Introduction to American History S2 Science Politique 2014

Introduction to American History
S2 Science Politique 2014-15
Juliette BOURDIN
Caroline FALCAO
Monday, march 30th
The Early Republic, Jacksonian Democracy and the Westward Expansion
Political opposition between two groupes
Each time a state wanted to enter the union, the question was whether they were free states or slave states.
Foreign affairs, social and economic situation. America was changing quite fast
I. The Early Republic (1790’s – 1820’s)
Definition of Political party: organization that runs candidates for public office under the party’s name. Its aim
is to organize voters to shape the government through elections. Candidates who represent an specific
political party. In the early days, there was no political parties and that was a problem: people voted for people
and not for parties. When John Adams ran for president, Thomas Jefferson was elected as vice president.
Then, they realized that it was a real problem. “Presidential ticket”: electing president and vice president on
the same ticket. They were fearful of political parties because they considered that people would be influenced
by them.
“A ticket refers to a single election choice which fills more than one political office or seat. For example, in the
U.S., the candidates for President and Vice President run on the same "ticket", because they are elected
together on a single ballot question rather than separately. A ticket can also refer to a political party. In this
case, the candidates for a given party are said to be running on the party's ticket”.
Political factions: the Federalists vs. Anti-federalists: Two antagonistic political forces. Federalists: Jay,
Madison, Hamilton. Anti federalists: Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, etc
In the early 1790’s, these political factions became new political groups:
1. Federalists vs. Democratic-Republicans: the first party system.
Federalists: In favor of an energetic government. They were mainly conservatives, they opposed the
French revolution, pro british policies (closer to Britain) tended to represent the northern interests.
Democratic-Republicans: in favor of a frugal government (less costly). On the other hand, the
democratic- republicans, who in the beginning were leaded by Thomas Jefferson, were in favor of the
French revolution radicalism, they wished to perpetuate the Franco-American alliance, defended
southern interests and farmers.
George Washington’s administration. Thomas Jefferson left the government and formed in opposition the
democratic republic (support of southern farmers). “Farewell Address”(1796): letter written by George
Washington, to the people of the USA, on his declining of the presidency. It took the form of a panphlet.
Classic statement of republicanism. GW did two mandates (20 years in power). Father figure towards his
John Adams was elected in 1796, just after George Washington and governed along with Thomas Jefferson –
same side. First vice-president and second president of the USA.
Founding fathers realized that the emergence of political parties was inescapable.
A second party system emerged. The Federalists “died out”, disappeared.
2. Whigs vs. Democratic Party.
The Whig Party was the heir of the Federalists. They tended to favor the northern interests, the
bankers, etc. The same kind of system remained but with different names. “ Whig" was then a widely
recognized label of choice for people who identified as opposing tyranny. Opposed to the policies of
president Andrew Jackson.
The Democratic Party is the oldest party of the world. Known as the party of the common people.
Andrew Jackson: extremely popular at the time. He was like George Washington, commander chief of
the army, first president from the “west” (Tennessee), not from the original 13 states. These new
parties invented the political campaign system. Which meant that voters identified themselves as
“Democratic” or “Whigs”.
The conventions were meant to help establish the control of presidential nominations.
Antebellum: refers to a period before the Civil War. In the age of the Antebellum politics, Americans were
divided into 3 political lines, which corresponds to their geography. The North favored high tariffs to protect its
growing industries. The South wanted the opposite: low tariffs to favor the exports of raw materials. The West
campaigned for cheap lands. After a few decades, there was the issue of slavery. It became a crucial issue
and Americans divided themselves as in favor or against slavery.
Republican Party vs. Democratic Party
Democratic Party was pro slavery (interest of small farmers whereas the Republican party was created as an
anti slavery coalition
II. The challenges of territorial expansion and war (XIX century)
Many Americans had crossed the frontier: the line between civilization (settlements) and wildness (Indians,
nature). To establish themselves west, beyond the Appalachian mountains.
1. 1800: Retrocession of Louisiana to France. End of the Seven Years War (also called French and
Indian War): before the end of the war, France decided to secretly give Louisiana to Spain. But
secretely again Spain retroceded Louisiana to France in 1800. French goals wanted to uses Louisiana
as a breadbasket to feed a west indians empire (les Antilles) with center = Saint Domingue but France
failed to put down a slave rebellion started in 1791 and Saint Domingue finally became the Republic of
Haiti in 1804. Not so important anymore for the spanish to get a hold of Louisiana. Americans were
really concerned about Louisiana and New Orleans (important for the US commerce because it's the
connexion with the golf of Mexico by the Mississippi river) Napoleon gave the whole Louisiana to
Americans. Once again, France was in war with Britain and needed money.
The Louisiana purchase (1803):
1. 1.The US doubled its territory.
2. It opened up a huge territory for expansion.
3. It also removed the French from North America.
4. Set an important diplomatic precedent since the Constitution didn’t not allow the president to acquire
The West was an unknown territory. Lewis and Clark expedition (1904-1906) to discover the West. Their
goal was to find the Pacific Ocean. It took them three years to accomplish the mission. There were no roads
and the winters are extremely cold in America. People thought they died during the expedition, but they came
bame with a lot of information about the mysterious west. The US were becoming quite big.
The War of 1812: it can be explained by:
1. American resentment towards Great Britain, seizing American trade. Competition in the high seas.
2. Quite a few democratics “war hawks” since the 1810 election: in favor of waging war against GB;
3. Fear that the British would support the native americans against the American interests (many loyalist
fled to Canada) in the Ohio valley there are also indians. British would be against the American
settlement there.
Only Congress can declare war. But the president signed the bill (Madison at the time). Durant that war that
the general A. Jackson became a war hero. Piece was finally signed in December 1814 in Ghent, even though
soldiers continued to fight because they didn’t know that piece had been signed. It confirmed the Antebellum
status quo. However, the war had other consequences (domestic):
1. US army succeeded in defeating the pro British Indian tribes, which opened territories south and west
to expansion. Indians were not able to stop American expansion.
2. Lack of roads and good transportation system. Improving transportation became a priority.
3. The war enhanced domestic manufactory production which stimulated the production in America.
Non-Importation Act; Non-Intercourse Act.: signed during the war to stop commerce between GB
and America. Refuse to trade with Britain. America was forced to developed manufactory production.
4. The war led to the Hartford Convention.
Monroe Doctrine: Monroe’s government was a period of important diplomatic achievements which secured
US borders, enlarged territory and established the country as an emerging force in the Western Hemisphere
(The Americas). Important concept to understand the Monroe Doctrine. Quite a few treaties were signed which
permitted to secure and enlarge America. Monroe made a majorf oreign policies speech in Congress. It was
not called Monroe Doctrine right away. Secretary of State John Quincy Adams. A series of events led to the
Monroe Doctrine. The context of Europe and South America is important to understand the Monroe Doctrine.
America was seen as an area of influence of the US.
Monday, april 13th
I. Post war nationalism
a) Developpement of the market economy
Led to a period of prosperity. Improvement of transportation, division of labor. It created a virtuous circle. Great
periods of prosperity but also recession. America experiences more prosperity than recession. Cycles. The
market economy was finally taking shape in America. Freedom and individualism are major characteristics of
the US. It also enhanced by manufacture: introduction of machines in industry. It was the beginning of mass
production, which led to the availability of goods of high quality and yet affordable. The experience of a
production boom: the south produced cotton and the north developed the textile manufacture. This era also
saw the developpement of the specialization of commerce: towns, areas, provinces specialized. Lowell,
Massachusetts: specialized in the textile industry. Chicago: meat packing town. Detroit: automobile industry.
This period experienced major changes in labor, which led to changing working conditions:
1. The birth of organized labor/labor unions.
2. Women started taking jobs, which represented a major evolution. They also started participating in the
political life (not directly) but through associations. “Reform movement”.
The developpement of transportation: the building of canals and roads. And later, construction of rail roads.
“American System”: transportation revolution. The consequences of the developpement of transportation was
quite revelant:
1. Made raw materials available faster and in greater quantity.
2. Unified and expended the domestic market.
1. Made the workforce mobile. Workers could move more easily and have jobs. Americans as people “on
the move”.
2. Facilitated and increased in the concentration of workers in growing factories.
Market economy revolution: changes transportation, labor, the role of the women. Encouraged the westward
II. Jacksonian Democracy
Andrew Jackson: elected twice. Democracy, the term itself, refers to the gradual democratization of American
political life. It goes beyond Jackson. His era in particular represents the democratization of America. Reasons:
The reform movement, immigration increased economy more market oriented. Inequalities appeared and the
westward migration transformed the country. Not only geographic but it profoundly changed the US.
Reform movements: the second great awakening. First: colonial America. The second: religious fervor.
(1790’s-1840’s). During this period, emergency of different churches and Sects. South Lake City: Mormons. It
spread throughout the country.
The “bible belt”: “old south, deep south”. Informal term for a region in the south-eastern and south-central US
in which socially conservative evangelical Protestantism plays a strong role in society and politics, and
Christian church attendance across the denominations is generally higher than the nation's average.
Movement that influenced the beliefs, the will and desire to cure society of its evils. All revivalists believed in
self-improvement. Result: all kind of sects and associations developed. The associations attracted many
women: they could take part in society. Ex: association to help prostitutes (NYC); associations to help people
in asylums, penitentiaries, orpharges; association against free masonry. Two kinds were particularly popular
within women and attracted many of them: the temperance society. Established to take the pledge to abstain
from alcohol. The society benefited from, and contributed to, a reform sentiment in promoting the abolition of
slavery, expanding women's rights, temperance, and the improvement of society. The society was most
successful in northern states.
A link between abolitionist movement and women rights. Among abolitionists, there were two kinds of people:
the gradualists vs. the immediatists. Gradualists: abolish slavery step by step. Do it gradually otherwise it
would be difficult.
William Lloyd Garrison: white journalist and vocal opponent to slavery. Fought against slavery. “The
liberator” 1931.
Frederick Douglas: Former slave in the south. Managed to escape to the north. Received an education.
“Frederick Douglas and the Slave-Breaker” (his autobiography).
Before the Civil War, the temperancy movement and abolitionism were great instruments of the increasing
politization of women. “Women-only societies” in the beginning. And then they became mixed societies.
Slavery led women to ask about their status in society.
Grimke sisters: Promotion of the right of women to speak in public against slavery. 1840: World anti-slavery
convention, in London. Debate to decide if women could speak in public against slavery. It was decided that
they could attend the meeting behind the curtains. They realized that they were somehow slaved themselves,
that they suffered from tyranny of their own husbands, fathers, etc.
1848: Convention of Humans Rights, Seneca Falls, NY. Declaration of Sentiments: rewrote the declaration
of independence. Denounced the tyranny of women. It took a few decades for women to get the right to vote:
long march towards equality.
Requirements for voting eased up. Before: propriety owners, tax payers. Process of democratization : pay a
little amount of tax. 1830’s: universal white male suffrage became the rule in America. In most states, electors
became chosen by popular votes. No longer appointed by legislatures, but chosen by popular votes. Written
ballots replaced oral voting.
Presidential election (1828): people voted more, campaigns, public events, appearance of voting statistics.
Political parties knew where they got the votes, about the popularity of the candidates, etc.
Jackson: leader of democratic party, influential president. First president from the west. It shown that the nation
was moving westward. He weakened the federal role of government but also reinforced the power of the White
House: popular, leader of the democratic and also leader as a president.
III. The Westward expansion
Divided in two phases:
1803: Louisiana Purchase; 1853: Gadsden Purchase. Before 1830, the US wanted to secure its borders from
European interventions. Diplomatic negotiations, treaty with Spain to conquer Florida. The US expansion
became a political issue, aggressive diplomatic policy to get land on the pacific. “Manifest Destiny”. John L