BIL 133 Human Anatomy Lab

(BIL 133) Human Anatomy Lab, winter 2012
Lab time: Monday 2:30 p.m. (Section A), Wednesday 2:30 p.m. (Section B),
Friday 8:30 a.m. (Section C)
Instructor: Dr. Krassimira Tsvetkova, e-mail:
Office Hours: Friday 11:30 a.m.- 1 p.m. or by appointment
The purpose of the Human Anatomy Lab course is to learn the names and the location of the different
parts of the human body (bones, muscles, arteries, veins, etc). The practical course will consist of
dissection and use of human models. Students will practice dissection on a whole domestic cat as well as
on a sheep’s heart.
The cat is used as a laboratory animal in Human Anatomy courses to teach students to dissect for several
reasons. First, the cat’s anatomy is very similar to human anatomy. Second, the cat is an animal large
enough to allow for its anatomical parts to be easily distinguishable by the students. Third, the act of
physical dissection is extremely a far more effective learning approach than the “virtual dissections”
available through computer programs or the internet.
In the laboratory, two or three students will team up to practice dissection on one animal. My goal will
be to guide and correct your work and to facilitate the successful completion of your tasks. I believe that
you will enjoy the journey and that in the process you should acquire a solid basic knowledge in Human
anatomy that will help you succeed later on in your field of choice.
Students must realize that it is essential to attend classes. That is why I intend to check your presence in
class. If you think that you have serious reasons making it impossible for you to attend your regular lab
course, you should let me know and we can arrange for you to catch up with the material during the lab
classes of one of the other two sections.
Textbooks and Materials
Students are requested to bring the following for each lab course:
1. Dissection Guide: Atlas and Dissection Guide for Comparative Anatomy, 5th edition, Saul
Wischnitzer. W.H.Freeman and Company.
2. Cat Dissection. A laboratory Guide. Connie Allen, Valerie Harper. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 2003.
(You can download it free of charge from the internet or ask me for a copy).
3. A dissection kit.
4. A lab coat.
5. A notebook and a pencil.
Marks will be based on your results from 2 exams (a midterm exam and a final exam) and a dissection
The final exam is composed of a quiz and a practical exam.
The weight of the final mark will be formed as follows:
Midterm practical exam: 30%
Dissection presentation: 10 %
Final practical exam: 40%
Quiz: 20%
Midterm practical exam: Each student will be asked to identify anatomical structures of a dissected
Dissection presentation: At some point during the dissection, each team will make a presentation on
the progress made with their cat.
Final practical exam: Each student should identify anatomical structures of a human model.
Lab Dates and Tentative Schedule
Cat Dissection
1. Jan 16. Section A. Preparing the cat for dissection. Skinning the cat. Beginning of Muscle Dissection.
2. Jan 18. Section B. Preparing the cat for dissection. Skinning the cat. Beginning of Muscle Dissection.
3. Jan 20. Section C. Preparing the cat for dissection. Skinning the cat. Beginning of Muscle Dissection.
4. Jan 23. Section A. Dissection of Skeletal Muscles (Muscles of the Chest, of the Abdomen, of the
Back and of the Shoulder).
5. Jan 25. Section B. Dissection of Skeletal Muscles (Muscles of the Chest, of the Abdomen, of the
Back and of the Shoulder).
6. Jan 27. Section C. Dissection of Skeletal Muscles (Muscles of the Chest, of the Abdomen, of the
Back and of the Shoulder).
7. Jan 30. Section A. Dissection of Skeletal Muscles (Muscles of the Arm, of the Forearm, of the Thigh
and of the Leg).
8. Feb 1. Section B. Dissection of Skeletal Muscles (Muscles of the Arm, of the Forearm, of the Thigh
and of the Leg).
9. Feb 3. Section C. Dissection of Skeletal Muscles (Muscles of the Arm, of the Forearm, of the Thigh
and of the Leg).
10. Feb 6. Section A. Opening of the Thoracic and Abdominal Cavities. Dissection of the Main Arteries
and Veins in the Cat. Dissection of a Sheep’s Heart.
11. Feb 8. Section B. Opening of the Thoracic and Abdominal Cavities. Dissection of the Main Arteries
and Veins in the Cat. Dissection of a Sheep’s Heart.
12. Feb 10. Section C. Opening of the Thoracic and Abdominal Cavities. Dissection of the Main
Arteries and Veins in the Cat. Dissection of a Sheep’s Heart.
13. Feb 13. Section A. Dissection of the Digestive and the Respiratory Systems in the Cat.
14. Feb 15. Section B. Dissection of the Digestive and the Respiratory Systems in the Cat.
15. Feb 17. Section C. Dissection of the Digestive and the Respiratory Systems in the Cat.
16. Feb 20. Section A. Midterm practical exam.
17. Feb 22. Section B. Midterm practical exam.
18. Feb 24. Section C. Midterm practical exam.
Human Anatomy
19. Feb 27. Section A. Human Skeletal System and Musculature.
20. Feb 29. Section B. Human Skeletal System and Musculature.
21. March 2. Section C. Human Skeletal System and Musculature.
22. March 12.Section A. Human Respiratory and Circulatory Systems.
23. March 14. Section B. Human Respiratory and Circulatory Systems.
24. March 16. Section C. Human Respiratory and Circulatory Systems.
25. March 19. Section A. Human Digestive System.
26. March 21. Section B. Human Digestive System.
27. March 23. Section C. Human Digestive System.
28. March 26. Section A. Human Endocrine System. Quiz.
29. March 28. Section B. Human Endocrine System. Quiz.
30. March 30. Section C. Human Endocrine System. Quiz.
31. April 02. Section A. Final practical exam.
32. April 04. Section B. Final practical exam.
33. April 10. Section C. Final practical exam.
Good luck!!!