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Oxford Academy Honors Biology
Instructor: Robert Nguyen
Room: 205
This is a one-year honors course in Biology. This course is designed based on the California State Content Standards and will cover
topics such as investigation and experimentation, structure and matter of biochemistry, cell structure, cell energetics, genetics,
evolution, ecology, viruses and bacteria and immunity, human physiology, and the diversity of life.
Grades are based on points accumulated from the categories listed in the chart below. Points earned in each category are weighted
Assignment Categories
Lab Work, Reports, and Projects
Homework, Class work, and participation
Semester Exam
Percent of Final Grade
Letter grades will be assigned according to the following scale:
Letter Grade
Percentage of Points Earned
All class work and homework will be organized into unit packets, which are turned in before each test. Although class work and
homework will be graded when they are turned in, the grade will not be recorded until the class work and homework are resubmitted
as part of the unit packet. Student will not receive a score for an assignment if it is not submitted as part of the unit packet. Lab work
and reports will be turned in as a part of a lab notebook, separate from the unit packet.
Laboratory and Laboratory Safety
Laboratory work is an integral part of this course. Lab work will include gel electrophoresis, dissections, microscope work and
working with many chemicals. Lab technique will be graded in some labs and dissections. All work associated with lab will be kept
in a lab notebook. In science labs students will deal with potentially dangerous chemicals, glassware, and instruments. It is very
important that all students behave properly during labs. Students are to follow the rules outlined in the Safety Contract. Misbehaviors
during lab will result in immediate removal from class, and a referral to the assistant principal will be issued.
Homework is assigned on a regular basis. Homework consists of reading the text, finishing questions from lab, preparing for lab,
organizing and interpreting information, and studying for quizzes and exams. Several group and individual projects will also be
assigned throughout the year.
Late or Make-up
Students have one day upon their return from an excused absence to hand in missing work, make-up classwork/labs, or exams. Work
turned in after one day will be considered late. Students returning from multi-day absences will be given a longer time period to
complete and turn in the work. Students are responsible for obtaining assignments from the class webpage, other students or the
teacher. Be aware that it may not be possible to make up certain labs or activities. Late assignments will not be accepted. Packets not
turned in on the day of the test will be penalized 5 points per day. Work and exams missed because of unexcused absences (truancy)
will not receive points. Students needing to make-up the quiz or exam, due to an absence, will do so outside of class time within one
week of returning to school. If the quiz or exam is not made-up within a week of returning to school, the student will receive a zero
on the quiz or exam.
Class Webpage
Information on the class such as homework assignments and worksheets will be posted on the Oxford Academy website:
Academic Honesty
Academic dishonesty is a serious issue. Academic Dishonesty of any form will not be tolerated in this class. Oxford Academy’s
School-Wide Academic Honesty Policy will be strictly enforced.
Laboratory Safety
In science labs students will deal with potentially dangerous chemicals, glassware, and instruments. It is very important that all
students behave properly during labs. Students are to follow the rules outlined in the Safety Contract. Misbehaviors during lab will
result in immediate removal from class, and a referral to the assistant principal will be issued.
Academic Attire and Tardy Policy
Oxford Academy’s Academic Attire Policy and the Tardy Policy will be enforced. A student is considered tardy if they are not in
their seat when the bell rings. Students not in academic attire on lab days will not be allowed to participate in lab and will receive a
“zero” on the lab.
Classroom Rules
To provide a positive learning environment the following rules have been developed. Consequences for not following these rules are
listed below.
1. Be seated at the beginning and end of the period.
2. Show respect for all teachers, fellow peers, and class guests.
3. Follow directions.
4. Bring material to class
5. Eating and Drinking are not allowed.
6. Use appropriate language
7. Do your part to keep the classroom neat and clean.
Failure to follow these rules will result in disciplinary action such as detentions and referrals.
Additional Assistance
Students can obtain additional help during lunch or after-school.
Please sign where indicated below and return to Mr. Nguyen. Your signatures indicate you have read and understood the information
provided in this curriculum letter. A copy of this document is available through the Oxford Academy website:
Student name (please print)
Student signature
Parent name (please print)
Parent signature