Overview of Leviticus 1. Name. Leviticus: Hebrew name is based on

Overview of Leviticus
1. Name. Leviticus: Hebrew name is based on the opening words: “and He
2. Historical time period: While the nation remained at Mt Sinai.
Specifically, from just after building of tabernacle at Sinai (2nd year, 1st mo,
1st day- Ex 40.17) until they break camp from Mt Sinai (2nd year, 2nd mo,
20th day- Num 10.11).
3. Author: Moses (1400’s BC). It is mentioned over 50 times that God is
giving these things to Moses, and Jesus attributes the words to Moses (Mk
4. Purposes/Themes:
• Provides laws to the nation of Israel to govern their civil and
religious life. It was a code of conduct for Israel to use in their lives
to remain holy/pure.
• Holiness (mentioned 87x). The holiness of God and the means of
making and keeping His people Israel pure.
• Sacrifice (mentioned 42x). Sacrificial system installed for Israel was
preparation for the once for all sacrifice for Christ. It showed the
seriousness of sin.
5. Lessons/Other Topics:
• Proper Worship. Details are provided on how God is to be
worshipped, and punishment is prescribed and demonstrated for
not following these details.
• Medical/Scientific laws given are ahead of their time- shows God’s
hand in the laws.
6. Key Verses:
• 11.45- (holiness). “For I am the Lord who brings you up out of the
land of Egypt, to be your God. You shall therefore be holy for I am
• 17.11-(blood sacrifice for atonement). “For the life of the flesh is in
the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to make
atonement for your souls; for it is the blood that makes atonement
for the soul”.
Sacrifice/Worship (Ch.1-10)
a. The Sacrificial System Established (1.1-7.38)
b. Initiation of the Function of Priests (8.1-10.20)
Holy Life Under the Mosaic Law (Ch.11-27)
a. Maintaining Ceremonial Purity (11.1-15.33)
b. Atonement by Blood (16.1-17.16)
c. Pure Conduct with Others (18.1-20.27)
d. Additional Ordinances on the Priests and Offerings (21.1-22.33)
e. Religious Festivals to be Observed (23.1-23.44)
f. Additional Laws (24.1-27.34)
J.Bauman/December 2013