7903-0449-00 City of Surrey PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT REPORT File: 7903-0449-00 Development Permit Proposal: Development Permit to permit truck parking and an administration building for a trucking company. Recommendation: Location: Approval to Proceed 9985 Grace Road OCP Designation: Industrial NCP Designation: Light Impact Industrial Zoning: IL Owner: Amar Investments Ltd. file:///C|/Users/GB3/Desktop/bylaw%20project/All%20HTML%20Files/8706.html[05/06/2015 3:47:29 PM] 7903-0449-00 PROJECT TIMELINE Completed Application Submission Date: December 8, 2003 Application Revision & Re-submission Date: March 26, 2004 Planning Report Date: April 19, 2004 The applicant is proposing: a Development Permit in order to permit truck parking and the construction of an administration building for a trucking company. The Planning & Development Department recommends that: file:///C|/Users/GB3/Desktop/bylaw%20project/All%20HTML%20Files/8706.html[05/06/2015 3:47:29 PM] 7903-0449-00 1. Council authorize staff to draft Development Permit No. 7903-0449-00 in accordance with the attached drawings (Appendix II). 2. Council instruct staff to resolve the following issue prior to approval: (a) resolution of minor design issues, as documented in the report, to the satisfaction of the City Architect; (b) submission of landscaping cost estimate to the specifications and satisfaction of the City Landscape Architect; and (c) input from Gateway Program. REFERRALS Engineering: The Engineering Department has no objection to the project subject to the completion of Engineering servicing requirements as identified in the attached (Appendix III). Gateway Program: This application has been sent to the Gateway Program which is undertaking the study for the South Fraser Perimeter Road. No comments have been received to date. SITE CHARACTERISTICS Existing Land Use Significant Site Attributes East: South: West: North: Steel storage and no building. Colliers Creek, City of Surrey Pump Station. Across River Road Single family residential, zoned RF, designated Urban. Across Grace Road Vacant land zoned IL, designated Industrial. South Fraser Way, rail rights-of-way, Surrey Fraser Docks, zoned IL, designated Industrial. Vitran trucking business, zoned IL, designated Industrial, developed in accordance with Development Permit No. 7901 0179-00. PLAN AND POLICY COMPLIANCE OCP Designation: Complies. NCP Designation: Complies. DEVELOPMENT CONSIDERATIONS Background The subject property was sold by the City of Surrey to the previous owner in July 2000. Development Permit file:///C|/Users/GB3/Desktop/bylaw%20project/All%20HTML%20Files/8706.html[05/06/2015 3:47:29 PM] 7903-0449-00 No. 7900-0166-00 was issued on December 10, 2001 and regulated the landscaping along South Fraser Way and Grace Road. Development Variance Permit No. 7900 0166-00 was issued on the same date to relax the construction of a permanent building, to vary the siting of outdoor storage regulations and to relax the sewer and fire flow requirements. The intent of the application was to allow the outdoor storage of building materials. The property has subsequently been sold to the current owners. Current Proposal The current owners wish to develop the northerly portion of the property at this time for a small office and paved parking for a transportation company. The owners are currently seeking future tenants for a multi-tenant warehouse, or industrial use on the remaining southern portion of the property. The site is impacted by Colliers Creek along the north property line. A 37.95-metre (124.51 ft.) setback is maintained from the creek. Additional native plantings were installed along the creek setback area under the previous Development Permit application. The subject property is located in the South Westminster Neighbourhood Concept Plan area, which was approved by City Council on December 8, 2003. In the plan, this area is designated for Light Impact Industrial uses. The proposed use is consistent with the adopted plan. In October 2001, Council considered Corporate Report No. R213 which proposed amendments to the Salvage Industrial Zone (IS) including renaming it "Selected Business Industry Zone (ISB)" and to rezone specific lands in South Westminster from Light Impact Industrial Zone (IL) to the ISB Zone. The new ISB Zone is intended to accommodate and regulate the development of selected industrial uses primarily enclosed within buildings, and to limit outside storage. The Council-initiated rezoning involves IL-zoned lots which are a minimum size of 1.5 acres, are within the area bounded by Grace Road, Scott Road, South Fraser Perimeter Road and King George Highway, and are not under application for rezoning, Development Permit or Development Variance Permit. The subject property had an active land development application (No. 7900 0166-00) in process at the time that the ISB Zone was introduced, and was, therefore, not included in the Council-initiated rezoning. The Zoning By-law text amendment by-law (No. 14527) and the rezoning by-law of specific IL-zoned lands (No. 14528), received First and Second Readings on October 1, 2001 and Public Hearing was held on October 22, 2001. Third Reading of the by-laws was subsequently deferred. On March 22, 2004, Council considered Corporate Report No. R071 and approved the recommendation to declare the entire South Westminster NCP Area as a Development Permit Area. Public Hearing for the OCP amendment by-law (No. 15336) was held on April 19, 2004 and Third Reading was given. The subject site is located within a Development Permit Area at this time as it fronts both South Fraser Way and Grace Roads. PRE-NOTIFICATION In accordance with Council policy, a Development Proposal sign was erected on the property. To date, staff have not received any inquiries with respect to the proposal. DESIGN PROPOSAL AND REVIEW The applicant is proposing to install a chain link fence around the entire property at this time for security file:///C|/Users/GB3/Desktop/bylaw%20project/All%20HTML%20Files/8706.html[05/06/2015 3:47:29 PM] 7903-0449-00 purposes and to define the developed and undeveloped portions of the site. This fence is proposed to be setback from the property line to provide for the opportunity to landscape the area in front of the fence when the future development occurs, on the undeveloped portion of the property. A new driveway is proposed from Grace Road. Block pilasters will frame the driveway on either side and provide for gates to protect the business during the evening hours. The proposed administration building is located at the southeast corner of the property, adjacent to the Cityowned property for the pump station. The building will be constructed with light gray coloured split-face block, with smooth face block painted an accent darker gray surrounding the windows and main entrance. Glazing has been provided on all four building elevations. The top of the building is a pre-finished meal cladding painted blue. A fascia sign and address is proposed above the main entry identifying the name of the company. The applicant has not proposed a free-standing sign at this time. Landscaping will be provided along the portion of Grace Road proposed for development, and the existing landscaping along the South Fraser Perimeter Road frontage will be augmented. The landscaping incorporates a number of coniferous trees, with some flowering crab apple trees. The proposed shrubs are a mixture of flowering and non-flowering varieties. Landscaping will also be provided in the setback area between the administration building and Grace Road. A concrete block wall with a landscape strip in front will be provided to screen the trucks and trailers from the Grace Road frontage. South Fraser Way is substantially lower than the subject property, and the trucking operation will not be visible from this major arterial road. ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL This application was not referred to the ADP but was reviewed by City staff and found in general to be satisfactory. The City Architect has requested the following minor amendments to the plans: Screening of rooftop mechanical units; Replacing yard lights with flat lens fixtures to reduce glare to residential uses up the slope; and Minor landscaping modifications with respect to the size and grouping of vegetation. INFORMATION ATTACHED TO THIS REPORT The following information is attached to this Report: Appendix I. Lot Owners, Action Summary and Project Data Sheets Appendix II. Proposed Site Plan, Typical Floor Plans and Elevations, Landscape Plans and Cross Sections Appendix III. Engineering Summary INFORMATION AVAILABLE ON FILE Detailed Engineering Comments dated January 29, 2004. Soil Contamination Review Questionnaire prepared by Doug Birch and dated January 8, 2004. South Westminster Land Use Map file:///C|/Users/GB3/Desktop/bylaw%20project/All%20HTML%20Files/8706.html[05/06/2015 3:47:29 PM] 7903-0449-00 Corporate Report No. R213 (October 1, 2001) Murray Dinwoodie General Manager Planning and Development LAP/kms v:\wp-docs\planning\plncom04\04051551.lap.doc KMS 5/3/04 1:33 PM APPENDIX I Information for City Clerk Legal Description and Owners of all lots that form part of the application: 1. (a) Agent: Name: Krahn Engineering - Glen Froese Address: #201 - 34609 Delair Road Abbotsford, B.C. V2S 2E1 Tel: 604-853-8831 2. Properties involved in the Application (a) Civic Address: 9985 Grace Road (b) Civic Address: 9985 Grace Road Owner: Amar Investments Ltd. PID: 024-699-039 Lot A District Lot 14 Group 2 New Westminster District Plan LMP 44651 3. DEVELOPMENT DATA SHEET Proposed Zoning: IL Required Development Data LOT AREA* (in square metres) Gross Total Road Widening area Undevelopable area Net Total LOT COVERAGE (in % of net lot area) Minimum Required / Maximum Allowed file:///C|/Users/GB3/Desktop/bylaw%20project/All%20HTML%20Files/8706.html[05/06/2015 3:47:29 PM] Proposed 40,971.15 m² 28,680.15 m² 12,291 m² 7903-0449-00 Buildings & Structures 60% 0.34% Paved & Hard Surfaced Areas 30% Total Site Coverage 30.34% SETBACKS ( in metres) Front 7.5 m 7.5 m Rear 7.5 m 204.5 m Side #1 (East) 7.5 m 42.22 m Side #2 (West) 7.5 m 14.92 m BUILDING HEIGHT (in metres/storeys) Principal 18 m 4.7 m Accessory 6m n/a NUMBER OF RESIDENTIAL UNITS 1 0 Bachelor One Bed Two Bedroom Three Bedroom + Total FLOOR AREA: Residential FLOOR AREA: Commercial Retail Office Total FLOOR AREA: Industrial 12,291 m² 140.47 m² FLOOR AREA: Institutional TOTAL BUILDING FLOOR AREA 12,291 m² 140.47 m² * If the development site consists of more than one lot, lot dimensions pertain to the entire site. Development Data Sheet cont'd Required Development Data DENSITY # of units/ha /# units/acre (gross) # of units/ha /# units/acre (net) FAR (gross) FAR (net) AMENITY SPACE (area in square metres) Indoor Outdoor Minimum Required / Maximum Allowed 1.0 file:///C|/Users/GB3/Desktop/bylaw%20project/All%20HTML%20Files/8706.html[05/06/2015 3:47:29 PM] Proposed 0.01 7903-0449-00 PARKING (number of stalls) Commercial Industrial Residential Bachelor + 1 Bedroom 2-Bed 3-Bed Residential Visitors Institutional Total Number of Parking Spaces Number of disabled stalls Number of small cars Tandem Parking Spaces: Number / % of Total Number of Units Size of Tandem Parking Spaces width/length 3 4 1 0 Heritage Site NO Tree Survey/Assessment Provided file:///C|/Users/GB3/Desktop/bylaw%20project/All%20HTML%20Files/8706.html[05/06/2015 3:47:29 PM] NO