FRÖBEL Kindergarten

FRÖBEL Parents’ Guide
Version 3rd ed. / August 2013
FRÖBEL Kindergarten
FRÖBEL Parents’ Guide
Version 3rd ed. / August 2013
Dear Parents,
Dear Readers,
For many children, crèches and kindergartens are the first and most intensive public
spaces that they experience in their young
lives. Discovery learning in the form of play
and gaining new experiences are just as
much part of daily life in our crèches and
kindergartens as experiencing and learning structures and rules.
Each crèche and each kindergarten is, for
a certain period, a small and intensive
community. A community composed of
children, the people working there and
also the parents. This new, revised version
of our parents’ guide to the Fröbel kindergarten furnishes a practical overview of
daily life in our childcare centres: we briefly
explain the fundamentals of this community, from children’s arrival to their collection,
our procedures dealing with photos of
children and communications with parents.
For us, children are always the most important part of this community – and you
as parents belong to it too. If you have
comments or questions about the topics
dealt with here, or if you would like to become more involved in the kindergarten,
we would love to hear from you. You can
contact the kindergarten management
directly or send an email to
We are sure that together we can create
an environment in our crèches, kindergartens and after-school centres in which your
children will feel safe, secure and comfortable in the coming early weeks and
throughout their time with us.
With best regards,
Stefan Spieker
p. 2
Legal responsibility in supervising children,
care,absence, drop-off, pick-up
p. 3
Clothing, cord ties, bedding,
lost property
p. 3
Educational profile, child development
p. 4
Settling in
p. 4
p. 4
Communications with parents, parents’
evenings, parent representatives, complaints
p. 4
Parenting and family advice
p. 5
Healthy eating
p. 6
p. 5
p. 6
Friedrich Fröbel
p. 6
p. 6
Health of your child
- Medical certificates
p. 7
- Allergies
p. 7
- Illness
- Medication
- Healthy living
p. 7
p. 7
p. 8
Group / open group work
Reading skills
Educational focuses
Bilingual education
Healthy living
Musical education
p. 8
p. 8
p. 8
Recycled materials
Sun protection
Any other questions?
Publishing details
p. 12
p. 12
FRÖBEL Parents’ Guide
Version 3rd ed. / August 2013
A wie Ankommen – arrival
Legal responsibility of supervising children,
drop-off, pick-up
Drop-off: For the duty of supervision to be
transferred correctly to our employees it is
necessary that the child be handed over
personally to one of our kindergarten
Every child must be registered on arrival at
the kindergarten and signed out on leaving.
ing because of your work shift. Please set a
good example and pick up your child at
the times agreed with you individually.
Pick-up: As with the drop-off, it is essential
that you check your child out personally
with one of our kindergarten teachers
when picking them up – this also applies if
you meet your child outside in the garden.
Please take care to shut doors and gates
securely behind you when entering or
leaving the premises.
If Grandma, Granddad, Aunty, Uncle or
the new babysitter is collecting your child,
our staff require a written, signed and dated, authorisation. Please notify the kindergarten management in advance, in writing, about the person collecting your child.
A phone call to this effect is not enough.
Please show an ID card.
Absence: If your child cannot attend the
kindergarten, please inform the management as early as possible, either verbally or
in writing (see also Illness).
After-school centre rules: children arrive at
and leave the centre unsupervised. Parents are liable for their children on the way
from the school premises to the afterschool club and from the after-school club
to their home.
Once your child has been checked in to
one of our kindergartens, FRÖBEL management and kindergarten staff accept
responsibility for your child and take on the
duty of supervision.
If parents are present at parties, summer
fetes or other events on the kindergarten
or after-school club premises, the duty of
supervision lies with the parents. This applies equally to any siblings attending. The
kindergarten team takes responsibility for
the children of parents who cannot attend
such events. If events are held in public
places, e.g. lantern parades, we will give
you prior notice of your duty of care.
Drop-off and pick-up times at the kindergarten: We have an educational programme that we want to pursue with all
the children. But of course we will respect
the drop-off and pick-up times arranged
with you individually. Therefore it is important that you let us know if, for example, you can’t bring your child in the morn-
B wie Bekleidung - clothing
Clothing, bedding, lost property
Sand, water, paints and little accidents are
all part of daily life at a kindergarten.
Please dress your child in clothes suitable
for normal everyday activities.
Basic clothing should include garments
suitable for the weather and the season, a
raincoat, wet-weather trousers and rubber
boots, as well as sportswear. In addition,
your child should always have a second
set of underwear and top clothes available at the kindergarten.
Please do not buy clothes with cords –
these can cause injuries. Instead, choose
clothes with Velcro fastenings, snap fasteners or zips. The same applies to necklaces, which can be a safety hazard
(danger of strangulation).
FRÖBEL Parents’ Guide
Version 3rd ed. / August 2013
Indoor footwear should
As regards both indoor
it is helpful if children
they can put on and
have non-slip soles.
and outdoor wear,
wear shoes which
take off by them-
For the afternoon nap your child will need
bedding, depending on what is available
at the kindergarten. This includes a bed
cover and pillow or a sleeping bag, and a
Please label all clothing and other personal items with the name of your child so that
the items can be identified later, for instance after washing. We accept no liability for items brought in to our kindergartens.
Lost property will be collected – please ask
us if something has got lost.
Educational profile
The development of your child will be
documented in accordance with the curricula of the federal states of Germany
(the Bundesländer). For this purpose we will
record developments, special events and
interests in the form of photos, pictures and
Observations by the kindergarten teacher
responsible for the individual child provide
the basis for this documentation.
The teacher responsible for your child will
update you on their development at an
annual meeting arranged for this purpose.
E wie Eingewöhung – settling in
Settling in
The settling in period and your child’s first
steps into kindergarten life are a very sensitive time for all involved.
The kindergarten teachers structure this
process according to your child’s individual needs. It is important to us that you as
parents are partners in this process, because your child will only get used to this
new place if the transition is managed
The needs of the children are the highest
priority here.
How the settling in process is structured in
practise will be planned jointly by you and
the teacher who will be your child’s allocated childcare practitioner in the initial
Ask for the DVD Krippenkinder – Familie
und Tagesbetreuung in gemeinsamer
Verantwortung [Crèche Children – Family
and Day Care in Joint Responsibility] (released 2011, only available in German.
Every kindergarten and every after-school
centre occasionally needs a helping hand
– for instance to do some gardening or
help organise special events and parties.
You can use the leaflet “Ehrenamtliche
Mitwirkung” [German: Voluntary Participation] which accompanies the childcare
contract to tell us how you would like to
contribute to kindergarten life (see also
Reading to children at the kindergarten /
Reading skills).
Communications with parents and
early years education partnership
In order to achieve the best we can for
your child in our kindergartens and afterschool centres we need a good, open
relationship with parents, based on trust.
Personal contact between you and our
childcare team is very important to us.
In the early years education partnership
between kindergarten teachers and parents we base our approach on the conviction that the child and their family are central, parents are welcome and communications with parents benefit the child.
The early years partnership thrives on mutual trust, good lines of communication,
and the fact that we give you an insight
into our work and keep you informed
about your child.
Kindergarten teachers are happy to respond to your questions or comments –
please ask them for an appointment if you
would like to discuss anything. If your concerns cannot be resolved satisfactorily in
this way please contact the management
of the facility. Should you feel you have
further cause for complaint, we are very
willing to listen. We look on your comments
as motivation for change.
FRÖBEL Parents’ Guide
Version 3rd ed. / August 2013
You can contact any level of management either verbally or in writing. We will
deal with your concern in line with our
complaint management procedure and
respond promptly.
However, there are various ways in which
we can communicate about your childcare-related questions and give them the
attention they deserve:
Parents’ evenings offer an opportunity to
discuss topics surrounding the kindergarten
year or educational matters. Parents’ evenings take place either for the whole facility or in smaller groups.
At parents’ meetings information can be
exchanged about your child. These meetings take place once or twice a year or
more frequently as required.
At the start of every kindergarten year
parents elect parent representatives. These
act as contacts for all parents at the kindergarten.
It is our hope that parents from both
crèche and elementary stages will be willing to act as parent representatives.
Parenting and family advice
All over Germany there are free advice
centres which offer help with parenting
issues and also with relationship and family
conflicts. They can provide support with
parenting concerns, with minor or more
serious problems in family life and with
separation or divorce. These advice centres are unbureaucratic and confidential. If
you wish, they will give advice anonymously.
The addresses of such advice centres can
be found on the Internet and advice is
available under
and [Germanlanguage only websites].
Healthy eating
Healthy eating plays a central role in all
FRÖBEL-kindergartens and after-school
clubs. Meals are designed to be balanced
and suitable for the child’s age. FRÖBEL
also considers it important that children
experience and learn table manners, because eating is about more than just tak-
ing in food. It opens up opportunities to
practise social interaction.
The diverse ethnic and religious backgrounds of the children and their families
can be taken into consideration – please
let us know in advance if you have special
requirements. Allergy-appropriate meals
are also provided if needed.
Our kitchen staff form part of the kindergarten team and will also be happy to
speak to you about any concerns.
F wie Fotos - photos
Photos are an effective medium for documentation of our work.
Some situations
in the kindergarten routine are
FRÖBEL for our
own press and
public relations
work – but only
with your consent. If representatives of the
media visit the
no photos of
your child will be taken without permission
from the parent or guardian. FRÖBEL will
always respect your child’s personal rights.
No photos that you take at parties or other
events of your children or other people’s
may be uploaded to your own or other
social networking sites without permission
of all childrens parents.
Sponsorship at FRÖBEL
You can support the work of your local
FRÖBEL kindergarten or after-school centre
directly by becoming a sponsor.
A donation of just 10 Euros a month helps
us offer extra educational activities in the
kindergarten which improves the range of
activities and benefits all the children.
Of course grandmas and granddads,
aunts and uncles are welcome to sponsor
us too. For more information read our leaf-
FRÖBEL Parents’ Guide
Version 3rd ed. / August 2013
let on sponsorship or go to (available in German) .
Friedrich Fröbel – Father of the Kindergarten
Friedrich August Wilhelm Fröbel (1782–
1852) was a German educational reformer
and is regarded as the “father of the kindergarten”. All over the world, in the concept of the kindergarten as a special
place for children his ideas and work live
on – as they do in the FRÖBEL-Group,
which takes its name from Friedrich Fröbel.
After his studies, Friedrich Fröbel worked
with the Swiss pedagogue Johann Heinrich
Pestalozzi (1808) as a teacher and kindergarten worker. In his major work Die
Menschenerziehung [The Education of
Human Nature], published in 1826, he laid
the foundations for the systematic rearing
and education of children. In 1840 he
founded the first Allgemeiner deutscher
Kindergarten [General German Kindergarten] in Blankenburg, Thuringia. Not long
afterwards the first training courses for kindergarten teachers began. Thus Fröbel
initiated the professionalisation of kindergarten teacher training.
G wie Gesundheit –
health of your child
Birthday celebrations
Your child’s birthday will be celebrated in
the kindergarten. If your child is celebrating their birthday with others, you are welcome to bring something along for the
occasion. But please discuss this in advance with the management or kindergarten teachers, because in the big kindergartens there are some days when many
children have a birthday on the same day.
Since in some FRÖBEL-kindergartens sweets
are routinely avoided, we recommend
that instead of cake you try out healthy
options like fruit cocktail or cucumber, carrot and pepper sticks.
In particular, please make sure that cakes
and sweets do not contain nuts or nut particles, since more and more children have
allergic reactions to nuts.
Through the kindergarten the educational
reformer established a system of communally organised childcare centred on the
naturally creative child with his spontaneity
and willingness to learn. In particular, Fröbel believed that every child’s development proceeds only through activity –
hence Fröbel paid particular attention to
play and playthings.
The ideas and methods developed by
Fröbel are still in use today throughout the
world, regardless of the cultural, religious or
social background of the children. Fröbel
laid the foundations for many elements of
later educational concepts like those of
Montessori, Steiner, Malaguzzi, forest kindergartens etc.
The FRÖBEL-Group continues the educational tradition of Fröbel and develops it
further in the light of new scientific insights
and social change.
This also applies to cake mixes, which often
include nut products among their ingredients, even if the cake itself is not a nut
Food must not contain raw egg. Frozen
and fresh products also always require an
uninterrupted chain of refrigeration, to
protect them against spoilage for as long
as possible.
For reasons of hygiene we would ask you
to always hand foodstuffs directly to the
kitchen staff.
Health of your child / Medicines
FRÖBEL Parents’ Guide
Version 3rd ed. / August 2013
Before accepting your child at one of our
facilities we will need a medical certificate.
This must be not older than one week and
should confirm that from a medical point
of view your child is able attend kindergarten and does not carry any infections that
could be passed to other children. Please
hand this certificate in to the management before your child’s first regular visit to
the kindergarten.
Acute illnesses, whether directly affecting
the child or in the family, which are infectious or contagious, must be reported to
the management immediately. Children
suffering from an infectious disease cannot
attend the kindergarten.
If you have the impression that your child
does not feel well, please let your kindergarten teacher know in the morning when
you drop them off, so that they can be
given extra care. In the event of an illness
please inform us of the medical diagnosis
so that we can consult with the health authorities and take any necessary measures
to prevent the further spread of the disease.
Medicines at the kindergarten: As a group
responsible for 125 kindergartens across
Germany we have an agreed standard
procedure for all FRÖBEL-kindergartens:
to how we manage the severity of the
condition within the kindergarten routine.
Allergies and intolerance to food or other
substances found in the environment are
increasingly common.
Please notify the management, your
child’s group kindergarten teacher and
our kitchen staff promptly if your child suffers from an allergy or intolerance of this
kind of which our facility needs to be
Healthy living includes learning about hygiene.
Hand washing before eating and after
using the toilet is a must for children and
adults, as is an awareness of general toilet
hygiene. For us this includes encouraging
children to use the toilet by themselves.
After meals we encourage children to
clean their teeth.
However, this is not compulsory. You as
parents decide whether you want your
child to clean their teeth in our kindergarten.
Our kindergarten teachers are not normally allowed to give children medicines, including antibiotics, suppositories or other
tablets, without a doctor’s note.
Exceptions to this rule in individual cases
must be specifically agreed between the
parents and the management of the facility.
If you bring medicines in to the kindergarten in agreed cases, these must always be
in the original packaging with dosage
specifications and the appropriate package insert. Please label the package with
the child’s first and last names. Medicines
should never be given to children to carry
or put in their bags, but must be handed
directly and personally to a kindergarten
If your child suffers from a chronic condition such as asthma, diabetes or eczema
we will work with you to find a solution as
At regular intervals dental hygiene experts
visit us to refresh children’s knowledge of
proper tooth care as learned at home.
Group / Open-door Work
FRÖBEL Parents’ Guide
Version 3rd ed. / August 2013
We understand the term group work as the
traditional form of organisation in a kindergarten, in which a particular kindergarten
teacher works with a specific number of
children in a specific room for a whole
at other times. Just speak to the management about it.
FRÖBEL-kindergartens prefer open group
On the FRÖBEL-Group homepage you will
find the FRÖBEL-Rundblick, a monthly
newsletter (available in German) sent as
an email. It provides information about
activities and developments in the FRÖBELkindergartens as well as news from politics
and society.
By open group work we mean that children can move around freely in our facilities, with opportunities to choose which
play groups they wish to join or to pursue
individual activities. They learn to assess
their own needs and in this way get a feeling for decision-making and learn to take
responsibility for themselves.
In addition, at the FRÖBEL-kindergartens
and after-school clubs open-door work
includes an open attitude on the part of all
staff, openness and transparency towards
the outside world and the inclusion of all
children, families and staff.
L wie Lesen – reading skills
Reading skills
Promoting competence in reading and
speaking is an important element
of our educational work at the FRÖBELkindergartens and after-school clubs.
N wie Nachrichten - newsletter
In some kindergartens email newsletters
are also sent by the parent representatives
in cooperation with the kindergarten
management – just ask your manager.
P wie pädagogische Schwerpunkte – educational focuses
Educational focuses
In all FRÖBEL-kindergartens and afterschool centres the main educational focus
is on musical education, bilingual education and healthy living.
Bilingual education
In daily life as well as within the scope of
projects like the nationwide Vorlesetag
[Read To Me Day], children are encouraged to explore the world of letters and
books for themselves.
Many kindergartens offer bilingual education. In this way, kindergarten-age children
have an opportunity to learn a second
language along with their native tongue
In this context a culture of reading to children fulfils a particular task: reading, listening and telling stories helps develop children’s language skills.
The services of educators with a native
language other than German mean that
we are able to pursue all activities in the
kindergarten in both German and in a
second language (usually English, although Polish and Italian are also available). Facial expressions, gestures and behaviour are used to underline what is being
said. The children also learn the basics of a
second language naturally through songs,
games and media.
Diverse reading and storytelling activities
with suitable children’s books and great
stories mean that Fröbel provides excellent
conditions for a successful educational
We, as well as your children, would love
you to come and read stories to them.
One opportunity for this is the national
Vorlesetag held every year in November.
But you are welcome to come along and
read fairy tales and stories to the children
FRÖBEL Parents’ Guide
Version 3rd ed. / August 2013
However, bilingual education is not the
same as school language lessons, with
their curriculum and specific targets. Rather, it enriches routine
linguistic activities. See
our leaflet on bilingual
kindergartens for more
Healthy living
Promoting the health of
your child and laying the
foundations for making
healthy lifestyle choices
is a central element of
education in all FRÖBELfacilities.
Regular exercise, proper rest and a healthy
diet are just as important as strengthening
emotional and spiritual health.
Hence we integrate elements of movement into our communal daily routines.
Our kindergarten teachers help the children learn to recognise and satisfy their
own needs for activity and relaxation.
Further, an open attitude to conflict and
the acceptance of individual differences
are important elements of helping children
to feel healthy.
Musical education
Music is an ideal means of expression for
children. It can also support the development of language skills, promote social
skills and convey educational content. In
the FRÖBEL-kindergartens and after-school
clubs, therefore, musical education plays
an important part in promoting the personal, social and emotional development
of the children.
many local
partners to implement projects that
enrich the children’s
time with us and
stimulate their creativity. Depending on
the children’s interests, these projects
allow them to experience the creation
and development of
new areas of awareness. Projects can
cover a period of a few days or sometimes
weeks. Our kindergarten teachers take
special care to integrate children’s own
ideas and topics into the projects and to
plan them together with the children –
because if children find something especially interesting, they will learn about it
R wie Recyclingmaterial –
recycled materials
Recycled materials
Folding, modelling, drawing and painting –
in short anything to do with paper and
carton – is a source of pleasure to children.
But the materials do not always need to be
If you have clean materials for drawing
and making things – old office paper, for
example, which can be plain or coloured –
pass them on and benefit the children and
the environment.
S wie Sauna - sauna
For us, participation means including children in decision-making processes according to their age and stage of development; for example when choosing what to
do, who to play with, what to eat and
when to rest.
Some FRÖBEL-kindergartens have their
own saunas. Using the sauna can be beneficial to even quite young children, preventing
strengthening their immune system.
But the sauna does place demands on the
circulatory system, which is why at FRÖBEL
children are only allowed in the sauna
FRÖBEL Parents’ Guide
Version 3rd ed. / August 2013
once they have reached a certain age
and providing they are in good health.
Please ask your management for more
details. You will also find detailed information about saunas on the notice boards
outside the sauna itself, or we will give you
a leaflet on request.
Sun protection
Young children’s skin is very sensitive and
playing out in the sunshine is only good for
them if they are adequately protected.
Because of the increasing incidence of
allergy to sun creams, we recommend
using special products that are free from
fragrances, preservatives and fats. Mineral
sun protection products are another alternative.
Please ask your dermatologist about suitable products.
U wie Unfälle - accidents
In the event of an accident, first aid will be
given and an ambulance called if there is
any doubt about the severity of the injury.
Every accident will be recorded in an accident log. Please let the management of
the kindergarten know if you consult a
doctor after an accident.
V wie Vertrag - contract
Infants under one year should not be exposed to direct sunlight if avoidable.
Older children must wear protective clothing. This includes a hat with a wide brim
and neck protection; light, airy and longsleeved shirts or blouses and trousers; and
sun cream.
We recommend sun creams formulated
especially for children: these offer UV A
and UV B protection with a high sun protection factor – high in this instance being
at least SPF 30. For children with very pale
skin the recommended SPF is 50+ (sources
of information include the consumer magazine Stiftung Warentest).
Ideally you should apply the sun cream
before leaving home. Please label tubes or
bottles of sun cream for use during the day
with the name of your child.
Like other kindergartens and after-school
centres, FRÖBEL-Group facilities operate in
compliance with a number of organisational principles which you will receive on
signing a contract.
Before your child starts attending the kindergarten you will receive a childcare
contract. This sets out our terms and conditions, information on the cost of childcare,
opening times and other documents, including:
- Infection protection
- Illness
- Agreement on the administration of medication and the care of children with
chronic health problems
- Collection
- Consent to medical and dental examination
- Direct debit authorisation
- Photo documentation
Please read the contract carefully and ask
us if anything is unclear.
FRÖBEL Parents’ Guide
Version 3rd ed. / August 2013
If you no longer wish to retain the kindergarten place, please notify the management of your decision in writing. The notification periods are set out in the childcare
Any other questions?
Don’t worry, you and your child will soon
become familiar with the kindergarten
In addition to the contract you will be given a list of house rules, as well as this guide
and a leaflet entitled Conception of
Scopes, which contains information about
the early years education goals of the
FRÖBEL childcare facilities.
The kindergarten managers can give you
more detailed information about their internal philosophies, i.e. the key focuses of
that particular facility.
The house rules provide information about
community life in your kindergarten or after-school club and sets out staff regulations and duties and those of all other
people while on our premises.
Please inform the management and the
competent staff of the parent contribution
administration promptly, ideally in writing,
of any changes of address, phone numbers or bank account details. You will find
the relevant addresses and contacts on
under and on the website of your
kindergarten [kindergarten] –
W wie Windel –
Please ensure that there is always a sufficient supply of nappies/diapers available
for your child at the facility.
Unfortunately cloth nappies/diapers cannot be used in our facilities.
Please bring in other care products such as
creams, wipes and disposable wash cloths
as necessary.
But if you do still have questions, our managers, teachers and parent representatives are there to help.
And if you have any suggestions or comments regarding the topics dealt with here,
we would love to hear from you. Just send
an email to:
FRÖBEL Parents’ Guide
Version 3rd ed. / August 2013
FRÖBEL is a not-for-profit organisation that
operates modern crèches, kindergartens
and after-school clubs as well as family
advice centres through several regional
companies. Every day around 2000 staff in
some 125 childcare facilities care for more
than 12,000 children. FRÖBEL is one of the
biggest not-for-profit early years education
providers in Germany.
For you this means that your first port of call
for questions regarding your kindergarten
or after-school clubs is the on-site kindergarten or after-school club management.
You will find the relevant address and
phone numbers on [kindergarten].froebelinfo or
FRÖBEL e.V., a federation of ambitious
childcare practitioners and sociopolitically
active persons, is the owner of all the notfor-profit regional companies of the FRÖBEL-Group.
The federation is managed and supervised
by a voluntary board of governors and a
salaried board of directors.
Publishing details / Copyright
Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Alexanderstr. 9, 10178 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 212 35-0
Fax: +49 30 212 35-120
Editor: Tibor Hegewisch
© Contents FRÖBEL e.V., Berlin 2013
© Illustrations: G. Altevers, Berlin 2011