THE WILTSHIRE MUSIC CENTRE TRUST LTD TRUSTEES’ ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2010 The Trustees present their report together with the financial statements of the charity for the year ending 31st March 2010. The financial statements comply with current statutory requirements, the memorandum and articles of association and the Statement of Recommended Practice – Accounting and Reporting by Charities 2005. Reference and administrative details Charity number: 1026160 Company number: 2661682 Principal Office: Wiltshire Music Centre, Ashley Road, Bradford on Avon, Wiltshire, BA15 1DZ Auditors: Moore Stephens, Chartered Accountants, 30 Gay Street, Bath, BA1 2PA Bankers: HSBC Bank plc, Old Town Hall, Bradford on Avon, BA15 1LS Investment Managers: Rensburg Sheppards Investment Management, 2 Gresham Street, London EC2V 7QN Directors and Trustees The directors of the charitable company (the charity) are its Trustees for the purpose of charity law and throughout this report are collectively referred to as the Trustees. The Trustees serving during the year and since the year-end were as follows: David Pratley Caroline Kay Keith Bennett Cathy Cooper Harriet Feilding Rona Fineman Lindsay Holdoway Diana Johnson Robert Keylock Vicky Landell Mills Peter Measday James Wetz Chair (appointed October 2009) Chair (retired October 2009) (St Laurence School nominee) (Treasurer and Company Secretary) (appointed July 2009) (retired October 2009) (retired October 2009) Principal Officers Keith Nimmo Rebecca Perkins Chief Executive and Artistic Director Operations Manager (started 14.4.09) 1 THE WILTSHIRE MUSIC CENTRE TRUST LTD TRUSTEES’ ANNUAL Report for the year ended 31 March 2010 (CONTD) Structure, Governance and Management The Wiltshire Music Centre Trust Limited is a registered charity and a company limited by guarantee governed by its Memorandum and Articles of Association dated 17 October 1997 and amended 24 February 2005. Following the Governance Review presented to Trustees in April 2009, at the Trust’s Annual General Meeting on 2 October 2009, the Chair proposed changes to the Memorandum and Articles of Association: that the members of the Company, informally known as the Advisory Council, cease to constitute the legal membership of the Trust and that the Trustees alone constitute the legal members of the company, being publicly accountable to the Charity Commission and Companies House as well as to Arts Council England, Wiltshire Council and other funders. This proposal was approved and Trustees have instructed Messrs Stone King Sewell LLP to undertake a comprehensive review of the Trust’s current Memorandum and Articles of Association to affect these changes and bring these instruments into line with current charity governance practice. The new Memorandum & Articles will be presented for adoption at in the Trust’s next General Meeting. Appointment, induction and training of Trustees As set out in the Articles of Association, Trustees elect the chair of Trustees. At their April 2009 meeting they formally elected David Pratley as Chair designate to take over from Caroline Kay at the October AGM, at which meeting his appointment to the Board was noted and formally ratified and he was introduced as the new Chair of the Trust. St Laurence School, Bradford on Avon, nominates one Trustee who serves as an individual in her own capacity rather than as a representative. Arts Council England, South West has the power to send observers, as does the new unitary authority, Wiltshire Council, which succeeded the former Wiltshire County and District Councils from 1 April 2009. Cllr Jose Green from Salisbury and of South West Wiltshire Area Board and Cllr Paul Darby of Chippenham Area Board have been appointed as Wiltshire Council’s representatives to observe Board Meetings. A third of Trustees retire by rotation each year and Trustees are elected annually by the members of the charitable company attending the AGM. At the AGM it was noted that Caroline Kay, Vicky Landell Mills, James Wetz and Keith Bennett had retired. Keith Bennett was re-elected and Diana Johnson was also ratified as a new Trustee. Potential new Trustees are sent a briefing pack, including the current Business Plan, operational budget, Risk Management Plan, latest Audited Accounts and details of activity. A meeting with the Chair and staff about current plans and artistic and financial performance – plus an opportunity for the potential new Trustee to attend as a guest at a Trustees’ meeting, allows everyone to get to know each other better. The process of prioritising recruitment to the board is informed by a periodically refreshed skills audit of Trustees and at the Trust’s planning retreat in January, it was agreed that new Trustees should, where possible, reflect the age and diversity of the Centre’s users. Once appointed, Board members are encouraged to attend appropriate training events aimed to facilitate fulfilling their role as Trustees. Organisation The Board of Trustees administers the charity. It meets quarterly, with dates and core agendas planned 12 months in advance. At their April 2010 meeting, Trustees approved the establishment of three new standing sub-committees of the Board, to absorb the former working group structure and optimise effectiveness. Each Trustee will assume membership of at least one of the sub-committees, and thus be actively involved in a key aspect of the Trust’s work. The Finance & Resources sub-committee will focus on finance and staffing and subsume the role of the Investment Working Group. It will also monitor fundraising against targets. The Programme & Audience Development sub-committee will have an overview of the Trust’s concert and participation programme. Monitoring policy implementation, it will cover all activities promoted by the Trust, both at the Centre and through its outreach work. The Premises & Equipment sub-committee will oversee Health & Safety, support the management of IT, and monitor the Centre’s Service Level Agreements with core users and other income generating activities. 2 Subsuming the work of the Environment Working Group, it will also oversee the programme of capital improvement and the maintenance and refurbishment of equipment. The full Board of Trustees will retain sole responsibility for the strategic management of the Trust with particular reference in the coming year to organisational effectiveness, risk management, fundraising and marketing. The new sub-committees will allow Trustee’s greater engagement with reviewing the Centre’s performance in three key areas (programme, building and finance) and developing and preparing issues for the full Board. Sub-committees will neither assume responsibility for decisions that should properly be taken by the full Board, nor those which lie within the staff team’s delegated authority. Except where the Board provides a general or specific delegation, their role is to consider Trustees’ matters in preparation for, or later ratification by, the full Board. The terms of reference for each sub-committee set by the Board, will be monitored by the sub-committees and subject to Board review in April 2011 and annually thereafter. The Chief Executive is appointed by the Trustees to manage the team responsible for the day-to-day operations of the charity. After 12 years of very successful growth and development, during 2010 an Organisational Review of the Trust’s current staff structure will address workload issues, sustainability and succession management, making the structure fit for purpose for the Centre’s next 12 years. Business planning involves both staff and Trustees, and the Business Plan which outlines the aims, objectives and values of the Trust, as well as what it wants to achieve is regularly reviewed and updated. A Business Planning retreat for staff and Trustees was held in January 2010 and a new format for the Business Plan was agreed, developing its effectiveness as a high level advocacy document. Related parties The Trust is grateful for the public funding it receives and works to give strong leverage, high quality outputs, good coverage locally, across the county and regionally, plus excellent value for this investment. Wiltshire Council continues to fund the Trust at the same level as the former County and District combined, and Arts Council South West’s 3 year funding agreement also runs to March 2011. The Trust works closely with both its public funders to ensure that its work, whilst always remaining true to the objectives of the Trust, also responds imaginatively and robustly to local, regional and national priorities for the arts. The Trust’s finances are dealt with in more detail below. The Trust’s close working partnership with Wiltshire Council and Wiltshire’s continued investment in the Centre underpins the funding raised each year to support education projects across the county. Partnerships with Wiltshire include the Music Service, Wiltshire Youth Arts Partnership, the Youth Service, the Ethnic Minority Achievement Service, as well as Wiltshire Dancing and other funded arts organisations in the county – Corsham Festival, Salisbury Arts Centre, Salisbury Playhouse etc. Many projects are run in partnership with Wiltshire Council’s Music Service and Wiltshire’s continuing support is the bedrock on which the Trust’s fundraising successes are founded. Significant leverage is achieved: over £20’s worth of activity for every £1 of local authority investment. This long and productive relationship between the Council, the Trust and Wiltshire Youth Arts Partnership was successful in winning a major Music Partnership award from the former DCSF (now Department for Education). One of just five awards made to partnerships nationally, this has been invested in the Wiltshire Music Connect project, which aims to increase substantially access to music making for children and young people across the county but particularly in rural and deprived areas. Culminating in September 2010, the Trust will have served all 18 of the Unitary Council’s administrative areas. The project is described in more detail below. The Trust is successful in winning support from a number of Town and Parish Councils, including Bradford on Avon, Calne, Corsham, Devizes, Keevil and Westbury, and the following Parish Councils: Atworth, Bromham, Broughton Gifford, Chirton, Easton Royal, Great Wishford, Heddington, Lacock, Longbridge Deverill & Crockerton, Luckington, Shalbourne, Urchfont and West Ashton. This support is both politically and financially important, demonstrating an active interest in the Trust’s outreach work as well as in the Centre itself, which is promoted through local tourist information facilities and websites. 3 Networking and advocacy The Trust continues to contribute towards regional development objectives for music and is actively involved in partnerships to this end. It plays a significant role in the Wiltshire Arts Promoters’ network and Wiltshire and Swindon Arts Alliance, working to help deliver the arts in the sub-region in strategically coherent and effective ways and occasionally collaborating to organise Regional Arts Development days. The Trust is working with Wiltshire Council’s new Arts Team, led by Peter Tyas, to help identify an effective and collaborative programme for strategic arts development in the County, and to demonstrate the value that the arts bring in helping to deliver Wiltshire’s cultural strategies and wider Community Plan. Staff and Trustees also play an active part in Bradford on Avon’s and the District’s community planning processes, working to ensure that the Arts remain central to the development of cultural strategies for the area. In these ways, the Trust is pursuing a broad agenda to provide a well coordinated, collective and coherent voice for the Arts in the area. Risk management The Trust’s Risk Analysis and Management Plan is reviewed annually to identify the risks the charity may face and establish systems and practices to mitigate those risks identified and implement procedures and other actions designed to minimise any potential impact on the charity should those risks materialise. IT outages in October 2009 and February 2010 caused significant disruption to the Trust’s work. Now with a new IT support provider, the Trust as a priority is working to introduce more robust and effective IT policies and strategies. As a result of this, the Trust has resolved to review its annual risk analysis process and to select one area of risk each year to review and test in greater depth. It is also giving its procurement procedures for services and suppliers a thorough review as these were deemed to have been insufficiently rigorous with regard to its former IT support company. The Trust continues to use Citation to support its health & safety and personnel management. It has worked with voluntary organisations to promote volunteering opportunities at the Centre and more volunteers have been recruited and trained. Policy review and development It is the Trust’s intention that policies in relation to programming, the building and finance will be reviewed, monitored and developed by its new sub-committees which will then take recommendations for any changes to the Board. Business planning, organisational performance and the development of an overarching fundraising and marketing strategy will remain matters primarily for the full Board. Finance & Resources sub-committee will consider the Trust’s Reserves and Investment Policies and make a formal annual report to the Board on Health & Safety, Child Protection and Work Alone Policies. The Programme & Audience Development sub-committee will review, and monitor the implementation of the Trust’s Artistic and Public Access Policies as well as its Diversity & Inclusion Action Plan. The Premises & Equipment sub-committee will develop and recommend a new IT policy and review, and monitor the implementation of the Trust’s Environmental Policy and Disability Action Plan. Staff will work with all three sub-committees to monitor compliance with Health & Safety, Child Protection, Equal Opportunities and Work Alone Policies as they apply to their respective areas of work. The objects of the charity The object for which the Wiltshire Music Centre Trust was established is the advancement of music education for students of all ages residing in and around the county of Wiltshire. In pursuit of this, the Trust’s principal aims, which have not changed during the year, are to: - provide an acoustically-designed, purpose-built facility for the teaching, rehearsal and performance of music provide a base for the diverse activities of music-making groups in West Wiltshire and beyond, and a home for the Wiltshire & Swindon Youth orchestra create an environment in which musicians can meet, communicate and develop their talents and potential, both individually and in groups, and thereby promote the study and practice of music. 4 The Trust achieves these objectives through three key strands of work: its own programme of high quality publicly promoted concerts; a range of in-house and outreach community music and education projects; and by managing the Centre as a well maintained purpose-built facility available for others to run music education, participation and concert activities and to record their work. Public Benefit In its policy on public access, the Trust states its commitment to making the Centre’s facilities and activities available and relevant to the widest possible range of people – regardless of age, ethnicity, culture and gender, nurturing the appreciation and practice of music in all its forms, at all levels of ability. The Trust places a strong emphasis on its education programme and, while it takes a life-long approach to learning, it places its activities with young people at the heart of what it does. The Centre is open to the public over 80 hours each term-time week for regular rehearsals and community activities and 60 hours in school holidays when youth orchestra courses and holiday workshops are scheduled and the Trust is committed to extending the benefits of its activities, working inclusively to develop audiences and participants for both its in-house and outreach programmes. When planning the Centre’s programme for the year, Trustees took note of the Charity Commission’s guidelines on public benefit and fees and charges. Earned income is an important factor in the sustainability of the Centre’s work, yet ticket prices and discounts, and fees charged for using the Centre, reflected the careful consideration given by the Trust to the accessibility of the Centre and its programme and activities for those on low and fixed incomes. The average price charged for a ticket at the Centre in 2009/10 was £11.51. Where necessary, fundraising was successfully carried out to support the targeted concessions offered. Lower rates charged to local community and not-for-profit groups, and to an increasing number of schools using the Centre for their own promotions, enabled them also to adopt concessionary ticket pricing policies. The Trust’s accessible pricing strategies were reflected in the £1 tickets and half price concessions for young people; in the broad-ranging concessions offered to students, benefit claimants, senior citizens and disabled people, and the free tickets offered to their carers. Standby free tickets were also offered to local schools that are regularly updated with events for young and family audiences – the accessible prices for which are supported through fundraising. Keys to the success of the Centre are the Trust’s commitment to developing new audiences, working across a broad range of musical genres and interests, its insistence on work of real quality, whatever the genre or type of activity might be, and the ways in which it actively seeks to encourage cross-fertilisation between different strands of activity. The concert programme reflects this breadth, deliberately mixing a wide range of classical, folk, jazz and world music, as well as mingling student and community events with ensembles and soloists of international standing. Projects and residencies which encourage the cross fertilisation of these elements, bringing world class music-making into Wiltshire schools and linking education projects and workshops with high profile concerts, intensify the sense of excitement and energy this mix generates. In its education and community work the Trust is equally committed to quality, to planning strategically and delivering in partnership to stimulate new activity, meeting identified needs and giving added value to existing work. During the year, over 66,000 visitors enjoyed high-quality musicmaking opportunities at the Centre and thousands more got involved through the music outreach projects the Trust took into schools and communities across the whole of Wiltshire and Swindon. Achievements and performance The Trust’s Artistic achievements encompass Education, Community and Performance. Local musicians and teachers, young Wiltshire players and singers as well as national and international concert artists each make a valuable contribution to the complementary nature of the Centre’s programme. The Centre’s concert programme The Wiltshire Music Centre is a key regional venue for small to mid-scale music touring, presenting a varied and high quality programme of professional concerts in an annual season that runs in two series from September to January and January to July. This offers outstanding jazz, folk and world music alongside a wide range of baroque and classical to contemporary music, including period performance. 5 Within this broad mix, the various musical and cultural traditions offered during 2009/10 included: evocative folk songs from the highlands and islands of Scotland; traditional folk music from Northumbria and Ireland; Moroccan songs from the Atlas Mountains; and songs from Caucasus Georgia, Bulgaria, South Africa and America. Flamenco gypsy jazz brought Arabic, Indian and Latin influences while Kol Simcha and Moishe’s Bagel brought Klezmer music with eastern European, Mediterranean and jazz influences. There was gypsy music from the remote Kalotaszeg region of Transylvania, court music from the Manding griot traditions and traditional music of the desert nomads of Mali as well as heady Argentinean Tango evocative of the smoky and sultry atmosphere of Buenos Aires’ bars. A range of jazz and improvised music included performances by Lianne Carroll, Brian Kellock, Eduardo Niebla, Gilad Atzmon, Iain Ballamy (with a range of contemporary jazz musicians) and GBH Big Band. Folk musicians included the excellent Irish American band Solas on a rare and memorable UK tour; the thrilling Scottish group Lau with an outstanding concert of contemporary cutting edge folk music, Maire Ni Chathasaigh and Chris Newman plus the wonderful English folk string quartet Methera. Paul Hutchinson and Paul Sartin brilliant show Belshazzar’s Feast and Red Priest’s affectionate but irreverent tribute to Bach brought moments of hilarity and the barn-storming tribute to Gershwin given by Jack Gibbons for the Friends evening was equally entertaining. True to the Centre’s policy of introducing new and unfamiliar music alongside more popular established repertoire, twentieth century and contemporary repertoire was well represented in this mix including works by Nico Muhly, James MacMillan, Steve Reich, John Adams, Harrison Birtwistle, Franco Donatoni, John Woolrich and Gerald Barry; major twentieth century figures such as Berg, Webern, Hindemith, Tippett, Britten and Stockhausen were also performed. In the midst of this rich and varied cultural mix, highlights of the classical music programme included: the last two of Imogen Cooper’s four wonderful recitals devoted to piano masterpieces from Schubert’s last six years; Trevor Pinnock’s glorious harpsichord recital paying tribute to Haydn, Handel and Purcell, plus two more appearances by the Doric String Quartet – the Centre’s Quartet in Association – fresh from their outstanding success in several international competitions and the release of their first CD. The Centre is fortunate in hosting the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment’s South West Residency as well as presenting concerts in association with Orchestras Live (OL) and Music in the Round (MitR), two national touring schemes that also share the Trust’s commitment to high quality music programming and audience development and education work. Music in the Round brought six more excellent chamber music concerts including the Kungsbacka Trio, Ensemble 360 and the percussion quartet 4-MALITY, the two latter ensembles providing two of seven events presented at the Centre during the year specifically for Family audiences. In addition to another of the BBC National Orchestra of Wales’ eagerly anticipated visits, orchestral highlights included seven outstanding concerts presented in association with Orchestras Live. Birmingham Contemporary Music Group gave their first concert here, presented in collaboration with Corsham Festival; two concerts by Britten Sinfonia included a fascinating programme of American minimalists plus Purcell, Tippett and Britten’s Les Illuminations featuring the fabulous British tenor Mark Padmore. A concert of Handel Arias was given by the equally stunning British tenor Ian Bostridge and Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, while two concerts by the European Union Chamber Orchestra included the gifted Dutch cellist Pieter Wispelwey as soloist in James MacMillan’s Kiss on Wood and Freddy Kempf with Katja Lämmermann in Mendelssohn’s rarely performed Piano and Violin Concerto. To start the New Year, the London Mozart Players’ gave their first concert here with a sparkling performance of Mozart’s Concerto for two pianos and Roger McGough reading a selection of his animal poems alongside Saint Saëns’ perennially popular Carnival of the Animals. As part of the Centre’s initiatives to develop more diverse audiences, a wide range of musicians from various world music traditions have been performing at the Centre during the year, some also staying to visit Wiltshire schools. Under the banner ‘World Music Connections’ this has fed into the Centre’s DCSF funded Music Partnership programme Wiltshire Music Connect and will continue until July 2010 (see below). World Music Connections concerts included the lovely South African Soul singer Simphiwe Dana; the feisty singer songwriter and dub poet Khadijatou Doyneh; the Chinese flautist Guo Yue; the multi-faith 6 group Berakah and Northern Harmony. Guo Yue brought evocative images of China and the magical Ancient Futures tour by Tunde Jegede, Juldeh Camara and Maya Jobarteh projected Sunara Begum’s stunning images of Africa. These and the Family events were marketed using special series leaflets. One of the main objectives of the Centre when it was built over 12 years ago was to provide a first class platform on which various student ensembles, local amateur groups and locally based professional ensembles could perform. This the Centre does well, invariably inspiring local musicians of all ages to give of their best. During the year well attended and warmly appreciated concerts were given by the Wiltshire & Swindon Youth Orchestra (Emma Richards giving a fine account of Bartok’s Viola Concerto), Wiltshire Youth Jazz Orchestra, West Wiltshire Young Musicians’ various ensembles, St Laurence School, Christchurch School, St Augustine’s, Wiltshire & Swindon Special Schools, Wells Cathedral School Bath & North East Somerset Schools groups, Stonar School, and others. The work of several projects and on-going workshops was celebrated including Jazz Factory, Creative Sound Factory, Super Strings and Sarum String Orchestra, and Zone Club’s Mix it Up (see below). Concerts by local voluntary choirs and orchestras included another in the Paragon Singer’s series of Christmas concerts with Bradford Baroque Band, this year exploring music created and performed in the great monastery of Montserrat. Cantamus and Bradford Baroque Band gave a ravishing all Mozart programme for Remembrance Sunday; Trowbridge Symphony orchestra and Bath Symphony Orchestra drew enthusiastic crowds for their ambitious programmes; as did the City of Bath Bach Choir, Vocal Works Gospel Choir. GBH Big Band returned with a brilliant arrangement of Pictures at an Exhibition plus big band standards by Ellington, Basie, Herman, and Mingus et al. There were 91 public concerts /events presented during the year and a further 9 not publicly promoted through the Centre’s box office. Of these, 44 drew attendances of over 80% of capacity and 20 sold out; 19,113 tickets were sold overall and average attendance was 74% of capacity. (For the 9 student/schools concerts that ran their own box office, the Centre has estimated attendance figures only). The lower average attendance than in previous years was due in part to special events targeting minority groups as part of the Trust’s efforts to diversify its programme and audiences; adjusted for this, average attendance was 77% of capacity. The Wiltshire Music Centre promoted 51 concerts, 14 were self-promoted by local choirs, orchestras and bands and 35 were student concerts – most of these the culmination of education outreach work / partnerships and regular activities for young musicians’ hosted at the Centre. Marketing and PR 2009/10 was the final year of a 3 year marketing strategy introduced with support from Grants for the arts and the Trust’s strategic reserves. With years 1 and 2 achieving a better understanding of our current and potential audiences; a refreshed brand and a more strategic approach to direct marketing, the final year has seen an increased focus on online marketing, and the introduction of a community bookings scheme. The Trust’s website has been redeveloped and redesigned, and is now managed in-house through a Content Management System. It is much more user-friendly; has been brought in-line with our renewed brand and can be used much more effectively and flexibly as a marketing tool. There are now many more opportunities for user engagement on our site – which was also one of the main objectives behind establishing a presence on various social networking platforms. The introduction of a community bookings scheme has not only provided the opportunity to deepen engagement with a variety of local communities, attracting many new audience members here, but has also introduced a valuable income stream for the Trust. Now that the final year of this strategy has been completed, an exit strategy has been put in place to ensure that the increased marketing momentum is maintained. Maximising PR and advocacy opportunities also remains a priority throughout, and with support from an external Consultant, the Trust has improved strategic planning and strengthened media relationships. The Trust is finding that its audiences, in response to the economic downturn, are on the whole tending to purchase tickets later than in previous years and are proving more risk averse. This is something that similar promoters are also experiencing, and the content and timing of marketing activity has been modified to accommodate this trend. Nevertheless, overall, the Centre’s concerts continue to sell well, providing enjoyable experiences for both new and repeat visitors. 7 The Centre’s Participation and education outreach programme The Trust delivers projects in schools and community settings, offering opportunities to participate, engaging with new and existing participants, encouraging creativity, the appreciation and enjoyment of music and the development of skills and self esteem. In planning these high quality, innovative music education projects, the Trust works inclusively with a wide range of partners including primary and secondary schools, arts and non-arts agencies, community organisations, local authorities as well as Wiltshire Music Service (WMS), Wiltshire Youth Arts Partnership (WYAP), Wiltshire Dancing and the Youth Development Service. With exceptional one-off funding through the DCSF’s Music Partnership programme, the Trust has been running Wiltshire Music Connect in partnership with WMS and WYAP. The key aims of the project are to: provide 400 learning opportunities to 4000 children and young people across Wiltshire, in addition to current provision; deliver high quality music-making in a variety of environments; create pathways for children and young people to increase their music-making; and, through a strong partnership with WMS & WYAP, sustain this level of activity beyond the life of the project. Wiltshire Music Connect comprises seven project strands - From the Beginning, a music training programme for pre-school children; World Music Connections, Jazz Connections and Kokora Connect – all schools-based residencies/visits; Music Matters – a music technology project for young people at risk of social exclusion and O Zone – a Salisbury-based project for learning disabled young people making their own music. This year-long project started in October 2009 and by the time it culminates in October 2010 is expected to exceed its targets. A Legacy Plan is in preparation to increase the number of partner organisations (e.g. schools, community organisations, arts organisations and local authority departments) and engage even more young people in high quality music-making activities throughout Wiltshire. With continued funding from John Lewis Partnership and in collaboration with WMS, this year’s Primary Live programme comprised primary school visits by the Doric String Quartet, Silk String Quartet and Circle of 5ths. All three are developing a special relationship with Wiltshire schools and the Trust. The Trust continues to play a key role in supporting the very successful Wiltshire & Swindon Special Schools Festival. Two months of workshops in schools culminated in a concert at the Centre in July 2009, involving over 300 pupils. This year’s project, on the theme of ‘The Planets’, puts an increasing emphasis on creative song-writing, more workshops for those with complex and multiple learning disabilities and greater pupil ownership of the festival’s form and content. It culminates in July. Also progressing well at the year-end were preparations for the culmination of the biennial Small Schools Festival. Work with thirty small primary schools (mainly rural and with no music specialists) and involving 770 children, is due to culminate in performances in June and July 2010, at Salisbury Playhouse and at the Theatre on the Hill in Marlborough as well as at the Wiltshire Music Centre. A partnership project with Wiltshire Music Service, ‘Yanomamo’ tells the story of the Forest People of the Amazon basin. Zone Club is a unique project for learning disabled 16-25 year olds. Meeting on the first Saturday of each month, it has gone from strength to strength since the first session in October 2008 building on the Trust’s exemplary work with Making Waves. Up to 25 young people engage in music-making, song-writing, dance and film-making with outstanding artists – music therapists, members of Babyhead (a Bristol-based rock band), a dance & movement artist and film-maker/theatre director. Zone Club offers a unique sense of ownership to its participants who decide for themselves what they want to do, informed by their lives and the issues that are important to them. With two year funding from LlankellyChase and generous support from the Wiltshire Council Learning Disability Fund, the aim is for Zone Club to become integral to the Centre’s programme. Plans are still in development for a Zone Club website and a regular radio slot for learning disabled young people. O Zone, a Wiltshire Music Connect project (see above), is an offshoot of Zone Club that is being developed at Salisbury Arts Centre during June and July 2010 with the aim of becoming part of the Arts Centre’s on-going disability-led programme. The Trust continues to make encouraging progress with its Diversity Plan, the overall aim of which is to increase the involvement of BME communities in our education and community and concert programmes. In each of the last four consecutive years, the Wiltshire Music Centre has hosted a highly successful VIBES day attended by over 100 people from Black and other minority ethnic cultures throughout 8 Wiltshire. These have been planned in partnership with WYAP, WMS, Wiltshire Dancing and the Youth Development Service. This year, the event comprised a mix of music-making, singing, music technology, performance and networking. In February, in collaboration with WOMAD, the internationally renowned Chinese flautist Guo Yue gave workshops in a number of Wiltshire primary schools prior to a wonderful concert at the Centre. Two other major partnership projects still in development across Wiltshire are: See Me - a county-wide Black oral history project which, as part of people’s stories, will include music, theatre and dance elements; and Open Space, another county-wide initiative that links a number of cultural organisations. Subject to funding, a closer collaboration with WOMAD is sought over a number of initiatives including a Grow Your Music project in primary schools and the possibility of the WOMAD summer school taking place at the Centre in summer 2011. South West Music School (SWMS), successfully launched 4 years ago through a partnership between the Trust, the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, Dartington, Wells Cathedral School and the Federation of Music Services, has gone from strength to strength thanks to DCSF Music and Dance Scheme funding. It now has a cohort of 45 outstanding young musicians, 6 from Wiltshire and Swindon. Meanwhile its Young Artists Performance Series, a feeder scheme, encourages more promising young musicians to gain experience and confidence before applying. The Trust took SWMS and other young musicians to an MP’s Cultivation event hosted by the Arts Council at Portcullis House, Westminster, in February. Preparations then got underway for the SWMS Showcase at the Centre in April and one of the star performers playing was the young Wiltshire musician Harry Smith. While writing this report, we are delighted to learn that Harry has just won the Rotary Young Musician of the Year 2010 Award. In addition to the partnerships already mentioned, the Trust enjoys close working relationships with St Laurence School, West Wiltshire Young Musicians (WWYM) and other core users of the Centre. Its project partners include other arts organisations based locally, regionally and nationally that share its commitment to high quality programming and innovative education and community work. The Centre continues to be a hive of musical activity with its regular programme of activities including West Wiltshire Young Musicians, Wiltshire & Swindon Youth Orchestra, Jazz Factory, Doh A Deer (for pre-school children), Singing in the Round and VoxBox workshops, Soundwell music therapy and, most recently, Singing for the Brain workshops, plus a range of other adult education and community group activities. Two thirds of the Centre’s 66,000 visitors last year came to take part in the wide range of activities and projects it offers for people of all ages, backgrounds and levels of ability. These include the Centre’s very successful series of Summer Workshops that offered singing, dancing, performing arts and video / animation workshops in August 2009. In addition to these, and the wide range of regular Centre activities detailed above, nine open-access public workshop events were promoted for various age groups throughout the year, the majority specially targeted at family groups. Financial Review In 2009/10 the Trust received a significant uplift in core funding from Arts Council England, South West, taking the Trust’s funding from this source to £106k (£52K 2008/9). Arts Council England funding now represents 20% of the Trust’s total unrestricted income. This additional core funding, combined with the final instalment of a three year grant from the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, meant that the Trust was able to set a surplus budget for the first time in over 5 years. Despite this increased core funding the Trust was facing a potential deficit as the year end approached. This was due to under achieved income, most significantly from Trusts and Foundations, individual donors and investment income. This in part reflected the more challenging fundraising climate and also an inevitable loss of traction when the Trust’s Fundraising Manager went on 12 months maternity leave. Fortunately two very timely and substantial individual donations were made in the last quarter of the year along with a grant from the Garfield Weston Foundation for the value of £10k towards core costs. This, combined with very careful cost management, meant that the Trust was able to invest additional funds in 9 implementing the third year of a three year marketing strategy and still achieve a year end surplus on the general unrestricted fund of £266. The Trust also invested some of the designated reserves in the redevelopment of the website which went live in January 2010. There was a gain on investments during the year of £76k, clawing back the £58k unrealised loss made in the previous year. In 2008/9 the Trust’s VAT status was reviewed and the Trust became partially exempt from VAT under the Cultural Exemption rules. 2009/10 was the first full year of operating as a partially exempt body and the cost of irrecoverable VAT was substantially higher than anticipated. This was partly mitigated by the fact that concert ticket sales were 9% higher than budgeted but the anticipated marginal benefit of cultural exemption became a net cost. Looking to 2010/11 and beyond, the Trust is reviewing existing income streams and cultivating new ones to support and secure current levels of activity and development over the longer term. Most significant of these is the investment in an Individual Giving Campaign to be launched in 2010/11. The Trust is also seeking to increase commercial lettings income, revise hire rates and promote the Centre more as a conference venue so that the productive earning potential of the Centre is maximised. The Trust’s Supporters The Trust was successful once again in raising both restricted and unrestricted income from private sources such as Charitable Trusts, Companies and individual Donors. The Trust received the third and final tranche of a three year core funding grant from the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation for which it is extremely grateful. Providing stalwart support from its inception the Foundation deserves special thanks for enabling the Centre to become established and develop so successfully. Core funding was also received from the Medlock Charitable Trust, the Joyce Fletcher Charitable Trust and the Pixiella Trust, all of whom have supported the Centre for a number of years. The Trust was delighted to receive new funding from the Yorkshire Building Society Charitable Trust and Garfield Weston Foundation. The Concert Programme was supported by the Friends of the Wiltshire Music Centre, John Lewis Partnership, Orchestras Live, Music in the Round, Fenton Arts Trust, the Golsoncott Foundation and from the D’Oyly Carte Charitable Trust. This support is highly valued and has helped the Trust to present a diverse concert programme that has encouraged both new audiences, and new musicians. In 2009/10 the Trust, in partnership with Wiltshire Music Service and Wiltshire Youth Arts Partnership received one of only five national Music Partnership Programme awards of nearly £200,000 from the DCSF (now Department for Education); this is in support of the Wiltshire Music Connect partnership project involving over 4,000 young people in Wiltshire (see details above). The Schools and Community Outreach Programme was also once again made possible by the generous support of a number of private charitable trusts such as Lloyds TSB Foundation, BBC Children in Need, the Jack Lane Charitable Trust, the John Lewis Partnership, the LankellyChase Foundation, the Sobell Foundation and the MFPA Trust Fund. In addition to this, Grants were also received from Wiltshire Young People’s Opportunity Fund, Wiltshire Council’s Learning Disabled Development fund and the Woolley Festival. The funding allowed the Trust to run educational and participatory projects in a wide range of settings, with people of all abilities, and some of the projects culminated in a public performance at the Centre. The Trust values its relationships with the local business community very highly and its support through either a Sponsorship or a Business Partnership helps ensure the standard of work performed at the Centre remains very high. It is particularly appreciative of the continued support from HPH Commercial Property, Wessex Water plc, BLB Solicitors, Kitchens at No 32 and Somer 2000. Warm thanks go to all the individuals who have supported the Centre, many of whom do so requesting anonymity and the minimum of recognition. The Trust has once again received donations up to the value of £10,000 and is most grateful to these donors for their generosity and kindness. The Trust will be 10 continuing to work with these donors and benefactors to help build a solid core of support in the coming years. As the effects of the economic climate continue to be felt across all areas of society it is more important than ever that the fundraising work is targeted in the most cost-effective ways to maximise the returns in the coming year. Friends of the Wiltshire Music Centre The valuable support given by the Friends and Benefactors of the Wiltshire Music Centre, many of whom are also volunteers, is very gratefully received. The Friends’ Advisory Group, chaired by Trustee Rona Fineman, advises on the management of the scheme. During the year, the Friends sponsored two concerts: The Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment with Ian Bostridge and the energetic Klezmer band Moishe’s Bagel. The many Friends who attended enjoyed a drinks reception at each concert. The Friends’ Annual Forum, which takes place each November, gives Friends the opportunity to find out about recent developments, plans for the future, give feedback and ideas, and to socialise. After six years, the Trust had to put up the price of its Friends subscription rates. There was some discussion about this at the Forum, but the Friends, on the whole, understand that costs have been rising and that the new subscription price is still a very good deal. The evening was rounded off by a scintillating and sold out talk/piano recital by Jack Gibbons, a Gershwin specialist, at which Friends enjoyed reduced ticket prices. Two trips are made each year to music events elsewhere. This year trips were made to Welsh National Opera’s production of Madam Butterfly at the Wales Millennium Centre, and to a Chopin concert given by the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra at Symphony Hall in Birmingham. Between events, the Friends receive regular Newsletters, bringing them up to date with what’s happening at the Music Centre. They also benefit from two priority booking periods each season. Volunteers One hundred volunteers help with various activities at the Wiltshire Music Centre. Volunteers act as Stewards for all events and ensure that the Centre is able to plan more activity and open for a longer period of time throughout the week. They are an invaluable team of supportive individuals who give of their time freely and this annual contribution totals in excess of £45,000. All Volunteers are trained for the duties which they carry out and are CRB checked in line with the Trust’s policies. The Trust is very grateful for this help which demonstrates real community support for all that the Centre does. Investment powers and policy Under the Memorandum and Articles of Association, the charity has the power to invest resources. The Trust’s Investment Managers are charity specialists Rensburg Sheppards and its Investment Policy, developed with their advice, takes account of the Trust’s Reserves and Ethical Policies. Since adopting its new Environmental Policy, the Trust has sought advice about how this might impact on investments. The Trust’s policies and investment arrangements are reviewed each year with the Investment Manager and the work of the Board in doing this has been supported by its Investments sub-committee, the membership of which included the Chair, the Treasurer, a third Trustee, the Chief Executive and Finance Officer. Following the Governance Review, three standing sub-committees are being set up, the Investments Working group to be subsumed within the Finance and Resources sub-committee, as detailed above. The Trust prudently invests across a broad range of collective investment schemes, benchmarking the performance of the fund. The objectives are to ensure, through longer-term investment of most of the reserve, sufficient interest to provide a minimum level of unrestricted core income to contribute to the Trust’s annual revenue needs plus a measure of capital growth to protect the value of the investment. Taking account of market trends and movements during the year, the Trust’s Investment sub-committee has liaised closely with Rensburg Sheppards to review and restructure its portfolio. As the Trust has needed to draw on strategic reserves, as set out above, the aim was to crystallise what capital growth 11 there had been and reinvest prudently for an optimum balance between growth and income. The Trust is confident that its investment strategies are prudent, effective and fit for purpose. Reserves policy The Trustees’ reserves policy, adopted in June 2004 and reviewed annually, sets the optimum level of reserves as equivalent to six months operational costs. In calculating the level of reserve it needs to retain, the Trust allows for market volatility and also for its policy of drawing down £20K per annum from reserves for a planned programme of essential improvements to the Centre. At the year end the Trust had unrestricted reserves, in excess of the balance of £73K on the asset improvements fund, of £318K, which approximates to 59% of the annual operational costs of the Centre in 2009/10. Capital improvements With the generous help of an anonymous donor, the Trust has invested in a motorised retractable cinema screen. This has enabled much easier usage on a more regular basis, especially for conferences and concerts which use multi-media presentations. As part of the Centre’s rolling refurbishment programme, new PCs and laptops have been purchased as well as a new PA system for the spoken word. In order to improve working conditions, a small staff area and new desk space has been created to optimise the hotdesking requirements of the organisation. There has been investment in equipment for Zone Club with help from Wiltshire Council’s WYPOF Fund. This includes a new DJ turntable, deck, a Kaos Pad, a Video Mixer, a DJ Mixer and large trackball mouse, equipment that enables young people with severe, profound and multiple learning difficulties to create and record music as part of the Zone Club project. As part of its Environment Action Plan, the Trust had a well-advanced plan to install a 96 Panel Solar PV array by the end of February 2010. This was unfortunately thwarted by a worldwide shortage, at that time, of invertors – the electronic devices through which the installation had to be connected to the grid. Although the necessary fundraising had been achieved, this delay unfortunately meant that the 31 March deadline for drawing down the LCBP grant lapsed and 50% of the total funding was lost. As LCBP funding has now been phased out in favour of new feed-in tariffs, introduced in April, the Trust needs to consider afresh whether the appropriate tariff plus the remaining grants still on offer, including the earmarked investment from reserves, would still make an alternative Solar PV installation viable. Trustees’ responsibilities in relation to the financial statements Company law requires the Trustees to prepare financial statements that give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the charity at the end of the financial year and of its surplus or deficit for the financial year. In doing so the Trustees are required to: · Select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; · Make sound judgments and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; and · Prepare the financial statements on the going-concern basis unless it is appropriate to presume that the charity will continue in business. The Trustees are responsible for maintaining proper accounting records which disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the charity and enables them to ensure that the financial statements comply with the Companies Act 1985. The Trustees are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the charity and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities. In accordance with company law, as the company’s directors, we certify that: · so far as we are aware, there is no relevant audit information of which the company’s auditors are unaware; and · as the directors of the company we have taken all the steps that we ought to have taken in order to make ourselves aware of any relevant audit information and to establish that the charity’s auditors are aware of that information. 12 Auditors A resolution will be proposed at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting – date to be confirmed – that Moore Stephens be re-appointed as auditors to the charity for the ensuing year. Small company provisions This report has been prepared in accordance with the special provisions for small companies under section 419(2) of the Companies Act 2006. By order of the Trustees Approved and signed by the Trustees on 29 July 2010 David Pratley (Chair) 13