Spatial Variation in the Quality of

Spatial Variation in the Quality of
American Community Survey
David C. Folch, Daniel Arribas-Bel,
Julia Koschinsky and Seth E. Spielman
Working Paper Number 01
Spatial Variation in the Quality of American
Community Survey Estimates
David C. Folch∗
Florida State University
Daniel Arribas-Bel
University of Birmingham
Julia Koschinsky
Arizona State University
Seth E. Spielman
University of Colorado at Boulder
February 28, 2015
Social scientific research, public and private sector decisions and allocations of
federal resources often rely on data from the American Community Survey (ACS).
However, this critical data source is plagued by high uncertainty in some of its most
frequently used estimates. Using 2006–2010 ACS median household income estimates
at the census tract scale as the test case, we explore spatial and non-spatial patterns in
ACS estimate quality. We find spatial patterns of uncertainty in the northern U.S. to
be different from the southern U.S., and to be different in suburbs from urban cores;
in both cases uncertainty is lower in the former than the latter. Further, uncertainty is
higher in areas with lower incomes. A series of multivariate spatial regression models is
used to describe the patterns of association between uncertainty in estimates and economic, demographic and geographic factors, controlling for the number of responses.
We find that these demographic and geographic patterns in estimate quality persist
even after accounting for response level. The implication is that data quality varies
in different places, making cross-sectional analysis both within and across regions less
reliable. We also present advice for data users and potential solutions to the challenges
Key Words: American Community Survey, data uncertainty, income estimates,
margin of error, spatial analysis
JEL Classification: C81, R12.
Corresponding author (
The data produced by the U.S. Bureau of the Census (BOC) in the American Community
Survey (ACS) are crucial inputs to both social science research and public and private sector
decisions. However, these uses of the data are complicated by the high margins of error
(MOE) commonly found in the ACS estimates. High MOEs are especially common when
the estimate reflects a small subset of the population or covers a small geographic area such
as a census tract. For example, over 44 percent of the ACS census tract estimates of children
in poverty have an MOE at least as large as the estimate itself.1 These high margins of error
can blur our understanding of places; for example, in census tract 190602 in the Belmont
Cragin neighborhood of Chicago, Illinois the number of children in poverty is somewhere
between 9 and 965.
There is indeed growing recognition of the challenges associated with using ACS estimates
due to their high levels of uncertainty. This general recognition is the result of various
academic articles (MacDonald, 2006; Salvo and Lobo, 2006; Citro and Kalton, 2007; Spielman
et al., 2014; Bazuin and Fraser, 2013) and the BOC’s own efforts to publicize the uncertainty
in the data (U.S. Census Bureau, 2009a). However, the nature and causes of the uncertainty
in the ACS are not widely understood. As we demonstrate in this research, a major cause for
concern is that the uncertainty generally does not follow a random pattern across attributes
and space. This implies that there is systematic variation in the quality of ACS data—some
types of places have higher uncertainty than others.
This paper examines the patterns of uncertainty in median household income estimates
from the 2006-2010 ACS at the census tract scale. This variable is of broad interest and has
broad impacts. Median household income estimates are used to determine market demand
for services in the public, private and nonprofit sectors, to make decisions about retail site
location and to study income inequality, to name a few examples. We illustrate patterns
in the quality of ACS median household income estimates. We then explain these patterns
through a series of spatial regression models. These models identify key spatial and demo1
Children in poverty is defined as people under 18 living in a family whose income is below the poverty
level and who are related to the householder by birth, marriage or adoption. In 32,007 out of the 72,539
census tracts (44.1 percent) in the contiguous US, the MOE is greater than or equal to the estimate.
graphic determinants of the variation in the quality of ACS estimates. We conclude with a
discussion of strategies for handling uncertainty in ACS estimates.
Constructing ACS Estimates
Before 1940, the BOC collected decennial census data from every (or nearly every) person
and household in the country using a single list of questions. Between 1940 and 2000, the
BOC used a two-tiered data collection approach with a short list of questions presented to
the entire country and a supplemental list asked of a sample of the respondents. This split
in questions evolved into what was known as the “short form” and “long form.” Starting in
2005, the BOC shifted the long form questions to an annual data collection model called the
American Community Survey, and confined future decennial censuses to short form questions
only. Census data has always contained non-sampling errors based on myriad known and
unknown data collection challenges; since 1940, all census data generated from the long form
also has sampling error.
While the long form questions remained largely consistent between the 2000 decennial
census and the ACS, the data collection strategy changed dramatically. The ACS contacts
approximately 3.54 million households each year (3 million prior to 2011), which is enough
surveys to make estimates for large cities and counties (more than 65,000 residents) every
year. Locations with 20,000 or more residents receive estimates based on data aggregated
over three years. The estimates for all other census geographies, no matter their population
size, are built from five years of data. In principle this interlacing of geographic and temporal
scales allows the BOC to manage estimate quality while releasing data annually.2 However,
these structural changes in data collection were accompanied by a large reduction in the
sample size. The median number of completed long form surveys per census tract in 2000
was 249, but for the 2006–2010 ACS it was only 123 (see Figure 1).
The ACS provides over 1000 data tables for every geographic area in the country. These
represent high level variables like total population, and various cross-tabulations that cap2
By 2009, the BOC had collected sufficient data to start distributing 1-year, 3-year and 5-year estimates
each year.
Median ACS
American Community Survey (2006−2010)
Median Decennial
Percent of Tracts
Decennial Census Long Form (2000)
Responding Housing Units by Census Tract
Figure 1: Response (count) by Census Tract, Census 2000 Long Form and ACS 2006–2010
ture a wide assortment of subpopulations in the country. While the ACS can measure total
population for most geographic areas with little uncertainty, the uncertainty for subpopulations can be high and vary widely from place to place. An established and commonly used
measure of uncertainty is the coefficient of variation (CV), which is the standard error of an
estimate divided by the estimate itself. It can be computed from published ACS data, and
provides a relative measure of uncertainty—essentially the error measured as a percent of
the estimate. The first five box plots in Figure 2 highlight the distribution of census tract
scale CV for estimates of the size of various population groups, and the latter three box plots
show the same for median household income. The plots show striking differences in both the
magnitude and range of uncertainty for different subsets of the overall data. Superimposed
on each box plot is a point representing the median CV value for counties (diamonds) and
census block groups (squares), respectively larger and smaller than census tracts. Seven of
the eight plots show that larger places tend to have lower uncertainty and smaller places
higher; however, there is no consistent pattern in where the points fall relative to the tract
uncertainty distribution. The subpopulation of 65 and older female Hispanic residents represents a difficult to capture group at small geographic scales. There is no data reported for
any block group, and many counties and tracts are also suppressed. The result is that the
Coefficient of Variation (CV)
tract distribution
block group median
county median
65 and older Hispanic Fem Hisp 65+ All HH
65 and older Hispanic
Figure 2: Coefficient of Variation Distribution for Selected Variables and Spatial Scales, ACS
Note: Age and ethnic differences in median household income are based on the head of household.
county and tract median values are nearly identical.
The ACS is a survey, and as such is susceptible to the same challenges as any other
estimates based on a sample of the population. The “rolling” sample strategy employed by
the BOC forces designers and users of the ACS to confront the three-way tension between
attribute, temporal and spatial resolution — given the fixed number of surveys collected
each year, it is not possible to create an estimate that has detailed resolution along all
three dimensions and has low uncertainty. The ACS approach is to continuously collect
surveys, and then tabulate those surveys into an enormous array of estimates. Using fewer
completed surveys to build an estimate makes it more uncertain. Thus for census tracts the
BOC bolsters the estimates for small areas by sacrificing temporal resolution, but as seen
in Figure 2 even five years of data is not always enough to generate reliable estimates. The
following section uses a fixed spatial resolution (census tracts) and fixed attribute (median
household income) to show how ACS estimate quality varies from place to place.
Patterns in Estimate Quality
All ACS estimates are associated with some level of uncertainty. However, places with
higher uncertainty are not distributed randomly—high uncertainty is not equally likely in all
locations and for all demographic groups. Higher levels of uncertainty in median household
income estimates exist in the South and Southwest of the United States, near city centers,
and in places with lower median incomes (Figures 4, 6, 7 and 8). Interestingly, inner-cities
and low income households, the groups and areas typically of most interest to social science
researchers, tend to be associated with the greatest uncertainty in median household income
Median household income is a key indicator of socio-economic status and its uncertainty,
as measured by the coefficient of variation, is the focus of our analysis. There is no clear cutoff
for what qualifies as an “acceptable” CV. A comprehensive report on the ACS (Citro and
Kalton, 2007) produced for the National Research Council (NRC) states that the maximum
acceptable CV should be in the 0.10–0.12 range, while noting that “what constitutes an
acceptable level of precision for a survey estimate depends on the uses to be made of the
estimate” (p.67). A white paper produced by the software company ESRI (ESRI, 2011)
characterizes a CV below 0.12 as “high reliability”, 0.12–0.40 as “medium reliability” and
anything above 0.40 as “low reliability.”
Figure 3 presents the distribution of the CV of median household income for over 70,000
census tracts in the continental U.S. for the 2006–2010 ACS data. The median CV is 0.095,
with a slightly higher average of 0.110 due to the long tail in the distribution. Using the
high end of the NRC range (0.12), approximately one third (32.1%) of U.S. census tracts
have too much uncertainty while two-thirds (67.9 percent) would be considered acceptable.3
These estimates are based on census tracts in the continental U.S. with outlier tracts removed (see
Section 4.2).
Percent of Tracts
Median Household Income Coefficient of Variation (CV)
Note: Figure truncated at CV of 0.75.
Figure 3: Distribution of Median Household Income Coefficient of Variation, U.S. Census
Tracts ACS 2006–2010
While the magnitude and distribution of median income CVs is concerning, it does not
necessarily imply systematic patterns in the uncertainty. We explore the potential for spatial
patterning in the CVs using the Moran’s I measure of local spatial autocorrelation (Anselin,
1995). This measure identifies locations on a map where abnormally high or low values
are clustered together. It further provides a statistical test to determine if the cluster is
significant.4 Figure 4 highlights census tracts in red that are part of statistically significant
clusters of high CV, census tracts in blue are in low CV clusters and white tracts are not
statistically significant. If there were no spatial pattern to the magnitude of CVs, i.e., if
they followed a random spatial distribution, then the map would be mostly white indicating
that tracts with high (or low) CVs do not cluster together. However, the map shows that
the north of the country, particularly the Midwest, has concentrations of high quality (low
uncertainty) estimates, denoted in blue; while red clusters, indicating low quality estimates
(high uncertainty) are located more in the South and Southwest. Since census tracts average
approximately 4,000 people, at this scale the map visually emphasizes low density parts of
The statistic is computed for each census tract on the map. Statistical significance is based on 999
random permutations of the data, and a significance level of 0.05.
Figure 4: Concentrations of Median Household Income Coefficient of Variation, Census
Tracts ACS 2006–2010
Note: Results based on the local Moran’s I statistic. Red tracts are in statistically significant high CV
clusters, blue tracts are in clusters of low CVs and white tracts are not part of a statistically significant
the country. Figure 5 zooms in further to present the CV distribution for nine metropolitan
areas across the country. In Madison, Wisconsin, for example, approximately 75 percent of
census tracts are below the national median uncertainty level; in contrast, nearly 75 percent
of the New Orleans, Louisiana census tracts are above this level. Other metropolitan areas
such as Chicago and San Diego have median levels nearly identical to the national median.
This diversity in the magnitude and range of uncertainty across metropolitan areas can affect
the reliability of cross sectional analyses.
The spatial variation in attribute uncertainty is not simply a macro scale phenomenon
that varies from region to region, but also manifests itself within regions. Figure 6 presents
clusters of high and low CVs within the Chicago, Illinois metropolitan area. The map
highlights multiple high CV concentrations around central Chicago and one in central Gary,
CV of Median Household Income
Madison Minneapolis Mobile
Metropolitan Statistical Areas
Figure 5: Distribution of Uncertainty on Median Household Income, Selected Metropolitan
Area Census Tracts ACS 2006–2010
Note: Horizontal line represents U.S. median value of 0.095. Two outlier census tracts not shown: New York
with CV of 2.73 and Chicago with CV of 1.41
Indiana. The low CV areas are generally located in the exurban periphery of the region, with
notable exceptions such as the village of Oak Lawn, Illinois to the southwest of downtown
The spatial pattern seen in Chicago is indicative of a broader pattern of higher CVs near
city centers and lower CVs at city edges. We explore this pattern by grouping census tracts
from the largest 150 metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs)5 based on relative distance from
their city center.6 This approach allows us to standardize distances from regions of all sizes
and shapes, e.g., places with a waterfront downtown like San Diego, to places with a centered
downtown like Denver.7 Figure 7 summarizes the data from 150 MSAs, and shows that there
Based on the December 2009 definition of Core Based Statistical Areas.
We order the census tracts within an MSA by increasing distance from their city center, and then split
this ordered list into 100 bins (percentiles). We repeat this process for the 150 largest MSAs, and then pool
the tracts by percentile for all MSAs into a single set of 100 bins. When completed, the first bin has the
urban core of all the MSAs and the 100th bin has the urban fringe of each MSA. The points in Figure 7
represent the median CV value from each bin.
Urban centers are identified using the U.S. Geological Survey’s Geographic Names Information System.
The latitude-longitude marker for the first city listed in the MSA name is extracted from the database, and
then distances are computed from each census tract centroid to the urban center.
Figure 6: Concentrations of Median Household Income Coefficient of Variation, Chicago
Metropolitan Area Census Tracts ACS 2006–2010
Note: Results based on the local Moran’s I statistic. Red tracts are in statistically significant high CV
clusters, blue tracts are in clusters of low CVs and white tracts are not part of a statistically significant
Median CV
● ●
● ●
U.S. Median CV
● ●
● ●
● ●●●●●
● ●
Distance to Urban Center (Percentile)
Figure 7: Summary of Median Household Income Coefficient of Variation Based on Distance
from Urban Center, Census Tracts for the Largest 150 Metropolitan Areas, ACS 2006–2010
is a steep decline in the CV as distance initially increases from urban cores, which eventually
moderates and then begins increasing again when reaching the peripheries of the regions.
In addition to a clear spatial structure, CVs of median household income in large U.S. metropolitan areas also display a pattern across income levels. Figure 8 is similar in design to Figure
7, except that we order tracts by increasing income within their MSA before splitting them
into percentile bins. This allows us to control for inter-metropolitan variations in income.
The results show that uncertainty in median household income declines as median household
income increases. The similar patterns in Figures 7 and 8 are likely related, as some MSAs’
lower income residents live closer to the urban core. The increasing level of uncertainty at
the urban periphery is likely caused by the diversity of exurban locations, which can range
from wealthy suburban enclaves to lower income agricultural communities.
Multivariate Methodology and Data
The previous section shows that there are clear geographic and socio-economic patterns in
the quality of ACS median household income estimates. In this section we introduce a mul-
Median CV
● ●
● ●●
● ●
● ●●
U.S. Median CV
●● ●
●● ● ● ●●
● ●
● ●
● ●
● ●
● ●
● ●
● ●● ●
Household Income (Percentile)
Figure 8: Variation in Uncertainty on Median Household Income Coefficient of Variation
Based on Increasing Income, Largest 150 Metropolitan Areas Census Tracts ACS 2006–2010
tivariate model to examine the robustness of those findings while simultaneously controlling
for other potential factors that might affect the quality of ACS estimates. Examples of these
other correlates include measures of demographic diversity, ACS survey response level and
population change. We first introduce a national scale spatial regression framework that
accounts for spatial patterns in the data. Next, we extend this model to assess the stability
of these results between the North and South, motivated by the North-South variation in
uncertainty found in Figure 4. Finally, we subset the data to assess the relationship between
distance to urban center and income uncertainty for tracts within metropolitan areas.
The national model to assess the relationship between income uncertainty and response
level, diversity, population change and other factors is specified by the following multivariate
log yi = α + δ log hu respondi + φ log Xi + β log Hi + γ log Ti + ui
where yi represents the median household income coefficient of variation in tract i.
The median household income CV in tract i is explained by ACS response level (hu respondi ),
a set of five socio-demographic variables related to race and diversity in the tract (Xi ), two
characteristics of the housing environment indicating potential residential instability (Hi )
and four indicators of population change and distance to urban core (Ti ). A more detailed
rationale for why these variables are included can be found in section 4.2. Table 1 summarizes the description of the variables and their sources. The equation takes a log-log
specification that allows the 12 regression coefficients δ, φ, β and γ to be interpreted as elasticities, expressing the percentage change expected on yi given a one percentage increase in
the explanatory variable.
Given the fine-grained scale of census tracts, it is likely that some of the unobserved
characteristics captured by the error term are spatially correlated, in which case the estimates
lose precision (Anselin, 1988). To account for this form of spatial dependence, we assume a
spatial auto-regressive error term of the following structure:
ui = λ
wij uj + i
where wij is the ijth element of a spatial weights matrix W that formally represents the
spatial connectivity of tracts, and i is an i.i.d. and well-behaved disturbance. All the
results shown relate to a matrix built using the queen contiguity criterion, under which
two observations are neighbors, and thus assigned a weight of one, if they share a border
of any length, including a single point. This matrix is then standardized so every row
sums to one, effectively converting j wij uj into the average value of u in the surroundings
of i. These models are estimated with a generalized method of moments, following the
approach proposed by Arraiz et al. (2010), which suggests an estimator robust to spatial
autocorrelation and heteroskedasticity.
We next explore regional variations in the correlates of income CV. To do so, we apply a
so-called spatial regimes approach that determines whether factors associated with CV play
a different role in the northern and southern parts of the country (Figure 9). In essence,
the national model is estimated separately for the North and South (spatial regimes). The
Figure 9: North-South Regimes
census tract remains the unit of analysis.
The baseline model of Equation 1 is expanded with spatial regimes yielding the following:
log yir = αr + δr log hu respondir + φr log Xir + βr log Hir + γr log Tir + uir ,
where the subscript r indicates membership in the North or South; otherwise the specification
remains the same. This means we obtain a set of (α, δ, φ, β, γ) parameters for both the
North and the South of the United States. Also, we subset the spatial weights matrix W
so only neighbors within the same region remain connected. This formulation is equivalent
to running separate regressions for each group of observations under the same r subscript.
The advantage of this framework is that it allows for a significance test of the equality of
estimated parameters between regions by means of the spatial Chow test (Anselin, 1990).
Finally, we examine the relationship between income uncertainty and distance to urban
center. Since this relationship can only be assessed within metropolitan areas, we restrict this
analysis to all census tracts in the 150 largest metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) in the
country. MSAs are defined by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget, and approximate
a functional urban region. Although MSAs do not cover the entire extent of the country,
these 150 MSAs were home to approximately 84 percent of the U.S. population in 2010.
The dependent variable is the coefficient of variation (CV) of median household income. Due
to the complexity of the sampling and weighting processes used to compute ACS estimates,
the BOC estimates standard errors (the numerator of the CV) using a method called successive differences replication. The successive differences replication approach recomputes
all ACS estimates 80 times using different base weights on the completed surveys, and then
uses all this information to compute the variability in the actual estimate (see U.S. Census
Bureau, 2009b, Chapter 12 for more details).
When considering potential determinants of uncertainty in ACS estimates we first consider the total number of surveys collected in the particular tract (hu respond). More
responses are expected to reduce the CV. This is the only variable in the model taken from
the ACS. Unlike most ACS data this variable is a count of completed surveys not an estimate. We specifically do not include other ACS variables in the model because they are
expected to be contaminated by the same problems we aim to understand. It is important
that the variables used to explain CV in median household income are, as much as possible,
unaffected by measurement error. As a result, the pool of potential explanatory variables
is heavily constrained, so we turn to the 2010 decennial census and a 2010 restricted-use
database from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Since the
ACS data are collected over five years, there is some degree of temporal mismatch; however,
the extent to which this affects our results is limited since the variables used are rather
persistent over time. The variables used and their sources are summarized in Table 1.
Our concern in these multivariate models relates to potential covariation of socio-economic
and/or geographic attributes with the quality of income estimates. Ideally there would be
no correlation, a result indicating that uncertainty at the census tract scale is not a systematic function of the place. We thus model characteristics of places along three dimensions:
socio-demographics and diversity, housing and residential environment and tract structure.
The first dimension considers residents’ demographic characteristics (race, ethnicity and diversity), along with a proxy for income in the form of the number of federally subsidized
housing units (hud total).8 Diversity is measured using the Simpson index (also known
as the Herfindahl index), which takes higher values if the population is spread more evenly
across groups and lower ones if the population is more concentrated in a single group within
the tract. We measure diversity in resident age and race/ethnicity of residents, with the expectation that more diverse places will have higher income variability and thus higher mean
CV since the population is not of uniform type. The second dimension captures variables on
the types of housing units in the place (group quarters population and vacant units). The
final dimension investigates the census tract as a unit of analysis by looking at variation
in land area, whether the tract population was stable over the previous decade proxied by
tracts that are split due to population growth pushing them over the maximum size threshold or merged due to population decline placing them below the minimum size threshold,
and population (with more populous tracts expected to have less uncertainty).
The unit of analysis is always the census tract. Although there are high level parameters
that constrain tract delineation (U.S. Census Bureau, 1994), exceptions do occur. For this
reason we only include census tracts with a population greater than 500 and with more than
200 housing units. In general this excludes anomalous tracts such as national parks, lakes,
large prisons, large college dormitories, etc. We also exclude tracts that have a household
income estimate, but no associated MOE; these generally occur when the median household
income estimate is at the reporting bounds of $2,499 or $250,001. Combined, these steps
remove 1,186 tracts. The geography is further constrained to the lower continental U.S.,
leaving 71,353 census tracts for the national analysis and 58,386 for the MSA analysis. The
Northern region includes 33,093 tracts compared to 38,260 tracts in the South.
Generally, the models indicate statistically significant differences between the north and
south (Chow tests9 , Table 2). Investigating the individual variables within the model shows
Federally subsidized housing programs include public housing (traditional and HOPE VI), multi-family
housing (including housing for the elderly and disabled, Section 202 and 811), and vouchers (predominantly
Housing Choice Vouchers for tenants). Address-level records were aggregated to the tract level.
The Chow test identifies if there is a statistical difference between the magnitude of regression coefficients
in the north and south models.
Table 1: Description of Dependent and Independent Variables
Dependent Variable
Income CV
Median household income CV
2006–10 ACS
Housing units responding to ACS
2006–10 ACS
Socio-demographics (X)
hud total
Federally subsidized housing units
African-American population rate
black rt
hisp rt
Hispanic population rate
race simp
Racial/ethnic diversity (Simpson)
Resident age diversity (Simpson)
age simp
2010 Census
2010 Census
2010 Census
2010 Census
Housing and Residential Structure (H)
group pop
Population in group quarters
Vacant housing units
2010 Census
2010 Census
Tract Structure (T )
Land area
2000–10 tract boundary stability
tr nochange*
dist2center** Distance to urban core
Total residents
2010 Census
2000–10 Census†
2010 Census‡
2010 Census
hu respond
All variables measured in levels unless noted in the table. Natural logarithms are taken of each variable
before use in the econometric model.
* Dummy variable
** Only included in metropolitan area regressions
† Computed by authors based on physical census tract boundary changes between 2000 and 2010 reported in the 2010 Census Tract Relationship Files.
‡ Urban centers identified using the U.S. Geological Survey’s Geographic Names Information System.
The latitude-longitude marker for the first city listed in the MSA name is extracted from the database,
and then distances are computed from each census tract centroid to the urban center.
that most have the same directional effect on CV, but at different magnitudes. An exception
is that increased land area leads to higher CV in the South and lower in the North. Racial
diversity and changes to tract boundaries are both insignificant in the North but significant
in the South. We further find that increases in response level and age diversity reduce CV
more in the North than the South, and increases in percent African American increase CV
more in the North than South. Increases in total tract population have a greater impact on
CV reduction in the South than the North.
Table 2: National and Regional Regression Results
Regimes Model
Chow Test
hu respond
hud Total
black rt
hisp rt
race simp
age simp
group pop
tr nochange
Pseudo R2
Notes: Dependent variable: median household income coefficient of variation
All variables in logarithms, except dummy variable tr nochange
Significance: *0.10, **0.05, ***0.01
Pseudo R2 is the squared correlation between the actual and predicted
dependent variable
Mirroring the results from Section 3, we find the proxy for low income neighborhoods
(hud total) is positively associated with income CV after controlling for the other relevant
factors. A one percent increase in the number of HUD-assisted low-income rental units
results in a 0.03-0.04 percent increase in CV. Moreover, this result remains stable across
regions, as indicated by the insignificant Chow test (Table 2).
Next, the finding from Figure 7 that uncertainty decreases with distance from city center
also holds in a multivariate context. After controlling for 11 other determinants of income
CV, a one percent increase in distance from the city center is associated with a small yet
significant percent reduction in CV (-0.0076). As mentioned, this result was only computed
for the subset of tracts in metropolitan areas.
As expected, a key component of income CV relates to survey response. Of all determinants, higher response levels (hu respond) are most strongly, significantly and negatively
related to CV across the country, in urban areas and in both regions (Table 2). In other
words, more survey responses are associated with less uncertainty. For the country as a
whole, a one percent increase in the number of responding housing units results in a half
percent reduction (-0.495) in CV, which reinforces the premise that more raw data from
which to build the estimates results in lower uncertainty in those estimates. The removal of
the covariates in X, H and T from Equation 1 has little influence on the estimated impact of
the response level. The relationship between response level and income CV is lowest in urban
areas (-0.4649) and the South (-0.4279). The difference in this relation between northern
and southern areas is significant (p = 0.01) as indicated by the Chow test.
Although most variables had the expected impact on uncertainty as outlined in Table
1, we did find an inverse relationship between racial/ethnic diversity and income CV after
holding a tract’s share of African-American and Hispanic residents constant. In other words,
higher levels of racial and ethnic segregation (i.e., lower diversity) is associated with larger
income CVs. This relationship is strongest in the southern region where a one percent
increase in the Simpson index (indicating more diversity) results in a 0.06 percent decrease
in income CV, compared to 0.01 in the North. The Chow test shows that this difference
is highly significant (p = 0.01). We found the same pattern with age diversity. Given that
the response level is controlled we had expected more homogeneous places to be easier to
measure and thus have lower uncertainty.
Population stability (tr nochange), measured by lack of change in tract boundaries from
2000 to 2010, also had counterintuitive results. If tract boundary changes indicate large
population growth or decline, then we would expect this instability to lead to measurement
challenges. However, we find that more stability leads to higher CV, except in the North
where it is insignificant.
The physical land area of a census tract turned out to be the most unstable variable across
the four models. Larger land areas reflect lower population densities, but the substantive
implications of population density varies between the metro only models and the national
scale models. In the national scale models this variables equates to more “rural” places,
in the metro models tract size reflects the character of the built environment. Tract size
is positively associated with household income CV in the southern region and the nation
overall, but is insignificant in the urban model and negative in the North. Hence the Chow
test is highly significant (p = 0.01) for the difference between between the North (0.011
percent decrease in CV) and the South (0.0216 increase).
The model for the northern region has the largest explanatory power (pseudo R2 of
0.3839), followed in order by that for the country overall, urban areas and the southern region.
The parameter λ, alluding to the spatial dependence in the error terms, is highly significant
in all models with the smallest magnitude in the northern region (0.1102). Although tests
for multicollinearity (not reported) suggest its presence, a simulation experiment indicates
negligible differences in the final estimates.10
As the previous sections show, the quality of median household income estimates from the
ACS is correlated with both geographic location and the attributes of places. These results
are robust even after controlling for the number of respondents in the tract, which is the
strongest determinant of uncertainty. The implications of this variation can be profound.
It is not uncommon today for researchers across the social sciences to present a map of
demographic data, and then draw inferences from that map. These maps can show clear
patterns and lead to statements such as, “housing affordability is lower in the eastern part
The simulations repeatedly dropped 10 percent of the observations and then reestimated the model. The
distribution of parameter estimates across the simulations displayed only minor variations in the estimates.
of the state than the western” or “inner-city rates are higher than suburban.” However the
unequal distribution of uncertainty across these places implies that our confidence in these
conclusions should be tempered. Some areas of the map likely have highly reliable estimates,
while others vary to the point of making the observed differences meaningless. In this context
we discuss approaches to help ACS data users navigate this dilemma.
The goal of integrating uncertainty into descriptive reporting of ACS estimates is to
add value to tables, charts and maps through clear communication of the error associated
with the estimates. The most straightforward example of this is adding a column of MOEs
to a table of estimates or including a second map that shows the MOEs. However, these
approaches may not be the most effective means of communicating uncertainty information to
all audiences, especially those unfamiliar with the interpretation of survey data. It is possible
that a more coarse representation of the uncertainty could be used, such as a red-yellowgreen light icon attached to each estimate in a table indicating how much caution should be
used when interpreting the value. In a cartographic context, interactions of color intensity
or hatching overlays could be used to create a single map that integrates the estimates and
MOEs (see for example Sun and Wong, 2010; O’Brien and Cheshire, 2014; Griffin et al.,
2014). For additional discussions and approaches, readers are referred to a long research on
visualizing geospatial uncertainty (e.g., MacEachren, 1992; MacEachren et al., 2005; Wong
and Sun, 2013; Mason et al., 2014; Kinkeldey and Schiewe, 2014).
Correlations, regression coefficients and other forms of model output derived from ACS
estimates, are fraught with hidden statistical issues since the input data are measured with
error. The primary issue is attenuation bias, which causes the magnitude of a statistic
(e.g., correlation or regression coefficient) to be reduced when one or more variables are
measured with error. Corrections for the correlation coefficient have existed for over a century
(Spearman, 1904), but not without controversy (Muchinsky, 1996). In the regression context,
the issue is more complex. Standard econometric theory assumes that explanatory variables
are deterministic and measured without error. The presence of a variable with error in the
design matrix has the potential to taint all the regression coefficients in unpredictable ways
(Greene, 2003, chapter 5). The main problem then lies in the interpretation of regression
coefficients, which are likely to be biased if the ACS error is large. Various errors-in-variables
and instrumental variables types approaches have been considered as potential fixes for
this problem (Bound et al., 2001). The spatial structure embedded in the ACS is another
option to consider in order to ameliorate the data challenges (see Anselin and Lozano, 2008
for a discussion on the topic). When it comes to the dependent variable, consequences
are less severe since the measurement mismatch is transferred to the error component of
the regression specification, and this can then be appropriately modeled to account for its
structure. One strength of ACS data, as compared to other cases of error in measurement, is
that we know the magnitude of the error on each estimate, and can leverage this information
in the model specification. Future research along these lines could provide interesting insights
for more robust inferences using survey data with systematically varying estimate quality.
In recent years the BOC has made a concerted effort to address the challenge of variation
in the uncertainty through more sophisticated sampling approaches (Bruce and Robinson,
2009). When the ACS began, an area (a census block) was assigned to one of seven sample
rate categories; subsequent research into this initial approach has resulted in an increase
to 16 categories (Sommers and Hefter, 2010). However, budget constraints limit the BOC
to 3.54 million surveys per year making this a zero sum game—if one area is oversampled
another must be under-sampled. This means that the variation in uncertainty is reduced by
allowing some places to have worse estimates and others to have better ones.
The problem of too few completed surveys upon which to construct reliable estimates can
be addressed directly by the user. By combining estimates, either by attribute or geographic
area, the user boosts the amount of raw data supporting new derived estimates. For example,
a set of three age ranges built by collapsing a set of ten age ranges will nearly always be more
reliable (U.S. Census Bureau, 2009a). In the income example, tracts could be classified by
income group (e.g., “low” or “high” income) instead of by the continuous variable median
income; misclassification will certainly happen for tracts near the threshold, but the problem
of income uncertainty is reduced. Alternatively, geographic areas can be combined into
custom regions. Folch and Spielman (2014) present an automated approach for geographic
aggregation that joins census tracts into “regions” in such a way that estimates for the
regions all have CVs below a user defined threshold. These user based approaches take
the uncertainty trade-off out of the hands of the BOC and put it directly in the hands of
the researcher — in order to achieve the desired reliability, the granularity of the data is
When we think of measurement error we generally hope that it is low and of the well behaved
type that follows a uniform random distribution across all observations. What this research
has shown is that we should not make either of these assumptions when working with ACS
data. The issue of higher levels of uncertainty for ACS estimates compared to the decennial
census is widely recognized among researchers, however the variation in this uncertainty is
not as well understood. As this work has shown, uncertainty is not only clustered over space,
but the characteristics of places can inform the magnitude of uncertainty.
Using median household income at the census tract scale as an exemplar, we find higher
uncertainty in urban cores relative to suburban areas, higher uncertainty in lower income
areas and a differential pattern in uncertainty in the northern U.S. relative to the southern
U.S. These patterns are robust when controlling for the number of respondents to the survey
by location, and other correlates of uncertainty. The implication for users is that seemingly
straightforward interpretations of ACS estimates require examination of the underlying uncertainty in the estimates.
While this is clearly a critical issue for researchers, it does not mean that ACS estimates
have too much error at the tract level to be useful in research and decision making. Some
places have good data, and to the extent that a research project is confined to these locations
there is little to worry about. For those conducting research with mixed uncertainty levels, we
highlighted approaches that can reveal the uncertainty information in mapping and tabular
formats. Users can also directly control the problem by grouping estimates by attribute or
by grouping census tracts into regions, i.e., by reducing the granularity of the data.
Creative strategies are needed to both push down overall uncertainty in raw ACS estimates and reduce variation in this uncertainty. Published work by the BOC (e.g., Castro Jr.
and Hefter, 2008; Sommers and Hefter, 2010) and actual changes in the ACS show that
efforts continue to be made along both these fronts. A strength of the ACS data collection
model is that methodological improvements can be made at any time, not needing to wait
for a decadal cycle to repeat. This opens the door for innovative ideas from the research
community to be integrated into the ACS in a reasonable time frame.
David C. Folch and Seth E. Spielman acknowledge financial support from the National
Science Foundation (award number 1132008). Julia Koschinsky acknowledges funding from
the National Institutes of Health under Award Number 2-R01CA126858. The authors are
solely responsible for the accuracy of the statements and interpretations contained in this
publication. Such interpretations do not necessarily reflect the views of the Government.
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