demat form, the Depositories shall also maintain the updated register of holders of the NCDs in Demat Form. 6. 6XEMHFWWR FRPSOLDQFHZLWK 5%, UHTXLUHPHQWV1&'V FDQEH UROOHGRYHU only with the consent of the holders of at least 75% of the outstanding amount of the NCDs after providing at least 21 days prior notice for such roll over and in accordance with the Debt Regulations. Our Company shall redeem the debt securities of all the debt securities holders, who have not given their positive consent to the roll-over. 7. The aforementioned rights of the NCD holders are merely indicative. The ¿QDOULJKWVRIWKH1&'KROGHUVZLOOEHDVSHUWKHWHUPVRIWKH3URVSHFWXV DQGWKH'HEHQWXUH7UXVW'HHGWREHH[HFXWHGEHWZHHQRXU&RPSDQ\DQG the Debenture Trustee. II. Nomination facility to NCD holder ,QDFFRUGDQFHZLWK6HFWLRQ$RIWKH$FWWKHVROH1&'KROGHURU¿UVW 1&' KROGHU DORQJ ZLWK RWKHU MRLQW 1&' KROGHUV EHLQJ LQGLYLGXDOV may nominate any one person (being an individual) who, in the event RI GHDWK RI WKH VROH KROGHU RU DOO WKH MRLQWKROGHUV DV WKH FDVH PD\ EH shall become entitled to the NCD. A person, being a nominee, becoming entitled to the NCD by reason of the death of the NCD holder(s), shall be entitled to the same rights to which he would be entitled if he were the registered holder of the NCD. Where the nominee is a minor, the NCD holder(s) may make a nomination to appoint, in the prescribed manner, any person to become entitled to the NCD(s), in the event of his death, during the minority. A nomination shall stand rescinded upon sale of a NCD by the person nominating. A buyer will be entitled to make a fresh nomination in the manner prescribed. When the NCD is held by two or more persons, the nominee shall become entitled to receive the amount only on the demise of all the holders. Fresh nominations can be made only in the prescribed form available on request at our Registered/ Corporate 2I¿FHRUDWVXFKRWKHUDGGUHVVHVDVPD\EHQRWL¿HGE\XV NCD holder(s) are advised to provide the specimen signature of the QRPLQHHWRXVWRH[SHGLWHWKHWUDQVPLVVLRQRIWKH1&'VWRWKHQRPLQHH in the event of demise of the NCD holder(s). The signature can be provided in the Application Form or subsequently at the time of making fresh nominations. This facility of providing the specimen signature of the nominee is purely optional. In accordance with Section 109B of the Act, any person who becomes a nominee by virtue of the provisions of Section 109A of the Act, shall upon the production of such evidence as may be required by the Board, elect either: WRUHJLVWHUKLPVHOIRUKHUVHOIDVWKHKROGHURIWKH1&'VRU to make such transfer of the NCDs, as the deceased holder could have made. Further, the Board may at any time give notice requiring any nominee to choose either to be registered himself or herself or to transfer the NCDs, and if the notice is not complied with, within a period of 90 days, the Board may thereafter withhold payment of all interests or redemption amounts or other monies payable in respect of the NCDs, until the requirements of the notice have been complied with. For nominations made in dematerialised mode, there is no need to make a separate nomination with our Company. Nominations registered with the respective Depository Participant of the applicant would prevail. If the investors require changing their nomination, they are requested to inform their respective Depository Participant. III. Events of Default 6XEMHFWWRWKHWHUPVRIWKH'HEHQWXUH7UXVW'HHGWKH'HEHQWXUH7UXVWHH at its discretion may, or if so requested in writing by the holders of at least three-fourths of the outstanding amount of the NCDs or with the VDQFWLRQRIDVSHFLDOUHVROXWLRQSDVVHGDWDPHHWLQJRIWKH1&'+ROGHUV VXEMHFW WR EHLQJ LQGHPQL¿HG DQGRU VHFXUHG E\ WKH 1&' +ROGHUV WR LWV satisfaction), give notice to our Company specifying that the NCDs and/ or any particular series of NCDs, in whole but not in part are and have EHFRPHGXHDQGUHSD\DEOHRQVXFKGDWHDVPD\EHVSHFL¿HGLQVXFKQRWLFH inter alia if any of the events listed below occurs. The description below is indicative and a complete list of events of default and its consequences ZLOOEHVSHFL¿HGLQWKH'HEHQWXUH7UXVW'HHG i. default is committed in payment of the principal amount of the NCDs on WKHGXHGDWHVDQG ii. default is committed in payment of any interest on the NCDs on the due date(s). IV. Debenture Trustee Trustees for the holders of the NCDs, in this case being IDBI Trusteeship Services Limited V. Filing of the Prospectus with ROC $ FRS\ RI WKLV 3URVSHFWXV LV ¿OHG ZLWK WKH 5HJLVWUDU RI &RPSDQLHV 0XPEDL0DKDUDVKWUDLQWHUPVRIVHFWLRQDQGVHFWLRQRIWKH$FW VI. Utilisation of Application Money The sum received in respect of the Issue will be kept in separate bank accounts and we will have access to such funds as per applicable provisions of law(s), regulations and approvals. VII.Pre-Issue Advertisement Our Company will issue a statutory advertisement on or before the Issue Opening Date. This advertisement will contain the information as SUHVFULEHGXQGHU'HEW5HJXODWLRQV0DWHULDOXSGDWHVLIDQ\EHWZHHQWKH GDWHRI¿OLQJRIWKLV3URVSHFWXVZLWK52&DQGWKHGDWHRIUHOHDVHRIWKLV statutory advertisement will be included in the statutory advertisement. VIII. Impersonation $VDPDWWHURIDEXQGDQWSUHFDXWLRQDWWHQWLRQRIWKH,QYHVWRUVLVVSHFL¿FDOO\ drawn to the provisions of sub-section (1) of section 68A of the Act, UHODWLQJWRSXQLVKPHQWIRU¿FWLWLRXVDSSOLFDWLRQV IX. Listing The NCDs offered through this Prospectus are proposed to be listed on WKH16(DQG%6(2XU&RPSDQ\KDVREWDLQHGDQµLQSULQFLSOH¶DSSURYDOV IRUWKH,VVXHIURPWKH16(vide their letter dated September 4, 2013 and IURP%6(vide their letter dated September 4, 2013. For the purposes of WKH,VVXH16(VKDOOEHWKH'HVLJQDWHG6WRFN([FKDQJH ,ISHUPLVVLRQVWRGHDOLQDQGIRUDQRI¿FLDOTXRWDWLRQRIRXU1&'VDUHQRW JUDQWHGE\16(DQGRU%6(RXU&RPSDQ\ZLOOIRUWKZLWKUHSD\ZLWKRXW interest, all moneys received from the applicants in pursuance of this Prospectus. Our Company shall ensure that all steps for the completion of the necessary formalities for listing and commencement of trading at 16(DQGRU%6(DUHWDNHQZLWKLQWZHOYHZRUNLQJGD\VIURPWKHGDWH RIFORVXUHRIWKH,VVXH)RUWKHDYRLGDQFHRIGRXEWLWLVKHUHE\FODUL¿HG that in the event of non subscription to any one or more of the Options, such NCDs with Option(s) shall not be listed. X. Interim Use of Proceeds 2XU0DQDJHPHQWLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKHSROLFLHVIRUPXODWHGE\LWIURP WLPH WR WLPH ZLOO KDYH ÀH[LELOLW\ LQ GHSOR\LQJ WKH SURFHHGV UHFHLYHG IURP WKH ,VVXH 3HQGLQJ XWLOL]DWLRQ RI WKH SURFHHGV RXW RI WKH ,VVXH IRU the purposes described above, our Company intends to temporarily invest funds in high quality interest bearing liquid instruments including money market mutual funds, deposits with banks or temporarily deploy the funds in investment grade interest bearing securities as may be approved by the Board. Such investment would be in accordance with the investment policies approved by the Board or any committee thereof from time to time. INDIA INFOLINE FINANCE LIMITED 27 IN THE NATURE OF FORM 2A - MEMORANDUM CONTAINING SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROSPECTUS XI. Undertaking by the Issuer We undertake that: WKHFRPSODLQWVUHFHLYHGLQUHVSHFWRIWKH,VVXHH[FHSWIRUFRPSODLQWVLQ UHODWLRQWR$SSOLFDWLRQVVXEPLWWHGWR7UDGLQJ0HPEHUVVKDOOEHDWWHQGHG WRE\XVH[SHGLWLRXVO\DQGVDWLVIDFWRULO\ 2. we shall take necessary steps for the purpose of getting the NCDs listed ZLWKLQWKHVSHFL¿HGWLPH 3. the funds required for dispatch of refund orders/ allotment advice/ FHUWL¿FDWHVE\UHJLVWHUHGSRVWVKDOOEHPDGHDYDLODEOHWRWKH5HJLVWUDUE\ RXU&RPSDQ\ 4. QHFHVVDU\ FRRSHUDWLRQ WR WKH FUHGLW UDWLQJ DJHQFLHV VKDOO EH H[WHQGHG LQ providing true and adequate information until the debt obligations in UHVSHFWRIWKH1&'VDUHRXWVWDQGLQJ 5. we shall forward the details of utilisation of the funds raised through the 1&'V GXO\ FHUWL¿HG E\ RXU VWDWXWRU\ DXGLWRUV WR WKH 'HEHQWXUH 7UXVWHH DWWKHHQGRIHDFKKDOI\HDU 6. we shall disclose the complete name and address of the Debenture Trustee LQRXUDQQXDOUHSRUW 7. ZH VKDOO SURYLGH D FRPSOLDQFH FHUWL¿FDWH WR WKH 7UXVWHH RQ DQ DQQXDO basis) in respect of compliance with the terms and conditions of issue of 1&'VDVFRQWDLQHGLQWKLV3URVSHFWXVDQG we shall make necessary disclosures/ reporting under any other legal or regulatory requirement as may be required by our Company from time to time. DETAILS PERTAINING TO THE COMPANY I. General Information and Background 2XU &RPSDQ\ ZDV RULJLQDOO\ LQFRUSRUDWHG RQ -XO\ DV D SULYDWH limited company under the provisions of the Companies Act as India Infoline Investment Services Private Limited. Pursuant to a resolution RI RXU VKDUHKROGHUV GDWHG 0D\ RXU &RPSDQ\ FRQYHUWHG WR D SXEOLFOLPLWHGFRPSDQ\ZLWKHIIHFWIURP-XO\$IUHVKFHUWL¿FDWH of incorporation consequent to the change of our name to India Infoline ,QYHVWPHQW6HUYLFHV/LPLWHGZDVJUDQWHGWRRXU&RPSDQ\RQ-XO\ E\WKH5R&0DKDUDVKWUD0XPEDL)XUWKHUWKHQDPHRIWKH&RPSDQ\ZDV FKDQJHGWR,QGLD,QIROLQH)LQDQFH/LPLWHGSXUVXDQWWR)UHVK&HUWL¿FDWHRI ,QFRUSRUDWLRQGDWHG1RYHPEHULVVXHGE\WKH5R&0DKDUDVKWUD 0XPEDL 2XU&RPSDQ\KDVREWDLQHGDFHUWL¿FDWHRIUHJLVWUDWLRQGDWHG0D\ bearing registration no. - B-13.01792 issued by the RBI to carry on the activities of a NBFC under section 45 IA of the RBI Act. Based on the revised regulatory framework prescribed by RBI for NBFCs, our Company ZDVFODVVL¿HGXQGHUWKHFDWHJRU\³Loan Company-Non Deposit Accepting” and is a systemically important non-deposit taking NBFC. II. &KDQJHLQUHJLVWHUHGRI¿FHRIRXU&RPSDQ\ 7KHUHJLVWHUHGRI¿FHRIRXU&RPSDQ\ZDV¿UVWO\FKDQJHGIURP1LUORQ &RPSOH[ RII :HVWHUQ ([SUHVV +LJKZD\ *RUHJDRQ (DVW 0XPEDL ± 0DKDUDVKWUD,QGLDWR1LUORQ&RPSOH[RII:HVWHUQ([SUHVV +LJKZD\*RUHJDRQ(DVW0XPEDL±0DKDUDVKWUD,QGLDZLWK effect from October 17, 2006. 7KHUHJLVWHUHGRI¿FHRIRXU&RPSDQ\ZDVIXUWKHUFKDQJHGIURP1LUORQ FRPSOH[ RII :HVWHUQ ([SUHVV +LJKZD\ *RUHJDRQ (DVW 0XPEDL WR,,)/+RXVH6XQ,QIRWHFK3DUN5RDG1R93ORW1R%7KDQH ,QGXVWULDO$UHD:DJOH(VWDWH7KDQH±ZLWKHIIHFWIURP$SULO 2010. 7KH 5HJLVWHUHG RI¿FH RI WKH &RPSDQ\ ZDV VXEVHTXHQWO\ FKDQJHG IURP ,,)/ +RXVH 6XQ ,QIRWHFK 3DUN 5RDG 1R 9 3ORW 1R % 7KDQH ,QGXVWULDO$UHD :DJOH (VWDWH 7KDQH ± WR $ WK )ORRU 3DULQHH&UHVFHQ]R&*%ORFN%DQGUD.XUOD&RPSOH[%DQGUD (DVW0XPEDLZLWKHIIHFWIURP-XQH )RU GHWDLOV UHIHU WR WKH FKDSWHU ³+LVWRU\ DQG &HUWDLQ 2WKHU &RUSRUDWH 0DWWHUV´RQSDJHRIWKH3URVSHFWXV INDIA INFOLINE FINANCE LIMITED III. Capital Structure 1. Details of share capital The share capital of our Company as at date of this Prospectus is set forth below: Share Capital In ` Authorised Share Capital 3,000,000,000 300,000,000 equity shares of ` 10 each 199,960,000 1,999,600 equity shares of ` 100 each 15,000 150 Preference Shares of ` 100 each 25,000 250 11% Non- cumulative redeemable preference shares of `100 each Total Authorised Share Capital 3,200,000,000 Issued, Subscribed and Paid-up share capital 2,371,540,300 (TXLW\6KDUHVRI` 10 each For further details please refer to chapter “Capital Structure” page 19 of the Prospectus. 2. Our Management Board of Directors: The general superintendence, direction and management of our affairs and business are vested in the Board of Directors. We have not appointed any “manager” within the meaning thereof under the provisions of the Act. Currently, we have seven (7) Directors on the Board of Directors. Details relating to Directors Name Designation Mr. V K Chopra Chairman, Independent Director Mr. Nirmal Jain 1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU Mr. R. Venkataraman 1RQ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU Mr. Nilesh Vikamsey Independent Director Mr. Mahesh Narayan Singh Independent Director Mr. Sunil Kaul Independent Director Mr. Mukesh Singh Whole time Director )RUIXUWKHUGHWDLOVSOHDVHUHIHUWRFKDSWHU³2XU0DQDJHPHQW´SDJHRIWKH Prospectus 3. Our Subsidiaries India Infoline Housing Finance Limited (“IIHFL”) ,,+)/&,180+3/&ZDVLQFRUSRUDWHGXQGHUWKHSURYLVLRQV RI&RPSDQLHV$FWDVDPHQGHGRQ'HFHPEHUvide Registration No. ,WLVUHJLVWHUHGZLWKWKH1DWLRQDO+RXVLQJ%DQN³NHB”) as housing ¿QDQFH FRPSDQ\ vide Registration No. 02.0070.09 dated February 3, 2009, DQGQRWL¿HGDVD¿QDQFLDOLQVWLWXWLRQXQGHU6$5)$(6,$FWvide Government QRWL¿FDWLRQGDWHG-XQH 7KHUHJLVWHUHGRI¿FHRI,,+)/LVSUHVHQWO\ORFDWHGDV,,)/+RXVH6XQ,QIRWHFK 3DUN5RDG1R93ORW1R%7KDQH,QGXVWULDO$UHD:DJOH(DVW7KDQH ±0DKDUDVKWUD,QGLD For further details please refer to page 101 of the Prospectus. 4. Debt Equity Ratio The debt-equity ratio of our Company, on a consolidated basis, prior to this Issue is based on a total outstanding consolidated debt of ` 92,265 million and consolidated shareholder funds amounting to `PLOOLRQDVRQ0DUFK 31, 2013. $VDW0DUFK Pre issue Post issue Particulars Debt Long Term Loans Short Term Loans 34,497 34,497 92,265 Total Debt Shareholders’ funds Share Capital 2,372 2,372 Outstanding Stock option Reserves 13,272 13,272 /HVV0LVFHOODQHRXV([SHQGLWXUH 194 194 Total Shareholders’ funds 15,450 15,450 'HEWWR(TXLW\5DWLR1XPEHURIWLPHV 5.97 6.65 For details on the total outstanding debt of our Company, please refer to the chapter titled “Financial Indebtedness” beginning on page 236. IN THE NATURE OF FORM 2A - MEMORANDUM CONTAINING SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROSPECTUS 5. Other Financial Information Statement of Reformatted Unconsolidated Assets and Liabilities (` in million) Particulars I EQUITY AND LIABILITIES (1) Shareholders’ funds (a) Share Capital (b) Reserve and Surplus (2) Share application money pending allotment 1RQ&XUUHQW/LDELOLWLHV (a) Long-term borrowings E'HIHUUHGWD[OLDELOLWLHV1HW (c) Other Long-term liabilities (d) Long-term provisions (4) Current liabilities (a) Short-term borrowings (b) Trade payables (c) Other current liabilities -Borrowings -Others (d) Short-term provisions TOTAL – EQUITY AND LIABILITIES II ASSETS (1) Non-current assets (a) Fixed assets (i) Tangible assets (ii)Intangible assets (iii) Capital work-in-progress (iv) Intangible assets under development (b) Non-current investments F'HIHUUHGWD[DVVHWV1HW G/RQJWHUPORDQVDGYDQFHV -Loans -Others (e) Other non-current assets (2) Current assets (a) Current investments (b) Inventories (c) Trade receivables (d) Cash and Bank balances H6KRUWWHUPORDQVDGYDQFHV -Loans -Others (f) Other current assets Note As at As at No 0DUFK March As at March As at March As at March 237.15 237.15 12,321.39 12,558.54 - 1 2 2,371.54 13,011.79 - 2,371.54 - 2,371.54 - 3 42,946.46 31,437.20 161.55 9,990.30 71.50 10,061.80 1,365.10 - - 20,339.36 - - 6,590.00 - 500.00 - 14,000.19 109,540.49 6,407.74 3,170.19 299.51 1,951.90 4 5 6 7 1,250.00 132.06 964.11 2.07 0.15 1,464.26 6WDWHPHQWRI5HIRUPDWWHG 8QFRQVROLGDWHG3UR¿W/RVVHV (` in million) Particulars 2011-2012 2010-2011 2009-2010 19 16,145.20 794.62 422.43 4,255.09 263.97 4,519.06 1,623.92 26.43 1,559.70 14.26 20 21 22 1,774.05 1,044.39 4,616.53 149.60 600.24 2,070.42 295.61 192.41 0.63 260.59 253.34 0.36 23 24 319.09 2,541.26 254.11 535.43 110.04 1,194.42 139.39 662.46 271.39 154.25 3.12 (5.34) 10.24 (1.59) 2.69 0.56 0.23 421.48 186.95 1,018.51 Note No 5HYHQXH Revenue from operations Other Income 7RWDO5HYHQXH Expenses (PSOR\HHEHQH¿WH[SHQVHV Finance cost 'HSUHFLDWLRQ DPRUWL]DWLRQ H[SHQVHV 2WKHUH[SHQVHV 3URYLVLRQV:ULWHRII Total Expenses 3UR¿W/RVVEHIRUHWD[ 7D[H[SHQVHV &XUUHQW WD[ H[SHQVH IRU current year 'HIHUUHGWD[ )ULQJHEHQH¿WWD[ &XUUHQW WD[ H[SHQVH UHODWLQJ to prior years Total tax expense 3UR¿WORVVIRUWKHSHULRG Statement of Reformatted Consolidated Assets and Liabilities Particulars 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 TOTAL Net worth Particulars Note Share Capital Reserve and Surplus /HVV0LVFHOODQHRXVH[SHQGLWXUH Total 963.95 0.11 19.59 - 699.61 0.22 12.15 - 113.42 - 2.21 - - I EQUITY AND LIABILITIES (1) Shareholders’ funds (a) Share Capital (b) Reserve and Surplus 309.99 4,420.15 115.40 3,417.27 30.04 2.21 2,442.06 2.85 1,647.06 5.60 470.01 2,313.07 405.16 15,285.08 932.66 152.36 (2) Share application money pending allotment 1RQ&XUUHQW/LDELOLWLHV (a) Long-term borrowings E'HIHUUHGWD[OLDELOLWLHV1HW (c) Other Long-term liabilities (d) Long-term provisions 4,239.77 69.94 3,041.93 107.39 2,266.94 1,000.50 934.69 113.69 1,015.60 274.30 55,950.03 4,172.43 1,033.79 109,540.49 39,526.19 2,496.03 654.39 251.97 326.02 2,371.54 13,011.79 194.23 15,189.10 10,713.30 4,639.36 1,962.31 $VDW0DUFK 2012 2011 2010 2009 2,371.54 2,371.54 237.15 237.15 12,321.39 165.99 12,558.54 (4) Current liabilities (a) Short-term borrowings (b) Trade payables (c) Other current liabilities -Borrowings -Others (d) Short-term provisions TOTAL – EQUITY AND LIABILITIES II ASSETS (1) Non-current assets (a) Fixed assets (i) Tangible assets (ii) intangible assets (iii) Goodwill (on Consolidation) (iv) Capital work-in-progress (v) Intangible assets under development 2008-2009 ` millions Note As at As at As at As at As at No 0DUFK 0DUFK 0DUFK 0DUFK 0DUFK 2012 2011 2010 2009 1 2 2,371.54 13,272.33 - 2,371.54 12,076.24 - 2,371.54 - 237.15 12,407.13 12,644.28 - 237.15 12,108.12 - 251.65 32,237.20 11,523.63 11,606.00 1.21 0.43 - 20,339.36 - - - 500.00 - 2,474.67 1,250.00 621.73 302.06 16.34 13.95 15,595.20 4 5 6 14,400.19 3,651.92 237.76 112,050.50 8 963.95 0.11 1.75 19.59 - 699.61 0.22 16.42 12.15 - 0.74 37.49 - - 31.10 4.95 0.91 - 985.40 198.19 INDIA INFOLINE FINANCE LIMITED 29 IN THE NATURE OF FORM 2A - MEMORANDUM CONTAINING SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROSPECTUS Particulars Note As at As at As at No 0DUFK 0DUFK 0DUFK 2012 2011 9 (b) Non-current investments 3,030.02 490.21 10 F'HIHUUHGWD[DVVHWV1HW 314.37 126.12 44.40 G/RQJWHUPORDQVDGYDQFHV 11 -Loans 22,492.74 -Others 2,333.13 12 (e) Other non-current assets 579.90 515.31 302.01 16,425.58 (2) Current assets (a) Current investments 4,369.77 3,041.93 1,000.52 14 (b) Inventories 69.94 107.39 (c) Trade receivables 15 (d) Cash and Bank balances 2,537.45 H6KRUWWHUPORDQVDGYDQFHV 16 -Loans 39,644.34 19,342.03 -Others 4,257.53 569.73 (f) Other current assets 659.37 335.57 TOTAL - ASSETS 112,050.50 Net worth Particulars Note Share Capital 2,371.54 Reserve and Surplus 13,272.33 /HVV 0LVFHOODQHRXV 194.23 H[SHQGLWXUH Total 15,449.64 2012 2,371.54 12,076.24 165.99 As at As at 0DUFK 0DUFK 2010 2009 195.00 22.04 36.64 4,404.30 2,625.91 152.36 934.79 113.69 2,461.10 134.53 1,239.99 126.77 15,595.20 $VDW0DUFK 2011 2010 2,371.54 237.15 12,407.13 12,644.28 2009 237.15 12,108.12 6WDWHPHQWRI5HIRUPDWWHG&RQVROLGDWHG3UR¿WDQG/RVV ` millions Particulars 5HYHQXH Revenue from operations Other Income 7RWDO5HYHQXH Expenses (PSOR\HHEHQH¿WH[SHQVHV Finance cost 'HSUHFLDWLRQ DPRUWLVDWLRQ H[SHQVHV 2WKHUH[SHQVHV 3URYLVLRQV:ULWHRII Total Expenses Note No 2011-2012 18 19 16,534.14 451.29 20 21 22 1,794.51 24 3UR¿W/RVVEHIRUHWD[ 7D[H[SHQVHV &XUUHQWWD[H[SHQVHIRUFXUUHQW year 'HIHUUHGWD[ )ULQJHEHQH¿WWD[ &XUUHQW WD[ H[SHQVH UHODWLQJ to prior years Total tax expense 3UR¿WORVVIRUWKHSHULRG 2010-2011 2009-2010 2008-2009 4,711.27 5,194.92 1,092.74 149.60 2,213.04 279.93 11.56 424.07 16.44 3,397.45 326.23 1,730.16 263.36 195.35 453.66 1,521.69 859.59 1,042.23 427.62 210.11 3.11 1.49 (22.33) 12.66 14.59 9.64 3.46 850.48 228.08 168.40 922.51 691.19 b. For further details please refer to page 102 of the Prospectus. LEGAL AND OTHER INFORMATION I. Regulations and Policies For further details please refer to page 336 of the Prospectus 2XWVWDQGLQJOLWLJDWLRQDQGPDWHULDOGHYHORSPHQWV II. Litigations against our Company a. Criminal cases 0U 6WKDQPXUWK\9LVKZDQDWKDQ DQG 0V 0HHUD9LVKZDQDWKDQ 30 INDIA INFOLINE FINANCE LIMITED (“Complainants´ KDYH ¿OHG FULPLQDO FRPSODLQW QXPEHU 0LVF (“Complaint´LQWKH&RXUWRI0HWURSROLWDQ0DJLVWUDWHth Court, Borivali, 0XPEDL ³Court”) against our Company, IIFL and the directors of our Company (collectively referred to as the “Accused”) alleging that the Accused had connived and misappropriated securities entrusted to them, causing losses of about ` 30 million to the Complainant and thereby committing offences under section 409, read with section 34 and 113 of the IPC. 7KH&RXUWWRRNFRJQL]DQFHRIWKH&RPSODLQWvide its order dated February DQGRUGHUHGDQLQYHVWLJDWLRQE\WKH.DVWXUED0DUJSROLFHVWDWLRQ LQ ZKLFK WKH $FFXVHG ZHUH H[RQHUDWHG DV WKH GLVSXWH ZDV IRXQG WR EH civil in nature. The Complainants challenged the investigation report dated -XO\ DOOHJLQJ WKDW LW ZDV YDJXH DQG PDGH DQ DSSOLFDWLRQ IRU re-investigation of the Complaint. The Court allowed this application vide LWV RUGHU GDWHG -DQXDU\ DQG RUGHUHG UHLQYHVWLJDWLRQ 7KH &RXUW has further issued process under the IPC vide LWV RUGHU GDWHG 0DUFK 2011 (“Order”). The investigating authorities have submitted the re-investigation report dated September 26, 2010 stating that there is no prima-facie case against the Accused. The re-investigation report further recommends that the Complainants and his representative be prosecuted under section 120B read with section 211 of the IPC for conspiring against the Accused, so DV WR SUHVVXUL]H WKH $FFXVHG LQWR ZDLYLQJ RII WKH &RPSODLQDQWV¶ GHELW balance of ` PLOOLRQZLWKWKH$FFXVHG7KHDFFXVHG¿OHGDQ$SSHDO (No. 43 of 2011) before the Sessions Court at Dindoshi for setting aside the issuance of summons. The Sessions court has stayed the proceedings of the lower Court and the matter is currently pending. 0U'HQ]LHO3HULHUD³Complainant”) has lodged an F.I.R. before the Anand police station bearing number 269/2012 against our company and several HPSOR\HHV XQGHU VHYHUDO VHFWLRQV RI ,3& IRU NLGQDSSLQJ H[WRUWLRQ DQG FDXVLQJ KXUW 7KH FKDUJH VKHHW IRU WKH VDPH KDV QRW \HW EHHQ ¿OHG 7KH matter is currently pending for further investigations by the concerned authorities. Consumer cases 0U0RKG$IVDU.KDQ³Complainant´KDV¿OHGDFRQVXPHUFRPSODLQW bearing case number 294/12 before the Cuttack Consumer Dispute Redressal Forum against our company for compensation alleging that our Company WKUHDWHQHGKLPWRDXFWLRQKLVJROGRUQDPHQWV7KHDSSUR[LPDWHYDOXHRI the compensation claimed is ` :H KDYH ¿OHG RXU UHSO\ DQG WKH matter is currently pending. 0U 5DQMLW .XPDU 3UDGKDQ ³Complainant”) has filed a consumer complaint bearing case number 03/13 before the District Consumer 'LVSXWH 5HGUHVVDO)RUXP .KXUGUD .KDQGDJLULDJDLQVWRXU FRPSDQ\IRU compensation alleging that our Company has illegally auctioned his gold RUQDPHQWV ZLWKRXW VHUYLQJ DQ\ QRWLFH WR KLP7KH DSSUR[LPDWH YDOXH RI the compensation claimed is `PLOOLRQ:HKDYHWR¿OHRXUUHSO\DQG the matter is currently pending. 0U 6XUHQGUD 5DQL ³Complainant´ KDV ¿OHG D FRQVXPHU FRPSODLQW bearing case number 1226 before the District Consumer Dispute Redressal )RUXP<DPXQD1DJDU-DJDGKDULDJDLQVWRXUFRPSDQ\IRUUHVWUDLQLQJWKH DXFWLRQRIKLVJROGRUQDPHQWV7KHDSSUR[LPDWHYDOXHRIWKHFRPSHQVDWLRQ claimed is `PLOOLRQ+RZHYHUWKHVDPHKDVDOUHDG\EHHQDXFWLRQHG DQGZHKDYH¿OHGRXUUHSO\7KHPDWWHULVFXUUHQWO\SHQGLQJ 0U$EKLQDY6KDZ³Complainant´KDV¿OHGDFRQVXPHUFRPSODLQWFDVH EHDULQJQXPEHUEHIRUHWKH'LVWULFW&RQVXPHU'LVSXWH5HGUHVVDO Forum, Cuttack against our company for restraining the auction of his JROGRUQDPHQWV$QLQWHULPRUGHUGDWHG)HEUXDU\KDVEHHQSDVVHG directing our company to not make any public auction in the particular JROG ORDQ DFFRXQW:H KDYH WR ¿OH RXU UHSO\ DQG WKH PDWWHU LV FXUUHQWO\ pending. 0U-LELWHVK%HXUD³Complainant´KDV¿OHGDFRQVXPHUFRPSODLQWFDVH bearing number 29/2013 before the District Consumer Dispute Redressal Forum, Cuttack against our company for restraining the auction of his JROGRUQDPHQWV$QLQWHULPRUGHUGDWHG)HEUXDU\KDVEHHQSDVVHG IN THE NATURE OF FORM 2A - MEMORANDUM CONTAINING SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROSPECTUS directing our company to not make any public auction in the particular JROG ORDQ DFFRXQW:H KDYH WR ¿OH RXU UHSO\ DQG WKH PDWWHU LV FXUUHQWO\ pending. 0U6DLPXO0ROOD³Complainant´KDV¿OHGDFRQVXPHUFRPSODLQWEHDULQJ case number 40/2013 before the District Consumer Dispute Redressal )RUXP+RZUDKDJDLQVWRXUFRPSDQ\IRUUHIXQGRIKLVJROGRUQDPHQWV$ ¿QDQFLDOIDFLOLW\WRWKHWXQHRI` 0.04 million was availed by pledging the VDLGJROGRUQDPHQWV:HKDYHWR¿OHRXUUHSO\DQGWKHPDWWHULVFXUUHQWO\ pending. 0U 0RKG 6KDNLO$EGXO *DIIDU ³Complainant´ KDV ¿OHG D FRQVXPHU complaint bearing case number 31/2013 before the District Consumer 'LVSXWH5HGUHVVDO)RUXP.KDQGZDDJDLQVWRXUFRPSDQ\IRUUHIXQGRIKLV gold ornaments. A loan amount of ` 0.20 million was availed by pledging WKHVDLGJROG:HKDYHWR¿OHRXUUHSO\DQGWKHPDWWHULVFXUUHQWO\SHQGLQJ 0U 6KULNDQW 6KDUPD ³&RPSODLQDQW´ KDV ¿OHG D FRQVXPHU FRPSODLQW bearing case number 12/2013 before the District Consumer Dispute Redressal Forum, Dewas against our company for a refund of his gold RUQDPHQWV:HKDYHWR¿OHRXUUHSO\DQGWKHPDWWHULVFXUUHQWO\SHQGLQJ 0U5DP.XPDU6KDUPD³Complainant´KDV¿OHGDFRQVXPHUFRPSODLQW bearing case number 13/2013 before the District Consumer Dispute Redressal Forum, Dewas against our company for returning his gold RUQDPHQWV:HKDYHWR¿OHRXUUHSO\DQGWKHPDWWHULVFXUUHQWO\SHQGLQJ 0U *XUSUHHW 6LQJK $OXZDO\D ³Complainant´ KDV ¿OHG D FRQVXPHU complaint bearing case number 134/2013 before the District Consumer Dispute Redressal Forum, Dehradun against our company for restraining WKHDXFWLRQRIKLVJROGRUQDPHQWVDQGKDVREWDLQHGDQRUGHUGDWHG0DUFK LQUHVSHFWRIWKHVDPH:HKDYHWR¿OHRXUUHSO\DQGWKHPDWWHU is currently pending. 0V .DQL]D 6DP /RNKDQGZDOD ³Complainant´ KDV ¿OHG D FRQVXPHU complaint bearing case number 372/2013 before the District Consumer Dispute Redressal Forum, Surat against our company for refund of penal interest charges which have been levied against her in respect of the DFFRXQWZKLFKKDVDOUHDG\EHHQVHWWOHG7KHUHIXQGFODLPHGDSSUR[LPDWHO\ amounts to ` 0.03 million plus interest plus ` 0.01 million compensation. :HKDYHWR¿OHRXUUHSO\DQGWKHPDWWHULVFXUUHQWO\SHQGLQJ 0U 5DM 6DP /RNKDQGZDOD ³Complainant”) has filed a consumer complaint bearing case number 373/2013 before the District Consumer Dispute Redressal Forum, Surat against our company for refund of penal interest charges which have been levied against him in respect of the DFFRXQWZKLFKKDVDOUHDG\EHHQVHWWOHG7KHUHIXQGFODLPHGDSSUR[LPDWHO\ amounts to ` 0.07 million plus interest plus ` 0.03 million. We have to ¿OHRXUUHSO\DQGWKHPDWWHULVFXUUHQWO\SHQGLQJ 0U /DMZDQWL9LUDQL ³Complainant´ KDG ¿OHG D FRQVXPHU FRPSODLQW bearing case no. 116/2013 at the District Consumer Dispute Redressal Forum, Baroda alleging unfair trade practices by our company and UHVWUDLQLQJDXFWLRQRIKLVJROG7KH)RUXPSDVVHGDQRUGHUUHMHFWLQJWKH FODLPVDJDLQVWZKLFKDQDSSHDOQRZDV¿OHGRQ-XQHLQ WKH6WDWH&RQVXPHU&RPPLVVLRQ*XMDUDW7KHPDWWHULVFXUUHQWO\SHQGLQJ 0U 'L[LW 0DOKRWUD ³Complainant´ KDV ¿OHG D FRQVXPHU FRPSODLQW bearing case number 360/13 before the District Consumer Dispute Redressal Forum, New Delhi against our company for compensation alleging that our Company has illegally auctioned his gold ornaments without intimating DQGVHUYLQJDQ\DSSURSULDWHQRWLFHWRKLP7KHDSSUR[LPDWHYDOXHRIWKH compensation claimed is ` 0.13 million. The matter is currently pending. 0U .DYLWD0DOKRWUD ³Complainant´ KDV ¿OHG D FRQVXPHU FRPSODLQW bearing case number 361/13 before the District Consumer Dispute Redressal Forum, Delhi against our company alleging that our Company has illegally auctioned her gold ornaments without intimating and serving DQ\DSSURSULDWHQRWLFHWRKHU7KHDSSUR[LPDWHYDOXHRIWKHFRPSHQVDWLRQ claimed is ` 50 million. The matter is currently pending. 0U1RRWDQ6LQJK³Complainant´KDV¿OHGDFRQVXPHUFRPSODLQWEHDULQJ case number 99/2013 before the District Consumer Dispute Redressal Forum, Ranchi against our company for holding the auction of her gold RUQDPHQWV ZLWKRXW SULRU QRWLFH EHLQJ JLYHQ WR KHU :H KDYH WR ¿OH RXU reply and the matter is currently pending. c. Civil cases 0U05DPHVKKDV¿OHGDZULWSHWLWLRQEHDULQJQRGDWHGWK 0DUFKEHIRUHWKH+LJK&RXUWRI0DGUDV0DGXUDL%HQFKDJDLQVWRXU Company under article 226 of the Constitution of India. The Petitioner has VRXJKWIRUDZULWRI0DQGDPXVDVNLQJWKH&RXUWWRUHVWUDLQRXUFRPSDQ\ IURP DXFWLRQLQJ WKH MHZHOV SOHGJHG ZLWK RXU &RPSDQ\ 7KH PDWWHU LV currently pending. 0U 9 &KLQQDUDMD KDV ¿OHG D ZULW SHWLWLRQ EHDULQJ QR GDWHG WK 0DUFK EHIRUH WKH +LJK &RXUW RI 0DGUDV 0DGXUDL %HQFK against our Company under article 226 of the Constitution of India. The 3HWLWLRQHUKDVVRXJKWIRUDZULWRI0DQGDPXVDVNLQJWKH&RXUWWRUHVWUDLQ our company from auctioning the gold pledged with our Company. The matter is currently pending. 0U5DMLE.XPDU.XQGXKDV¿OHGDZULWSHWLWLRQEHDULQJQR GDWHG VW $XJXVW EHIRUH WKH +LJK &RXUW RI &DOFXWWD DJDLQVW RXU Company under article 226 of the Constitution of India. The Petitioner has VRXJKWIRUDZULWRI0DQGDPXVDVNLQJWKH&RXUWWRUHVWUDLQRXUFRPSDQ\ from taking his ornaments pledged with the company in public auction. The matter is currently pending. 0U056KDQPXJKDQDWKDQKDV¿OHGDZULWSHWLWLRQEHDULQJQR GDWHG WK 0DUFK EHIRUH WKH +LJK &RXUW RI 0DGUDV DJDLQVW RXU Company under article 226 of the Constitution of India. The Petitioner has VRXJKWIRUDZULWRI0DQGDPXVDVNLQJWKH&RXUWWRUHVWUDLQRXUFRPSDQ\ IURP EULQJLQJ WKH MHZHOV SOHGJHG ZLWK RXU &RPSDQ\ IRU DXFWLRQ 7KH matter is currently pending. 0U'HEDVLV'DVKDV¿OHGDZULWSHWLWLRQEHDULQJQRGDWHGVW -XO\ EHIRUH WKH +LJK &RXUW RI 2ULVVD DJDLQVW RXU &RPSDQ\ XQGHU article 226 of the Constitution of India. The Petitioner has sought for a ZULW DVNLQJ WKH &RXUW WR TXDVK WKH RUGHU RI WHUPLQDWLRQ RI KLV MRE DQG SURYLGHIRUDSSURSULDWHRUGHUVIRUUHLQVWDWHPHQWRIKLVMRE7KHPDWWHULV currently pending. 0U$NDVK%DQJD³&RPSODLQDQW´KDV¿OHGDQDSSOLFDWLRQEHIRUHWKH&LW\ Civil Court at Ahmedabad bearing number 242/13 against our company VHHNLQJ RUGHUV IRU LQMXQFWLRQ DQG VRPH LQWHULP UHOLHI E\ UHVWUDLQLQJ RXU Company from auctioning his gold under Loan Agreement NO. GL737145. +RZHYHU WKH VDLG JROG KDV DOUHDG\ EHHQ DXFWLRQHG DQG ZH KDYH WR ¿OH our reply. The matter is currently pending. 0U$NDVK%DQJD³&RPSODLQDQW´KDV¿OHGDQDSSOLFDWLRQEHIRUHWKH&LW\ Civil Court at Ahmedabad bearing number 240/13 against our company VHHNLQJ RUGHUV IRU LQMXQFWLRQ DQG VRPH LQWHULP UHOLHI E\ UHVWUDLQLQJ RXU &RPSDQ\ IURP DXFWLRQLQJ KLV JROG +RZHYHU WKH VDLG JROG KDV DOUHDG\ EHHQ DXFWLRQHG DQG ZH KDYH WR ¿OH RXU UHSO\ 7KH PDWWHU LV FXUUHQWO\ pending. 0V5XFKL%DQJD³&RPSODLQDQW´KDV¿OHGDQDSSOLFDWLRQEHIRUHWKH&LW\ Civil Court at Ahmedabad bearing number 239/13 against our company VHHNLQJ RUGHUV IRU LQMXQFWLRQ DQG VRPH LQWHULP UHOLHI E\ UHVWUDLQLQJ RXU &RPSDQ\IURPDXFWLRQLQJKHUJROGXQGHU/RDQ$JUHHPHQW1R*/ +RZHYHU WKH VDLG JROG KDV DOUHDG\ EHHQ DXFWLRQHG DQG ZH KDYH WR ¿OH our reply. The matter is currently pending. 0V5XFKL%DQJD³&RPSODLQDQW´KDV¿OHGDQDSSOLFDWLRQEHIRUHWKH&LW\ Civil Court at Ahmedabad bearing number 241/13 against our company VHHNLQJ RUGHUV IRU LQMXQFWLRQ DQG VRPH LQWHULP UHOLHI E\ UHVWUDLQLQJ RXU Company from auctioning her gold under Loan Agreement No. GL740763. +RZHYHU WKH VDLG JROG KDV DOUHDG\ EHHQ DXFWLRQHG DQG ZH KDYH WR ¿OH our reply. The matter is currently pending. 0V5XFKL%DQJD³&RPSODLQDQW´KDV¿OHGDQDSSOLFDWLRQEHIRUHWKH&LW\ &LYLO &RXUW DW$KPHGDEDG EHDULQJ QXPEHU DJDLQVW RXU FRPSDQ\ VHHNLQJ RUGHUV IRU LQMXQFWLRQ DQG VRPH LQWHULP UHOLHI E\ UHVWUDLQLQJ RXU &RPSDQ\IURPDXFWLRQLQJKHUJROGXQGHU/RDQ$JUHHPHQW1R*/ +RZHYHU WKH VDLG JROG KDV DOUHDG\ EHHQ DXFWLRQHG DQG ZH KDYH WR ¿OH our reply. The matter is currently pending. INDIA INFOLINE FINANCE LIMITED 31 IN THE NATURE OF FORM 2A - MEMORANDUM CONTAINING SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROSPECTUS 0U5DMLY1DWZDUODO3DQZDU³&RPSODLQDQW´KDV¿OHGDQDSSOLFDWLRQEHIRUH the City Civil Court at Ahmedabad bearing number 167/2013 against our FRPSDQ\ VHHNLQJ RUGHUV IRU LQMXQFWLRQ WR RXU &RPSDQ\ IURP DXFWLRQLQJ KLV JROG 7KH DSSUR[LPDWH YDOXH RI WKH JROG LV `1.76 million. We have KRZHYHU¿OHGDQDSSOLFDWLRQXQGHU6HFRIWKH$UELWUDWLRQDQG&RQFLOLDWLRQ Act, 1997. The matter is currently pending. 0U6DWZLQGHU6LQJK³&RPSODLQDQW´KDV¿OHGDQDSSOLFDWLRQEHIRUHWKH $GGLWLRQDO &LYLO -XGJH DW $PEDOD DJDLQVW RXU FRPSDQ\ VHHNLQJ RUGHUV IRU LQMXQFWLRQ DQG VRPH LQWHULP UHOLHI E\ UHVWUDLQLQJ RXU &RPSDQ\ IURP auctioning his gold ornaments pledged with our Companyunder various gold account number. The matter is currently pending. 0U1LWHVK6LQJK³&RPSODLQDQW´KDV¿OHGDQDSSOLFDWLRQEHIRUHWKH&LW\ Civil Court at Nagpur bearing number 229/2013 against our company VHHNLQJ RUGHUV IRU LQMXQFWLRQ UHVWUDLQLQJ RXU &RPSDQ\ IURP DXFWLRQLQJ KLVJROG:HKDYHKRZHYHU¿OHGDQ$I¿GDYLWLQ5HSO\DQGDQ$SSOLFDWLRQ XQGHU6HFRIWKH$UELWUDWLRQDQG&RQFLOLDWLRQ$FWGDWHG)HEUXDU\ 20, 2013. The matter is currently pending. 0U 0XNHVK7LZDUL ³&RPSODLQDQW´ KDV ¿OHG DQ DSSOLFDWLRQ EHIRUH WKH &LW\&LYLO&RXUWDW1DJSXUEHDULQJQXPEHUDJDLQVWRXUFRPSDQ\ VHHNLQJRUGHUVIRULQMXQFWLRQUHVWUDLQLQJRXU&RPSDQ\IURPDXFWLRQLQJKLV gold. The said gold has already been auctioned. The matter is currently pending. 0V 0RXVXPL$GKLNDU\ ³&RPSODLQDQW´ KDV ¿OHG DQ DSSOLFDWLRQ EHIRUH the Civil Court at Alipore bearing number 97/2013 against our company VHHNLQJ RUGHUV IRU SHUPDQHQW LQMXQFWLRQ UHVWUDLQLQJ RXU &RPSDQ\ IURP DXFWLRQLQJKHUJROG:HKDYHWR¿OHRXUUHSO\DQGWKHPDWWHULVFXUUHQWO\ pending. 0V0XJGD*DQGKL³&RPSODLQDQW´KDV¿OHGDQDSSOLFDWLRQEHDULQJFDVH number 211/2013 before the City Civil Court, Thane against our company for compensation, alleging that our Company has terminated her from the MREZLWKRXWDQ\UHDVRQDQGKDVQRWJLYHQUHOLHYLQJOHWWHU7KHDSSUR[LPDWH value of the compensation claimed is ` 0.40 million plus interest. We have WR¿OHRXUUHSO\DQGWKHPDWWHULVFXUUHQWO\SHQGLQJ 0V6KDPSD0DULN³&RPSODLQDQW´KDV¿OHGDQDSSOLFDWLRQXQGHU6HF of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1997 before the City Civil Court at Calcutta bearing case number 50/2013 against our Company seeking orders for restraining our Company from conducting public auction of the complainants gold. The matter is currently pending. d. Labour cases 0V 6KDKHHQ ³Complainant´ KDV ¿OHG D FRPSODLQW EHIRUH WKH /DERXU &RXUWDW%DURGDEHDULQJQXPEHUDJDLQVWRXUFRPSDQ\IRUDVXP of ` PLOOLRQ GXH DQG SD\DEOH WR KHU DV VDODU\ :H KDYH WR ¿OH RXU reply and the matter is currently pending for orders III. Litigation against our Promoter 1. SEBI Notices 6(%,KDGLVVXHGQRWLFHVDQGKDGLQVWLWXWHGDGMXGLFDWLRQSURFHHGLQJVDJDLQVW ,,)/ IRU YLRODWLRQ RI 6(%, 6WRFN %URNHU DQG 6XE EURNHU 5HJXODWLRQV DQG 6(%, 3URKLELWLRQ RI )UDXGXOHQW DQG 8QIDLU 7UDGH 3UDFWLFHV Regulations, 1995 videQRWLFHVGDWHG1RYHPEHUDQG6HSWHPEHU 10, 2001 respectively. After enquiry charges against IIFL in both these matters were dropped vide DGMXGLFDWLRQ RUGHUV GDWHG -XQH DQG October 15, 2003 respectively. 6(%, KDG LQVWLWXWHG DGMXGLFDWLRQ SUoceedings and IIFL for violation of 6(%, 6WRFN %URNHU DQG 6XE EURNHU 5HJXODWLRQV DQG YLRODWLRQ RI 6(%, 'HSRVLWRU\ 3DUWLFLSDQW 5HJXODWLRQV DQG 'HSRVLWRULHV Act, 1996 vide QRWLFHV GDWHG 6HSWHPEHU DQG$XJXVW respectively. IIFL had entered into consent proceedings and proceedings ZHUH GURSSHG E\ 6(%, E\ SDVVLQJ FRQVHQW RUGHUV GDWHG -XQH DQG0D\UHVSHFWLYHO\ 6(%,LQWKHPDWWHURI,)6//LPLWHGvide an interim order dated September DQG FRQ¿UPDWRU\ RUGHU GDWHG -XQH GLUHFWHG ,QGLD Infoline Securities Private Limited (erstwhile subsidiary of IIFL which was subsequently merged with India Infoline Limited) not to buy, sell or 32 INDIA INFOLINE FINANCE LIMITED deal in securities of a listed company namely IFSL Limited on behalf of WKH SHUVRQV LGHQWL¿HG LQ WKH VDLG RUGHUV VRPH RI ZKLFK ZHUH FOLHQWV RI IIFL at that point of time. 6(%, vide an interim order dated October 5, 2005 (“Order 1”) passed XQGHU VHFWLRQ DQG % RI WKH 6HFXULWLHV DQG ([FKDQJH %RDUG RI India Act 1992 in the matter of IndTra Deco Limited, had advised among others, India Infoline Securities Private Limited (erstwhile subsidiary of IIFL which was subsequently merged with India Infoline Limited) not to buy, sell or deal in securities of IndTra Deco Limited till further order Subsequently, videRUGHUGDWHG-XQH³2UGHU´KDGFRQ¿UPHG WKHDERYHVDLGGLUHFWLRQV/DWHU6(%,videRUGHUGDWHG6HSWHPEHU revoked the directions passed vide Order 1 and Order 2, and dropped the pending proceedings. 6(%,videDQRUGHUGDWHG0DUFKLVVXHGLQWKHPDWWHURI/DOLW'XD DGYLVHG ,,)/ WR H[HUFLVH GXH FDUH VR WKDW RQO\ SHUVRQV ZLWK SURYHQ credentials of giving fair and truthful information and analysis are allowed to give advice on its portal so that the portal is not misused by persons giving advice purely on considerations of personal gains. 6(%,KDGE\WKHIROORZLQJOHWWHUVDGYLVHG,,)/WR S r. Date No. I -XO\ 2010 II III In initial public offering of Parabolic I I F L c o m p l i a n c e t o 'UXJV /LPLWHG 6(%, DGYLVHG ,,)/ WR avoid recurrence of such gear up its back office system and mismatches and the same HQVXUH HI¿FLHQW FRQWURO WR PLQLPL]H ZDVFRQ¿UPHGWR6(%,vide PAN mismatches while making data ,,)/¶VUHSOLHVGDWHG-XO\ entry in initial public offer biddings 2010 and August 27, 2010. in future. -XQH Osian LPG Bottling Limited wherein Complied with the same and 6(%, KDG DGYLVHG ,,)/ WR EH FDUHIXO UHFWL¿HGLQ,,)/¶VV\VWHP and to ensure that the shares sold / SXUFKDVHGE\,,)/¶VFOLHQWVDUHFUHGLWHG GHELWHGWRUHVSHFWLYHFOLHQW¶VDFFRXQW GLUHFWO\ LQVWHDG RI WKURXJK ,,)/¶V EHQH¿FLDU\DFFRXQW February This notice was pertaining to non bid $VSHU6(%,DGYLFH,,)/KDG 09, 2011 applications in initial public offering resolved the issues RI&RDO,QGLD/WG6(%,DGYLVHG,,)/ not to act as syndicate member in the initial public offerings till resolution of such matter 6(%, E\ LWV DGMXGLFDWLRQ QRWLFH GDWHG 1RYHPEHU KDV DOOHJHG RIYLRODWLRQRISURYLVLRQVRI6(%,3URKLELWLRQRI)UDXGXOHQWDQG8QIDLU 7UDGH3UDFWLFHVUHODWLQJWR6HFXULWLHV0DUNHW5HJXODWLRQVLQ,,)/¶V dealings relating to shares of a particular scrip (“Shares”). IIFL has stopped WUDGLQJLQWKH6KDUHVDVVXEPLWWHGLQUHSO\WR6(%,GDWHG-DQXDU\ 6XEVHTXHQWO\ WKH DGMXGLFDWLQJ RI¿FHU YLGH RUGHU GDWHG $SULO GLVPLVVHG WKH DGMXGLFDWLRQ SURFHHGLQJ RQ WKH JURXQG WKDW WKH DOOHJDWLRQ of violation of the code of conduct under the brokers regulation does not stand established against IIFL. 6(%, E\ LWV HQTXLU\ QRWLFH QXPEHU (QT36 GDWHG 0DUFK 03, 2010 (“(QTXLU\ 1RWLFH”) has alleged that IIFL is in violation of SURYLVLRQV RI 6(%, 6WRFN %URNHUV DQG 6XE EURNHUV 5HJXODWLRQV E\ H[HFXWLQJ WUDGHV RQ EHKDOI RI FOLHQWV UHVWUDLQHG IURP EX\LQJ VHOOLQJ and dealing in the shares of a certain scrip and has asked IIFL to show cause as to why proceedings should not be initiated under regulation 25 RIWKH6(%,,QWHUPHGLDULHV5HJXODWLRQVDJDLQVW,,)/,,)/UHSOLHG WR WKH (QTXLU\ 1RWLFH vide OHWWHU GDWHG 0DUFK VWDWLQJ WKDW WKH debarred entities were responsible for the violation and that IIFL was unable to detect the violation due to technical problems. Subsequently, ,,)/¿OHGDQDSSOLFDWLRQIRUFRQVHQWZLWK6(%,RQ-XQH6(%, YLGHLWVOHWWHUGDWHG2FWREHUUHMHFWHGWKHFRQVHQWDSSOLFDWLRQ7KH matter is pending. 6(%,E\LWVHQTXLU\QRWLFHGDWHG$SULOKDVDOOHJHGRIYLRODWLRQ RISURYLVLRQVRI6(%,6WRFN%URNHUVDQG6XEEURNHUV5HJXODWLRQV IN THE NATURE OF FORM 2A - MEMORANDUM CONTAINING SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROSPECTUS 2. ,,)/ KDV FODUL¿HG RQ IDFWXDO LQDFFXUDFLHV DQG KDV VXEPLWWHG D UHSO\ WR 6(%, 6XEVHTXHQWO\ 6(%, YLGH RUGHU GDWHG 0D\ ZDUQHG ,,)/ to be careful and cautious in the conduct of its stock broking activity and to adhere to and comply with all the statutory provisions while carrying out its activities in the securities market. ,,)/ KDV ¿OHG DQ DSSHDO $SSHDO 1R EHIRUH WKH 6HFXULWLHV $SSHOODWH 7ULEXQDO DJDLQVW WKH 6(%, $GMXGLFDWLRQ RUGHU 1R %0$2 GDWHG-DQXDU\SDVVHGE\WKH$GMXGLFDWLQJ2I¿FHUDJDLQVW India Infoline Securities Limited (merged with India Infoline Limited w.e.f. February 02, 2007) which, inter alia, alleges that the Appellant has violated the provisions of Clause A (1) and A(2) of the Code of Conduct DVVSHFL¿HGLQ6FKHGXOH,,UHDGZLWK5HJXODWLRQRI6(%,6WRFN%URNHUV 6XE%URNHUV5HJXODWLRQV7KHVDLGRUGHUKDVLPSRVHGDSHQDOW\ of `PLOOLRQXQGHUVHFWLRQ+%RI6(%,$FWRQWKH$SSHOODQW7KH Securities Appellate Tribunal (“SAT”) vide order dated October 1, 2012 XSKHOGWKHRUGHURIWKH$GMXGLFDWLQJ2I¿FHULPSRVLQJDSHQDOW\RI` 0.5 million. Criminal cases 0 6KDNHHO .KDQ ³Complainant´ ¿OHG D FULPLQDO FRPSODLQW QXPEHU RI GDWHG -XO\ EHIRUH WKH &RXUW RI$GGLWLRQDO &KLHI 0HWURSROLWDQ 0DJLVWUDWH 3DWLDOD +RXVH 1HZ 'HOKL ³Court”) against India Infoline Securities Private Limited (currently IIFL) (“Accused 1”), 0U1LUPDO-DLQ³Accused 2´0U59HQNDWUDPDQ³$FFXVHG”) and 0U6DQMD\6KDUPD³Accused 4”) (collectively referred to as “Accused”). 7KH&RPSODLQDQWKDGRSHQHGDGHPDWHULDOL]HGDFFRXQWZLWK$FFXVHGDQG WUDQVIHUUHG DOO KLV KROGLQJV IURP KLV GHPDWHULDOL]HG DFFRXQW PDLQWDLQHG ZLWK (OLWH 0DQDJHPHQW 6HUYLFHV 6XEVHTXHQWO\ WKH &RPSODLQDQW FODLPV WKDW KH GHFLGHG WR FORVH WKH GHPDWHULDOL]HG DFFRXQW ZLWK$FFXVHG EXW $FFXVHG UHIXVHG WR WUDQVIHU VKDUHV LQWR WKH &RPSODLQDQW¶V DFFRXQW The Complainant further claims that Accused 1 had illegally and without DXWKRUL]DWLRQ VROG WKH VKDUHV LQ FRQVSLUDF\ ZLWK $FFXVHG WR DQG WKXV WKH $FFXVHG FDXVHG ¿QDQFLDO ORVV WR WKH &RPSODLQDQW +HQFH WKH &RPSODLQDQW¿OHGWKHSUHVHQWFRPSODLQWXQGHUVHFWLRQRIWKH&ULPLQDO Procedure Code, 1973 praying that the court be pleased to summon and try the Accused for an offence under section 409, 420 and 120-B of the ,QGLDQ3HQDO&RGH7KH&RPSODLQDQWDOVR¿OHGDQDSSOLFDWLRQXQGHU section 156 (3) of the Criminal Procedure Code, 1973. Subsequently the Court videRUGHUGDWHG2FWREHUWRRNFRJQL]DQFHRIWKHRIIHQFH XQGHUVHFWLRQRIWKH,QGLDQ3HQDO&RGHDQGLVVXHGVXPPRQV WR WKH $FFXVHG $JJULHYHG $FFXVHG KDG ¿OHG LQGLYLGXDO PLVFHOODQHRXV FULPLQDOFDVHVEHDULQJQXPEHUV&5/0&1R&5/0&1R &5/ 0&1R DQG &5/ 0&1R RI EHIRUH WKH +LJK &RXUWRI'HOKLXQGHUVHFWLRQRIWKH&ULPLQDO3URFHGXUH&RGH IRU TXDVKLQJ WKH FULPLQDO SURFHHGLQJV SHQGLQJ EHIRUH WKH 0HWURSROLWDQ 0DJLVWUDWH&RXUW3DWLDOD+RXVHLQFULPLQDOFDVHQXPEHURI The Court vide RUGHU GDWHG -DQXDU\ DGPLWWHG WKH SHWLWLRQV DQG VWD\HGWKHSURFHHGLQJVRI3DWLDOD+RXVH&RXUW7KHPDWWHUVDUHFXUUHQWO\ pending. *+&/(PSOR\HHV6WRFN2SWLRQ7UXVW³Complainant´¿OHGDFRPSODLQW FDVHQXPEHURILQWKHPRQWKRI-XQH³Complaint”) before WKH &RXUW RI$GGLWLRQDO &KLHI -XGLFLDO 0DJLVWUDWH 3DWLDOD +RXVH &RXUW New Delhi (“Court”) against India Infoline limited (“Accused 1”), Nirmal -DLQ ³Accused 2´ .DQWL6LQKD ³$FFXVHG ´ 9HQNDWDUDPDQ5DMDPDQL (“Accused 4”), ArunkumarPurwar (“Accused 5´1LOHVK6KLYML9LNDPVH\ (“Accused 6´ DQG 1LPLVK 5DPHVK 0HKWD ³$FFXVHG ”) (together referred to as “Accused”). The trustees of the Complainant had opened DGHPDWHULDOL]HGDFFRXQWZLWK,,)/DIWHUZKLFKWKH&RPSODLQDQWNHSWRQ purchasing shares. Subsequently, IIFL vide OHWWHU GDWHG $SULO informed the Complainant of an outstanding debit of `PLOOLRQDQG WKHH[LVWHQFHRIOLHQRQWKHVKDUHVSXUFKDVHGE\WKH&RPSODLQDQW The Complainant claims that the said amount was duly paid by the &RPSODLQDQWDQGODWHURQLWWUDQVSLUHGWKDWWKHFRUUHFWDPRXQWDVUHÀHFWLQJ in the statement of account of the Complainant was ` PLOOLRQ Further, the Complainant also alleged that, IIFL instead of refunding the H[FHVVDPRXQWRI` 2.52 million asked the Complainant to clear the debits RI ¿YH FRPSDQLHV DQG RQ IDLOXUH ,,)/ VROG RII VKDUHV EHORQJLQJ WR WKH &RPSODLQDQW LOOHJDOO\ DQG ZLWKRXW DQ\ DXWKRUL]DWLRQ $JJULHYHG WKH&RPSODLQDQW¿OHGWKH&RPSODLQWWRWU\DQGSXQLVKWKH$FFXVHGXQGHU VHFWLRQ$%RIWKH,QGLDQ3HQDO&RGH $JJULHYHGE\WKLVVXPPRQVRUGHUDOOWKH$FFXVHG¿OHGTXDVKLQJSHWLWLRQ FKDOOHQJLQJWKHVDLG6XPPRQLQJRUGHUEHIRUHWKH'HOKL+LJK&RXUW'HOKL +LJK&RXUWE\LWVRUGHUGDWHG'HFHPEHUTXDVKHGDQGVHWDVLGH the complaint /summons against all the directors and Company Secretary on all the charges/grounds. As against the Company the charges of Cheating has been dropped and only the charges of Criminal Breach of Trust has been allowed to be continued. *+&/ (PSOR\HHV 6WRFN 2SWLRQ 7UXVW ³Petitioner´ ¿OHG D VSHFLDO OHDYH SHWLWLRQ FULPLQDO EHDULQJ QXPEHU RI GDWHG 0DUFK 2010 (“Petition”) against the order dated December 14, 2009 before the 6XSUHPH&RXUWRI,QGLDDORQJZLWKDQDSSOLFDWLRQIRUH[SDUWHVWD\GDWHG 0DUFKWRVWD\WKHRSHUDWLRQRIRUGHUGDWHG'HFHPEHU (“Order´ 7KH 3HWLWLRQHU ¿OHG WKH 3HWLWLRQ DJDLQVW WKH 2UGHU SDVVHG E\ WKH +LJK &RXUW RI 'HOKL SDUWO\ TXDVKLQJ WKH VXPPRQLQJ RUGHU GDWHG 6HSWHPEHU³Order 1´LVVXHGE\WKH0HWURSROLWDQ0DJLVWUDWH New Delhi summoning IIFL to face trial for the offences under section 406, 409, 415, 477A,34/120B of the IPC. The Order held that no offence of cheating is made out against IIFL. Supreme Court has dismissed the 6/3 ¿OHG E\ *+&/ E\ DQG RUGHU GDWHG 0DUFK 7KH FDVH LQ lower court is pending. *+&/(PSOR\HHV6WRFN2SWLRQ7UXVW³Complainant´¿OHGDFRPSODLQW FDVHQXPEHURI³Complaint´RQ1RYHPEHUEHIRUH WKH&RXUWRI$GGLWLRQDO&KLHI-XGLFLDO0DJLVWUDWH3DWLDOD+RXVH&RXUW1HZ Delhi (“Court”) against IIFL (“Accused 1´0U1LUPDO-DLQ³Accused 2´ 0U .DQWL6LQKD ³$FFXVHG ´ 0U 5 9HQNDWDUDPDQ ³Accused 4´ 0U $UXQ .XPDU 3XUZDU ³Accused 5´ 0U 1LOHVK 9LNDPVH\ (“Accused 6´DQG0U1LPLVK5DPHVK0HKWD³$FFXVHG”) (collectively referred to as “Accused”). The trustees of the Complainant had opened a GHPDWHULDOL]HGDFFRXQWZLWK,,)/DIWHUZKLFKWKH&RPSODLQDQWSXUFKDVHG shares. Subsequently, IIFL vide OHWWHU GDWHG$SULO LQIRUPHG WKH Complainant of an outstanding debit of `PLOOLRQDQGWKHH[LVWHQFH of lien on the 2,046,195 shares purchased by the Complainant. The Complainant claims that the said amount was duly paid by the Complainant DQGVXEVHTXHQWO\LWWUDQVSLUHGWKDWWKHFRUUHFWDPRXQWDVUHÀHFWLQJLQWKH statement of account of the Complainant was ` PLOOLRQ )XUWKHU WKH &RPSODLQDQW DOVR DOOHJHG WKDW ,,)/ LQVWHDG RI UHIXQGLQJ WKH H[FHVV amount of ` 2.52 million asked the Complainant to clear the debits of ¿YH FRPSDQLHV DQG RQ IDLOXUH ,,)/ VROG VKDUHV EHORQJLQJ WR WKH &RPSODLQDQW LOOHJDOO\ DQG ZLWKRXW DQ\ DXWKRUL]DWLRQ $JJULHYHG WKH &RPSODLQDQW ¿OHG WKH &RPSODLQW WR WU\ DQG SXQLVK WKH $FFXVHG XQGHU VHFWLRQV$DQG%RIWKH,3&7KHPDWWHU is currently pending. *+&/(PSOR\HHV6WRFN2SWLRQ7UXVW³&RPSODLQDQW´¿OHGDFRPSODLQW FDVHQXPEHURIGDWHG1RYHPEHU³&RPSODLQW´EHIRUH WKH&RXUWRI$GGLWLRQDO&KLHI-XGLFLDO0DJLVWUDWH3DWLDOD+RXVH&RXUW1HZ 'HOKL ³&RXUW´ DJDLQVW ,,)/ ³$FFXVHG ´ 0U 1LUPDO -DLQ ³$FFXVHG ´ 0U .DQWL6LQKD ³$FFXVHG ´ 0U 5 9HQNDWDUDPDQ ³$FFXVHG ´ 0U $UXQ .XPDU 3XUZDU ³$FFXVHG ´ 0U 1LOHVK 9LNDPVH\ ³$FFXVHG ´ DQG 0U 1LPLVK 5DPHVK 0HKWD ³$FFXVHG ´ WRJHWKHU referred to as “Accused”). The trustees of the Complainant had opened a GHPDWHULDOL]HGDFFRXQWZLWK,,)/DIWHUZKLFKWKH&RPSODLQDQWSXUFKDVHG VKDUHV6XEVHTXHQWO\,,)/YLGHOHWWHUGDWHG$SULOLQIRUPHGWKH Complainant of an outstanding debit of `PLOOLRQDQGWKHH[LVWHQFH of lien on the 2,046,195 shares purchased by the Complainant. The Complainant claims that the said amount was duly paid by the Complainant DQG ODWHU RQ LW WUDQVSLUHG WKDW WKH FRUUHFW DPRXQW DV UHÀHFWLQJ LQ WKH statement of account of the Complainant was ` PLOOLRQ )XUWKHU WKH &RPSODLQDQW DOVR DOOHJHG WKDW ,,)/ LQVWHDG RI UHIXQGLQJ WKH H[FHVV amount of ` 2.52 million asked the Complainant to clear the debits of ¿YH FRPSDQLHV DQG RQ IDLOXUH ,,)/ VROG VKDUHV EHORQJLQJ WR WKH &RPSODLQDQW LOOHJDOO\ DQG ZLWKRXW DQ\ DXWKRUL]DWLRQ $JJULHYHG WKH INDIA INFOLINE FINANCE LIMITED 33 IN THE NATURE OF FORM 2A - MEMORANDUM CONTAINING SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROSPECTUS &RPSODLQDQW¿OHGWKH&RPSODLQWDJDLQVWWKH$FFXVHGXQGHUVHFWLRQV $ DQG % RI WKH ,3&7KH PDWWHU LV FXUUHQWO\ pending. *+&/(PSOR\HHV6WRFN2SWLRQ7UXVW³&RPSODLQDQW´¿OHGDFRPSODLQW FDVH QXPEHU RI GDWHG 1RYHPEHU ³&RPSODLQW´ RQ 'HFHPEHUEHIRUHWKH&RXUWRI$GGLWLRQDO&KLHI-XGLFLDO0DJLVWUDWH 3DWLDOD +RXVH &RXUW 1HZ 'HOKL ³&RXUW´ DJDLQVW ,,)/ ³$FFXVHG ´ 0U 1LUPDO -DLQ ³$FFXVHG ´ 0U .DQWL6LQKD ³$FFXVHG ´ 0U 5 9HQNDWDUDPDQ ³$FFXVHG ´ 0U $UXQ .XPDU 3XUZDU ³$FFXVHG ´ 0U 1LOHVK 9LNDPVH\ ³$FFXVHG ´ DQG 0U 1LPLVK 5DPHVK 0HKWD (“Accused 7”) (collectively referred to as the “Accused”). The trustees RIWKH&RPSODLQDQWKDGRSHQHGDGHPDWHULDOL]HGDFFRXQWZLWK,,)/DIWHU which the Complainant purchased shares. Subsequently, IIFL vide letter GDWHG$SULO LQIRUPHG WKH &RPSODLQDQW RI DQ RXWVWDQGLQJ GHELW of ` PLOOLRQ DQG WKH H[LVWHQFH RI OLHQ RQ WKH VKDUHV purchased by the Complainant. The Complainant claims that the said amount was duly paid by the Complainant and subsequently, it transpired WKDW WKH FRUUHFW DPRXQW DV UHÀHFWLQJ LQ WKH VWDWHPHQW RI DFFRXQW RI WKH Complainant was `PLOOLRQ)XUWKHUWKH&RPSODLQDQWDOVRDOOHJHG WKDW,,)/LQVWHDGRIUHIXQGLQJWKHH[FHVVDPRXQWRI` 2.52 million asked WKH&RPSODLQDQWWRFOHDUWKHGHELWVRI¿YHFRPSDQLHVDQGRQIDLOXUH,,)/ sold off the 266,727 shares belonging to the Complainant illegally and ZLWKRXWDQ\DXWKRUL]DWLRQ$JJULHYHGWKH&RPSODLQDQW¿OHGWKH&RPSODLQW DJDLQVW WKH $FFXVHG XQGHU VHFWLRQV $ DQG 120B of the IPC. The matter is currently pending. 6DGDVKLY3DQGXUDQJ0DQWUL ³&RPSODLQDQW´ ¿OHG D FRPSODLQW EHIRUH WKH .RWKUXG SROLFH VWDWLRQ DJDLQVW ,,)/ GLUHFWRU0U 1LUPDO-DLQ HPSOR\HH 9LMD\%KDWLD6XMLW%DQMDPLQ*XUGHHS6LQJKHPSOR\HHRI,,)/FROOHFWLYHO\ referred to as the “Accused”), alleging that the Accused had done XQDXWKRUL]HGEX\LQJDQGVHOOLQJRIVKDUHVIURPWKHDFFRXQWRIWKH$FFXVHG 7KHFRPSODLQWZDV¿OHGDOOHJLQJDQRIIHQFHXQGHUVHFWLRQV DQG RI WKH ,3& 7KH $XWKRULW\ DIWHU WKH LQYHVWLJDWLRQ ¿OHG WKH ¿QDOUHSRUWZLWKWKH-XGLFLDO0DJLVWUDWH&ODVV,³&RXUW´VWDWLQJWKDWWKH allegations of the Complainant are false and that the said complaint was ¿OHG ZLWK WKH LQWHQWLRQ RI JHWWLQJ UHIXQG IURP ,,)/ 'HVSLWH RI QHJDWLYH UHSRUWRIWKH3ROLFHWKH+RQ¶EOH&RXUWKDGSDVVHGRUGHURILVVXDQFHSURFHVV and accordingly summons were issued against the accused. Therefore the &RPSDQ\ KDG ¿OHG 5HYLVLRQ $SSOLFDWLRQ QR GDWHG -XO\ DJDLQVW WKH RUGHU µLVVXDQFH RI SURFHVV¶ 7KH 5HYLVLRQ $SSOLFDWLRQ LV DOORZHG DQG ORZHU FRXUW SURFHHGLQJ LV VWD\HG E\ WKH +RQ¶EOH &RXUW The case is pending. 0U 6WKDQPXUWK\9LVKZDQDWKDQ WKURXJK 0V 0HHUD9LVKZDQDWKDQ (“Complainant´ KDV ¿OHG FULPLQDO FRPSODLQW GDWHG -DQXDU\ EHDULQJQXPEHU0LVF³Complaint´LQWKH&RXUWRI0HWURSROLWDQ 0DJLVWUDWHth&RXUW%RULYDOL0XPEDL³Court”) against our Company, IIFL and the directors of our Company (collectively referred to as the “Accused”) alleging that the Accused had connived and misappropriated securities entrusted to the Accused, causing losses of about ` 30 million to the Complainant and thereby committing offences under section 409, read with sections 34 and 113 of the IPC. 7KH&RXUWWRRNFRJQL]DQFHRIWKH&RPSODLQWvide its order dated February DQGRUGHUHGDQLQYHVWLJDWLRQE\WKH.DVWXUED0DUJSROLFHVWDWLRQ LQ ZKLFK WKH $FFXVHG ZHUH H[RQHUDWHG DV WKH GLVSXWH ZDV IRXQG WR EH civil in nature. The Complainant challenged the investigation report dated -XO\ DOOHJLQJ WKDW LW ZDV YDJXH DQG PDGH DQ DSSOLFDWLRQ IRU re-investigation of the Complaint. The Court allowed this application vide LWVRUGHUGDWHG-DQXDU\DQGRUGHUHGUHLQYHVWLJDWLRQ The police station has submitted the re-investigation report dated September 26, 2010 stating that there is no prima-facie case against the Accused under the Act. The re-investigation report further recommends that the Complainant and his representative be prosecuted under section 120B read with section 211 of the IPC for conspiring against the Accused, so as to SUHVVXUL]HWKH$FFXVHGLQWRZDLYLQJRIIWKH&RPSODLQDQW¶VGHELWEDODQFH of ` 1.22 million. The Court has without considering the Reinvestigation 34 INDIA INFOLINE FINANCE LIMITED Report, issued process under various sections of IPC vide its order dated 0DUFK³Order”). 7KH DFFXVHG ¿OHG DQ$SSHDO 1R RI RQ -XO\ EHIRUH WKH Sessions Court at Dindoshi for setting aside the issuance of summons. The Sessions court has stayed the proceedings of the lower Court and the matter is currently pending. 0U6DW\DSUDNDVK$JDUZDODQG)DPLO\³Complainants”) lodged a complaint GDWHG 0DUFK ³Complaint´ ZLWK WKH -RLQW &RPPLVVLRQHU RI Police against IIFL. The Complainants claims that IIFL had caused a loss to them through their agreement which confers all rights to IIFL to deal with the Complainants shares as they wish. Further the Complainant alleges IIFL of selling their shares at throwaway prices in the name of recovery of margin money resulting in a loss of `6.3 million. Aggrieved WKH &RPSODLQDQW ¿OHG WKH &RPSODLQW UHTXHVWLQJ WKH DXWKRULW\ WR WDNH DSSURSULDWH DFWLRQ DJDLQVW WKH PDQDJLQJ GLUHFWRU DQG VHQLRU RI¿FHUV RI ,,)/ 7KH &RPSDQ\ KDG ¿OHG 5HSO\ GDWHG 0DUFK DQG GHQLHG all the allegation of the complainant and requested to closed the matter. The matter is currently pending. 0U$DUWL*XQMLNDU ³Complainant”) lodged a complaint number CR. No. GDWHG-DQXDU\³Complaint”) with Bandra police station DJDLQVW,,)/0U9LQLW.XPDU0U1LUPDO-DLQ0U59HQNDWDUDPDQ0U 1LWLQ.KDQGHOZDO0U6DQGHVK1DQGRGHDQG0U&KLQWDQ0RGLFROOHFWLYHO\ the “Accused”) under sections 409, 420, 506 and 120 (B) of the IPC. 6XEVHTXHQWO\0U1LWLQ.KDQGHOZDODQG0U59HQNDWDUDPDQZHUHDUUHVWHG E\ WKH SROLFH RQ$SULO DQG -XO\ UHVSHFWLYHO\ 2Q -XO\ 16, 2009 the Complainant entered into a settlement with the Accused whereby the Complainant agreed to withdraw her Complaint against the Accused on the payment of `PLOOLRQ$QDSSOLFDWLRQIRUEDLOQXPEHU %$ GDWHG$SULO ZDV ¿OHG LQ WKH &RXUW RI WKH$GGLWLRQDO &KLHI0HWURSROLWDQ0DJLVWUDWHWK&RXUW%DQGUD0XPEDLXQGHUVHFWLRQ 437 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (“Code”) on for the release RI 0U 1LWLQ.KDQGHOZDO 6LPLODUO\ DQ DSSOLFDWLRQ IRU EDLO QXPEHU %$ZDV¿OHGLQWKH&RXUWRIWKH$GGLWLRQDO&KLHIWK&RXUW%DQGUD 0XPEDLXQGHUVHFWLRQRIWKH&RGHRQ-XO\IRUWKHUHOHDVH RI0U9HQNDWDUDPDQ%DLOZDVJUDQWHGDQG0U1LWLQ.KDQGHOZDODQG0U Venkataraman were released from police detention after a period of 3 days. IIFL in a letter dated February 25, 2010 to the Additional Commissioner RI3ROLFH:HVW5HJLRQ&DUWHU5RDG%DQGUD0XPEDLVXEPLWWHGWKDWWKH Complainant had leveled false charges of cheating, criminal breach of WUXVW DJDLQVW WKH$FFXVHG WKHUHE\ OHDGLQJ WR WKHLU GHWHQWLRQ 0U 1LUPDO -DLQ 0U 5 9HQNDWUDPDQ 0U &KLQWDQ0RGL DQG 0U 1LWLQ.KDQGHOZDO ¿OHGFULPLQDOZULWSHWLWLRQGDWHG-XQHZLWKWKH+LJK &RXUWRI-XGLFDWXUHDW%RPED\IRUDSSURSULDWHO\GLUHFWLQJWKHLQYHVWLJDWLQJ DXWKRULWLHVIURPWDNLQJDQ\IXUWKHUDFWLRQDQGVHWDVLGHWKHFRPSODLQW¿OHG E\WKH&RPSODLQDQW7KH+LJK&RXUWYLGHRUGHUGDWHG2FWREHU directed that the investigating authorities should not take any coercive VWHSV DJDLQVW WKH$FFXVHG ,Q WKH PHDQWLPH %DQGUD 3ROLFH KDV ¿OHG LWV ¿QDO 5HSRUW LQ 0DUFK EHIRUH WKH $GGLWLRQDO &KLHI 0HWURSROLWDQ 0DJLVWUDWH WK &RXUW %DQGUD 0XPEDL ZKHUHE\ QR FKDUJH KDV EHHQ PDGHDJDLQVW0U1LUPDO-DLQ0U59HQNDWUDPDQ0U&KLQWDQ0RGLDQG 0U1LWLQ.KDQGHOZDODQGWKH\KDYHEHHQDFTXLWWHG7KHPDWWHULVFXUUHQWO\ SHQGLQJRQO\DJDLQVWWKHH[UHODWLRQVKLSPDQDJHULH0U9LQHHW.XPDU 0U-9%RGDW&RRSHUDWLYHODERXURI¿FHUDQGPLQLPXPZDJHVDFWVXSHUYLVRU ³&RPSODLQDQW´ ¿OHG D FULPLQDO FDVH QXPEHU GDWHG 0DUFK ³&RPSODLQW´ EHIRUH WKH FRXUW RI -XGLFLDO 0DJLVWUDWH$QNOHVKZDU DJDLQVW,,)/DQG0U1LUPDO-DLQWRJHWKHUUHIHUUHGWRDVWKH³$FFXVHG´ 7KH&RPSODLQDQWKDGYLVLWHG,,)/RQ-DQXDU\DQGFDPHWRWKH FRQFOXVLRQ WKDW ,,)/ FRPHV XQGHU WKH 0LQLPXP:DJHV$FW ³$FW´ DQG further, IIFL was investigated under the Act. The Complainant alleges IIFL of not keeping or maintaining records and registers which is a punishable FULPHXQGHUWKH$FW+HQFHWKH&RPSODLQDQW¿OHGWKH&RPSODLQWSUD\LQJ that action be taken against the Accused under section 9 (b) of the Act. The matter is currently pending. IN THE NATURE OF FORM 2A - MEMORANDUM CONTAINING SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROSPECTUS 0U'30DNZDQD³Complainant´¿OHGDFULPLQDOFDVHQXPEHU dated April 12, 2010 (“Complaint´ EHIRUH WKH &KLHI 0HWURSROLWDQ 0DJLVWUDWH DW $KPHGDEDG DJDLQVW ,,)/ DQG 0U 1LUPDO -DLQ WRJHWKHU referred to as the “Accused”). The Complainant alleged IIFL of violating WKHSURYLVLRQVRI6HFWLRQRIWKH$SSUHQWLFHV$FWDQGRIKDYLQJ committed an offence punishable under Section 30(1)(c) read with Section RI WKH$FW E\ QRW ¿OOLQJ XS DQ\ SRVWV DV DJDLQVW SRVWV WR EH ¿OOHG by apprentices. The Complainant further alleged IIFL of having saved an amount of ` PLOOLRQ SD\DEOH WRZDUGV VWLSHQG E\ QRW ¿OOLQJ XS WKH posts of apprentices during the period from August 1, 2009 to October DV UHTXLUHG XQGHU WKH $FW +HQFH WKH &RPSODLQDQW ¿OHG WKH Complaint praying that action be taken against the Accused and the Accused be punished considering the evidence. The matter is currently pending. 0V&KDQGUDQL 6KDZ ³Complainant”) filed a complaint number C GDWHG-XO\EHIRUHWKH&KLHI-XGLFLDO0DJLVWUDWH$OLSRUH DJDLQVW 0U 5DELQGUD 1DWK 6HQ DQG 0U$ULMLW&KRZGKDU\ HPSOR\HHV RI IIFL) (“Accused”). The Complainant had opened a demat account with IIFL. The Complainant alleges the Accused of entering into a criminal conspiracy and thereby inducing the Complainant of delivering cheque for purchase of shares on the condition that the cheque could be encashed only on the consent of the Complainant and that the Accused had withdrawn an amount of ` 0.27 million from the Complainants account without her FRQVHQW +HQFH DJJULHYHG WKH &RPSODLQDQW ¿OHG WKH SUHVHQW FRPSODLQW praying that the complaint be sent to O/S Bhowanipore Police Station for treating the same as an FIR under section 156 (3) of the Criminal 3URFHGXUH &RGH DQG WR VWDUW LQYHVWLJDWLRQ 7KH &KLHI -XGLFLDO 0DJLVWUDWH YLGH RUGHU GDWHG -XQH VHQG WKH FRPSODLQW WR 26 Bhowanipore Police Station for treating the same as an FIR and to start LQYHVWLJDWLRQ DQG VXEPLW UHSRUW WR WKH &KLHI -XGLFLDO 0DJLVWUDWH XQGHU VHFWLRQV % RI WKH ,QGLDQ 3HQDO &RGH The matter is currently pending. (QVHPEOH³Complainant´¿OHGDFULPLQDOFRPSODLQWEHDULQJ&&1R RI6:RIRQ$XJXVWEHIRUHWKH0HWURSROLWDQ0DJLVWUDWHWK Court (“Court´'DGDUDJDLQVWWKHGLUHFWRUVRI,,)/LQFOXGLQJ0U1LUPDO -DLQ 0U 1LOHVK9LNDPVH\ 0U 59HQNDWUDPDQDQG 0U$UXQ . 3XUZDU (“Accused”) alleging offences under sections 403, 406, 420, 504, 506 UHDGZLWKVHFWLRQRI,QGLDQ3HQDO&RGH7KH$FFXVHGDSSRLQWHG WKH &RPSODLQDQW WR FDUU\ RXW LQWHULRU GHVLJQLQJ ZRUN DW ,,)/¶V RI¿FH DW Indiabulls, Lower Parel. The Complainant alleged the Accused of illegally UHSXGLDWLQJWKHDJUHHPHQWGDWHG-XQHVWDWLQJGHOD\RQWKHSDUWRI the Complainant. The Complainant further alleges the Accused of having illegally misappropriated the valuable property of the Accused for their personal use. Further, the Complainant alleges the Accused of cheating, misappropriation of funds, criminal breach of trust etc. Aggrieved the &RPSODLQDQW¿OHGWKH&RPSODLQWIRULQLWLDWLQJLQYHVWLJDWLRQXQGHUVHFWLRQ 156(3) of Criminal Procedure Code. The Court ordered for Investigation XQGHUVHFWLRQRI&ULPLQDO3URFHGXUH&RGHE\10-RVKL 0DUJ 3ROLFH VWDWLRQ ³Authority´ 6XEVHTXHQWO\ WKH$XWKRULW\ ¿OHG LWV UHSRUWGDWHG0D\FRQFOXGLQJWKDWWKHGLVSXWHEHWZHHQWKHSDUWLHV is civil in nature. The matter is currently pending before the Court for acceptance of the police report and Argument on report. 0U *DXWDP$QLO.XPDU&KDNUDEHUW\ ³Complainant”) lodged a first LQIRUPDWLRQUHSRUWQXPEHURIGDWHG0DUFKZLWK*DQJDSXU Police Station, Nashik against IIFL alleging offence under section 420, RIWKH,QGLDQ3HQDO&RGH7KH&RPSODLQDQWKDGDFFXVHG,,)/ RIPLVDSSURSULDWLQJWKH&RPSODLQDQW¶VVKDUHV,,)/KDV¿OHGDUHSO\GDWHG 0DUFK ZLWK *DQJDSXU 3ROLFH 6WDWLRQ 1DVKLN VWDWLQJ WKDW WKH Complainant was aware of the matter at all the time and the complaint is false and malicious. On August 03, 2013 the Company also received Notice GDWHG -XO\ IURP 3ROLFH VWDWLRQ WR SURYLGH FHUWDLQ LQIRUPDWLRQ and documents. The matter is currently pending. 15. A First Information Report (Case No. 200) has been registered on August DJDLQVW$ULMLW'KDU16((PSOR\HH$ULQGDP6DUNDUDQG1LOHVK *XSW DUH HPSOR\HHV RI ,,)/ LQ WKH /DNH 3ROLFH VWDWLRQ .RONDWD RQ WKH EDVLV RI DFRPSODLQWPDGHE\ RQH0U$UXQDYD3DWUDXQGHUVHFWLRQV 153Aand 114 of the IPC All the Accused have been granted bail by an RUGHURIWKH&KLHI-XGLFLDO0DJLVWUDWHDW$OLSRUHGDWHG$XJXVW The case is pending. 16. An FIR (No. 1651/2011) has been registered against IIFL on September 21, RQWKHEDVLVRIDFRPSODLQW¿OHGE\3%DODNULVKQDQLQWKH7KULNNDNDUD Police station, Aluva for the offences of misappropriation, criminal breach of trust, cheating, forgery etc. u/s 403,405,406, 409, 420,463, 464, 465, DQGRI,3&7KHFDVHLVSHQGLQJ 0U 5DMHVK 6KDUPD KDV ¿OHG DQ DSSOLFDWLRQ 1R&U0& DQG &U0$RIGDWHG1RYHPEHUXQGHU6HFWLRQRIWKH &RGHRI&ULPLQDO3URFHGXUHEHIRUHWKH'HOKL+LJK&RXUWVHHNLQJTXDVKLQJ RISURFHHGLQJVLQLWLDWHGE\,,)/EHIRUHWKH0HWURSROLWDQ0DJLVWUDWHDW7LV +D]DULXQGHU6HFWLRQRIWKH1HJRWLDEOH,QVWUXPHQWV$FW7KHPDWWHU is currently pending. $FRPSODLQWKDVEHHQ¿OHGE\0U6DWELU6LQJK.RFKKDUDJDLQVW,,)/DQG LWV GLUHFWRUV IRU XQDXWKRUL]HG WUDGH LQ WKH :DJOH 3ROLFH 3ROLFH 6WDWLRQ :DJOH (VWDWH 7KDQH IRU WKH RIIHQFH RI XQDXWKRULVHG WUDGLQJ &KHDWLQJ ,,)/¿OHGLW5HSO\GDWHG1RYHPEHUGHQLHGDOOWKHDOOHJDWLRQV of the complainant. The Complaint is currently pending. $FRPSODLQW1R0ZDV¿OHGE\0U*XVWDG$QNOHVDULDEHIRUH WKH0HWURSROLWDQ0DJLVWUDWH¶V&RXUWQGFRXUW%DQGUDDJDLQVW,,)/DQG LWV 'LUHFWRUV IRU WKH RIIHQFH RI XQDXWKRUL]HG WUDGH FULPLQDO EUHDFK RI WUXVW IRUJHU\ XV % RI ,3& 7KH &RXUW directed the Santacrus Police Station to conduct an enquiry into the matter. 7KH FRPSDQ\ KDG ¿OHG 5HSO\ GDWHG $SULO DQG GHQLHG DOO WKH allegations of the complainant. Accordingly Police had submitted their report. The case is pending for argument on Report and for order. $FRPSODLQWKDVEHHQ¿OHGE\0U/D[PLQDUD\DQ6RQLLQWKH*KDQWDJKDU 3ROLFH6WDWLRQDW8GDLSXUDJDLQVW,,)/XVDQG %RIWKH,3&XQDXWKRUL]HGWUDGLQJLQKLVDFFRXQW7KHVDLG3ROLFH6WDWLRQ UHJLVWHUHG),5RQ-DQXDU\EDVHGRQWKHVDLGFRPSODLQW 7KH&RPSDQ\KDG¿OHGLWV5HSO\GDWHG0D\DQGGHQLHGDOOWKH allegation of the Complainant. No further correspondence or requirement by police authority. The case is currently pending. 0V *DXUL 0DQMXQDWK -RQQL\D KDV ¿OHG D FRPSODLQW LQ WKH 2I¿FH RI WKH 'HSXW\&RPPLVVLRQHURI3ROLFH(FRQRPLF2IIHQFHV:LQJ&ULPH%UDQFK Nagpur against IIFL for misuse of her IRDA License, forgery, criminal EUHDFKRIWUXVWHWFXVRI,3&$VQRDFWLRQZDVWDNHQLQWKH VDLG PDWWHU 0V *DXUL KDG ¿OHG :ULW 3HWLWLRQ QR DJDLQVW WKH &RPSDQ\ 1LUPDO -DLQ DQG RWKHU$XWKRULWLHV EHIRUH +LJK FRXUW 1DJSXU to get FIR registered against the directors of the company. The case is currently pending. 0U1DPR-DLQKDGORGJHGDQ),51RGDWHG)HEUXDU\ DJDLQVW0U$UXQ3XQL\D%UDQFK0DQDJHU0U$PDQ&KDGGD6DOHV0DQDJHU ,,)/ DW /DONXUWK\ 0HHUXW IRU FKHDWLQJ DQG FULPLQDO EUHDFK RI WUXVW XQGHUVHFWLRQVDQGRIWKH,QGLDQ3HQDO&RGH7KHFDVHLV pending. ,,)/ KDV UHFHLYHG D QRWLFH GDWHG 0DUFK IURP WKH (FRQRPLF 2IIHQFHV :LQJ $]DG 0DLGDQ 3ROLFH 6WDWLRQ 0XPEDL ZLWK UHJDUG WR D FRPSODLQW RI FULPLQDO EUHDFK RI WUXVW DQG PLVDSSURSULDWLRQ ¿OHG E\ RQH 5HQX'HHSDN.HVZDQL7KH&RPSDQ\GXO\UHSOLHGWRWKH&RPSODLQW7KH matter is pending. 7KH1DYL0XPEDL0XQFLSDO&RUSRUDWLRQ¿OHGWKHFRPSODLQWKDYLQJ&& 1RRILQWKH0HWURSROLWDQ0DJLVWUDWH¶V&RXUW%HODSXU&%' 1DYL0XPEDLDJDLQVW0V,QGLD,QIROLQH/WGDQG0U59HQNDWUDPDQXQGHU VHFWLRQ J K N RI %RPED\ 3URYLQFLDO 0XQLFLSDO &RUSRUDWLRQ $FWIRUQRQSD\PHQWRIFHVVWD[7KHVDLGFDVHLVSHQGLQJ 6XVKPD$JDUZDO ¿OHG D FULPLQDO FRPSODLQW 1R EHIRUH WKH $GGLWLRQDO&KLHI-XGLFLDO0DJLVWUDWH0HHUXW³Magistrate”) against IIFL, 1LUPDO -DLQ DQG RWKHUV ³Accused”) for misappropriation, forgery and FKHDWLQJ7KH$FFXVHG¿OHGDQDSSOLFDWLRQXQGHUVHFWLRQRIWKH&ULPLQDO 3URFHGXUH &RGH EHIRUH WKH$OODKDEDG +LJK &RXUW IRU TXDVKLQJ RI WKHFULPLQDOSURFHHGLQJV7KH$OODKDEDG+LJK&RXUWGLUHFWHGWKH$FFXVHG INDIA INFOLINE FINANCE LIMITED 35 IN THE NATURE OF FORM 2A - MEMORANDUM CONTAINING SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROSPECTUS WR ¿OH D GLVFKDUJH DSSOLFDWLRQ EHIRUH WKH 0DJLVWUDWH DQG IXUWKHU GLUHFWHG that no coercive action shall be taken against the Accused for a period of 4 months or till the disposal of application whichever is earlier. The matter is currently pending. 0U6XGKLU*XSWD¿OHGD&RPSODLQWQRRIEHIRUHWKH([HFXWLYH 0DJLVWUDWH UG &RXUW .RONDWD DJDLQVW ,QGLD ,QIROLQH /LPLWHG RWKHUV seeking protective action from the police due to allegedly coercive acts of the agents of IIFL. The matter is pending. 0V 6HHPD%XOVDUD 0U .XPXG%XOVDUD 0U 5DWLODO%XOVDUD KDYH ¿OHG FRPSODLQW 1R 3 ( EHIRUH WKH (FRQRPLF 2IIHQFHV:LQJ$]DG 0DLGDQ 3ROLFH 6WDWLRQ 0XPEDL DJDLQVW ,,)/ ZLWK UHJDUG WR WKH DOOHJHG XQDXWKRUL]HG WUDGH LQ WKHLU WUDGLQJ DFFRXQW E\ FRPSDQ\ RI¿FLDOV ,,)/ has provided required information and documents to the concerned Police authorities. After enquiry FIR No. 464/2012 registered on November 23, DJDLQVW0XNWL/DKHULRXUH[HPSOR\HHDQGXQNQRZQSHUVRQRI,QGLD Infoline ltd at Borivali Police Station. The enquiry is in process and case is pending. (2: 8QLW 1R,,, 03 0DUNHW 0XPEDL VHQW 1RWLFH GDWHG 6HSWHPEHU ZLWK UHJDUG WR (2: & 5 1R WR ,,)/ IRU SURYLGH ,QIRUPDWLRQGRFXPHQWVRIWKHFOLHQWVQDPHO\5DQX-DLQ)DL\D]0DQJORUNDU DQG5DMHVK1DLU,,)/KDGVXEPLWWHGUHTXLUHGGRFXPHQWVLQIRUPDWLRQYLGH Letter dated October 05, 2011 to the concerned Authority. The matter is currently pending. ,,)/ KDV UHFHLYHG D 1RWLFH GDWHG 2FWREHU IURP (FRQRPLF 2IIHQFHV :LQJ $]DG 0DLGDQ 3ROLFH 6WDWLRQ 0XPEDL XV RI &U 3 & WR SURYLGH GRFXPHQWV RI FOLHQW 0V <HVKD 6KDK ,,)/ KDG VXEPLWWHG all the required documents vide letter dated November 02, 2011 to the concerned authority. The matter is currently pending. ,,)/ KDV UHFHLYHG D 1RWLFH GDWHG -DQXDU\ IURP 6U 3ROLFH Inspector, Navrangpura Police station, Ahmedabad u/s 91 of Cr. P. C. WR SURYLGH LQIRUPDWLRQ DQG GRFXPHQWV RI FOLHQW 0U$ONHVKNXPDU 3DWHO ZLWK UHJDUG WR ),5 1R ,,)O KDG VXEPLWWHG DOO required information/documents vide Letter dated February 13, 2012 to the concerned Authority. The matter is currently pending ,,)/KDVUHFHLYHGD1RWLFHGDWHG-DQXDU\IURP&ULPH,QYHVWLJDWLRQ 'HSW.RONDWD&ULPH%UDQFK:HVW%HQJDOXVRI&U3&WRSURYLGH LQIRUPDWLRQ DQG GRFXPHQWV RI FOLHQW 0U 5DYLQGUD6KXNOD $OO UHTXLUHG information and documents have been submitted. The matter is currently pending. 7KH &RPSDQ\ UHFHLYHG QRWLFH GDWHG 6HSWHPEHU 0DUFK IURP &%7(2: &ULPH %UDQFK QHZ 'HOKL ZLWK UHJDUG WR ),5 1R WRSURYLGHFHUWDLQGRFXPHQWVZLWKH[SODQDWLRQUHJDUGLQJ&OLHQW 0U%DEXOD5XVWRJL$FFRUGLQJO\,,)/KDGVXEPLWWHG5HSO\GDWHG6HSWHPEHU 0DUFK WKURXJK 0U 0DQHHW %UDQFK 0DQDJHU 7KH case is pending. 0U$QLO7LEUHZDOKDG¿OHG&RPSODLQWDJDLQVW,,)/DQGDFFRUGLQJO\),5 1RZDVUHJLVWHUHGXVRI,3&DJDLQVWWKH FRPSDQ\IRUXQDXWKRULVHGWUDGHLQWKHFOLHQW¶VDFFRXQWDFFRUGLQJO\QRWLFH GDWHG$XJXVW ZDV LVVXHG XV RI &U 3& E\ 3ROLFH 6WDWLRQ 366XQOLJKW&RORQ\1HZ'HOKL:HKDYH¿OHGRXU5HSO\GDWHG2FWREHU 04, 2012 denied all the allegations and provided all require information/ GRFXPHQWVWR&RQFHUQHGSROLFHVWDWLRQWKURXJK'HOKL=RQH7KH&DVHLV pending. 0U'LQHVK.XNUHVKDKDG¿OHG&RPSODLQWGDWHG2FWREHUDJDLQVW IIFL at CItyPlawal Police Station, Delhi for unauthorised trade in his account. Accordingly letter/notice dated September 10, 2012 has been sent to the Company for provide certain documents/ information of account RI 0U 'LQHVK .XNUHMD 7KH &RPSDQ\ KDG ¿OHG LWV UHSO\ GDWHG 2FWREHU 30, 2012 . The case is pending. 7KH &RPSDQ\ LV LQ UHFHLSW RI 1RWLFH GDWHG $XJXVW E\ 0RWL 1DJDU3ROLFH6WDWLRQ'HOKLLQWLPDWLQJWKDW0U3UDVKDQW9DVKLVKWKDG¿OHG complaint against IIFL for unauthorised trading and forged signatures. The Company is in process of collating documents which are asked by Police Authority. The case is pending 36 INDIA INFOLINE FINANCE LIMITED 0U0RKLQGHU6LQJKKDG¿OHGFRPSODLQWDJDLQVW,,)/DQGDFFRUGLQJO\),5 1RGDWHG6HSWHPEHUZDVUHJLVWHUHGDJDLQVW,,)/,,)/ received Notice dated October 12, 2012 to provide certain documents and information. IIFL submitted required documents vide reply dated October 23, 2012. The case is pending. 0U -D\ +DUL -DQD KDV ¿OHG &RPSODLQW 0 3 QR DJDLQVW ,,)/ LWV GLUHFWRUV HPSOR\HH IRU WKH RIIHQVHV RI EUHDFK RI WUXVW FKHDWLQJ HWF8V%RI,3&EHIRUH$&-0DW%LGKDQDJDUIRU RUGHU XV $FFRUGLQJO\ RQ 0D\ WKH ),5 1R was registered against the directors and employee of IIFL. The Case is pending. For details on litigations by our Company, of our Directors and Civil/ Labour litigations pertaining to our Promoter, please refer to the chapter titled “Outstanding Litigations” on page 304 of the Prospectus. OTHER REGULATORY AND STATUTORY DISCLOSURES 1. Authority for the Issue At the meeting of the Board of Directors of our Company, held on August 21, 2013 the Directors approved the issue of NCDs to the public up to DQDPRXQWQRWH[FHHGLQJ` 12,000 million. 2. Prohibition by SEBI Our Company, persons in control of our Company and/or our Promoter KDYHQRWEHHQUHVWUDLQHGSURKLELWHGRUGHEDUUHGE\6(%,IURPDFFHVVLQJ the securities market or dealing in securities and no such order or direction is in force. Further, no member of our promoter group has been prohibited RU GHEDUUHG E\ 6(%, IURP DFFHVVLQJ WKH VHFXULWLHV PDUNHW RU GHDOLQJ LQ securities due to fraud. ',6&/$,0(5 Disclaimer Clause of NSE AS REQUIRED, A COPY OF THIS OFFER DOCUMENT HAS BEEN SUBMITTED TO NATIONAL STOCK EXCHANGE OF INDIA LIMITED (HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO AS NSE). NSE +$6*,9(19,'(,76/(77(55()16(/,67<'$7(' 6(37(0%(5 3(50,66,21 72 7+( ,668(5 72 86( THE EXCHANGE’S NAME IN THIS OFFER DOCUMENT AS ONE OF THE STOCK EXCHANGES ON WHICH THIS ISSUER’S SECURITIES ARE PROPOSED TO BE LISTED. THE EXCHANGE HAS SCRUTINIZED THIS DRAFT OFFER DOCUMENT FOR ITS LIMITED INTERNAL PURPOSE OF DECIDING ON THE MATTER OF GRANTING THE AFORESAID PERMISSION TO THIS ISSUER. IT IS TO BE DISTINCTLY UNDERSTOOD THAT THE AFORESAID PERMISSION GIVEN BY NSE SHOULD NOT IN ANY WAY BE DEEMED OR CONSTRUED THAT THE OFFER DOCUMENT HAS BEEN CLEARED OR APPROVED BY NSE; NOR DOES IT IN ANY MANNER WARRANT, CERTIFY OR ENDORSE THE CORRECTNESS OR COMPLETENESS OF ANY OF THE CONTENTS OF THIS OFFER DOCUMENT; NOR DOES IT WARRANT THAT THIS ISSUER’S SECURITIES WILL BE LISTED OR WILL CONTINUE TO BE LISTED ON THE EXCHANGE; NOR DOES IT TAKE ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE FINANCIAL OR OTHER SOUNDNESS OF THIS ISSUER, ITS PROMOTERS, ITS MANAGEMENT OR ANY SCHEME OF PROJECT OF THIS ISSUER. EVERY PERSON WHO DESIRES TO APPLY FOR OR OTHERWISE ACQUIRE ANY SECURITIES OF THIS ISSUER MAY DO SO PURSUANT TO INDEPENDENT INQUIRY, INVESTIGATION AND ANALYSIS AND SHALL NOT HAVE ANY CLAIM AGAINST THE EXCHANGE WHATSOEVER BY REASON OF ANY LOSS WHICH MAY BE SUFFERED BY SUCH PERSON CONSEQUENT 72 25 ,1 &211(&7,21 :,7+ 68&+ 68%6&5,37,21 ACQUISITION WHETHER BY REASON OF ANYTHING STATED OR OMITTED TO BE STATED HEREIN OR ANY OTHER REASON WHATSOEVER.” IN THE NATURE OF FORM 2A - MEMORANDUM CONTAINING SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROSPECTUS Disclaimer Clause of BSE BSE LIMITED (“THE EXCHANGE”) HAS GIVEN VIDE ITS /(77(5 '$7(' 6(37(0%(5 3(50,66,21 72 7+,6 COMPANY TO USE THE EXCHANGE’S NAME IN THIS OFFER DOCUMENT AS ONE OF THE STOCK EXCHANGES ON WHICH THIS COMPANY’S SECURITIES ARE PROPOSED TO BE LISTED. THE EXCHANGE HAS SCRUTINIZED THIS OFFER DOCUMENT FOR ITS LIMITED INTERNAL PURPOSE OF DECIDING ON THE MATTER OF GRANTING THE AFORESAID PERMISSION TO 7+,6&203$1<7+((;&+$1*('2(6127,1$1<0$11(5 a) WARRANT, CERTIFY OR ENDORSE THE CORRECTNESS OR COMPLETENESS OF ANY OF THE CONTENTS OF THIS DRAFT OFFER DOCUMENT; OR b) WARRANT THAT THIS COMPANY’S SECURITIES WILL BE LISTED OR WILL CONTINUE TO BE LISTED ON THE EXCHANGE; OR c) TAKE ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE FINANCIAL OR OTHER SOUNDNESS OF THIS COMPANY, ITS PROMOTERS, ITS MANAGEMENT OR ANY SCHEME OR PROJECT OF THIS COMPANY; AND IT SHOULD NOT FOR ANY REASON BE DEEMED OR CONSTRUED THAT THIS OFFER DOCUMENT HAS BEEN CLEARED OR APPROVED BY THE EXCHANGE. EVERY PERSON WHO DESIRES TO APPLY FOR OR OTHERWISE ACQUIRES ANY SECURITIES OF THIS COMPANY MAY DO SO PURSUANT TO INDEPENDENT INQUIRY, INVESTIGATION AND ANALYSIS AND SHALL NOT HAVE ANY CLAIM AGAINST THE EXCHANGE WHATSOEVER BY REASON OF ANY LOSS WHICH MAY BE SUFFERED BY SUCH PERSON CONSEQUENT TO OR ,1 &211(&7,21 :,7+ 68&+ 68%6&5,37,21$&48,6,7,21 WHETHER BY REASON OF ANYTHING STATED OR OMITTED TO BE STATED HEREIN OR FOR ANY OTHER REASON WHATSOEVER. Disclaimer Clause of RBI THE COMPANY IS HAVING A VALID CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION DATED MAY 12, 2005BEARING REGISTRATION 12%,668('%<7+(5(6(59(%$1.2),1',$81'(5 6(&7,21,$2)7+(5(6(59(%$1.2),1',$$&7 HOWEVER, RBI DOES NOT ACCEPT ANY RESPONSIBILITY OR GUARANTEE ABOUT THE PRESENT POSITION AS TO THE FINANCIAL SOUNDNESS OF THE COMPANY OR FOR THE CORRECTNESS OF ANY OF THE STATEMENTS OR REPRESENTATIONS MADE OR OPINIONS EXPRESSED BY THE &203$1<$1')255(3$<0(172)'(326,76',6&+$5*( OF LIABILITY BYTHE COMPANY. Disclaimer in Respect of Jurisdiction The Issue is being made in India, to Foreign Institutional Investors and sub-accounts (other than a sub account which is a foreign corporate or IRUHLJQ LQGLYLGXDO UHJLVWHUHG ZLWK 6(%, LQFOXGLQJ 6RYHUHLJQ :HDOWK )XQGV3HQVLRQDQG*UDWXLW\)XQGVUHJLVWHUHGZLWK6(%,DV),,V3XEOLF Financial Institutions, scheduled commercial banks, multilateral and bilateral GHYHORSPHQW¿QDQFLDOLQVWLWXWLRQVVWDWHLQGXVWULDOGHYHORSPHQWFRUSRUDWLRQV ZKLFKDUHDXWKRULVHGWRLQYHVWLQWKH1&'V3URYLGHQWIXQGVDQGSHQVLRQ funds with minimum corpus of ` 25 crores, which are authorised to invest LQ WKH 1&'V ,QVXUDQFH FRPSDQLHV UHJLVWHUHG ZLWK WKH ,5'$ 1DWLRQDO Investment Fund set up by resolution no. F. No. 2/3/2005-DDII dated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¿UPVLQWKHQDPHRISDUWQHUV5HJLRQDOUXUDOEDQNV 4),VQRWEHLQJDQLQGLYLGXDO6RFLHWLHVUHJLVWHUHGXQGHUWKHDSSOLFDEOHODZ LQ,QGLDDQGDXWKRUL]HGWRLQYHVWLQ1&'V2WKHUOHJDOHQWLWLHVVXEMHFWWR FRPSOLDQFH ZLWK WKHLU UHVSHFWLYH DSSOLFDEOH OHJLVODWLRQV 5HVLGHQW ,QGLDQ LQGLYLGXDOV +LQGX 8QGLYLGHG )DPLOLHV WKURXJK WKH .DUWD 1RQ 5HVLGHQW ,QGLDQVRQUHSDWULDWLRQDVZHOODVQRQUHSDWULDWLRQEDVLVDQG4),VEHLQJ an individual. The Prospectus and the respective Prospectus will not, however constitute an offer to sell or an invitation to subscribe for the NCDs offered hereby LQDQ\MXULVGLFWLRQRWKHUWKDQ,QGLDWRDQ\SHUVRQWRZKRPLWLVXQODZIXO WRPDNHDQRIIHURULQYLWDWLRQLQVXFKMXULVGLFWLRQ$Q\SHUVRQLQWRZKRVH possession the Prospectus and the respective Prospectus comes is required to inform himself or herself about, and to observe, any such restrictions. 6XFK SHUVRQV VKDOO UHIHU WR WKH VSHFL¿F 'LVFODLPHU DV GLVSOD\HG LQ &RPSDQ\¶VZHEVLWHLQWKLVUHJDUG US disclaimer Nothing in this Prospectus constitutes an offer of securities for sale in WKH 8QLWHG 6WDWHV RU DQ\ RWKHU MXULVGLFWLRQ ZKHUH LW LV XQODZIXO WR GR VR7KH1&'VKDYHQRWEHHQDQGZLOOQRWEHUHJLVWHUHGXQGHUWKH86 Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or the securities laws of any state of WKH8QLWHG6WDWHVRURWKHUMXULVGLFWLRQDQGWKH1&'VPD\QRWEHRIIHUHG RU VROG ZLWKLQ WKH 8QLWHG 6WDWHV RU WR RU IRU WKH DFFRXQW RU EHQH¿W RI 863HUVRQVDVGH¿QHGLQ5HJXODWLRQ6XQGHUWKH6HFXULWLHV$FWH[FHSW SXUVXDQW WR DQ H[HPSWLRQ IURP RU LQ D WUDQVDFWLRQ QRW VXEMHFW WR WKH registration requirements of the Securities Act and applicable state securities laws. The Issuer has not registered and does not intend to register under WKH86,QYHVWPHQW&RPSDQ\$FWRIDVDPHQGHG7KLV3URVSHFWXV may not be forwarded or distributed to any other person and may not be reproduced in any manner whatsoever, and in particular, may not be IRUZDUGHGWRDQ\863HUVRQRUWRDQ\86DGGUHVV (DFKRWKHUSXUFKDVHURIWKH1&'VZLOOEHUHTXLUHGWRUHSUHVHQWDQGDJUHH DPRQJRWKHUWKLQJVWKDWLVXFKSXUFKDVHULVDQRQ86SHUVRQDFTXLULQJ the NCDs in an “offshore transaction” in accordance with Regulation S and LQFRPSOLDQFHZLWKODZVRIDOOMXULVGLFWLRQVDSSOLFDEOHWRVXFKSHUVRQDQG (ii) any reoffer, resale, pledge or transfer of the NCDs by such purchaser ZLOOQRWEHPDGHWRDSHUVRQLQWKH8QLWHG6WDWHVRUWRDSHUVRQNQRZQ E\WKHXQGHUVLJQHGWREHD863HUVRQLQHDFKFDVHLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK all applicable securities laws. EU disclaimer 1RRIIHUWRWKHSXEOLFDVGH¿QHGXQGHU'LUHFWLYH(&WRJHWKHU with any amendments) and implementing measures thereto, (the “Prospectus Directive”) has been or will be made in respect of the Issue or otherwise LQUHVSHFWRIWKH1&'VLQDQ\PHPEHU6WDWHRIWKH(XURSHDQ(FRQRPLF $UHDZKLFKKDVLPSOHPHQWHGWKH3URVSHFWXV'LUHFWLYHH[FHSWIRUDQ\VXFK RIIHU PDGH XQGHU H[HPSWLRQV DYDLODEOH XQGHU WKH 3URVSHFWXV 'LUHFWLYH provided that no such offer shall result in a requirement to publish or supplement a prospectus pursuant to the Prospectus Directive, in respect of the Issue or otherwise in respect of the NCDs. Any forwarding, distribution or reproduction of this document in whole or in part is unauthorised. Failure to comply with this directive may result in a violation of the Securities Act or the applicable laws of other MXULVGLFWLRQV$Q\LQYHVWPHQWGHFLVLRQVKRXOGEHPDGHRQWKHEDVLVRIWKH ¿QDOWHUPVDQGFRQGLWLRQVRIWKH1&'VDQGWKHLQIRUPDWLRQFRQWDLQHGLQ this Prospectus. 4. Listing $Q DSSOLFDWLRQ ZLOO EH PDGH WR 16( DQG %6( IRU SHUPLVVLRQ WR GHDO LQ DQG IRU DQ RI¿FLDO TXRWDWLRQ RI RXU 1&'V 16( KDV EHHQ DSSRLQWHG DV WKH'HVLJQDWHG6WRFN([FKDQJH ,I SHUPLVVLRQV WR GHDO LQ DQG IRU DQ RI¿FLDO TXRWDWLRQ RI RXU 1&'V DUH QRW JUDQWHG E\ 16( DQG RU %6( RXU &RPSDQ\ ZLOO IRUWKZLWK UHSD\ INDIA INFOLINE FINANCE LIMITED 37 IN THE NATURE OF FORM 2A - MEMORANDUM CONTAINING SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROSPECTUS 5. 6. 7. 9. 10. without interest, all moneys received from the applicants in pursuance of this Prospectus. Our Company shall ensure that all steps for the completion of the necessary formalities for listing and commencement of trading at all the Stock ([FKDQJHV PHQWLRQHG DERYH DUH WDNHQ ZLWKLQ ZRUNLQJ GD\V IURP WKH date of allotment. )RUWKHDYRLGDQFHRIGRXEWLWLVKHUHE\FODUL¿HGWKDWLQWKHHYHQWRIQRQ subscription to any one or more of the Options, such NCDs with Option(s) shall not be listed. Consents The written consents of Directors of our Company, Company Secretary DQG&RPSOLDQFH2I¿FHURXU6WDWXWRU\$XGLWRUWKH&KDUWHUHG$FFRXQWDQW LVVXLQJ VWDWHPHQW RI WD[ EHQH¿W WKH OHJDO DGYLVRU WKH /HDG 0DQDJHUV &R/HDG0DQDJHUVWKH5HJLVWUDUWRWKH,VVXH(VFURZ&ROOHFWLRQ%DQNV Refund Bank, Credit Rating Agencies, the Bankers to our Company, $XGLWRULVVXLQJWKH³6WDWHPHQWRI7D[%HQH¿WV´FHUWL¿FDWHWKH'HEHQWXUH Trustee, and the Lead Brokers to act in their respective capacities, have EHHQREWDLQHGDQGZLOOEH¿OHGDORQJZLWKDFRS\RIWKLV3URVSHFWXVZLWK the RoC as required under Section 56 and 60 of the Companies Act and such consents have not been withdrawn up to the time of delivery of this 3URVSHFWXVZLWK6WRFN([FKDQJHV The consents of the Statutory Auditors of our Company, namely Sharp and Tannan Associates, Chartered Accountants for (a) inclusion of their QDPH DV WKH 6WDWXWRU\ $XGLWRU E H[DPLQDWLRQ UHSRUWV RQ 5HIRUPDWWHG &RQVROLGDWHG )LQDQFLDO 6WDWHPHQWV DQG WKH 5HIRUPDWWHG 8QFRQVROLGDWHG )LQDQFLDO6WDWHPHQWVLQWKHIRUPDQGFRQWH[WLQZKLFKWKH\DSSHDULQWKLV 3URVSHFWXV KDYH EHHQ REWDLQHG DQG WKH VDPH ZLOO EH ¿OHG DORQJ ZLWK D FRS\RIWKLV3URVSHFWXVZLWKWKH'HVLJQDWHG6WRFN([FKDQJH Expert Opinion ([FHSW WKH L$XGLWRUV UHSRUW RQ )LQDQFLDO 6WDWHPHQWV LVVXHG E\ 6KDUS 7DQQDQ$VVRFLDWHV&KDUWHUHG$FFRXQWDQWVGDWHG6HSWHPEHUDQG LL 6WDWHPHQW RI7D[ %HQH¿WV LVVXHG E\ 3ULWHVK 0HKWD &R &KDUWHUHG $FFRXQWDQWVGDWHG$XJXVWDQGLLLUHSRUWVLVVXHGE\&$5(GDWHG August 23, 2013 and Brickworks dated August 27, 2013 in respect of the credit ratings issued thereby for this Issue which furnishes the rationale IRULWVUDWLQJRXU&RPSDQ\KDVQRWREWDLQHGDQ\H[SHUWRSLQLRQV Common form of Transfer We undertake that there shall be a common form of transfer for the NCDs and the provisions of the Companies Act and all applicable laws shall be duly complied with in respect of all transfer of debentures and registration thereof. Minimum Subscription If our Company does not receive the minimum subscription of 75% of the Base Issue, i.e. ` 3,937.50 million, the entire subscription shall be refunded to the applicants within twelve (12) Working Days from the date of closure of the Issue. If there is delay in the refund of subscription E\ PRUH WKDQ GD\V DIWHU RXU &RPSDQ\ EHFRPHV OLDEOH WR UHIXQG WKH subscription amount, our Company will pay interest for the delayed period, at rates prescribed under sub-sections (2) and (2A) of Section 73 of the Companies Act. Filing of the Draft Prospectus 7KH 'UDIW 3URVSHFWXV ZDV ¿OHG ZLWK WKH 6WRFN ([FKDQJHV RQ $XJXVW LQ WHUPV RI 5HJXODWLRQ RI WKH 6(%, 'HEW 5HJXODWLRQV IRU dissemination on their website(s). 'HEHQWXUH5HGHPSWLRQ5HVHUYH Section 117C of the Act states that any company that intends to issue debentures must create a DRR to which adequate amounts shall be credited RXWRIWKHSUR¿WVRIRXU&RPSDQ\XQWLOWKHUHGHPSWLRQRIWKHGHEHQWXUHV 7KH0LQLVWU\RI&RUSRUDWH$IIDLUVKDVWKURXJKLWVFLUFXODUGDWHG$SULO 2002, (“Circular´VSHFL¿HGWKDWWKHTXDQWXPRI'55WREHFUHDWHGEHIRUH the redemption liability actually arises in normal circumstances should be ‘adequate¶ WR SD\ WKH YDOXH RI WKH GHEHQWXUHV SOXV DFFUXHG LQWHUHVW INDIA INFOLINE FINANCE LIMITED 2. 3. 11. Redemption amount, (if not already paid), till the debentures are redeemed and cancelled. The limits provided under the said Circular has undergone revision vide 0LQLVWU\ RI &RPSDQ\$IIDLUV *HQHUDO &LUFXODU 1R 1R &/9 $ GDWHG )HEUXDU\ ZKLFK VSHFL¿HV WKDW NBFCs like our Company, (NBFCs which are registered with the RBI XQGHU 6HFWLRQ ,$ RI WKH 5%,$FW VKDOO FUHDWH '55 WR WKH H[WHQW RI 25 per cent of the value of the debentures issued through public issue. Accordingly our Company is required to create a DRR of 25% of the YDOXH RI GHEHQWXUHV LVVXHG WKURXJK WKH SXEOLF LVVXH$V IXUWKHU FODUL¿HG by the Circular, the amount to be credited as DRR will be carved out of WKH SUR¿WV RI RXU &RPSDQ\ RQO\ LI WKHUH LV SUR¿W IRU WKH SDUWLFXODU \HDU and there is no obligation on the part of our Company to create DRR LI WKHUH LV QR SUR¿W IRU WKH SDUWLFXODU \HDU 2XU &RPSDQ\ VKDOO FUHGLW DGHTXDWH DPRXQWV WR '55 IURP LWV SUR¿WV HYHU\ \HDU XQWLO VXFK 1&'V are redeemed. 7KH 0LQLVWU\ RI &RPSDQ\ $IIDLUV *HQHUDO &LUFXODU 1R 1R 11/02/2012-CL-V(A) dated February 11, 2013 further provides that every company required to create/maintain DRR shall before the 30th day of $SULO RI HDFK \HDU GHSRVLW RU LQYHVW DV WKH FDVH PD\ EH D VXP ZKLFK VKDOO QRW EH OHVV WKDQ ¿IWHHQ SHU FHQW RI WKH DPRXQW RI LWV GHEHQWXUHV PDWXULQJGXULQJWKH\HDUHQGLQJRQWKHVWGD\RI0DUFKQH[WIROORZLQJ in anyone or more of the following methods, namely LQGHSRVLWVZLWKDQ\VFKHGXOHGEDQNIUHHIURPFKDUJHRUOLHQ in unencumbered securities of the Central Government or of any State *RYHUQPHQW in unencumbered securities mentioned in clauses (a) to (d) and (ee) of VHFWLRQRIWKH,QGLDQ7UXVWV$FW LQ XQHQFXPEHUHG ERQGV LVVXHG E\ DQ\ RWKHU FRPSDQ\ ZKLFK LV QRWL¿HG XQGHUFODXVH,RIVHFWLRQRIWKH,QGLDQ7UXVWV$FW 7KHDPRXQWGHSRVLWHGRULQYHVWHGDVWKHFDVHPD\EHVKDOOQRWEHXWLOL]HG for any purpose other than for the repayment of debentures maturing during the year referred to above, provided that the amount remaining deposited or invested, as the case may be, shall not at any time fall below 15 per cent of the amount of debentures maturing during the 31stGD\RI0DUFK of that year. Issue Related Expenses 7KH H[SHQVHV RI WKLV ,VVXH LQFOXGH DPRQJ RWKHUV )HHV IRU WKH /HDG 0DQDJHUV &R/HDG 0DQDJHUV SULQWLQJ DQG GLVWULEXWLRQ H[SHQVHV OHJDO IHHVDGYHUWLVHPHQWH[SHQVHVDQGOLVWLQJIHHV7KHHVWLPDWHG,VVXHH[SHQVHV WREHLQFXUUHGIRUWKH,VVXHVL]HRIXSWR`0LOOLRQDVVXPLQJWKH full subscription including the retention of over subscription of upto ` 0LOOLRQDUHDVIROORZV (` in million) $FWLYLW\ Amount /HDG0DQDJHPHQW)HH/HDG0DQDJHUVDQG&R/HDG0DQDJHUV $GYHUWLVLQJDQG0DUNHWLQJ([SHQVHVDQG%URNHUDJH 150 Printing, Stationery and Distribution 25 Others (Debenture Trustee Fees, Registrar Fee, Credit Rating Fee, Legal 35 )HHV6WDPS'XW\5HJLVWUDWLRQH[SHQVHHWF Total 7KHDERYHH[SHQVHVDUHLQGLFDWLYHDQGDUHVXEMHFWWRFKDQJHGHSHQGLQJRQWKH actual level of subscription to the Issue and the number of Allottees, market conditions and other relevant factors. 12. Underwriting The Issue has not been underwritten. Details regarding the public issue during the last three years by our Company and other listed companies under the same management ZLWKLQWKHPHDQLQJRIVHFWLRQ% There are no public or rights or composite issue of capital by listed companies under the same management within the meaning of Section 370(1) (B) of the Companies Act during the last three years. IN THE NATURE OF FORM 2A - MEMORANDUM CONTAINING SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROSPECTUS 2XU&RPSDQ\KDVQRWPDGHDQ\SXEOLFLVVXHRI(TXLW\6KDUHVLQWKHODVW ¿YH\HDUV Our Company has made the following Public Issue of debentures and ULJKWVLVVXDQFHVLQWKHODVW¿YH\HDUV 0,56'GDWHG-DQXDU\KDVEHHQGLVFORVHGRQWKHUHVSHFWLYH ZHEVLWHVRIWKH/HDG0DQDJHUV&R/HDG0DQDJHUVWRWKH,VVXH 19. 5HYDOXDWLRQRIDVVHWV 2XU&RPSDQ\KDVQRWUHYDOXHGLWVDVVHWVLQWKHODVW¿YH\HDUV Date of Type of Issue 1RRI(TXLW\ Face Issue Price per Nature of 20. 0HFKDQLVPIRUUHGUHVVDORILQYHVWRUJULHYDQFHV Allotment 6KDUHV Value (TXLW\6KDUH consideration The agreement between the Registrar to the Issue and our Company will Debentures (in `) Debentures (in `) provide for retention of records with the Registrar to the Issue for a period )HEUXDU\ Rights Issue of 10 1,014 Cash of at least three years from the last date of despatch of the Allotment equity Shares Advice, demat credit and refund orders to enable the investors to approach -XO\ Public issue of 7,500,000 1,000 1,000 Cash the Registrar to the Issue for redressal of their grievances. debentures All grievances relating to the Issue may be addressed to the Registrar to August 27, 2012 Public issue of 5,00,000 1,000 1,000 Cash debentures WKH,VVXH&RPSOLDQFH2I¿FHUDQGRU/HDG0DQDJHUV&R/HDG0DQDJHUV to the Issue, giving full details such as name, address of the applicant, 3UHYLRXV,VVXH number of NCDs applied for, amount paid on application and the details RI0HPEHURI6\QGLFDWHRU7UDGLQJ0HPEHURIWKH6WRFN([FKDQJHZKHUH Other than the issue of 7,500,000 Secured Redeemable Non-Convertible the application was submitted. The contact details of Registrar to the Issue Debentures of face value of ` 1,000 each aggregating to ` 7,500 million in are as follows: WKH\HDUDQG8QVHFXUHG5HGHHPDEOH1RQ&RQYHUWLEOH Debentures of face value of ` 1,000 each aggregating to ` 5,000 million Link Intime India Private Limited in the year 2012- 2013 our Company has previously not made any public &3DQQDODO6LON0LOOV&RPSRXQG LVVXHVRI(TXLW\6KDUHVRU'HEHQWXUHV /%60DUJ%KDQGXS:HVW0XPEDL±0DKDUDVKWUD,QGLD 7HO 2WKHUWKDQDVVSHFL¿FDOO\GLVFORVHGLQWKLV3URVSHFWXVRXU&RPSDQ\KDV )D[ +91 22 2596 0329 not issued any securities for consideration other than cash. EmailLLÀQFG#OLQNLQWLPHFRLQ 14. &RPPLVVLRQVDQG%URNHUDJHRQSUHYLRXVLVVXH ,QYHVWRU*ULHYDQFHPDLOLLÀQFG#OLQNLQWLPHFRLQ $Q H[SHQVH RI ` PLOOLRQ ZDV LQFXUUHG LQ WKH ¿QDQFLDO \HDU HQGHG :HEVLWH 0DUFK WRZDUGV FRPPLVVLRQ DQG EURNHUDJH LQ FRQQHFWLRQ ZLWK &RQWDFW3HUVRQSachinAchar the public issue of un-secured non convertible debentures of face value ` 5HJLVWUDWLRQ1XPEHU,15 1,000.00 each aggregating to ` 5,000.00 million pursuant to the prospectus We estimate that the average time required by us or the Registrar to the GDWHG$XJXVW Issue for the redressal of routine investor grievances will be 7 (seven) 15. Stock Market Data business days from the date of receipt of the complaint. In case of non2XU1RQ&RQYHUWLEOH'HEHQWXUHVDUHFXUUHQWO\OLVWHGRQ%6(DQG16($V URXWLQHFRPSODLQWVDQGFRPSODLQWVZKHUHH[WHUQDODJHQFLHVDUHLQYROYHG RXU1RQ&RQYHUWLEOH'HEHQWXUHVDUHDFWLYHO\FRPSDQ\WRFRQ¿UPWUDGHG ZHZLOOVHHNWRUHGUHVVWKHVHFRPSODLQWVDVH[SHGLWLRXVO\DVSRVVLEOH RQ ERWK %6( DQG 16( VWRFN PDUNHW GDWD KDV EHHQ JLYHQ VHSDUDWHO\ IRU 0U0DQLVK0LVKUDKDVEHHQDSSRLQWHGDVWKH&RPSOLDQFH2I¿FHURIRXU HDFKRIWKHVH6WRFN([FKDQJHVLQ$QQH[XUH, &RPSDQ\IRUWKLVLVVXH7KHFRQWDFWGHWDLOVRI&RPSOLDQFHRI¿FHURIRXU 16. Debentures or bonds and redeemable preference shares and other Company are as follows: instruments issued by our Company and outstanding Mr. Manish Mishra $V RQ -XO\ RXU &RPSDQ\ KDV OLVWHG XQOLVWHG UDWHG XQUDWHG $WK)ORRU3DULQHH&UHVFHQ]R secured/ unsecured, non-convertible redeemable debentures and listed &*%ORFN%DQGUD.XUOD&RPSOH[ subordinated debt aggregating to an outstanding amount of ` 16,760.07 %DQGUD(DVW0XPEDL0DKDUDVKWUD,QGLD millions. Apart from the above, there are no outstanding debenture bonds, (PDLO redeemable preference shares or other instruments issued by our Company 7HO that are outstanding. )D[ 17. 'LYLGHQG 21. Change in Auditors of our Company during the last three years Our Company has no stated dividend policy. The declaration and payment There has been no change(s) in the Statutory Auditors of our Company of dividends on our shares will be recommended by the Board of Directors LQWKHODVWWKUHH¿QDQFLDO\HDUVSUHFHGLQJWKHGDWHRIWKLV3URVSHFWXV and approved by our shareholders, at their discretion, and will depend For details please refer to the chapter “Other Regulatory and Statutory RQ D QXPEHU RI IDFWRUV LQFOXGLQJ EXW QRW OLPLWHG WR RXU SUR¿WV FDSLWDO Disclosures” on pages 329 of the Prospectus. UHTXLUHPHQWVDQGRYHUDOO¿QDQFLDOFRQGLWLRQ The following table details the dividend declared/recommended by our RISK FACTORS &RPSDQ\RQWKH(TXLW\6KDUHVIRUWKH)LQDQFLDO<HDUVHQGHG0DUFK An investment in NCDs involves a certain degree of risk. You should carefully consider all the information contained in this Prospectus, including the risks 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012. (` in million) and uncertainties described below, before making an investment decision. The risk factors set forth below do not purport to be complete or comprehensive <HDUHQGHGDVDW0DUFK in terms of all the risk factors that may arise in connection with our business 2012 2011 2010 2009 or any decision to purchase, own or dispose of the NCDs. The following risk Final Dividend Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil factors are determined on the basis of their materiality. In determining the Interim `SHU(TXLW\6KDUHKHOG Nil `SHU(TXLW\6KDUHKHOGDV Nil Nil materiality of risk factors, we have considered risks which may not be material Dividend DV RQ -DQXDU\ RQ-XO\DPRXQWLQJ individually but may be material when considered collectively, which may have amounting to ` to `DORQJZLWK a qualitative impact though not quantitative, which may not be material at alongwith ` RQ ` 20,152,164 on account of present but may have a material impact in the future. Additional risks, which DFFRXQWRIWD[RQGLYLGHQG WD[RQGLYLGHQG 'LVFORVXUH RI 7UDFN 5HFRUG RI /HDG 0DQDJHUV &R/HDG 0DQDJHUV are currently unknown, if materialises, may in the future have a material DGYHUVH HIIHFW RQ RXU EXVLQHVV ¿QDQFLDO FRQGLWLRQ DQG UHVXOWV RI RSHUDWLRQV to Issue 7KH GHWDLOV RI WKH WUDFN UHFRUG RI WKH UHVSHFWLYH /HDG 0DQDJHUV &R The market prices of the NCDs could decline due to such risks and you may /HDG 0DQDJHUV WR WKH ,VVXH DV UHTXLUHG E\ 6(%, FLUFXODU QXPEHU &,5 lose all or part of your investment. INDIA INFOLINE FINANCE LIMITED 39 IN THE NATURE OF FORM 2A - MEMORANDUM CONTAINING SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROSPECTUS 8QOHVVVSHFL¿HGRUTXDQWL¿HGLQWKHUHOHYDQWULVNIDFWRUVEHORZZHDUHQRWLQD SRVLWLRQWRTXDQWLI\WKH¿QDQFLDORURWKHULPSOLFDWLRQRIDQ\RIWKHULVNVGHVFULEHG in this section. This Prospectus also contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. Our results could differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements as a result of certain factors, including events described below and elsewhere in this Prospectus. Unless RWKHUZLVHVWDWHGWKH¿QDQFLDOLQIRUPDWLRQXVHGLQWKLVVHFWLRQLVGHULYHGIURP DQG VKRXOG EH UHDG LQ FRQMXQFWLRQ ZLWK UHIRUPDWWHG FRQVROLGDWHG ¿QDQFLDO statements of our Company as of and for the Financial Year ended March 31, 2013, March 31, 2012, March 31, 2011, March 31, 2010 and March 31, 2009 in each case prepared in accordance with Indian GAAP, including the annexure and notes thereto. I. Internal Risk Factors 1. We are subject to certain legal proceedings and we cannot assure you that we will be successful in all of these actions. In the event we are unsuccessful in litigating any or all of the disputes, our business and results of operations may be adversely affected. 2. Any increase in the levels of non-performing assets (“NPA”) on our loan portfolio, for any reason whatsoever, would adversely affect our business and results of operations 3. We may be impacted by volatility in interest rates which could cause RXU*URVV 6SUHDGVWRGHFOLQHDQGFRQVHTXHQWO\DIIHFWRXUSUR¿WDELOLW\ 4. We are subjected to supervision and regulation by the RBI as a systemically important NBFC, and changes in RBI’s regulations governing us could adversely affect our business. 5. Our ability to borrow from various banks may be restricted on account of guidelines issued by the RBI imposing restrictions on banks in relation to their exposure to NBFCs. 6. Our ability to lend against the collateral of gold jewellery has been restricted on account of guidelines issued by RBI, which may have a negative impact on our business and results of operation. 7. We may not be able to realise the full value of our pledged gold jewellery, which exposes us to a potential loss. 8. Our business requires substantial capital, and any disruption in funding sources would have a material adverse effect on our liquidity and ¿QDQFLDOFRQGLWLRQ 7KH ¿QDQFLQJ LQGXVWU\ LV EHFRPLQJ LQFUHDVLQJO\ FRPSHWLWLYH DQG RXU growth will depend on our ability to compete effectively. 10. We are dependent on IIFL, our holding company, for our clientele, goodwill that we enjoy in the industry and our brand name and any factor affecting the business and reputation of IIFL may have a concurrent adverse effect on our business and results of operations. 11. If we are unable to manage our rapid growth effectively, our business DQG¿QDQFLDOUHVXOWVFRXOGEHDGYHUVHO\DIIHFWHG 12. Our growth will depend on our continued ability to access funds at competitive rates which are dependent on a number of factors including our ability to maintain our credit ratings. 13. We face asset-liability mismatches which could affect our liquidity and FRQVHTXHQWO\PD\DGYHUVHO\DIIHFWRXURSHUDWLRQVDQGSUR¿WDELOLW\ 14. We extend margin funding loans, or loans against shares, to our clients, and any default by a client coupled with a downturn in the stock markets could result in substantial losses for us. 15. For our Gold Loan and Healthcare Finance business, the value of our collateral may decrease or we may experience delays in enforcing our collateral when our customers default on payment obligations which may result in failure to recover the expected value of the collateral and DGYHUVHO\DIIHFWRXU¿QDQFLDOSHUIRUPDQFH 16. Inaccurate appraisal of pledged gold jewellery by our personnel may DGYHUVHO\DIIHFWRXUEXVLQHVVDQG¿QDQFLDOFRQGLWLRQ :HGRQRWRZQWKHSUHPLVHVZKHUHRXUEUDQFKRI¿FHVDUHORFDWHGDQG in the event our rights over the properties is not renewed or is revoked or is renewed on terms less favourable to us, our business activities may be disrupted. 18. Our subsidiary has been issued notices by the NHB and any adverse GHFLVLRQPD\DIIHFWRXUFRQVROLGDWHG¿QDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVDQGUHVXOWVRI operations. 40 INDIA INFOLINE FINANCE LIMITED 19. We require several licenses and approvals for our business and in the event we are unable to procure or renew them in time or at all, our business may be adversely affected 20. All of the gold loans we offer are due within one year of disbursement, and a failure to disburse new loans may result in a reduction of our loan portfolio and a corresponding decrease in our interest income. 21. We handle cash on a regular basis and are hence exposed to the risk of fraud and misappropriation of funds. 22. We have entered into assignment agreements to sell certain loans IURP RXU RXWVWDQGLQJ ORDQ SRUWIROLR 2XU EXVLQHVV ¿QDQFLDO FRQGLWLRQ and results of operations could be adversely affected due to some of the restrictions imposed under such agreements or downgrade in the ratings of our securitized debt or if such assignment of loan is held to be unenforceable. 23. As part of our business strategy we assign or securitize a substantial portion of our loan assets to banks and other institutions. Any deterioration in the performance of any pool of receivables assigned or securitized to banks and other institutions may adversely impact our ¿QDQFLDOSHUIRUPDQFHDQGRUFDVKÀRZV 24. Any decline in our capital adequacy ratio could restrict our future business growth. 25. Our branches are vulnerable to theft which could adversely affect our reputation, business and results of operation. 26. We may have to comply with stricter regulations and guidelines issued by regulatory authorities in India. 2XU ORDQ SRUWIROLR LV QRW FODVVL¿HG DV SULRULW\ VHFWRU DGYDQFHV E\ WKH RBI. 2XUFRQWLQJHQWOLDELOLWLHVFRXOGDGYHUVHO\DIIHFWRXU¿QDQFLDOFRQGLWLRQ 29. We are subject to certain restrictive covenants in our loan documents, which may restrict our operations and ability to grow and may adversely affect our business. 30. Our success depends in large part upon our management team and key personnel and our ability to attract, train and retain such persons. Our inability to attract and retain talented professionals, or the resignation or loss of key management personnel, may have an adverse impact on RXUEXVLQHVVDQGIXWXUH¿QDQFLDOSHUIRUPDQFH 31. We may not be able to successfully sustain our growth plans. 32. Our insurance coverage may not adequately protect us against losses. 33. Any change in control of our Promoter or our Company may FRUUHVSRQGLQJO\DGYHUVHO\DIIHFWRXURSHUDWLRQVDQGSUR¿WDELOLW\ $VLJQL¿FDQWFRPSRQHQWRIRXUH[SRVXUHLVWRZDUGV0RUWJDJHORDQVDQG Real Estate sector and any factor affecting this sector could adversely affect our business. 35. We undertake distribution of certain third party products which could result in our Company being made party to litigations. 36. Our ability to assess, monitor and manage risks inherent in our business differs from the standards of some of our counterparts. 37. Our Business is dependent on relationships established through our branches with our clients; any events that harm these relationships including closure of branches or the loss of our key branch personnel PD\OHDGWRGHFOLQHLQRXUUHYHQXHDQGSUR¿WV 38. Our Company is exposed to many operational risks which could materially impact our business and results of operations. 2XU3URPRWHUKDVVLJQL¿FDQWFRQWUROLQRXU&RPSDQ\ZKLFKZLOOHQDEOH WKHPWRLQÀXHQFHWKHRXWFRPHRIPDWWHUVVXEPLWWHGWRVKDUHKROGHUVIRU approval, and their interests may differ from those of other holders of Equity Shares. 40. Our results of operations could be adversely affected by any disputes with employees. 41. High levels of customer defaults could adversely affect our business, ¿QDQFLDOFRQGLWLRQDQGUHVXOWVRIRSHUDWLRQV 6LJQL¿FDQW IUDXG V\VWHP IDLOXUH RU FDODPLWLHV FRXOG DGYHUVHO\ LPSDFW our business. 43. We depend on the accuracy and completeness of information about customers and counterparties which may adversely affect our reputation and business. IN THE NATURE OF FORM 2A - MEMORANDUM CONTAINING SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROSPECTUS 44. Inaccurate appraisal of credit may adversely impact our business 45. We have entered into a number of related party transactions and may continue to enter into related party transactions, which may involve FRQÀLFWRILQWHUHVW II. Risks pertaining to this Issue 46. We are required to create a debenture redemption reserve equivalent to 25% of the value of the NCD offered through this Issue and we may not have access to adequate funds to redeem the full quantum of the NCDs at the closure of the redemption period 47. Changes in interest rates may affect the price of our NCDs. 48. You may not be able to recover, on a timely basis or at all, the full YDOXH RI WKH RXWVWDQGLQJ DPRXQWV DQGRU WKH LQWHUHVW DFFUXHG WKHUHRQ in connection with the NCDs. 49. There is no assurance that the NCDs issued pursuant to this Issue will be listed on Stock Exchanges in a timely manner, or at all. 50. Any downgrading in credit rating of our NCDs may affect the value of NCDs and thus our ability to raise further debts. 51. Our Company may raise further borrowings and charge its assets after receipt of necessary consents from its existing lenders. 52. You may be subject to Indian taxes arising on the sale of the NCDs. 53. There is no active market for the non-convertible debentures on the WDM segment of the stock exchanges. As a result the liquidity and market prices of the non-convertible debentures may fail to develop and may accordingly be adversely affected. 54. Foreign Investors, including NRIs, QFIs and FIIs subscribing to the NCDs are subject to risks in connection with (i) exchange control UHJXODWLRQVDQGLLÀXFWXDWLRQVLQIRUHLJQH[FKDQJHUDWHV 55. The offering of NCDs to FIIs, QFIs and NRIs is subject to restrictions imposed by jurisdictions where such investors are resident in and of laws to which they are otherwise subject to. III. External Risk Factors 56. Our results of operations have been, and may continue to be, adversely DIIHFWHG E\ ,QGLDQ DQG LQWHUQDWLRQDO ¿QDQFLDO PDUNHW DQG HFRQRPLF conditions. )LQDQFLDOGLI¿FXOWLHVDQGRWKHUSUREOHPVLQFHUWDLQ¿QDQFLDOLQVWLWXWLRQV in India could cause our business to suffer and adversely affect our results of operations. 58. Terrorist attacks, civil unrest and other acts of violence or war involving ,QGLD DQG RWKHU FRXQWULHV FRXOG DGYHUVHO\ DIIHFW WKH ¿QDQFLDO PDUNHWV and our business 59. Natural calamities could have a negative impact on the Indian economy, particularly the agriculture sector, and cause our business to suffer 60. Any downgrading of India’s debt rating by an international rating agency could have a negative impact on our business. 61. Instability of economic policies and the political situation in India could adversely affect the fortunes of the industry 62. Companies operating in India are subject to a variety of central and state government taxes and surcharges. 63. Financial instability in other countries could disrupt our business. IV. PROMINENT NOTES 1. This is a public issue of NCDs by our Company aggregating upto ` 5,250million with an option to retain over-subscription upto ` 5,250million for issuance of additional NCDs, aggregating to a total of 10,500million. )RUGHWDLOVRQWKHLQWHUHVWRIRXU&RPSDQ\¶V'LUHFWRUVSOHDVHUHIHUWRWKH sections titled “Our Management” and “Capital Structure” beginning on SDJHVDQGUHVSHFWLYHO\ 3. Our Company has entered into certain related party transactions, within the PHDQLQJRI$6DVQRWL¿HGE\WKH&RPSDQLHV$FFRXQWLQJ6WDQGDUGV Rules, 2006, as disclosed in the chapter titled “Financial Statements” beginning on page 102 of the Prospectus. $Q\ FODUL¿FDWLRQ RU LQIRUPDWLRQ UHODWLQJ WR WKH ,VVXH VKDOO EH PDGH DYDLODEOH E\ WKH /HDG 0DQDJHUV &R /HDG 0DQDJHUV DQG RXU &RPSDQ\ to the investors at large and no selective or additional information would be available for a section of investors in any manner whatsoever. ,QYHVWRUVPD\FRQWDFWWKH5HJLVWUDUWRWKH,VVXH&RPSOLDQFH2I¿FHU/HDG 0DQDJHUVDQGWKH&R/HDG0DQDJHUVIRUDQ\FRPSODLQWVSHUWDLQLQJWRWKH ,VVXH ,Q FDVH RI DQ\ VSHFL¿F TXHULHV RQ DOORWPHQWUHIXQG ,QYHVWRU PD\ contact Registrar to the Issue. 6. In the event of oversubscription to the Issue, allocation of NCDs will be as per the “Basis of Allotment” set out in the chapter “Issue Procedure” RQSDJHRIWKH3URVSHFWXV 2XU(TXLW\6KDUHVDUHFXUUHQWO\XQOLVWHG $OOWKHHDUOLHUVHFXUHGQRQFRQYHUWLEOHGHEHQWXUHVLVVXHGE\RXU&RPSDQ\ RQ SULYDWH SODFHPHQW EDVLV DUH OLVWHG RQ 16( 7KH 3UHYLRXV ,VVXH RI 7,500,000 Secured Redeemable Non-Convertible Debentures of face value of ` 1,000 each aggregating to 7,500 million in the year 2011- 2012 is OLVWHG RQ 16( DQG %6( )XUWKHU WKH SUHYLRXV SXEOLF LVVXH RI 8QVHFXUHG 5HGHHPDEOH 1RQ&RQYHUWLEOH 'HEHQWXUHV RI IDFH YDOXH RI ` 1,000 each aggregating to 5,000 million in the year 2012- 2013 is listed RQ16(DQG%6( $VRI0DUFKRQDFRQVROLGDWHGEDVLVZHKDGFHUWDLQFRQWLQJHQW liabilities not provided for, including the following: L GLVSXWHGLQFRPHWD[GHPDQGRI`PLOOLRQDQG ii. Any other of ` 245.27 million. )RU IXUWKHU LQIRUPDWLRQ RQ VXFK FRQWLQJHQW OLDELOLWLHV VHH$QQH[XUH WR RXU “Reformatted Unconsolidated Financial Statements´ DQG $QQH[XUH to our “Reformatted Consolidated Financial Statements”. )RU IXUWKHU LQIRUPDWLRQ UHODWLQJ WR FHUWDLQ VLJQL¿FDQW OHJDO SURFHHGLQJV that we are involved in, see “Outstanding Litigation” beginning on page 305 of the Prospectus. For details refer to the chapter “Risk Factors” on page XI of the Prospectus. V. Material Contracts and Documents The following Contracts (not being contracts entered into in the ordinary course of business carried on by our Company or entered into more than two years before the date of the Prospectus) which are or may be deemed material have been entered or to be entered into by our Company. These Contracts which are or may be deemed material shall be attached to the copy of this Prospectus WR EH GHOLYHUHG WR WKH 5HJLVWUDU RI &RPSDQLHV 0XPEDL IRU UHJLVWUDWLRQ DQG also the documents for inspection referred to hereunder, may be inspected at WKHUHJLVWHUHGRI¿FHRIRXU&RPSDQ\IURPDPWRSPRQ:RUNLQJ 'D\VIURPWKHGDWHRIWKH¿OLQJRIWKLV3URVSHFWXVZLWK6(%,XQWLOWKH,VVXH Closing Date. For further details refer to page 347 of the Prospectus. DECLARATIONS We, the undersigned, hereby certify and declare that all relevant provisions of the Companies Act, and the guidelines issued by the Government of India DQGRUWKHUHJXODWLRQVJXLGHOLQHVLVVXHGE\WKH6HFXULWLHVDQG([FKDQJH%RDUG RI,QGLDHVWDEOLVKHGXQGHU6HFWLRQRIWKH6HFXULWLHVDQG([FKDQJH%RDUGRI ,QGLD$FW DV DSSOLFDEOH LQFOXGLQJ WKH 6HFXULWLHV DQG ([FKDQJH %RDUG RI ,QGLD ,VVXH DQG /LVWLQJ RI 'HEW 6HFXULWLHV 5HJXODWLRQV KDYH EHHQ complied with and no statement made in this Prospectus is contrary to the SURYLVLRQVRIWKH&RPSDQLHV$FWWKH6HFXULWLHVDQG([FKDQJH%RDUGRI,QGLD Act, 1992 or rules made there under, regulations or guidelines issued, as the case may be. We further certify that all the disclosures and statements made in this Prospectus are true and correct. )RUDQGRQEHKDOIRIWKH%RDUGRI'LUHFWRUVRI,QGLD,QIROLQH¿QDQFH/LPLWHG Mr. V K Chopra Mr. Nirmal Jain Mr. R. Venkataraman Mr. Nilesh Vikamsey Mr. Mahesh Narayan Singh Mr. Sunil Kaul Mr. Mukesh Singh FOR FURTHER DETAILS PLEASE REFER TO THE PROSPECTUS INDIA INFOLINE FINANCE LIMITED 41 IN THE NATURE OF FORM 2A - MEMORANDUM CONTAINING SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROSPECTUS Application and any further changes to the Applications shall be accepted only between 10.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. (Indian Standard Time, “IST”) during the Issue Period as mentioned above by the Members of the Syndicate, Trading Members and designated branches of SCSBs, except that on the Issue Closing Date when the Applications and any further changes in details in Applications, if any, shall be accepted only between 10.00 a.m. and 3.00 p.m. (IST) and shall be uploaded until 5.00 p.m. (IST) or such extended time as permitted by WKH6WRFN([FKDQJHV,WLVFODUL¿HGWKDWWKH$SSOLFDWLRQVQRWXSORDGHGLQWKH6WRFN([FKDQJH3ODWIRUPZRXOGEHUHMHFWHG Due to limitation of time available for uploading the Applications on the Issue Closing Date, the Applicants are advised to submit their Applications one day prior to the Issue Closing Date and, in any case, no later than 3.00 p.m. (IST) on the Issue Closing Date. All times mentioned in this Prospectus are Indian Standard Time. Applicants are cautioned that in the event a large number of Applications are received on the Issue Closing Date, as is typically experienced in public offerings, some Applications may not get uploaded GXHWRODFNRIVXI¿FLHQWWLPH Such Applications that cannot be uploaded will not be considered for allocation under the Issue. Applications will be accepted only on Business Days, i.e., Monday to Friday (excluding any public holiday). Neither our Company, nor any Member of the Syndicate, Trading Members or designated branches of SCSBs is liable for any failure in uploading the Applications due to faults in any software/hardware system or otherwise. CENTERS FOR AVAILABILITY AND ACCEPTANCE OF APPLICATION FORMS ,QFDVHRI$SSOLFDQWDSSO\LQJWKURXJK$6%$3URFHVVLQDQ\6SHFL¿HG&LWLHVLHFLWLHVQDPHO\0XPEDL&KHQQDL.RONDWD'HOKL$KPHGDEDG5DMNRW-DLSXU%DQJDORUH+\GHUDEDG 3XQH%DURGDDQG6XUDWWKH$6%$$SSOLFDQWFDQDOVRVXEPLWWKHLU$SSOLFDWLRQ)RUPZLWKWKH0HPEHUVRI6\QGLFDWHDWWKHDGGUHVVHVSURYLGHGEHORZIRUXSORDGLQJRIWKH$SSOLFDWLRQ 7KHUHVSHFWLYH0HPEHURI6\QGLFDWHDIWHUXSORDGLQJRIWKH$SSOLFDWLRQVKDOOIRUZDUGWKH$SSOLFDWLRQ)RUPWRWKH6SHFL¿HG%UDQFKHVRI6&6%VIRUEORFNLQJRIIXQGV$WDOORWKHUSODFHV H[FHSW6SHFL¿HG&LWLHVDVDERYHWKH$6%$$SSOLFDWLRQ)RUPVVKRXOGEHVXEPLWWHGZLWKWKH'HVLJQDWHG%UDQFKRI6&6%VRQO\DQGQRQ$6%$$SSOLFDWLRQVVKRXOGEHVXEPLWWHGWRWKH 0HPEHUVRI6\QGLFDWH7UDGLQJ0HPEHUVDVVSHFL¿HGEHORZ INDIA INFOLINE LIMITED AGRA VW )ORRU$ERYH$JUD &RORXU /DE2SSRVLWH 6RRU 6DGDQ6DQMD\ 3DODFH7HO AHMEDABADWK )ORRU +LJK 6WUHHW ,$ERYH SURPDUW PDOO /DZ *DUGHQ &URVV 5RDG $KPHGDEDG7HO AJMER21.$5 %+$:$1 $%29( $//$+$%$' %$1..87&+(5< 52$'7HO AKOLAVWÀRRU$ERYH5DGKLND-HZHOOHU*DQGKL5RDG$NROD7HOALIGARHVW)ORRU.ULVKQD3DODFH6DPDG5RDG&HQWHU3RLQW7HO ALLAHABAD5DMHVKZDUL &RPSOH[ 0* 0DUJ&LYLO /LQHV7HO ALWAR6+5(( 6$'$)$/ 72:(5 67 )/225 52$' 12 6&+(0( 12 7HOAMBALA67)/225&372:(567&$0%$/$0-81&7,21.$8',$5326775,9$1'580±7HO AMRAVATIQG)ORRU.DVWXUL&RPSOH[*DQGKL&KRZN$PED'HYL5RDG$PUDYDWL7HOAMRELI0RQD$UFDGHQG)ORRU6WDWLRQ5RDG2SS+LUDN%DXJ 7HOAMRITSAR),567)/225233*$1*$%8,/',1**752$'387/,*+$5$05,76$5381-$%7HO ANAND6QG)ORRU7ULYHQL6KRSSLQJ$UFDGH1U,&<63,&<$QDQG991DJDU5RDG7HOASANSOL:70, G.T. 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