Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 Filed 03/21/12 Page 1 of 64 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK --------------X DODONA I, LLC, 10 civ. 7497 (VM) Plaintiff, DECISION AND ORDER -againstGOLDMAN, SACHS & CO., et al., Defendants. ----------------------------- X VICTOR MARRERO, United States District Judge. Plaintiff Dodona I, LLC ("Dodona") brings this suit on behalf of a putative class of investors offerings led by defendants Goldman, The Goldman Sachs Group, Funding 2006-1, Ltd. Funding 2006 -I, Funding Mezzanine the "Hudson Peter L. Ostrem ("Herrick") violations 2006-2, 1934 Act"), 10b-s ("§ § and 10(b)/I), of Hudson Mezzanine Hudson Mezzanine Ltd. /I ) former 78a et § seq. thereunder ("Rule -1­ employees K. Herrick Dodona alleges Exchange (the and Securities and Exchange Commission promulgated Corp.") and Hudson 2 Derryl Securities Hudson 2 Goldman "Defendants"). 15 U.S.C. and , ( "Hudson and the ("GS&CO" ) , Hudson Mezzanine Hudson 1 Corp., ( "Ostrem" ) 10 (b) 2 Corp. SPEs"), (collectively, of Ltd."), ("Hudson (together with Hudson 1 Ltd., Ltd. , 1 ("Hudson 1 Corp. II), Ltd. Funding Sachs & Co. ("Goldman"), ("Hudson Corp. 2006-2, Inc. in two securities 10b-s"), Act "Exchange ("SEC") 17 of Rule C.F.R. § Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 240.10b-5i law § 20(a) fraud; Filed 03/21/12 Page 2 of 64 ("§ 20(a)")i of the Exchange Act fraud; fraudulent Herrick, and Ostrem abetting and aiding common concealment; and unjust enrichment. On April 5, 2011, Goldman, GS&Co, filed a motion to dismiss pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(b) (6) April 6, 2011, the extant Hudson SPEs 1 Hudson 2 Corp. No. 53), (\\Rule 12(b)(6)"). (Docket No. - 48.) On Hudson 2 Ltd. and filed a separate motion to dismiss (Docket which adopted and incorporated the arguments made in their co-defendants' motion to dismiss. For the reasons discussed below, Defendants' motions to dismiss are GRANTED in part and DENIED in part. I . BACKGROUND The facts below are taken from Dodona's Amended Class Action Complaint (Docket No. 40) (\\Complaint" or "Compl.") and documents cited or relied upon therein. specifically quoted, documents will be made. no further Except where reference to these The Court accepts these facts as true for the purposes of ruling on the motions to dismiss. See Spool v. World Child Int'l Adoption Agency, 520 F. 3d 178, 180 (2d Cir. 2008). According to the Amended Class Action Complaint, Hudson 1 Corp. filed for dissolution on October 27, 2009, and Hudson 1 Ltd. was liquidated on October 29, 2009. Neither of the Hudson 1 entities has answered the Complaint. In view of this situation, Dodona is directed to inform the Court how it intends to proceed against Hudson 1 Corp. and Hudson 1 Ltd. 1 -2­ Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 A. Filed 03/21/12 Page 3 of 64 THE SYNTHETIC COLLATERALIZED DEBT OBLIGATION The allegations in this suit relate mortgage crisis of the late 2000s, of which are now a its the subprime the causes and effects regular feature Court and others. to of litigation in this Specifically, Dodona's claims arise from investment in Mezzanine Funding 2006-1 offerings, securities two ("Hudson 1") Funding 2006-2 ("Hudson 2") Hudson and Hudson Mezzanine (together, the "Hudson CDOs") . The Hudson CDOs were examples of a complex subspecies of financial instrument, the synthetic collateralized debt obligation. collateralized ("CDO") Whereas are securities "backed by a debt obligations portfolio of fixed­ income assets," such as residential mortgages, a "synthetic CDO" does not actually own any cash assets. Instead, it "mimics" the cash flow of particular "referenced" assets by means of ("CDS"). A a transaction (Compl. CDS covering ~ like referenced protection buyer," credit default swap credit one insurance party, agreement the "credit pays periodic premiums in exchange for a that the other seller,l/ will make an a a asset: promise experience the 31.) functions a called "negative party, insurance credit the payout event," default or credit rating downgrade. -3­ (Id. "credit should such ~ as 33.) protection the a asset payment Synthetic Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 Filed 03/21/12 Page 4 of 64 CDOs allow investors to assume the position of the credit protection seller, betting that the referenced assets will not experience a negative credit event. In the case of the Hudson CDOs the referenced assets l were residential mortgage backed securities ("RMBS are, in turn, Thus mortgages. Dodona were l therefore collateralized I the investors betting the by that underlying pools of fI RMBS ). residential in the Hudson CDOs, the referenced residential like RMBS and would mortgages perform well, and not experience negative credit events. RMBS and CDOs are typically organized into prioritized tiers I called "tranches. II The lowest tranche bears highest risk but carries the greatest rate of return higher "senior l the while tranches provide the inverse. The level of risk each tranche bears is expressed via a credit rating assigned by a tl credit Standard & Poor's. rating agency such I as Moody's or Should the performance of the portfolio of underlying or referenced assets deteriorate, tranche, with the lowest credit rating l the lowest would suffer losses prior to the more senior tranches. B. GOLDMAN/S ROLE IN THE SUBPRIME MORTGAGE MARKET Dodona/s claims against the Defendants are built upon allegations that Goldman had a hand in many aspects of the subprime mortgage market in -4 ­ the late 2000s. Subprime Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 Filed 03/21/12 Page 5 of 64 mortgages are those mortgages with a high risk of default. During 2005, 2006, and 2007, Goldman: 1) purchased subprime loans on a bulk originators (a/kia, traded subprime mortgage RMBSi 2) basisi "warehouse invested securities and as and and "structured product correlation desk" synthetic marketed (Id. mortgage-related assets." , of backed by mortgage-related established 5) a that "structured and collateralized CDOs and tranches CDOs in mortgage created specific principal transactions; to 3) i underwrote 4) a credit lending") and other RMBS securitizationsi 5) extended 41.) subprime by In 2005, Goldman reportedly underwrote at least fifteen CDOs backed by RMBS, and in 2006 it underwrote nineteen such CDOs. For the purposes of this suit, in the subprime reasons. First, mortgage market Goldman' s is significant it means that by late 2006, significant exposure involvement for two Goldman had to subprime mortgages. Goldman had bet heavily that residential mortgages would continue to do well i or, in financial parlance, Goldman was "long" on subprime mortgage-backed securities. Second, Goldman's purchase of subprime loans, its dealings with mortgage originators, and its underwriting of RMBS provided Goldman, showing the "by at least 2006," with information deteriorating -5­ performance of subprime Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 mortgages. ~ Id. Filed 03/21/12 Page 6 of 64 According to a report that Goldman 17.) authored in 2010 for regulators, when Goldman structured or underwrote it RMBS, performed its investigating 1) the counterpartYi 2) compliancej and property 4} selected loan files, state federal review [ed] values." property [] (Id. lending ~ diligence, loan level creditj 3) Goldman verif[ied] statutes, appraisals also compliance with and selective [ly] against comparable As a result of its due diligence, 48.) Goldman officials due valuation. "review [ed] and own noticed an events in subprime loans, increase in negative credit such as early payment defaults, "kickouts,1I and repurchase claims. In addition, Goldman outsourced mortgage appraisals to a firm According called to Clayton media Holdings, reports, "significant deterioration of flags ll around 2005. Clayton lending Id. ~ 50.} ( "Clayton") . Inc. began standards" noticing and "red A report Clayton produced to the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission showed that, of the loans Clayton reviewed for Goldman in the first quarter of 2006, twenty-two percent were initial "rejects," i.e., mortgages with flaws so serious that they should have been rejected outright; by the first quarter percentage had increased to 25.5 percent. -6 of 2007, that Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 C. Filed 03/21/12 Page 7 of 64 THE RISK REDUCTION PROGRAM As a result of Goldman's entanglement in the subprime mortgage market and the due diligence it performed related to some Goldman of those were lending," activities, "aware id. ~ of 52), the by 2006, increased officials risks in and had recognized a within subprime corresponding need to reduce Goldman's long exposure. According to Michael Goldman's Swenson Structured ("Swenson"), manager of Product ("SPG"), during the summer of 2006, the Trading co­ Group it became clear that the "market fundamentals in subprime" were going to have a "very unhappy performance explained, ending." review Id. for the indices 3 ("Birnbaum" ), gave a review : fiscal In 55. ) year his 2007,2 selfSwenson "[w] e were long and needed to reduce risk in a situation where there were ABX ~ we were long few opportunities [on] " Id. to shed the Josh Birnbaum Goldman's managing director for SPG Trading, similar appraisal "Given how much broker market in 2006, ABX in his 2007 self-performance we had purchased through the the world would think [Goldman] was Goldman's first quarter for the fiscal year 2007 began on November 25, 2006, thus encompassing the Hudson 1 and Hudson 2 offerings. 2 The ABX is a group of indices created to measure the performance of select groups of subprime RMBS. "Investors can bet on (i. e., go \ long') or against (i. e. go \ short') the ABX indices by entering among other things, into CDS with a counterparty." (Compl. ~ 35.) 3 I I -7 ­ Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 very long Birnbaum for the concluded Filed 03/21/12 Page 8 of 64 foreseeable that future. Goldman needed ~ (Id. II to 57.) "flip [its] risk." Consequently, Goldman reduction program. "decided ~ Id. 11 future direction late overall residential housing market the embarked In 59.) [its] reduce to officials on a Goldman 2006, exposure "risk to the given the uncertainty of of the housing market and the increased volatility of mortgage-related product markets. II ~ (Id. On 67 . ) Financial Officer December David 14, 2006, Viniar Goldman's ( "Viniar" ) Chief convened a meeting to discuss the mortgage department's "position and risk," id. reduction In a ~ 62), in Goldman's December 15, should be market positions 2006 "aggressive" predicted that the during which he email, goes into in what the subprime market. Viniar stated that Goldman shedding "there will reportedly directed a subprime assets, and be very good opportunities as is likely to be even greater distress and we want to be in a position to take advantage of them. II Id. ~ 63.) One way Goldman began offsetting subprime risk was by shorting RMBS betting that and mortgage-backed CDOs subprime mortgages in other words, and instruments built upon them would decrease 8­ the securities in value. As Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 Birnbaum explained after only get flat, the Filed 03/21/12 Page 9 of 64 fact, "[Goldman] but get VERY short. according to Swenson, (Id. II ~ should not 57.) Thus, "[i] n November and December of 2006, we aggressively capitalized on the franchise to enter into efficient shorts in both the RMBS and CDO space. 55. ) Goldman did this in part by "buying protection" synthetic CDOs. Goldman "go[tJ Id. ~ 59.) ~ (Id. II in In the first quarter of 2007, short CDS on RMBS and CDOs, g[ot] short the super-senior BBB- and BBB index, and g[ot] short AAA index as ~ By overall protection. " Id. 78.} March 2007, Goldman's SPG Trading unit had a net short position of $2.1 billion on certain mortgage assets, including CDS on RMBS and CDOs. In November between November Goldman 2007, 24, 2006 and reduced its overall exposure to informed August the 31, 2007, it had (Id. ~ 79.) THE HUDSON CDOS The Hudson 1 this that "subprime mortgage backed securities" from $7.2 billion to $2.4 billion. D. SEC shift commenced and Hudson 2 in Goldman's on December offerings strategy. 5, 2006; months later, on February 8, 2007. -9­ occurred during The Hudson 1 offering Hudson 2 commenced two Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 Filed 03/21/12 Page 10 of 64 According to the "Marketing Book,,4 for Hudson 1, dated October 2006, program in approach "Goldman to 2006 Sachs create invest to in developed a the consistent, attractive Hudson CDO programmatic, relative value opportunities in the RMBS and structured product market." (Donne Decl., ex. H (Docket No. broker-dealer subsidiary, GS&CO, Goldman's structured the deals, served as 50).) the underwriter and selected the referenced RMBS assets;5 it also "warehoused" the portfolio prior to closing and served as the liquidation received a fee of agent. $30.1 For million these for services, Hudson GS&Co and 1 $4.5 million for Hudson 2, which derived from the gross proceeds of the offerings. implemented through The the Hudson creation CDO of offerings the Hudson were SPEs, "special purpose entities" formed by Goldman for the sole purpose of issuing and selling the Hudson CDO securities. Ostrem and Herrick, who were vice presidents in SPG Trading, led the offerings. Hudson 1 and Hudson 2, were nearly identical 4 Dodona cites and quotes Defendants submitted the motions to dismiss. in from full both which were structure the Marketing Book Marketing Book in synthetic CDOs, and collateral in the Complaint. support of their 5 The Hudson CDOs were "static," meaning that they were not actively managed by a CDO manager. Once the referenced assets were selected, they could only be modified, sold, or transferred in limited circumstances. -10­ Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 Hudson 1 content. Filed 03/21/12 Page 11 of 64 consisted of $837 million of organized into eight separately-rated tranches, notes, and a $1.2 Hudson 1 referenced 140 billion senior swap transaction. subprime-related and other RMBS through ens, and carried an aggregate notional Hudson consisted 2 amount of of approximately $407.9 organized into eight tranches, through ens million. with an million billion. 6 $2 of also notes, and referenced eighty RMBS aggregate notional amount All the RMBS referenced in Hudson 2 of $400 were also referenced in Hudson 1. The Marketing Book for Hudson 1 reported that "Goldman ha [d] aligned incentives with the Hudson program by investing in a portion of equity and playing the ongoing role of Liquidation Agent." was long on a portion of tranche. However, value the of International Id. the In other words, Goldman equity notes, lowest Goldman was also short on the entire Hudson ("GSI"), enos. Non-defendant Goldman a subsidiary of Goldman, the sole credit protection buyer for both of enos, the with Goldman as its guarantor. 7 This Sachs served as the Hudson meant that As described in the Marketing Book, dated October 2006, Hudson 1 was "A $2.0 Billion Static Mezzanine Structured Product CDO." (Donne Decl., ex. H.) 6 7 For Hudson 1, GSI was also the initial swap counterparty for the $1.2 billion senior swap. -11­ Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 Filed 03/21/12 Page 12 of 64 Goldman, through its subsidiary, was on the opposite side of CDS In the from investors. referenced RMBS experienced a the negative event credit that the event, GSI would receive an insurance payout from the investors. 1. In The Hudson CDO Offering Circulars connection published with the offering two Hudson CDO offerings, circulars GS&Co "Offering (the Circulars"), which detailed the structure and terms of the Hudson CDOs, explained the roles of the various parties, and made risk disclosures and disclaimers. 8 Circulars - each over 100 pages - The Offering listed the credit ratings and par value for each tranche of securities, and provided a diagram appendices, of the they structure of the transaction. included specifically the names In and identifying "CUSIP" numbers of the referenced RMBS, as well as the credit scores and average the underlying mortgage borrowers. 9 loan-to-value ratios of The Offering Circulars also described the negative credit events which, under the 8 Dodona cites and quotes from the Offering Circulars in the Complaint. Defendants submitted the full Offering Circulars in support of their motions to dismiss. The Offering Circulars also enumerated the percentages of the referenced RMBS that would be "prime," "midprime," and "subprime." For Hudson I, as of the closing date, 4.65 percent were expected to be prime, 54 percent were expected to be midprime, and 41.35 percent were expected to be subprime. For Hudson 2 as of the closing date, 62.5 percent were expected to be midprime and 37.5 percent were expected to be subprime. I -12­ Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 terms of the CDS, would Filed 03/21/12 Page 13 of 64 trigger payments by the credit protection sellers to the credit protection buyers. In addition to the structure and terms of the Hudson CDO offerings, the Defendants also made risk and disclaimers in the Offering Circulars. reminders general that investing These included securities in "SPECULATIVE AND INVOLVES SIGNIFICANT RISK"; 5, ex. B at that 5); ,,[t] he use of disclosures is (id., ex. A at leverage generally magnifies an investor's opportunities for gain and risk of loss"; (id., ex. A at 45, ex. B at 41); that credit ratings are "not a guarantee of quality"; at and 52); fluctuate underlying conditions, that the value based on the pool of assets [and] markets the of "the ex. the credit investment quality general condi t i on (id., " (id., ex. A at 55, ex. B certain of A at 49, B. at of could the economic financial 46.) The Offering Circulars also discussed the risks associated with RMBS in particular, such as the risk of geographically concentrated underlying mortgages and "balloon" or "jumbo" loans. Id., ex. A at 52, ex. B at 49.) The Defendants disclosed that "[vlarious potential and actual conflicts of interest may arise" from other activities of GSI, GS&Co, and their affiliates, and that it was expected that GS&Co would have underwritten some of the -13 ­ Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 (Id., referenced RMBS. In particular, ex. Filed 03/21/12 Page 14 of 64 A at 56-57, ex. B at 53-54.) the Offering Circulars noted that the GS&Co and GSI might have "interests different from or adverse to" the note holders and might possess material, non-public information regarding the Hudson CDO securities, but had no obligation of disclosure. the Accordingly, 53,) purchasers to investor[s],1t advisors, A at 57 - 58 , Offering represent that ex. Id. that they Circulars they had ex. were consulted required "sophisticated with their as [] necessary and appropriate in order to make an informed investment decision, II including "a full understanding of all of the risks A at 9, ex. B at "CONSIDER AND ASSESS DEFAULTS LIKELY ON THE LEVEL OBLIGATIONS. II Finally, "Credit 9.) FOR THEMSELVES TIMING THE OBLIGATIONS, OF instructed to LIKELY LEVEL OF AS RECOVERIES (Id. , II Investors were REFERENCE AND ON WELL THE AS THE REFERENCE Id. ex. A at 8-9, ex. B at 8-9.) the Offering Circulars identified GSI as the Protection Protection Buyer. 94.) own and that they "had access to such financial and other information ex. Bat II Buyer, (Id., More specifically, and II ex. the A at 25, "initial 100, ex. Credit B at 24, the Offering Circulars disclosed that "[i]t is expected that Goldman Sachs International, an affiliate of Goldman Sachs & Co., -14­ will act as the sole Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 Credit Protection Buyer, Filed 03/21/12 Page 15 of 64 which creates concentration risk (Id., ex. A and may create certain conflicts of interest." at 50 , ex . Bat 47.) identified GSI as the In total, each Offering Circular "Credit Protection Buyer" at least seven times. E. AFTERMATH AND ALLEGATIONS Dodona purchased $3 million of GS&Co on approximately January 24, Hudson 2 notes 2007; and $1 million of the Hudson 1 notes on approximately February 6, an intermediate fund, from which had purchased its 2007 from securities from GS&Co. The credit deteriorated at housing market. quality the of same the time Hudson as the CDOs rapidly downturn of the By September 2007, Moody's downgraded the credit rating of certain of the Hudson 1 notes and placed on "negative watch" certain of the Hudson 2 notes. By mid­ 2008, Standard & Poor's had downgraded $286 million of the Hudson 2 notes, junk status. by April (Compl. have ~ and the Hudson 1 notes were downgraded to Certain of the Hudson 1 notes were liquidated and May 116.) received of 2009 "reportedly at large losses. II As the credit protection buyer, GSI would insurance payouts downgrades. -15­ as a result of those Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 Filed 03/21/12 Page 16 of 64 The fallout of the subprime crisis spurred regulatory and legislative Senate In April investigation. Permanent Subcommittee") Subcommittee released on its 2011, the Investigations findings U. S. ("Senate regarding the financial crisis, including the role that Goldman and other investment banks played. members cited the Hudson securities offerings, sold to clients The Senate Subcommittee and its COOs, among several other as evidence that Goldman "issued and RMBS and COO securities containing or referencing high risk assets that Goldman Sachs wanted to get off its books," and that Goldman's strategic shorting allowed it to "profit [] from the loss in value of the very COO securities it had sold to its clients. Id. II " 108, 52. ) The and Complaint documents prepared by quotes produced the extensively to Senate and from memoranda Subcommitte. allegations of fraud draw from the conclusions. In Dodona particular, the and The Senate testimony findings Complaint's Subcommittee's alleges that the Defendants created the Hudson COOs as part of a scheme to decrease Goldman's subprime exposure at the expense of its investors failed by shorting to disclose those this same COOs; strategy to that investors; Defendants and that Defendants failed to disclose that they did not reasonably -16­ Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 believe that the Hudson investors like Dodona. Filed 03/21/12 Page 17 of 64 CDOs would be profitable for Dodona claims it suffered damages when the Hudson CDa notes were liquidated and when it sold them at a loss. II. A. LEGAL STANDARD STANDARD OF REVIEW UNDER RULE 12 B "To contain survive a sufficient motion to factual dismiss, matter, a complaint accepted as must true, to 'state a claim to relief that is plausible on its face.'" Ashcroft v. Iqbal, 129 S. Ct. 1937, 1949 (quoting Bell Atl. Corp. v. Twombly, 550 U.S. 544, 570 (2007». This standard is content met "when the plaintiff pleads factual that allows the court to draw the reasonable inference that the Id. defendant is liable for the misconduct alleged." A court should not dismiss a complaint for failure to state a claim if the factual allegations sufficiently right to relief above the speculative level." U.S. at 555. to dismiss complaint, is to "assess the legal Litig., 383 F. Supp. well-pleaded factual -17­ of the the evidence which In re Initial Pub. 2d 566, (internal quotation marks omitted). all Twombly, 550 feasibility not to assay the weight of Offering Sec. accept a The task of the court in ruling on a motion might be offered in support thereof." 2005) "raise 574 (S.D.N.Y. The court mus t allegations in the Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 complaint as true, Filed 03/21/12 Page 18 of 64 and draw all the plaintiff's favor. reasonable inferences See Chambers v. Time Warner, in Inc., 282 F.3d 147, 152 (2d Cir. 2002). Plaintiffs claiming fraud, and common law fraud, including securities fraud must satisfy the heightened pleading requirements of Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 9 (b) 9 (b)") by "stat [ing] constituting with particularity the fraud./I Communications, Fed. Inc. v. R. Civ. Shaar Fund, P. circumstances 9(b) Ltd., ("Rule see i ATSI 493 F.3d 87, 99 (2d Cir. 2007). A complaint alleging securities fraud must also requirements meet Litigation which the Reform requires Act that a of ("PSLRA"), complaint alleged to have been misleading, the statement is the misleading, 15 Private U. S. C. "specify Securities 78u-4 (b) , § each statement the reason or reasons why and, if an allegation regarding the statement or omission is based on information or belief, the complaint shall state with particularity all facts on which that belief is formed." B. THE EXCHANGE ACT Section 10 (b) " [t] Id. 0 use of or employ, sale of any security device or contrivance 10b-5, promulgated the Exchange Act makes in connection with the it unlawful purchase or any manipulative or deceptive /I thereunder, -18­ 15 U.S.C. provides § 78j (b). that Rule it is Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 unlawful in connection with the purchase or sale of any I security, to Filed 03/21/12 Page 19 of 64 \\ (a) defraud, [t] 0 employ any device, [t]o (b) make any scheme, or artifice untrue statement of or material fact or to omit to state a material fact (c) a [t]o engage in any act, practice, or course of business which operates C.F.R. as a fraud or deceit 240.10b-5. § Section 10 (b) prohibition against manipulation, II operates as a whether in the false statements or market manipulation. 17 "broad" form of united States v. Royer, 549 F.3d 886, 900 (2d Cir. 2008); see ATSI, 493 F.3d at 99. Dodona alleges 1) misrepresentations or omissions of material fact and 2) market manipulation. 1. Misstatements or Omissions of Material Fact "To state misrepresentations, defendant fact, (1) (2) purchase a under plaintiff Rule must 10b-5 allege that for the made misstatements or omissions of material with or claim a scienter sale of l in (3) connection securities, upon (4 ) with the which the plaintiff relied, and (5) that the plaintiff's reliance was the proximate cause of its injury." In order to satisfy Rule requirements, "[a] securities misstatements must (1) plaintiff contends were specify ATSI, 493 F.3d at 105. 9(b) PSLRA pleading fraud complaint based on the statements that the identify the fraudulent, -19­ and (2) Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 speaker, and (4) at 99. (3) Filed 03/21/12 Page 20 of 64 state where and when the statements were made, explain why the statements were fraudulent." An [defendant] omission is actionable is subject to a duty to disclose facts." In re Time Warner Inc. 267 Cir 1993). to (2d. disclose all party chooses to speak, v. Swiss (S.D.N. Y. Li tig., nonpublic the the omitted 9 F. 3d 259, it has a information, Co., (quoting once a 'duty to be both accurate Plumbers Union Local No. Reinsurance 2010) Sec. when Although "Rule 10b-5 imposes no duty material, and complete.'" "only Id. 753 F. Caiola v. 12 Pension Fund Supp. 2d Citibank, 166, N.A., 180 N. Y., 295 F.3d 312, 331 (2d Cir. 2002)). Whether a misstatement or omission is material is "an inherently fact-specific when a plaintiff reasonable making 634 alleges investor investment F.3d finding would a statement have decisions." 706, that 716-17 considered or that significant Li twin v. Blackstone (2d 2011) is a mixed question of law and fact, misrepresentations satisfied or omission Cir. quotation marks and citations omitted). properly be dismissed is a in Grp. (internal Since materiality "a complaint may not on the ground that the alleged omissions are not material unless they are so obviously unimportant to a reasonable investor that reasonable minds could not differ on the question of -20­ Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 their importance. ECA II Filed 03/21/12 Page 21 of 64 Local & 134 IBEW Trust of Chicago v. JP Morgan Chase Co., (2d Cir. 2009) 2. acts; Pension 553 F.3d 187, 197 (internal quotation marks omitted) . Market Manipulation A claim of market manipulation under 10b-5 Joint "requires a plaintiff to allege § 10(b} and Rule (1) manipulative (2) damage (3) caused by reliance on an assumption of an efficient market free of manipulation; (4) scienter; (5) in connection with the purchase or sale of securities; (6) furthered or any ATSI, 493 by facility of the a defendant's national use securities of the mails exchange." F.3d at 101. "In order for market activity to be manipulative, that conduct must Wilson v. 5515958, involve misrepresentation or nondisclosure. Merrill at *8 Lynch (2d & Cir. F.3d Co., Nov. 14, 2011) . 2011 II WL However, allegations of misrepresentations or omissions alone cannot support a claim of market manipulation. 101. ATSI, 492 F.3d at Rather," [t] here must be some market activity, as 'wash sales, matched orders, (quoting Santa Fe Indus. (1977)). Inc. v or rigged prices.'" such Id. , 430 U.S. 462, 476 Essentially, a claim of market manipulation require[s] a showing that an alleged manipulator engaged in market activity aimed at deceiving investors as to how other market participants have -21­ Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 Filed 03/21/12 Page 22 of 64 valued a security. . The gravamen of manipulation is deception of investors into believing that prices at which they purchase and sell securities are determined by the natural interplay of supply and demand, not rigged by manipulators. Wilson, 2011 WL 5515958, at *7 (internal quotation marks and citations omitted) . In order to satisfy the heightened pleading standards for fraud, a complaint alleging market manipulation must "plead with particularity the nature, purpose, and effect of the fraudulent conduct and the roles of the defendants," including "what manipulative defendants performed them, performed acts were performed, which when the manipulative acts were and what effect the scheme had on the market for I the securities at issue. ATSI, II 493 F. 3d at 102 (internal quotation marks omitted). 3. Scienter Scienter manipulate, Rights, marks "a mental state embracing intent to deceive, l or defraud, Ltd., 551 U. S. omitted), is II Tellabs, 308 a I 319 required Inc. (2007) element v. Makor Issues & (internal quotation of fraud l whether accomplished by misrepresentation or market manipulation. In of order to plead a "strong inference" scienter, plaintiffs must allege with particularity either (a) "facts to show that the defendant had both motive and opportunity to commit fraud [i] II or (b) "facts -22­ that constitute strong Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 Filed 03/21/12 Page 23 of 64 conscious circumstantial evidence of recklessness./I Kalnit v. Eichler l Cir. (internal 2001) assessing whether a 264 quotation plaintiff consider whether all the facts misbehavior F.3d 131 marks has pled omitted). scienter taken together I 138 1 or (2d In courts I give rise I to an inference of scienter that is "at least as compelling as any Tellabs l A opposing inference intent. nonfraudulent of II 551 U.S. at 314. complaint opportunity to has commit sufficiently fraud if ll alleged it pleads "motive facts and showing that the defendant "benefited in some concrete and personal way from the purported fraud. 307-8 300 1 (2d Cir. Novak v. /I 2000). "Motives most corporate officers Kasaks, that are 198. The common to do not constitute for the purpose[]11 of establishing scienter. at 216 F. 3d opportunity to commit 'motive' ECA, 553 F.3d fraud is generally assumed where the defendant is a corporation or corporate ~I officer. Supp. 2d 453, 468 In re AstraZeneca Sec. Litig., (S.D.N.Y. 2008); Pension Comm. of Montreal Pension Plan v. Banc of Am. Supp. 2d 163 I 181 (S.D.N.Y. 2006) Sec., 559 F. of Univ. LLC, 446 F. ( "Regarding the 'opportunity' prong, courts often assume that corporations, corporate officers, and corporate directors would have the opportunity to commit fraud if they so desired. -23 ­ lI ) • Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 A plaintiff recklessness" is "highly pleading Filed 03/21/12 Page 24 of 64 the "conscious misbehavior or theory of scienter must allege conduct which unreasonable and which represents an extreme departure from the standards of ordinary care to the extent that the danger was the either known to Kalnit, 264 F.3d at 142 (internal quotation marks omitted). where it access complaint alleges statements. "' 4. defendants Id. 10b-5 on omissions, Emergent 343 pleads "'knowledge contradicting F. 3d scienter of facts their or public the claiming must securities also fraud establish defendant's alleged under that it 10 (b) § reasonably misrepresentations or and that the fraud caused the plaintiff's loss. Capital Inv. 189, 195 Mgmt., (2d LLC v. Cir. Stonepath Grp., 2003). "In consider the entire context of the such as sophistication of its the complexity parties, agreements between them." Id. -24 and transaction, and the Inc., assessing reasonableness of a plaintiff's alleged reliance, factors it." Reasonable Reliance and Loss Causation Rule relied had of (quoting Novak, 216 F.3d at 308) . A plaintiff and been aware sufficiently information to have or so that a must defendant obvious Specifically, defendant the the [courts] including magnitude, the content any of Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 Filed 03/21/12 Page 25 of 64 First, Reliance may be presumed in two circumstances. ftin the case of omissions, information may material." Black v. 209 {2d Cir. be reliance presumed where such Finatra Capital, 2005}. Second, the on the omitted information Inc. is 418 F.3d 203, 1 "fraud on the market" theory creates a presumption of reliance if the securities were traded in an efficient market developed theory, Inc. determined by all Levinson 485 U.S. l quotation marks omitted}; F. Supp. 2d Loss an "open and market in which the price of securities are, ll v. i. e., 4721 available is Inc. (S.D.N.Y. 2010) particularity.") . Sec. not causation Instead, a {internal Litig. to the or the PSLRA. 753 Basic 1 376 (ftParmalat II"). subject Litig., ("Loss {1988} In re Parmalat Sec. pleading standards of Rule 9 (b) Citigroup 241-42 2241 508 (S.D.N.Y. 2005) causation information. in F. Supp. need short not and heightened See In re 2d be 206, 234 pled with plain statement suffices, as required under Rule 8 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (ftRule 8"). Loss causation requires a link between the alleged misconduct and the harm suffered by the plaintiff, and a plaintiff must claim that "the loss caused by the [was] ultimate economic foreseeable and that the loss materialization -25­ of the concealed [was] risk." Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 Filed 03/21/12 Page 26 of 64 Lentell v. Merrill Lynch & Co., 396 F.3d 161, 173 (2d Cir. 2005) . 6. Control Liability Liability for violations of 20 (a) § of the Exchange Act is derivative of liability for violations of See Sec. F.3d & 1450 1 Exch. Comm'n v. 1472 (2d liabili ty upon Cir. First Jersey Secs., 1996). "every person who 1 Section 10 (b) . § Inc" 20 (a) 101 imposes directly or indirectly 1 controls any person liable under any provision of or of any rule or regulation thereunder . [§ 10(b)] unless the controlling person acted in good faith and did not directly or indirectly violation or establish a induce cause the of act or action. II prima facie acts 15 claim under constituting U.S.C. 20 (a) § 7St. § 1 a the To plaintiff must show "a primary violation by the controlled person and control of the primary violator by the targeted defendant . and show meaningful that sense [a] perpetrated omitted) C. the controlling person culpable participant [] II Id. (internal was in in some the fraud quotation marks (alterations in original) . COMMON LAW FRAUD The elements of common law fraud under New York law are: (2) "(1) a material misrepresentation or omission of fact; made with knowledge of its falsity; -26­ (3) with an intent Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 to defraud; (4) (5) plaintiff, reasonable that Haggerty v. Ciarelli Cir. (citing 2010) Filed 03/21/12 Page 27 of 64 reliance on damage to causes Dempsey, & EUrycleia 374 F. the the of LP the plaintiff. App'x 92, Partners, Kissel, LLP, 910 N.E.2d 976 (2009». part v. 94 II (2d Seward & "Because the elements of common-law fraud in New York are substantially identical to those applies. governing 10 (b) , § the In re Optimal U.S. Litig., II 2011 WL 6424988 (S.D.N.Y. 2011) identical analysis --- F. Supp. 2d ---, (internal quotation marks omitted) . To state a claim for aiding and abetting fraud under New York law, a plaintiff must plead facts showing (1) the existence the fraud; of and a (3) fraud; that (2) the defendant's defendant knowledge provided assistance to advance the fraud's commission. BankAmerica Corp., 219 F.3d 79, 91 (2d Cir. of substantial See Wight v. 2000). "The knowledge requirement of an aiding and abetting fraud claim is satisfied by alleging actual knowledge of the underlying fraud." 247, 252 JP Morgan Chase Bank v. Winnick, (S.D.N. Y. 2005) 406 F. (citation omitted). provides substantial assistance only if Supp. 2d "A defendant [she] affirmatively assists, helps conceal, or by virtue of failing to act when required to do so enables [the fraud] 256 (internal quotation marks omitted) . -27­ to proceed." Id. at Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 D. Filed 03/21/12 Page 28 of 64 UNJUST ENRICHMENT "Under requires a enriched, good New York law, plaintiff (2) to an unjust prove enrichment that (1) at plaintiff's expense, and conscience militate against claim defendant (3) permitting retain what plaintiff is seeking to recover. was equity and defendant to Ashland Inc. /I v. Morgan Stanley & Co., 652 F.3d 333, 339 (2d Cir. 2011). III. DISCUSSION A. OF BIG OLD LEMONS AND LEMONADE As elaborated below, Dodona's theory of securities law violations rests not upon a manifestly demonstrates on a series whole, of single decisive action which Goldman's interrelated represent the big alleged wrongdoing, events picture which, of viewed fraudulent but as a conduct Dodona portrays. To properly evaluate the underlying claims and defenses, an overview of Dodona's essential points would be helpful at this juncture. Foremost investments embedded in at in this review issue. Dodona's In is this factual the origin regard, a recitation of vital is the issue that, when created in 2007, Goldman's Hudson securities were designed primarily not as Goldman's clients, instruments Goldman then faced: but its to meant solve enormous -28­ a to huge earn returns for internal problem financial exposure from Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 vast Goldman's investments. holdings Filed 03/21/12 Page 29 of 64 subprime of mortgage-backed Goldman had acquired those assets pursuant to its earlier strategy of going long on them at a time when Goldman bet continue to that the residential expand. By 2007, mortgage as the market performance subprime mortgages deteriorated and the markets soured, would for of them Goldman sought to protect against its significant long exposure and offset its risk by reversing course and going short created the on the same synthetic type CDOs investment instrument that, select group of of here investments. in a Rube Goldberg-like, its own designers, could clearly explain, dispute, It thus form of few but a engineers and lawyers let alone understand, precisely how it functions or exactly what it does. As purpose described of several transactions Goldman assets. to by Dodona, were would key clear however, components enough, aggressively the at discard operation and of least its the Hudson to Goldman: toxic subprime It would then take advantage of new opportunities capitalize on its flipped strategy to go short on subprime mortgage-backed securities it had reason to know would then decline in value, by betting that the market for them would continue deteriorating. significant fees from structuring -29­ Goldman would also earn and selling the new Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 investments. the fine facile, Filed 03/21/12 Page 30 of 64 In short, Goldman would stand to profit from art of financial self-congratulatory transubstantiation. words of quoted by Dodona, Goldman took some transformed into another them Goldman a noted Goldman In that a a the official "big old lemons" "lemonade." official In similar and vein, particular bank client was too smart to buy the load of "junk" Goldman had produced. To these ends, Goldman entities selected the subprime mortgage assets to serve as the portfolio supporting the new instruments and served as broker-dealers, underwriters, and liquidation agent. Through a subsidiary, Goldman also set itself up as the credit protection buyer in order to take the position guaranteeing that opposite the CDO Goldman would collect investors insurance thus I in the event the referenced RMBS it had selected (and marketed to investors through the CDOs) the market time. for performed poorly them generally was already as I doing in fact at the Nevertheless, Goldman stated in one of its Marketing Books that the Hudson CDO it had developed represented "a consistent, relative programmatic approach to invest value opportunities in the RMBS in attractive and structured product markets." All Goldman needed for success of its venture "sophisticated" was large -30­ investors like Dodona, Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 which would drink up the Filed 03/21/12 Page 31 of 64 bittersweet potion despite Goldman/s boilerplate warnings that investing in the Hudson CDOs was speculative and involved significant risk. Goldman thus managed to shift its significant subprime risk over to its own clients. On these alleged facts Dodona asserts I engaged in fraudulent conduct. Dodona/s theorYI with the spirit of the securities laws point: that when investors securities integrity they do so and good I I consistent conveys an implicit sophisticated or not in reliance on the faith that Goldman of placing trust in their agents I the purchase l reputation for issuers and dealers I implied representations that they would not engage in conduct which would place their own interests ahead of those of their customers. Goldman I on the other hand dismiss Dodona/s arguing that complaint even if I in here asks its everything entiretYI Dodona actions are perfectly normal and under prevailing law and industry standards. not persuaded that the law compels Court in says Goldman/s actions violated no laws - in effect Goldman/s the is essence true facts alleged were borne -31­ out at unassailable The Court is Goldman/s a l that all of l narrow interpretation. On a fair reading of Dodona/s Complaint the to trial I I Goldman if IS Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 viewed conduct, Filed 03/21/12 Page 32 of 64 could charitably, be found not only reckless, but bordering on cynical. B. SECTION 10 b AND RULE 10b-5 CLAIMS Dodona claims Corp., Ostrem, that and GS&Co, Herrick omissions of material fact made Ostrem, and violation of 1. Herrick § Hudson misrepresentations 2 and § 10 (b) and Rule 10b-S (b) ; Hudson 1 Corp., committed market Hudson 2 Corp., manipulation in 10(b) and Rule 10b-S(a) and (c). Scienter Since omissions Dodona GS&Co, Corp., in connection with the Hudson CDO offerings in violation of and that Goldman, Hudson 1 to both and the the plead claim claim of of scienter, misrepresentations market the manipulation Court will and require analyze that element first. Dodona alleges and sold the that Defendants Hudson CDOs with the structured, intent of marketed, reducing Goldman's long exposure to subprime risk by betting against them. According to Dodona, the Defendants knew that the referenced RMBS would decline in value and intentionally selected RMBS which would perform poorly. The Court finds that Dodona has alleged particularized facts supporting a strong inference of Defendants' recklessness, at least, if not motive and opportunity as well, and that "someone whose -32 Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 Filed 03/21/12 Page 33 of 64 intent could be imputed to the corporation acted with the requisite scienter,· Pension Fund v. Teamsters Local Dynex Capital Inc., 445 Freight 531 F.3d 190, 195 Div. (2d Cir.2008). a. Recklessness The Complaint alleges that Defendants knew that they were selling toxic assets to their clients and that Hudson CDOs were unlikely to profit investors. At the this preliminary stage of the proceedings, Dodona has pled with sufficient particularity that Defendants had "knowledge of facts or access to information contradicting their public statements, /I Kalnit, 264 F. 3d at 142 (internal quotation marks omitted), and thus were reckless. First, the documents, Complaint authored by quotes Goldman several officials, emails and acknowledging that in late 2006, Goldman embarked on a program to reduce its long exposure Complaint Goldman did contains unload to subprime detailed significant first part of fiscal year 2007. Hudson CDOs factual subprime Third, allegations risk decision circumstantially to reduce supports -33 ­ the the timing of the subprime the the that during in December 2006 and February 2007 with Goldman's which Second, mortgages. coincides risk, allegation a that fact the Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 Filed 03/21/12 Page 34 of 64 Hudson CDOs were in line with and part of the subprime risk reduction strategy. Fourth, the Complaint quotes several emails which tie the Hudson CDOs, or "move" in particular, subprime risk, to the decision to reduce and which indicate awareness on behalf of at least some Goldman officers and employees that the Hudson CDOs referenced assets lose value. that would most likely These include: email dated October 11, 2006 to Herrick, reflecting that Goldman employee Sarah Lawlor stated with regard to Hudson 1 that Goldman client Allied Irish Bank was "too smart to buy this kind of junk." Herrick responded, "[v] ery interesting." (Compl., 110. ) • An • An email dated October 26, 2006, from Arbind Jha to several Goldman executives, including Goldman's CEO and Ostrem and Herrick, stating: "Risk reduction is primarily due to pricing of $2bn Hudson Mez synthetic CDO deal (SPG Secondary desk bought $325k/bp BBB and $350k/bp BBBRMBS Subprime protection) [.]" Id., 56.) • An email dated December 5, 2006, the same day as the Hudson 1 offering, from Dan Sparks ("Sparks"), the head of Goldman's mortgage department, to several other Goldman executives, reporting: "Subprime market getting hit hard. . At this point we are down $20mm today. Structured exits are the way to reduce risk. Our prior structured trade closes today [presumably Hudson 1]. We are focusing on ways to do it again much faster." (rd., 60.) • An email dated December 15, 2006 from Birnbaum that was copied to Swenson and stated: "we've had good traction moving risk through our franchise on a variety of fronts: ABX, single names, super-senior, Hudson 2." Id., 64.) -34­ Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 Filed 03/21/12 Page 35 of 64 • An email dated December 20, 2006, from Stacey Bash­ Polley to Ostrem, Swenson, and Birnbaum, among others, reporting that "[w]e have been thinking collectively as a group about how to move some of the risk. While we have made great progress moving the tail risks - ssr and equity - we think it is critical to focus on the mezz risk that has been buil t up over the past few months. Both through sequential abacus ssr/equ trades and the hudson deals (current and prior)." Id. ~ 66.) • An email dated January 26, 2007 from Sparks to Thomas Montag, Goldman's head of trading and sales, which said: "Need you to send message to peter ostrem and darryl herrick telling them what a great job they did. They structured like mad and travelled the world, and worked their tails off to make some lemonade from some big old lemons." (Id. ~ 70.) Fifth and finally, of GS&Co's role as the Complaint alleges that, because an underwriter and more generally through Goldman's performance of due diligence and reliance on Clayton, Defendants had access to nonpublic information regarding the deteriorating On mortgages. the ir credit own, quality allegations of subprime regarding due diligence and underwriting might not satisfy the heightened For example, pleading standard of Rule 9(b) and the PSLRA. it is unclear to what allegedly gathered nonpublic i as Dodona degree from due the information Defendants diligence acknowledges in the was fact in Complaint I the performance of at least some of the RMBS referenced in the Hudson indices. CDOs could be tracked Moreover, an "unsupported general claim of -35­ through the public ABX the Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 existence revealed a motion of confidential company [contrary information] to dismiss. Filed 03/21/12 Page 36 of 64 reports is insufficient to survive San Leandro II that Emergency Med. Grp. Profit Sharing Plan v. Philip Morris Cos., 75 F.3d 801, 812 (2d Cir. 1996). However, reducing Goldman's sudden - subprime risk and prescient - supports the inference possessed some unique insight i it infer underwriter that diligence material GS&Co's Goldman nonpublic ("Citigroup, knew the as performed that it is not unreasonable to provided information See In re Citigroup, 235 role shift to and the due Defendants supporting Inc. Sec. Litig., that with decision. 753 F. Supp. 2d at as the underwriter of the CDOs it held, inputs and assumptions that went into creating these assets and thus was in the best position to recognize the threats they deteriorated.") . faced Thus, as the strong due diligence inference [Defendants] . II that mortgage market when considered together with the rest of the factual allegations, Goldman's subprime and "the the allegations regarding underwriting danger was do support known the to Kalni, 264 F. 3d at 142 (internal quotation marks omitted) . The factual allegations in Dodona's Complaint are thus distinguishable from those at issue in Landesbanke Baden­ -36­ Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 Filed 03/21/12 Page 37 of 64 Wurttemberg v. Goldman, Sachs & Co., No. 10 Civ. 2011), 7549, which 2011 WL Defendants --- F. Supp. 2d ----, 4495034 cite as (S.D.N.Y. supporting Sept. 28, dismissal. Landesbanke also concerned a RMBS-backed CDO, called "Davis Square," which GS&Co underwrote and issued. The plaintiff- investor in Landesbanke, claiming common law fraud, alleged that GS&Co knew that the underlying mortgages were riskier than the offering circular disclosed and bet against Davis Square by purchasing dismissed the credit complaint default because swaps. it found The that Court general allegations concerning Clayton's due diligence reports and GS&Co's role in the mortgage securitization business failed to support an inference that "Goldman knew in March of 2006 about the Square." toxicity of the mortgages underlying Davis Id. at *5. Although Dodona's Complaint does make some of the same allegations concerning Goldman/GS&Co'S due Clayton's diligence, particularized allegations about how reports also it the and contains Hudson CDOs within Goldman's risk reduction program, fit and how at least some of Goldman's officers were on notice that the Hudson CDOs were "junk." These allegations are supported by quotes from Goldman-authored documents, complete with dates and names. See, ~, In re Ambac Fin. -37 ­ Grp., Inc. Sec. Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 Litig., 693 F. sufficient cited Supp. 2d 241, allegations emails and of memo Filed 03/21/12 Page 38 of 64 268 (S.D.N.Y. recklessness received by 2010) (finding where complaint defendants indicating knowledge of lowered underwriting standards). Thus, in the absence of any single, particular smoking-gun document, the allegations in the Complaint collectively supply sufficient circumstantial evidence from which the Court could reasonably infer Defendants' recklessness. 1o Defendants argue that Dodona is improperly "fraud by hindsight," Xerion Partners I, Asset 2007) Mgmt., .11 LLC, 474 F. Supp. 2d claiming LLC v. Resurgence 505, 518 (S.D.N.Y. As Defendants point out, it is impossible to know for certain how a incantation allegation of of market will perform. fraud-by-hindsight misrepresentations and will However, not omissions "[ t] he defeat that misleading and false at the time they were made." an were In re Since Ostrem and Herrick were recipients of several of the emails quoted above, the Complaint has alleged with particularity that they knew that the Hudson CDOs were part of the risk reduction strategy, and that Herrick, at least, was on notice that the Hudson CDOs contained "junk" and "big old lemons," from which he diligently made "lemonade." (Compl. " 70, 110.) Thus, Dodona has adequately alleged that the conduct of Ostrem and Herrick constituted recklessness. In addition, the Complaint alleges that the Hudson CDOs were created, directed, and controlled by GS&CO and Goldman. Scienter may therefore be imputed to the Hudson SPEs. See Teamsters Local 445 Freight Div. Pension Fund, 531 F.3d at 195. 10 Although the Complaint does cite several documents created after the time frame at issue, it also contains sufficient factual allegations, such as the emails quoted above, indicating that, at the time of the Hudson CDO offerings I Defendants knew that the referenced RMBS were highly risky and would perform poorly. 11 -38­ Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 Bear Stearns Cos., Inc. Filed 03/21/12 Page 39 of 64 Sec. , Derivative, 763 F. Supp. 2d 423, 487 (S.D.N.Y. 2011). gap" between the picture that ERISA Li tig. , & There is a "vast Defendants presented to investors - of an admittedly risky investment, but one that was not in any way extraordinarily risky that Goldman "junk" and Ambac, F. took coupled with the "lemons" that appears in Supp. themselves - 2d at 269. creating CDOs, language emails. Indeed, in fact maneuvered Litig., to 753 F. saw avoid itself, selling - the risks In 2d at 237 even manipulative."). factual allegations favorable to the In re actions indicate that "the and, re in Sec. 493 F.3d at 101 is volumes Therefore, plaintiff, Inc. (finding that plaintiffs in high together consequence, Citigroup, pled scienter via recklessness)i cf. ATSI, (" [S] hort See selecting the referenced RMBS, them." Supp. regarding Defendants' and then betting heavily against them company and the actions and Dodona not, considering all in the has light alleged by the most facts supporting an inference of recklessness which is at least as compelling - if not more so - as any opposing inference. b. Motive and opportunity The Complaint allegation that could also Defendants opportunity to perpetrate the -39­ be read to support an motive and alleged fraud because they possessed a Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 "benefited in some concrete Filed 03/21/12 Page 40 of 64 and personal way from the purported fraud." Novak, 216 F.3d at 307-08. At least one other this WL opinion in Court, Dandong, 2011 5170293, found that similar allegations raised a strong inference of motive and opportunity. In Dandong, the plaintiff had invested in "credit-linked notes" which were supposed to be invested instead in of low-risk assets. low-risk assets, invested their principal Plaintiffs defendant alleged Morgan in certain synthetic that Stanley CDOs which Morgan Stanley had designed to fail so it could profit from short positions on those same CDOs. The Court found that [Plaintiffs] have pled what amounts to self-dealing by Morgan Stanley, insofar as Morgan Stanley was betting against, or 'shorting,' the synthetic CDOs that it had itself created. The engineered fragility of the CDOs and Morgan Stanley's position on both sides of the deal adequately alleges motive. Id. at *12. Dodona, more than like a the plaintiffs typical profit in Dandong, motive; it is is alleging alleging, in essence, that Defendants engaged in self-dealing by abusing their nonpublic knowledge and position of power to benefit themselves. The Complaint contains factual allegations indicating that Defendants not only knew that the Hudson CDOs were unlikely to be profitable and failed to disclose this to investors, but also that they sought to profit from -40­ Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 that insight. Goldman For example, should related Goldman CFO Viniar urged that aggressively assets Filed 03/21/12 Page 41 of 64 distribute "because subprime-mortgage will there be very good opportunities as the market goes into what is likely to be even greater distress and we want to be in position to take advantage of them. ~ (Compl. II 63.) Similarly, Birnbaum "concluded that [Goldman] should not only get flat, but get VERY short. short (Id. II position on ~ 57.) the Coupled with GSI's significant Hudson COOs, these statements indicate motive and opportunity. In sum, the Court finds in its "practical judgment" that the "whole factual picture painted by the [C]omplaint" gives rise to a strong inference of scienter. Slayton v. American Express Co., 604 F.3d 758, 775 (2d Cir. 2010). 2. Material Omissions Dodona Corp., claims Ostrem , Defendants") marketed GS&Co and Herrick made the that 1 Corp. (collectively, omissions Hudson Hudson I of material and COOs I the fact drafted the Hudson 2 "Marketing when they Offering Circulars. Specifically, Dodona alleges that the Marketing Defendants did not disclose to investors (1) that the Hudson COOs were structured and issued as part of Goldman/s strategy to reduce its exposure to subprime-mortgage risk and to profit by betting against 41­ themi and (2) that the Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 Filed 03/21/12 Page 42 of 64 Marketing Defendants did not "genuinely believe Hudson have realistic CDOs would a profitable for investors . The Complaint cites • /I the (Compl. following chance ~ that of the being 176.) statements in the Marketing Book and the Offering Circulars as misleading: • "GSI will be the initial Credit Protection Buyer (Id. ~ 175.) II • "Goldman has aligned incentives with the Hudson program by investing in a portion of equity and playing the ongoing role of Liquidation Agent." (Id. ~~ 89, 122, 175.) • The Hudson CDOs were designed "to create a consistent, programmatic, approach to invest in attractive relative value opportunities in the RMBS and structured product market.1I (Id. ~~ 85, 175. ) • "INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS OFFERING CIRCULAR . . . DOES NOT OMIT ANYTHING LIKELY TO AFFECT THE IMPORT OF SUCH INFORMATION." Id. ~ 88, 96, 175. ) • Investing in the Hudson CDOs "IS SPECULATIVE" and involves "SIGNIFICANT RISK." Id. ~ 175.) • "Various potential and actual conflicts of interest may arise from the overall activities of the Credit Protection Buyer [GSI] , the overall underwriting, investment and other activities of the Liquidation Agent [GS&Co], the Senior Swap Counterparty and the Collateral Put Provider, their respective affiliates and its clients and employees and from the overall investment activity of the Initial Purchaser [GS&Co] , including in other transactions with the Issuer [Hudson 1/2 Ltq] . (Id.) II -42­ Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 Filed 03/21/12 Page 43 of 64 Dodona's Complaint does not rest on allegations that those overt statements were, standing rather on the requirement that speak, alone, "once a false, but party chooses to it has a duty to be both accurate and complete." Plumbers Union, 753 F. Supp. 2d at 180 omitted) . marks statements say: were that The credit of what Defendants' Marketing quality of that alleges misleading because the deteriorating Complaint (internal quotation the those they did not knew of referenced the assets, believed that the Hudson CDOs had no realistic chance of being profitable, and that the Hudson CDOs were part of Goldman's risk reduction strategy. PSLRA's requirement that Dodona has thus met the Complaint a alleging misrepresentations "specify each statement alleged to have been misleading[] [and] statement is misleading." However, since the reason 15 U.S.C. either the Marketing Defendants of disclosures the or omissions publicly them of that duty. 9 F.3d at 267 available why allegations the of the question remains had a alleged; reasons 78u-4(b). Dodona's misrepresentation sound in omission, whether § or and, duty if to disclose so, information whether discharged See In re Time Warner Inc. Sec. Litig., ("an omission -43 ­ is actionable under the Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 securities law only when the Filed 03/21/12 Page 44 of 64 [defendant] is subject to a duty to disclose the omitted facts"} . a. No Duty to Disclose Strategy The Court finds that the Marketing Defendants had no duty to disclose that the Hudson CDOs were "Goldman's then-existing strategy to reduce exposures to prof i t subprime mortgage-related (Comp 1. thereby. ~ l? 5 . ) its and risk-management assets" and any independent obligations that "strategy, statutory or would have Defendants to reveal such a long-term or II how 20l0) (failure [0] bligations" federal absent a lOb-Si" is to meet one form securities law Basic Inc' l required Nor are the See Marketing In re Morgan 592 F.3d 348 1 360 (2d Cir. "[a]ffirmative of omission liability). duty to disclose the regulatory disclosure strategy. Stanley Info. Fund Sec. Litig., to The Of fering Circulars Hudson CDOs might fit into some overarching plan. there of financial and Marketing Book say nothing about Goldman's investment part [d]isclosure that since can create " [s]ilence l is not misleading under Rule I 485 U.S. at 239 n.l?, the Marketing Defendants' nondisclosure of the alleged strategy is not an actionable omission. -44 ­ Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 b. Filed 03/21/12 Page 45 of 64 Duty to state Risk Accurately and Completely However, the issue of whether the Marketing Defendants had a duty to disclose their "belief" that the Hudson CDOs did not "have a realistic chance of being profitable for Reading the Complaint in investors" is a closer question. its entirety, it is clear that the alleged omission amounts to an allegation that Defendants the risk, of which they were inaccurately represented actually aware, with investing in the Hudson CDOs. contentions, the alleged associated Contrary to Defendants' omission therefore is more substantial than a failure to disclose "mere disbelief" or (DeL "opinions." the Offering representations Marketing statements Partners, 662, Br. 669 regarding were v. had as made[.]"}i a risks duty and to understood 2008) the at affirmative investing,12 ensure complete. Ikanos Commc' ns, (S.D.N.Y. of Inc., ("[R]isk Since 49}.) contained the accurate accurately characterize risk, (Docket No. Circulars Defendants Inc. at 17-19 that See 538 F. the those Panther Supp. disclosures scope and specificity of the see also In re Am. time the Int'l Grp., statements Inc. 2d must the are 2008 Sec. According to Defendants, the Hudson CDO offerings were made pursuant to the limited requirements of SEC Rule 144A ("Rule 144A"), 17 C.F.R. § 230.144A, which exempts registration for sales of restricted or controlled securities to "Qualified Institutional Buyers. Rule 144A does not require risk disclosures, but the Offering Circulars made them anyway. l2 II -45­ Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 Litig. , 741 ("[G]eneric defendants risk from 2d Supp. F. Filed 03/21/12 Page 46 of 64 511, disclosures liability are for (S.D.N.Y. 531 inadequate failing to 2010) to shield disclose known specific risks."). Dodona has adequately alleged an actionable omission because, assuming it is right about the known risks, the risk disclosures in the Offering Circulars were inaccurate and therefore misleading. The Goldman-authored emails and documents cited in the Complaint context aware of of scienter a buildup indicate of discussed above in the that negative the Defendants events in the were subprime mortgage market, and knew the outlook for subprime-mortgage related assets was gloomy. Indeed, the Complaint indicates that Goldman had determined in late associated with subprime-related enough to warrant a maj or shift addressing the risks, boilerplate 2006 assets that were in strategy. the risks substantial Yet, in the Offering Circulars provide only statements regarding the "SPECULATIVE" and risky nature of investing in securities, the possibility of market downturns, mortgage-backed Defendants were and the risks generally associated with assets. aware Given of Dodona's singularly allegations prohibitive that risks associated with the Hudson CDOs in particular, it follows that accurately such boilerplate disclosures -46 ­ do not Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 represent Filed 03/21/12 Page 47 of 64 assessment Defendants' of the Halperin v. eBanker USA. com, Inc., Cir. (holding plaintiff 2002) disclosure language that statements did not a and 295 of F.3d 352, can cautionary expressly warn risks. 13 359 overcome language or did if not 2011 "boilerplate" investment have WL language is interests i in "extremely adverse defeat plaintiffs' CDO to fail) 5170293, to a at *12 prospectus risky" (2d risk "the directly relate to the risk that brought about plaintiffs' Dandong, See loss"); (holding that cautioning that "may" and the defendant investors was insufficient to allegation that Morgan Stanley designed In re Bear Stearns, 763 F. Supp. 2d at 495 (" [T] 0 warn that the untoward may occur when the event is contingent is prudent; to caution that it is only possible for the unfavorable events to happen when they have already occurred is deceit[.]" (internal quotation marks omitted)). The extant Hudson SPEs argue that the Complaint fails to adequately link any misstatements or omissions to them. However, this argument is unavailing because the Offering Circulars clearly indicate that the Hudson SPEs "ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY" for the information contained therein. (Donne Declo ex. A, at 19.) Moreover, the "group pleading doctrine" applies to this claim. See In re Bear Stearns Cos., 763 F. Supp. 2d at 485; In re Oxford Health Plans, Inc., 187 F.R.D. 133, 142 (S.D.N.Y. 1999) (group pleading doctrine allows plaintiffs to "rely on a presumption that statements in prospectuses, registration statements, annual reports, press releases, or other group-published information are the collective work of individuals with direct involvement in the everyday business of the company") (internal quotation marks omitted). Since the Complaint alleges what amounts to a "tight weave of connections between" all the Defendants, "[a)t this stage of the litigation, any misstatements that could reasonably be found to have issued from one, essentially issued from all. If Anwar v. Fairfield Greenwich Ltd., 728 F. Supp. 2d 372, 405 (S.D.N.Y. 2010). 13 -47­ Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 That said, Defendants Filed 03/21/12 Page 48 of 64 are correct that the Offering Circulars and Marketing Book did not conceal that Goldman was short on disclosed the transactions. multiple times that The Offering an GSI, Circulars affiliate of defendants GS&CO and a subsidiary of Goldman, was the "sole Credit Protection Buyer" on the Hudson COOs. ex. A at 50 , ex. Bat 47.) another case in this Court, Sachs, that 790 the F. SEC Supp. had 2d This Sec. 147 stands in contrast to & Exch. Comm'n v. Goldman (S.D. N. Y. adequately (Donne Decl., pled 2011), that which Goldman found employee Fabrice Tourre made material misrepresentations in an email by failing to disclose hedge fund Paulson & Co.' s short position on a COO. Nevertheless, the Circulars regarding GSI' s disclosures role, in the Offering which are admissions that Goldman was taking a huge bet against the Hudson COOs, were somewhat undermined, or at least downplayed, elsewhere was that GSI the "initial" by statements credit protection buyer, that the Hudson COOs were "attractive relative value opportunities in the RMBS and structured product market, or that "Goldman has aligned incentives with program by investing in a portion of equity. 85, 89, 122, 175.) II the 1/ Hudson (CompI. ~~ Nor do the disclosures regarding GSI's short position jive with the boilerplate risk disclosures, 48­ Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 Filed 03/21/12 Page 49 of 64 which do not indicate anything unusual about the offerings. Ultimately, an incomplete or misleading disclosure may be just as damaging as total concealment. c. Reliance and Materiality Since Dodona alleges omissions rather than affirmative misstatements, the element of reliance may be presumed if the omissions were material. See Stoneridge Inv. Partners, LLC v. Scientific-Atlanta, 552 U.S. 148, 160 418 F.3d at 209. omissions are (2008}i With regard to materiality, not "so the alleged unimportant" obviously reasonable minds could not differ - after all, associated typically with an investment are concern for prospective investors. ECA, (internal quotation marks omitted) 741 F. Supp. 2d at 531 ("The i Black, see purpose 553 the risks of primary F. 3d at 197 In re Am. of that the Int' I, federal securities laws is to ensure that investors have sufficient information to assess and avoid undue risks by refraining from purchasing securities that carry greater risks the investor is willing to bear." omi tted) } . At this stage than (internal quotation marks in the litigation, Dodona has sufficiently alleged the materiality of the omissions, and reliance may therefore be presumed. Defendants argue that the Court should dismiss Dodona's claim because Dodona was a sophisticated investor, -49­ Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 for whom reliance on the See Emergent, unreasonable. sophistication of reasonableness Filed 03/21/12 Page 50 of 64 alleged 343 F.3d at 195 parties of omission factor is plaintiff's reliance) would (finding that assessing J.n Terra i be Sec. Asa Konkursbo v. Citigroup, Inc., 740 F. Supp. 2d 441 (S.D.N.Y. 2010), aff'd Cir. Dec. F. 7, App' x 2011) WL 2011 {"Sophisticated 6067260 {2d investors must investigate the information available to them with the care and prudence expected from people blessed with full access to (internal information. " According to Defendants, publicly available quotation at information concerning In 22.) omitted)). investors had access to a "sea of of the actual loans backing the Br. marks particular, the performance [referenced RMBS]. Defendants (Def. II point to the Offering Circulars' appendices, which contained information on each referenced RMBS, "including the credit scores and average loan-to-value ratios of the borrowers whose loans backed the RMBS, CUSIP number the names of the loan servicers, of acquire extensive each RMBS, which information from for each of the [referenced RMBS] ." The the Complaint nature representations of enabled investors the public Id. at 9.) business regarding -50­ to SEC filing rather conspicuously avoids Dodona's and the Dodona's or discussing making level any of Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 sophistication. 14 CDOS, But Filed 03/21/12 Page 51 of 64 in order to invest in the Hudson the Offering Circulars required Dodona to represent and agree that it was a "Qualified Institutional Buyer" and a "sophisticated investor" with "access necessary and other information in order to (Donne Decl. ex. A, make an informed investment decision." at Such representations 6-9.) sophistication. However, is it "the support even assuming that Dodona unclear have may a necessary been the to to accessible to is the the that Defendants point out, such as fraud sophisticated party analyze have much than "minimal proffered nothing to suggest anything that seems like diligence" even for a sophisticated investor. placed on guard about fraud, more information individual SEC filings for each of the eighty or more referenced RMBS, require whether alleged The public Id. would of sophisticated, Court unmask through minimal diligence." it finding See Terra, 740 F. Supp. 2d at 449. information [would] to such financial "Defendants investors approximating to the were alleged that they were practically faced with the facts, or 14 Defendants submitted a "Confidential Offering Memorandum" apparently published by Dodona as evidence that Dodona was sophisticated. The Court declines to consider that outside document as Dodona did not rely upon it in drafting the Complaint. See Chambers, 282 F.3d at 153 ("[A] plaintiff's on the terms and effect of a document in drafting the complaint a necessary prerequisite to the court's consideration of the document on a dismissal motion; mere notice or possession is not enough [ . ] It) (emphasis in original) . -51­ Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 that they Dandong, had access to Filed 03/21/12 Page 52 of 64 truth-revealing 2011 WL 5170293, at *14 (" [E] ven omitted) a (internal quotation marks sophisticated bevy of accountants, information." investor financial advisors, armed with a and lawyers could not have known that [the defendant] would select inherently risky underlying assets in allegations sophisticated the and and short it should alleged fraud at the time of the information are discovery, the questions Court will Dodona was uncovered the whether Complaint, whether Based on the them.") have investment using public Thus, of fact. not hazard a guess prior to regarding Dodona's level of sophistication or the import of publicly available information. d. Loss Causation Finally, Dodona has made adequate allegations that the alleged omissions caused the ultimate economic harm Dodona suffered. "absence the Dodona alleges that due to its reliance on the of Hudson incurred alleged CDOs ~ information," artificially when lost 1 78 . ) adverse at damages precipitously (CompI . material they value inflated suffered and were it would -52­ not "purchased prices" and ratings downgrades, ultimately liquidated. Dodona claims that, omissions, it were it not for the have purchased the Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 securities, or would not Filed 03/21/12 Page 53 of 64 have purchased them at inflated prices. Although Defendants coincided with the argue that general market Dodona's downturn and cannot be linked with the alleged fraud, require plaintiffs to plead facts other non-fraud explanations. IKE Deutsche Industriebank AG, "sufficient 708 F. therefore the law does not King Cnty., II losses to exclude Washington v. Supp. 2d 334, 342 (S.D.N.Y. 2010); see In re Bear Stearns, 763 F. Supp. 2d at 507 ("[A]t the motion to dismiss phase, the Securities Complaint need not rule out all competing theories for the drop stock in determined record [ . ] " ) . by the trier Indeed, price; of that fact is on such an argument confusion of cause and effect. an a issue fully is to be developed "premised on a The conduct that plaintiffs allege, if true, would make [Goldman] an active participant in collapse the of markets in general, Ambac, [the Hudson CDOs] and the financial rather than a passive victim." In re 693 F. Supp. 2d at 270; see In re Bear Stearns, F. Supp. 2d at 504-05 (citing In re Ambac, 763 693 F. Supp. 2d at 269). Dondona has made allegations sufficient to support a reasonable inference that the omissions "bear upon the loss suffered such that [Dodona] would have been spared all or -53­ Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 Filed 03/21/12 Page 54 of 64 an ascertainable portion of that loss absent the fraud," Lentell v. Merrill Lynch & Co., 396 F.3d 161, 175 (2d Cir. 2005). Thus, since other elements the Complaint has necessary or misrepresentations a for 10(b) § omissions, pled each of claim claim that the of survives Defendants' motions to dismiss. 3. Market Manipulation In addition to fraud by misrepresentation or omission, Dodona claims that Goldman and the Marketing Defendants manipulated the market for the Hudson CDOs in violation of § 10(b) that and Rule 10b-5(a) and they used "manipulative (c). and The Complaint alleges deceptive devices and practices" when they structured, issued and sold the Hudson CDOs with the belief that the Hudson CDO securities would not be profitable for investors, and the knowledge that the Hudson CDOs were part of Goldman's subprime risk reduction strategy. (Compl. , 165.) A claim for market manipulation cannot be based on a misrepresentation or omission manipulative market activity. Wilson, activity 2011 to WL be 5515958, at manipulative, -54­ alone, but See ATSI, *8. that In must involve a 493 F.3d at 101; turn, conduct "for market must involve Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 misrepresentation 5515958, at *8 or Filed 03/21/12 Page 55 of 64 nondisclosure. (citing Santa Fe Wilson, illS Indus., 430 U.S. 2011 WL at 477 (" [N] ondisclosure is usually essential to the success of a manipulative involved As scheme. 1/) ) • "intentional or long as willful the market conduct activity designed to deceive or defraud investors by controlling or artificially affecting the "sen (t] false pricing signal to the market [,]" a price within the bounds of of a securities," deceptive and such conduct it falls or manipulative device. ATSI, 493 F.3d at 100 (internal quotation marks omitted) . Here, offering, Dodona and alleges selling that the the Hudson manipulative market activi ty . act of CDOs structuring, was itself The Complaint alleges a that these acts were manipulative because Defendants knew that the Hudson CDOs were based on toxic assets that would not likely be profitable investors, for particularly risky RMBS to reference. detail that the Complaint provides and selected Given the level of about how Goldman and the Marketing Defendants structured and offered the Hudson CDOS, Dodona has pled with requisite particularity "what 15 In contrast to the omission claim under Rule lOb-5(b), in the context of market manipulation under Rule 10b-5 (a) and (c) there is no need for Dodona to allege (or prove) that the Defendants had a duty to disclose stemming from a statutory requirement or an otherwise misleading statement. Instead, a claim of market manipulation involves "secret manipulation, 11 which need not include overt misleading statements. In re Initial Pub. Offering Sec. Litig., 383 F. Supp. 2d 566 (S.D.N.Y. 2005). I -55­ Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 manipulative performed were acts [and] them, can involve knowledge; the when facts therefore, plaintiff degree performed, the Id. at 102 performed however, Filed 03/21/12 Page 56 of 64 of at need not specificity which manipulative (~A early stages plead as of manipulation a acts were claim of manipulation, solely wi thin the the defendants plain defendant's litigation, to the same misrepresentation claim./I) . a. Reliance on Efficient Market Assumption However, in order for its market manipulation claim to survive Defendants' allege motions Dodona must also "reliance on an assumption of an efficient market free of manipulation[.]/I Parmalat 2005) to dismiss, Sec. Litig, ("Parmalat I"). ATSI, 493 F.3d at 101; see In re 375 F. Supp. 2d 278, 304 (S.D.N.Y. Whether a market is efficient is a question usually addressed when plaintiffs argue "fraud on the market," which creates a rebuttable reliance where the market is efficient. 16 445 Freight Div. Pension Fund v. Bombadier, 196, 199-200 (2d Cir. 2008) 49) . "fraud In ATSI, on the presumption of Teamsters Local Inc., 546 F.3d (citing Basic, 485 U.S. at 242­ the Second Circuit essentially incorporated market" into the standard for market 16 It does not appear that Dodona intended to argue "fraud on the market." The Complaint contains no discussion of market efficiency and the parties' Rule 12 (b) (6) submissions are likewise mute on the subject. I -56­ Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 Filed 03/21/12 Page 57 of 64 manipulation by requiring that plaintiffs show "reliance on ATSI, an assumption of an efficient market." 493 F.3d at 99-103. An efficient market is one that is "open and developed in which anyone, persons, can information buy (~, or or at least a sell [ , ] " and "for price and volume) Parmalat I, 375 F. Supp. 2d at 304 law suggest manipulation Circuit to involving newly trading (internal citations and In addition, this which is widely available." quotation marks omitted). in large number of there is some case that issued claims securities of market must fail See In because primary markets are by nature inefficient. re Initial Public Offering Sec. Litig., 471 F.3d 24, 42-43 (2d Cir. 2006) (holding that market for shares of an initial public offering is not efficient, in the context of fraud on the market) [securi ties] definition omitted) is of not these (" [A] primary market for newly issued efficient terms." or developed (internal under quotation any marks (alterations in original)). "Whether a market is efficient is often a question of fact," Parmalat II, 376 F. Supp. 2d at Dodona's conclusory allegations regarding inflated" prices not to market," do suffice plead 508. However, "artificially an "efficient as that term is commonly understood in the case 57­ Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 law, Filed 03/21/12 Page 58 of 64 especially when the rest of the Complaint contradicts such a conclusion. The Complaint does not allege that there was an open and developed market for the Hudson CDOs, or even that the price of the Hudson CDO securities reflected "'all publicly available information, and, hence, any material misrepresentations.' Cromer Finance Ltd. v. /I Berger, 205 F.R.D. 113, 130 (S.D.N.Y. 2001) 485 U.S. at circumstances the market. that Rather, Complaint Indeed, ./1 were alleges in which the Defendants essentially created the Offering Circulars warn investors (Donne Decl., thus plainly which manipulation Dodona purchased them. 3096, the "[t] here is currently no market for the securities] CDOs 246). (quoting Basic, 2011 WL 744745 is ex. A, the at 42.) product presumably why The Hudson of Mar. 1, Goldman's investors See In re Citigroup, (S.D.N.Y. [Hudson CDO 2011) No. like 08 Civ. (dismissing market manipulation claim where plaintiffs conceded market was not efficient and publicly available documents revealed that market interplay of was "not supply necessarily and demand I ") set by the 'natural Ultimately, • then, Defendants' alleged misconduct is more appropriately suited for a claim of misrepresentations and omissions than market manipulation, which carries with 58­ it an assumption of an Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 efficient market. Thus, Filed 03/21/12 Page 59 of 64 Dodona's allegation of market manipulation must be dismissed. C. SECTION 20(a) CLAIM Dodona Hudson claims SPEs, Specifically, that the violated Dodona Defendants, of 20(a) § alleges that except the Goldman, for Exchange GS&CO, the Act. Ostrem and Herrick directed and controlled the alleged misconduct of the Hudson SPEs. As discussed above, violation under § which Hudson includes 10 (b) Dodona has pled a primary against the Marketing Defendants, 1 Corp. and Hudson 2 Corp. In addition, the Complaint alleges that Goldman was the parent company Hudson of SPEs, GS&CO, and which that underwrote various officers possessed scienter. and structured the Goldman executives and It also alleges that Ostrem and Herrick were in charge of structuring, selling the Hudson CDO offerings. sufficiently pled that Goldman, As GS&CO, marketing, such, Dodona and has Herrick and Ostrem each controlled at least one primary violator and that they were in some meaningful sense culpable participants in the alleged fraudulent omissions. See Boguslavsky v. Kaplan, 159 F. 3d 715, 720 (2d Cir. 1998) (listing elements of prima facie case of liability under 20 (a) ); § see also Parmalat II, 376 F. Supp. 2d at 517 (holding that Rule 8 governs the -59­ Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 Filed 03/21/12 Page 60 of 64 pleading standard for allegations of control pursuant to 20 (a), which need not claim of 20 (a) § be § Dodona's extremely detailed). liability therefore survives Defendants' motions to dismiss. D. COMMON LAW FRAUD CLAIMS Dodona alleges common law fraud concealment against all Defendants. that Dodona's 10 (b) § and Rule and fraudulent For the same reasons 10b-5 claim of fraudulent misrepresentations survive as to the Marketing Defendants, their common also survive law fraud as to and fraudulent the Marketing concealment claims Defendants. See Fraternity Fund Ltd. v. Beacon Hill Asset Mgmt. LLC, 376 F. Supp. 2d 385, 407 (S.D.N.Y. 2005) ("The elements of common law fraud thus are largely the same as those of a Rule lOb­ S claim except that there is no requirement that the fraud be 'in connection securities.''') United States (S.D.N.Y. requires (quoting Surgical 2008) the with ( "A same the 15 purchase U.S.C. Corp. , claim 587 for showing as § F. or sale of 78j(b)); Nealy v. Supp. 579, 585 2d fraudulent that for concealment fraudulent misrepresentation, with the additional requirement that the plaintiff must demonstrate that the defendant had a duty to disclose material information. If) • In addition, the common law fraud and fraudulent concealment claims survive as to -60­ Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 Filed 03/21/12 Page 61 of 64 Goldman, Hudson 1 Ltd. and Hudson 2 Ltd. Defendants) because the "group (the non-Marketing pleading those defendants to the alleged omissions. doctrine" ties See supra n.13. Dodona also claims that Goldman, Hudson 1 Ltd., Hudson 1 Corp., Hudson 2 Ltd., Hudson 2 Corp., Ostrem and Herrick The Complaint alleges aided and abetted common law fraud. that GS&Co "could not have perpetrated its the substantial assistance of Goldman, the Hudson issuers and defendants Ostrem and Herrick . As discussed above, GS&CO committed Complaint Ostrem and Herrick, " (Comp I. ~ 205.) the Complaint has adequately pled that an contains fraud without underlying allegations Moreover, fraud. sufficient to infer the that in their marketing and structuring of the Hudson CDOs, had actual knowledge of the alleged fraud and enabled or "substantially assisted" it. Through Ostrem and be Herrick, knowledge of the Goldman and the Hudson SPEs. fraud may In addition, imputed to it is evident from the Complaint that GS&Co could not have committed the alleged fraud without the substantial assistance of its parent corporation Goldman and Goldman executives, such as Ostrem and of Hudson SPEs, Herrick, or which were without created the involvement for that very Therefore, the Court declines to dismiss this claim. -61­ the purpose. Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 E. Filed 03/21/12 Page 62 of 64 UNJUST ENRICHMENT CLAIM Finally, Dodona claims that Goldman and unjustly enriched at Dodona's expense. that this claim must fail because GS&CO were Defendants argue Dodona purchased the Hudson 1 securities from an intermediate party, rather than any of the enriched argue Defendants, at that Dodona's the and expense. Hudson 2 unavailable when "a In securities written purchase agreement, is thus Defendants addition, were not Defendants governed by a and an unjust enrichment claim valid and enforceable governing the same subject matter exists." Dev. Co., v. GE Fuel Sys., LLC, WL 209110, at *8 were (S.D.N.Y. 2012) contract Soroof Trading --- F. Supp. 2d ----, 2012 (internal quotation marks omitted) . The fact that Dodona did not purchase securities directly from Defendants is not the Hudson 1 sufficient to defeat an unjust enrichment claim at the motion to dismiss phase, especially when, as here, the Complaint shows that the timing of the Hudson 1 offering and Dodona's purchase were so closely aligned and only one separated GS&Co and Dodona. intermediate party See State Farm Mut. . Ins. Co. v. Rabiner, 749 F. Supp. 2d 94, 102 (E.D.N.Y. 2010) establish unjust enrichment, \\[t]he benefit to (To the defendant . . . can be either direct or indirect."); Cox v. -62­ Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 Filed 03/21/12 Page 63 of 64 Microsoft Corp., 778 N.Y.S.2d 147, 149 (App. Div. 1st Dep't 2004) . And although there is some indication in the Offering Circulars that those who purchased the Hudson CDO securities would be required to do so pursuant to written agreements, the Complaint contains no allegations regarding any written contract. While the Court anticipates that a contract will materialize during discovery, of the proceedings, Dodona enrichment. -63 ­ has properly at this stage pled unjust Case 1:10-cv-07497-VM Document 73 Filed 03/21/12 Page 64 of 64 III. CONCLUSION Accordingly, for the reasons stated above it 1 is hereby ORDERED that the Motion Goldman L. 1 (Docket No. 48) Sachs & Co., The Goldman Sachs Group Ostrem, Complaint and Darryl is GRANTED Herrik K. in part to and of defendants 1 Dismiss DENIED Inc., the in Peter Amended part , in accordance with this Decision and Order; and it is further ORDERED that the Motion (Docket No. 53) of defendants Hudson Mezzanine Funding 2006-21 Corp. and Hudson Mezzanine Funding 2006-21 Complaint is Ltd. to Dismiss the Amended Class Action GRANTED in part and DENIED in part 1 in accordance with this Decision and Order. SO ORDERED. Dated: New York, New 21 March 2012 York ~~ /, ~ VICTORMARRERO U.S.D.J. -64­