The International School of Florence Contents 03 An Overview of the Strategic Plan for 2013-2016 04 Our goals ISF Strategic Planning 2013: 06 Mission Statement 07 Guiding Principles 08 The Academic Program 18 Admissions and Enrollment 19 Campus and Facilities 20 Finance 21 Marketing, Development and Fundraising 22 Technology 2 The International School of Florence An Overview of the Strategic Plan for 2013-2016 The International School of Florence staff and community embarked on a mission to better define its future and to set a path to maintain academic excellence as its cornerstone and top priority. This Plan begins with a revised Mission Statement and Guiding Principles. The intent was to move to a Statement which was more succinct, a bit more lofty and, importantly, memorable, especially for our students and staff. Virtually all of the Plan flows from the spirit of the Mission and its Guiding Principles. The Twenty Strategic Planning Groups, comprised of the Academic Program, and its fifteen sub areas and five importantly linked components: Technology, Campus and Facilities, Finance, Admissions and Enrollment and Marketing, Development and Fundraising, set forth to establish vision statements and implementing action statements. Each is supported by specific action steps to be accomplished by the Board, the Administration and the Faculty, as appropriate, over the next three years. To create the Strategic Plan, we engaged a significant number of constituents in this process over the past school year. In the fall, as a starting point, we surveyed parents, staff and selected students to identify our strengths and to uncover areas of improvement. We received a surprisingly strong percentage of responses that allowed Strategic Planning Groups, made up of staff and parents, to tackle those aspects of ISF that revealed what was good, but could be better. We set a timeline of three years. For each major Strategic Group (Academic Program, Technology, Campus and Facilities, Finance, Admissions and Enrollment and Marketing, Development and Fundraising), there is a specific goal attached, as will be noted in the Plan. And behind these goals, for each Strategic Area and sub-area, a set of action steps have been established to reach those goals over a three year time span. 3 The International School of Florence Our Goals The Academic Program The International School of Florence will build on a rigorous and balanced academic and extra-curricular program to ensure the development of the whole child. Technology ISF will develop and sustain a learning culture that fosters appropriate integration of Technology into classroom practice through the use of updated hardware supported by infrastructure and professional development. Campus and Facilities ISF will maintain and fully exploit the school’s Tuscan villas while exploring alternative future campus options that will better support the school’s academic and extra-curricular program. 4 The International School of Florence Finance ISF will continue to build the school’s financial strength, identify ways to create better value for money, and maintain sound fiscal management practices to ensure its long-term financial sustainability. Admissions and Enrollment ISF will increase enrollment so that the schools function at full capacity while maintaining high academic and extracurricular standards. Marketing, Development and Fundraising ISF will continue to strengthen and promote the school’s reputation in the larger community and to initiate a capital campaign to better support the school’s long-term fiscal standing and to fund potential relocation. 5 The International School of Florence ISF Mission Statement “ISF aims to provide a caring learning environment that promotes personal, social and academic growth through challenging and engaging programs, in order to develop respectful, responsible students who strive to have a positive impact on others and the world around them.” 6 The International School of Florence Guiding Principles The International School of Florence is committed to: ■■ Providing a safe and healthy school environment. ■■ Recognizing creative expression and promoting an appreciation of beauty. ■■ Encouraging intellectual curiosity, critical thinking and enthusiasm for learning as a lifelong pursuit. ■■ Developing positive moral and social values for personal fulfilment and for the good of the community. ■■ Enabling students to realize their highest potential. ■■ Fostering understanding and respect for diverse cultures and the differences between them. ■■ Providing students with depth and breadth of knowledge, understanding and skills in a ■■ Encouraging appreciation of each student’s broad range of academic subjects. heritage. ■■ Upholding appropriate standards for personal behavior. ■■ Promoting competence in English and in at least one other language. ■■ Building confidence, self-esteem and ■■ Continuing to attract and retain exceptional leadership through curricular and staff. extracurricular activities, including athletics, the arts and community service programs. ■■ Ensuring financial sustainability into the future. ■■ Nurturing intellectual, social and physical growth while identifying and meeting each student’s developmental needs. 7 The International School of Florence The Academic Program ISF will build on a rigorous and balanced academic and extracurricular program to ensure the development of the whole child. Vision Statements: Arts ■■ Explore and enhance the school’s curriculum by including more local educational sites. Implementing Action: Plan inter-school workshop and conference. Completed: Spring 2015. Implementing Action: Plan and continue visits from and to local artists and art centers in Florence. On going. ■■ Promote the visibility of the Arts Programs. Implementing Action: Create an Arts page for the ISF website. Completed: Spring 2014. CAS/Community Service ■■ Improve accessibility to CAS and Community Service records. Implementing Action: Use the “CAS BAC” program to electronically record, retain and track student progress for coordinators, students and parents. Completed: Spring 2014. ■■ Strengthen communication between teachers and the community (PTA) at both campuses regarding CAS/Community Service Activities. Implementing Action: Coordinate planning and communication of events through the school calendar. 8 Completed: December 2013. The International School of Florence EAL ■■ Ensure appropriate learning goals for EAL students. Implementing Action: Establish EAL benchmarks and assessments relative to grade level in relation to the Junior School core curriculum. Completed: Benchmarks created in December, 2013. On going: Establish EAL assestments relative to grade level in relation to the JS core curriculum. ■■ Address the native language literacy needs of the Italian population. Implementing Action: Establish individual student support with Italian teaching staff. Completed. ■■ Inform teachers of best practice in EAL. Implementing Action: On-going series of informational sessions. Completed: First information session held on November 22, 2013. Specific sessions with different departments held in Fall 2014. ■■ Ensure an aligned and developmentally appropriate EAL program throughout the schools. Implementing action: Support proficiency based student groupings in accordance with student learning needs and the school schedule. Appoint a school EAL coordinator. Completed: September 2013. ■■ Establish standards and benchmarks for EAL students transitioning to mainstream courses. Implementing Action: Formalize exit criteria to facilitate transition to mainstream courses. Wida to be purchased. Completed: Exit criteria identified in December 2013 and currently in the process of implementation. A definitive testing schedule for all incoming EAL and early childhood students completed in the Spring and Summer of 2014. ■■ Assess and address the academic needs of the EAL students in Science. Completed. Ethics and Internationalism ■■ Increase students’ awareness and appreciation of diverse cultures. Implementing Action: Investigate further ways to integrate different cultures and nationalities into curricular and extracurricular activities. In progress: Create a working committee at the JS to establish what current practice is, and where further opportunities exist. In progress: At the US, increased integration at curricular, extracurricular, and inter-personal levels for all teachers and students thanks to a student committee. ■■ Raise awareness and community recognition of the moral responsibility to improve the school in terms of environmental sustainability. Implementing Action: Improve the school’s performance with regard to environmental sustainability. Completed: Implementation of a lunch program that uses organic and biodegradable products in Fall 2014. Completed: Separation of garbage implemented at the JS and US. Fall 2014. In progress: Investigation of viable opportunities for futher recycling. ■■ Increase student awareness and appreciation of ethical issues. Implementing Action: Investigate further ways to integrate different ethical issues into curricular and extracurricular activities. In progress. ■■ Ensure that appropriate standards for personal behavior are clearly communicated and upheld. Implementing Action: Review content and modes of communication of standards for personal and moral behavior. In progress. 9 The International School of Florence Health and Well Being ■■ Provide an age appropriate and academically relevant health and well-being program to ensure and support the whole student’s physical, social and emotional development. Completed: Human development and Reproduction in MS. In progress: Nutrition, Conflict and Stress Management. IB DP/PYP ■■ Ensure that the IB PYP Academic Program best supports the goals of the ISF Mission Statement. Implementing Action: Clearly incorporate the spirit and content of the ISF Mission Statement in the self-evaluation report. In progress. ■■ Ensure that the ISF IBDP academic schedule supports IB minimum teaching hour guidelines within the school day. Implementing Action: Collect data to confirm current teaching hours over the two years of the IB and to investigate suitable alternatives to the current schedule. In progress: Pilot of additional weekly hour alternating between HL subjects. Continued study of alternative schedule options. Italian Program ■■ Increase integration between Italian and ■■ Increase professional development and International Program students. consider exchanges with other Italian Programs in other International Schools. Implementing Action: Increase interdisciplinary projects. Implementing Action: Establish contacts Completed. and opportunities to exchange ideas with teachers from other International Schools. ■■ Ensure that each student’s learning needs In progress. are met. Implementing Action: Use flexible small ■■ Ensure an optimal transition between group settings with appropriate staff to Junior School and Middle School in address specific student needs. Set a regards to student readiness and attaining maximum number of students per class, future academic objectives. taking into account school resources and Implementing Action: Schedule regular their vertical optimization. meetings between Italian Program teaCompleted: Flexible small group settings chers at JS and MS. Completed. ■■ Ensure an aligned and developmentally appropriate Italian Program throughout both schools. Completed: Learning objectives and curriculum aligned for grades 1 - 5 in Spring 2014. 10 with appropriate staff have met specific MS students’ needs. The International School of Florence Language Arts/English A ■■ Ensure that students follow a comprehensive, structured, and systematic Language Arts Program that provides continuity from grade to grade. Implementing Actions: Adopt an all-inclusive, comprehensive K-3 Language Arts Program. Completed: Adoption of the “Reading Street” program for grades K-3 in September 2013. Coordinate, develop, and strengthen the literacy/writing program from grade 4 through 6 by selecting appropriate high quality reading materials and target writing skills for the purpose of fostering continuity in the area of Language Arts. ■■ Improve the Language Arts transition for grade 5 students entering grade 6. Implementing Action: Schedule regular meetings between fifth and sixth grade teachers. Completed. ■■ Ensure continuity in writing skill instruction in Language Arts from grades 5 through 8. Implementing Action: Create a comprehensive guide of set outcomes for writing skills for grades 5 through 8. In progress. In progress: Continue to develop curriculum mapping, focusing on grades 5-8 according to the established Language Arts curriculum mapping template. 11 The International School of Florence Language B ■■ Ensure a comprehensive K - 5 Italian Language curriculum with specific learning objectives. Implementing Action: Create a comprehensive K-5 Italian Language curriculum. Completed: Assessment criteria and plans have been created and implemented. Completed: Creation of curriculum in relation to PYP units. ■■ Integrate technology into language class practice. Implementing Action: Implement real and effective use of Smartboards, iPads and other forms of technology in language teaching. Completed: First professional development training held in Autumn 2013 and followed by a second session with all JS Italian teachers in February 2014. Additional whole school trainings conducted in October 2014. ■■ Investigate learning support strategies with current staff. Implementing Action: Purposeful teacher’s assistance for students with learning Specific needs in Italian (available in the IP if needed) and other languages. Completed: Flexible individual student support with Italian teaching staff fully achieved in Fall 2014 Learning Support ■■ Ensure that students’ unique learning needs will be addressed in the classroom through modification and accommodations. Implementing Action: All faculty will provide the recommended modifications and accommodations to ensure success for each identified student. In progress. ■■ Ensure a unified and standardized learning support program throughout the schools. Implementing Action: Administration and faculty will align and standardize learning support programs across the Junior and Upper Schools. Completed: Creation of individualized check-lists for the use of administration and teacher staff use and of a common reference and identification process for both campuses. ■■ Provide students with appropriate learning material to address their sensory needs. Implementing Action: Purchase and distribute materials and equipment appropriate for sensory integration. Completed: Equipment has been purchased for the JS to support sensory integration and teachers have received appropriate training by the Learning Support teacher. 12 ■■ Identify and provide learning support for gifted students in grades 1 through 8. Implementing Action: Identified students will be enabled to meet their academic and social/emotional needs. Scheduled sessions will be conducted with individuals and groups of teachers. In progress. The International School of Florence Library ■■ Provide a physical environment suitable for, and conducive to, research, study and pleasure reading. Implementing Action. Investigate alternative structuring of the libraries to make the best use of limited space. Completed: The JS library moved to the former mensa area and redesigned in accordance with its new setting. The investigation at the US has been carried out with no changes to the present structure given limited space and cost efficiency. ■■ Integrate the Library Information Literacy Program into the school’s curriculum. Implementing Action. Create a structure for authentic integration. In progress: Continue to support a structure for authentic integration of the Library Information Literacy Program and research skills into subject curricula. In progress:Continue to explore how PYP trans-disciplinary skills can be supported. ■■ Ensure that materials are appropriate to meet the diverse requirements of all the library’s patrons and that they support the school’s curriculum and mission statement. Implementing Action: Reevaluate the collections/resources and collection development policies to ensure that diverse requirements are met. In progress. ■■ Encourage the use of library resources by keeping the community informed of their availability. Implementing Action: Use displays, bulletin boards, parent newsletters, website and other appropriate means for communicating library news/ concerns to the community. Completed: A library corner has been established in the e-newsletter. Completed: New acquisitions have been established on e-Portal for parent and student viewing. Mathematics ■■ Increase the opportunities for vertical alignment of the mathematics curricula between the Junior and Upper Schools. Implementing Action: Provide opportunities for professional development in terms of teachers visiting the respective campuses and establishing collaboration and common goals. Completed: Exchange visits have taken place. ■■ Ensure that mathematical methods are aligned between the Junior and Middle Schools. Implementing Action: Provide additional instruction and practice of the column method for multiplication, rather than the lattice method, at the Junior School. Completed: JS are aligned and implementing the use of the column method for teaching multiplication. ■■ Promote communication to improve coordination between Italian math and English math programs. Implementing Action: Schedule regular meetings between teachers to avoid pedagogical conflict. Completed: Meetings between 5th and 6th grade math teachers and MS International and Italian Program teachers took place in 2014-2015. In progress: Review and adjust 8th and 9th grade mathematics curricula. In progress: Review the PYP Mathematics scope and sequence documents and Everyday Mathematics Curriculum. 13 The International School of Florence 14 The International School of Florence Natural Sciences ■■ Ensure a balanced science curriculum from PS – 12. Implementing Action: Review current curriculum and revise/improve scope and sequence. In progress: Science integration within the PYP units of inquiry is being established. In progress: Review of curriculum in grades 8-12 in light of IGSCE and IB curriculum changes. Completed: Define grade level content in relation to human development and reproduction. ■■ Support the science curriculum in grades 1-8 through increased experiments. Implementing Action: Ensure internal professional development to support non-specialist teachers in implementing a program that incorporates experiments. Completed. Spring 2014. ■■ Ensure that science is taught in appropriately organized and safe laboratories. Implementing Action: Identify improvements to the structure and organization of laboratories, the preparation room, and storage area. Completed. ■■ Assess and Address the academic needs of the EAL students in the Science Program at the US. Completed. 15 The International School of Florence Physical Education ■■ Increase students’ intrinsic motivation to gain the knowledge, skills, purposeful learning, and behavior in competitive and non-competitive situations. Implementing Action: Research and implement best practices in PE which will increase lifelong learning. ■■ Provide an aligned school Physical Education curriculum designed to provide opportunities for enjoyment, self-expression, and social interaction. 16 The International School of Florence Social Studies ■■ Utilize the existing resources in the local community to enrich learning opportunities. Implementing Action: Incorporate and create field trip opportunities, invite guest speakers, and develop web-based material to promote learning beyond the classroom. Completed. ■■ Establish a vertical and horizontal alignment of the Social Science curricula. Implementing Action: Modify the existing K – 10 Social Science Program including cross curricular integration. In progress: Social Studies Program in PyP Units of Inquiry is being renewed. ■■ Ensure that all students’ learning needs are met in the subject area. Implementing Action: Review, create and implement use of appropriate EAL and LS resources. In progress: EAL and LS teachers have begun to create support resources at the MS and US level. 17 The International School of Florence Admissions and Enrollment ISF will increase enrollment so that the schools function at full capacity while maintaining high academic and extracurricular standards. Vision Statements: ■■ Review and modify admissions application documents. Completed: All admission application documents have been revised, updated, and are now complete and ready for Board review. ■■ Establish a clear admissions procedure. Completed: A clear admission procedure was established in December 2013 and is ready for Board review. ■■ Create a formal written admissions policy. Completed: A formal, written admission policy was completed in December 2013 and is ready for Board review. 18 The International School of Florence Vision Statements: ■■ Elevate the quality of the campus facilities regarding delivery of the educational and extra-curricular programs with feedback from Physical Education and Marketing. Implementing Action: Explore and research ways to make optimal use of the current sport facilities and continue to explore more appropriate sport facilities for both campuses. In progress. Campus and Facilities ISF will maintain and fully utilize the school’s Tuscan villas while exploring alternative future campus options that will better support the school’s academic and extracurricular programs. Implementing Action: Design a space allocation plan that is both efficient and optimal for the educational program. In progress: Professional planners are working with administration and the respective town halls to secure approval for efficient and optimal space allocation plans. ■■ Continue to uphold and maintain high safety standards for all students and staff. In progress: The facility manager and the maintenance staff continue to place emphasis on safety for all students and staff on both campuses with the completion of a wide range of routine and preventative projects. ■■ Attain compliance certificates following completion of approved and required renovation work at the JS. Completed. 19 The International School of Florence Finance ISF will continue to build the school’s financial strength, identify ways to create better value for money, and maintain sound fiscal management practices to ensure its long-term financial sustainability. Vision Statements: ■■ Research and implement strategies for accommodating families in meeting their tuition obligations. Implementing Action: Develop alternative payment plans of fees. Completed: Introduced to parents in Fall 2013. ■■ Explore ways of providing more inclusive services within the tuition. Completed: The Business Office, in concert with the Finance Committee, will propose as an inclusion in the tuition designated annual trips, I.B. exam fees, and curricular related projects. ■■ Ensure the long-term financial sustainability of the school. In progress: The Finance Committee meets regularly with the Business Office to monitor the short and long term fiscal soundness of the school. Reports are made monthly to the entire Board of Trustees. 20 The International School of Florence Vision Statements: ■■ Ensure that a Marketing and Fundraising Plan is in place to enhance the reputation of ISF at a local, national, and international level. Implementing Action: Create a Marketing and Branding Plan. Completed. Marketing, Development and Fundraising ISF will continue to strengthen and promote the school’s reputation in the larger community and to initiate a capital campaign to better support the school’s long-term fiscal standing and to fund potential relocation. ■■ Build on and strengthen the relationships between the school and the parent community, local and regional businesses, companies and institutions. Implementing Action: Leverage capabilities of parents, local/regional business, companies and institutions to mutual benefit. In progress: A comprehensive resource guide for teachers has been compiled to enable the school to capitalize on the treasures of Florence and the skills and talents of its parents. A coordinator has been established at the Upper School to identify appropriate visitations and sites to enrich and enhance classroom learning. 21 The International School of Florence Technology ISF will develop and sustain a learning culture that fosters appropriate integration of technology into classroom practice through the use of updated hardware and supported by infrastructure and professional development. Vision Statements: ■■ Prepare students with the knowledge, skills and confidence necessary to adapt to technological change. Implementing Action: Continue to review and update the schemes of work to take into account changes in technology. In progress. Implementing Action: Continuous review of curriculum software in order to enable students to easily transfer files between home and school. In progress: The group is in the information gathering stage through staff interviews. Technology staff will be participating in the BETT conference in January and in the State Department annual technology conference in June. Implementing Action: Ensure that the software is up to date with the latest patches and consider upgrades to more current versions. Implementing Action: Ensure that students have access to appropriate technology to enhance learning. ●●2013: 7th grade students and 5th and 8th grade teachers (including specialists) for PD and curricular planning. Completed. ●●2014: 8th and 5th grade students and 6th grade teachers for PD and curricular planning. Completed. ●●2015: 5th – 8th grade students all deployed. Specific task list for last week of June for computer support tech. Implementing Action: Audit each grade level and each subject in US to determine how technology is used. 22 The International School of Florence ■■ Use innovative technology to individualize and enhance the learning experience of our students and faculty. Implementing Action: Ensure fast and reliable Internet access for all users on both campuses. Completed: The fiber optics project to increase band width has been finalized for the US as of January 2014 while increasing bandwidth at the JS is in progress. Implementing Action: Research appropriate technologies that can used by students on both campuses. Implementing Action: Audit of staff skills and current hardware and software. In progress. Implementing Action: Support the effective and ethical use of technology through the continuous and comprehensive development of staff. In progress: PD throughout 2014-2015 in different technology related areas. Implementing Action: Create a clear computer use and internet access policy. Completed: A policy has been created and communicated to students, staff, and parents at the Upper School and has been included in all student handbooks in Fall 2014. ■■ Support the effective and ethical use of technology through the continuous and comprehensive professional development of staff. Implementing Action: Review school information management system and its use to present data and alternatives to all members of the school community. In progress. ■■ Provide access to technology that improves and promotes communication within the school and the ISF community. Implementing Action: Ensure fast and reliable Internet access for all users on both campuses. Completed. Implementing Action: Plan a maintenance and replacement program to ensure fully functioning computer equipment in the classroom. In progress. Implementing Action: Evaluate communication system upgrades. In progress. ■■ Review and avaluate the correct school management system. In progress. 23 Junior School Villa le Tavernule via del Carota, 23/25 50012 Bagno a Ripoli (Fi), Italy tel. +39 055 6461007 fax. +39 055 644226 Upper School Villa Torri di Gattaia viuzzo di Gattaia, 9 50125 Firenze (Fi), Italy tel. +39 055 2001515 fax. +39 055 2008400 yea Strategic Plan 2013-2016