International Accounting Standards (IFRS) for Banks Duration

International Accounting
Standards (IFRS) for Banks
Who should attend
Bank employees and specialists dealing directly and indirectly with preparation of
bank financial statements according to international standards.
3 days / 24 academic
hours / 24 CPD-units /
21 CPE credits
Required level
of preparation
Prior to this training
we recommend the
participants first
attend our trainings
Framework and
Presentation of
Financial Statements
Estimates in
Preparation of
Financial Statements
 To acquire theoretical knowledge about principles of preparation of international
financial statements
 To become familiar with the IAS/IFRS applicable to bank industry
 To consider specific cases of IAS/IFRS application by banks.
Training methodology
 Training is conducted in an interactive form and includes a number of case
 Training participants are provided with specially designed training materials
in Russian language.
Training outline
Day 1
Financial reporting in credit institutions
 Financial statements purposes
 History, objectives, structure of IASB
 Basic principles of financial reporting
IAS 1 “Presentation of financial statements”
 Goal and application of standard
 Components of financial reporting
 Accuracy of reporting and its’ accordance with IFRS
IAS16 “Fixed Assets”
Definition criteria
Recognition and initial measurement
Subsequent measurement
International Accounting Standards (IFRS) for Banks
IAS 38 “Intangible assets”
 Key terms and definitions
 Recognition and initial measurement
 Future measurement and remeasurement
 Amortization
 Disclosures
IAS 17 “Lease”
 Operating and finance lease definitions
 Principles of lease accounting for PPE
IAS 36 “Impairment of assets”
 Introduction and key terms
 Impairment test
 Impairment indicators
 Recognition of impairment loss
 Recoverable value calculation
 Reversing an impairment loss
 Disclosures
Day 2
IAS 12 “Income taxes”
 Introduction
 Concept of deferred taxes
 Accounting for deferred taxes: main rules
 Presentation and disclosure of deferred taxes
IAS 24 “Related party disclosures”
 Object and field of application of standard
 Key terms
 Criteria of Related Parties’ recognition
 Requirement for disclosure of information
on associated parties
IAS 7 “Cash Flow Statements”
 Objects and application of standard. Basic terms
 Structure of Cash Flow Statement (CFS)
 Classification of business activities in order
to compile CFS
 Direct method of CFS preparation
 Indirect method of CFS preparation
 Definition of cash flows (inflows and outflows)
in result of bank’s operations
IAS 37 “Provisions, contingent liabilities
and contingent assets”
 Provisions – definition, recognition
and measurement
 Evaluation
 Contingent assets and liabilities – definition
and recognition
 Disclosure
Day 3
IAS 32 and 39 “Financial instruments”
 Definition of financial instruments
 Financial assets & liabilities
 Classification of financial instruments
 Measurement of financial instruments:
 Initial recognition
 At the time of financial statements
 Derivatives: basis of recognition
 Hybrid (combined) financial instruments
 Accounting for financial assets write-down
 Cancellation of financial instruments recognition
IFRS 7 “Financial instruments: Disclosures”
 Accounting policy
 Statement of financial position
 Other comprehensive income statement
 Disclosure
IFRS 9 “Financial instruments”
 Classification and measurement of financial
Certificates of the EY Academy of Business.
Place and time
Open training is conducted at EY Academy
of Business from 9:30 till 16:30.
In-company training
 Preliminary analysis of clients’ training needs,
identification of aims and goals
 Training adaptation industry
 Flexible approach to training location
and schedules
 Report on the training results on request.
Recommended training scheme
 Conceptual Framework and Presentation
of Financial Statements (IFRS/US GAAP)
 Accounting Estimates in Preparation of Financial
Statements (IFRS/US GAAP)
 International Accounting Standards (IFRS)
for Banks
 Accounting for Financial Instruments
 Restatements for Financial Institutions (banks)
 Financial Statements Consolidation I
How to apply?
Please complete the registration form online
at our web site: