Topic A: Fast Food and Worker Safety In the Fast Food Nation chapter “The Most Dangerous Job,” Eric Schlosser describes the gruelling, exploitive, injury-laden, low-paying jobs of meat-packing workers who handle the cattle that eventually become hamburgers. Schlosser explains how—for different reasons—the OSHA has been unable to enforce effective safety regulations needed to protect workers. Based on this chapter, discuss why the OSHA must have stricter regulations for the meatpacking industry. How has the OSHA been disempowered? To what extent has this federal agency’s enforcement abilities been reduced, and with what consequences? How will giving OSHA more power benefit the employees and the general public? What particular industries and jobs especially need OSHA to be given more enforcement powers? Why? Provide several (at least two or three) specific reasons to support this claim, and, of course, quote and paraphrase from FFN to develop your argument. Topic B: There’s S**t in the Meat! As we have read about and discussed this semester, one major problem with the largely unregulated fast food industry is that—in the words of a character in the film Fast Food Nation—“There’s s**t in the meat!” As Schlosser explains in FFN, this is because a potentially deadly bacteria known as E. coli O157:H7 can and does get into the beef supply that makes the millions of hamburgers which people eat at fast food restaurants. Based on Schlosser’s discussion of this problem (and, if you’d like, the scenes we saw from the film version of FFN), explain why the government must implement stricter regulations and enforcement for beef producers in order to protect people’s health. Describe why the current, unregulated system is dangerous, and how greater government regulation will increase people’s safety. Provide several specific reasons to support this claim. Topic C: Fast Food and Communities In the Fast Food Nation chapter “Cogs in the Great Machine,” Eric Schlosser presents us with some ways in which the fast food industry changes communities for the worse. He provides examples like the town of Greeley, Colorado, as well as other places, whose communities have been irrevocably changed by the fast food industry when slaughterhouses and meatpacking plants set up shop there. For this topic, discuss several specific ways in which the fast food industry harms communities and WHAT SHOULD BE DONE TO CHANGE THIS. According to Schlosser, what specific problems does a community often face when its economy is partly or largely based on fast-food related jobs, as is the case in Greeley? How do these problems form because of the fast food industry? What kinds of people (what specific groups— immigrants, young people, etc.) in communities like Greeley suffer, and how? In what ways does a town or city’s quality of life decrease with the arrival of a slaughterhouse, meatpacking plant, or perhaps even fast-food restaurants? Why should communities fight to keep these kind of facilities out? Student Name __________________________________________ Date __________________ English 1A Prewriting and Reading Your title, original, relevant QnA - prewriting- outline - revisions Active Reading – main ideas Active Reading – key words Active Reading – vocab/define Active Reading – support details Active Reading – annotate/outline WRITING THE ESSAY Intro –Summary – covers main points and direction of topic of article/essay. DOES NOT include “This essay/article is about…” No “conversation” CONTAINS CLEAR STAND, OPINION, or SHOULD Thesis – covers your opinion and a clear direction DOES NOT include “I think this essay/article is…(qualifier-good bad etc.) – The thesis has a “HOOK” GRABS ATTENTION makes this opinion PROVEN with Research and important- Answer WHY we should care EACH body paragraph contains strong topic sentences that ties back to the thesis/ argument and provides direction! 40 points 2 pts poss 13 pts poss 5 pts poss 5 pts poss 5 pts poss 5 pts poss 5 pts poss 160 points 10 pts poss 10 pts poss 15 pts poss BODY PARAGRAPH (4 pts each) Topic sentence – intro new point Intro article (author, title, summary) Claim – argument point Quote to support claim Post claim – wrap up claim Transition to next point Body 1 – Argue Pt 1 –.Use QUOTE to support points Transition Body 2 – Argue Pt 2 –Use QUOTE to support points Transition Body 3 – Argue Pt 3 - Use QUOTE to support points Transition Body 4 – Argue Pt 4 – Use QUOTE to support points Transition INTRODUCES EACH article used in proper MLA format / summary before quote 4 pts ea Essay flows well using consistent tone, consistent point-of-view, & transitions Conclusion, restates their thesis in a new way – summarizes all points and offers a way of determining whether or not the argument has been carried out successfully. Grammar & Mechanics-Essay follows standard conventions of English Uses dictionary/Thesaurus Peer Review MLA works cited and in text citation. NO TYPOS – proofread Essay Total possible point 200 Point Total ____________ 15 pts poss 15 pts poss 15 pts poss 15 pts poss 15 pts poss 10 pts poss 10 pts poss 10 pts poss 20 pts poss -10 pts -10 pts Letter Grade__________ Essay Assignment Description: Research-based Essay – 1. This research paper should present a thesis that is specific, manageable, provable, and contestable—in other words, the thesis should offer a clear position, stand, should, or opinion that will be proven with research. You should analyze and prove your thesis using examples and quotes from a variety of sources. 2. You need to research and cite from at least five sources. You must use at least three different types of sources. • At least one source must be from a library database. (YOU FIND) • At least one source must be a book, anthology, or textbook. (FAST FOOD NATION – Food, Inc., etc) • At least one source must be from a credible website, appropriate for academic use. • The paper should not over-rely on one main source for most of the information. Rather, it should use multiple sources and synthesize the information found in them. (You can use some of mine) 3. This paper will be at least five full pages 5-in length, not including the Works Cited page (on page six), which is also required. AND Must be in MLA format with in-text citations. Links to articles must be in Works Cited 4. You must integrate quotations and paraphrases using signal phrases and analysis or commentary – Minimum of 4 quotes – at least one in each body paragraph. 5. You must sustain your argument, use transitions effectively, and use correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation. 6. Paper must be logically organized and focused 7. WRITE your own prompt PROMPT EXAMPLE: The federal government banned all tobacco advertising from television, arguing that it could influence children to become smokers. Considering the health hazards of fast food, why do you think a similar ban has not been imposed? SHOULD there be a ban on fast food? Fast Food Tax? Soda Tax? Can you PROVE that this kind of ban would help the EPIDEMIC of obesity in the country today? Do you think companies such as McDonald’s are responsible for the growing problem of childhood obesity in America (can you PROVE it), or do you think it is primarily parents’ responsibility (can you prove it)? What SHOULD be done about the problem and solving the problem of childhood obesity? Can your methods or ideas be proven. Analyze and prove your opinion (your thesis) support with quotes from sources. (SEE other PROMPT OPTIONS) BODY PARAGRAPH (4 pts each) Topic sentence – intro new point Intro article (author, title, summary) Claim – argument point Quote to support claim Post claim – wrap up claim Transition to next point