THE VOICE FOR CAREER EDUCATION SINCE 1958 1670 S. Robert Street #180 | West St. Paul, MN 55118 | E–Mail: MCCA WHO WE ARE: The Minnesota Career College Association (MCCA) continues to be the voice of career-focused education in Minnesota since 1958, representing private institutions of higher learning delivering career specific education accredited by agencies recognized by the United States Department of Education. Representing 38 campuses and 16 college systems across the state of Minnesota, member institutions, in the fall of 2010, served over 26,000 students. Member institutions offer programs from the certificate/diploma level through graduate degrees. Program offerings include career focused training coupled with general education courses to provide students with job-related skills as well as communication, critical thinking, problem solving and other soft skills coveted in today’s job market. MCCA’s MISSION: •A ctively promote the values of career-focused higher education • Supports educational excellence among its member institutions through peer networking and professional development opportunities • Advocate at the state and federal level on behalf of career-minded students to ensure choice and access to higher education. MCCA VALUES: •R esponding to and meeting emerging workforce needs • Providing quality higher education • Satisfying students and their employers with market-focused programs and services • Operating with integrity and sound ethical practice in order to benefit our markets, employees and communities. All member colleges are either regionally or nationally accredited by agencies recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. Each institution is committed to student choice and providing a high quality education in combination with exceptional services to meet the needs of their students. Additionally, curriculum, delivery and outcome measurement of programs is assessed annually. Based on the institution and program, member campuses report retention, completion, placement, and/or results on nationally standardized professional certifications in conjunction with surveying graduates and employers to ensure they are accountable to their two primary customers – the student and the employer of their graduates. The Minnesota Career College Association (MCCA) supports educational excellence among its member institutions through peer networking and professional development opportunities and actively promoting the value of career-focused higher education. MCCA is committed to providing a voice to member institutions as they carry out their individual missions and help to improve the workforce, economy and standard of living by offering quality educational programs leading to fulfilling careers. • Putting students first • Supporting student access to higher education • Acting in compliance with all regulatory and accrediting body policies 2 MINNESOTA CAREER COLLEGE ASSOCIATION MCCA ABOUT OUR STUDENTS… 68% are full-time students 65% are women 20% are students of color 56% are over the age of 25 years FINANCIAL NEED N inety percent of career college students depend on some form of financial aid, compared to 82% for all Minnesota college students. Approximately 45% of students at MCCA member schools qualify for the Minnesota state grant, 55% qualify for federal grants and 64% qualify for federal subsidized loans. StakeholderS N on-traditional adult students – Most likely attended other colleges and transferred credits to the MCCA college. E mployers – Actively involved in “Program Advisory Committees” to ensure that our graduates possess the skills needed for employment. T he Community – We are active participants in the local chamber of commerce, Rotary and other service organizations and join in community service projects. T he State of Minnesota – We partner with other sectors of higher education on task forces and study groups to improve the education delivered to the students. FACTUAL ANSWERS TO THE FOR-PROFIT MYTHS IN MINNESOTA Myth: For-profit colleges often do not have appropriate accreditation. Fact: F or- profit accrediting organizations have been reviewed for quality by the United States Department of Education (DOE). • The most common recognized institutional accreditation is regional or national. • S pecialized programmatic accrediting organizations also operate throughout the country and review programs and some single-purpose institutions. • M CCA members have either regional or national institutional accreditation as well as programmatic accreditation for their specialized programs. • Minnesota for-profit schools have one or more of the following institutional or programmatic accreditations: Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES) Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC) Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools (ACICS) American Culinary Federation Foundation Accrediting Commission American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) American Society of Health – System Pharmacists (ASHP) Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE) Commission on Accreditation for Health Informatics and Information Management Education (CAHIIM) Commission on Dental Accreditation of the American Dental Association (CODA) Commission on Accreditation of the American Psychology Association (APA) Council for Interior Design Accreditation (CIDA) International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education (IACBE) Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT) National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences (NAACLS) National Association of Schools of Music (NASM) Higher Learning Commission / North Central Association (HLC) Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) MINNESOTA CAREER COLLEGE ASSOCIATION 3 MCCA Myth: For-profit career colleges cost taxpayers more than public and non-profit institutions. Fact: O n a per-student basis, “For every $1 in direct government support for private for-profit institutions, per student, at federal, state and local levels, private not-for-profit institutions receive $8.69 per-student and public institutions receive $19.38 per-student.” ource: Shapiro, R. and Pham, N. (2010). Taxpayers’ Cost to Support Higher Education: A Comparison of Public, Private Not-For-Profit and Private S For-Profit institutions. 2011 MN STATE GRANT (in millions) Minnesota Private For-Profit Colleges MnSCU Four-Year Colleges MnSCU Two-Year Colleges University of Minnesota Minnesota Private Nonprofit $16.94 $16.94 $18. $18.42 $18.43 $35.05 $35.05 $31.05 $31.05 MINNESOTA STATE GRANT STATISTICS, FISCAL YEAR 2011 NUMBER OF RECIPIENTS AVERAGE AWARD 10,744 $2,890 Minnesota Private Non-Profit 13,236 $2,648 MnSCU Four-Year Colleges 14,062 $1,310 Minnesota Private For-Profit Colleges 15,704 $1,079 MnSCU Two-Year Colleges 35,077 $325 University of Minnesota Source: Minnesota Office of Higher Education 4 MINNESOTA CAREER COLLEGE ASSOCIATION MCCA Myth: For-profit career colleges fail to prepare their graduates for employment. Fact: C areer college students are preparing for a specific career, and this objective is central to the mission of every MCCA member college. Students are typically trained on job search techniques and writing an effective resume and other correspondence, and frequently receive personal advice and assistance from a full-time campus employee dedicated to ensuring that every student has the opportunity to secure employment in their chosen field. M yth: For-profit students default on student loans at a much higher rate than their peers in other sectors. Fact: The following are Minnesota cohort default rates for 2009 by type of institution. MINNESOTA COHORT DEFAULT RATES 2009 10 5 5.8% 2.6% 2.9% 6.4% 9.7% Private Colleges & Uni. Public Uni. Private For Profit Career Schools Public Community & Technical Colleges 0 Total MINNESOTA CAREER COLLEGE ASSOCIATION 5 MCCA Factual Answers to the For-Profit Myths Nationally Myth: According to U. S. Senate data, over 75% of students who attend for-profit colleges are enrolled at colleges owned by Wall Street investors. Fact: In Minnesota in 2010, 72% of all students attending MCCA for-profit colleges enrolled at colleges that are either family or privately owned. MCCA Membership Private company - 9 institutions / 27 campuses / 18,369 students = 72% Publically traded - 6 institutions / 12 campuses / 7,221 students = 28% Totals - 15 institutions / 39 campuses / 25,590 students Myth: For-profit colleges nationally enroll about 11% of all higher education students but receive nearly 25% of all federal financial aid. Fact: In Minnesota, students enrolled at for-profit colleges in 2008 - 2009 were 20% of all higher education students in Minnesota and received 23% of all state and federal financial aid. 2008 - 2009 Amount – All students 2008 - 2009 Amount – For Profit Students Total number MN undergrads Total number MN For-Profit Undergrads For-Profit Students – % of total aid For-Profit Students - % of total students Total Grants $5,937,721 $864,380 186,330 36,663 15% 20% Total Loans $1,427,700,748 $333,203,320 343,069 71,716 23% 21% Total Grants & Loans $1,433,638,469 $334,067,700 529,399 108,379 23% 20% Type of Aid Myth: For-profit colleges spend more dollars to recruit students than to educate students. Fact: In the academic year, 2008 – 2009, National Center for Educational Statistics reported the following data as a percentage of the total institutional expense: Institutional Type Public Not-for- profit For-profit Instruction 27.5% 32.9% 23.7% Student services, academic & institutional support** 20.1% 30.4% 67.2% Total 47.6% 63.3% 90.9% **Includes math and writing labs, tutors. 6 MINNESOTA CAREER COLLEGE ASSOCIATION MCCA Myth: For-profit colleges charge too much for tuition. Fact: T he National Center for Educational Statistics published a report in September 2011 titled “Postsecondary Institutions and Price of Attendance in the United States: 2010 -11… First Look” This report reviewed average tuition and fees by sector with three-year intervals from 2001-2002 to 2010-2011 and calculated the percent change during this period as shown in the following table: Sector 2001 – 2002 2010 – 2011 Percent Change Public 4-year in-state $4,585 $6,752 47.2% Public 2-year in-state $2,330 $3,169 36.0% Private nonprofit 4-year $16,805 $21,996 30.9% Private nonprofit 2-year $8,523 $10,784 26.5% Private for-profit 4-year $13,319 $15,700 17.9% Private for-profit 2-year $11,989 $14,566 21.5% Myth: For-profit colleges have a high withdrawal rate. Fact: F or-profit colleges have many student services in place to support retention and have achieved a higher retention rate for high risk students than other sectors. According to the 2010 ACICS (Accrediting Commission of Independent Colleges and Schools) “Summary of Key Operating Statistics” on student retention, of 881,323 students enrolled in fiscal year 2009-10, 629,909 (71.5%) of these students maintained their enrollment in For-Profit ACICS institutions.” Myth: At for-profit institutions, students withdraw without achieving a degree. Fact: In the “2010 Annual Report Review: School and Student Characteristics and Student Achievement Outcomes” published by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC) , the average graduation rate for all programs at their accredited institutions was: • 2008 = 65% • 2009 = 65% • 2010 = 66% Myth: For-profit colleges cost taxpayers more than public institutions Fact: T he total taxpayer cost per graduated student is higher at public 2-year institutions than at for-profit 2-year institutions. MINNESOTA CAREER COLLEGE ASSOCIATION 7 MCCA The table below highlights the total taxpayer cost per graduated student: Per Graduated Student Public 2-Year Institutions For-profit 2-Year Institutions Difference A B B minus A $32,163 $3,211 ($28,953) Total Taxpayer Cost For Providing Federal Direct Loans (b) $709 $4,115 $3,406 Total Taxpayer Cost Per Graduated Student $32,873 $7,326 ($25,546) Direct Government Funding Provided by Taxpayers (a) (A) Includes grants, contracts for operating revenue, and capital appropriations. (B) Includes interest subsidies and default costs. Source: “An Analysis of Taxpayer Funding Provided for Post-Secondary Education: For-profit and Not-for-profit Institutions”, Charles River Associates, September, 2010. National center for education statistics quickstats Earned income in 2009 by Bachelor’s degree institution type, 2007-08 Estimates Earned income in 2009 (Avg > 0) Total 34,795.2 Bachelor’s degree institution type, 2007-08 Public 2-year ‡ Public 4-year non-doctorate-granting 34,003.9 Public 4-year doctorate-granting 33,443.8 Private nonprofit less than 4-year ‡ Private nonprofit 4-year non-doctorate-granting 32,307.7 Private nonprofit 4-year doctorate-granting 38,443.8 For-profit 2-year or more 46,627.3 ‡ Reporting standards not met. Source: U. S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, B&B:09 Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study Computation by NCES QuickStats on 6/27/2011 Myth: Credit transfers – some college credits earned at for-profits will not transfer to other institutions. The students should ask the for-profit college and the target transfer college if the credits will transfer. Fact: Credits do not always transfer from one college to another even within the same system. All students, regardless of the sector they start with, will probably take more time to graduate if they are transferring between colleges instead of staying in one college. If students intend to transfer between colleges, they should ALWAYS check with the target college regardless of the college sector. 8 MINNESOTA CAREER COLLEGE ASSOCIATION MCCA MCCA, AN OLD FRIEND IN MINNESOTA HIGHER EDUCATION • Founded in 1958 as “MAPPS” (Minnesota Association of Private Postsecondary Schools) • 1981: MN legislature legally recognizes MAPPS for full voting membership on Higher Education Advisory Committee • 1988: Commended by Higher Education Coordinating Board for student loan default management initiatives • 2 004: MCCA recognized by Citizens League as a support agency and information source for all Minnesota Career Colleges MINNESOTA’S CAREER COLLEGES – TRADITION OF EXCELLENCE • M inneapolis Business College, founded in 1874 • D uluth Business University, founded in 1891 • A cademy College, founded in 1936 • M innesota School of Business, founded in 1877 • R asmussen College, founded in 1900 • N ational American University, founded in 1941 • G lobe University, founded in 1885 • D eVry University, founded in 1931 • B rown College, founded in 1946 MINNESOTA’S CAREER COLLEGES – ECONOMIC IMPACT IN MINNESOTA • C areer colleges account for over $1.3 billion annually in total output as measured by income, and produce nearly 14,900 jobs annually • C areer colleges pay approximately $42 million annually in taxes, including property, income and other state and local taxes • E ach year, new career college graduates earn approximately $300 million more in income than they would had they not gone on to receive a postsecondary degree, resulting in an additional $14 million in income tax revenue for Minnesota. Graduation and transfer rates at Minnesota 2-year institutions Institution Type State Colleges Private 2-year For-Profit Colleges Minnesota 3-Year Graduation,* Transfer Rates 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Graduation Rate 31.8% 30.3% 28.6% 27.0% 26.3% Transfer Rate 22.0% 24.1% 24.0% 25.8% 26.0% Combined Graduation and Transfer Rate 53.8% 54.4% 52.6% 52.8% 52.3% Grad Rate 55.2% 56.2% 58.3% 61.9% 72.6% Transfer Rate 0.2% 0.5% 0.1% 0.1% 0.2% Combine Grad/ Transfer Rate 55.4% 56.6% 58.3% 62.0% 72.8% Graduation Rate 33.3% 31.6% 30.9% 29.6% 29.2% Transfer Rate 20.3% 22.9% 22.1% 23.8% 24.2% Combined Graduation and Transfer Rate 53.9% 54.5% 53.0% 53.4% 53.4% *The graduation rate measures the number students who complete a program within 150 percent of normal completion time, whether for two-year associate degrees or certificate and diploma degrees Note: There are less than a dozen schools in the private career school category with a cohort of 1,156 compared to 17,009 in-state colleges in 2010. Source: U.S. Department of Education, IPEDS Graduation Rates Survey MINNESOTA CAREER COLLEGE ASSOCIATION 9 MCCA TESTIMONIALS AMANDA ELDEN JOE SONG Medical Assisting Graduate Herzing University Fairview Eden Center Pharmacy & Clinic The Arts Institute Int’l Minneapolis Bachelor of Science in Interactive Media Back End Developer, OLSON “Herzing gave me a great education and career.” “My education allowed me a great opportunity in an industry I adore.” TARA NIENABER Bachelor of Science, Technology Management Herzing University Project Designer, Lampert Architects “The flexibility of Herzing’s bachelor’s degree program made it easy to go back to school.” Wesley DeMaster Associate in Applied Science, Northwest Technical Institute Design Drafter, Tech Group Inc., Red Wing “The class sizes are tiny compared to most schools. You get a lot of one-on-one help from the instructors and you have amazing resources.” Joe offers the advice: “Be involved in the professional community into which you are entering. Look around at what your colleagues are doing, figure out why and then try it for yourself – it will usually lead you to something completely new.” THAO MOORE The Arts Institute Int’l Minneapolis Certificate in The Art of Cooking Program Proprietor, Green Mangos Catering “Cooking was the passion, owning a business was the vehicle and now I’m living a dream.” Thao offers the advice: “Don’t put limitations on yourself. There will be enough people around who will do it for you. Really think about what inspires you and start putting your ideas together to make your dream a reality! The only thing standing between you and your dream is you.” QUOTED TESTIMONIALS “I am 41 years old and it feels great to go back to school and not be looked down upon. Rasmussen has helped me to regain my confidence and overcome my fears. “ — John F, Banks Sr., Student at Rasmussen College “I liked the small classes, and being able to ask for help whenever I needed it. My experience has been wonderful.” — Heather Ellanson, Rasmussen College graduate “The fact that I found employment before graduating testifies that MSB graduates are sought after.” — Kyle Davis, Computer Programmer and 2007 Globe University/Minnesota School of Business graduate “I have…learned so much. Just the other day I was conversing with one of the doctor’s about universal health care and after some discussion, he asked me how I knew so much.” — Jerry Lovrien, Healthcare Management Program Specialist, Globe University/Minnesota School of Business “Le Cordon Bleu offered a disciplined yet professional program that satisfied my needs. Today I am a manager at Grand Casino Hinckley and feel confident in my new career.” — Lori Schmolke, 2007 Le Cordon Bleu graduate “This is has been an awesome journey.” — Linda Binion, 2006 Le Cordon Bleu graduate “Walking through NTI’s front door at age twenty-six; already working, married, and a bachelor’s degree in hand, I fit firmly into the ‘non-traditional student’ category. My NTI degree established the paths I have followed ever since, providing me with endless rewards, growth, and challenges.” – Paul Christensen, 1987 Northwest Technical Institute graduate “I went to NTI back in 1988 and was working as an intern drafter by the second semester. NTI helped me get that intern job, and also my first full-time position as a designer before graduation.” — Gary Schultze, 1989 Northwest Technical Institute graduate 10 MINNESOTA CAREER COLLEGE ASSOCIATION MCCA MCCA MEMBER SCHOOLS AND MINNESOTA CAMPUS LOCATIONS Academy College 1101 E. 78th St., Suite 100 Bloomington, MN 55420 952-851-0066, 1-800-292-9149 Founding Year: 1936 Major program areas: Aviation, Aircraft Dispatch, Business, Accounting, Network Administration, Software Programming, Animation, Web & Graphic Design, Digital Arts, Medical Assistant,Medical Billing & Coding. Art Institutes International Minnesota 15 South 9th Street Minneapolis, MN, USA 55402-3137 612-332-3361, 1-800-777-3643 minneapolis/ Founding Year: 1964 Major program areas: Advertising, Audio Production, Culinary Arts Baking and Pastry, Hospitality Management, Media Arts & Animation, Digital Film & Video Production, Design Management, Fashion Design, Fashion & Retail Management, Graphic Design, Interior Design, Photography, Visual Effects & Motion Graphics, Web Design & Interactive Media Brown College 1345 Mendota Heights Road Mendota Heights, MN 55120 1-866-502-7016 Campus Locations: 5951 Earle Browne Drive Brooklyn Center, MN 55430 1-866-502-7016 Founding Year: 1946 Major program areas: Business Management, Criminal Justice, Visual CommunicationsPhotography, Game Design and Development, Information Technology, Interior Design, Network Development, Radio Broadcasting, Software Development, Visual Communications, Graphic Design Multimedia, Health Information Technician, and Medical Assistant. DeVry University 7700 France Avenue S, Suite 575 Edina, MN 55435 952-838-1860 Founding Year: 1931 Major program areas: Business & Management, Engineering & Information Technology. Health Sciences, Liberal Arts & Sciences, and Media Arts & Technology. Duluth Business University 4724 Mike Colalillo Drive Duluth, MN 55807 218-722-4000, 1-800-777-8406 Founding Year: 1891 Major program areas: Business Administration Online, Graphic Design Media, Human Services, Massage Therapy, Medical Assistant, Medical Billing and Coding, Paralegal, Veterinary Technology. Globe University 8089 Globe Drive Woodbury, MN 55125 651-730-5100 Campus Locations: Minneapolis: 612-455-3000 Online: 1-877-609-8889 Founding Year: 1885 Major program areas: Health Fitness Management, Health Care Management, Information Technology, Managerial Leadership, Business Administration, Paralegal, Accounting, Business Management, Criminal Justice, Game and Application Development, Health Fitness Specialist, Media Business, Veterinary Technology, Accounting & Tax Specialist, Management Accounting, Cosmetology Business, Interactive Media & Graphic Design, Massage Therapy,Medical Administrative Assistant, Medical Assisting, Music Business, Sales and Marketing, Transportation Business, Legal Administrative Assistant. Herzing University 5700 West Broadway Minneapolis, MN 5548 763-535-3000 Founding Year: 1961 Major program areas: Business Administration, Entrepreneurial Studies, Human Resources Management, International Business, Legal Assistant/Paralegal, Legal Studies, Marketing, Dental Assisting, Dental Hygiene, Healthcare Management,Medical Assisting, Medical Billing & Insurance Coding, Medical Office Administration, Nursing, Occupational Therapy Assisting, Technology Management. Institute of Production and Recording 312 Washington Ave N Minneapolis, MN 55401 612-375-1900, 1-866-477-4840 Founding Year: 2002 Major program areas: Audio Production & Engineering, Music & Entertainment Business, Sound Design for Visual Media. ITT Technical Institute 8911 Columbine Road Eden Prairie, MN 55347 952-914-5300 Campus Locations: Brooklyn Center: 763-549-5900 Woodbury: 651-379-7700 MINNESOTA CAREER COLLEGE ASSOCIATION Founding Year: 2003 Major program areas: Electrical Engineering & Communication, Computer & Electronics Engineering, Business Administration, Project Management, Accounting, Information Systems Security, Software Applications Development, Mobile Communications, Paralegal, Criminal Justice,Computer Drafting & Design, Graphic Communicating & Design, Visual Communications, Digital Entertainment LeCordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts 1315 Mendota Heights Road Mendota, MN 55120 651-675-4700 Founding Year: 1999 Major program areas: Culinary Arts, Patisserie and Baking. McNally Smith College of Music 19 Exchange Street East Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 651-291-0177, 1-800-594-9500 Founding Year: 1985 Major program areas: Music Performance, Recording Technology, Music Business, Music Composition and Hip Hop Studies. Minneapolis Business College 1711 West County Road B Roseville, Minnesota 55113 651-636-7406, 1-800-279-5200 http://www. Founding Year: 1874 Major program areas: Accounting, Administrative Assistant/office Administration, Legal Office Administration, Paralegal, Travel & Hospitality, Computer Programming & Applications, Computer Specialist, Graphic Design, Network Management and Medical Assisting Minnesota School of Business 1401 West 76th Street Richfield, MN 55423 612-861-2000 Campus Locations: Blaine: 763-225-8000 Brooklyn Center: 763-566-7777 Elk River: 763-367-7000 Lakeville: 952-892-9000 Moorhead: 218-422-1000 Plymouth: 763-476-2000 Rochester: 507-536-9500 Shakopee: 952-345-1200 St. Cloud: 320-257-2000 Online: 877-609-8889 Founding Year: 1877 Major program areas: Game Design, Nursing, Digital Video and all programs listed under Globe University. National American University 10901 Red Circle Drive Suite 150 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Campus Locations: Bloomington: 952-356-3600 Brooklyn Center: 763-852-7500 Roseville: 651-855-300 Founding Year: 1941 Major program areas: Accounting, Information Technology Management, Athletic Training, Business Administration, Criminal Justice, Health & Beauty Management, Health Information Technology, Medical Administrative Assistant, Medical Assisting, Medical Staff Services Management, Nursing, ASN Mobility Program, Paralegal, Pharmacy Technician, Therapeutic Massage, Veterinary Technology, Health Care Coding, Health Care Management, Information Technology, Practical Nursing, Veterinary Assisting. Northwest Technical Institute 950 Blue Gentium Road, Suite 500 Egan, MN 55121 952-944-0080, 1-800-443-4223 Founding Year: 1957 Major program areas: Architecture Drafting & Design, Engineering Drafting & Design. Rasmussen College 8300 Norman Center Drive Suite 300 Bloomington, MN 55437 952-831-0624 Campus Locations: Blaine: 763-795-4720 Brooklyn Park: 763-493-4500 Eagan: 651-687-9000 Eden Prairie: 952-545-2000 Lake Elmo/Woodbury: 651-259-6600 Mankato: 507-625-6556 Moorhead: 218-304-6200 St. Cloud: 320-251-5600 Founding Year: 1900 Major program areas: Business, Marketing, Accounting, Allied Health, Medical Lab Technician, Surgical Technician, Medical Assisting, Pharmacy Technician, Medical Billing & Coding, Cyber Security, Digital Design & Animation, Computer Science, Multimedia Technologies, Software Applications, Gaming & Simulation Programming, Early Childhood Education, Practical Nursing, Professional Nursing Mobility, RN to BSN, Criminal Justice, Human Servicers, Law Enforcement, Paralegal Studies. 11 ©2009 Minnesota Career College Association