BROOKDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE NURS162 COLLEGE LABORATORY SKILLS, FALL 2014 Every lab activity is designed to reinforce critical content. Instructions for labs are in the syllabus. Skill Type of skill Practice & Due Date Summary test hours Course Review of policies, 1/22/2015 Participation in course orientation is 0rientation review of ATI, and 9a to 12p required. Plus, before the first clinical REQUIRED information about (Navesink 1, day, students must complete: 3 hours Docucare SLC) online quiz for the student handbook, 5 to 8 pm online work for Learning Harbor (Twin Lights additional agency specific orientation 1, SLC) procedures must also be completed. Systems Review Skill Validation 1.5 hour 1 hour practice 30 min test 1/28/15 Wound and Drain management 3 hours 2h practice 1h test 2/4/15 Skill Validation Safe use of heat, cold, Skill Validation compression, and assistive devices 2.5 hours Oxygen 3 hours Skill Validation 2h home 2/11/15 study 30 min return demo 2 h home study 30 min test 2/11/15 Blood products 2.0 hours 2h home Independent study study 2/18/15 Medications review Unit 1 2 hours Independent study 2 hours 2/18/15 Catheter 2 hours Skill validation 1 h practice 1h test 2/25/15 Come to the lab prepared to demonstrate a focused assessment of any system reviewed in Nursing 161. See syllabus for specific information. Demonstrate sterile dressing changes, wound irrigations & packing, wet-dry dressings, drains, Penrose, Jackson Pratt and Hemovac drains. Be prepared to put on and remove PPE. Complete self-study at home listed in syllabus AND complete the required ATI skill module for Ambulation, Transfer, and Range of motion. You must achieve 85 on the post-test before coming to the lab. Complete ATI skill module and test on oxygen therapy before coming to the lab. You must achieve 85 on the posttest before coming to the skill validation. See syllabus for information on how to successfully complete this skill validation. Complete ATI skill module and the post- test on “Blood Administration”. You must achieve 85 on the post-test before the Unit 1 exam. Review medications from Unit 1 as identified on CANVAS, then do a presentation as assigned by clinical instructor. Review Taylor online on the Point on urinary catheter care. Demonstrate Newborn 2 hours Labor and delivery 3 hours Medications review-Unit 2 2 hours Simulation Simulation 1h view films 3/4/15 1h return demo 1.5 practice 1.5 test Independent study 2 hours 3/11/15 3/25/15 Vaccines (Nip-it) Computer modules Independent 4/8/15 4 hours with exams at home Pediatric math exam 2 hours Test in testing center Safety in Medication administration 1 hour Group film viewing 1 hour in the college lab only. Pediatric Medication Administration 3 hours Medications review-Unit 3 2 hour Skill validation Independent study 2h 3/25/15 4/1/15 1.5h practice 4/1/15 1.5h test 2 hours 4/22/15 insertion and removal of straight catheter, foley catheter in males and females. Watch streamed videos on CANVAS before coming to lab. Moving through stations, demonstrate newborn assessment including obtaining measurements, graphing of weight, calculating weight loss, Apgar scoring, bathing, swaddling and dressing an infant. Group role play of a mom in labor including timing contractions, determining presentation and position, and teaching slow paced breathing. Review medications from Unit 2 as identified on CANVAS, then do a presentation as assigned by clinical instructor. Complete 5 on-line modules and submit to your clinical Instructor by due date. Take math exam in testing center on calculation of pediatric meds. Weight based dosing. Must score 90%- 3 opportunities to do so. This must be completed before testing on the pediatric medication administration skill. Come to the lab 1 hour before your appointment for the pediatric medication administration skill validation to watch “The Josie King Story” at the Nursing Lab. Answer the required questions. No streaming available. Calculate weight based dosing and demonstrate safe techniques for restraint and administration of oral and parenteral meds to pediatric patients. Students complete medication quizzes to review medications from Unit 3. Pediatric Asthma simulation Simulation 3 hours 1.5h practice 4/22/15 1.5h test Post-op Hysterectomy simulation 2.5 hours 1h practice 1.5h test Total hours 43.5 Simulation 5/6/15 Submit completed quizzes to clinical instructor. Intervene in assigned role in evolving case study with a pediatric patient. The patient is having an asthma “attack” and may require oxygen, medication and use of a peak flow meter. Review preparation in syllabus. Intervene in assigned role in evolving case study with a post op patient. The patient has had a hysterectomy and experiences a complicated post op course. Review preparation in syllabus including review of urinary catheter insertion and blood product administration.