Salmon Croquettes From

Salmon Croquettes
Salmon Croquettes Recipe
These delicious salmon croquettes are made with canned salmon, though you can substitute cooked
salmon, as long as the bones and skin are removed.
This recipe calls for two cups of cooked rice, so it's great for using up leftover rice or risotto. But you
can also use mashed potatoes instead of rice.
Finally, I like to bread these croquettes with a crispy Japanese type of breadcrumbs called Panko.
Here's a demo on the standard breading procedure.
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 5 minutes
Total Time: 25 minutes
2 small (3.75 oz.) cans salmon (or about ½ lb. cooked salmon)
2 cups cooked rice
1 tsp lemon juice
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
1 egg, beaten
1 cup flour
1½ cups Panko breadcrumbs
1 tsp herbes de provence
1 tsp Kosher salt
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
Safflower oil (or another high-heat oil) for frying
Remove any bones from the salmon. Use a fork to mash the salmon up in a large bowl.
Add the rice, lemon juice, Worcestershire sauce and mix to combine. Add the rice a little bit at a time. The rice ratio is
right when you can squeeze a handful of the mixture and it holds its shape without falling apart.
Form the mixture into flat patties. You should be able to make about 8 of them.
In a shallow dish, combine the Panko, herbs and salt.
Have the flour, egg and the seasoned Panko ready in three separate shallow pans or dishes.
For each croquette, first dredge it in flour, then dip it in the egg, and finally coat it in Panko. (See the standard breading
procedure.) Chill for 15 minutes.
Heat about ¼ inch of oil in a heavy-bottomed sauté pan. When a few crumbs of Panko sizzle when tossed into the oil, it's
hot enough.
Fry the croquettes for a minute or two, until golden brown on the bottom. Flip and repeat. If your pan is small, work in
batches rather than overcrowd the pan.
9. Remove the croquettes, drain excess oil onto paper towels, and serve right away.
Serve with a lemon mayonnaise or ailoi. Makes 8 salmon croquettes.