NAIFA Illinois Your Backstage Pass Join the Jam Session Education Conference - May 11 Annual Leadership Conference - May 12 In this issue... Legislative Update Overcome Your Fear of Asking Winter 2011 Springfield, Illinois Permit No. 137 PAID PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. Postage NAIFA Illinois Board of Directors President Laurie A. Adams, CLU, CFP, LUTCF (309)681-8717 President-Elect Louis J. Bufano, LUTCF (773)374-6700 Winter 2011 Volume 40, Number 3 3 President’s Message Hoopis Advisor Network 4 NAIFA Legislative Update Lackman Named Speaker of IL Third House IFAPAC Director Jeff M. Keicher, CLU, CPCU, ChFC (815)895-5178 5 Insurance Industry Legislative Day Federal APIC/ NAIFA Health Director Matthew C. Brashinger III, LUTCF (773)864-8773 6-7 Overcome Your Fear of Asking 8-10 Your Backstage Pass 11 Professional Liability Program 12 Nichols for NAIFA Secretary/Treasurer Robert A. Styrkowicz, CLU, LUTCF (847)356-8900 National Committeeman Bruce P. Knopp, CLU, ChFC, LUTCF (630)284-8607 Immediate Past President Michael D. Harris, LUTCF (618)457-5373 Government Relations/ State APIC Director Theodore N. Tasky, CLU, ChFC (773)864-8770 Finance Director John W. Wheeler, Jr. CLU, CFP, ChFC, LUTCF (630)841-5421 Professional Development/ LILI Director Michael L. Pickerill, FIC, LUTCF (309)673-3839 Membership Director Bruce I. Okrant (815)531-9471 Membership Director Randy E. Van Fossan, LUTCF (815)932-3000 Membership Director John M. Williams (618)963-8888 Programs and YAT Director Thomas J. Maus, CLU, ChFC (773)864-8798 Director Raymond Shimizu (312)984-1000 Laurie Adams, CFP®, CLU, LUTCF Phil Lackman Matt Anderson 13-15 2010 NAIFA Illinois IFAPAC Contributors 15 Yes, NAIFA’s IFAPAC is a Special Interest 16 New - Distinguished Service & YAT Member of the Year Award 16 NAIFA Calendar of Events Magenta Ishak Advisor Editor: Sara Decatoire, CAE, IOM Ph: (800) 543-9961 Advertising information and rate cards are available by contacting Deann French at (217)971-4189 or Advertisement in NAIFA Illinois’ Illinois Advisor in no way or form constitutes an endorsement of a product or service unless specifically indicated. All advertisements must meet the advertising policy guidelines as established by the NAIFA Illinois Board of Directors. NAIFA Illinois reserves the right to refuse advertisements not in compliance with our published guidelines. NAIFA Illinois staff is Sara Decatoire, CAE, Executive Vice President; Joan Wohlgemuth, Executive Assistant; Tiffany Francois, Membership Marketing Coordinator; and Phil Lackman, Vice President of Government Affairs. NAIFA Illinois welcomes letters discussing concerns of the insurance industry, articles published in the Illinois Advisor, or other topics of interest to the membership. The editor reserves the right to select and edit articles for publication. Send letters to: Editor, Illinois Advisor, NAIFA Illinois, 60 Adloff Lane, Springfield, IL 62703-4477. NAIFA Illinois President’s Message by Laurie Adams, CFP®, CLU, LUTCF As this magazine arrives in your mailbox I hope two things have occurred: first, please let the snow be OVER! And, second, that you’ve taken the opportunity to view the new NAIFA Illinois website. Our staff has been hard at work to produce a site that is both easier to navigate and easier on the eyes. You’ll find a link to our NAIFA Illinois Backstage Pass value proposition video, designed to help you articulate the key benefits that matter to prospective members. We’ve also added a link to a new video, specially created for us by NAIFA Chicago Region member Mickey Straub. It’s titled No NAIFA, No Industry and is an incredible depiction of our proud legacy and current legislative challenges. Please take two minutes and view it now. Then, please share it with a colleague (or two, or twenty!) Maybe I’ve got too much snow on the brain, or maybe it’s my previous experience as a weather girl, but it recently occurred to me that NAIFA has much in common with the weather forecast. In most cases, people check the temperature but care about little else unless there’s a storm coming. Those of you who know me personally can attest to the fact that I dislike sensationalism, so understand my concern when I tell you there IS a storm coming. Just as I have never before opened a weather forecast to see “18.2 inches of snow on the way” I have never before seen such a serious threat to the products we market. I know last year’s dues increase was painful, but it’s important to recognize it was the generated by our leaders forecasting this storm. It allowed NAIFA to not only increase the government relations team by 25% but to specifically focus on adding tax policy experts. We will need every ounce of their expertise to battle Congressional focus on the elimination of ‘tax preference items’, which include the tax favored treatment of both death benefits and cash values. So, encourage your colleagues to think of NAIFA membership as an overcoat. When it’s warm and dry you can put it into the closet until you need it. But for now, as Congress tackles tax reform and deficits, it’s time to bundle up. Take Your Practice to the Next Level with Hoopis Advisor Network NAIFA members may take advantage of discounted access to the Hoopis Advisor Network, an online, multimedia learning platform designed for producers in the financial services industry. This online resource provides you access to the top producers and industry experts in the areas of Sales, Marketing, Product Knowledge, Practice Management and Motivation. The content is delivered to you via a variety of different multi-media portals including streaming videos, articles, skill assessments and more. NAIFA Members receive a 30% discount off the monthly subscription to Advisor Network. For only $29.95, your monthly subscription includes: • Unlimited access to some of the top producers and experts in the industry • Self-study learning curriculum including interactive quizzes, assessment tools and more • More than 500 online videos and article delivered in the most time-efficient, cost effective method possible Take your practice to the next level. For more information: See or call Teri Shaw, director, NAIFA Preferred Provider and Promotions, (703) 770-8225. Illinois Advisor Page 3 NAIFA Illinois Legislative Update By Phil Lackman, NAIFA Illinois Vice President of Government Relations General Assembly Gears Up – New Bill Introductions The 97th Illinois General Assembly got down to business this week with the leaders announcing committee assignments and individual legislators introducing thousands of bills. On Tuesday, during the adoption of the House Rules Resolution, Speaker Madigan admonished members that in spite of the income tax increase, members are still faced with a significant budget deficit and spending cuts, not increases, will need to be made. In the report, point B2 specifically addresses the role of producers & navigators. Interestingly it states, “Navigators and producers should receive similar or identical compensation for sales both inside and outside the Exchange.” While this is clearly not the direction our agent/broker coalition envisions with Navigators, we are encouraged by the fact that compensation was addressed. The 97th General Assembly begins with 33 new members - 9 in the Senate and 24 in the House. Even with all of the new members, there has been little change in the make up of the Insurance Committees. Senator Bill Haine (D-Alton) remains Chairman of the Senate Insurance Committee, and Senator Bill Brady (R-Bloomington) as Republican Spokesperson. A vacancy created by Senator Brad Burzynski’s resignation, effective February 14th, has yet to be filled. Representative Monique Davis (D-Chicago) remains as the Chairman of the House Insurance Committee. The only new Democratic member of the committee is freshman Representative Robyn Gabel (D-Evanston) who replaces Representative Deborah Mell (D-Chicago). House Republicans have yet to announce their committee assignments. Senate Bill 1549 (Senator Haine, Insurance Committee Chair) SB 1549 was introduced on behalf of a broad coalition of employers, insurers and agents & brokers as an alternative to enacting Health Benefit Exchange legislation in Illinois for 2011. Instead of creating an Exchange, it states an intent to do so in 2012. It will be introduced in the House soon with Representatives Mautino and Osmond as co-sponsors. Our coalition met this week and we understand that the Director/ Administration is looking for sponsors for both an Illinois Health Benefit Exchange bill and a separate bill for prior approval of health insurance rates in Illinois. Feedback we have received from the Democratic leadership and Insurance Committee members in both chambers at this time is that there is little appetite to move forward with a bill implementing an Exchange in 2011. Hopefully our coalition approach will be the alternative. Health Reform Update There were several developments this week in regards to Health Reform in Illinois. The Governor’s Health Care Reform Implementation Council has issued its Initial Recommendations to the Governor, view at www2.illinois. gov/healthcarereform/Documents/IL-HRIC Report.pdf Submission and Justification Review Standards for New and Renewal Health Rates The Department of Insurance has issued a bulletin regarding health insurers’ submission and justification of new and renewal rate increases. View at cb/2011/RequiredSubmission2011-02.pdf Lackman Named Speaker of Illinois Third House Phil Lackman has been named 2011 Speaker of the Illinois Third House, the professional organization for lobbyists in Illinois. Lackman was elected by the past Speakers and will coordinate activities and communications for the group. Membership in the Illinois Third House is open to the 1600 lobbyists registered in the state and is voluntary. Lackman serves as Vice President of Government Relations for the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors Illinois (NAIFA IL), and the Independent Insurance Agents of Illinois (IIA of Illinois). He also serves in a similar capacity for the Illinois Association of Mutual Insurance Companies (IAMIC), the Illinois State Association of Health Underwriters (ISAHU), and the Financial Planning Association of Illinois (FPA). He is responsible for advocating the position of all aspects of the insurance and financial planning industries, particularly in regards to distribution of insurance and financial products, before state government. Additionally, Lackman works closely with all five national associations on federal issues impacting insurance and financial service professionals. Page 4 Winter 2011 Insurance Industry Legislative Day Tuesday, March 29, 2011 Prairie Capital Convention Center, Springfield Hosted By: NAIFA Illinois Independent Insurance Agents of Illinois (IIA of IL) Illinois Insurance Association (IIA) IL State Association of Health Underwriters (ISAHU) IL Association of Mutual Insurance Companies (IAMIC) Financial Planning Association of Illinois (FPA of IL) Tentative Schedule of Events: 10:30 A.M. 10:45 A.M. 11:30 A.M. Registration First Time Attendee Orientation Lunch and Introductions 1:30 P.M. Break Out Sessions 2:30 P.M. Capitol Visits (Transportation Provided) 5:00 -7:30 P.M. Legislative Reception (IL State Library) Please use one form per participant, form may be duplicated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Member of NAIFA IL IIA of IL (PIIAI) IIA ISAHU IAMIC FPA Name: Company: Address: (Street, P.O. Box) Phone: (City) (ZIP) Email Address: Home Zip + 4: (Or home address. This information will only be used to determine your legislative district for event planning purposes.) Early Registration Fee (Before March 1st) Regular Registration Fee (March 1st and later) Non-member Non-member Guest (To attend reception only) TOTAL ENCLOSED: Payment Options: Visa Master Card Name on Card:________________________# $ 35.00 $ 45.00 $ 55.00 $ 20.00 _______________________ American Express Check Exp. Date Remit registration form and payment to: IIA of Illinois, P.O. Box 3352, Springfield, IL 62708-3352 or FAX to: (217) 793-6744 No refunds after March 1st, 2011 Visit for hotel details, legislator contact information, issues papers and more! Illinois Advisor Page 5 10 Ways to Overcome Your If asking for referrals was that easy, far more advisors would do it. Here is what it takes. It is not easy but others have done it and you can too – especially if you persist. 1. Believe in yourself Most advisors think that asking for referrals feels pushy or needy. I did a company webinar for over 1000 financial professionals last week. There was a guest advisor on the show called Eric, a former client of mine. I asked him what he said to himself that gave him the confidence to ask for referrals. He responded by saying: “My belief is: Why on earth wouldn’t you do business with me?” This is a great example of an empowering belief. Tip 1: Believe ‘it’s silly not to ask’. Really, how often do you meet legitimate prospects you can’t help? 5% of the time? 1%? Tip 2: Focus on the reasons why you should ask for referrals, not the unhelpful ones that stop you from asking right now. Tip 3: Become your #1 fan. List out 20 reasons why people should do business with you. Tip 4: Learn how to change your beliefs by using the suggestions in John Assaraf’s book The Answer. 2. Make sure you are earning the referral You don’t recommend ‘business as usual’ – a bank with a drivethrough, a dentist who uses Novacaine, or a vet just because she takes care of your dog’s ear infection. Tip 5: Ask yourself: what am I doing to earn referrals? 3. Slay your fears of asking Have you ever met a pushy person who expressed concerns to you about coming across as pushy? I doubt it. You are not being pushy by asking! You have great value to offer in an area where most consumers are making poor decisions hand over fist. There is a big difference between unhealthy traits – being aggressive or passive - and the healthy right to assert how you can help others. 4. Know when to ask and what to say Ask when your client acknowledges that you have brought value (usually beyond what they expected) and/or when the relationship is good – when you have earned it. Develop wording that works – learn wording that doesn’t just work for that one superstar in your office (often that is hard to replicate). I coach advisors on a 6 step fearless referral conversation that provides the necessary pieces to get high quality referrals on a consistent basis. Tip 6: The most important steps when asking are being ultra-specific about who you want to be referred to AND working with your referral source so that he is comfortable in opening up the door effectively. This means you are getting permission most of the time from the prospect to contact them or being personally introduced. 5. Build confidence through competency: practice your referral conversations! There is an increasingly overwhelming body of research that shows that talent is not born but comes from deliberate practice. Talent is grown. Getting good at generating referrals is no different; it’s a skill that you can learn and become talented at. If you really want to be good at it – surprise, surprise – you need to practice! Underestimate this point at your peril! Page 6 Winter 2011 Fear of Asking By Matt Anderson 6. Put more leverage on yourself What would get you to ask besides self-belief? The same advisor I mentioned earlier, Eric, shared this: “When I first started, my attitude was that either I get referrals or I’m out of business.” He defined getting no referrals as failure which for him was unacceptable. It’s no wonder he got good at it! Tip 7: Set more juicy goals to push yourself to getting more referrals. Also, include ‘getting more quality referrals’ in your definition of success and ‘not asking’ as part of your definition of failure! Tip 8: If ‘I MUST ask’ is not pushing you to ask for referrals, say to yourself: ‘I CAN ask for referrals’. ‘Can’ is a more empowering word for most people. 7. The only way to defeat your fear is to face it: find increasingly more ways to ask. Nelson Mandela learned the hard way from 27 years in prison on Robben Island: “The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid but he who conquers fear.” Tip 9: Build your asking muscle; most of the time you get what you ask for. Start by asking for more things just out of your comfort zone from tap water at coffee shops to better seating at restaurants. Dealing with this slight discomfort makes it easier then to apply to your business. While it is sometimes less effective, it is not a crime to make referral requests in an email or through LinkedIn! Tip 10: Acknowledge yourself daily for what you did right. Stop beating yourself up just because you don’t have parents and teachers close by to do that anymore! Work deliberately on being more comfortable in your own skin – more transparent. You will be more referable. Brian Tracy argues that “The key determinant to success in sales and in life is how much you like yourself. The more you like yourself, the less you fear rejection.” 8. Stop making excuses and take full responsibility for your business Who is responsible for your results? 9. Get busy making mistakes and growing your business rather than trying to look perfect This is not just a catchy play on words! We ONLY grow outside our comfort zone (ex. your muscles only ache when you go beyond what you usually do, right? You learned much more your first year in business than your fifth). In other words, your best learning zone is OUTSIDE your comfort zone. Making progress is done often by small failures. 10. Expect referrals Jason is a client of mine in Louisiana. He likes to plant the seeds for referrals with an expectations discussion that basically states: “My goal is for you to be delighted with the work I do. That has to happen. Because if you are really happy, then you will recommend me to others and then it’s a win for me too. So I have to do a great job for you.” Last time we talked he said: “I just expect people to refer us now.” This needs to be your goal too. When you ask and expect to receive, your body language, tone of voice, eye contact, AND wording all send a positive message (this is another reason why practice is important; it’s not just the words.) See why it’s not so simple now? Well, be heartened by that fact because most advisors don’t know what you now know, and most of those who do won’t be willing to do what it takes! I challenge you to take action and develop this skill. It will last you a lifetime generating your favorite kind of business. Matt Anderson, of the Referral Authority, specializes in training and coaching insurance and financial service professionals how to build referral-based businesses. He is an active member of NAIFA Chicago and a LILI grad: he currently serves on the national sub-committee of the Young Advisors Team and as a liaison to the national Communications Committee. In 2010 he spoke at MDRT in Vancouver. He is the author of Fearless Referrals, which Brian Tracy, author of The Psychology of Sales, says “teaches you the “Golden Rules” for developing a continuous chain of high quality referrals for any product in any business.” Falling on your face is normal and all top producers have done it more than they would care to recall. I still have my days when I leave inept voice mails and get ignored with referral requests. I’m human and I prospect the same species that has similar flaws and challenges. Tip 11: Develop a support system – of people, animals, books, or music – whatever it takes. Tip 12: Get comfortable getting uncomfortable. Illinois Advisor Page 7 Your NAIFA Illinois presents Backstage Pass - Join the Jam Session May 11&12, 2011 • Crowne Plaza Hotel, Springfield Schedule at a Glance May 11 - Education Conference May 12 - Annual Leadership Conference 10:00 – 11:00 Registration & Coffee with the Exhibitors 11:00 - 11:10 Opening Ceremony 8:00 - 9:15 Individual Local Board Meetings or Strategy Sessions (continental breakfast) 11:10 – 12:00 Tom Hegna - Powerful Language and Simple Solutions for Retirement 9:15 – 9:30 Break 12:00 - 1:00 Lunch with the Exhibitors 9:30 – 11:00 Strategic Leaders’ Forum -- Divide time between 1) Programs/PD/YAT 2) Membership 3) Advocacy -- Facilitated by Ian Hill and Lou Bufano 11:00 – 11:15 Break 5 hours CE 1:00 - 1:50 Ian Hill – Crisis is Opportunity - Success in Times of Change 3 hours CE 1:50 - 2:10 Break with the Exhibitors 11:15 - 11:30 Opening Ceremony 2:10 - 3:00 4 Concurrent Educational Breakout Sessions Jack Myers – Social Security Aaron Guidotti – Using Technology in Your Practice Bruce Robbins – Success Sales Tools for Total Account Selling Dan Allison – The Six Questions and Answers that will Change Your Career 11:30 – 12:30 General Session – Ian Hill – Growing Your Association in Times of Change! 12:30 - 1:30 Lunch and LILI Graduation 1:30 – 1:45 Break 1:45 – 3:00 Annual Business Meeting, Elections, Officer Induction & DSA//YAT Awards 3:00 - 3:20 Break with the Exhibitors 3:00 p.m. Adjournment 3:20 – 4:10 4 Concurrent Educational Breakout Sessions Rob Barnes – Demystifying Life Insurance Aaron Guidotti – Using Technology in Your Practice Bruce Robbins – Success Sales Tools for Total Account Selling Ian Hill – Success in Time of Change 4:10 – 5:00 Dan Allison - A New Approach to Earning Referrals 5:00 – 5:20 Announcements and Prizes 6:30 - 8:30 YAT – offsite networking & dinner (individuals pay for own expenses) 8:30 - 10:00 President’s Reception - Everyone Invited! Page 8 Attend both meetings earn up to 8 Hours of CE! New this Year - Distinguished Service Award - YAT Member of the Year Awarded May 12th! Winter 2011 Speakers Tom Hegna, CLU, ChFC, CASL Powerful Language and Simple Solutions for Retirement Tom Hegna is First Vice President for Retirement Income Security at New York Life. He started his career in the insurance industry in 1988 with MetLife. He qualified for membership into the Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT) in each of his first three years. In July, 1996, he joined New York Life and was named Director of Annuity Sales for the West Central Zone. He was promoted to Vice President in March of 2006 and First Vice President in March of 2010. He currently resides in Fountain Hills, Arizona. Tom is married and has four children. He is a popular industry speaker, having spoken at the MDRT Boomertirement Roadshows, the National NAIFA Convention and the Society of Financial Service Professionals National Forum meetings, as well as numerous local association meetings. In October 2009 he spoke main platform at the Top of the Table Meeting for the Million Dollar Roundtable. He spoke at the 2010 AALU National Meeting, the main platform at the 2010 NAIFA Annual Meeting in Seattle and on the main platform at the Million Dollar Round Table meeting in Vancouver in June 2010. He has been featured in articles in the American College Wealth Channel Magazine, Round the Table (an MDRT publication), the National Underwriter and NAIFA’s Advisor Magazine. Ian Hill - Crisis Is Opportunity - Success in Times of Change Ian Hill was without a job, a career or a place to live when he came to Reno, Nevada. After taking a job as a busboy at a major Reno casino, he quickly climbed to an executive management position in just three years, finishing his hotel/casino career overseeing 30 departments and 1,100 employees. Ian is now the President of The Changing Point, which works to help improve the lives of individuals, neighborhoods and communities all across North America. This is accomplished through numerous speaking engagements and his volunteer and philanthropic involvement in community-based projects through-out the United States, Canada and Africa. It is important to recognize that although Mr. Hill speaks to thousands of people all across North America, he is not a speaker. He is simply a man who cares about his community, lives his message and speaks from his heart. Through the use of our proprietary content development process we make sure every message is pin point focused, relevant, meaningful and makes a deep impact on each specific audience. Dan Allison - A New Approach to Earning Referrals Dan Allison is an expert in human behavior and understanding the behavioral element of client referrals. In this presentation, Dan will walk you through the real problem that consumers face in referring the professionals they work with. Then he will show you how to implement simple strategies that will help you start getting referrals right away without ever feeling like a salesperson. Drawing from his background in clinical and behavioral psychology, Dan has interviewed thousands of clients to learn how they want to be approached about referrals. The results are detailed in this popular talk that has been described as “brilliantly simple,” “eye-opening,” and “the most refreshing presentation in years.” Some key take away points you will learn: 1. Why the majority of their clients do not give referrals as frequently as they could. 2. The true roadblocks that prevent most professionals from creating effective referral relationships. 3. How to implement simple, step-by-step strategies to begin getting referrals immediately. Illinois Advisor Page 9 Registration Form NAIFA Members... CalSurance has a Quality E&O Program for YOU! Did You Know? NAIFA members are eligible for an exclusive Professional Liability Program Enjoy the Value of Membership! Apply Now Online. Obtain a Quote and Bind! Program materials are available at Why NAIFA? Individual Policies Coverage available for Life, Accident & Health Agents Professional Services Include: - Life Insurance, including variable life insurance products - Annuities, including variable annuity products - Accident and health insurance, including long term care and disability insurance Endorsements available for Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds, IRS Section 529 plans, Unit Investment Trust Prior Acts Coverage & Optional Extended Reporting Period Not Yet Time To Renew? Sign up for our “Renewal Reminder” at and we will notify you when it’s time to apply for a quote. Questions? If you have any questions in regards to the NAIFA sponsored Professional Liability Program, please call CalSurance (the program administrator) at 1-888-833-2304 CalSurance E&O Program Specialists R Brown & Brown of California, Inc. dba CalSurance Associates (dba CalSurance Brokerage in New York) California License # 0B02587 Nichols for NAIFA Advocacy, Leadership, Camaraderie NAIFA Illinois and NAIFA Chicago Region are pleased to announce their unanimous support of John F. Nichols, CLU, for NAIFA Secretary in 2011! Plan to attend the NAIFA 2011 Career Conference and Annual Meeting on September 10-14, in Washington, DC Constantly ADAPTING. Consistently ACHIEVING. BenefitMall’s highest priority is supporting the needs of our Brokers. As the marketplace continues to change, our resources evolve to support the changing needs of your clients. We firmly believe with change will come opportunity. For that reason, we’re constantly adapting our tools and services to consistently perform in supporting your business. Make the most of the opportunities coming your way. Go with the General Agency that’s maintained a leadership position for decades; we’re up to the challenge of this evolving marketplace. Contact a BenefitMall Sales Team today! Chicago: 866-283-3344 ©2010 BenefitMall®. All rights reserved. BenefitMall, the circle “B” logo and the corporate logo are registered trademarks of Centerstone Insurance and Financial Services, Inc. California License #063979. Page 12 Winter 2011 Thank You Thank You to All 2010 NAIFA Illinois IFAPAC Contributors (C) = Capitol Contributor - $5,000 annually (D) = Diplomat Contributor - $1,000 to $2,499 annually (E) = Envoy Contributor - $500 to $999 annually NAIFA Illinois Bill Joe Davenport, Jr. Michael Henry Domme Michael E. Mains NAIFA Illinois Donald J. Robertson Floyd Weeks NAIFA Aurora Daniel R. Dial Ajit Z. Gandhi Normal Dale Gaston Kenneth D. Ireland Wayne J. Norr Jessica L. Pahlke Dennis A. Prentice David K. Thomas NAIFA Bloomington-Normal John D. Blackburn James R. Brown (E) Gerald E. Carter Roger W. Garrett (E) James W. Hanlin Rachel Renee Johnson Dennis E. Kagel Tedd Dale King Rick Kline Rick A. McLean NAIFA Bloomington-Normal Terry R. Park David B. Poppie Maggie Pratt Donald D. Puyear NAIFA East Central Scott A. Crawford Joseph S. Fejes (E) John William Hendrix Stephen E. Henson John S. May Gary Lee Mickle Rhonda R. Mitchell Lawrence E. Mullins NAIFA East Central Richard R. Rotramel James A. Smith Mark D. Stutsman Michael R. Weber NAIFA Chicago Region Rosemary T. Aitken Manuel Amezcua Matt J. Anderson (E) Pamela C. Atkinson Thomas R. Barmore Richard G. Barr Richard J. Batliner Illinois Advisor Domenic G. Battistella James B. Begley Andrew J. Beierwaltes Arnold J. Bender Richard C. Bett Milton E. Brown, Jr. Joseph R. Burden Armand R. Capdevielle James M. Clary (E) B. Lee Clore Kevin P. Cloutier John W. Cruikshank III Charles A. Cunningham Joey Davenport Eric Ekstrom Van Andrew Ewing II David Fain Thomas E. Fay Arno C. Filerman Barry L. Finkelstein Chuck Foster Alex Freund Martin I. Friedman Ira M. Frost John C. Gabbert Alex Gairabetoff Grand D. Gier Martin E. Glickman Neil Glynn Bradford J. Gordon George R. Gore, Jr. Gilbert A. Haggart Michael G. Halko Bret A. Hartung Laurence E. Herman (D) Clay P. Hessel Harry P. Hoopis Peter H. Hoopis Edward George Hopper Scott B. Hunken Charles R. Ieuter Stacy L. Kahan Allan M. Kaplan Michael C. Keenan (D) Kurtis L. Kidder (D) Walter H. Kuntz Sunny Kurman Richard M. Lazarski Joshua S. Lerner David E. Levee Lanny D. Levin Mitchell H. Lewe Barry N. Link (E) Joseph Lolli Amy R. Longenbaugh Stanley J. Lovelace Robery D. Lyman Jeffrey T. Malicki James L. Manelli Jeffrey R. Martinath Curtis L. Matlin (E) Michael B. McGill Garrett M. McNally Corey D. McQuade John W. McTigue Dexter M. Means James Menighan Timothy W. Moffitt Brian Muehrcke Eugenio Munoz NAIFA Chicago Region Gregg S. Neiman (E) David N. Nelson Edward R. Nelson, Jr. Alan L. Nero Marcus B. Newman (E) John F. Nichols (C) Joseph C. Nill Kristine A. Nobilio Mark D. Nokes Gregory J. O’Brien Joseph F. O’Connor Derek S. Peterson Lawrence J. Quinn Reginald N. Rabjohns (D) John F. Rippinger Ralph J. Romano James A. Schlesinger Daniel P. Schmieder Rajer Arvind Shah Darrin J. Shallcross Alex Shibicky Michael A. Sobel Adam A. Solano, Jr. (E) Jeffrey W. Sons Robert F. Spahn, Sr. Keith P. Spengel John W. Steinborn Frederick H. Stitt Michael C. Straub Ted N. Tasky John V. Tibensky Jennifer T. Vigon Benjamin F. Voigt Bradley K. Walton David E. Williams Christopher A. Zweidinger NAIFA Decatur William J. Braun Dennis M. Davis Linda K. Doornbos Larry W. Foster Stephen G. Graliker John T. Malachowski Larry D. Medaris NAIFA Decatur David E. Rayhill Shelly K. Smith David M. Sowers NAIFA DuPage Louis G. Anthony Brian H. Ashe Michael R. Baker Robert J. Baker Brian E. Baldwin Elizabeth E. Budreck Lisa E. Carlson Louis J. Cassara Jack C. Cholakian Denis P. Corpora William R. Czerwinski Philip J. Dupuis Randy B. Ems David L. Frohlichstein William W. Fronczke Robert A. Goldin, Sr. Bradley Jacob Hansin William C. Hansing T. Bruce Horek Nicholas J. Janet Brett A. Keyes Michaline V. Korponya Robert D. Kribbs Anthony P. Ladas Henry D. Matson, Sr. Peter D. Minus Amrit L. Mittal Ryan P. Moratti Marla Muzzy NAIFA DuPage Thomas J. O’Grady Virgil D. Oostendorp James W. Pappas James P. Pelletiere Eileen J. Prus Gene Radwanski Parthasarathy Rajagopalan (E) Dale S. Roberts Timothy J. Rueter James A. Shalek (D) Robert A. Sorensen Camille M. Van Ham Louis F. Venuso Thomas J. Walsh, Jr. Scott M. Weinstein John W. Wheeler, Jr. (D) Sherri B. Wheeler Mike Yochum Michael J. Zaur NAIFA East Side John R. Bassett Sandra Kay Beinfohr W. Chip Bieber continued... Page 13 Robert J. Bornheimer Larry A. Buron Kenneth C. Carrico Richard w. Chenault Stephen D. DeClerck Kirk A. Doehring Ron P. Dornsback James L. Drury Stephen A. Eaton L. Ray Framer, Jr. Daniel R. Fietsam Evan J. Finke Janet K. Foehrkolb Mark Allan Forcade Dennis E. Ford Carl D. Fuhrtop Marvin J. Gerdes Brett G. Gilliland Dwight Godsy Keith K. Grodeon Thomas C. Guebert Aaron E. Haag Elisa Hager Justin Dean Harness Ken Haselhorst Art M. Hayes Brian D. Heckert Keith E. Heiman William Michael Hettenhausen E. Alan Hicks Dennis L. Hoagland Corey L. Hoelscher Dennis G. Hoelscher Nichole Holland Richard E. Horner Craig W. Hubbard Gene R. Huels Kryshelle L. Jacobs Susan E. James Darnall L. Jones Allan D. Laird Paul J. Lampe Thomas G. Lane Dennis Alan Lingley Christopher Lowery Roger J. Lowery Rick Marteeny Keith A. Maschhoff Scott T. Matter Shane P. McGranahan James N. McSheehy Raymond L. Morgan Michael A. Morrill Mary Mueller NAIFA East Side Arthur W. Newton Henry Lee Niebrugge Derek S. Nowicki Scott A. Opperman Albert D. Orelt Jill Pietrusinski Dave Eugene Raetz Roger I. Relfe Keith G. Rensing Theresa M. Richards Thomas H. Ripperda Joseph M. RoosEvans Brian J. Schaefer Dolores L. Schweiss Tobin C. Search Page 14 Joseph M. Sefton Janet L. Sheets Paula K. Simmons Robert c. Stelling Elmer Charles Sterthman Carol A. Stolze Walter A. Streuter Steven K. Stults Charles M. Sullivan Thomas Joseph Sullivan Jeffrey C. Taylor Doug C. Thompson Dale E. Vandiver Sheri Lynn Welch Charles R. West Jerry W. White Tony W. Wielt Keith E. Wilen Karen S. Wilson Brian Keith wolfe Cheryl L. Zanders NAIFA Eastern Illinois David w. Dick Eldon D. Gourley Georgina R. Mills NAIFA Eastern Illinois NAIFA Fox Valley Max Davenport Dennis M. DeBoer Michael T. DeBoer Pamela S. Franzen Jeanne Jensen James M. Juengling Jeff M. Keicher (E) David Kujawa Javier Montoya NAIFA Fox Valley Edward K. Stuehm Walter Bruce Sundberg John P. Sutton Gregory Wayne True NAIFA Illinois Valley Alec K. Hueneburg Alex K. Hueneburg NAIFA Illinois Valley William G. Spicer John F. Wayland NAIFA Jacksonville Robert Earl Koontz Michael V. Lonergan Rick L. Rodhouse NAIFA Will Grundy Matthew C. Brashinger Cadet W. Cottingham James J. Darguzis Deborah Dudek Glenn R. Harms Timothy J. Hartnell Jude T. Mertes Kathleen M. Miller NAIFA Will Grundy Bruce I. Okrant Robert W. Smith Mark A. Tan NAIFA Kankakee Valley Robert M. Burd (D) Gregory M. Carter Daniel J. Chambers Earl A. Datweiler Terri L. Gilmoure Charles R. Kuchar Bernard A. Markley, Jr. Jeffrey H. McMillan NAIFA Kankakee Valley Lee C. Sharman Dean T. Tambling Randy E. Van Fossan NAIFA Lake County Joyce D. Campbell David J. Casper Dennis M. Dean Matthew Edelstein James C. Franson Joseph G. Guin William A. Hume (D) John A. Klich Heather J. Knight Dennis F. Kratohwil Ken W. Kuebler William K. Lichtenstein Thomas J. Maus Steve C. Mengyan NAIFA Lake County Randall J. Nebel Jon R. Robb (E) Devid K. Rosuck David M. Rutkowski John N. Schaper Wendy C. Spizzirri William D. Stanley (E) Robert A. Styrkowicz (D) Robert R. Styrkowicz Daniel V. Tromblay John A. Williams McHenry County Charles R. Peterson NAIFA Peoria Laurie A. Adams (D) John W. Antrobus Nancy L. Bockler Keith E. Book Randolph A. Bressner Jodi L. Brown Todd A. Forney Everett R. Freeberg Randy A. Gorsuch Kenneth A. Hahn Paul H. Herzog Jerry D. Jackson NAIFA Peoria Christopher B. Neff Michael L. Pickerill (E) Michael F. Stone Lee Turner, Jr. George M. Villa Joshua Travis Waite NAIFA Rock River Neil D. Brinkmeier Rhett Coatney Michael K. Flynn Philip W. Hasz Daniel T. Kniss Richard C. Montavon, Jr. Russell L. Mosher NAIFA Rock River Gary A. Presley Brent A. Seggebruch Scott Stephens Philip J. Zaffer NAIFA Rockford Thomas A. Anderson Barbara K. Askelson David J. Dahl Steven J. Elsberg Ted A. Frits Tracey A. Fults John E. Heisel Joyce R. Lombardozzi Joseph P. Miller Josephine Minor NAIFA Rockford Brian J. Nakaerts Bruce Nelson Raymond E. Olson Steven L. Rothschadl Paul J. Sacco Mark Phelan Sudderberg (E) Gary D. Tiffany Dean G. White Chris J. Zion NAIFA Chicago Southland Jim Andersen Jeff Arseneau Thomas M. Biernat William James Bloom III Matthew C. Brashinger Louis J. Bufano Alan Candos Michael E. Cerf Debra A. Dalton Eric L. Essex Karen L. French Thomas P. Geraghty Quinton Glenn, Jr. Harold M. Gurgone David L. Horton Mike J. Jordan Sylvia A. Lindecker Christopher G. Martin David A. Martino Herman Miller NAIFA Chicago Southland David Narish David W. Piper William Quashmer Curtis T. Schultz Raymond M. Shimizu Thomas F. Sullivan Gary Tarnopol Cary L. Tate Rodney W. Trottman Joshua A. Van Namen Mark J. Wright Kenneth M. Wzorek Robert F. Zic Winter 2011 NAIFA Southeastern Illinois NAIFA Southeastern Illinois NAIFA Southern Illinois Terry M. Anderson Peter B. Bondioli Larry Dale Bonifield Michael D. Brachear C. Dennis Burd Richard Lee Campbell Charlotte S. Clover William A. Ecker III John K. Foster (E) Kevin D. Frost Michael D. Harris (E) Patty L. Koenig Krista D. Menchkowski NAIFA Southern Illinois Larry J. Pfau Floyd Reed James G. Simpson John M. Williams NAIFA Springfield Illinois Donna Barbian Stephen W. Bedford James F. Brown Kevin B. Callis Brad D. Clare Sara E. Decatoire Thomas A. Hale Matt Hamilton R. Allan Hamilton III Fredia V. Hawthorne Timothy Ippel David B. Janssen Donald K. Kirk Michael V. Lonergan David L. Lumsden William W. McGee Michael J. McNicholas Julie Hale Miller David L. Mitchell Larry J. Nelson David L. O’Dell Gabe Ritchart Robert W. Schultz Brent E. Shunk Jack E. Tosetti Patrick L. VanDeVelde Dennis G. Vazzi Carolyn S. Wright Carl W. Zeidler NAIFA Quad Cities Michael K. Drymiller Greg A. Heaton Michael A. Johnson Jonathan Lohman NAIFA Quad Cities Chad J. Nelson Donna K. Reilley Steven J. Schrock Congratulations to NAIFA Illinois local associations that did an outstanding job in 2010! Locals with Increased Contributions Over 2009: NAIFA Aurora NAIFA Chicago Southland NAIFA Decatur NAIFA DuPage NAIFA East Side NAIFA Illinois Valley NAIFA Kankakee Valley NAIFA Peoria NAIFA Rock River NAIFA Rockford NAIFA Southern Illinois NAIFA Springfield NAIFA Will/Grundy NAIFA Quad Cities Local Associations with Participation Over 25%: NAIFA Chicago Southland NAIFA Decatur NAIFA East Side NAIFA Kankakee Valley NAIFA Rock River NAIFA Rockford NAIFA Springfield NAIFA Will/Grundy Illinois Advisor Local Associations with Over 20% Participation: NAIFA Aurora NAIFA Fox Valley NAIFA Lake County NAIFA Southern Illinois Outstanding Performance by a Local: NAIFA East Side 160 Members 94 Contributors to the PAC 59% Participation $10,050 in Contributions $62.82 Per Capita Yes, NAIFA’s IFAPAC Is a Special Interest (Isn’t That Better Than Being Uninterested?) By: Magenta Ishak, Assistant Vice President of Political Affairs, NAIFA Somewhere along the way, someone got the wrongheaded notion that taking an interest in politics — even if it’s a special interest — is a bad thing. A recent editorial in the New York Times based on a Washington Post story, both of which cited NAIFA’s PAC (thank you for the free publicity!!), was highly critical of postelection contributions to winning candidates. It seems as if the Times editors feel any group of individuals working together for common goals is a “special interest.” Guess what? They’re right!!! We are all “special interests.” NAIFA is a “special interest.” NAIFA was formed over a century ago to focus on improving the business livelihoods of its members and helping American families secure their futures. We don’t lobby on housing policy, strategic helium reserves, shoulder-launched heat-seeking missiles, or the care and feeding of trumpeter swans. We educate lawmakers on our profession (insurance and financial services) and its role in the U.S. economy. There were “special interests” before PACs were born, and that’s a good thing. Interest groups have played an influential role in U.S. politics since the days of the colonies. A vibrant American democracy depends on active and varied interest group participation. As long as lots of groups are active, one (or an oligarchy of groups) cannot dominate our political system. I believe in a tax-free death benefit; others don’t. I do not support a single-payer health care system; some of my fellow citizens do. Politics is the art of settling (as best it can) this tug and pull of opinions. NAIFA members are involved in the formation of public policy because they firmly believe that their business philosophies are the best for our country. It’s just that simple and there ain’t a darned thing wrong with it. Not every contribution is a conspiracy! Page 15 NAIFA Illinois Announces New Member Recognition Programs for 2011 Distinguished Service Award & YAT Member of the Year Purpose & Presentation “To recognize individuals whom have given meritorious service to the insurance and financial services industry, the agency system, and the community in ways that enhances the image of the agent. These individuals have provided exceptional service to NAIFA.” These awards will be presented at the NAIFA Illinois Annual Leadership Conference and Business Meeting on May 12th at the Crowne Plaza in Springfield. Criteria for Selection of Distinguished Service Award • Minimum of 15 years as a NAIFA member and a current member • Previous leadership role at the state or local level as officer or director • Endorsement of the current local board, including a written description how the candidate has positively affected their local • APIC and IFAPAC involvement, membership recruitment and leadership involvement and development Criteria for Selection of YAT Member of the Year • Must be a YAT, under the age of 40 or less than 5 years in the business, and a current member • Currently serving or past service at the state or local level as officer or director • Endorsement of the current local board, including a written description how the candidate has positively affected their local • APIC and IFAPAC involvement, membership recruitment and leadership involvement and development Award nominations deadline is March 31, 2011. For more information, please contact the NAIFA Illinois Headquarters at 800-543-9961 or Calendar of Events 2011 March 28 NAIFA DuPage Ethics Course 2650 Warrenville Rd, Downers Grove 8:30 - 11:30 a.m. NAIFA Members: $10/Non-Members: $40 March 29 Insurance Industry Legislative Day Springfield March 31 NAIFA DuPage Sales Congress March 31 NAIFA East Side Sales Conference Four Points by Sheraton, Fairview Heights 8:00 a.m. - Noon Call Ray at (618) 624-4355 April 13 NAIFA IL Local President-Elect’s Training Meeting 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. NAIFA IL Headquarters, Springfield May 11 NAIFA IL Education Conference Crowne Plaza, Springfield 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. May 12 NAIFA IL Annual Leadership Conference and Business Meeting Crowne Plaza, Springfield 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Advertiser Index AllState ................................................ 2 Benefit Mall ....................................... 12 EBRM .............................................. IFC Eugene Cohen ................................ OBC Union Central .................................. IBC WiseChang ......................................... 16 July 13 NAIFA DuPage Ethics Course 2650 Warrenville Rd, Downers Grove 8:30 - 11:30 a.m. NAIFA Members: $10/Non-Members: $40 July 21 NAIFA Bloomington YAT Event Normal Cornbelters Game September 10-14 NAIFA Career Conference and Annual Meeting Hilton, Washington D.C. Intensive Training Workshop for the Art of Life Insurance Selling Page 16 November 30 NAIFA DuPage Ethics Course 2650 Warrenville Rd, Downers Grove 8:30 - 11:30 a.m. NAIFA Members: $10/Non-Members: $40 Winter 2011 Do MEDICAL IMPAIRMENTS for Life Insurance Make Your Head Spin? Breast Cancer with Negative Receptors Sleep Apnea with Bi-Pap Body Mass Index of 40 Bicuspid Aortic Valve Elevated GGT, SGOT and SGPT Remitting Relapsing MS Lacunar Strokes Hepatitis C with Bridging Fibrosis Lowered Ejection Fraction Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Protein to Creatinine Ratio Stress Imaging Study with Apical Defects EBCT Score in the 95th Percentile Regurgitation of the Tricuspid Valve Episodes of DVT You’ve heard of the health impairments above from your clients and underwriters. Don’t know what they mean? That’s okay, we do! From impaired risk clients, to low-cost term, to jumbo sized cases, we have the experience to help you find the right company for your client. Enlarged Aortic Root Helping Brokers Since 1981 EUGENE COHEN INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. Life - Disability - Long Term Care - Annuities 9933 N. Lawler Ave., Suite 140 Skokie, IL 60077 Call Today 800-333-4340 Please ask for an Impaired Risk Life Marketer NOTE: All conditions, scenarios, and medical impairments may not be considered insurable by the insurance companies. Only the insurance company can accept or deny an application after a formal underwriting process. Informal inquiries and trial applications do not guarantee coverage or rate classes. FOR AGENT USE ONLY • NOT FOR CONSUMER DISTRIBUTION