PUBLIC SEMINARS | B U S I N E S S O P E R AT I O N S Governance of Outsourcing Outsourcing is a very powerful and profitable business strategy if managed correctly. Master the art of governing many types of outsource relationships to improve all aspects of business performance. M YO AXIM COM UR BU IZE SI PET ITIV NESS ENE SS! S E M I N A R D AT E S : June 18 - 20, 2007 PRESENTED BY Create an Outsourcing Strategy that Maximizes Revenue & Global Business Opportunities n Study the key criteria for establishing a world-class Outsourcing program n Learn the steps to structure an overall governance framework for all outsourcing activities n Global Opportunity Analysis: Evaluate where your business is and where it needs to be with it’s Outsourcing model n What’s working in IT and Business Process Outsourcing “SEEC and ye shall find.” Register online or preview other programs: Special Program Feature – Governance Simulation: Participate in a Governance of Outsourcing Simulation project that you can apply to your organization. Public Seminars • Executive & Residential Programs • E-Learning Programs • Conferences and Briefings • Certification & Accreditation Programs • In-company & Customized Programs Governance of Outsourcing A Strategic Planning Course for Managers P U B L I C S E M I N A R S | B U S I N E S S O P E R AT I O N S Next Seminar Date: June 18 - 20, 2007 Register on back or online at LEARNING OBJECTIVES w Understand the principles of governance, how the outsourcing relationship will fit within overall corporate governance. w Understand outsourcing contracting issues. w Understand how governance goals should be About This Seminar established prior to the outsourcing arrangements with vendors. w Learn how to identify and understand utsourcing of business processes, and services is now O a standard way of improving performance. Major corporations around the world rely daily on external providers to deliver efficient non-core services. It’s not outsourcing governance issues and conflicts. w Apply the concepts learned to an in-class case simulation, and also to your work environment whether you should outsource but what, when and how. Governing the outsourcing relationship is the key element to capturing the promised value. This seminar will help executives to understand how to effectively govern and What You Will Learn negotiate with key vendors. The governance concepts from this seminar will apply equally to Business Process Outsourcing and to IT Outsourcing. The learning will be relevant to out- 1. Structure for an overall governance framework for outsourcing 2. Fundamentals of content for outsourcing contracts 3. Considerations for outsourcing relationships pre-deal and how to progress relationships over time 4. Performance measures for outsourcing success 5. Identifying poor outsourcing performance and poor outsourcing relationships — and levers to use 6. Business Processing Outsourcing (BPO) trends and current issues 7. IT outsourcing impacts to achieve increased profitability and efficiency. sourcing buyers and outsourcing suppliers. And whether you are off-shoring, near-shoring or keeping it local, the models and lessons from this seminar will be important for you and the other side of the outsourcing arrangement to maximize the business value of each relationship. WHO SHOULD ATTEND w Executives who are responsible for Purchasing, Finance, IT Systems and Supply Chain Management w Business leaders considering Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) or IT Outsourcing (ITO) w Vendors and suppliers who deliver outsourced services to organizations w Third parties who facilitate outsourcing contract arrangements Study a Complete Approach to Outsourcing Management n Program Content REGISTER TODAY AND ENJOY OUR Day 1 Outsourcing Overview: Key Criteria for Success 1 n n n n n n n Governance of Outsourcing: n n n n n What is Governance? The Governance Context Model – Corporate, IT and outsourcing Governance roles and responsibilities The Outsourcing Lifecycle Pre and post contract 5 outsourcing issues Relationship management and the impact on governance Managing Your Operational 3 Delivery n Measurement / scorecard / benchmarking strategies Conflict resolution and vendor management Organization structures Retained organization roles for post-deal Outsource management Scope and history of outsourcing n in different business areas n • Manufacturing & Service • Systems, Finance & Administration Current trends and issues Day 2 Outsourcing success criteria 4 Business Process Outsourcing Strategies (BPO) The business case 2 Best Practices n 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE n Scope and functional areas • Finance, HR, Administration, Payroll • Industry specific examples: Financial, Services BPO Governance issues • Buyer challenges with providers • Provider challenges with buyers n Day 3 6 Governance of Outsourcing: Current Implementation Issues n n n n n n The role of the Outsourcing Governance Office Managing your IT enterprise Establishing external IT vendor relationships Scope and functional areas • Application outsourcing • IT Infrastructure and operations outsourcing Legal and contracting Off-shoring and labour arbitrage Multi-sourcing; in-sourcing SLAs and OLAs Special Program Feature: Participate in a Governance Case Simulation n n IT Outsourcing Strategies (ITO) n ITO Governance issues • Relationship management • Technology currency n n Apply your learning to a simulated business case Participants will walk-through from the perspective of an outsourcing provider or an outsourcing client RFP preparation and proposal response Governance models will be assessed for appropriate fit to situation Instructor Profiles Ron Babin, MBA CMC l l Ron is a partner at Stevenson Kellog, working with diverse organizational leaders in the areas of global outsourcing strategy, IT outsourcing and governance of outsourcing. Ron brings over 30 years of IT and management consulting experience to the classroom. He specializes in applying leading edge outsourcing standards to improve the profitability and 3 WAYS TO REGISTER: Outsourcing Process. He has advised over 200 corporations, and participated in the structure and delivery of over $4B in outsourced service contracts. efficiency of business processes and IT operations. l Ron has an MBA from the Schulich School of Business and is a Certified Management Consultant. Dave Burtch, MA l Dave is a senior IT management consultant specializing in the area of IT Outsourcing, assisting clients complete their ONLINE FAX l Dave has spent the past 12 years as Senior Application Outsourcing Architect at Accenture. During this time he has developed and served as lead instructor for their Applications Outsourcing Architecture management program. MAIL SEE BACK IN-COMPANY TRAINING: This program can be delivered on site. Please contact SEEC Personnel at 416.360.8850 or visit for more information. R E G I S T R AT I O N F O R M Governance of Outsourcing Experience The Schulich Executive Learning Difference… 3 WAYS TO REGISTER Enjoy Our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! MAIL to World Class Faculty ON-LINE FAX your at our web site: (416) 360-6105 Please check desired session: registration to Schulich Executive Education Centre York University The Miles S. Nadal Management Centre P.O. Box 304, Suite 500 Ernst & Young Tower Toronto Dominion Centre Toronto, ON M5K 1K2 o June 18 - 20, 2007 Priority code from mailing label (if available): YK 2930 - Name (Mr) (Mrs) (Ms) .............................................................................................. Title Email .............................................................................................. New State-Of-The-Art Teaching Facilities Organization # of Employees .............................................................................................. Address .............................................................................................. Prov. Postal Code Fax .............................................................................................. Bus. Phone Home Phone or Cell .............................................................................................. Primary Product / Service: Your Number of Direct Reports: .............................................................................................. Authorizing Manager’s Name Title .............................................................................................. Email Telephone .............................................................................................. Comprehensive Take-Home Materials oY / oN Do You Hold Any Other Citizenship: oY / oN Are You A Canadian Citizen: .............................................................................................. If paying by credit card: o Visa o MasterCard o Amex Card . . . . .Number: .............................................. Card . . . . .Holder . . . . . . Signature ........................................ and mail to: Schulich Executive Education Centre York University The Miles S. Nadal Management Centre P.O. Box 304, Suite 500 Ernst & Young Tower Toronto Dominion Centre Toronto, ON M5K 1K2 COURSE TUITION & DETAILS COURSE LOCATION(S) Program tuition: $1895.00 + 113.70 (GST) = $2008.70. This includes instruction, all seminar materials, lunches, refreshments, but not hotel accommodations. Special Team Savings: Save $150 each when two or more team members from the same organization register for this program at the same time. June Session: June 18 - 20, 2007 (9:00 am - 4:30 pm each day) The Schulich Executive Learning Centre 4700 Keele Street, Toronto, ON M3J 1P3 Expiry . . . . . . Date . . . . .(Month/Year): ........................................ Credit . . . . . . Card . . . . .Holder: ........................................ Framed Certificate of Course Completion for All Programs Please make cheque payable to: York University – Schulich Executive Education Centre Please Note: Fees, dates and speakers are subject to change. York’s liability is limited to reimbursement of paid tuition fees. One free transfer is permitted, provided written notice is received at least 14 days in advance of the seminar start date. Late transfer requests, less than 14 days in advance of the start date, will incur a $100 fee. Additional transfers are $200 each. Cancellations received in writing at least 14 days in advance of the seminar start date will receive a full refund. Written cancellations received less than 14 days prior to the seminar will be subject to a $500 administration fee. Non-attendance will incur full seminar tuition cost. GST# R119306736. Call us at (416) 736-5079, or toll free 1-800-667-9380, or email: OPTIONAL ACCOMMODATIONS June Session: Join us at the Schulich Executive Residence. Call (416) 650-8300 for more information and reservations, or book at: YK 2930 A B C D E