MTC SQUAD WARNO and OPORD Roll Call, 1:50,000 map, protractor, pen, paper TL Monitor hold all questions until the end TASK ORGANIZATION MTC - SQUAD WARNO I. SITUATION A. ENEMY: BRIEF (Para I) WHO: SOUTH ATROPIAN PEOPLES ARMY GROUPS OF 2-4 PAX (SAPA) WHAT: Patrolling and conducting hit and run ambushes armed with machine guns, RPGs, and assault rifles. WHERE: Vic OBJ Gettysburg ES27809834 B. FRIENDLY: HIGHER MSN: (Para II) 1st PLT A Co conducts movement to contact to destroy enemy forces vic OBJ GETTYSBURG ES 27809834 NLT (H+90) to preserve freedom of maneuver of the main effort. 2. HIGHER INTENT: (Para III) IOT preserve freedom of maneuver of the ME. C. ATTACHMENT/DETACHMENTS; SEE TASK ORG, WHO, DURATION C. COORDINATING INSTRUCTIONS; (Para III) A. TIMELINE * SPECIFIED- IMPLIED WHEN WHAT WHERE WHO 1600 Receive the Mission AA SL 1605 Issue the WARNO AA TLs 1610 Identify Special Teams to SL AA TLs 1615 Issue OPORD AA ALL 1605 Prep MWE, Rehearsals AA ATM and B TM 1625 SL Spot Checks AA ALL 1630 Rock Drill AA ATM, BTL, RTO 1645 SP AA ALL II. MISSION: 3AI 5W’s, MAPx2, STATE TWICE 1st Squad 1st PLT conducts a MTC IVO ES 2780 9834 NLT 23 1645 MAR2011 (H+45) IOT destroy SAPA patrols and prevent the enemy from conducting hit and run ambushes on friendly forces in our AO. HQ Builds Terrain model, Ensure all Radios are operational, Calls 9-Line, write paragraph 5 of the OPORD ATM- 1ST IN OOM, Primary Support by Fire, Secondary Assault RESPONSIBLE FOR NAVIGATION – PRIMARY PACE AND COMPASS MAN RESPONSIBLE FOR FAR SIDE SECURITY ON LINEAR DA RESPONSIBLE FOR FLANK SECURITY FOR AOO PROVIDE ALT AID AND LITTER TM, EPW SEARCH TEAM AND ALT DEMO Responsible for prep for MWE BTMBTL – SECOND IN COMMAND AND IN CHARGE AT ALL TIMES IN MY ABSENCE 2ND IN OOM, Primary Assault, Secondary Support by fire. RESPONSIBLE FOR ALTERNATE PACE AND COMPASS MAN RESPONSIBLE FOR NEAR SIDE SECURITY ON LINEAR DA RESPONSIBLE FOR ASSLT DURING ACTIONS ON OBJ PROVIDE PRIMARY AID AND LITTER TM, EPW SEARCH TEAM AND PRI DEMO TM Responsible for prep for MWE, B. REHERSALS - Danger Area - EPW Searches - Aid and Litter - React to Contact - SQUAD ATTACK - ACTIONS ON OBJ C. PCI/ PACKING LIST: (TACSOP pg 108) Worn: Kevlar/ACH, ID Tags, LBV (SOP), Compass, Flashlight, TACSOP, M16, Blank Adapter, Map and protractor, Notebook and pen/pencil, knee and elbow pads, gloves, eye pro, watch, pace count beads, whistle. Ruck: Water proof Bag (ACU Top and Bottom, T-shirts (3), Socks (3), Polypro top, personal hygiene kit, bath towel, washcloth (2), Bra (2), cotton underwear (3), Poncho Liner, Parka, Weapons cleaning kit, 550 cord, patrol cap, terrain model kit, bungee cords (4), Trash Bags (2), insect rplt, sun screen, foot powder, camel back, sleeping pad, sleep system, reflective belt, sewing kit, fleece cap, chap stick, neck gator, sanitizer, assault pack, poncho, boots, laundry bag. D. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: Litter, 2x Claymore, AT-4, 2x Binos, Demo, 2x Grenades per person, 6 EPW Kits. E. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: TLs, Identify who will be doing each of your specified tasks and provide those to me in 5 min. Friendly MTC OPORD Task Organization What is the company task organization? What elements may be available from higher? HQ – SL Malaty-Uhr, RTO Harris. ATM (Security) - ATL McLuckie, AR Fong, GRD SGM Smith, R Miller. BTM (Assault) – BTL Dauphanee, AR Drury, GRD Jacobs, R Bear. Weather and Light What elements of weather and light will have an impact on either friendly/enemy/civilian operations? BMNT Sun rise Sun set EENT Moon rise Moon set % ILUM 25OCT 0711 0743 1805 1837 0622 1710 80 26OCT 0712 0744 1803 1835 0600 1645 66 27OCT 0713 0745 1802 1834 0545 1623 50 What are adjacent units doing? What are the higher headquarters’ task/purpose/key tasks? MSN(2 Levels up): Alpha Company conducts a MTC VIC ES 2780 9834, NLT H +45 IOT regain contact with enemy and destroy enemy forces in AO. MSN(1 Levels up): 1st PLT A Co conducts a MTC NLT H+ 45, VIC ES 2780 9834, IOT regain contact with the enemy Adjacent Units: LEFT: 3rd Squad 1ST PLT, A Co, conducts a MTC NLT H +45, VIC ES 2780 9834 IOT regain contact with the enemy RIGHT: 2nd PLT, A Co, conducts a MTC NLT H +45, VIC ES 2772 9775 IOT regain contact with the enemy REAR: 3rd PLT A Co, secures the BP Cochise/AA (H+45) VIC ES2725 9806 IOT allow 1st and 2nd PLT to regain contact with enemy patrols 80% chance of thunderstorms over the next three days. The weather will limit civilian travel and will provide an opportunity for our forces to move undetected to the OBJ. Terrain How can we best utilize the terrain to our advantage? How will the enemy attempt to utilize the terrain? O – Observation/Fields of Fire: Dense forest limits visibility to 150 meters. A – Avenues of Approach: The road that runs E-W that is south of the OBJ allows both enemy and friendly reinforcement to move to the objective quickly and easily. K – Key Terrain: The hill top VIC grid ES2735 9883 provides excellent observation of the surrounding terrain and of the Objective O – Obstacles: The dense woods will impede movement to the Objective. C – Cover and Concealment: The dense forest provides us with the ability to move stealthy throughout our AO. Enemy What will the enemy most likely do during this operation? What are emerging enemy tactics? Who are black list personnel? WHO: South Atropian People Army (SAPA) 2-4 MEN WHAT: conducted hit and run attacks on the scouts. WHERE: VIC OBJ GETTYSBURG WHY: to deny intelligence gathering on SAPA forces - Most Likely Course of Action (MCOA): stay off any roads, the enemy will avoid contact with US forces and will immediately run from an engagement - Most Deadly Course of Action (MDCOA): establish an ambush on our forces, initiated with their light weapons on rapid for 1020 seconds and then E&E out of the area. Mission Who, what, when, where, why – task/purpose 1st SQD, 1st PLT, A Co, conducts a MTC NLT (H+45) VIC ES 2780 9834 (H+45) 25 1645 MAR 2011, in order to regain contact and destroy enemy patrols. Commander’s Intent Purpose, key tasks, endstate It is the commander’s intent to regain contact with the enemy and destroy the enemy’s ability to conduct hit and run ambushes against Coalition Forces. Concept Refer to sketch/terrain model Decisive point, how we will accomplish the mission, purpose for other BOS elements, specific endstate Beginning with the receipt of the WARNO earlier, completing TLPs and rehearsals at the AA, following with movement to the Objective, following with actions on contact, AOO, and ending with the planned withdrawal off the OBJ returning to the AA. Fires Address lethal fires in a PLOT-CR Format. Purpose, Location,, Observer, Trigger, Communication, and Resource. Address non-lethal fires with active targets. AB001 Purpose – disrupt enemy’s ability to consolidate and reorganize Location – ES 2814 9835 Observer – Primary SL Malaty-Uhr, ALT BTL Dauphanee Trigger – Enemy fleeing to the East away from the OBJ Communication – FM 33.025 T15 Resource – 60mm Mortar HE Tasks to Maneuver Units Task/purpose for each unit (Tactical instructions METT-TC, Planning guidance, Special Teams, Key individuals (Control – Movement – Objective)) HQ’s- 2nd in the OOM/ RTO Harris will be the recorder enroute and during AOO/ DEMO Team ATM – 1st in OOM / Is responsible for Land Navigation / 1 Compass Cadet Smith / 1 Pace Cadet Miller/ 2 – 2 Cadet Teams for Left and Right Security during AOO / 2 Cadet Team EPW (Miller and Smith)/ 2 Cadet Team Aid and litter (Miller and Smith) / ATL is Security TL for AOO. Scheme of Movement and Maneuver SEE Terrain Model/Sketch AND M2C Narrative BTM – 3rd in OOM / BTM is Assault for AOO/ 2 Cadet team EPW (Jacobs and Bear)/ 2 Cadet team Aid and Litter (Jacobs and Bear) / 2 Cadet surveillance and over watch team (Drury and Bear) / 1 Pace Cadet (Bear) / 1 Compass (Jacobs) / BTL is Assault TL for AOO. MOVEMENT TO CONTACT GR GL: TF: AR ATL GR AR R Traveling Overwatch 50-75 METERS _________ _________ ATL AR SL _____________ R ____________ RTO GR SL ____________ RTO ___________ _________ ___________ R GR AR _________ BTL BTL AR GR ____________ FORMATION OF SHP/LHP/CONSOLIDATION AND REORGANIZATION LOA R RTO AR ENEMY R BTL SL SL BTL GR LAST C&C POS RTO 1. CROSS LINE OF DEPARTURE (LD) SECURITY HALT (SH) 2. SHP/SLLS/PINPOINT CONTACT INITATED 3. ELEMENT IN CONTACT – REACT TO CONTACT 4. ESTABLISH A BASE OF FIRE 5. SL – DECISION POINT (SQD/PLT ATTACK, BREAK CONTACT) SQUAD ATTACK 6. SL – DECISION POINT (FLANK LEFT OR RIGHT) 7. SL – DECIMINATES PLAN (L/R LIMITS, DIR OF ASSLT) 8. SL LEADS ASSLT (BOLD FLANKING MANEUVER, LAST COVERED AND CONCEALED POS) 9. BATTLE HANDOVER (ASSLT MASSES FIRE ON OBJ FROM LAST COVERED AND CONCEALED) 10.ASSLT OBJ – SHIFT FIRE AND LIFT FIRE ASSLT LOA (35m) 11. SUPPORT – ASSLTS OBJ, LOA. (35m) CONSOLIDATION AND REORGANIZATION 12. ESTABLISH 360 SEC 13. EPW, AID AND LITTER, ACE REPORT 14. REESTABLISH C o C 15. REMAN KEY WEAPONS 16. REDISTRIBUTE AMMO 17. REPORT TO HIGHER 18. SEC HALT / ACCT MWE 19. DISSEMINATE / OPSKED R SIGNALS: SHIFT FIRE – PRI – FM, SEC – LONG WISTLE BLOWS LIFT FIRE – PRI – FM, SEC – SHORT WISTLE BLOWS Coordinating Instructions Engagement/disengagement criteria Compromise plan/contact en route to objective Withdraw from objective plan PIR/FFIR Rules of engagement See timeline Packing List: WORN IAW Warrior Forge SOP pg 108, in Ruck IAW Warrior Forge SOP pg 111 (1) CCIR- Commander’s Critical Information Requirements A. PIR- Enemy direction of travel, types and number of weapons, types of communication equipment used and NBC capabilitites B. FFIR - Friendly Forces Information Requirement. Death of a Soldier, ROE violations, any negligent weapon discharge. (2) EEFI – Essential Elements of Friendly Information. Radio Freqs, Call sign and password Sustainment: 1. Logistics: A. Supply Class I: M-M-M Class V: a. Individual WPNS b. Supplemental Ammo WPN QTY Type TYPE QTY REMARKS M16/M4 210 5.56 Ball CLAYMORE 3 M18A1 M249 625 5.56 Link 4:1 (Mix) DEMO KIT 2 C-4/M81/M14 M68 FRAG 18 2 per Cadet 5.56 Tracer 90 30 per leader AT-4 2 1 per TM HC - Smoke 6 2 per leader Red Smoke 2 1 per team Yellow Smoke 4 2 per team, 1 SL Medical A. B. Level II care location, Company AXP location, MASCAL plan Casualty collection point located in our current AA ES 2725 9806 (AA GRID). MEDEVAC from the objective area available upon request. The CCP will be 10 M on the near side of the OBJ centered on the location where the support by fire established. MASCAL: Form a secure perimeter around the casualties and call higher. Command and Control Detainee Operations Detainee collection point Evidence collection plan Reporting criteria EPW collection point located in our current AA ES 2725 9806 (AA GRID) On the OBJ the EPW Collection point will be centered on the middle of the Objective . Each team will carry 3 Detainee Kit – 1 kit consists (1 set Flex Cuffs, 2 1 gallon Ziploc Bags, 1 Permanent Marker, 1 Blind Fold, 1 pair latex gloves) Location of key leaders, Succession of command, Frequency plan, Required reports, Marking techniques A) Command (1) Location of Commander. CO follows our PLT 1st PLT, PL follows our Squad 1st Squad, I will move with A TM. (2) Succession of Command. CPT Malaty-Uhr, CDT Gonzalez, CDT Kamys, CDT Other, CDT Sanchez, CDT Bailey, CDT Jordan. b. Control. (1) Command Posts. A Company CP follows our PLT. (2) Reports: Depart LD, Enemy Contact , ACE after consolidation, ROE violations, SITREPS as needed, and any negligent discharges. (3) Call Signs: PL=T16, PSG=T17, FO=T15, 1SL=C31,2SL=C32, 3SL=C33. (2) Number Combination: 7 (3) Challenge and Password: Gumbo/Cowboy (4) Running Password: Apache Time Time What Where Who Receive the Mission AA SL Issue the WARNO AA TLs 1610 0400 Identify Special Teams to SL AA TLs 0500 1615 Issue OPORD AA ALL Prep MWE, Rehearse Special teams, AA ATM and B TM 1625 SL Spot Checks AA ALL 1000 1630 Rock Drill AA ATM, BTL, RTO SP AA ALL 0000 1600 0100 0200 1605 0300 0600 1605-1615 0700 0800 0900 1100 1645 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 N PL BULLS OBJ GETTYSBURG 3 1/A ES 2780 9834 3/A 1 1/A AA ES 2725 9806 X 2 1/A X