FUNDING INFORMATION - Staffordshire Council of Voluntary Youth

Andy Fanshawe Memorial Trust:
Disadvantaged young people with an interest in the outdoors
The AFMT funds projects that give disadvantaged young people the chance to develop an existing interest
in the great outdoors. Outdoor activities means walking, climbing, cycling, kayaking, sailing, horse riding
and residential courses at outdoor centres.
Boost Charitable Trust
Charities and non-profit making organisations can apply for grants of £500 to organisations in the UK
helping disabled and disadvantaged individuals who participate in sport.
FA ‘Be Inspired’ Fund
The Fund is a girls’ innovation fund to increase participation amongst 14-25 year old females and increase
the number of active female role models in the game. Grants of up to £3,000 will be made available to
those organisations in England who best meet all the criteria.
Football Foundation
Deadline: 10.03.2016
The Foundation’s Grow the Game Scheme provides grants of up to £1,500 for the creation of new football
teams and coaching qualifications, with money provided by the Premier League and The FA. The Scheme
is delivered by the Foundation. Not-for-profit organisations in England are eligible to apply.
Rowing Foundation Grants
Deadline: 15.02.2016
Helping organisations and clubs involved in on water elements of the sport of Rowing. The Foundation’s
preference is to make grants of between £500-£2000 up to 50% of the cost, usually to initiate projects when
a club, school or other organisation can demonstrate their ability to complete the project. Grants are not
given to support sailing or swimming.
Sport England – Community Sport Activation Fund
Round Five: Opening Spring 2016
… is a £47.5 million Lottery funding programme to provide grassroots activity at a very local level. We will
invest in what works best in your area, based on local need and evidence.
Sport England – Small Grants Fund
Using Lottery funding to make awards of between £300 and £10,000 to not-for-profit organisations to help
more people play sport.
Alec Dickson Trust
The Trust are passionate about young people making a difference and provide up to £500 to help young
people to run a project in their local area, that involves local volunteers.
Asda Foundation
The Asda Foundation wants to have a strong reputation for managing, co-ordinating and delivering
programmes which really make a significant difference to local communities and the people who live there.
Awards for All
…makes grants of between £300 and £10,000 to organisations wanting to run projects that aim to help
improve local communities and the lives of people most in need.
The Baily Thomas Charitable Fund – Small Grant
The Baily Thomas Charitable Fund is a grant making registered charity, which was established primarily to
aid the research into learning disability and to aid the care and relief of those affected by learning disability
by making grants to voluntary organisations working in this field. Grants from £250 to £5,000.
The Bernard Sunley Charitable Foundation
…provides grant funding for capital projects, which aim to help raise the quality of life in the UK, particularly
for the young, disadvantaged and older people.
Big Potential Opens Advanced Fund for VCSEs in England
The Big Potential offers specialist support and grants to improve the sustainability, capacity and scale of
voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations in England in order that they may deliver
greater social impact. The programme aims to raise awareness of the social investment market and
support VCSEs who want to prepare themselves for social investment or winning contracts.
The £20 million Big Potential offers the following application routes:
• Breakthrough - provides VCSE organisations with access to specialist one-to-one support from the Big
Potential programme partners before making an application for grants between £20,000 and £75,000 to
undertake more in-depth investment readiness work with one of Big Potential's approved providers.
• Advanced - is for VCSEs that are clear about how social investment could work for them and can describe
a potential deal or interest from investors and need help to close that deal. The Advanced route is also
available to organisations that need help securing a contract. Grants of between £50,000 and £150,000 are
Civil Society – Charity Awards 2016
Deadline: 04.03.2016
The Charity Awards is Civil Society Media’s annual awards programme held to identify, recognise and
reward those organisations doing exceptional work in all areas of charitable activity. Entry is free and open
to charities of all sizes throughout the UK, and provides the perfect platform to showcase the exceptional
work that you do.
Coalfields Community Grants Programme
This programme is aimed at organisations, community groups and social enterprises in England that can
make a positive difference in our communities. The Coalfields Regeneration Trust want to support those
projects that make the biggest difference.
Comic Relief – UK Grants
Comic Relief has re-launched the UK Grants programme, and there are some important changes to note.
The UK Grants programme is now focused around five themes, with each theme having a number
outcomes that Comic Relief are looking for projects to meet.
Dulverton Trust
Supporting activities that provide opportunities for young people. Awarding grants between £10,000 and
Ernest Cook Trust
…gives grants to registered charities, schools and not-for-profit organisations wishing to encourage young
people’s interest either in the countryside and the environment, the arts (in the broadest sense), or in
science, or aiming to raise levels of literacy and numeracy.
Foyle Foundation – Small Grants Scheme
…is an independent grant-making trust that distributes grants to UK charities in all fields with a turnover of
less than £100,000 per annum. They plan to make one year grants of between £1,000 and £10,000 to
charities which can demonstrate that such a grant will make a significant difference to their work. The
Foundation does not support applications from individuals.
Garfield Weston Foundation
The Foundation supports a broad range of organisations and activities that share a commitment to making
a positive impact to the lives of the communities in which they work, and that are driven by a desire to
achieve excellence.
We make grants across the UK to organisations in the following categories:
Arts | Education | Youth | Health | Community | Environment | Religion | Welfare
The Trustees are especially keen to see applications for core and project costs for charities
delivering services directly to beneficiaries, especially in the welfare, youth and community fields, and also
in regions of economic disadvantage.
Greggs Foundation
Deadline: 04.03.2016
Not-for-profit organisations with a turnover of £300,000 or less as well as schools in England, Scotland and
Wales can apply now for either a Small Grant of up to £2,500 or a Large Grant of between £2,500 and
£10,000. Organisations that are based near a Greggs shop will be given priority. Funding is available for
projects that benefit the local environment in a way that will improve people’s lives.
The Hedley Foundation
supports young people, the disabled and the terminally ill and funding aims to assist and encourage
development and change. Few grants exceed £5,000 and most of them go to charities where they can
make an impact. The Trustees meet six times a year to make a decision.
Heritage Lottery Fund
The heritage lottery fund want to help groups in Newcastle-under-Lyme celebrate their local heritage.
Grants are for £3,000 upwards. Projects could be involved in anything from setting up an archaeological dig
to recording people’s memories. Visit the website or email or call 0121 6166870.
Heritage Lottery Fund – First World War: Then and Now Grants Scheme
… Explore the heritage of the First World War. This programme has a short application form, and is
suitable for everyone, including first-time applicants.
Not-for-profit organisations and partnerships led by not-for-profit organisations in the UK are eligible to
apply as long as they have a constitution and a bank account. Applicants could include charities, trusts,
clubs, interest groups, community and voluntary groups, community and parish councils, faith groups,
history groups, schools, colleges, social enterprises, residents’ associations and youth groups.
Grants of between £3,000 and £10,000 are available for community projects that explore, conserve and
share their First World War heritage and deepen their understanding of the impact of the conflict. Projects
should make a difference to people and be completed in less than two years.
While applications can be made at any time, applicants wishing to provide projects or memorials in 2016 to
mark the Centenary are encouraged to apply as early as possible as competition is high.
Kusuma Trust
…award small grants of up to £10,000 to organisations in England. To be considered for a small grant your
organisation will need to demonstrate how your project aligns with our strategy and meets the necessary
To apply for a grant your organisation must have: a valid current registration as a charity with the Charity
Commission for England and Wales; the ability to deliver charitable activities that align with the vision and
mission of the Trust and a valid UK registered bank account in the name of the organisation and not any
If your proposal meets the eligibility criteria and fits with our strategic priorities, you may download,
complete and submit a concept note form to for the attention of the Head of
Lloyds Bank Foundation
Deadlines: 04.03.2016 at 5.00pm / 08.06.2016 at 5.00pm
Our funding programmes offer short and long-term grants. Support is adapted to the needs of small and
medium sized charities that are committed to delivering work, which breaks or prevents cycles of
Invest – long-term funding of core or delivery costs for charities working to deliver clear outcomes for
disadvantaged people. Grants from £10,000 to £25,000 per annum for 2 to 3 years, with the opportunity for
continuation funding for a further period – up to 6 years in total.
Enable – grants for specific organisational development to strengthen the effectiveness of the charity. The
planned work must improve one of the following areas – activities/services, leadership/governance,
strategic planning/policy, structures/systems and communications. Grants up to £15,000 for 1 to 2 years.
Ministry of Defence – Covenant Fund Small Grants – Round Two
Deadline: 17.12.2015
The new Armed Forces Community Covenant Fund, established in August 2015, was set up to fund local
projects which strengthen the ties or the mutual understanding between members of the Armed Forces
Community and the wider community in which they live.
Registered charities, registered community interest companies, statutory bodies, and armed forces units
with a UIN can apply for small grants of up to £20,000.
The funding is for one-off projects, which have lasting impact, and clear exit or sustainability strategies.
Projects must address the MoD's priorities for 2015-16.
Morrisons Foundation Launches New Website (Great Britain)
Registered charities working in England, Scotland or Wales can apply through the Morrison Foundation's
new online process for grants to support new projects that directly improve the lives of local people or
communities across Great Britain.
The funding is for projects that groups would like to get off the ground but for which they have no funding.
The projects should benefit the local community and can cover a wide range of areas including:
• Health • Education • Arts and culture • Community • Other
Although there are no set limits to the funding, previous grants have ranged from £5,000 to £20,000.
There are no deadlines. Applications can be made at any time, and the Foundation aims to respond to
completed applications within three months months.
Paul Hamlyn Foundation Announces New Grants Strategy for UK
After a period of consultation, the Paul Hamlyn Foundation, one of the UK's largest independent grantmaking foundations, has launched a new strategy, which focuses on six new priorities relating to the
changes it wishes to see in the UK.
To support its new strategy, the Foundation will be making £25 million a year available in grant funding to
not-for-profit organisations in the UK who have great ideas that will support the new priorities.
The priorities are:
- Supporting imaginative people to nurture exciting ideas.
- Widening access and participation in the arts.
- Improving people's education and learning through the arts.
- Showing that the arts make a difference to people's lives.
- Supporting the development and growth of organisations investing in young people and positive change.
- Improving support for young people who migrate, and strengthen integration so that communities can
live well together.
The Foundation has created new grant funds that will support the priorities, some of which are opening this
week and others which will open later in the year. These include:
- Shared Ground Fund / - Youth Fund / - Access and Participation Fund / - Ideas and Pioneers Fund
- Arts-based Learning Fund / - Teacher Development Fund
Postcode Community Trust
In 2016, the Trust will invite applications that help communities to overcome barriers to participation in
creative and sustainable ways, and increase social cohesion through developing access to community
facilities and activities. Registered charities in England can apply from £500 - £20,000 for projects meeting
the above remit, whilst other organisations may apply for up to £2,000
The form will be open at the following times in 2016:
• Sun 1st May – Tuesday 31st May 2016
Santander Foundation
… has three grants programmes to help disadvantaged people in the UK. Community Plus provides grants
of up to £5,000 and Learn & Grow and Money Skills offers grants of up to £10,000.
Shackleton Foundation
…invest in inspirational leaders and early-stage social enterprises with the potential to make a real
difference to the lives of disadvantaged young people. Grants up to £10,000. Applications should set out
how the applicant matches the spirit of Shackleton. They should explain what the leader’s vision is, and
how this vision meets a clear need and benefits disadvantaged and socially marginalised young people.
Applications should also outline the aims, outputs and goals of the project and how it will sustain itself in the
Starbucks Youth Action Grants Open to Applications
Final deadline: 07.03.2016
Grants of up to £1,000 are available to inspire and empower young people to make a difference in their
communities. Young people aged between 16 and 24 years who are not in education or employment are
eligible to apply. Two young people need to lead the project and engage a further 50 young people
throughout the course of the project. The young people will need to have a youth worker/training
organisation able to support them throughout the project.
Funding is available for projects that provide a positive benefit to the local community and that look to
enhance the young leaders employability and leadership skills.
For 2015/16, applications will be considered monthly between July 2015 and March 2016. The final
deadline for applications is 7 March 2016.
Thomas Wall Trust
will consider grants of up to £1,000 for smaller charities active in serving the social and/or educational
needs of their communities, especially where a grant can make a real impact in improving the lives of local
people. It also provides grants to individuals to help people overcome barriers to work and study, the
barriers must be more than just the financial implication of studying.
The Tudor Trust
… makes grants, and provides other types of support, to voluntary and community groups working in any
part of the UK. It particularly wants to help smaller, community-led organisations, which work directly with
people who are at the margins of society.
Variety – the children’s charity
For children coping with sickness, disability or disadvantage, we provide practical, tangible help that makes
an immediate difference to those children and their families.
Youth Clubs Grants provide opportunities for improving social skills, team spirit and self-esteem and
Equipment Grants, of between £100 and £6,000, for medical, basic care, sensory play or mobility
Variety – the children’s charity
For children coping with sickness, disability or disadvantage, we provide practical, tangible help that makes
an immediate difference to those children and their families.
Veolia Environmental Trust
Deadlines: 26.02.2016 / 27.05.2016 / 26.08.2016
Postcode location checker:
We are a Distributive Environmental Body that awards grants to support the natural, social and built
environment as part of the Landfill Communities Fund (LCF). We can only consider your idea if our
postcode locator shows that your proposed project is in the proximity of a qualifying Veolia site.
Young Roots Programme
…is for projects that engage young people, aged 11 to 25, with heritage in the UK. You can apply for a
grant of more than £10,000 and up to £50,000. The Young Roots Programme fund partnerships of heritage
and youth organisations to help young people shape and deliver their own projects in safe environments.
Staffordshire Community Arts Fund 2015-16
Now open for application for arts activities taking place between 1 April 2015 and 31 March 2016.
The Community Arts Fund is open to any registered community or arts organisation planning an arts project
or event in Staffordshire, which benefits Staffordshire residents only. Grants applications of up to £1,000.
(This excludes the area of Stoke-on-Trent).
For more information contact Tracie Meredith, Community Arts Officer tel. 01785 278571 email
Staffordshire Community Foundation
The Staffordshire Community Foundation offers many grants from themselves and from many other
different funders. These schemes are rarely open all year and usually tend to run in rounds. Visit their
website for a list of grants provided by clicking the ‘Grants’ tab which provides a list of currently available
grants. CLICK for a calendar showing grant opening and closing
dates. Some schemes will use the same criteria for each round, whereas others may change from round to
round depending on priorities. It is important to carefully read the aims and criteria of a scheme before
submitting your application.
Warburtons financial giving programme
…offers small grants of up to £250. We wish to support charitable organisations that require a small grant
to help them deliver a broader activity.