Article 1 Ge neral 1.1 These Ge nera l Te rms And C onditions of Sale ( "T erms") sha ll govern a ll orde rs place d with Opiconsivia I nvestm ents 19 (Proprie tar y) Limited ("OI") wher eby a customer ("Custome r") obta ins products ("Pr oduc ts"), whe ther unm odified or customised and/or assoc iated service s ("Services") from OI. 1.2 A quotation by OI to a Customer shall not constitute an offer. 1.3 A C ontract ("Contract" ) shall be formed a t OI 's sole discretion whe n OI a ccepts a Customer's order, whether by written notic e or by performa nce of the Contract, whichever is earlier. 1.4 These Terms sha ll govern a Contra ct to the e xclusion of all other terms and conditions, unless OI agrees otherwise in writing. 1.5 OI ma y c ha nge P roduct and Servic es spec ifications for safety or other statutor y requireme nts without notice. Article 2 Payment 2.1 Unless othe rwise agree d in writing, Customer sha ll make payment in full of the a mount invoiced, without se t-off or counterclaim, within 30 (thirty) days of the da te of OI’s invoice. Payme nt shall be ma de in the curre ncy a nd to the account state d on the invoice. 2.2 Whe re a Customer’s c redit sta nding changes prior to delivery or collection of P roducts or per for mance of Se rvices, OI ma y de mand full or par tial payment or the appropria te security for payment from C ustomer, in a form a ccepta ble to OI. 2.3 For pa yme nts pa st due, OI may cha rge Customer interest at the ma ximum per mitted lawful rate . Customer shall indemnify OI a ga inst any reasonable c osts inc urred by OI or its agent in recovering outstanding a mounts. Article 3 Customer ’s Insolven cy and Br each 3.1 Without pre judice to any other rights and re medies a va ilable to OI, OI may (a) tre at any Contract a s repudia ted a nd/or suspend deliveries of Produc ts or per for mance of Servic es without liability to C ustome r, (b) c laim dama ges from Customer, a nd (c) accelerate and make immediate ly due the payment of a ny outsta nding sums if Customer (i) makes any voluntary arra ngeme nt with its c reditors or is subject to a n administrative orde r, goes ba nkrupt or into liquidation, or rece ives a petition for its compulsory winding up; ( ii) c eases, or threa te ns to cease, to carr y on business; (iii) br eaches its obligations under a C ontract and doe s not re medy such breac h within the pe riod r equired by OI ; or (iv) a receiver or administrative receive r is appointed ove r any of Customer ’s assets. Article 4 Intellec tual Pr ope rty Rights 4.1 Customer acknowledges that all intellectua l pr operty rights comprised in the P roducts a nd/or Services (inc luding without limitation, any patent, de sign, copyright, trade mark, business name, application to register any a forementioned right, tec hnic al data , trade secret, unpa tented know-how, and any other intellec tual property right of any na ture whatsoever in any pa rt of the world -"IPR" ) are owned or lic ensed by AB Sciex Pte. Ltd., a limited liability comp any or ganized und er t he laws of Singap ore (“AB SCIEX”). Customer is author ised to use the same only in c onnection with the use of Products pursua nt to a Contrac t and Customer a gree s that it shall not infringe suc h IPR or ac quire or obtain any right, title or inte rest therein. 4.2 I f, pursua nt to any Contrac t, a ny IPR in or rela ting to the Products or Services a re developed, improved, or modifie d by OI, by Customer, or by both, suc h rights shall immediate ly, upon creation, vest in a nd be owned absolutely by AB Sciex or one of its affiliates, as applicable. Customer hereby assigns any and a ll its interests in suc h IPR to AB Scie x or one of its affiliates, as applicable and sha ll com ply with a ll rea sonable require ments to ena ble AB Sciex or one of its affiliates, as applicable to establish its rights under this Ar ticle 4.2. Customer acknowledges and agrees that AB Scie x or one of its a ffilia tes, as applica ble is a third party beneficia ry of all Contra cts with respect to IPR. 4.3 With re spect to Products under this Contract which are unm odified software, Customer rece ives a license to use suc h software acc ording to the stric tly inte rpre ted scope of use described in the docume ntation accompanying the softwa re, which description of use Customer a cknowledges having approved prior to re ceipt of the software . Article 5 Conf id entiality 5.1 Customer shall kee p c onfide ntia l a ll inform ation receive d from OI and shall not disc lose such informa tion to third parties without express wr itte n pe rmission from OI. C ustome r shall not use such information for any purposes other than those contem plated under the Contr act, unless suc h information is or becomes public knowledge (other than by breach of this Article), is lawfully re ceived by Customer from a third party having a right to disc lose such information, or disc losure is required by a court of compe te nt jurisdiction. Article 6 Forc e Majeure 6.1 OI shall not be liable to Customer for any loss or dama ge which Custome r may suffer a s a dire ct or indire ct result of the supply of Produc ts or the perform anc e of Ser vices that is prevented, hindered, delaye d or rende red uneconom ic by e ve nts beyond OI’s reasona ble c ontr ol (a n “e ve nt of force maje ure”) . 6.2 Any obligations of OI unde r a ny Contract will be suspende d for the period of the eve nt of force majeure. If the e vent of force ma je ure extends beyond 60 (sixty) days, either pa rty ma y te rminate the Contrac t on immedia te notice without any lia bility to the other, except that Customer shall rema in liable for payment to OI for any Products delivered or Ser vices performe d prior to termina tion. Artic le 7 Pric es and Delivery 7.1 Unless othe rwise provided, Produc ts shall be delivere d Carr iage and I nsurance Paid To (Incoter ms 2000) (" CIP") to Customer’s address, and the Product pr ice sha ll be CIP. All price s quote d are exclusive of VAT and all other applic able ta xes a nd duties, whic h shall be payable by C ustome r. 7.2 Any de live ry or performa nce da tes quoted by OI are approximate only. Unle ss e xpressly state d otherwise, OI shall not be liable for any delay in delivery of Products or performance of Services. 7.3 If Customer fails to take de livery of Pr oducts ( othe r than due to OI’s fa ult), in a ddition to the other rights and re medie s available to OI, OI may (i) store Products and charge Customer for the costs of stora ge , or (ii) upon reasonable notice to Customer, sell Produc ts at the best pric e readily a vaila ble and charge C ustom er for any shortfall be low the C ontra ct pric e, plus storage a nd selling c osts. Artic le 8 Retention of Title and Risk 8.1 Notwithsta nding de live ry and the passing of risk in any Products, title in the m shall not pass to C ustome r a nd shall rema in in OI until OI has rece ived full pa yme nt for the price of such P roducts. 8.2 Until pa ym ent in full, C ustomer shall handle P roducts so a s to enable them to be ide ntif ied as the property of OI a nd, following delivery, sha ll at its own e xpense insure the m against all c ustom ary risks. 8.3 In the event of any failure on the part of Custom er to pay OI, OI reserves the imme diate r ight of repossession of a ny Produc ts, and Customer hereby gra nts an irre vocable right to OI and its employees, a gents or sub-contractors to enter upon any/all premise s where Products are stored, without prior notice , for this purpose. If P roducts delivere d by OI have already bee n insta lled in or inte gra ted into C ustome r’s products, Customer shall, a t OI’s request, disasse mble the installed or integrate d items for retur n to OI. C ustome r shall bear all c osts incurred by OI in connection with rec over y. Artic le 9 Inspe ction and Acce ptance 9.1 On deliver y of Pr oducts a nd on completion of performance of Service s, C ustome r shall inspect the Products for defec ts and defic iencies in Servic es. 9.2 Custome r shall report, in writing, any defects or def iciencie s to OI within 5 (five ) da ys of delivery, performance or completion (as the case may be) of each installment of Products or Se rvices, failing which, C ustome r is deemed to have a ccepte d the Products and/or Se rvices . Artic le 10 Warranties 10.1 Subject to the limitations on its liability set out herein, and unless otherwise a gre ed in writing, OI war rants tha t the Products (excluding software, non-durable Products having a life-span of less tha n 12 (twe lve) months, and spare parts) sha ll perform according to the published spec ifications applic able to eac h Product whe n delivered for a pe riod of 12 ( twelve ) months following the date of accepta nc e or of installation ( if applicable), but in no event for more than 15 (fifteen) months from deliver y. 10.2 OI sha ll be unde r no liability under the warra ntie s se t out in this Artic le in respe ct of any non-compliance of the Products arising from: (a ) e xterna l sources, suc h as short c irc uits, incorrect volta ges, unfa vourable working environment, as well as circ umstances attributable to Customer; (b) nor mal wea r and te ar or abnormal usage; (c ) if the P roducts are sold to Customer as used Produc ts; (d) parts which come into dire ct c ontact with chemicals that have been used improper ly by the Customer; (e) parts whic h are expressly e xc luded from the war ranty in the manual, or protocol acc ompa nying the Products; (f) any re pa irs, modification or alte ration to the Products by or at the request of Customer or a third pa rty, or the re moval or alte ration of any tr ade ma rks or spe cifica tions, without written perm ission from OI; (g) the use or ma intena nce by C ustom er of the Products in an inappropriate or improper manner, inc luding without limita tion failure to follow instructions or operating guidelines; (h) Customer fa ils to give notic e of any c laim in re spect of any Products whic h is base d on a bre ach of the warranty above within 7 (seve n) days of discovery of the breach; a nd ( i) Products whic h m ust be insta lled by OI, wher e such Products ha ve not be en installed by an OI ser vice engineer, unless OI ha s indic ate d in writing that C ustomer is a uthorise d to insta ll the Products itself. 10.3 Where a valid and time ly claim in respect of breac h of Product wa rranty is submitted to OI, OI may, in its discr etion repla ce, repair, or modify the Pr oduc ts free of charge, or refund the e ntire price or applic able portion there of for such Produc ts, but sha ll have no further liability to Custome r. 10.4 Any return of Products to OI in connection with a warranty cla im can only be done upon OI’s prior written per mission and instr uctions, with shipping costs to be paid by C ustome r. Suc h retur ned P roducts shall at all times remain for the ac count and risk of C ustom er. 10.5 Save as a fore sa id, all conditions, warranties and representations, express or im plie d, whethe r by sta tute , common law or otherwise in relation to the Products a nd S ervices (except te rms implied as to title) are he reby expressly e xc lude d. 10.6 All warranties under this Artic le run sole ly to the Customer, are strictly non-transfe rable, and any attempt at transfer sha ll automatically void the warra nty. Article 11 Liability 11.1 Nothing in these Te rms shall exclude or limit OI’ s liability for death or persona l injury c aused by its ne gligence or any other liability to the exte nt that the same may not be excluded or limited by law. 11.2 Without prejudice to Article 11.1, OI shall be unde r no liability by reason of any representation, warra nty, condition or other term, e xpress or im plie d, by statute, common law or otherwise or under the express or implied ter ms of a Contract, for a ny direct or indire ct loss of: (i) profit, ( ii) data, (iii) income, (iv) business, (v) revenue, (vi) goodwill, or any indirec t loss, howsoe ver a rising and whethe r or not c aused by the ne glige nce of OI, its employees or a ge nts. 11.3 Subject to Ar ticle 11. 1, OI’s ma ximum a ggregate lia bility arising out of or in connection with a C ontract in tort, contrac t or othe rwise shall at all times be limited to the a mount invoice d under such Contra ct. Article 12 Charges f or Installation Work 12.1 P roduct prices inc lude installa tion c osts, where applica ble. Customer shall pay OI an a dditiona l rea sonable a mount for insta llation work performed beyond the norma l course, including rea sonable fe es for servic es, reimbur se ment for travel and ac commoda tion, c osts of third parties e mploye d for the insta llation, and other out-of-pocket e xpense s. Article 13 Customer Obligations 13.1 Customer sha ll, at its c ost, provide OI , in a comprehensible and usable form, all data and information known or reasonably available to C ustomer that is nece ssary for OI to perform any Contrac t. 13.2 C ustomer is responsible for the use a nd correct applic ation of the Products and the Se rvices and for the sec urity of the da ta provided to OI. 13.3 C ustomer shall indemnify a nd ke ep inde mnified OI and its affiliated c ompanies against all actions, losses, claims, dama ges, costs or expenses inc urre d or suffe red by OI in connection with any claim by a third pa rty that Custome r's use of the Products and/or Se rvices infringes the intellectual property rights of any kind whatsoever, including without limitation pa te nt, copyright, or trade secret rights, of such third party, e xcept to the exte nt of any pr oportiona l fault of OI’s P roducts or Servic es. 13.4 Customer understa nds and agrees tha t, whe re a pplicable f or Products subject to individual labe l lic ense s, Customer's use of eac h such Produc t is a nd will be regulate d by the terms stated on the la be l license that accompanies each suc h Product. Compliance with suc h labe l licenses sha ll be accepted by the Customer as a pre condition to use of each P roduct. Article 14 Miscellaneous 14.1 In re lation to a ny Contract, these Terms shall constitute the entire agreeme nt betwe en OI a nd C ustom er a nd supe rsede any previous agreeme nt or arrange ment betwee n them relating to the subje ct matte r of the C ontr act. No representation, underta king or promise shall be attributed to or implied by OI except as expr essly stated in these Terms. 14.2 No modific ation of, or a dditions to, the Terms shall be va lid unless acce pted in wr iting by OI. 14.3 Failure by OI to exercise or e nforce any rights he reunder sha ll not be deem ed to be a wa iver of any suc h r ight or operate so as to bar the exerc ise or enforce ment there of at any time or time s therea fter. 14.4 If any provision or part of a provision of these Terms shall be found by a ny court of c om petent jurisdic tion to be invalid or unenforceable, such inva lidity or unenforc eability shall not affec t the other provisions or parts of such provisions of the se Terms, all of whic h shall rema in in full force and effect. 14.5 Customer m ay not assign, novate, transfe r or sub-contra ct all or a ny of its rights or obliga tions unde r any Contract without the prior wr itte n consent of OI. OI ma y a ssign, novate, tra nsfer or sub-contra ct a C ontract or a ny of its rights or obligations there under. 14.6 No person other than a par ty to the Contract or pe rson to whom the C ontract has been a ssigned, transfe rred or subcontracted per Article 14.5, or AB S cie x or one of its a ffilia tes, as applicable with respect to IPR, sha ll be entitle d to e nforce any term of the C ontract. Article 15 Ap plicable Law and Jurisdiction 15.1 All Contracts and these Terms will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Customer hereby agrees that the South African courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any Contract. - End -