\ l!\ QAN'iAS ForeignSourceIncomeAnti-Tax-Deferral Review Boardof TaxationSecretariat C/-TheTreasury LangtonCrescent ParkesACT 2600 Australia By email:taxboard@treasury.gov.au 6 July2007 DearSir, Review of the foreign source income anti.tax-deferralregimes QantasAinraysLimited("Qantas") is currentlyactivelyimpactedby the operationof the Australian Controlled ForeignCompany('CFC")and ForeignInvestment Fund("FlF)rules and, as such,welcomesthe opportunity to providecommenton the Boardof Taxation ("Board") Reviewof The ForeignSourceIncomeAnti-Tax-Deferral Regimes("Review"). Oursubmission outlinesa briefsummaryof majorpointsand recommendations, ultimately supporting the currentframework of the variousanti-tax-deferral regimesbut seeking,inter alia,the introduction of a broadbased'purpose test'toremovethe prospectof enduringan unnecessary compliance burdenwhileensuringthe integrityof the measuresoperateas intended. Qantasthanksthe Boardfor consultation hopesthat our commentswill be and ultimately viewedfavourably. We also welcomethe opportunityto be involvedin furtherindustryconsultation, as suggested in the Reviewprocessoutlinedin the Discussion Paper. Shouldyouwishto discussour submission further,thenpleasedo not hesitateto contact me on (02)96919442. YoursSincerely, flPr^"t'do RichardRichards, GroupGeneralManagerReporting andTax Limited QantasAinrvays Qantas Airu/ays Limited ABN16009661901 QantasCentre203 CowardStreetMascotNSW2020Australia Telephone 61 (2)96913636 qantas.com QANTA!5 Review of The Foreign Source Income Anti-Tax-DeferralRegimes Discussion Paper Submission 1. Overview TheTreasurerin announcing, Foreign on 10 October2006,a furtherReviewof Australia's SourceIncomeAnti-Tax-Deferral Regimes, notedthat: "..businesshad raiseda number of concernswith the Governmentabout the anti-tax-deferral regimes,includingthat they are complexand involve substantial complianceand administrationcosfs...in some cases, the regimes are poorly targeted, potentially impacting on offshore investment decr'sionsthat are not motivatedby tax deferralreasons". Additionally, PaperTermsof Reference, that it has the Boardhighlights, in the Discussion beenaskedto: "examinewhetherthe regimessfnke an appropriatebalancebetweeneffectively counteringtax deferraland unnecessarilyinhibitingAustraliansfrom competingin the globaleconomy." to reviewand changethe regimesto bettersupportindustry Qantassupportsthe initiative and paradigms whichhas beenaffectedby the rulesnotadaptingto the newperspectives presentin globaleconomies, such strategies expansion through thosethatseek especially as tappingnewandemergingmarkets. 2. Recommendation wouldinclude: Our recommendation Do not overhaultheregimesinto a single setof rules trustrulesandthe deemedpresententitlement We acknowledge thatthe transferor to ruleshave beendesignedfor a particularpurposethat has limitedapplication the with thoseregimestogether mainstream corporateAustralia.To encompass onlyaddcomplexity. CFCand FIFregimeswould,presumably, Maintainthe structuralidentityof the CFCand FIF rules manner Whilethe frameworkof two regimesmakeslogicalsensethe prescriptive in whichtheyare to be followeddoesnot. resident to Australian The notionthataccessto information willalwaysbe available perform could consideration is inaccurate. As such, controllers to CFCcalculations regime given possibly includingvoluntaryelection,of one be to their relationship overthe other,ratherthanprescriptive adoption. Qantas Airways Limited I Further,the inference that particular categories of income,suchas mobilecapital (passiveincome)or mobileincome(taintedsalesand services), wouldalwaysgive riseto anti-deferral taxationis withoutmerit. Holisticsolution We suggestthe Boardnot recommend a piecemeal approachto correctsymptoms of the regimes(as identifiedby individually impactedtaxpayers)but suggestan approachthat providesa holisticsolutioncapableof adaptingto a changing environment.Any attemptto provideisolatedexemptionsor concessions will undoubtedly createadditionalcomplexityand furtherunintendedconsequences eitherin thefutureor for otherAustralian residenttaxpayers. Purposeor motivationfesf In aggregate,a subjectivebroadbased'purposetest' shouldprovideAustralian corporatetaxpayerswith a positionthat could afford compliancerelief where offshoreactivitieshavenot beenundertaken with a purposeof tax deferral. Given the self-assessment environment clearguidelines shouldbe providedto mitigate uncertainty and/orRevenuerisks. A purpose-based test wouldprovidea systemicholisticsolutionthat shouldalso addressbothcurrentandfutureimpediments thatthe currentregimesimpose. Specificrneasuresfo addressQantasissues Shoulda genericand holisticsolutionnot be espousedthen we would,as an alternative,recommendthat an effort is made to addressspecificcompliance issuesthat the currentCFC regimeimposesand to do so in such a way as to ensure that any solutiondoes not add additionalcomplexityor unforeseen outcomes. As such,we outlinebelowa numberof proposedsolutions thatwouldalleviate, to someextent,the currentQantasCFCcompliance burden. Providefor a monitoringand reviewprocess We would suggestthe Board recommendthe reviewof the regimesevery five yearsto ensurethe rulesare internationally competitive and alignedto the global givenitsevolvingandcapricious corporate nature. business environment 3. Inequity of specifically targeted active income Sincethe inception of theAustralian CFCrules,witheffectfrom1 July 1990,Qantashas feltthe impactsof growingcompliance costsas a consequence of logicalforeignbusiness expansion.Qantascan attestto the Board'sviewthatthe economiccontextin whichthe regimesoperatehaschangeddramatically sincethey: "were conceived in the late 1980s when Australia'sinvestment profile was dominatedby tradein goodsand relativelylittlein the way of services." As an airline,accessto emergingmarkets,hasnotonlybecomemorepossiblebut is also throughthe seen as imperative to creatinga competitive advantage.This is illustrated freight currentQantascorporate objective to growourAsianbasedpresencein passenger, in our industryas seen and tourismmarkets.Qantasanticipates significant consolidation withthe mergerof KLM/AirFranceandscalewillbe criticaltoQantas'ongoingsuccess. QantasAirwaysLimited ^ z Paragraph2.52 of the DiscussionPaper acknowledges,underthe Board'ssecondterm of reference,that: "even where a regime attempts to draw a distinction between tegitimate deferral and attribution, there are questions as fo whether that boundary has been appropriately drawn"" It is our view that the inappropriateness of where this boundaryhas been drawn is no better illustratedthan by the inequityembedded in the operationof the base company income rules and specifically,as they impact Qantas, in respect of 'tainted services income'. We acknowledgethe changeto the definitionof taintedservicesincome,due to recent RITA reforms, but believe the amendmentswere not sufficientto remove the, seeminglyunnecessary,current complianceburden imposed on the Qantas Group and thus the definitionshouldbe furthernarrowed. Further,we highlightadditionalexamplesof inequitythat arise as a consequenceof having a prescriptivedefinitionof passiveincome. That is, passiveincome may include income from genuine commercial activitiessimply by virtue of its nature or character. For illustrativepurposes,we highlightbelow instanceswhere attributioncan arise due to the definitionsof 'passive'and 'taintedservicesincome'" Servicesto Australianresidents Incomefrom foreignactivebusinessoperations, such as incomefrom providing airlinetravel,is treatedas 'tainted'where the recipient of the travelis an Australian resident.Thisis considered furtherbelow. Leaserentalincome give riseto The use of a planein activebusinessoperations does not,ordinarily, attribution butcoulddo so should,dueto excesscapacity, the aircraftbe leasedfor genuinecommercial reasons. Despitethe assertion,raisedon the introduction of the CFC rules,that rental incomefromair servicesis readilyshiftedandsourcedin the countryof choice,this is, in ourexperience, notfoundto be accurate. We highlight thatdueto leadtimesfor the deliveryof aircraftordersare,moreoften than not,madeyearsin advanceand oftenbeforea properanalysisof demandis capableof beingperformed.Our industryis alsosubjectto demandshocks(dueto eventssuchas September 11, SARS,BaliBombings or significant sportingevents etc) or supplyshocks(suchas the priceof fuel etc). In orderto securesuch deliveriesit is unfortunately inevitablethat excesscapacitycan resultin such or thirdpartiesas a matterof aircraftbeingleasedto eitherothergroupcompanies commercialnecessity. As such, irrespective of whetherit is appropriateto rentalincomeas beingpassive,it is evidentthat rentalincomecan characterise be arisefromthe activeconductof businessand as suchshouldnot automatically the subjectof attribution. Bankaccountinterest A bankaccountheldto collectrevenuefromthe saleof prepaidticketscouldderive interestrevenuethatcangiveriseto CFCattribution.Again,the interesthas been treatedas being passiveincome(due to its perceivedcharacter)despitebeing genuinecommercialand activebusiness derivedin the contextof undertaking activities. Qantas Airways Limited a J Hotel/resortaccommodation Incomefrom facilitating the provisionof accommodation can give rise to CFC attribution as can rentalincomein connection provision withthe of accommodation on land in a jurisdiction that is not in the samecountryof residenceas the CFC. However,the provision of accommodation doesnot give riseto attribution where, certainconditions are met,including wherethe accommodation is providedon land situatedin thesamecountryof residence as the CFC. 4. Tainted services integrity rule (a/soknownas the "POBoxrule") Priorto the recentRITAreforms,'taintedservicesincome'aroseif certainserviceswere providedby a CFC: (whetherresidentor non-resident); 1. to an associate or 2. to an Australian resident(whetherrelatedor unrelated); or 3. in connection witha businesscarriedon by a non-resident entityat or throughan permanent Australian establishment of thatentity. The measurein the New lnternationalTax Arrangements(ParticipationExemptionand OtherMeasures)Act 2004modifiedthe taintedservicesincomedefinitionin secflon448 of the lncome Iax AssessmentAct, 1936("theAct")to exclude,from the definition,certain incomefromthe provision of servicesto 'associates'. Thechangesnowmeanthatthe incomeof CFCsresulting fromthe provision of servicesto associates(as long as they are not residentof Australia)is no longertaintedservices incomeand will be excludedfromattribution.However,CFC incomearisingfrom certain servicesprovidedby a CFCto an Australian residentremainsattributable, subjectto, interalia, the active incometest given the presentrequirementsof the 'TaintedServices' definition undersectionaa8()(a)whichstatesthat: "income (other than premium income) from the provision of services by the companyto an entity,if: (i) the entity was a Part X Australianresidentat the time the incomewas derived; and (ii) the serviceswere not providedin connectionwith a busrnesscarriedon by the entity at that time at or througha permanentestablishmentof the entityin a listed or unlistedcoLJntry." perspective, We highlight, from an international that our understanding competitiveness jurisdictions most other that have an anti-tax-deferral regimedo not attributebase companyincomeandthosethatdo provideadditional exemptions. Applicationto the QanfasGroup As acknowledged, by the Boardin the Discussion Paper,passiveincomeis predominantly incomethat is highly mobilewhereastainted[sales]incomeis predominantly active incomethatis derivedfromrelated-party However, taintedservicesincome, transactions. nowa hybridof thesetwo concepts,is an anti-deferral designedto measure,presumably, preventthe shiftingof profits,associatedwith the provisionof servicesto Australian recipients, into a low tax jurisdiction.The Boardhighlights that furtherpolicyobjectives Qantas Airways Limited 4 associated withbasecompanyincomerulesmaylie outsidethe tax systemandthe useof the cFC rulesto achievetheseonlyaddscomplexity to it'sdesign. We note,the QantasGrouphas not takenservices,employment opportunities or profits out of Australiarather,in seekinga competitiveadvaniageanC broadercustomer proposition, we haveinvestedin foreignentitiesin orderto benefitthe widereantasGroup in bothcorenetworkand diversified operations.Suchgrowth,is hoped,will consequenly increaseAustralian basedrevenues andtax payable. In orderfor the QantasGroupto expandits international networkandcustomerbaseit has been imperative to establishforeignCFCsfor non-taxreasons,for instance,in orderto secure bilateralair traffic rights or grow feeder trafficfor Qantasservices" While the extendednetworkattractsa broadernon-resident customerprofile,salesto Australian residents, by suchCFCs,arealsoevident.Clearexamplesinclude: - the emergingLow cost Garriersand the ever growingmarketof the 'LowestFares' offered,predominantly via the internet,to Australian residentpassengers by Qantas Group CFCs such as PacificAirlinesin Vietnamand JetstarAsiaand Valuairin Singapore, et cetera; - outboundholidaysprovidedto Australian residentsby QantasGroupCFCssuchas JetstarHolidays andthe HTTGroupof CFCs;and - the provision of freightservicesto Australian residentsby QantasGroupCFCssuch as ThaiAirCargoandthe DPEXTransport Groupof CFCs. Whilethe breadthof the CFC regimeencompasses a wide rangeof arrangements to, arguably,deter tax avoidanceschemes,it could equallybe arguedas discouraging genuinecommercial growthstrategies beingimplemented. At presentthe burdenendured by Qantasto complywiththe regimeresultsin lessthana milliondollarsof taxableincome andyet significant costsof compliance, for instance, in capturing detailsof the tax resident statusof passengers. 5. Reporting impediments The Boardhashighlighted, at Page22, Paragraph 2.64,thattheevidenceandreporting requirements associated withthe regimeswillneedto be considered as partof its Review and hasstatedthat: "Balancingthe informationrequirements of the ATO, so that the attributionrules can be properlyadministered,and the costof complianceof thoserules is alsoof concernto the Board." Qantashighlights thatthe recordkeepingrequirements required to ascertain attributable incomefromCFCsis extremely onerousanddraconian. Thesystemicnatureof the rulesandresourcerequirements needed,in orderto capture the relevantdata,to be ableto performthe activeincometestand,for reporting actual taintedservices, are bothcostinefficient andtimeconsuming. Someexamplesof additional reporting requirements include: Sa/esto Australianresidents Qantasis requiredto recorddetailsof thetax residentstatusof customers obtaining servicessuchas air,freightand holidays fromthe relevantCFC. Qantas Airways Limited 5 Twotax depreciationschedules Dueto differing tax depreciation ratesthe needexiststo separately maintainrecordsthat providetax depreciation purposeg. for bothforeignandAustralian SpecrTrc Australiantax rules such Additional differences existbetweenthetax lawsof theforeigncountryandAustralia for instance thatthe compliance burdenenduredby the CFCis undulyexacerbated, managing andcapitalisation. differingrulesdealingwithentertainment, foreignexchange ln certainjurisdictions, outweighs thatthe costof compliance at present,Qantasestimates the incometax payableto theAustralian Revenueas a resultof attribution. 6. Proposed solution of a the introduction As statedabove,Qantasbelievesthatthe Boardshouldrecommend purposetest. This wouldensurethat prescriptive bandaidmeasuresare not made to to address foundin the currentregimesas identified addressvariousproblemspresently testwouldensure specifictaxpayers.Rather,the introduction of a purposeor motivation the regimescontinueto operateas intended. That is, the assuranceof the integrity - the prevention predominantly measures wouldnot be undermined of actionsundertaken to gainthe advantage of tax deferral. test as to how such a subjective This approachwouldneedto provideclearguidelines would be applied. For example,the test could objectivelyhave regardto whether tax benefitsare availableas a resultof the tax treatment(ie rateof tax) in the significant corporatestrategy,industrytrendsand market CFC countryof residence.Furthermore, profiles(bothpresentand potential) in setting couldalsoattestthe purposeand motivation jurisdiction. up a CFCin a particular 7. Alternative solutions thenwe highlightthe following Alternatively, shoulda purposetest not be recommended specificrecommendations that wouldhelp addressQantas'currentcomplianceburden. to complexity mightadd additional However,we do highlightthat suchrecommendations the currentregimeand,as such,may serveto only highlightthe absurdityof the current definitions and exemptions. Thealternatives could,inter-alia, include: Alternative1 - Removetainted rental incomeconcept arisesin the contextof undertaking As highlighted above,taintedrentalincomeinvariably commercial activities thatdo nothavea purposeof tax deferral.As such,we recommend the removalof thetaintedrentalincomeconceptfromthe CFCrules. Alternative2 * Removebasecompanyincomeconcept in the contextof a CFC,as eludedto in Justas activeincomeis excludedfromattribution, paragraph2.27 on page 14 of the DiscussionPaper,as such activityis justifiedfor 'tainted legitimatecommercialreasons,so too should base companyincomethat is servicesincome'. QantasAirwaysLimited 6 Page 42 of the DiscussionPaperhighlightsthe appropriateness of removingthe base company income conceptfrom the CFC rules. Qantas supportsthis view and acknowledges that this would significantly reduce Qantas'currentCFC compliance obligation. The arguments for the removalof the basecompanyincomerulesinclude,inter-alia, the notionthatthe presenttransferpricingregimeandfrankingaccountruleswoulddeterprofit shiftingoutsideof Australia.As such,whereprofitsare stillbeingderivedoffshoregenuine commercial reasonsexist. Alternative3 - Singleregime We acknowledge that in combiningthe variousCFC, FlF, TransferorTrust & Deemed PresentEntitlement rules undera singleregime,it may not be appropriate to include specificinclusions suchas the basecompanyincomeconcept.An alternative mightbe,as eludedto in the Discussion Paper,to adopta broadermodelwithmoreexemptions, much likethe FIF rules. The FIF rulesrequirelesscompliance and acknowledge difficulties in informationgathering where foreign entities are not controlled. Although the consequences for failingthe activeincometest,underthe FIFrules,resultin all incomeof the FIF beingattributed, the activeincometest is lessdraconianby not insertingspecific basecompanyincomeconcepts andalsoproviding additional exemptions. Thoughtcouldbe givento allowingtaxpayersto electone regimeover the other,rather thanenforcing taxpayers to followa setof, practically, incongruent rules" Alternative4 - Ghangethe definitionof taintedservicesto be like taintedsales Taintedservicesshould be changedfrom includingand attributingany incomefrom Australianresidentsto attributingany incomefrom Australianresidentsthat are also relatedparties. By alteringthe definition of taintedservicesto satisfybothconditions it couldstillassistto discourage tax - deferralschemes,presumably, designedby Treasuryto be targeted"For example,if Treasurywas concernedaboutarrangements involvingAustralianresident taxpayerssettingup controlled, and as such, relatedpartyforeignsharedservicesor foreigntelephone supportoperations in lowtaxedjurisdictions. As mentionedabove,such practicesare discouraged by the currentfrankingcreditand transferpricingrulesand have,to someextent,reducedthe needfor attribution rulesin thiscontextin anyevent. Changingthe definitionof taintedservicesin this mannerwould result in a secflon 448(1)(a)re-writeas follows: "income (other than premium income) from the provision of services by the companyto an entity,if: (i) the entity was a Part X Australianresidentat the time the income was derived; and (ii) the serviceswere not providedin connectionwith a businesscarriedon by the entityat that time at or througha permanentestablishment of the entity in a listed or unlistedcountry;ang! (iii) the entitywas a residentassoclafeat the time the incomewasderived"" QantasAirwaysLimited 7 We highlight thatthe definition wouldthenbe consistent withthe definition of 'taintedsales income'in secfion447 of the Act. Alternative5 - change the definition of tainted services to be only where a tax deductionarises wherethe incomederivedby the foreign Changescouldbe madeto includeonlysituations onlywhere in Australiaand,moreappropriately, CFCgivesriseto incometax deductions such a deductionarisesto the foreigncontrolleror associate.Where,the test requires resident,thenthis knowledge aroseto the Australian of whetheran incometax deduction residentscould Australian wouldonlyadd a furtherlayerof compliance.Someunrelated be utilisingthe CFCservicesin a businesscontextwhichwouldthen requirean analysis of, not only who was travellingbut also, in what capacitythey were travelling. To type implementsucha systemwould,shortof requiringairlinesto establishimmigration wouldonlywork be practically impossible.As such,thisalternative systemson departure, when, moreappropriately, combinedwith alternative3 and resultin a re-writeof Secflon aa8ft)(a): "income (other than premium income) from the provision of services by the companyto an entity,if: (i) the companycauseda deductionto be made availableto a Part X Australian residententity;enSl (ii) the entitywas a residentassocrafeat the time the incomewas derived." Alternative6 - changethe definitionof secfion 388 Alternatively, in orderfor the CFC base incometax rules not to operateas described above,changescouldbe madeto secfion388of the Act. Section388of theAcf states: " ln calculatingthe attributableincome of the eligibleCFC, the lnternationalTax AgreemenfsAcf 1953is to be disregarded,exceptfor the purposeof referencesin thisAct to thatAct." a specificShippingand Australiahas in the majorityof DoubleTax Treatiesnegotiated AirlineArticle,usuallyArticle8, whichoperatesto ensurethat profitsfromthe operationof Statesshallbe taxableonly shipsor aircraftderivedby a residentof one of the contracting in that State. As such,Qantas,beinga residentof Australia,paystax in Australiaon profitsderivedfrom the operationof aircraft. Shouldsecfion388of the Act be modified, in the contextof applyingthe CFCrules,thenincome suchthatArticle8 is notdisregarded jurisdiction. froma CFCthatsatisfies Article8 wouldonlybe taxablein the CFCresident have negotiatedTax This alternative, however,has limitations as not all jurisdictions TreatieswithAustraliaand not all CFCservicesfall withinthe ambitof Article8, suchas providing holidaypackages. Alternative7 - includespecificexemptionsas describedin the Review for thistypeof or carveout couldbe legislated As anotheralternative, a specificexemption basecompanyincomefrombeingtreatedas tainted,suchas: QantasAirwaysLimited 8 TheAustralianPubliccompanyexemption The AustralianPubliccompanyexemptionon Page 51 of the DiscussionPaperis an approachthat may also be appropriate giventhe demandsof shareholders for regular distributions and the frankingcreditregime. That is, a desireto declareregularfranked dividendsshouldreducethe likelihood of widelyheldpubliccompanies to investoffshore to gaina taxdeferraladvantage. Corporategovernancerules and reportingrequirements for publiccompanies,coupled togetherwith other such statutoryrequirements, shouldbe enoughto ensurea more transparent operation and intention framework. Alternative8 - includealternativeexemptions Secfion448 (2) - (6) of the Act outlinesspecificexemptionsthat are not considered 'taintedservicesincome'. Additional, morespecific,exemptions or carveouts couldbe legislated for thistypeof basecompanyincomefrombeingtreatedas tainted,suchas: Specificairline industryexemption This wouldensurethat flights,freightand travelprovidedto Australianresidentsis not tainted.This shouldbe ableto covera widerberthof industrysegmentsor alternatively specificindustrysegmentswith materialinterestsinvolved,that havebeencaughtin the regime even though CFCs set up by such industrysegmentsare for the mere groMhor othersimilarcorporate initiatives. implementation of strategic De minimusexemption in Thismightincludea newde minimusexemption suchthatno amountwill be included taintedservicesincomeunlessit givesriseto an incometax deductionto an Australian to residentthat exceedsmorethan $100,000. Thus,improvingthe cost of compliance onlytaintsignificant transactions. Alternative9 - combinationof variousalternatives A combination drawingout those of the variousalternatives abovecouldbe implemented salientfeaturesthatare considered appropriate. 8. Policy objectives In termsof our suggested to the taintedservicesrules,we referto the Board's alternatives the meritsof any Paper,in assessing own policyobjectives, on Page20 of the Discussion possiblechangesto the attribution rules. regimeonlyaddscomplexity It is the firm beliefof Qantasthatthe currentanti-tax-deferral unduetax to foreigninvestment decisions.Whilethey may be directedat discouraging genuinecommercial that businessdecisions deferralbenefitsabroadtheyalsodiscourage perceived particular or whether advantage, are madewithoutany incentive to derivea tax real. is havingto competewith airlinesthat Qantasin the presentglobalaviationenvironment do not pay tax at all, are receivingheavygovernmental subsidiesand in someinstances suchas Etihadand Emirates.Further,Qantas,seesthe expansionintothe Asianregion includingthe creationof a as necessary so as to ensurebettergrowthand sustainability QantasAirwaysLimited 9 globalnetworkand broadercustomerproposition.The anti-taxdeferralregimeactsas a hindrancein makingstrategicexpansiondecisionsand at a minimumimposesan extra burden on both operationaland corporatefinance staff, thereby hamperingthe achievement of a competitive advantage. In orderto ensurelong-termoperational efficiencyand effectiveness, Qantassees the need to diversifyand expand its currentbusinessportfolioboth within and outside price. Not only does Australia.That is, both efficiencyand qualityat a cost-effective job/ Qantassee the needto buildan evergrowing employment marketwithinAustraliato serviceits existingnetwork,it is alsonecessary for Qantasto expandoperations through strategicgroMh initiatives likemergers,acquisitions or jointventures.Suchexpansion to the Qantasnetworknecessitates foreigninvestment as CFCs,givenforeigngovernmental policiesregarding percentages ownership & bilateral agreements. Any decisionfor foreigninvestmentis made as a questionof long term cost benefit analysisratherthantax deferral.The reporting requirements createdby and compliance the regimesare extremely to suchdecisions. cumbersome andonlyaddcomplexity It is worthemphasising again,as notedby the Board,thatsincethe inception of the CFC rules,Australiahas grown largelyfrom an exporterof goodsto now also includethe provisionof services,has a moreprevalentexemptionratherthan creditsystem,a more focusedtransferpricingregimeand a frankingcreditsystemthatdrivesfrankeddistribution decisions. 9. Conclusion hopesthatour commentswill be and ultimately Qantasthanksthe Boardfor consultation viewedfavourably.We also welcomethe opportunity to be involvedin furtherindustry consultation, as suggested in the Reviewprocessby the Board. Qantas Airways Limited l0